Hence to deliberate is to compare opposing desires or aversions, and that which is the most interesting at length prevails, and produces action. Similar to this, where two pains oppose each other, the stronger or more interesting one produces action; as in pleurisy the pain from suffocation would produce expansion of the lungs, but the pain occasioned by extending the inflamed membrane, which lines the chest, opposes this expansion, and one or the other alternately prevails.
When any one moves his hand quickly near another person's eyes, the eye-lids instantly close; this act in common language is termed involuntary, as we have not time to deliberate or to exert any contrary desire or aversion, but in this work it would be termed a voluntary act, because it is caused by the faculty of volition, and after a few trials the nictitation can be prevented by a contrary or opposing volition.
The power of opposing volitions is best exemplified in the story of Mutius Scaevola, who is said to have thrust his hand into the fire before Porcenna, and to have suffered it to be consumed for having failed him in his attempt on the life of that general. Here the aversion for the loss of same, or the unsatisfied desire to serve his country, the two prevalent enthusiasms at that time, were more powerful than the desire of withdrawing his hand, which must be occasioned by the pain of combustion; of these opposing volitions
Vincit amor patriae, laudumque immensa cupido.
If any one is told not to swallow his saliva for a minute, he soon swallows it contrary to his will, in the common sense of that word; but this also is a voluntary action, as it is performed by the faculty of volition, and is thus to be understood. When the power of volition is exerted on any of our senses, they become more acute, as in our attempts to hear small noises in the night. As explained in Section XIX. 6. Hence by our attention to the fauces from our desire not to swallow our saliva; the fauces become more sensible; and the stimulus of the saliva is followed by greater sensation, and consequent desire of swallowing it. So that the desire or volition in consequence of the increased sensation of the saliva is more powerful, than the previous desire not to swallow it. See Vol. II. Deglutitio invita. In the same manner if a modest man wishes not to want to make water, when he is confined with ladies in a coach or an assembly-room; that very act of volition induces the circumstance, which he wishes to avoid, as above explained; insomuch that I once saw a partial insanity, which might be called a voluntary diabetes, which was occasioned by the fear (and consequent aversion) of not being able to make water at all.
It is further necessary to observe here, to prevent any confusion of voluntary, with sensitive, or associate motions, that in all the instances of violent efforts to relieve pain, those efforts are at first voluntary exertions; but after they have been frequently repeated for the purpose of relieving certain pains, they become associated with those pains, and cease at those times to be subservient to the will; as in coughing, sneezing, and strangury. Of these motions those which contribute to remove or dislodge the offending cause, as the actions of the abdominal muscles in parturition or in vomiting, though they were originally excited by volition, are in this work termed sensitive motions; but those actions of the muscles or organs of sense, which do not contribute to remove the offending cause, as in general convulsions or in madness, are in this work termed voluntary motions, or motions in consequence of aversion, though in common language they are called involuntary ones. Those sensitive unrestrainable actions, which contribute to remove the cause of pain are uniformly and invariably exerted, as in coughing or sneezing; but those motions which are exerted in consequence of aversion without contributing to remove the painful cause, but only to prevent the sensation of it, as in epileptic, or cataleptic fits, are not uniformly and invariably exerted, but change from one set of muscles to another, as will be further explained; and may by this criterion also be distinguished from the former.
At the same time those motions, which are excited by perpetual stimulus, or by association with each other, or immediately by pleasureable or painful sensation, may properly be termed involuntary motions, as those of the heart and arteries; as the faculty of volition seldom affects those, except when it exists in unnatural quantity, as in maniacal people.
2. It was observed in Section XIV. on the Production of Ideas, that those parts of the system, which are usually termed the organs of sense, are liable to be excited into pain by the excess of the stimulus of those objects, which are by nature adapted to affect them; as of too great light, sound, or pressure. But that these organs receive no pain from the defect or absence of these stimuli, as in darkness or silence. But that our other organs of perception, which have generally been called appetites, as of hunger, thirst, want of heat, want of fresh air, are liable to be affected with pain by the defect, as well as by the excess of their appropriated stimuli.
This excess or defect of stimulus is however to be considered only as the remote cause of the pain, the immediate cause being the excess or defect of the natural action of the affected part, according to Sect. IV. 5. Hence all the pains of the body may be divided into those from excess of motion, and those from defect of motion; which distinction is of great importance in the knowledge and the cure of many diseases. For as the pains from excess of motion either gradually subside, or are in general succeeded by inflammation; so those from defect of motion either gradually subside, or are in general succeeded by convulsion, or madness. These pains are easily distinguishable from each other by this circumstance, that the former are attended with heat of the pained part, or of the whole body; whereas the latter exists without increase of heat in the pained part, and is generally attended with coldness of the extremities of the body; which is the true criterion of what have been called nervous pains.
Thus when any acrid material, as snuff or lime, falls into the eye, pain and inflammation and heat are produced from the excess of stimulus; but violent hunger, hemicrania, or the clavus hystericus, are attended with coldness of the extremities, and defect of circulation. When we are exposed to great cold, the pain we experience from the deficiency of heat is attended with a quiescence of the motions of the vascular system; so that no inflammation is produced, but a great desire of heat, and a tremulous motion of the subcutaneous muscles, which is properly a convulsion in consequence of this pain from defect of the stimulus of heat.
It was before mentioned, that as sensation consists in certain movements of the sensorium, beginning at some of the extremities of it, and propagated to the central parts of it; so volition consists of certain other movements of the sensorium, commencing in the central parts of it, and propagated to some of its extremities. This idea of these two great powers of motion in the animal machine is confirmed from observing, that they never exist in a great degree or universally at the same time; for while we strongly exert our voluntary motions, we cease to feel the pains or uneasinesses, which occasioned us to exert them.
Hence during the time of fighting with fists or swords no pain is felt by the combatants, till they cease to exert themselves. Thus in the beginning of ague-fits the painful sensation of cold is diminished, while the patient exerts himself in the shivering and gnashing of his teeth. He then ceases to exert himself, and the pain of cold returns; and he is thus perpetually induced to reiterate these exertions, from which he experiences a temporary relief. The same occurs in labour-pains, the exertion of the parturient woman relieves the violence of the pains for a time, which recur again soon after she has ceased to use those exertions. The same is true in many other painful diseases, as in the strangury, tenesmus, and the efforts of vomiting; all these disagreeable sensations are diminished or removed for a time by the various exertions they occasion, and recur alternately with those exertions.
The restlessness in some fevers is an almost perpetual exertion of this kind, excited to relieve some disagreeable sensations; the reciprocal opposite exertions of a wounded worm, the alternate emprosthotonos and opisthotonos of some spasmodic diseases, and the intervals of all convulsions, from whatever cause, seem to be owing to this circumstance of the laws of animation; that great or universal exertion cannot exist at the same time with great or universal sensation, though they can exist reciprocally; which is probably resolvable into the more general law, that the whole sensorial power being expended in one mode of exertion, there is none to spare for any other. Whence syncope, or temporary apoplexy, succeeds to epileptic convulsions.
3. Hence when any violent pain afflicts us, of which we can neither avoid nor remove the cause, we soon learn to endeavour to alleviate it, by exerting some violent voluntary effort, as mentioned above; and are naturally induced to use those muscles for this purpose, which have been in the early periods of our lives most frequently or most powerfully exerted.
Now the first muscles, which infants use most frequently, are those of respiration; and on this account we gain a habit of holding our breath, at the same time that we use great efforts to exclude it, for this purpose of alleviating unavoidable pain; or we press out our breath through a small aperture of the larynx, and scream violently, when the pain is greater than is relievable by the former mode of exertion. Thus children scream to relieve any pain either of body or mind, as from anger, or fear of being beaten.
Hence it is curious to observe, that those animals, who have more frequently exerted their muscles of respiration violently, as in talking, barking, or grunting, as children, dogs, hogs, scream much more, when they are in pain, than those other animals, who use little or no language in their common modes of life; as horses, sheep, and cows.
The next most frequent or most powerful efforts, which infants are first tempted to produce, are those with the muscles in biting hard substances; indeed the exertion of these muscles is very powerful in common mastication, as appears from the pain we receive, if a bit of bone is unexpectedly found amongst our softer food; and further appears from their acting to so great mechanical disadvantage, particularly when we bite with the incisores, or canine teeth; which are first formed, and thence are first used to violent exertion.
Hence when a person is in great pain, the cause of which he cannot remove, he sets his teeth firmly together, or bites some substance between them with great vehemence, as another mode of violent exertion to produce a temporary relief. Thus we have a proverb where no help can be had in pain, "to grin and abide;" and the tortures of hell are said to be attended with "gnashing of teeth."
Hence in violent spasmodic pains I have seen people bite not only their tongues, but their arms or fingers, or those of the attendants, or any object which was near them; and also strike, pinch, or tear, others or themselves, particularly the part of their own body, which is painful at the time. Soldiers, who die of painful wounds in battle, are said in Homer to bite the ground. Thus also in the bellon, or colica saturnina, the patients are said to bite their own flesh, and dogs in this disease to bite up the ground they lie upon. It is probable that the great endeavours to bite in mad dogs, and the violence of other mad animals, is owing to the same cause.
