KELT, s. a salmon that has just spawned; a foul fish that has not been in salt water.
KEMP, s. a champion.
KEMPIN, s. the act of striving on the harvest field.
To KEN, v. n. to know.
KENNED, part. pa. of to know.
KENSPECKLE, adj. having so remarkable an appearance as to be easily known.
KEP, KEPP, v. a. to intercept.
KICK, s. a novelty. Kickshaw, a new piece of finery.
KILL, s. a kiln.
KILT, s. a short petticoat extending from the belly to the knee, used by the Highlanders of Scotland instead of breeches.
To KILT, v. a. to tuck up.
KIMMER, s. a young woman.
KIN, s. kindred.
KINK, s. a violent fit of coughing, with suspension of breathing.
KINKHOST, KINGCOUGH, s. the hooping-cough.
KINSCH, s. a loop made on a string or rope.
KIPPER, s. a salmon split open, salted, and dried.
KIRK, s. church; a body of Presbyterian Christians.
To KIRK, v. a. to carry to church as a bride after being married.
KIRN, s. a churn.
To KIRN, v. a. to make a confused mass of anything.
KIRN-MILK, s. butter-milk.
KIST, KYST, s. a chest; a coffin.
KISTING, s. the act of placing a corpse in a coffin.
KIT, s. the whole of a person's property.
KITCHEN, KITCHING, s. anything taken to bread, as meat, cheese, or butter.
KITH, s. acquaintances, friends.
KITLING, s. a kitten.
KITTIE, KITTOCK, s. an immodest female.
To KITTLE, v. a. to litter; to tickle; to puzzle; to perplex.
KITTLIE, adj. itchy.
KITTY-WREN, s. the common wren.
KNACKETY, adj. self-conceited; small; trifling.
KNACKY, adj. quick at a reply or repartee.
KNAPPISH, adj. snappish; tart.
KNOCK, s. a clock.
KNOIT, NOYT, s. a sharp blow.
KNOW, KNOWE, NOW, s. a little hill; a hillock.
KNYFE, s. a hanger; a dagger; a cutlass.
KOBIL, s. a small boat.
KOWSCHOT, CUSHAT, s. the ringdove.
To KRUYN, v. n. to murmur.
KY, KYE, s. pl. cows.
KYLE, s. a strait of the sea; a sound.
KYNRIK, s. a kingdom.
KYTE, s. the belly.
KYTIE, s. fat; big-bellied.
LAB, s. a stroke; a blow; a lump.
To LABOUR, v. a. to plough.
LACHTER, s. the whole eggs laid successively by a hen.
To LACK, v. a. to slight.
LAD, s. a sweetheart
LADDIE, s. a boy, or young man.
LADE, LAID, s. a load.
LADE, LEAD, s. a mill course.
LAFE, LAVE, s. the rest.
LAIF, LAEF, s. a loaf.
LAIGH, LAYCHE, adj. low; flat.
LAIRD, LARDE, s. a person of superior rank; a landholder, under the degree of a knight or squire.
LAIRDSHIP, s. a landed estate.
LAITH, adj. reluctant; unwilling.
LAITHFOW, adj. bashful.
To LAMB, to yean.
LAMMER, LAMBER, s. amber. Lammer beads and red thread, when together, were supposed to be a charm with power to repel witchery in former times.
LAMPER, s. a tall woman.
LAMPET, LEMPET, s. the limpet, a testaceous shellfish which adheres to rocks.
LAND, s. a house consisting of several stories, generally including separate dwellings.
LAND O' THE LEAL, state of the blessed; heaven.
LAND-LOUPER, s. a person who shifts frequently from one place of the country to another.
LANE, adj. alone; lone.
LANELY, adj. lonely.
LANESOME, adj. lonesome.
To LANG, v. n. to long; to weary; to think long.
LANG-NEBIT, adj. long-nosed or long-billed.
LANG-RIN, adv. at length.
LANGSUM, adj. slow; tedious.
LANGSYNE, adv. long ago.
LANG-TONGUED, adj. babbling; given to tell secrets.
LAP, pret. leaped.
LAPPORED, part. pa. coagulated.
LARE, LERE, s. learning.
To LARE, LERE, v. a. to teach; to learn.
LARICK, LAVROCK, s. a lark.
LASS, s. a sweetheart; a young woman.
To LAT, v. a. to permit; to suffer; to lat-be, to let alone.
LAWIN, LAWING, s. a tavern bill; money subscribed or paid for drink.
LAW, s. a conical hill.
LEA, s. pasture land not ploughed.
LEA-LANG, adj. livelong; tedious; long in passing.
To LEATHER, v. a. to lash; to flog.
LEDDIE, LEDDY, s. lady.
LEE, adj. lonely; fallow land.
LEE, s. a lie.
LEESOME, adj. pleasant.
LEEZE-ME, LEESE-ME, dear is to me—expressive of strong affection or love.
To LEG, v. n. to run.
LEG-BAIL, s. to run off.
LEGLIN, LAIGLIN, s. a milk-pail.
LEID, LEDE, LUID, s. a song; a lay.
LEIF, adj. willing.
LEIL, LEELE, LELE, adj. lawful; right.
LEISCH, s. a lash; a thong.
LEISTER, LISTER, s. a pronged instrument for striking fish, generally used by poachers.
To LEN, v. a. to lend.
To LET-BE, v. n. to let alone.
LEUCH, LEUGH, pret. laughed.
To LEUE, LUVE, v. n. to court; to make love.
LEVIN, s. lightning.
LEW-WARME, adj. tepid.
LIART, LYART, adj. having grey hairs intermixed.
LICHTER, LICHTARE, part. pa. delivered of a child.
LICHTS, s. pl. the lungs.
To LICK, v. a. to strike; to beat.
LIFT, LYFT, s. the atmosphere; the sky.
LIGLAD, s. a confused noise of tongues; a deal of idle or noisy talk.
LIKAND, part pleasing.
LIKE-WAKE, s. the watching of a dead body.
LILT, s. a cheerful air.
To LILT, v. n. to sing cheerfully and merrily; lively music.
LILT-PYPE, s. a musical instrument, the upper part of which was in the form of a flageolet, terminating below in a kind of trumpet-shaped mouth.
LIMMAR, LIMMER, s. a scoundrel; a woman of loose manners.
LIN, LYN, s. a cataract; a waterfall,
To LINK, v. a. to trot or walk smartly.
LINKS, s. pl sandy barren ground.
LINTIE, s. the grey linnet.
To LIPPEN, v. n. to expect; to place confidence in.
LIPPIE, s. the fourth part of a peck.
LISK, LEESK, s. the groin.
LISTER, s. a fishing spear.
To LITHE, v. a. to thicken; to render mellow; to soften.
LITTLEANE, s. a child.
LOAN, LONE, LOANING, s. an opening between fields of corn; lane; a narrow enclosed way.
LOCH, LOUCH, s. a lake.
LOCK, LOAKE, s. a small quantity.
LOGIE, KILLOGIE, s. a vacuity in a kiln for producing a draft of air.
LOME, LOOM, (pronounced Lume,) s. a utensil of any kind.
LOOT, LOUT, LOWT, v. a. to bow down the body; to make obeisance.
LOSH! n. a. an exclamation of wonder.
To LOUE, LOWE, LUVE, v. a. to love.
LOUN, LOWN, LOON, s. a tricky, worthless person; a boy.
LOUN'S-PIECE, s. the first slice of a loaf of bread.
LOUN, LOWNE, adj. sheltered; calm.
To LOUNDER, v. a. to beat severely.
LOUNDIT, part. pa. beaten.
To LOUP, v. n. to leap; to spring.
LOUPIN-AGUE, s. St. Vitus' dance.
LOUPIN-ON-STANE, s. a large stone, or flight of steps, for assisting a person to leap on a horse easily.
LOW, s. a flame.
LOZEN, s. a pane of glass.
LUCKEN, part. pa. shut up; contracted.
LUCKIE, LUCKY, s. an elderly woman; a grandmother; the mistress of an alehouse.
LUCK-PENNY, s. a sum given to a person who makes a bargain.
LUESOME, adj. lovely; worthy of being loved; attractive in manner or appearance.
LUFE, LUIF, LUFFE, LOOF, s. the palm of the hand.
LUG, s. the ear.
LUGGIE, s. a small wooden dish for holding meat or drink, made of staves in the manner of a tub, with one of them prolonged considerably above the others.
LUM, LUMB, s. a chimney.
LUM-HEAD, s. the chimney-top.
LUNCH, s. a large piece of anything, particularly applied to something eatable.
LURE, s. the udder of a cow.
LUSTY, adj. beautiful; pleasant; of agreeable manners.
LYART-HAFFETS, s. grey hairs on the cheeks.
MA, MAY, MAE, adj. more in number.
MAAD, MAWD, s. a shepherd's plaid.
MADGE, s. Magdalene.
To MAE, v. n. to bleat.
MAGGS, s. a perquisite.
MAHOUN, s. Mahomet; the devil.
MAIDEN, s. an instrument formerly used for beheading state prisoners, similar in its construction to the French guillotine.
