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A Book of Verses for Children, Another Book of Verses for Children,
compiled by E. V. Lucas. After these, we come to collections containing real poetry, two excellent ones being
The Blue Poetry Book By Andrew Lang. A First [Second and Third] Poetry Book " M. A. Woods.
There is also
Lyra Heroica By W. E. Henley,
a collection for boys. Selections from Tennyson, Browning, and other poets, intended for children, have been made, but most young explorers of poetry like to have the complete works and hunt for themselves. Other popular books of poetry are—
The Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. Poems Every Child Should know. Mr. C. R. D. Patmore's Children's Garland from the Best Poets. Miss Agnes Repplier's Book of Famous Verse. H. E. Scudder's American Poems. The "Original Poems," and Others By Jane and Ann Taylor. National Rhymes for the Nursery " George Saintsbury. The Ballad Book " W. Allingham. Lays of Ancient Rome " Lord Macaulay. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers " W. E. Aytoun. The Percy Reliques. A Thousand and One Gems of Poetry. Scott. Longfellow. Hood.
Many boys also like the humorous stories in Barham's Ingoldsby Legends.
Books About Children
To this section, which is suited more particularly for girls, belong a large number of stories of a very popular kind: stories describing the ordinary life of children of to-day, with such adventures as any of us can have near home. Years ago the favorites were—
The Fairchild Family By Mrs. Sherwood. Sandford and Merton " Thomas Day.
But these are not read as they used to be, partly because taste has changed, and partly because so many other books can now be procured. But fifty and more years ago they were in every nursery library.
The Swiss Family Robinson,
the most famous family book of all, will be found in the adventure section, to which perhaps really belong
Feats on the Fiord, The Settlers at Home,
by Harriet Martineau, although these two, and
The Crofton Boys
may be included here. Here also belong Maria Edgeworth's
Moral Tales for Young People. The Parent's Assistant,
which, although their flavor is old-fashioned, are yet as interesting as ever they were.
Another writer whose popularity is no longer what it was is Jacob Abbott, the author of a number of fascinating stories of home life (on farms and in the country) in America in the middle of last century. The Franconia stories are these:—
Beechnut. Wallace. Madeline. Caroline. Mary Erskine. Mary Bell. Stuyvesant. Agnes.
And this is the Rollo series, intended by Mr. Abbott for rather younger readers:—
The Little Scholar Learning to Talk. Rollo Learning to Read. Rollo at Play. Rollo at Work. Rollo at School. Rollo's Vacation.
A list of other books, which come more or less rightly under the head of "Stories about Children" follows, the earlier ones being better suited to younger readers, and the later ones to older, the age aimed at in this chapter (and indeed in the whole book), ranging from five to fifteen.
By Kate Douglas Wiggin:—
Polly Oliver's Problem. Timothy's Quest.
By Louisa M. Alcott:—
Little Women. Good Wives. Eight Cousins. Rose in Bloom. Spinning-Wheel Stories. Little Men. Jo's Boys. An Old-Fashioned Girl. Aunt Jo's Scrap Bag. Comic Tragedies.
The Little Pepper Series, and the Elsie Books.
By Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett:—
Little Lord Fauntleroy. Editha's Burglar. The Captain's Youngest. Sara Crew.
By Mrs. Whitney:—
We Girls. Faith Gartney's Girlhood. The Gayworthys. Leslie Goldthwaite.
By Gelett Burgess:—
Goops, and How to be Them. More Goops, and How Not to be Them. Goop Tales. The Lively City o'Ligg. The Burgess Nonsense Book.
This section is necessarily more incomplete than any of the others, since it is impossible to keep pace with the great number of stories of this kind which are published every Christmas. But a few more may be added:—
Stories Told to a Child By Jean Ingelow. The Lost Child " Henry Kingsley. Helen's Babies " John Habberton. The Treasure-Seekers " E. Nesbit. Holiday House " Catherine Sinclair. Deeds of Daring done by Girls " N. Hudson Moore. Children of Other Days " " " Paleface and Redskin " F. Anstey. The Silver Skates " M. M. Dodge. Molly and Olly " Mrs. Humphry Ward. Sweetheart Travelers " S. R. Crockett. Sir Toady Crusoe " " " Sir Toady Lion " " " No Relations " Hector Malot. Jogging 'Round the World " Edith Dunham. A Little Daughter of the Revolution " Agnes Sage. A Little Colonial Dame " " " The House of the Red Fox " Miriam Byrne. The Would-be Witch " " " Little Barefoot From the German of Auerbach. Indian Boys and Girls By Alice Haines. Japanese Child Life " " " Little Japs at Home " " " Jap Boys and Girls " " " According to Grandma " " " When Grandma was Little " " " What Grandma Says " " "
Here also belong many of the stories of Miss Yonge, and we might perhaps place Uncle Tom's Cabin here too.
Boy and Schoolboy Stories
In this section are placed stories of modern boys, either at home or at school, and their ordinary home or school adventures. Among the best are—
Tom Sawyer By Mark Twain.
Bevis By Richard Jefferies.
Others are—
The Story of a Bad Boy By T. B. Aldrich. My Boyhood " H. C. Barkley. The Swan and her Crew " G. C. Davies. Captain Chap " Frank R. Stockton. The Tinkham Brothers' Tidemill " J. T. Trowbridge.
The best school story will probable always be
Tom Brown's School Days By T. Hughes.
Among the books of this kind meant rather for grownup readers, but read also by boys, are—
Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain. Frank Fairlegh " F. E. Smedley. The Interpreter " Whyte Melville. The Human Boy " Eden Phillpots. Vice Versa " F. Anstey.
Adventure Stories
This is the largest group of books usually described as "for boys," although girls often read them too with hardly less interest. The first place in this class will probably always be held by Defoe's
Robinson Crusoe,
and it is likely that most votes for second place would go to
The Swiss Family Robinson.
After these we come to modern authors whose books have been written especially for boys, first among whom is the late Mr. R. M. Ballantyne, the author of, among numerous other books,
The Coral Island. The Gorilla Hunters. The Dog Crusoe. The Pirate City. Ungava. The Wild Man of the West. The Iron Horse. Fighting the Flames. Erling the Bold. Martin Rattler. The Fur Traders. The Red Man's Revenge.
Many of Ballantyne's readers make a point of going through the whole series of his books. The other titles can be collected from the advertisement pages at the end of these volumes. With R. M. Ballantyne is usually associated the name of the late W. H. G. Kingston ("Kingston and Ballantyne the brave," Stevenson called them in the verses at the beginning of Treasure Island, another book which comes high in this section). Kingston's stories were also very numerous, but it will serve our purpose here to mention only the following six:—
Peter the Whaler. The Three Midshipmen. The Three Lieutenants. The Three Commanders. The Three Admirals. From Powder-Monkey to Admiral.
