[Transcriber's note:
This was a catalog from a magazine subscription agency MANY YEARS AGO. It is presented in order to show a cross section of the periodicals for the general public, and some professional journals, published in the USA at that time, and the kinds of subscription prices they asked. Obviously, the offers are NO LONGER AVAILABLE and most of these periodicals are no longer published! The only other thing I know about Mr. Cottrell is that he was apparently an avid player of horseshoe pitching.
The booklet had 40 octavo size pages and there were two forms inserted loose into its pages; the contents of those forms appear at the end of this document. The booklet itself had four kinds of content. 1) Instructions and self-promotion by D. D. Cottrell. 2) Advertisements inserted by various publishers. 3) An extensive alphabetical list of the American publications offered via the company. 4) An extensive variety of "club lists"—offers of an even more special price on particular combinations of two or more magazines, not necessarily from the same publisher. This was a common practice at the time. Comments in square brackets, other than the footnotes, were added during the process of transcribing the booklet to an etext. Enough blathering; here follows the actual contents of the booklet.]
Catalog No. 39 Season 1905.
Established 1886
North Cohocton, N.Y. Twentieth Year
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers & Periodicals
Save Money, Time and Trouble by subscribing for all your periodicals through us.
References: Dun's or Bradstreet's Commercial Agencies or Any Leading Publisher.
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
Our Guarantee: We will BEAT OR MEET any price advertised this season by any responsible party for any periodical or combination of periodicals. Send all your orders to us.
SOME LEADING OFFERS. Regular Our Price Price The Success Magazine: with Leslie's Monthly—or Cosmopolitan ........ $2.00 $1.50 with Harper's Bazar—or Good Housekeeping ..... 2.00 1.50 with Pearson's—or Twentieth Century Home ..... 2.00 1.50 with Sunset Magazine—or American Boy ......... 2.00 1.50 with American Inventor—or Technical World .... 3.00 1.50 with Bookkeeper—or Ladies' World ............. 2.00 1.25 with Holiday Magazine—or Young Americans ..... 1.50 1.25 with Woman's Home Companion ................... 2.00 1.60 with Review of Reviews—or Independent ........ 3.50 2.50 with World's Work and Leslie's Monthly ........ 5.00 3.00 with Booklover's Magazine and Harper's Bazar .. 5.00 3.00 with Outing and Pearson's ..................... 5.00 3.00 with Outlook (new sub. only) .................. 4.00 3.00 with Country Life in America .................. 4.00 3.25 with Harper's Magazine—or Harper's Weekly .... 5.00 4.25 with No. Am. Review (new sub.) and Cosmopolitan 7.00 5.00
See other leading offers on next page.
Popular Magazine Offers
Regular Price SUCCESS MAGAZINE, (M) ....................... $1.00 The Great Home Magazine of America.
CLASS A Leslie's Monthly Magazine .................. 1.00 Harper's Bazar ............................. 1.00 The Cosmopolitan Magazine .................. 1.00 Good Housekeeping .......................... 1.00 Pearson's Magazine ......................... 1.00 The Twentieth Century Home ................. 1.00 The American Boy ........................... 1.00 The American Inventor ...................... 1.50 The Sunset Magazine ........................ 1.00 The Technical World ........................ 2.00 The Bookkeeper and Business Man's Magazine, ($1.00) with "Business Short Cuts," ($1.00),[A] .............................. 2.00 The Ladies' World, (50c.) with "Entertainments for All Seasons," ($1.00) [B] ...................................... 1.50 The Holiday Magazine for Children, (50c.) with "Home Games and Parties," (50c.) [C] 1.00
[Footnote A: "Business Short Cuts" is a valuable handbook for the busy office man, either employer or employee; 157 pages, bound in heavy boards. It is offered in combination with "The Bookkeeper and Business Man's Magazine" as a member of Class A.]
[Footnote B: "Entertainments for All Seasons" is a 224-page 12mo. book, neatly bound in cloth and full of excellent hints and suggestions for home and church festivities. It is offered in combination with the "Ladies' World" as a member of Class A.]
[Footnote C: "Home Games and Parties" is a beautiful little 188-page book, bound in cloth, especially adapted for the busy mother who has to provide amusement for her boys and girls. It is offered in combination with the "Holiday Magazine for Children" as a member of Class A.]
See Opposite Page for Club Prices
The Review of Reviews ................... $2.50 The World's Work ........................ 3.00 Outing .................................. 3.00 The Booklover's Magazine ................ 3.00 The Independent ......................... 2.00
SPECIAL MAGAZINES The Outlook, (new sub. only) ............ 3.00 Country Life in America ................. 3.00 Harper's Magazine ....................... 4.00 Harper's Weekly ......................... 4.00 No. American Review (new sub. only) ..... 5.00 International Studio .................... 5.00
1. First choose the magazines of "Class A," "Class B," and "Special" that you wish to order.
2. If you choose "A" and "B" magazines only, their price with SUCCESS will be readily found on top of first column, opposite page.
3. If you choose any of the "Special Magazines," look for them in black-face type on opposite page, and you will there find a set of offers which will probably include what you wish.
4. If you do not readily find prices on the magazines which you wish by the above rules, write to us for special quotations.
Popular Magazine Offers
* * * * *
OUR CLUB PRICES For Annual Subscriptions to Magazines Listed on Opposite Page
* * * * *
Success Magazine: with 1 of A, ..................... $1.50 with 2 of A, ..................... 2.00 with 3 of A, ..................... 2.50 with Review of Reviews, .......... 2.50 with Independent, ................ 2.50 with Review of Reviews, and 1 of A, .................... 3.00 with World's Work and 1 of A, .................... 3.00 with Outing and 1 of A, .................... 3.00 with Booklover's and 1 of A, .................... 3.00 with 2 of B, ..................... 4.00 with 2 of B and 1 of A, .......... 4.50 with 2 of B and 2 of A, .......... 5.00
* * * * *
Booklovers Magazine: with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ......... $3.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ......... 3.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ......... 4.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ......... 5.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of A and 1 of B, .................... 4.50 with SUCCESS and 2 of A and 2 of B, .................... 7.00
* * * * *
Country Life in America: with SUCCESS, .................... $3.25 with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ......... 3.75 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ......... 4.25 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ......... 4.75 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ......... 6.25 with SUCCESS and Outlook (new) .............. 5.25 with SUCCESS and Harper's Magazine or Weekly, ............ 6.50 with SUCCESS and No. Am. Review (new) or Inter. Studio ............... 6.75
* * * * *
Harper's Magazine or Weekly: with SUCCESS, .................... $4.25 with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ......... 4.75 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ......... 5.25 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ......... 5.75 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ......... 7.25 with SUCCESS and Outlook (new) .................. 6.25 with SUCCESS and No. Am. Review (new) or Inter. Studio ............... 7.75 with SUCCESS and Country Life, .................. 6.50
* * * * *
Independent: with SUCCESS, .................... $2.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ......... 3.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ......... 3.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ......... 4.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ......... 5.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of A 4.50 and 1 of B, .................... 4.50 with SUCCESS and 2 of A and 2 of B, .................... 7.00
* * * * *
International Studio: with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ...... $5.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ...... 5.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ...... 6.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ...... 7.50 with SUCCESS and Outlook (new) 6.50 with SUCCESS and Harper's Magazine or Weekly .......... 7.75 with SUCCESS and Country Life 6.75
North American Review: (New sub. If a renewal add 75c to club price.) with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ...... 5.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ...... 5.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ...... 6.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ...... 7.50 with SUCCESS and Outlook (new) 6.50 with SUCCESS and Harper's Magazine or Weekly, ......... 7.75 with SUCCESS and Country Life, 6.75
Outing: with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ...... 3.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ...... 3.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ...... 4.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ...... 5.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of A and 1 of B, ................. 4.50 with SUCCESS and 2 of A and 2 of B, ................. 7.00
Outlook: (New sub. If a renewal add $1.00 to club price.) with SUCCESS, ................. 3.00 with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ...... 3.50 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ...... 4.00 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ...... 4.50 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ...... 6.00 with SUCCESS and Harper's Magazine or Weekly .......... 6.25 with SUCCESS and Country Life, 5.25 with SUCCESS and No. Am. Review (new) or Inter. Studio 6.50
Review of Reviews: with SUCCESS, ................. 2.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ...... 3.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ...... 3.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ...... 4.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ...... 5.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of A and 1 of B, ................. 4.50 with Success and 2 of A and 2 of B, ................. 7.00
World's Work: with SUCCESS and 1 of A, ...... 3.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of A, ...... 3.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of B, ...... 4.00 with SUCCESS and 2 of B, ...... 5.50 with SUCCESS and 1 of A and 1 of B, ................. 4.50 with SUCCESS and 2 of A and 2 of B, ................. 7.00
ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO D. D. Cottrell's Magazine Agency, North Cohocton, N.Y.
