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[Note that The D. D. COTTRELL company NO LONGER EXISTS!!!]
It is not necessary to give assurance to the Magazine-reading public of the superior quality of the contents of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE. It is the leading high-grade Magazine, and as such it has built steadily up to a circulation today of 200,000. In the high quality and varied interest of its text, and in the beauty of its illustrations it stands alone. Its fiction is written by the leading authors of the day, or by new authors of promise. Its special articles on live topics of the time are written by men of authority and distinction; it has always been celebrated for its short fiction and verse. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE is a progressive periodical, and it presents not only the best work of celebrated writers, but the interesting new things in literature. Many of the notable authors of today have become known first through their work in SCRIBNER'S. On this account its pages command the universal respect and attention of the reading public. In the field of illustration it has many imitators, but no equal. It has always been the leader in fine color work, and both in the distinction of the artists represented and the quality of the reproduction and printing of illustrations it leads in the field of periodical literature. The year of 1905 will be a notable one in the history of SCRIBNER'S. There will be a new novel by Mrs. Wharton, an event of unusual importance in the field of Magazine literature. Selections from the diaries and letters of George Bancroft will be published. This is a notable contribution to the history of the century, and a publication that many have been awaiting with eagerness. There will be a series of important papers on European political questions of interest to American readers by F.A. Vanderlip, the author of a new series of letters from Mme. Waddington, the author (1903) of the most brilliant book of social letters published in recent years.
Mr. John Fox, who has been the representative of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE on the Japanese side of the war in the Far East, will publish the result of his experience in several important articles. Mr. T. F. Millard will follow his articles on the Russian side by other interesting matters on the subject. In the field of illustration a feature of special interest will be a collection of remarkable photographs of the American Indian, made by Mr. E. S. Curtis, presenting a remarkable pictorial record of the pure Indian types. It would be impossible in a limited space to give any idea of the vast amount of attractive special articles and fiction to appear during the year, or the list of celebrated authors and artists who will contribute. The superiority of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE in its field gives assurance of the very best in art and literature.
The Christmas number will be one of the most beautiful that any American Magazine has ever published, and all subscribers are urged to date their subscriptions so as to include this exquisite number.
An illustrated prospectus describing fully the prominent features of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE for 1905 will be sent to any address on application.
THIS PRICE-LIST supersedes all previous ones; order from this after November 15th, 1904.
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As this Catalogue will be received by many people to whom this Agency is entirely unknown, we give by permission the following names as
[Note that D. D. Cottrell company NO LONGER EXISTS!]
* * * * *
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RULE 2. DEPOSITS. Agents who wish can deposit $5.00 or more with us and then send in their orders by postal card as they are received. Any balance your due will be returned at any time on request.
RULE 3. CASH WITH ORDER. The subscription business is strictly a CASH BUSINESS. Publishers will not enter names for periodicals without payment in advance.
RULE 4. OUR PRICES LOWEST. We suppose our prices are lowest. Should any AGENCY OR PUBLISHER quote or advertise better or different offers, send your orders to us at their price.
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RULE 7. CHANGES IN PRICE. Publishers change their terms occasionally. We reserve the right to do the same in such cases or return the money sent us free of expense to the sender. A corresponding change in our rates will be made at once.
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RULE 10. SAMPLE COPIES. Most weekly papers costing $2 per year or less will send sample copies if requested by us to do so. Should you wish sample copies of such send us a 2 cent stamp for each one wanted, and we will ask the publishers to mail you a sample copy. For sample of weeklies costing over $2.00 a year send 1-50 of yearly subscription price. For all monthlies send 1-12 of yearly price. Quarterlies 1-4 yearly price. FOREIGN PERIODICALS CHARGE FULL PRICE FOR SAMPLE COPIES.
RULE 11. PREMIUMS, &C. Most publishers who give premiums, extra numbers, etc., will allow us to do the same at our wholesale price. If the publisher charges extra for these, add the extra amount to our wholesale price. A few publishers do not allow any discount on periodicals with premium.
RULE 12. PAPERS NOT IN OUR LIST. If you want any periodical not in our list, write us for terms, and we will quote you our wholesale price by return mail. Or if you have seen it quoted by some one else, send us that price, naming the one making it.
RULE 13. MISSING NUMBERS. For all such we would advise the subscribers to write direct to the publishers, (to save time) and they will nearly always send a duplicate, if they do not send it let us know.
* * * * *
CIRCULARS. NO. 1. These we mail to you for 5 cents per hundred which partly pays the cost of mailing. They are very neatly printed on fine quality of book paper and contain names and publisher's price only of about 200 of the leading periodicals, with a statement on first page that you can furnish any periodical desired at reasonable rates.
CIRCULARS NO. 2 contain combinations with a place for the agents' or newsdealers' name and address. This we mail prepaid for 5 cents per 100.
MIDGET SELF-INKER. We cannot print your name and address on the title page of circulars on account of the delay it would cause, but we will supply you a MIDGET SELF-INKING STAMP WITH INK for ONLY 50 CENTS, postpaid. This stamp will contain a three-line business card and retails generally for 1.00. It can be used for a great many purposes.
RUBBER STAMPS. We supply you a rubber stamp suitable for circulars, but not quite as convenient as the MIDGET SELF-INKER. Two lines, 25 cents; 3 lines, 35 cents; 4 lines, 45 cents: 5 lines, 55 cents, postpaid. We can furnish all kinds of rubber stamps, pads, etc., at very low prices.
POSTERS Upon request we will mail 5 posters FREE. These posters state that you take subscriptions for all AMERICAN and FOREIGN periodicals at lowest prices. A space is left on these posters for you to insert your name and address. By putting these up in public places you will largely increase your business.
SUBSCRIPTION REGISTER We have an agent's register with space for 300 names, ruled for entering all subscriptions. By using this register you always have a complete record of the names address, name of periodical, date sent, price received, etc., of all orders you send to us. No agent should be without one of these registers. We will mail one for only 10 cents, or one with space for 600 names for 15 cents.
RENEWAL NOTICES, we furnish postpaid for 10 cents per 100. They will be a great help in getting renewals from subscribers whose orders you have taken before. Advise your customers two or three weeks in advance of the expiration of their subscriptions and you will be very sure of receiving their renewals.
Pub. Price Our Price
.50 Acetylene Journal, Chi. (F.P. .25) ........... m .40 1.00 Ad Sense, Chicago ....................... m Adv. .80 1.00 Ad. Writer, St. Louis ........................ m .75 2.00 Advance, Chicago ....................... w Cong. 1.95 .50 Agricultural Epitomist, Spencer, I ..... m Agri. .45 1.80 Ainslee's Magazine, N.Y. (F.P. .96)...... m Lit. 1.80 1.00 Albany Argus (new .90) ................ s-w Dem 1.00 6.00 Albany Argus (new 5.00) ......... 6 issues Dem. 5.60 7.50 Albany Argus (new 6.25) .......... 7 issues Dem. 7.00 2.00 Albany Argus (new 1.80) ............ Sunday Dem. 1.90 3.00 Albany Journal ........................ 6 issues 2.60 3.00 Albany Law Journal Albany, N.Y. .......... w Law. 2.75 5.00 Alienist & Neurologist (new 4.25) ............ m 5.00 1.00 Amateur Work, Boston.......................... m .80 1.00 Amateur Sportsmen, N.Y. (new .85)...... m Sport. 1.00 1.00 Am. Agriculturist, N.Y. ...................... w 1.00 1.50 Am. Amateur Photographer, N.Y. ......... m Phot. 1.10 4.00 Am. Anthropologist, N.Y. ................ q Sci. 4.00 4.00 Am. Antiquarian, Chi. (n. 3.25) ..... bi-m Hist. 4.00 6.00 Am. Architect & Build. News (n. 5.65) .. w Mech. 6.00 16.00 Am Arch. & Build. News, (Internat. Ed.) (n. 15.00) ........................ w Mech. 16.00 2.00 Am. Artisan & H'd'w Rec., Chi. (n. 1.25) w Com. 2.00 5.00 American Banker, N.Y. (F.P. 1.04) ...... w Fina. 4.50 7.00 Am. Bank Reporter. N.Y. ...................... q 6.50 1.00 American Bee Journal, Chi. (n .85) ..... w Bees. 1.00 1.00 American Bird Magazine ....................... m .75 Am. Bird Magazine, in class A with Country Life and Success .................. 3.75 with Harper s Bazar & Leslie's ................. 2.00 with Harper's Bazar ............................ 1.50 with any one in class A, Page 2 ................ 1.50 with any two in class A ........................ 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Am. Blacksmith. Buffalo (n. .80) ............. m 1.00 1.00 American Botanist, Binghamton ........... m Bot. .90 1.00 American Boy, Detroit (F.P. .50) ............. m 1.00 American Boy in class A with Youth ..................................... 1.50 with Success and Youth ......................... 2.00 with Harper's Bazar and Leslies ................ 2.00 with any one in class A, Page 2 ................ 1.50 with any two in class A ........................ 2.00 with Success & World's Work .................... 3.00 with Leslie's and Rev. of Reviews .............. 3.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 4.00 Am Cath. Quart. Rev. (n. 3.75) ......... q R. C. 3.90 5.00 Am. Chemical Journal, Balto ...... 10 Nos. Chem. 4.25 2.00 Am. Cultivator, Boston, (new 1.75) ..... w Agri. 2.00 1.00 American Dressmaker, Chicago ................. m .75 American Dressmaker and Harper's Bazar ......... 1.50 1.50 Am. Druggist, N.Y. .................. s-m Drug. 1.35 4.00 Am. Economic Ass'n., Ithaca, N.Y. ............ q 3.50 2.00 Am. Economist, N.Y. (F.P. .50) .......... w Edu. 1.65 1.00 American Education, Albany .............. m Edu. .75 American Education in class A with Kindergarten Review or Leslies ............ 