Transcribed from the 1852 William Rees edition by David Price, email ccx074@pglaf.org
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Aneurin, the author of this poem, was the son of Caw, lord of Cwm Cawlwyd, or Cowllwg, a region in the North, which, as we learn from a Life of Gildas in the monastery of Fleury published by Johannes a Bosco, comprehended Arecluta or Strath Clyde. {0a} Several of his brothers seem to have emigrated from Prydyn in company with their father before the battle of Cattraeth, and, under the royal protection of Maelgwn Gwynedd, to have settled in Wales, where they professed religious lives, and became founders of churches. He himself, however, remained behind, and having been initiated into the mysteries of Bardism, formed an intimate acquaintance with Owen, Cian, Llywarch Hen, and Taliesin, all likewise disciples of the Awen. By the rules of his order a Bard was not permitted ordinarily to bear arms, {0b} and though the exceptional case, in which he might act differently, may be said to have arisen from "the lawlessness and depredation" {0c} of the Saxons, Aneurin does not appear to have been present at Cattraeth in any other capacity than that of a herald Bard. Besides the absence of any intimation to the contrary, we think the passages where he compares Owen to himself, and where he makes proposals at the conference, and above all where he attributes his safety to his "gwenwawd," conclusive on the subject. His heraldic character would be recognised by all nations, according to the universal law of warfare, whereas it is very improbable that any poetic effusion which he might have delivered, could have influence upon a people whose language differed so materially from his own.
The Gododin was evidently composed when the various occurrences that it records were as yet fresh in the author's mind and recollection. It is divided into stanzas, which, though they now amount to only ninety-seven, are supposed to have originally corresponded in point of number with the chieftains that went to Cattraeth. This is strongly intimated in the declaration subjoined to Gorchan Cynvelyn, and cited in the notes at page 86, and thence would we infer that the Gorchanau themselves are portions of the Gododin, having for their object the commemoration of the persons whose names they bear. Of course all of them, with the exception of the short one of Adebon, contain passages that have been transposed from other stanzas, which may account for their disproportionate lengths. This is especially the case with Gorchan Maelderw, the latter, and by far the greater portion whereof, is in the Carnhuanawc MS. detached from the former, and separately entitled "Fragments of the Gododin and other pieces of the sixth century." That they were "incantations," cannot be admitted; and if the word "gorchan," or "gwarchan" mean here anything except simply "a canon, or fundamental part of song," we should be inclined to consider it as synonymous with "gwarthan," and to suppose that the poems in question referred to the camps of Adebon, Maelderw, and Cynvelyn:—
"Gwarchan Cynvelyn ar Ododin." {0d}
According to the tenor of the Cynvelyn statement, every stanza would bring before us a fresh hero. This principle we have not overlooked in the discrimination and arrangements of proper names, though owing to evident omissions and interpolations, an irregularity in this respect occasionally and of necessity occurs.
Aneurin, like a true poet of nature, abstains from all artful introduction or invocation, and launches at once into his subject. His eye follows the gorgeously and distinctively armed chiefs, as they move at the head of their respective companies, and perform deeds of valour on the bloody field. He delights to enhance by contrast their domestic and warlike habits, and frequently recurs to the pang of sorrow, which the absence of the warriors must have caused to their friends and relatives at home, and reflects with much genuine feeling upon the disastrous consequences, that the loss of the battle would entail upon these and their dear native land. And though he sets forth his subject in the ornamental language of poetry, yet he is careful not to transgress the bounds of truth. This is strikingly instanced in the manner in which he names no less than four witnesses as vouchers for the correctness of his description of Caradawg. Herein he produces one of the "three agreements that ought to be in a song," viz. an agreement "between truth and the marvellous." {0e}
He also gives "relish to his song," {0f} by adopting "a diversity of structure in the metre;" for the lyric comes in occasionally to relieve the solemnity of the heroic, whilst at the same time the latter is frequently capable of being divided into a shorter verse, a plan which has been observed in one of the MSS. used on the present occasion; e. g. the twelfth stanza is thus arranged,—
Gwyr a aeth Gattraeth gan ddydd Neus goreu } gywilydd O gadeu } Wy gwnaethant } gelorwydd Yn geugant } A llafn aur llawn anawdd ym bedydd Goreu yw hyn cyn cystlwn carennydd Ennaint creu } oe henydd Ac angeu } Rhag byddin } pan fu ddydd Wawdodyn } Neus goreu dan bwylliad neirthiad gwychydd.
But though Aneurin survived the battle of Cattraeth to celebrate the memory of his less fortunate countrymen in this noble composition, he also ultimately met with a violent death. The Triads relate that he was killed by the blow of an axe, inflicted upon his head by Eiddin son of Einigan, which event was in consequence branded as one of "the three accursed deeds of the Isle of Britain." {0g}
His memory, however, lived in the Gododin, and the estimation in which the poem was held by his successors has earned for him the title of "medeyrn beirdd," the king of Bards. Davydd Benvras 1190-1240, prays for that genius which would enable him
"To sing praises as Aneurin of yore, The day he sang the Gododin." {0h}
Risserdyn 1290-1340 in an Ode to Hywel ab Gruffydd speaks of
"A tongue with the eloquence of Aneurin of splendid song." {0i}
And Sevnyn 1320-1378 asserts that
"The praise of Aneurin is proclaimed by thousands." {0j}
Such is the language in which the mediaeval Bards were accustomed to talk of the author of the Gododin.
The basis of the present translation is a MS. on vellum apparently of about the year 1200. In that MS. the lines are all written out to the margin, without any regard to the measure. Capital letters are never introduced but at the beginning of paragraphs, where they are ornamented and coloured alternately red and green. At page 20 Gwilym Tew and Rhys Nanmor {0k} are mentioned as the owners of the Book, but the names are written in a hand, and with letters more modern than the MS. It at one time belonged to Mr. Jones the Historian of Brecknockshire, and came latterly into the possession of the late Rev. T. Price, with whose Executrix, Mrs. E. Powell of Abergavenny, it now remains. The author of the Celtic Researches took a transcript of it, which he communicated to the Rev. W. J. Rees, of Cascob, who had previously copied the said transcript by the permission of the Rev. E. Davies. Mr. Rees's copy was afterwards collated by Dr. Meyer with Mr. Davies's transcript, and the only inaccuracy which had crept in was by him carefully corrected. Dr. Meyer again transcribed Mr. Rees's copy for the use of the present work, and that version in its turn has been collated by Mr. Rees, during the progress of the work through the press, with the transcript in his possession. To these two gentlemen the translator is under deep obligations.
Also to Mr. Owen Williams of Waunfawr, for the loan of three other manuscript copies of the Gododin. Two of them occur in the same book, which purports to have been a transcript made by the Rev. David Ellis, the first part, A.D. 1775 of an old book, the second part, June 7, 1777, of a book supposed to have been written by Sion Brwynog about the year 1550. In these versions the stanzas are not divided. The third version appears in a book containing a variety of poems and articles in prose, of which, however, the writer or copyist is not known, though one "Davydd Thomas" is mentioned in a poor modern hand as being the owner. Our poem is therein headed "Y Gododin. Aneurin ae cant. Gyda nodau y Parchedig Evan Evans." These "nodau" are marginal notes, and evidently the different readings of another version.
The different copies or versions used are distinguished as follow;—
Myvyrian 1 E. Evans 5 D. Ellis 2 P. Panton 6 Ditto 3 E. Davies 7 D. Thomas 4 Dr. Meyer 8
Nos 1 and 6 are those which are printed in the Archaiology of Wales, vol. i. All words that differ in form or meaning, though not in orthography, from those of No. 7, are duly arranged at the foot of the page {0l}, from which it will be seen that 1, 2, 3, 5, generally agree one with the other, whilst 4 and 6 also for the most part go together.
It is to be observed, moreover, that though we have taken No. 7 as our text, we have not servilely confined ourself to it, but that wherever any of the other versions have been considered preferable, we have unhesitatingly adopted them. The different meanings, however, are generally inserted in the notes.
The country situate between the Humber and the Clyde in North Britain was, for the most part, originally occupied by the Cymry, who here, as well as in the west, displayed no mean valour in opposition to the Roman arms. The latter certainly prevailed; nevertheless it is to be noticed that they did not finally destroy, nor indeed to any material extent alter the national features of Prydyn. This is evident from the manner in which the conquerors thought fit to incorporate into their own geographical vocabulary many of the local names, which they found already in use; and above all from the purely ancestral character which the native chieftains exhibited on emerging from the Roman ruins in the fifth century. Indeed to permit the defeated princes, under certain restrictions, to enjoy their former rights and jurisdictions, was perfectly in accordance with the usual policy of the Romans, as we may learn from the testimony of Tacitus, who remarks, in reference to the British king Cogidunus, that they granted to him certain states according to ancient custom, and the reason assigned is that they might have even kings as instruments of slavery. {1a} The homage of the subjugated provinces seems to have consisted principally in the payment of a tribute of money, and the furnishing of soldiers for foreign service.
Such, no doubt, was the position of Cunedda Wledig, who "began to reign about A.D. 328, and died in 389"; {1b} and who, according to the Historia Britonum attributed to Nennius, "venerat de parte sinistrali, id est, de regione quae vocatur Manau Guotodin," {1c} the heights of Gododin, and the same apparently with the territory of the Ottadeni.
In the Myvyrian Archaiology, v. 1, p. 71, is printed an Elegy on Cunedda, the work of one who had actually partaken of his royal munificence, who had received from him "milch cows, horses, wine, oil, and a host of slaves." The writer with respect to the martial prowess of his patron, observes,
"Trembling with fear of Cunedda, Will be Caer Weir and Caer Liwelydd."
And again,
"A hundred times ere his shield was shattered in battle, Bryneich obeyed his commands in the conflict."
The modern names of the localities, mentioned in these extracts, are respectively Warwick, Carlisle {2a} and Bernicia. The two latter are in the immediate vicinity of the Ottadeni; the former, being further removed, would indicate the direction and extent of his arms.
From other sources we learn that Cunedda was the son of Edeyrn ab Padarn Peisrudd, by Gwawl, daughter of Coel Godebog, and that he was entitled, in right of his mother, to certain territories in Wales. When these were invaded by the Gwyddyl, his sons, twelve in number, left their northern home for the purpose of recovering the same, in which they were successful, though the enemy was not finally extirpated until the battle at Cerrig y Gwyddyl, in the succeeding generation. It is asserted by some that Cunedda accompanied his sons in this expedition, and that it was undertaken as much through inability to retain possession of their more immediate dominions, as from the desire of acquiring or regaining other lands. However, though the sons settled in Wales and on its borders, it is more accordant with the drift of the Poem, already cited, to suppose that Cunedda himself died in the North. Nevertheless, it is undoubted that the native chieftains began to suffer in that part of the island from barbarian incursions even before the departure of the Romans. Thus Ammianus Marcellinus, with reference to the year 364, bears testimony, that "the Picts and Saxons and Scots and Attacots harassed the Britons with continual oppressions." {2b}
The final abandonment of the island by the Romans occurred, according to Zosimus, about A.D. 408 or 409, at which time the native princes arose to the full enjoyment of feudal dignity and power. In the North, among others, we find Pabo Post Prydain, a descendant of Coel Godebog in the 4th degree, and Cynvarch Oer, a member of another branch of the same family; both of whom, however, were compelled by the inroads of the predatory hordes, to leave their territories and seek refuge in Wales, though it would appear that Urien, son of the latter, succeeded subsequently in recovering his paternal dominion.