MAIK, s. a cant word for a halfpenny.
MAIL, s. tribute. Black Mail, a tax paid to freebooters by heritors and tenants for the security of their property.
MAIL-FREE, adj. without paying rent.
MAIN, s. moan.
MAINING, adj. moaning.
MAINS, s. the chief farm of an estate, generally that which is attached to the mansion.
MAIST, adj. most.
MAISTER, s. a landlord; a designation given to the eldest son of a baron.
MALISON, s. a curse.
MAMMIE, s. a childish term for mother.
MAN, s. a vassal; a husband; a male servant.
MAN, MAUN, aux. v. must.
MANE, s. lamentation.
MANGLE, s. a calender.
To MANGLE, v. a. to calender linen or other clothes.
MANSE, s. a parsonage house, the house of a minister.
To MANSWEIR, MENSWEIR, v. to perjure.
To MANT, MAUNT, v. n. to stammer.
MARCHE, s. a landmark.
MARK, MERK, s. a pound of thirty-two ounces.
MARK, MIRK, adj. dark.
MARROW, s. a companion; a married partner.
MARROWLESS, adj. matchless.
MART, MARTE, MAIRT, s. a cow or ox killed for winter's use.
To MASK, v. a. to catch in a net; to infuse.
MAUK, s. a maggot.
MAUKIN, s. a hare.
MAUMIE, adj. mellow.
MAUCHLESS, MAUCHTLESS, adj. feeble; inactive.
MAW, s. a sea-gull.
MAWKISH, adj. spiritless; actionless; slow.
MAWT, s. malt.
MAY, s. a maid; a virgin.
MEDE, s. a meadow.
MEIKLE, MEKYL, MUCKLE, adj. great.
MELL, s. a maul.
MELT, s. milt.
MENDS, s. atonement.
To MENE, MEANE, MEYNE, v. a. to bemoan.
MENSK, MENSE, s. dignity of demeanour; discretion.
MENSKFUL, adj. manly; moderate; discreet; mannerly.
MERE, s. a boundary; a limit; the sea.
MERK, s. an ancient Scottish silver coin, value thirteen shillings and fourpence Scotch money, or thirteen pence and one-third of a penny sterling.
MERLE, s. a blackbird.
MERRY-BEGOTTEN, s. an illegitimate child.
MERRY-DANCERS, s. the Aurora Borealis.
MES. s. mass. Mes or Mass John, a name of derision for a parish minister.
MESSAN, s. a small mongrel dog.
MET, METT, s. measure.
MEVIS, s. a thrush.
MICHTIE, adj. of high rank; stately; haughty.
MICK, s. Michael.
MIDDEN, s. a dunghill.
MILK-SYTH, s. a milk strainer.
MILL, MULL, s. a snuff-box made of a horn.
MILL-LADE, MILL-LEAD, s. a mill-course.
MIM, adj. prim; demure; prudish.
MIM-MOU'D, adj. soft of speech; bashful.
To MIND, v. n. to remember; to recollect.
MINNIE, MINNY, s. mother.
MIRK, MYUK, MARK, adj. dark.
MIRLYGOES, s. pl. when persons see indistinctly they are said to be in the Mirlygoes.
MISCALL, MISCA', v. a. to call hard uames.
MISCHANTER, s. misfortune; mishap.
To MISKEN, v. n. not to recognise.
To MISTROW, v. a. to suspect; to mistrust.
To MISTRYST, v. a. to break an engagement.
MITTENS, s. pl. woollen gloves.
MIXTIE-MAXTIE, adj. in a state of confusion.
To MODERATE, v. n. to preside in an ecclesiastical court.
MODERATOR, S. he who presides in an ecclesiastical court.
MOLLIGRANT, MOLLIGRUBS, whining, complaining.
MONY, adj. many.
To MOOL, v. a. to crumble.
MORN, MORNE, s. to-morrow. The morn, to-morrow.
To MORTIFY, v. a. to give in mortmain.
MOSS-TROOPERS, s. banditti.
MOTHERWIT, s. common sense.
MOW, s. the mouth.
To MUCK, v. a. to carry out dung.
To MUDDLE, v. n. to be busy without making progress at a trifling work.
To MUDGE, v. n, to stir; to budge.
MUIR, s. a heath.
MULIN, MULOCK, s. a crumb.
MULTURE, MOUTUR, s. the fee for grinding corn.
MUNDS, MUNS, s. the mouth.
MURRION, MURREON, s. a helmet.
MUTCH, s. a cap for a female.
MUTCHKIN, s. an English pint,
MY-CERTE, by my faith.
MYSCHANCY, adj. unlucky.
MYSELL, s. myself.
NA, NAE, adv. no; not.
NA, NE, conj. neither; nor,
NACHET, NACKET, s. an insignificant person. A little nacket, one of very diminutive size,
NAIG, s. a stallion; a riding horse,
NAIPRIE, s. table linen.
NANCY, NANNIE, s. Agnes.
NANE, adj. no; none.
NATHING, NAETHING, s. nothing.
NAYSAY, s. a refusal.
NEAR-GAWN, NEAR-BE-GAWN, adj. niggardly.
NEB, s. the bill of a fowl.
NEEBORS, s. neighbours.
NEER-DO-WEIL, s. a never-do-well.
NEFFIT, s. a pigmy; a very diminutive thing.
To NEIFFER, NIFFER, v. a. to exchange.
NEIPCE, s. a granddaughter.
NEIRS, s. pl. the kidneys.
NEIST, NIEST, adj. next; nearest.
NEIVE, NEIF, s. the fist.
NEVEW, NEVO, NEVOW, s. a nephew.
NEWFANGLED, fond of new things or persons.
To NICHER, v. n. to neigh; a loud coarse laugh.
NICHT, s. night. The nicht, tonight.
NICHTFA, s. twilight.
NICK-NACK, s. a gim-crack; small wares.
NIP, s. a small bit of anything.
To NIP, v. a. to carry off cleverly; to pinch.
NIPPIT, adj. niggardly
NO, adv. not.
NOB, s. a knob.
NOCHT, s. nothing.
NOLT, NOUT, s. black cattle; a stupid vulgar fellow.
NOO, s. now; at the present.
NOR, conj. than.
NORLAN, NORLAND, adj. belonging to the north country.
NORYSS, s. nurse.
NOUTHER, NOWTHIR, conj. neither.
NUIK, s. the corner.
OE, OYE, s. a grandson.
OERCOME, OURCOME, s. the overplus.
OHON! interj. alas!
OMNE-GATHERUM, s. a miscellaneous collection; an incongruous mass.
ONCOME, s. a fall of rain or snow.
ONGOINGS, s. pl. procedure.
ONKEND, part. adj. unknown.
ONSTEAD, s. the building on a farm.
ONY, adj. any.
OO, s. wool.
OORIE, OURIE, OWRIE, adj. chill; bleak; having the sensation of cold.
OR, conj. lest; than.
OR, adv. before, as Or this, before this time; rather than, Or than, before then.
ORROW, ORA, adj. unmatched; not used.
ORROWS, s. pl. supernumerary articles.
OSTLEIR, OSTLER, s. an innkeeper.
OTHIR, OTHERE, ODYR, adj. other.
OUER, prep. over.
OULK, OWLK, s. a week.
OUR, OURE, OUER, OWRE, prep, over, beyond; denoting excess.
OURGAE, OURGANG, v. a. to overrun; exceed; to surpass.
OUR-RAUGHT, pret. overtook.
To OURSET, v. a. to overcome; to overpower.
OURTILL, prep, above; beyond.
OUSEN, s. oxen.
OUT-ABOUT, adv. out of doors.
OUTBREAKING, OUTBREKIN, s. eruption of the skin.
OUT-BY, adv. out of doors; abroad.
OUTFALL, s. a contention.
OUTGAIT, OUTGATE, s. a way of egress; escape from any kind of hardship.
OUTGANE, part. pa. elapsed.
OUTLAY, s. expenditure.
OUT-OUR, OUT-OWRE, adv. over.
OUTSHOT, s. a projection.
OUTSPECKLE, s. a laughing-stock.
OUTSPOKEN, s. free of speech; undisguised in conversation or opinion.
OUTSTRIKING, s. an eruption.
OUTWAILE, OUTWYLE, s. the refuse.
To OUTWAIR, v. a. to expend.
OUTWITH, prep, without; on the outer side or exterior; outwards; out from.
OVERLY, adj. careless.
OWKLY, adj. weekly.
OXTAR, OXTER, s. the armpit.
PACKMAN, s. a pedlar.
PADDOCK-STOOL, s. a toad-stool; agaricus in general.
PAFFLE, s. a small landed estate.
PAFFLER, s. a farmer of a small estate.
To PAIK, v. a.. to beat; to drub.
PAIKER, s. a causey-paiker, a street-walker.
PAILIN, PAILING, s. a fence of stakes.
PAINCHES, s. tripe.
PALAVER, s. idle talk.
To PALE, v. a. to make an incision in cheese to try its quality.
PALLACH, s. a porpoise; a lusty person.