Several authors have carried on Ballantyne and Kingston's work. Chief among these are Mr. G. A. Henty and Mr. G. Manville Fenn. Here are six of Mr. G. A. Henty's stories:—
Out on the Pampas. The Young Colonists. The Young Franc-Tireurs. In the Heart of the Rockies. Maori and Settler. Redskin and Cowboy.
And here are eight of Mr. G. Manville Fenn's:—
Brownsmith's Boy. Bunyip Land. Bevon Boys. Dick o' the Fens. The Golden Magnet. Fix Bay'nets. Jungle and Stream. Menhardoc.
Mr. Max Pemberton, author of
The Iron Pirate. The Impregnable City.
"Q." (Mr. Quiller Couch), author of
Dead Man's Rock. The Silver Spur.
and Mr. David Kerr, author of
The Boy Slave in Bokhara. Lost Among the White Africans. The Wild Horseman of the Pampas. Cossack and Czar. Old Tartar Deserts. Prisoner among Pirates.
Jules Verne is a French writer, but his stories have always quickly been translated into English, many of them by Mr. Henry Frith. Their titles are a good guide to their subject, for Jules Verne goes to science for some wonderful invention, such as a submarine boat or a flying machine, and then surrounds it with extraordinary adventures. Among his best books are—
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Round the World in Eighty Days. Five Weeks in a Balloon. The English at the North Pole. The Clipper of the Clouds. From the Earth to the Moon. The Mysterious Island. A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
First of English inventors of fantastic stories of adventure is Mr. Rider Haggard. His three most popular books are—
King Solomon's Mines. She. Allan Quatermain.
The books already named, with the exception of Robinson Crusoe, were written especially for boys. Other books which were not so intended, but have come to be read more by boys than any one else, include Fenimore Cooper's Indian stories, of which these are four:—
The Last of the Mohicans. The Pathfinder. The Deerslayer. The Bee Hunters.
Other Indian stories are those of Gustave Aimard, translated from the French, among which are these:—
The Last of the Incas. The Trail Hunter. The Indian Scout. The Gold-Seekers. The Red River Half-Speed. The Border Rifles. The Trappers of Arkansas.
These are, of course, North American tales. Other North American tales are those of Captain Mayne Reid, which include—
The Boy Hunters. The Boy Slaves. Bruin, or The Grand Bear Hunter. The Bush Boys. The Castaways. The White Chief. The Desert Home. The Forest Exiles. The Giraffe Hunters. The Headless Horseman. The Rifle Rangers. The Scalp Hunters.
In this section belong the books of Mr. George Bird Grinnell, author of
Jack in the Rockies. Jack, the Young Ranchman. Jack Among the Indians. Jack, the Young Canoeman. Jack, the Young Trapper.
Also Harold Bindloss'
The Young Traders.
And to this section belong also stories of the sea, several of which have already been mentioned. High among these are Captain Marryat's
Poor Jack, Masterman Ready,
together with many of his tales intended originally for older readers, such as
Jacob Faithful. Mr. Midshipman Easy. Peter Simple. Snarleyyow.
Mr. Clark Russell's stories:—
The Wreck of the "Grosvenor." The Golden Hope. An Ocean Free-Lance. The Frozen Pirate.
Here also belong Mr. Kipling's
Captains Courageous,
and an old sea favorite—
Two Years Before the Mast By R. H. Dana.
Other good sea books, not fiction:—
My First Voyage By W. Stones. The Voyage of the "Sunbeam" " Lady Brassey. The Cruise of the "Cachalot" " F. T. Bullen. The Cruise of the "Falcon" " E. F. Knight.
Historical Stories for Boys
New historical stories are published in great numbers every year. The most popular author of this kind of book for boys is Mr. G. A. Henty, among whose very numerous historical tales, all good, are—
At Aboukir and Acre. At Agincourt. Bonnie Prince Charlie. By Right of Conquest. The Dash for Khartoum. In the Reign of Terror. With Moore at Corunna. The Lion of St. Mark. Maori and Settler. St. Bartholomew's Eve. Under Drake's Flag. With Clive in India. With Frederick the Great. With Lee in Virginia.
By Rev. A. J. Church—
The Chantry Priest of Barnet. The Count of the Saxon Shore. Stories from English History. With the King at Oxford.
Other historical tales:—
Stories from Froissart By Henry Newbolt. The Scottish Chiefs " Jane Porter. The Children of the New Forest " Captain Marryat. A Monk of Fife " Andrew Lang. Grettir the Outlaw " Baring Gould. The Story of Burnt Njal " Sir George Dasent. Lorna Doone " R. D. Blackmore. In Old Egypt " H. P. Mendes. An Island Story " H. E. Marshall. Scotland's Story " " "
By R. L. Stevenson—
The Black Arrow. Kidnapped. David Balfour.
By Charles Kingsley—
Hereward the Wake. Westward Ho!
By Conan Doyle—
Micah Clarke The White Company. The Refugees.
By Stanley J. Weyman—
The House of the Wolf. Under the Red Robe. The Man in Black. A Gentleman of France.
By Mr. Andrew Balfour—
By Stroke of Sword. To Arms!
By Mark Twain
The Prince and the Pauper. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc.
There are also historical stories more particularly intended by their authors for grown-up readers, but which boys and girls can, however, find quite interesting enough, even if much has to be skipped. First among these are Sir Walter Scott's novels:—
Ivanhoe. Kenilworth. Woodstock. Quentin Durward. Rob Roy. The Abbott. The Monastery. The Talisman.
Other writers and books follow. By Alexandre Dumas—
The Three Musketeers. Twenty Years After. The Vicomte de Brageleonne. Marguerite de Valois. Chicot the Jester. The Forty-five Guardsmen.
By Charles Dickens—
Barnaby Rudge. A Tale of Two Cities.
By Lord Lytton—
Rienzi. Harold. The Last of the Barons. The Last Days of Pompeii.
Animal Books
First among the animal books are Mr. Kipling's two Jungle Books. Two other beast stories by Mr. Kipling are "Moti Guj, Mutineer," the tale of a truant elephant, which is in Life's Handicap and "The Maltese Cat," a splendid tale of a polo pony, which is in The Day's Work. Next to these comes Mr. E. Thompson-Seton's Wild Animals I Have Known. The lives of animals by themselves, or by some one who knows everything about them, are always favorite books with small readers. Among the best are these:—
Black Beauty (the story of a horse) By Mrs. Sewell. Conrad the Squirrel " the author of Wandering Willie. The Story of the Red Deer " J. W. Fortescue. Every Inch a King (the story of a dog) " Anon. The Lives of the Hunted " E. Thompson-Seton. The Trail of the Sandhill Stag " " " The Adventures of a Siberian Cub " Leon Golschmann. The Autobiography of a Grizzly. " E. Thompson-Seton.
The best tale of a bear is perhaps Bret Harte's "Baby Sylvester," which will be found in one of his volumes of short stories. Good animal stories are scattered about other collections of short stories. In Mr. Anstey's Paleface and Redskin are stories of dogs.
