"We 'uns give you 'uns a right smart lickin' up in them woods."
"How d'ye like Virginny woods, Yank?"
And then they sang to us:
"Ain't ye mighty glad to get out the wilderness?"
A song just then much in vogue. Another volunteered the remark, as if to equalize the honors in some measure, "If we did wallop you 'uns, you 'uns killed our best general." "We feel mighty bad about Stonewall's death," and so their tongues would run on, whether our men replied or not.
On the 14th of May we received orders to proceed to Harrisburg for muster out. There was, of course, great rejoicing at the early prospect of home scenes once more. We walked on air, and lived for the next few days in fond anticipation. We were the recipients of any amount of attention from our multitude of friends in the division. Many were the forms of leave-taking that took place. It was a great satisfaction to realize that in our comparatively brief period of service we had succeeded in winning our way so thoroughly into the big hearts of those veterans. The night before our departure was one of the gladdest and saddest of all our experience. The Fourteenth Connecticut band, that same band which had so heroically played out between the lines when the Eleventh Corps broke on that fateful Saturday night at Chancellorsville, came over and gave us a farewell serenade. They played most of the patriotic airs, with "Home, Sweet Home," which I think never sounded quite so sadly sweet, and suggestively wound up with "When Johnny Comes Marching Home." Most of the officers and men of the brigade were there to give us a soldier's good-by, and Major-General Couch, commanding our corps (the Second), also paid us the compliment of a visit and made a pleasant little speech to the men who were informally grouped around head-quarters, commending our behavior in three of the greatest battles of the war.
It had been our high honor, he said, to have had a part in those great battles, and though new and untried we had acquitted ourselves with great credit and had held our ground like veterans. He expressed the fervent hope that our patriotism would still further respond to the country's needs, and that we would all soon again be in the field. Our honors were not yet complete. General French, commanding our division, issued a farewell order, a copy of which I would have been glad to publish, but I have not been able to get it. It was, however, gratifying in the extreme. He recounted our bravery under his eye in those battles and our efficient service on all duty, and wound up by saying he felt sure that men with such a record could not long remain at home, but would soon again rally around their country's flag. Of General Couch, our corps commander, we had seen but little, and were therefore very pleasantly surprised at his visit. Of General French, bronzed and grizzly bearded, we had seen much; all our work had been under his immediate supervision. He was a typical old regular, and many were the cuffs and knocks we received for our inexperience and shortcomings, all, however, along the lines of discipline and for our good, and which had really helped to make soldiers of us. These incidents showed that each commanding general keeps a keen eye on all his regiments, and no one is quicker to detect and appreciate good behavior than they. We felt especially pleased with the praises of General French, because it revealed the other side of this old hero's character. Rough in exterior and manner of speech, he was a strong character and a true hero.
His position at the breaking out of the war will illustrate this. He was a Southerner of the type of Anderson and Farragut. When so many of his fellows of the regular army, under pretext of following their States, went over into rebellion and treason, he stood firm and under circumstances which reflect great credit upon him. He had been in Mexico and had spent a life on the frontier, and had grown old and gray in the service, reaching only the rank of captain. When the war finally came he was in command of a battery of artillery stationed some three hundred and fifty miles up the Rio Grande, on the border of Mexico. He was cut off from all communication with Washington, and the commander of his department, the notorious General David E. Twiggs, had gone over to the Confederacy. He was, therefore, thoroughly isolated. Twiggs sent him a written order to surrender his battery to the rebel commander of that district. His characteristic reply was, that he would "see him and the Confederacy in hell first;" that he was going to march his battery into God's country, and if anybody interfered with his progress they might expect a dose of shot and shell they would long remember. None of them felt disposed to test his threat, and so he marched his battery alone down through that rebel country those three hundred and fifty miles and more into our lines at the mouth of the Rio Grande, bringing off every gun and every dollar's worth of government property that he could carry, and what he could not carry he destroyed. He was immediately ordered north with his battery and justly rewarded with a brigadier-general's commission.
Early on the morning of the 15th we broke camp and bade farewell to that first of the world's great armies, the grand old Army of the Potomac. Need I say that, joyous as was our home-going, there was more than a pang at the bottom of our hearts as we severed those heroic associations? A last look at the old familiar camp, a wave of the hand to the friendly adieus of our comrades, whose good-by glances indicated that they would gladly have exchanged places with us; that if our hearts were wrung at going, theirs were, too, at remaining; a last march down those Falmouth hills, another and last glance at those terrible works behind Fredericksburg, and we passed out of the army and out of the soldier into the citizen, for our work was now done and we were soldiers only in name.
As our train reached Belle-plain, where we were to take boat for Washington, we noticed a long train of ambulances moving down towards the landing, and were told they were filled with wounded men, just now brought off the field at Chancellorsville. There were upward of a thousand of them. It seems incredible that the wounded should have been left in those woods during these ten to twelve days since the battle. How many hundreds perished during that time for want of care nobody knows, and, more horrible still, nobody knows how many poor fellows were burned up in the portions of those woods that caught fire from the artillery. But such is war. Dare any one doubt the correctness of Uncle Billy Sherman's statement that "War is hell!"
Reaching Washington, the regiment bivouacked a single night, awaiting transportation to Harrisburg. During this time discipline was relaxed and the men were permitted to see the capital city. The lieutenant-colonel and I enjoyed the extraordinary luxury of a good bath, a square meal, and a civilized bed at the Metropolitan Hotel, the first in five long months. Singular as it may seem, I caught a terrific cold as the price I paid for it. The next day we were again back in Camp Curtin, at Harrisburg, with nothing to do but to make out the necessary muster rolls, turn in our government property,—guns, accoutrements, blankets, etc., and receive our discharges. This took over a week, so that it was the 24th of May before we were finally discharged and paid off. Then the several companies finally separated.