4. If the efforts of our voluntary motions are exerted with still greater energy for the relief of some disagreeable sensation, convulsions are produced; as the various kinds of epilepsy, and in some hysteric paroxysms. In all these diseases a pain, or disagreeable sensation is produced, frequently by worms, or acidity in the bowels, or by a diseased nerve in the side, or head, or by the pain of a diseased liver.
In some constitutions a more intolerable degree of pain is produced in some part at a distance from the cause by sensitive association, as before explained; these pains in such constitutions arise to so great a degree, that I verily believe no artificial tortures could equal some, which I have witnessed; and am confident life would not have long been preserved, unless they had been soon diminished or removed by the universal convulsion of the voluntary motions, or by temporary madness.
In some of the unfortunate patients I have observed, the pain has risen to an inexpressible degree, as above described, before the convulsions have supervened; and which were preceded by screaming, and grinning; in others, as in the common epilepsy, the convulsion has immediately succeeded the commencement of the disagreeable sensations; and as a stupor frequently succeeds the convulsions, they only seemed to remember that a pain at the stomach preceded the fit, or some other uneasy feel; or more frequently retained no memory at all of the immediate cause of the paroxysm. But even in this kind of epilepsy, where the patient does not recollect any preceding pain, the paroxysms generally are preceded by a quivering motion of the under jaw, with a biting of the tongue; the teeth afterwards become pressed together with vehemence, and the eyes are then convulsed, before the commencement of the universal convulsion; which are all efforts to relieve pain.
The reason why these convulsive motions are alternately exerted and remitted was mentioned above, and in Sect. XII. 1. 3. when the exertions are such as give a temporary relief to the pain, which excites them, they cease for a time, till the pain is again perceived; and then new exertions are produced for its relief. We see daily examples of this in the loud reiterated laughter of some people; the pleasureable sensation, which excites this laughter, arises for a time so high as to change its name and become painful: the convulsive motions of the respiratory muscles relieve the pain for a time; we are, however, unwilling to lose the pleasure, and presently put a stop to this exertion, and immediately the pleasure recurs, and again as instantly rises into pain. All of us have felt the pain of immoderate laughter; children have been tickled into convulsions of the whole body; and others have died in the act of laughing; probably from a paralysis succeeding the long continued actions of the muscles of respiration.
Hence we learn the reason, why children, who are so easily excited to laugh by the tickling of other people's fingers, cannot tickle themselves into laughter. The exertion of their hands in the endeavour to tickle themselves prevents the necessity of any exertion of the respiratory muscles to relieve the excess of pleasurable affection. See Sect. XVII. 3. 5.
Chrysippus is recorded to have died laughing, when an ass was invited to sup with him. The same is related of one of the popes, who, when he was ill, saw a tame monkey at his bedside put on the holy thiara. Hall. Phys. T. III. p. 306.
There are instances of epilepsy being produced by laughing recorded by Van Swieten, T. III. 402 and 308. And it is well known, that many people have died instantaneously from the painful excess of joy, which probably might have been prevented by the exertions of laughter.
Every combination of ideas, which we attend to, occasions pain or pleasure; those which occasion pleasure, furnish either social or selfish pleasure, either malicious or friendly, or lascivious, or sublime pleasure; that is, they give us pleasure mixed with other emotions, or they give us unmixed pleasure, without occasioning any other emotions or exertions at the same time. This unmixed pleasure, if it be great, becomes painful, like all other animal motions from stimuli of every kind; and if no other exertions are occasioned at the same time, we use the exertion of laughter to relieve this pain. Hence laughter is occasioned by such wit as excites simple pleasure without any other emotion, such as pity, love, reverence. For sublime ideas are mixed with admiration, beautiful ones with love, new ones with surprise; and these exertions of our ideas prevent the action of laughter from being necessary to relieve the painful pleasure above described. Whence laughable wit consists of frivolous ideas, without connections of any consequence, such as puns on words, or on phrases, incongruous junctions of ideas; on which account laughter is so frequent in children.
Unmixed pleasure less than that, which causes laughter, causes sleep, as in singing children to sleep, or in slight intoxication from wine or food. See Sect. XVIII. 12.
5. If the pains, or disagreeable sensations, above described do not obtain a temporary relief from these convulsive exertions of the muscles, those convulsive exertions continue without remission, and one kind of catalepsy is produced. Thus when a nerve or tendon produces great pain by its being inflamed or wounded, the patient sets his teeth firmly together, and grins violently, to diminish the pain; and if the pain is not relieved by this exertion, no relaxation of the maxillary muscles takes place, as in the convulsions above described, but the jaws remain firmly fixed together. This locked jaw is the most frequent instance of cataleptic spasm, because we are more inclined to exert the muscles subservient to mastication from their early obedience to violent efforts of volition.
But in the case related in Sect. XIX. on Reverie, the cataleptic lady had pain in her upper teeth; and pressing one of her hands vehemently against her cheek-bone to diminish this pain, it remained in that attitude for about half an hour twice a day, till the painful paroxysm was over.
I have this very day seen a young lady in this disease, (with which she has frequently been afflicted,) she began to-day with violent pain shooting from one side of the forehead to the occiput, and after various struggles lay on the bed with her fingers and wrists bent and stiff for about two hours; in other respects she seemed in a syncope with a natural pulse. She then had intervals of pain and of spasm, and took three grains of opium every hour till she had taken nine grains, before the pains and spasm ceased.
There is, however, another species of fixed spasm, which differs from the former, as the pain exists in the contracted muscle, and would seem rather to be the consequence than the cause of the contraction, as in the cramp in the calf of the leg, and in many other parts of the body.
In these spasms it should seem, that the muscle itself is first thrown into contraction by some disagreeable sensation, as of cold; and that then the violent pain is produced by the great contraction of the muscular fibres extending its own tendons, which are said to be sensible to extension only; and is further explained in Sect. XVIII. 15.
6. Many instances have been given in this work, where after violent motions excited by irritation, the organ has become quiescent to less, and even to the great irritation, which induced it into violent motion; as after looking long at the sun or any bright colour, they cease to be seen; and after removing from bright day-light into a gloomy room, the eye cannot at first perceive the objects, which stimulate it less. Similar to this is the syncope, which succeeds after the violent exertions of our voluntary motions, as after epileptic fits, for the power of volition acts in this case as the stimulus in the other. This syncope is a temporary palsy, or apoplexy, which ceases after a time, the muscles recovering their power of being excited into action by the efforts of volition; as the eye in the circumstance above mentioned recovers in a little time its power of seeing objects in a gloomy room; which were invisible immediately after coming out of a stronger light. This is owing to an accumulation of sensorial power during the inaction of those fibres, which were before accustomed to perpetual exertions, as explained in Sect. XII. 7. 1. A slighter degree of this disease is experienced by every one after great fatigue, when the muscles gain such inability to further action, that we are obliged to rest them for a while, or to summon a greater power of volition to continue their motions.
In all the syncopes, which I have seen induced after convulsive fits, the pulse has continued natural, though the organs of sense, as well as the locomotive muscles, have ceased to perform their functions; for it is necessary for the perception of objects, that the external organs of sense should be properly excited by the voluntary power, as the eye-lids must be open, and perhaps the muscles of the eye put into action to distend, and thence give greater pellucidity to the cornea, which in syncope, as in death, appears flat and less transparent.
The tympanum of the ear also seems to require a voluntary exertion of its muscles, to gain its due tension, and it is probable the other external organs of sense require a similar voluntary exertion to adapt them to the distinct perception of objects. Hence in syncope as in sleep, as the power of volition is suspended, no external objects are perceived. See Sect. XVIII. 5. During the time which the patient lies in a fainting fit, the spirit of animation becomes accumulated; and hence the muscles in a while become irritable by their usual stimulation, and the fainting fit ceases. See Sect. XII. 7. 1.
7. If the exertion of the voluntary motions has been still more energetic, the quiescence, which succeeds, is so complete, that they cannot again be excited into action by the efforts of the will. In this manner the palsy, and apoplexy (which is an universal palsy) are frequently produced after convulsions, or other violent exertions; of this I shall add a few instances.
Platernus mentions some, who have died apoplectic from violent exertions in dancing; and Dr. Mead, in his Essay on Poisons, records a patient in the hydrophobia, who at one effort broke the cords which bound him, and at the same instant expired. And it is probable, that those, who have expired from immoderate laughter, have died from this paralysis consequent to violent exertion. Mrs. Scott of Stafford was walking in her garden in perfect health with her neighbour Mrs. ——; the latter accidentally fell into a muddy rivulet, and tried in vain to disengage herself by the assistance of Mrs. Scott's hand. Mrs. Scott exerted her utmost power for many minutes, first to assist her friend, and next to prevent herself from being pulled into the morass, as her distressed companion would not disengage her hand. After other assistance was procured by their united screams, Mrs. Scott walked to a chair about twenty yards from the brook, and was seized with an apoplectic stroke: which continued many days, and terminated in a total loss of her right arm, and her speech; neither of which she ever after perfectly recovered.
