1-1/2 c. stoned dates 1/2 c. water 2 eggs 2 c. milk 1/4 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. cinnamon
Steam the dates in the water in a double boiler until they are soft. Rub through a sieve. Beat the eggs slightly and add them with the milk to the dates. Add the sugar, salt, and cinnamon. Pour into a partly baked pie crust, place in a moderate oven, and continue the baking as for custard pie.
61. LEMON PIE NO. 1.—A plain lemon pie that is comparatively inexpensive may be made by following the directions given here. More eggs, of course, will make a better pie and they may be added if desired. Grating the rind of the lemon adds flavor to the filling, but too much will give a bitter taste. Lemon juice should never be cooked with the corn starch, as the filling will gradually become thinner and the starch will lose its value as a thickening agent.
2 c. water 1 c. sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 1/3 c. corn starch 2 eggs 1/4 c. lemon juice Grated rind of 1 lemon
Bring the water to the boiling point. Mix the sugar, salt, and corn starch and add to the water. Cook directly over the flame until the mixture is thickened and then place in a double boiler. Separate the eggs, beat the yolks, and to them add the lemon juice and the grated rind of the lemon. Beat all well and add to the corn-starch mixture. Remove from the fire and pour into the baked crust of a pie. Make meringue of the egg whites and place on top of the filling. Brown in the oven, cool, and serve.
62. LEMON PIE NO. 2.—The accompanying recipe is similar to lemon pie No. 1, except that it contains some butter and in quantity is a larger recipe. If more than one pie is desired at a time, it is easy to multiply the quantities given.
1-1/2 c. sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 2/3 c. corn starch 3 c. water 2 eggs Grated rind of 1 lemon 1/2 c. lemon juice 2 Tb. butter
Mix the sugar, salt, and corn starch and add to the boiling water. Cook directly over the flame until the mixture becomes thick. Then place in a double boiler. Separate the eggs, beat the yolks, and add to them the grated rind of lemon and the lemon juice. Stir all into the corn-starch mixture. Add the butter, and when it has melted remove from the heat. Pour the mixture into the baked crust of a pie. Make meringue of the egg whites, cover the filling with the meringue, and bake in a moderate oven until a delicate brown.
63. ORANGE PIE.—An orange pie is similar to a lemon pie, except that orange juice, together with grated orange rind, is used to give flavor and a little lemon juice is added for acidity. Pie of this kind makes a pleasing change from the desserts usually served.
2 c. water 1/2 c. corn starch 1 c. sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 2 eggs Grated rind of 1 orange 1/2 c. orange juice 2 Tb. lemon juice
Bring the water to the boiling point. Mix the corn starch, sugar, and salt and add to the water. Cook directly over the flame until the corn starch has thickened. Place in a double boiler. Separate the eggs, beat the yolks, and to them add the grated rind of the orange and the orange and lemon juice. Beat well and add to the corn-starch mixture. Remove from the heat and pour into a baked crust of a pie. Make meringue of the egg whites, cover the filling, and bake until a delicate brown in a moderate oven.
64. PINEAPPLE PIE.—Nothing more delicious in the way of a one-crust pie can be made than pineapple pie. It is similar to lemon pie, but differs in that a certain amount of the fruit is used in the filling. Therefore, unless the fruit is cut very fine, the pie will be difficult to cut.
1-1/2 c. water 1/2 c. corn starch 1 c. sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 1 egg 1/2 c. pineapple juice 2 Tb. lemon juice 1 c. shredded or finely chopped pineapple
Bring the water to the boiling point. Mix the corn starch, sugar, and salt and add to the boiling water. Cook directly over the flame until the mixture has thickened. Separate the egg, beat the yolk, and add to the pineapple and lemon juice. Stir this into the corn-starch mixture, remove from the heat, and add the pineapple. Fill a baked crust of a pie, make meringue of the egg white, cover the filling, and bake in a moderate oven until delicately browned.
65. PUMPKIN PIE NO. 1.—There are very few persons with whom pumpkin pie is not a favorite. While it is especially popular in the autumn, it may be made at any time of the year. Sometimes pumpkin is dried or canned in the household or commercially for this purpose. Then, too, pumpkins may be kept all winter if they are stored in a cool, dry place and are not bruised when put away.
1-1/2 c. pumpkin 1 c. milk 1 egg 1/2 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. ginger 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/4 tsp. cloves 1 Tb. corn starch
The preparation of the pumpkin is the first step in the making of pumpkin pie. First chop the pumpkin into 3- or 4-inch pieces, remove the seeds, and peel off the skin. Cut the peeled pulp into cubes about 1 inch square and cook with just enough water to start the cooking or steam until the pumpkin is soft. When it has become soft, mash thoroughly or force through a sieve, and then cook again, stirring frequently to prevent the pumpkin from burning. Cook until as much water as possible has been evaporated and the mass of pumpkin seems quite dry. With the pumpkin prepared, mix the milk with it and add the beaten egg. Stir in the sugar, salt, spices, and corn starch. Fill partly baked pie crust with this mixture and bake in a moderate oven until the filling is cooked thoroughly and the crust is baked.
