Factory legislation Lords, leaders of Faculty, multiform, my first wife's "Falkland" in the Rivals, by Sir F. Vincent "Falstaff House," of Dickens Falterona, rivers rising in Mount the mountain Fanny Bent Fauche, Mrs. Fauriel, M. Fete, National, at Florence Field, Miss, a favourite with Landor returns his present of a scrap book Fiesole, Leader's villa at Filippo Strozzi, my book on Finance Committee, Pesth, Pulszky on Finden's tableaux Fine Arts Society at Pesth, Pulszky chairman of Finisterre, at anecdote of Firenze la Gentile no longer such Firing on Florence, orders for Duke never gave such Fisher, Harriet, my wife's half sister her character her death Fisher, Harriet, her brother always a peacemaker her beneficent influence Flanders, French, rambles in Flavia, verses on, by my first wife Flint, Mrs. and Mary Mitford Flood in Florence Florence decided on as a residence departure from London for society of flood at coins in use at cheapness of life at police at revolution at number of English residing at singular social change at social changes in, causes of my History of Lewes criticises leading medical practitioner at Florentine nobles Municipality places a tablet to the memory of my first wife characteristics Flower garden, Mary Mitford's Fonblanque, Mr. Landor on Fontebranda fountain Fool, April, Grattan is made an Foreign Affairs Committee at Pesth, Pulszky on Forster, Mr., on Dickens his life of Landor portraits prefixed to Landor gives him all his works Fortezza da Basso at Florence, Grand Duke at in Florentine revolution Fortnightly Review France, Central, Journey through which portion most interesting Franchi, book by G.H. Lewes, reading Francis, St., and Pulszky Fraser's Magazine, Mary Mitford on French hated at Rome Frescobaldi family, at Florence Friday receptions, my mother's in Florence my mother's whist parties Friends, my mother's, in youth and age Fun, my mother's love of
Gabell, Miss Gabell, Dr., of Winchester Galileo, new edition of work of Milan edition of Gambling tables at Lucca Baths Garcia, P., in 1840 Garibaldi and Dickens Col. Peard's judgment of my remembrance of him visits me at Ricorboli his personal appearance dispute with him, a at Palermo Garrow, Mr. Joseph Landor's letters to his musical talent a very exacting father his death Garrow, Mrs. Garrow, Judge Garrow, Theodosia her position in her family her fortune and prospects her personal appearance her ancestors in Rome her Church opinions as an inmate at the "Braddons," her appreciation of Miss Barrett and Landor Genoa, fishing near La Superba George Eliot. See Lewes, Mrs. Germany, Lewes's in Ghosts of memory Gianchetti and whitebait Gibson the sculptor Dickens on Giglio, Via del, at Florence Gilchrist, Dr., dinner given by Giotto's tower at Florence anecdote concerning G.H. Lewes on Giusti, the poet, and Grand Duke of Tuscany my first wife's translations from Gladstone, his age, G. Eliot on when a High Tory "Glass beads for savages," Glee, going to dinner with Gore House Gothard, St. over the, Lewes's journey Gothic architecture, Mary Mitford on Grand Duke of Tuscany anecdote of exit of, from Tuscany Grand Duchess Florentini, burial of Grant, General Granville, Lord his receptions in Paris Grattan, T.C., consul at Boston letters from his message to me blank, no prize, Grattan prepares new edition of Highways and Byeways writes in North American Review endeavours to promote peace between England and America speaks of his seared heart pessimism as often deceptive as optimism not a fertile writer his advice to my mother as a writer visits Washington doubts respecting his conduct as consul writes on Ireland proposes various travels resolves to give up punning his repartees Grattan, Mrs Graves, Miss, at Florence Green tea and laudanum, effects of Gregory XVI. a Camaldolese beans annually sent to Grey goose quill work, Grattan on Greys, cousins of Mary Mitford Grisi in 1840 Guidi Casa, visits to Guizot on the French clergy "Gush" and Mary Mitford Gyoengyoes in Hungary, election for