If it had been hard to leave our comrades of the Army of the Potomac, it was harder to sever the close comradeship of our own regiment, a relationship formed and cemented amidst the scenes that try men's souls, a comradeship born of fellowship in privation, danger, and suffering. I could hardly restrain my tears as we finally parted with our torn and tattered colors, the staff of one of which had been shot away in my hands. We had fought under their silken folds on three battle-fields, upon which we had left one-third of our number killed and wounded, including a colonel and three line officers and upward of seventy-five men killed and two hundred and fifteen wounded. Out of our regiment of one thousand and twenty-four men mustered into the service August 14, 1862, we had present at our muster out six hundred and eighteen. We had lost in battle two hundred and ninety-five in killed and wounded and one hundred and eleven from physical disability, sickness, etc., and all in the short space of nine months. Of the sixteen nine-months regiments formed in August, 1862, the One Hundred and Thirtieth and ours were the only regiments to actively participate in the three great battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville, and we lost more men than either of the others.
I should mention a minor incident that occurred during our stay in Harrisburg preparing for muster out. A large number of our men had asked me to see if I could not get authority to re-enlist a battalion from the regiment. I was assured that three-fourths of the men would go back with me, provided they could have a two weeks' furlough. I laid the matter before Governor Curtin. He said the government should take them by all means; that here was a splendid body of seasoned men that would be worth more than double their number of new recruits; but he was without authority to take them, and suggested that I go over to Washington and lay the matter before the Secretary of War. He gave me a letter to the latter and I hurried off. I had no doubt of my ability to raise an entire regiment from the great number of nine-months men now being discharged. I repaired to the War Department, and here my troubles began. Had the lines of sentries that guarded the approach to the armies in the field been half as efficient as the cordon of flunkies that barred the way to the War Office, the former would have been beyond the reach of any enemy. At the entrance my pedigree was taken, with my credentials and a statement of my business. I was finally permitted to sit down in a waiting-room with a waiting crowd. Occasionally a senator or a congressman would break the monotony by pushing himself in whilst we cultivated our patience by waiting. Lunch time came and went. I waited. Several times I ventured some remarks to the attendant as to when I might expect my turn to come, but he looked at me with a sort of far-off look, as though I could not have realized to whom I was speaking. Finally, driven to desperation, after waiting more than four hours, I tried a little bluster and insisted that I would go in and see somebody. Then I was assured that the only official about the office was a Colonel——, acting assistant adjutant-general. I might see him.
"Yes," I said, "let me see him, anybody!"
I was ushered into the great official's presence. He was a lieutenant-colonel, just one step above my own rank. He was dressed in a faultless new uniform. His hair was almost as red as a fresh red rose and parted in the middle, and his pose and dignity were quite worthy of the national snob hatchery at West Point, of which he was a recent product.
"Young man," said he, with a supercilious air, "what might your business be?"
I stated that I had brought a letter from His Excellency, Governor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, to the Secretary of War, whom I desired to see on important business.
"Where is your letter, sir?"
"I gave it up to the attendant four hours ago, who, I supposed, took it to the Secretary."
"There is no letter here, sir! What is your business? You cannot see the Secretary of War."
I then briefly stated my errand. His reply was,—
"Young man, if you really desire to serve your country, go home and enlist."
Thoroughly disgusted, I retired, and so ended what might have saved to the service one of the best bodies of men that ever wore a government uniform, and at a time when the country was sorely in need of them.
A word now of the personnel of the One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment and I am done. Dr. Bates, in his history of the Pennsylvania troops, remarks that this regiment was composed of a remarkable body of men. This judgment must have been based upon his knowledge of their work. Every known trade was represented in its ranks. Danville gave us a company of iron workers and merchants, Catawissa and Bloomsburg, mechanics, tradesmen, and farmers. From Mauch Chunk we had two companies, which included many miners. From Wyoming and Bradford we had three companies of sturdy, intelligent young farmers intermingled with some mechanics and tradesmen. Scranton, small as she was then, gave us two companies, which was scarcely a moiety of the number she sent into the service. I well remember how our flourishing Young Men's Christian Association was practically suspended because its members had gone to the war, and old Nay Aug Hose Company, the pride of the town, in which many of us had learned the little we knew of drill, was practically defunct for want of a membership which had "gone to the war." Of these two Scranton companies, Company K had as its basis the old Scranton City Guard, a militia organization which, if not large, was thoroughly well drilled and made up of most excellent material. Captain Richard Stillwell, who commanded this company, had organized the City Guard and been its captain from the beginning. The other Scranton company was perhaps more distinctively peculiar in its personnel than either of the other companies. It was composed almost exclusively of Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad shop and coal men, and was known as the Railroad Guards. In its ranks were locomotive engineers, firemen, brakemen, trainmen, machinists, telegraph operators, despatchers, railroad-shop men, a few miners, foremen, coal-breaker men, etc. Their captain, James Archbald, Jr., was assistant to his father as chief engineer of the road, and he used to say that with his company he could survey, lay out, build and operate a railroad. The first sergeant of that company, George Conklin, brother of D. H. Conklin, chief despatcher of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, and his assistant, had been one of the first to learn the art of reading telegraph messages by ear, an accomplishment then quite uncommon. His memory had therefore been so developed that after a few times calling his company roll he dispensed with the book and called it alphabetically from memory. Keeping a hundred names in his mind in proper order we thought quite a feat. Forty years later, at one of our reunions, Mr. Conklin, now superintendent of a railroad, was present. I asked him if he remembered calling his company roll from memory.
"Yes," said he, "and I can do it now, and recall every face and voice," and he began and rattled off the names of his roll. He said sometimes in the old days the boys would try to fool him by getting a comrade to answer for them, but they could never do it, he would detect the different voice instantly.