66. PUMPKIN PIE NO. 2.—Pumpkin pie is in reality a form of custard to which spice is added, but much of the original flavor of the pumpkin is lost if too much spice is used. The finished product should not be dark in color, but a golden brown. This dessert becomes much more delicious by adding a layer of whipped cream to it just before serving.
2 c. pumpkin 1-1/2 c. milk 3 eggs 1/2 c. sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. cloves 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Prepare the pumpkin as directed in Art. 65 and add the milk to it. Beat the eggs and add to them the sugar, salt, and spices. Stir this into the mixture. Fill partly baked pie crust and bake in a moderate oven until the mixture is set and the crust is baked. Serve plain or spread a layer of whipped cream over the pie when it has cooled.
67. SQUASH PIE.—Pie that is similar to pumpkin pie may be made by using winter squash instead of pumpkin. It is somewhat finer in texture than pumpkin, and most persons consider it to be superior in flavor. When squash is desired for pies, it should be prepared in the same way as pumpkin.
2 c. squash 1 c. milk 1 egg 1/2 c. sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Mix the squash and milk and add the beaten egg, sugar, salt, and spices. Fill an unbaked pie crust, place in a moderate oven, and bake until the mixture is set and the crust is brown.
68. STRAWBERRY PIE.—The season for strawberries being short, it is usually desired to use them in as many ways as possible. Strawberry pie is offered as one of the more unusual ways. Made into individual pies or tarts and served with whipped cream, this furnishes a very attractive dessert.
1 qt. strawberries 1-1/2 c. sugar 3 Tb. flour
Spread the strawberries on a single unbaked crust of a pie. Mix the sugar and flour and sprinkle over the berries. Put half-inch strips of paste across the top in the form of a lattice. Place in the oven and bake until the crust is brown, the strawberries are well cooked, and the juice is thick.
69. SWEET-POTATO PIE.—The amount of milk needed for making sweet-potato pie varies according to the dryness of the potatoes. Before they can be used for pie, the sweet potatoes must be cooked until they are tender and then mashed. The quantities given in the accompanying recipe will make enough filling for two pies.
3 c. sweet potato 3/4 c. sugar 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/2 tsp. cloves 1 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. ginger 2 eggs 2 c. milk
To the sweet potatoes add the dry ingredients and the unbeaten eggs, and then beat the mixture thoroughly. Pour in the milk and stir well. Turn into a partly baked pie crust, place in a moderate oven, and bake until the filling is set.
70. OPEN PEACH PIE.—Pare sufficient peaches to cover a single-crust pie. Cut them into halves, remove the seeds, and place in a single layer over an unbaked pie crust. Cover with 1 cupful of sugar to which have been added 3 tablespoonfuls of flour. Dot well with butter, add 1/4 cupful of water, and place in the oven. Bake until the crust is brown and the peaches are well cooked. Apples used in the same way make a delicious dessert.
71. PROCEDURE IN MAKING PUFF PASTE.—The making of puff paste differs somewhat from the making of plain pastry. If puff paste is to be successful, it must be made carefully and with close attention to every detail. Even then the first attempt may not prove to be entirely successful, for often considerable experience is required before one becomes expert in the making of this delicate pastry.
The best time to make puff paste is in the cold weather, as the butter, which is the fat used, can be handled more easily and rolled into the paste with greater success if it, as well as the other ingredients, are cold. If puff paste is desired in weather that is not cold, the mixture will have to be placed on ice at various intervals, for it positively must be kept as cold as possible. However, it is always preferable to make puff paste without the assistance of ice. Further essentials in the making of successful puff paste are a light touch and as little handling as possible. Heavy pressure with the rolling pin and rolling in the wrong direction are mistakes that result in an inferior product. The desirable light, tender qualities of puff paste can be obtained only by giving attention to these details.
72. Before beginning the mixing of puff paste, wash the bowl, spoon, and hands first in hot water to insure perfect cleanliness and then in cold water to make them as cold as possible. Measure the ingredients very carefully, or, better, weigh them if possible.
Put the butter in a mass in the bowl and, as shown in Fig. 14, wash out the salt by running cold water over the piece and working it with a wooden spoon or a butter paddle. When it becomes hard and waxy and may be handled with the hands, take it from the bowl and remove the water by patting it vigorously, first on one side and then on the other. Finally, form it into a flat, oblong piece and set it into the refrigerator to harden.
73. With the butter ready, break off a tablespoonful or two and mix it with all of the flour except 2 tablespoonfuls, which must be retained for flouring the board, in the same way as for plain pastry. Then add the water, and, when a mass is formed, remove it to a well-floured board and knead it as shown in Fig. 15. When the mixture has become somewhat elastic, cover it with a towel, as shown in Fig. 16, and allow it to remain covered for 3 to 5 minutes.