Mr. Lang's
Red Book of Animal Stories
has both dogs and cats in it, and many other creatures too. Here also should be placed Mr. Warde Fowler's
Tales of the Birds.
Other very popular animal books are Mr. Joel Chandler Harris's
Nights with Uncle Remus, Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit (largely illustrations), Mr. Rabbit at Home,
and the same author has written also
The Story of Aaron, Aaron in the Wild Woods,
which are stories not only of animals, but of people too; and here, perhaps, may be placed AEsop's Fables.
Wood Magic By Richard Jefferies
is an attempt to do for English wild life somewhat the same service that Mr. Kipling performed for India.
Other open air and animal books are:—
By the Rev. J. G. Wood—
By Back-yard Zoo. Pet Land revisited. Pet Land A Tour Round My Garden.
Curiosities of Natural History By Frank Buckland. White's Selborne Edited by Frank Buckland. Wanderings in South America By Charles Waterton. Wild Traits in Domestic Animals " Louis Robinson. The Voyage of the "Beagle" " Charles Darwin. Ants, Bees, and Wasps " Sir John Lubbock. (Lord Avebury). On the Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals " " " Bob, Son of Battle " " "
A series of very interesting scientific books, under the general title "The Romance of Science," is published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Among these volumes are—
The Making of Flowers By Professor Henslow. The Birth and Growth of Worlds " Professor Green. Spinning Tops " Professor Perry. Time and Tide " Sir Robert Ball.
The same publishers also issue a series of "Natural History Rambles," including—
In Search of Minerals By D. T. Ansted. Lane and Field " the Rev J. G. Wood. Ponds and Ditches " M. C. Cooke. Underground " J. E. Taylor. The Woodlands " M. C. Cooke. The Sea-shore " Professor Duncan.
There is also a new series, called "The Wonder Books of Science," of which
The Wonder Book of Volcanoes and Earthquakes, and The Wonder Book of the Atmosphere
are the first.
Other good scientific yet very entertaining books:—
The Fairyland of Science By A. B. Buckley. Through Magic Glasses " " " Life and Her Children " " " The Romance of the Insect World " Miss L. Badenoch. The Ocean " " " Glaucus " Charles Kingsley. Madam How and Lady Why " " " The Old Red Sandstone " Hugh Miller. The Testimony of the Rocks " " " Homes without Hands " Rev. J. G. Wood. Sun, Moon, and Stars " A. Giberne. The Story of the Heavens " Sir Robert Ball. Other Worlds than Ours " R. A. Proctor. The Orbs around us " " " The Boys Book of Inventions " R. S. Baker. Extinct Animals " E. Ray Lankester. Electricity for Young People " Tudor Jenks.
A good deal of more or less truthful history will be found in the section given to historical tales (see page 380). Here follows a small list of more serious historical books which also are good reading:—
Tales of a Grandfather By Sir Walter Scott. Stories from English History " Rev. A. J. Church. Lives of the Queens of England " Agnes Strickland. Cameos from English History (several series)" C. M. Younge. Stories from Roman History " Mrs. Beesley. Deeds that Won the Empire " W. H. Fitchett. Fights for the Flag " " "
Books of Travel
It is not important that travel books should be written especially for young readers. Almost all records of travel contain some pages of interest, whatever the remainder may be like. The fact that a book describes wanderings in a far country is enough.
But the books by Commander Robert E. Peary and his wife deserve mention.
Snowland Folk. The Snow Baby. Children of the Arctic.
The Treatment of Library Books
On this page is given a copy of the book mark which a clergyman, Mr. Henry Maxson, prepared for the use of the readers in the children's section of a library in Wisconsin.
Once upon a time a Library Book was overheard talking to a little boy who had just borrowed it. The words seemed worth recording, and here they are:—
"Please don't handle me with dirty hands. I should feel ashamed to be seen when the next little boy borrowed me.
"Or leave me out in the rain. Books can catch cold as well as children.
"Or make marks on me with your pen or pencil. It would spoil my looks.
"Or lean on me with your elbows when you are reading me. It hurts.
"Or open me and lay me face down on the table. You wouldn't like to be treated so.
"Or put in between my leaves a pencil or anything thicker than a single sheet of thin paper. It would strain my back.
"Whenever you have finished reading me, if you are afraid of losing your place, don't turn down the corner of one of my leaves, but have a neat little Book Mark to put in where you stopped, and then close me and lay me down on my side, so that I can have a good, comfortable rest.
"Remember that I want to visit a great many other little boys after you have done with me. Besides, I may meet you again some day, and you would be sorry to see me looking old and torn and soiled. Help me to keep fresh and clean, and I will help you to be happy."
In making a book of this kind, it is impossible to think of all the things that ought to be mentioned. Every reader is certain to know of some game or pastime that has been left out. In order that you may yourself bring this collection nearer completeness, the following Appendix of blank pages has been added. Some reference to everything that is written in the Appendix ought to be made, if only in pencil, in both the body of the book and in the Index.
Acrobatic impossibilities, 36
Acrobatics, drawing-room, 35-41
Acrostics, 59
Acting initials, 97 games, 97-109 proverbs, 97 verbs (Dumb Crambo), 98
Adders, 212
Adhesive tape, 243
Adventure, stories of, 376
Advertisements, 21
Almonds, how to blanch, 310
Alphabet, the cat, 166
Alphabet, the love, 88, 165
Alphabet, the ship, 87
Anemone, 325
Angora rabbits, 348
Animal, vegetable and mineral, 96
Animals, books about, 382 China, 192 composite (drawing game), 51 invented (drawing game), 54 velvet, 289
Annuals, treatment of, 319-323
Ants, 213
Apple-snapping, 6
Apprentice, the, 167
Arm-chair (model), 251
Aspidistra, 331
Auctioning prizes, 43
Autumn sowing of seedlings, 321
Avadavats, 358
Bag and stick, 7
Balancing, 187
Balancing tricks, 122