It is said, that many people in Holland have died after skating too long or too violently on their frozen canals; it is probable the death of these, and of others, who have died suddenly in swimming, has been owing to this great quiescence or paralysis; which has succeeded very violent exertions, added to the concomitant cold, which has had greater effect after the sufferers had been heated and exhausted by previous exercise.
I remember a young man of the name of Nairne at Cambridge, who walking on the edge of a barge fell into the river. His cousin and fellow-student of the same name, knowing the other could not swim, plunged into the water after him, caught him by his clothes, and approaching the bank by a vehement exertion propelled him safe to the land, but that instant, seized, as was supposed, by the cramp, or paralysis, sunk to rise no more. The reason why the cramp of the muscles, which compose the calf of the leg, is so liable to affect swimmers, is, because these muscles have very weak antagonists, and are in walking generally elongated again after their contraction by the weight of the body on the ball of the toe, which is very much greater than the resistance of the water in swimming. See Section XVIII. 15.
It does not follow that every apoplectic or paralytic attack is immediately preceded by vehement exertion; the quiescence, which succeeds exertion, and which is not so great as to be termed paralysis, frequently recurs afterwards at certain periods; and by other causes of quiescence, occurring with those periods, as was explained in treating of the paroxysms of intermitting fevers; the quiescence at length, becomes so great as to be incapable of again being removed by the efforts of volition, and complete paralysis is formed. See Section XXXII. 3. 2.
Many of the paralytic patients, whom I have seen, have evidently had diseased livers from the too frequent potation of spirituous liquors; some of them have had the gutta rosea on their faces and breasts; which has in some degree receded either spontaneously, or by the use of external remedies, and the paralytic stroke has succeeded; and as in several persons, who have drank much vinous spirits, I have observed epileptic fits to commence at about forty or fifty years of age, without any hereditary taint, from the stimulus, as I believed, of a diseased liver; I was induced to ascribe many paralytic cases to the same source; which were not evidently the effect of age, or of unacquired debility. And the account given before of dropsies, which very frequently are owing to a paralysis of the absorbent system, and are generally attendant on free drinkers of spirituous liquors, confirmed me in this opinion.
The disagreeable irritation of a diseased liver produces exertions and consequent quiescence; these by the accidental concurrence of other causes of quiescence, as cold, solar or lunar periods, inanition, the want of their usual portion of spirit of wine, at length produces paralysis.
This is further confirmed by observing, that the muscles, we most frequently, or most powerfully exert, are most liable to palsy; as those of the voice and of articulation, and of those paralytics which I have seen, a much greater proportion have lost the use of their right arm; which is so much more generally exerted than the left.
I cannot dismiss this subject without observing, that after a paralytic stroke, if the vital powers are not much injured, that the patient has all the movements of the affected limb to learn over again, just as in early infancy; the limb is first moved by the irritation of its muscles, as in stretching, (of which a case was related in Section VII. 1. 3.) or by the electric concussion; afterwards it becomes obedient to sensation, as in violent danger or fear; and lastly, the muscles become again associated with volition, and gradually acquire their usual habits of acting together.
Another phaenomenon in palsies is, that when the limbs of one side are disabled, those of the other are in perpetual motion. This can only be explained from conceiving that the power of motion, whatever it is, or wherever it resides, and which is capable of being exhausted by fatigue, and accumulated in rest, is now less expended, whilst one half of the body is capable of receiving its usual proportion of it, and is hence derived with greater ease or in greater abundance into the limbs, which remain unaffected.
II. 1. The excess or defect of voluntary exertion produces similar effects upon the sensual motions, or ideas of the mind, as those already mentioned upon the muscular fibres. Thus when any violent pain, arising from the defect of some peculiar stimulus, exists either in the muscular or sensual systems of fibres, and which cannot be removed by acquiring the defective stimulus; as in some constitutions convulsions of the muscles are produced to procure a temporary relief, so in other constitutions vehement voluntary exertions of the ideas of the mind are produced for the same purpose; for during this exertion, like that of the muscles, the pain either vanishes or is diminished: this violent exertion constitutes madness; and in many cases I have seen the madness take place, and the convulsions cease, and reciprocally the madness cease, and the convulsions supervene. See Section III. 5. 8.
2. Madness is distinguishable from delirium, as in the latter the patient knows not the place where he resides, nor the persons of his friends or attendants, nor is conscious of any external objects, except when spoken to with a louder voice, or stimulated with unusual force, and even then he soon relapses into a state of inattention to every thing about him. Whilst in the former he is perfectly sensible to every thing external, but has the voluntary powers of his mind intensely exerted on some particular object of his desire or aversion, he harbours in his thoughts a suspicion of all mankind, lest they should counteract his designs; and while he keeps his intentions, and the motives of his actions profoundly secret; he is perpetually studying the means of acquiring the object of his wish, or of preventing or revenging the injuries he suspects.
3. A late French philosopher, Mr. Helvetius, has deduced almost all our actions from this principle of their relieving us from the ennui or taedium vitae; and true it is, that our desires or aversions are the motives of all our voluntary actions; and human nature seems to excel other animals in the more facil use of this voluntary power, and on that account is more liable to insanity than other animals. But in mania this violent exertion of volition is expended on mistaken objects, and would not be relieved, though we were to gain or escape the objects, that excite it. Thus I have seen two instances of madmen, who conceived that they had the itch, and several have believed they had the venereal infection, without in reality having a symptom of either of them. They have been perpetually thinking upon this subject, and some of them were in vain salivated with design of convincing them to the contrary.
4. In the minds of mad people those volitions alone exist, which are unmixed with sensation; immoderate suspicion is generally the first symptom, and want of shame, and want of delicacy about cleanliness. Suspicion is a voluntary exertion of the mind arising from the pain of fear, which it is exerted to relieve: shame is the name of a peculiar disagreeable sensation, see Fable of the Bees, and delicacy about cleanliness arises from another disagreeable sensation. And therefore are not found in the minds of maniacs, which are employed solely in voluntary exertions. Hence the most modest women in this disease walk naked amongst men without any kind of concern, use obscene discourse, and have no delicacy about their natural evacuations.
5. Nor are maniacal people more attentive to their natural appetites, or to the irritations which surround them, except as far as may respect their suspicions or designs; for the violent and perpetual exertions of their voluntary powers of mind prevents their perception of almost every other object, either of irritation or of sensation. Hence it is that they bear cold, hunger, and fatigue, with much greater pertinacity than in their sober hours, and are less injured by them in respect to their general health. Thus it is asserted by historians, that Charles the Twelfth of Sweden slept on the snow, wrapped only in his cloak, at the siege of Frederickstad, and bore extremes of cold and hunger, and fatigue, under which numbers of his soldiers perished; because the king was insane with ambition, but the soldier had no such powerful stimulus to preserve his system from debility and death.
6. Besides the insanities arising from exertions in consequence of pain, there is also a pleasurable insanity, as well as a pleasurable delirium; as the insanity of personal vanity, and that of religious fanaticism. When agreeable ideas excite into motion the sensorial power of sensation, and this again causes other trains of agreeable ideas, a constant stream of pleasurable ideas succeeds, and produces pleasurable delirium. So when the sensorial power of volition excites agreeable ideas, and the pleasure thus produced excites more volition in its turn, a constant flow of agreeable voluntary ideas succeeds; which when thus exerted in the extreme constitutes insanity.
Thus when our muscular actions are excited by our sensations of pleasure, it is termed play; when they are excited by our volition, it is termed work; and the former of these is attended with less fatigue, because the muscular actions in play produce in their turn more pleasurable sensation; which again has the property of producing more muscular action. An agreeable instance of this I saw this morning. A little boy, who was tired with walking, begged of his papa to carry him. "Here," says the reverend doctor, "ride upon my gold-headed cane;" and the pleased child, putting it between his legs, gallopped away with delight, and complained no more of his fatigue. Here the aid of another sensorial power, that of pleasurable sensation, superadded vigour to the exertion of exhausted volition. Which could otherwise only have been excited by additional pain, as by the lash of slavery. On this account where the whole sensorial power has been exerted on the contemplation of the promised joys of heaven, the saints of all persecuted religions have borne the tortures of martyrdom with otherwise unaccountable firmness.
7. There are some diseases, which obtain at least a temporary relief from the exertions of insanity; many instances of dropsies being thus for a time cured are recorded. An elderly woman labouring with ascites I twice saw relieved for some weeks by insanity, the dropsy ceased for several weeks, and recurred again alternating with the insanity. A man afflicted with difficult respiration on lying down, with very irregular pulse, and oedematous legs, whom I saw this day, has for above a week been much relieved in respect to all those symptoms by the accession of insanity, which is shewn by inordinate suspicion, and great anger.