Then roll it into an oblong piece, and, as in Fig. 17, place the butter on one end of it. Bring the opposite end down over the butter and press the edges together with the tips of the fingers, as shown in Fig. 18. Then, with the rolling pin, make several dents in the dough mixture and the butter, as shown in Fig. 19, and begin to roll, being careful to roll in one direction and not to allow the butter to come through the paste. If it should come through, it will have to be treated until it becomes perfectly cold and hard again before the making can go on.
The quickest and most satisfactory way in which to accomplish this is to wrap it in a piece of linen, set it on a plate in a pan of crushed ice, and place another pan of crushed ice over the top of it. In case this is done once, it will have to be done each time the paste is rolled.
Continue to roll until a rectangular piece is formed, always being careful to move the rolling pin in the same direction and never to roll backwards and forwards. With a long, narrow piece of dough formed, fold about one-third under and one-third over, as shown in Fig. 20, turn the open end toward you, and roll lightly and carefully in one direction until another long, narrow piece of dough is formed. Fold this in the same way, turn it half way around, and roll again. Continue in this manner until the piece has been rolled about six times and, during the entire process, try, if possible, to keep the butter from coming through. As may be readily understood, this can be accomplished only with light, careful handling.
As soon as the rolling has been completed in the manner described, cut the puff paste into the desired shapes and place them on the ice for about 1/2 hour or until they are thoroughly chilled. They are then ready to be baked. If time is too limited to keep the paste on ice for 1/2 hour, chill it as long as possible before baking.
74. BAKING PUFF PASTE.—A very hot oven is required for successful puff paste. In fact, the colder the pastry and the hotter the oven, the better will be the chances for light pastry. The air incorporated between the layers of the paste by the folding and rolling expands in the heat of the oven, causing the paste to rise and producing the characteristic lightness.
For instance, if the pieces of paste are about 1/4 inch thick before baking, they should be 2 inches thick when baked. Set the pan containing the pieces on the floor of the oven in order to give the paste every opportunity to rise. If it seems to rise unevenly, turn it around so that it will get the same heat on all sides. Should there be any danger of the paste burning on the bottom, put pieces of heavy paper or asbestos under the pan and should it appear to burn on top, put pieces of paper directly over the paste on the rack above. Bake until light and nicely browned and then remove from the oven.
75. RECIPE FOR PUFF PASTE.—Either bread or pastry flour may be used in the preparation of puff paste, but if pastry flour is used a tablespoonful or two more will be required.
The amount of cold water needed varies with the absorbing power of the flour. However, only enough should be used to make it possible to knead the mass of dough that forms so that it may become elastic. Kneading develops the gluten in the flour and helps to hold in the fat thus making the paste easier to handle.
2 c. flour 1 c. butter Cold water
Put the flour into a mixing bowl and chop a tablespoonful of the butter into it. Add cold water until a mass that may be removed to a baking board is formed. Then proceed in the manner explained for the making of puff paste.
76. USES OF PUFF PASTE.—Puff paste is seldom used in the making of single- or double-crust pies; instead, it is usually employed for daintier desserts commonly known as French pastry. However, there are really innumerable uses to which it may be put in addition to those for which ordinary pastry can be used. In fact, after the art of making this kind of pastry is mastered, it will prove to be invaluable for serving on special occasions.
77. With puff paste may be made tarts of any kind or shape. Particularly attractive tarts can be made by covering small tins in the manner shown in Fig. 12 and then, after the shapes have been baked, filling each one with half of a peach or half of an apricot and juice that has boiled thick and piling sweetened whipped cream over it.
Puff paste made into the same shapes as those just mentioned for tarts may have placed in it a layer of cake, on top of which may be spread a layer of jam; and, to add a dainty touch, either whipped cream or chopped nuts may be put over the jam. The cake used for such a dessert should preferably be simple butter cake or sponge cake, such as might be baked in a loaf.
Puff paste in the form of tubes and shells may be used for serving foods daintily. Thus, a hollow tube may be made by rolling the paste very thin, cutting it into rectangular pieces, placing each piece over a round stick about 1-1/2 inches in diameter, and then baking. After the baked tube is slipped off the stick, it may be filled with sweetened and flavored whipped cream, to which may be added chopped nuts, chopped fruit, or jam. Small baked shells of puff paste answer very well as timbale cases, which may be filled with creamed mushrooms, creamed sweetbreads, or other delicate creamed food. If shells are not desired, small triangular or round pieces may be cut and baked and creamed food served over them as it would be served over toast.
An attractive dessert may be prepared by baking several rectangular pieces of puff paste in the oven and then arranging them in two or three layers with custard between. Simple sugar icings into which some butter is beaten may also be utilized to advantage in making French pastry of this kind.
Puff paste may also be used as the covering for small individual pies.