The struggle continued, and the enemies had gradually extended themselves along the coasts, when in 547 they received an important reinforcement by the arrival of Ida with forty ships. Gododin, Deivyr, and Bryneich, being situated on the eastern shore, would be especially exposed to the ravages of these marauders. Indeed it does not appear that Gododin ever recovered its pristine independence after the death of Cunedda, at least we do not hear that any of his sons subsequently asserted their claims to it, or had anything to do with the administration of its government: they all seem to have ended their days in their western dominions. Deivyr and Bryneich, however, were more fortunate, for we find that they were ruled as late as the 6th century by British monarchs, among whom are named Gall, Diffedell, and Disgyrnin, the sons of Disgyvyndawd; {3a} though there is reason to believe that at that time they were in treacherous alliance with the Saxons. A Triad positively affirms, that "there were none of the Lloegrwys who did not coalesce with the Saxons, save such as were found in Cornwall, and in the Commot of Carnoban in Deivyr and Bryneich." {3b} And it is a remarkable fact, as corroborative of this statement, that the Cymry ever after, as may be seen in the works of the Bards, applied the term Bryneich to such of their kindred as joined with the enemies of their country.
Certain it is, that, at the period of our Poem, the people of the three provinces in question were open enemies of the Cymry, as appears from stanzas iii, v, and ix. When we see there how the Bard commends one hero for not yielding to the army of Gododin, and celebrates the praise of another who committed an immense slaughter amongst the men of Deivyr and Bryneich, and threatens, in the case of a third party, that if they were suspected of leaning to the Bernician interest, he would himself raise his hand against them, we can come to no other conclusion than that those countries were arrayed against the Cymry when the battle of Cattraeth took place.
Ida had to encounter a powerful opponent in the person of Urien, king of Rheged, a district in or near which Cattraeth lay, as we infer from two poems of Taliesin. Thus, one entitled "Gwaith Gwenystrad," commences with the words,
"Extol the men of Cattraeth, who, with the dawn, Went with their victorious leader Urien, a renowned elder." {3c}
In the other, called "Yspail Taliesin," Urien is styled "Glyw Cattraeth," the ruler of Cattraeth. {4a} At the same time he is generally spoken of under the title of Rheged's chief.
The leader of the hostile forces in the battle of Gwenystrad is not named, but in the battle of Argoed Llwyvein we find him to be Flamddwyn or the Torch bearer, a name by which the Britons delighted to designate the formidable Ida. Flamddwyn's army on this occasion consisted of four legions, which reached from Argoed to Arvynydd, and against them were arrayed the men of Goddeu and Rheged, under the command of Ceneu ab Coel, and Owain, and "Urien the prince."
Argoed, bordering on Deivyr and Bryneich, was ruled by Llywarch Hen, who after his abdication and flight into Powys, pathetically records the loyal attachment of his former subjects,—
"The men of Argoed have ever supported me." {4b}
The Historia Britonum enumerates three other kings, who with Urien fought against the Saxons in the North, viz., Rhydderch, Gwallawg, and Morgant, though the latter, under the impulse of envy, procured the assassination of Urien, in the Isle of Lindisfarne.
After the Saxons had finally established themselves on the eastern coast, in the forementioned countries, an immense rampart, extending nearly from the Solway to the Frith of Forth, was erected, either with the view of checking their further progress westward, or else by mutual consent of the two nations, as a mere line of demarcation between their respective dominions. This wall cannot have an earlier date, for it runs through the middle of the country originally occupied by the Gadeni, and could not of course have been constructed as a boundary by them; nor can it be referred to a more recent period, as there could be no reason for forming such a fence after the Saxons had intruded upon the whole country which it divides. This was the famous CATRAIL, which we presume to be identical with CATTRAETH, where the disastrous battle of that name, as sung by Aneurin, was fought.
Catrail means literally "the war fence" (cad-rhail), but on the supposition that it is synonymous with Cattraeth, the rhyme in the Gododin would determine the latter to be the correct term, or that by which Aneurin distinguished the line. The meaning of Cattraeth would be either "the war tract" (cad-traeth), or "the legal war fence" (cad-rhaith); the latter of which would give some countenance to the idea that it was formed by mutual agreement.
The whole course of the Catrail, which may be traced from the vicinity of Galashiels to Peel-fell, is upwards of forty five miles. The most entire parts of it show that it was originally a broad and deep fosse; having on each side a rampart, which was formed of the natural soil, that was thrown from the ditch, intermixed with some stones. Its dimensions vary in different places, which may be owing to its remains being more or less perfect. In those parts where it is pretty entire, the fosse is twenty seven, twenty six, and twenty five feet broad. But in those places where the rampart has been most demolished the fosse only measures twenty two and a half feet, twenty and eighteen, and in one place only sixteen feet wide. As the ramparts sloped on the inside, it is obvious that in proportion as they were demolished, the width of the fosse within would be diminished. In some of the most entire parts the ramparts are from six to seven, and even nine or ten feet high, and from eight to ten and twelve feet thick. They are, no doubt, less now than they were originally, owing to the effects of time and tillage. {5a}
Such is the Catrail, and were it identical with Cattraeth, we should naturally expect to meet with some allusions to a work of that description in the body of the Poem. Nor are we herein disappointed, for the expressions "ffosawd," {5b} "clawdd," {5c} "ffin," {5d} "cladd clodvawr," {5e} "goglawdd," {5f} "clawdd gwernin," {5g} and "gorffin Gododin," {5h} are undoubtedly such allusions, though we readily admit that some of them may, and probably do, refer to the ordinary circular forts of the Britons, of whom there are several along the line. It may be added here that Taliesin in his description of the battle of Gwenystrad, where the men of Cattraeth fought under Urien, speaks of a "govwr" or an intrenchment, that was "assailed by the laborious toil of warriors."
Having thus satisfied ourselves as to the nature and locality of Cattraeth; the general subject of the Poem becomes apparent. It was a battle fought at the barrier in question between the Cymry and the Saxons, the most extended in its design and operations on the part of the former, as it proved to them the most disastrous in its results, of all that had hitherto taken place between the two people in that part of the island.
The details of this bloody encounter, as we gather them from the Poem, were as follow: At the call of Mynyddawg, lord of Eiddin, whose dominions lay peculiarly exposed, both by sea and land, to the attack of the enemy, the native chieftains of Prydyn, aided by many of their relatives and friends from Gwynedd and Cernyw, entered into a mutual alliance in behalf of their common country. {6a} In one place the daughter of Eudav {6b} is joined with Mynyddawg, as one upon whose errand the expedition was undertaken, but whether she was his wife, or ruled over a territory adjacent to, or equally threatened with his own, does not appear. The troops under their respective leaders arrived at Eiddin, where they were sumptuously entertained by Mynyddawg, {6c} and where they established their head quarters. The generals named in the Poem amount in number to about ninety, but this was not the third part of the whole, which consisted of "three hundred and sixty three chieftains wearing the golden torques." {6d} The aggregate number of men that followed these illustrious leaders is not told, but if an average may be formed from what we know respecting a few cases, it will appear to have been immense. Mynyddawg's retinue consisted of "three hundred;" {6e} there were "five battalions of five hundred men each," "three levies of three hundred each;" "three bold knights" had each "three hundred of equal quality;" {6f} thus averaging about four hundred for each commander, which, multiplied by three hundred and sixty three, would exhibit an overwhelming army of a hundred and forty five thousand, and two hundred men! Yet the Poet describes the numerical advantages possessed by the enemy as greatly superior.
These forces, being all placed on the western side of the dyke, would approach the land of their enemies as they marched to the field of battle, hence the reason why Aneurin uses the expressions "Gwyr a aeth Gattraeth," and "Gwyr a aeth Gododin," as synonymous.
The enemies, as before observed, were the Saxons, aided on this occasion by many of the Lloegrians, namely, such of the natives as had submitted to their sway in the provinces they had already conquered. They concentrated their forces in Gododin, and marched westward in the direction of the great fence, where the Britons were awaiting them. Aneurin has not thought fit to record the names of any of their generals, with the single exception of Dyvnwal Vrych, {7a} who, to entitle him to that distinction, must have figured prominently on the field of battle.
The engagement commenced on a Tuesday, and continued for a whole week, the last four days being the most bloody. {7b} For some time both parties fought gallantly, and with almost equal success; fortune perhaps upon the whole appearing to favour the Cymry, who not only slew a vast number of their adversaries, but partially succeeded in recovering their lost dominions. {7c} At this critical juncture a dwarfish herald arrived at the fence, proposing on the part of the Saxons a truce or compact, which, however, was indignantly rejected by the natives, and the action renewed. {7d} The scales now rapidly turned. In one part of the field such a terrible carnage ensued, that there was but one man left to scare away the birds of prey, which hovered over the carcases of the slain. {7e} In another, where our Bard was stationed, a portion of the allied army, owing to the absence of its general, became panic stricken. {7f} Aneurin was taken prisoner, hurried off to a cave or dungeon, and loaded with chains. {7g} At length a conference was submitted to, which was held at a place called Llanveithin, at which Aneurin, who had been forcibly liberated by one of the sons of Llywarch Hen, insisted upon the restoration of part of Gododin, or the alternative of continuing the fight. The Saxon herald met the proposal by killing the British Bard Owain, who was of course unarmed. {7h} Such a violation of privilege excited then the whole energies of the Cymry, who rose as one man, and gave the entire scene a more bloody character than it had yet presented.
Victory, however, at length proclaimed in favour of the usurpers, and so decisively, that out of the three hundred and sixty three chieftains that went to the field of Cattraeth, three only returned alive, Cynon, and Cadreith, and Cadlew of Cadnant, besides Aneurin himself. {7i} The number of common soldiers that fell must be conjectured.
We have said that the battle commenced on a Tuesday; it would appear from two passages, namely, where the meeting of reapers in the hall of Eiddin, {7j} and the employment of Gwynwydd in protecting the corn on the highlands, {8a} are spoken of, that the time of year in which it occurred was the harvest.
It is not, however, so easy to determine the exact year when all this happened. Neither Arthur nor Urien are mentioned as being present, and though the stanzas containing their names may have been lost, it must be admitted that in the case of such distinguished warriors reason will not warrant the supposition: the fair inference would be that they were dead at the time. This view is, moreover, supported by readings of the Gododin, where certain heroes are compared to the said chiefs respectively, "of Arthur," "un Urien," which would hardly have been done had these latter been alive. The death of Arthur is placed in the year 542; Owain, who died at Cattraeth, slew Ida, A.D. 560, and Urien is said to have been assassinated about 567; the battle under consideration must have happened subsequently, probably about the year usually assigned it, viz., 570. This was in the reign of Rhun, a descendant in the 4th degree of Cunedda Wledig, King of Gododin!
The vulgar opinion is that the Britons lost the battle in consequence of having marched to the field in a state of intoxication; and it must be admitted that there are many passages in the Poem, which, simply considered, would seem to favour that view. Nevertheless, granting that the 363 chieftains had indulged too freely in their favourite beverage, it is hardly credible that the bulk of the army, on which mainly depended the destiny of the battle, had the same opportunity of rendering themselves equally incapacitated, or, if we suppose that all had become so, that they did not recover their sobriety in seven days! The fact appears to be, that Aneurin in the instances alluded to, intends merely to contrast the social and festive habits of his countrymen at home with their lives of toil and privation in war, after a practise common to the Bards, not only of that age, but subsequently. Or it may be that the banquet, at which the British leaders were undoubtedly entertained in the hall of Eiddin, was looked upon as the sure prelude to war, and that in that sense the mead and wine were to them as poison.
