Wednesday, 27th December, 1848.
At three o'clock A.M., the Captain called me, and such had been the preparation last night that in a quarter of an hour we were in the longboat, steering for the shore, and just as daylight was peeping we were near the shore in shallow water, and a fire sprung up nearly in front of us a little way in from the beach. The boat struck on the ground, and we waded through the water for about a hundred yards or more knee deep. Jackey took the lead, the Captain and I following, Barrett and Tom behind, and mounted the low scrubby cliff about two hundred yards from where we saw the fire. On we trudged through dense scrub inland for about an hour, When Jackey said we must go further up that way, pointing more in the south part of the bay; that is where I want to go, said he, and that we had better cross there in the boat and recommence the trip. On reaching the coast we hailed the boat, which was anchored off a little, and waded out to it. Having seen a great smoke last evening and apparently one this morning, some distance beyond where Jackey wished us to land, he was asked if we should go first to this native fire and camp, and see if they have anything there belonging to the three men, and Jackey said, yes. We proceeded there, a distance of about four miles to the southernmost part of the bay, and landed, but could discover only the remains of a bushfire and no camp; we now left this part and proceeded to exactly where Jackey pointed out on the beach, more in the central part of the bay, some three miles across, and landed, telling the men in the boat to anchor a little higher up to the north, where Jackey said we should come out at by-and-bye. We left word with the men in the boat that we might be away for three hours or more, and that we should fire a gun on our return, which was to be answered by them.
Jackey was now head and leading man in every sense of the word, and away we went in a westerly direction, for about, say, five or six miles; Jackey telling us to look out behind and all about for the blacks. After proceeding some four miles of the distance, we came to a creek where we stopped for a few minutes; Jackey was evidently tired, not recovered, and could not walk fast, and although we went off at first at a good pace, Jackey was getting lame, and had been obliged to sit down three times on the journey. About two miles beyond this creek Jackey got up into a tree, and returned saying he could see the mountain near which the camp was, but that it was a long way off, that we could not get there to-night, but that we must camp in the bush, and get there to-morrow. It here became necessary to pause. The ship was left with two hands only in her, anchored in shallow water, and the Captain said promptly that he could not proceed farther without great risk of losing the ship, either from its coming on to blow, or that natives may attack her in their canoes; (here I may say what has been omitted, namely, that in the early part of the morning we saw and examined a canoe close to where we first landed, and found part of a cloak in it, which Jackey immediately pronounced as belonging to the white men at the camp) and it was determined, well considering all circumstances, to return to the ship, which we did, coming out on the beach under mangroves, at the very spot we told Jackey to come out at on our leaving. We arrived at the ship at twelve minutes before four P.M. During our absence the men in the boat had seen on the beach from fifty to one hundred natives. We saw none. The day has been very hot, and we are in a fix, surrounded by reefs, and some little anxiety is existing as to how we shall get out again. We have determined to proceed to Weymouth Bay, and in so doing I have taken everything into consideration. We have eight men to attend to at Weymouth Bay. In all probability the three men here are dead, for when Jackey left them, Costigan was nearly dead, and Luff was very ill. The cloak taken from the canoe shows that the blacks have found their camp, and had we gone on there, which would have taken a day or two at least more, we should only have found, I verily believe, as Jackey says, "bones belonging to whitefellows." After getting on board, Jackey went to sleep, thoroughly done up. He fell asleep also in coming off in the boat.
Thursday, December 28.
This has been a day of anxiety. We left a little after daylight, not without feelings of disappointment and dissatisfaction at not having been successful in rescuing the men, who it was possible might be yet alive. We were surrounded by reefs, a light breeze, and fair depth of water—called out by the leadsman, 2, 2 1/2, 2, 3 fathoms, until after some time we got into deeper water, and passed out of the Bay in safety. Not a fire had been seen on the shore all night, nor was there a native to be seen this morning from the vessel. We passed numerous islands, until the Piper Islands came in sight. We calculated upon making them for our anchorage, but a squall came on, and the wind shifted, and we were compelled to anchor at half-past seven P.M., in fifteen fathoms water, near a reef. Some native fires were seen on the coast to-day. I find the native on board understands and speaks the same language as the Port Albany blacks, and repeats all their names to me. He eats and drinks heartily, and lends apparently a most willing hand towards securing himself with the leather straps.
Friday, 29th December.
Left our anchorage at daylight in the morning; passed between the Piper Islands and Bald Head. When off Fair Cape saw a smoke on the shore, and three natives, who immediately disappeared in the scrub and were seen no more. On rounding the Cape it became a dead calm, and it was intensely hot; we saw a smoke and a large fire ahead of us. Jackey recognised the land and said the smoke was at the mouth of a river which Mr. Kennedy and he had crossed after leaving the camp. The land where the camp and eight men were Jackey pointed out ahead of us, opposite to Weymouth Bay; a heavy squall and thunderstorm with rain came on very suddenly, and beyond the mouth of the river, with the camping-hill ahead of us, we came to an anchor, between two and three o'clock P.M.; could not see any flagstaff on the hill pointed out by Jackey, and which hill is very conspicuous and bald, nor could we see any symptom of living beings along the coast in the bay. It was too great a distance to land to-night, and the Captain said if it came on to blow the boat could not be got back again. Employed the other part of the day in looking through the glass and with the naked eye to see the flagstaff and flag, or any other sign (Jackey having informed us they would have a flag on the top of the hill) but none was to be seen, not a native, and I have reason to believe every one of the eight have been sacrificed; it looks suspicious not seeing a native, for Jackey says they used to bring fish to the camp, and there were plenty of them. The Captain is to take the ship in as near as possible to the hill, and it is determined to go on shore with the same party who assisted us at Shelburne Bay, and go up to the camp to-morrow well armed. All this evening a solemn, silent, inexpressible gloom; no rockets, no gun, no fire, to-morrow will tell a tale.
Saturday, 30th December, 1848.
At daylight this morning the ship was got underweigh, and sailed nearer in towards the hill which Jackey had pointed out as being the hill where "camp sit down," and anchored in about two fathoms of water about half a mile off the land. Five canoes were now seen creeping off towards us from under the mangroves, with from five to ten natives in each (there was yet no flag or any token of white people on the hill); the canoes gradually neared in a string, and one came cautiously alongside, making signs and saying "ferraman, ferraman," "white man, white man," and pointing towards Jackey's mountain. We were at first doubtful whether they were disposed to be friendly or not, and afterwards seeing some children with them and one or two females, we concluded they were disposed to be friendly, and that they knew the parties at the camp. A few lines were written to the party at the camp, stating a vessel was in the bay, and the bearer, one of the natives, would take them to it. This was given to one of the natives in the first canoe, and Jackey, whom the natives recognised, beckoned and motioned to them to take the note to the camp. In the meantime the Captain and I had determined as soon as the boat could be got ready, to proceed according to Jackey's instructions to the camp. The boat left with our party, and Jackey directed us some distance off in the wake of the canoes, there being nothing but a mangrove swamp on the shore near us. We landed beside of a creek knee-deep in water, among some mangroves. Here we got out of the boat, Jackey, the Captain, Barrett, and myself, Tom, the sailor, who had accompanied us before, saying he could not go, that he had a bad leg. We were a little disappointed here, but said nothing, and proceeded, Jackey leading, myself, the Captain, and Barrett following, through a mangrove swamp, for some considerable distance, all well armed. Getting out of the swamp we came upon a beautiful flat, and followed up a creek which Jackey said would lead up to the camp. After getting on (keeping a good lookout) for about two miles, Jackey doubled his pace, and all at once said with great emphasis, "I see camp." "Well done, Jackey," I think was exclaimed by all of us at the same moment. Jackey, still going on at a sharp pace, stopped for a moment and said, "I not sure, I believe it is hole through tree," and suddenly, with greater excitement than before, he exclaimed, "See two whitefellows sit down, and camp." We were now on one side of the creek: down the creek we went, and up on the other side in double-quick time, and a scene presented itself. On the side of the hill, not two hundred yards from us, were two men sitting down, looking towards us, the tent and fire immediately behind them; and on coming up to them, two of the most pitiable creatures imaginable were sitting down. One had sufficient strength to get up; the other appeared to be like a man in the very last stage of consumption. Alas! alas! they were the only two left of the eight, the remainder having died from starvation. Whilst here we were considering what was best to be done, when natives in great numbers were descried watching our movements. Jackey said, "Doctor," calling me aside, "now I tell you exactly what to do, you see those blackfellows over there" (and in pointing to them I saw a great number, some eight hundred yards away, peeping from behind trees) "you leave him tent, everything, altogether there, and get the two whitefellows down to the boat quick." Jackey was exceedingly energetic, and grave as well. Get away as quick as possible, was resounded by all, but what was to be done—two men almost dead to walk two or three miles. We looked over the tent, asked Carron for what important things there were, and each laid hold of what appeared to be of most value, the Captain taking two sextants, other parties firearms, etc., etc. "Come along," again and again Jackey called out, and the Captain too, whilst they were halfway down towards the creek, and Barrett and I loaded ourselves. I took a case of seeds, some papers of Carron's, a double gun and pistol, which, together with my own double gun and brace of pistols, thermometer, and my pockets full of powder and shot, was as much as I could manage. Seeing Carron could not get along, I told him to put his hands on my shoulders, and in this way he managed to walk down, as far as nearly through the mangrove swamp, towards the water's edge, when he could not in that way possibly get any further, and Barrett, with his disabled arm, carried him down to the edge of the water. Goddard, the other survivor, was just able to walk down, spoke, and looked exceedingly feeble. They were brought on board at noon, and attended to according to my instructions. Carron's legs were dreadfully swollen, about three times their natural size, from oedema. In the afternoon both reviving and thanking God for their deliverance. I was for some time afraid of Carron. At ten P.M.—they are both doing well, and, I trust, will be enabled to tell their own tale, which renders it unnecessary for me to write it down here. I told the Captain to proceed direct on to Sydney. Jackey, Carron, and Goddard, and the Captain, stating it would be running too great a risk to go to recover anything from the tent, moreover, with so small a party as the Captain, Jackey, and myself (Barrett really being unfit to go) and the sailors all refusing to go. I consider the Captain deserves considerable credit for his actions throughout in exerting himself to rescue the survivors.