78. To be most palatable, pastry should be served as soon as possible after it is baked. When it is allowed to stand for any length of time, the lower crust becomes soaked with moisture from the filling used, and in this state the pie is not only unpalatable, but to a certain extent indigestible. Consequently, whenever it is possible, only enough for one meal should be baked at a time.
After a pie is taken from the oven, it should not be removed from the pan in which it is baked until it is served. In fact, pie with a tender crust cannot be handled easily and so should be cut while it is still in the pan. Often it is best to serve a pie warm. When this is to be done, it can be served immediately upon being taken from the oven, or if it has been baked for some time and is cold, it may be set in the oven and reheated before serving. Such treatment will freshen any pie that has become more or less stale and, as is well known, pie is much more palatable when it is warm and fresh than when it is cold or stale. In case pies must be kept before being served, they should be stored in a place that is both cold and dry. A refrigerator is too damp and for this reason should not be used; but any other cool place that is sufficiently dry will be satisfactory.
79. Several ways of serving pie are in practice. This dessert may be baked in attractive dishes especially designed for this purpose and then served from them at the table, or it may be baked in an ordinary pie pan and then placed on a plate larger than the pan for serving. Pie of the usual size is generally divided into five or six pieces, a sharp knife being used to cut it. If possible, a pie knife, which is narrow at the end of the blade and gradually grows broader until the handle is reached, where it is very broad, should be provided for the serving of this dessert, for it helps very much in handling the triangular pieces that are cut from a large pie. The plates on which pie is served should be at least as large as salad plates. Very often, instead of serving it from the pan at the table, it is put on plates in the kitchen and passed at the table. Pie is always eaten with a fork, one that is smaller than a dinner fork being used.
80. With most pies containing fruit filling, a small piece of cheese, preferably highly flavored cheese, may be served. This makes a very good accompaniment so far as flavor is concerned, but is omitted in some meals because it may supply too much food value or too much protein. However, if the fact that a high-protein food is to be served at the end of the meal is taken into account when the remainder of the meal is planned, there need be no hesitancy in serving cheese with pie. Of course, when cheese is to be included in the meal in this way, the portions of the protein foods served with the main course should be smaller.
81. A very attractive as well as appetizing way in which to serve pie is known as pie a la mode. This method of serving, which is often resorted to when something extra is desired, consists in placing a spoonful or two of ice cream of any flavor on each serving of apple or other fruit pie. Pie served in this way is high in food value and is a general favorite with persons who are fond of both ice cream and pie.
* * * * *
(1) (a) What is pastry? (b) What is the principal use of pastry?
(2) How should the use of pastry with meals be governed?
(3) What may be said of the flour used for pastry?
(4) Discuss the shortenings that may be used for pastry.
(5) Give the proportions of fat and flour that may be used for pastry.
(6) What may be said of the handling of pastry in its preparation for baking?
(7) Describe a method of mixing fat and flour for pastry.
(8) How is the liquid added to the fat and flour for pastry?
(9) Describe the rolling of pie crust.
(10) How is a pan covered with paste for pies?
(11) How may a single crust that is to be baked before it is filled be kept from blistering?
(12) Describe the making of a top crust and the covering of a pie with it.
(13) What oven temperature is best for baking pastry? Tell why.
(14) On what does the length of time for baking pastry depend?
(15) Describe briefly the making of puff paste.
(16) What may be done with bits of paste not utilized in making pies?
(17) If more than sufficient paste for use at one time is mixed, what may be done with that which remains?
(18) How should pastry be cared for after baking?
(19) Describe the serving of pastry.
(20) Why should starchy material used for thickening not be cooked with acid fruit juice for any length of time if this can be avoided?