Gredyf gwr oed gwas Gwrhyt am dias Meirch mwth myngvras A dan vordwyt megyrwas Ysgwyt ysgauyn lledan Ar bedrein mein vuan Kledyuawr glas glan Ethy eur aphan Ny bi ef a vi Cas e rof a thi Gwell gwneif a thi Ar wawt dy uoli Kynt y waet elawr Nogyt y neithyawr Kynt y vwyt y vrein Noc y argyurein Ku kyueillt ewein Kwl y uot a dan vrein Marth ym pa vro Llad un mab marro
Kayawc kynhorawc men y delhei Diffun ymlaen bun med a dalhei Twll tal y rodawr ene klywei Awr ny rodei nawd meint dilynei Ni chilyei o gamhawn eny verei Waet mal brwyn gomynei gwyr nyt echei Nys adrawd gododin ar llawr mordei Rac pebyll madawc pan atcoryei Namen un gwr o gant eny delhei
Kaeawc kynnivyat kywlat erwyt Ruthyr eryr en ebyr pan llithywyt E arnot a vu not a gatwyt Grwell a wnaeth e aruaeth ny gilywyt Rac bedin ododin odechwyt Hyder gymhell ar vreithel vanawyt Ny nodi nac ysgeth w nac ysgwyt Ny ellir anet ry vaethpwyt Rac ergyt catvannan catwyt
Kaeawc kynhorawc bleid e maran Gwevrawr godrwawr torchawr am rann Bu gwevrawr gwerthvawr gwerth gwin vann Ef gwrthodes gwrys gwyar disgrein Ket dyffei wyned a gogled e rann O gussyl mab ysgyrran Ysgwydawr angkyuan
Kaeawc kynhorawc aruawc eg gawr Kyn no diw e gwr gwrd eg gwyawr Kynran en racwan rac bydinawr Kwydei pym pymwnt rac y lafnawr O wyr deivyr a brennych dychiawr Ugein cant eu diuant en un awr Kynt y gic e vleid nogyt e neithyawr Kynt e vud e vran nogyt e allawr Kyn noe argyurein e waet e lawr Gwerth med eg kynted gan lliwedawr Hyueid hir ermygir tra vo kerdawr
Gwyr a aeth Ododin chwerthin ognaw Chwerw en trin a llain en emdullyaw Byrr vlyned en hed yd ynt endaw Mab botgat gwnaeth gwynnyeith gwreith e law Ket elwynt e lanneu e benydyaw A hen a yeueing a hydyr a llaw Dadyl diheu angheu y eu treidaw
Gwyr a aeth Ododin chwerthin wanar Disgynnyeis em bedin trin diachar Wy lledi a llavnawr heb vawr drydar Colovyn glyw reithuyw rodi arwar
Gwyr a aeth gatraeth oed fraeth eu llu Glasved eu hancwyn a gwenwyn vu Trychant trwy beiryant en cattau A gwedy elwch tawelwch vu Ket elwynt e lanneu e benydu Dadyl dieu angheu y eu treidu
Gwyr a aeth gatraeth veduaeth uedwn Fyryf frwythlawn oed cam nas kymhwyllwn E am lavnawr coch gorvawr gwrmwn Dwys dengyn ed emledyn aergwn Ar deulu brenneych beych barnasswn Dilyw dyn en vyw nys adawsswn Kyueillt a golleis diffleis vedwn Rugyl en emwrthryn rynn riadwn Ny mennws gwrawl gwadawl chwegrwn Maban y gian o vaen gwynngwn
Gwyr a aeth gatraeth gan wawr Trauodynt en hed eu hovnawr Milcant a thrychant a emdaflawr Gwyarllyt gwynnodynt waewawr Ef gorsaf yng gwryaf eg gwryawr Rac gosgord mynydawc mwynvawr
Gwyr a aeth gatraeth gan wawr Dygymyrrws eu hoet eu hanyanawr Med evynt melyn melys maglawr Blwydyn bu llewyn llawer kerdawr Coch eu cledyuawr na phurawr Eu llain gwyngalch a phedryollt bennawr Rac gosgord mynydawc mwynvawr
Gwyr a aeth gatraeth gan dyd Neus goreu o gadeu gewilid Wy gwnaethant en geugant gelorwyd A llavnawr llawn annawd em bedyd Goreu yw hwn kyn kystlwn kerennyd Enneint creu ac angeu oe hennyd Rac bedin Ododin pan vudyd Neus goreu deu bwyllyat neirthyat gwychyd
Gwr a aeth gatraeth gan dyd Ne llewes ef vedgwyn veinoethyd Bu truan gyuatcan gyvluyd E neges ef or drachwres drenghidyd Ny chryssiws gatraeth Mawr mor ehelaeth E aruaeth uch arwyt Ny bu mor gyffor O eidyn ysgor A esgarei oswyd Tutuwlch hir ech e dir ae dreuyd Ef lladei Saesson seithuet dyd Perheit y wrhyt en wrvyd Ae govein gan e gein gyweithyd Pan dyvu dutvwch dut nerthyd Oed gwaetlan gwyaluan vab Kilyd
Gwr a aeth gatraeth gan wawr Wyneb udyn ysgorva ysgwydawr Crei kyrchynt kynnullynt reiawr En gynnan mal taran twryf aessawr Gwr gorvynt gwr etvynt gwr llawr Ef rwygei a chethrei a chethrawr Od uch lled lladei a llavnawr En gystud heyrn dur arbennawr E mordei ystyngei a dyledawr Rac erthgi erthychei vydinawr
O vreithyell gatraeth pan adrodir Maon dychiorant eu hoet bu hir Edyrn diedyrn amygyn dir A meibyon godebawc gwerin enwir Dyforthynt lynwyssawr gelorawr hir Bu tru a dynghetven anghen gywir A dyngwt y dutvwlch a chyvwlch hir Ket yvein ved gloyw wrth leu babir Ket vei da e vlas y gas bu hir
Blaen echeching gaer glaer ewgei Gwyr gweiryd gwanar ae dilynei Blaen ar e bludue dygollouit vual Ene vwynvawr vordei Blaen gwirawt vragawt ef dybydei Blaen eur a phorphor kein as mygei Blaen edystrawr pasc ae gwaredei Gwrthlef, ac euo bryt ae derllydei Blaen erwyre gawr buduawr drei Arth en llwrw byth hwyr e techei
Anawr gynhoruan Huan arwyran Grwledic gwd gyffgein Nef enys brydein Garw ryt rac rynn Aes elwrw budyn Bual oed arwynn Eg kynted eidyn Erchyd ryodres E ved medwawt Yuei win gwirawt Oed eruit uedel Yuei win gouel Aerueid en arued Aer gennin vedel Aer adan glaer Kenyn keuit aer Aer seirchyawc Aer edenawc Nyt oed diryf y ysgwyt Gan waywawr plymnwyt Kwydyn gyuoedyon Eg cat blymnwyt Diessic e dias Divevyl as talas Hudid e wyllyas Kyn bu clawr glas Bed gwruelling vreisc
Teithi etmygant Tri llwry novant Pymwnt a phymcant Trychwn a thrychant Tri si chatvarchawc Eidyn euruchawc Tri llu llurugawc Tri eur deyrn dorchawc Tri marchawc dywal Tri chat gyhaual Tri chysneit kysnar Chwerw vysgynt esgar Tri en drin en drwm Llew lledynt blwm Eur e gat gyngrwn Tri theyrn maon A dyvu o vrython Kynri a Chenon Kynrein o aeron Gogyuerchi yn hon Deivyr diuerogyon A dyvu o vrython Wr well no Chynon Sarph seri alon
Eveis y win a med e mordei Mawr meint e vehyr Yg kyuaruot gwyr Bwyt e eryr erysmygei Pan gryssyei gydywal kyfdwyreei Awr gan wyrd wawr kyui dodei Aessawr dellt ambellt a adawei Pareu rynn rwygyat dygymmynei E gat blaen bragat briwei Mab syvno sywedyd ae gwydyei A werthws e eneit Er wyneb grybwyllyeit A llavyn lliveit lladei Lledessit ac a thrwys ac affrei Er amot aruot arauethei Ermygei galaned O wyr gwychyr gwned Em blaen gwyned gwanei
Eveis y win a med e mordei Can yueis disgynneis rann fin fawd ut Nyt didrachywed colwed drut Pan disgynnei bawb ti disgynnot Ys deupo gwaeanat gwerth na phechut Pressent i drawd oed vreichyawr drut
Gwyr a aeth gatraeth buant enwawc Gwin a med o eur vu eu gwirawt Blwydyn en erbyn urdyn deuawt Trywyr a thri ugeiut a thrychant eurdorchawc Or sawl yt gryssyassant uch gormant wirawt Ny diengis namyn tri o wrhydri fossawt Deu gatki aeron a chenon dayrawt A minheu om gwaetfreu gwerth vy gwennwawt
Uyg car yng wirwar nyn gogyffrawt O neb o ny bei o gwyn dragon ducawt Ni didolit yng kynted o ved gwirawt Ef gwnaei ar beithing perthyng aruodyawc Ef disgrein eg cat disgrein en aelawt Neus adrawd gododin gwedy fossawt Pan vei no llwyeu llymach nebawt
Aryf angkynnull agkyman dull agkysgoget Tra chywed vawr treiglessyd llawr lloegrwys giwet Heessit eis ygkynnor eis yg cat uereu Goruc wyr lludw A gwraged gwydw Kynnoe angheu Greit vab hoewgir Ac ysberi Y beri creu
Arwr y dwy ysgwyt adan E dalvrith ac eil tith orwydan Bu trydar en aerure bu tan Bu ehut e waewawr bu huan Bu bwyt brein bu bud e vran A chyn edewit en rydon Gran wlith eryr tith tiryon Ac o du gwasgar gwanec tu bronn Beird byt barnant wyr o gallon Diebyrth e gerth e gynghyr Diua oed e gynrein gan wyr A chynn e olo a dan eleirch Vre ytoed wryt ene arch Gorgolches e greu y seirch Budvan vab bleidvan dihavarch
Cam e adaw heb gof camb ehelaeth Nyt adawei adwy yr adwriaeth Nyt edewes e lys les kerdoryon prydein Diw calan yonawr ene aruaeth Nyt erdit e dir kevei diffeith Drachas anias dreic ehelaeth Dragon yg gwyar gwedy gwinvaeth Gwenabwy vab gwenn gynhen gatraeth
Bu gwir mal y meud e gatlew Ny deliis meirch neb marchlew Heessit waywawr y glyw Y ar llemenic llwybyr dew Keny vaket am vyrn am borth Dywal y gledyual emborth Heessyt onn o bedryollt y law Y ar veinnyell vygedorth Yt rannei rygu e rywin Yt ladei a llauyn vreith o eithin Val pan vel medel ar vreithin E gwnaei varchlew waetlin
Issac anuonawc o barth deheu Tebic mor lliant y deuodeu O wyled a llaryed A chein yuet med Men yth glawd e offer e bwyth madeu Ny bu hyll dihyll na heu diheu Seinnyessyt e gledyf ym penn mameu Murgreit oed moleit ef mab gwydneu
Keredic caradwy e glot Achubei gwarchatwei not Lletvegin is tawel kyn dyuot E dyd gowychyd y wybot Ys deupo car kyrd kyvnot Y wlat nef adef atnabot
Keredic karadwy gynran Keimyat yg cat gouaran Ysgwyt eur crwydyr cadlan Gwaewawr uswyd agkyuan Kledyual dywal diwan Mal gwr catwei wyaluan Kynn kysdud daear hynn affan O daffar diffynnei e vann Ys deupo kynnwys yg kyman Can drindawt en undawt gyuan
Pan gryssyei garadawc y gat Mal baed coet trychwn trychyat Tarw bedin en trin gormynyat Ef llithyei wydgwn oe anghat Ys vyn tyst ewein vab eulat A gwryen a gwynn a gwryat O gatraeth o gymynat O vrynn hydwn kynn caffat Gwedy med gloew ar anghat Ny weles vrun e dat
Gwyr a gryssyasant buant gytneit Hoedyl vyrryon medwon uch med hidleit Gosgord mynydawc enwawc en reit Gwerth eu gwled e ved vu eu heneit Caradawc a madawc pyll ac yeuan Gwgawn a gwiawn gwynn a chynvan Peredur arveu dur gwawr-dur ac aedan Achubyat eng gawr ysgwydawr angkyman A chet lledessynt wy lladassan Neb y eu tymhyr nyt atcorsan
