Elecampane; Horseheal; Yellow Starwort
Inula Helenium
Flower-heads—Large, yellow, solitary or a few, 2 to 4 in. across, on long, stout peduncles; the scaly green involucre nearly 1 in. high, holding disk florets surrounded by a fringe of long, very narrow, 3-toothed ray florets. Stem: Usually unbranched, 2 to 6 ft. high, hairy above. Leaves: Alternate, large, broadly oblong, pointed, saw-edged, rough above, woolly beneath; some with heart-shaped, clasping bases.
Preferred Habitat—Roadsides, fields, fence-rows, damp pastures.
Flowering Season—July-September.
Distribution—Nova Scotia to the Carolinas, and westward to Minnesota and Missouri.
The elecampane has not always led a vagabond existence. Once it had its passage paid across the Atlantic, because special virtue was attributed to its thick, mucilaginous roots as a horse medicine. For more than two thousand years it has been employed by home doctors in Europe and Asia; and at first Old World immigrants thought they could not live here without the plant on their farms. Once given a chance to naturalize itself, no composite is slow in seizing it. The vigorous elecampane, rearing its fringy, yellow disks above lichen-covered stone walls in New England, the Virginia rail fence, and the rank weedy growth along barbed-wire barriers farther west, now bids fair to cross the continent.
Black-eyed Susan; Yellow or Ox-eye Daisy; Nigger-head; Golden Jerusalem; Purple Cone-flower
Rudbeckia hirta
Flower-heads—From 10 to 20 orange-yellow neutral rays around a conical, dark purplish-brown disk of florets containing both stamens and pistil. Stem: 1 to 3 ft. tall, hairy, rough, usually unbranched, often tufted. Leaves: Oblong to lance-shaped, thick, sparingly notched, rough.
Preferred Habitat—Open sunny places; dry fields.
Flowering Season—May-September.
Distribution—Ontario and the Northwest Territory south to Colorado and the Gulf states.
So very many weeds having come to our Eastern shores from Europe, and marched farther and farther west year by year, it is but fair that black-eyed Susan, a native of Western clover fields, should travel toward the Atlantic in bundles of hay whenever she gets the chance, to repay Eastern farmers in their own coin. Do these gorgeous heads know that all our showy rudbeckias—some with orange red at the base of their ray florets—have become prime favorites of late years in European gardens, so offering them still another chance to overrun the Old World, to which so much American hay is shipped? Thrifty farmers may decry the importation into their mowing lots, but there is a glory to the cone-flower beside which the glitter of a gold coin fades into paltry nothingness. Having been instructed in the decorative usefulness of all this genus by European landscape gardeners, we Americans now importune the Department of Agriculture for seeds through members of Congress, even Representatives of States that have passed stringent laws against the dissemination of "weeds." Inasmuch as each black-eyed Susan puts into daily operation the business methods of the white daisy, methods which have become a sort of creed for the entire composite horde to live by, it is plain that she may defy both farmers and legislators. Bees, wasps, flies butterflies, and beetles could not be kept away from an entertainer so generous; for while the nectar in the deep, tubular brown florets may be drained only by long, slender tongues, pollen is accessible to all. Any one who has had a jar of these yellow daisies standing on a polished table indoors, and tried to keep its surface free from a ring of golden dust around the flowers, knows how abundant their pollen is. The black-eyed Susan, like the English sparrow, has come to stay—let farmers and law-makers do what they will.
Tall or Giant Sunflower
Helianthus giganteus
Flower-heads—Several, on long, rough-hairy peduncles; 1-1/2 to 2-1/4 in. broad; 10 to 20 pale yellow neutral rays around a yellowish disk whose florets are perfect, fertile. Stem: 3 to 12 ft. tall, bristly-hairy, usually branching above, often reddish; from a perennial, fleshy root. Leaves: Rough, firm, lance-shaped, saw-toothed, sessile.
Preferred Habitat—Low ground, wet meadows, swamps.
Flowering Season—August-October.
Distribution—Maine to Nebraska and the Northwest Territory, south to the Gulf of Mexico.
To how many sun-shaped golden disks with outflashing rays might not the generic name of this clan (helios = the sun, anthos = a flower) be as fittingly applied: from midsummer till frost the earth seems given up to floral counterparts of his worshipful majesty. If, as we are told, one ninth of all flowering plants in the world belong to the composite order, of which more than sixteen hundred species are found in North America north of Mexico, surely more than half this number are made up after the daisy pattern, the most successful arrangement known, and the majority of these are wholly or partly yellow. Most conspicuous of the horde are the sunflowers, albeit they never reach in the wild state the gigantic dimensions and weight that cultivated, dark-brown centred varieties produced from the common sunflower have attained. For many years the origin of the latter flower, which suddenly shone forth in European gardens with unwonted splendor, was in doubt. Only lately it was learned that when Champlain and Segur visited the Indians on Lake Huron's eastern shores about three centuries ago, they saw them cultivating this plant, which must have been brought by them from its native prairies beyond the Mississippi—a plant whose stalks furnished them with a textile fibre, its leaves fodder, its flowers a yellow dye, and its seeds, most valuable of all, food and hair-oil! Early settlers in Canada were not slow in sending home to Europe so decorative and useful an acquisition. Swine, poultry, and parrots were fed on its rich seeds. Its flowers, even under Indian cultivation, had already reached abnormal size. Of the sixty varied and interesting species of wild sunflowers known to scientists, all are North American.
Moore's pretty statement,
"As the sunflower turns on her god when he sets The same look which she turn'd when he rose,"
lacks only truth to make it fact. The flower does not travel daily on its stalk from east to west. Often the top of the stem turns sharply toward the light to give the leaves better exposure, but the presence or absence of a terminal flower affects its action not at all.
Sneeze weed; Swamp Sunflower
Helenium autumnale
Flower-heads—Bright yellow, 1 to 2 in. across, numerous, borne on long peduncles in corymb-like clusters; the rays 3 to 5 cleft, and drooping around the yellow or yellowish-brown disk. Stem: 2 to 6 ft. tall, branched above. Leaves: Alternate, firm, lance-shaped to oblong, toothed, seated on stem or the bases slightly decurrent; bitter.
Preferred Habitat—Swamps, wet ground, banks of streams.
Flowering Season—August-October.
Distribution—Quebec to the Northwest Territory; southward to Florida and Arizona.