In cases of common temporary anger the increased action of the arterial system is seen by the red skin, and increased pulse, with the immediate increase of muscular activity. A friend of mine, when he was painfully fatigued by riding on horseback, was accustomed to call up ideas into his mind, which used to excite his anger or indignation, and thus for a time at least relieved the pain of fatigue. By this temporary insanity, the effect of the voluntary power upon the whole of his system was increased; as in the cases of dropsy above mentioned, it would appear, that the increased action of the voluntary faculty of the sensorium affected the absorbent system, as well as the secerning one.
8. In respect to relieving inflammatory pains, and removing fever, I have seen many instances, as mentioned in Sect. XII. 2. 4. One lady, whom I attended, had twice at some years interval a locked jaw, which relieved a pain on her sternum with peripneumony. Two other ladies I saw, who towards the end of violent peripneumony, in which they frequently lost blood, were at length cured by insanity supervening. In the former the increased voluntary exertion of the muscles of the jaw, in the latter that of the organs of sense, removed the disease; that is, the disagreeable sensation, which had produced the inflammation, now excited the voluntary power, and these new voluntary exertions employed or expended the superabundant sensorial power, which had previously been exerted on the arterial system, and caused inflammation.
Another case, which I think worth relating, was of a young man about twenty; he had laboured under an irritative fever with debility for three or four weeks, with very quick and very feeble pulse, and other usual symptoms of that species of typhus, but at this time complained much and frequently of pain of his legs and feet. When those who attended him were nearly in despair of his recovery, I observed with pleasure an insanity of mind supervene: which was totally different from delirium, as he knew his friends, calling them by their names, and the room in which he lay, but became violently suspicious of his attendants, and calumniated with vehement oaths his tender mother, who sat weeping by his bed. On this his pulse became slower and firmer, but the quickness did not for some time intirely cease, and he gradually recovered. In this case the introduction of an increased quantity of the power of volition gave vigour to those movements of the system, which are generally only actuated by the power of irritation, and of association.
Another case I recollect of a young man, about twenty-five, who had the scarlet-fever, with very quick pulse, and an universal eruption on his skin, and was not without reason esteemed to be in great danger of his life. After a few days an insanity supervened, which his friends mistook for delirium, and he gradually recovered, and the cuticle peeled off. From these and a few other cases I have always esteemed insanity to be a favourable sign in fevers, and have cautiously distinguished it from delirium.
III. Another mode of mental exertion to relieve pain, is by producing a train of ideas not only by the efforts of volition, as in insanity; but by those of sensation likewise, as in delirium and sleep. This mental effort is termed reverie, or somnambulation, and is described more at large in Sect. XIX. on that subject. But I shall here relate another case of that wonderful disease, which fell yesterday under my eye, and to which I have seen many analogous alienations of mind, though not exactly similar in all circumstances. But as all of them either began or terminated with pain or convulsion, there can be no doubt but that they are of epileptic origin, and constitute another mode of mental exertion to relieve some painful sensation.
1. Master A. about nine years old, had been seized at seven every morning for ten days with uncommon fits, and had had slight returns in the afternoon. They were supposed to originate from worms, and had been in vain attempted to be removed by vermifuge purges. As his fit was expected at seven yesterday morning, I saw him before that hour; he was asleep, seemed free from pain, and his pulse natural. About seven he began to complain of pain about his navel, or more to the left side, and in a few minutes had exertions of his arms and legs like swimming. He then for half an hour hunted a pack of hounds; as appeared by his hallooing, and calling the dogs by their names, and discoursing with the attendants of the chase, describing exactly a day of hunting, which (I was informed) he had witnessed a year before, going through all the most minute circumstances of it; calling to people, who were then present, and lamenting the absence of others, who were then also absent. After this scene he imitated, as he lay in bed, some of the plays of boys, as swimming and jumping. He then sung an English and then an Italian song; part of which with his eyes open, and part with them closed, but could not be awakened or excited by any violence, which it was proper to use.
After about an hour he came suddenly to himself with apparent surprise, and seemed quite ignorant of any part of what had passed, and after being apparently well for half an hour, he suddenly fell into a great stupor, with slower pulse than natural, and a slow moaning respiration, in which he continued about another half hour, and then recovered.
The sequel of this disease was favourable; he was directed one grain of opium at six every morning, and then to rise out of bed; at half past six he was directed fifteen drops of laudanum in a glass of wine and water. The first day the paroxysm became shorter, and less violent. The dose of opium was increased to one-half more, and in three or four days the fits left him. The bark and filings of iron were also exhibited twice a day; and I believe the complaint returned no more.
2. In this paroxysm it must be observed, that he began with pain, and ended with stupor, in both circumstances resembling a fit of epilepsy. And that therefore the exertions both of mind and body, both the voluntary ones, and those immediately excited by pleasurable sensation, were exertions to relieve pain.
The hunting scene appeared to be rather an act of memory than of imagination, and was therefore rather a voluntary exertion, though attended with the pleasurable eagerness, which was the consequence of those ideas recalled by recollection, and not the cause of them.
These ideas thus voluntarily recollected were succeeded by sensations of pleasure, though his senses were unaffected by the stimuli of visible or audible objects; or so weakly excited by them as not to produce sensation or attention. And the pleasure thus excited by volition produced other ideas and other motions in consequence of the sensorial power of sensation. Whence the mixed catenations of voluntary and sensitive ideas and muscular motions in reverie; which, like every other kind of vehement exertion, contribute to relieve pain, by expending a large quantity of sensorial power.
Those fits generally commence during sleep, from whence I suppose they have been thought to have some connection with sleep, and have thence been termed Somnambulism; but their commencement during sleep is owing to our increased excitability by internal sensations at that time, as explained in Sect. XVIII. 14. and 15., and not to any similitude between reverie and sleep.
3. I was once concerned for a very elegant and ingenious young lady, who had a reverie on alternate days, which continued nearly the whole day; and as in her days of disease she took up the same kind of ideas, which she had conversed about on the alternate day before, and could recollect nothing of them on her well-day; she appeared to her friends to possess two minds. This case also was of epileptic kind, and was cured, with some relapses, by opium administered before the commencement of the paroxysm.
4. Whence it appears, that the methods of relieving inflammatory pains, is by removing all stimulus, as by venesection, cool air, mucilaginous diet, aqueous potation, silence, darkness.
The methods of relieving pains from defect of stimulus is by supplying the peculiar stimulus required, as of food, or warmth.
And the general method of relieving pain is by exciting into action some great part of the system for the purpose of expending a part of the sensorial power. This is done either by exertion of the voluntary ideas and muscles, as in insanity and convulsion; or by exerting both voluntary and sensitive motions, as in reverie; or by exciting the irritative motions by wine or opium internally, and by the warm bath or blisters externally; or lastly, by exciting the sensitive ideas by good news, affecting stories, or agreeable passions.
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I. 1. Sympathy or consent of parts. Primary and secondary parts of an associated train of motions reciprocally affect each other. Parts of irritative trains of motion affect each other in four ways. Sympathies of the skin and stomach. Flushing of the face after a meal. Eruption of the small-pox on the face. Chilness after a meal. 2. Vertigo from intoxication. 3. Absorption from the lungs and pericardium by emetics. In vomiting the actions of the stomach are decreased, not increased. Digestion strengthened after an emetic. Vomiting from deficiency of sensorial power. 4. Dyspnoea from cold bathing. Slow pulse from digitalis. Death from gout in the stomach. II. 1. Primary and secondary parts of sensitive associations affect each other. Pain from gall-stone, from urinary stone, Hemicrania. Painful epilepsy. 2. Gout and red face from inflamed liver. Shingles from inflamed kidney. 3. Coryza from cold applied to the feet. Pleurisy. Hepatitis. 4. Pain of shoulders from inflamed liver. III. Diseases from the associations of ideas.
I. 1. Many synchronous and successive motions of our muscular fibres, and of our organs of sense, or ideas, become associated so as to form indissoluble tribes or trains of action, as shewn in Section X. on Associate Motions. Some constitutions more easily establish these associations, whether by voluntary, sensitive, or irritative repetitions, and some more easily lose them again, as shewn in Section XXXI. on Temperaments.
When the beginning of such a train of actions becomes by any means disordered, the succeeding part is liable to become disturbed in consequence, and this is commonly termed sympathy or consent of parts by the writers of medicine. For the more clear understanding of these sympathies we must consider a tribe or train of actions as divided into two parts, and call one of them the primary or original motions, and the other the secondary or sympathetic ones.
The primary and secondary parts of a train of irritative actions may reciprocally affect each other in four different manners. 1. They may both be exerted with greater energy than natural. 2. The former may act with greater, and the latter with less energy. 3. The former may act with less, and the latter with greater energy. 4. They may both act with less energy than natural. I shall now give an example of each kind of these modes of action, and endeavour to shew, that though the primary and secondary parts of these trains or tribes of motion are connected by irritative association, or their previous habits of acting together, as described in Sect. XX. on Vertigo. Yet that their acting with similar or dissimilar degrees of energy, depends on the greater or less quantity of sensorial power, which the primary part of the train expends in its exertions.