Sunday, December 31.
At daylight got underweigh and took our departure from Weymouth Bay for Sydney. Carron and Goddard were some considerable time in getting better; the former being subject to daily fits of ague, etc., etc.
Thursday, January 11, 1849.
The black native had made his escape during the night, whilst it was raining and blowing hard; we were at this time anchored about one and a half or two miles from Turtle Reef, and a distance of eight miles from Cape Bedford, the nearest part of the mainland; made search on the reef, but saw no marks of him; a strong current was making towards Cape Bedford, and he might have taken that direction. Two large sharks were seen about the ship this morning; it is our impression the man can never have reached the land; the black was seen by Parker, on deck, at two A.M., whilst it was thundering, lightning, and raining, but was never seen afterwards.
From the private log of T. BECKFORD SIMPSON, master of the brig Freak,* giving an account of her proceedings when employed in searching for the papers, etc., connected with the late Mr. Kennedy's exploring party.
(*Footnote. Under contract with the Colonial Government to call (on her way to Port Essington) at Shelburne Bay and Escape River, to ascertain, if possible, the fate of the three men left at the former place, and recover the papers of Mr. Kennedy secreted by Jackey-Jackey, who went in the Freak to point out the localities.)
Wednesday, May 2, 1849.
In the night fresh breezes from North-East with rain; at daylight weighed and made sail, the Harbinger in company; shaped a course to pass between Cape Direction and the low sandy island which lies off it; passed close to the latter; I observed the reef extending from the North-East end further than laid down on the chart; after passing it, and giving Cape Direction a good berth, shaped a course for Restoration Island. At 9 A.M. dense masses of rain-clouds to the east and north-east. The weather became thick and rainy, shortened sail to the topsails. At 10.30 A.M., the weather clearing a little, saw Restoration and Cape Weymouth; when close to the former we had heavy squalls with rain, which prevented our seeing the land; hove-to with the vessel's head to the North-East; shortly after the weather clearing a little so as to enable us to see the land, bore up and stood in for Weymouth Bay. The rain now descended in torrents, lowered topsails on the cap, feeling our way cautiously with the lead; finding the water shoaling, anchored in twelve fathoms; at 0.30 P.M., the weather clearing a little, saw Restoration, bearing South-South-East 1/2 East, and a small island distant about a mile west.
At 3.30 P.M. fine, and finding we were a long distance out, weighed and ran in under the jib, the Harbinger following our example; as we approached the bottom of the bay the water shoaled gradually, and when the haze lifted Jackey pointed out the hill at the foot of which was the camp where Mr. Kennedy had left eight of the party, and from whence Carron and Goddard had been rescued. We stood into five fathoms, and at 5 P.M. anchored about 1 1/2 miles from the shore; the Harbinger brought up close to us. Made up my mind to visit the camp in the morning, and endeavour to find if there were any papers which might have been left and not destroyed.
Thursday, May 3.
During the night moderate breeze from the south with light showers. At five A.M., Captain Sampson came alongside, he wishing to join our party, and visit the camp. Having well manned and armed the large whaleboat, pulled on shore, and landed at the entrance of a small river, on a little sand patch, the place having been pointed out by Jackey; it was the only clear landing-place I saw. A dense mangrove swamp extended some distance beyond high-water mark. We had no sooner landed than the rain fell in torrents, and continued for three hours, so much so that we could not load our guns. It was about high-water when we landed, and in the mangrove scrub through which we had to go, the water was nearly up to our waists. We had, therefore, no alternative but to remain patiently until the tide fell, and the rain ceased.
On searching the place where we landed, part of a blanket was found, marked B (arrow pointing up) O, a part of a tarpaulin, a piece of canvas, apparently a portion of a tent, and a small tin dish, with a name scratched on its back. These articles were evidently part of the pillage from the camp. A little way up the creek we found three canoes, very rudely made, with outriggers on both sides. We searched and found some small pieces of iron, which we took, being also pillage from the exploring party. At ten A.M., less rain, got some of our pieces blown off with difficulty, they being drenched with rain.
At eleven A.M., having some of our guns in a state to be trusted, we took to our boats and pulled a short distance up the creek in order to avoid in some measure the crossing of the mangrove swamp. We started, Jackey taking the lead, leaving a party to look after the boats. We walked for a short distance in the mangrove swamp, and came out on an open spot where we found a native camp, which from appearances had been but recently abandoned, the ashes of the fire being still warm: we made a strict search, but found nothing; we proceeded, passed through a small belt of mangroves, and came on an open plain; here Jackey and Tommy being the leading men, saw five natives, about fifty yards from us, planted behind trees, each had a bundle of spears, they were evidently watching us, Jackey levelled his gun at the nearest, and off they ran and disappeared immediately; Jackey seemed very desirous to shoot them, but I told him not to fire, as I wished to speak to them.
From the recent heavy rain the plain was very nearly knee-deep with water, nearly the whole distance we travelled the water was over our ankles, making walking very fatiguing. After crossing the plain we came to a band of trees and bushes, among them I was surprised to find some very fine banana plants; I observed also a fine specimen of the red cedar (the only tree I had hitherto seen was the Melaleuca) here we crossed a small creek, and came on fine forest land. After proceeding some distance, Jackey pointed out the place where the party first camped, and where Mr. Kennedy left the eight men; they subsequently removed to the opposite side of the creek; near this place on a tree was carved in large letters K. LXXX., which I suppose meant the eightieth station. On coming to the creek found it running too strong for us to ford it; went along by its side a short distance, and were fortunate to find a tree extending across it, upon which we got over; found the grass as high as our shoulders, crossed a small gully and ascended a slight acclivity, which brought us to the site of the camp; a bare spot of ground indicated the exact locality; this spot was strewed with portions of books, all of a religious or scientific character; found no manuscripts; parts of harness, leather belts, pieces of cedar boxes in leather covers were also found; one or two tins for carrying water, a camp stool, and part of a table, and piece of a tent pole, the bones, skulls, and part of the feathers of birds, etc.; specimens of natural history, all destroyed. I observed the bones of a horse, and the skull of a dog; a piece of torn calico with a portion of a chart adhering to it was picked up; I thought I could make out the words River Mitchell on it. I found among the pieces of books, a portion of Leichhardt's journey overland.
I was some time before I could find the remains of Wall and Niblet, who were the last men that died, and had not been buried, the survivors being too weak. I placed myself at the camp, and looked about for the likeliest place to which a corpse would be taken under the circumstances. I went down into a small gully, about sixty yards from the camp; under some small bushes, in about two feet of water, I found their bones, two skulls and some of the larger bones, the smaller ones having most probably been washed away by the flood; the bones were all carefully collected and taken on board. From the position in which these bones were found, agreeing with the description given me by Mr. Carron, I feel confident they are the remains of Wall and Niblet.
I was rather surprised to find some cabbage-palm trees growing in the vicinity of the camp; the tops are very nutritious, and would be very desirable for men in a starving state, had they been aware of it. I picked up part of a key belonging to a chronometer. After having a good look round, we returned to the boats, all tired, from our drenching and wading through so much mud and water, and we unfortunately had no provisions of any kind, and had eaten nothing all day. When we pulled to the entrance of the river it was low-water, and there was a bank dry outside of us for upwards of half a mile; we had no alternative but to wait until the tide flowed. At half past three P.M., got on board, hoisted the boat in, and prepared to start in the morning.
Friday, May 4.
At daylight, weighed, with a light breeze from the southward; steered to give Fair Cape a berth. I observed the entrance of a large river at the north end of Weymouth Bay. At half-past ten A.M., passed Piper's Islands, and steered for Young Island; could not make it out for some time, when we did see it, found it only a small reef above water, not worthy the name of an island; such a misnomer is likely to mislead; hauled up for the reef M. At noon, abreast of Haggerstone Island, steered to give Sir Everard Home's Isles a berth; saw natives on Cape Grenville; hauled in for Sunday Island; the wind light from the eastward; passed Thorpe Point, and hauled in for Round Point. At five P.M., anchored in six fathoms, mud. Bearings at anchor, North Sand Hill, D (conical hill) South-East 1/2 East; South Wind Hillock (a saddle hill) South 3/4 East; the remarkable sand patch, South-West 1/2 West; Jackey's Pudding-pan Hill, West 1/4 North. Got the whaleboat and crew ready to start at daylight for Shelburne Bay.
On consulting Jackey about going to the camp where the three men were left, he said it was no use going there; the distance was great, and the country scrubby, and that he was sure if any of the men were alive, they would be on the seacoast. Dunn, one of the men, told him, if Costigan died, he should come down to the beach directly. I therefore considered all that we could do would be to thoroughly examine the coast with the whaleboat, close in shore, and the brig as near as she prudently could approach.