1.50 with Am. Primary Teacher or Pearson ............ 1.50 with Popular Educator (new) .................... 1.50 with Primary Education (new) ................... 1.50 with Success or Leslie ......................... 1.50 with any two of above or in class A ............ 2.00 with Normal Instructor ......................... 1.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 2.00 Am. Engineer and R R. Journal ................ m 1.65 1.00 Am. Electrician, N.Y. ........................ m .90 .10 Am. Farmer, Indinapolis [sic] ................ m .25 1.00 Am. Fancier, Johnstown ................ w Poult. .65 4.00 Am. Field, Chicago .................... w Sport. 3.75 1.50 Am. Gardening, N.Y. (F.P. .50) ......... w Hort. 1.15 3.00 Am. Gaslight Jour. N.Y. (n. 2.75) ....... w Gas. 3.00 8.50 Am. Geologist, Minn. (n. 3.25) .......... m Sci. 3.50 1.00 Am. Grange Bulletin, Cincinnati ........ w Agri. .90 3.00 American Grocer, N.Y. (n. 1.75) ......... w Com. 2.25 1.00 Am. Hairdresser, Brooklyn .................... m .85 3.00 American Hebrew, N.Y. ........................ w 2.50 2.50 Am. Historical Register, Boston .............. m 2.25 4.00 Am. Historical Review, N.Y. .................. q 3.60 1.00 Am. Homes, New York .................... m Arch. .85 2.00 Am. Horse Br'der, Boston ..................... w 1.90 1.00 Am. Horse Owner, Chi. (n .75) ................ m 1.00 1.00 Am. Illustrated Methodist Magazine ........... m .75 2.50 American Israelite, Cincinnati ............... w 2.50 1.50 American Inventor, N.Y. .......... s-m Sci. Inv. 1.35 American Inventor in class A: with Leslies or Good Housekeeping .............. 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Pearsons .................. 1.50 with Technical World ........................... 1.50 with Twentieth Century Home..................... 1.50 with Book-keeper & Business Short Cuts ......... 1.50 with any two above ............................. 2.00 with any three above ........................... 2.50 with Review of Reviews and Leslie .............. 3.25 with Worlds Work and Cosmopolitan .............. 3.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar 1.00 Am. Jeweler, Chicago ......................... m .85 5.00 Am. Jour. of Arch'logy, N.Y. (F.P. .50) ...... q 4.25 1.00 Am. Jour. of Education, Milwaukee ....... m Edu. .80 5.00 Am. Jour. of Mathematics, Balto ......... q Sci. 4.25 5.00 Am. Jour. of Med. Science (n. 4.25) .......... m 5.00 2.00 Am. Journal of Numismatics ................... q 1.90 2.00 Am. Jour. of Nu'sing, Phila. (F.P. .60) .. m Med. 1.75 3.00 Am. Jour. of Phar'acy, Phila. (F.P. .25) m Phar. 2.60 3.00 Am. Journal of Philology, Balti ........ q Phil. 2.85 5.00 Am. Journal of Physiology, Boston ............ m 4.75 5.00 Am. Jour. of Psychology, Worcester ........... q 4.25 6.00 Am. Jour. of Science, New Haven ......... m Sci. 5.00 2.00 Am. Jour. of So'logy, Chi. (F.P. .50) ..... bi-m 1.75 3.00 Am. Jour. of Theology, Chi. (F.P. 45) .. q Theo. 2.65 2.00 American Kennel Gazette, N.Y. ................ m 1.65 3.00 Am. Law Register, Phila. (n. 2.25) ...... m Law. 2.65 5.00 Am. Law Review. St. Louis (n. 4.25) .. bi-m Law. 5.00 2.00 Am. Lawyer, N.Y. (F.P. .48) ........... m Legal 1.85 4.00 Am. Lumberman, Chicago (n. 3.50) ............. w 4.00 4.00 Am. Machinist, N.Y. (F.P. 1.00) ....... w Mech. 3.80 1.00 Am. Machinist, N.Y. .......................... m 1.00 2.00 Am. Ma'matical Monthly (new 1.75) ............ m 2.00 4.00 Am. Medicine Phila., (n. 3.25) ............... w 3.75 .50 Am. Messenger, N.Y. .......................... m .40 2.00 American Miller, Chicago ................ m Com. 1.65 1.00 American Milliner, Boston .................... m .90 1.00 American Monthly Magazine, Wash. ............. m .90 1.00 American Motherhood, Boston .................. m .90 4.00 American Naturalist, (F.P. .60) ......... m Sci. 3.75 1.00 American Ornithology, Worcester .............. m .75 1.00 Am. Primary Teacher, Boston .................. m .85 Am. Primary Teacher in class A with Success or any one in class A .......... 1.50 with Leslies or any one in class A .......... 1.50 with Popular Educator (new) ................. 1.50 with Primary Education (new) ................ 1.50 with any two of above ....................... 2.00 with any three of above ..................... 2.50 with Booklovers Mag. and Success ............ 3.00 with Outlook (new) .......................... 3.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar .25 Am. Poultry Advocate, Syracuse ........ m Poult. .20 .50 Am. Poultry Journal, Chi.(F.P. 24) ..... m Poul. .40 2.00 Am. Printer, N.Y. ............................ m 1.65 1.00 Am. School Bd. Journal, Milwaukee ............ m .80 1.00 American Sheep Breeder, Chi. ........... m Sheep .85 2.00 American Sportsman, Cleveland ................ w 1.70 2.00 Am. Stationer, N.Y. (F.P. 1.60) .............. w 1.65 1.00 Am. Telephone Journal. N.Y. .................. w 1.00 .50 Am. Thresherman, Madison ............... m Mach. .40 1.00 Am. Tribune, Indianapolis, Ind. ........w G.A.R. .85 2.00 American Tyler, Detroit (F.P. .48) ... s-m Mason 1.40 6.00 Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science, Phila. ...... bi-m 5.00 1.50 Annals of Gynaecology, Boston ........... m Med. 1.20 2.10 *Annals of Mathematics, Camb'ge. ...... b-m Edu. 2.05 6.00 Annals of Ophthalmology (n. 4.25) ............ q 4.75 4.00 Annals of Otology, etc. (n. 3.40) ............ q 3.80 5.00 Annals of Surgery, Phila. (F.P. 1.08) ... m Med. 5.00 1.00 Apparel Retailer, Boston ..................... m .85 2.00 Architect's & Builder's Mag., N.Y. ..... m Arch. 1.80 3.00 Architectural Record, N.Y. (n. 2.65) ... m Arch. 3.00 5.00 Architectural Review, Boston ................. m 5.00 5.00 Archives of Opthalmology, N.Y. ............ bi-m 4.75 4.00 Archives of Otology, N.Y. ................. bi-m 3.80 2.00 Archives of Pediatrics, N.Y.(F.P. .48) .. m Med. 1.75 2.50 Arena, Trenton, N.J. .................... m Lit. 2.50 4.00 Argonaut, San Fran'co (F.P. 1.00) ....... w Ind. 3.20 1.00 Argosy, New York (F.P. .84) ............. m Lit. 1.00 1.00 Arkansas School Journal....................... m .85 .50 Arkansas Traveler, Chi. (F.P. .50) ...... m Hum. .40 6.00 Army and Navy Jour, N.Y. (n. 5.30) ...... w Mil. 5.90 3.00 Army and Navy Magazine ....................... m 2.00 3.10 *Army and Navy Register, Wash. .......... w Mil. 2.05 4.00 Art Interchange (F.P. 1.15) ............. m Art. 2.00 Art Interchange in class C: with Success or Cosmopolitan ................. 2.50 with Leslies, or Pearsons .................... 2.50 with any one in class A ...................... 2.50 with Success & Review of Reviews ............. 4.00 with World's Work ............................ 3.75 with Country Life ............................ 4.50 with Harper's Bazar and Century .............. 6.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Art Student, N.Y. ............................ m .60 1.00 Association Boys, N.Y. .............. bi-m Youth .80 .50 Association Men, N.Y. ................... m YMCA .45 4.00 Astrophysical Journal, Chi. (F.P. .50) ....... m 3.45 1.00 Atlanta Constitution..................... w Dem. 1.00 5.00 Atlanta Constitution (n. 4.70) ..... 6 iss. Dem. 5.00 4.00 Atlantic Monthly, Boston (F.P. .40) ..... m Lit. 3.35 Atlantic Monthly with Scribner's Magazine ..................... 6.35 with Booklover s Magazine .................... 5.50 with World's Work and Leslies ................ 6.00 with any one in class A ...................... 4.25 with World's Work or Independent ............. 5.50 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Illustrated prospectus of the ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR 1905 sent free upon application.—"Adv." 3.00 Auk, Cambridge ......................... q Birds 2.75 2.00 Automobile, N.Y. ............................. w 2.00
Pub. Price Our Price 2.00 Automobile Magazine, N.Y. .................... m 1.50 Automobile Magazine with Success or any one in class A ........... 1.50 with Outing and Success ...................... 3.00 with Smart Set and any one in class A ........ 3.00 with Leslies and any one in class A .......... 2.00 with Outing and any one in class B ........... 4.25 with Booklovers and any one in class C ....... 4.25 with any two in class C ...................... 4.00 2.00 Auto. & Motor Rev., N.Y. (F.P. 1.00) ......... w 1.75 1.50 Automobile Review, Chi. ...................... m 1.00 2.00 Automobile Topics, N.Y. (F.P. 2.00) .......... w 1.75 2.00 Ave Maria, Notre Dame, Ind. ............ w R.C. 1.75
1.00 Babyhood, New York (F.P. .36) ........... m Hyg. .90 1.00 Baltimore American (sun. 1.50-1.45) ... s-w Rep. .95 3.00 Baltimore American ............... 6 issues Rep. 2.85 3.00 Baltimore Herald (w. .50-.50) .... 6 issues Ind. 2.90 3.00 Baltimore Sun (Sun. 1.00-.95) .... 6 issues Ind. 2.90 5.00 Banker's Magazine N.Y. (n. 4.25) ....... m Bank 5.00 2.00 Banker's Monthly, Chicago .................... m 1.65 5.00 Banker and Tradesman, Boston ............ w Com. 5.00 4.00 Banking Law Journal, N.Y. (n. 3.75) .......... m 4.00 2.00 Banner of Light, Boston (n. 1.65) ..... w Spirit 1.90 1.50 Baptist Commonwealth ........................... 1.50 .50 Baptist Home Mission M'thly .................. m .45 1.00 Baptist Missionary Mag., Boston ......... m Bap. .85 2.00 Baptist and Reflector. Nashville ........ w Bap. 1.65 .50 Baptist Teacher, Phila. .................. m Bap. .45 Baptist Union, Chicago, see "Service" in this list. 1.00 Bay View Mag. Flint (F.P. 16) ........... 8 Nos. 1.00 .50 Beauty and Health, N.Y. ........................ .50 Beauty and Health in offer 3 with Physical Culture ........................ 1.25 with Cosmopolitan or Leslies ................. 1.25 with any two in class A Page 2 ............... 1.75 with any three in class A Page 2 ............. 2.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Beekeeper's Review, Flint, (n. .85) ..... m Bees 1.00 2.00 Benziger's Magazine .......................... m 2.00 .75 Bibelot, Portland, Me. (F.P. .25) ............ m .70 1.00 Biblia, Meriden (.24 F.P.) ................... m .95 2.00 Biblical World, Chicago (F.P. .50) ..... m Bible 1.75 2.00 Bicycling World ...............................w 1.65 1.50 Birds and Nature ....................... m Birds 1.25 1.00 Bird Lore, N.Y. (F.P. .25) .......... bi-m Birds .90 3.00 Black Diamond ................................ w 2.50 .50 Black Cat, Boston ....................... m Lit. .50 1.00 Blacksmith and Wheelwright (n .85) ..... m Mech. 1.00 3.00 Blackwood's Mag., N.Y. ................. m Lit. 2.85 My agents must charge 3.00 for Blackwoods 1.00 Bloomington (III.) Pantagraph ........... w Rep. .95 1.00 Bohemia, n, Deposit, N.Y. ..................... m .80 2.00 Book-keeper & Business Short Cuts ............ m 1.00 1.00 Book-keeper, Detroit (F.P. .60)............... m .75 Book-Keeper including book "Business Short Cuts" with Cosmopolitan or one in class A .......... 1.50 with Harper's Bazar or one in class A ........ 1.50 with Success or any one in class A ........... 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 with any three of above ...................... 