Almond macaroons, Angel cake, Apple-and-celery salad, cakes, -date-and-orange salad, pie, sauce, -sauce cakes, tapioca, Apricot mousse, Banana-and-, sandwiches, sauce, Asparagus salad,
Baked custard, Baking butter cake, cookies, plain pastry, puff paste, small cakes, sponge cake, Banana-and-apricot mousse, -and-peanut salad, Barley-molasses cookies, Beet-and-bean salad, Berry pie, Biscuit tortoni, Biscuits, Definition of, Molding, Blanc mange, Chocolate, mange, Plain, Boiled icing, icing, Brown-sugar, salad dressing, Bomebe glace, Boston cream pie, Bread-and-butter sandwiches, -and-cheese sandwiches, Rye-, for sandwiches, Bread pudding, pudding, Chocolate, Bride's cake, Brioche, buns, dessert, pudding, Brown Betty, -sugar boiled icing, Brownies, Butter cake, cake after baking, Care of, cake, Baking, -cake ingredients, Combining the, cake, Nature of, -cake pans, cakes and their preparation, cakes, Procedure in making, icing, icing, Chocolate, Butterscotch pie,
Cabbage-and-celery salad, salad, Cafe parfait, Cake after baking, Care of butter, after baking, Care of sponge, and pudding mixtures in the diet, Angel, Apple, Baking butter, Baking sponge, Bride's, Butter, Caramel, Chocolate nut, Cinnamon, Cocoa and chocolate in, Coconut in, Cold-water sponge, Cake, Corn-starch, Devil's food, Feather, fillings, Flavoring extracts in, from pan, Removing sponge, Fruit, Gold, Hot-water sponge, Ice-cream, icings and fillings, icings, Preparation of, ingredients, Combining butter-, ingredients, Combining sponge-, ingredients, Preparation of, ingredients, Quality of, Lady Baltimore, making, Equipment for, making, Procedure in, Miscellaneous fruits in, mixture, Baking the butter-, mixture, Baking the sponge-, Nature of butter, Nature of sponge, Nut layer, Nut spice, Nuts in, One-egg, Orange sponge, pans, Preparation of, pans, Sponge-, Plain layer, Plain sponge, Potato-flour sponge, Pound, Raisin spice, Raisins and currants in, Sour-milk chocolate, Sponge, Sunshine, War, Wedding, White, White fruit, with potato flour, Sponge,
Cakes, Apple-sauce, Baking small, Cinnamon cup, Cocoa cup, Coffee, cookies, and puddings, Cup, Cup and drop, Drop, Fat for, Flour for, Fruit drop, General classes of, Ginger drop, Ingredients used in, Cakes, leavening for, Liquid for, made with yeast, Nature of mixture for small, Oat-flake drop, Ornamental icing for cup, Preparation of small, Procedure in making butter, Procedure in making sponge, Roxbury, Small, Sour-milk drop, Spices in, Sweetening for, Varieties of small, California salad, Canapes, Cantaloupe shells, Fruit in, Canton parfait, Caramel cake, custard, filling for eclairs, ice cream, icing, mousse, tapioca, Carbohydrate in desserts, in salads, Care of butter cake after baking, of salad greens, of sandwiches after making, of sponge cake after baking, Cauliflower-and-tomato salad, salad, Celery salad, salad, Apple-and-, salad, Grapefruit-and-, sandwiches, Rolled, Stuffed, Cellulose in salads, Checkerboard sandwiches, Cheese-and-nut sandwiches, dreams, filling for sandwiches, salad, Green-pepper-and-, salad, Peach-and-cream-, salad, Pear-and-, sandwiches, sandwiches, Jelly-and-cream-, sandwiches, Rye-bread-and-, straws, Cherry frappe, pie, pie, Mock, salad, Filbert-and-, Chicken salad, -salad filling for sandwiches, -salad sandwiches, sandwiches, Chocolate and cocoa in cake, Chocolate blanc mange, bread pudding, butter icing, cake, Sour-milk, filling, filling for eclairs, ice cream, icing, mousse, nut cake, pie, pudding, sauce, water icing, Christmas pudding, Cider frappe, Cinnamon cake, cup cakes, Classes of cookies, Cleaning and freshening salad ingredients, Club sandwiches, Cocoa and chocolate in cake, cup cakes, Coconut-corn-starch custard, filling, in cake, macaroons, pie, puff, sauce, Coffee cakes, filling, filling for eclairs, jelly, Cold and frozen desserts, desserts and their preparation, -water icing, -water sponge cake, Combination fruit-and-vegetable salads, fruit salad, salad, salad, Summer, Combining butter-cake ingredients, sponge-cake ingredients, Composition and food value of desserts, of salads, Cooked icings, mayonnaise, Cookery rules to desserts, Applying, Cookies, and puddings, Cakes, Baking, Barley-molasses, Classes of, Cream, Filled, Filling for, Cookies, Ingredients in, Oatmeal, Procedure in making, Sour-cream, Cooky recipes, Corn oil, -starch cake, -starch custard, Cottage pudding, Cottonseed oil, Crab salad, Lobster or, Cranberry frappe, pie, Cream, Caramel ice, -cheese salad, Peach-and-, -cheese