PAND, s. a pledge.
PAN-KAIL, s. broth made of cole-worts, thickened with oatmeal.
PANNEL, s. one brought to the bar of a court for trial.
PAP-O'-THE-HASS, s. uvula.
PAPE, PAIP, s. the pope.
PAPEJAY, PAPINGAY, s. a parrot.
PARITCH, PARRITCH, s. hasty-pudding; oatmeal and water boiled together.
PARROT-COAL, s. cannel coal which burns clearly.
PARTAN, s. the common edible crab.
PARTICATE, s. a rood of land.
PARTRICK, PATRICK, s. a partridge.
PAT, pret. of put.
To PATTER, s. to mutter uninterruptedly.
PATTLE, PETTLE, s. a stick wherewith a ploughman clears away the earth which adheres to his plough.
PAUK, s. art; wile.
PAUKY, adj. sly; artful.
PAWMIE, s. a stroke on the hand with the ferula.
PAWN, s. a narrow curtain fixed to the roof or bottom part of a bed.
PAY, s. a drubbing.
PAYS-EGGS, s. pl. eggs boiled in dye of various colours, and given to children to amuse themselves during Easter.
PEARIE, s. a pegtop in the shape of a pear.
PEARLIN, s. a species of thread lace.
To PECH, v. n.. to puff; to pant.
PEEL, PEIL, s. a place of strength; a Border tower.
To PEENGE, PINGE, v. n. to whine; to complain.
PEESWEIP, PEEWEIP, s. the lapwing.
PEG, s. a stroke.
To PEG OFF or AWAY, v. n. to run off quickly.
PENCH, PENCHE, s. the belly. Penches, tripe.
PEND, s. an archway.
PENDICLE, s. a small piece of ground.
PENNIE-BRYDAL, PENNY-WEDDING, s. a wedding at which those who attend pay money for their entertainment.
PENNYSTANE, s. a flat stone used as a quoit.
PEPE, PEEP, s. the chirp of a bird.
PERJINK, adj. precise.
PERNICKITIE, adj. precise in trifles.
To PETTLE, s. to fondle.
To PEW, PEU, v. n. the mournful sound emitted by birds.
To PHRASE, FRAISE, v. n. to boast; to wheedle.
PIBROCH, s. a Highland air of a martial character.
PICKLE, PUCKLE, s. a grain of seed; a small quantity.
PIG, PYG, s. an earthen vessel.
PIGS, PYGS, s. pi. earthenware.
PIK, PICK, s. pitch.
PILK, v. a. to pilfer.
To PINGLE, v. a. to labour with assiduity.
To PINK, v. n. to glimmer with the eyes half contracted.
PINNER, s. a female head-dress, with long lappets pinned to the temples and reaching to the bosom, where they were fastened.
PIRN, s. a reed or quill. To wind him a pirn, to make him repent of what he has done.
PIT AND GALLOWS, s. an ancient baronial privilege, by which they had on their ground a pit to drown women and a gallows to hang men.
PLACK, PLAK, s. a small copper coin formerly in use, the value of the third part of a penny sterling.
PLACKLESS, adj. moneyless.
PLAID, s. an outer covering, of an oblong square shape, of different coloured stripes, worn by the Highlanders.
PLAIDEN, PLAIDING, s. coarse tweeled woollen cloth.
PLAINSTONES, s. pl. the pavement or flags.
To PLASH, v. n. to make a noise by the dashing of water.
To PLAT, PLET, v. a. to plait.
PLAYFAIR, s. a toy.
PLEY, PLEYE, s. a debate; a quarrel.
To PLENISH, PLENYS, v. a. to furnish a house.
PLENISHING, s. pl. household furniture.
PLEUCH, PLEUGH, s. a plough.
PLEUGH-GANG, s. as much land as can be tilled by means of a single plough.
PLISKIE, s. a mischievous trick.
PLOY, s. a harmless frolic.
To PLOT, v. a. to scald.
PLOUKE, PLOUK, s. a pimple.
PLOUKIE-FACED, adj. having a pimpled face.
To PLOUTER, v. a. to make a noise among water.
PLUFFY, adj. flabby; chubby.
PLUMB-DAMES, s. a Damascene plum.
PLUMP, adj. a heavy shower of rain without wind.
PLUNK, v. n. the sound made by a stone or other substance thrown into water.
PLY, s. a plait; a fold.
PODLIE, s. the fry of the coal fish.
To POIND, POYND, v. a. to distrain.
POLICY, POLLECE, s. a demesne.
POORTITH, s. poverty.
PORRINGER, s. a small round earthenware jug with a handle.
PORTIONER, s. a person who possesses part of a property which has been divided among co-heirs.
POSE, POIS, POISE, s. hidden treasure.
POURIN, s. a small quantity of anything liquid.
POUT, s. a young fowl.
To POUT, POUTEN, v. n. to poke or stir with a long pole or stick.
POW, s. the head.
To PREE, v. a. to taste.
PREEN-COD, s. a pin-cushion.
PREIN, PRIN, s. a pin.
PRESERVES, s. pl. spectacles which magnify but little.
PRETTY, adj. having a handsome face.
PRICKMADAINTY, s. a person who is finical in dress or carriage, particularly a small person.
PRIDEFOW, adj. proud; conceited.
To PRIG, v. n. to haggle; to beat down in price.
To PRINK, v. a. to deck; to prick.
To PRINKLE, v. n. to thrill; to tingle.
PROCURATOR, s. a barrister or advocate.
PROG, PROGUE, s. a sharp point.
PROP, s. an object placed up to be aimed at.
To PROPONE, v. a. to propose.
PROSPECT, s. a telescope.
PROVOST, s. the mayor of a royal burgh.
PUBLIC-HOUSE, s. a tavern or inn.
PUDDENFILLER, s. a glutton.
PUIR, PURE, adj. poor.
PUIRLIE, adj. humbly; unwell.
To PUNCH, v. a. to jog with the elbow.
PURPOSE-LIKE, adj. seemingly well qualified for anything; well clad.
To PUT-UPON, to impose upon; to take advantage of another's weakness.
To PUT, v. n. to throw a heavy stone with the hand raised over the head.
PUTTING-STONE, s. a heavy stone used in the game of putting.
PYAT, PYOT, s. a magpie.
PYGS, s. pl. crockery ware; earthenware.
QUAICH, QUEYCH, QUEGH, s. a small shallow drinking cup, made of wood or silver, with two ears.
QUEET, CUTE, s. the ankle.
QUEINT, QUENT, adj. curious; wonderful.
QUENT, AQUENT, adj. acquainted; familiar.
QUEY, s. a two-year-old cow.
QUEYN, QUEAN, QUINE, s. a young woman.
QUHAIP, QUHAUP, WHAAP, s. a curlew.
To QUHEMLE, WHUMMIL, v. a. to turn upside down.
To QUHID, WHEED, v. a. move quickly.
QUHILK, pron. which; who.
QUHIRR, v. n. to make a sound like the wings of a partridge or grouse in the act of flying.
QUHYNE, QUHENE, WHEEN, adj. a few.
RA, RAE, s. a roe deer.
RACHE, s. a lurcher, or dog that finds and pursues his prey by the scent.
RACK, s. a shelved frame fixed to the wall for holding plates.
RACKLE-HANDED, adj. careless; rash.
RADE, RAID, s. an invasion; a violent attack.
RAIK, s. a single carrying of a thing from one place to another.
To RAIL, v. n. to jest.
RAIP, s. a rope.
RAISED, adj. excited; maddened.
RAIVEL, s. a rail.
RAMFEEZLED, part. adj. exhausted, fatigued.
RAMMER, s. a ramrod.
To RAMPAGE, v. n. to prance about in a furious manner, as exemplified in passion.
RAM-STAM, adj. forward; rash; thoughtless.
RANDY, RANDIE-BEGGAR, s. a beggar who endeavours to obtain alms by means of threats; a female scold.
RANDY, adj. quarrelsome.
RANTLE-TREE, s. a tall raw-boned person.
RAPEGYRNE, s. the ancient name given to the little figure made of the last handful of grain in the harvest-field, now called the maiden.
RAPLACH, RAPLOCH, s. coarse, homespun, undyed woollen cloth.
RASCH, RASH, s. a rush.
RASHY, adj. beset with rushes.
RATH, adj. strange or savage in aspect.
RATTAN, ROTTEN, s. a rat.
RAUCHAN, s. a plaid worn by men, formerly made of grey undyed wool.
RAUN, RAWN, s. roe of a fish.
RAUCLE, adj. rash.
To RAVE, v. a. to plunder by violence.
RAW, adj. damp; chill.
RAW, s. a row or rank.
To RAX, v. n. to extend the limbs; to stretch them.
RAY, REE, adj. mad; wild.
REAM, REYME, s. cream.
REAMING-FULL, adj. full to the lip or brim.
REAVER, s. robber.
REBALD, s. a low contemptible fellow.
To REBUT, v. a. to repulse.
RED, s. riddance.
To RED, REDE, v. a. to counsel; to disentangle.