Most cows know enough to respect the bitter leaves' desire to be let alone; but many a pail of milk has been spoiled by a mouthful of Helenium among the herbage. Whoever cares to learn from experience why this was called sneezeweed, must take a whiff of snuff made of the dried and powdered leaves.
Yarrow; Milfoil; Old Man's Pepper; Nosebleed
Achillea Millefolium
Flower-heads—Grayish-white, rarely pinkish, in a hard, close, flat-topped, compound cluster. Ray florets 4 to 6, pistillate, fertile; disk florets yellow, afterward brown, perfect, fertile. Stem: Erect, from horizontal root-stalk, 1 to 2 ft. high, leafy, sometimes hairy. Leaves: Very finely dissected (Millefolium = thousand leaf), narrowly oblong in outline.
Preferred Habitat—Waste land, dry fields, banks, roadsides.
Flowering Season—June-November.
Distribution—Naturalized from Europe and Asia throughout North America.
Everywhere this commonest of common weeds confronts us; the compact, dusty-looking clusters appearing not by waysides only, around the world, but in the mythology, folk-lore, medicine, and literature of many peoples. Chiron, the centaur, who taught its virtues to Achilles that he might make an ointment to heal his Myrmidons wounded in the siege of Troy, named the plant for this favorite pupil, giving his own to the beautiful Blue Cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus). As a love-charm; as an herb-tea brewed by crones to cure divers ailments, from loss of hair to the ague; as an inducement to nosebleed for the relief of congestive headache; as an ingredient of an especially intoxicating beer made by the Swedes, it is mentioned in old books. Nowadays we are satisfied merely to admire the feathery masses of lace-like foliage formed by young plants, to whiff the wholesome, nutty, autumnal odor of its flowers, or to wonder at the marvellous scheme it employs to overrun the earth.
Dog's or Foetid Camomile: Mayweed; Pig-sty Daisy; Dillweed; Dog-fennel
Anthemis Cotula (Maruta Cotula)
Flower-heads—Like smaller daisies, about 1 in. broad; 10 to 18 white, notched, neutral ray florets around a convex or conical yellow disk, whose florets are fertile, containing both stamens and pistil, their tubular corollas 5-cleft. Stem: Smooth, much branched, 1 to 2 ft. high, leafy, with unpleasant odor and acrid taste. Leaves: Very finely dissected into slender segments.
Preferred Habitat—Roadsides, dry waste land, sandy fields.
Flowering Season—June-November.
Distribution—Throughout North America, except in circumpolar regions.
"Naturalized from Europe, and widely distributed as a weed in Asia, Africa, and Australasia" (Britton and Brown's "Flora"). Little wonder the camomile encompasses the earth, for it imitates the triumphant daisy, putting into practice those business methods of the modern department store, by which the composite horde have become the most successful strugglers for survival.
Dog, used as a prefix by several of the plant's folk-names, implies contempt for its worthlessness. It is quite another species, the Garden Camomile (A. nobilis), which furnishes the apothecary with those flowers which, when steeped into a bitter, aromatic tea, have been supposed for generations to make a superior tonic and blood purifier.
Common Daisy; White-weed; White or Ox-eye Daisy; Marguerite; Love-me, Love-me-not
Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum
Flower-heads—Disk florets yellow, tubular, 4 or 5 toothed, containing stamens and pistil; surrounded by white ray florets, which are pistillate, fertile. Stem: Smooth, rarely branched, 1 to 3 ft. high. Leaves: Mostly oblong in outline, coarsely toothed and divided.
Preferred Habitat—Meadows, pastures, roadsides, waste land.
Flowering Season—May-November.
Distribution—Throughout the United States and Canada; not so common in the South and West.
Myriads and myriads of daisies, whitening our fields as if a belated blizzard had covered them with a snowy mantle in June, fill the farmer with dismay, the flower-lover with rapture. When vacation days have come; when chains and white-capped old women are to be made of daisies by happy children turned out of schoolrooms into meadows; when pretty maids, like Goethe's Marguerite, tell their fortunes by the daisy "petals"; when music bubbles up in a cascade of ecstasy from the throats of bobolinks nesting among the daisies, timothy, and clover; when the blue sky arches over the fairest scenes the year can show, and all the world is full of sunshine and happy promises of fruition, must we Americans always go to English literature for a song to fit our joyous mood?
"When daisies pied, and violets blue, And lady-smocks all silver white, And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue, Do paint the meadows with delight—"
sang Shakespeare. His lovely suggestion of an English spring recalls no familiar picture to American minds. No more does Burns's.
"Wee, modest, crimson-tippit flower."
Shakespeare, Burns, Chaucer, Wordsworth, and all the British poets who have written familiar lines about the daisy, extolled a quite different flower from ours—Bellis perennis, the little pink and white blossom that hugs English turf as if it loved it—the true day's-eye, for it closes at nightfall and opens with the dawn.
Now, what is the secret of the large, white daisy's triumphal conquest of our territory? A naturalized immigrant from Europe and Asia, how could it so quickly take possession? In the over-cultivated Old World no weed can have half the chance for unrestricted colonizing that it has in our vast, unoccupied area. Most of our weeds are naturalized foreigners, not natives. Once released from the harder conditions of struggle at home (the seeds bring safely smuggled in among the ballast of freight ships, or hay used in packing), they find life here easy, pleasant; as if to make up for lost time, they increase a thousandfold. If we look closely at a daisy—and a lens is necessary for any but the most superficial acquaintance—we shall see that, far from being a single flower, it is literally a host in itself. Each of the so-called white "petals" is a female floret, whose open corolla has grown large, white, and showy, to aid its sisters in advertising for insect visitors—a prominence gained only by the loss of its stamens. The yellow centre is composed of hundreds of minute tubular florets huddled together in a green cup as closely as they can be packed. Inside each of these tiny yellow tubes stand the stamens, literally putting their heads together. As the pistil within the ring of stamens develops and rises through their midst, two little hair brushes on its tip sweep the pollen from their anthers as a rounded brush would remove the soot from a lamp chimney. Now the pollen is elevated to a point where any insect crawling over the floret must remove it. The pollen gone, the pistil now spreads its two arms, that were kept tightly closed together while any danger of self-fertilization lasted. Their surfaces become sticky, that pollen brought from another flower may adhere to them. Notice that the pistils in the white ray florets have no hair brushes on their tips, because, no stamens being there, there is no pollen to be swept out. Because daisies are among the most conspicuous of flowers, and have facilitated dining for their visitors by offering them countless cups of refreshment that may be drained with a minimum loss of time, almost every insect on wings alights on them sooner or later. In short, they run their business on the principle of a cooperative department store. Immense quantities of the most vigorous, because cross-fertilized, seed being set in every patch, small wonder that our fields are white with daisies—a long and a merry life to them!
