But in determining the question of editorial policy, the abstract merits of the case are more important than the act of pleasing this or that person or group. Were we convinced that the existing order hampered the sincere novice, we would abandon it without pride or ceremony. That we do not, is because we are certain that retrogression and decadence would constitute a fatal mistake. The public we serve is assumed to be a genuinely progressive one, a group bent upon attaining some measure of proficiency in that sincere self-expression which is art. If it were not, it would have joined some other association of different purposes—the defiantly crude Erford pseudo-United or the complacently social and stationary National. What justifies the separate existence and support of the United is its higher aesthetic and intellectual cast; its demand for the unqualified best as a goal—which demand, by the way, must not be construed as discriminating against even the crudest beginner who honestly cherishes that goal. With these objects in mind, it will be seen that the self-satisfied exultation of the superficial, the obvious, the commonplace, and the conventional, would form the greatest possible tactical error. The goal would be unjustifiably obscured, and the aspiration of the membership stunted, through the enshrining of a false and inferior goal—a literary Golden Calf. We must envisage a genuine scale of values, and possess a model of genuine excellence toward which to strive. It would pay better to work toward a high standard oneself, than to seek to drag the standard down to fit whatever particular grade of ignorance one may happen to have at a given moment. With proper effort any member may eventually produce work of the UNITED AMATEUR grade, and such work will be certain of a cordial welcome in this office. The official organ is not so narrow as it seems; if more of our capable members would favour it with their literary contributions, the range of authors represented would not be so restricted. It is not the editor but the body of our literati who must bear responsibility for the constant reappearance of certain names. This issue is headed by the same poet who headed the last two—but only because another eminent amateur, so far unrepresented during the present regime, utterly ignored our repeated requests for a contribution.
Mr. Fritter—who, I fear, wrongs etymology in his acceptance of the word amateur as meaning a tyro rather than a genuine and disinterested artist—forgets that a relapse to cruder standards would totally unfit the United for serving that staunch element which has contributed most to its present welfare. Many would find a society of the lower grade intolerable; certainly it could not hope to hold the very ones who have given this organization its existing distinctiveness and pre-eminence.
Yet in the arguments of Mr. Fritter there is an underlying soundness which misapplication should not obscure to the analytical reader. He is right in lamenting, as we believe he does, the absence of a suitable publishing medium for the work of our younger writers. It is not in a spirit of affront to him that we give preference to the plan of President Haughton, as outlined in her opening message, for the re-establishment of a special magazine for credentials. We should be glad to curtail the official organ in the interest of such a magazine, as indeed we offered to do at the beginning of the term.
Frustra laborat, says the old proverb, qui omnibus placere studet. We regret that any one policy must of necessity displease a few members, yet do not see how any improvement could be effected by making a change which would merely shift the displeasure to another and even more continuously industrious group. It is significant that the Gothic party have no editorial candidate of their own to offer, so that the thankless and toilsome office has been forced upon one whose indifferent health makes it an almost unbearable burden to him. The question is one which should ultimately be decided at the polls, each party putting forward a nominee who can be depended upon to fulfil its mandates. Meanwhile the present editor, whose sincere beliefs and policies were fully known long before his unopposed election, stands ready to resign most cheerfully whenever a suitable successor can be found. Bitterness, division and personalities must be avoided at any cost, and we may be reckoned as a supporter of THE UNITED AMATEUR under any editor and policy.
H. P. LOVECRAFT Official Editor E. EDWARD ERICSON Official Publisher
Issued bi-monthly by the United Amateur Press Association.
Subscription Price, 50 cents per year.
Published at Elroy, Wisconsin.
Entered as second-class mail matter at the post office at Elroy, Wis.
* * * * *
Members who criticised the present editor for severity during the chairmanship of the critical department are invited to take a vicarious revenge this month, observing the uncensored remarks of the present juvenile chairman concerning our pathetic ignorance. Of us Master Galpin says: "when the author approaches involved or technical subjects, he shows clearly the unfortunate circumstance that he has never profited by an advanced education." This certainly should purge us of all suspicion of conducting THE UNITED AMATEUR on too Olympian a level, although the critic qualifies his dictum by conceding that we realise our own crudity and are striving in our old age to acquire at least the rudiments of an elementary education. In the course of a few years we hope to guarantee our readers an official organ practically free from the grosser errors of spelling and grammar: meanwhile, vivat Galpinius parvulus!