Haddon Hall Haine, Notre Dame de la Hahnemann's favourite pupil Halifax Hall, Mr. Horace, and Mr. Sloane Hall, Alfred, and family at Florence Haller, Dr., of Berlin on Lewes's philosophic work Hamilton, Mr., Minister at Florence Hamilton, Captain, author of Cyril Thornton his boat on lake Handwriting, Mary Mitford's Hare, Landor's friend Harrison, American President Harrow days, old Hatred, Our Lady of Hebraist, learned Heckfield, Mary Mitford at Heenan the pugilist Heidelberg Heights, Witley Hennell, Miss Sara, Mrs. Lewes to Heretics, persecution of Hermolaus, Barbarus Hervieu, M., his portrait of my mother High Church opinions, my sister's Highways and Byeways, Grattan's new edition of Hill, Herbert, Southey's nephew Hill, Theodosia, in Our Village Hill, Frances, in Our Village Hill, Joseph, Cowper's cousin History of Philosophy, G.H. Lewes's History of Florence, my, G.H. Lewes's criticism of Hoche, General, his daughter, anecdote of Hobhouse, Edward, at Florence Hofwyl, Lewes's at Holland, society of, Grattan on Holland, Lord, Minister at Florence anecdote of saved my mother's life Lady Homoeopathic cure of erysipelas Household Words, my contributions to Huegel, Baron Hume, Mr., the "Medium," Dickens on Humour, that of George Eliot that of Lewes, different my mother's sense of Hungarian politics, Pulszky on elections Hungarians, Pulszky proud of the Huntingford, Bishop of Hereford his handwriting Hustings, fall of
Ilfracombe, visit to Royal Clarence Hotel, at Impudence, Irish, notable case of Independenza, Piazza, dell', in Florence Index, the Roman Catholic Indian hand, my first wife's Influenza and tragedy, Mary Mitford suffers from Inghirami Marchese Intimates, my mother's, in youth and age Ion, Sergeant Talfourd's Ireland in 1841 Grattan on Irish in America, Grattan on the Italy, my mother's book on takes to political thinking
James, G.P.R., Lander's friend Jealousy, professional, at Florence Joy, Mr., of Boston Joyce's Inn, dinner at Judge Story, Grattan on
Kenyon, Mr. and Landor his poems, Landor on Landor on and Miss Mitford Kenyon, Mr. Edward, and Miss Mitford his munificence Keppel Street days, old Killeries, excursion to Kingstown, landing at Kirkup, Seymour, and Signor Bezzi
La Beata, my novel, George Eliot on Lewes on Lablache in 1840 "Lady" for wife, used by Landor Laffarge, Madame Lake of Como, George Eliot at Lamartine, cited Landor, Walter Savage at Siena circumstances under which he left England his character personal appearance last days at Florence anecdote of his deafness dropped his aspirates threw his dinner service out of window his vivacity of manner his objection to scattering his photograph letters to Mr. Garrow offers to let his villa at Florence his extravagant exaggerations anger respecting Lieutenantcy of Monmouth abuses the Whigs at a breakfast at Milman's and Mary Mitford Land's End, the Landseer, Edwin Langdale, Little, Wordsworth's lines on Lanleff, Temple of Lascia Passare extraordinary Laudanum and green tea, effects of La Vernia ride to forestieria, &c, night-lodging at Layard, visit to Dickens and G.P. Marsh Leaf, turning over a new, Grattan on "Lenten Journey," my Leopoldine laws at Florence Le Roi, Madame, anecdote of Letters, my first wife's in the Athenaeum Lewes, G.H., my first acquaintance with a delightful companion his incessant care for his wife his anxiety about Mrs. Lewes's fatigue his fourth visit to Italy as a raconteur at the house of the American Minister his adieu to me about my novel happier than previously last adieu to him and Mrs. Lewes his saying of George Eliot's person and constitution his literary influence on George Eliot his faith in her powers his insistance on her superiority to him his delight in talking of her letters from him and George Eliot letter criticizing my novel La Beata his remarks on Mrs. Browning's death visits Malvern his criticism of my Marietta his ill health Fortnightly Review, his editing of at Tunbridge Wells his History of Philosophy in the Black Forest at a pantomime on crossing