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The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Vol 1 [Etext #2653] 1linc10.txt
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Vol 2 [Etext #2654] 2linc10.txt
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Vol 3 [Etext #2655] 3linc10.txt
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Vol 4 [Etext #2656] 4linc10.txt
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Vol 5 [Etext #2657] 5linc10.txt
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Vol 6 [Etext #2658] 6linc10.txt
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Vol 7 [Etext #2659] 7linc10.txt
The Entire Writings of Lincoln, [Etext #3253] lnent10.txt
THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VOL 1 [Etext #2653] 1linc10.txt
Abolition Advice to Youth Affected Contempt of Refinement Always Inclined to Idealize That Which We Love Attempt to Beguile You from Your Grief Avoid Being Idle Bad Laws Bad Bargain Beauty and Strength of Simplicity. Could Not Afford to Make Money Direct While Appearing to Obey Education Endeavoring to Blow up a Storm That He May Ride upon Events Control Me; I Cannot Control Events Falsehood Farce Father Abraham Favor to Me Would Be Injustice to the Public Fees We Earn at a Distance Gals, Tied as Tight in the Middle General Grant Good, Bright, Passable Lie His Parts Seemed to Be Raised by the Demands of Great Station House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand I Can't Spare That Man, He Fights! Idealization Which So Easily Runs into the Commonplace If Slavery Is Not Wrong, Nothing Is Wrong Ignored the Insult, but Firmly Established His Superiority Inability to Say "No" as a Positive Weakness Leave Us to Take Care of Ourselves Let Us to the End Dare to Do Our Duty as We Understand It Lincoln-Shields Duel Lost Townships Manifested His Courage to Stand Alone Marriage, Murder Case National Bank No Hanging after all Not Meddling Not One Slave or One Drunkard Not Seldom Ragged, Usually Patched, and Always Shabby. Not Appearing on the Appointed Wedding Day One Long Step Removed from Honest Men Patronizing If Not Contemptuous Condescension Pay the Fiddler Peace at Any Price Rose on All Sides People Became Bound by a Genuine Sentimental Attachment Plain People, Had to Furnish the Men for the Fighting Political Smear Posterity Has Done Nothing President Polk Professions Instead of Their Practices Reorganization of the Judiciary Revolutions Never Go Backward Right Makes Might Sale of Public Lands Shift His Ground Shortly You Are to Feel Well Again Shut in with a Few Books and to Master Them Thoroughly Silence Might Be Construed into a Confession Silent Artillery of Time Slavery Sympathy Was the Strongest Element in His Nature Take Advice with Candid Readiness Taking Care to Cut His Expressions Close Thought of Their Mind—articulated in His Tongue Too Silly to Require Any Sort of Notice Uncommon Power of Clear and Compact Statement Voice Shrill and Piercing Wear the Sweetest Idea Threadbare Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy They First Make Mad Widow v.s. Gen. Adams You Work and Toil and Earn Bread and I'll Eat It
THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VOL 2 [Etext #2654] 2linc10.txt
Abolish Slavery in the District of Columbia Abolition Movement Abolition Societies as Far South as Virginia All Agreed on this Except South Carolina and Georgia Allowing the People to Do as They Please Amalgamation Apportionment Argument of "Necessity" Autobiography Benefit Only a Portion of Them Benefits of That Double Position Bill Granting Lands to the States Blood Will Flow on Account of Nebraska British Brother's Hands Will Be Raised Against Brother! Compromise Whenever You Can Compromises Continental Congress Counterfeit Logic Crime to Tell Him That He Is Free! Danger of Third-parties Declaration of Independence Declaring the African Slave Trade Piracy Dirge of One Who Has No Title to Himself Disunionists Dred Scott Equality Evasive with His Wife Execrable Commerce Father's Request for Money Free All the Slaves, and Send Them to Liberia Fugitive Slave Law General of Splendidly Successful Charges Government Was Made for the White People Henry Clay Hypocracy Improvements Inform a Negro of His Legal Rights Interested Faultfinders Just Leave Her Alone Kings Let the Slavery of the Other States Alone Letters to Family Members Locos Loss