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
Class A.
American Bird Magazine .......... 1 yr.$1.00 American Boy .................... 1 yr. 1.00 American Dressmaker ............. 1 yr. 1.00 American Education .............. 1 yr. 1.00 American Inventor ............... 1 yr. 1.00 American Primary Teacher ........ 1 yr. 1.00 Art Student ..................... 1 yr. 1.00 Atlanta Constitution (weekly) ... 1 yr. 1.00 Automobile Magazine ............. 1 yr. 2.00 Boston Cooking School Magazine. 1 yr. 1.00 Book-keeper & Business Short Cuts 1 yr. 2.00 Brown Book of Boston ............ 1 yr. 1.00 Camera Craft..................... 1 yr. 1.00 Chicago Inter-Ocean (weekly) .... 1 yr. 1.00 Cincinnati Enquirer, weekly ..... 1 yr. 1.00 Cosmopolitan Magazine ........... 1 yr. 1.00 Courier Journal, weekly ......... 1 yr. 1.00 Criterion ....................... 1 yr. 1.00 Cycle & Automobile Trade ........ 1 yr. 1.00 Dietetic & Hygienic Gazette ..... 1 yr. 1.00 Educator ........................ 1 yr. 1.00 Eleanor Kirk's Idea ............. 1 yr. 1.00 Era ............................. 1 yr. 1.00 Farm Journal .................... 5 yrs. 1.00 Foolish Book (Arkell Co.) ....... 1 yr. 1.00 Gleanings in Bee Culture ........ 1 yr. 1.00 Good Health ..................... 1 yr. 1.00 Good Housekeeping ............... 1 yr. 1.00 Harper's Bazaar ................. 1 yr. 1.00 Health .......................... 1 yr. 1.00 Health Culture .................. 1 yr. 1.00 Hints ........................... 1 yr. 1.00 House Beautiful ................. 1 yr. 2.00 Holiday Magazine and Book ....... 1 yr. 1.00 Humorist ........................ 1 yr. 2.00 *Hunter-Trader-Trapper .......... 1 yr. 1.00 Judge Library and Mag. of Fun ... 1 yr. 1.00 Judge Quarterly ................. 1 yr. 1.00 Junior Toilettes ................ 1 yr. 1.00 Just Fun (Arkell Co.) ........... 1 yr. 1.00 Kindergarten Review ............. 1 yr. 1.00 Ladies' World and Book .......... 1 yr. 1.50 Leslie's Monthly Magazine ....... 1 yr. 1.00 Little Folks (new subs) ......... 1 yr. 1.00 Little Chronicle ................ 1 yr. 1.50 Literary World .................. 1 yr. 1.00 Louisville Courier Journal (s-w) 1 yr. 1.00 Mail Order Journal .............. 1 yr. 1.00 Magazine of Mysteries ........... 1 yr. 1.00 Men and Women .................. 1 yr. 1.00 National Stockman & Farmer ...... 1 yr. 1.00 National Magazine ............... 1 yr. 1.00 New Idea Woman's Magazine ....... 1 yr. .50 New York Tribune Farmer ......... 1 yr. 1.00 Normal Instructor ............... 3 yrs. 1.00 Open Court ...................... 1 yr. 1.00 Outdoor Life .................... 1 yr. 1.00 Outdoor ......................... 1 yr. 1.50 Pathfinder ...................... 1 yr. 1.00 Pearson's Magazine .............. 1 yr. 1.00 Philistine ...................... 1 yr. 1.00 Photo Beacon .................... 1 yr. 1.00 Photographic Times Bulletin ..... 1 yr. 1.00 Physical Culture ................ 1 yr. 1.00 Pictorial Review ................ 1 yr. 1.00 Pilgrim ......................... 1 yr. 1.00 Popular Educator (new subs) ..... 1 yr. 1.00 Popular Mechanics ............... 1 yr. 1.00 Practical Farmer ................ 1 yr. 1.00 Primary Plans ................... 1 yr. 1.00 Primary Education (new subs) .... 1 yr. 1.00 Professional & Amateur Photog'r . 1 yr. 1.00 Progressive Teacher ............. 1 yr. 1.00 Recreation ...................... 1 yr. 1.00 Service ......................... 1 yr. 1.00 Stenographer .................... 1 yr. 1.00 Sis Hopkins own Book ............ 1 yr. 1.00 Spirit of '76 ................... 1 yr. 1.00 Success ......................... 1 yr. 1.00 Sunset Magazine ................. 1 yr. 1.00 Table Talk ...................... 1 yr. 1.00 Technical World ................. 1 yr. 2.00 Toledo Blade (weekly) ........... 1 yr. 1.00 Twentieth Century Home .......... 1 yr. 1.00 Type-writer & Phonographic World 1 yr. 1.00 Vick's Family Magazine .......... 3 yrs. 1.00 What to Eat ..................... 1 yr. 1.00 *Woman's Home Companion ......... 1 yr. 1.00 Word and Works, with almanac .... 1 yr. 1.00 *World Today .................... 1 yr. 1.00 Young People's Weekly ........... 1 yr. .75 Youth ........................... 1 yr. 1.00
*For each starred periodical included in any club add 10 cents to the club price.
Any two $1.50 Any three $2.00 Any four $2.50 Any two with any two of Offer No. 3 $2.00 Any one with any one in Offer No. 5 $2.00 Any three with any one in Offer No. 3 $2.25 Any two with any one in Offer No. 4 $2.25 Any two with any one in Offer No. 5 $2.50
Any one with any one in Class C $2.50 Any three with any one in Offer No. 4 $2.75 Any three with any one in Offer No. 5 $3.00 Any two with any one in Class C $3.00 Any two with any one in Class B $3.25 Any one with any two in Class C $4.00 Any one with any two in Class B $4.25 Any one with any three in Class C $5.50
This is what we guarantee, should lower prices be quoted by any responsible party, do not divide your order but send it all to me and I will fill it at the lowest price quoted.
Class B.
Ave Maria ........................ 1 yr. 2.00 Booklover's Magazine ............. 1 yr. 3.00 Burr McIntosh Monthly ............ 1 yr. 3.00 New York Observer (new) .......... 1 yr. 3.00 Outing ........................... 1 yr. 3.00 Review of Reviews ................ 1 yr. 2.50 World's Work ..................... 1 yr. 3.00
Class C.
Art Interchange .................. 1 yr. 4.00 American Grocer (new sb) ......... 1 yr. 3.00 Automobile ....................... 1 yr. 2.00 Automobile Topics ................ 1 yr. 2.00 Biblical World ................... 1 yr. 2.00 Chautauquan ...................... 1 yr. 2.00 Critic. .......................... 1 yr. 2.00 Current Literature ............... 1 yr. 3.00 Donahoe's Magazine ............... 1 yr. 2.00 Education (new sub) .............. 1 yr. 3.00 Forum ............................ 1 yr. 2.00 Illustrated Sporting News ........ 1 yr. 2.50 Independent ...................... 1 yr. 2.00 Journal of Education ............. 1 yr. 2.50 Living Church (new sub) .......... 1 yr. 1.00 Lippincott's Magazine ............ 1 yr. 2.50 Marine Engineering ............... 1 yr. 2.00 Photo Era ........................ 1 yr. 2.50 Reader Magazine .................. 1 yr. 3.00 Smart Set ........................ 1 yr. 2.50 Toilettes ........................ 1 yr. 2.00 Trained Nurse .................... 1 yr. 2.00
Any two $3.75 Any three $5.25 Any two with one of class A $2.50 Any one with one of class B $3.75 Any two with one of class A $4.00 Any two with two in class A $4.50
Offer No. 3.