Gwyr a gryssyassant buant gytvaeth Blwydyn od uch med mawr eu haruaeth Mor dru eu hadrawd wy angawr hiraeth Gwenwyn eu hadlam nyt mab mam ae maeth Mor hir eu hetlit ac eu hetgyllaeth En ol gwyr pebyr temyr gwinvaeth Gwlyget gododin en erbyn fraeth Ancwyn mynydawc enwawc e gwnaeth A phrit er prynu breithyell gatraeth
Gwyr a aeth gatraeth yg cat yg gawr Nerth meirch a gwrymseirch ac ysgwydawr Peleidyr ar gychwyn a llym waewawr A llurugeu claer a chledyuawr Ragorei tyllei trwy vydinawr Kwydei bym pymwnt rac y lavnawr Ruuawn hir ef rodei eur e allawr A chet a choelvein kein y gerdawr
Ny wnaethpwyt neuad mor orchynnan Mor vawr mor oruawr gyvlavan Dyrllydut medut moryen tan Ny thraethei na wnelei kenon kelein Un seirchyawc saphwyawc son edlydan Seinnyessit e gledyf empenn garthan Noc ac esgyc canec vurvawr y chyhadvan Ny mwy gysgogit wit uab peithan
Ny wnaethpwyt neuad mor anvonawc Ony bei voryen eil caradawc Ny diengis en trwm elwrw mynawc Dywal dywalach no mab ferawc Fer y law faglei fowys varchawc Glew dias dinas e lu ovnawc Rac bedin ododin bu gwasgarawc Y gylchwy dan y gymwy bu adenawc Yn dyd gwyth bu ystwyth neu bwyth atveillyawc Dyrllydei vedgyrn eillt mynydawc
Ny wnaethpwyt neuad mor diessic No Chynon lary vronn geinnyon Wledic Nyt ef eistedei en tal lleithic E neb a wanei nyt adwenit Raclym e waewawr Calch drei tyllei vydinawr Rac vuan y veirch rac rygiawr En dyd gwyth atwyth oed e lavnawr Pan gryssyei gynon gan wyrd wawr
Disgynsit en trwm yg kessevin Ef diodes gormes ef dodes fin Ergyr gwayw rieu ryvel chwerthin Hut effyt y wrhyt elwry elfin Eithinyn uoleit mur greit tarw trin
Disgynsit en trwm yg kesseuin Gwerth med yg kynted a gwirawt win Heyessyt y lavnawr rwg dwy vydin Arderchawc varchawc rac gododin Eithinyn uoleit mur greit tarw trin
Disgynsit en trwm rac alauoed wyrein Wyre llu llaes ysgwydawr Ysgwyt vriw rac biw beli bloedvawr Nar od uch gwyar fin festinyawr An deliit kynllwyt y ar gynghorawr Gorwyd gwareurffrith rin ych eurdorchawr Twrch goruc amot emlaen ystre ystrywawr Teilingdeith gwrthyat gawr An gelwit e nef bit athledhawr Emyt ef krennit e gat waewawr Catvannan er aclut clotvawr No chynhennit na bei llu idaw llawr
Am drynni drylaw drylenn Am lwys am difiwys dywarchen Am gwydaw gwallt e ar benn Y am wyr eryr gwydyen Gwyduc neus amuc ac wayw Ardullyat diwyllyat e berchen Amuc moryen gwenwawt Murdyn a chyvrannv penn Prif eg weryt ac an nerth ac am hen Trywyr yr bod bun bratwen Deudec gwenabwy vab gwen
Am drynni drylaw drylenn Gweinydyawr ysgwydawr yg gweithyen En aryal cledyual am benn En lloegyr drychyon rac trychant unben A dalwy mwng bleid heb prenn En e law gnawt gwychnawt eny lenn O gyurang gwyth ac asgen Trenghis ny diengis bratwen
Eurar vur caer krysgrwydyat Aer cret ty na thaer aer vlodyat Un ara ae leissyar argatwyt Adar brwydryat Syll o virein neus adrawd a vo mwy O damweinnyeit llwy Od amluch lliuanat Neus adrawd a vo mwy Enawr blygeint Na bei kynhawel kynheilweing
Pan vuost di kynnivyn clot En amwyn tywyssen gordirot O haedot en gelwit redyrch gwyr not Oed dor diachor diachor din drei Oed mynut wrth olut ae kyrchei Oed dinas e vedin ae cretei Ny elwit gwinwit men na bei
Ket bei cann wr en vn ty Atwen ovalon keny Pen gwyr tal being a dely
Nyt wyf vynawc blin Ny dialaf vy ordin Ny chwardaf y chwerthin A dan droet ronin Ystynnawc vyg glin A bundat y En ty deyeryn Cadwyn heyernyn Am ben vyn deulin O ved o vuelin O gatraeth werin Mi na vi aneurin Ys gwyr talyessin Oveg kywrenhin Neu cheing e ododin Kynn gwawr dyd dilin
Goroled gogled gwr ae goruc Llary vronn haeladon ny essyllut Nyt emda daear nyt emduc Mam mor eiryan gadarn haearn gaduc O nerth e cledyf claer e hamuc O garchar amwar daear em duc O gyvle angheu o anghar dut Keneu vab llywarch dihauareh drut
Nyt ef borthi gwarth gorsed Senyllt ae lestri llawn med Godolei gledyf e gared Godolei lemein e ryuel Dyfforthsei lynwyssawr oe vreych Rac bedin ododin a brennych Gnawt ene neuad vyth meirch Gwyar a gwrymseirch Keingyell hiryell oe law Ac en elyd bryssyaw Gwen ac ymhyrdwen hyrdbleit Disserch a serch ar tro Gwyr nyt oedyn drych draet fo Heilyn achubyat pob bro
Llech leutu tut leu leudvre Gododin ystre Ystre ragno ar y anghat Angat gynghor e leuuer cat Cangen gaerwys Keui drillywys Tymor dymhestyl tymhestyl dymor E beri restyr rac riallu O dindywyt yn dyvu Wyt yn dy wovu Dwys yd wodyn Llym yt wenyn Llwyr genyn llu Ysgwyt rugyn Rac tarw trin Y dal vriw vu
Erkryn e alon ar af (ar) Er y brwydrin trin trachuar Kwr e vankeirw Am gwr e vanncarw Byssed brych briwant barr Am bwyll am disteir am distar Am bwyll am rodic am rychward Ys bro ys brys treullyawt rys en riwdrec Ny hu wy ny gaffo e neges Nyt anghwy a wanwy odiwes
Ny mat wanpwyt ysgwyt Ar gynwal carnwyt Ny mat dodes y vordwyt Ar vreichir mein-llwyt Gell e baladyr gell Gellach e obell Y mae dy wr ene gell Yn cnoi anghell Bwch bud oe law idaw Poet ymbell angell
Da y doeth adonwy at wen Ym adawssut wenn heli bratwen Gwnelut lladut llosgut No moryen ny waeth wnelut Ny delyeist nac eithaf na chynhor Ysgwn drem dibennor Ny weleist e morchwyd mawr marchogyon Wynedin my rodin nawd y Saesson
Gododin gomynaf dy blegyt Tynoeu dra thrumein drum essyth Gwas chwant y aryant heb emwyt O gussyl mab dwywei dy wrhyt Nyt oed gynghorwann Wael y rac tan veithin O lychwr y lychwr lluch bin Lluchdor y borfor beryerin Llad gwaws gwan maws mur trin Anysgarat ac vu y nat ac aneurin
Kywyrein ketwyr kywrennin E gatraeth gwerin fraeth fysgyolin Gwerth med yg kynted a gwirawt win Heyessit e lavnawr rwng dwy vedin Arderchauc varchawc rac gododin Eithinyn voleit murgreit tarw trin
Kywyrein ketwyr kywrenhin Gwlat atvel gochlywer a eu dilin Dygoglawd ton bevyr beryerin Men yd ynt eilyassaf elein O brei vrych ny welych weyelin Ny chemyd haed ud a gordin Ny phyrth mevyl moryal eu dilin Llavyn durawt barawt e waetlin
Kywyrein ketwyr kywrenhin Gwlat atvel gochlywer eu dilin Ef lladawd a chymawn a llain A charnedawr tra gogyhwc gwyr trin
Kywyrein ketwyr hyuaruuant Y gyt en un vryt yt gyrchassant Byrr eu hoedyl hir eu hoet ar eu carant Seith gymeint o loegrwys a ladassant O gyvryssed gwraged gwyth a wnaethant Llawer mam ae deigyr ar y hamrant
Ny wnaethpwyt neuad mor dianaf Lew mor hael baran llew llwybyr vwyhaf A chynon laryvronn adon deccaf Dinas y dias ar llet eithaf Dor angor bedin bud eilyassaf Or sawl a weleis ac a welav Ymyt en emdwyn aryf gryt gwryt gwryaf Ef lladei oswyd a llavyn llymaf Mal brwyn yt gwydynt rac y adaf Mab klytno clot hir canaf Yty or clot heb or heb eithaf
O winveith a medweith Dygodolyn gwnlleith Mam hwrreith Eidol enyal Ermygei rac vre Rac bronn budugre Breein dwyre Wybyr ysgynnyal Kynrein en kwydaw Val glas heit arnaw Heb giliaw gyhaual Synnwyr ystwyr ystemel Y ar weillyon gwebyl Ac ardemyl gledyual Blaen ancwyn anhun Hediw an dihun Mam reidun rwyf trydar
O winveith a medweith yd aethant E genhyn llurugogyon Nys gwn lleith lletkynt Cyn llwyded eu lleas dydaruu Rac catraeth oed fraeth eu llu O osgord vynydawc wawr dru O drychant namen un gwr ny dyvu
O winveith a medveith yt gryssyassant Gwyr en reit moleit eneit dichwant Gloew dull y am drull yt gytvaethant Gwin a med amall a amucsant O osgord vynydawc am dwyf atveillyawc A rwyf a golleis om gwir garant O drychan riallu yt gryssyassant Gatraeth tru namen vn gwr nyt atcorsant
Hv bydei yg kywyrein pressent mal pel Ar y e hu bydei ene uei atre Hut amuc ododin O win a med en dieding Yng ystryng ystre Ac adan gatvannan cochre, Veirch marchawc godrud e more
Angor dewr daen Sarph seri raen Sengi wrymgaen Emlaen bedin Arth i arwynawl drussyawr dreissyawr Sengi waewawr En dyd cadyawr Yg clawd gwernin Eil nedic nar Neus duc drwy var Gwled y adar O drydar drin Kywir yth elwir oth enwir weithret Ractaf ruyuyadur mur catuilet Merin a madyein mat yth, anet
Ardyledawc canu kyman caffat Ketwyr am gatraeth a wnaeth brithret Brithwy a wyar sathar sanget Sengi wit gwned bual am dal med A chalaned kyuurynged Nyt adrawd kibno wede kyffro Ket bei kymun keui dayret
Ardyledawc canu kyman ovri Twrf tan a tharan a ryuerthi Gwrhyt arderchawc varchawc mysgi Ruduedel ryuel a eiduni Gwr gwned divudyawc dimyngyei Y gat or meint gwlat yd y klywi Ae ysgwyt ar y ysgwyd hut arolli Wayw mal gwin gloew o wydyr lestri Aryant am yued eur dylyi Gwinvaeth oed waetnerth vab llywri
Ardyledawc canu claer orchyrdon A gwedy dyrreith dyleinw aeron Dimcones lovlen benn eryron Llwyt ef gorevvwyt y ysgylvyon Or a aeth gatraeth o eur dorchogyon Ar neges mynydawc mynawc maon Ny doeth en diwarth o barth vrython Ododin wr bell well no Chynon
Ardyledawc canu kenian kywreint Llawen llogell byt bu didichwant Hu mynnei engkylch byt eidol anant Yr eur a meirch mawr a med medweint Namen ene delei o vyt hoffeint Kyndilic aeron wyr enouant
Ardyledawc canu claer orchyrdon Ar neges mynydawc mynawc maon A merch eudaf hir dreis gwananhon Oed porfor gwisgyadur dir amdrychyon