sandwiches, Jelly-and-, Chocolate ice, cookies, Dessert sauces and whipped, dressing, filling for cream puffs, filling, Fruit, fluff, Pineapple, fluff, Strawberry, French, Mocha ice, Neapolitan ice, Philadelphia ice, pie, pie, Boston, pie, Date, puffs, puffs and eclairs, puffs, Cream filling for, Spanish, Tapioca, Vanilla ice, Whipped, Crullers, Frying doughnuts and, Nature of doughnuts and, Shaping doughnuts and, Cucumber-and-onion salad, Sliced, -and-tomato salad, salad, sandwiches, Cup and drop cakes, cakes, cakes, Cinnamon, cakes, Cocoa, cakes, Ornamental icing for, Currants and raisins in cake, Custard, Baked, Caramel, Corn-starch, desserts, Farina, Frozen, Minute-tapioca, pie, Plain frozen, Custard, Rice, sauce, Soft, Tapioca, Tutti-frutti frozen, with nuts, Frozen, with raisins, Frozen, Custards, True,
Daisy salad, Date-and-English-walnut salad, -and-orange salad, Apple-, cream pie, sandwiches, Dessert in the meal, ingredients, Economical use of, making, Principles of, making, Principles of frozen-, Packing a frozen, sauces and whipped cream, Desserts and their preparation, Cold, Applying cookery rules to, Attractiveness of, Carbohydrate in, Cold and frozen, Composition and food value of, Custard, Fat in, Frozen, Gelatine, General discussion of, Method of freezing, Molding frozen, Principles of making gelatine, Procedure in freezing, Proportion of ice to salt in frozen, Protein in, Recipes for frozen, Recipes for gelatine, Serving frozen, Devil's food cake, Diet, Cake and pudding mixtures in the, Purposes of salads in the, Salads in the, Double-crust pies, Doughnuts, and crullers, Frying, and crullers, Nature of, and crullers, Shaping, Drop, Potato-and-barley, Sour-milk, Yeast, Dreams, Cheese, Dressing, Boiled salad, Cream, Dressing, French, Fruit-salad, Mayonnaise, Sour-cream, Thousand Island, Dressings and their preparation, Salad, Nature of salad, Dried-fruit pies, Drop cakes, cakes, Cup and, cakes, Fruit, cakes, Ginger, cakes, Oat-flake, cakes, Sour-milk, doughnuts,
Easter salad, Easy pastry, Eclairs, and cream puffs, Caramel filling for, Chocolate filling for, Coffee filling for, Royal, Economical use of dessert ingredients, Economy paste, Egg sandwiches, Ham-and-, sandwiches, Hard-cooked-, sandwiches, Hot fried-, English-walnut salad, Date-and-, Equipment for cake making, Extracts in cake, Flavoring,
Farina custard, Fat for cakes, in desserts, in salads, Feather cake, Fig pudding, Steamed, Filbert-and-cherry salad, Filled cookies, Filling, Chocolate, Coconut, Coffee, for cookies, for cream puffs, Cream, for eclairs, Caramel, for eclairs, Chocolate, for eclairs, Coffee, for ladyfingers, for sandwiches, Cheese, for sandwiches, Chicken-salad, for sandwiches, Fruit, Fruit cream, Lemon, Marshmallow, Filling, Orange Raisin-and-nut Fillings and icings, Cake Cake French Flavoring extracts in cake Floating island Flour for cakes for pastry Fluff, Pineapple cream Strawberry cream Food value of desserts, Composition and Forks, Salad Frappe, Cherry Cider Cranberry Freezer, Using a vacuum Freezing desserts, Method of desserts, Procedure in Table showing details of Theory of French cream dressing fillings ice cream Fresh-fruit pudding Freshening salad ingredients, Cleaning and Fried-egg sandwiches Frozen custard, Plain custard, Tutti-frutti custard with nuts custard with raisins custards —dessert making, Principles of dessert, Packing a desserts desserts, Cold and desserts, Molding desserts, Proportion of ice to salt in desserts, Recipes for desserts, Serving spiced punch Fruit-and-vegetable salads, Combination of cake cake, White cream filling drop cakes filling for sandwiches gelatine ice in cantaloupe shells salad, Combination —salad dressing salads sandwiches sauce Fruits in cake, Miscellaneous Frying doughnuts and crullers
Garnishes, Salad Gelatine desserts desserts, Principles of making desserts, Recipes for Fruit Plain Ginger drop cakes pudding, Steamed snaps Glace, Bomebe Gold cake Grape sherbet Grapefruit-and-celery salad Green-pepper-and-cheese salad -vegetable salad
Ham-and-egg sandwiches Hard-cooked-egg sandwiches sauce High-protein salads -protein sandwiches Highland dainties Hot fried-egg sandwiches -meat sandwiches sandwiches -water sponge cake Humpty Dumpty salad
Ice-cream cake cream, Caramel cream, Chocolate cream, French cream, Mocha cream, Neapolitan cream, Philadelphia cream, Vanilla cream with peaches, Junket Fruit Lemon Orange Ices Icing, Boiled Butter Caramel Chocolate Chocolate butter Chocolate water Cold-water for cup cakes, Ornamental Maple Orange Ornamental Plain Time-saving Icing, White Icings and fillings, Cake Cooked Kinds of Preparation of cake Uncooked Indian pudding Ingredients, Condition of salad in cookies Marinating salad of salads Quality of cake Variety in salad
