Shall we then say that the vegetable living filament was originally different from that of each tribe of animals above described? And that the productive living filament of each of those tribes was different originally from the other? Or, as the earth and ocean were probably peopled with vegetable productions long before the existence of animals; and many families of these animals long before other families of them, shall we conjecture that one and the same kind of living filaments is and has been the cause of all organic life?
This idea of the gradual formation and improvement of the animal world accords with the observations of some modern philosophers, who have supposed that the continent of America has been raised out of the ocean at a later period of time than the other three quarters of the globe, which they deduce from the greater comparative heights of its mountains, and the consequent greater coldness of its respective climates, and from the less size and strength of its animals, as the tygers and allegators compared with those of Asia or Africa. And lastly, from the less progress in the improvements of the mind of its inhabitants in respect to voluntary exertions.
This idea of the gradual formation and improvement of the animal world seems not to have been unknown to the ancient philosophers. Plato having probably observed the reciprocal generation of inferior animals, as snails and worms, was of opinion, that mankind with all other animals were originally hermaphrodites during the infancy of the world, and were in process of time separated into male and female. The breasts and teats of all male quadrupeds, to which no use can be now assigned, adds perhaps some shadow of probability to this opinion. Linnaeus excepts the horse from the male quadrupeds, who have teats; which might have shewn the earlier origin of his exigence; but Mr. J. Hunter asserts, that he has discovered the vestiges of them on his sheath, and has at the same time enriched natural history with a very curious fact concerning the male pigeon; at the time of hatching the eggs both the male and female pigeon undergo a great change in their crops; which thicken and become corrugated, and secrete a kind of milky fluid, which coagulates, and with which alone they for a few days feed their young, and afterwards feed them with this coagulated fluid mixed with other food. How this resembles the breasts of female quadrupeds after the production of their young! and how extraordinary, that the male should at this time give milk as well as the female! See Botanic Garden, Part II. Note on Curcuma.
The late Mr. David Hume, in his posthumous works, places the powers of generation much above those of our boasted reason; and adds, that reason can only make a machine, as a clock or a ship, but the power of generation makes the maker of the machine; and probably from having observed, that the greatest part of the earth has been formed out of organic recrements; as the immense beds of limestone, chalk, marble, from the shells of fish; and the extensive provinces of clay, sandstone, ironstone, coals, from decomposed vegetables; all which have been first produced by generation, or by the secretions of organic life; he concludes that the world itself might have been generated, rather than created; that is, it might have been gradually produced from very small beginnings, increasing by the activity of its inherent principles, rather than by a sudden evolution of the whole by the Almighty fire.—What a magnificent idea of the infinite power of THE GREAT ARCHITECT! THE CAUSE OF CAUSES! PARENT OF PARENTS! ENS ENTIUM!
For if we may compare infinities, it would seem to require a greater infinity of power to cause the causes of effects, than to cause the effects themselves. This idea is analogous to the improving excellence observable in every part of the creation; such as in the progressive increase of the solid or habitable parts of the earth from water; and in the progressive increase of the wisdom and happiness of its inhabitants; and is consonant to the idea of our present situation being a state of probation, which by our exertions we may improve, and are consequently responsible for our actions.
V. 1. The efficient cause of the various colours of the eggs of birds, and of the air and feathers of animals, is a subject so curious, that I shall beg to introduce it in this place. The colours of many animals seem adapted to their purposes of concealing themselves either to avoid danger, or to spring upon their prey. Thus the snake and wild cat, and leopard, are so coloured as to resemble dark leaves and their lighter interstices; birds resemble the colour of the brown ground, or the green hedges, which they frequent; and moths and butterflies are coloured like the flowers which they rob of their honey. Many instances are mentioned of this kind in Botanic Garden, p. 2. Note on Rubia.
These colours have, however, in some instances another use, as the black diverging area from the eyes of the swan; which, as his eyes are placed less prominent than those of other birds, for the convenience of putting down his head under water, prevents the rays of light from being reflected into his eye, and thus dazzling his sight, both in air and beneath the water; which must have happened, if that surface had been white like the rest of his feathers.
There is a still more wonderful thing concerning these colours adapted to the purpose of concealment; which is, that the eggs of birds are so coloured as to resemble the colour of the adjacent objects and their interfaces. The eggs of hedge-birds are greenish with dark spots; those of crows and magpies, which are seen from beneath through wicker nests, are white with dark spots; and those of larks and partridges are russet or brown, like their nests or situations.
A thing still more astonishing is, that many animals in countries covered with snow become white in winter, and are said to change their colour again in the warmer months, as bears, hares, and partridges. Our domesticated animals lose their natural colours, and break into great variety, as horses, dogs, pigeons. The final cause of these colours is easily understood, as they serve some purposes of the animal, but the efficient cause would seem almost beyond conjecture.
First, the choroid coat of the eye, on which the semitransparent retina is expanded, is of different colour in different animals; in those which feed on grass it is green; from hence there would appear some connexion between the colour of the choroid coat and of that constantly painted on the retina by the green grass. Now, when the ground becomes covered with snow, it would seem, that that action of the retina, which is called whiteness, being constantly excited in the eye, may be gradually imitated by the extremities of the nerves of touch, or rete mucosum of the skin. And if it be supposed, that the action of the retina in producing the perception of any colour consists in so disposing its own fibres or surface, as to reflect those coloured rays only, and transmit the others like soap-bubbles; then that part of the retina, which gives us the perception of snow, must at that time be white; and that which gives us the perception of grass, must be green.
Then if by the laws of imitation, as explained in Section XII. 3. 3. and XXXIX. 6. the extremities of the nerves of touch in the rete mucosum be induced into similar action, the skin or feathers, or hair, may in like manner so dispose their extreme fibres, as to reflect white; for it is evident, that all these parts were originally obedient to irritative motions during their growth, and probably continue to be so; that those irritative motions are not liable in a healthy state to be succeeded by sensation; which however is no uncommon thing in their diseased state, or in their infant state, as in plica polonica, and in very young pen-feathers, which are still full of blood.
It was shewn in Section XV. on the Production of Ideas, that the moving organ of sense in some circumstances resembled the object which produced that motion. Hence it may be conceived, that the rete mucosum, which is the extremity of the nerves of touch, may by imitating the motions of the retina become coloured. And thus, like the fable of the camelion, all animals may possess a tendency to be coloured somewhat like the colours they most frequently inspect, and finally, that colours may be thus given to the egg-shell by the imagination of the female parent; which shell is previously a mucous membrane, indued with irritability, without which it could not circulate its fluids, and increase in its bulk. Nor is this more wonderful than that a single idea of imagination mould in an instant colour the whole surface of the body of a bright scarlet, as in the blush of shame, though by a very different process. In this intricate subject nothing but loose analogical conjectures can be had, which may however lead to future discoveries; but certain it is that both the change of the colour of animals to white in the winters of snowy countries, and the spots on birds eggs, must have some efficient cause; since the uniformity of their production shews it cannot arise from a fortuitous concurrence of circumstances; and how is this efficient cause to be detected, or explained, but from its analogy to other animal facts?
2. The nutriment supplied by the female parent in viviparous animals to their young progeny may be divided into three kinds, corresponding with the age of the new creature. 1. The nutriment contained in the ovum as previously prepared for the embryon in the ovary. 2. The liquor amnii prepared for the fetus in the uterus, and in which it swims; and lastly, the milk prepared in the pectoral glands for the new born-child. There is reason to conclude that variety of changes may be produced in the new animal from all these sources of nutriment, but particularly from the first of them..
The organs of digestion and of sanguification in adults, and afterwards those of secretion, prepare or separate the particles proper for nourishment from other combinations of matter, or recombine them into new kinds of matter, proper to excite into action the filaments, which absorb or attract them by animal appetency. In this process we must attend not only to the action of the living filament which receives a nutritive particle to its bosom, but also to the kind of particle, in respect to form, or size, or colour, or hardness, which is thus previously prepared for it by digestion, sanguification, and secretion. Now as the first filament of entity cannot be furnished with the preparative organs above mentioned, the nutritive particles, which are at first to be received by it, are prepared by the mother; and deposited in the ovum ready for its reception. These nutritive particles must be supposed to differ in some respects, when thus prepared by different animals. They may differ in size, solidity, colour, and form; and yet may be sufficiently congenial to the living filament, to which they are applied, as to excite its activity by their stimulus, and its animal appetency to receive them, and to combine them with itself into organization.