Am. Poultry Journal .............. 1 yr. .50 Arkansas Traveler ................ 1 yr. .50 Beauty and Health ................ 1 yr. .50 Book-keeper ...................... 1 yr. 1.00 Boys and Girls ................... 1 yr. .50 Boy's World ...................... 1 yr. .50 Caste ............................ 1 yr. .74 Cooking Club Magazine ............ 1 yr. .50 Dover's Journal (weekly) ......... 1 yr. .50 Farm and Home .................... 1 yr. .50 Farm Poultry ..................... 1 yr. .50 Four Track News (Till Jan. 1st, '92.) 1 yr. .50 Girl's Companion ................. 1 yr. .50 Green's Fruit Grower ............. 1 yr. .50 Holiday Magazine ................. 1 yr. .50 Home Needle Work ................. 1 yr. .50 Housekeeper ...................... 1 yr. .50 How to Live ...................... 1 yr. .50 Irrigation ....................... 1 yr. 1.00 Ladies' World .................... 1 yr. .50 Little Boys and Girls ............ 1 yr. .75 McCalls Magaz'e with Free Pat'rn . 1 yr. .50 Modern Priscilla ................. 1 yr. .50 Normal Instructor ................ 1 yr. .50 Ohio Poultry Journal ............. 1 yr. .50 Poultry Herald ................... 1 yr. .50 Poultry Keeper ................... 1 yr. .50 Poultry Success .................. 1 yr. .50 Practical Engineer ............... 1 yr. .50 Reliable Poultry Journal ......... 1 yr. .50 School Music Monthly ............. 1 yr. .50 Union Gospel News ................ 1 yr. .50 Vegetarian ....................... 1 yr. 1.00 Vick's Magazine .................. 1 yr. .50 World's Events ................... 1 yr. 1.00 Young Americans .................. 1 yr. .50
Any Three $1.25 ANY ONE with any one in Class A $1.25 ANY TWO with any one in Class A $1.50 ANY ONE with any two in Class A $1.75 ANY ONE with any three in Class A $2.25
Any two in Offer No. 3 may be substituted for any one in Class A, in any combination providing no more than five periodicals be ordered in any one club.
This is the TWENTIETH YEAR that I have been in the subscription business, and in this Catalogue No. 39, I am giving the best bargains in periodical literature that have ever been placed before the public. In order to enable me to do this the publishers of these periodicals have sacrificed their prices until in a great many cases they do not obtain from the subscribers to these club offers the actual cost of the white paper on which they print the numbers that they will mail to fill the year's subscriptions. They have done this to introduce their periodicals to the largest number of readers possible, believing it better to give the subscriber the benefit of the price than to spend the thousands of dollars in advertising, which would be necessary to secure the same number of subscriptions and the same amount of publicity. This catalogue will be sent to a number of hundred thousand persons besides the tens of thousands of my regular customers, a large number of whom have sent me orders regularly for years.
My close relations with publishers, my immense business, my unequalled facilities for handling orders, my long experience in this work, my thousands of satisfied customers located in all parts of the United States and Canada and in nearly every civilized country of the world all combined guarantee that all dealings with me will be satisfactory. My motto has always been that a satisfied customer was my best advertisement. On account of these things, publishers give me the lowest possible prices on periodicals, and I guarantee to my customers that my prices to them are the lowest obtainable.
I hope to receive the orders, whether they be large or small, of all my old customers and also of all others who receive this Catalogue, and hereby promise to give the same my most careful and immediate attention.
Hoping that I may serve you in this matter, I remain,
Very truly yours,
Offer No. 4.
Any one in Offer No. 4 may be substituted for any one in Class A by adding 25 cents to the club price for each one so substituted.
American Electrician ............. 1 yr.$1.00 Automobile Review ................ 1 yr. 1.50 Draftsman ........................ 1 yr. 1.00 Engineer (Chicago) ............... 1 yr. 1.00 Four-Track News (after Jan. 1) ... 1 yr. 1.00 Jersey Bulletin .................. 1 yr. 1.00 Journal of Geography ............. 1 yr. 1.00 Manual Training Magazine ......... 1 yr. 1.00 Ohio Educational Monthly ......... 1 yr. 1.00 Perry Magazine ................... 1 yr. 1.00 Photo-American ................... 1 yr. 1.00 Phrenological Journal ............ 1 yr. 1.00 Primary School ................... 1 yr. 1.00 Primary School Era ............... 1 yr. 1.00 Red Book ......................... 1 yr. 1.00 School Arts Books ................ 1 yr. 1.00 Sunday School Times .............. 1 yr. 1.00 Teachers' Institute .............. 1 yr. 1.00 Wallace's Farmer & Dairyman ...... 1 yr. 1.00 Week's Current ................... 1 yr. 1.25
Any One with one in class A $1.75
Any Two with one of class A $2.50
Any One with one of class B $3.00
Any Two with one of class B $3.75
Offer No. 5.
Any one in Offer No. 5 may be substituted for any two in Class A in any offer.
Birds and Nature ................. 1 yr.$1.50 Country Gentleman ................ 1 yr. 1.50 Elementary School Teacher ........ 1 yr. 1.50 Etude (For all music lovers) ..... 1 yr. 1.50 Intelligence ..................... 1 yr. 1.50 Metropolitan Magazine ............ 1 yr. 1.80 Musician ......................... 1 yr. 1.50 New York Tribune (tri-wkly) ...... 1 yr. 1.50 Out West ......................... 1 yr. 2.00 Overland Monthly ................. 1 yr. 1.50 Ram's Horn ....................... 1 yr. 1.50 School & Home Education .......... 1 yr. 1.25 School Review .................... 1 yr. 1.50 Sports Afield .................... 1 yr. 1.50 System ........................... 1 yr. 2.00 Week's Progress .................. 1 yr. 2.00
Any two of these $2.50
Any two with any one in class A $3.00
Any one with any one in class C $3.00
Art Interchange or Smart Set or Current Literature or Lippincott's Magazine or Independent or any one in Class C Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Current Literature or any one in class C ......... $3.75 with World's Work or any one in class B ............... 3.75 with Outlook (new) or Churchman (new) ................. 4.25 with Scribner's ....................................... 5.10 with Century .......................................... 5.75 with Harper's Weekly or Monthly ....................... 5.50 with Etude or any one in offer No. 5 .................. 3.25 with Country Life or Craftsman or Theater ............. 4.50 with Atlantic Monthly or Leslies Weekly ............... 5.50 with any one in class A ............................... 2.50 with any two in class A ............................... 3.00 with Smart Set or any one in class C .................. 3.75 with North American Review (new) ...................... 5.75
Century Magazine Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Review of Reviews and Success .................... $6.00 with World's Work or any one in Class B ............... 5.75 with Outing and Recreation ............................ 6.25 with Lippincott's and Cosmopolitan or Leslie's ........ 6.25 with Success and Art Interchange ...................... 6.00 with Housekeeper and Cosmopolitan or Leslie's ......... 4.75 with Woman's Home Companion and Success ............... 5.10 with Harper's Bazar and Leslie's or Cosmopolitan ...... 5.00 with House Beautiful and Harper's Bazar ............... 5.00 with Booklovers Magazine or any one in Class B ........ 5.75 with Scribner's Magazine .............................. 6.65 with St. Nicholas ..................................... 6.30 with World's Work and any one in Class B .............. 7.25
Etude, For all Music Lovers or any one in Offer No. 5 Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Burr McIntosh Monthly or any class B ............. $3.25 with Booklovers Magazine or any class B ............... 3.25 with Country Life or Craftsman or Theater ............. 4.00 with North American Review (new) ...................... 5.00 with Chautauquan or Critic or any class C ............. 3.25 with Outlook (new) or Churchman (new) ................. 3.75 with International Studio or North Am. Review (new) ... 5.00 with any one class A .................................. 2.00 with any two class A .................................. 2.50 with Musician or any one in Offer No. 5 ............... 2.50
Burr McIntosh Monthly or Booklovers Magazine or any one in Class B. Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Century or International Studio .................. $5.75 with St. Nicholas ..................................... 4.75 with Scribner's ....................................... 5.10 with Etude or any one in Offer No. 5 .................. 3.25 with Harper's Weekly or Monthly ....................... 5.50 with Country Life or Craftsman or Theater ............. 4.50 with World's Work or any one in class B ............... 3.75
Four Track News Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Pearson's or any one in class A .................. $1.25 with Cosmopolitan and Leslie's Monthly Magazine ....... 1.75 with any two in class A ............................... 1.75 with any three in class A ............................. 2.25 with Smart Set and any one in Offer No. 3 ............. 2.50 with any one in class A and class B ................... 3.00 with any two in class B or C .......................... 4.00 with Success, Leslies and World's Work ................ 3.25
Harper's Weekly or Monthly or Atlantic Monthly or Leslie's Weekly Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Burr McIntosh Monthly or any class B or C ........ $5.50 with Booklovers Magazine or any class B or C .......... 5.50 with World's Work or any one class B or C ............. 5.50 with House Beautiful or any one in class A ............ 4.25 with any two class A .................................. 4.75 with Journal of Education or any one in class C ....... 5.50 with Etude (For all music lovers) or one in Offer No. 5 4.75 with any two in class B or C .......................... 7.00 with Century or International Studio .................. 7.00 with Country Life in America .......................... 6.25 with Scribner's Magazine .............................. 6.35 with Outlook (new) .................................... 6.00
North American Review (new) or International Studio or Century Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Country Life or Craftsman or Theater ............. $5.00 with Outlook (new) or Churchman (new) ................. 5.75 with Century .......................................... 7.25 with Scientific American .............................. 6.25 with Harper's Weekly or Monthly ....................... 7.00 with any one in Class B ............................... 5.75 with Success and one in class A ....................... 5.00 with Etude or anyone in Offer No. 5 ................... 5.00 with Scribner's Magazine............................... 6.50