2.50 with Success and World's Work ................ 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Booklovers Magazine, (F.P. 1.00) .......... Lit. 3.00 Booklovers Magazine in class B with Am. Boy and Success ..................... 3.00 with Harper's Bazar and Leslies Mo. .......... 3.25 with any two in class A, Page 2 .............. 3.25 with Success and Cosmopolitan ................ 3.00 with Country Life or Craftsman ............... 4.50 with Review of Reviews or any one in class B or C ............................... 3.75 with Outlook (new) ........................... 4.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 2.00 Bookman, N.Y. (F.P. 72) ...................... m 1.90 .50 Book News, Phila. (Wanamaker) ........... m Lit. .45 1.00 Book Seller, Chicago ................... m Trade .75 1.00 Book World, N.Y. ............................. m .85 2.50 Boot and Shoe Recorder, Boston .... w Com. 2.25 6.00 Boston Advertiser ..................... 6 issues 5.60 1.00 Boston Cooking School Magazine ............... m .75 6.00 Boston Herald (Sun. 2.00) .......... 6 iss. Ind. ask 3.00 Boston Home Journal ..................... w Lit. 2.40 3.00 Boston Journal (w. 1 .00-.95)..... 6 issues Rep. 2.85 2.50 Boston Pilot (new, 2.00) ............... w R. C. 2.25 3.00 Boston Post (Sun. 2.50-2.40) ..... 6 issues Ind. 2.90 3.00 Boston Evening Record ............ 6 issues Rep. 2.60 1.50 Boston Eve. Transcript (6 mos. .80) ..... w Rep. 1.50 9.00 Boston Eve. Transcript .............. daily Rep. 9.00 3.00 Boston Traveler (w. 1.00-.65) .... 6 issues Rep. 2.85 5.00 Botanical Gazette, Chi. (F.P. .50) ...... m Sci. 4.25 1.50 Bowlers Journal, N.Y. ........................ w 1.50 .50 Boys and Girls, Ithaca ....................... m .50 Boys and Girls in Offer No. 3 with Youth and American Boy .................. 1.75 with Harper's Bazar .......................... 1.75 with any two in class A ...................... 1.75 with Cosmopolitan or Pearson ................. 1.25 1.20 Boys Own Paper, Toronto ................. m Juv. 1.15 .50 Boys World, Chicago .............. w Juv. .50 Boys World in Offer No. 3: with Success or Leslies Monthly ............. 1.25 with Cosmopolitan or Pearson ................ 1.25 with Little Folks (new) ..................... 1.25 with any two of above ....................... 1.75 5.00 Bradstreet's Jour., N.Y. (new 4.25) ..... w Com. 4.25 8.50 Brain, New York, (McMillan's) ........... q Med. 3.15 1.00 Brann's Iconoclast, Chicago .................. m .80 1.00 Brick, Chicago ............................... m .80 5.00 Brickbuilder, Boston ................... m Arch. 5.00 2.00 Breeder's Gazette, Chicago .............. w L.S. 1.15 3.00 Breeder & Sportsman, S.F. ............. w Sport. 2.25 1.00 British American, Philadelphia .......... w Ind. .90 5.00 British Whig, Kingston, Ont. ..... 6 issues Ind. 4.00 1.00 Broadway Magazine, N.Y. ................. m Lit. .90 4.00 Broadway Weekly, N.Y. ........................ w 3.45 6.50 Brooklyn Eagle (Sun. 1.50-1.40) .. 6 issues Dem. 5.80 1.50 Brooklyn Eagle ............................ Sat. 1.40 1.00 Brown Book, Boston ...................... m Lit. .85 2.50 Brush and Pencil, Chicago ............... m Art. 2.25 .50 Bubiers Popular Electrician ........... m Elect. .45 6.00 Buffalo Commercial (w. 1.00 .95) ... 6 iss. Rep. 5.60 1.00 Buffalo Christian Advocate (new .90).... w Meth. 1.00 3.00 Buffalo Courier (Sun 2.50-2.15) .... 6 iss. Dem. 2.50 3.00 Buffalo Enquirer ........................ 6 iss. 2.50 3.00 Buffalo Express (Morning) .......... 6 iss. Rep. 2.60 2.00 Buffalo Express (Illustrated) ...... Sunday Rep. 1.75 5.00 Bulletin of Am. Math. Society .... 10 nos. Math. 4.25 1.00 Bulletin of Pharmacy ......................... m .85 3.00 Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club .............. 3.00 8.00 Burlington Magazine ............................ 7.50 1.00 Burlington (Vt.) Free Press ............... Rep. 1.00 1.00 Burlington (Ia.) Hawkeye ................ w Rep. .80 4.00 Burlington (Ia.) Hawkeye ......... 6 issues Rep. 3.45 3.00 Burr McIntosh Monthly, N.Y. ............ m Pict. 2.65 Burr McIntosh Monthly in class B: with Cosmopolitan and Leslies ................ 3.25 with Success and Pearson ..................... 3.00 with any two in class A ...................... 3.25 with G'd Housekeeping & McCalls .............. 3.00 with Worlds Work ............................. 3.75 with any one in Class B or C ................. 3.75 with Country Life ............................ 4.50 with Outlook (new) ........................... 4.25 with North American Review (n.) .............. 4.75 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Business Educator (Teach. Ed.) ................. .75 .65 Business Educator (Students Ed.) ............. m .50 1.00 Business World, N.Y. (F.P. .50) ....... m Office .75
1.00 Cadenza, N.Y. (R.P. .25) .............. m Music .85 1.00 Caledonian, N.Y. ............................. m .80 1.00 California Cultivator, Los Angeles ............. .75 2.00 California Fruit Grower, San Fran. ..... w Hort. 1.75 1.00 Camera, Philadelphia .................. m .80 1.00 Camera and Dark Room, N.Y. (F.P. .25) . m Photo. .90 1.00 Camera Craft, San Fran. (F.P. .33) ........... m .75 1.00 Canadian Entomologist, London ............. Sci. .90 2.00 Canadian H'rd & Metal Mer. (n. 165) ............ 2.00 1.00 Canadian Horticult'ist Toronto, Can. ........... .90 1.25 Canadian Teacher, (In U.S. 1.10) ...... s-m Edu. 1.25 2.50 Canadian Mag., Toronto (R.P. .75) ....... m Lit. 2.00 2.00 Canadian Sportsman, Toronto ........... w Sport. 1.25 1.00 Carpentry and Building, New York ....... m Mech. .80 2.00 Carriage Monthly, Phila. ............... m Mech. 1.65 1.00 Casket. Rochester (F.P. .25) ............ m Com. .90 1.50 Cassell's Little Folks, N.Y. ............ m Juv. 1.25 1.50 Cassell's Magazine, N.Y. ................ m Lit. 1.25 3.00 Cassier's Magazine, N.Y. (F.P. 1.00) ... m Mech. 2.75 2.00 Caterer ........................................ 1.75 2.10 *Catholic Citizen, Mil. (new .25) ....... w R.C. 2.05 2.00 Catholic Columbian, Columbus, O. ........ w R.C. 1.65 1.00 Catholic News, N.Y. (F.P. 1.00) .......... R.C. .85 2.00 Catholic Standard & Times, Phila. ....... w R.C. 1.65 1.50 Catholic Transcript, Hartford .......... w Cath. 1.25 2.00 Catholic Union and Times (n. 1.50) ...... w R.C. 1.80 2.00 Catholic Universe, Cleveland ................. w 1.75 3.00 Catholic World Mag., N.Y. (F.P. 60) ..... m R.C. 2.25 1.00 Cedar Rapids (Ia.) Rep'ican (n. 85) ..... w Rep. .95 4.00 Cedar Rapids (Ia.) Repub. ........ 6 issues Rep. 3.70 2.00 Cement & Engineering News, Chi. .............. m 1.65 2.00 Central Baptist, St. Louis .............. w Bap. 1.90 5.00 Central Law Journal, St. Louis ........... w Law 5.00 2.00 Central Presbyterian, Richmond, Va. ............ 1.75 4.00 Century, N.Y. (sample, .05) (F.P. 1.08) . m Lit. 3.65 8.00 Century with 1 yr. back nos. 2 yrs in all ...... 4.25 Century: with Worlds Work or any Class B .............. 5.75 with any two in class B ...................... 7.25 with Leslie's Monthly and Harpers Bazar ...... 5.00 with St. Nicholas ............................ 6.30 with Harper's Bazar and Scribners ............ 7.35 with Etude and Booklover ..................... 6.75 with Review of Reviews and Success ........... 6.00 2 00 Charities, (F.P. .60) (n. 1.80) .............. m 1.95 1 00 Charleston News and Courier ........... s-w Dem. 90 10 00 Charleston News and Courier ...... 6 issues Dem. 8.25 2 00 Charleston Sunday News ............. Sunday Dem. 1.75 2 00 Chautauquan. Springfield, O. ............ m Lit. 2 00 Chautauquan in class C: with Harper's Bazar or Leslies ............... 2 50 with Success or Good Housekeeping ............ 2 50 with any two in Offer No. 1 Page 2 ........... 3 00 with any one in Class B or C ................. 3 75 with any two in Class B or C Page 2 .......... 5 25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar 3 00 Chattanooga Times (w. .50-.45) .......... 6 iss. 2 60 3 00 Chicago Am. (Sun. 2 50-2 10).6 issues ......... 2 50 4 00 Chicago Chronicle (Sun 2. 00-1 75) . 6 iss. Dem. 3 40 2 00 Chicago Citizen ......................... w Ind. 1 65 3 00 Chicago Examiner ...................... 6 issues 2 45 4 00 Chicago Inter-Ocean (w. 1 0)-70 .... 6 iss. Rep. 3 25 6 50 Chi. Inter-Ocean (Sun. 2 50-2 15) .. 7 iss. Rep. 5 25 2 50 Chicago Interior (w) ........................... 2 40 2 00 Chicago Journal .................. 6 issues Rep. 1 75 1 00 Chicago Ledger (w) ............................. 85 1 00 Chicago Ledger (F.P. 2 00) .............. w Lit. 85 75 Chicago Markets, Chicago ..................... w 65 4 00 Chicago News ..................... 6 issues Ind. 3 40 4 00 Chicago Re'rd-H'ld (Sun. 2 50-2 50) 6 iss. Dem. 4 00 6 50 Chicago Record-Herald ............ 7 issues Dem. 6 50 2 50 Chicago Tribune (Sun) ..................... Rep. 2 50 4 00 Chicago Tribune .................. 6 issues Rep. 4 00 50 Children's Friend. Dayton, O ............ w Juv. 50 1 00 Chimea. Baltimore ............................ w 90 90 Choir Herald, Dayton. O ...................... m 80 90 Choir Leader Dayton ...................... O. M. 80 1 00 Christian ...................................... 75 2 60 Christian Advocate. N.Y. ............... w Meth. 2 55 2 00 Ch'stian Advo., N'h'ille, Tenn. (n. 1 65)w Meth. 1 85 2 00 Christian Advocate, New Orleans ........ w Meth. 1 50 1 50 Christian and Miss. Alliance, N.Y. ........... w 1 25 1 00 Christian Cynosure, Chicago ........... w A.S.S. 1 00 1 00 Christian Endeav'r W'rld, (new .90) .......... w 1 00 1 50 Christian Evangelist St. Louis ........ w Chris. 1 45 1 50 Christian Herald, Detroit ............... w Bap. 1 40 1 50 Christian Herald, New York ............. w Evan. 1 50 We allow News dealers, Postmasters and bona fide agents a commission of 35 cents on Christian Herald. 1 50 Christian Instructor, Phila, (n. 1 20) . w Pres. 1 50 2 65 Christian Intelligen'r. N.Y., (n. 2 30) . w Ref. 2 65 1 50 Christian Leader. Cincin. (n. 1.15) ..... w Dic. 1 35 2 50 Christian Observer. (n. 2 00) .......... w Pres. 2 50 3 00 Christian Register, Boston, (n 2.25) ... w Unit. 2 85 2 00 Christian Science Journal, Boston ............ m 1 95 1 00 Christian Science Sentinel ..................... 1 00 50 Christian Science Quarterly .................... 50 1 50 Christian Standard Cincinnati .......... w Disc. 1 40 1 50 Christian Standard, Phila. (n. 1 15) ... w Evan. 1 40 1 50 Christian Witness, Boston .............. w Evan. 1 25 3 00 Christian W'rk, N.Y. (To Clergy 2 20) .. w Evan. 2 85 1 50 Christian W'rld, Dayton. O. (n. 100) .... w Ref. 1 50 2 00 Church Eclectic, New York ...................... 1 50 1 00 Church Economist, N.Y. (n. 80) ........ w Relig. 1 00 2 50 Church Standard (Clergy $1.75) ................. 2 25 2 50 Church Standard, Phila. ..................w Epis. 2 15 3 50 Churchman, N.Y. (new. 3 20) ............ w Epis. 3 40 3 00 To Clergy (new 2 75) ................... w Epis. 2 90 1 50 Church Progr'ss, St. Louis (1 00 new) .. w Cath. 1 40 50 Cincinnati Weekly Gazette ............... w Rep. 45 8 00 Cincinnati Co'mercial Trib'ne. ... 6 issues Rep. 6 70 2 50 Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Sun. ............ 