The actions of the stomach constitute so important a part of the associations of both irritative and sensitive motions, that it is said to sympathize with almost every part of the body; the first example, which I shall adduce to shew that both the primary and secondary parts of a train of irritative associations of motion act with increased energy, is taken from the consent of the skin with this organ. When the action of the fibres of the stomach is increased, as by the stimulus of a full meal, the exertions of the cutaneous arteries of the face become increased by their irritative associations with those of the stomach, and a glow or flushing of the face succeeds. For the small vessels of the skin of the face having been more accustomed to the varieties of action, from their frequent exposure to various degrees of cold and heat become more easily excited into increased action, than those of the covered parts of our bodies, and thus act with more energy from their irritative or sensitive associations with the stomach. On this account in small-pox the eruption in consequence of the previous affection of the stomach breaks out a day sooner on the face than on the hands, and two days sooner than on the trunk, and recedes in similar times after maturation.
But secondly, in weaker constitutions, that is, in those who possess less sensorial power, so much of it is expended in the increased actions of the fibres of the stomach excited by the stimulus of a meal, that a sense of chilness succeeds instead of the universal glow above mentioned; and thus the secondary part of the associated train of motions is diminished in energy, in consequence of the increased activity of the primary part of it.
2. Another instance of a similar kind, where the secondary part of the train acts with less energy in consequence of the greater exertions of the primary part, is the vertigo attending intoxication; in this circumstance so much sensorial power is expended on the stomach, and on its nearest or more strongly associated motions, as those of the subcutaneous vessels, and probably of the membranes of some internal viscera, that the irritative motions of the retina become imperfectly exerted from deficiency of sensorial power, as explained in Sect. XX. and XXI. 3. on Vertigo and on Drunkenness, and hence the staggering inebriate cannot completely balance himself by such indistinct vision.
3. An instance of the third circumstance, where the primary part of a train of irritative motions acts with less, and the secondary part with greater energy, may be observed by making the following experiment. If a person lies with his arms and shoulders out of bed, till they become cold, a temporary coryza or catarrh is produced; so that the passage of the nostrils becomes totally obstructed; at least this happens to many people; and then on covering the arms and shoulders, till they become warm, the passage of the nostrils ceases again to be obstructed, and a quantity of mucus is discharged from them. In this case the quiescence of the vessels of the skin of the arms and shoulders, occasioned by exposure to cold air, produces by irritative association an increased action of the vessels of the membrane of the nostrils; and the accumulation of sensorial power during the torpor of the arms and shoulders is thus expended in producing a temporary coryza or catarrh.
Another instance may be adduced from the sympathy or consent of the motions of the stomach with other more distant links of the very extensive tribes or trains of irritative motions associated with them, described in Sect. XX. on Vertigo. When the actions of the fibres of the stomach are diminished or inverted, the actions of the absorbent vessels, which take up the mucus from the lungs, pericardium, and other cells of the body, become increased, and absorb the fluids accumulated in them with greater avidity, as appears from the exhibition of foxglove, antimony, or other emetics in cases of anasarca, attended with unequal pulse and difficult respiration.
That the act of nausea and vomiting is a decreased exertion of the fibres of the stomach may be thus deduced; when an emetic medicine is administered, it produces the pain of sickness, as a disagreeable taste in the mouth produces the pain of nausea; these pains, like that of hunger, or of cold, or like those, which are usually termed nervous, as the head-ach or hemicrania, do not excite the organ into greater action; but in this case I imagine the pains of sickness or of nausea counteract or destroy the pleasurable sensation, which seems necessary to digestion, as shewn in Sect. XXXIII. 1. 1. The peristaltic motions of the fibres of the stomach become enfeebled by the want of this stimulus of pleasurable sensation, and in consequence stop for a time, and then become inverted; for they cannot become inverted without being previously stopped. Now that this inversion of the trains of motion of the fibres of the stomach is owing to the deficiency of pleasurable sensation is evinced from this circumstance, that a nauseous idea excited by words will produce vomiting as effectually us a nauseous drug.
Hence it appears, that the act of nausea or vomiting expends less sensorial power than the usual peristaltic motions of the stomach in the digestion of our aliment; and that hence there is a greater quantity of sensorial power becomes accumulated in the fibres of the stomach, and more of it in consequence to spare for the action of those parts of the system, which are thus associated with the stomach, as of the whole absorbent series of vessels, and which are at the same time excited by their usual stimuli.
From this we can understand, how after the operation of an emetic the stomach becomes more irritable and sensible to the stimulus, and the pleasure of food; since as the sensorial power becomes accumulated during the nausea and vomiting, the digestive power is afterwards exerted more forceably for a time. It should, however, be here remarked, that though vomiting is in general produced by the defect of this stimulus of pleasurable sensation, as when a nauseous drug is administered; yet in long continued vomiting, as in sea-sickness, or from habitual dram-drinking, it arises from deficiency of sensorial power, which in the former case is exhausted by the increased exertion of the irritative ideas of vision, and in the latter by the frequent application of an unnatural stimulus.
4. An example of the fourth circumstance above mentioned, where both the primary and secondary parts of a train of motions proceed with energy less than natural, may be observed in the dyspnoea, which occurs in going into a very cold bath, and which has been described and explained in Sect. XXXII. 3. 2.
And by the increased debility of the pulsations of the heart and arteries during the operation of an emetic. Secondly, from the slowness and intermission of the pulsations of the heart from the incessant efforts to vomit occasioned by an overdose of digitalis. And thirdly, from the total stoppage of the motions of the heart, or death, in consequence of the torpor of the stomach, when affected with the commencement or cold paroxysm of the gout. See Sect. XXV. 17.
II. 1. The primary and secondary parts of the trains of sensitive association reciprocally affect each other in different manners. 1. The increased sensation of the primary part may cease, when that of the secondary part commences. 2. The increased action of the primary part may cease, when that of the secondary part commences. 3. The primary part may have increased sensation, and the secondary part increased action. 4. The primary part may have increased action, and the secondary part increased sensation.
Examples of the first mode, where the increased sensation of the primary part of a train of sensitive association ceases, when that of the secondary part commences, are not unfrequent; as this is the general origin of those pains, which continue some time without being attended with inflammation, such as the pain at the pit of the stomach from a stone at the neck of the gall-bladder, and the pain of strangury in the glans penis from a stone at the neck of the urinary bladder. In both these cases the part, which is affected secondarily, is believed to be much more sensible than the part primarily affected, as described in the catalogue of diseases, Class II. 1. 1. 11. and IV. 2. 2. 2. and IV. 2. 2. 4.
The hemicrania, or nervous headach, as it is called, when it originates from a decaying tooth, is another disease of this kind; as the pain of the carious tooth always ceases, when the pain over one eye and temple commences. And it is probable, that the violent pains, which induce convulsions in painful epilepsies, are produced in the same manner, from a more sensible part sympathizing with a diseased one of less sensibility. See Catalogue of Diseases, Class IV. 2. 2. 8. and III. 1. 1. 6.
The last tooth, or dens sapientiae, of the upper jaw most frequently decays first, and is liable to produce pain over the eye and temple of that side. The last tooth of the under-jaw is also liable to produce a similar hemicrania, when it begins to decay. When a tooth in the upper-jaw is the cause of the headach, a slighter pain is sometimes perceived on the cheek-bone. And when a tooth in the lower-jaw is the cause of headach, a pain sometimes affects the tendons of the muscles of the neck, which are attached near the jaws. But the clavus hystericus, or pain about the middle of the parietal bone on one side of the head, I have seen produced by the second of the molares, or grinders, of the under-jaw; of which I shall relate the following case. See Class IV. 2. 2. 8.
Mrs. ——, about 30 years of age, was seized with great pain about the middle of the right parietal bone, which had continued a whole day before I saw her, and was so violent as to threaten to occasion convulsions. Not being able to detect a decaying tooth, or a tender one, by examination with my eye, or by striking them with a tea-spoon, and fearing bad consequences from her tendency to convulsion, I advised her to extract the last tooth of the under-jaw on the affected side; which was done without any good effect. She was then directed to lose blood, and to take a brisk cathartic; and after that had operated, about 60 drops of laudanum were given her, with large doses of bark; by which the pain was removed. In about a fortnight she took a cathartic medicine by ill advice, and the pain returned with greater violence in the same place; and, before I could arrive, as she lived 30 miles from me, she suffered a paralytic stroke; which affected her limbs and her face on one side, and relieved the pain of her head.
About a year afterwards I was again called to her on account of a pain as violent as before exactly on the same part of the other parietal bone. On examining her mouth I found the second molaris of the under-jaw on the side before affected was now decayed, and concluded, that this tooth had occasioned the stroke of the palsy by the pain and consequent exertion it had caused. On this account I earnestly entreated her to allow the sound molaris of the same jaw opposite to the decayed one to be extracted; which was forthwith done, and the pain of her head immediately ceased, to the astonishment of her attendants.