World Today or Woman's Home Companion Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Success or any one in Class A ................... $1.60 with Pearson and any one in Class A ................... 2.10 with Art Interchange and Leslies ...................... 3.10 with Journal of Education and Cosmopolitan ............ 3.10 with Education (new) and Booklovers ................... 4.35 with Leslie's Monthly and any one in class B .......... 3.35 with North American Review (new) and Success .......... 5.10 with International Studio and Leslies ................. 5.10 with Country Life ..................................... 3.60 with Outlook (new) and Good Housekeeping .............. 3.85 with any one in class C ............................... 2.60 with any two in class C ............................... 4.10 with any two in class B ............................... 4.35 with any one in Offer No. 3 ........................... 1.35 with any two in Offer No. 3 ........................... 1.60 with any one in Offer No. 4 ........................... 1.85 with any two in Offer No. 4 ........................... 2.60 with any one in Offer No. 5 ........................... 2.10 with any two in Offer No. 5 ........................... 3.10 with Woman's Home Companion ........................... 1.70 with Etude (for all Music lovers) ..................... 2.10 with St. Nicholas ..................................... 3.60 with Scribner's Magazine .............................. 3.85 with Century Magazine ................................. 4.60
Metropolitan Magazine or any one on Offer No. 5 Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Leslie's or any one in class A ................... $2.00 with Good Housekeeping and Pearsons ................... 2.50 with any two in class A ............................... 2.50 with World's Work or any one in class B ............... 3.25 with Booklovers and Outing ............................ 4.75 with any two in class B ............................... 4.75 with Lippincott or any one in class C ................. 3.00 with Smart Set and Current Literature ................. 4.75 with any two in class C ............................... 4.75 with Century .......................................... 5.00 with Scribner's Magazine .............................. 4.35 with Harper's Monthly or Weekly ....................... 4.75 with St. Nicholas ..................................... 4.00
Scientific American Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Country Life or Theater or Craftsman ............. $5.50 with World's Work or any one in class B ............... 4.75 with Scribner's ....................................... 5.75 with Century .......................................... 6.40 with Art Interchange or any one in class C ............ 4.75 with Burr McIntosh Monthly or any class B ............. 4.75 with Atlantic Monthly or Harper's Monthly ............. 6.10 with Etude or any one in offer No. 5 .................. 4.15 with Harper's Weekly or Monthly ....................... 6.10 with American Boy or any one in class A ............... 3.75 with any two in class A ............................... 4.25 with Smart Set or any one in class C .................. 4.75
Both for $1.25: Pearson's Magazine one year $1.00 Any one of the following cloth bound copyright novels worth 1.50:
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall ...... By Charles Major The Master Christian ............... By Marie Corelli In the Palace of the King .......... By F. Marion Crawford The Virginian ...................... By Owen Wister The Crisis ......................... By Winston Churchill The Cavalier ....................... By George W. Cable The Mississippi Bubble ............. By Emerson Hough The Right of Way ................... By Gilbert Parker David Harum ........................ By B. Edward Noyes Westcott The Hound of the Baskervilles ...... A. Conan Doyle When Knighthood was in Flower ...... By Charles Major Castle Craneycrow .................. By George Barr McCutcheon
NOTE—These books are not a trashy edition but handsome cloth-bound books most of them originally published at $1.50.
All for $2.00: Pearson's Magazine one year $1.00 Success 1.00 Imperial Shakespeare (prepaid) 2.00
The IMPERIAL SHAKESPEARE presents in one serviceable volume the thirty eight great works of the immortal bard.—size of the volume nine by fourteen inches, strong buckram binding.
$3.00 Buys: A TEN-VOLUME SET of the Works of EDGAR ALLAN POE (Prepaid) together with A Year's Subscription to Pearson's and A Year's Subscription to Success
The Poe set is a beautiful Library Pocket Edition, printed on good paper, clear type, cloth bound covers modern flat back, with title, and the author's portrait and signature embellished on the cover; each set nicely boxed.
[Transcriber's note: original had 'potrait' in above paragraph.]
SEND ME ONLY $3.35 FOR HARPER'S MAGAZINE the great leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) or add $3.35 to any combination in this catalogue.
House Beautiful or any Class A or two of Offer No. 3 Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Am. Boy or any class A ........................... $1.50 with Good Housekeeping and National Magazine .......... 2.00 with any two of class A ............................... 2.00 with any three of class A ............................. 2.50 with any one of class C ............................... 2.50 with Booklover's (or any class B) and one of class A .. 3.25 with any two of class B ............................... 4.25 with American Inventor and Cosmopolitan Magazine ...... 2.00 with any one of Offer No. 4 ........................... 1.75 with any two of Offer No. 4 ........................... 2.50 with any one of Offer No. 5 ........................... 2.00 with any two of Offer No. 5 ........................... 3.00 with Current Lit. or any class C ...................... 2.50 with any two of class C ............................... 4.00 with Century Magazine ................................. 4.50 with Country Life in America .......................... 3.50 with Harper's Mag. or Weekly .......................... 4.25 with Independent ...................................... 2.50 with International Studio ............................. 4.50 with Judge ............................................ 4.75 with Leslie's Weekly .................................. 4.25 with Literary Digest (new sub.) ....................... 3.00
Leslie's Monthly Magazine or any Class A or two of Offer No. 3 Will be sent in Clubs as follows:
with American Boy or any class A ...................... $1.50 with any two of class A .............................. 2.00 with any three of class A ............................. 2.50 with any one of Offer No. 3 ........................... 1.25 with any two of Offer No. 3 ........................... 1.50 with any one of Offer No. 4 ........................... 1.75 with any two of Offer No. 4 ........................... 2.50 with any one of Offer No. 5 ........................... 2.00 with any two of Offer No. 5 ........................... 3.00 with Woman's Home Companion ........................... 1.60 with World Today ...................................... 1.60 with Lippincott's or any class C ...................... 2.50 with one of B and one of A ............................ 3.25 with one of B and Success ............................. 3.00 with two of class B ................................... 4.25 with Century Magazine ................................. 4.50 with Country Life in America .......................... 3.50 with Etude (for music lovers) ......................... 2.00 with Harper's Magazine or weekly ...................... 4.25 with Judge ............................................ 4.75 with Leslie's Weekly .................................. 4.25 with St. Nicholas ..................................... 3.50 with Scientific American .............................. 3.75 with Scribner's Magazine .............................. 3.85
One Magazine Free: Send me three orders for any combination (except Ladies' Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post) and I will give you free, to be sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to any periodical in class A or Offer No. 3. Your own club and two other clubs make the three clubs.
LADIES' HOME JOURNAL FREE: Send me two (2) orders for the combination Ladies' Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post, at $2.25 each and you may have free as your premium, and sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to the Ladies' Home Journal, or for three (3) orders a yearly subscription to the Saturday Evening Post.
Send me $2.50: 5 Volume Encyclopedia, value ......... $10.00 Express charges to be paid on delivery Cosmopolitan, 1 yr. .................. 1.00
This Encyclopedia is cloth bound, contains 3060 pages, Gold lettering, Well printed on fine paper. Equally a Necessity for Every Home and Every Office. Such an Encyclopedia as has hitherto been sold for $10 or $12. It is new being just off the press. Sample pages on request.
St. Nicholas Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Review of Reviews and Success .................... $5.00 with World's Work or any one in Class B ............... 4.75 with Outing and Recreation ............................ 5.25 with Lippincott's and Cosmopolitan or Leslie's ........ 5.25 [original had 'Leslle's' on above line] with Success and Art Interchange ...................... 5.00 with Housekeeper and Cosmopolitan or Leslie's ......... 3.75 with Woman's Home Companion and Success ............... 4.10 with Harper's Bazar and Leslie's or Cosmopolitan ...... 4.00 with House Beautiful and Harper's Bazar ............... 4.00 with Booklovers Magazine or any one in Class B ........ 4.75 with Scribner's Magazine .............................. 5.65 with Century Magazine ................................. 6.30 with World's Work and Booklovers ...................... 6.25
Week's Progress or any one in Offer No. 5 Will be sent in clubs as follows:
with Success or any one in class A .................... $2.00 with any two in class A ............................... 2.50 with Pearsons and Leslie's ............................ 2.50 [original had 'Leslies' on above line] with Review of Reviews or any one in class B .......... 3.25 with any two in class B ............................... 4.75 with Country Life or Craftsman ........................ 4.00 with Etude and any one in class A ..................... 3.00 with Smart Set or any one in class C .................. 3.00 with Century .......................................... 5.00 with Scribner's Magazine .............................. 4.35 with Harper's Monthly or Weekly ....................... 4.75 with St. Nicholas ..................................... 4.00
* * * * *
If you want REAL enjoyment, send ten cents for a copy of the best publication, HUMORIST. Address: Publisher Humorist, St. Louis, Mo. In ordering your reading matter, don't fail to include the Humorist in the list.