2 15 1 50 Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Sat. ............ 1 45 1 00 Cincinnati Enquirer (Sun. 2 00-1 80) .... w Dem. 60 12 00 Cincinnati Enquirer .............. 6 issues Dem. 10 40 14 00 Cincinnati Enquirer .............. 7 issues Dem. 12 10 5 00 Cincinnati Price Current (new 4 70) ..... w Com. 5 00 3 00 Cincinnati Times-Star (w 50-45) .... 6 iss. Rep. 2 00 3 00 Classical Review, Boston. ......... 10 Nos. Lit. 2 65 2 00 Clay Worker, Indianapolis. Ind. ......... m Com. 1 65 2 00 Cleveland Leader ...................... t w Rep. 1 90 3 00 Cleveland Leader ................. 6 issues Rep. 2 85 1 00 Cleveland Plaindealer ................... w Dem. 85 5 00 Cleveland Plaind'ler (Sun 200-180) .. 6 iss. Dem. 4 20 1 50 Cleveland Pl'in d'ler, sp'al mail ed. .... 6 is. 1 40 3 00 Cleveland Press (6 issues) ..................... 2 65 1 50 Cleveland World (Sun 2.00-1 .65) ... 6 iss. Rep. 1 25 2 50 Clinical Review, Chicago (n. 2.20) ...... m Med. 2 50 2 00 Clinique ....................................... 1 65 1 00 Clothier and Furnisher, New York ........ m Com. 90 1 00 Club Woman, Boston ........................... m 75 5 00 Coal Trade Journal. N.Y.(n. 4 25) ....... w Com. 4 70 1 00 Collector ...................................... 85 5 20 Collier's Weekly N.Y. (F.P. .80) ............. w 5 20 1.00 Colman's Rural World, St. Louis ........ w Agri. .85 2.00 Colored American, Washington ................. w 1.50 1.00 Colorado School Jon'l, Denver ..... 10 nos. Edu. .75 4.00 Commercial Bulletin, Boston (n 3.25) .... w Com. 4.00 10.00 Commercial and Financial Chronicle, New York Fin. 10.00 1.00 Commoner, Lincoln ............................ w .80 .75 Companion ............................... m O.F. .50 1.00 Confederate Veteran, Nashville................ m .75 2.00 Confectioner's Jour., Phila. (n. 1.65) .. m Com. 2.00 3.00 Congregationalist, Boston (n. 2.65) .... m Cong. 2.90 1.00 Conn. Courant (n. .90) ....................... w 1.00 2.00 Connecticut Magazine, Hartford ............... m 2.00 1.00 Connecticut Farmer, Hartford ............ w Agr. .85 .50 Cooking Club, Goshen, Ind. ................... m .45 4.50 Contemporary Review, reprint ............ m Lit. 4.00 Agents must charge 4.50 for above. 1.00 Correct English, Chi. ................... m Edu. .85 1.00 Cosmopolitan, N Y. (F.P. .84) ........... m Lit. 1.00 Cosmopolitan in class A with Success and Art Interchange ............. 3.00 with Success and Leslies Monthly ............. 2.00 with Leslie's Mo. and Harper's Bazar ......... 2.00 with any two in class A. Page 2 .............. 2.00 with World s Work and Leslies ................ 3.25 with Rev. of Reviews & Success ............... 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.10 Council Bluffs Nonpareil ...................... w .95 4.00 Council Bluffs Nonpareil ............... 6 issues 3.80 1.50 Country Gentleman, Albany (F.P. $1) ..... w Agri. 1.15 3.00 Country Life in America, N.Y. .......... m Rural. 3.00 Country Life in America with Success and Leslie's Monthly ............ 3.75 with Booklover's Magazine .................... 4.80 with Art Interchange & Etude ................. 5.50 with Worlds Work and Success ................. 4.75 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Craftsman, Syracuse (F.P. .50) ................ m 2.50 1.00 Criterion (Illustrated) N.Y. .................. m .85 2.00 Critic, New York. (F.P. .60) ............. m Lit. 2.00 2.00 Crockery & Glass Journal ........................ 1.65 1.50 Cumberland Presbyterian, Nashville ...... w Pres. 1.60 4.00 Cumulative Book Index, Minn. ............ m Books 4.00 1.50 Current Anecdote, Cleveland ............. m Homo. 1.35 3.00 Current Literature, N.Y. (F.P. .60) ..... m Lit. 2.65 Current Literature in class C with Leslie's Monthly and Success ............ 3.00 with Etude or Week's Progress ................ 3.00 with Century ................................. 5.75 with St. Nicholas ............................ 4.75 with Leslies and Harper's Bazar .............. 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 2.00 Cycle Age, Chicago ...................... w Bicy. .65 1.00 Cycle & Auto. Trade Journal, Phil. ............ m .75 1.00 Cy Scudder ...................................... .75
1.00 Dairy World, Chicago ..................... M Dai. .60 .60 Dakota Farmer, Aberdeen (n. .45) ............ s-m .60 1.00 Dallas (Tex.) News (7 iss. 7.50 6.80) .. s-w Dem. .85 2.50 Davenport Democrat (w. 1.00-.90) .... 7 iss. Dem. 2.20 7.50 Dayton (O) Journal (w. 1.00 1.00) ... 6 iss. Rep. 7.50 1.00 Debater, Syracuse ........................ m Lit. .90 1.00 Defender, Elmira .............................. w .75 1.00 Delineator, New York (F.P. 1.00) ........ m Fash. 1.00 1.00 Dental Brief, Phila. (F.P. 1.00) .............. m .90 1.00 Dental Cosmos, Phila. ..................... m Mod. 1.00 1.00 Dental Digest, Chi. (n. 85) ..................... 1.00 5.20 Denver Times ........................... 6 issues 4.40 1.00 Denver Republican ........................ w Rep. .90 7.00 Denver Republican (6 issues) .................... 5.85 2.50 Denver Republican (Sunday) ...................... 2.25 2.00 Des Moines Register Leader .................. Sun 1.25 4.00 Des Moines Register Leader ............. 6 issues 3.40 .80 Designer, N.Y. (F.P. 75) ................ m Fash. .80 5.00 Detroit Evening Journal ........... 6 issues Rep. 4.25 1.00 Detroit Journal (s.w.) .......................... .85 5.00 Detroit Eve. News (Sun. 2.50-2 25) .. 6 iss. Ind. 4.20 5.00 Detroit Free Press (Sun 2.50-2.50) .. 6 iss. Dem. 5.00 2.00 Dial, Chi. (n. 1.60) (F.P. 50) ......... s-m Lit. 1.85 1.00 Dietetic & Hygenic Gazette, N.Y. .............. m .75 1.00 Dogdom, Battle Creek .......................... m .85 .50 Dog Fancier, Battle Creek ..................... m .45 4.00 Dolphin, Phila. ........................... m Lit. 3.25 2.00 Donahoe's Mag., Boston (F.P. .50) ........ m R.C. 1.65 1.00 Dominant, N.Y. (F.P. 50) ................. m Mus. 1.00 1.00 Draftsman ..................................... m .90 4.00 Dramatic Mirror ............................... w 3.40 4.00 Dramatic News, New York ....................... w 3.40 4.00 Drover's Journal, Chi. (w. .50-.35) .. 6 iss L.S. 3.25 1.00 Drover's Telegram, Kansas City ........... w L.S. .80 2.00 Drover's Telegram, (6 iss. 4.00-3.20) tri-w L.S. 1.65 1.50 Druggists' Circular, N.Y. (n. 1.30) .... m Drugs. 1.50 5.00 Dry Goods Economist ...................... w Com. 5.00
FOR HARPER'S MAGAZINE SEND ME ONLY $3.35 The great leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) or add $3.35 to any combination in this catalogue.
Pub. Price Our Price 8.00 Dry Goods Reporter, Chicago ............. w Com. 3.00 2.00 Dun's Review, N.Y. .................... w Finan. 1.75 8.00 Dubuque Telegraph Herald(s-w. 100-90) 6 iss Dem. 2.60 1.00 Dubuque (Iowa) Times (n .85) ............ w Rep. .90 8.00 Dubuque (Iowa) Times (n. 2.55) ...... 6 iss Rep. 2.85 5.00 Duluth Evening Herald ............ 6 issues Ind. 4.25 5.00 Duluth News Tribune .............. 7 issues Rep. 4.25
1.00 Eastern Star, Indianapolis ................... m .75 8.00 Eclectic Magazine, Boston ............... m Lit. 2.75 5.00 Economic Journal, McMillan's ................. q 4.25 2.50 Economic Studies, N.Y. .................... bi-m 2.25 5.00 Economist (n. 4.25) .......................... w 5.00 4.00 Edinburg Review (reprint) N.Y. .......... q Lit. 3.05 My agents must charge 4.00 for the above. 1.00 Educational Gazette, Syracuse ........... 10 nos .75 8.00 Education, Boston (n. 2.50) ........ 10 nos Edu. 2.90 Education (new) in class C with Leslies' and Harper's Bazar ............. 3.00 with Journal of Education .................... 3.75 with World's Work and Harper's Bazar ......... 4.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar 1.00 Educational Exchange, Birmingham. Ala. .. m Edu. .85 1.50 Educational Foundations, N.Y. ..... 10 nos. Edu. 1.45 3.00 Educational Review N.Y. ........... 10 nos. Edu. 2.65 1.00 Educator, Method Edition ................ m Edu. .75 1.00 Educator-Journal, Indianapolis ............... m .85 1.00 Eleanor Kirk's Idea. Brooklyn ................ m .75 2.50 Electrical Age, New York. .................... m 2.25 3.00 Electrical Review, N.Y. (F.P. 2.00) ..... w Sci. 2.25 3.00 Electrical World & Engineer, N.Y. ....... w Sci. 2.60 1.00 Electricity, New York (F.P. 2.00) ....... w Sci. .90 1.50 Elementary School Teacher, Chi ............... m 1.35 1.50 Elite Styles, New York (F.P. .50) ...... m Fash. 1.50 We allow Agents and Newsdealers 25 cts. Commission. 6.00 Elmira Advertiser (n. 4.70) ......... 6 iss Rep. 6.00 1.50 Elmira Sunday Telegram .................. w Ind. 1.35 1.00 Engineer, Chi. ....................... s-m Steam 1.00 5.00 Engineering and Mining Jou., N.Y. ....... w Sci. 5.00 3.00 Engineering Mag., N.Y. (n. 2.85) ........ m Sci. 3.00 3.00 Engineering Record, N.Y. ................ w Sci. 2.00 5.00 Engineering News, N.Y. (n. 4.25) ........ w Sci. 4.90 1.00 Engineering Review, New York ................. m .85 1.75 English Magazine ............................. m 1.05 2.00 Episcopal Recorder, Phila. ............. w Evan. 1.05 1.00 Epworth Herald, Chi. (Y.M.C.A. .60) .... w E. L. 1.00 1.00 Era, The Philadelphia ................... m Lit. 1.00 1.50 Etude, For all music lovers, Phila.............. (F.P. .72) ............................ m Music. 1.50 To Bonafide agents and newsdealers we will make a net rate on Etude of $1.15 on condition that no reduction is offered to subscribers. Etude contains each month ten pieces of new music valuable and interesting reading for pianists, vocalists, children, clubs, and organists Etude For all Music Lovers in offer No. 5: with Leslies & Woman's Home C .............. m 2.60 with Review of Reviews & Success ............. 3.50 with Century and Leslies ..................... 5.50 with Succes [sic] & McCalls Magazine ......... 2.25 with Pearsons and Leslies .................... 2.50 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Everybody's Magazine, (F.P. .84) ........ m Lit. 1.00 To NEWSDEALERS, POSTMASTERS AND OUR REGULAR AGENTS only, a commission of 15 cents will be allowed on each subscription to Everybody's Magazine. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar .50 Everywhere, Will Carleton's Mag .............. m .45 2.00 Examiner, N.Y. (n. 1.50) ................ w Bap. 2.00 .50 Expression, Boston ............................. .49 2.00 Expository Times, N.Y. ....................... m 1.50