Tansy; Bitter-buttons
Tanacetum vulgare
Flower-heads—Small, round, of tubular florets only, packed within a depressed involucre, and borne in flat-topped corymbs. Stem: 1-1/2 to 3 ft. tall, leafy. Leaves: Deeply and pinnately cleft into narrow, toothed divisions; strong scented.
Preferred Habitat—Roadsides; commonly escaped from gardens.
Flowering Season—July-September.
Distribution—Nova Scotia, westward to Minnesota, south to Missouri and North Carolina. Naturalized from Europe.
"In the spring time, are made with the leaves hereof newly sprung up, and with eggs, cakes or Tansies which be pleasant in taste and goode for the Stomache," wrote quaint old Gerarde. That these were popular dainties in the seventeenth century we further know through Pepys who made a "pretty dinner" for some guests, to wit: "A brace of stewed carps, six roasted chickens, and a jowl of salmon, hot, for the first course; a tansy, and two neat's tongues, and cheese, the second." Cole's "Art of Simpling," published in 1656, assures maidens that tansy leaves laid to soak in buttermilk for nine days "maketh the complexion very fair." Tansy tea, in short, cured every ill that flesh is heir to, according to the simple faith of medieval herbalists—a faith surviving in some old women even to this day. The name is said to be a corruption of athanasia, derived from two Greek words meaning immortality. When some monks in reading Lucian came across the passage where Jove, speaking of Ganymede to Mercury, says, "Take him hence, and when he has tasted immortality let him return to us," their literal minds inferred that this plant must have been what Ganymede tasted, hence they named it athanasia! So great credence having been given to its medicinal powers in Europe, it is not strange the colonists felt they could not live in the New World without tansy. Strong-scented pungent tufts topped with bright yellow buttons—runaways from old gardens—are a conspicuous feature along many a roadside leading to colonial homesteads.
Common or Plumed Thistle
Is land fulfilling the primal curse because it brings forth thistles? So thinks the farmer, no doubt, but not the goldfinches which daintily feed among the fluffy seeds, nor the bees, nor the "painted lady," which may be seen in all parts of the world where thistles grow, hovering about the beautiful rose-purple flowers. In the prickly cradle of leaves, the caterpillar of this thistle butterfly weaves a web around its main food store.
When the Danes invaded Scotland, they stole a silent night march upon the Scottish camp by marching barefoot; but a Dane inadvertently stepped on a thistle, and his sudden, sharp cry, arousing the sleeping Scots, saved them and their country; hence the Scotch emblem.
From July to November blooms the Common, Burr, Spear, Plume, Bank, Horse, Bull, Blue, Button, Bell, or Roadside Thistle (C. lanceolatum or Carduus lanceolatus), a native of Europe and Asia, now a most thoroughly naturalized American from Newfoundland to Georgia, westward to Nebraska. Its violet flower-heads, about an inch and a half across, and as high as wide, are mostly solitary at the ends of formidable branches, up which few crawling creatures venture. But in the deep tube of each floret there is nectar secreted for the flying visitor who can properly transfer pollen from flower to flower. Such a one suffers no inconvenience from the prickles, but, on the contrary, finds a larger feast saved for him because of them. Dense, matted, wool-like hairs, that cover the bristling stems of most thistles, make climbing mighty unpleasant for ants, which ever delight in pilfering sweets. Perhaps one has the temerity to start upward.
"Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall," "If thy heart fail thee, climb not at all,"
might be the ant's passionate outburst to the thistle, and the thistle's reply, instead of a Sir Walter and Queen Elizabeth couplet. Long, lance-shaped, deeply cleft, sharply pointed, and prickly dark green leaves make the ascent almost unendurable; nevertheless, the ant bravely mounts to where the bristle-pointed, overlapping scales of the deep green cup hold the luscious flowers. Now his feet becoming entangled in the cottony fibres wound about the scaly armor, and a bristling bodyguard thrusting spears at him in his struggles to escape, death happily releases him. All this tragedy to insure the thistle's cross-fertilized seed that, seated on the autumn winds, shall be blown far and wide in quest of happy conditions for the offspring!
Sometimes the Pasture or Fragrant Thistle (C. pumilum or Carduus odoratus) still further protects its beautiful, odorous purple or whitish flower-head, that often measures three inches across, with a formidable array of prickly small leaves just below it. In case a would-be pilferer breaks through these lines, however, there is a slight glutinous strip on the outside of the bracts that compose the cup wherein the nectar-filled florets are packed; and here, in sight of Mecca, he meets his death, just as a bird is caught on limed twigs. The Pasture Thistle, whose range is only from Maine to Delaware, blooms from July to September.
Chicory; Succory; Blue Sailors; Bunk
Cichorium Intybus
Flower-head—Bright, deep azure to gray blue, rarely pinkish or white, 1 to 1-1/2 in. broad, set close to stem, often in small clusters for nearly the entire length; each head a composite of ray flowers only, 5-toothed at upper edge, and set in a flat green receptacle. Stem: Rigid, branching, 1 to 3 ft. high. Leaves: Lower ones spreading on ground, 3 to 6 in. long, spatulate, with deeply cut or irregular edges, narrowed into petioles, from a deep tap-root; upper leaves of stem and branches minute, bract-like.
Preferred Habitat—Roadsides, waste places, fields.
Flowering Season—July-October.
Distribution—Common in eastern United States and Canada, south to the Carolinas; also sparingly westward to Nebraska.
At least the dried and ground root of this European invader is known to hosts of people who buy it undisguised or not, according as they count it an improvement to their coffee or a disagreeable adulterant. So great is the demand for chicory that, notwithstanding its cheapness, it is often in its turn adulterated with roasted wheat, rye, acorns, and carrots. Forced and blanched in a warm, dark place, the bitter leaves find a ready market as a salad known as "barbe de Capucin" by the fanciful French. Endive and dandelion, the chicory's relatives, appear on the table, too in spring, where people have learned the possibilities of salads, as they certainly have in Europe.