Now, as I close this narrative, shall I speak of the gala day of our home-coming? I can, of course, only speak of the one I participated in, the coming home to Scranton of Companies I and K and the members of the field and staff who lived here. This, however, will be a fair description of the reception each of the other companies received at their respective homes. Home-coming from the war! Can we who know of it only as we read appreciate such a home-coming? That was forty-one years ago the 25th of last May. Union Hall, on Lackawanna Avenue, midway between Wyoming and Penn, had been festooned with flags, and in it a sumptuous dinner awaited us. A committee of prominent citizens, our old friends, not one of whom is now living, met us some distance down the road. A large delegation of Scranton's ladies were at the hall to welcome and serve us, and of these, the last one, one of the mothers and matrons, has just passed into the great beyond. Many of those of our own age, the special attraction of the returning "boys," have also gone, but a goodly number still remain. They will recall this picture with not a little interest, I am sure. If perchance cheeks should be wet and spectacles moistened as they read, it will be but a reproduction of the emotions of that beautiful day more than forty years ago. No soldier boys ever received a more joyous or hearty welcome. The bountiful repast was hurriedly eaten, for anxious mothers, wives, sisters, and sweethearts were there, whose claim upon their returning "boy in blue" for holier and tenderer relationship was paramount.
Amidst all these joyous reunions, were there no shadows? Ah, yes. In the brief period of nine months our regiment had lost forty per cent. of its membership. Company I had gone to the front with one hundred and one stalwart officers and men, and but sixty-eight came back with the company. Of the missing names, Daniel S. Gardner, Moses H. Ames, George H. Cator, Daniel Reed, Richard A. Smith, and John B. West were killed in battle or died of wounds soon after; Orville Sharp had died in the service. The others had succumbed to the hardships of the service and been discharged. Of the same number Company K took into the service, sixty-six came home with the company. Sergeant Martin L. Hower, Richard Davis, Jacob Eschenbach, Jephtha Milligan, Allen Sparks, Obadiah Sherwood, and David C. Young had been killed in battle or died of wounds; Thomas D. Davis, Jesse P. Kortz, Samuel Snyder, James Scull, Solon Searles, and John W. Wright had died in the service. The most conspicuous figure in the regiment, our colonel, Richard A. Oakford, had been the first to fall. So that amidst our rejoicings there were a multitude of hearts unutterably sad. Will the time ever come when "the bitter shall not be mingled with the sweet" and tears of sorrow shall not drown the cup of gladness? Let us hope and pray that it may; and now, as Father Time tenderly turns down the heroic leaf of the One Hundred and Thirty-second Pennsylvania Volunteers, let us find comfort in the truth,
"Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori."
The following are copies of the muster-out rolls of the Field and Staff and the several companies of the One Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, taken originally from Bates's History, and compared and corrected from the original rolls in the Adjutant-General's office, at Harrisburg, Pa. Several corrections have been made from the personal recollections of officers and men whom I have been able to consult. There are doubtless errors in the original rolls, owing to the paucity of records in the hands of those whose duty it was to make them at the time of muster-out, owing to resignations and other casualties. Some of these officers were new in the command, and complete records were not in their hands. It will be remembered that the whole period of service of the One Hundred and Thirty-second was occupied in the three strenuous campaigns of Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville, during which regimental and company baggage, which included official records, were seldom seen, and in many cases were entirely lost. For example, at the battle of Chancellorsville on the fateful 3d of May, we had lain in line of battle behind our knapsacks piled up in twos, as a little protection from bullets. When we were ordered forward, so quick was the movement, that these knapsacks, and officers' luggage as well, were ordered to be left. When, two hours later, on our return we reached this ground, we found our knapsacks were at the bottom of an earth-work which had been hurriedly thrown up during our absence, over which a line of batteries thrust the frowning muzzles of their guns. With one or two exceptions (where the officer commanding the company happened to have it in his pocket), the company rolls were lost in the knapsacks of the first sergeant, whose duty it was to carry it. Thereupon new rolls had to be made up, and of course mostly from memory. Under all these circumstances, the wonder is that there are not more errors in them. Almost at the last moment did I learn that I could include these rolls in my book, without exceeding its limits under the contract price. During this time I have endeavored at considerable expense and labor to get them correct, but even so, I cannot hope that they are more than approximately complete. Nothing can be more sacred or valuable to the veteran and his descendants than his war record. The difficulty with these rolls will be found I fear not so much in what is so briefly stated, but in what has been inadvertently omitted, and which was necessary to a complete record. There are a number of desertions. I have given them as they are on the rolls. It is possible that some of these men may have dropped out of the column from exhaustion on the march, fallen sick and had been taken to some hospital and died without identification. Failing to report at roll-call and being unaccounted for, they would be carried on the company rolls as "absent without leave," until prolonged absence without information would compel the adding of the fearful word "deserted." There were instances where men taken sick made their way home without leave and were marked deserters. After recovering from a severe case of "army fever" they returned again to duty. This was in violation of discipline, and under the strict letter of the law they were deserters, but they saved the government the cost of their nursing, and, what is more, probably saved their lives and subsequent service by their going. I mention these things so that where the record appears harsh, the reader may know that possibly, if all the facts had been known, it might have been far different.
RICHARD A. OAKFORD, colonel, mustered in Aug. 22, 1862; killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862.
VINCENT M. WILCOX, colonel, mustered in Aug. 26, 1862; promoted from lieutenant-colonel September, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 24, 1863.
CHARLES ALBRIGHT, colonel, mustered in Aug. 22, 1862; promoted from major to lieutenant-colonel September, 1862, to colonel Jan. 24, 1863; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH E. SHREVE, lieutenant-colonel, promoted from captain Co. A to major September, 1862, to lieutenant-colonel Jan. 24, 1863; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
FREDERICK L. HITCHCOCK, major, mustered in Aug. 22, 1862; promoted from adjutant Jan. 24, 1863; twice wounded at Fredericksburg Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
AUSTIN F. CLAPP, adjutant, promoted from corporal Co. K to sergeant-major Nov. 1, 1862; to adjutant Jan. 24, 1863; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
CLINTON W. NEAL, quartermaster, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted from Co. E Aug. 22, 1862; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
JAMES W. ANAWALT, surgeon (major), mustered in Sept. 22, 1862; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
GEORGE K. THOMPSON, assistant surgeon (first lieutenant), mustered in Aug. 19, 1862; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. HOOVER, assistant surgeon (first lieutenant), mustered in Sept. 3, 1862; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
A. H. SCHOONMAKER, chaplain (first lieutenant), mustered in Sept. 20, 1862; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
THOMAS MAXWELL, sergeant-major, promoted to sergeant-major from Co. A Aug. 22, 1862; promoted to first lieutenant Co. A Nov. 1, 1862. (See Co. A.)