1.00 Family Herald & Star (with Pic.) ........ w Lit. .85 3.00 Family Story Paper, N.Y. ..................... w 2.40 .50 Fancier's Gazette, Indianapolis ....... m Poult. .35 .75 Fancier's Mo., San Jose (F.P. .25) ........... m .60 .25 Farm and Fireside, Springfield, O. ... s-m Agri. .25 .50 Farm and Home, Springfield, Mass ....... m Agri. .50 1.00 Farm and Ranch, Dallas ....................... w .65 1.00 Farmer's Advocate, Topeka .................... w .75 1.00 Farmers' Advocate & Home Mag. (n. .85) s-m Agri. .95 .50 Farmers' Call, Quincy, Ill. ........... w Agri. .35 1.00 Farmers' Home Journal, Louisville ...... w Agri. .85 1.00 Farmers' Review, Chicago ............... w Agri. .90 1.00 Farmers' Tribune, Des Moines ................. w .85 .60 Farmers' Voice, Chicago ................ w Agri. .30 1.00 Farm, Field and Fireside, Chicago ...... w Agri. .75 2.00 Farm Implement News, Chi. .............. w Agri. 2.00 .75 Farm Journal, Philadelphia (5 yrs)...... m Agri. .60 2.00 Farm Machinery, St. Louis ............... w Imp. 1.65 .50 Farm News, Springfield, 0. ............. m Agri. .30 .50 Farm Poultry, Boston (F.P. .48) ..... s-m Poult. .40 1.00 Farmer & Stockman, Kansas City .......... w L.S. .85 .50 Farm, Stock & Home, Minneapolis ...... s-m Agri. .45 1.00 Farm Stock Journal ........................... w .65 1.00 Farmer and Fruit Grower (F.P. 1.04) .. s-w Agri. .90 .50 Feather, Washington (F.P. .25) ........ m Poult. .40 .75 Fern Bulletin, Binghamton, N.Y. ..... ... q Fern .70 2.00 Field and Fancy ................................ 1.70 2.00 Field and Farm, Denver, Col. ........... w Agri. 1.90 1.50 Field & Stream, N.Y. ......................... m 1.20 5.00 Finance ........................................ 3.50 3.00 Financial Record, New York ................... w 2.50 2.00 Fine Arts Journal, Chicago ............... m Art 1.25 2.00 Firemen's Herald, New York ............. w Fire. 1.75 1.00 Fireman's Standard, Boston (F.P. .50) s-m Fire. .75 1.00 Fishing Gazette, N.Y. ........................ w 1.00 1.00 Floral Life, Phila. .......................... m 1.00 2.00 Florida Agriculturist, Jacksonville .... w Agri. 1.50 1.00 Florida School Exponent ........................ .90 6.00 Florida Times Union (Sun. 1.50 1.35) 6 iss. Dem. 5.00 1.00 Florists' Exchange ............................. 1.00 1.00 Foolish Book, N.Y. ........................... m .75 4.00 Forest and Stream, N.Y. (n. 3.25) .... w Sport. 4.00 1.00 Forestry and Irrigation, Wash. ............... m .90 4.50 Fortnightly Review N.Y. ................. m Lit. 4.00 My agents must charge $4.50 for above. 2.00 Forum, New York (F.P. .28) .............. q Lit. 1.75 .75 Forward, Phila.(new .65) ..................... w .75 .50 Four-Track News, N.Y. (F.P. 50) .............. m .50 1.00 Four-Track News after Jan. 1, 1905 ............. .80 Four-Track News in Offer No. 3 with Leslies or Cosmopolitan ................. 1.25 with Harper's Bazar or Pearsons .............. 1.25 with Youth and Ladies' World ................. 1.50 with Review of Reviews & Success ............. 2.75 with Current Literature & Leslies ............ 2.75 with any one in class B ...................... 1.25 with any one in Offer No. 4 .................. 1.50 After Jan. 1st add 40 cents to all clubs in this catalogue containing Four Track News. SEE OTHER CLUB OFFERS IN FOREPART OF THIS CATALOGUE. 1.00 Leslie's Monthly (F.P. .85) ............. m Lit. 1.00 MY SPECIAL OFFER November and December, 1904 numbers of Leslie's Monthly free to new subscribers for the year 1905 providing they ask for same when sending the order to me. LESLIE'S MONTHLY MAG. in class A: with Success or National ..................... 1.50 with Pearsons and Sucess ..................... 2.00 with Harper's B'ar & World's Work ............ 3.25 with House Beautiful & Harper's Bazar ........ 2.00 with Woman's Home Companion and Cosmopolitan . 2.10 with Success & Review of Review .............. 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Free Baptist, Minneapolis .................... w .90 2.50 Freeman's Jour., N.Y. (F.P. 1.00) ....... w R.C. 2.30 1.50 Free Methodist, Chicago (n. 1.15) ...... w Meth. 1.45 .50 Free Press Farm & Live Stock Jour. ............ w .40 .50 Fruit Grower's Journal, Cobden, Ill. ... m Hort. .30 3.00 Fruit Trade Journal, (n 2.25) ........... w Com. 3.00 1.00 Furniture Trade Review, New York ........ m Com. .90 2.00 Fur Trade Review, N.Y. ................... m Fur 1.65
7.50 Galveston News (outside Texas) ..... 7 iss. Ind. 6.60 .50 Game Fanciers' Jour., Battle Creek ..... m Poul. .35 1.00 Game Fowl Monthly, Sayre, Pa. .......... m Poul. .80 2.00 Gardening, Chicago (new 1.40) .............. s-m 1.85 1.00 Gas Engine Magazine, Cincinnati .............. m .75 2.00 Gever's Stationer, New York ............. w Com. 1.65 .50 Girl's Companion, Chicago ...................... .35 1.20 Girls' Own Paper, Toronto .................... m 1.15 1.00 Gleanings in Bee Cul're, Medina, O. ... s-m Bees .70 3.00 Golden Days, Phila. ..................... w Juv. 2.50 .25 Golden Hours, New York ................. m Fict. .20 .25 Golden Moments, with chromos ............ m Lit. .25 2.00 Golf, N.Y. (Harper) (F.P. .48) ............... m 1.75
Pub. Price Our Price 1.00 Good Health, Battle Creek ............... m Hyg. .75 Good Health in class A: with Harper's Bazar .......................... 1.50 with Physical Culture and Pearsons ........... 2.00 with Ladies' World ........................... 1.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Good Housekeeping, Springfield .......... m Dom. 1.00 Good Housekeeping in class A: with Success or any one in class A ........... 1.50 with Pearsons and Success .................... 2.00 with Success and Rev. of Reviews ............. 3.00 with Woman's Home Companion .................. 1.60 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. .35 Good Literature, N.Y. (F.P. .24) ............. m .30 1.00 Good Roads, N.Y. ............................... .90 .15 Good Stories, Augusta ........................ m .15 1.50 Gospel Advocate, Nashville ............ w Chris. 1.35 1.50 Gospel Messenger, Mt. Morris, Ill. ...... w Bap. 1.35 1.00 Grand Army Advocate, Des Moines ............ b-w .65 1.50 Granite Monthly, Concord, N.H. .......... m Lit. 1.25 .50 Gray Goose, Deposit, N.Y. ...................... .40 4.00 Green Bag, Boston. ............................. 8.75 .50 Green's Fruit Grower, Rochester ........ m Hort. .35 2.00 Grocery World .................................. 2.00 1.00 Guide to Holiness, N.Y. ...................... m .80 2.00 Gunton's Magazine, N.Y. ............... m Econ. 1.85
3.00 Haberdasher, N.Y. (n. 2.50) ............. m Com. 3.00 2.50 Happy Days, N.Y. (F.P. .52) ............. w Juv. 2.10 .15 Happy Hours, Augusta .................... m Lit. .15 1.00 Hardware, N.Y. (n. .75) ............... s-m Com. 1.00 1.00 Hardware Dealers Magazine, N.Y. .............. m .95 1.00 Harper's Bazar, N.Y. (F.P. .72) ........ m Fash. .90 Harper's Bazar in Class A: with Leslies and House Beautiful ............. 2.00 with Harper's Magazine or Weekly ............. 4.25 with Cosmopolitan and Pearsons ............... 2.00 with any one in Class A ...................... 1.50 with Scribners and Leslies ................... 4.35 with Century ................................. 4.50 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. To agents only who can send us two or more subscriptions for the Bazar we allow a special commission. Write us about it. 4.00 Harper's Magazine, (F.P. .96) ........... m Lit. 3.35 4.00 Harper's Weekly, (F.P. 1.56) ............ w Lit. 3.85 Harper's Monthly or Weekly: with Leslies or one in class A ............... 4.25 with Success and any one in class A .......... 4.75 with Century ................................. 7.00 with Outlook (new) ........................... 6.00 with Country Life ............................ 6.25 with North American Review (n.) .............. 7.00 with any one in class B or C ................. 5.50 with any two in class B or C ................. 7.00 with Scribners ............................... 6.35 8.00 Hartford Courant (new 6.20) ...... 6 issues Rep. 7.40 2.50 Harvard Law Rev'w, Cambridge ....... 8 nos. Law. 2.25 1.00 Health, N.Y. ............................ m Hyg. .75 1.00 Health Culture, N.Y. ......................... m .75 .15 Hearth and Home, Augusta, Me. ........... m Lit. .15 2.50 Herald & Presbyter, Cincin'ti (n. .22)...w Pres. 2.40 1.00 Herald of Truth, Elkhart, Ind. ...... s-m Relig. .85 1.00 Hints, New York .............................. m .70 $10. WORTH OF PLAYS, DRILLS, ENTERTAINMENTS, SOCIALS, GAMES, FAIRS, IDEAS FOR DECORATIONS, TEAS, ETC. PUBLISHED EACH YEAR IN "HINTS." YEARLY $1.00, OUR SPECIAL PRICE .... 70c. Hints class A: with Popular Educator or Leslies ............. 1.50 with Kindergarten Review or Success .......... 1.50 with Normal Instructor or Housekeeper ........ 1.25 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson, Wis.....w Dairy .90 .50 Holiday Magazine, N.Y.(For child'n) ..... m Juv. .40 Holiday Magazine including book Home Games and Parties (50c.) in class A: with Success or Leslies ...................... 1.50 with Pearsons or Harper's Bazar .............. 1.50 with Little Folks (new) or Cosmopolitan ...... 1.80 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 with any three of above ...................... 2.50 with Success and Review of Reviews ........... 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Home Art, Chicago ....................... m Emb. .85 .50 Home Bazar, Chicago .......................... m .40 .50 Home Mission Monthly, N.Y. .............. m Bap. .45 .50 Home and Farm, Louisville ........... s-m Agri. .45 1.00 Home and Flowers, Springfield, O. ............ m .65 .50 Home Needlework Magazine ..................... m .45 .50 Home Queen Waterville, Maine ............ m Lit. .35 1.00 Home Science Magazine, Boston ................ m .75 4.00 Homeopathic Jour. of Obst. (n. 3.40)...bi-m Med. 4.00 8.00 Homiletic Review, N.Y. (n. 2.95) ........ m Ser. 2.65 1.00 Horse Gazette, East Buffalo .................. w .85 2.00 Horseless Age, N.Y. (F.P. .75) .......... Mech. 1.75 3.00 Horseman, Chicago. (F.P. 2.00) ........ w Sport. 2.50 2.00 Horse Review, Chicago ................. w Sport. 1.75 1.00 Horseshoer's Journal, Detroit. a practical, scientific and organization monthly for the trade .......................... m Trade .85 2.00 Horse World, Buffalo, N.Y. ............ w Sport. 1.75 200 Hotel Gazette, N.Y. .......................... w 1.65 5.00 House and Garden, Phila. ...................... w 4.00 2.00 House Beautiful, Chicago (F.P. .50) ... m 1.00 House Beautiful in class A: with Art Interchange & Harper's Bazar ........ 3.00 with World's Work and Leslie's Mo. ........... 3.25 with Leslie's Monthly Magazine ............... 1.50 with Harper's Bazar & Leslie's Mo. ........... 2.00 with Success and Leslie's Monthly ............ 2.00 with Century and Scribner's .................. 7.35 with any one in Class A, page 2 .............. 1.50 with any two in Class B, page 2 .............. 4.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Household Companion, Boston ............. m Dom. .60 .50 Household Realm, Chicago ..................... m .30 .60 Housekeeper, Minneapolis (F.P. .32) ..... m Lit. .60 Housekeeper in offer No. 3: with Harper's Bazar and Success .............. 1.75 with McCall's, Vick's & Ladies World ......... 1.25 with Leslie's Mo., and Vick's Mag. ........... 1.50 with Pearson's and Vick's Mag . .............. 1.50 with Vick's, Leslie's & Cosmopolitan ......... 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar .25 Housewife, N.Y. ......................... m Lit. .25 .50 How to Live .................................. m .40 1.00 How to Write, Detroit ................... m Lit. .75 1.00 How to Help Boys, Boston (F.P. .25) ..... q Lit. .95 2.00 Hub, N.Y. (F.P. 1.00) ................... m Com. 1.70 1.00 Human Culture, Chicago ....................... m .75 2.00 Humorist, St. Louis, Mo. ................ w Hum. 1.25 Humorist in class A: with Leslie's Monthly or Success ............. 1.50 with Pearson's Success & Cosmopolitan ........ 2.50 with Am. Inventor or Sunset .................. 1.50 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Hunter, Trader and Trapper ................... m .75