At daylight despatched the whaleboat, in charge of the second officer, with four seamen, Jackey, and his two companions, with particular orders to keep close to the beach, and to land occasionally, to examine all the native camping places and canoes; to make strict search for anything that might tend to point out the fate of the unfortunate men. At 6.30 A.M. weighed, with a light breeze from the southward, and steered to pass between the Bird and Macarthur Islands; at noon abreast of the latter; P.M., after passing Hannibal Isles, hauled in for the shore, for the purpose of picking up the whaleboat. At 5.30 P.M., having shoaled our water rather suddenly to 3 1/2 fathoms, hard bottom, anchored about a mile off shore. Saw a canoe and a few natives on the beach. Bearings at anchor—Risk Point, South 1/2 East; the centre of the Hannibal Isles, South-East by East 1/2 East. At eight P.M. the boat returned. The second officer made the following Report:
I kept close along the beach all day, landed three times; first, near the creek where the Ariel's boat landed, saw no indication there of Europeans. I landed again some distance further on, where I saw a native camp and a canoe. In the latter I found a leather pistol holster, marked 34, which Jackey recognised as belonging to the party. Three natives were seen by Jackey, who, on perceiving the boat, ran into the bush. At the third place I landed I saw no indication of men. I was close to the beach all along, and occasionally fired a musket.
Jackey appears confident that the men left have been killed by the blacks. He said he had hopes of finding Dunn, he being a man that "knew blackfellow well, and used to go along blackfellow."
Sunday, May 6th, 1849.
At daylight sent the boat on shore, manned as before, with instructions to land at the place where I saw natives last night. At 6.30 A.M., weighed and set the topsail to a light breeze from the southward, steered North by East 1/2 East, hauling out a little from the land. At seven heard a rumbling noise, looked over the vessel's side and saw we were in shoal water, the vessel gradually losing her way, but still continued forging ahead a little; lowered the boat and sounded round, found more water ahead, thirteen and fourteen feet; inshore, about half a cable's length found five and six fathoms; to seaward, eleven and eleven and a half feet. Set the foresail: having a flowing tide the vessel went ahead and deepened our water; after going ahead about two or three ship's lengths touched again slightly, and immediately after got into five and six fathoms. The sea being smooth at the time, and the after part of the keel being the only part of the vessel that touched, she cannot have received any material damage. This shoal appeared to be of small extent, composed of sand and coral; it is not laid down in the chart, but is very dangerous, not being visible from the masthead. I went aloft after crossing it, and could perceive no indication of shoal water. The bearings I got when on the shoal were, the outer or larger Hannibal Island, South-East 1/2 East, the inner one (only a solitary tree visible) South by East 1/2 East.
At eleven A.M. passed Cairncross Island, running under easy sail and keeping as near the shore as prudent to keep the boat in sight. I have given instructions to the officers in charge to make a signal if anything was discovered. At half-past four hauled in for Fern Island; at five anchored under the lee in three fathoms, mud; bearings, the highest part of Fern Island South by East, the entrance to Escape River, North-West by West 1/2 West, hoisted the recall for the boat, on the return of which the officer reported as follows:
I ran along close to the shore all day. I landed a little to the southward of Orfordness. We met about thirty natives on the beach, who came up to us without hesitation, and appeared very friendly; they shook hands with all of us, and brought us water. Jackey at first thought he recognised the native who escaped from the Ariel among them; he got a little excited, and wanted to shoot him, when he approached nearer he was satisfied he was not the same individual. At another place where I landed I found part of the lower mast of a vessel about 400 tons, and pieces of wreck; saw no natives or indication of them on the beach.
The schooner remained at anchor, and from the fact of her doing so, I came to the conclusion it could be no other vessel than the Coquette;* seeing her so far from her station, I imagined there was something wrong, or that she had heard the unfortunate termination of the expedition, and was preparing to leave; I determined to communicate with her before proceeding up Escape River; at half-past eight A.M., saw four natives on the beach.
(*Footnote. Which had been sent from Sydney to await the arrival of Kennedy's Expedition at Port Albany, the period for which the Ariel had been chartered for that purpose having expired.)
At nine A.M., I left in the whaleboat for the schooner—the small boat employed watering. At half past eleven A.M. I boarded the Coquette; Captain Elliott had heard by the Sea Nymph, from Hobart Town, the fate of the expedition, and was about leaving for Sydney. She reported the ship Lord Auckland, from Hobart Town, with horses, having been aground on the X reef for several days; she subsequently got off, and had proceeded on her voyage, not having sustained any very material damage; she had lost four anchors, and the Coquette was going to try to pick them up. Having explained to Captain Elliott my intention of proceeding up the Escape River in the morning, he volunteered to accompany me, and to supply two hands, which enabled me to man my two boats, thus making a most formidable party.
At daylight made preparations for starting. I took the five-oared whaleboat, and the second officer, accompanied by Captain Elliott, went in the small boat, both well armed and manned. At half-past six A.M. we left and ran before a strong breeze from the South-East, and stood in for the entrance of Escape River. At half-past seven hauled in round the south head (Point Shadwell): in crossing the bar, least water three fathoms, the tide being about first quarter spring flood.
After entering the river perceived a bay, with small sandy beaches, one of which Jackey pointed out as the place where Mr. Kennedy first met the hostile natives; from this place we observed some of them launching a canoe for the purpose of speaking us, but as we could not afford to lose either the time or the tide I deferred communicating with them until our return. After steering west about five or six miles, the river began gradually to wind to the northward, and afterwards South-South-East; the river six or seven miles from the entrance was upwards of a mile in width, both banks were covered by a dense impenetrable mangrove swamp; after the river trended to the southward we had to lower our sail and pull; after pulling some four or five miles the river became gradually narrower. I observed several branches of it trending to the northward and westward; we remained on the southernmost branch, the principal one; as we proceeded on the left hand side of the river we came to a clear place free of mangroves, the only one we had seen; here we landed, and Jackey pointed it out as the place where Mr. Kennedy had come down on the morning of the day when he was killed; it was here Jackey advised him to abandon the horses and swim the river, about thirty yards wide. Jackey pointed out the tree where he made the horses fast whilst they went down to the river and searched in vain for oysters, they having had nothing to eat all that day.
We again proceeded, the river becoming gradually narrower as we advanced, and the water perfectly fresh. After going about two or three miles, the river became so narrow that our oars could not be used. We were compelled to haul the boats along, against a strong stream, by the overhanging branches of the trees, frequently coming across fallen trees, over which we had to launch our boats, running the risk of staving them; and again obliged to force them under others. A better spot could not have been selected by the natives for cutting us off, had they been so disposed—a narrow creek, and a dense scrub on either side. We still proceeded till the boats could get no further. We had traced the Escape River to its source—a small freshwater creek. As we advanced the belt of mangroves became thinner. We landed on a clear place, on the right of the creek. We went a short distance inland; saw an extensive plain, with numerous large ant-hills on it, which Jackey knew as the place he had crossed the day Mr. Kennedy was killed. Jackey went a short distance further to reconnoitre, and presently returned, having perfectly satisfied himself as to our locality.
After making a hasty meal we proceeded, leaving four hands in charge of the boats; we walked some distance across a swamp, still following the course of the creek. In the swamp I saw a great many of the Nepenthes distillatoria, or pitcher-plant; they were not exactly of the same description I have seen on the Pellew Islands, and other places; nearly all of them wanted the graceful turn in the stem, for which those elegant plants are so justly celebrated. We traced the creek for nearly a mile, looking out for a crossing-place, when Jackey pointed out on the other side the place where he had secreted the saddlebags. At length we came to a tree which had fallen and formed a kind of bridge, over which we passed with difficulty, and returned to the place where Jackey said the saddlebags were planted. Jackey then showed us the place where "horse tumble down creek" after being speared. Some horse-dung was found on the top of the bank close to this place, which confirmed Jackey's statement; he then took us a few yards into the scrub to look for the saddlebags, and told us to look about for a broken twig, growing over a thick bush; the place was found, but the saddlebags were gone; on searching under the bush among the leaves, the horizon glass of a sextant was found, a strong proof that Jackey had found the right place.
Jackey then took us through a dense scrub for some distance, when we came on open swampy ground about half a mile wide; on the opposite side there was more scrub, close to which there were three large ant-hills; Jackey took us up to the centre one, five yards from which poor Kennedy fell; against this ant-hill Jackey placed him when he went after the saddlebags. Jackey told us to look about for broken spears; some pieces were found; he then took us to a place about sixty yards from the ant-hill, where he put Mr. Kennedy, who then told him not to carry him far. About a quarter of a mile from this place, towards the creek, Jackey pointed out a clear space of ground, near an angle of a very small running stream of fresh water, close to three young pandanus trees, as the place where the unfortunate gentleman died. Jackey had taken him here to wash his wounds and stop the blood. It was here, when poor Kennedy found he was dying, that he gave Jackey instructions about the papers, when Jackey said, "Why do you talk so: you are not going to leave me?"
Jackey then led the way to a dense tea-tree scrub, distant about three or four hundred yards, where he had carried the body and buried it. When we came to the edge of the scrub, Jackey was at a loss where to enter, as he said when he was carrying the corpse he did not look behind—all the objects in front being nearly alike he did not get a good mark. Into the midst of this scrub we went, divided ourselves and searched in every direction, but could not find the place: Jackey had not made the spot too conspicuous, fearing the blacks might find it, he had only bent down two twigs across each other; the scrub was not very extensive but exceedingly thick.
Jackey led the way to a creek, and pointed out the place where he had crossed. Jackey said "I threw him down one fellow compass somewhere here." It was immediately found, it was one of Kater's prismatic compasses, the name Chislett, London, engraved on the back. Jackey then went to a place where he "plant him sextant," but the flood had been over the spot and washed it away. When returning I found the trough for an artificial horizon washed upon the banks of the creek, this had been left with the sextant. Jackey crossed the creek, and found a small wooden bottle of quicksilver in the same place where he had left it.