FRANK J. DEEMER, sergeant-major, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from Co. K Jan. 24, 1863; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
ELMORE H. WELLS, quartermaster-sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from Co. B Aug. 26, 1862; owing to prolonged sickness in hospital returned to Co. Jan. 1, 1863. (See Co. B.)
BROOKS A. BASS, quartermaster-sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from Co. I Jan. 1, 1863; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
JOHN F. SALMON, commissary-sergeant, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted from Co. G Aug. 15, 1862; died at Harper's Ferry, Va., Oct. 16, 1862.
WILLIAM W. COOLBAUGH, commissary-sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from Co. K Oct. 17, 1862; transferred to company Dec. 25, 1862. (See Co. K.)
ALONZO R. CASE, commissary-sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted from sergeant Co. C Dec. 25, 1862; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
HORACE A. DEANS, hospital steward, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from Co. I Oct. 1, 1862; transferred to ranks April 1, 1863. (See Co. I.)
MOSES G. CORWIN, hospital steward, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from Co. K April 6, 1863; mustered out with regiment May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH E. SHREVE, captain, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted to major. See Field and Staff.
CHARLES C. NORRIS, captain, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from second lieutenant Nov. 1, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. VANGILDER, first lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Oct. 26, 1862.
THOMAS MAXWELL, first lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from sergeant-major Nov. 1, 1862; mustered out with regiment.
ED. W. RODERICK, second lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private; mustered out with company.
DAVID SHUTT, first sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from sergeant March 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
J. M. HASSENPLUG, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
JOHN S. WARE, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from corporal March 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ISAAC D. CREWITT, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from corporal March 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MICHAEL KESSLER, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private March 6, 1863; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE LOVETT, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private Feb. 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JACOB H. MILLER, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged, Jan. 30, 1863, at Washington, for wounds received at Antietam, Va., Sept. 17, 1862.
JOSEPH H. NEVINS, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 6, 1863, at Baltimore, Md.
DANIEL VANROUK, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
JACOB REDFIELD, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from private Sept. 18, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES WILLIAMS, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private Oct. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CONRAD S. ATEN, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private Dec. 3, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE SNYDER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; absent, sick, at muster-out.
ALEX. HUNTINGTON, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private Feb. 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL STALL, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private Feb. 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY VINCENT, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private March 6, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN HARIG, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from private March 6, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES FLICK, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged at Baltimore, Md., Dec. 6, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.
NATHAN F. LIGHTNER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged at Newark, N. J., on surgeon's certificate Dec. 8, 1862.
WM. C. MCCORMICK, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged March 1, 1863; wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
HENRY L. SHICK, musician, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AMOS APPLEMAN, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SYLVESTER W. ARNWINE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY ADAMS, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; died Sept. 22 of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
ARTHUR W. BEAVER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JACOB J. BOOKMILLER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
FRANKLIN G. BLEE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JEREMIAH BLACK, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM H. CARROLL, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL E. COOPER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; deserted Oct. 22, 1862; left at Bolivar Heights, Va.; sick, failed to return to company.
FRANKLIN DEVINE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM DAVIS, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL V. DYE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged at Philadelphia on surgeon's certificate April 8, 1863.
WILLIAM EARP, Jr., private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES S. EASTON, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HIRAM EGGERT, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH FEIDEL, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL FLICKINGER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN B. A. FOIN, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES FOSTER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
C. W. FITZSIMMONS, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN L. FIELDS, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE FRANCIS, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged at Harrisburg on surgeon's certificate Nov. 15, 1862.
THOMAS GOODALL, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL GULICKS, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN GIBSON, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
JOSEPH HALE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE E. HUNT, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ADAM HORNBERGER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
D. HENDRICKSON, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL HILLNER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
HIRAM HUMMEL, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
THOMAS JONES, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS JAMES, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
W. J. W. KLASE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DANIEL J. P. KLASE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
CONRAD LECHTHALER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; left sick at Warrenton, Va., Nov. 14, 1862; reported discharged; no official notice received.
SAMUEL LANGER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN LEICHOW, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged Oct. 28, 1862, for wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
JACOB LONG, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
WATKIN MORGAN, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEVI M. MILLER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JACOB W. MOYER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEONARD MAYER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CORNELIUS C. MOYER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN MORRIS, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN MCCOY, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES MCKEE, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; deserted Aug. 16, 1862, from Harrisburg.
WM. B. NEESE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES M. PHILLIPS, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN P. REASER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SIMON REIDY, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ISAAC RANTZ, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DAVID H. RANK, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 29, 1863.
WM. A. RINGLER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged May 5, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862.
JONATHAN RICE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
WILLIAM STEWART, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EDWARD D. SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM SUNDAY, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AUGUST SCHRIEVER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN STINE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EDWIN L. SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
OLIVER B. SWITZER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SHARP M. SNYDER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AARON SECHLER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ARCHIBALD VANDLING, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged at Harrisburg on surgeon's certificate Nov. 28, 1862.
ANGUS WRIGHT, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ANDREW WAUGH, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN WALLACE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; left sick in hospital at Harper's Ferry, Va.; reported discharged; no official notice received.
SAMUEL WOTE, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MATTHEW R. WRIGHT, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
JAMES D. WRAY, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; deserted Sept. 19, 1862.
SMITH W. INGHAM, captain, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; resigned on surgeon's certificate at Georgetown, Sem. Hospital, Feb. 5, 1863.