1.00 Ill. Free Mason, Bloomington ....... m F.& A.M. .85 1.00 Illinois State Resister .............. s-w Dem. .90 .25 Illustrated Companion. N.Y. ............ m Lit. .25 1.00 Illus. Home Journal, St. Louis ............... m .90 2.00 Illustrated Leader, N.Y. ............... w Sport 1.75 2.00 Illustrated Record, N.Y. ............... w Sport 1.75 2.50 Illustrated Sporting News .................... w 2.15 Illustrated Sporting News in class B: with Burr McIntosh Monthly ................... 3.75 with Outdoors or Recreation .................. 2.50 with Leslie's or Cosmopolitan ................ 2.50 with Outing or Worlds Work ................... 3.75 with Smart Set or Rev. of Reviews ............ 3.75 with any two in Class A ...................... 3.00 with any two in Class B ...................... 5.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 6.00 Illus. London News, N.Y. ................ w Lit. 5.60 7.00 Same with all extra numbers ............. w Lit. 6.50 3.00 Illus. Milliner, N.Y. (n. 2.25) .............. m 3.00 .60 Illus. of Int. S.S. Lesson, Chicago .......... m .55 2.00 Independent, N.Y. (F.P. 1.55) .......... w Evan. 2.00 Independent in class B: with Success or Cosmopolitan ................. 2.50 with Leslie's and Pearson's .................. 3.00 with World's Work ............................ 3.75 with Success and Rev. of Reviews ............. 4.00 with Country Life ............................ 4.50 with Burr McIntosh Monthly ................... 3.75 with any two in Class A ...................... 3.00 with any two in Class B ...................... 5.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Independent Statesman, Concord .......... w Rep. .90 .60 Indiana Farmer, Indianapolis ........... w Agri. .60 1.00 Indiana State Journal ................... w Rep. 1.00 2.50 Indianapolis Journal (6 iss. 5.00-4.75) . S Rep. 2.40 5.00 Indianapolis News ................ 6 issues Ind. 4.25 .50 Indiana State Sentinel .................. w Dem. .45 3.00 Indianapolis Sentinel ............ 6 issues Dem. 2.65 2.50 Indianapolis Sentinel. .................... Sun. 2.20 5.00 Inland Architect, Chicago (n. 4.50) .... m Arch. 5.00 10.00 Same Photogravure Edition (n. 9.00) .... m Arch. 10.00 2.00 Inland Grocer ................................ w 1.50 3.00 Inland Printer, Chicago (F.P. 1.20) .......... m 3.00 3.00 Insurance Times, N.Y. ................... m Ins. 2.00 1.50 Intelligence, Oak Park, Ill. (n. 1.35) s-m Edu. 1.50 2.50 International Dental Journal, Phila. ......... m 1.75 2.50 Internat. Jour. of Ethics, Phil. (n 2.25) .... q 2.46 1.00 International Jour. of Surgery, N.Y. ... m Surg. .75 4.00 International Quarterly, Burlington .... m Hist. 4.00 1.00 International Med. Mag., N.Y. ................ m .90 5.00 International Studio, N.Y. ............. m Art. 4.25 .50 International Sun. Sch'l., Evangel, St. Louis m .45 1.00 Inventive Age, Washington .................... m .70 3.00 Investigator, Boston (n. 2.50) .......... w A.R. 2.85 3.00 Investigator, Chicago ................... w Ins. 2.50 1.00 Iowa Homestead, Des Moines ................... w .90 .60 Iowa State Register, Des Moines ......... w Rep. .45 2.50 Irish World, New York .................. w Cath. 2.30 5.00 Iron Age, New York ...................... w Com. 4.50 2.00 Iron Age, New York (m. 1.00 .90) ...... s-m Com. 1.90 3.00 Iron & Machinery World .................. w Chi. 1.50 3.00 Iron Trade Review, Cleveland (n. 2.85) ....... w 3.00 1.00 Irrigation Age ............................... m .90 1.00 Items of Interest ...................... m Dent. 1.00
1.50 Jamestown (N.Y.) Jour. (n. .35) ...... s-w Rep. 1.45 1.00 Jersey Bulletin, Indianapolis .......... m Agri. 1.00 1.00 Jeweler's Journal, Chicago ................... m .80 2.50 Jewish Gazette, New York ................ w Heb. 2.00 2.00 Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin ......... m Mod. 1.90 5.00 Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports .......... m Mod. 4.25 3.00 Johns Hopkins Stud's in Hist & Politics . m Scl. 2.65 1.00 Johns Hopkins University Circular ....... m Edu. .90 4.00 Journalist, N.Y. ............................. w 3.25 2.50 Journal and Messenger, Cincinnatti ........... w 2.20 6.00 Jour. of Am. Chemical S, Balti're, Pa. .. m Sci. 5.35 5.00 Jour. of Am. Med. Assc., Chi. (n 4.25) .. w Med. 5.00 3.00 Journal of Commerce, Boston (n. 2.50) ....w Com. 3.00 6.75 Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, New York (n. 6.50) .................. tri-w Com. 6.75 5.00 Same (n. 4.75) ........................ s-w Com. 5.00 12.00 Same (new 11.25) ................. 6 issues Com. 12.00 3.00 Journal of Amer. Folk Lore ................... q 2.65 3.00 Journal of Comparative Med., etc. ........m Med. 2.75 2.50 Journal of Education, Boston ............ w Edu. 2.25 Journal of Education in class C: with Leslie's Monthly or Pearsons ............ 2.50 with any one in Class A ...................... 2.50 with Am. Teacher or Success .................. 2.50 with Popular Educator (new) or Leslies ....... 2.50 with Primary Education (new) ................. 2.50 with Primary Plans or Kindergarten Rev. ...... 2.50 with Normal Instructor and World's Events .... 2.50 with any two of above ........................ 3.00 with Journal of Geography .................... 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Jour. of English & Germanic Philol'y (new 2.75) 3.00 2.00 Journal of Electricity Power & Gas ........... m .50 5.00 Journal of Franklin Institute, Phila. ... m Sci. 4.00 1.50 Journal of Geography, Chi. ............. m Geog. 1.50 Journal of Geography in offer No. 4: with Am. Primary Teacher or Primary Plans .... 1.75 with Popular Educator (new) or Success ....... l.75 with Am. Education or Leslies ................ 1.75 with Correct English or Pearson .............. 1.75 with Normal Instructor or Cosmopolitan ....... 1.75 with World's Work or Review of Reviews ....... 3.00 with Country Life ............................ 3.75 with Journal of Education .................... 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Jour. of Geology, Chi. (F.P. .50) ....... 8 Nos. 2.60 6.30 Journal of Hygiene ........................... q 6.00 3.00 Jour. of Military Service Institute ....... bi-m 2.65 5.00 Jour. of Nervous & Mental Diseases ............. 4.75 2.50 Journal of Philology ............... semi annual 2.45 4.00 Jour. of Physical Chemistry .................... 3.80 1.50 Journal of Pedagogy, Syracuse ........... q Edu. 1.20 3.00 Jour. of Political Economy, Chi. ..............q 2.65 3.00 Jour. of Theological Studies ................. q 2.75 1.00 Judicious Advertising ........................ m .85 5.00 Judge, New York (F.P. 1.04).............. w Hum. 4.25 Judge with Cosmopolitan and Pearson's .............. 5.25 with Smart Set or Burr McIntosh .............. 5.75 with Booklover or Review of Reviews .......... 5.75 with Outing or Ill. Sporting News ............ 5.75 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Judge's Library (F.P. .50) .............. m Hum. .85 1.00 Judge's Quarterly (F.P. .20) ................. q .90 1.00 Junior Toilettes ....................... m Fash. .90 Junior Toilettes in class A with Leslie's or any one in class A .......... 1.50 with Pearson's and any one in class A ........ 2.00 with Harper's Bazar .......................... 1.50 with Ladies' World and Four-Track News ....... 1.50 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Just Fun, N.Y. ............................... m .75
3.00 Kansas City Journal (w. .25-.25) ... 6 iss. Rep. 2.60 1.00 Kansas City Journal .................. Sun. Rep. .90 .25 Kansas City Star ............................. w .25 4.00 Kansas City Star (Sun. 1.50 1.30) .. 6 iss. Ins. 3.25 5.20 Kansas City Star and Times ......... 7 iss. Ind. 4.25 3.00 Kansas City World ................ 7 issues Dem. 2.60 1.00 Kansas Farmer, Topeka .................. w Agri. .65 1.00 Keith's Mag (after Jan. 1, '05 1 35) ... m Arch. .90 2.00 Kentucky Stock Farm. Lexington ............... w 1.25 3.50 Keramic Studio, Syracuse (F.P. 50) ........... m 3.20 2.00 Keystone, Philadelphia (n. 1 65) ..... m F.&A.M. 1.90 2.00 Kindergarten Mag. Chi. (n. 1 65) ........ m Edu. 1.90 1.00 Kindergarten Review (F.P. .40) .......... m Edu. 1.00 Kindergarten Review in class A with any one in class A ...................... 1.50 with Primary Education (new) ................. 1.50 with Am. Primary Teacher ..................... 1.50 with Primary Plans or Pearsons ............... 1.50 with Normal Instructor and World's Events .... 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Kunkel's Musical Review, St. Louis. ..... m Mus. 1.75
Ladies' Home Journal (F. P. .60) ........ m Lit. 1.00
TO SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS A COMMISSION OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ALLOWED with the stipulation that the first order for this magazine forwarded by an agent must contain at least TWO subscriptions for it for which the subscribers have paid the full subscription price. A single subscription will be accepted only at $1.00 unless previous orders for it have been received this season. Must not be taken in club with other publications, at cut rates, nor given as a premium. Subscriptions so taken will be rejected, or subsequently 'killed.' COMMISSIONS ALSO ALLOWED TO NEWSDEALERS AND POSTMASTERS.
Christmas and Gift Cards When requested and NAME OF DONORS SENT WITH SUBSCRIPTION to us we will have the beautiful cards which the JOURNAL publishers advertise to furnish sent free to the subscriber.
Christmas Cards will be received by the subscriber Christmas morning if order is received in time. FORWARD YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS AT EARLIEST DATE POSSIBLE.
My Club Price $2.25: Ladies' Home Journal 1.00 Saturday Evening Post 2.00
Ladies' Home Journal Free
Send me TWO (2) orders for the combination, LADIES' HOME JOURNAL and SATURDAY EVENING POST at $2.25 each and you may have free as your premium, and sent to any address desired, a yearly subscription to the Ladies' Home Journal, or for THREE (3) orders a yearly subscription to the SATURDAY EVENING POST.
1.00 Ladies Journal, Toronto ................ w Fash. .85 .50 Ladies' World, N. Y ..................... m Dom. .50
This popular domestic and literary Magazine for Women and the Home, recently enlarged and greatly improved, is now the largest, handsomest and best 50 cent magazine in America. It is bright, practical, and up-to-date. Profusely illustrated. Handsome colored covers. GIVES MORE FOR THE MONEY THAN ANY OTHER PUBLICATION IN ITS CLASS. A good thing for agents. "Adv."