We returned to the scrub where Mr. Kennedy was buried, when we came to it I placed the party (eleven in number) five yards asunder, and traversed it this way in all directions, but without success. I then took Jackey to the plain where the poor gentleman died, and told him to go towards the scrub in the same manner he did when he was carrying the corpse, and not to look back, which he did, telling me the manner in which he carried it, and where he shifted it from one shoulder to the other. In this manner he entered the scrub, and I have no doubt he took us very near the exact place where the body was buried; we sounded the ground all round with our ramrods, but without success. After taking another good look we reluctantly gave up the search, as the night was rapidly approaching, and returned to the boats.
My opinion is, that the remains of the unfortunate gentleman have not been exhumed; if they had, we should have seen some indication of them; the natives would not have taken the trouble to fill the grave, or take away the bones. The soil where he was buried was of a light sandy nature, and the small mound Jackey rose over the grave had been washed down by the heavy rains. The only clue that gave rise to the supposition that the natives had found the body, was the fact that part of Mr. Kennedy's trousers was found in the canoe taken by the schooner Ariel. Jackey said there were other trousers in the saddlebag, exactly like those he had on at the time of his death. The saddlebags, there is not the slightest doubt, have been found by the natives. Poor Jackey was very quiet, but felt, and felt deeply, during the day. When pointing out the spot where Mr. Kennedy died, I saw tears in his eyes, and no one could be more indefatigable in searching for the remains. His feelings against the natives were bitter, and had any of them made their appearance at the time, I could hardly have prevented him from shooting them.
When we got back to the boats, we immediately proceeded down the creek, being anxious to get clear of the intricate navigation before dark. We succeeded in getting into the open river with difficulty, the numerous snags and branches of trees in the creek, together with the strong current, requiring great precaution to prevent our boats being stove.
A few yards above the place pointed out by Jackey in the morning, where Mr. Kennedy came down to the river for the purpose of crossing, we found the water very shallow, not ankle deep, right across, and had they waited until low-water they might have crossed without difficulty; as we pulled down the river we found numerous shoals, our boat constantly grounding; in fact Escape River is not a river, but an estuary, terminating in swamps.
At eleven we arrived at the entrance of the river, where I camped for the night, on a sandy beach not far from Point Shadwell, having determined to examine the native camp at daybreak. Set a watch, but made no fire, as I wanted to take the natives by surprise.
Wednesday, May 9th, 1849.
Blowing very hard all night from South-East; passed a miserable night—the mosquitoes devouring us. At break of day launched our boats and pulled towards the camp where we had seen natives the day before. Some of the party went along the beach. On arriving at the camp found it had very recently been abandoned; one of Jackey's companions saw one native, who ran into the bush and was seen no more.
I went with Jackey some distance into the bush, he showed me the place where a native threw a spear at him the day before Mr. Kennedy's death; Jackey fired, but missed him. I forgot to mention that the master of the Coquette had seen a native at Port Albany, who had, apparently, been wounded in the face with large shot, and as he answered the exact description given by Jackey, there is little doubt that he was the same individual mentioned in his statement as shot by him.
We searched the camp, found a small piece of red cloth, which Jackey recognised as part of the lining of Mr. Kennedy's cloak, also a piece of painted canvas; a canoe on the beach we destroyed. Finding nothing more could be done, we pulled out of the river, and got on board about ten A.M., after a very hard pull against both a head wind and tide.
Found the brig riding very uneasy in consequence of the heavy sea, and as Jackey said the other papers, called by him the small ones, and which I conceive to be the most important, as he was particularly instructed to take them to the Governor, were secreted at the head of another river, about eight miles further to the northward, and finding the vessel could not ride any longer here with safety, I determined, when the tide ceased, to weigh and seek some more secure anchorage.
At half-past twelve P.M. weighed, the Coquette in company, and stood to the northward. At half-past four hard squalls and heavy rain; rounded the Tree Island Reef and anchored in five fathoms, about one and a half miles from the north end of Albany Island.
I do not intend going into Port Albany, as the tides run very strong there; outside is quite as safe at this season. In the evening went on shore on Albany Island. Saw four or five natives, who knew Captain Elliott; they were very anxious to get biscuit and tobacco. They seem to be the same class of men as those at Port Essington, but the language is, I think, different.
Thursday, May 10.
All night blowing hard, and squally. At daylight same weather; no chance of the boat getting to the southward today. At ten went on shore, for the purpose of selecting a spot to inter the remains of Messrs. Wall and Niblet. Saw the horse left by the Ariel; he seemed in good condition, but rather shy; no chance, I fear, of catching him. Took some corn and meal in a bucket for him.
At three P.M. the weather rather more moderate. Both vessels got underweigh, and worked close inshore. At 4.30 anchored in three and three-quarters fathoms, mud: Tree Island North-East by East half East; Pile Island West half South; north extreme of Albany Island South by East half East; within a short half mile of the shore.
Got all ready for a start in the morning, should the weather be moderate. Should the weather continue bad, I proposed to Jackey to try the overland route. He said the distance was too great, and the country very bad to travel through; that it would take several days.
Friday, May 11th, 1849.
All night fresh breeze and squally, at daylight rather more moderate, at half-past six despatched the whaleboat, fully manned and armed and provisioned for two days, and Jackey and his two companions. I gave charge of the boat to Macnate, my chief officer. I did not think there was any necessity to go myself, as Jackey said they were not likely to fall in with any natives. Captain Elliot volunteered his services and accompanied the party. Employed watering ship, found water very abundant all over Albany Island.
Saturday, May 12th, 1849.
At half-past one P.M. the whaleboat returned, having got the papers, etc., secreted by Jackey in a hollow tree. A rat or some animal had pulled them out of the tree, and they were saturated with water, and I fear nearly destroyed; they consisted of a roll of charts and some memorandum books. The charts with care may be deciphered. The following is Mr. Macnate's statement:
May 11.
At eight A.M. we rounded Fly Point, set sail and steered South by West, the boat going about five knots, just laying along the shore. At ten A.M. crossed a bank with only nine feet of water on it, passed a reef about three miles from Fly Point, and half a mile from the shore; from former shoal had three and four fathoms to the entrance of the river. At half-past eleven A.M. entered the mouth of a river, near the centre of Newcastle Bay; here we lost sight of Albany Island, making the distance from it about fourteen miles; the entrance of this river is about one mile and a half wide; on the northern half of the entrance the water is deep, three fathoms; on the southern side there is a sandbank, nearly dry at low-water.
From the entrance we went South-South-West five miles, when the river narrowed to about the third of a mile, we had from six to two and a half fathoms all the way in. From here we went into the branch of the river that ran about south, the main river going west. The entrance to the branch is about two cables' lengths wide, we went in a southerly direction about six miles, when the river narrowed to forty feet; here we landed at half-past three P.M. Leaving two hands in charge of the boat, walked about two and a half miles, where Jackey found the papers, they had been pulled out of the hollow trunk where he had placed them, and were much damaged, being saturated with water. We then went half a mile to where Jackey had camped, to look for a pair of compasses he had left; could not find them, but found a notebook that Jackey had been drawing sketches in; from here we went to another camp to look for the compasses, but did not find them. At half-past five came back to the boat and camped for the night, none of us could sleep on account of the mosquitoes and flies, etc.
At six A.M. started down the river; at eight calm, got into the main river, had breakfast. At half-past eight, a light breeze from the eastward. At eleven passed within half a mile of two native canoes with seven men in each, stood towards them, they immediately paddled away. At one rounded Fly Point, and at half-past one got alongside the brig.
Sunday, May 13, 1849.
Fresh breeze from South-East and fine all day. At eight A.M. both vessels hoisted the ensign half-mast. At three P.M. having put the remains of Messrs. Wall and Niblet in a coffin, left the ship in the two boats with nearly all the ship's crew cleaned, and pulled to the southern end of Albany Island, landed and went up to the highest hill on that part of the island, and on the top, a clear open place, we dug a grave and interred the remains of the unfortunate individuals Thomas Wall and Charles Niblet, reading the funeral service over them; about ten or twelve of the natives were present, and we fully explained to them what we were doing, they conducted themselves with propriety when the funeral service was being read. Poor Jackey was much affected, and could not refrain from tears.
The spot I selected is the most conspicuous on the island, and would be an excellent site for the erection of a monument to the memory of the unfortunate men who perished on the late ill-fated expedition.* At each end of the grave I planted two large bushes, and on the top were placed several large stones. A bottle was suspended over the grave, with a paper in it, stating who was interred, with the date, etc.; and at sunset we returned on board.
(*Footnote. A tombstone with suitable inscription was afterwards erected by Captain Stanley, and two young coconut trees were planted near the grave.)
I cannot close my extracts without mentioning the exemplary conduct of Jackey-Jackey. Since he came on board I have always found him quiet, obliging, and very respectful; when on shore he was very attentive, nothing could abstract him from his object; the sagacity and knowledge he displayed in traversing the trackless wilderness were astonishing; when he found the places he went in search of, he was never flushed with success, but invariably maintained his quiet, unobtrusive behaviour; he was much concerned at not being able to find the remains of his late unfortunate master, to whom he was sincerely attached; his two companions* also conducted themselves well, and were very useful on shore.
(*Footnote. Aboriginal blacks of his own tribe.)
A few words procured at Cape York and Port Lihou are given in the Voyage of the Fly, and most of those which I have been able to identify belong to the language spoken by the Kowrarega tribe, inhabiting the Prince of Wales Islands, and frequently visiting Cape York.
For the materials composing the present Kowrarega Vocabulary, I am almost entirely indebted to Mrs. Thomson. Unfortunately, however, her total want of education prevented her from acquiring any idea of the construction of the language; nor could she always be made to understand the meaning of a question—however simple in its form—framed to elicit information on this point. Even by carefully sifting at leisure hours the mass of crude materials obtained from her and written down at each interview, day by day, I did not make sufficient progress in the grammar of the language to enable me to pursue the subject further, until her value as an authority had so far declined that it was prudent to reject it altogether. Nearly all the words originally procured from Mrs. Thomson were subsequently verified either by herself or by our Kowrarega visitors.