* * * * *
Myrta Alice Little, Eugene B. Kuntz, Leo G. Schussman, Margaret Richard, Daisy Crump Whitehead, Clara L. Bell, John O. Baldwin, and the Editor.
The Tryout. October 1921. Uniform size. Contributions by H. P. Lovecraft, Margaret Richard, Beth Cheney Nichols, Arthur Goodenough, K. Leyson Brown, Horace L. Lawson, John Milton Samples, Washington Van Dusen, Leo G. Schussman, Lilian Middleton, Anita Roberta Kirksey, and the Editor.
THE UNITED AMATEUR. March 1921. Official Organ of the United Amateur Press Association. 14 Pages and cover. 7x10. Contributions by Winifred Virginia Jackson, Lilian Middleton, Frank Belknap Long, Jr., J. E. Hoag, Anna H. Crofts, Eleanor Beryl North, Ward Phillips, and the Editor, H. P. Lovecraft.
THE UNITED AMATEUR. May 1921. 8 pages. 7x10. Contributions by Lilian Middleton, Alfred Galpin, Jr., Eugene B. Kuntz, Margaret Mahon, Winifred Virginia Jackson, and Adam Harold Brown.
THE UNITED AMATEUR. July 1921. 6 pages. 7x10. Contributions by Lilian Middleton and Myrta Alice Little.
The United Co-Operative. April 1921. 16 pages. 6x9. Contributions by Lilian Middleton, Elizabeth Berkeley and Lewis Theobald, Jr., W. Edwin Gibson, John C. Pryor, H. P. Lovecraft, Samuel Loveman, Eugene B. Kuntz. Published under the auspices of the U. A. P. A. by the following members: Anne Tillery Renshaw, Rev. John Clinton Pryor, W. Edwin Gibson, H. P. Lovecraft.
The Woodbee. October 1921. 16 pages and cover. 5x7. Contributions by Bess Ballou, Alma B. Sanger, Norma Helena Marie Sanger, Leo Fritter, Edna M. Haughton, Peggy Hepner Fritter, Henriette Ziegfeld, and the President, Ida C. Haughton. Official Organ of the Woodbee Press Club, Columbus, Ohio.
Ziegfeld's Follies. September 1921. 1 page. 51/2x81/2. Contributions by the Editor, Arthur F. Ziegfeld.
Ziegfeld's Follies. October 1921. 4 pages. Uniform size. Contributions by Ida C. Haughton, Leo Fritter, and the Editor, Arthur F. Ziegfeld.
Providence, R. I., December 29, 1921.
On Hand, July 1, 1921 $4.00
Sonia H. Greene $50.00 From Treasury, up to Dec. 29, 1921 41.60 H. P. Lovecraft 15.40 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fritter 6.00 Howard R. Conover 5.00 Woodbee Press Club 5.00 Theodore D. Gottlieb 1.00 Ida C. Haughton 1.00 ———- Total Receipts $129.00
To E. E. Ericson, for May U. A. $24.00 To E. E. Ericson, for July U. A. 18.00 To E. E. Ericson, for Sept. U. A. 36.00 To E. E. Ericson, for Nov. U. A. 36.00 ———- Total Expenditures $114.00
Balance on Hand, December 29, 1921 $15.00
H. P. LOVECRAFT, Custodian.
H. P. LOVECRAFT Official Editor E. EDWARD ERICSON Official Publisher
Issued bi-monthly by the United Amateur Press Association.
Subscription Price, 50 cents per year.
Published at Elroy, Wisconsin.
Entered as second-class mail matter at the post office at Elroy, Wis.
Amidst the prevailing efforts of a small but pugnacious group to "liven" up the United through attacks on the Official Organ, a few basic principles should be remembered by those who stand in bewilderment.
Our constitution does not define the functions of THE UNITED AMATEUR beyond making imperative the publication of certain official documents. The rest is left to an unwritten combination of tradition and editorial judgment. Any editor, once elected, is absolutely in control of the magazine aside from the essential official matter; his only external obligation being a tacit recognition of the prevailing objects of the Association. In the present case a narrow circle of agitators seems to be seeking political capital by accusing the editor of placing too high an estimate on the membership and purposes of the United.