From the depth to which the tap-root penetrates, it is not unlikely the succory derived its name from the Latin succurrere = to run under. The Arabic name chicourey testifies to the almost universal influence of Arabian physicians and writers in Europe after the Conquest. As chicoree, achicoria, chicoria, cicorea, chicorie, cichorei, cikorie, tsikorei, and cicorie the plant is known respectively to the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, Germans, Dutch, Swedes, Russians, and Danes.
On cloudy days or in the morning only throughout midsummer the "peasant posy" opens its "dear blue eyes"
"Where tired feet Toil to and fro; Where flaunting Sin May see thy heavenly hue, Or weary Sorrow look from thee Toward a tenderer blue!" —Margaret Deland.
In his "Humble Bee" Emerson, too, sees only beauty in the
"Succory to match the sky;"
but, mirabile dictu, Vergil, rarely caught in a prosaic, practical mood, wrote,
"And spreading succ'ry chokes the rising field."
Common Dandelion; Blowball; Lion's-tooth; Peasant's Clock
Taraxacum officinale (T. Dens-leonis)
Flower-head—Solitary, golden yellow, 1 to 2 in. across, containing 150 to 200 perfect ray florets on a flat receptacle at the top of a hollow, milky scape 2 to 18 in. tall. Leaves: From a very deep, thick, bitter root; oblong to spatulate in outline, irregularly jagged.
Preferred Habitat—Lawns, fields, grassy waste places.
Flowering Season—Every month in the year.
Distribution—Around the civilized world.
"Dear common flower that grow'st beside the way, Fringing the dusty road with harmless gold.
* * * * *
"Gold such as thine ne'er drew the Spanish prow Through the primeval hush of Indian seas, Nor wrinkled the lean brow Of age, to rob the lover's heart of ease. 'Tis the spring's largess, which she scatters now To rich and poor alike, with lavish hand; Though most hearts never understand To take it at God's value, but pass by The offered wealth with unrewarded eye."
Let the triumphant Anglo-Saxon with dreams of expansion that include the round earth, the student of sociology who wishes an insight into cooperative methods as opposed to individualism, the young man anxious to learn how to get on, parents with children to be equipped for the struggle for existence, business men and employers of labor, all sit down beside the dandelion and take its lesson to heart. How has it managed without navies and armies—for it is no imperialist—to land its peaceful legions on every part of the civilized world and take possession of the soil? How can this neglected wayside composite weed triumph over the most gorgeous hothouse individual on which the horticulturist expends all the science at his command; to flourish where others give up the struggle defeated; to send its vigorous offspring abroad prepared for similar conquest of adverse conditions wherever met; to attract myriads of customers to its department store, and by consummate executive ability to make every visitor unwittingly contribute to its success? Any one who doubts the dandelion's fitness to survive should humble himself by spending days and weeks on his knees, trying to eradicate the plant from even one small lawn with a knife, only to find the turf starred with golden blossoms, or, worse still from his point of view, hoary with seed balloons the following spring.
Deep, very deep, the stocky bitter root penetrates where heat and drought affect it not, nor nibbling rabbits, moles, grubs of insects, and other burrowers break through and steal. Cut off the upper portion only with your knife, and not one, but several, plants will likely sprout from what remains; and, however late in the season, will economize stem and leaf to produce flowers and seeds, cuddled close within the tuft, that set all your pains at naught. "Never say die" is the dandelion's motto. An exceedingly bitter medicine is extracted from the root of this dandelion. Likewise are the leaves bitter. Although they appear so early in the spring, they must be especially tempting to grazing cattle and predaceous insects, the rosettes remain untouched, while other succulent, agreeable plants are devoured wholesale. Only Italians and other thrifty Old World immigrants, who go about then with sack and knife collecting the fresh young tufts, give the plants pause; but even they leave the roots intact. When boiled like spinach or eaten with French salad dressing, the bitter juices are extracted from the leaves or disguised—mean tactics by an enemy outside the dandelion's calculation. All nations know the plant by some equivalent for the name dent de lion = lion's tooth, which the jagged edges of the leaves suggest.
After flowering, it again looks like a bud, lowering its head to mature seed unobserved. Presently rising on a gradually lengthened scape to elevate it where there is no interruption for the passing breeze from surrounding rivals, the transformed head, now globular, white, airy, is even more exquisite, set as it is with scores of tiny parachutes ready to sail away. A child's breath puffing out the time of day, a vireo plucking at the fluffy ball for lining to put in its nest, the summer breeze, the scythe, rake, and mowing machines, sudden gusts of winds sweeping the country before thunderstorms—these are among the agents that set the flying vagabonds free. In the hay used for packing they travel to foreign lands in ships, and, once landed, readily adapt themselves to conditions as they find them. After soaking in the briny ocean for twenty-eight days—long enough for a current to carry them a thousand miles along the coast—they are still able to germinate.
Tall or Wild Lettuce; Wild Opium; Horse-weed
Lactuca canadensis
Flower-heads—Numerous, small, about 1/4 in. across, involucre, cylindric, rays pale yellow; followed by abundant, soft, bright white pappus; the heads growing in loose, branching, terminal clusters. Stem: Smooth, 3 to 10 ft. high, leafy up to the flower panicle; juice milky. Leaves: Upper ones lance-shaped; lower ones often 1 ft. long, wavy-lobed, often pinnatifid, taper pointed, narrowed into flat petioles.
Preferred Habitat—Moist, open ground; roadsides.
Flowering Season—June-November.
Distribution—Georgia, westward to Arkansas, north to the British Possessions.
Few gardeners allow the table lettuce (sativa) to go to seed; but as it is next of kin to this common wayside weed, it bears a strong likeness to it in the loose, narrow panicles of cream-colored flowers, followed by more charming, bright, white little pompons. Where the garden varieties originated, or what they were, nobody knows. Herodotus says lettuce was eaten as a salad in 550 B.C.; in Pliny's time it was cultivated, and even blanched, so as to be had at all seasons of the year by the Romans. Among the privy-purse expenses of Henry VIII is a reward to a certain gardener for bringing "lettuze" and cherries to Hampton Court. Quaint old Parkinson, enumerating "the vertues of the lettice," says, "They all cool a hot and fainting stomache." When the milky juice has been thickened (lactucarium), it is sometimes used as a substitute for opium by regular practitioners—a fluid employed by the plants themselves, it is thought, to discourage creatures from feasting at their expense. Certain caterpillars, however, eat the leaves readily; but offer lettuce or poppy foliage to grazing cattle, and they will go without food rather than touch it.
"What's one man's poison, Signer, Is another's meat or drink."