The Gudang Vocabulary was formed at Cape York, and the chief contributor to it was the black named Paida, mentioned above, to whom I latterly was able to make myself tolerably well understood upon most subjects, through the medium of the Kowrarega language, which he knew thoroughly. As several dialects are spoken at this place,* I took care to reject all such words as were not given me expressly as Gudang.
(*Footnote. Two examples will suffice to show the differences in the five languages which I have heard spoken at Cape York.
Dog = ing-godinya (Gudang and Yagulle), ngyomo (Kachialaiga), Inyomo (Induyamo), umai (Kowrarega).
Smoke = ekura (Gudang and Induyamo), rong-gura (Yagulle and Kachialaiga), tuo (Kowrarega).)
The following rules have been adopted in the Vocabularies:
[The vowels are sounded as follows:
a as in hard. a as in hat. e as in there. e as in bet. e as in French meme. i as in eel. i as in bit. o as in hole. o as in not. u as in cool. u as in cut. ai as in eye. ei not represented in English.]
G is always hard, as in get; ch soft, as in church.
The letters in italics are sometimes omitted.
The numbers appended to some words point out similarities and derivations.
(*Footnote. To form the plural of a noun or adjective, the rule appears to be to add le as a postfix, sometimes previously supplying a terminal vowel if required: Example: geta = hand becomes getale in the plural: kuku = foot, kukule: kutai = yam, kutaile: ipi = wife, ipile: kerne = lad undergoing a certain ceremony, kernele: makaow = mat, makaowle: bom = fruit of pandanus, bomale. There are exceptions however; mari = shell ornament, makes marurre in the plural: gul = canoe, gulai: tawpei = short, tawpeingh: all nouns ending in ra have the plural in re, as kowra = ear, kowrare and all ending in kai gain jille in the plural, as ipikai = woman, ipikaijille.
Regarding the allusion to a terminal vowel, it may be mentioned here that as most Kowrarega words end in a vowel, its absence when a vowel commences the following word is commonly owing to elision. Example: udzu umai = my dog becomes udz'umai. When the last consonant in a word is the same as the first in the following word, one of the letters is omitted. Example: apa pirung = soft ground becomes ap'irung. There are numerous other contractions, as ai for aidu = food: aiye for aiyewel = come here: mue utsem = the fire has gone out, for mue utsimem etc.)
1 : Sky : je : -. 2 : Sun : gariga : inga. 3 : Cloud : dapar : otera. 4 : Cloud, heavy, cumulus : markei : -. 5 : Cloud, driving, scud : ras : -. 6 : Moon : kissuri : aikana. 7 : Moon, new : kainidung (634) : kichia. 8 : Moon, full : mullpal : ichara. 9 : Moonlight : kapi kissurri (612.6) : -. 10 : Star : titure : onbi, unbi. 11 : Star, falling : titure udzarizhe (10.745) : -. 12 : Star, morning : gariga titure (2.10) : -. 13 : Jupiter ? : dogei : -. 14 : Pleiades : kusali* : -.
(*Footnote. The frequency of words having different meanings may perhaps lead some to suppose that they may have originated in error on my part. Some have a figurative connexion as upu = a series of waterholes, also a blister; kusali = the constellation of the Pleiades, also a plant with bunches of seeds which become white and glittering by exposure to the sun: others have no obvious community of meaning, as ari = rain, also a louse; gi = laughter, also ripe, &tc.)
15 : Darkness, night : inur : yulpalga. 16 : Shadow, shade : yirada : moda. 17 : Wind : guba : alba. 18 : Rain : ari : apura. 19 : Rainbow : oripara : ung-gebanya. 20 : Dew : urma : -. 21 : Fog : wunu : -. 22 : Thunder : duyuma : wagel (526). 23 : Lightning : baguma : omba. 24 : Heat, steam : kaman : -. 25 : Sea : wur : -. 26 : Salt water : adabu : ung-onya. 27 : Saltwater creek : kassur : -. 28 : Saltwater swamp : gowada : gawata. 29 : Deep water : mal : -. 30 : Shoal water : gata : -. 31 : Wave : baow : -. 32 : Foam : tsika : -. 33 : High-water : wur pusakuradun (746) : -. 34 : Low-water : wur nuremizinghi : -. 35 : Tide, flood : wur kamizinghi : -. 36 : Tide, ebb : wur nurezinghi : -. 37 : Salt : - : ? bawa. 38 : Fresh water : nuki : epi. 39 : Spring : dana nuki (443) : -. 40 : Well, hole dug in ground : marama : akanya. 41 : Stream of fresh water : bubbu : epitaba (38). 42 : Stream, bed of : kassa : artaba. 43 : Chain of ponds : upu (529) : -. 44 : Land : laga (370) : -. 45 : Sand, sandy beach : butu : aigi. 46 : Island : kowra (455) : unbonya. 47 : Reef : madji : -. 48 : Flat, plain : bowa : -. 49 : Hill, wooded : pada : pada. 50 : Hill, stony : baradi (56) : -. 51 : Ground, soil : apa : ampa. 52 : Mud : barrudder : -. 53 : Mangrove swamp : tugga : -. 54 : Stone, rock : kula, kola : olpa. 55 : Cave, hole in rock : sakai : -. 56 : Any remarkable rock : adi : -. 57 : Cliff : thi : -. 58 : Sandstone : iba-eba : -. 59 : Quartz : us : elpowa. 60 : Pumice : maat : meta. 61 : Ochre, red : parma : anto. 62 : Ochre, yellow : daoma : -. 63 : Fire, wood : mue : yoko. 64 : Flame : buyeli : -. 65 : Smoke : tuo : ekora, ekura. 66 : Ashes : kunur : buro-buro. 67 : Charcoal : burker : onta. 68 : Path : yabu : alka. 69 : Summer, dry season : aibow : -. 70 : Winter, rainy season : kuki* : adara.
(*Footnote. Also applied to north-west wind then prevailing.)
71 : Spring and Autumn : malgui : -. 72 : Turtling season : sulangi : -.
73 : Tail of quadruped : koba : opo. 74 : Bat, large : sapur : -. 75 : Bat, young of : kugi : -. 76 : Bat, harpy : - : tumidumi. 77 : Bat, small : ararapa : mali. 78 : Native cat : - : kute. 79 : Dog : umai : ing-godinya. 80 : Bandicoot : - : walkundunya. 81 : Kangaroo : usur* : epama.
(*Footnote. The sounds of s and z are wanting in Gudang, and when occurring in a foreign language are represented by ch or ty. Example: The Kowrarega words usur = kangaroo, makutz = mouse, surka = megapodius, susu = breasts, if pronounced by a Gudang black are rendered by uchur, makutcha, tyurka, tyu-tyu.)
82 : Opossum : barit : -. 83 : Mouse : makutz : makutcha. 84 : Whale : bidu : -. 85 : Dugong : dung-ula : wattei. 86 : Dugong, tail of : sun-na (149) : -.
87 : Bird, insect, shell, etc. : ure : wuroi. 88 : Wing : buta : ngaga. 89 : Tail : kupa-luba (478) : kopagoba. 90 : Quill : kai-kai : aikunya, eikunya. 91 : Down : palissa : -. 92 : Nest : padama : untinya (242). 93 : Egg (or of reptile) : kakuru (499) : achina (499). 94 : Eagle : agaleg : -. 95 : Eagle, quill of : baba* (418) : -.
(*Footnote. Literally the father (of feathers); it is much prized as an ornament both for the persan and to deck graves with.)
96 : Hawk : - : kartam. 97 : Owl : - : tuitru. 98 : Goatsucker : biya : ngoko. 99 : Laughing jackass : kowru : unbunya. 100 : Kingfisher, long-tailed : - : quatawur. 101 : Kingfisher, yellow-billed : - : poditti. 102 : Swamp pheasant : - : pura-pura. 103 : Swift : - : ebundyara. 104 : Parson-bird, thrush : - : weya. 105 : Bower-bird : - : yewinya. 106 : Dragoon-bird : - : eipura. 107 : Fork-tailed flycatcher : - : trokaru. 108 : Small thrush : - : chechurri. 109 : Rifle-bird : - : yagunya. 110 : Starling : - : muter. 111 : Wood swallow : - : kartaquiko. 112 : Small flycatcher : - : kopota. 113 : Sun-bird : - : teredirri. 114 : Many small birds : - : inchanya. 115 : Leather-head : quako : kakua. 116 : Black macaw : - : peuntu. 117 : Cockatoo : weama : aira. 118 : Cockatoo, crest of : yelai (493) : -. 119 : Parrot, blue mountain : kerissa : inbere. 120 : Parrot, rosella : - : wong-inya. 121 : Pigeon, white : gainowa : gainowa. 122 : Pigeon, green : waranis : belbucku. 123 : Dove, ground : ku-u-rug : kudrogo. 124 : Dove, green : - : waraba (257). 125 : Cassowary of New Guinea : sam (597) : -. 126 : Emu : - : nichulka. 127 : Brush turkey : raon : araunya. 128 : Megapodius : surka : utema. 129 : Megapodius, mound of : surka pada (49) : -. 130 : Quail : - : gururu. 131 : Native companion : aporega : aporega. 132 : Heron, night : - : wang-go. 133 : Heron, blue : karbai : -. 134 : Heron, white : krem : -. 135 : Godwit : - : ku-urri. 136 : Sandpiper : - : tyuri. 137 : Frigate-bird : - : owmer. 138 : Gull : keki : keake. 139 : Tern : - : chara. 140 : Teal : - : ropagama. 141 : White duck : diggi-diggi : -.