to Calais on my corresponding with a London paper death of his son no biography of his special advantages in writing on philosophy photograph of him Lewes, Mrs. excursion to Camaldoli her cheerfulness under fatigue her sensitiveness to all matters of interest passes the night in the cow-house at La Vernia her fourth visit to Italy her intellectual power consideration for others as a companion her Catholic tolerance would have been an admirable confessor not happy subsequently more so her sense of humour my visit to her at Witley her growth optimism in her case her articulation her love for a drinking song her improved health last adieu to her and Lewes her personal appearance her likeness to Savonarola to Dante her voice and mode of speaking her opinion of Lewes's scientific attainments Bohemianism in Lewes pleasant to her letters from her and Lewes questions concerning Florentine history, letter on her remarks on my novel La Beata speaks of her interest in deathbeds her handwriting on letter-writing her Sunday musical evenings her poor state of health at Venice difficulties in composing in the Black Forest wishes to see Arezzo and Perugia at Naples as an antagonist and my second wife her affection for Lewes's son her wishes concerning her husband after her husband's death on her husband's photograph Lewes, Charles Liberalism, my mother's Life and Mind, Problems of, G.H. Lewes's book on Lilies, scarlet, American Lima, river Lira, Tuscan Literature, English, biographies in "Loggia," Tuscan, picture of afternoon in a Lombard nobles Lombardy under the Austrians London Quarterly on G.H. Lewes Longfellow and Sir G. Musgrave Lorraine, ramble in Lottery, Italian, scheme of Louis Philippe, history of reign of his hobby Louis Philippe opens French Chambers his grief at death of Duc d'Orleans anecdote of his wealth his debts his reign, character of Lowell, his Biglow Papers, read by him L.S.D, origin of our Lucca, Scientific Congress at Lucca Baths journey thither from Florence English Church at tragedy at La Industriosa Lucca, Duke of at the Baths his protestantizing tendencies his English chamberlains opposed to duelling by his chamberlain's dying bed Lucchesi, character of Lucerne, visit to the Garrows at "Luck of Edenhall" "Lung' Arno," at Florence Luscombe, Bishop, his preaching anecdote of Lydia Languish played by Madame di Parcieu
Macaulay, Landor on Macchiavelli, Life of, Villari's "Macchie" in Italian landscape Macleod, Col., at Penrith Macready and Mary Mitford and G.H. Lewes plays Ion for his benefit M'Queen, Col. Potter Madiai, the story of the Magazines, writing in, Mary Mitford on Mahomet, Landor on Malcontenti, Via dei, Florence Malvern, Mr. and Mrs. Lewes's visit Manelli, family at Florence Mannheim Manual for Confessors Marietta, my novel, criticized by Lewes Mario, Jessie White Mario, Alberto Marriage, my first, opposition to imprudence of performed in Florence Mars, Madame, in Les Dehors Trompeurs Marsellaise, in 1840 Marsh, G.P., American Minister to Italy dean of the diplomatic body his work, Man in Nature letter from him difficulty with the Italian Ministry his death and G. Eliot Mrs. Marsh and G. Eliot at Rome Martineau, Miss, her American book "Mason, George," Mary Mitford inquires about Massy, Dawson Master of Foxhounds, Irish Mazzinists, Col. Peard on Medical practice, and whist Medici, Catherine de, Girlhood of, my book on Medici, General, his departure from Genoa Mediterranean, the Melanie, Princess Metternich letter from exchange of portraits Melbourne, Lord, his family, Landor on Member of Congress "Memories, Palace of," verses by my first wife Menage and Menagerie "Mercato in," Italian phrase Merimee, M. Messenger, King's Metternich, influence of, on my mother Princess, influence of Mezzeria system in Tuscany Michael Angelo, his figure representing the Apennine Michael Armstrong, novel by my mother Mignaty, Signora Mignaty, Signor Mignet, M. Milan, Scientific Congress at Milk not used by Tuscans Milman, Landor breakfasts with Lander's