By this first nutriment thus prepared for the embryon is not meant the liquor amnii, which is produced afterwards, nor the larger exterior parts of the white of the egg; but the fluid prepared, I suppose, in the ovary of viviparous animals, and that which immediately surrounds the cicatricula of an impregnated egg, and is visible to the eye in a boiled one.
Now these ultimate particles of animal matter prepared by the glands of the mother may be supposed to resemble the similar ultimate particles, which were prepared for her own nourishment; that is, to the ultimate particles of which her own organization consists. And that hence when these become combined with a new embryon, which in its early state is not furnished with stomach, or glands, to alter them; that new embryon will bear some resemblance to the mother.
This seems to be the origin of the compound forms of mules, which evidently partake of both parents, but principally of the male parent. In this production of chimeras the antients seem to have indulged their fancies, whence the sphinxes, griffins, dragons, centaurs, and minotaurs, which are vanished from modern credulity.
It would seem, that in these unnatural conjunctions, when the nutriment deposited by the female was so ill adapted to stimulate the living filament derived from the male into action, and to be received; or embraced by it, and combined with it into organization, as not to produce the organs necessary to life, as the brain, or heart, or stomach, that no mule was produced. Where all the parts necessary to life in these compound animals were formed sufficiently perfect, except the parts of generation, those animals were produced which are now called mules.
The formation of the organs of sexual generation, in contradistinction to that by lateral buds, in vegetables, and in some animals, as the polypus, the taenia, and the volvox, seems the chef d'oeuvre, the master-piece of nature; as appears from many flying insects, as in moths and butterflies, who seem to undergo a general change of their forms solely for the purpose of sexual reproduction, and in all other animals this organ is not complete till the maturity of the creature. Whence it happens that, in the copulation of animals of different species, the parts necessary to life are frequently completely formed; but those for the purpose of generation are defective, as requiring a nicer organization; or more exact coincidence of the particles of nutriment to the irritabilities or appetencies of the original living filament. Whereas those mules, where all the parts could be perfectly formed, may have been produced in early periods of time, and may have added to the numbers of our various species of animals, as before observed.
As this production of mules is a constant effect from the conjunction of different species of animals, those between the horse and the female ass always resembling the horse more than the ass; and those, on the contrary, between the male ass and the mare, always resembling the ass more than the mare; it cannot be ascribed to the imagination of the male animal which cannot be supposed to operate so uniformly; but to the form of the first nutritive particles, and to their peculiar stimulus exciting the living filament to select and combine them with itself. There is a similar uniformity of effect in respect to the colour of the progeny produced between a white man, and a black woman, which, if I am well informed, is always of the mulatto kind, or a mixture of the two; which may perhaps be imputed to the peculiar form of the particles of nutriment supplied to the embryon by the mother at the early period of its existence, and their peculiar stimulus; as this effect, like that of the mule progeny above treated of, is uniform and consistent, and cannot therefore be ascribed to the imagination of either of the parents.
Dr. Thunberg observes, in his Journey to the Cape of Good Hope, that there are some families, which have descended from blacks in the female line for three generations. The first generation proceeding from an European, who married a tawny slave, remains tawny, but approaches to a white complexion; but the children of the third generation, mixed with Europeans, become quite white, and are often remarkably beautiful. V. i. p. 112.
When the embryon has produced a placenta, and furnished itself with vessels for selection of nutritious particles, and for oxygenation of them, no great change in its form or colour is likely to be produced by the particles of sustenance it now takes from the fluid, in which it is immersed; because it has now acquired organs to alter or new combine them. Hence it continues to grow, whether this fluid, in which it swims, be formed by the uterus or by any other cavity of the body, as in extra-uterine gestation; and which would seem to be produced by the stimulus of the fetus on the sides of the cavity, where it is found, as mentioned before. And thirdly, there is still less reason to expect any unnatural change to happen to the child after its birth from the difference of the milk it now takes; because it has acquired a stomach, and lungs, and glands, of sufficient power to decompose and recombine the milk; and thus to prepare from it the various kinds of nutritious particles, which the appetencies of the various fibrils or nerves may require.
From all this reasoning I would conclude, that though the imagination of the female may be supposed to affect the embryon by producing a difference in its early nutriment; yet that no such power can affect it after it has obtained a placenta, and other organs; which may select or change the food, which is presented to it either in the liquor amnii, or in the milk. Now as the eggs in pullets, like the seeds in vegetables, are produced gradually, long before they are impregnated, it does not appear how any sudden effect of imagination of the mother at the time of impregnation can produce any considerable change in the nutriment already thus laid up for the expected or desired embryon. And that hence any changes of the embryon, except those uniform ones in the production of mules and mulattoes, more probably depend on the imagination of the male parent. At the same time it seems manifest, that those monstrous births, which consist in some deficiencies only, or some redundancies of parts, originate from the deficiency or redundance of the first nutriment prepared in the ovary, or in the part of the egg immediately surrounding the cicatricula, as described above; and which continues some time to excite the first living filament into action, after the simple animal is completed; or ceases to excite it, before the complete form is accomplished. The former of these circumstances is evinced by the eggs with double yolks, which frequently happen to our domesticated poultry, and which, I believe, are so formed before impregnation, but which would be well worth attending to, both before and after impregnation; as it is probable, something valuable on this subject might be learnt from them. The latter circumstance, or that of deficiency of original nutriment, may be deduced from reverse analogy.
There are, however, other kinds of monstrous births, which neither depend on deficiency of parts, or supernumerary ones; nor are owing to the conjunction of animals of different species; but which appear to be new conformations, or new dispositions of parts in respect to each other, and which, like the variation of colours and forms of our domesticated animals, and probably the sexual parts of all animals, may depend on the imagination of the male parent, which we now come to consider.
VI. 1. The nice actions of the extremities of our various glands are exhibited in their various productions, which are believed to be made by the gland, and not previously to exist as such in the blood.
Thus the glands, which constitute the liver, make bile; those of the stomach make gastric acid; those beneath the jaw, saliva; those of the ears, ear-wax; and the like. Every kind of gland must possess a peculiar irritability, and probably a sensibility, at the early state of its existence; and must be furnished with a nerve of sense, or of motion, to perceive, and to select, and to combine the particles, which compose the fluid it secretes. And this nerve of sense which perceives the different articles which compose the blood, must at least be conceived to be as fine and subtile an organ, as the optic or auditory nerve, which perceive light or sound. See Sect. XIV. 9.
But in nothing is this nice action of the extremities of the blood-vessels so wonderful, as in the production of contagious matter. A small drop of variolous contagion diffused in the blood, or perhaps only by being inserted beneath the cuticle, after a time, (as about a quarter of a lunation,) excites the extreme vessels of the skin into certain motions, which produce a similar contagious material, filling with it a thousand pustules. So that by irritation, or by sensation in consequence of irritation, or by association of motions, a material is formed by the extremities of certain cutaneous vessels, exactly similar to the stimulating material, which caused the irritation, or consequent sensation, or association.
Many glands of the body have their motions, and in consequence their secreted fluids, affected by pleasurable or painful ideas, since they are in many instances influenced by sensitive associations, as well as by the irritations of the particles of the passing blood. Thus the idea of meat, excited in the minds of hungry dogs, by their sense of vision, or of smell, increases the discharge of saliva, both in quantity and viscidity; as is seen in its hanging down in threads from their mouths, as they stand round a dinner-table. The sensations of pleasure, or of pain, of peculiar kinds, excite in the same manner a great discharge of tears; which appear also to be more saline at the time of their secretion, from their inflaming the eyes and eye-lids. The paleness from fear, and the blush of shame, and of joy, are other instances of the effects of painful, or pleasurable sensations, on the extremities of the arterial system.
It is probable, that the pleasurable sensation excited in the stomach by food, as well as its irritation, contributes to excite into action the gastric glands, and to produce a greater secretion of their fluids. The same probably occurs in the secretion of bile; that is, that the pleasurable sensation excited in the stomach, affects this secretion by sensitive association, as well as by irritative association.
And lastly it would seem, that all the glands in the body have their secreted fluids affected, in quantity and quality, by the pleasurable or painful sensations, which produce or accompany those secretions. And that the pleasurable sensations arising from these secretions may constitute the unnamed pleasure of exigence, which is contrary to what is meant by tedium vitae, or ennui; and by which we sometimes feel ourselves happy, without being able to ascribe it to any mental cause, as after an agreeable meal, or in the beginning of intoxication.