GEORGE H. EASTMAN, captain, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from first lieutenant Feb. 8, 1863; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ANSON G. CARPENTER, first lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from second lieutenant Feb. 8, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DEWITT C. KITCHEN, second lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to first sergeant Sept. 18, 1862; to second lieutenant Feb. 8, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN D. SMITH, first sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to sergeant Nov. 1, 1862; to first sergeant Feb. 8, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE D. WARNER, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; buried in National Cemetery, Sec. 26, Lot A, Grave 14.
JONAS H. FARR, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted from corporal Sept. 18, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
FREEMAN H. DIXON, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; captured at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; promoted from corporal Feb. 8, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JULIAN W. STELLWELL, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Sept. 12, 1862; to sergeant Feb. 8, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ABNER LEWIS, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted from private Nov. 1, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN H. TENEYCK, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; buried in National Cemetery, Sec. 26, Lot A, Grave 15.
JOHN B. OVERFIELD, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN W. REYNOLDS, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Sept. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CALVIN L. BRIGGS, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 8, 1863; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HANSOM H. CARRIER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 8, 1863; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ISAAC POLMATIEN, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 8, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DANIEL W. SMITH, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE N. COLVIN, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 8, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
PORTER CARPENTER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 8, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES N. GARDNER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov. 23, 1862.
OTIS GILMORE, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; discharged at Ascension Hospital, Washington, D. C., on surgeon's certificate December 23, 1862.
DECATUR HEWETT, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; deserted April 11, 1863.
ANDREW J. LEWIS, musician, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; prisoner of war from May 3 to May 22, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ROBERT L. REYNOLDS, musician, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; prisoner of war from May 3 to May 22, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ELIAS ATON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LOREN BALL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; prisoner of war from May 3 to May 22, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN R. BRIGGS, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLARD E. BULLOCK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH BILLINGS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL BISHOP, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
THOMAS J. CHASE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; absent in hospital since Sept. 6, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEVI CONKLIN, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS A. CASTLE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE A. CARNEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SETH A. COBB, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
OLIVER E. CLARK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ADELBERT COLVIN, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at Harwood Hospital, Washington, on surgeon's certificate Sept. 25, 1862.
BENJAMIN V. COLE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
JEROME E. DETRICK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES C. DEGRAW, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EZRA DEAN, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at Harwood Hospital, Washington, on surgeon's certificate Sept. 29, 1862.
CHARLES EVANS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
JOHN F. EVANS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died at Acquia Creek, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery, Washington, D. C.
SYLVESTER FARNHAM, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ELISHA FARNHAM, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded with loss of arm at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 1, 1863.
DENNIS D. GARDNER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALONZO E. GREGORY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1863.
PHILANDER GROW, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 17, 1862.
LESLIE E. HAWLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; left sick at Harper's Ferry Oct. 30, 1862, discharged but received no official notice.
SAMUEL HOOPER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS M. HINES, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HARVEY B. HOWE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at Acquia Creek Hospital on surgeon's certificate Feb. 1, 1863.
PETER B. HANYON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at Convalescent Camp Hospital on surgeon's certificate Feb. 15, 1863.
GEORGE M. HARDING, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; discharged at hospital, Washington, on surgeon's certificate March 10, 1863.
BENJAMIN H. HANYON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; deserted Sept. 17, 1862; left in Smoketown Hospital.
STEPHEN T. INGHAM, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HORACE JACKSON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JUDSON A. JAYNE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MARTIN V. KENNEDY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SILAS G. LEWIS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
FRANCIS M. LEWIS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862, and at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EZRA A. LAWBERT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALVAH LETTEEN, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at Fort Wood Hospital, N. Y. Harbor, on surgeon's certificate March 4, 1863.
ALBANUS LITTLE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; absent at muster-out.
URIAH MOTT, private, mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EMMET J. MATHEWSON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES W. MARTIN, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at Hammond's Hospital, Point Pleasant, Md., on surgeon's certificate Jan. 6, 1863.
WILSON D. MINOR, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov. 1, 1862.
THOMAS S. MOORE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died at Georgetown, D. C., Oct. 14, 1862.
OLIVER C. NEWBERG, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at Patent Office, 400 F, Washington, D. C., on surgeon's certificate Jan. 11, 1863.
HORACE O'NEAL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY ORNT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
ELISHA PEDRICK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
BYRON PREVOST, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES PLATTENBURG, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
RUFUS F. PARRISH, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 25, 1863.
REUBEN PLATTENBURG, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died at Washington, D. C., March 12, 1863.
WILLIAM H. REYNOLDS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; deserted Oct. 20, 1862; returned January 13, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALBERT G. REYNOLDS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
OLIVER E. REYNOLDS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
PERRY T. ROUGHT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WASHINGTON L. ROUGHT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at Washington on surgeon's certificate Feb. 12, 1863.
MILOT ROBERTS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died Sept. 20 of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
ESICK SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JEREMIAH STANTON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DAVIS C. SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; left in hospital near Falmouth May 15, 1863; absent at muster-out.
WILLIAM SHOEMAKER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ASA SMERD, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; left sick at Belle Plains Landing Dec. 6, 1862; absent sick at muster-out.
HARMAN STARK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WESLEY J. STARK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; deserted Nov. 20, 1862; returned March 12, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
BURTON SHOEMAKER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged at New York on surgeon's certificate Jan. 6, 1863.
JOHN H. SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; buried in National Cemetery, Sec. 26, Lot A, Grave 16.
JOSEPH W. STANTON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; left sick at Harper's Ferry Oct. 30, 1862; deserted from hospital.
JACOB A. THOMAS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
UTLEY TURNER, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged at Philadelphia on surgeon's certificate Jan. 6, 1863.
HENRY B. TURNER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
W. B. VANARSDALE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ANDREW M. WANDLE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; captured at Sniker's Gap, Va., Nov. 4, 1862, prisoner of war from Nov. 4 to Dec. 24, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN WALL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ELMORE H. WELLS[H], private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted to quartermaster-sergeant of regiment Aug. 26, 1862; returned to company Jan. 1, 1863; mustered out with company.