criticism on quits incumbency at Reading Minerva Hotel, Rome, Lewes's at Mitford, Mary her personal appearance letters from her handwriting an aristocratic Whig remarks on Owen, of Lanark and Captain Polhill her opera on writing in magazines her hopes for her tragedy her hatred of puffery anxious to go to London for the performance of Talfourd's Ion necessity for travelling with a maid her father her cousins writes a novel for Saunders and Ottley her belief in sympathies opinions on Austria admiration for Gothic architecture purposes a novel on Reading Abbey her Country Stories her admiration for Miss Barrett her garden sends wild flowers to the Sedgwicks Carey, translator of Dante, visits her her "gush" Misericordia, the Florentine origin of dress of members of proceedings of anecdotes of Roman Modena, frontier line between it and Lucca political feeling at under the Este dukes "Modern Antiques" in Our Village Mohl, Jules, at Madame Recamier's anecdote told by his great work character of Madam, life of, by K. O'Meara note from Monasteries, sites of Monday Popular Concerts, at the Monmouth, Deputy Lieutenantcy of Montalembert, Dickens's remarks on Mont Cenis, crossing in February Moore, Thomas, Landor on Monthlies, writing in, Mary Mitford on Moses, Landor on Mountains, last look on the Movement of mind towards Conservatism Mowatt, Mrs. Mozzi family at Florence Mulgrave, Lady Municipality, Florentine, place a tablet to the memory of my first wife Municipalities, rivalry between Murder at Florence, anecdote of a Murder, singular method of Murray, John, of Albemarle Street Museum, National, at Pesth Museum, British, George Eliot reading at Musgraves of Edenhall Sir George and the Holy Well and Longfellow walks with Lady Mutton, no more good
Naples, Scientific Congress at under the Bourbons compared with Torquay the Lewes's at G. Eliot on quarters at Napoleon, Louis, Dickens on his Italian policy, Mrs. Browning on W.S. Landor writes on Nemours, Duc de, anecdote of his grief for his brother's death Nerli family at Florence "Netto dispecchio," query of George Eliot respecting the phrase Neuilly, body of Duc d'Orleans lying at Niagara Niccolini, the poet, my first wife's translations from in his old age a disappointed man Nicholson, Dr., of Penrith walks with Nicholson, Dr. Wm., of Penrith Nihilist, opinions of a appearance of a Noble, name of Landor's grandmother Northampton, Lord North American Review, Grattan writes in Northern Cobbler, the, read by Tennyson Northernhay, at Exeter Novels, my Novel-writing, Mary Mitford on Nunziatina, Via, in Florence Nurse and child, picture of Nymzevitch, ex-chancellor of Poland, anecdote of
Oastler, Mr. Oberland, the O'Connell's health drunk at Boston Octroi of London Officer, Austrian and Tuscan mob, anecdote of Ogles, cousins of Mary Mitford Old school, practitioner of the Olney, Cowper's residence at, Mary Mitford on Olympus for forgotten authors O'Meara, Miss K., on Jules Mohl Opera, Mary Mitford's Optimism in George Eliot Orleans, Duke of his death grief of royal family for anecdote of Ostend Osteria, near Lucca baths, scene at Our Village, last volume of Owen, Mrs., of Lanark, Miss Mitford on
Packing and Sitz baths Paddington, Bishop Luscombe at "Padre forestieraio" at Camaldoli plans for his holiday Padua "la dotta" Paige, Mr., of Boston, Grattan on Paige, Mrs. "Palace of Memories," verses by my first wife Pan, God, Mrs. Browning's poem on morality of Pantomime, Lewes at a Papal Legion, the Parcieu, Madame de, as Lydia Languish Paris, second visit to residence at lodgings, cost of society in 1840 as a permanent residence Paris and the Parisians, my mother's book, Mary Mitford on Parma, Duke of, his death Parma, political feeling at Partington, Mr., my uncle Pasolini, Count and Countess Passerini, Palazzo, at Florence Patrick's, Saint, day, Grattan on Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar, my book on Paynter, Fred Peard, Colonel letters from Pelago in the Val d'Arno Antonio da Penini, Browning's son, at Siena