Now it would appear, that no secretion or excretion of fluid is attended with so much agreeable sensation, as that of the semen; and it would thence follow, that the glands, which perform this secretion, are more likely to be much affected by their catenations with pleasurable sensations. This circumstance is certain, that much more of this fluid is produced in a given time, when the object of its exclusion is agreeable to the mind.
2. A forceable argument, which shews the necessity of pleasurable sensation to copulation, is, that the act cannot be performed without it; it is easily interrupted by the pain of fear or bashfulness; and no efforts of volition or of irritation can effect this process, except such as induce pleasurable ideas or sensations. See Sect. XXXIII. 1. 1.
A curious analogical circumstance attending hermaphrodite insects, as snails and worms, still further illustrates this theory; if the snail or worm could have impregnated itself, there might have been a saving of a large male apparatus; but as this is not so ordered by nature, but each snail and worm reciprocally receives and gives impregnation, it appears, that a pleasurable excitation seems also to have been required.
This wonderful circumstance of many insects being hermaphrodites, and at the same time not having power to impregnate themselves, is attended to by Dr. Lister, in his Exercitationes Anatom. de Limacibus, p. 145; who, amongst many other final causes, which he adduces to account for it, adds, ut tam tristibus et frigidis animalibus majori cum voluptate perficiatur venus.
There is, however, another final cause, to which this circumstance may be imputed: it was observed above, that vegetable buds and bulbs, which are produced without a mother, are always exact resemblances of their parent; as appears in grafting fruit-trees, and in the flower-buds of the dioiceous plants, which are always of the same sex on the same tree; hence those hermaphrodite insects, if they could have produced young without a mother, would not have been, capable of that change or improvement, which is seen in all other animals, and in those vegetables, which are procreated by the male embryon received and nourished by the female. And it is hence probable, that if vegetables could only have been produced by buds and bulbs, and not by sexual generation, that there would not at this time have existed one thousandth part of their present number of species; which have probably been originally mule-productions; nor could any kind of improvement or change have happened to them, except by the difference of soil or climate.
3. I conclude, that the imagination of the male at the time of copulation, or at the time of the secretion of the semen, may so affect this secretion by irritative or sensitive association, as described in No. 5. 1. of this section, as to cause the production of similarity of form and of features, with the distinction of sex; as the motions of the chissel of the turner imitate or correspond with those of the ideas of the artist. It is not here to be understood, that the first living fibre, which is to form an animal, is produced with any similarity of form to the future animal; but with propensities, or appetences, which shall produce by accretion of parts the similarity of form, feature, or sex, corresponding to the imagination of the father.
Our ideas are movements of the nerves of sense, as of the optic nerve in recollecting visible ideas, suppose of a triangular piece of ivory. The fine moving fibres of the retina act in a manner to which I give the name of white; and this action is confined to a defined part of it; to which figure I give the name of triangle. And it is a preceding pleasurable sensation existing in my mind, which occasions me to produce this particular motion of the retina, when no triangle is present. Now it is probable, that the acting fibres of the ultimate terminations of the secreting apertures of the vessels of the testes, are as fine as those of the retina; and that they are liable to be thrown into that peculiar action, which marks the sex of the secreted embryon, by sympathy with the pleasurable motions of the nerves of vision or of touch; that is, with certain ideas of imagination. From hence it would appear, that the world has long been mistaken in ascribing great power to the imagination of the female, whereas from this account of it, the real power of imagination, in the act of generation, belongs solely to the male. See Sect. XII. 3. 3.
It may be objected to this theory, that a man may be supposed to have in his mind, the idea of the form and features of the female, rather than his own, and therefore there should be a greater number of female births. On the contrary, the general idea of our own form occurs to every one almost perpetually, and is termed consciousness of our existence, and thus may effect, that the number of males surpasses that of females. See Sect. XV. 3. 4. and XVIII. 13. And what further confirms this idea is, that the male children most frequently resemble the father in form, or feature, as well as in sex; and the female most frequently resemble the mother, in feature, and form, as well as in sex.
It may again be objected, if a female child sometimes resembles the father, and a male child the mother, the ideas of the father, at the time of procreation, must suddenly change from himself to the mother, at the very instant, when the embryon is secreted or formed. This difficulty ceases when we consider, that it is as easy to form an idea of feminine features with male organs of reproduction, or of male features with female ones, as the contrary; as we conceive the idea of a sphinx or mermaid as easily and as distinctly as of a woman. Add to this, that at the time of procreation the idea of the male organs, and of the female features, are often both excited at the same time, by contact, or by vision.
I ask, in my turn, is the sex of the embryon produced by accident? Certainly whatever is produced has a cause; but when this cause is too minute for our comprehension, the effect is said in common language to happen by chance, as in throwing a certain number on dice. Now what cause can occasionally produce the male or female character of the embryon, but the peculiar actions of those glands, which form the embryon? And what can influence or govern these actions of the gland, but its associations or catenations with other sensitive motions? Nor is this more extraordinary, than that the catenations of irritative motions with the apparent vibrations of objects at sea should produce sickness of the stomach; or that a nauseous story should occasion vomiting.
4. An argument, which evinces the effect of imagination on the first rudiment of the embryon, may be deduced from the production of some peculiar monsters. Such, for instance, as those which have two heads joined to one body, and those which have two bodies joined to one head; of which frequent examples occur amongst our domesticated quadrupeds, and poultry. It is absurd to suppose, that such forms could exist in primordial germs, as explained in No. IV. 4. of this section. Nor is it possible, that such deformities could be produced by the growth of two embryons, or living filaments; which should afterwards adhere together; as the head and tail part of different polypi are said to do (Blumenbach on Generation, Cadel, London); since in that case one embryon, or living filament, must have begun to form one part first, and the other another part first. But such monstrous conformations become less difficult to comprehend, when they are considered as an effect of the imagination, as before explained, on the living filament at the time of its secretion; and that such duplicature of limbs were produced by accretion of new parts, in consequence of propensities, or animal appetencies thus acquired from the male parent.
For instance, I can conceive, if a turkey-cock should behold a rabbit, or a frog, at the time of procreation, that it might happen, that a forcible or even a pleasurable idea of the form of a quadruped might so occupy his imagination, as to cause a tendency in the nascent filament to resemble such a form, by the apposition of a duplicature of limbs. Experiments on the production of mules and monsters would be worthy the attention of a Spallanzani, and might throw much light upon this subject, which at present must be explained by conjectural analogies.
The wonderful effect of imagination, both in the male and female parent, is shewn in the production of a kind of milk in the crops both of the male and female pigeons after the birth of their young, as observed by Mr. Hunter, and mentioned before. To this should be added, that there are some instances of men having had milk secreted in their breasts, and who have given suck to children, as recorded by Mr. Buffon. This effect of imagination, of both the male and female parent, seems to have been attended to in very early times; Jacob is said not only to have placed rods of trees, in part stripped of their bark, so as to appear spotted, but also to have placed spotted lambs before the flocks, at the time of their copulation. Genesis, chap. xxx. verse 40.
5. In respect to the imagination of the mother, it is difficult to comprehend, how this can produce any alteration in the fetus, except by affecting the nutriment laid up for its first reception, as described in No. V. 2. of this section, or by affecting the nourishment or oxygenation with which she supplies it afterwards. Perpetual anxiety may probably affect the secretion of the liquor amnii into the uterus, as it enfeebles the whole system; and sudden fear is a frequent cause of miscarriage; for fear, contrary to joy, decreases for a time the action of the extremities of the arterial system; hence sudden paleness succeeds, and a shrinking or contraction of the vessels of the skin, and other membranes. By this circumstance, I imagine, the terminations of the placental vessels are detached from their adhesions, or insertions, into the membrane of the uterus; and the death of the child succeeds, and consequent miscarriage.
Of this I recollect a remarkable instance, which could be ascribed to no other cause, and which I shall therefore relate in few words. A healthy young woman, about twenty years of age, had been about five months pregnant, and going down into her cellar to draw some beer, was frighted by a servant boy starting up from behind the barrel, where he had concealed himself with design to alarm the maid-servant, for whom he mistook his mistress. She came with difficulty up stairs, began to flood immediately, and miscarried in a few hours. She has since borne several children, nor ever had any tendency to miscarry of any of them.