REDDIN-STRAIK, s. the blow which persons frequently receive on attempting to separate those who are fighting.
To RED-UP, part. adj. to put in order.
RED-WUD, adj. in a violent passion; furious.
REEK, REIK, s. smoke.
REEL, s. a Scottish dance generally performed by two males and two females.
REEL-RALL, adj. topsy-turvy.
To REESE, v. a. to extol.
REIF, REFE, s. the itch.
REIKIE, adj. smoky.
To REIK-OUT, v. a. to fit out or dress out.
To REIST, v. a. to dry by exposure to the heat of the sun, or in a chimney.
To RENG, RING, v. n. to reign.
To RESETT, v. a. to harbour; to receive stolen goods.
To REST, v. n. to be indebted.
To RETOUR, v. a. to return.
RIBBLE-RABBLE, adj. disordered.
RICKLE, RICKILL, s. a heap. A rickle o' banes, a person who is very meagre.
RIFE, RYFE, adv. plentiful.
RIFF-RAFF, s. the rabble.
To RIFT, v. n. to belch.
RIGGING, s. the ridge of a house.
RIN, v. n. run.
To RIND, RYNDE, v. a. to melt fat by the heat of the fire.
RINGE, s. a whisk made of heath.
RINGLE-EE'D, RYNGIT, adj. having a great quantity of white seen round the irides of the eves.
RINO, s. ready money.
To RIPE, RYPE, v. a. to search a person.
To RIPPLE, v. a. to separate the seed of flax from the stalks.
RIPPLIN-CAME, s. a flax-comb.
RISE, RYSS, s. a small twig.
RIVE, s. rent; tear.
ROCKLAY, ROKELY, s. a short cloak worn by females.
RODEN, ROWEN, s. the fruit of the mountain ash.
RODEN-TREE, ROWAN-TREE, s. the mountain ash.
ROID, ROYD, adj. rude; severe.
ROLLOCHIN, adj. lively: free-spoken.
To ROOSE, RUSE, v. a. to extol.
ROSET, s. rosin.
ROSIE, s. Rose—a Christian name.
ROSIGNELL, s. a nightingale.
ROUNG, RUNG, s. a cudgel.
ROUP, ROOP, s. hoarseness.
To ROUP, to cry aloud; to shout; to sell by auction.
ROUSTY, ROOSTY, adj. rusty.
To ROUT, v. n. to bellow.
ROUTH, ROWTH, s. plenty.
To ROW, v. a. to roll.
ROYED, adj. wild.
ROYSTER, s. a freebooter.
RUCK, s. a heap of corn.
RUDE, adj. strong; stout.
To RUG, v. a. to tear.
RULLION, s. a shoe made of untanned leather; a coarse masculine female.
RUM, adj. excellent.
To RUMMIL, v. n. to make a noise.
RUMPLE, RUMPILL, s. the rump; the tail.
RUND, ROON, s. a border; a selvage.
RUNT, s. the stalk of colewort or cabbage; term applied to an old disagreeable woman.
RUSKIE, s. a basket made of twigs.
SAB, v. n. to sob.
SAD, adj. grave; heavy.
SAE, adv. so.
SAELIKE, SALIKE, adj. of the same kind, similar.
SAFT, adj. soft.
SAFTLY, adv. lightly; softly.
SAILYE, s. assault.
SAIP, s. soap.
SAIR, adj. sore; a sore; a wound.
To SAIR, v. a. to satisfy; to serve.
SAIRHEAD, s. a headache.
SAIRING, s. as much as satisfies one.
SAIRLY, adv. sorely.
SAL, v. defective, shall.
SAND-BLIND, adj. being very short-sighted, as is often the case with people with very fair hair.
SANDY, s. Alexander.
SANG, s. a song; also the past of sing.
SAP, s. liquid of any kind taken to solids.
SAPS, s. bread soaked or boiled in ale, or wine and water.
SARK, s. a shirt, frequently applied to the shift of a female.
SAUCH, SAUGH, s. the willow tree.
To SAUCH, SOAGH, v. n. to emit a rustling or whistling sound, like the wind in a narrow pass.
SAUL, SAWL, s. soul.
SAULLESS, adj. destitute of soul.
SAULLIE, SAULIE, s. a hired mourner, such as go in front of a hearse.
SAUT, s. salt.
SAUT-FOOT, s. a salt-cellar.
To SAW, v. a. to sow.
SCAIL, s. a kind of tub.
SCANT, s. scarce.
SCANTY, s. scarcity.
SCANTLINGS, s. pl. small pieces of wood tying the rafters together.
SCAMP, s. a cheat.
SCAPE, s. a bee-hive.
SCAR, SCAIR, SCAUR, s. a bare place on the side of a hill from which the soil has been washed off.
To SCART, v. a. to scratch.
SCART, s. a scratch.
SCHACHLED, adj. crooked; unseemly.
SCHANK, s. the leg.
SCHAVE, SHEAVE, SHEEVE, s. a slice of anything, such as bread, etc.
SCHAW, s. a grove or thicket; a shadowy place.
SCHEL, s. a shed for sheep.
To SCHERE, v. n. to divide.
SCHILL, adj. shrill.
SCHOAG, SHOG, v. a. to move backwards and forwards.
SCHOGGLE, v. a. to shake.
SCHONE, SHOONE, s. pl. shoes.
SCHULE, SHUIL, SHOOL, s. a shovel.
To SCHUTE, v. a. to push.
SCLAITE, SKLAIT, s. slate.
SCLATCH, s. a lubberly lazy fellow.
To SCLENT, SKLENT, v. n. to slope.
ASCLENT, adv. obliquely.
SCON, s. a flat cake, made of barley meal or flour.
SCREED, s. a harangue.
To SCREED, SKREED. v. a. to rend in pieces.
To SCREIGH, SKREIGH, v. n. to shriek.
SCRIMP, adj. narrow; scanty.
SCROOFF, SCRUFF, a thin crust.
SCRYMMAGE, s. a skirmish.
To SCUG, v. a. to shelter.
SCULDUDRY, has an illusion to a breach of chastity.
SCULL, s. a shallow basket.
SCUM, s. a mean greedy fellow.
To SCUNNER, v. n. to loathe; to shudder in disgust.
To SCUTLE, v. a. to spill from carelessness.
SEAM, used in respect to any sort of needlework.
SEATH, SYTHE, s. the coal-fish.
SEGG, s. the yellow flower-de-luce.
SEKER, SICKER, adj. firm.
SEMPILL, SYMPILL, adj. low-born.
SEN, conj. since; seeing.
SENSYNE, since that time.
SERD, SAIRD, pret. served.
SERGE, s. a sieve.
SESSION, s. the consistory, or parochial eldership in Scotland.
SESSION-HOUSE, s. a vestry.
To SET, v. a. to let; to become—as, He sets his rank well.
SHACHLED, adj. crooked; unseemly.
SHACKLE-BANE, s. the wrist.
SHAFT, s. a handle.
To SHAK-A-FA', v. a. to wrestle.
SHAKE-DOWN, s. a temporary bed made on the floor.
To SHAMBLE, v. n. to make a wry mouth.
To SHANK, v. a. to travel on foot.
SHARNE, SHERNE, s. the dung of cattle.
SHAVER, s. a wag.
SHAWS, s. pl the foliage of esculent roots.
SHEAL, SHIELLING, s. a hut or residence for shepherds or fishermen.
To SHEAL, v. a. to take the husks off pulse, etc.
SHEELINS, s. pl the husks of grain.
To SHEAR, v. a. to reap; to cut down corn.
SHEARER, s. one employed in reaping corn.
SHEARIN, s. the act of cutting corn.
SHELTIE, s. a very small horse.
SHEUCH, s. a furrow.
To SHEUCH, v. to place plants in the earth before they are planted.
To SHEVEL, v. a. to distort.
SHILFA, s. the chaffinch.
SHILPIE, SHILPIT, adj. weak; insipid; sickly looking: thin.
SHILLINGS, SHEELINS, s. pl the outermost husks of grain.
To SHIMMER, v. n. to shine.
SHINTY, s. a stick with a crooked end, used as a club for playing a game with a ball called Shinty.
To SHOOT, v. n. to push.
To SHOWL, v. n. to distort the mouth or face.
To SHUE, v. a. to drive away any animals by making a noise.
SIB, adj. related by blood: consanguineous.
SIBMAN, s. a near relation.
SIBNES, s. propinquity; nearness of relationship.
SIC, SICK, SIK, adj. such; in the same manner.
SICKER, SIKHER, adj. secure; cautious.
SICKEN, adj. such kind of.
SICKERLY, adv. firmly.
SICKLIKE, adj. of the same kind.
SIDE, SYDE, adj. a long low-hanging dress.
SIDLINGS, SIDELINS, adv. placed side by side.
SILDER, SILLER, s. silver.
SILLY, weak from ill health; weak in mind.
SIMMER, SYMER, s. summer.
SIMPELL, SEMPLE, adj. low-born; poor in circumstances.
SIND, SEIN, SYND, v. a. the last water used in washing clothes.
To SINDER, v. a. to sunder.