In the cases above related of the pain existing in a part distant from the seat of the disease, the pain is owing to defect of the usual motions of the painful part. This appears from the coldness, paleness, and emptiness of the affected vessels, or of the extremities of the body in general, and from there being no tendency to inflammation. The increased action of the primary part of these associated motions, as of the hepatic termination of the bile-duct; from the stimulus of a gall-stone, or of the interior termination of the urethra from the stimulus of a stone in the bladder, or lastly, of a decaying tooth in hemicrania, deprives the secondary part of these associated motions, namely, the exterior terminations of the bile-duct or urethra, or the pained membranes of the head in hemicrania, of their natural share of sensorial power: and hence the secondary parts of these sensitive trains of association become pained from the deficiency of their usual motions, which is accompanied with deficiency of secretions and of heat. See Sect. IV. 5. XII. 5. 3. XXXIV. 1.
Why does the pain of the primary part of the association cease, when that of the secondary part commences? This is a question of intricacy, but perhaps not inexplicable. The pain of the primary part of these associated trains of motion was owing to too great stimulus, as of the stone at the neck of the bladder, and was consequently caused by too great action of the pained part. This greater action than natural of the primary part of these associated motions, by employing or expending the sensorial power of irritation belonging to the whole associated train of motions, occasioned torpor, and consequent pain in the secondary part of the associated train; which was possessed of greater sensibility than the primary part of it. Now the great pain of the secondary part of the train, as soon as it commences, employs or expends the sensorial power of sensation belonging to the whole associated train of motions; and in consequence the motions of the primary part, though increased by the stimulus of an extraneous body, cease to be accompanied with pain or sensation.
If this mode of reasoning be just it explains a curious fact, why when two parts of the body are strongly stimulated, the pain is felt only in one of them, though it is possible by voluntary attention it may be alternately perceived in them both. In the same manner, when two new ideas are presented to us from the stimulus of external bodies, we attend to but one of them at a time. In other words, when one set of fibres, whether of the muscles or organs of sense, contract so strongly as to excite much sensation; another set of fibres contracting more weakly do not excite sensation at all, because the sensorial power of sensation is pre-occupied by the first set of fibres. So we cannot will more than one effect at once, though by associations previously formed we can move many fibres in combination.
Thus in the instances above related, the termination of the bile duct in the duodenum, and the exterior extremity of the urethra, are more sensible than their other terminations. When these parts are deprived of their usual motions by deficiency of sensorial power, as above explained, they become painful according to law the fifth in Section IV. and the less pain originally excited by the stimulus of concreted bile, or of a stone at their other extremities ceases to be perceived. Afterwards, however, when the concretions of bile, or the stone on the urinary bladder, become more numerous or larger, the pain from their increased stimulus becomes greater than the associated pain; and is then felt at the neck of the gall bladder or urinary bladder; and the pain of the glans penis, or at the pit of the stomach, ceases to be perceived.
2. Examples of the second mode, where the increased action of the primary part of a train of sensitive association ceases, when that of the secondary part commences, are also not unfrequent; as this is the usual manner of the translation of inflammations from internal to external parts of the system, such as when an inflammation of the liver or stomach is translated to the membranes of the foot, and forms the gout; or to the skin of the face, and forms the rosy drop; or when an inflammation of the membranes of the kidneys is translated to the skin of the loins, and forms one kind of herpes, called shingles; in these cases by whatever cause the original inflammation may have been produced, as the secondary part of the train of sensitive association is more sensible, it becomes exerted with greater violence than the first part of it; and by both its increased pain, and the increased motion of its fibres, so far diminishes or exhausts the sensorial power of sensation; that the primary part of the train being less sensible ceases both to feel pain, and to act with unnatural energy.
3. Examples of the third mode, where the primary part of a train of sensitive association of motions may experience increased sensation, and the secondary part increased action, are likewise not unfrequent; as it is in this manner that most inflammations commence. Thus, after standing some time in snow, the feet become affected with the pain of cold, and a common coryza, or inflammation of the membrane of the nostrils, succeeds. It is probable that the internal inflammations, as pleurisies, or hepatitis, which are produced after the cold paroxysm of fever, originate in the same manner from the sympathy of those parts with some others, which were previously pained from quiescence; as happens to various parts of the system during the cold fits of fevers. In these cases it would seem, that the sensorial power of sensation becomes accumulated during the pain of cold, as the torpor of the vessels occasioned by the defect of heat contributes to the increase or accumulation of the sensorial power of irritation, and that both these become exerted on some internal part, which was not rendered torpid by the cold which affected the external parts, nor by its association with them; or which sooner recovered its sensibility. This requires further consideration.
4. An example of the fourth mode, or where the primary part of a sensitive association of motions may have increased action, and the secondary part increased sensation, may be taken from the pain of the shoulder, which attends inflammation of the membranes of the liver, see Class IV. 2. 2. 9.; in this circumstance so much sensorial power seems to be expended in the violent actions and sensations of the inflamed membranes of the liver, that the membranes associated with them become quiescent to their usual stimuli, and painful in consequence.
There may be other modes in which the primary and secondary parts of the trains of associated sensitive motions may reciprocally affect each other, as may be seen by looking over Class IV. in the catalogue of diseases; all which may probably be resolved into the plus and minus of sensorial power, but we have not yet had sufficient observations made upon them with a view to this doctrine.
III. The associated trains of our ideas may have sympathies, and their primary and secondary parts affect each other in some manner similar to those above described; and may thus occasion various curious phenomena not yet adverted to, besides those explained in the Sections on Dreams, Reveries, Vertigo, and Drunkenness; and may thus disturb the deductions of our reasonings, as well as the streams of our imaginations; present us with false degrees of fear, attach unfounded value to trivial circumstances; give occasion to our early prejudices and antipathies; and thus embarrass the happiness of our lives. A copious and curious harvest might be reaped from this province of science, in which, however, I shall not at present wield my sickle.
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I. Muscles excited by volition soon cease to contract, or by sensation, or by irritation, owing to the exhaustion of sensorial power. Muscles subjected to less stimulus have their sensorial power accumulated. Hence the periods of some fevers. Want of irritability after intoxication. II. 1. Natural actions catenated with daily habits of life. 2. With solar periods. Periods of sleep. Of evacuating the bowels. 3. Natural actions catenated with lunar periods. Menstruation. Venereal orgasm of animals. Barrenness. III. Periods of diseased animal actions from stated returns of nocturnal cold, from solar and lunar influence. Periods of diurnal fever, hectic fever, quotidian, tertian, quartan fever. Periods of gout, pleurisy, of fevers with arterial debility, and with arterial strength, Periods of rhaphania, of nervous cough, hemicrania, arterial haemorrhages, haemorrhoids, haemoptoe, epilepsy, palsy, apoplexy, madness. IV. Critical days depend on lunar periods. Lunar periods in the small pox.
I. If any of our muscles be made to contract violently by the power of volition, as those of the fingers, when any one hangs by his hands on a swing, fatigue soon ensues; and the muscles cease to act owing to the temporary exhaustion of the spirit of animation; as soon as this is again accumulated in the muscles, they are ready to contract again by the efforts of volition.
Those violent muscular actions induced by pain become in the same manner intermitted and recurrent; as in labour-pains, vomiting, tenesmus, strangury; owing likewise to the temporary exhaustion of the spirit of animation, as above mentioned.
When any stimulus continues long to act with unnatural violence, so as to produce too energetic action of any of our moving organs, those motions soon cease, though the stimulus continues to act; as in looking long on a bright object, as on an inch-square of red silk laid on white paper in the sunshine. See Plate I. in Sect. III. 1.
On the contrary, where less of the stimulus of volition, sensation, or irritation, have been applied to a muscle than usual; there appears to be an accumulation of the spirit of animation in the moving organ; by which it is liable to act with greater energy from less quantity of stimulus, than was previously necessary to excite it into so great action; as after having been immersed in snow the cutaneous vessels of our hands are excited into stronger action by the stimulus of a less degree of heat, than would previously have produced that effect.
From hence the periods of some fever-fits may take their origin, either simply, or by their accidental coincidence with lunar and solar periods, or with the diurnal periods of heat and cold, to be treated of below; for during the cold fit at the commencement of a fever, from whatever cause that cold fit may have been induced, it follows, 1. That the spirit of animation must become accumulated in the parts, which exert during this cold fit less than their natural quantity of action. 2. If the cause producing the cold fit does not increase, or becomes diminished; the parts before benumbed or inactive become now excitable by smaller stimulus, and are thence thrown into more violent action than is natural; that is a hot fit succeeds the cold one. 3. By the energetic action of the system during the hot fit, if it continues long, an exhaustion of the spirit of animation takes place; and another cold fit is liable to succeed, from the moving system not being excitable into action from its usual stimulus. This inirritability of the system from a too great previous stimulus, and consequent exhaustion of sensorial power, is the cause of the general debility, and sickness, and head-ach, some hours after intoxication. And hence we see one of the causes of the periods of fever-fits; which however are frequently combined with the periods of our diurnal habits, or of heat and cold, or of solar or lunar periods.