HIRAM E. WORDEN, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HERMAN TOWNSEND, captain, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 10, 1863.
CHARLES M. MCDOUGAL, captain, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted from first lieutenant Jan. 10, 1863; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES A. ROGERS, first lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted from sergeant to first sergeant Sept. 18, 1862; to first lieutenant Jan. 10, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ANSON C. CRANMER, second lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
LEVI D. LANDON, second lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted from first sergeant Sept. 18, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
RUSSELL J. ROSS, first sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted from corporal Jan. 11, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DEWITT TEAVER, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AMOS W. VANFLEET, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted from corporal Sept. 18, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ANDREW E. WATTS, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Sept. 18, 1862; to sergeant Jan. 11, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL W. WILCOX, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted from corporal Oct. 1, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN C. CRAVEN, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 5, 1863.
ALONZO R. CASE, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to commissary-sergeant Dec. 25, 1862. (See Field and Staff.)
H. W. PARKHURST, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; absent, sick, at muster-out.
JOHN A. BLOOM, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN MCCLURE, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Jan. 11, 1863; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LUCIEN BOTHWELL, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal Jan. 11, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ELIJAH R. HICKOK, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; promoted to corporal March 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WALLACE BIDDLE, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 15, 1863.
SAMUEL E. BLANCHARD, corporal, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 16, 1863.
MELVILLE F. EPHLINE, musician, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM SPENCER, musician, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALLEN M. AYRES, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; absent sick at muster-out.
HARRISON B. BENSON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE BENNETT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MANNING BAILEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AMOS S. BOOTHE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; absent sick at muster-out.
JAMES A. BARNES, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JEREMIAH BAILEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov. 24, 1862.
SAMUEL H. BARTLETT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died at Falmouth, Va., Feb. 4, 1863.
OLIVER BLANCHARD, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died Sept. 24 of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; buried in National Cemetery, Sec. 26, Lot A, Grave 181.
LEROY J. CEASE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS D. CROSS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
NATHAN S. DENMARK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEWIS DARLING, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SIMEON ELLIOTT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SYLVESTER M. GREEN, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN GRAUTEER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
OSCAR C. GRISWOLD, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AMBROSE S. GRAY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MARTIN W. GRAY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 22, 1862.
HENRY H. HOAGLAND, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JASPER N. HOAGLAND, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ISAAC N. HARVEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. HARVEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN J. HOWLAND, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
TRUMAN HARRIS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SOLON J. HICKOK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
STEPHEN C. HICKOK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES O. HAZLETON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate April 20, 1863.
WILLIAM HAMILTON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 15, 1863.
FRANCIS HARRIS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died at Le Roy, Pa., Jan. 18, 1863.
JOHN C. HURLBURT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
SETH HOWLAND, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.
ANDREW E. HOAGLAND, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
WILLIAM W. HAXTON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; deserted Sept. 17, 1862.
SILICK JUNE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
FREDERICK KERRICK, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 4, 1863.
ROSCOE S. LOOMIS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DAVID P. LINDLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL LINDLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; prisoner of war; date not given; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
IRA LINDLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged April 29, 1863; expiration of term.
LEVI R. LESTER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died at Washington, D. C., Feb. 9, 1863; buried in Military Asylum Cemetery.
LEWIS M. LEONARD, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
GEORGE MALLORY, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov. 28, 1862.
CHARLES L. MILES, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died near Falmouth, Va., May 12, 1863.
LYMAN R. NEWELL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 15, 1863.
STEPHEN A. RANDALL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN H. NEWELL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged Oct. 29, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
JOHN RANDALL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES M. ROGERS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JUDSON A. ROYSE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DEWITT C. ROBINSON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JEREMIAH ROCKWELL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 23, 1863.
LYNDS A. SPENCER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES SOPER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN B. STREETS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEO. C. SHOEMAKER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN SCHNADER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SOLOMON STONE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; prisoner of war; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEWIS SELLARD, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 9, 1863.
DANIEL W. SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 26, 1863.
NATHAN J. SPENCER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate April 2, 1863.
JAMES M. SNADER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov. 28, 1862.
LUKE P. STREETER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Oct. 12, 1862.
JEREMIAH SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died near Falmouth, Va., Jan. 8, 1863.
CHARLES B. THOMAS, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
GEORGE M. VAN DYKE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
E. G. VAN DYKE, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; prisoner of war; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LANING N. VARGASON, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SEVELLON A. WILCOX, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JEFFERSON A. WITHERALL, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company Aug. 24, 1863.
CHARLES WALTER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHAUNCEY W. WHEELER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MERTON C. WRIGHT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged Sept. 11, 1862, on surgeon's certificate.
JOSEPH N. WRIGHT, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; discharged Sept. 11, 1862, on surgeon's certificate.
ROSWELL A. WALKER, private, mustered in Aug. 11, 1862; died at Belle Plain, Va., Dec. 7, 1862.
CHARLES H. CHASE, captain, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; resigned Dec. 6, 1862.
W. H. CARNOCHAN, captain, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted from second lieutenant Nov. 29, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES E. GLADDING, first lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company Nov. 24, 1863.
J. W. BROWN, second lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; discharged Aug. 20, 1862, to date Aug. 14, 1862.
F. MARION WELLS, second lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; promoted from first sergeant Dec. 6, 1862; wounded with loss of leg at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; absent in hospital at muster-out; died a few days later.
WILLIAM C. COBB, first sergeant, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted to first sergeant Feb. 6, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALVAH L. COOPER, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; promoted from corporal Feb. 6, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LERT BALLARD, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALBERT LONG, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; promoted from corporal Jan. 29, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALBERT S. COBB, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; promoted from corporal Feb. 6, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DANIEL GRACE, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; promoted to corporal April 16, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALONZO ROSS, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1863; promoted to corporal April 16, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALBERT PRESTON, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 4, 1863; mustered out with company.