142 : Turtle (general) : waru : waru. 143 : Turtle, soft eggs : oebada : -. 144 : Turtle, hawksbill : unao : -. 145 : Turtle, green : sulur : -. 146 : Turtle, logger-head : urza : -. 147 : Turtle, small kind : kidu : waru. 148 : Turtle, fore fin : puye : -. 149 : Turtle, hind fin : suna suro (86). 150 : Turtle, : belly atta : -. 151 : Turtle, back : agu : -. 152 : Tortoiseshell : todi : wanawa. 153 : Frog : kang-gu : kartakutta. 154 : Crocodile : ibara : -. 155 : Lizard, large : gang-ura : murunya. 156 : Lizard, middle-sized : - : rauntinya. 157 : Lizard, small : indyura : dudyuroko. 158 : Snake, brown : karomat : kanurra. 159 : Snake, black : piroan : -. 160 : Snake, green : - : wachi.
161 : Fish : wawpi : wawpi. 162 : Fin : - : merta. 163 : Tail : mabi : chana. 164 : Breast : pel : -. 165 : Gills : - : ananaji. 166 : Shark : beidum : wandi. 167 : Sting-ray : aona : waki. 168 : Pelates : dzaram : -. 169 : Diacope 8 lineata : tanigi : -. 170 : Scatophagus multifasciatus : karmoi : tora. 171 : Lethrinus : djaga, dyaga : -. 172 : Parrot-fish : bila : uburu. 173 : Mullet : piwer : -. 174 : Whiting (Silago) : kopuru (475 ?) : -. 175 : Flathead : - : tobu. 176 : Freshwater herring : wila : anburo. 177 : Toad-fish : badar (530): -. 178 : Sucking-fish : gapu : -.
179 : Crab, blue : kowturri : paka. 180 : Crab, small : gurba : -. 181 : Crab, large : getalli : getalla. 182 : Crayfish : kayer : lang-gunya. 183 : Beetle, small : - : orona. 184 : Beetle, water : - : neke. 185 : Humble bee : - : boro. 186 : Honey* : utu : untere.
(*Footnote. This and the next are made by a small stingless bee which builds its nest in hollow trees.)
187 : Wax : yerka : alpanya. 188 : Small wasp : garur : elpiri. 189 : Ant-hill and ant : mugu : mong-go. 190 : Ant, bronzed : dupu (532) : -. 191 : Ant, small black : tumi : -. 192 : Ant, green : musu : eipunya. 193 : Ant, large red : kaguda. 194 : Ant, small, white, wood : - : benje. 195 : Cicada : edyena : intere. 196 : Fly : buli : wampa. 197 : Fly, horse (Haematopoda) : burugo : burogo. 198 : Mosquito : iwi : uma, oma. 199 : Butterfly : - : tewinya, tawinya. 200 : Grub in dead wood : oka : etimunya. 201 : Grub in living wood : tolo. 202 : Louse : ari (18) : ako. 203 : Scorpion : idi-idi, diwi : -. 204 : Spider : enti : tamburra. 205 : Worm : kurtur : -.
206 : Cuttlefish : sug-gu : -. 207 : Barnacle on turtle : yetu : yetu. 208 : Clamshell (Tridacna) : miya : miya. 209 : Cyrena : akula : onti. 210 : Oyster : ita : umpeda. 211 : Sanguinolaria : tiki : teki. 212 : Fusus proboscidiferus : boa : mabur. 213 : Melon-shell : alopa : ang-kowa. 214 : Murex : - : weloro. 215 : Egg-cowrie : buboam : -. 216 : Olive : - : waraji. 217 : Ear-shell : - : tepur. 218 : Periwinkle, small : budi : budi. 219 : Periwinkle, large : - : yarawura. 220 : Natica : - : modul. 221 : Auricula judae : - : ngaanbamedi. 222 : Snail, large : - : tetuka. 223 : Snail, small : - : keno. 224 : Coral : yammar (branched) : wardyo-orge (massive).
225 : Tree (general term) : prue : pure. 226 : Log : watur : -. 227 : Driftwood : bete : -. 228 : Touchwood* and its charcoal : kubi : -.
(*Footnote. The charcoal used for painting the body is made from this.)
229 : Small stick : saragi : cheragi. 230 : Bark : purur : rang-a. 231 : Branch : mang : -. 232 : Leaf : nissa : etrara. 233 : Flower : kowsur : erora. 234 : Seed : kawp : -. 235 : Root : quiku (433) : -. 236 : Root, of grass : - : nontya. 237 : Root, of a tree : - : yalida (493 ?). 238 : Seaweed : - : tawar. 239 : Seaweed (food of dugong) : - : purada. 240 : Mushroom : - : achari. 241 : Fern : - : ganda. 242 : Grass : burda : untinya (92). 243 : Grass, coarse : - : bagudda. 244 : Sugarcane : garu : -. 245 : Bamboo : marapi ? : marapi. 246 : Calladium esculentum : bua : -. 247 : Pandanus spiralis : gara : burwa. 248 : Pandanus, cluster of fruit : bom : -. 249 : Pandanus, fruit, singly : abul, abal : -. 250 : Pandanus, kernel : abul dan' (443) : -. 251 : Pandanus pedunculata : kowsar : quatyerra. 252 : Seaforthia palm, large : lulko : akarinya. 253 : Seaforthia palm, small : utu : -. 254 : Caryota palm : - : damaraba. 255 : Rattan : kuchi : -. 256 : Cabbage palm (Corypha) : muru, moro : watu (251 ?). 257 : Coconut : uraba : waraba. 258 : Sago palm of New Guinea : bisi : -. 259 : White lily (Crinum) : ? gurabi : korobo. 260 : Banana : - : katamurra. 261 : Hellenia coerulea* : - : kera-kera.
(*Footnote. The root of this is eaten raw.)
262 : Flag (Philydrum) : tagur : dyaimura. 263 : Rush : - : akomba. 264 : Rush, ? (with edible roots) : - : rewino. 265 : Sedge : - : opolga. 266 : Sedge : - : gwanda. 267 : Yam, wild (Dioscorea) : derabu : worng-ura. 268 : Yam, fibrous, (Dioscorea) : kutai : perut. 269 : Yam, (do.) : dawb : -. 270 : Yam, (do.) : sowar : -. 271 : Yam, purple (Convolvulus ?) : bizar : -. 272 : Yam, : sagu : -. 273 : Yam, (Convolvulus ?) : tapan : -. 274 : Sweet-potato : rugabu : -. 275 : Cane (Flagellaria) : buji : budya, bodya. 276 : Dracontium : - : epuanoma. 277 : Fig : - : atara. 278 : Fig, (with large edible fruit) : uguru. 279 : Fig : - : awida. 280 : She-oak (Casuarina) : gaibur : burbura. 281 : Cotton-tree (Cochlospermum) : - : paotu. 282 : Cotton-tree (Bombax) : wapada, goguta : wapada. 283 : Cotton-tree, cotton of : - : maye. 284 : Waterlily (Nymphaea) : ? rumbadi : rumbadi, rombadi. 285 : Wormia alata : - : maartitta. 286 : Cashew nut : dua : leara, liara. 287 : Grevillea : - : yuwurra. 288 : Parinarium : wibu : elari. 289 : Acacia : - : garragurra. 290 : Large bean* : kalapi, kulapi : umpira, umbera.
(*Footnote. Eaten with Biyu—the produce of a vine-like climber with legumes a foot in length.)
291 : Coral-tree (Erythrina) : - : pinura, penura. 292 : Abrus precatorius : timikapul : -. 293 : Blue pea-flower : - : waalkuda. 294 : Mimusops kaukii : ubur : wobar. 295 : Convolvulus (with edible roots) : chawur : atiar. 296 : Vitex macrophylla : - : oroida. 297 : Avicennia tomentosa ? : - : dyang-a. 298 : Scaevola koenigii : dela : dyara. 299 : Mangrove : taga : teang-gunya. 300 : Mangrove : - : korad-da. 301 : Mangrove : kuiyur : inchencheiya. 302 : Mangrove : biyu : biyu. 303 : Tea-tree (Melaleuca) : - : agura. 304 : Tea-tree (Melaleuca) : ubu, wobu : unera. 305 : Tea-tree (Melaleuca) : - : elembi. 306 : Tea-tree (Melaleuca) : - : adoya, aduya. 307 : Gumtree (Eucalyptus) : - : keru. 308 : Apple, red (Eugenia) : kuai : apiga, apega. 309 : Apple, white (Eugenia) : kupa : bang-gadi. 310 : Cherry (Eugenia) : - : arondyi. 311 : Sciadophyllum : - : lang-gula. 312 : Cedar (Cedrela) : - : kerum. 313 : Vine (Cissus) : - : mangko. 314 : Creeper* : wali : -.
(*Footnote. Used in making one kind of fishing line.)
315 : Heritiera* : meker : -.
(*Footnote. The leaf of this rolled up into a cylinder is used to distend the hole in the lobe of the ear.)
316 : Tree : passei* : -.
(*Footnote. Large tree with very light wood used for making outrigger floats and paddles.)
317 : Tree : - : ung-kunya. 318 : Tree : sira-sira* : -.
(*Footnote. The bark of this is made into large fishing lines.)
319 : Tree : koper : baguntinya. 320 : Resin : yirka* : -.
(*Footnote. Used in fixing the heads and joints of spears and throwing-sticks.)