Rabbits, for example, have been fed on the deadly nightshade for a week without injury.
Orange or Tawny Hawkweed; Golden Mouse-ear Hawkweed; Devil's Paint-brush
Hieracium aurantiacum
Flower-heads—Reddish orange; 1 in. across or less, the 5-toothed rays overlapping in several series; several heads on short peduncles in a terminal cluster. Stem: Usually leafless, or with 1 to 2 small sessile leaves; 6 to 20 in. high, slender, hairy, from a tuft of hairy, spatulate, or oblong leaves at the base.
Preferred Habitat—Fields, woods, roadsides, dry places.
Flowering Season—June-September.
Distribution—Pennsylvania and Middle states northward into British Possessions.
A popular title in England, from whence the plant originally came, is Grimm the Collier. All the plants in this genus take their name from hierax—a hawk, because people in the old country once thought that birds of prey swooped earthward to sharpen their eyesight with leaves of the hawkweed, hawkbit, or speerhawk, as they are variously called. Transplanted into the garden, the orange hawkweed forms a spreading mass of unusual, splendid color.
The Rattlesnake-weed, Early or Vein-leaf Hawkweed, Snake or Poor Robin's Plantain (H. venosum), with flower-heads only about half an inch across, sends up a smooth, slender stem, paniculately branched above, to display the numerous dandelion-yellow disks as early as May, although October is not too late to find this generous bloomer in pine woodlands, dry thickets, and sandy soil. Purplish-veined oval leaves, more or less hairy, that spread in a tuft next the ground, are probably as efficacious in curing shake bites as those of the Rattlesnake Plantain. When a credulous generation believed that the Creator had indicated with some sign on each plant the special use for which each was intended, many leaves were found to have veinings suggesting the marks on a snake's body; therefore, by simple reasoning, they must extract venom. How delightful is faith cure!
Asters, Blue and Purple Beard-tongues Bittersweet (Nightshade) Bluets Brooklime, American Chicory Day-flowers Eye-bright Flags, Blue Fluellin Forget-me-nots Gentians Harebell Iron-weed Liverwort Monkey-flower Orchids, Purple-fringed Peanut, Hog Pickerel-weed Plantain, Robin's Self-heal Skullcaps Speedwells Tare, Blue Thistles Toadflax, Blue Venus' Looking Glass Vervain, Blue Violets, Blue and Purple Viper's Bugloss
Arbutus, Trailing Arethusa Bergamot, Wild Bindweed, Hedge Bitter-bloom Calopogon Campion, Corn Catch-flies Clovers Dogbanes Geraniums, Wild Gerardias Hardhack Herb-Robert Honeysuckle, Wild Joe-Pye weed Knotwood, Pink Laurels Lobelias, Blue Lupine, Wild Milkworts Moccasin Flower, Pink Motherwort Orchid, Showy Persicaria, Common Pink, Moss Pipsissewa Polygala, Fringed Raspberry, Purple-flowering Rhododendron, American Rose, Mallow Roses, Wild Snake-head Soapwort Willow-herb, Spiked Wood-sorrel, Violet Wood-sorrel, White
Anemone, Wood Arrow-head, Broad-leaved Aster, White Baneberries Blackberries Bloodroot Button-Bush Camomile Campion, Starry Carrot, Wild Chickweed, Common Clover, White Sweet Cohosh, Black Coolwort Culver's Root Dodder, Gronovius' Dogwoods Dutchman's Breeches Everlastings Gold-thread Grass of Parnaoeas Hawthorn, Common Hellebore, White Indian Pipe Jamestown weed Ladies' Tresses May Apple Meadow-rues Meadow-sweets Mitrewort, False New Jersey Tea Orchids, White-fringed Partridge Vine Pokeweed Saxifrage, Early Shepherd's Purse Solomon's Seals Spikenard, American Spikenard, Wild Spring Beauty Squirrel Corn Star-flower Star-grass Sundews Violets, White Virgin's Bower Wake-Robin, Early Water-lily, White Wintergreen, Creeping Yarrow
Adder's Tongue, Yellow Aster, Golden Barberry, American Black-eyed Susan Butter-and-eggs Buttercups Butterfly-weed Carrion-flower Celandine, Greater Clintonia, Yellow Dandelions Devil's Paint-brush Elecampane Evening Primrose Five-finger Foxgloves, False Golden-rods Hawkweeds Indigo, Wild Jewel-weed Lettuce, Wild Lily, Blackberry Lily, Wild Yellow Marigold, Marsh Meadow-gowan Moccasin-flower, Yellow Mullein, Great Mullein, Moth Mustards Orchis, Yellow-fringed Parsnips, Wild Rockrose, Canadian St. John's-wort Senna, Wild Sneezeweed Star-grass Tansy Violets, Yellow Water-lily, Yellow Witch-hazel
Betony, Wood Cardinal Flower Columbine, Wild Ground-nut Jack-in-the-Pulpit Lily, Red, Wood Oswego Tea Painted Cups, Scarlet Pine Sap Pitcher-plant Skunk Cabbage
Aaron's rod Achillea Millefolium Actaea alba Adder's tongue Agrostemma Githago Agueweed Alismaceae Alleluia Alsine media Althaea officinalis Alum-root Amaryllidaceae Amaryllis family American brooklime American cowslip American laurel American rhododendron American senna American white hellebore Amphicarpa monoica Anagallis arvensis Anaphalis margarilacea Anemone, Star Anemone, Wood Anemonella thalictroides Angel's hair Anthemis Cotula Apios Apocynaceae Apocynum androsaemifolium Apple, May or Hog Apple, Thorn Aquilegia canadensis Araceae Aralia Araliaceae Arbutus, Trailing Arethusa Arisaema triphyllum Arrow-head, Broad-leaved Arum family Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Asters, Blue and Purple Aster, Golden Asters, White Azalea, Clammy Azalea, Pink, Purple, or Wild Azalea, White Balm, Bee or Fragrant Balmony Balsam, Wild Balsaminaceae Baneberry, White Bank thistle Baptisia tinctoria Barberry Barberry family Bay Beard-tongue, Hairy Bee balm Beech-drops