6. In respect to the power of the imagination of the male over the form, colour, and sex of the progeny, the following instances have fallen under my observation, and may perhaps be found not very unfrequent, if they were more attended to. I am acquainted with a gentleman, who has one child with dark hair and eyes, though his lady and himself have light hair and eyes; and their other four children are like their parents. On observing this dissimilarity of one child to the others he assured me, that he believed it was his own imagination, that produced the difference; and related to me the following story. He said, that when his lady lay in of her third child, he became attached to a daughter of one of his inferior tenants, and offered her a bribe for her favours in vain; and afterwards a greater bribe, and was equally unsuccessful; that the form of this girl dwelt much in his mind for some weeks, and that the next child, which was the dark-ey'd young lady above mentioned, was exceedingly like, in both features and colour, to the young woman who refused his addresses.
To this instance I must add, that I have known two families, in which, on account of an intailed estate in expectation, a male heir was most eagerly desired by the father; and on the contrary, girls were produced to the seventh in one, and to the ninth in another; and then they had each of them a son. I conclude, that the great desire of a male heir by the father produced rather a disagreeable than an agreeable sensation; and that his ideas dwelt more on the fear of generating a female, than on the pleasurable sensations or ideas of his own male form or organs at the time of copulation, or of the secretion of the semen; and that hence the idea of the female character was more present to his mind than that of the male one; till at length in despair of generating a male these ideas ceased, and those of the male character presided at the genial hour.
7. Hence I conclude, that the act of generation cannot exist without being accompanied with ideas, and that a man must have at that time either a general idea of his own male form, or of the form of his male organs; or an idea of the female form, or of her organs; and that this marks the sex, and the peculiar resemblances of the child to either parent. From whence it would appear, that the phalli, which were hung round the necks of the Roman ladies, or worn in their hair, might have effect in producing a greater proportion of male children; and that the calipaedia, or art of begetting beautiful children, and of procreating either males or females, may be taught by affecting the imagination of the male-parent; that is, by the fine extremities of the seminal glands, imitating the actions of the organs of sense either of sight or touch. But the manner of accomplishing this cannot be unfolded with sufficient delicacy for the public eye; but may be worth the attention of those, who are seriously interested in the procreation of a male or female child.
VII. 1. A certain quantity of nutritive particles are produced by the female parent before impregnation, which require no further digestion, secretion, or oxygenation. Such are seen in the unimpregnated eggs of birds, and in the unimpregnated seed-vessels of vegetables.
2. A living filament is produced by the male, which being inserted amidst these first nutritive particles, is stimulated into action by them; and in consequence of this action, some of the nutritive particles are embraced, and added to the original living filament; in the same manner as common nutrition is performed in the adult animal.
3. Then this new organization, or additional part, becomes stimulated by the nutritive particles in its vicinity, and sensation is now superadded to irritation; and other particles are in consequence embraced, and added to the living filament; as is seen in the new granulations of flesh in ulcers.
By the power of association, or by irritation, the parts already produced continue their motions, and new ones are added by sensation, as above mentioned; and lastly by volition, which last sensorial power is proved to exist in the fetus in its maturer age, because it has evidently periods of activity and of sleeping; which last is another word for a temporary suspension of volition.
The original living filament may be conceived to possess a power of repulsing the particles applied to certain parts of it, as well as of embracing others, which stimulate other parts of it; as these powers exist in different parts of the mature animal; thus the mouth of every gland embraces the particles or fluid, which suits its appetency; and its excretory duct repulses those particles, which are disagreeable to it.
4. Thus the outline or miniature of the new animal is produced gradually, but in no great length of time; because the original nutritive particles require no previous preparation by digestion, secretion, and oxygenation: but require simply the selection and apposition, which is performed by the living filament. Mr. Blumenbach says, that he possesses a human fetus of only five weeks old, which is the size of a common bee, and has all the features of the face, every finger, and every toe, complete; and in which the organs of generation are distinctly seen. P. 76. In another fetus, whose head was not larger than a pea, the whole of the basis of the skull with all its depressions, apertures, and processes, were marked in the most sharp and distinct manner, though without any ossification. Ib.
5. In some cases by the nutriment originally deposited by the mother the filament acquires parts not exactly similar to those of the father, as in the production of mules and mulattoes. In other cases, the deficiency of this original nutriment causes deficiencies of the extreme parts of the fetus, which are last formed, as the fingers, toes, lips. In other cases, a duplicature of limbs are caused by the superabundance of this original nutritive fluid, as in the double yolks of eggs, and the chickens from them with four legs and four wings. But the production of other monsters, as those with two heads, or with parts placed in wrong situations, seems to arise from the imagination of the father being in some manner imitated by the extreme vessels of the seminal glands; as the colours of the spots on eggs, and the change of the colour of the hair and feathers of animals by domestication, may be caused in the same manner by the imagination of the mother.
6. The living filament is a part of the father, and has therefore certain propensities, or appetencies, which belong to him; which may have been gradually acquired during a million of generations, even from the infancy of the habitable earth; and which now possesses such properties, as would render, by the apposition of nutritious particles, the new fetus exactly similar to the father; as occurs in the buds and bulbs of vegetables, and in the polypus, and taenia or tape-worm. But as the first nutriment is supplied by the mother, and therefore resembles such nutritive particles, as have been used for her own nutriment or growth, the progeny takes in part of the likeness of the mother.
Other similarity of the excitability, or of the form of the male parent, such as the broad or narrow shoulders, or such as constitute certain hereditary diseases, as scrophula, epilepsy, insanity, have their origin produced in one or perhaps two generations; as in the progeny of those who drink much vinous spirits; and those hereditary propensities cease again, as I have observed, if one or two sober generations succeed; otherwise the family becomes extinct.
This living filament from the father is also liable to have its propensities, or appetencies, altered at the time of its production by the imagination of the male parent; the extremities of the seminal glands imitating the motions of the organs of sense; and thus the sex of the embryon is produced; which may be thus made a male or a female by affecting the imagination of the father at the time of impregnation. See Sect. XXXIX. 6. 3. and 7.
7. After the fetus is thus completely formed together with its umbilical vessels and placenta, it is now supplied with a different kind of food, as appears by the difference of consistency of the different parts of the white of the egg, and of the liquor amnii, for it has now acquired organs for digestion or secretion, and for oxygenation, though they are as yet feeble; which can in some degree change, as well as select, the nutritive particles, which are now presented to it. But may yet be affected by the deficiency of the quantity of nutrition supplied by the mother, or by the degree of oxygenation supplied to its placenta by the maternal blood.
The augmentation of the complete fetus by additional particles of nutriment is not accomplished by distention only, but by apposition to every part both external and internal; each of which acquires by animal appetencies the new addition of the particles which it wants. And hence the enlarged parts are kept similar to their prototypes, and may be said to be extended; but their extension must be conceived only as a necessary consequence of the enlargement of all their parts by apposition of new particles.
Hence the new apposition of parts is not produced by capillary attraction, because the whole is extended; whereas capillary attraction would rather tend to bring the sides of flexible tubes together, and not to distend them. Nor is it produced by chemical affinities, for then a solution of continuity would succeed, as when sugar is dissolved in water; but it is produced by an animal process, which is the consequence of irritation, or sensation; and which may be termed animal appetency.
This is further evinced from experiments, which have been instituted to shew, that a living muscle of an animal body requires greater force to break it, than a similar muscle of a dead body. Which evinces, that besides the attraction of cohesion, which all matter possesses, and besides the chemical attractions of affinities, which hold many bodies together, there is an animal adhesion, which adds vigour to these common laws of the inanimate world.
8. At the nativity of the child it deposits the placenta or gills, and by expanding its lungs acquires more plentiful oxygenation from the currents of air, which it must now continue perpetually to respire to the end of its life; as it now quits the liquid element, in which it was produced, and like the tadpole, when it changes into a frog, becomes an aerial animal.
9. As the habitable parts of the earth have been, and continue to be, perpetually increasing by the production of sea-shells and corallines, and by the recrements of other animals, and vegetables; so from the beginning of the existence of this terraqueous globe, the animals, which inhabit it, have constantly improved, and are still in a state of progressive improvement.
This idea of the gradual generation of all things seems to have been as familiar to the ancient philosophers as to the modern ones; and to have given rise to the beautiful hieroglyphic figure of the [Greek: proton oon], or first great egg, produced by NIGHT, that is, whose origin is involved in obscurity, and animated by [Greek: eros], that is, by DIVINE LOVE; from whence proceeded all things which exist.
VIII. 1. Cause and effect may be considered as the progression, or successive motions, of the parts of the great system of Nature. The state of things at this moment is the effect of the state of things, which existed in the preceding moment; and the cause of the state of things, which shall exist in the next moment.