Ball games, 139 wool, 282
Ballad game, the, 132
Balloon, 39
Barley Sugar, 307
Baths for birds, 355
Battledoor and shuttlecock, 129
Bead furniture for dolls' houses, 223
Bead-work, 283
Bean bags, 113
Bed boat, the, 189 games, 185-193 soldiers, 191 thinking games for, 189
Beds for dolls' houses, 222 matchbox, 231
Bedstead (model), 252
Bees, 205
Belgian hares, 349
Bicyclist, the, 34
Biennials, treatment of, 322
Bingo, 27
Birds, large and cage, 355-366 in the garden, 363-366
Birds'-nesting, 207
Birthday, the old maid's, 81
Blackberrying, 209
Blackbird, the, 360
Black man, 158
Blacksmith, the, 206
Blenheim spaniels, 347
Blind feeding the blind, the, 5
Blind games, 3-5
Blind man's buff, 3 played with spoons, 3
Blind man's wand, 4
Blind worms, 212
Block city, 188
Bloodhound, the, 347
Blowing eggs, 207
Blowing out the candle, 6
Boat, a simple toy, 295
Boats, paper, 285 on a stream, 211 sailing, 210 walnut shell, 298
Book mark, 385
Books— and bookshelves for a doll's house, 224 about animals, 382 about boys, 376 of adventure, 376 about children, 373 of fairy tales, 370 historical, 380-382, 384 of poetry, 371 about the sea, 379 of travel, 385 of legendary tales, 371
Borders for a garden, 319
Borzoi, the, 347
Bowling, 143
Boxes, cardboard, 288 for collections of eggs, 208 for dolls' houses, 220 paper, 287
Boy and schoolboy stories, 376
Boys' toys, 292-301
Bran-tubs, 303
Bream, 351
Bricks, 185
Bruce's heart, 187
Bubbles, soap, 116, 279
Buff, 26
Buff, blind man's, 3
Buff, shadow, 5
Bulbs, treatment of, 325-326 in cocoanut fibre, 333 in glasses, 333 in pots, 332
Bull dog, the, 346
Bullfinch, the, 359
Bull terrier, the, 343
Bunting, the yellow, 360
Buried names, 63
Butterfly hunting, 208
Butter-making, 205
Buying dogs, 342
Buz, 167
Cage birds, 355-366
Cages for birds, 355
Campanulas, 332
Canaries, 357 seed, 332
Candle-blowing, 6
Candle lighters, the, 38
Candy-making, 307-312
Candy, molasses, 310 nut, 310 peppermint, 311
Caramels, 308 cream, 309
Cardboard and paper furniture:— drawings of, 241-257 arm-chair, 251 bedstead, 252 chair, 256 cot, 257 cut-outs, 291 dining-room table, 249 dressing-table, 254 high chair, 257 kitchen chair, 247 range, 247 table, 246 pots and pans, 248 rocking-chair 256 screen, 248 sideboard, 250 sofa, 251 towel-rack, 256 wardrobe, 253 washstand, 255
Cardboard and paper toys, 284-292
Cardboard boxes, 288 dolls' houses, 237-243 uses for, 290
Card games, 77-83
Cardinal, the, 358
Cards for patience, 76 for snap, 77
Cards, hat and, 38
Catalogues, gardening, 316
Cat alphabet, the, 166
Catching balls, 140
Caterpillar game, 11
Caterpillars, 353
Cat-fish, the American, 352
Cats, 348
Chaffinch, the, 359
Chair (model), 256
Chairs, chestnut, 229 cork, 228
Chalks, 275
Characteristics, prophecies and, 80
Charades, 106
Cherry contests, 304
Chevy, 156
Chickens, feeding the, 204
Child's Garden of Verses, A, 188
Children, books about, 373
China animals, 192 nest-eggs, 204
Chinese gambling, 181
Chitterbob, 31
Christmas, 302-303 trees, 302
Clap in, clap out, 15
Clothes-basket, a doll's house, 234
Clothes-horse, summer house, 136
Clumber spaniel, the, 344
Clumps, 93
Coach, family, 33
Cobbler, the, 14
Cocked hat, paper, 284
Cocker spaniel, the, 344
Cocoanut cream, 308 drops, 308 fibre for bulbs, 332
Coffee-pot, 95
Collars for dogs, 340
Collecting Jones's, 165
Collections of china animals, 192 of flags, 273 of flowers, 208 of stamps, 278
Collie, the, 344
Color in a garden, 316
Coloring maps, 273 pictures, 273
Compasses, home-made, 243
Competitions, guessing, 103 railway, 173
Composite animals (drawing game), 51 scrap books, 277 stories, 70
Concerted sneeze, the, 27
Concerts, the topsy-turvy, 105
Consequences, 68 an extended form of, 69
Contests, cherry, 304
Convalescents, games for, 191
Copying woodcuts, 274
Cork and matchbox furniture, 228-234 ships, 197
Cot (model), 257
Counting dogs, 164 a million, 191
Counting imaginary flocks of sheep, 191
Counting-out rhymes, 134
Country books, 215
Country, employment in the, 203-215
Cows, 206
Cradle, a walnut, 232
Cream caramels, 309 cocoanut, 308 stuffing for dates, 311
Cress, mustard and, 327, 332
Crocuses, 325
Crosses, noughts and, 176
Cross questions, 22
Cross-tag, 152
Cumulative games, 29-31
Curtains for cardboard dolls' houses, 238 dolls' house, 221
Cushion, 14
Cutting flowers, 335-336
Cutting out pictures, 191
Cutting leaves, 326
Daffodils, 325, 333
Dairy, the, 205
Daisy chains, 135
Dancing dwarf, the, 105
Dancing egg, the, 124
Dancing man, a, 289
Dancing pea, the, 124
Darts, paper, 286
Dates, stuffed, 311
Day's shopping, the, 14
Decorations, evergreen, 302 paper, 302
Deerhound, the Scotch, 347
Deer Stalking, 6
Demons, wool, 282
Diaries, country, 214 gardening, 317
Dining-room table (model), 249
Dinner parties, dolls', 226
Distemper, treatment of, 341
Ditto game, the, 26
Dividing perennials, 324
Dog-stick, 145
Dogs, counting, 164 exercising, 339 food for, 339 how to buy, 342 how to teach tricks, 341 the various kinds of, 343-348 treatment of, 339-343 washing, 340
Dogs' collars, 340 kennel (cardboard), 241
Dolls for dolls' houses, 225 dressing, 226 paper, 258-262 rows of paper, 262 walking, 259
Dolls' dinner parties, 226 flats, 226 garden seats and tables, 219 houses, 220 cardboard, 237-243 chimney, 242 partition, 240 small, 227 house beds, 222 bookshelves, 224 cupboards, 225 curtains, 221 fireplaces, 220 floors, 221 gardens, 220, 242 pictures, 224 screens, 225 wall papers, 220
Donkey's tail, the, 5
Dots, five, 47, 48
Double acrostics, 60
Doves, 354
Dragons, hand, 290
Drawing games, 47-56
Drawing-room acrobatics, 35-41
Drawings, eyes-shut, 50
Drawing tricks, 51
Dresses for paper dolls, 258
Dressing dolls, 226
Dressing the lady, 13
Dressing-table (model), 254 table, matchbox, 232 up for charades, 108
Duck on a rock, 142
Ducks' eggs, 204
Dumb Crambo, 98 performances, 107
Dutch rabbits, 349
Dutch street, a, 267
Dwarf, the dancing, 105
Easter eggs, 275
Eggs, blowing, 207 ducks', 204 Easter, 275 hens', 204
Electricity, 125
Elements, the, 90
Employments, guessing, 98
Esquimau village, a, 266
Evergreen decorations, 302
Everton toffee, 310
Exercising dogs, 339
Exploration, 203
Eyes, 99
Eyes-shut drawings, 50
Fairy-tale books, 370