Jelly-and-cream-cheese sandwiches and marmalade sandwiches Coffee Orange roll sauce Junket ice cream with peaches
Kisses and macaroons or meringues
Lady Baltimore cake Lady fingers and sponge drops Filling for Layer cake, Nut -cake pans cake, Plain Leavening for cakes Left-over pastry, Utilizing Lemon filling ice pie sauce snow Lettuce sandwiches Shredded Liquid for cakes for pastry Loaf-cake pans Lobster or crab salad
Macaroons, Almond Coconut Oatmeal-fruit Pecan Maize pudding Maple icing parfait Maraschino sauce Marguerites Marinating salad ingredients Marmalade sandwiches, Jelly and Marshmallow filling whip Mayonnaise, Cooked dressing Meal, Dessert in the Meals, Relation of salads to Meat sandwiches sandwiches, Hot- used for pastry used in cakes Meringue for one-crust pies Meringues or kisses Milk sherbet Mince pie pie, Mock Mineral salts and salads Mint punch Minute tapioca -tapioca custard Miscellaneous fruits in cake Mixtures for small cakes, Nature of Mocha ice cream Mock cherry pie mince pie Molding frozen deserts Mousses, parfaits, and biscuits Mousse, Banana-and-apricot Caramel Chocolate Mousses, Definition of Molding parfaits, and biscuits
Nature of butter cake of doughnuts and crullers of mixtures for small cakes of salad dressings of sandwiches of sponge cake Neapolitan ice cream Nut cake, Chocolate filling, Raisin-and- layer cake salad, Pineapple-and- sandwiches, Cheese-and- spice cake Nuts in cake
Oat-flake drop cakes Oatmeal cookies -fruit macaroons Old-fashioned potato salad Olive oil, Characteristics of One-crust pies, -egg cake, Onion-and-pepper sandwiches, salad, Open peach pie, sandwiches, Orange filling, ice, icing, jelly, pie, salad, Apple-date-and-, sauce, sponge cake, Ornamental icing, icing for cup cakes,
Packing a frozen dessert, Pans, Layer-cake, Loaf-cake, Preparation of cake, Parfait, Cafe, Canton, Maple, Strawberry angel, Parfaits, Definition of, Molding, Paste, Baking puff, Economy, Procedure in making puff, Puff, Quality, Pastries and pies, and pies, Requirements for, Pastry, Baking plain, Definition of, Easy, Flour for, for pies, ingredients, Proportion of, Ingredients used for, Liquid for, making, Utensils for, Methods of mixing, Plain, Procedure in making plain, Serving, Shortening for, Sour-cream, Utilizing left-over, Peach-and-cream-cheese salad, pie, pie, Open, Peaches, Junket ice cream with, Peanut-butter sandwiches, salad, Banana-and-, Pear-and-cheese salad, sherbet, Pearl tapioca, Peas-and-celery salad, Pecan macaroons, Philadelphia ice cream, Pie a la mode, Apple, Berry, Boston cream, Butterscotch, Cherry, Chocolate, Coconut, Cranberry, Cream, Custard, Date cream, Lemon, Mince, Mock cherry, Mock mince, Open peach, Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Raisin, Rhubarb, Squash, Strawberry, Sweet-potato, Pierrot pudding, Pies and pastries, and pastries, Requirements for, Double-crust, Dried-fruit, Meringue for one-crust, One-crust, Pastry for, Pineapple-and-nut salad, cream fluff, pie, sauce, Plain blanc mange, frozen custard, gelatine, icing, layer cake, pastry, pastry, Baking, pastry, Procedure in making, sponge cake, Pocono pudding, Poinsettia salad, Poor man's pudding, Potato-and-barley doughnuts, -flour sponge cake, flour, Sponge cake with, salad, salad, Old-fashioned, Pound cake, Preparation of butter cake, of cake icings, of cake ingredients, of cake pans, of sandwiches, of small cakes, of sponge cakes, Salad dressings and their, Varieties of salads and their, Preparing fruits for salads nuts for salads, Principles of dessert making, of frozen-dessert making, of making gelatine desserts, of salad making, of sandwich making, Procedure in cake making, in freezing desserts, in making butter cakes, in making cookies, in making puff paste, in making sponge cake, Proportion of pastry ingredients, Protein in desserts, in salads, Pudding, Bread, Chocolate, Chocolate bread, Christmas, Cottage, Fresh-fruit, Indian, Maize, mixtures in the diet, Cake and, Pierrot, Pocono, Poor man's, sauces, Snow, Steamed fig, Steamed ginger, Suet-fruit, Puddings and pudding sauces, Cakes, cookies, and, Nature of, Preparation of, Puff paste, paste, Baking, paste, Procedure in making, paste, Recipe for, paste, Uses of, Raisin, Pumpkin pie, Punch, Frozen spice, Mint, Purposes of salads in the diet,