of Primary for Senator Mexico Missouri Compromise Mixing of Blood by the White and Black Races Moderation Mulattoes National Bank Nebraska Measure Need Not Have Her for Either—I Can Just Leave Her Alone Never Stir up Litigation No Law, Is Free Law! No Man can be Silent if He Would Only One Vote, and That from New York, Was Against it Opportunities for Young Politicians Out-of-state Campaigners Peoria Speech Political Appointments Political Jealousy Politically and Socially Our Equals Proneness of Prosperity to Breed Tyrants Refund of Legal Charges Repeal of the Missouri Compromise Republican Position Request for a Patent Request for a Railway Pass Request for General Land-Office Appointment Response to a Pro-slavery Friend Return to Law Profession Revolutions Do Not Go Backward Sacred Right of Self-government Second Child Should Be Permitted to Keep the Little He Has Slave-traders Slavery Can Only Be Maintained by Force—by Violence Slavery Was Recognized, by South and North Alike, as an Evil Squatter or Popular Sovereignty Stand with Anybody That Stands Right Sumner Superior Race Suspicion Third-parties Those Who Deny Freedom to Others Victory of Buchanan We Cannot Then Make Them Equals We Do Not Want to Dissolve the Union; You Shall Not. We Won't Go out of the Union, and You Shan't! Whipped Wilmot Proviso You Are Not Lazy, and Still You Are an Idler.
THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VOL 3 [Etext #2655] 3linc10.txt
Affirmative Charge, He must Offer Some Proof Bread That His Own Hands Have Earned Brooks, of South Carolina Circumstantial Evidence Conspiracy to Perpetuate and Nationalize Slavery Cotton Gin Counterfeit Logic Course of Ultimate Extinction Distinction Between a Purpose and an Expectation Dred Scott Extremely Good Name since it Has Passed Away First Joint Debate, at Ottawa Fugitive Slave Law Gingerbread God Gave Him but Little, That Little Let Him Enjoy Government Cannot Endure Permanently Half Slave and Half Free Henry Clay House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand If You Do Not like Him, Let Him Alone In the Course of Ultimate Extinction Institution of Slavery in the States Where it Exists It Will Become All One Thing, or All the Other Kingcraft Lincoln and Douglas Debates Man Cannot Prove a Negative Mexico Nationalization of Slavery Negro Cannot Make a Choice No Legal Power to Choose No Wrong Without its Remedy People Were Better off for Being Ridden Perfect an Understanding Without Talking as with It Physical Difference Between the Two Political Effects of Their Dead Adversaries Popular Sovereignty Probably Forever Forbid Their Living Together Public Sentiment Quibbles Repentance Before Forgiveness Republican Position Right to Eat the Bread He Earns Second Joint Debate, at Freeport Set the Niggers and White People to Marrying Short of a Clear Popular Majority Smallest Are Often the Most Difficult Things to Deal with Social and Political Equality with the Negro Squatter Sovereignty Superior Position Taking Away the Little Which Has Been Given Him Third Joint Debate at Jonesboro
THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VOL 4 [Etext #2656] 4linc10.txt
Boiling the Shadow of a Pigeon That Had Starved to Death Came Forward and Made a Virtue of Necessity Common Right of Humanity Constitution Divine Right of Kings Drowned Husband Fifth Joint Debate Fisherman's Wife Forbids the Marrying of White People with Negroes Forever Forbid the Two Races Living Together Fourth Joint Debate Frankly That I Am Not in Favor of Negro Citizenship Get along Without Making Either Slaves or Wives of Negroes Hard to Affirm a Negative Homeopathic Soup Inequality Between the White and Black Races Invention of the Cotton-gin Jefferson Judges Are as Honest as Other Men, and Not More So Just Let Her Alone Last Joint Debate Men Interested to Misunderstand Must Be the Position of Superior and Inferior Must Necessarily Want Her for a Wife Negro Citizenship Perpetuation of the Institution of Slavery a Necessity Requires Us to Make Them Our Wives Sixth Joint Debate Slavery Shall Last Forever Taking an Issue upon the Meaning of the Words Trembled for His Country You Work and Toil and Earn Bread, and I'll Eat It
THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VOL 5 [Etext #2657] 5linc10.txt