anecdote of Penna de la Vernia origin of word appearance of Penrith, at my sister's confinement at house at Pepe, General, his marriage my mother's intimacy with Pergola Theatre at Florence, prices at habits and manners at crush room at Persecution of heretics Persiani in 1840 Perugia, G. Eliot wishes to see at Pesth, museum at ladies of University Museum Philosophy, History of, Lewes's Philpotts, Bishop of Exeter, Landor on anecdote of Phlebotomy versus port wine versus whist Photograph, Landor's Physician, Princess Metternich's Piastre, Landor fined one Piazza del Duomo at Florence, cafe in Piazza dell' Independenza at Florence "Piazza in," Italian phrase Picardy, ramble in Picnics at Florence Pigott, Edward, and G. Eliot Pisa, Congress at region between it and the sea Pistoja, mountains in the Pitti Palace, presentations, anecdote of versus Vatican Pitti Palace, balls at suppers at Grand Duke at Duchess at Dowager Duchess at Pitti Palace, the, at Florence Pius IX., anecdote of line on Place Vendome Plantation bitters, G.H. Lewes recommends Plowden, Mr., at the baths of Lucca his duel with the Duke's chamberlain Plunkett, Mr., Minister at Florence Poem by Theodosia Trollope Pointer, French, anecdote of Polhill, Captain, and Mary Mitford Police at Florence under the Grand Duke Political opinion, Parisian, in 1840 Politics, Street, in Paris an affair of the heart Ponte Vecchio at Florence in danger the Ponte at baths of Lucca Pontifical government, my first wife's hatred of Populace, Florentine, anecdote of violence of "Por' Santa Maria," in Florence Port wine versus phlebotomy Portugal, destruction of monasteries in, Mary Mitford on Post-mark, singular error in Potatoes, cost of Power, Miss, Lady Blessington's niece Power, lost in the President Prato Vecchio, town in the Apennines osteria at, 272 Pratolino, picnics at Medician villa view from Premature burial, fear of Prescott, the historian, Grattan on "President," the, a fatal title Pretender, Young, Mary Mitford's story of the Priest, rescuing the burial of, in Florence Cathedral Priory, the, Mrs. Lewes at Problems of Life and Mind, G.H. Lewes's book on Proby, Mrs., as Mrs. Malaprop Procter, Mr., his poetry, Mary Mitford on Proletaire, French Promise, my, to my mother Protestant cemetery at Florence Provincialism, affected Tuscan Psychology, Study of, Lewes's book on the Puffery, Mary Mitford on Pulszky, Franz his talk his villa at Florence letters from our tobacco parliament and Deak and Baron Eotvoes on Hungarian politics his children at Vienna his multifarious occupations visit to, at Pesth Pulszky, Madame Punning, Grattan abandons "Puseyite," my sister a
Quadruple Alliance, the Quarterly, London, on G.H. Lewes Quattro Fontane, Via della Quincy Adams, John Queen of the Adriatic, monograph on Queen's health not drunk at Boston Queen, British, the, steamship Queen of the Baths, Lucca Queen, the, should be Pope, says Landor Quotations, Landor on
Rachel, Mademoiselle, in Cinna her specialties in Marie Stuart in Adrienne Railways, social effect of the Lewes's wish to avoid Ratcliffe, Mrs. anecdote of Ratisbonne, M., his conversion Ravenna, scene of a novel of mine Reading, visits to Reading Abbey, Mary Mitford's project concerning Recamier, Madame, talk in her salon and Lady Bulwer Refinement, its connection with wealth, Mary Mitfoid on Refugees, political, in Florence Regicides, would-be Religion in France in 1840 Repartee, Grattan takes to Review, Fortnightly North American,, Grattan writes in Revolution at Florence entirely bloodless orders to fire on the city in the Rialto, on the Richie, Mrs. Richelieu, Duc de, anecdote of Ricorboli, my villa at Rienzi, Mary Mitford's Ristori, Madame, in Mirra Rivals, The, acted at Florence Riviera, the, Whitebait on Rizpah, read by Tennyson Road to Ruin, The, Arthur Vansittart in "Roba usata," Robbins, English, clergyman at Florence Roberts, Captain of the President Rogers, Landor on at Milman's breakfast Role, Liberal, profession of Rome "la Eterna," Romagna under the Pope Romagnoli, the Rome as a residence takes no part in scientific congresses winter in Romola, George Eliot's, faults of merits of Romuald, Saint Rossi family at Florence Rousseau Rubini in 1840 Rule and example Russells, cousins of Mary Mitford