Beech-drops, False Beefsteak plant Belamcanda chinensis Bell-bind Bellflower, Clasping Bell thistle Berberidaceae Berberis vulgaris Bergamot, Wild Berry, Scarlet or Snake Betony, Paul's Betony, Wood Bindweed, Blue Bindweed, Hedge or Great Bird's-foot violet Bird's-nest Bird's-nest, Yellow Birth-root Bishop's cap Bitter-bloom Bitter-buttons Bitter-root Bittersweet Bitterweed Blackberry, Highbush Blackberry lily Black-eyed Susan Blind gentian Blister-flower Bloodroot Blowball Blue bells of Scotland Blue Curls Blue-devil Blue-eyed grass, Pointed Blue Mountain tea Blue-sailors Blue star Blue-stemmed golden-rod Blue-thistle Blue-weed Bluebell family Bluets Bokhara clover Boneset Boneset, Tall or Purple Borage family Boraginaceae Bottle gentian Bouncing Bet Boxberry Bramble Branching aster Brassica Brideweed Broad-leaved golden-rod Broad-leaved aster Broad-leaved kalmia Brooklime, American Broom, Yellow or Indigo Broom-rape family Bruisewort Brunella Buckthorn family Buckwheat family Bugbane, Tall Bulbous buttercup Bull thistle Bunchberry Bunk Burnet rose Burr thistle Butter-and-eggs Buttercups Butter-flower Butterfly-weed Button-ball shrub Button-bush Button thistle Calf-kill Calico bush Calmoun Calopogon Caltha palustris Camomile, Dog's or Foetid Campanula rotundifolia Campanulaceae Campion, Corn or Red Campion, Starry Canada golden-rod Canada lily Canadian rockrose Canker-root Capsella Bursa-pastoris Cardinal flower Cardinal flower, Blue Carduus Carpenter weed Carrion-flower Carrot, Wild Caryophyllaceae Cassia marylandica Castalia odorata Castilleja coccinea Catchfly Ceanothus americanus Celandine, Greater Centaury, Rosy Cephalanthus occidentalis Chamaenerion angustifolium Charlock Checker-berry Chelidonium majus Chelone glabra Cherokee rose Chickweed, Common Chickweed, Red Chickweed wintergreen Chicory Chimaphila Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum Chrysopsis Cichorium Intybus Cimicifuga racemosa Cinquefoil, Common Cirsium Cistaceae Clammy Azalea Clasping bell-flower Claytonia Clematis, Virginia Clintonia Closed gentian Clover, Common red, Purple, Meadow or Honeysuckle Clover, White or Dutch Clover, White sweet, Bokhara, or Tree Cocash Cockle, Corn Cod-head Cohosh Cohosh, Black Columbine, Wild Commelina virginica Commelinaceae Compositae Composite family Cone-flower, Purple Convolvulaceae Convolvulus family Coolwort Coptis trifolia Corn campion Corn cockle, rose or campion Corn mustard Corn, Squirrel Cornaceae Cornel, Low or Dwarf Cornel, Silky Cornus Corpse-plant Cottonweed Cow lily Cow vetch Cowslip, American Crane's-bill Crataegus coccinea Creeping wintergreen Crosswort Crowfoot family Crowfoot, Tall Crown-of-the-field Cruciferae Cuckoo flower Culver's root or physic Curls, Blue Cuscuta gronovii Cypripedium acaule Cypripedium pubescens or hirsutum Daisy, Blue spring Daisy, Common Daisy fleabane Daisy-leaved fleabane Daisy, Michaelmas Daisy, Ox-eye Daisy, Pig-sty Daisy, Purple Daisy, White or Ox-eye Daisy, Yellow or Ox-eye Dandelion, Common Dasystoma flava Daucus carota Day-flower Deer berry Dense-flowered aster Devil's paint-brush Devil's trumpet Dew-plant Dicentra canadensis Dicentra Cucuilaria Dillweed Dock, Mullein Dodder, Gronovius' or Common Dodecathon Meadia Dog-fennel Dog-tooth "violet" Dogbane family Dogbane, Spreading or Fly-trap Dog's Camomile Dogwood family Dogwood, Flowering Dogwood, Swamp Downy false foxglove Downy yellow violet Dragon's blood Droseraceae Dutch clover Dutchman's breeches Dwarf cornel Dwarf wake-robin Dyer's weed Ear-drops Early hawkweed Early purple aster Early saxifrage Eggs-and-bacon Elecampane English violet Epifagus virginiana Epigaea repens Epilobium angustifolium Ericaceae Erigeron Erythronium americanum Eupatorium Evening primrose Evening primrose family Everlasting, Pearly or Large-flowered Eye-bright Falcata comosa False beech-drops False foxglove, Downy False miterwort False sarsaparilla False Solomon's seal Farewell summer Felonwort Field golden-rod Field lily Field milkwort Field mustard or kale Field parsnip Figwort family Fire-weed Five-finger Flag, Larger blue Flame lily Flannel plant Flat top Flaxweed Fleabane, Daisy Fleabane, Daisy-leaved Fleabane, Salt-marsh Fleur-de-lis Flower-de-luce Flowering dogwood Flowering wintergreen Fluellin Fly-trap dogbane Foam-flower Foetid camomile Forget-me-not Four-leaved loosestrife Foxglove, Downy false Fragrant balm Fragrant thistle Fringed gentian Fringed milkwort Frost-flower or Frost-wort Frost-weed Frost-weed, Hoary Frost-weed, Long-branched Fuller's herb Fumariaceae Fumitory family Garget Gaultheria procumbens Gay orchis Gay wings Gentian, Closed, Blind, or Bottle Gentian family Gentian, Fringed Gentiana Gentianaceae Geraniaceae Geranium family Geranium Robertianum Geranium, Wild or Spotted Gerardia Gerardia, Large purple Ghost-flower Giant St. John's-wort Giant sunflower Ginseng family Globe-flower Gold-thread Goldcups Golden Jerusalem Golden mouse-ear hawkweed Golden-rods Grass of Parnassus Grass pink Gravel-root Great bindweed Great laurel Great lobelia Great mullein Great rhododendron Great St. John's-wort Great willow-herb Greater celandine Gronovius' dodder Ground laurel Ground-nut Ground pink Groundhele Gulf orchis Habenaria blephariglottis Habenaria ciliaris Habenaria fimbriata or grandiflora Habenaria flava Hairbell Hairy beard-tongue Hairy golden aster Hamamelidaceae Hardhack Harebell Haw, Red