321 : Bark of which daje is made : mae : -. 322 : Xerotes banksii : walchi : noyo, noyu. 323 : Tobacco : suguba : choka. 324 : Wood, hard, used for spears : - : era. 325 : Wood, soft, used for spears : - : mang-ga.
326 : Iron : turika : gere. 327 : Glass, bottle : talpura : talpura. 328 : Gun : tarika : tida. 329 : Axe : aga : aga. 330 : Clothes : dumawk : dumawk. 331 : Hat : - : walapa. 332 : Knife : gi, gi-turik : -.
333 : Canoe : gul : ang-ganya. 334 : Bow : bua, buai : oimpa. 335 : Stern : menir : kona. 336 : Stern, ornaments of* : - : koikochupa.
(*Footnote. One central and two lateral poles ornamented with streamers and feathers.)
337 : Raised gunwale : bada (530) : bada. 338 : Platform : tamu : tamo. 339 : Netting : sari : chari. 340 : Outrigger poles : togo : togo. 341 : Outrigger float : sarima : charima. 342 : Outrigger float, pegs of : sarim' pati : -. 343 : Paddle : karaba : karaba. 344 : Mast : raba : mulgoburra. 345 : Poles of sails, etc. : suru : malela. 346 : Backstays : buzu : -. 347 : Backstays, grommets on : queada : -. 348 : Sail, mat of any kind : rab'waku (344) waku : abara. 349 : Rope, cable : uro : chichaluro. 350 : Stone for anchor : yadi : -. 351 : Women's covering : awash : -. 352 : Petticoat : daje : -. 353 : Petticoat, band of : wakaow : -. 354 : Petticoat, small : mue-daje : -. 355 : Petticoat, long : urge-daje, tabom : -. 356 : Nose-stick : guba : taiko. 357 : Round shell ornament* : mari : meri.
(*Footnote. Of the mother-of-pearl shell—worn by a string round the neck.)
358 : Small* : dibi-dibi : -.
(*Footnote. The top of a cone ground flat.)
359 : Necklace of cordage : soger : -. 360 : Necklace of reeds : - : anchi. 361 : Fillet (general term) : quik'uro (438, 349) : -. 362 : Fillet of mother-of-pearl : - : karakopo. 363 : Armlet, bracelet (general) : musuri : petu. 364 : Armlet, narrow : - : ungkinya. 365 : Armlet, broad : - : maiagu. 366 : Leg ornaments* : maka : puara.
(*Footnote. Circular, narrow and twisted—worn round the leg above the calf, from 5 to 30 together.
367 : Anklet : dana-kuk'uro (443, 438, 349) : -. 368 : Any painting on the body : menara : -. 369 : Camp, camping-place : mudu : -. 370 : Hut : laga (44) : eikuwa. 371 : Windbreak of bushes, etc. : maak : baalkulka. 372 : Basket : li, le : akomi. 373 : Basket, water : lulko (252) : rolko. 374 : Sticks for producing fire : salgai : -. 375 : Oven : ammai : yarte. 376 : Needle (of bone) : saka : -. 377 : Thread : ketal : -. 378 : Tobacco-pipe : suguba-marapi (323, 245) : marapi (245). 379 : Fishing line : ariga : -. 380 : Fish-hook : tudi, todi (152) : neang-gunya. 381 : Stick for digging : pottur : -. 382 : Spear (general) : kalaka : alka (68). 383 : Spear, plain (for fishing) : rada : ainti. 384 : Spear, large, barbed : tuna : tona. 385 : Spear, 3 or 4-headed : taku : tako. 386 : Throwing-stick : kobai : ekara. 387 : Shell handle : - : atara. 388 : Peg at top : kobai piti (386, 446) : ekar' eye (386, 446). 389 : Dugong peg : kuyur : -. 390 : Dugong shaft : wapu : -. 391 : Dugong line : amu : -. 392 : Bow : gugure : -. 393 : Arrow : terig : -. 394 : Gauntlet : kadik : kadik. 395 : Bamboo knife, large : upi : -. 396 : Bamboo knife, small : hupi : -. 397 : Cane loop : sringi : -. 398 : Stone-headed club : bagabogub : -. 399 : Drum : warup : warupa. 400 : Grave : kaga : -. 401 : Cairn of stones : agu : -.
402 : Man, white, ghost : markai : umboypu. 403 : Man, black : garkai* : amma.
(*Footnote. From this is derived garkaije = a tribe, or collection of men, women, and children.)
404 : Man, a : turkekai : unbamo. 405 : Man, old : ke'turkekai (625, 405) : -. 406 : Man, young (until married) : kaowquiku (438) : -. 407 : Boy, male child : turkekai kaje (405, 412) : -. 408 : Woman : ipikai (431) : undamo. : - 409 : Woman, old : ke'ipikai (625, 408) : -. 410 : Woman, young (until married) : nerawkai : -. 411 : Girl, female child : ipikai kaje (408, 412) : -. 412 : Child : kaje : ang-gora, ung-kura. 413 : Infant : muggi' kaje (647, 412) : -. 414 : Son : netur kaje (412) : -. 415 : Grandchild : nep : -. 416 : Grandfather : bobata : bobata. 417 : Grandmother : kaieda : kaieda. 418 : Father (or his brother) : baba (addressing him) : epada. 419 : Father : tati* (speaking of him) : -.
(*Footnote. A father and his brothers are equally represented by this word: distinctive appellations according to age are indicated by prefixing the adjectives ke' = great and muggi' = small to tati.)
420 : Father's sister : rebata : -. 421 : Mother (or her sister) : amma (addressing her) : atinya. 422 : Mother (or her sister) : apu (speaking of her) : -. 423 : Mother brother : adoama : -. 424 : Brother, sister : barabata (if of one sex) : aigodinya elpowa, intyara. 425 : Brother, sister, addressing them : tukeap (if of different sexes) : -. 426 : Brother, sister, eldest : kukule. 427 : Brother, sister, second : quiquig. 428 : Brother, sister, third : dadaig. 429 : Brother, sister, fourth, or youngest : kutaig* : -.
(*Footnote. There may be several of this name at one time, distinguished by ke' and muggi.)
430 : Husband : allai : anba. 431 : Wife : ipi : onda. 432 : Father- or mother-in-law : ira : -. 433 : Namesake : nattam : -. 434 : Sweetheart : rugeiga : -. 435 : Friend, associate : keimagi : -. 436 : Term expressing affection : kawki (if male to female) : -. 437 : Term expressing affection : kami (if female to male) : -.
438 : Head : quiku : pada. 439 : Head, fore : paru : epunya. 440 : Head, top of : ? quai : -. 441 : Head, back of : quateya : -. 442 : Temples : daka : aintra. 443 : Eye : dana : dana. 444 : Eyelashes : samudana : chamudana. 445 : Eyebrow : beibassam : emeri. 446 : Nose, bill of bird : piti : eye. 447 : Nostrils : ngursaka, karabu (55) : eye'pandya (446, 817). 448 : Hole in septum : piti-tarte (446, 817) : -. 449 : Mouth : guda : angka. 450 : Lips : ira-guda : angka. 451 : Tongue : nai, nei : untara. 452 : Teeth : danga : ampo, ampu. 453 : Cheek : baga : baga. 454 : Chin, lower jaws : ibu : ebu. 455 : Ear : kowra (46) : ewunya, ewonya. 456 : Ear, holes in margin* : kowra tarte (46, 817) : ewunya' pandya (455, 817).
(*Footnote. Minute holes all round the margin of the ear, into which short pieces of stick, grass, etc. are stuck.)
457 : Ear, pendulous portion : muti : -. 458 : Throat : karta : nanu. 459 : Neck : mudul : yuro. 460 : Shoulder : dzogo : wondo, wontu. 461 : Armpit : narang-i : amunya, amonya. 462 : Upper arm : ? udu : enta, enda. 463 : Elbow : kudulo : yurtu. 464 : Forearm, wrist : udu : terapi. 465 : Hand, finger : geta : arta. 466 : Hand, back : kal : art'onto (465, 476). 467 : Hand, palm : wier : art'apa (465, 477). 468 : Thumb : kaba-geta : -. 469 : Nails (of fingers or toes) and claws of bird : tara : tetur. 470 : Chest : - : rondura. 471 : Breasts : susu : yong-o. 472 : Nipple : susu nur (471) : yong' ampo (471, 452). 473 : Milk : ikai : -. 474 : Belly : maita : -. 475 : Navel : kupar : kopurra. 476 : Back, upper part : kibu : onto. 477 : Back, lower part : kibu : apa. 478 : Hip : kupa : openya. 479 : Thigh : kapi : etena. 480 : Popliteal space : - : ilkanya. 481 : Knee : kulu, kolu : eng-go. 482 : Leg, ankle : tirra, ngar : utronya. 483 : Leg, calf : bru-madu (508) : -. 484 : Shinbone : bru-rida (507) : -. 485 : Foot, toes : kuku : oquarra. 486 : Foot, upper part : - : oquar' onto (485, 476). 487 : Foot, sole : saan : oquar' apa (485, 477). 488 : Heel : pokoko : omo. 489 : Toes : - : dyuro. 490 : Great toe : kei' kuku (625, 485) : -. 491 : Beard : yeta : yeta. 492 : Moustache : guda mageda (449) : yeta. 493 : Hair of head : yal : odye. 494 : Hair of body : - : ang-a. 495 : Hair of groin : mageda : nadula. 496 : Anus : - : opinya. 497 : Penis : ini : achanya. 498 : Scrotum : - : untonya, ngtonya. 499 : Testicles : kakuru : achina. 500 : Pudendum : mada : mon-na. 501 : Skin : purra : equora. 502 : Cicatrices : us : guri. 503 : Cicatrices on shoulder : - : kaimai. 504 : Cicatrices, horned, on breast : sadeo : chedow. 505 : Cicatrices, straight, on breast : - : rondro guri (470, 502). 506 : Cicatrices on belly : - : kopur guri (475, 502). 507 : Bone : rida : atira. 508 : Flesh : madu : egondi. 509 : Fat : idi-idi : bujer. 510 : Vein : kerer : kerur. 511 : Blood : kulka : etyunya. 512 : Heart : nganakapo : epa. 513 : Liver : sibu : -. 514 : Stomach : wera : -. 515 : Intestines : akur : elpe. 516 : Brain : - : urua. 517 : Skull : - : pad' atira (438, 507). 518 : Spine : garu rida (244, 507) : -. 519 : Collarbone : kalum rida (507) : kanulu. 520 : Lungs : saaka (55) : chaka. 521 : Saliva : mawcha : agai. 522 : Tears : nudi : -. 523 : Perspiration : murrag : -. 524 : Dung : - : on-na. 525 : Urine : - : ombo. 526 : Abscess, boil : gaima : oro. 527 : Pus : bagur : -. 528 : Snot, white of an egg : nurse : -. 529 : Blister : upu (43) : kodje. 530 : Sore : bada (337) : unti, anti. 531 : Bunions in old people : kowruta : -. 532 : Ague : dupu (190) : -. 533 : Toothache : dangakikire (452, 635) : -.