* * * * *
Farm Live Stock Its care and management. Pictures of all the breeds. Reports of fairs, horse shows and meetings, by best writers, published weekly in The Breeder's Gazette, Chicago, Ill. $2 a year. Sample copy free if you mention this paper. Liberal terms to subscription agents.
* * * * *
Best Value of the Year One Dollar Per Year. Sunset Magazine Published by Passenger Department Southern Pacific Company, 4 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California. Agents Wanted. Special Terms.
* * * * *
Everybody's Magazine may be secured with any combination by adding ONE DOLLAR to the combination price. Mr. Lawson's story, "Frenzied Finance" will probably continue in Everybody's Magazine through 1905.
* * * * *
WHAT TO EAT THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE has been awarded the GRAND PRIZE, the highest possible award at the LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION.
* * * * *
WHAT TO EAT is the leading Advocate for Pure Food and the most unique Club and Household Magazine. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. SUBSCRIBE NOW.
* * * * *
MY PRICE $1.50: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 American Boy ..................... 1 yr. 1.00 Or any Class A, or two of Class 3
* * * * *
MY PRICE $2.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 American Inventor ................ 1 yr. 1.50 Or any Class A Cosmopolitan ..................... 1 yr. 1.00 Or any Class A or two of Class 3
* * * * * MY PRICE $2.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Harper's Bazar ................... 1 yr. 1.00 House Beautiful .................. 1 yr. 2.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE $2.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Little Folks ..................... 1 yr. 1.00 National Magazine ................ 1 yr. 1.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE $2.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Pearson's Magazine ............... 1 yr. 1.00 Physical Culture ................. 1 yr. 1.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE $2.50: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Success .......................... 1 yr. 1.00 Table Talk ....................... 1 yr. 1.00 Pictorial Review ................. 1 yr. 1.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE $3.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Review of Reviews ................ 1 yr. 2.50 Or any Class B Magazine Holiday Magazine (for children) " .50 Or McCall's Magazine or any Class 3
* * * * *
MY PRICE $1.60: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 World Today ...................... 1 yr. 1.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE $3.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Booklover's Magazine ............. 1 yr. 3.00 Or any Class B or C Magazine Success .......................... 1 yr. 1.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE $2.50: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Lippincott's Magazine ............ 1 yr. 2.50 Or any Class C magazine
* * * * *
MY PRICE. $3.25: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Outing ........................... 1 yr. 3.00 Or World's Work or any Class B magazine House Beautiful .................. 1 yr. 2.00 Or any Class A magazine.
* * * * *
MY PRICE 3.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Photo Era ........................ 1 yr. 2.50 Or any Class C magazine Cosmopolitan ..................... 1 yr. 1.00 Or any Class A magazine
* * * * *
MY PRICE 5.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Country Life In America .......... 1 yr. 3.00 Review of Reviews ................ 1 yr. 3.00 Or World's Work
* * * * *
MY PRICE $2.00: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Etude (for music lovers) ......... 1 yr. 1.50
* * * * *
MY PRICE $4.25: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Harper's Magazine or Weekly ...... 1 yr. 4.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE $4.25: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Leslie's Weekly .................. 1 yr. 4.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE 4.50: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Century Magazine ................. 1 yr. 4.00 Or North American Review (new sub.)
* * * * *
MY PRICE $4.75: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Judge ............................ 1 yr. 5.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE $3.25 What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Outlook (new sub.) ............... 1 yr. 3.00
* * * * *
MY PRICE 3.50: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 St. Nicholas ..................... 1 yr. 3.00 Or Country Life in America
* * * * *
MY PRICE 4.35: What To Eat ...................... 1 yr. $1.00 Scribner's Magazine .............. 1 yr. 3.00 Cosmopolitan Magazine ............ 1 yr. 1.00
ONE MAGAZINE FREE. Any customer sending me three subscriptions to these clubs (including his own if desired) may have free and sent to any address desired any magazine mentioned in Class A on page 2.
YOU MAY ADD TO THESE CLUBS Harper's Magazine, $3.35; The Century, $3.65; St. Nicholas, $2.65; McClures, $1.00; Harper's Weekly, $3.35; Leslie's Weekly, $3.35; Saturday Evening Post, $1.25; Munsey's Magazine, $1.00; Everybody's Magazine, $1.00; Scribner's, $2.85. (Scribner's separately costs $3.00 per year.)
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
No success is attained without great merit, MEN AND WOMEN has great merit, hence its remarkable growth.
"I admire the magazine you publish, MEN AND WOMEN, very much, and after having perused it at home, I place it on our school reading table."—C. S. WHEATON, Sup't Public Schools, Port Clinton, O.
Governor LaFollette, Hester Price, Julian Hawthorne, Richard Harding Davis, Madame Schumann-Heink, John Uri Lloyd, Ethel Shackelford, William Allen White, Paul de Longpre, Murat Halstead, Bellamy Storer, Grace Keon, Prof. Wolf Von Schierbrand, Hamilton W. Mabie, Maurice Francis Egan, A. J. Boex, Seumas McManus.
The size of MEN AND WOMEN is 11x16 inches. Every number contains 44 or more pages. It is printed on art plate paper. Typography and presswork are of the highest order. Every issue is profusely illustrated by the leading artists. The covers are fac-simile reproductions in many colors of the finest oil and water-color paintings procurable.
This beautiful cover, 11x16 inches, without printing, in three colors, sent on receipt of 10 cents. Mr. Farny is the world's greatest painter of Indians, his pictures having received the great Gold Medal at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Will be Sent in Clubs as Follows:
Including any Magazine in class A With Am. Boy or any one in Class A ........... $1.50 $2.00 With Leslie's Monthly and Technical World .... 2.00 2.50 With any two is class A ...................... 2.00 2.50 With any three in class A .................... 2.50 With Rev. of Revs. (or any in class B) and one of A ................................... 3.25 3.75 With one of Class B and Success .............. 3.00 3.50 With any two of class B or C ................. 4.25 4.75 With Current Literature or any one of class C 2.50 3.00 With World Today and World's Work ............ 3.35 3.85 With Womans Home Companion and Sunset ........ 2.10 2.60 With Pearson's and St. Nicholas .............. 4.00 4.50 With Smart Set and Pictorial Review .......... 3.00 3.50 With St. Nicholas and Physical Culture ....... 4.00 4.50
Including any Magazine in class A With Scientific American ..................... $3.75 $4.25 With World's Work and Pearsons ............... 3.25 3.75 With Independent and Bookkeeper and Book ..... 3.00 3.50 With McCall's Magazine and Housekeeper ....... 1.50 2.00 With Little Folks (new Sub) and Ladies World ...................................... 1.75 2.25 With House Beautiful and Good Housek'ping .... 2.00 2.50 With Harper's Magazine or Weekly ............. 4.25 4.75 With Outlook (new Sub) ....................... 3.25 3.75 With St. Nicholas ............................ 3.50 4.00 With Etude or any of offer No. 5 ............. 2.00 2.50 With Century ................................. 4.50 5.00 With Scribner's .............................. 3.85 4.35 With Art Interchange ......................... 2.50 3.00
FICTION—the best.
ART—from masters.
MUSIC AND MUSICIANS—a special feature.
COOKING SCHOOL—highly practical.
FANCY WORK—the latest.
FASHIONS—up to date.
PATTERNS—inexpensive and tasty.
PLAYS AND PLAYERS—interesting and timely.
HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY—some new features.
BOOK REVIEWS—the latest books.
ARCHITECTURE—a series of modern homes.
THE CORRECT THING—correct social usage.
HOME AND ITS TREASURES—a discussion of home problems.
SPECIAL ARTICLES—live, wide-awake articles on the questions of the day by the leaders of public thought in America. A conspicuous feature.
Address all Orders to
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
The Worlds Work.
Edited by WALTER H. PACE.
The "The World's Work" the important things the world is doing are told while they are new.
The magazine has freshness.
The important men who are doing things are described in action.
The magazine has human interest.
The important scenes in the world's life are shown by striking photographs.
The magazine is panoramic.
PRICE 25c. A COPY: $3.00 A YEAR.
Country Life in America.
The most beautiful magazine published. Its articles deal in a practical and fascinating way with every subject that pertains to the outdoors or to life in the country.
"Simply indispensable to those who love the country."—Banker's Magazine, Chicago.
"Ought to make every city reader emigrate to the country."—New York Sun.
March—the Gardening Manual; October—the House-building issue; December—the Christmas Annual.