Since the whole development of the Association is involved in this matter, it is important that a prompt and perfect understanding be reached. The opinions of all members should be known, and if the editor finds that he has been in error, he will be glad to arrange for the accommodation of the Organ to the wishes of the majority. Up to the present time, despite the florid overstatements of the few who are trying to work up a new and wholly artificial dissatisfaction, this office has received not so much as one complaint as to policy save from the two politicians who are seeking to lower the United's standards. Endorsements as to the existing policy have been many, and as long as these remain so tremendously in the Majority, it would be a betrayal of trust to make a change to please a tiny group. If there are those who differ, why do they not speak?
Since truth is the only perfect clarifier when politics seeks to becloud, it is necessary that the editor state his policy here and now with the utmost candour. Shorn of all irrelevant things, that policy is simply the maintenance of those standards established in the United by the departure of the chronically political element in 1912. Prior to that time the Official Organ was mainly a bulletin of reports: not, as the present agitators would imply, a repository for indiscriminate amateur writings. The standard developed since then is the creation of no one person, but a logical outgrowth of the rising calibre of a vital and progressive society. It is neither one of favouritism nor one of autocracy; but merely one of stimulation. It is an embodiment of the United's desire to let the Official Organ exemplify the members' progress by using the best available material. No genuine aspirant has ever been frowned upon, or so far as we know given any ground for discouragement. The Organ is a beckoner and encourager, designed to inspire the members to renewed efforts to produce work worthy of symbolising the United. Would anyone so far insult the Association as to wish its official exponent to cater to that type of mediocrity which neither improves nor wishes to improve? Our columns are open to all who toil for the fruits of art, and statements to the contrary cannot be interpreted as other than irresponsibly ignorant or craftily misrepresentative. While insistence on a certain degree of merit is of course necessary, it is not true that THE UNITED AMATEUR makes any arbitrary restrictions. The Organ was not designed for the publication of various members' work, nor is access to its columns one of the special objects of membership, as certain agitators are artfully intimating. But notwithstanding those technical points, all proficient writers are welcome. It is illuminating, in view of the prevalent loose statements, to reflect that throughout the present editor's service not more than three manuscripts have been rejected; and that even these three were or will be elsewhere placed. Those seeking an Associational disturbance will not scruple to take advantage of every outward appearance which seems to favour them—unavoidable delays, spatial limitations, and other things interfering with prompt publication of all matter offered to this office. The present editor will be denounced as a "tyrant" by elements attempting to degrade standards which he did not establish!
The life and well-being of the United are at stake, and it is imperative that the membership exercise the most careful and independent reflection before accepting the views of radicals bent on retrogressive experiments.
Providence, R. I., April 25, 1922.
On Hand, December 29, 1921 $15.00
From Treasury, up to April 25 $31.00 Woodbee Press Club 10.00 H. P. Lovecraft 7.00 Anonymous 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fritter 2.00 Ida C. Haughton 2.00 ——— Total Receipts $72.00
To E. E. Ericson, for January U. A. $36.00 To E. E. Ericson, for March U. A. 36.00 ——— Total Expenditures $72.00
Balance on Hand, April 25, 1922 None
H. P. LOVECRAFT, Custodian.
Providence, R. I., June 23, 1922.
On Hand, April 25, 1922 None
Receipts Since April 25
From Treasury, up to June 23 $28.00 Alfred Galpin, Jr. 6.00 Woodbee Press Club 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fritter 2.00 ——— Total Receipts $41.00