Ladies' World in offer No, 3: with Harper's Bazar and Leslie's ............. 1.75 with Harper's Bazar or Success ............... 1.25 with Four-Track News and Vick's Magazine ..... 1.25 with "Entertainments for all Seasons" (1.00) and Success ................................ 1.50 with "Entertainments for all Seasons" and any one in Class A ......................... 1.50 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.50 Lamp. N.Y. (F. P. .60) ....................... m 1.35 3.50 L'Art de la Mode, N.Y. ................. m Fash. 3.00 1.00 Lawgiver, Battle Creek, Mich. ................ m .60 Lawgiver in offer No. 3: with Success or Leslie's ..................... 1.25 with Cosmopolitan or Pearson ................. 1.25 with Good Housekeeping or Sunset ............. 1.25 with any two above ........................... 1.75 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may by added to any club for One Dollar 3.00 Law Reporter, Washington, D, C. ......... w Law. 2.50 1.00 Law Students Helper, Detroit ................. m .75 3.00 Leather Manufacture, N, Y. .............. m Com. 2.65
Pub. Price Our Price 3.50 Le Bon Ton, N.Y. ....................... m Fash. 3.20 2.50 Le Costume Royal, N.Y. ....................... m 2.25 1.00 Legal Adviser, Chicago .................. m Law. .85 2.20 Legal News, Chicago ..................... w Law. 1.65 1.00 Lend a Hand Record, Boston .............. m Phi. .85 4.00 Leslie's Weekly, N.Y. ................... w Lit. 3.35 Leslie's Weekly with Success ................................. 4.25 with Harper's Bazar and World's Work ......... 5.75 with Outing and Success ...................... 5.75 with Judge ................................... 7.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 5.00 Library Journal, N.Y. (new 4.50) ........ m Lit. 5.00 Literary News free with Library Journal 5.00 Life, N.Y. (F.P. 1.04) ................. w Comic 4.50 2.50 Lippincott's Mag., Phila. (F.P. .96) ...... Lit. 2.50 Lippincott's Magazine in class C: with Success or Cosmopolitan ................. 2.50 with Good Housekeeping and Leslies ........... 3.00 with Harper's Bazar or Pearson ............... 2.50 with any two of the above .................... 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Lit'ry Digest, N.Y. (n 2.60) (F.P. 1.00) w Lit. 3.00 1.10 *Literary News, N.Y. (new .80) ............... m 1.05 1.00 Literary World, Boston (n. .90) ...... bi-w Lit. 1.00 .75 Little Boys and Girls, Plainfield ............ m .45 Little Boys and Girls in Offer No. 3: with Cosmopolitan or Success ................. 1.25 with American Boy or Youth ................... 1.25 with Little Folks (new) or Leslie's .......... 1.25 with Good Housekeeping or Pearson ............ 1.25 with any two of above ........................ 1.75 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. .25 Little Christian, Boston .............. s-m Juv. .20 1.50 Little Chronicle, Chicago (F.P. 1.00) ........ w 1.00 Little Chronicle in class A: with Am. Prim. Teacher ....................... 1.50 with Popular Educator (new) .................. 1.50 with Primary Education (new) ................. 1.50 with Primary Plans ........................... 1.50 with Normal Instructor ....................... 1.25 with any two above ........................... 2.00 with House Beautiful and Leslies ............. 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Little Folks, Salem, Mass (F.P. .25) .... m Juv. 1.00 For children from three to ten. Full of beautiful pictures (some in colors) and stories by best authors. Adv. Little Folks (new) in class A: with American Boy or Harper's Bazar .......... 1.50 with Youth or American Boy ................... 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Success ................. 1.50 with Pearson or Good Housekeeping ............ 1.50 with Leslie's or 20th Century Home ........... 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.50 Little Folks, N.Y. (Cassell's) .......... m Juv. 1.25 .50 Little Folks' Paper, Albany ............. w Juv. .45 2.00 Little Journeys, and Philistine .............. m 2.00 1.00 Live Stock Journal ...................... w Chi. .60 1.00 Live Stock Review, Cincinnatti .......... w L.S. .90 6.00 Living Age, Boston (F.P. 1.56) .......... w Lit. 5.75 2.50 Living Church, Milwaukee (n. 1.75) .... w Episc. 2.25 2.00 Locomotive Engineering, N.Y. ........... m Mech. 1.85 1.50 Locomotive Firemans Magazine ................... 1.40 2.25 Longman's Magazine, [reprint] N.Y. ...... m Lit. 2.00 4.00 Louisville (Ky.) Herald .......... 6 issues Rep. 8.20 1.00 Louisville (Ky.) Herald ...................... w .90 2.00 Louisville (Ky.) Herald .............. Sun. Rep. 1.65 1.00 Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal ........ w Dem. .65 6.00 Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal ... 6 Iss. Dem. 5.60 2.00 Louisville (Ky.) Courier-Journal ..... Sun. Dem. 1.90 3.00 Louisville (Ky.) Post ............ 6 issues Dem. 2.75 2.00 Lumber Trade Jou., New Orleans ............. s-m 1.70 2.00 Lutheran, Philadelphia (n. 1.70) ....... w Lath. 1.90 1.00 Lutheran Evangelist, Dayton, 0. ........ w Evan. .90 2.00 Lutheran Observer, Phila. .............. w Luth. 2.00 2.50 Lutheran Quarterly, Gettysburg, Pa. .... q Theo. 2.35 Add McClure's or Everybody's to any club at $1.00.
1 00 Machinery (Shop Ed.) N.Y. .................... m .95 2.00 Machinery (Engineering Ed.) N.Y. ............. m 1.90 1.00 Madame, Indianapolis ......................... m .90 1.00 Madison (Wis.) Democrat .................... s-w 1.00 5.00 Madison (Wis.) Democrat ............... 6 issues 5.00 1.00 Magazine of Mysteries, N.Y. .................. m .75 1.00 Mail Order Journal, Chicago .................. m .70 3.00 MacMillan's Magazine .................... m Lit. 2.65 1.00 Maine Farmer, Augusta, Me. ............. w Agri. .90 1.00 Maine Sportsman, Bangor, Me. (n. .75) . m Sport. .85 1.00 Manual Training Mag., (F.P. 20) .............. q .90 1.50 Manufacturer and Builder, N.Y. ......... m Mech. 1.15 4.00 Manufacturers' Record, Bal'ore, Md. .......... w 3.25 2.00 Marine Engineering, N.Y. ..................... m 1.70 3.00 Marine Rev & Ma. Rec., (n. 2.50) ............. w 3.00 .75 Masonic Chronicle, Columbus, O. ......... m Mas. .50 1.50 Masonic Voice Review, Chicago ........... m Mas. 1.20 1.50 Masters in Art, Boston .................. m .... 1.50 2.50 Masters in Music, Boston ................ m .... 2.50 10 per cent discount to agents and dealers on last two. 1.00 Master Singer, New York ................ 10 Nos. .85 2.00 Mass. Ploughman (new 1.75) ................... w 2.00 .50 Mayflower, Floral Park, for 3 yrs. ......... s-m .50 1.00 McClure's Magazine, N. Y, (F. P. .96) (6 mo. .55) ............................. m Lit. 1.00
[right pointing hand] TO SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS A COMMISSION OF 20 CENTS WILL BE ALLOWED on all orders forwarded, with the stipulation that the first order for this magazine forwarded by an agent must contain at least TWO subscriptions for it. A single subscription will be accepted only at $1.00 unless previous orders for it have been received this season. Must not be taken in club with other publications, at cut rates, nor given as a premium. Subscriptions so taken will be rejected or subsequently "killed." COMMISSIONS ALSO ALLOWED TO NEWSDEALERS AND POSTMASTERS.
McClure's may be added to any club for One Dollar .50 McCall's Mag. with Free pattern ........ m Fash. .50 McCall's Magazine in Offer No. 3 with Leslie's or Cosmopolitan ................ 1.25 with Harper's Bazar or Success ............... 1.25 with Good Housekeeping or Pearsons ........... 1.25 with any two of above ........................ 1.75 with Housekeeper and Vicks ................... 1.00 with Housekeeper, Vicks & Ladies' W'rld ...... 1.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 Medical Age, Detroit........................ s-m 1.00 1.00 Medical Brief, St. Louis ................ m Med. 1.90 1.00 Medical Bulletin, Philadelphia .......... m Med. .75 2.00 Medical Century (new 1.75) ................... m 2.00 1.00 Medical Journal, Columbus, O. (n. 70) ... m Med. 1.00 4.00 Medical News, N.Y. (new 3.25) ........... m Med. 4.00 2.00 Medical Review of Reviews, N.Y. ........ m Med. 2.00 1.50 Medical Standard, Chi. (F. P. .50) ...... m Med. 1.25 .50 Medical Talk, Columbus ....................... m .35 2.00 Medical Times, Chicago (n. 1.65) ........ m Med. 1.75 1.00 Medical Times & Register, Phila. ........ m Med. .90 1.00 Medical World, Philadelphia (n. 90) ..... m Med. 1.00 5.00 Medical and Surg. Journal, Boston (n. 4.25) ............................... w Med. 4.90 2.00 Medicine ..................................... m 1.75 .50 Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial .............. w Dem. .45 6.00 Memphis (Tenn.) Commercial ......... 6 iss. Dem. 5.00 .50 Memphis Commercial Appeal .................... w .45 7.50 Memphis Com. Appeal ................... 7 issues 6.25 1.00 Men and Women, Cin. (F.P. .50) ......... m Cath. .75 Men and Women in class A with Good Housekeeping or Success ............ 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Leslie's ................ 1.50 with Pearson's or 20th Century Home .......... 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 with Smart Set or any class C ................ 2.50 with Lippincott and any class A .............. 3.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar 1.00 Merck's Archives, N. Y .................. m Med. .95 2.00 Merchants' Guide, Philadelphia .......... w Com. 1.25 2.00 Merchants Record & Show Window ............... m 1.75 2.00 Merks Report, N Y .............................. 1.85 2.00 Messenger, N.Y. (n. 140) ..................... m 1.65 1.25 Messenger of Peace, Marceline, Mo. .... s-m Bap. 1.15 .50 Messenger of Sacred Heart, N.Y. ........ m R. C. .45 2.00 Metal Worker, N.Y. ..................... w Mech. 1.85 1.25 Metaphysical Magazine. (n. 115) .............. m 1.25 2.00 Methodist Magazine & Review .................... 1.80 2.60 Methodist Review, N.Y. .............. bi-m Meth. 2.55 1.50 Methodist Recorder, Pittsburg .......... w Meth. 1.40 1.00 Metropolitan Fashions N.Y. ............. q Fash. 1.00 1.80 Metropolitan Mag., N.Y. (F. P. .84) .......... m 1.80 We allow agents and dealers a commission of 35 cents. Metropolitan Magazine in offer No. 5 with Lippincotts or any class C .............. 3.00 with Pearsons or any class A ................. 2.00 with Etude or any one in Offer 5 ............. 2.50 with Booklovers or any class B ............... 3.25 with any two in class A ...................... 2.50 with any three in class A .................... 3.00 with any two in class B or C ................. 4.75 with any three in class B or C ............... 6.25 .25 Metropolitan an Rural Home, N.Y. ....... m Agri. .20 .60 Michigan Farmer, Detroit ............... w Agri. .50 .25 Michigan Poultry Breeder .............. m Poult. .25 1.50 Midland, Chicago (n. 1.30) ............ w Relig. 1.45 1.00 Midland Schools, Des Moines (n. .80) ......... m .90 1.00 Miliner and Milliner's Guide ........... q Fash. .90 4.00 Millinery Trade Re View, N.Y. .......... m Fash. 4.00 1.00 Milwaukee Journal ....................... w Dem. .90
FOR HARPER'S MAGAZINE SEND ME ONLY $3.35 the great leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) or add $3.35 to any combination in this catalogue.
Pub. Price Our Price 3.00 Milwaukee Journal ................ 5 issues Dem. 2.00 4.00 Milwaukee Wisconsin (w. .50-.40) ... 6 iss. Rep. 3.40 2.50 Mind, N.Y. (F.P. .50) ................... m Met. 2.15 1.00 Mind & Body, Milwaukee .................. m Edu. .90 2.00 Mines and Minerals, Scranton, Pa ............. m 2.00 6.00 Mining Journal ........................ 6 issues 5.30 2.00 Mining Journal, Marquette, Mich. ........ w Rep. 1.70 3.00 Mining and Sci. Press, San Francisco .... w Min. 2.65 3.00 Mining Reporter, Denver ...................... w 2.50 4.00 Minneapolis Journal .............. 6 issues Ind. 3.60 3.00 Minneapolis Tribune .............. 6 issues Ind. 2.65 4.80 Minneapolis Tribune ................... 7 issues 4.05 1.80 Minneapolis Tribune ..................... Sunday 1.60 .60 Minnesota School Journal ................... s-m .50 .50 Mirror & Farmer, Manchester, N.H. ...... w Agri. .40 .75 Missionary Herald, Boston .............. m Cong. .75 2.50 Missionary Review (n. 2.15) (F.P. .50) .. m Mis. 2.50 1.25 Mo. School Journal, Jefferson City ...... m Edu. .85 1.00 Moderator Topics, Lansing .................... m .80 .50 Modes, N.Y. .................................. m .40 1.50 Modern Language Notes, Balt. ....... 8 Nos. Lit. 1.45 1.00 Modern Machinery, Chicago .................... m .85 1.00 Modern Medicine, Battle Creek ................ m .75 .50 Modern Priscilla, Boston ..................... m .45 2.00 Monist, Chicago ......................... q Sci. 1.65 .60 Montreal Gazette ............................. w .45 6.00 Montreal Gazette ...................... 6 issues 5.00 3.00 Montreal Star .................... 6 issu. News. 2.55 3.00 Montreal Witness (w. 1.00-.70) .... 6 iss. Evan. 2.25 2.00 Morning Star, Boston .................... w Bap. 1.50 2.00 Motor Age, Chicago ........................... w 1.70 2.00 Motor Review ................................. w 1.65 2.00 Municipal Engineering, Indianap. ............. m 2.00 1.00 Munsey's Magazine, N.Y. (F.P. .84) ...... m Lit. 1.00 1.50 Musician, Thos. Tapper, Editor, ....... m Music. 1.25
5.00 Musical Courier, N.Y. ................ w Music. 4.25 1.00 Musical Harp. Berea, O. .............. m Music. .75 2.50 Musical Leader & Concert Goer ................ w 1.70 .25 Musical Million, Dayton, Va. .......... m Music. .20 1.25 Musical Times ................................ m 1.25 Add McClure's or Everybody's to any club at $1.00.