JAMES F. CARMAN, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1863; promoted to corporal Jan. 7, 1863; mustered out with company.
ALBERT O. SCOTT, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 6, 1863; mustered out with company.
FURMAN BULLOCK, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 6, 1863; mustered out with company.
SAMUEL HARKNESS, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN C. MCMAHON, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Oct. 14, 1862.
ELIHU B. CHASE, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Oct. 14, 1862.
L. N. BURNHAM, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; died Nov. 14, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; buried at Chester, Pa.
HUBBARD H. WILLIAMS, corporal, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; deserted at Washington, D. C., Nov. 10, 1862; returned May 1, 1865; discharged by General Order June 12, 1865.
NATHANIEL MATTOCK, musician, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DANIEL H. MOORE, musician, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 6, 1863.
STEPHEN T. HALL, wagoner, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted to corporal Aug. 15, 1862; reduced to ranks Feb. 6, 1863; mustered out with company.
JOHN B. ALEXANDER, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JULIAN L. ANDRUS, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
NATHAN E. BAILEY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES BOYCE, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DARIUS BULLOCK, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH BOUGHTON, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company.
WARREN S. BIXLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ELLIS H. BEST, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE BENNETT, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AARON W. BAILEY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 20, 1863.
OLIVER E. BLAKESLEE, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; died at Washington, D. C., Jan. 23, 1863; pneumonia.
ORRIN G. BLAKESLEE, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; died at Harper's Ferry, Va., Nov. 19, 1862.
WARREN S. BAILEY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; deserted Oct. 3, 1862, at Harper's Ferry.
RICHARD W. CANEDY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM M. CLARK, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DANIEL CARMAN, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES O. DARK, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHRISTOPHER DENMARK, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
REUBEN DUDLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate March 1, 1863.
PETER FULLER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; in hospital at muster-out.
GEORGE FIELDS, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEANDER L. GREGORY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE C. GEROULD, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; died Oct. 14 of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
RICHARD M. HOWLAND, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. HOWLAND, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JEROME S. HILL, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. HARDY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MARTIN HARKNESS, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 16, 1862.
BENJAMIN F. JONES, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEWIS W. JONES, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
RICHARD M. JOHNSON, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; deserted Sept. 14, 1862.
ALVAH M. KENT, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS LEE, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEWIS LAURENT, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
FESTUS LYON, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM A. MORES, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH F. MORLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GOPHAR MORGAN, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Nov. 20, 1862.
ABNER MILLER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 31, 1862.
JOHN MCGREGOR, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. MCALISTER, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES N. MCALISTER, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; deserted Sept. 14, 1862; returned March 31, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MICHAEL E. MCINTOSH, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; prisoner of war from Nov. 14 to Dec. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ORRIN P. MCALLISTER, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Dec. 18, 1862.
SAMUEL R. MCMAHON, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
ISAAC P. MCINTYRE, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; died near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 22, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
WILLIAM F. NEWELL, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY A. NEWELL, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHESTER NORTHROP, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM PEET, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; absent in hospital at muster-out.
JAMES PATTERSON, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
RICHARD W. PHILLIPS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HOMER T. RHODES, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY J. RUSSELL, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
S. CHENEY ROBY, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
NEHEMIAH ROBINSON, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; deserted at Frederick City, Md., Sept. 14, 1862.
CHARLES N. SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
BYRON B. SLADE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
NORMAN C. SHEPHERD, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EDWARD C. STRONG, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 7, 1863.
BARLOW SMITH, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; died at Harper's Ferry, Va., Nov. 12, 1862.
CONRAD SCHANTZ, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; deserted at Harrisburg Aug. 15, 1862.
J. O. VAN BUSKERK, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 6, 1863.
JOSEPH S. WILCOX, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
BARNUM WILCOX, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
NORMAN WILCOX, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
NATHAN WILCOX, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862, and at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
IRA V. WILLIAMS, private, mustered in Aug. 12, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES W. WHIPPLE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES WILLIAMS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Oct. 14, 1862.
EZRA H. WELCH, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; died at Belle Plain, Va., Dec. 4, 1862.
W. H. WOODWORTH, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; died at Falmouth, Va., Jan. 9, 1863.
MARTIN WEST, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; deserted October, 1862.
MICHAEL WHITMOYER, captain, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ANDREW C. MENSCH, first lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
D. RAMSEY MELICK, second lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM A. BARTON, first sergeant, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM H. GILMORE, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM J. RENN, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES P. SLOAN, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted from corporal Jan. 10, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ISAAC N. KLINE, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted from corporal Jan. 10, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
BENJAMIN F. JOHNSTON, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CLARK KRESSLER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY M. JOHNSTON, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EPHRAIM N. KLINE, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EDWARD C. GREEN, corporal, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; promoted to corporal Nov. 10, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN N. HUGHES, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted to corporal Jan. 10, 1863.; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES B. FORTNER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted to corporal Jan. 10, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL WOOD, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted to corporal Feb. 25, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 24, 1863.
WILLIAM C. ROBINSON, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged at Harper's Ferry on surgeon's certificate Oct. 26, 1862.
JAMES P. MELICK, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; died at Washington, D. C., Dec. 28, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
CLINTON W. NEAL, corporal, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; promoted to quartermaster Aug. 22, 1862. (See Field and Staff.)
JOHN STALEY, musician, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AZIMA V. HOWER, musician, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 29, 1863.
TILLMAN FAUX, wagoner, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 23, 1863.
LAFAYE APPLEGATE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEONARD BEAGLE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HIRAM H. BRODT, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JACOB W. BOMBOY, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES S. BOMBOY; private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EDWARD W. COLEMAN, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES W. COOK, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES CADMAN, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
PETER O. CRIST, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY CROOP, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Oct. 8, 1862.
THOMAS CAROTHERS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 15, 1863.