These causes and effects may be more easily comprehended, if motion be considered as a change of the figure of a group of bodies, as proposed in Sect. XIV. 2. 2. inasmuch as our ideas of visible or tangible objects are more distinct, than our abstracted ideas of their motions. Now the change of the configuration of the system of nature at this moment must be an effect of the preceding configuration, for a change of configuration cannot exist without a previous configuration; and the proximate cause of every effect must immediately precede that effect. For example, a moving ivory ball could not proceed onwards, unless it had previously began to proceed; or unless an impulse had been previously given it; which previous motion or impulse constitutes a part of the last situation of things.
As the effects produced in this moment of time become causes in the next, we may consider the progressive motions of objects as a chain of causes only; whose first link proceeded from the great Creator, and which have existed from the beginning of the created universe, and are perpetually proceeding.
2. These causes may be conveniently divided into two kinds, efficient and inert causes, according with the two kinds of entity supposed to exist in the natural world, which may be termed matter and spirit, as proposed in Sect. I. and further treated of in Sect. XIV. The efficient causes of motion, or new configuration, consist either of the principle of general gravitation, which actuates the sun and planets; or of the principle of particular gravitation, as in electricity, magnetism, heat; or of the principle of chemical affinity, as in combustion, fermentation, combination; or of the principle of organic life, as in the contraction of vegetable and animal fibres. The inert causes of motion, or new configuration, consist of the parts of matter, which are introduced within the spheres of activity of the principles above described. Thus, when an apple falls on the ground, the principle of gravitation is the efficient cause, and the matter of the apple the inert cause. If a bar of iron be approximated to a magnet, it may be termed the inert cause of the motion, which brings these two bodies into contact; while the magnetic principle may be termed the efficient cause. In the same manner the fibres, which constitute the retina, may be called the inert cause of the motions of that organ in vision, while the sensorial power may be termed the efficient cause.
3. Another more common distribution of the perpetual chain of causes and effects, which constitute the motions, or changing configurations, of the natural world, is into active and passive. Thus, if a ball in motion impinges against another ball at rest, and communicates its motion to it, the former ball is said to act, and the latter to be acted upon. In this sense of the words a magnet is said to attract iron; and the prick of a spur to stimulate a horse into exertion; so that in this view of the works of nature all things may be said either simply to exist, or to exist as causes, or to exist as effects; that is, to exist either in an active or passive state.
This distribution of objects, and their motions, or changes of position, has been found so convenient for the purposes of common life, that on this foundation rests the whole construction or theory of language. The names of the things themselves are termed by grammarians Nouns, and their modes of existence are termed Verbs. The nouns are divided into substantives, which denote the principal things spoken of; and into adjectives, which denote some circumstances, or less kinds of things, belonging to the former. The verbs are divided into three kinds, such as denote the existence of things simply, as, to be; or their existence in an active state, as, to eat; or their existence in a passive state, as, to be eaten. Whence it appears, that all languages consist only of nouns and verbs, with their abbreviations for the greater expedition of communicating our thoughts; as explained in the ingenious work of Mr. Horne Tooke, who has unfolded by a single flash of light the whole theory of language, which had so long lain buried beneath the learned lumber of the schools. Diversions of Purley. Johnson. London.
4. A third division of causes has been into proximate and remote; these have been much spoken of by the writers on medical subjects, but without sufficient precision. If to proximate and remote causes we add proximate and remote effects, we shall include four links of the perpetual chain of causation; which will be more convenient for the discussion of many philosophical subjects.
Thus if a particle of chyle be applied to the mouth of a lacteal vessel, it may be termed the remote cause of the motions of the fibres, which compose the mouth of that lacteal vessel; the sensorial power is the proximate cause; the contraction of the fibres of the mouth of the vessel is the proximate effect; and their embracing the particle of chyle is the remote effect; and these four links of causation constitute absorption.
Thus when we attend to the rising sun, first the yellow rays of light stimulate the sensorial power residing in the extremities of the optic nerve, this is the remote cause. 2. The sensorial power is excited into a state of activity, this is the proximate cause. 3. The fibrous extremities of the optic nerve are contracted, this is the proximate effect. 4. A pleasurable or painful sensation is produced in consequence of the contraction of these fibres of the optic nerve, this is the remote effect; and these four links of the chain of causation constitute the sensitive idea, or what is commonly termed the sensation of the rising sun.
5. Other causes have been announced by medical writers under the names of causa procatarctica, and causa proegumina, and causa sine qua non. All which are links more or less distant of the chain of remote causes.
To these must be added the final cause, so called by many authors, which means the motive, for the accomplishment of which the preceding chain of causes was put into action. The idea of a final cause, therefore, includes that of a rational mind, which employs means to effect its purposes; thus the desire of preserving himself from the pain of cold, which he has frequently experienced, induces the savage to construct his hut; the fixing stakes into the ground for walls, branches of trees for rafters, and turf for a cover, are a series of successive voluntary exertions; which are so many means to produce a certain effect. This effect of preserving himself from cold, is termed the final cause; the construction of the hut is the remote effect; the action of the muscular fibres of the man, is the proximate effect; the volition, or activity of desire to preserve himself from cold, is the proximate cause; and the pain of cold, which excited that desire, is the remote cause.
6. This perpetual chain of causes and effects, whose first link is rivetted to the throne of GOD, divides itself into innumerable diverging branches, which, like the nerves arising from the brain, permeate the most minute and most remote extremities of the system, diffusing motion and sensation to the whole. As every cause is superior in power to the effect, which it has produced, so our idea of the power of the Almighty Creator becomes more elevated and sublime, as we trace the operations of nature from cause to cause, climbing up the links of these chains of being, till we ascend to the Great Source of all things.
Hence the modern discoveries in chemistry and in geology, by having traced the causes of the combinations of bodies to remoter origins, as well as those in astronomy, which dignify the present age, contribute to enlarge and amplify our ideas of the power of the Great First Cause. And had those ancient philosophers, who contended that the world was formed from atoms, ascribed their combinations to certain immutable properties received from the hand of the Creator, such as general gravitation, chemical affinity, or animal appetency, instead of ascribing them to a blind chance; the doctrine of atoms, as constituting or composing the material world by the variety of their combinations, so far from leading the mind to atheism, would strengthen the demonstration of the existence of a Deity, as the first cause of all things; because the analogy resulting from our perpetual experience of cause and effect would have thus been exemplified through universal nature.
The heavens declare the glory of GOD, and the firmament sheweth his handywork! One day telleth another, and one night certifieth another; they have neither speech nor language, yet their voice is gone forth into all lands, and their words into the ends of the world. Manifold are thy works, O LORD! in wisdom hast thou made them all. Psal. xix. civ.
* * * * *
On the OCULAR SPECTRA of Light and Colours, by Dr. R. W. Darwin, of Shrewsbury. Reprinted, by Permission, from the Philosophical Transactions, Vol. LXXVI. p. 313.
Spectra of four kinds. 1. Activity of the retina in vision. 2. Spectra from defect of sensibility. 3. Spectra from excess of sensibility. 4. Of direct ocular spectra. 5. Greater stimulus excites the retina into spasmodic action. 6. Of reverse ocular spectra. 7. Greater stimulus excites the retina into various successive spasmodic actions. 8. Into fixed spasmodic action. 9. Into temporary paralysis. 10. Miscellaneous remarks; 1. Direct and reverse spectra at the same time. A spectral halo. Rule to predetermine the colours of spectra. 2. Variation of spectra from extraneous light. 3. Variation of spectra in number, figure, and remission. 4. Circulation of the blood in the eye is visible. 5. A new way of magnifying objects. Conclusion.
When any one has long and attentively looked at a bright object, as at the setting sun, on closing his eyes, or removing them, an image, which resembles in form the object he was attending to, continues some time to be visible; this appearance in the eye we shall call the ocular spectrum of that object.
These ocular spectra are of four kinds: 1st, Such as are owing to a less sensibility of a defined part of the retina; or spectra from defect of sensibility. 2d, Such as are owing to a greater sensibility of a defined part of the retina; or spectra from excess of sensibility. 3d, Such as resemble their object in its colour as well as form; which may be termed direct ocular spectra. 4th, Such as are of a colour contrary to that of their object; which may be termed reverse ocular spectra.