Abolishing Slavery in Washington, D.C. Abraham or "Abram" Acceptance of Nomination as Republican Candidate for President Accusation of Having Been Paid for a Political Speech Act in Such a Manner as to Create No Bad Feeling Agriculture American Party Armed Neutrality As Everywhere Else, Nothing Can Be Done As I Would Not Be a Slave, So I Would Not Be a Master. Asking Cabinet Opinions on Fort Sumter Attempt to Form and Coalition Cabinet Bankruptcy Blocking "Compromise" on Slavery Issue Bull Run Defeat Capital and Labor Cease to Call Slavery Wrong, and Join Them in Calling it Right Coercion Colonization Communication with Vice-president Compensated Emancipation Condolence over Failure of Ft. Sumter Relief Conservatism Constitution Alludes to Slavery Three Times Cooper Institute, New York Crisis Is All Artificial Crocodile Curious Mystery about the Number of the Troops Debates must Be Saved Delay Is Ruining Us Do Not Demand the Whole of this Just Now Don't Care Whether it Be Voted up or down Douglas's New Sedition Law Early Information on Army Defection in South Estimated as Mere Brutes—as Rightful Property Explanations Explanatory of Explanations Explained Familiarize Yourselves with the Chains of Bondage Farewell Address at Springfield, Illinois, First Inaugural Address First Suggestion of Offer of Presidency First Written Notice of Grant Folly of Being the Beginners of a War Form of Reply Prepared by Mr. Lincoln Further Reprimand of McClellan General Idea of this War Germans and Foreigners Give No Denial and No Explanation Government Will Not Assail You Gradual and Not Sudden Emancipation Is Better for All Gradual and Steady Debauching of Public Opinion Greatest Good to the Greatest Number Groping for Some Middle Ground Between the Right and the Wrong Gur-reat Pur-rinciple Homestead Law Horace Greeley Horse Chestnut to Be a Chestnut Horse I Authorize No Bargains and Will Be Bound by None I Have Not Been to School since I like the System Which Lets a Man Quit When He Wants to I must Say I Do Not Think Myself Fit for the Presidency I Shall Go to the Wall for Bread and Meat If the Minority Will Not Acquiesce, the Majority must Ills You Fly from Have No Real Existence Immediate Dissolution or Blood Insist That They Were Put up to it by Some Rascally Abolitionist Intentions Toward the South Is There in All Republics this Inherent and Fatal Weakness? It Is Bad to Be Poor It Is Exceedingly Discouraging Jibes and Sneers in Place of Argument John Brown Join Now to Save the Good Old Ship of the Union Keep Cool Labor Is the Superior of Capital Let it Alone and it Will Go down of Itself Let Us Be Diverted by None of Those Sophistical Contrivances Letter of Condolence to One of First Casualties Letter of Reprimand to General Hunter Letter Suggesting a Beard Lincoln's Definition of Democracy Lincoln's Election Localized Repeal of Writ of Habeas Corpus Malicious Slander Merely a Matter of Dollars and Cents Middle Ground Between the Right and the Wrong Misrepresentation More a Man Speaks the less He Is Understood Mortgages National Census Negroes Are Men No Attempt to Force Obnoxious Strangers among the People No Conflict Without Being Yourselves the Aggressors No Other Marks or Brands Recollected Nomination to the National Ticket Not Grudgingly, but Fully and Fairly Nothing Valuable Can Be Lost by Taking Time On Lincoln's Scrap Book One Bad General Is Better than Two Good Ones Opinion on Secession Opposition to McClellan's Plans Order to Defend from a Maryland Insurrection Out of Money Patronage Claims Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Placed Him Where the Ray of Hope Is Blown out Political Prisoners Popular Sovereignty President's General War Order Proclamation Calling for Volunteers, Proclamation Calling for Militia Proclamation Forbidding Intercourse with Rebel States Proclamation of Blockade Protective Tariffs Public Opinion in this Country Is Everything Refusal of Seward Resignation Relief Expedition for Fort Sumter Remarks to a Military Company, Washington Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law Reply to Secretary Seward's Memorandum Republican Position Republicans, on the Contrary, Are for Both the Man and the Dollar Respite for Nathaniel Gordon Response to an Elector's Request for Money Right Makes Might Rise up and Preserve the Union and Liberty Running for Election Say Nothing Insulting or Irritating Secession Is the Essence of Anarchy Sectional Party Senate Inquiry Re. Fort Sumter Seward's Bid for Power Shoe Strike