Dyfforthes meiwyr molut nyuet Baran tan teryd ban gynneuet Duw mawrth gwisgyssant eu gwrym dudet Diw merchyr peri deint eu calch doet Divyeu bu diheu eu diuoet Diw gwener calaned amdyget Diw sadwrn bu divwrn eu kytweithret Diw sul eu llavneu rud amdyget Diw llun hyt benn clun gwaetlun gwelet Neus adrawd gododin gwedy lludet Rac pebyll madawc pan atcoryet Namen un gwr o gant ene delhet
Mochdwyreawc y more Kynnif aber rac ystre Bu bwlch bu twlch tande Mal twrch y tywysseist vre Bu golut mynut bu lle Bu gwyar gweilch gwrymde
Moch dwyreawc y meitin O gynnu aber rac fin O dywys yn tywys yn dylin Rac cant ef gwant gesseuin Oed garw y gwnaewch chwi waetlin Mal yuet med drwy chwerthin Oed llew y lladewch chwi dynin Cledyual dywal fysgyolin Oed mor diachor yt ladei Esgar gwr haual en y a bei
Disgynnwys en affwys dra phenn Ny deliit kywyt kywrennin benn Disgiawr breint vu e lad ar gangen Kynnedyf y ewein esgynnv ar ystre Ystwng kyn gorot goreu gangen Dilud dyleyn cathleu dilen Llywy llyvroded rwych ac asgen Anglas asswydeu lovlen Dyphorthes ae law luric wehyn Dymgwallaw gwledic dal Oe brid brennyal
Eidol adoer crei grannawr gwynn Dysgiawr pan vei bun barn benn Perchen meirch a gwrymseirch Ac ysgwydawr yaen Gyuoet a gyuergyr esgyn disgyn
Aer dywys ry dywys ryvel Gwlat gord garei gwrd uedel Gwrdweryt gwaet am iroed Seirchyawr am y rud yt ued Seingyat am seirch seirch seingyat Ar delw lleith dygiawr lludet Peleidyr en eis en dechreu cat Hynt am oleu bu godeu beleidryal
Keint amnat am dina dy gell Ac ystauell yt uydei dyrllydei Med melys maglawr Gwrys aergynlys gan wawr Ket lwys lloegrwys lliwedawr Ry benyt ar hyt yd allawr Eillt wyned klywere arderched Gwananhon byt ved Savwy cadavwy gwyned Tarw bedin treis trin teyrned Kyn kywesc daear kyn gorwed But orfun gododin bed
Bedin ordyvnat en agerw Mynawc lluydawc llaw chwerw Bu doeth a choeth a syberw Nyt oed ef wrth gyued gochwerw Mudyn geinnyon ar y helw Nyt oed ar lles bro pob delw
An gelwir mor a chynnwr ym plymnwyt Yn tryvrwyt peleidyr peleidyr gogymwyt Goglyssur heyrn lliveit llawr en assed Sychyn yg gorun en trydar Gwr frwythlawn flamdur rac esgar
Dyfforthes cat veirch a chatseirch Greulet ar gatraeth cochre Mae blaenwyd bedin dinus Aergi gwyth gwarth vre An gelwir ny faw glaer fwyre Echadaf heidyn haearnde
Mynawc gododin traeth e annor Mynawc am rann kwynhyator Rac eidyn aryal flam nyt atcor Ef dodes e dilis yg kynhor Ef dodes rac trin tewdor En aryal ar dywal disgynnwys Can llewes porthes mawrbwys O osgord vynydawc ny diangwys Namen vn aryf amdiffryf amdiffwys
O gollet moryet ny bu aessawr Dyfforthyn traeth y ennyn llawr Ry duc oe lovlen glas lavnawr Peleidyr pwys preiglyn benn periglawr Y ar orwyd erchlas penn wedawr Trindygwyd trwch trach y lavnawr Pan orvyd oe gat ny bu foawr An dyrllys molet med melys maglawr
Gweleis y dull o benn tir adoun Aberth am goelkerth a disgynnyn Gweleis oed kenevin ar dref redegein A gwyr nwythyon ry gollessyn Gweleis gwyr dullyawr gan awr adevyn A phenn dyvynwal a breych brein ae cnoyn
Mat vydic ysgavynwyn asgwrn aduaon Aelussawc tebedawc tra mordwy alon Gwrawl amdyvrwys goruawr y lu Gwryt vronn gwrvan gwanan arnaw Y gynnedyf disgynnu rac naw riallu Yg gwyd gwaed a gwlat a gordiynaw Caraf vy vudic lleithic a vu anaw Kyndilic aeron kenhan lew
Carasswn disgynnu yg catraeth gessevin Gwert med yg kynted a gwirawt win Carasswn neu chablwys ar llain Kyn bu e leas oe las uffin Carasswn eil clot dyfforthes gwaetlin Ef dodes e gledyf yg goethin Neus adrawd gwrhyt rac gododyn Na bei mab keidyaw clot un gwr trin
Truan yw gennyf vy gwedy lludet Grodef gloes angheu trwy angkyffret Ac eil trwm truan gennyf vy gwelet Dygwydaw an gwyr ny penn o draet Ac ucheneit hir ac eilywet En ol gwyr pebyr temyr tudwet Ruvawn a gwgawn gwiawn a gwlyget Gwyr gorsaf gwryaf gwrd yg calet Ys deupo eu heneit wy wedy trinet Kynnwys yg wlat nef adef avneuet
Ef gwrthodes tres tra gwyar llyn Ef lladei val dewrdull nyt echyn Tavloyw ac ysgeth tavlet wydrin A med rac teyrned tavlei vedin Menit y gynghor men na lleveri Lliaws ac vei anwaws nyt odewyt Rac ruthyr bwyllyadeu a chledyvawr Lliveit handit gwelir llavar lleir
Porthloed vedin Porthloed lain A llu racwed En ragyrwed En dyd gwned Yg kyvryssed Buant gwychawc Gwede meddawt A med yuet Ny bu waret An gorwylam Enyd frwythlam Pan adroder torret ergyr O veirch a gwyr tyngir tynget
Pan ym dyvyd lliaws pryder Pryderaf fun Fun en ardec Aryal redec Ar hynt wylaw Ku kystudywn Ku carasswn Kelleic faw Ac argoedwys Guae gordyvnwys Y emdullyaw Ef dadodes arlluyd pwys ar lles rieu Ar dilyvyn goet Ar diliw hoet Yr kyvedeu Kyvedwogant ef an dyduc ar dan adloyw Ac ar groen gwynn goscroyw
Gereint rac deheu gawr a dodet Lluch gwynn gwynn dwll ar ysgwyt Yor yspar llary yor Molut mynut mor Gogwneif heissyllut gwgynei gereint Hael mynawc oedut
Diannot e glot e glutvan Diachor angor ygkyman Diechyr eryr gwyr govaran Trin odef eidef oed eiryan Ragorei veirch racvuan En trin lletvegin gwin o bann Kyn glasved a glassu eu rann Bu gwr gwled od uch med mygyr o bann
Dienhyt y bob llawr llanwet E hual amhaual afneuet Twll tall e rodawr Cas o hir gwythawc Rywonyawc diffreidyeit Eil gweith gelwideint a mallet Yg catveirch a seirch greulet Bedin agkysgoget yt vyd cat voryon Cochro llann bann ry godhet Trwm en trin a llavyn yt lladei Garw rybud o gat dydygei Cann calan a darmeithei Ef gwenit adan vab ervei Ef gwenit adan dwrch trahawc Un riein a morwyn a mynawc A phan oed mab teyrn teithyawc Yng gwyndyt gwaed glyt gwaredawc Kyn golo gweryt ar rud Llary hael etvynt digythrud O glot a chet echyawc Neut bed garthwys hir o dir rywonyawc
Peis dinogat e vreith vreith O grwyn balaot ban wreith Chwit chwit chwidogeith Gochanwn gochenyn wyth geith Pan elei dy dat ty e helya Llath ar y ysgwyd llory eny llaw Ef gelwi gwn gogyhwch Giff gaff dhaly dhaly dhwc dhwc Ef lledi bysc yng corwc Mal ban llad llew llywywc Pan elei dy dat ty e vynyd Dydygei ef penn ywrch pen gwythwch penn hyd Penn grugyar vreith o venyd Penn pysc o rayadyr derwennyd Or sawl yt gyrhaedei dy dat ty ae gicwein O wythwch a llewyn a llwyuein Nyt anghei oll ny uei oradein
Peum dodyw angkyvrwng o angkyuarc Nym daw nym dyvyd a uo trymach Ny magwyt yn neuad a vei lewach Noc ef nac yng cat a vei wastadach Ac ar ryt benclwyt pennawt oed e veirch Pellynic e glot pellws e galch A chyn golo gweir hir a dan dywarch Dyrllydei vedgyrn un mab feruarch
Gueleys y dull o bentir a doyn Aberthach coelcerth a emdygyn Gueleys y deu oc eu tre re ry gwydyn O eir nwython ry godessyn Gueleys y wyr tylluawr gan waur a doyn A phen dyuynwal vrych brein ae knoyn
Gododin gomynnaf oth blegyt Yg gwyd cant en aryal en emwyt A guarchan mab dwywei da wrhyt Poet yno en vn tyno treissyt Er pan want maws mor trin Er pan aeth daear ar aneirin Mi neut ysgaras nat a gododin
Llech llefdir aryf gardith tith ragon Tec ware rac gododin ystre anhon Ry duc diwyll o win bebyll ar lles tymyr Tymor tymestyl tra merin llestyr Tra merin llu llu meithlyon Kein gadrawt rwyd rac riallu O dindywyt en dyuuwyt yn dyvuu Ysgwyt rugyn rac doleu trin tal vriw vu
Dihenyd y bop llaur llanwet Y haual amhal afneuet Twll tal y rodauc Cas o hir gwychauc Rywynyauc diffret Eil with gwelydeint amallet Y gat veirch ae seirch greulet Bit en anysgoget bit get Uoron gwychyrolyon pan ry godet Trwm en trin a llain yt ladei Gwaro rybud o gat dydygei Gant can yg calan darmerthei Ef gwenit a dan vab uruei Ef gwenit a dan dwrch trahauc Un riein a morwyn a menauc A chan oed mab brenhin teithiaug Ud gwyndyt gwaet kilyd gwaredawc Kyn golo gweryt ar grud hael etvynt Doeth dygyrchet y get ae glot ae echiauc Uot bed gorthyn hir o orthir rywynauc
Am drynnv drylav drylen Am lwys am diffwys dywarchen Trihuc baruaut dreis dili plec hen Atguuc emorem ae guiau hem Hancai ureuer uragdenn At gwyr a gwydyl a phrydein At gu kelein rein rud guen Deheuec gwenauwy mab gwen
Am giniav drylav drylen Trym dwys tra diffwys dywarchen Kemp e lumen arwr baruawt asgell Vreith edrych eidyn a breithell Goruchyd y lav loften Ar gynt a gwydyl a phryden A chynhyo mwng bleid heb pren Eny law gnavt gwychlaut ene lenn Prytwyf ny bei marw morem Deheuec gwenabwy mab gwen
He was a man in mind, in years a youth, {79a} And gallant in the din of war; Fleet, thick-maned chargers {79b} Were ridden {79c} by the illustrious hero; A shield, light and broad, Hung on the flank of his swift and slender steed; His sword was blue and gleaming, His spurs were of gold, {80a} his raiment was woollen. {80b} It will not be my part To speak of thee reproachfully, A more choice act of mine will be To celebrate thy praise in song; Thou hast gone to a bloody bier, Sooner than to a nuptial feast; {80c} Thou hast become a meal for ravens, Ere thou didst reach the front of conflict. {80d} Alas, Owain! my beloved friend; It is not meet that he should be devoured by ravens! {81a} There is swelling sorrow {82a} in the plain, Where fell in death the only son of Marro.