The laws of light have been most successfully explained by the great Newton, and the perception of visible objects has been ably investigated by the ingenious Dr. Berkeley and M. Malebranche; but these minute phenomena of vision have yet been thought reducible to no theory, though many philosophers have employed a considerable degree of attention upon them: among these are Dr. Jurin, at the end of Dr. Smith's Optics; M. AEpinus, in the Nov. Com. Petropol. V. 10.; M. Beguelin, in the Berlin Memoires, V. II. 1771; M. d'Arcy, in the Histoire de l'Acad. des Scienc. 1765; M. de la Hire; and, lastly, the celebrated M. de Buffon, in the Memoires de l'Acad. des Scien. who has termed them accidental colours, as if subjected to no established laws, Ac. Par. 1743. M. p. 215.
I must here apprize the reader, that it is very difficult for different people to give the same names to various shades of colours; whence, in the following pages, something must be allowed, if on repeating the experiments the colours here mentioned should not accurately correspond with his own names of them.
I. Activity of the Retina in Vision.
From the subsequent experiments it appears, that the retina is in an active not in a passive state during the existence of these ocular spectra; and it is thence to be concluded, that all vision is owing to the activity of this organ.
1. Place a piece of red silk, about an inch in diameter, as in plate 1, at Sect. III. 1., on a sheet of white paper, in a strong light; look steadily upon it from about the distance of half a yard for a minute; then closing your eyelids cover them with your hands, and a green spectrum will be seen in your eyes, resembling in form the piece of red silk: after some time, this spectrum will disappear and shortly reappear; and this alternately three or four times, if the experiment is well made, till at length it vanishes entirely.
2. Place on a sheet of white paper a circular piece of blue silk, about four inches in diameter, in the sunshine; cover the center of this with a circular piece of yellow silk, about three inches in diameter; and the center of the yellow silk with a circle of pink silk, about two inches in diameter; and the center of the pink silk with a circle of green silk, about one inch in diameter; and the centre of this with a circle of indigo, about half an inch in diameter; make a small speck with ink in the very center of the whole, as in plate 3, at Sect. III. 3. 6.; look steadily for a minute on this central spot, and then closing your eyes, and applying your hand at about an inch distance before them, so as to prevent too much or too little light from passing through the eyelids, you will see the most beautiful circles of colours that imagination can conceive, which are most resembled by the colours occasioned by pouring a drop or two of oil on a still lake in a bright day; but these circular irises of colours are not only different from the colours of the silks above mentioned, but are at the same time perpetually changing as long as they exist.
3. When any one in the dark presses either corner of his eye with his finger, and turns his eye away from his finger, he will see a circle of colours like those in a peacock's tail: and a sudden flash of light is excited in the eye by a stroke on it. (Newton's Opt. Q. 16.)
4. When any one turns round rapidly on one foot, till he becomes dizzy, and falls upon the ground, the spectra of the ambient objects continue to present themselves in rotation, or appear to librate, and he seems to behold them for some time still in motion.
From all these experiments it appears, that the spectra in the eye are not owing to the mechanical impulse of light impressed on the retina, nor to its chemical combination with that organ, nor to the absorption and emission of light, as is observed in many bodies; for in all these cases the spectra must either remain uniformly, or gradually diminish; and neither their alternate pretence and evanescence as in the first experiment, nor the perpetual changes of their colours as in the second, nor the flash of light or colours in the pressed eye as in the third, nor the rotation or libration of the spectra as in the fourth, could exist.
It is not absurd to conceive, that the retina may be stimulated into motion, as well as the red and white muscles which form our limbs and vessels; since it consists of fibres, like those, intermixed with its medullary substance. To evince this structure, the retina of an ox's eye was suspended in a glass of warm water, and forcibly torn in a few places; the edges of these parts appeared jagged and hairy, and did not contract, and become smooth like simple mucus, when it is distended till it breaks; which shews that it consists of fibres; and that its fibrous construction became still more distinct to the sight, by adding some caustic alkali to the water, as the adhering mucus was first eroded, and the hair-like fibres remained floating in the vessel. Nor does the degree of transparency of the retina invalidate the evidence of its fibrous structure, since Leeuwenhoek has shewn that the crystalline humour itself consists of fibres. (Arcana Naturae, V. 1. p. 70.)
Hence it appears, that as the muscles have larger fibres intermixed with a smaller quantity of nervous medulla, the organ of vision has a greater quantity of nervous medulla intermixed with smaller fibres; and it is probable that the locomotive muscles, as well as the vascular ones, of microscopic animals have much greater tenuity than these of the retina.
And besides the similar laws, which will be shewn in this paper to govern alike the actions of the retina and of the muscles, there are many other analogies which exist between them. They are both originally excited into action by irritations, both are nearly in the same quantity of time, are alike strengthened or fatigued by exertion, are alike painful if excited into action when they are in an inflamed state, are alike liable to paralysis, and to the torpor of old age.
The retina is not so easily excited into action by less irritation after having been lately subjected to greater.
1. When any one passes from the bright daylight into a darkened room, the irises of his eyes expand themselves to their utmost extent in a few seconds of time; but it is very long before the optic nerve, after having been stimulated by the greater light of the day, becomes sensible of the less degree of it in the room; and, if the room is not too obscure, the irises will again contract themselves in some degree, as the sensibility of the retina returns.
2. Place about half an inch square of white paper on a black hat, and looking steadily on the center of it for a minute, remove your eyes to a sheet of white paper; and after a second or two a dark square will be seen on the white paper, which will continue some time. A similar dark square will be seen in the closed eye, if light be admitted through the eyelids.
So after looking at any luminous object of a small size, as at the sun, for a short time, so as not much to fatigue the eyes, this part of the retina becomes less sensible to smaller quantities of light; hence, when the eyes are turned on other less luminous parts of the sky, a dark spot is seen resembling the shape of the sun, or other luminous object which we last beheld. This is the source of one kind of the dark-coloured muscae volitantes. If this dark spot lies above the center of the eye, we turn our eyes that way, expecting to bring it into the center of the eye, that we may view it more distinctly; and in this case the dark spectrum seems to move upwards. If the dark spectrum is found beneath the centre of the eye, we pursue it from the same motive, and it seems to move downwards. This has given rise to various conjectures of something floating in the aqueous humours of the eyes; but whoever, in attending to these spots, keeps his eyes unmoved by looking steadily at the corner of a cloud, at the same time that he observes the dark spectra, will be thoroughly convinced, that they have no motion but what is given to them by the movement of our eyes in pursuit of them. Sometimes the form of the spectrum, when it has been received from a circular luminous body, will become oblong; and sometimes it will be divided into two circular spectra, which is not owing to our changing the angle made by the two optic axises, according to the distance of the clouds or other bodies to which the spectrum is supposed to be contiguous, but to other causes mentioned in No. X. 3. of this section. The apparent size of it will also be variable according to its supposed distance.
As these spectra are more easily observable when our eyes are a little weakened by fatigue, it has frequently happened, that people of delicate constitutions have been much alarmed at them, fearing a beginning decay of their sight, and have thence fallen into the hands of ignorant oculists; but I believe they never are a prelude to any other disease of the eye, and that it is from habit alone, and our want of attention to them, that we do not see them on all objects every hour of our lives. But as the nerves of very weak people lose their sensibility, in the same manner as their muscles lose their activity, by a small time of exertion, it frequently happens, that sick people in the extreme debility of fevers are perpetually employed in picking something from the bed-clothes, occasioned by their mistaking the appearance of these muscae volitantes in their eyes. Benvenuto Celini, an Italian artist, a man of strong abilities, relates, that having passed the whole night on a distant mountain with some companions and a conjurer, and performed many ceremonies to raise the devil, on their return in the morning to Rome, and looking up when the sun began to rise, they saw numerous devils run on the tops of the houses, as they passed along; so much were the spectra of their weakened eyes magnified by fear, and made subservient to the purposes of fraud or superstition. (Life of Ben. Celini.)
3. Place a square inch of white paper on a large piece of straw-coloured silk; look steadily some time on the white paper, and then move the centre of your eyes on the silk, and a spectrum of the form of the paper will appear on the silk, of a deeper yellow than the other part of it: for the central part of the retina, having been some time exposed to the stimulus of a greater quantity of white light, is become less sensible to a smaller quantity of it, and therefore sees only the yellow rays in that part of the straw-coloured silk.