Silence Will Not Be Tolerated Slow to Listen to Criminations Solomon Says There Is "A Time to Keep Silence" Some Forts Surrrendered to the South Spoken of among Reptiles and Crocodiles Support of the Fugitive Slave Clause Suppressing All Declarations That Slavery Is Wrong Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus in Florida Taking Slaves into New Territories Telegram to General Fremont, That the Federal Union must Be Preserved. The Fight must Go on Their Thinking it Right and Our Thinking it Wrong Travel to Washington D.c. Treason Two Sons Who Want to Work Unauthorized Biography Union of These States Is Perpetual Venomous Snake Wanting to Work Is So Rare a Want What Is a State When I Came of Age I Did Not Know Much Wisely Given Their Public Servants but Little Power for Mischief Wish No Explanation Made to Our Enemies Wrangle by the Mouth You must Stop Thinking Slavery Wrong!
THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VOL 6 [Etext #2658] 6linc10.txt
Act of Compensated Emancipation Advantage Aid to Mrs. Helm, Mrs. Lincoln's Sister Announcement of News from Gettysburg. Ask of You Military Success, and I Will Risk the Dictatorship Blockade Broken Eggs Cannot Be Mended Call for Militia to Serve for Six Months Colonization Compensated Emancipation, Confiscation Act Conspiracy of Rebellion Continued Failure to Pursue Enemy Delaying Tactics of Generals Divine Will Does Not Admit of Holidays Don't Think it Will Do Him a Bit of Good Either Emancipation Emancipation Proclamation, Escape History Executing Indians Experiment of Negotiation Factional Quarrels Farragut Fitz-John Porter Court-martial Fredericksburg Further Democratic Party Criticism General Grant Is a Copious Worker General McClellans Tired Horses Generals Lost Government Needed a Dictator Grant—Very Meager Writer or Telegrapher Grant's Exclusion of a Newspaper Reporter Greeley Habeas Corpus History of Conspiracy of Rebellion Hold My Hand Whilst the Enemy Stabs Me Holidays I Am Not Quite Satisfied with You If Both Factions, or Neither, Shall Abuse You Ignored the Evils and Magnified the Necessity Ignored the Necessity and Magnified the Evils of the System Interview Between the President and General McClellan Jews Lee's Army, and Not Richmond, Is Your True Objective Point Let the Military Obey Orders Likely to Capture the "Man in the Moon" Military Strategy Mrs. Lincoln's Rebel Brother-in-law Killed Needs New Tires on His Carriage Negotiation Negro Troops News of Grant's Capture of Vicksburg Order Constituting the Army of Virginia. Order Expelling All Jews from Your Department Order Making Halleck General-in-chief. Order of Retaliation Order Relieving General G. B. McClellan Ox Jumped Half over a Fence Pardoned Pay and Send Substitutes Political Motivated Misquotation in Newspaper Pope's Bull Against the Comet Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation Printing Money Proclamation Concerning Taxes Proclamation Recalling Soldiers to Their Regiments Prohibiting the Export of Arms Remembered in Spite of Ourselves Request to Suggest Name for a Baby Response to a "Besieged" General Sabbath Self-reliance Son in College Does Not Write His Parents Statehood for West Virginia Stocks Have Declined Substitutes Taking Military Possession of Railroads The Animal must Be Very Slim Somewhere To Critics of Emancipation To General U.S. Grant. Treaty with Mexico Vanderbilt What I Deal with Is Too Vast for Malicious Dealing Who Has the Right Needs Not to Fear Will Not Fight to Free Negroes You Were Right and I Was Wrong
THE WRITINGS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VOL 7 [Etext #2659] 7linc10.txt
Address at Gettysburg Address to General Grant, Agreeably and Profitably Disappointed All Know is Where He Went in At And the War Came Announcement Concerning Terms of Peace Announcement of Union Success in East Tennessee Annual Message to Congress Another Female Spy Bad Promises Are Better Broken than Kept Better for Their Own Good than If They Had Been Successful Blood Drawn with the Lash Shall Be Paid by Another Call for Two Hundred Thousand Men. Can't Tell Where He Will Come out At Cannot Conciliate the South Cannot Fly from My Thoughts Capture of the City of Atlanta Chew and Choke as Much as Possible Christmas Gift, the Capture of Savannah Chronologic Review of Peace Proposals Colored Colony Constitutional Amendment for the Abolishing of Slavery