.50 Nashville (Tenn.) American ................... w .45 5.20 Nashville American .................... 6 issues 4.50 2.00 Nashville American ...................... Sunday 1.75 5.00 Nashville Banner (w. 1.00-.85) ..... 6 iss. Dem. 4.45 3.00 Nation, New York (F.P. 1.00) ............ w Ins. 2.85 2.00 National Builder, Chicago ...............m Arch. 1.40 1.00 National Druggists, St. Louis ......... m Drugs. .95 .50 National Educator, Allentown ................. m .35 2.50 National Geographic Magazine ............ m Sci. 2.25 1.00 National Laundry Journal, Chi. ........ s-m Com. .80 1.00 National Magazine, Boston ............... m Lit. .80 National Magazine with Good Housekeeping or Pearsons ........... 1.50 with Leslies Monthly Mag., or Success ........ 4.50 with Cosmopolitan or 20th Century Home ....... 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.00 National Nurseryman, Rochester ................. .90 2.00 National Printer Journalist .................. m 2.00 1.00 National Rural, Chicago ................ w Agri. .85 1.00 National Sportsman ........................... m .80 1.00 Nat. Stockman & Farmer Pittsburg ......... Agri. .80 1.00 National Tribune, Wash. ...................... w 1.00 6.00 Nature, New York, Reprint ............... w Sci. 5.40 1.00 Nautilus ..................................... m .90 1.00 Nebraska Farmer, Lincoln ................ w Agr. .80 .25 Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln .......... Rep. .25 1.00 Nebraska Teacher, Lincoln ............... m Edu. .90 2.00 New Church Rev., Boston ...................... q 1.75 3.00 New England Magazine (F.P. .75) ......... m Lit. 2.65 1.00 New England Farmer, Boston ............. w Agri. .85 2.00 New England Grocer, Boston (n. 1.85)..... w Com. 2.00 1.50 New England Medical Monthly ............. m Med. 1.20 1.00 New England Homest'd, Springfield ............ w 1.00 2.00 New Haven Register ...................... Sunday 1.90 6.00 New Haven Register .................... 6 issues 5.60 .50 New Idea Woman's Magazine, N.Y. ........ m Fash. .50 1.75 New illustrated Magazine, N.Y. .......... m Lit. 1.65 2.00 New Orleans Picayune (s-w. 1.00-.90) .. Sun Dem. 2.00 10.00 New Orleans Picayune ............. 6 issues Dem. 10.00 1.00 New Orleans Times-Democrat .............. w Dem. 1.00 12.00 New Orleans Times-Democrat .......... 7 iss Dem. 12.00 2.00 Newspaperdom, N.Y. ........................... w 1.75 1.00 New Voice, Chicago (new .90) ........... w Temp. 1.00 1.00 N.Y. Accts. & Bookkeeper's Jour. ............. m .60 2.50 New York American and Journal ........ Sun. Dem. 2.20 8.50 New York American and Jour. ........ 7 iss. Dem. 7.00 6.00 New York American & Journal. ....... 6 iss. Dem. 5.00 4.00 New York Clipper (F.P. 1.50) .......... w Sport. 3.25 6.00 N.Y. Commercial, & Price Current ....... d Trade 5.40 7.50 New York Commercial Adv. Eve. with Saturday sup .............................. 6 Issues Rep. 5.25 2.50 N.Y. Com. Adv. Sat. Edition & Sup. ........... w 1.95 4.00 N.Y. Dramatic Mirror ......................... w 8.40 3.50 New York Evening Journal ........... 6 iss. Dem. 3.00 2.00 N.Y. Eve. Post (w. 1.00-85) ........... s-w Ind. 1.90 9.00 N.Y. Eve. Post (Sat. 1.50 1.45) .... 6 iss. Ind. 8.35 1.00 N.Y. Farmer, Port Jervis (n.85) .............. w .90 3.00 N.Y. Family Story Paper (F.P. 12) ............ w 2.40 8.10 N.Y. Herald (Sun. 2.10-2.05) ....... 6 iss. Ind. 8.05 10.10 New York Herald .................. 7 issues Ind. 10 05 2.50 N.Y. Mail and Express ............ Saturday Rep. 2.35 2.25 New York Mail and Express. ....... 5 issues Rep. 2.10 4.50 New York Mail and Express. ....... 6 issues Rep. 4.10 5.00 New York & Phila., Medical Jour .............. w 4.25 5.50 New York News (Sun. 2.50-2.20) ..... 7 iss. Dem. 4.00 3.00 New York News ...................... 6 iss. Dem. 2.60 3.00 New York Observe (n. 2.25) ............. w Evan. 3.00 4.50 New York Press ................... 6 issues Rep. 4.00 6.50 New York Press (Sun. 250-2.30) ..... 7 iss. Rep. 5.75 6.00 New York Sun ..................... 6 issues Dem. 5.60 8.00 New York Sun (Sun. 2.00-1. 90) ..... 7 iss. Dem. 7.40 2.00 New York Telegraph ...................... Sunday 1.75 1.00 N.Y. Teacher's Monographs, N.Y. ......... 6 iss. .90 12.00 N.Y. Morning Telegraph, N.Y. ............ 6 iss. 9.85 6.00 New York Times (Sat. 1.00-.95) ..... 6 iss. Dem. 5.30 8.50 New York Times (Sun. 2.50-230) ..... 7 iss. Dem. 7.45 1.00 New York Tribune Farmer ................. w Rep. .75 8.00 New York Tribune ................. 6 issues Rep. 7.40 10.00 New York Tribune (Sun. 2.00-1.90) ... 7 is. Rep. 9.20 .25 New York Tribune Almanac. ...................... .25 1.50 New York Tribune ........... 3 times a week Rep. 1.20 1.00 N.Y. Tribune Review .......................... w .85 3.00 New York Weekly ......................... w Lit. 2.50 1.00 New York Witness ....................... w Evan. .90 1.00 New York World ............. 3 times a week Dem. .90 6.00 New York World ................... 6 issues Dem. 5.45 3.50 New York World. eve. edition ........ Daily Dem. 3.25 8.50 New York World (Sun. 2.50-2.30) .... 7 iss. Dem. 7.65 .35 New York World Almanac ......................... .35 .50 Nickell Magazine, N.Y. .................. m Lit. .35 4.50 Nineteenth Century (reprint) N.Y. ....... m Lit. 4.00 My agents must charge $4.50 for above. .50 Normal Instructor—Teachers' World ..... m Edu. .45 1.00 Normal Instructor—Teachers' World 3 yrs m Edu. .90 Normal Instructor in offer No. 3: with Success or Good Housekeeping ............ 1.25 with Primary Plans or Am. Education .......... 1.25 with Am. Primary Teacher or Leslie's ......... 1.25 with Pearson or 20th Century Home ............ 1.25 with Popular Educator (new) .................. 1.25 with any two of above ........................ 1.75 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 North American. Phila. .................... daily 3.00 2.50 North American .......................... Sunday 2.50 5.00 North American Rev., N.Y. (F.P. .96) .... m Lit. 4.25 To Teachers and the Clergy 2.75. North American Review (new): with Success & Good Housekeeping ............. 5.00 with Rev. of Rev. or World's Work ............ 5.75 with Booklover or Independent ................ .75 with any two of above ........................ 7.25 with Outlook (new) ........................... 5.75 with Country Life ............................ 6.00 SEE OTHER CLUB OFFERS IN FOREPART OF THIS CATALOGUE. Everybody's may be added to any club for One Dollar .30 Northern Messenger, Montreal ........... w Temp. .27 .50 North West Agriculturist (n..35) ........... s-m .50 3.00 Northwestern Miller (new 2.50) ............... w 3.00 1.00 Northwest Jour. of Education Olympia ........... .85 1.00 Northwest Pac. Farmer. Port., Oreg. .... w Agri. .85 1.00 Notes and Queries, Manchester, N. H. .... m Edu. .95
1.50 Odd Fellows' Talisman ................... m O.F. 1.50 1.00 Ohio Edu. Monthly. Columbus. O .......... m Edu. 1.00 .60 Ohio Farmer, Clevel'd (2 yrs. 1.00-.90) w Agri. .50 .50 Ohio Poultry Journal, Dayton, O ...... m Poult. .35 1.00 Ohio State Journal, Columbus .......... s-w Rep. .85 5.50 Ohio State Journal ................. 6 iss. Rep. 5.20 3.00 Ohio State Jour. (State Ed.) ............ 6 iss. 2.25 .75 Ohio Teacher, Athens .................... m Edu. .60 7.00 Oil City (Pa.) Der'ick (s.w. 1.00-.95) 6 iss Ind. 5.25 4.00 Oil, Paint & Drug Reporter (new 3.25) .......... 4.00 1.00 Olympian, Nashville ..................... m Lit. .75 Add McClure's or Everybody's to any club at $1.00. 4.00 Omaha Bee (Sun. 2.00-1.85) ....... 6 issues Rep. 3.60 4.00 Omaha World Her'ld (s-w 1.00-.85).... 7 iss Ind. 3.40 1.25 Omaha World-Herald ................. Sunday Ind. 1.15 1.00 Open Court, Chicago ..................... m Sci. 1.00 1.50 Oregonian, Portland ..................... w Rep. 1.35 1.00 Orange Judd Farmer ..................... w Agri. 1.00 2.00 Ores and Metals, Denver ...................... m 1.50 1.00 Organ, N.Y. ............................... bi-m .90 1.50 Organist, with binder, Dayton. ........ b-m Mus. 1.40 3.00 Organist's Journal, Arlington, N.J. ..... m Mus. 2.50 2.00 Our Day, Chicago (F. P. .50) ................. m 1.80 .50 Our Dumb Animals, Boston. ............... m Edu. .35 .35 Our Little People, Farmington ........... m Juv. .30 1.00 Our Monthly, Clinton, S.C. ................... m .80 .50 Our Times, N.Y. ......................... m Edu. .50 2.00 Out West, Los Angeles ................... m Lit. 1.90 Out West in offer No. 5: Leslies and Good Housekeeping ................ 2.50 World Today and Harper's Magazine ............ 5.35 Booklovers and Success ....................... 3.50 1.00 Outdoor Life, Denver .................... m Lit. .90 Recognized as authority on big game hunting in America and the most beautifully illustrated sportsmans magazine. Outdoor Life in class A: with Success or Good Housekeeping ............ 1.50 with Leslies or 20th Century Home ............ 1.50 with Pearsons or Recreation .................. 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Am. Inventor ............ 1.50 with any two of above ........................ 2.00 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.50 Outdoors (F.P. 1.00) .................. in Sport 1.00 Outdoors in class A: with Outdoor Life ............................ 1.50 with any one in above Clubs .................. 1.50 with any two in above Clubs .................. 2.00 with any three in above Clubs ................ 2.50 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 3.00 Outing, N.Y. (F.P. 72) ................ m Sport. 3.00 Outing in class B: with Success and Leslies ..................... 3.00 with Review of Reviews and Recreation ........ 4.25 with Outdoors and World's Work ............... 4.25 with Booklovers and Outdoor Life ............. 4.25 with Smart Set and Pearsons .................. 4.25 with Burr McIntosh and Cosmopolitan .......... 4.25 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 8.00 Outlook, N.Y. (F.P. 1.56) ............. w Family 3.00 Outlook (new): with Success.................................. 3.00 with Country Life ............................ 5.00 with Harper's Bazar or any class A ........... 3.25 with World's Work and Success ................ 4.50 with Century and House Beautiful ............. 6.75 See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue. 1.50 Overland Monthly, San Francisco ......... m Lit. 1.20 |
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