Sagro Eremo, the, at Camaldoli rule there ride up to inmates of Sainte-Beuve, cited Saint Francis, sisters of the Order Saint Patrick's Day, Giattan on Sams or Sands? Miss Mitford asks Sanctuaries, Tuscan San Carlo Theatre at Naples, George Eliot at San Gallo gate at Florence Sainta Maria Maggiore in Rome San Niccolo gate of Florence Sanscrit dictionary, if wanted Sardine fishing Saturday Review, George Eliot on Saunders and Ottley publish novel for Mary Mitford Savonarola in George Eliot's Romola likeness of George, Eliot to Savoy, tour in Saws, Tuscan, for children Sayers the pugilist Sciatica, attack of Scientific Congresses, Italian Scrivelsby Manor Seal, old, Landor loses his Sedgwick Miss, Mary Mitford on Theodore asks for English wild flowers Segni, the historian Serchio, river upper valley of Servite Monastery on the Apennines Sestri di Ponente, fishery at whitebait at Sevestre, Lady Sir Thomas Shaftesbury, Lord Shakespeare's superstition, Mary Mitford on Shedden, Mr. Shinner, Elizabeth, her death Sicily and South Italy, Col. Peard on departure of volunteers for Siena, Mrs. Browning at always Conservative Siren, A, my novel advice of Lewes concerning Sledges on Mont Cenis Sloane, Mr. at Florence and Grand Duke his Friday dinners Smith, Sydney his manner in the pulpit Sophie, Austrian Archduchess Sorrows, two greatest of my life Soult, English frenzy about at the Chamber of Deputies Southampton, Landor goes to Southey, Landor on his marriage Landor on Spain, destruction of monasteries, Mary Mitford on "Specchio, netto di," query of George Eliot concerning Standing to write Stanley, Ed., Landor on State prisons in Austria Sterne quoted Stephens, Mr., preacher Stewart, Miss Rosa Stisted, Mrs. was Queen of the Baths her harp playing brings her husband's body from Rome Colonel his death and bunal "Stornelli," Tuscan my first wife's translations from Story, Judge, Grattan on Story, the Misses, at Penrith Charlotte Sugaring jam tart, Lewes on Sultana, my first wife's grandmother Sunshine, George Eliot's, in London Superstition, local Suppers at the Pitti Palace Supreme Court, American, Judge Story of the Surrey, G. Eliot's home in Swedenborgianism Switzerland, Baden in, cured my sciatica travel in Sympathies, Mary Mitford's belief in Szecseny, in Hungary, election for
Tablet, monumental, to my first wife Taffy, Lady Bulwer's dog Talfourd, Sergeant, Mary Mitford's friend his Ion franks Mary Mitford's letters Tamburini, in 1840 Taylor, Jeremy Telesio, works of Tennyson, visit to his reading Teste, at the Chamber "Testor inferos," Thackeray, W.M., his dictum about humour Theatres in London and abroad, G.H. Lewes on Theatricals, private, at Florence Thibeaudeau, President Thiers, M. anecdote of flatters the masses and Lady Bulwer Thorn, Colonel Three Clerks, The, my brother's novel, Mrs. Browning on Three Mile Cross, Miss Mitford's residence Three Peers, The, by Lady S—, Lady Bulwer on Tiber, river Tirley, Sir John, married to my sister Times, the, on Italian politics Tito in George Eliot's Romola, merit of Token, meaning of the term Torquay, Landor at compared with Naples Torrens, Mr., as Sir Lucius o'Trigger Tory, process of becoming a Mary Mitford becomes a Tours in France Townsend, C.H. Traditions of Landor in Florence Travel, books of Treguier in Brittany Trewhella, Mr. Trooper, Austrian, falls in streets of Florence Trollope, Beatrice, my daughter, poem on, by her mother her mother's worship of early discipline of Trollope, Cecilia, my sister, winters in Rome Trollope, General Sir Charles, at Venice his membership of the Congress at Venice Trollope, Theodosia, my first wife, her death her intellectual and moral qualities influence of race on Mrs. Browning on her multiform faculty her musical talent her talent for language