Deserters Sentences Remitted to Hard Labor Early Consultations with Rebels Emancipation Exemption of American Consuls from Military Service Female Spy First Overtures for Surrender from Davis Five-star Mother Fort Pillow Massacre Four Score and Seven Years Ago Gettysburg Gratuitous Hostility Greenback Habeas Corpus Harmon's Sandal Sock Hawaiian Islands Indians Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors Keep Cool Kindness Not Quite Free from Ridicule Labor Last Public Address Lecture on Liberty Letter Accepting the Nomination for President. Lieutenant-general of the Army of the United States Malice Toward None, with Charity for All, Many Arguments Why the Negroes Ought to Be Slaves Massacre of Three Hundred Colored Soldiers Mother of Five Sons Who Have Died Must Not Force Negroes Any More than White Men Nevada into the Union Never Could Learn of His Giving Much Attention Newspaper Reporters and Editors Not Best to Swap Horses When Crossing a Stream Not Be Much Oppressed by a Debt Which They Owe to Themselves On Democratic Government On Disloyal Family Member Order Concerning the Export of Tobacco Order for a Draft of Five Hundred Thousand Men Platform of the Union National Convention Probable That this Administration Will Not Be Re-elected Proclamation Concerning Indians Proclamation about Amnesty Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction Proclamation Offering Pardon to Deserters, Renomination Republican National Convention Richmond Is in Our Hands, and I Think I Will Go There To-morrow Ridicule Second Inaugural Address, Sentence of Deserters. Sheep and the Wolf Are Not Agreed Sherman's March to the Sea Slaves Are Now in the United States Military Service Some Deference Shall Be Paid to the Will of the Majority Story of the Emancipation Proclamation Strikes Suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus Thanks for Your Caution That Some Should Be Rich Shows That Others May Become Rich Too Lazy to Be Anything but a Lawyer War at the Best Is Terrible We Accepted this War, and Did Not Begin it World Has Never Had a Good Definition of the Word Liberty Would Make War Rather than Let the Nation Survive Would Accept War Rather than Let it Perish
100,000 slaves are now in the United States military service Abolishing slavery in Washington, DC Abraham or "Abram" Act in such a manner as to create no bad feeling Address at Gettysburg Address to General Grant Affected contempt of refinement All know where he went in at; can't tell where he will come out at All agreed on this except South Carolina and Georgia And the war came As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master Ask of you is military success, and I will risk the dictatorship Bad promises are better broken than kept Better for their own good than if they had been successful Boiling the shadow of a pigeon that had starved to death Bread that his own hands have earned Came forward and made a virtue of necessity Circumstantial evidence Colonization Common right of humanity Compensated Emancipation Conspiracy to perpetuate and nationalize slavery Constitution alludes to slavery three times Constitutional Amendment for the Abolishing of Slavery Cotton gin Could not afford to make money Counterfeit logic Counterfeit logic Crime to tell him that he is free! Danger of third-parties Declaration of Independence Declaring the African slave trade piracy Direct while appearing to obey Dirge of one who has no title to himself Distinction between a purpose and an expectation Don't think it will do him a bit of good either Dred Scott Dred Scott Early Consultations with Rebels Emancipation Proclamation Emancipation Endeavoring to blow up a storm that he may ride upon Estimated as mere brutes—as rightful property Events control me; I cannot control events Explanations explanatory of explanations explained Familiarize yourselves with the chains of bondage Father's request for money Female Spy First Inaugural Address First Overtures for Surrender from Davis Five-star Mother Forbids the marrying of white people with negroes Forever forbid the two races living together Fort Pillow Massacre Four Score and Seven Years Ago Frankly that I am not in favor of negro citizenship Free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia Fugitive Slave law Further Democratic Party Criticism General Grant is a copious worker General McClellan's Tired Horses General