To E. E. Ericson, for May U. A. $24.00
Balance on Hand, June 23, 1922 $17.00
H. P. LOVECRAFT, Custodian.
At the Home of Poe
A Poem in Prose
To H. P. Lovecraft
The home of Poe! It is like a fairy dwelling, a gnomic palace built of the aether of dreams. It is tiny and delicate and lovely, and replete with memories of sere leaves in November and of lilies in April. It is a castle of vanished hopes, of dimly-remembered dreams, of sad memories older than the deluge. The dead years circle slowly and solemnly around its low white walls, and clothe it in a mystic veil of unseen tears. And many marvellous stories could this quaint little old house tell, many weird and cryptic stories of him of the Raven hair, and high, pallid brow, and sad, sweet face, and melancholy mien; and of the beloved Virginia, that sweet child of a thousand magic visions, child of the lonesome, pale-gray latter years, child of the soft and happy South. And how the dreamer of the spheres must have loved this strange little house. Every night the hollow boards of its porch must have echoed to his footfall, and every morn the great rising sun must have sent its rays through the little window, and bathed the lovely tresses of the dream-child in mystical yellow. And perhaps there was laughter within the walls of that house—laughter and merriment and singing. But we know that the Evil One came at last, the grim humourless spectre who loves not beauty, and is not of this world. And we know that the house of youth and of love became a house of death, and that memories bitter as the tears of a beautiful woman assailed the dreamer within. And at last he himself left that house of mourning and sought solace among the stars. But the house remains a vision out of a magical book; a thing seen darkly as in a looking-glass; but lovely beyond the dreams of mortals, and ineffably sad.
Transcriber's Notes:
Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Significant amendments, author's corrections and further notes have been recorded below. American and British forms of typography, in addition to variant, dialect and archaic spellings, have been retained except where obvious errors exist.
Author's Corrections:
p. 14, see p. 30 for details: 'long' corrected to longer.
p. 49, see p. 60 for details: 'sublime' corrected to sublimer; 'star's' corrected to stars; 'father's' corrected to fathers; 'hollow'd' corrected to hallow'd.
Transcriber's Amendments:
p. 7, 'insanity' amended to inanity: 'triteness and inanity'; 'permissable' amended to permissible: 'permissible clause'; 'breath' amended to breadth: 'present moderate breadth'.
p. 8, 'woud' amended to would: 'would do much'; 'editorials' amended to editorial: 'Mr Stokes' editorial'; 'istincts' amended to instincts: 'in our instincts'; 'amateurs' amended to amateur: 'in amateur circles'.
p. 9, 'from' amended to form: 'Credentials form the'.
p. 11, 'scacely' amended to scarcely: 'but scarcely equal'; 'colums' amended to columns: 'Coyote's editorial columns'.
p. 12, 'Sappo' amended to Sappho: '"To Sappho", by Olive G. Owen'.
p. 13, 'Morrish' amended to Moorish: 'old Moorish Spain'.
p. 14, 'Houghton' amended to Haughton: 'Edna Mitchell Haughton's'.
p. 15, 'DERARTMENT' amended to DEPARTMENT: 'DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC'; 'witheld' amended to withheld: 'merely withheld from'.
p. 16, added is: 'no praise is needed'; 'Niagra' amended to Niagara: 'Visit to Niagara'; 'wormth' amended to warmth: 'and genuine warmth'; 'Weeks' amended to Week: 'History of an Eight-Week-Old'.
p. 17, 'advantage' amended to advantages: 'advantages ... are many'.
p. 18, 'pronounciation' amended to pronunciation: 'New York pronunciation'; 'Mrs.' amended to Mr., referring to Ricardo Santiago.
p. 19, 'phenomerally' amended to phenomenally: 'phenomenally pure'; 'Hennesey' amended to Hennessey: 'James J. Hennessey'.
p. 20, 'bestrown' amended to bestrewn: 'is bestrewn with slang'.
p. 25, 'away' amended to way: 'giving way to'.
p. 29, 'techique' amended to technique: 'plot and technique'.
p. 33, 'Heindall's' amended to Heimdall's.
p. 34, 'Heindall' amended to Heimdall; 'Sehrimner' amended to Sehrimnir: 'the boar Sehrimnir'.
p. 35, 'Jordon' amended to Jordan (3 instances); 'inconsistancy ... is' amended to inconsistency ... it: 'inconsistency, but it seems'; 'a' amended to of: 'rank as a poet is of very high tone'.
p. 36, 'beautful' amended to beautiful: 'delicately beautiful'; 'posessive' amended to possessive: 'possessive case'; 'ungramatical' amended to ungrammatical: 'by the ungrammatical'; 'Harington' amended to Harrington: 'William T. Harrington'; 'abnorman pschology' amended to abnormal psychology; 'letre' amended to metre: 'tuneful metre'; 'Chrismas' amended to Christmas: 'Christmas number'; 'Jordon' amended to Jordan: 'Winifred V. Jordan's'.
p. 37, 'propertly' amended to properly: 'be properly welcomed'; 'throught' amended to through: 'recording thought through'.