When besides the tendency to quiescence occasioned by the expenditure of sensorial power during the hot fit of fever, some other cause of torpor, as the solar or lunar periods, is necessary to the introduction of a second cold fit; the fever becomes of the intermittent kind; that is, there is a space of time intervenes between the end of the hot fit, and the commencement of the next cold one. But where no exteriour cause is necessary to the introduction of the second cold fit; no such interval of health intervenes; but the second cold fit commences, as soon as the sensorial power is sufficiently exhausted by the hot fit; and the fever becomes continual.
II. 1. The following are natural animal actions, which are frequently catenated with our daily habits of life, as well as excited by their natural irritations. The periods of hunger and thirst become catenated with certain portions of time, or degrees of exhaustion, or other diurnal habits of life. And if the pain of hunger be not relieved by taking food at the usual time, it is liable to cease till the next period of time or other habits recur; this is not only true in respect to our general desire of food, but the kinds of it also are governed by this periodical habit; insomuch that beer taken to breakfast will disturb the digestion of those, who have been accustomed to tea; and tea taken at dinner will disagree with those, who have been accustomed to beer. Whence it happens, that those, who have weak stomachs, will be able to digest more food, if they take their meals at regular hours; because they have both the stimulus of the aliment they take, and the periodical habit, to assist their digestion.
The periods of emptying the bladder are not only dependent on the acrimony or distention of the water in it, but are frequently catenated with external cold applied to the skin, as in cold bathing, or washing the hands; or with other habits of life, as many are accustomed to empty the bladder before going to bed, or into the house after a journey, and this whether it be full or not.
Our times of respiration are not only governed by the stimulus of the blood in the lungs, or our desire of fresh air, but also by our attention to the hourly objects before us. Hence when a person is earnestly contemplating an idea of grief, he forgets to breathe, till the sensation in his lungs becomes very urgent; and then a sigh succeeds for the purpose of more forceably pushing forwards the blood, which is accumulated in the lungs.
Our times of respiration are also frequently governed in part by our want of a steady support for the actions of our arms, and hands, as in threading a needle, or hewing wood, or in swimming; when we are intent upon these objects, we breathe at the intervals of the exertion of the pectoral muscles.
2. The following natural animal actions are influenced by solar periods. The periods of sleep and of waking depend much on the solar period, for we are inclined to sleep at a certain hour, and to awake at a certain hour, whether we have had more or less fatigue during the day, if within certain limits; and are liable to wake at a certain hour, whether we went to bed earlier or later, within certain limits. Hence it appears, that those who complain of want of sleep, will be liable to sleep better or longer, if they accustom themselves to go to rest, and to rise, at certain hours.
The periods of evacuating the bowels are generally connected with some part of the solar day, as well as with the acrimony or distention occasioned by the feces. Hence one method of correcting costiveness is by endeavouring to establish a habit of evacuation at a certain hour of the day, as recommended by Mr. Locke, which may be accomplished by using daily voluntary efforts at those times, joined with the usual stimulus of the material to be evacuated.
3. The following natural animal actions are connected with lunar periods. 1. The periods of female menstruation are connected with lunar periods to great exactness, in some instances even to a few hours. These do not commence or terminate at the full or change, or at any other particular part of the lunation, but after they have commenced at any part of it, they continue to recur at that part with great regularity, unless disturbed by some violent circumstance, as explained in Sect. XXXII. No. 6. their return is immediately caused by deficient venous absorption, which is owing to the want of the stimulus, designed by nature, of amatorial copulation, or of the growing fetus. When the catamenia returns sooner than the period of lunation, it shows a tendency of the constitution to inirritability; that is to debility, or deficiency of sensorial power, and is to be relieved by small doses of steel and opium.
The venereal orgasm of birds and quadrupeds seems to commence, or return about the most powerful lunations at the vernal or autumnal equinoxes; but if it be disappointed of its object, it is said to recur at monthly periods; in this respect resembling the female catamenia. Whence it is believed, that women are more liable to become pregnant at or about the time of their catamenia, than at the intermediate times; and on this account they are seldom much mistaken in their reckoning of nine lunar periods from the last menstruation; the inattention to this may sometimes have been the cause of supposed barrenness, and is therefore worth the observation of those, who wish to have children.
III. We now come to the periods of diseased animal actions. The periods of fever-fits, which depend on the stated returns of nocturnal cold, are discussed in Sect. XXXII. 3. Those, which originate or recur at solar or lunar periods, are also explained in Section XXXII. 6. These we shall here enumerate; observing, however, that it is not more surprising, that the influence of the varying attractions of the sun and moon, should raise the ocean into mountains, than that it should affect the nice sensibilities of animal bodies; though the manner of its operation on them is difficult to be understood. It is probable however, that as this influence gradually lessens during the course of the day, or of the lunation, or of the year, some actions of our system become less and less; till at length a total quiescence of some part is induced; which is the commencement of the paroxysms of fever, of menstruation, of pain with decreased action of the affected organ, and of consequent convulsion.
1. A diurnal fever in some weak people is distinctly observed to come on towards evening, and to cease with a moist skin early in the morning, obeying the solar periods. Persons of weak constitutions are liable to get into better spirits at the access of the hot fit of this evening fever; and are thence inclined to sit up late; which by further enfeebling them increases the disease; whence they lose their strength and their colour.
2. The periods of hectic fever, supposed to arise from absorption of matter, obeys the diurnal periods like the above, having the exacerbescence towards evening, and its remission early in the morning, with sweats, or diarrhoea, or urine with white sediment.
3. The periods of quotidian fever are either catenated with solar time, and return at the intervals of twenty-four hours; or with lunar time, recurring at the intervals of about twenty-five hours. There is great use in knowing with what circumstances the periodical return or new morbid motions are conjoined, as the most effectual times of exhibiting the proper medicines are thus determined. So if the torpor, which ushers in an ague fit, is catenated with the lunar day: it is known, when the bark or opium must be given, so as to exert its principal effect about the time of the expected return. Solid opium should be given about an hour before the expected cold fit; liquid opium and wine about half an hour; the bark repeatedly for six or eight hours previous to the expected return.
4. The periods of tertian fevers, reckoned from the commencement of one cold fit to the commencement of the next cold fit, recur with solar intervals of forty-eight hours, or with lunar ones of about fifty hours. When these of recurrence begin one or two hours earlier than the solar period, it shews, that the torpor or cold fit is produced by less external influence; and therefore that it is more liable to degenerate into a fever with only remissions; so when menstruation recurs sooner than the period of lunation, it shews a tendency of the habit to torpor of inirritability.
5. The periods of quartan fevers return at solar intervals of seventy-two hours, or at lunar ones of about seventy-four hours and an half. This kind of ague appears most in moist cold autumns, and in cold countries replete with marshes. It is attended with greater debility, and its cold access more difficult to prevent. For where there is previously a deficiency of sensorial power, the constitution is liable to run into greater torpor from any further diminution of it; two ounces of bark and some steel should be given on the day before the return of the cold paroxysm, and a pint of wine by degrees a few hours before its return, and thirty drops of laudanum one hour before the expected cold fit.
6. The periods of the gout generally commence about an hour before sun-rise, which is usually the coldest part of the twenty-four hours. The greater periods of the gout seem also to observe the solar influence, returning about the same season of the year.
7. The periods of the pleurisy recur with exacerbation of the pain and fever about sun-set, at which time venesection is of most service. The same may be observed of the inflammatory rheumatism, and other fevers with arterial strength, which seem to obey solar periods; and those with debility seem to obey lunar ones.
8. The periods of fevers with arterial debility seem to obey the lunar day, having their access daily nearly an hour later; and have sometimes two accesses in a day, resembling the lunar effects upon the tides.
9. The periods of rhaphania, or convulsions of the limbs from rheumatic pains, seem to be connected with solar influence, returning at nearly the same hour for weeks together, unless disturbed by the exhibition of powerful doses of opium.
So the periods of Tussis ferina, or violent cough with slow pulse, called nervous cough, recurs by solar periods. Five grains of opium, given at the time the cough commenced disturbed the period, from seven in the evening to eleven, at which time it regularly returned for some days, during which time the opium was gradually omitted. Then 120 drops of laudanum were given an hour before the access of the cough, and it totally ceased. The laudanum was continued a fortnight, and then gradually discontinued.
10. The periods of hemicrania, and of painful epilepsy, are liable to obey lunar periods, both in their diurnal returns, and in their greater periods of weeks, but are also induced by other exciting causes.
11. The periods of arterial haemorrhages seem to return at solar periods about the same hour of the evening or morning. Perhaps the venous haemorrhages obey the lunar periods, as the catamenia, and haemorrhoids.
12. The periods of the haemorrhoids, or piles, in some recur monthly, in others only at the greater lunar influence about the equinoxes.
13. The periods of haemoptoe sometimes obey solar influence, recurring early in the morning for several days; and sometimes lunar periods, recurring monthly; and sometimes depend on our hours of sleep. See Class I. 2. 1. 9.