SINDRY, adj. sundry; in a disjoined state.
SINGIT-LIKE, adj. miserable-looking; puny.
SINCESYNE, adv. since that time.
To SIPE, SEIP, v. n. to ooze.
To SIST, v. a. to delay or stop proceedings.
To SKAIL, SKALE, v. a. to dismiss; to spill.
SKAITH, s. hurt; damage.
To SKAUDE, v. a. to scald.
SKEELY, adj. skilful.
SKEICH, SKEIGH, adj. apt to be startled; proud; shy, applied to females.
SKEIL, SKEILL, s. a small tub for washing, with a single handle.
SKELB, s a splinter.
SKELF, s. a shelf.
SKELLIE, SKELLY, s. squint in the eye.
To SKELLIE, v. n. to squint.
To SKELLOCH, v. n. to utter a shrill cry.
To SKELP, v. a. to beat; to strike with the open hand.
SKELVE, s. a thin slice.
SCEP, SCAPE, s. a bee-hive.
SKERRY, s. a sunken rock in the sea.
SKIFT, s. a flying shower.
SKILLY, SKEELY, adj. skilful; intelligent.
SKIPPARE, SKIPPER, s. a master of a sailing vessel.
To SKIRL, v. n. to utter a shrill cry.
To SKITE, v. a. to eject any liquid forcibly; to squirt.
SKLAIT, s. slate.
To SKLICE, v. a. to slice.
SKRANKY, adj. a lean, meagre person.
SKRUNTY, adj. raw-boned; meagre.
SKUG, SCUG, s. a shade; shelter.
SKULE, SCULE, s. a large collection of individuals, as a flight of crows.
SKULL, s. a hollow basket of an oval or semicircular form.
SKYNK, v. a. to pour out liquor.
SLAE, s. a sloe.
To SLAISTER, SLOYSTER, v. n. to perform anything in a dirty awkward manner.
SLAP, s. a narrow pass between two hills; a breach in a wall or hedge.
SLEEKIT, adj. deceitful; cunning.
SLOGAN, s. the war-cry or gathering word of a Highland clan.
To SLOKEN, v. a. to quench thirst.
To SLOUNGE, v. n. to walk about in a slovenly manner.
SLUMP, by the slump, altogether, or in unbroken quantities.
SLUMP, adj. taken in gross.
SLUSCH, SLUSH, s. soft plashy ground; snow in a state of thawing.
SMA, adj. small.
SMATCHET, s. a term of contempt applied to a man, but more commonly to a child.
SMEDDUM, s. quickness of apprehension.
To SMEEK, v. a. to smoke.
SMIDDY, s. a smithery.
SMIRIKIN, SMEERIKIN, s. a hearty kiss.
To SMORE, v. a, to smother; to choke.
SMIT, SMYT, v. a. to stain.
SNAB, s. a shoemaker.
SNACKIE, adj. tricky; quirky.
SNAW, s. snow.
SNAK, SNICK, s. the latch of a door.
SNEESHIN, s. snuff.
SNEESHIN-MILL s. a snuff-box.
SNEIST, s. a taunt.
SNELL, adj. keen; severe.
SNELLY, adv. sharply; quickly.
SNIPPY, adj. tart in speech.
SNISTY, adj. given to saucy language.
To SNITE, v. a. to snuff, applied to a candle.
SNODDED, adj. lopped; pruned.
SNOT, s. mucus from the nose.
SNOOD, SNUDE, s. a fillet which binds the hair of young women.
SNAW-FLAKE, S. the snow bunting.
SOBER, adj. poor.
SODROUN, SOTHROUN, s. an Englishman.
SONSE, SONSY, adj. plump in appearance; in good condition of body.
SOOCH, s. a copious draught.
SOOTH, adj. true; faithful.
SOSS, s. a mixture of different qualities of food.
SOUP, SUP, s. a spoonful.
SOUR-MILK, s. buttermilk.
SOUROCK, SOURACK, s. sorrel.
SOUTAR, SOUTER, a shoemaker.
SOW, HAY-SOW, s. a stack of hay before it is ready to be removed from the field.
SPAE-MAN, s. a soothsayer; a fortune-teller.
SPAE-WIFE, s. a female fortune-teller.
To SPAIN, SPEAN, adj. to wean.
SPAIT, SPATE, s. a flood.
SPANG, s. the act of spanning.
SPARE, adj. lean; meagre.
SPEERE, s. a hole in the wall of houses in former times, whereby the family received and answered inquiries from strangers.
To SPEIR, v. a. to ask.
To SPELDER, v. a. to spread open.
To SPELL, v. n. to climb.
SPICY, adj. proud; testy.
SPLEUCHAN, s. a tobacco holder.
SPRAICH, s. a shriek.
SPRECKLED, adj. speckled.
SPREE, adj. trim; gaudy; spruce.
SPRING, s. a quick cheerful tune on a musical instrnment.
SPUNK, s. a match; spirit; vivacity.
SPUNKIE, s. Ignis Fatuus, or Will-o'-the-Wisp.
SPUNKIE, adj. mettlesome; spirited.
To SPUNK-OUT, v. n. to be gradually discovered or brought to light.
STAIG, s. a horse not yet broken in.
STALWART, adj. brave; strong; powerful.
STAMMACK, s. the stomach.
To STAMP, v. n. to go about stoutly.
STAMREL, adj. half-witted.
STANE, s. a stone.
To STANG, v. a. to sting.
STANG, s. a long pole.
STANK, s. a ditch with a slow running stream or stagnant water.
To STAP, v. a. to stop; to cram; to fill.
To STAW, v. n. to surfeit.
STAY, STEY, adj. step.
STEAD, STEADING, s. a farm house.
To STEEK, v. a. to shut.
To STEER, STIR, v. a. to meddle with.
STEEVE, adj. firm, relating to a bargain made; sometimes used for obstinate.
To STEIK, v. a. to stitch.
STELL-NET, s. a net stretching a considerable way into a river, and sometimes across it.
To STEND, v. n. to spring; rise to an elevation.
To STERE, STEIR, v. a. to stir.
STERE, STEIR, s. commotion.
STEY, adj. steep.
To STICK, v. a. to bungle.
To STILT, v. n. to go on crutches.
To STINT, v. n. to limit; to act shabbily.
STIRK, s. a bullock or heifer between the age of one and two years; a stupid rude fellow.
STOB, s. a prickle.
STOCK AN' HORN, S. a musical instrument composed of a stock, which is the thigh-bone of a sheep, and the horn, the smaller end of a cow's horn, and a reed.
STOITER, the act of staggering.
STOLUM, s. as much ink as a pen will hold.
STOOK, STOUK, s. a rick of corn consisting of twelve sheaves.
STOOP, s. a post fastened in the earth; a prop; a support.
STORM-STED, adj. stopped on a journey in consequence of a storm.
STOT, s. a young bull.
To STOT, v. n. to rebound from the ground as a ball.
To STOUND, v. n. to ache.
STOUP, s. a deep and narrow vessel for holding or measuring liquids.
STOURIE, adj. dusty.
To STOVE, v. a. to stew.
STOWN, STOWIN, part pa. stolen.
STRAIK, STRAKE, s. a blow.
STRAND, s. a rivulet; a gutter.
STRAPPING, STRAPPAN, part. adj. tall and handsome.
STRATH, s. a valley of considerable extent.
STRATHSPEY, s. an air slower than a reel.
STRAVAIG, v. n. to stroll about in an idle manner.
STRAUCHT, adj. straight.
STREAMERS, s. pl. the Aurora Borealis.
To STREIK, STREEK, v. a. to stretch; lay out a dead body.
STREIN, STREEN, s. evening. The Strein, yesternight.
STRIDELEGS, adv. astride.
STROUP, STROOP, s. the spout of a tea-kettle or pump.
STUDY, STYDDY, s. an anvil.
To STUMP, v. n. to go about stoutly.
STURDY, s. a vertigo; a disease to which black-cattle and sheep are liable when young.
STURE, STOOR, adj. strong; robust; rough; hoarse.
SUCH, s. a whistling spund.
SUNKETS, s. pl. provisions of any description.
SUTHFAST, adj. true.
To SWAY, SWEY, v. n. to incline to one side; to swing.
To SWEEL, v. n. to drink copiously.
SWEETIES, s. pl. comfits; sweetmeats.
SWEIR, SWEER, v. n. lazy; indolent.
To SWIDDER, SWITHER, v. n. to be irresolute.
To SWIRL, v. n. to whirl like a vortex.
SYNE, adv. afterwards; late as opposed to soon.
TACK, s. a slight hold, as a stitch or two; a lease.
TACKET, s. a small nail with a head.
TACKSMAN, s. the holder of a lease.
TAE, s. a toe.
TAID, s. a toad.
TAILE, TAILYE, s. a covenant; an entail.
TAIS, TASSIE, s. a cup.
TAIVERS, TATTERS, s. pl. Meat which has been much overboiled is said to be boiled to taivers.
TAIVERSUM, adj. tiresome.
To TAK THE GATE, v. n. to go off on a journey.