p. 38, 'Buterfly' amended to Butterfly: 'To a Butterfly'; 'Jordon' amended to Jordan: 'Winifred V. Jordan'; 'con-conception' amended to conception: 'his conception of'.
p. 39, 'classoical' amended to classical: 'more classical myths'; added by: 'also by Mr. Cole'; 'beautful' amended to beautiful: 'many beautiful passages'; 'physhological' amended to psychological: 'a psychological as'; 'dignnity' amended to dignity: 'humility and dignity'; 'gramatical' amended to grammatical: 'of grammatical or'.
p. 40, 'Emile' amended to Emilie: 'Emilie C. Holladay'; 'ocasional' amended to occasional: 'the occasional metrical'; 'Jordon' amended to Jordan: 'Winifred V. Jordan'; 'Willam' amended to William: 'William de Ryee'; 'technicly' amended to technically: 'are technically no'; 'Canvass' amended to Canvas: 'the Canvas Wall'; 'but is' amended to is but: 'novel is but a'.
p. 41, 'mosiac' amended to mosaic: 'skillful mosaic of'; 'unaquainted' amended to unacquainted: 'totally unacquainted'; 'embarassed' amended to embarrassed: 'a little embarrassed'.
p. 42, 'staza' amended to stanza: 'first stanza might'.
p. 43, 'pharse' amended to phrase: 'the awkward phrase'; 'ryhthm' amended to rhythm: 'swinging dactylic rhythm'; 'uder' amended to under: 'coat under the wayside'.
p. 44, 'develope' amended to develop: 'all develop naturally'; 'Macauly' amended to Macauley: 'George W. Macauley'.
p. 45, 'pratically' amended to practically: 'for practically all'; 'amatuer' amended to amateur: 'professionalized amateur'; 'happly' amended to happily: 'happily extinct tribe'.
p. 47, 'apearance' amended to appearance: 'the appearance of'; 'incongrous' amended to incongruous: 'a rather incongruous'.
p. 48, 'reminiscense' amended to reminiscence: 'pensive reminiscence'; 'Haaughton' amended to Haughton: 'Ida C. Haughton'.
p. 50, 'unamimous' amended to unanimous: 'absolutely unanimous vote'; 'sustined' amended to sustained: 'and sustained his'.
p. 52, 'Kliner' amended to Kleiner: 'the Kleiner type'; 'Henrietta' amended to Henriette: 'Henriette and Florenz'; 'thoughfulness' amended to thoughtfulness: 'for thoughtfulness'.
p. 53, 'essays-writers' amended to essay-writers.
p. 54, 'prosed' amended to proposed: 'the proposed alteration'.
p. 57, 'Statess' amended to States: 'the United States'.
p. 59, 'Mathew' amended to Matthew: 'by Matthew Hilson'.
p. 61, 'ancesters' amended to ancestors: 'of my ancestors'.
p. 63, 'ancesters' amended to ancestors: 'ancestors had met'; 'told' amended to tolled: 'clock ... tolled off'.
p. 64, 'Godfry' amended to Godfrey: 'son of Godfrey'; 'particularily' amended to particularly: 'most particularly'; 'gastly' amended to ghastly: 'ghastly radiance'.
p. 66, 'rhym' amended to rhyme: 'nobility of the rhyme'; 'bouyant' amended to buoyant: 'joy and buoyant'; 'tireomely' amended to tiresomely: 'tiresomely commonplace'; 'savour' amended to savours: 'savours too much'.
p. 67, 'solesisms' amended to solecisms: 'such solecisms as'; 'avoid' amended to avoided: 'should be avoided'.
p. 68, 'awkard' amended to awkward: 'not wholly awkward'; 'copmlete' amended to complete: 'more complete'; repeated line removed: 'sentiment, deriving much force from the'; 'poplarly' amended to popularly: 'are popularly supposed'; added a: 'it is a comfort'.
p. 69, repeated line removed: 'ology. In the third line of the third stanza'; 'hypocricy' amended to hypocrisy: 'The hypocrisy of'.
p. 70, 'occuring' amended to occurring: 'A rhyme occurring'; 'colum' amended to column: 'editorial column of'; 'techinque' amended to technique: 'old-school technique'.
p. 71, 'unsual' amended to unusual: 'rather unusual'; repeated text 'of' removed: 'pen of of Mrs. W. V. Jordan'.