Facts similar to these are observable in other parts of our system: thus, if one hand be made warm, and the other exposed to the cold, and then both of them immersed in subtepid water, the water is perceived warm to one hand, and cold to the other; and we are not able to hear weak sounds for some time after we have been exposed to loud ones; and we feel a chilliness on coming into an atmosphere of temperate warmth, after having been some time confined in a very warm room: and hence the stomach, and other organs of digestion, of those who have been habituated to the greater stimulus of spirituous liquor, are not excited into their due action by the less stimulus of common food alone; of which the immediate consequence is indigestion and hypochondriacism.
The retina is more easily excited into action by greater irritation after having been lately subjected to less.
1. If the eyes are closed, and covered perfectly with a hat, for a minute or two, in a bright day; on removing the hat a red or crimson light is seen through the eyelids. In this experiment the retina, after being some time kept in the dark, becomes so sensible to a small quantity of light, as to perceive distinctly the greater quantity of red rays than of others which pass through the eyelids. A similar coloured light is seen to pass through the edges of the fingers, when the open hand is opposed to the flame of a candle.
2. If you look for some minutes steadily on a window in the beginning of the evening twilight, or in a dark day, and then move your eyes a little, so that those parts of the retina, on which the dark frame-work of the window was delineated, may now fall on the glass part of it, many luminous lines, representing the frame-work, will appear to lie across the glass panes: for those parts of the retina, which were before least stimulated by the dark frame-work, are now more sensible to light than the other parts of the retina which were exposed to the more luminous parts of the window,
3. Make with ink on white paper a very black spot, about half an inch in diameter, with a tail about an inch in length, so as to represent a tadpole, as in plate 2, at Sect. III. 3. 3.; look steadily for a minute on this spot, and, on moving the eye a little, the figure of the tadpole will be seen on the white part of the paper, which figure of the tadpole will appear whiter or more luminous than the other parts of the white paper; for the part of the retina on which the tadpole was delineated, is now more sensible to light, than the other parts of it, which were exposed to the white paper. This experiment is mentioned by Dr. Irwin, but is not by him ascribed to the true cause, namely, the greater sensibility of that part of the retina which has been exposed to the black spot, than of the other parts which had received the white field of paper, which is put beyond a doubt by the next experiment.
4. On closing the eyes after viewing the black spot on the white paper, as in the foregoing experiment, a red spot is seen of the form of the black spot: for that part of the retina, on which the black spot was delineated, being now more sensible to light than the other parts of it, which were exposed to the white paper, is capable of perceiving the red rays which penetrate the eyelids. If this experiment be made by the light of a tallow candle, the spot will be yellow instead of red; for tallow candles abound much with yellow light, which passes in greater quantity and force through the eyelids than blue tight; hence the difficulty of distinguishing blue and green by this kind of candle light. The colour of the spectrum may possibly vary in the daylight, according to the different colour of the meridian or the morning or evening light.
M. Beguelin, in the Berlin Memoires, V. II. 1771, observes, that, when he held a book so that the sun shone upon his half-closed eyelids, the black letters, which he had long inspected, became red, which must have been thus occasioned. Those parts of the retina which had received for some time the black letters, were so much more sensible than those parts which had been opposed to the white paper, that to the former the red light, which passed through the eyelids, was perceptible. There is a similar story told, I think, in de Voltaire's Historical Works, of a Duke of Tuscany, who was playing at dice with the general of a foreign army, and, believing he saw bloody spots upon the dice, portended dreadful events, and retired in confusion. The observer, after looking for a minute on the black spots of a die, and carelessly closing his eyes, on a bright day; would see the image of a die with red spots upon it, as above explained.
5. On emerging from a dark cavern, where we have long continued, the light of a bright day becomes intolerable to the eye for a considerable time, owing to the excess of sensibility existing in the eye, after having been long exposed to little or no stimulus. This occasions us immediately to contract the iris to its smallest aperture, which becomes again gradually dilated, as the retina becomes accustomed to the greater stimulus of the daylight.
The twinkling of a bright star, or of a distant candle in the night, is perhaps owing to the same cause. While we continue to look upon these luminous objects, their central parts gradually appear paler, owing to the decreasing sensibility of the part of the retina exposed to their light; whilst, at the same time, by the unsteadiness of the eye, the edges of them are perpetually falling on parts of the retina that were just before exposed to the darkness of the night, and therefore tenfold more sensible to light than the part on which the star or candle had been for some time delineated. This pains the eye in a similar manner as when we come suddenly from a dark room into bright daylight, and gives the appearance of bright scintillations. Hence the stars twinkle most when the night is darkest, and do not twinkle through telescopes, as observed by Musschenbroeck; and it will afterwards be seen why this twinkling is sometimes of different colours when the object is very bright, as Mr. Melvill observed in looking at Sirius. For the opinions of others on this subject, see Dr. Priestley's valuable History of Light and Colours, p. 494.
Many facts observable in the animal system are similar to these; as the hot glow occasioned by the usual warmth of the air, or our clothes, on coming out of a cold bath; the pain of the fingers on approaching the fire after having handled snow; and the inflamed heels from walking in snow. Hence those who have been exposed to much cold have died on being brought to a fire, or their limbs have become so much inflamed as to mortify. Hence much food or wine given suddenly to those who have almost perished by hunger has destroyed them; for all the organs of the famished body are now become so much more irritable to the stimulus of food and wine, which they have long been deprived of, that inflammation is excited, which terminates in gangrene or fever.
A quantity of stimulus somewhat greater than natural excites the retina into spasmodic action, which ceases in a few seconds.
A certain duration and energy of the stimulus of light and colours excites the perfect action of the retina in vision; for very quick motions are imperceptible to us, as well as very slow ones, as the whirling of a top, or the shadow on a sun-dial. So perfect darkness does not affect the eye at all; and excess of light produces pain, not vision.
1. When a fire-coal is whirled round in the dark, a lucid circle remains a considerable time in the eye; and that with so much vivacity of light, that it is mistaken for a continuance of the irritation of the object. In the same manner, when a fiery meteor shoots across the night, it appears to leave a long lucid train behind it, part of which, and perhaps sometimes the whole, is owing to the continuance of the action of the retina after having been thus vividly excited. This is beautifully illustrated by the following experiment: fix a paper sail, three or four inches in diameter, and made like that of a smoke jack, on a tube of pasteboard; on looking through the tube at a distant prospect, some disjointed parts of it will be seen through the narrow intervals between the sails; but as the fly begins to revolve, these intervals appear larger; and when it revolves quicker, the whole prospect is seen quite as distinct as if nothing intervened, though less luminous.
2. Look through a dark tube, about half a yard long, at the area of a yellow circle of half an inch diameter, lying upon a blue area of double that diameter, for half a minute; and on closing your eyes the colours of the spectrum will appear similar to the two areas, as in fig. 3.; but if the eye is kept too long upon them, the colours of the spectrum will be the reverse of those upon the paper, that is, the internal circle will become blue, and the external area yellow; hence some attention is required in making this experiment.
3. Place the bright flame of a spermaceti candle before a black object in the night; look steadily at it for a short time, till it is observed to become somewhat paler; and on closing the eyes, and covering them carefully, but not so as to compress them, the image of the blazing candle will continue distinctly to be visible.
4. Look steadily, for a short time, at a window in a dark day, as in Exp. 2. Sect. III. and then closing your eyes, and covering them with your hands, an exact delineation of the window remains for some time visible in the eye. This experiment requires a little practice to make it succeed well; since, if the eyes are fatigued by looking too long on the window, or the day be too bright, the luminous parts of the window will appear dark in the spectrum, and the dark parts of the frame-work will appear luminous, as in Exp. 2. Sect. III. And it is even difficult for many, who first try this experiment, to perceive the spectrum at all; for any hurry of mind, or even too great attention to the spectrum itself, will disappoint them, till they have had a little experience in attending to such small sensations.
The spectra described in this section, termed direct ocular spectra, are produced without much fatigue of the eye; the irritation of the luminous object being soon withdrawn, or its quantity of light being not so great as to produce any degree of uneasiness in the organ of vision; which distinguishes them from the next class of ocular spectra, which are the consequence of fatigue. These direct spectra are best observed in such circumstances that no light, but what comes from the object, can fall upon the eye; as in looking through a tube, of half a yard long, and an inch wide, at a yellow paper on the side of a room, the direct spectrum was easily produced on closing the eye without taking it from the tube; but if the lateral light is admitted through the eyelids, or by throwing the spectrum on white paper, it becomes a reverse spectrum, as will be explained below.