Send me only $4.50: World's Work ..................... 1 yr. $3.00 Country Life in America .......... 1 yr. $3.00
Send me only $3.00: WORLD'S WORK ..................... 1 yr. $3.00 Success .......................... 1 yr. $1.00 Leslie's Monthly Magazine ........ 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A page 2
Send me only $3.25: WORLD'S WORK ..................... 1 yr. $3.00 Good Housekeeping ................ 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A page 2 American Boy ..................... 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A page 2
Send me only $4.00: WORLD'S WORK .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Booklover's Magazine ............ 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C page 2 Success ......................... 1 yr. $1.00
Send me only $4.25: WORLD'S WORK .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Journal of Education ............ 1 yr. $2.50 or any one in class B or C page 2 Am. Inventor .................... 1 yr. $1.50 or any one in class A page 2
Send me only $5.25: WORLD'S WORK .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Art Interchange ................. 1 yr. $4.00 or any one in class B or C page 2 Outing .......................... 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C page 2
Send me only $3.75: COUNTRY LIFE .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Success ......................... 1 yr. $1.00 Cosmopolitan .................... 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A page 2
Send me only $4.00: COUNTRY LIFE .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Ladies' World with book offered . $1.50 or any one in class A page 2 Pearsons ........................ 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A page 2
Send me only $4.75: COUNTRY LIFE .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Outing .......................... 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C page 2 Success ......................... 1 yr. $1.00
Send me only $5.00: COUNTRY LIFE .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Art Interchange ................. 1 yr. $4.00 or any one in class B or C page 2 Little Folks (new) .............. 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A page 2
Send me only $6.00: COUNTRY LIFE .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Journal of Education ............ 1 yr. $2.50 or any one in class B or C page 2 Booklover's Magazine ............ 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C page 2
Send me only $5.50: WORLD'S WORK .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Independent ..................... 1 yr. $2.00 or any one in class B page 2 Smart Set ....................... 1 yr. $2.50 or any one in class B page 2 Success ......................... 1 yr. $1.00
Send me only $4.25: WORLD'S WORK .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Outlook (new) ................... 1 yr. $3.00
Send me only $6.50: COUNTRY LIFE .................... 1 yr. $3.00 Burr McIntosh Monthly ........... 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class A page 2 Current Literature .............. 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C page 2 Sunset Magazine ................. 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A Page 2
Send me only $6.00: COUNTRY LIFE .................... 1 yr. $3.00 North American Review (new) ..... 1 yr. $5.00
ONE MAGAZINE FREE Send me THREE orders for ANY combinations (except for Ladie's Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post) and I will give you FREE, to be sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to any periodical in class A or offer No. 3, YOUR own club and TWO OTHER CLUBS make the THREE clubs.
Send me only $6.25: WORLD'S WORK ..................... 1 yr. $3.00 North American Review (new) ...... 1 yr. $5.00 Leslie's Monthly Magazine ........ 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A page 2
Send me only $5.50: COUNTRY LIFE ...................... 1 yr. $3.00 Outlook (new) ..................... 1 yr. $3.00 Twentieth Century Home ............ 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A page 2
Address all orders to D. D. COTTRELL. North Cohocton. N.Y.
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
We heartily recommend this brilliant young monthly, now closing its second year. It is the newest magazine success, and we believe you will like it. Every month it presents a series of the most remarkable color pictures ever produced in this country. These popular and artistic reproductions are made directly from originals which cost, in many instances, thousands of dollars. There is always at least one good long story of intense human interest, one or more profusely illustrated articles of international importance, and penetrating discussions of vital topics touching present-day interests. One popular section contains "The Best New Things from the World of Print"—in all at least 150 pages monthly, all profusely illustrated. THE BOOKLOVERS MAGAZINE is built distinctly for people whose spirit, taste and culture qualify them to appreciate the best things in picture, story, and informing article. The publishers have determined that it will always be the newest magazine. If it finds itself getting old it will begin all over again. In this way THE BOOKLOVERS MAGAZINE will continue to be, as is it is now, "The Magazine that is Different"—in the right way.
Except as Noted, all Subscriptions may be either New or Renewal
Our price $3.00 For all three: The Booklovers Magazine Cosmopolitan or Leslie's Monthly or Harper's Bazar or American Boy or Pearson's Magazine or Sunset Magazine or Good Housekeeping or Twentieth Century Home or Success
3.00 The Booklovers Magazine ........................ 3.00 1.00 Cosmopolitan ................................... 1.00 1.00 Leslie's Monthly ............................... 1.00 1.00 Harper's Bazar ................................. 1.00 1.00 American Boy ................................... 1.00 1.00 Pearson's Magazine ............................. 1.00 1.00 Sunset Magazine ................................ 1.00 1.00 Good Housekeeping .............................. 1.00 1.00 Twentieth Century Home ......................... 1.00
Both for $3.25: The Booklovers Magazine The Etude, For Music Lovers 3.00 The Booklovers Magazine ........................ 3.00 1.50 The Etude, For Music Lovers .................... 1.50
All three for $3.25: The Booklovers Magazine Harper's Bazar or Good Housekeeping Pearson's Magazine 3.00 The Booklovers Magazine ........................ 3.00 1.00 Harper's Bazar ................................. 1.00 1.00 Good Housekeeping .............................. 1.00 1.00 Pearson's Magazine ............................. 1.00
All three for $3.25: The Booklovers Magazine Woman's Home Companion or Twentieth Century Home Leslie's Monthly 3.00 The Booklovers Magazine ........................ 3.00 1.00 Woman's Home Companion ......................... 1.00 1.00 Twentieth Century Home ......................... 1.00 1.00 Leslie's Monthly ............................... 1.00
Both for $3.75: The Booklovers Magazine Review of Reviews or World's Work or Critic or Lippincott's Magazine or Art Interchange or Current Literature or Smart Set 3.00 The Booklovers Magazine ........................ 3.00 2.50 Review of Reviews .............................. 2.50 2.50 World's Work ................................... 2.50 2.50 Critic ......................................... 2.50 2.50 Lippincott's Magazine .......................... 2.50 2.50 Art Interchange ................................ 2.50 2.50 Current Literature ............................. 2.50 2.50 Smart Set ...................................... 2.50
Both for $4.00: The Booklovers Magazine The Bookman 3.00 The Booklovers Magazine ........................ 3.00 2.00 The Bookman .................................... 2.00
Our Price $4.00 For all three: The Booklovers Magazine .......... $3.00 Outing ........................... $3.00 or World's Work or Review of Reviews or The Independent Success .......................... $1.00
Our Price $4.50 For both: The Booklovers Magazine .......... $3.00 Country Life in America .......... $3.00
Our Price $4.50 For all three: The Booklovers Magazine .......... $3.00 The Outlook (new sub.) ........... $3.00 Success .......................... $1.00
Our Price $4.75 For the two: The Booklovers Magazine .......... $3.00 Scientific American .............. $3.00 or St. Nicholas
Our Price $5.10 For both: The Booklovers Magazine .......... $3.00 Scribner's Magazine .............. $3.00
Our Price $5.25 For both: The Booklovers Magazine .......... $3.00 Leslie's Weekly .................. $4.00
Our Price $5.50 For the two: The Booklovers Magazine .......... $3.00 Harper's Magazine ................ $4.00 or Harper's Weekly or Atlantic Monthly
Our Price $5.75 For the two: The Booklovers Magazine .......... $3.00 North American Review ............ $5.00 (new sub.) or Century Magazine
* * * * *
Address all orders to D. D. Cottrell's Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N.Y.
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
An Illustrated Monthly News Review. A Magazine of Things Worth Knowing and Remembering.
WORLD'S EVENTS is a magazine for intelligent people. It is adapted to the office, the home and the school; to the busy man, the intelligent woman, the progressive teacher, the wide-awake boy or ambitious girl. It contains all the important news of the month, carefully edited, intelligently presented, condensed for interest, instruction and reference.
A complete Epitome of the "World's News," chronologically arranged and properly classified. Intelligently prepared and carefully edited articles, giving fuller information on all events whose importance or interest demands it. A News Review Map is printed every third month on which the location of places all over the world in which important events have taken place, are marked in color. An Annual Review in each January number in which the more important events of the year are set forth. Special Articles by good writers. These articles are in most cases finely illustrated. General Miscellany, prepared and selected with the nature of the magazine in view. The Illustrations in WORLD'S EVENTS are a specially attractive feature. Photographs of people, places, things and events are numerous in each issue.
WORLD'S EVENTS can be profitably read by everyone who desires to be intelligently informed on current history. Interest and instruction are the aims sought on every page,
Forty-eight (or more) large pages; profusely illustrated; $1.00 A YEAR.