Hawkweed, Early or Vein leaf Hawkweed, Golden mouse-ear Hawkweed, Orange or Tawny Hawthorn Heal-all Heal-all, High Heart-leaved aster Heart-of-the-earth Hearts, White Heath aster, White Heath family Hedge bindweed Hedge mustard Hedge pink Helenium autumnale Helianthemum Helianthus giganteus Hellebore Helmet-flower Hepatica Herb Robert Hibiscus Moscheutos Hieracium Highbush blackberry High heal-all Hoary frost-weed Hog apple Hog peanut Honey-balls Honey-bloom Honey lotus Honeysuckle clover Honeysuckle, Swamp Honeysuckle, Wild Hooded blue violet Hoodwort Horse thistle Horse-weed Horsefly-weed Horseheal Houstonia Huntsman's cup Hypericaceae Hypericum Hypoxis hirsuta or erecta Hyssop, Wild Ice-plant Ill-scented wake-robin Immortelle Impatiens aurea or pallida Impatiens biflora or fulva Indian dipper Indian paint Indian paint-brush Indian pink Indian pipe Indian poke Indian root Indian sage Indian turnip Indian's plume Indigo broom Indigo, Wild Ink-berry Innocence Inula Helenium Iridaceae Iris, Blue Iris family Iris versicolor Iron-weed Itch-weed Jack-in-the-pulpit Jamestown weed Jewel-weed Jimson weed Joe-Pye weed Jointweed, Pink Kalmia Kalmia, Broad-leaved Kidney liver-leaf Kidney-root Kingcup Kinnikinnick Knotweed, Pink Labiatae Lactuca canadensis Lady's eardrops Lady's nightcap Lady's slippers Lady's thimble Lady's tresses or traces, Nodding Lamb-kill Lance-leaved violet Large aster Larger blue flag Large-flowered everlasting Large-flowered wake-robin Large purple gerardia Large yellow lady's slipper Large yellow pond or water lily Late purple aster Laurel, Great Laurel, Ground Laurel, Mountain or American Laurel, Narrow-leaved Legouzia perfoliata Leguminosae Lemon, Wild Leonurus Cardiaca Leptandra virginica Lettuce, Tall or Wild Liliaceae Lilium canadense Lilium philadelphicum Lilium superbum Lily, Cow Lily family Lily, Large yellow pond or water Lily, Pond Lily, Sweet-scented white water Limodorum tuberosum Linaria Lion's Tooth Liver-leaf Liverwort Lobelia family Lobelia, Great Lobelia, Red Lobeliaceae Long-branched frost-weed Loosestrife, Four-leaved or Whorled Lotus, Honey Lousewort Love-me, love-me-not Love me Love vine Low cornel Low purple aster Lupine, Wild Lupinus perennis Lysimachia quadrifolia Mad-dog skullcap Madder family Madnep Madweed Mallow family Mallow, Marsh Mallow rose Malvaceae Mandrake March violet Marguerite Marigold, Marsh Marsh buttercup Marsh mallow Marsh marigold Marsh pink Maruta Cotula May apple May weed Mayflower Meadow buttercup, Common Meadow clover Meadow-gowan Meadow lily Meadow rose Meadow-rues Meadow scabish Meadow-sweet Meadow violet Melilot, White Melilotus alba Michaelmas daisy Milfoil Milkweed, Common Milkweed family Milkweed, Orange Milkweed, Purple Milkwort, Common, Field, or Purple Milkwort family Milkwort, Fringed Mimulus ringens Mint family Mitchella vine Miterwort Miterwort, False Mitella diphylla Moccasin flowers Monarda Monkey-flower Monotropa Hypopitis Monotropa uniflora Moonshine Morning-glory, Wild Moss pink Moth mullein Mother's heart Motherwort Mountain laurel Mountain mint Mountain tea Mouse-ear Mouse-ear hawkweed, Golden Mullein dock Mullein, Great Mullein, Moth Mustard family Mustards Myosotis scorpioides or palustris Nancy-over-the-ground Narrow-leaved laurel New England aster New Jersey tea Nigger-head Night willow-herb Nightshade Nightshade family Noble liverwort Nodding ladies' tresses or traces Nodding wake-robin None-so-pretty Nosebleed Nuphar advena Nymphaea advena Nymphaea odorata Nymphaeaceae Oenothera biennis Old maid's bonnets Old maid's pink Old man's beard Old man's pepper Onagraceae Opium, Wild Orange-root Orchidaceae Orchis family Orchis, Gulf, Tubercled, or Small pale green Orchis, Large or Early purple-fringed Orchis spectabilis Orchis, White-fringed Orchis, Yellow-fringed Orobanchaceae Oswego tea Ox-eye daisy Oxalidaceae Oxalis acetosella Oxalis violacea Paint-brush, Devil's Paint-brush, Indian Paint, Indian Painted cup, Scarlet Painted trillium Pale touch-me-not Papaveraceae Pardanthus chinensis Parnassia Parnassus, Grass of Partridge-berry Partridge vine Parsley family Parsnip, Wild or Field Pastinaca sativa Pasture thistle Paul's betony Pea, Wild Peanut, Wild or Hog Pearly everlasting Peasant's clock Pedicularis canadensis Pentstemon hirsutus or pubescens Pepperidge-bush Persicaria, Common Philadelphia lily Phlox subulata Physic, Culver's Phytolaccaceae Pickerel-weed Pig-sty daisy Pigeon-berry Pimpernel, Scarlet Pine, Prince's Pine sap Pink family Pink, Grass Pink, Ground or Moss Pink, Hedge or Old maid's Pink, Indian Pink, Sea or Marsh Pink, Swamp Pink, Wild Pinxter flower Pipe, Indian Pipsissewa Pipsissewa, Spotted Pitcher-plant Pitcher-plant family Plantain, Snake or Poor Robin's Pleurisy-root Plume golden-rod Plume thistle Plumed thistle Podophyllum peltatum Pointed blue-eyed grass Poison-flower Pokeweed family Polemoniaceae Polemonium family Polygala, Fringed Polygala, Purple Polygala sanguinea or viridescens Polygalaceae Polygonaceae Polygonatum biflorum Polygonum pennsylvanicum Pond lily Pontederia cordata Poor man's weatherglass Poor Robin's plantain Poppy family Portulacaceae Potentilla canadensis Pride of Ohio Primrose, Evening Primrose family Primrose-leaved violet Primulaceae Prince's pine Prunella vulgaris Puccoon, Red Pulse family Purple-flowering raspberry Purple-fringed orchis, Large or Early Purple-stemmed aster