To TAK-ON, v. a. to buy on credit.
TALE-PIET, s. a tale-bearer: a tattler.
TANGLE, s. an icicle; the large fuci or sea plant.
TANGS, TAINGS, s. tongs.
TANTRUMS, s. high airs; exhibiting a proud and dignified aspect.
To TAPE, v. a. to use sparingly.
TAPPIE-TOORIE, s. anything erected on a slight, tottering foundation.
TAPPIT-HEN, s. a crested hen; a quart measure of ale or beer with a top of foam.
TARRY, s. delay.
TARRY-FINGERED, adj. light-fingered; a thief.
TARTAN, s. cloth chequered of various colours, and originally worn only in the Highlands, every clan adopting its own peculiar tartan.
To TASH, v. a. to tuffle; to soil.
TATE, TAIT, s. a very small portion of any dry substance.
TATTER-WALLOPS, TAUTER-WALLOPS, s. pl. rags fluttering in the wind.
TATTIES, s. pl, potatoes.
TAULD, adj. told.
TAUPIE, TAWPIE, s. an inactive, silly, and slovenly woman.
TAWIS, TAWES, s. a whip; a lash; the ferula used by a schoolmaster.
TEAZLE, s. a severe brush; an onset.
To TEET, v. n. to peer; to look with the eyes half shut.
TEHEE, s. a loud laugh.
TEINDS, s. pl. tithes.
To TEND, v. to guard.
TENEMENT, s. a house, sometimes applied to one containing several separate dwellings under one roof.
TENT, s. care; attention.
To TENT, v. n. to attend.
To TENT, v. a. to observe; to remark; to put a value upon.
TENTLESS, adj. inattentive.
TERCER, s. a widow living upon a terce.
TEUCH, TEUGH, adj. tough.
To TEYME, TEME, TUME, v. a. to empty.
THACK, THEIK, s. thatch.
THAFTS, s. pl. the benches of a boat.
THAIRANENT, adv. concerning that.
THAIRATTOUR, adv. concerning.
THAIRBEN, adv. in an inner apartment of a house.
THAIRM, s. the belly.
THAN, adv. then; at that time.
THANE, THAYNE, s. an ancient Scottish title of honour, denoting presidency in a county or province.
THEE, THEY, s. thigh.
THEGITHER, adv. together.
To THEIK, v. a. to cover with straw; to thatch.
THEIVIL, s. a porridge-stick, or stick for stirring broth while boiling.
THEN, conj. than.
THEWLESS, THOULESS, THIEVLESS, adj. unprofitable; useless; feeble.
THICK, adj. intimate; familiar.
THIR, pron. pl. these.
THIRL, s. to bind; to enslave.
THIRLWALL, s. the name given to the wall between England and Scotland thrown up by Severus.
THO, adv. at that time.
To THOLE, v. n. to bear; to endure; to suffer.
THON, adv. yonder; yon.
THOUELL, s. the nitch in which the oars of a boat work.
THOUGHT, THOUGHTY, s. a moment.
To THOW, v. n. to thaw.
THOWLESS, adj. inactive.
To THRAPPLE, v. a. to throttle.
THRAW, s. a pang; an agony.
THRAW-CRUK, s. an instrument for twisting straw or hair ropes.
THRAWIN, part. adj. distorted.
To THREPE, v. n. to aver pertinaciously; to argue; to persist.
THRESUM, adj. three together.
THRETTY, adj. thirty.
THRIFTY, adj. industrious and economical.
THROPILL, THRAPILL, s. the windpipe.
THUD, s. a dull noise.
THUMBIKINS, s. an instrument of torture applied as a screw to the thumbs to force the sufferer to confess or divulge a secret, etc.
THUMBLICKING, s. an ancient mode of confirming a bargain by the parties licking their thumbs and then placing them against each other.
TIBBIE, s. Elizabeth.
TICK, TICKER, s. a dot.
To TICK, v. n. to click as a clock or watch.
TID, s. humour.
To TID, v. n. To choose the proper time.
TIFT, s. the act of quarrelling; a hasty fit of ill humour.
To TIG, v. n. to touch lightly; a game played by children.
TIKE, TYKE, s. a cur; a dog; a rough bad-tempered fellow.
TIL, TIYL, prep. to.
TILL, adv. while; during the time that.
TIME-ABOUT, adj. alternately.
TIMMER, s. timber.
TIMMER-TUNED, adj. unmusical; destitute of ear.
TINCHELL, TINCHEL, s. a circle of sportsmen, who, by surrounding an extensive space, gradually closing, bring a number of deer and game within a narrow compass.
To TINE, TYNE, v. a. to lose.
TINT, pret. of To lose.
To TIRL, s. to give a stroke.
TIRLESS, TIRLASS, s. a lattice; a wicket.
TIRLIEWIRLIE, s. a whirligig.
To TIRR, TIRLE, v. a. to tear; to uncover.
TIRRIVEE, s. a fit of passion.
TIRWIRR, TIRRWIRRING, adj. habitually growling.
TITTY, s. a sister.
TO, adv. shut. The door is to, i.e. shut.
TOCHER, s. the dowry brought by a wife.
TOCHERLESS, adj. destitute of portion.
TOD, s. a fox.
TODLE, TODDLE, v. n. to walk in a tottering manner, or with short unsteady steps.
TODDY, s. whisky, sugar, and hot water.
TODDY-LADLE, s. a small ladle of wood or silver used in filling a glass from a tumbler in which toddy is made.
TOFALL, s. a building annexed to the wall of a larger one.
TOIT, TOUT, s. a fit of illness; a fit of bad humour.
TOKIE, s. the head-dress of an old woman, resembling a monk's cowl.
TO-NAME, s. a surname.
TOOM, TUME, adj. empty.
TOOT, TOUT, s. the blast of a horn or bugle.
TOOTHFU', s. a moderate quantity of strong drink.
TOSCH, TOSH, TOSHE, adj. neat; trim.
TOT, s. a term of endearment used to a child.
TOUSIE, TOWSIE, adj. disordered; shaggy; rough.
To TOUSLE, v. a. to pull at; to put in disorder, as tearing at a girl in sport or rough dalliance.
TOUT, s. a copious draught.
TOW, s. a rope of any kind.
TOWMONT, TOWMOND, s. a year.
TOY, s. a woollen or linen headdress worn by women of the lower orders, with the lower part hanging down to the shoulders.
To TOYTE, TOT, v. n. to totter as in childhood or old age.
TRAIST, TRYSTE, s. an appointed meeting.
TRAM, s. the shaft of a cart or carriage.
To TRAMP, v. a. to tread with vigour; to walk, as opposed to riding.
TRANCE, s. a passage within a house leading from one part to another.
To TRANSMUGRIFY, v. a. to transform; to transmute; to change in appearance.
TRAWART, adj. perverse.
TREWS, s. pl. trowsers.
TRIG, adj. neat.
To TRIM, v. a. to drub.
To TROKE, v. a. to bargain in the way of exchange; to barter.
TROTTERS, s. pl. sheep's feet.
To TROW, TREW, v. a. to believe.
TROWTH, s. truth; belief.
TRUE-BLUE, s. an epithet applied to rigid Presbyterians, in allusion to the colour of the cockad worn by the Covenanters.
TRUMPH, s. the trump at cards.
TRUNSCHEOUN, s. a plate; a trencher.
TRYSTING-PLACE, s. a place of meeting previously agreed on.
TUCK, s. tuck of drum, beat of drum.
TUILYIE, TOOLYIE, s. a quarrel; a broil.
To TUME, v. a. to empty.
TUP, s. a ram; a foolish, stupid fellow.
TUTTIE-TUTTIE, interj. pshaw!
TWAL, adj. twelve.
TWA-TIIREE, s. pl. a few in number.
To TWIN, TWYNE, v. n. to separate.
TWOPENNY, s. small beer.
TYDY, TYDIE, adj. neat; clean in person or house.
TYRE-CAP, s. a hat of tyre; part of the dress of Bruce at Bannockburn.
UNCANNY, adj. unsafe; as having supernatural powers.
UNCHANCY, adj. unlucky.
UNCO, adj. strange; unknown; very much.
UNCOFT, adj. unbought.
ULIE, s. oil.
UMAN, pron. woman.
UMBRE, s. shade.
UNREASON, adj. disorder.
UNRYCHT, s. injustice; iniquity.
UNSICKKIR, UNSICKER, adj. not secure.
UNTILL, prep. unto.
UPPISH, adj. aspiring; ambitious.
UPTAK, s. uptaking; apprehension.
To VAIG, v. n. to wander; to roam.
VALISES, s. pl saddlebags.
VARLOT, VERLOT, s. an inferior servant.
VAUNTY, adj. boastful.
VENT, s. a chimney.
VIRLE, s. a ferule.
VOGIE, VOKIE, adj. merry; cheerful.
VOUT, s. a vault.
VOW, WOU! interj. expressive of admiration, somewhat equivalent to Oh!
WA, WAY, WAE, s. wo; grief.
To WACHLE, v. n. to move backwards and forwards.