ABEL DEILY, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN MOORE EVES, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN F. ECK, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MOSES J. FRENCH, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CLOD'Y S. M. FISHER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES A. FOLK, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ROBERT GILLASPY, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN P. GUILDS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CLINTON C. HUGHES, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY C. HARTMAN, Sr., private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
C. H. HENDERSHOT, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM H. HUNTER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY C. HARTMAN, JR., private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL HARDER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; prisoner from Dec. 13, 1862, to May 22, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ADAM HEIST, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. HOWELL, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL HARP, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 13, 1863.
ISAIAH S. HARTMAN, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; died Oct. 16 of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
JESSE M. HOWELL, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; died near Falmouth, Va., Jan. 8, 1863.
JOSEPH S. HAYMAN, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; deserted Aug. 30, 1862.
SAMUEL R. JOHNSON, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HIRAM F. KLINE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS O. KLINE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL C. KRICKBAUM, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AMOS Y. KISNER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE M. KLINE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AUGUSTUS M. KURTZ, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
FRANCIS M. LUTZ, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ISAAC M. LYONS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH W. LYONS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; absent sick in hospital since Oct. 30, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH LAWTON, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN LAWTON, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM LAZARUS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
DANIEL MARKLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEMUEL MOOD, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES MUFFLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CLARK PRICE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEVI H. PRIEST, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
OLIVER PALMER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH PENROSE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; missed in action at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
DAVID RUCKLE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSIAH REEDY, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN ROADARMEL, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ISAAC ROADARMEL, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JEREMIAH REESE, private, mustered in Sept. 3, 1862; captured at Chancellorsville, Va.; prisoner from May 3 to May 22, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JONATHAN W. SNYDER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES W. SNYDER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863..
JOSIAH STILES, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; absent, sick in hospital since Sept. 16, 1862.
FREDERICK M. STALEY, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. STERNER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY H. SANDS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM C. SHAW, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; absent, sick, at muster-out.
JAMES F. TRUMP, private, mustered in Aug. 14, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL M. VANHORNE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; died at Washington, D. C., Feb. 16, 1863; buried in Harmony Burial Grounds, D. C.
PHILIP WATTS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AMASA WHITENITE, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GOTTLIEB WAGONER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GAYLORD WHITMOYER, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 17, 1863.
SAMUEL YOUNG, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
FRANKLIN J. R. ZELLARS, private, mustered in Aug. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE W. WILHELM, captain, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged Dec. 5, 1862.
JACOB D. LACIAR, captain, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; promoted from second lieutenant Jan. 5, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS MUSSELMAN, first lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN KERNS, second lieutenant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from corporal to sergeant Sept. 22, 1862; to second lieutenant Jan. 5, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
OLIVER BRENEISER, first sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, and at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; promoted to corporal Sept. 22, 1862, to first sergeant Jan. 5, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JACOB MILLER, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN HOFF, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from corporal Nov. 22, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
CHARLES MACK, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted from corporal March 1, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN SHERRY, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
OLIVER F. MUSSELMAN, sergeant, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; killed at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
F. C. WINTEMUTE, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted to corporal Aug. 18, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DAVID M. JONES, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALBERT E. SHEETS, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM MINER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM R. REX, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted to corporal Nov. 22, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEWIS TRAINER, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; promoted to corporal Nov. 22, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN SCHULTZ, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; promoted to corporal Jan. 2, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH SCHADEL, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; died at Belle Plain, Va., Nov. 28, 1862.
GEORGE W. DURYEA, corporal, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; deserted Aug. 16, 1862, from Camp Curtin.
EDWIN SEYFRIED, musician, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 25, 1863.
BAR'T ARMBRUSTER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DAVID ARNER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM ALLEN, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; captured at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
AUGUST BELSNER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS BAKER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DANIEL BARTLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; deserted Sept. 12, 1862, near Rockville, Md.
STEPHEN CUNFER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
THOMAS CHRISTINE, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH L. CLEWELL, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; died at Harper's Ferry, Va., Oct. 1 of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
CHAS. S. DREISBACH, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH B. DREISBACH, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOSEPH DRUMBORE, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged Jan. 13, 1863, for wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
PETER EVERTS, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM EVERTS, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JONATHAN ECK, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL EVERTS, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 13, 1863.
OWEN C. FULLWEILER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; absent, sick, at muster-out.
AMON FRITZ, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEWIS FREDERICK, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
WILLIAM FRANTZ, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; absent, sick, at muster-out.
AARON H. GUMBARD, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
HENRY GROW, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE H. GEARHARD, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged March 10, 1863, for wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
SAMUEL GROW, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; died Dec. 21 of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; buried at Alexandria; Grave 630.
JOSEPH HONTZ, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
OLIVER HOFF, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
FREDERICK HOSLER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN W. HOTTENSTEIN, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
GEORGE HOUSER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SEBASTIAN HON, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN HILLS, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; deserted Aug. 16, 1862, from Camp Curtin.
ALEX. JOHNSON, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
SAMUEL KEENE, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
EDWIN KEMMERER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JOHN KISTLER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded, with loss of arm, at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; discharged, date unknown.
DANIEL KRESSLEY, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Jan. 15, 1863.
SAMUEL D. LYNN, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
LEVI M. LEVY, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Feb. 25, 1863.
JOHN LENTS, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; died Jan. 2, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
FRANCIS H. MOSER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MONROE MARTIN, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
ALEXANDER MILLS, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; discharged on surgeon's certificate Sept. 29, 1862.
CHARLES F. MOYER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; died Sept. 22 of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862.
SAMUEL MCCANCE, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
DANIEL MCGEE, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JACOB NOTESTEIN, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
VALENTINE NEUMOYER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
MOSES NEYER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863.
JAMES E. NACE, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; died Jan. 2, 1863, of wounds received at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862.
ENOS OLWERSTEFLER, private, mustered in Aug. 15, 1862; wounded at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; mustered out with company May 24, 1863. |