Grant Get along without making either slaves or wives of negroes Gingerbread God gave him but little, that little let him enjoy Government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free Government was made for the white people Grant—very meager writer or telegrapher Grant's Exclusion of a Newspaper Reporter Gratuitous Hostility Greeley Hard to affirm a negative Henry Clay House divided against itself cannot stand I can't spare that man, he fights! I must say I do not think myself fit for the Presidency I authorize no bargains and will be bound by none I shall go to the wall for bread and meat I like the system which lets a man quit when he wants to Idealization which so easily runs into the commonplace If the minority will not acquiesce, the majority must If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong If you do not like him, let him alone Ills you fly from have no real existence In the course of ultimate extinction Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors Is there in all republics this inherent and fatal weakness? It is bad to be poor Jews Jibes and sneers in place of argument Judges are as honest as other men, and not more so Just leave her alone Last Public Address Lee's army, and not Richmond, is your true objective point Letter Suggesting a Beard Lincoln's Definition of Democracy Lincoln's Election Localized Repeal of Writ of Habeas Corpus Malice Toward None, with Charity for All Man cannot prove a negative Massacre of Three Hundred Colored Soldiers Men interested to misunderstand Mexico Middle ground between the right and the wrong?? Missouri Compromise Mixing of blood by the white and black races More a man speaks the less he is understood Mother of Five Sons Who Have Died Mrs. Lincoln's Rebel Brother-in-law Killed Need not have her for either I can just leave her alone Needs New Tires on His Carriage Negro Troops Never stir up litigation News of Grant's Capture of Vicksburg No wrong without its remedy No man can be silent if he would Not appearing on the appointed wedding day Not Be Much Oppressed by a Debt Which They Owe to Themselves Not seldom ragged, usually patched, and always shabby Not Best to Swap Horses When Crossing a Stream Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time One long step removed from honest men Order expelling all Jews from your department Order of Retaliation Ox jumped half over a fence Pardoned Patronizing if not contemptuous condescension Pay and send substitutes Peace at any price rose on all sides Printing Money Probably forever forbid their living together Public opinion in this country is everything Repeal of the Missouri Compromise Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law Repentance before forgiveness Reply to Secretary Seward's Memorandum Revolutions never go backward Revolutions do not go backward Right to eat the bread he earns Right makes might Secession is the essence of anarchy Second Inaugural Address, Sentence of Deserters Seward's Bid for Power Sherman's March to the Sea Should be permitted to keep the little he has Slave-traders Slavery was recognized, by South and North alike, as an evil Smallest are often the most difficult things to deal with Story of the Emancipation Proclamation Strikes Suppressing all declarations that slavery is wrong Take advice with candid readiness Taking care to cut his expressions close That Some Should Be Rich Shows That Others May Become Rich The animal must be very slim somewhere Thought of their mind—articulated in his tongue Too Lazy to Be Anything but a Lawyer Too silly to require any sort of notice Trembled for his country Two Sons Who Want to Work Uncommon power of clear and compact statement Wanting to work is so rare a want War at the Best Is Terrible We Accepted this War, and Did Not Begin it We do not want to dissolve the Union; you shall not What I deal with is too vast for malicious dealing Who has the right needs not to fear Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad Wilmot Proviso Wisely given their public servants but little power for mischief World Has Never Had a Good Definition of the Word Liberty Would Make War Rather than Let the Nation Survive Would Accept War Rather than Let it Perish You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it You were right and I was wrong You work and toil and earn bread and I'll eat it You are not lazy, and still you are an idler