The other senses also retain for a time the impressions that have been made upon them, or the actions they have been excited into. So if a hard body is pressed upon the palm of the hand, as is practised in tricks of legerdemain, it is not easy to distinguish for a few seconds whether it remains or is removed; and tastes continue long to exist vividly in the mouth, as the smoke of tobacco, or the taste of gentian, after the sapid material is withdrawn.
V. A quantity of stimulus somewhat greater than the last mentioned excites the retina into spasmodic action, which ceases and recurs alternately.
1. On looking for a time on the setting sun, so as not greatly to fatigue the sight, a yellow spectrum is seen when the eyes are closed and covered, which continues for a time, and then disappears and recurs repeatedly before it entirely vanishes. This yellow spectrum of the sun when the eyelids are opened becomes blue; and if it is made to fall on the green grass, or on other coloured objects, it varies its own colour by an intermixture of theirs, as will be explained in another place.
2. Place a lighted spermaceti candle in the night about one foot from your eye, and look steadily on the centre of the flame, till your eye becomes much more fatigued than in Sect. IV. Exp. 3.; and on closing your eyes a reddish spectrum will be perceived, which will cease and return alternately.
The action of vomiting in like manner ceases, and is renewed by intervals, although the emetic drug is thrown up with the first effort: so after-pains continue some time after parturition; and the alternate pulsations of the heart of a viper are renewed for some time after it is cleared from its blood.
The retina, after having been excited into action by a stimulus somewhat greater them the last mentioned, falls into opposite spasmodic action.
The actions of every part of animal bodies may be advantageously compared with each other. This strict analogy contributes much to the investigation of truth; while those looser analogies, which compare the phenomena of animal life with those of chemistry or mechanics, only serve to mislead our inquiries.
When any of our larger muscles have been in long or in violent action, and their antagonists have been at the same time extended, as soon as the action of the former ceases, the limb is stretched the contrary way for our ease, and a pandiculation or yawning takes place.
By the following observations it appears, that a similar circumstance obtains in the organ of vision; after it has been fatigued by one kind of action, it spontaneously falls into the opposite kind.
1. Place a piece of coloured silk, about an inch in diameter, on a sheet of white paper, about half a yard from your eyes; look steadily upon it for a minute; then remove your eyes upon another part of the white paper, and a spectrum will be seen of the form of the silk thus inspected, but of a colour opposite to it. A spectrum nearly similar will appear if the eyes are closed, and the eyelids shaded by approaching the hand near them, so as to permit some, but to prevent too much light falling on them.
Red silk produced a green spectrum. Green produced a red one. Orange produced blue. Blue produced orange. Yellow produced violet. Violet produced yellow.
That in these experiments the colours of the spectra are the reverse of the colours which occasioned them, may be seen by examining the third figure in Sir Isaac Newton's Optics, L. II. p. 1, where those thin laminae of air, which reflected yellow, transmitted violet; those which reflected red, transmitted a blue green; and so of the rest, agreeing with the experiments above related.
2. These reverse spectra are similar to a colour, formed by a combination of all the primary colours except that with which the eye has been fatigued in making the experiment: thus the reverse spectrum of red must be such a green as would be produced by a combination of all the other prismatic colours. To evince this fact the following satisfactory experiment was made. The prismatic colours were laid on a circular pasteboard wheel, about four inches in diameter, in the proportions described in Dr. Priestley's History of Light and Colours, pl. 12. fig. 83. except that the red compartment was entirely left out, and the others proportionably extended so as to complete the circle. Then, as the orange is a mixture of red and yellow, and as the violet is a mixture of red and indigo, it became necessary to put yellow on the wheel instead of orange, and indigo instead of violet, that the experiment might more exactly quadrate with the theory it was designed to establish or confute; because in gaining a green spectrum from a red object, the eye is supposed to have become insensible to red light. This wheel, by means of an axis, was made to whirl like a top; and on its being put in motion, a green colour was produced, corresponding with great exactness to the reverse spectrum of red.
3. In contemplating any one or these reverse spectra in the closed and covered eye, it disappears and re-appears several times successively, till at length it entirely vanishes, like the direct spectra in Sect. V.; but with this additional circumstance, that when the spectrum becomes faint or evanescent, it is instantly revived by removing the hand from before the eyelids, so as to admit more light: because then not only the fatigued part of the retina is inclined spontaneously to fall into motions of a contrary direction, but being still sensible to all other rays of light, except that with which it was lately fatigued, is by these rays at the same time stimulated into those motions which form the reverse spectrum.
From these experiments there is reason to conclude, that the fatigued part of the retina throws itself into a contrary mode of action, like oscitation or pandiculation, as soon as the stimulus which has fatigued it is withdrawn; and that it still remains sensible, that is, liable to be excited into action by any other colours at the same time, except the colour with which it has been fatigued.
VII. The retina after having been excited into action by a stimulus somewhat greater than the last mentioned falls into various successive spasmodic actions.
1. On looking at the meridian sun as long as the eyes can well bear its brightness, the disk first becomes pale, with a luminous crescent, which seems to librate from one edge of it to the other, owing to the unsteadiness of the eye; then the whole phasis of the sun becomes blue, surrounded with a white halo; and on closing the eyes, and covering them with the hands, a yellow spectrum is seen, which in a little time changes into a blue one.
M. de la Hire observed, after looking at the bright sun, that the impression in his eye first assumed a yellow appearance, and then green, and then blue; and wishes to ascribe these appearances to some affection of the nerves. (Porterfield on the Eye, Vol. I. p. 313.)
2. After looking steadily on about an inch square of pink silk, placed on white paper, in a bright sunshine, at the distance of a foot from my eyes, and closing and covering my eyelids, the spectrum of the silk was at first a dark green, and the spectrum of the white paper became of a pink. The spectra then both disappeared; and then the internal spectrum was blue; and then, after a second disappearance, became yellow, and lastly pink, whilst the spectrum of the field varied into red and green.
These successions of different coloured spectra were not exactly the same in the different experiments, though observed, as near as could be, with the same quantity of light, and other similar circumstances; owing, I suppose, to trying too many experiments at a time; so that the eye was not quite free from the spectra of the colours which were previously attended to.
The alternate exertions of the retina in the preceding section resembled the oscitation or pandiculation of the muscles, as they were performed in directions contrary to each other, and were the consequence of fatigue rather than of pain. And in this they differ from the successive dissimilar exertions of the retina, mentioned in this section, which resemble in miniature the more violent agitations of the limbs in convulsive diseases, as epilepsy, chorea S. Viti, and opisthotonos; all which diseases are perhaps, at first, the consequence of pain, and have their periods afterwards established by habit.
VIII. The retina, after having been excited into action by a stimulus somewhat greater than the last mentioned, falls into a fixed spasmodic action, which continues for some days.
1. After having looked long at the meridian sun, in making some of the preceding experiments, till the disks faded into a pale blue, I frequently observed a bright blue spectrum of the sun on other objects all the next and the succeeding day, which constantly occurred when I attended to it, and frequently when I did not previously attend to it. When I closed and covered my eyes, this appeared of a dull yellow; and at other times mixed with the colours of other objects on which it was thrown. It may be imagined, that this part of the retina was become insensible to white light, and thence a bluish spectrum became visible on all luminous objects; but as a yellowish spectrum was also seen in the closed and covered eye, there can remain no doubt of this being the spectrum of the sun. A similar appearance was observed by M. AEpinus, which he acknowledges he could give no account of. (Nov. Com. Petrop. V. 10. p. 2. and 6.)
The locked jaw, and some cataleptic spasms, are resembled by this phenomenon; and from hence we may learn the danger to the eye by inspecting very luminous objects too long a time.
IX. A quantity of stimulus greater than the preceding induces a temporary paralysis of the organ of vision.
1. Place a circular piece of bright red silk, about half an inch in diameter, on the middle of a sheet of white paper; lay them on the floor in a bright sunshine, and fixing your eyes steadily on the center of the red circle, for three or four minutes, at the distance of four or six feet from the object, the red silk will gradually become paler, and finally cease to appear red at all.
2. Similar to these are many other animal facts; as purges, opiates, and even poisons, and contagious matter, cease to stimulate our system, after we have been habituated to their use. So some people sleep undisturbed by a clock, or even by a forge hammer in their neighbourhood: and not only continued irritations, but violent exertions of any kind, are succeeded by temporary paralysis. The arm drops down after violent action, and continues for a time useless; and it is probable, that those who have perished suddenly in swimming, or in scating on the ice, have owed their deaths to the paralysis, or extreme fatigue, which succeeds every violent and continued exertion. |