Family coach, 33 specimen story, 33
Family, the imaginary, 190
Fantail pigeons, 354
Farmyards, 203
Feather, the, 21
Feeding chickens, 204
Fern halls, 331
Ferns, 331 skeleton, 281
Fights, walnut shell, 299
Filipino village, a, 266
Fire-buckets, 40
Fireplaces for dolls' houses, 220
Fish, 351
Five dots, 47-48
Fives, 61
Flags, collection of, 273
Floors in dolls' houses, 222
Flower pots, 330
Flower shows, 136, 317
Flower symbols, 136
Flowers, collecting, 208 cutting, 335 for a doll's house, 225 packing, 335 painting, 209 for town gardens, 328 for window boxes, 334
Fly away, 23
Follow my leader, 159
Food for birds, 356 for chickens and ducks, 204 for dogs, 339 for puppies, 340 for rabbits, 349 for wild birds, 359, 361, 365 on a railway journey, 180
Football, parlor, 39
Foot-stools, cork, 230
Forfeits, 41
Fowls, trussed, 37
Fox-terrier, the, 343
French and English, 158 (paper), 177
French tag, 152
French Blind Man's Buff, 4
Fruit cream, 309
Fuchsias, 332
Furnishing dolls' houses, 222
Furnishing game, a, 221
Games with a ball, 139 by rote, 189 drawing, 47-56 in bed, 185-193 with cards, 75-83 for convalescents, 191 for a journey, 173-181 for a party, 3-43 for a picnic, 151-159 quotation, 92 rainy-day, 113-126 table, 75-83 thinking, guessing, and acting, 87-109 for a walk, 163-170 with a watch, 175 writing, 59-72 yes and no, 94-96
Gambling, Chinese, 181
Gaps, 154
Garden, dolls' house, 219, 242 kitchen, 327 shop, 136 town, 328
Gardening catalogues, 316 diaries, 317 tools, 318
General post, 17
Geraniums, 332
Ghosts of My Friends, 50
Glasses, bulbs in, 333
Glass-maker, the, 125
Going to Jerusalem, 10
Goldfinch, the, 359
Gold fish, 351
Good fat hen, a, 30
Good luck lily, 333
Gordon setter, 344
Gossip, 21
Grab, 78
Grand Mogul, the, 166
Grand Mufti, the, 25
Grass snakes, 212
Great Dane, the, 346
Greyhound, the, 347
Guessing competitions, 103 employments, 98 games, 93-104 numbers, 102 quantities, 104 results, 102 scents, 104 the color of horses' tails, 164
Guinea pigs, 350
Gypsy camp, 268
Hand dragons, 290
Hanging, 179
Hare and hounds, 145
Hat and cards, 38
Hats, cocked, 284
Hawks, 213
Heads, bodies and tails, 54
He can do little who can't do this, 8
Hen and chickens, 130
Hen, a good fat, 30
Hens' eggs, where to look for, 204
Here I bake, 13
Hide and seek, 154
Hieroglyphics, or picture-writing, 52, 53, 55
High chair (model), 257
High skip, 38
Himalayan rabbits, 349
Hish! hash! hosh! 27
Historical stories, 380-382
History books, 385
Hives, bee, 205
Hold fast! Let go! 24
Home newspaper, the, 284
Honey-pots, 11
Hoop games for two, 169 posting, 169
Hoops, 169
Hop-scotch, 143
Hop, step, and jump, 159
Hospitals, scrap books for, 277
Hot and cold, 9
Hot hand, 175
Hotel game, an, 188
Hounds, 346
Houses, cardboard, 237-242 dolls', 220
House that glue built, the, 243
How, when, and where, 95
Hunting for eggs, 204
Hunt the ring, 19
Hunt the slipper, 7
Hunt the squirrel, 153
Hunt the thimble, 9
Hutches, rabbit, 349
Hyacinths, 325, 333
Illuminating, 274
Illustrated papers, painting, 273
Illustrating, 120
I love my love, 88, 165
Imaginary family, the, 190
Improbable stories, 70
India-rubber plant, 331
Indoor gardening, 329-334 occupations and things to make, 273 painting, 273 plants, 331
Initials, 65, 189 acting, 97
Ink sea-serpents, 288
Invented animals (drawing game), 54
Irises, 325
Irish setter, 344 terrier, 343
I spy, 155
It, 152
Ivy, 331 chains, 135
Jack Horner pies, 303
Jack-stones, 116
Japanese fern balls, 331
Java sparrows, 358
John Ball, 31
Jinglers, 3
Jolly miller, the, 10
Jones's, collecting, 165
Journeys, games to play on, 173-181
Judge and Jury, 22
Jumping Rope, 129
Killing butterflies, 208
King Charles spaniel, 347
Kingfishers, 212
Kitchen gardens, 327 table (model), 246 chair " 247 range " 247 pots and pans, 248
Kitchen utensils, 18
Kite messengers, 295
Kites, 292
Knots, 117-120
Lady Queen Anne, 20
Lamp for small dolls' house, 230
Land of counterpane, the, 191
Land of Story-books, the, 188
Laughter, 26
Leaves, skeleton, 280
Legendary tales, 371
Letter games, 75
Letters and telegrams, 63 and words, 178 with a pencil, 178
Lettuce, 327
Lights, rhyming, 167
Lists, 62
Little dog, the, 152
Looby, looby, 29
Log Houses, 268
London Bridge is Falling Down, 15
Love alphabet, the, 88, 165
Love-birds, 358
Low-tide, 197
Lubbock, Sir John, on bees, 205
Madonna lilies, 325
Magic-lantern slides, 274
Magic music, 9
Making friends, 203
Making plans, 191
Making obeisance, 99
Making sentences, 165
Man, a dancing, 289
Mandarins, the, 25
Maps, coloring, 273 on a journey, 173
Marbles, 146
Mastiff, the, 346
Mats, paper 286
Menageries, 192
Mesmerism, 99
Messengers, kite, 295
Mice, 212 pet, 351
Milking cows, 206
Million, counting a, 191
Miniature trees, 331
Minnows, 352
Missing information, 67
Mogul, the Grand, 166
Molasses candy, 310
Moles, 212
Mongrels, 347
Mottoes for Christmas, 302
Moulting, 357
Mounting pressed flowers, 209
Muffin man, the, 32
Mufti, the Grand, 25
Mulberry bush, the, 28
Music, dolls', 225
Music, magic, 9
Mustard and cress, 327, 332
My lady's clothes, 13
My right-hand neighbor, 94
My thought, 89
Narcissus, 325, 333
Natural history books, 382
Neighbor, my right-hand, 94
Neighbors, 15
Newfoundland dogs, 345
Newspaper, the, 71
Newspaper, the home, 284
Ninepins, 185
Norfolk spaniel, 344
Noughts and crosses, 176
Numbers, guessing, 102
Nut candy, 310, 311
Nuts in May, 12
Nutting, 209
Observation, 104 for railway journeys, 174
Occupations, indoor, 273-304
Old bachelor, 79
Old maid, 79
Old maid's birthday, the, 81
Old soldier, 13
Old stone, 130
Oranges and lemons, 13
Orchestra, 29
Outdoor games for boys, 139-147
Outdoor games for girls, 129-136
Outlines, 47, 49
P's and Q's, 89
Packing flowers, 335
Paddling, 197
Painting, 273 cardboard dolls' houses, 238 cardboard furniture, 245 dolls' house food, 229 eggs for Easter, 275 flags, 273 flowers, 209 magic-lantern slides, 274 maps, 273
Paper boats, 285 boxes, 287 and cardboard toys, 284-292 darts, 286 decorations, 302 dolls, 258-262 French and English, 177 furniture, 243-257 mats, 286
Papers for dolls' houses, 220
Parlor football, 39
Parrots, 354
Party, games for a, 3-43
Patience or Thirteens, 76
Pen and ink work, 276
Peppermint candy, 311
Perch, 352