Purslane family Quaker bonnets Quaker ladies Quaker lady Queen Anne's lace Queen-of-the-meadow Ranunculaceae Ranunculus acris Raspberry, Purple-flowering or Virginia Rattlesnake-weed Red-root Red-stalked aster Rhamnaceae Rhododendron, American or Great Rhododendron maximum Rhododendron nudiflorum Rhododendron viscosum River-bush Roadside thistle Robert, Herb Robert's plantain Robin, Red Robin's plantain Rockrose, Canadian Rockrose family Root, Indian Rosa Rosaceae Rose, Burnet Rose, Corn Rose family Rose, Mallow Rose mallow, Swamp Rose of Plymouth Rose-pink Rose-tree Rose, Wild Rosemary, White Rosy centaury Round-leaved sundew Round-lobed liver-leaf Rubiaceae Rubus odoratus Rubus villosus Rudbeckia hirta Rue anemone Rutland beauty Sabbatia Sabbatia, Square-stemmed Sagittaria latifolia Sagittaria variabilis Sailors, Blue St. John's-wort family St. John's-worts Salt-marsh fleabane Sanguinaria canadensis Saponaria officinalis Sarracenaceae Sarsaparilla, Wild or False Saxifragaceae Saxifrage family Scabious, Sweet Scabish, Meadow Scoke Scorpion grass Scrophularaceae Scutellaria laterifolia Sea pink Seaside purple aster Self-heal Senna, Wild or American Sessile-flowered wake-robin Shanks, Red Sharp-toothed golden-rod Sheep-laurel Sheep-poison Shellflower Shepherd's purse Shepherd's weatherglass or clock Shooting star Showy orchis Showy purple aster Shrubby St. John's-wort Side-saddle flower Silene pennsylvanica or caroliniana Silene stellata Silkweed Silky cornel Silver cap Silver leaf Simpler's joy Sisymbrium officinale Sisyrinchium angustifolium Skullcap, Mad-dog Skunk cabbage Small pale green orchis Smartweed Smilacina racemosa Smilax herbacea Smooth aster Smooth yellow violet Smoother rose Snake berry Snake-flower Snake grass Snake-head Snake plantain Snakeroot, Black Snap weed Sneezeweed Snowball, Wild Soapwort Solanaceae Soldier's cap Solidago Solomon's seal Solomon's seal, False Solomon's zig-zag Spatterdock Spear thistle Specularia perfoliata Speedwell, Common Spice berry Spiderwort family Spignet Spiked willow-herb Spikenard Spikenard, Wild Spiraea salicifolia Spiraea tomentosa Spiranthes cernua Spoonwood Spotted geranium Spotted touch-me-not Spotted wintergreen or pipsissewa Spreading dogbane Spring beauty Spring daisy, Blue Spring orchis Square-stemmed sabbatia Squaw-berry Squirrel corn Squirrel cup Star anemone Star, Blue Star-flower Star-grass, Yellow Star, Shooting Starry aster Starry campion Starwort Starwort, Yellow Starworts Starworts, Blue and Purple Steeple bush Stellaria media Stemless lady's slipper Stramonium Strangle-weed Succory Sundew family Sundial Sunflower, Swamp Sunflower, Tall or Giant Swallow-wort Swamp buttercup Swamp cabbage Swamp dogwood Swamp pink or honeysuckle Swamp rose Swamp rose-mallow Swamp sunflower Swanweed Sweet clover, White Sweet golden-rod Sweet scabious Sweet-scented white water-lily Sweet violet Sweet white violet Sweetbrier Symplocarpus foetidus Syndesmon thalictroides Tall boneset Tall bugbane Tall crowfoot Tall hairy golden-rod Tall lettuce Tall meadow-rue Tall sunflower Tanacetum vulgare Tank Tansy Tare, Blue, Tufted, or Cow Tawny hawkweed Tea, Mountain or Ground Tea, Oswego Thalictrum Thistle, Burr, Spear, Plume, Bank, Common, Horse, Bull, Blue, Button, Bell, or Roadside Thistle, Common or Plumed Thistle, Pasture or Fragrant Thorn apple Thorn, White or Scarlet fruited Thoroughwort, Common Thoroughwort, Purple Tiarella cordifolia Tinegrass Toadflax, Blue or Wild Toadflax, Yellow Touch-me-not family Trailing arbutus Traveller's joy Tree clover Trientalis americana Trifolium pratense Trifolium repens Trilliums Trout lily True wood-sorrel Trumpet-leaf Trumpet weed Tubercled orchis Tufted buttercup Tufted vetch Turban lily Turk's cap Turtle-head Twin-berry Umbelliferae Vein-leaf hawkweed Velvet plant Venus' lady's slipper Venus' looking-glass Venus' pride Veratrum viride Verbascum Verbenaceae Vernonia noveboracensis Veronica Vervain, Blue Vervain family Vetch, Blue, Tufted, or Cow Vicia Cracea Viola Violaceae Violet, Bird's-foot Violet, Common purole, Meadow, or Hooded blue "Violet," Dog-tooth Violet, Downy yellow Violet, English, March or Sweet Violet family Violet, Lance-leaved Violet, Primrose-leaved Violet, Smooth yellow Violet, Sweet white Violet wood-sorrel Viper's bugloss Viper's herb or grass Virginia clematis Virginia day-flower Virginia raspberry Virgin's bower Wake-robin Water cabbage Water-lily family Water nymph Water-plantain family Weatherglass, Poor Man's or Shepherd's Whippoorwill's shoe White-fringed orchis White-weed White-wreathed aster Whorled loosestrife Wicky Wild azalea Wild balsam Wild bergamot Wild carrot Wild columbine Wild geranium Wild honeysuckle Wild hyssop Wild indigo Wild lady's slipper Wild lemon Wild lettuce Wild lupine Wild morning-glory Wild opium Wild parsnip Wild pea Wild peanut Wild pink Wild rose Wild sarsaparilla Wild senna Wild snowball Wild toadflax Wild yellow lily Willow-herb, Creator Spiked Willow-herb, Night Wind-flower Wintergreen, Chickweed Wintergreen, Creeping Wintergreen, Flowering Wintergreen, Spotted Witch-hazel family Wood anemone Wood aster Wood aster, White Wood betony Wood lily Wood lily, White Woodland golden-rod Wood-sorrel family Wood-sorrel, Violet Wood-sorrel, White or True Woody nightshade Wreath golden-rod Wrinkle-leaved golden-rod Yarrow Yellow-fringed orchis Yellow-top Yellow-weed Zig-zag golden-rod