Send me only $1.00: McCall's Magazine & Pattern ...... $ .50 Or any one in Offer No. 3. World's Events ................... $1.00
Send me only $1.25: Cosmopolitan ..................... $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2 World's Events ................... $1.00
Send me only $1.75: Pearson .......................... $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. Little Folks (new) ............... $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. World's Events ................... 1.00
Send me only $1.85: House Beautiful .................. $2.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. Woman's Home Companion ........... $1.00 Or any one in class A, World's Events ................... 1.00
Send me only $2.00: Harper's Bazar ................... $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. Journal of Geography ............. $1.50 or any one in Offer No. 4, World's Events ................... 1.00
Send me only $1.00: Book-keeper ...................... $1.00 Or any one in Offer No. 3, World's Events .................. $1.00
Send me only $1.25: Success .......................... $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. World's Events ................... $1.00
Send me only $1.75: Leslie's Monthly Mag. ............ $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. Good Housekeeping ................ $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. World's Events ................... 1.00
Send me only $1.75: Book-keeper and Short Cuts ....... $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. Twentieth Century Home ........... $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. World's Events ................... 1.00
Send me only $2.00: Pictorial Review ................. $1.00 or any one in class A Perry Magazine ................... $1.00 Or any one in Offer No. 4, World's Events ................... 1.00
One Magazine Free: Send me three orders for any combinations (except for Ladies' Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post) and I will give you free, to be sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to any periodical in class A or Offer No. 3. Your own club and two other clubs make the three clubs.
Send me only $2.50: Art Interchange or Independent ... $4.00 Or any one in class C Ladies' World .................... $ .50 Or any one in Offer No. 3. World's Events ................... 1.00
Send me only $3.00: Booklovers Magazine .............. $3.00 Or any one in class B, page 2. Technical World .................. $1.00 Or any one in class A, page 2. World's Events ................... 1.00
Send all orders to D. D. Cottrell's Subscription Agency, North Cohocton, N.Y.
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
Is not like any other magazine you ever saw. Healthy outdoor pictures, expressive photographs, brilliant drawings, thrilling tales of travel and adventure, distinguished and exclusive contributors and a broad human appeal to lovers of the outdoor world—these are but half the magazine. A year of OUTING will make you an outdoor man or woman, practical articles, by men like John Burroughs, Stewart Edward White, and Caspar Whitney will tell you how to sail a boat, swim, skate, hunt, walk, play golf and tennis; how to enjoy camps and dogs and horses; how to breathe God's air and be happy, healthy and strong.
* * * * *
Our price $3.00 for the three: OUTING ........................... $3.00 Leslie's Monthly, or Cosmopolitan, or Sunset Magazine ............... 1.00 Success ......................... 1.00
* * * * *
Our price $3.25 for the three: OUTING ........................... $3.00 Harper's Bazar, or Good Housekeeping ............. 1.00 Pearson's Magazine .............. 1.00
* * * * *
Our price $3.35 for the three: OUTING ........................... $3.00 Cosmopolitan, or Leslie's Monthly, or American Boy .................. 1.00 Woman's Home Companion, or Twentieth Century Home ........ 1.00
* * * * *
Our price $3.75 for the two: OUTING ........................... $3.00 Review of Reviews, or World's Work, or Current Literature, or Lippincott's Magazine, or Smart Set ..................... 3.00
* * * * *
Our price 4.00 for the three: OUTING ............................$3.00 World's Work, or Review of Reviews, or Booklover's Magazine, or Independent, or Critic ........................ 3.00 Success ......................... 1.00
* * * * *
Our price $4.50 for all three: OUTING ............................$3.00 The Outlook (new sub.) .......... 3.00 Success ......................... 2.00
* * * * *
Our price $5.10 for both: OUTING ............................$3.00 Scribner's Magazine ............. 3.00
* * * * *
Our price $5.50 for both: OUTING ............................$3.00 Harper's Magazine, or Harper's Weekly, or Atlantic Monthly .............. 4.00
Our price $5.75 for both: OUTING ............................$3.00 North Am'cn Review (new sub.), or Century Magazine ............... 4.00
* * * * *
OUR PRICE $4.50 FOR BOTH: OUTING ............................$3.00 COUNTRY LIFE IN AMERICA ........... 3.00
"Many Magazines in one" "With fingers as it were, on the world's pulse"
CURRENT LITERATURE is an illustrated magazine of Fiction and Poetry, of Science and Art, of Wit, Humor and Comment—a magazine of American Life. It tells you about the newest and BEST BOOKS and their authors; it reprints the best POETRY; it reveals to you new discoveries in MODERN SCIENCE, Medicine and Surgery; it gives interesting details of TRAVEL and Exploration; it contains fascinating touches of the world's WIT, HUMOR AND CARTOON work; it shows you what is strange and interesting in NATURAL HISTORY; it discusses and gives the opinions (both sides) of authorities on all QUESTIONS OF INTEREST AND IMPORTANCE; it presents a carefully prepared record of CURRENT HISTORY, with incidental and independent comment; it supplies JUST THOSE THINGS about which the members of every intelligent American household should be WELL INFORMED. Each Department is presented in the simplest and most popular manner, technicality being dispensed with. TO KEEP WELL POSTED—to get quickly at the gist of everything important that is going on the world over—you should read CURRENT LITERATURE.
* * * * *
Send me only $3.00: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Harper's Bazar ....................... 1 yr. $1.00 Or any one in Class A Leslie's Monthly Magazine ............ 1 yr. 1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $3.00: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Popular Educator (new) ............... 1 yr. $1.00 Or any one in class A American Education ................... 1 yr. 1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $3.75: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Etude. for music lovers .............. 1 yr. $1.50 Or any one in Offer No. 5, Good Housekeeping .................... 1 yr. 1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $3.75: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Education (new) ...................... 1 yr. $3.00
* * * * *
Send me only $3.75: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Scribner's Magazine .................. 1 yr. $3.00
* * * * *
Send me only $5.75: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Century .............................. 1 yr. $4.00
* * * * *
Lists of Periodicals in Class A and B on Page 2.
* * * * *
Send me only $4.00: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Or any one in class C Pearson's Magazine ................... 1 yr. 1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $3.00: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 House Beautiful ...................... 1 yr. $2.00 Or any one in class A Cosmopolitan ......................... 1 yr. 1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $4.00: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Booklover's or World's Work .......... 1 yr. $3.00 Or any one in class B Success .............................. 1 yr. 1.00
* * * * *
Send me only $5.00: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Pearson's ............................ 1 yr. $1.00 Or any one in class A Country Life ......................... 1 yr. 3.00
* * * * *
Send me only $4.75: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 St. Nicholas ......................... 1 yr. $3.00
* * * * *
Send me only $3.75: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Art Interchange ...................... 1 yr. $4.00 Or any one in class B or C
* * * * *
Send me only $5.25: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Outing ............................... 1 yr. $3.00 Or any one in class B or C Lippincott's ......................... 1 yr. 3.00 Or any one in class B or C
* * * * *
Send me only $5.75: Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 Burr McIntosh Monthly ................ 1 yr. $2.50 Or any one in class B or C Outlook (new) ........................ 1 yr. 3.00
* * * * *
ONE MAGAZINE FREE Send me THREE orders for any combinations (except for Ladies' Home Journal or Saturday Evening Post) and I will give you FREE, to be sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to any periodical in class A or Offer No. 3. YOUR own club and TWO OTHER CLUBS make the THREE clubs.
YOU MAY ADD CENTURY at $3.65; HARPER'S MAGAZINE or WEEKLY at $3.35; ST. NICHOLAS at $2.65; MCCLURE'S at $1.00; EVERYBODY'S at $1.00; LADIES' HOME JOURNAL at $1.00; SATURDAY EVENING POST at $1.25; MUNSEY'S at $1.00. SCRIBNER'S may be added at $2.85 but separately costs $3.00.
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
Be sure to Include THE INDEPENDENT In your list of Periodicals for 1905.
$2.00 A YEAR. 10 cts. a Copy.
THE SURVEY OF THIS WORLD—A luminous and strictly unbiased account of the important events of the week told in brief paragraphs. It is a time-saver.
EDITORIALS—THE INDEPENDENT'S interpretation of these events, discussed positively and fearlessly in every field of thought—Art, Ethics, Literature, Politics, Religion, Science, Sociology, etc.
SIGNED ARTICLES—By the leading authorities in the world. "THE INDEPENDENT prints more articles from the ablest writers than any other paper in the United States."
BOOK REVIEWS—All the important books published in the English language reviewed by critics of authority who cannot be deceived by what is faulty or trivial. A helpful guide to the book lover and book buyer.
For $2.00 a year THE INDEPENDENT gives more in quantity and quality than any monthly or weekly magazine in the United States.