Perennials, treatment of, 323
Pets, 339-366
Philopenas, 303
Photography, 214
Picking flowers, 335
Picnic games, 151-159
Pictures and titles, 55
Pictures, coloring, 273 for dolls' houses, 224 pricking, 275 tracing, 275
Pictures to order, 54
Picture-writing, or hieroglyphics, 52, 53, 55
Pig, 79
Pigeons, 353
Ping-pong, 75
Plain toffee, 309
Plans, making, 191
Planting bulbs, 326 perennials, 323 seedlings, 320
Plants, window, 329 indoor, 331
Playhouses of other peoples, 265-269
Poetry books, 371
Pomeranian, the, 347
Ponds, 210
Poodles, 347
Pop-corn, 309
Pop-guns, 185
Postage-stamp collections, 278 snakes, 278
Post office, the, 283
Potato races, 40
Pots and pans (models), 248
Predicaments, 71
Pressing flowers, 209
Pricking pictures, 275
Prisoner's base, 156
Prize, auctioning, 43
Products, towns and, 168
Prophecies and characteristics, 80
Proverbs, 96 acting, 97 shouting, 97
Pueblo settlement, a, 265
Pugs, 347
Puppies, how to feed, 340
Puss in the corner, 7
Puzzles, 279
Quantities, guessing, 104
Queen Anne, Lady, 20
Quoits, 141
Quotation games, 92
Rabbits, wild, 348 tame, 348
Races, 140
Races, potato, 40 soap-bubble, 116 Spanish, or wheelbarrow, 141 tissue-paper, 39
Radishes, 327
Railway competitions, 173
Railway whist, 174
Rainy-day games, 113-126
Reading, 369-385
Red rover, 159
Remarks on acting, 109
Retriever, the, 344
Rhymed replies, 67
Rhymes, counting out, 134
Rhyming games, 92
Rhyming lights, 167
Riddles, 66
Ring, hunt the, 19
Ring taw, 146
Ring-the-nail, 115
Ring-toss, 114
Roadside whist, 163
Robin's Alive, 27
Robin, the, 361
Rocking-chair (model), 256
Rocks, 198
Rows of paper dolls, 262
Runt pigeons, 354
Russian scandal, 21
Ruth and Jacob, 23
Sailing boats, 197, 210
Saint Bernard, the, 346
Sand castles, 198 games, 198
Saving seed, 322
Scandal, Russian, 21
Scarborough lily, 333
Scents, guessing, 104
Schoolboy stories, 376
Science, books about, 383
Scrap-books, 191, 276 covered screens, 278
Scraps and transfers, 288
Screen (model), 248
Screens covered with scraps, 278 for dolls' houses, 225
Sea-Serpents, ink, 288
Seaside friends, good, 199
Seaside employments, 197-200
Seaweed, 199
Seedlings, perennials, 325 general remarks on, 321
Seed, sowing, 322
Sentences, making, 165
Sergeant, the, 24
Setters, 344
Setting-boards for butterflies, 208
Shades, 326
Shadow buff, 5
Shadows on the wall, 279
Shearing sheep, 206
Sheep, 206 counting imaginary flocks of, 191 dog, the, 345 shearing, 206 washing, 206
Shell work, 199
Ship alphabet, the, 87
Ships, cork, 197
Shop, game of, 221 in the garden, 136
Shopping, the day's, 14
Shop windows, 164
Shouting proverbs, 97
Shuffle board, 121
Sideboard (model), 250
Silkworms, 352
Simon says thumbs up, 24
Simple acrostics, 59
Skeleton ferns, 281 leaves, 280
Skipjacks, 299
Skye terrier, the, 343
Sleep, ways of getting to, 191
Slugs, 324
Small dolls' houses, 227
Snakes, 212 postage stamp, 228
Snap, 77
Snap cards, 78
Sneeze, the concerted, 27
Snowdrops, 325
Soap-bubbles, 116, 279
Sofa (model), 251
Sofas, cork, 229
Soldiers, 185, 191
Solitary watchfulness, 212
Sowing seeds, 320
Spaniels, 344
Spanish cup and ball, 186
Sparrows, 365
Spatter-work, 275
Spelling game, 166
Spin the platter, 17
Spoons, blind man's buff played with, 3
Squills, 325
Squirrels, wild, 213 tame, 350
Stagarino, 159
Stamps, collecting, 278
Star of Bethlehem, 325
Starlings, 365
Station Observation, 174
Statues, 26
Steps, 4
Stevenson, R. L., 188
Still Pond! No More Moving, 4
Stir the mash, 11
Stool of repentance, 98
Stories, composite, 70 improbable, 70 about schoolboys, 376 telling, 93, 163
Story books, 188
Story for Family coach, 33 for Old maid's birthday, 82
Story game, 70
Strawberries, 328
Streams, 211
Strength tests, 144
Stuffed dates, 311
Suckers, 299
Sugar, Barley, how to make, 307
Sugar, how to color, 312
Suggestions, 91
Summer-houses, 136
Sussex spaniel, the, 344
Swallows, 213
Swarming of bees, 205
Sweet-making, 307-312
Tableaux vivants, 108
Table games, 75-83
Tables, cork, 230
Tag, 152
Teapot, 95
Telegrams, 64
Telling stories, 93 during walks, 163
Terriers, 343
Terza, 154
Thimble, 9
Thinking games, 87-93 for bed, 189
Thirteens, or Patience, 76
Thought, my, 89
Thought-reading tricks, 100
Throwing light, 96
Tides, 197
Tiger-lilies, 325
Tissue-paper dresses for dolls, 262 races, 39
Titles, pictures and, 55
Tit-tat-toe, 176
Toffee, almond, 310 Everton, 310 plain, 309
Tom Tiddler's ground, 129
Tools for gardening, 318
Topsy-turvy concert, the, 105
Touch last, 152
Touchwood, 152
Towel-rack, cork, 233 (model), 256
Town gardens, 328
Towns and products, 168
Toy boats, 295 dogs, 347
Toys for boys, 292-301
Tracing, 244
Tracing pictures, 275
Train, games to play in the, 173-181
Transfers, 288
Transplanting flowers, 320
Travel, books of, 385
Traveller, the, 34
Trees, miniature, 331 Christmas, 302
Tricks, how to teach birds, 356 balancing, 122 how to teach dogs, 341 drawing, 51 thought-reading, 100
Trout, 351
Trussed fowls, 37
Tug of war, 38
Tulips, 325
Turtles, 351
Twenty questions, 189
Twos and threes, or Terza, 154
Tying knots, 117
Unison games, 26
Up Jenkins, 18
Utensils, kitchen, 18 kitchen (models), 248 for sweet-making, 307
Velvet animals, 289
Verse and poetry books, 371
Walking dolls, 259 games to play when out, 163-170
Walking Spanish, 39
Wall-pockets, 318
Walnut fights, 299 shell boats, 298
Wand, blind man's, 4
Wardrobe, matchbox, 233 (model), 253
Washing dogs, 340 sheep, 206
Washstand, 232 (model), 255
Watch, games to be played with a, 175
Water-cutters, 300
Watering flowers, 318 perennials, 324 seedlings, 320 window boxes, 334 window plants, 330
Wax-bills, 358
Weeds, 321
Welsh terrier, the, 343
Wet clothes, 197
Wheat, 332
When my ship comes in, 87
Whist, railway, 174
Whist, roadside, 163
Whistle, the, 8
Whistles, 301
Wiggles, 49
Wild birds, feeding the, 361 rabbits, 348
Window boxes, 329, 354 plants, 329
Windows, shop, 164
Witches, 131
Wool balls, 282 demons, 282
Word-making, 178
Writing games, 59-72
Yellow bunting, 360
Yes and no games, 94-96
A List of Standard Books for Children
Published by Frederick A. Stokes Company
Books For Older Children
Bindloss, Harold THE YOUNG TRADERS. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth $1.50 A capital story of two boys in West Africa.