poem by her landscape painting her opinions her hatred of the Pontifical Government her social preferences her rule of life as a daughter-in-law Trollope, Frances, my mother, winters in Rome as Mrs. Malaprop serious illness of, was wrongly treated was my inseparable companion her intense power of enjoyment her last days my brother Anthony's mistaken judgment of portrait of, for Princess Metternich attacked by erisypelas her death my promise to her, the keeping of Trollope, Anthony, my brother, in Ireland walk at the Killeries his standing for Beverley, Dickens on his criticism on Mrs. Browning his Three Clerks, Mrs. Browning on dines with G.H. Lewes with Carlyle comes to see me at Baden his letter to my wife his autobiography, a passage in his mistaken judgment of my mother Trollope, T. Adolphus, early literary work a born rambler taste for sermons offends Wordsworth first book early habits of rambling book on Brittany second visit to Paris preparation of house at Penrith visit to Ireland plans and consultations acquaintance with Dickens building a house Daily News correspondent first marriage, opposition to imprudence of first meeting with future wife with her at Venice first marriage book on Tuscany in 1849 and 1859 acts Sir Anthony Absolute three Thespian avatars literary work at Florence writes novels good and bad knowledge of Italian visits Pesth visits to Landor visits Camaldoli with Lewes and his wife talk with her receives her and Lewes visits them at Witley visit to Tennyson, at Black Down my conversatism attack of sciatica closeness of association with my mother my political opinions sorrows come upon me keeping my promise to my mother end of first life beginning of second life Troops, Tuscan, and the Revolution Tuckerman, Mr., American writer Tuileries, bal monstre at suspected conspiracy at Tunbridge Wells, G.H. Lewes at Turrite Cava, gorge of Tuscan cities, wedding trip among Stornelli, my first wife's translations from Tuscans, not progressive Tuscany and Papal States condition of, in 1840 Duke of, his justice Grandducal, disliked at the Vatican Tyrol, ramble in
Upper Arno, the valley of the
Vallombrosa Van Buren politics, Grattan on Vansittart, Arthur Varchi, the historian Vatican, Dickens on the Vein, opening of a Venice as a residence autumn at Scientific Congress at magnificent reception of the Congress under the Austrians George Eliot at glass and child Venetian ambassadors, reports of Verey's in Regent Street, Dickens at Dickens's "God speed" dinner at Via Nazionale in Rome Vienna Exhibition Mr. E. Kenyon at Villa, the, at Lucca Baths Villafranca Village, Our, last volume of Villages on hills around Baths of Lucca mode of keeping time at Villani, the historian Villari, Professor Pasquale Linda "Villino Trollope," at Florence my study in the Vincent, Sir Francis, at Florence Visconti, Mademoiselle Visits, two important Vol-au-vent, true pronunciation of Volterra, copper mines near, and Mr. Sloane Volunteers, Colonel Peard on, 223
Wackerbarth, Mr., High Church curate Walker and Wood, Memoirs of Bradford Walter, Madame Ward, Baron, his extraordinary career anecdote of Warwickshire, Landor goes to Washington, Grattan's visit to Watts, portrait of Lady Holland by Webster, Mr., of Boston, Grattan on Mrs. Wellington Street, No. 20, visits to West India, Book on, Anthony's Whig, aristocratic Whigs, the, Landor on Whist and medical practice White, Linda Whitebait and Gianchetti Whittaker, Mr., Mary Mitford's publisher Wife, my second, and G. Eliot Wills, Mr., dinner with Winchester, Dr. Gabell of Wise, Mr. Wiseman, Cardinal, in Casa Sloane Witley, the Heights Wood, Mr., of Bradford and Walker, Messieurs "Woonderful," favourite word with Landor Wordsworth, visit to his recitation of his own lines manner of reciting his eldest son's misfortune Work the great consoler, Lewes on
Ximenes, Palazzo, in Florence
York Street, in return to house in given up "Young Backwoodsman," Mary Mitford asks about "Young Pretender, the," Mary Mitford's story of
Zandt, Baroness