* * * * *
Send me only $2.50: The Independent ...................... $2.00 Leslies Monthly Magazine ............. $1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $3.75: The Independent ...................... $2.00 Art Interchange ...................... $4.00 Or any one in class B or C
* * * * *
Send me only $4.25: The Independent ...................... $2.00 Cosmopolitan ......................... $1.00 Or any one in class A Burr McIntosh Monthly ................ 3.00 Or any one in class B or C
* * * * *
Send me only $4.00: The Independent ...................... $2.00 Journal of Education ................. $2.50 Or any one in class C American Education ................... 1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $2.50: The Independent ...................... $2.00 Harper's Bazar ....................... 1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $4.50: The Independent ...................... $2.00 Country Life ......................... $3.00
* * * * *
Send me only $4.00: The Independent ...................... $2.00 Current Literature ................... $3.00 or any one in class C 20th Century Home .................... 1.00 Or any one in class A
* * * * *
Send me only $5.25: The Independent ...................... $2.00 World's Work ......................... $3.00 Or any one in class B Booklover's Magazine ................. 3.00 Or any one in class B
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
A HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR ALL THE FAMILY. Good Housekeeping is bright, helpful, practical, and full of good cheer. Each month it brings the whole family together in the enjoyment of everything that is good. Good stories and good pictures to amuse the grown-ups and their children, good articles about the serious and the lighter problems of the home, the bringing up of children, education, higher thought, music, art, etc. It is unequaled in popularity, and now reaches over a million readers.
The regular price of Good Housekeeping is $1.00 per year, but by special arrangement we are enabled to supply it in combination with other publications on the following remarkably liberal terms. Good Housekeeping must be included in each combination.
* * * * *
Send me only $1.50: Good Housekeeping .................... 1 yr. $1.00 Harper's Bazar ....................... 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $2.50: Good Housekeeping .................... 1 yr. $1.00 Art Interchange ...................... 1 yr. $4.00 or any one in class C Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $3.75: Good Housekeeping .................... 1 yr. $1.00 Outlook (new) ........................ 1 yr. $3.00 Holiday Magazine with Book ........... l yr. 1.00 or any one in class A Page 2 ....... $1.00
* * * * *
Send me only $5.25: Good Housekeeping .................... 1 yr. $1.00 St. Nicholas ......................... 1 yr. $3.00 Booklovers Magazine .................. 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $2.00: Good Housekeeping .................... 1 yr. $1.00 Etude, For all music lovers .......... 1 yr. $1.50 or any one in offer No. 5, Page 3
* * * * *
Send me only $3.25: Good Housekeeping ................... 1 yr. $1.00 World's Work ......................... 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C, Page 2 Leslie's Monthly Magazine ............ l yr. $1.00 or any one in class A, Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $4.00: Good Housekeeping .................... 1 yr. $1.00 Country Life or Craftsman ............ 1 yr. $3.00 Cosmopolitan ......................... 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A, Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $6.25: Good Housekeeping .................... 1 yr. $1.00 Century .............................. 1 yr. $4.00 Review of Reviews .................... 1 yr. $2.50 or any one in class B or C, Page 2
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
Magazines should have a well-defined purpose. Genuine entertainment, amusement and mental recreation are the motives of The Smart Set, the MOST SUCCESSFUL OF MAGAZINES. Its NOVELS (a complete one in each number) are by the most brilliant authors of both hemispheres. Its SHORT STORIES are matchless—clean and full of human interest. Its POETRY, covering the entire field of verse—pathos, love, humor, tenderness—is by the most popular poets, men and women, of the day. Its JOKES, WITTICISMS, SKETCHES, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking.
No pages are WASTED on cheap illustrations, editorial vaporings or wearying essays and idle discussions. EVERY page will INTEREST, CHARM and REFRESH you. It is not a class magazine, but appeals to all lovers of bright, wholesome fiction. Send for FREE sample copy.
Send me only $4.00: Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Current Literature ................... 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class C, Page 2 Leslie's Monthly Magazine ............ 1 yr 1.00 or any one in class A, Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $5.25: Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Lippincott's Magazine ............... 1 yr. $2.50 or any one in class B or C, Page 2 Outing ............................... 1 yr. 3.00 or any one in class B or C, Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $2.50: Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Twentieth Century Home ............... 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A. Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $7.50: Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Leslie's Weekly ...................... 1 yr. $4.00 Country Life or Craftsman ............ 1 yr. 3.00
* * * * *
Send me only $4.25: Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Burr McIntosh Monthly ............... 1 yr. $3.00 or any one in class B or C, Page 2 Cosmopolitan ........................ 1 yr. $1.00 or any one in class A. Page 1
* * * * *
Send me only $4.00: Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Illustrated Sporting News ............ 1 y $2.50 or any one in class C, Page 2 Sunset Magazine ...................... 1 yr. 1.00 or any one in class A. Page 2
* * * * *
Send me only $4.75: Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Etude, For all music lovers .......... 1 yr. $1.50 or any one in Offer No. 5, Page 3 Art Interchange ...................... 1 yr. 4.00 or any one in class B or C
* * * * *
Send me only $6.25: Smart Set ............................ 1 yr. $2.50 Judge ................................ 1 yr. $5.00 Harper's Bazar ........................l yr. 1.00 or any one in class A, Page 2
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
THE READER MAGAZINE Has Individuality.
It combines the best features of the popular, the serious and the literary periodical.
It publishes the best fiction that can be purchased at any price.
Its excellent literary department is a feature. A series of articles on American literature contributed by great authorities, is of much interest and importance to students of the subject.
Its articles on matters of national importance, social, political and economical, are widely and favorably commented upon by the American press.
It records the world's progress in all interesting lines of endeavor.
The regular retail price is $3.00 per year.
* * * * *
Send me only $5.25: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. $3.00 Century ............................ 1 yr. 3.00
Send me only $5.25: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. $3.00 Harper's Weekly or Monthly ......... 1 yr. 4.00
Send me only $4.60: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. 3.00 Scribner's Magazine ................ 1 yr. 4.00
Send me only $5.00: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. 3.00 North American Review (new) ........ 1 yr. 3.00
Send me only $6.25: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. 3.00 Country Life ....................... 1 yr. 5.00 Outlook (new) ...................... 1 yr. 3.00
Send me only $5.00: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. 3.00 World's Work ....................... 1 yr. 3.00 Or any one in Class B, page 2. Current Literature ................. 1 yr. 3.00 Or any one in Class B, page 2
Send me only $5.00: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. 3.00 Booklover's Magazine ............... 1 yr. 3.00 Or any one in Class B, page 2 Burr McIntosh Monthly .............. 1 yr. 3.00 Or any one in Class B, page 2
Send me only $3.25: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. $3.00 Success or American Boy ............ 1 yr. 1.00 Or any one in Class A, page 2 Leslie's Monthly Magazine .......... 1 yr. 1.00 Or any one in Class A, page 2 Cosmopolitan or Pearson's .......... 1 yr. 1.00 or any one in Class A, page 2
Send me only $3.25: Reader Magazine ...................... 1 yr. $3.00 Etude (for all music lovers) ...... 1 yr. 1.50 Or any one in Offer No. 5 page 3 House Beautiful ................... 1 yr. 2.00 Or any in Class A. page 2
[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
ONE MAGAZINE FREE Send me THREE orders for any combinations (except for Ladies' Home Journal and Saturday Evening Post) and I will give you FREE, to be sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to any periodical in class A or Offer No. 3. YOUR own club and TWO OTHER CLUBS make the THREE clubs.
* * * * *
LITTLE FOLKS is a magazine for children from three to ten. It goes into six times as many homes as any similar publication ever issued in America. It has absorbed all its predecessors of any importance. It has been published seven years—long enough to prove whether it has reason for existing.
It has been successful because it is just what the children like, and the mothers, too. It is full of delightful stories and beautiful pictures (all new) by the best authors and artists. There are no "scarey" stories, or stories of bad children.
It is handsomely printed on the best paper. Every number contains one or more beautiful pictures in color.
A booklet containing many letters from mothers who have had LITTLE FOLKS in their families (telling why they like it) and a sample copy, free. Price, $1.00 a year. Agents wanted.
_To introduce LITTLE FOLKS to new families and make them permanent readers, a six months' trial subscription will be given for 25 cents. This offer applies only to families where LITTLE FOLKS has never been taken.
In consideration of the reduced price the subscriber agrees to notify the publisher if he wishes the magazine discontinued at the expiration of six months. This must be signed by the Father or Mother._
Name of Child ______ Father or Mother ______ Postoffice _______
Cut above coupon out and mail to D. D. COTTRELL'S SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, NORTH COHOCTON, N.Y., or if you do not wish to mutilate this catalogue write your order on a sheet of paper and mention this offer. |