Crockett, S. R. THE SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF SIR TOADY LION. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth. 1.00 SIR TOADY CRUSOE. Illustrated. Large 12mo, cloth 1.25 The adventures of two boys and a girl on the Scottish coast. SWEETHEART TRAVELLERS. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth 1.00
Grinell, George Bird The "Jack" Books. Illustrated. Each 12mo, cloth 1.25 Good books for boys, full of hunting, adventure and natural history. JACK THE YOUNG RANCHMAN. JACK AMONG THE INDIANS. JACK IN THE ROCKIES. JACK THE YOUNG CANOEMAN. JACK THE YOUNG TRAPPER.
Grinnell Morton NEIGHBORS OF FIELD, WOOD, AND STREAM. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth 1.25 An account of wild creatures not far from civilization.
Houston, Edwin J. THE WONDER BOOKS OF SCIENCE. Illustrated. Each 12mo, cloth 1.50 The wonders of nature described and simply explained by a scientist. THE WONDER BOOK OF VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES. THE WONDER BOOK OF THE ATMOSPHERE.
Jenks, Tudor ELECTRICITY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth net, 1.50 The story of the progress of electricity from the earliest times.
Lounsberry, Alice THE WILD FLOWER BOOK FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth net, 1.50 A story of the lives of wild flowers.
Marshall, H. E. AN ISLAND STORY. Illustrated in color. Large 8vo, cloth net, 2.50 A child's history of England. SCOTLAND'S STORY. Illustrated in color. Large 8vo, cloth net, 2.50 Stirring events in Scottish history.
Moore, N. Hudson DEEDS OF DARING DONE BY GIRLS. Illustrated in color, 12mo, cloth 1.50 Examples of heroism of girls under twenty.
Nesbit, E. THE TREASURE SEEKERS. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth 1.50 By the author of THE WOULDBEGOODS. THE NEW TREASURE SEEKERS. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth 1.50 Further adventures of the fascinating Bastable children.
Perkins, Lucy F. THE DANDELION CLASSICS FOR CHILDREN. Illustrated in color. Each 4to, cloth 1.50 A uniform edition of children's classics, splendidly illustrated. ROBIN HOOD. MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM FOR YOUNG-PEOPLE. THE TWENTY BEST FAIRY TALES.
Sage, Agnes C. A LITTLE COLONIAL DAME. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.50 Same, boards 1.00 The story of a girl in old New York. A LITTLE DAUGHTER OF THE REVOLUTION. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.50 Same, boards 1.00 Child-life during the exciting period of the War for Independence.
Steedman, C. M. A CHILD'S LIFE OF JESUS. Illustrated in color, 8vo, cloth, 3.00
Thumb-o-Graph Series THUMB-O-GRAPHS. 16mo, cloth, net, .50; Leather, boxed, net, 1.00; Gilt, leather, boxed net, 1.50 GHOSTS OF MY FRIENDS. 16mo, cloth, net, .50; Leather, boxed net, 1.00 THE BOOK OF BUTTERFLIES. 12mo, cloth, boxed net, 1.00 NOUGHTS AND CROSSES. 16mo, cloth net, .50 HAND-O-GRAPHS. 4to, cloth net, 1.00
Books For Children From Ten to Fifteen Years of Age
Ault, Lena and Norman THE PODGY BOOK OF TALES. Illustrated in color, 16mo, cloth 1.00 Full of jolly stories about happenings in the nursery and garden.
Bedford, Francis D. A NIGHT OF WONDERS. Illustrated in color. Oblong, 16mo, cloth 1.00 The story of a hunt for Father Christmas.
Carroll, Lewis ALICE IN WONDERLAND. Illustrated in color, 8vo, cloth, 1.50 Contains the original Tenniel drawings, beside twelve new ones in color by Maria L. Kirk. THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. Illustrated in color, 8vo, cloth 1.50 Also has illustrations by Miss Kirk as well as the Tenniel drawings.
Children's Library, The Illustrated. Each 16mo, cloth .50 Stories of all kinds interesting to children. THE WOULD-BE WITCH. Miriam Byrne. TWO ARE COMPANY. E. M. Field. THE OLD OAK CHEST. MARY JANE PAPERS. A. G. Plympton. COURAGE. Ruth Ogden. LITTLE HOMESPUN. Ruth Ogden. TOMMY'S TINY TALES. Lady Leigh. THE HOUSE OF THE RED FOX. Miriam Byrne.
Cooke, Grace MacGowan SON RILEY RABBIT AND LITTLE GIRL. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.50 The adventures of a little girl and a rabbit, with excellent photographs.
Dumas, Alexandre FAIRY TALES. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.00
Dunham, Edith JOGGING ROUND THE WORLD. 4to, cloth 1.50 With photographs of curious methods of transportation.
Glen, M. A. TWELVE MAGIC CHANGELINGS. Cut-outs in color, 4to, boards, .75; paper .50 MAGIC CHANGELINGS. Cut-outs in color, 4to, boards .50 MIRTHFUL MENAGERIE. Cut-outs in color, 4to, boards .50 AGILE ACROBATS. Cut-outs in color. 4to, boards .35
Harris, Joel Chandler UNCLE REMUS AND BRE'R RABBIT. Illustrations in color. Oblong, 4to, boards 1.00 Some of Bre'r Rabbit's most amusing adventures told in stories, verses and pictures.