Adorned with his wreath, leader of rustic warriors, {82b} whenever he came By his troop unattended, {83a} before maidens would he serve the mead; But the front of his shield would be pierced, {83b} if ever he heard The shout of war; no quarter would he give to those whom he pursued; Nor would he retreat from the combat until blood flowed; And he cut down like rushes {83c} the men who would not yield. The Gododin relates, that on the coast of Mordei, {84a} Before the tents of Madog, when he returned, But one man in a hundred with him came. {84b}
Adorned with his wreath, the chief of toil, his country's rod {84c} of power, Darted like an eagle {84d} to our harbours, {84e} when allured To the compact {85a} that had been formed; his ensign was beloved, {85b} More nobly was his emblazoned resolution {85c} performed, for he retreated not, With a shrinking mind, {85d} before the host of Gododin. Manawyd, {85e} with confidence and strength thou pressest upon the tumultuous fight, Nor dost thou regard {86a} either spear or shield; No habitation rich in dainties can be found, That has been kept out of the reach of thy warriors' charge. {86b}
Adorned with a wreath was the leader, {87a} the wolf {87b} of the holme, Amber beads {87c} in ringlets encircled his temples; {87d} Precious was the amber, worth a banquet of wine. {87e} He repelled the violence of men, as they glided along; For Venedotia and the North would have come to his share, By the advice of the son of Ysgyran, {88a} The hero of the broken shield. {88b}
Adorned with his wreath was the leader, and armed in the noisy conflict; Chief object of observation {88c} was the hero, and powerful in the gory field, Chief fighter {88d} in the advanced division, in front of the hosts; Five battalions {89a} fell before his blades; Even of the men of Deivyr and Bryneich, {89b} uttering groans, Twenty hundred perished in one short hour; Sooner did he feed the wolf {90a} with his carcase, than go to the nuptial feast; {90b} He sooner became the raven's prey, than approached the altar; {90c} He had not raised the spear ere his blood streamed to the ground; {90d} This was the price of mead in the hall, amidst the throng; Hyveidd Hir {90e} shall be celebrated whilst there remains a minstrel.
The heroes marched to Gododin, and Gognaw laughed, {91a} But bitter were they in the battle, {91b} when they stood arranged according to their several banners; Few were the years of peace which they had enjoyed; The son of Botgad caused a throbbing by the energy of his hand; They should have gone to churches to do penance, The old and the young, the bold and the mighty; {91c} The inevitable strife of death was about to pierce them.
The heroes marched to Gododin, Gwanar {92a} laughed, As his jewelled army {92b} went down {92c} to the terrific toil. Thou slayest them with blades, when there is not much chattering; Thou, powerful supporter of the living law, producest the silence of death. {92d}
The heroes marched to Cattraeth, loquacious was the host; Blue {93a} mead was their liquor, and it proved their poison; {93b} In marshalled array they cut through the engines of war; {93c} And after the joyful cry, silence {93d} ensued! They should have gone to churches to perform penance; The inevitable strife of death was about to pierce them.
The heroes marched to Cattraeth, filled with mead and drunk, Compact and vigorous; {94a} I should wrong them were I to neglect their fame; Around the mighty, red, and murky blades, Obstinately and fiercely the dogs of war {94b} would fight; If I had judged you to be of the tribe of Bryneich, {94c} Not the phantom of a man would I have left alive. {94d} I lost a friend, myself being unhurt, As he openly withstood the terror of the parental chief; Magnanimously did he refuse the dowry of his father-in-law; {94e} Such was the son of Cian {95a} from the stone of Gwyngwn.
The heroes marched to Cattraeth with the dawn; Their peace was disturbed by those who feared them; A hundred thousand with three hundred {95b} engaged in mutual overthrow; Drenched in gore, they marked the fall of the lances; {96a} The post of war {96b} was most manfully and with gallantry maintained, Before the retinue of Mynyddawg the Courteous. {96c}
The heroes marched to Cattraeth with the dawn; Feelingly did their relatives {96d} regret their absence; Mead they drank, yellow, sweet, ensnaring; That year is the point to which many {96e} a minstrel turns; Redder were their swords than their plumes, {97a} Their blades were white as lime, {97b} and into four parts were their helmets cloven, {97c} Even those of {97d} the retinue of Mynyddawg the Courteous.
The heroes marched to Cattraeth with the day; Was not the most celebrated of battles disgraced? {97e} They put to death {98a} Gelorwydd With blades. The gem of Baptism {98b}was thus widely taunted;— "Better that you should, ere you join your kindred, Have a gory unction {98c} and death far from your native homes, At the hand of the host of Gododin, when the day arrives." Is not a hero's power best when tempered with discretion?
The hero {98d} marched to Cattraeth with the day; Truly {99a} he quaffed the white mead on serene nights; {99b} Miserable, though success had been predicted, {99c} Proved his mission, which he undertook through soaring ambition; {99d} There hastened not to Cattraeth A chief, with such a magnificent design of enterprize Blazoned on his standard; Never was there such a host From the fort of Eiddin, {99e} That would scatter abroad the mounted ravagers. Tudvwlch Hir, {100a} deprived of {100b} his land and towns, Slaughtered the Saxons for seven days; {100c} His valour should have protected him in freedom; {100d} His memory is cherished by his fair {100e} associates; When Tudvwlch arrived, the supporter of the land, {100f} The post of the son of Kilydd {100g} became a plain of blood.
The heroes {100h} marched to Cattraeth with the dawn, But none of them received protection from their shields, To blood they resorted, being assembled in gleaming armour; {101a} In the van was, loud as thunder, the din of targets. {101b} The envious, the fickle, and the base, Would he tear and pierce with halberts; From an elevated position {101c} he slew, with a blade, In iron affliction, {101d} their steel-clad commander; {101e} He subdued the Mordei that owed him homage; {101f} Before Erthai {102a} even an army groaned. {102b}
When the tale shall be told of the battle of Cattraeth, The people will utter sighs; {102c} long has been their grief on account of the warriors' absence; There will be a dominion without a sovereign, {102d} and a smoking land. The sons of Godebog, an upright clan, Bore the furrower {102e} on a long bier. Miserable {103a} was the fate, though just the necessity, Decreed for Tudvwlch and Cyvwlch the Tall; {103b} Together they drank the bright mead by the light {103c} of torches, {103d} Though pleasant to the taste, it proved a lasting foe. {103e}
Before, above the splendid fort of Eching {103f} he shewed a frowning aspect; {103g} Whilst young and forward men composed his retinue; Before, on the Bludwe, {104a} would the horn cheer his heart, {104b} Making all the Mordei full of joy; {104c} Before, his beverage would be braggett; Before, he displayed the grandeur of gold and rich purple; Before, pampered steeds would bear him safe away, Even Gwarthlev, who deserved a comely name; {104d} Before, the victorious chief would turn aside the ebbing tide; His command was ever to go forward, {105a} loth was he to skulk.
And now the early leader, The sun, is about to ascend, Sovereign of the revolving {105b} lights, {105c} In the heaven of Britain's isle. {105d} Direful was the flight before the shaking Of the shield of the pursuing victor; {105e} Bright {105f} was the horn In the hall of Eiddin; {105g} With pomp was he bidden {105h} To the feast of intoxicating mead; He drank the beverage of wine, At the meeting of reapers; {106a} He drank transparent wine, With a battle-daring purpose. {106b} The reapers sang of war, War with the shining wing; {106c} The minstrels sang of war, Of harnessed {106d} war, Of winged war. No shield was unexpanded {107a} In the conflict of spears; Of equal age they fell {107b} In the struggle of battle. Unshaken in the tumult, Without dishonour {107c} did he retaliate on the foe; Buried {107d} was whoever he willed, Ere the grave of the gigantic {107e} Gwrveling Itself became a green sward.
The complement {107f} of the surrounding country {107g} Were, three forward chiefs of the Novantae; {107h} Five battalions of five hundred men each; {108a} Three levies {108b} of three hundred each; Three hundred knights of battle {108c} From Eiddin, arrayed in golden armour; Three loricated hosts, With three kings wearing the golden torques; {108d} Three bold knights, With three hundred of equal quality; Three of the same order, mutually jealous, Bitterly would they chase the foe, Three dreadful in the toil; They would kill a lion flat as lead. {108e} There was in the war a collection of gold. {108f} Three sovereigns of the people Came from amongst the Brython, {109a} Cynrig and Cynon {109b} And Cynrain {109c} from Aeron, {109d} To greet {110a} the ashen lances {110b} Of the men who dropped from Deivyr. {110c} Came there from the Brython, A better man than Cynon, Who proved a serpent to his sullen foes?
I drank of the wine and the mead of the Mordei; Great was the quantity of spears, In the assembly of the warriors; He {110d} was solemnising a banquet for the eagle. When Cydywal {110e} hurried forth to battle, he raised The shout with the green dawn, and dealt out tribulation, {110f} And splintered shields about the ground he left, And darts of awful tearing did he hew down; In the battle, the foremost in the van he wounded. The son of Syvno, {111a} the astronomer, knew, That he who sold his life, In the face of warning, With sharpened blades would slaughter, But would himself be slain by spears and crosses. {111b} According to the compact, {111c} he meditated a convenient attack, And would boast {111d} of a pile of carcases Of gallant men of toil, Whom in the upper part of Gwynedd {111e} he pierced.
I drank of the wine and the mead of the Mordei, And because I drank, I fell by the edge of a gleaming sword, {112a} Not without desiring a hero's prowess; {112b} And when all fell, thou didst also fall. {112c} Thus when the issue comes, it were well not to have sinned. Present, in his thrusting course, showed a bold and mighty arm. {112d}
The heroes who marched to Cattraeth were renowned, Wine and mead out of golden goblets was their beverage, That year was to them one of exalted solemnity, Three hundred and sixty-three chieftains, wearing the golden torques; {113a} Of those who hurried forth after the excess of revelling, But three escaped by valour from the funeral fosse, {113b} The two war-dogs {114a} of Aeron, and Cynon the dauntless, {114b} And myself, from the spilling of blood, the reward of my candid song. {114c}
My friend in real distress, we should have been by none disturbed, Had not the white-bannered commander {115a} led forth his army; We should not {115b} have been separated in the hall from the banquet of mead, Had he not laid waste our convenient groves; {115c} He crept into the martial field, he crept into our families. {115d} The Gododin relates how that, after the fight in the fosse, When we had no dwellings, {116a} none were more destitute. {116b}
Scattered, broken, motionless is the weapon, {116c} That used to penetrate through the great horde, {116d} the numerous {117a} horde of the Lloegrians. {117b} Shields were strewn on the sea coast, {117c} shields in the battle of lances; Men were reduced to ashes, {117d} And women rendered widows, Before his death. {117e} O Graid, son of Hoewgi, {117f} With thy spears Didst thou cause an effusion of blood.
There was the hero, with both his shoulders covered, {118a} By a variegated shield, and possessing the swiftness of a warlike steed; There was a noise in the mount of slaughter, {118b} there was fire, {118c} Impetuous were the lances, there was a sunny gleam, {118d} There was food for ravens, the raven there did triumph, {118e} And before he would let them go free, With the morning dew, like the eagle in his glad course, He scattered them on either side, and like a billow overwhelmed them in front. The Bards of the world judge those to be men of valour, Whose counsels are not divulged to slaves. {119a} The spears in the hands of the warriors were causing devastation; And ere was interred under {119b} the swan-white steed, {119c} One who had been energetic in his commands, His gore had thoroughly washed his armour: {119d} Such was Buddvan, {119e} the son of Bleiddvan the Bold.
It were wrong not to record his magnificent feat; He would not leave an open gap, through cowardice; {120a} The benefit of Britain's minstrels never quitted his court Upon the calends of January; {120b} according to his design, {120c} His land should not be ploughed, though it might become wild; He was a mighty dragon of indignant disposition; A commander in the bloody field, {120d} after the feast of wine, Was Gwenabwy {121a} the son of Gwen, {121b} in the strife of Cattraeth.