WADDS, s. pl. pledges used in youthful amusement.
WADSETTER, s. one who holds the property of another.
WAFF, adj. worthless in conduct; ill-dressed.
WAFFIE, s. a vagabond.
WAFT, WEFT, WOFT, s. the woof in a web.
WAGANG, WAYGANG. s. a departure.
To WAIGLE, WEIGLE, v. n. to waddle; to waggle.
To WAIK, v. a. to watch.
WAIR, v. a. to spend.
WAKERIFE, adj. watchful.
WALD, v. aux. would.
To WALE, v. a. to select; to pick; to choose.
To WALLOP, v. n. to move quickly.
To WALLOW, v. n. to be immersed or rolling in anything.
WALY! WALLY! inter j. expressive of lamentation.
WAMBE, WAME, s. the belly.
To WAMBLE, WAUMBLE, v. n. to move in an undulatory manner.
WAN, adj. black; gloomy.
WANCOUTH, adj. uncouth.
WANTER, s. a widower or bachelor.
To WAP, v. a. to throw rapidly; to throw.
WAPPIN, WAPPYN, s. a weapon.
WAR, WARR, adj. worse.
To WAR, v. a. to overcome.
WARE, s. sea-wced.
WARK, WARKE, s. work.
WARKMAN, s. a labourer.
WARLD, s. the world.
WARLOCK, s. a wizard.
To WARSELL, WERSILL, v. n. to wrestle; to strive.
WARWOLF, WARWOUF, s. a person supposed to be transformed into a wolf.
WASTING, s. a consumption.
To WAT, v. n. to know.
WATERGANG, s. a mill-race.
To WAUBLE, v. n. to swing or reel.
WATER-WRAITH, s. the spirit of the waters.
To WAUGHT, WACHT-OUT, v. n. to quaff; a large draught of any liquid.
To WAUK, v. a. to full cloth; to shrink in consequence of being beetled.
To WAW, WAWE, v. n. to caterwaul.
WEAN, WEANE, s. a child.
To WEAR-IN, v. a. to gather in.
WEARY, adj. feeble.
WEBSTER, WABSTER, s. a weaver.
WEE, adj. little.
WEEM, s. a natural cavern.
WEET, s. rain; wet.
WEFT, s. woof.
WEILL-FARAND, WEEL-FARD, adj. good-looking.
WEIRD, WEERD, s. fate; prediction.
WEIRDLESS, WIERDLESS, adj. unprosperous; worthless; not well-doing.
WELCOME-HAME, s. repast presented to a bride on entering the door of the bridegroom.
WERSH, adj. insipid; tasteless.
WHAAP, s. the curlew.
WHANG, s. a thong; a large slice.
WHEEN, s. pl. a number; a few.
WHID, s. a lie.
WHINGE, v. n. to whine.
WHISHT! interj. hush! be silent.
WHISTLE, WHUSSEL, s. the throat.
WHITTLE, s. a knife.
To WHUMMIL, WHOMEL, v. a. to turn upside down.
WHUTTLE, s. whitlow, a gathering in the fingers.
WHYLES, s. sometimes.
WIDDIE, WUDDY, s. the gallows.
WIFE, WYFE, s. a woman.
WIFFIE, s. a little woman.
To WILE, WYLE, v. n. to entice.
To WIMPLE, WYMPEL, WOMPLE, v. n. to meander as applied to a stream.
To WIN, WYN, a. v. to dry corn.
WINDOCK, WINNOCK, s. a window.
WINKERS, s. the eye-lashes.
WINSOME, adj. merry; gay; cheerful.
To WISEN, WYSSIN, v. n. to wither.
WISHY-WASHY, s. pl. shuffling; half-and-half.
To WIT, WITT, v. n. to know; I wit na, I know not.
WITE, WYTE, s. blame.
To WITE, WYTE, v. n. to blame; to accuse.
WITTENS, s. knowledge.
WIZEN, s. the throat.
WIZZEN, adj. dry; withered
WOB, s. a web.
WOD, WODE, adj. mad.
To WON, v. n. to dwell.
WOO, s. wool. v. To make love; to court.
WORDY, WEIRDY, adj. worthy.
WORLIN, s. a feeble puny person.
To WORRY, v. n. to choke; to be suffocated.
WORSET, s. worsted.
To WOUFF, v. n. to bark.
WOW! interj. expressive of admiration.
WRAITH, WRAITHE, s. the apparition of a person seen before death, or soon after it.
WRAK, WREK, WRACK, s. anything cast upon the sea-shore.
WRAT, s. a wort.
WHITER, s. an attorney.
WYND, s. a narrow lane or alley.
WYSS-LIKE, adj. having a decent appearance.
WYTELESS, adj. blameless.
To YABBLE, v. n. to gabble.
YAD, s. an old worn-out mare.
YALD, YAULD, adj. sprightly; alert.
To YAMER, YAMMER, v. n. to complain; continued whining; to pet.
To YAMPH, YAMF, v. n. to bark.
YAP, YAPE, adj. having a keen appetite; very hungry.
YARD, s. a garden for flowers; pot herbs.
VARE, s. a weir for catching fish.
YAUD, s. an order given by a shepherd to his dog; far-yaud, signifying drive the sheep to a distance.
To YAUP, v. n. to yelp.
YEALD, adj. barren.
YEARN, YERNE, adj. eager; wishful.
YELD, YELL, EILD, adj. a cow is said to be eild when she is giving no milk.
YELDRING, YELDRIN, s. a yellow-hammer.
YERD, YERTH, YIRD, s. earth; soil.
To YERD, v. a. to bury.
To YERK, v. a. to beat; to strike smartly.
YESTREEN, s. last night.
YET, YETT, s. a gate.
YHULL, YULE, s. Christmas.
YILL, s. ale.
To YIRR, v. n. to snarl; to growl.
To YOKE, v. n. to engage with another in dispute or in a quarrel.
YONT, prep, beyond.
YOUDEN-DRIFT, s. snow driven by the wind.
To YOUF, YUFF, v. n. to bark.
YOUK, YEUK, s. the itch.
To YOUK, YUKE, v. n. to itch; to be itchy.
YOUKY,adj. itchy; metaphorically, eager, anxious.
To YOUL, YOULL, v. n. to howl, to yell.
YOW, YOWE, s. a ewe.
YULE, s. the name given to Christmas.
YULE-E'EN, s. the night preceding Christmas.
To YYRNE, v. to coagulate; to curdle.
Abduction, The, ix. Adopted Son, The, ii. Age and Youth, Ballad of, xxiv. Ailie Faa, Ballad of, xxiv. Allerley Hall, The Legend of, xxiv. Amateur Robbery, The, xxii. Amateur Lawyers, The, vii. Ancient Bureau, The, vii. Angler's Tale, The, xvi. Archy Armstrong, v. Artist, The, vii. Assassin, The, xviii. Avenger; or, Legend of Mary Lee, The, xix.
Ballogie's Daughters, Ballad of, xxiv. Barley Bannock, The, xx. Battle of Dryffe Sands, The, xv. Beggars' Camp, The, viii. Bereaved, The, xvii. Bewildered Student, The, x. Bell Stanley; or, a Sailor's Story, v. Bell White, v. Bonny Mary Gibson, xvi. Bride, The, viii. Bride of Bell's Tower, The, xxi. Bride of Bramblehaugh, The, xviii. Broken Heart, The, vii. Brownie of the West Bow, The, xxiii. Burning of Mrs. Jamphray, Legend of the, xxiv.
Cairny Cave of Gavin Muir, The, xvii. Caldermuir, Legend of, xvii. Caleb Crabbin, x. Case of Evidence, The, xv. Castle of Weir, The Romaunt of the, xxiv. Castle of Crail, The; or, David and Queen Maude, x. Cateran of Lochloy, The, vii. Chance Question, The, xxi. Charles Gordon and Christina Cunningham, Story of, xvii. Chatelard, ix. Chevalier de la Beaute, xxiii. Cherry Stone, The, viii. Christie of the Cleik, ix. Church of Abercromby, Legend of the, x. Clara Douglas, The Story of, iv. Clerical Murderer, The, xv. Condemned, The, xvii. Conscience Stricken, The, v. Contrast of Wives, The, xi. Convict, The, xxii. Convivialists, The, ii. Cottar's Daughter, The, xv. Countess of Cassilis, The, xvi. Countess of Wistonburgh, The, i. Country Quarters, iv. Covenanter's March, The, iv. Covenanting Family, The, xiv. Cradle of Logie, The, xxiii. Craigullan, Legend of, xxiv. Cripple, The; or, Ebenezer the Disowned. ix. Crooked Comyn, The, x. Curate of Govan, The, xv. Cured Ingrate, The, ii. Curlers, The, xviii. Curse of Scotland, The, xix.