14. Many of the first periods of epileptic fits obey the monthly lunation with some degree of accuracy; others recur only at the most powerful lunations before the vernal equinox, and after the autumnal one; but when the constitution has gained a habit of relieving disagreeable sensations by this kind of exertion, the fit recurs from any slight cause.
15. The attack of palsy and apoplexy are known to recur with great frequency about the equinoxes.
16. There are numerous instances of the effect of the lunations upon the periods of insanity, whence the name of lunatic has been given to those afflicted with this disease.
IV. The critical days, in which fevers are supposed to terminate, have employed the attention of medical philosophers from the days of Hippocrates to the present time. In whatever part of a lunation a fever commences, which owes either its whole cause to solar and lunar influence, or to this in conjunction with other causes; it would seem, that the effect would be the greatest at the full and new moon, as the tides rise highest at those times, and would be the least at the quadratures; thus if a fever-fit should commence at the new or full moon, occasioned by the solar and lunar attraction diminishing some chemical affinity of the particles of blood, and thence decreasing their stimulus on our sanguiferous system, as mentioned in Sect. XXXII. 6. this effect will daily decrease for the first seven days, and will then increase till about the fourteenth day, and will again decrease till about the twenty-first day, and increase again till the end of the lunation. If a fever-fit from the above cause should commence on the seventh day after either lunation, the reverse of the above circumstances would happen. Now it is probable, that those fevers, whose crisis or terminations are influenced by lunations, may begin at one or other of the above times, namely at the changes or quadratures; though sufficient observations have not been made to ascertain this circumstance. Hence I conclude, that the small-pox and measles have their critical days, not governed by the times required for certain chemical changes in the blood, which affect or alter the stimulus of the contagious matter, but from the daily increasing or decreasing effect of this lunar link of catenation, as explained in Section XVII. 3. 3. And as other fevers terminate most frequently about the seventh, fourteenth, twenty-first, or about the end of four weeks, when no medical assistance has disturbed their periods, I conclude, that these crises, or terminations, are governed by periods of the lunations; though we are still ignorant of their manner of operation.
In the distinct small-pox the vestiges of lunation are very apparent, after inoculation a quarter of a lunation precedes the commencement of the fever, another quarter terminates with the complete eruption, another quarter with the complete maturation, and another quarter terminates the complete absorption of a material now rendered inoffensive to the constitution.
* * * * *
I. Crystals increase by the greater attraction of their sides. Accretion by chemical precipitations, by welding, by pressure, by agglutination. II. Hunger, digestion, why it cannot be imitated out of the body. Lacteals absorb by animal selection or appetency. III. The glands and pores absorb nutritious particles by animal selection. Organic particles of Buffon. Nutrition applied at the time of elongation of fibres. Like inflammation. IV. It seems easier to have preserved animals than to reproduce them. Old age and death from inirritability. Three causes of this. Original fibres of the organs of sense and muscles unchanged. V. Art of producing long life.
I. The larger crystals of saline bodies may be conceived to arise from the combination of smaller crystals of the same form, owing to the greater attractions of their sides than of their angles. Thus if four cubes were floating in a fluid, whose friction or resistance is nothing, it is certain the sides of these cubes would attract each other stronger than their angles; and hence that these four smaller cubes would so arrange themselves as to produce one larger one.
There are other means of chemical accretion, such as the depositions of dissolved calcareous or siliceous particles, as are seen in the formation of the stalactites of limestone in Derbyshire, or of calcedone in Cornwall. Other means of adhesion are produced by heat and pressure, as in the welding of iron-bars; and other means by simple pressure, as in forcing two pieces of caoutchou, or elastic gum, to adhere; and lastly, by the agglutination of a third substance penetrating the pores of the other two, as in the agglutination of wood by means of animal gluten. Though the ultimate particles of animal bodies are held together during life, as well as after death, by their specific attraction of cohesion, like all other matter; yet it does not appear, that their original organization was produced by chemical laws, and their production and increase must therefore only be looked for from the laws of animation.
II. When the pain of hunger requires relief, certain parts of the material world, which surround us, when applied to our palates, excite into action the muscles of deglutition; and the material is swallowed into the stomach. Here the new aliment becomes mixed with certain animal fluids, and undergoes a chemical process, termed digestion; which however chemistry has not yet learnt to imitate out of the bodies of living animals or vegetables. This process seems very similar to the saccharine process in the lobes of farinaceous seeds, as of barley, when it begins to germinate; except that, along with the sugar, oil and mucilage are also produced; which form the chyle of animals, which is very similar to their milk.
The reason, I imagine, why this chyle-making, or saccharine process, has not yet been imitated by chemical operations, is owing to the materials being in such a situation in respect to warmth, moisture, and motion; that they will immediately change into the vinous or acetous fermentation; except the new sugar be absorbed by the numerous lacteal or lymphatic vessels, as soon as it is produced; which is not easy to imitate in the laboratory.
These lacteal vessels have mouths, which are irritated into action by the stimulus of the fluid, which surrounds them; and by animal selection, or appetency, they absorb such part of the fluid as is agreeable to their palate; those parts, for instance, which are already converted into chyle, before they have time to undergo another change by a vinous or acetous fermentation. This animal absorption of fluid is almost visible to the naked eye in the action of the puncta lacrymalia; which imbibe the tears from the eye, and discharge them again into the nostrils.
III. The arteries constitute another reservoir of a changeful fluid; from which, after its recent oxygenation in the lungs, a further animal selection of various fluids is absorbed by the numerous glands; these select their respective fluids from the blood, which is perpetually undergoing a chemical change; but the selection by these glands, like that of the lacteals, which open their mouths into the digesting aliment in the stomach, is from animal appetency, not from chemical affinity; secretion cannot therefore be imitated in the laboratory, as it consists in a selection of part of a fluid during the chemical change of that fluid.
The mouths of the lacteals, and lymphatics, and the ultimate terminations of the glands, are finer than can easily be conceived; yet it is probable, that the pores, or interstices of the parts, or coats, which constitute these ultimate vessels, may still have greater tenuity; and that these pores from the above analogy must posses a similar power of irritability, and absorb by their living energy the particles of fluid adapted to their purposes, whether to replace the parts abraded or dissolved, or to elongate and enlarge themselves. Not only every kind of gland is thus endued with its peculiar appetency, and selects the material agreeable to its taste from the blood, but every individual pore acquires by animal selection the material, which it wants; and thus nutrition seems to be performed in a manner so similar to secretion; that they only differ in the one retaining, and the other parting again with the particles, which they have selected from the blood.
This way of accounting for nutrition from stimulus, and the consequent animal selection of particles, is much more analogous to other phenomena of the animal microcosm, than by having recourse to the microscopic animalcula, or organic particles of Buffon, and Needham; which being already compounded must themselves require nutritive particles to continue their own existence. And must be liable to undergo a change by our digestive or secretory organs; otherwise mankind would soon resemble by their theory the animals, which they feed upon. He, who is nourished by beef or venison, would in time become horned; and he, who feeds on pork or bacon, would gain a nose proper for rooting into the earth, as well as for the perception of odours.
The whole animal system may be considered as consisting of the extremities of the nerves, or of having been produced from them; if we except perhaps the medullary part of the brain residing in the head and spine, and in the trunks of the nerves. These extremities of the nerves are either of those of locomotion, which are termed muscular fibres; or of those of sensation, which constitute the immediate organs of sense, and which have also their peculiar motions. Now as the fibres, which constitute the bones and membranes, possessed originally sensation and motion; and are liable again to possess them, when they become inflamed; it follows, that those were, when first formed, appendages to the nerves of sensation or locomotion, or were formed from them. And that hence all these solid parts of the body, as they have originally consisted of extremities of nerves, require an apposition of nutritive particles of a similar kind, contrary to the opinion of Buffon and Needham above recited.
Lastly, as all these filaments have possessed, or do possess, the power of contraction, and of consequent inertion or elongation; it seems probable, that the nutritive particles are applied during their times of elongation; when their original constituent particles are removed to a greater distance from each other. For each muscular or sensual fibre may be considered as a row or string of beads; which approach, when in contraction, and recede during its rest or elongation; and our daily experience shews us, that great action emaciates the system, and that it is repaired during rest.
Something like this is seen out of the body; for if a hair, or a single untwisted fibre of flax or silk, be soaked in water; it becomes longer and thicker by the water, which is absorbed into its pores. Now if a hair could be supposed to be thus immersed in a solution of particles similar to those, which compose it; one may imagine, that it might be thus increased in weight and magnitude; as the particles of oak-bark increase the substance of the hides of beasts in the process of making leather. I mention these not as philosophic analogies, but as similes to facilitate our ideas, how an accretion of parts may be effected by animal appetences, or selections, in a manner somewhat similar to mechanical or chemical attractions.
If those new particles of matter, previously prepared by digestion and sanguification, only supply the places of those, which have been abraded by the actions of the system, it is properly termed nutrition. If they are applied to the extremities of the nervous fibrils, or in such quantity as to increase the length or crassitude of them, the body becomes at the same time enlarged, and its growth is increased, as well as its deficiences repaired. |