True it was, as the songs relate, {121c} No one's steeds {121d} overtook Marchleu; The lances {121e} hurled by the commanding earl, In his prancing career, {121f} strewed a thick path; As he had been reared for slaughter by the aid of my mother, {121g} Furious was the stroke of his sword whilst lending support to others; {121h} Ashen shafts were scattered from the grasp of his hand, {122a} Above the narrow summit {122b} of the solemn pile, {122c} The place where one caused the smoke to ascend; {122d} He would slaughter with the blade, whilst his arms were full of furze; {122e} As when a reaping comes in the interval of fine weather, {122f} Would Marchleu {123a} make the blood to flow.
Lower down {123b} was sent from the southern region, {123c} One whose conduct {123d} resembled the flowing sea; {123e} He was full of modesty and gentleness, When allowed to quaff the mead: But along the rampart to Offer, {123f} even to the point of Maddeu, {123g} Enraged, he was glutted with carnage, and scattering, with desolation; {124a} His sword resounded on the heads of mothers; He was an ardent spirit, {124b} praise be to him, the son of Gwyddneu. {124c}
Caredig, {124d} lovely is his fame; He would protect and guard his ensign, Gentle, {125a} lowly, calm, before the day arrived When he the pomp of war should learn; When comes the appointed time of the friend of song, {125b} May he recognise his home in the heavenly region.
Ceredig, {125c} amiable leader, A wrestler {126a} in the impetuous {126b} fight; His golden shield dazzled {126c} the field of battle, His lances, when darted, were shivered into splinters, And the stroke of his sword was fierce and penetrating; Like a hero would he maintain his post. Before he received the affliction of earth, {126d} before the fatal blow, He had fulfilled his duty in guarding his station. May he find a complete reception With the Trinity in perfect Unity.
When Caradawg {126e} rushed into battle, It was like the tearing onset of the woodland boar; {127a} Bull of the army in the mangling fight, He allured the wild dogs by the action of his hand; {127b} My witnesses {127c} are Owain the son of Eulat, And Gwrien, and Gwynn, and Gwriad; {127d} But from Cattraeth, and its work of carnage, {127e} From the hill of Hydwn, ere it was gained, {127f} After the clear mead was put into his hand, He saw no more the hill {128a} of his father.
The warriors marched with speed, together they bounded onward; Short lived were they,—they had become drunk over the distilled mead. The retinue of Mynyddawg, renowned {128b} in the hour of need; Their life was the price of their banquet of mead. Caradawg, {128c} and Madawg, {128d} Pyll, and Ieuan, Gwgawn, {129a} and Gwiawn, Gwynn {129b} and Cynvan, Peredur {129c} with steel arms, Gwawrddur, {129d} and Aeddan; {129e} A defence were they in the tumult, though with shattered shields; {130a} When they were slain, they also slaughtered; Not one to his native home returned.
The heroes marched with speed, together were they regaled That year over mead, and mighty was their design; How sad to mention them, {130b} how doleful their commemoration! {130c} Poison is the home to which they have returned, they are not as sons by mothers nursed; {130d} How long our vexation, how long our regret, For the brave warriors, whose native place was the feast of wine! {130e} Gwlyget {131a} of Gododin, having partaken of the speech inspiring Banquet of Mynyddawg, performed illustrious deeds, {131b} And paid a price {131c} for the purchase of the battle of Cattraeth.
The heroes went to Cattraeth in marshalled array, and with shout of war, {131d} With powerful steeds, {131e} and dark brown harness, and with shields, With uplifted {131f} javelins, and piercing lances, With glittering mail, and with swords. He excelled, and penetrated through the host, Five battalions fell before his blade; Rhuvawn Hir, {132a}—he gave gold {132b} to the altar, And gifts and precious stones {132c} to the minstrel.
No hall {132d} was ever made so eminently perfect, So great, so magnificent for the slaughter; {133a} Morien {133b} procured {133c} and spread the fire, And would not say but that Cynon {133d} should see {133e} the corpse Of one harnessed, armed with a pike, and of a wide spread fame; {133f} His sword resounded on the summit occupied by the camp, {133g} Nor was he moved {134a} aside in his course by a ponderous stone from the wall of the fort, {134b} And never again will the son of Peithan {134c} be moved.
No hall was ever made so impregnable; {134d} Had not Morien been like Caradawg, {134e} The forward Mynawg, {134f} with his heavy armour, {134g} would not have escaped; Enraged, he was fiercer than the son of Pherawg, {135a} Stout his hand, and, mounted on his steed, {135b} he dealt out flames upon the retreating foe. Terrible in the city was the cry of the timid multitude, The van of the army of Gododin was scattered; His buckler {135c} was winged with fire for the slaughter; In the day of his wrath {135d} he was nimble—a destructive retaliator; The dependants of Mynyddawg deserved their horns of mead.
No hall was ever made so immoveable As that of Cynon with the gentle breast, sovereign of the saints; {135e} He sat no longer on his elevated throne, {136a} Whom he pierced were not pierced again, {136b} Keen was the point of his lance, It perforated the enamelled armour, it penetrated through the troops; Swift in the van were his horses, in front they tore along; In the day of his anger {136c} blasting was his blade, When Cynon rushed into battle with the green dawn.
A grievous descent was made upon his native territory; He {136d} suffered an encroachment—he fixed a limit; His spear forcibly pushed the laughing chiefs of war; Even as far as Ephyd {137a} reached the valour of the forward Elphin: The furze was kindled by the ardent spirit, the bull of conflict.
A grievous descent was made upon his native territory, The price of mead in the hall, and the feast of wine; His blades were scattered about between the two hosts; Illustrious was the knight in front of Gododin; The furze was kindled by the ardent spirit, the bull of conflict. {138a}
A grievous descent was made in front of the extended riches, {138b} But the army turned aside, with trailing {138c} shields, And those shields were shivered before the herd of the roaring Beli. {138d} A dwarf from the bloody field hastened to the fence; {139a} And on our side there came a hoary headed man, our chief counsellor, {139b} Mounted on a prancing iebald psteed, and wearing the golden chain. The Boar {139c} proposed a compact in front of the course—the great plotter; Right worthy {139d} was the shout of our refusal, And we cried "Let heaven be our protection, Let his compact be that he should be prostrated by the spear in battle, {139e} Our warriors, in respect of their far famed fosse, {139f} Would not quarrel if a host were there to press the ground."
For the piercing {140a} of the skilful and most learned man, {140b} For the fair corpse which fell prostrate on the ground, For the cutting {140c} of his hair from his head, For Gwydien, the eagle of the air, {140d} Did Gwyddwg {141a} bring protection to the field, {141b} Resembling and honouring his master. Morien of the blessed song, brought protection To the ruined hall, {141c} and cleft the heads Of the first in youth, in strength, and in old age. Equal to three men, though a maid, was Bradwen; {141d} Equal to twelve was Gwenabwy, the son of Gwen. {141e}
For the piercing of the skilful and most learned woman, Her servant bore a shield in the action, And with energy his sword fell upon the heads of the foe; In Lloegyr the churls cut their way before the chieftain. {142a} He who grasps the mane of a wolf, without a club {142b} In his hand, will have it gorgeously emblazoned on his robe. {142c} In the engagement of wrath and carnage, Bradwen perished,—she did not escape.
Carcases {142d} of gold mailed warriors lay upon the city walls; None of the houses or cities of Christians {142e} was any longer actively engaged in war; {142f} But one feeble man, with his shouts, kept aloof The roving birds; {143a} Truly Syll of Virein {143b} reports that there were more That had chanced to come from Llwy, {143c} From around the inlet of the flood; He reports that there were more, At the hour of mattins, {143d} Than the morning breeze could well support.
When thou, famous conqueror! Wast protecting the ear of corn in the uplands, Deservedly were we said to run {144a} like marked men; {144b} The entrance to Din Drei {144c} was not guarded, There was a mountain with riches {144d} for those who should approach it, And there was a city {144e} for the army that should venture to enter; But Gwynwydd's name was not heard where his person was not seen. {144f}
Though there be a hundred men in one house, I know the cares of war, {145a} The chief of the men must pay the contribution. {145b}
I am not headstrong and petulant, I will not avenge myself on him who drives me on, {145c} I will not laugh in derision; This particle {145d} shall go under foot. {145e} My limbs {145f} are racked, And I am loaded, {146a} In the subterraneous house; An iron chain Passes over my two knees; Yet of the mead and of the horn, {146b} And of the host of Cattraeth, I Aneurin will sing {146c} What is known to Taliesin, Who communicates to me his thoughts, {146d} Or a strain of Gododin, Before the dawn of the bright day. {146e}
The chief exploit of the North {146f} did the hero accomplish, Of a gentle breast, a more liberal lord could not be seen, Earth does not support, {147a} nor has mother borne Such an illustrious, powerful, steel clad warrior; By the force of his gleaming sword he protected me, From the cruel subterraneous prison he brought me out, From the chamber of death, from a hostile region; Such was Ceneu, son of Llywarch, energetic and bold. {147b}
He would not bear the reproach of a congress, {147c} Senyllt, {147d} with his vessels full of mead;— His sword rang {148a} for deeds of violence, He shouted and bounded with aid for the war, And with his arm proved a comprehensive {148b} support, {148c} Against the armies of Gododin and Bryneich. Booths for the horses were prepared in the hall, {148d} There was streaming gore, and dark brown harness, And from his hand issued a thread {148e} of gleam; {148f} Like a hunter shooting with the bow Was Gwen; {148g} and the attacking parties mutually pushed each other, Friend and foe by turns; The warriors did not cut their way to flee, {148h} But were the generous defenders of every region.
To Llech Leucu, {149a} the land of Lleu, {149b} and Lleudvre, {149c} To the course of Gododin, And to the course of Ragno, close at hand, Even that hand which directed the splendour of battle, With the branch of Caerwys, {149d} Before it was shattered By the season of the storm,—by the storm of the season, {149e} To form a rank against a hundred thousand men, {149f} Coming from Dindovydd, In the region of Dyvneint, {150a} Deeply did they design, {150b} Sharply did they pierce, Wholly did they chant, Even the army with the battered shields; And before the bull of conflict, The hostile van was broken.
The foes have in sorrow greatly trembled, Since the battle of most active tumult, At the border of Ban Carw; {150c} Round the border of Ban Carw The fingers of Brych {150d} were hurt by the shaft of a spear. {150e} In defence of Pwyll, {150f} of Disteir and Distar, In defence of Pwyll, of Rodri, and of Rhychwardd, A stout {151a} bow was spent by Rhys {151b} in Rhiwdrech; They that were not bold would not attain their purpose; None escaped that was once overtaken and pierced. {151c}
Not meetly was his buckler pierced Upon the flank of his steed; {151d} Not meetly did he mount {152a} His long legged, slender, grey charger; Dark was his shaft, dark, Darker was his saddle; {152b} Thy hero {152c} is in a cell, {152d} Gnawing the shoulder of a buck, {152e} May his hand triumph, But far be the shoulder of venison. {152f}
It is well that Adonwy came to the support of Gwen; {153a} Bradwen {153b} abandoned the foaming brine, And fought, slaughtered, and burned, though Morien She did not surpass in martial deeds. Thou didst not regard the rear or the van Of the towering, unhelmetted {153c} presence; Thou didst not observe the great swelling sea of knights, That would mangle, and grant no shelter to the Saxons. {153d}
Gododin! in respect of thee will I demand {154a} The dales beyond the ridge of Drum Essyd; {154b} The slave, {154c} greedy of wealth, cannot control himself; By the counsel of thy son, {154d} let thy valour shine forth. The place appointed for the conference Was not mean, {154e} in front of Llanveithin; {154f} From twilight to twilight he revelled; {154g} Splendid and full was the purple of the pilgrim; {154h} He killed the defenceless, {154i} the delight of the bulwark of toil, {154j} His inseparable companion, whose voice was like that of Aneurin. {155a}
Together arise the foremost fighting warriors, {155b} And in a body march to Cattraeth, with noise and eager speed; The effects {155c} of the mead in the hall, and of the beverage of wine. Blades were scattered between the two armies By an illustrious knight, in front of Gododin. Furze was set on fire by the ardent spirit, the bull of battle. {155d}
Together arise the expert warriors, And the stranger, {155e} the man with the crimson robe, pursue; The encampment is broken down by the gorgeous pilgrim, {156a} Where the young deer were in full melody. {156b} Amongst the spears of Brych {156c} thou couldst see no rods; {156d} With the base the worthy can have no concord; {156e} Morial {156f} in pursuit will not countenance their dishonourable deeds, With his steel blade ready for the effusion of blood.