David Lorimer, xxii. Death of James First, The, xv. Death of James Third, The, xvi. Diamond Eyes, The, xxii. Disasters of Johnny Armstrong, The, i. Dissolved Pledge, The, xix. Diver and the Bell, The, iii. Divinity Student, The, v. Doctor Dobie, xxi. Domestic Griefs of Gustavus MacIver, The, xix. Dominie's Class, xi. Dominie's Courtship, The, xiii. Dominie of St. Fillan's, The, xx. Donald Gorm, ii. Doom of Soulis, The, viii. Double-Bedded Room, The, v. Douglas Tragedy, The, xvi. Dowielee, Legend of, xxiv. Dream, The, xiii. Droich, The, vii. Duncan M'Arthur, viii. Duncan Schulebred's Vision of Judgment, v. Dura Den, ix.
Early days of a Friend of the Covenant, xxi. Early Recollections of a Son of the Hills, iv. Edmund and Helen, xxiv. Ellen Arundel, ix. Enthusiast, The, xiv. Eskdale Muir Story, The, xvi. Experimenter, The, iii.
Faa's Revenge, The, i. Fair, The, iv. Fair Maid of Cellardykes, The,[*Illegible*] Fair Emergilde, Legend of the, xxiv. Fair Helen of Kirkconnel, Legend of, ix. Faithful Wife, The, xxiii. Family Incidents, vii. Fatal Mistake, The, xvi. Festival, The, xiv. First and Second Marriages, The, xix. First Foot, The, x. Floshend Inn, The, xiii. Forger, The, xii. Fortunes of William Wighton, The, ii. Foundling at Sea, The, xviii. Fugitive, The, xviii.
Geordie Willison and the Heiress of Castlegower, vi. Ghost of Howdiecraigs, The, x[*Illegible*] Ghost of Gairyburn, The, xi. Girl Forger, The, xxiii. Glass Back, The, xii. Golden Counsel, Ballad of, xxiv[*Illegible*] Good Man of Dryfield, The, vii[*Illegible*] Grandmother's Narrative, The, xv[*Illegible*] Grace Cameron, xvi. Grizel Cochrane, xv. Guid Wife of Coldingham, The, vi. Guilty or Not Guilty, vi. Gustavus MacIver, The Domestic Griefs of, xix.
Happy Conclusion, The, xvi. Harden's Revenge, viii. Hawick Spate, The, xix. Heir of Inshannock, The, xii. Helen Palmer, xvii.
Henpecked Man, The, viii. Hen Wife, The, viii. Hermit of the Hills, xxiv. Heroine, The, a Legend of the Canongate, xx. Highland Boy, The, v. Highland Tradition, A, xvii. Hogmanay; or, the Lady of Ballochgray, xvii. Holyrood, Legend of, xiv. House in Bell's Wynd, The, xxi. Hume and the Governor of Berwick, xvii.
I canna be fashed; or Willie Grant's Confessions, x. Imprudent Marriage, The, x. Irish Reaper, The, xvi.
James Renwick, xviii. John Govan's Narrative, xx. John Square's Voyage to India, vii. Johnny Armstrong, Disasters of, i. Judith the Egyptian, vii.
Kate Kennedy, i. Katheran, The, iv. Kinaldy, xix. Kirkyards, xiv.
Lady Katharine, Legend of the, xxiv. Lady Rae, xxii. Laidley Worm of Spindelston Heugh, vi. Laird of Darnick Tower, The, vii. Laird of Hermitage, The, xix. Laird of Lucky's Howe, ix. Laird Rorieson's Will, xviii. Last of the Pedlars, The, v. Last Scrap, The, xxiii. Leaves from the Life of Alexander Hamilton, xix. Leaves from the Diary of an Aged Spinster, vi. Leein' Jamie Murdieston, viii. Leveller, The, xvi. Linton Lairds, The; or, Exclusives and Inclusives, iv. Lord Durie and Christie's Will, ii. Lord Kames's Puzzle, xxiii, Lost Heir of the House of Elphinstone, xx. Lottery Hall, xiii. Lykewake, The, vii.
Maid Marion, Ballad of, xxiv. Maiden Feast of Cairnkibbie, The, iv. Man-of-Warsman, The, xvi. Mary Brown, The Story of, xxiii. Mary Lee, The Legend of, xxiv. Master Samuel Ramsay Thriven, xvi. Matrimony, Ballad of, xxiv. May Darling, x. May, The Romance of the, x. Major Weir's Coach, v. Medal, The, x. Merchant's Daughter, The, xxi. Meeting of St. Boswell's, The, x. Midside Maggie; or, The Bannock of Tollishill, i. Mike Maxwell and the Gretna Green Lovers, xii. Miser of Newabbey, The, xx. Mistake Rectified, The, ix. Mistress Humphrey Greenwood's Tea Party, ix. Monk of St. Anthony, The, iv. Monks of Dryburgh, The, iv. Monomaniac, The, xviii. Mortlake, a Legend of Merton, viii. Moss Trooper, The, xii. Mountain Storm, The, i. My Black Coat, ii. Mysie Craig, Story of, xxiii. Mysterious Disappearance, The, xvi.
Natural History of Idiots, The, xiii.
Old Bluntie, xx. Old Isbel Kirk, xviii. Order of the Garter, The, xiv. Orphan, The, xxiii.
Packman's Journey to London, The, ix. Palantines, The, vi. Parsonage, The, vi. Peat-Casting Time, x. Peden's Farewell Sermon, xv. Pelican, Story of the, xxiii. Penny Wedding, The, vii. Persecution of the M'Michaels, The, xv. Perseverance; or, The Autobiography of Roderick Grey, xvi. Philips Grey, ii. Phoebe Fortune, iii. Physiognomist's Tale, The, viii. Polwarth on the Green, xiv. Poor Scholars, The, vii. Porter's Hole, xvii. Prescription; or, The 29th September, i. Prince of Scotland, The, xiv. Prisoner of War, The, xviii. Procrastinator, The, xxii. Prodigal Son, The, xxi.
Rattling Roaring Willie, v. Recluse, The, xvii. Recluse of the Hebrides, The, ix. Recollections of Burns, ii. Recollections of Ferguson, i. Recollections of a Village Patriarch, xv. Redhall, The; or Berwick in 1296, xi. Restored Son, The, xiv. Rescue at Enterken, The, xvi. Retribution, xiv. Return, The, vii. Reuben Purves, xii. Rival Night-Caps, The, iii. Robbery at Pittenweem, The, xvii. Roger Goldie's Narrative, xvii. Romance of tho Siege of Perth, The, x. Rosalie, Song of, xxiv. Roseallan Castle, Ballad of, xxiv, Roseallan's Daughter, xiii. Rothsay Fisherman, The, vi. Royal Bridal, The, iii. Royal Raid, The, iii. Rumbollow, Ballad of, xxiv.
Sabbath Wrecks, The, vi. St. Mary's Wynd, The Romaunt of, xxiv. Salmon Fisher of Udoll, iv. Sayings and Doings of Peter Paterson, xx. School Fellows, The, xi. Scottish Veteran, The, xii. Scottish Hunters of Hudson's Bay, The, xii. Sea Fight, The, xix. Sea Skirmish, The, xx. Seeker, The, xxi. Seer's Cave, The, vi. Sergeant Wilson, xvii. Seven Years' Dearth, The, xiv. Sea Storm, The, xii. Shoes Reversed, The, xx. Siege, The, xxiv. Simple Man is the Beggar's Brother, The, xvii. Sir Patrick Hume, ix. Sir Peregrine and the Lady Etheline, The Romaunt of, xxiv. Skean Dhu, The, xiv. Slave, The, iv. Smuggler, The, xi. Snow Storm of 1825, The, vi. Social Man, The, xi. Solitary of the Cave, iv. Somnambulist of Redcleugh, The, vi. Sportsman of Outfield Haugh, The, xix. Squire Ben, xv. Stone Breaker, The, xviii. Souter's Wedding, The, xiii. Suicide, The, xi. Suicide's Grave, The, iv. Surtout, The, xi.
Ten of Diamonds, The, xxii. Thomas Harkness of Lockerben, xx. Thomas of Chartres, xviii. Tibbie Fowler, xxiii. Tournay, The, xxiv. Tom Duncan's Yarn, ix. Tom Bertram, Story of, xv. Three Letters, The, xii. Three Brethren, The, ix. Trees and Burns, xiv. Trials and Triumphs, xx. Trials of Menie Dempster, The, xiii. Trials of the Rev. Samuel Austin, The, xix. Twin Brothers, The, xxiii. Two Comrades, The, xi. Two Red Slippers, The, xxiii. Two Sailors, The, xiii.
Unbidden Guest, The, xvii. Unknown, The, xiii. Ups and Downs; or, David Stuart's Account of His Pilgrimage, xxii.
Vacant Chair, The, i. Violated Coffin, The, xviii.
Wager, The, xxi. Warning, The, xv. Wedding, The, xii. We'll have Another, xii. White Woman of Taras, xii. Whitsome Tragedy, The, iii. Widow's ae Son, The, xxiii. Widow of Dunskaith, The, iii. Wife or the Wuddy, A, ii. Willie Smith, Autobiography of, iii. Willie Wastle's Account of his Wife, xviii. Woman with the White Mice, The, xxi. World's Vanity, Ballad of the, xxiv.
Young Laird, The, iii.