Jewett, J. H. BUNNY STORIES. Illustrated, 4to, boards 1.00 Same, cloth 1.50 MORE BUNNY STORIES. Illustrated, 4to, boards 1.00 Same, cloth 1.50
Mendes, H. P. IN OLD EGYPT. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.00
Moore, N. Hudson CHILDREN OF OTHER DAYS. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.50 An art book for children, giving reproductions of famous paintings of children.
Ogden, Ruth A LITTLE QUEEN OF HEARTS. Illustrated, 4to, boards 1.00 Same, cloth 1.50 The account of the visit of a little American girl to England. A LOYAL LITTLE RED COAT. Illustrated, 4to, boards 1.00 Same, cloth 1.50 A story of a child in New York one hundred years ago. LOYAL HEARTS AND TRUE. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth 1.00 How "The Dry Dock Club" showed its patriotic spirit during the war with Spain.
Outcault, R. F. BUSTER BROWN'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth 1.50 With many new adventures. BUSTER'S AND MARY JANE'S PAINTING BOOK. Oblong, 4to, boards .75 Pictures to be colored, some with colored models. TIGE: HIS STORY. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.00 Tige's adventures, with some of Buster's. BUSTER BROWN ABROAD. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.00 What Buster did in foreign lands.
Peary, Josephine D. THE SNOW BABY. Illustrated, 4to, cloth net, 1.20 The birth and infancy of Marie Ahnighito Peary, illustrated by photographs taken by her parents in the far North.
Peary, Marie Ahnighito and Josephine D. CHILDREN OF THE ARCTIC. Illustrated, 4to, cloth net, 1.20 The Snow Baby's second trip to the Arctic.
Peary, Robert E. SNOWLAND FOLK. Illustrated, 4to, cloth net, 1.20 True stories about the fascinating land of eternal snow.
Randolph, H. S. F. THE NEW MOTHER GOOSE. With cut-out illustrations in color, 4to, boards 1.00 An illustrated story remains after removal of the cut-outs. THE FIRE FIGHTERS. With cut-out illustrations in color, 4to, boards 1.00 Story with models of fire engine, hook and ladder, etc., in drawings and cut-outs.
Selous, Edmund TOMMY SMITH'S ANIMALS. Illustrated, 16mo, cloth 1.00 TOMMY SMITH'S OTHER ANIMALS. Illustrated, 16mo, cloth 1.00 Conversations of a little boy with the common country animals.
Williams, Clara Andrew THE HOUSE THAT GLUE BUILT. Cut-out pictures in color. Oblong, 4to, boards 1.00 Pictures of the rooms of a house with separate sheets giving the furniture, to be pasted into place. THE FUN THAT GLUE MADE. Cut-out pictures in color. Oblong, 4to, boards 1.00 Scenes in bright colors of children at play, to be pasted together. THE STORIES THAT GLUE TOLD. Cut-out pictures in color. Oblong, 4to, boards 1.00 Pictures of well-known stories to be cut out and pasted together.
Books For Very Young Children
Betts, Ethel Franklin FAVORITE NURSERY RHYMES. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth 1.50 The most popular nursery rhymes beautifully illustrated.
Burgess, Gelett GOOPS AND HOW TO BE THEM. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.50 The primary rules of good manners in clever rhymes. MORE GOOPS AND HOW NOT TO BE THEM. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.50 With many more of Mr. Burgess's whimsical pictures. GOOP TALES, ALPHABETICALLY TOLD. Illustrated, 4to, cloth 1.50 Two alphabets—one of boys and one of girls. THE LIVELY CITY O' LIGG. Illustrated in color, 4to, boards 1.00 Modern fables—a Hans Andersen up to date. THE BURGESS NONSENSE BOOK. Illustrated. Small 4to, cloth 2.00 A collection of Mr. Burgess's nonsense verses and stories.
Deming, E. W. RED FOLK AND WILD FOLK. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth net, 1.50 Little Indian people in the forest, with their animal playfellows. CHILDREN OF THE WILD. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth net, 1.00 LITTLE BROTHERS OF THE WEST. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth net, 1.00 Each of these books contains just half the pictures and text of "Red Folk and Wild Folk." INDIAN CHILD LIFE. Illustrated in color. Oblong, 4to, boards 2.00 Stories about Indian children. LITTLE RED PEOPLE. Illustrated in color. Oblong, 4to, boards 1.25 LITTLE INDIAN FOLK. Illustrated in color. Oblong, 4to, boards 1.25 Each containing just half the illustrations and text in the preceding volume.
Dumpy Books for Children Illustrated in color. Each 32mo, boards .50 Simple stories for very young children. THE STORY OF THE TEASING MONKEY. Helen Bannerman. BILLY MOUSE. Arthur Layard. PAT AND THE SPIDER. Helen Bannerman. THE STORY OF LITTLE KETTLE HEAD. Helen Bannerman. THE STORY OF LITTLE BLACK QUIBBA. Helen Bannerman. THE STORY OF LITTLE BLACK SAMBO. Helen Bannerman. THE BAD MRS. GINGER. Honor C. Appleton. THE ALPHABET BOOK. Henry Mayer. A CAT BOOK. E. V. Lucas and H. C. Smith.
Haines, Alice Calhoun LITTLE FOLK OF BRITTANY. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth 1.50 Delightful stories and verses about this remarkable land. INDIAN BOYS AND GIRLS. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth 1.50 Indian children in characteristic occupations. WHEN GRANDMA WAS LITTLE. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth 1.00 WHAT GRANDMA SAYS. Illustrated in color, 4to, cloth 1.00 Stories and verses in which things happen as Grandma says they used to. BOYS. Illustrated in color. Large 4to, boards 1.00 GIRLS. Illustrated in color. Large 4to, boards 1.00 Distinctive and beautiful stories and verses of child life. LITTLE JAPS AT PLAY. Illustrated in color. Large 4to, boards 1.00
1. Passages in italics are surrounded by underscores.
2. Images have been moved from the middle of a paragraph to the closest paragraph break.
3. Some of the full-page illustrations listed in the Illustrations are missing.
4. The use of periods is not consistent in the original text. Obvious errors have been silently corrected.
5. The following misprints have been corrected: Comma added at end of verse line "the powder" (page 31) Period removed in sentence "three's, thus. one" (page 122) "hocky" corrected to "hockey" (page 139) "payments" corrected to "pavements" (page 145) "hankerchief" corrected to "handkerchief" (Img 174) "Train" corrected to "Twain" (Img 381) "Eoy" corrected to "Roy" (Img 381) "Thomson-Seton" corrected to "Thompson-Seton" (Img 382) "Fin" corrected to "Finn" (Img 392) Missing page no. 204 added for "Feeding chickens" entry (page 401)
6. Other than the corrections listed above, printer's inconsistencies in spelling, punctuation, hyphenation, and ligature usage have been retained.
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