Together arise the associated {156g} warriors, Strangers to the country, their deeds shall be proclaimed; There was slaughtering with axes and blades, {157a} And there was raising large cairns over the heroes of toil.
The experienced {157b} warriors met together, And all with one accord sallied forth; {157c} Short were their lives, long is the grief of those who loved them; Seven times their number of Lloegrians had they slain; After the conflict their wives {157d} raised a scream; {157e} And many a mother has the tear on her eyelash.
No hall was ever made so faultless; Nor was there a lion so generous, a majestic lion on the path, so kind {158a} As Cynon of the gentle breast, the most comely lord. The fame {158b} of the city extends to the remotest parts; It was the staying {158c} shelter of the army, the benefit of flowing melody. {158d} Of those whom I have seen, or shall hereafter see On earth, engaged in arms, the battle cry, and war, {159a} the most heroic was he, Who slew the mounted ravagers with the keenest blade; Like rushes did they fall before his hand. O son of Clydno, {159b} of lasting {159c} fame! I will sing to thee A song of praise, without beginning, {159d} without end.
After the feast of wine and the banquet of mead, Enriched with the first fruits of slaughter, The mother of Spoliation, {159e} Was the energetic Eidol; {159f} He honoured the mount of the van, {160a} In the presence of Victory. The hovering ravens, Ascend in the sky; {160b} The foremost spearmen around him thicken, {160c} Like a crop of green barley, {160d} Without the semblance of a retreat. Warriors in wonder shake their javelins, With pouting and pallid lips, Caused by the keenness of the destructive sword; From the front of the banquet, deprived of sleep They vigorously spring forth, {161a} upon the awaking Of the mother {161b} of the Lance, the leader of the din.
From the feast of wine and the banquet of mead, they marched To the strife of mail-clad warriors; {161c} I know no tale of slaughter which records So complete a destruction. Before Cattraeth loquacious was the host; But of the retinue of Mynyddawg, greatly to be deplored, {162a} Out of three hundred {162b} men, only one returned.
From the feast of wine and the banquet of mead, with speed they marched, Men renowned in difficulty, prodigal of their lives; In fairest order {162c} round the viands they together feasted; Wine and mead and tribute {162d} they enjoyed. From the retinue of Mynyddawg ruin has come to me; {163a} And I have lost my general {163b} and {163c} my true friends. Of the regal army of three hundred men that hastened to Cattraeth, Alas! none have returned, save one alone.
Impetuous as a ball, {163d} in the combat of spears, was Present, And on his horse would he be found, when not at home; Yet illusive {163e} was the aid which he brought against Gododin; For though apart from the wine and mead he was unrestrained, He perished {164a} on the course; And red stained warriors ride {164b} The steeds of the knight, who had been in the morning bold.
Angor, {164c} thou who scatterest the brave, And piercest {164d} the sullen like a serpent; Thou tramplest upon those who in strong mail are clad, In front of the army; {164e} Like an enraged bear, guarding and assaulting, {164f} Thou tramplest upon the furious, {165a} In the day of capture, In the dank entrenchment; {165b} Like the mangling dwarf, {165c} Who in his fury prepared A banquet for the birds, In the tumultuous fight. Cywir {165d} art thou named from thy righteous (enwir) deed; Leader, director, and bulwark (mur) of the course of battle {165e} Is Merin; {165f} and fortunately (mad) wert thou, Madien, born.
It is incumbent to sing of the complete acquisition Of the warriors, who at Cattraeth made a tumultuous rout, With confusion and blood, and treading and trampling; Men of toil {166a} were trampled because of the contribution of mead in the horn; {166b} But the carnage of the combatants {166c} Cannot be described even by the cup of bounty, {166d} After the excitement of the battle is over, Notwithstanding so much splendid eloquence.
It is incumbent to sing of so much renown, The tumult of fire, of thunder, and tempest, The glorious gallantry of the knight of conflict. {167a} The ruddy reapers of war are thy desire, {167b} Thou man of toil, {167c} but the worthless thou beheadest; {167d} The whole length of the land shall hear of thee in battle; With thy shield upon thy shoulder, thou dost incessantly cleave With thy blade, {167e} until blood flows {167f} like bright wine out of glass vessels; {167g} As the contribution {168a} for mead thou claimest gold; Wine nourished was Gwaednerth, {168b} the son of Llywri.
It is incumbent to sing of the gay and illustrious tribes, {168c} That, after the fatal fight, {168d} filled the river Aeron; {168e} Their grasp satisfied the hunger {168f} of the eagles of Clwyd, {168g} And prepared food for the birds of prey. Of those who went to Cattraeth, wearers of the golden chain, Upon the message of Mynyddawg, sovereign of the people, There came not honourably {169a} in behalf {169b} of the Brython, To Gododin, a hero from afar who was better than Cynon.
It is incumbent to sing of so many men of skill, {169c} Who in their halls {169d} once led a merry life: {169e} Ambitious {169f} and bold, all round the world would Eidol {169g} seek for melody; But notwithstanding gold, and fine steeds, and intoxicating mead, Only one man of these, who loved the world, returned, Cynddilig of Aeron, one of the Novantian heroes. {169h}
It is incumbent to sing of the gay and illustrious tribes, That went upon the message of Mynyddawg, sovereign of the people, And the daughter {170a} of Eudav the Tall, of a faultless gait, {170b} Apparelled in her purple robes, thoroughly and truly splendid.
The soldiers {171a} celebrated the praise of the Holy One, And in their {171b} presence was kindled a fire that raged on high. On Tuesday they put on their dark-brown garments; {171c} On Wednesday they purified their enamelled armour; On Thursday their destruction was certain; On Friday was brought carnage all around; On Saturday their joint labour was useless; On Sunday their blades assumed a ruddy hue; On Monday was seen a pool knee deep of blood. {171d} The Gododin relates that after the toil, Before the tents of Madog, when he returned, Only one man in a hundred with him came. {172a}
At the early dawn of morn, {172b} There was a battle at the fall of the river, {172c} in front of the course; {172d} The pass and the knoll were pervaded with fire; {172e} Like a boar didst thou {172f} lead to the mount; The wealth {172g} of the hill, and the place, And the dark brown hawks {173a} were stained with gore. {173b}
Quickly rising, in a moment of time, {173c} After kindling a fire at the confluence, {173d} in front of the fence, {173e} After leading his men in close array, In front of a hundred he pierces the foremost. {173f} Sad it was that you should have made a pool of blood, As if you but drank mead in the midst of laughter; {174a} But it was brave of you to slay the little man, {174b} With the fierce and impetuous stroke of the sword; For like the unrestrained ocean {174c} had the foe {174d} put to death A man, who would otherwise have been in rank his equal.
He fell headlong down the precipice, {174e} And the bushes {174f} supported not his noble {174g} head; It was a violation of privilege to kill him on the breach, {175a} It was a primary law that Owain should ascend upon the course, {175b} And extend before the onset the branch of peace, {175c} And that he should pursue the study of meet {175d} and learned strains. Excellent man, the assuager of tumult and battle, Whose very grasp dreaded a sword, {175e} And who bore in his hand an empty corslet. {175f} O sovereign, dispense rewards Out of his earthly shrine. {176a}
Eidol, with frigid blood and pale complexion, Spreading carnage, when the maid was supreme in judgment; {176b} Owner of horses and strong trappings, And transparent {176c} shields, Instantaneously makes an onset,—ascending and descending.
The leader of war with eagerness {177a} conducts the battle, Mallet of the land, {177b} he loved the mighty reapers; {177c} Stout youth, the freshness of his form was stained with blood, His accoutrements resounded, his chargers made a clang; {177d} His cheeks {177e} are covered with armour, And thus, image of death, he scatters desolation in the toil; In the first onset his lances penetrate the targets, {177f} And a track of surrounding light is made by the aim of the darting of his spears.
The saints {178a} exert their courage, {178b} for the destruction of thy retreat, {178c} And the cellar, {178d} which contained, and where was brewed {178e} The mead, that sweet ensnarer. With the dawn does Gwrys {178f} make the battle clash; Fair gift, {178g}—marshal of the Lloegrian tribes; {178h} Penance he inflicts until repentance ensues; {178i} May the dependants of Gwynedd hear of his renown; With his ashen shaft he pierces to the grave; Pike of the conflict of Gwynedd, Bull of the host, oppressor of the battle of princes; {179a} Though thou hast kindled the land {179b} before thy fall, At the extreme boundary {179c} of Gododin will be thy grave.
Involved in vapours was the man {179d} accustomed to armies, High minded, bitter handed leader of the forces; {179e} He was expert, and ardent, and stately, Though at the social banquet he was not harsh. {180a} They {180b} removed and possessed his valuable treasures, And not the image of a thing for the benefit of the region was left.
We are called! The sea and the borders are in conflict; {180c} Spears are mutually darting, spears all equally destructive; Impelled are sharp weapons of iron, {180d} gashing is the blade, {180e} And with a clang the sock {180f} descends upon the pate; A successful warrior was Fflamddwr {180g} against the enemy.
He supported martial steeds and harness of war; Drenched with gore, on the red-stained field of Cattraeth, The foremost shaft in the host is held by the consumer of forts, {181a} The brave {181b} dog of battle, upon the towering hill. We are called to the gleaming {181c} post of assault, By the beckoning hand {181d} of Heiddyn, {181e} the ironclad chief.
The sovereign, who is celebrated in the Gododin, {181f} The sovereign, for whom our eye-lids {182a} weep, From the raging flame of Eiddyn {182b} turned not aside; {182c} He stationed men of firmness in command, {182d} And the thick covering guard {182e} he placed in the van, And vigorously he descended upon the scattered foe; In that he had revelled, he likewise sustained the main weight; Of the retinue of Mynyddawg, none escaped, Save one man by slow steps, thoroughly weakened, and tottering every way. {182f}
Having sustained a loss, {182g} Moried bore no shield, But traversed the strand {183a} to set the ground on fire; Firmly he grasped in his hand a blue blade, And a shaft ponderous as the chief priest's {183b} crozier; He rode a grey stately {183c} headed charger, And beneath his blade there was a dreadful fall of slaughter; When overpowered {183d} he fled not from the battle,— Even he who poured out to us the famous mead, that sweet ensnarer.
I beheld the array from the highland of Adowyn, {183e} And the sacrifice brought down to the omen fire; {183f} I saw what was usual, a continual running towards the town, {184a} And the men of Nwython inflicting sharp wounds; I saw warriors in complete order approaching with a shout, And the head of Dyvnwal Vrych {184b} by ravens {184c} devoured.
Blessed Conqueror, of temper mild, the strength {184d} of his people, With his blue streamers displayed towards the sea-roving foes. {185a} Brave is he on the waters, most numerous his host; Manly his bosom, loud his shout in the charge of arms. Usual was it for him {185b} to make a descent before nine armaments, {185c} With propulsive strokes, {185d} in the face of blood and of the country. I love thy victorious throne, which teemed with harmonious strains. O Cynddilig of Aeron, {185e} thou lion's whelp. |