Quality of cake ingredients, paste,
Raisin-and-nut filling, pie, puff, spice cake, Raisins and currants in cake, Raspberry sherbet, Relation of salads to meals, Removing sponge cake from pans, Rhubarb pie, Ribbon sandwiches, Rice custard, Ring, Swedish tea, Ripening the frozen mixture, Roll, Jelly, Rolled celery sandwiches, Round sandwiches, Roxbury cakes, Royal eclairs, Rye-bread-and-cheese sandwiches,
Salad accompaniments, Apple-and-celery, Asparagus, Banana-and-peanut, Beet-and-bean, Cabbage, Cabbage and celery, California, Cauliflower, Cauliflower-and-tomato, Celery, Chicken, Combination, Combination fruit, Crab, Cucumber, Cucumber-and-tomato, Daisy, Date-and-English-walnut, dressing, Boiled, dressings and their preparation, dressings, Nature of, Easter, Filbert-and-cherry, filling for sandwiches, Chicken-, forks, garnishes, Grapefruit-and-celery, Green-pepper-and-cheese, Green-vegetable, greens, Care of, Humpty Dumpty, ingredients, Cleaning and freshening, ingredients, Condition of, ingredients, Marinating, ingredients, Variety in, Lobster or crab, Salad making, Principles of, Onion, Peach-and-cream-cheese, Pear-and-cheese, Peas-and-celery, Pineapple-and-nut, Poinsettia, Potato, Salmon, sandwiches, Chicken-, Shrimp, Sliced cucumber-and-onion, String-bean, Stuffed-tomato, Summer combination, Tomato, Tomato-and-string-bean, Tuna-fish, Waldorf, Water-lily, Winter, Salads and sandwiches, and their preparation, Varieties of, Carbohydrates in, Cellulose in, Definition of, Fat in, Fruit, High-protein, in the diet, in the diet, Purposes of, ingredients, Mineral salts in, Preparing nuts for, Protein in, Selection of, Serving, to meals, Relation of, Vegetable, Salmon salad, Salts in salads, Mineral, Sand tarts, Sandwich making, Principles of, making, Utensils for, Sandwiches, after making, Care of, Apricot, Bread-and-butter, Bread for, Checkerboard, Cheese, Cheese-and-nut, Cheese filling for, Chicken, Chicken-salad, Chicken-salad filling for, Club, Cucumber, Date, Sandwiches, Fruit, Fruit filling for, Jelly-and-cream-cheese, Jelly and marmalade, Ham-and-egg, Hard-cooked-egg, Hot, Hot fried-egg, Hot-meat, Lettuce, Making, Meat, Nature of, Onion-and-pepper, Open, Peanut-butter, Ribbon, Rolled celery, Round, Salads and, Tomato, Variety in, Sauce, Apricot, Chocolate, Coconut, Custard, Fruit, Jelly, Hard, Lemon, Maraschino, Orange, Pineapple, Sterling, Vanilla, Sauces and whipped cream, Dessert, Pudding, Selection of salads, Serving frozen desserts, pastry, salads, Sherbet, Grape, Milk, Pear, Raspberry, Strawberry, Sherbets, Shortening for pastry, Shredded lettuce, Shrimp salad, Sliced cucumber-and-onion salad, Small cakes, pies, Snow pudding, Soft custard, Sour-cream cookies, -cream dressing, -cream pastry, -milk chocolate cake, -milk doughnuts, Sour-milk drop cakes, Spanish cream, Spice cake, Nut, cake, Raisin, Spices in cake, Sponge cake, cake, Baking, cake, Cold-water, cake from pans, Removing, cake, Hot-water, -cake ingredients, Combining the, cake, Nature of, cake, Orange, -cake pans, cake, Plain, cake, Potato-flour, cake, Procedure in making, cake with potato flour, cakes, Preparation of, drops, Ladyfingers and, Squash pie, Steamed fig pudding, ginger pudding, Sterling sauce, Strawberry angel parfait, cream fluff, pie, sherbet, Straws, Cheese, String-bean salad, bean salad, Tomato-and-, Stuffed celery, -tomato salad, Suet-fruit pudding, Summer combination salad, Sunshine cake, Swedish tea ring, Sweet-potato pie, Sweetening for cakes,
Table showing details of freezing, Tapioca, Apple, Caramel, cream, custard, Minute, Pearl, Tarts, Tea ring, Swedish, Theory of freezing, Thickened juicy fruit for pies,
Thousand Island dressing, Time-saving icing, Tomato-and-string-bean salad, salad, salad, Stuffed-, sandwiches, Tortoni, Biscuit, True custard, Tuna-fish salad, Tutti-frutti frozen custard,
Uncooked icings, Use of dessert ingredients, Economical, Using a vacuum freezer, Utensils for pastry making, for sandwich making, Utilizing left-over pastry,
Vacuum freezer, Using a, Value of desserts, Composition and food, Vanilla cream, sauce, wafers, Varieties of salads and their preparation, of small cakes, Variety in salad ingredients, in sandwiches, Vegetable salad, Green-, salads, salads, Combination fruit-and-, sandwiches,
Wafers, Vanilla Waldorf salad, War cake, Water icing, Chocolate, -lily salad, Wedding cake, Whip, Marshmallow, Whipped cream, cream, Dessert sauces and, White cake, fruit cake, icing, Winter salad,