p. 72, 'accentuaton' amended to accentuation: 'accentuation of the'; 'hsould' amended to should: 'word should be'; 'citic' amended to critic: 'the present critic'.
p. 73, 'denizon' amended to denizen: 'or denizen is'; 'year' amended to years: 'eighty-six years ago'; 'contents ... is' amended to contents ... are; 'McGavach' amended to McGavack (2 instances).
p. 74, added is: '"Education in Trinidad" is another'.
p. 77, 'revails' amended to reveals: 'but scansion reveals'; 'Gallenne' amended to Gallienne: 'Richard Le Gallienne'.
p. 78, 'vesy' amended to very: 'a very pleasing'; 'gartifyingly' amended to gratifyingly: 'metre is gratifyingly'; 'hypocracy' amended to hypocrisy: 'anti-prohibition hypocrisy'; 'earsest' amended to earnest: 'are more earnest'.
p. 79, 'propertly' amended to properly: 'cannot properly be rhymed'.
p. 81, 'posses ... conspicious' amended to possess ... conspicuous: 'possess both deep fervour and conspicuous merit'; 'McGavach' amended to McGavack (3 instances).
p. 82, 'Parke's' amended to Mr. Parks': 'Mr. Parks' brief sketches'; 'McGavach' amended to McGavack (2 instances); 'irresistly' amended to irresistibly: 'irresistibly delight'; 'metriacl' amended to metrical: 'metrical effort'.
p. 84, 'ocurrences' amended to occurrences: 'obscure occurrences of'.
p. 85, 'Authour' amended to Author: 'Author of the'.
p. 88, 'Ecstacy' amended to Ecstasy: '"Ecstasy," a poem'; 'imporant' amended to important: 'number of important'.
p. 90, 'rtaes' amended to rates: 'at reasonable rates'.
p. 91, 'cooperateion' amended to co-operation: 'closer co-operation'; 'Asociation' amended to Association: 'out of the Association'.
p. 92, 'productons' amended to productions: 'literary productions'.
p. 93, 'twilght ... unpanted' amended to twilight ... unpainted: 'through the twilight, some grey, unpainted'; 'pronounciation' amended to pronunciation: 'pronunciation of'.
p. 94, 'dsplaying' amended to displaying: 'displaying an enviable'; 'Medum' amended to Medium: 'Medium of Education'; 'it' amended to in: 'picturesque in atmosphere'.
p. 95, 'wth' amended to with: 'compared with many'; 'Reiseberg' amended to Rieseberg: 'Harry E. Rieseberg'.
p. 98, 'adminstrative' amended to administrative.
p. 99, 'Lindquqist' amended to Lindquist.
p. 100, 'insuffcient' amended to insufficient: 'is insufficient to'.
p. 103, 'it' amended to is: 'and it is a source'.
p. 104, 'rhetorican' amended to rhetorician: 'as a rhetorician'.
p. 105, 'Namantius' amended to Namatianus.
p. 106, 'corect' amended to correct: 'most correct age'.
p. 109, 'similiarly' amended to similarly: 'the similarly spelled'.
p. 110, 'psuedo-anecdotes' amended to pseudo-anecdotes; 'gratfying' amended to gratifying: 'great and gratifying'.
p. 112, 'persual' amended to perusal: 'perusal of standard'.
p. 113, 'demonstrate' amended to demonstrates: 'A glance ... demonstrates'; 'econium' amended to encomium: 'evoke encomium with'.
p. 119, 'gorss' amended to gross: 'gross violations of'; repeated text 'and verb' removed: 'noun and verb and verb'; 'ues' amended to use: 'Ambiguous use of pronouns'.
p. 122, 'versimilitude' amended to verisimilitude; 'qualiy' amended to quality: 'prosaic quality'.
p. 126, 'Deinos' amended to Deimos: 'Deimos and Phobos'.
Further Notes:
p. 16, 'Dempsey' and p. 43, 'Dempesy', conflicted spelling: 'Caryl Wilson Demp[se/es]y'.
p. 41, 'Frazer' and p. 51, 'Frazier', conflicted spelling: 'John W. Fraz[i]er'.
p. 73, 'Acyion', possible misprint of Alcyon or Alcyone: 'Edwin Gibson's "Sonnet to Acyion"'.
p. 93, 'Dionondawa', possible misprint of Dionondehowa: 'To the Falls of Dionondawa'.