534 : I, me : ngatu* ngai : eipana, yoba.
(*Footnote. These two sets of personal pronouns are not used indiscriminately, but the examples of their use which I collected are too few to generalize upon. However, ngatu and the three next under it, appear to be used only with a certain class of verbs of which an example is afforded by the sentence ngatu nudu matumina = I struck him; and the use of the second set of these pronouns is illustrated by ngai nue (not ngatu nudu) mulem', etc. = I told him, etc.)
535 : Thou, thee : ngidu ngi : untoba, doba. 536 : He, him : nudu nue : -. 537 : She, her : nadu na : -. 538 : We two, us two : albei : -. 539 : We, us : arri : aku. 540 : You two : ngipel (593) : -. 541 : You : ngi-tana : -. 542 : They two : pale : -. 543 : They : tana : inyaba. 544 : Me, my : ana* : -.
(*Footnote. I do not understand the EXACT meaning of this and the two next, so give an example of each; ana gamu lupeipa = my body is shaking (or I have the ague): aikeka mule = tell me: nu'abepa chena wir = give that to him.)
545 : For myself : ngai-aikeka : -. 546 : For himself : nu'abepa : -. 547 : For ourselves : albi nipa, arri nipa : -. 548 : For themselves : pale nipa, tane nipa : -. 549 : Who? : ngadu, nga : -. 550 : Whose? : nganu : -. 551 : What? : eimi : -. 552 : What? which? : mida : -. 553 : This : ina : -. 554 : This, these : nabing : -. 555 : That, those : chena : noba. 556 : Let us two, shall we two? : aba* : -.
(*Footnote. Example: aba nudu gasumeipa = let us two seize him.)
557 : Let us, shall we? : alpa* : -.
(*Footnote. Example: alpa pongeipa? = shall we sail?)
558 : Mine : ngow (if a male) udzu (if a female) : -. 559 : Thine : yinu : -. 560 : His : nunue : -. 561 : Her : nanue : -. 562 : Our (dual) : abane (566)* : -.
(*Footnote. Includes the person addressed: the mother speaking to the father of their child would say abane kaje = our child.)
563 : Our (dual) : albeine (538)* : -.
(*Footnote. Excludes the person addressed: in answer to kaje chena ngipeine? = is that your child? the father or mother, BOTH BEING PRESENT, and one pointing to the other, would say to a third person, albeine kaje = the child is ours. These forms are Polynesian also as I have since found recorded.)
564 : Our (plural) : arrien : -. 565 : Your (dual) : ngipeine (540) : -. 566 : Your (plural) : ngitanaman (541) (568) : -. 567 : Their (dual) : palaman (542) : -. 568 : Their (plural) : tanaman (543) : -.
569 : One : warapune (580) : epiamana. 570 : Two : quassur : elabaiu. 571 : Three : uquassur-warapune : dama*.
(*Footnote. After careful investigation I am inclined to think that the Gudang blacks have no words to express definite numbers beyond three. Dama is generally used for higher numbers, and occasionally unora.)
572 : Four : uquassur-uquassur : -. 573 : Five : uquassur-uquassur-warapune : -. 574 : Six : uquassur-warapune-uquassur-warapune : -. 575 : Seven : uquassur-warapune-uquassur-warapune-warapune : -. 576 : Eight : uquassur or ipel uquassur repeated 4 times : -.
(*Footnote. The formation of many adjectives can be clearly traced: in fact, one of the most obvious features of the language—imperfectly as it is understood—is the facility with which many nouns may be converted into either adjectives or verbs. Thus, mapei = a bite, becomes mapeile = capable of biting, and is the root of the verb mapeipa = to bite. The positive adjunct leg, and its negative aige (802, 803), are also used to convert nouns into adjectives: the former follows the same rules as those before given for forming the plural: gizu = sharpness, becomes either gizule = sharp, or gizuge = blunt, literally: sharpness-possessing, or, possessing not : from nuki = water, we get the form nukile maram = the well contains water, or, nukegi maram = the well is dry: danagi = blind, literally means, eye-possessing not : as a further example, I may give, ipikai ajirge wap' ina badale mapeip = the shameless woman eats this sore-producing fish.)
577 : Afraid : akan : -. 578 : Alive : danaleg (443, 804) : anading. 579 : All, the whole : muro : -. 580 : Another : wara (569) : inyana. 581 : Ashamed : ajiran (823) : -. 582 : Bad, ugly : wate : -. 583 : Bad-smelling : wate ganule(826) : -. 584 : Bad-tasted : wate mitale (827) : -. 585 : Bald : guele : -. 586 : Bent : balbai : -. 587 : Bitter : tera : -. 588 : Black : kubi-kubi thung (228, 629) : -. 589 : Blind : danagi (443, 804) beagi (when addressing one blind) : -. 590 : Bloody : kulkale (511) : -. 591 : Blunt : dugung, gizuge (824) : -. 592 : Boiling : zurana : -. 593 : Both : ipal, ipel : -. 594 : Blue : mal-tha gamule (29) : -. 595 : Cold : sumai : -. 596 : Cooked : giung (641, 629) : -. 597 : Cylindrical : sam (125) : -. 598 : Dead : uma : etora, etolma. 599 : Deaf : wate kowrare (582, 455) : -. 600 : Dirty : tumitalle (812) : -. 601 : Drowned : sarupa : -. 602 : Dry, dried up : watang : -. 603 : Dumb : keigalein : -. 604 : Faced, pretty : kape parure (612, 439) : -. 605 : Faced, ugly : wate parure (582, 439) : -. 606 : Female : madale (500) : -. 607 : First : kul : -. 608 : Flat : attang : -. 609 : Flooded : budaman : ankgera. 610 : Forbidden, as food : adzar : -. 611 : Forious, vindictive : kerketale (806) : -. 612 : Good, pretty : kape : -. 613 : Good, perfect : min-na : -. 614 : Gorged : kekedi : murko. 615 : Greedy : ubile (816) : -. 616 : Green* : nis-thung (232, 629) : -.
(*Footnote. There are two forms of each adjective denoting colour, except grey and white. Thus, black is rendered either kubi-kubi thung, or, kubi-kubi tha gamule, both meaning like, or, the colour of the charcoal procured from kubi-kubi = touchwood. Blue, green, and red, are denoted by compounds signifying resemblance to deep water, a leaf, and blood, respectively.)
617 : Grey, any light tint : miakula : -. 618 : Half, part of : tapi : -. 619 : Heavy : mapule (828) : -. 620 : Hollow : muile (685) : -. 621 : How many? : mida kubi (694) : -. 622 : Hungry : weragi (514) : awora, awura. 623 : Itchy : gamuji (807 ?) : -. 624 : Lame : wate ngarare (582, 482) : -. 625 : Large, very : keinga* : intonya.
(*Footnote. Generally used in its contracted form, as ke or kei : it is also employed as a prefix to denote the superlative degree: thus, ke' kamanale = very warm.)
626 : Last : wagel (22) : -. 627 : Left : kida : etamuna. 628 : Light : turong : -. 629 : Like, the same as : thung* : -.
(*Footnote. As an example of one of the modes of using this, I find, gariga thung = like the sun, or, as bright as if daylight.
630 : Long, high, tall : kulalle, kotalle : -. 631 : Male : inile (497) : -. 632 : Many, plenty : putage, kubi : -. 633 : Noisy : nurile (822) : -. 634 : New, little used : kaining : -. 635 : Painful : kikire : -. 636 : Pregnant : maitaleg (474) : netari. 637 : Putrid : utzai : -. 638 : Quiet : nurage (822, 804) : -. 639 : Red : kulk-thung (511, 629) : -. 640 : Right : mina : metagoma. 641 : Ripe : gi : -. 642 : Rotten, full of holes : - : opera. 643 : Sharp : gizule (824, 802) : ung-garung-gare. 644 : Short, low : tawpei : -. 645 : Sick : soka, sali* : -.
(*Footnote. These two words appear to have the same meaning, but are used differently: sok' atchin = sali mizzi, and both express having been sick.)
646 : Silent : arage* : -.
(*Footnote. Arage atzir = become silent, hold your tongue.)
647 : Small, a few, a portion of : muggingh : embowa. 648 : Soft, spongy, swampy : pirung : -. 649 : Sore-producing : badalle (530, 802) : -. 650 : Sorry : watekum : -. 651 : Sour : terari : -. 652 : Stony : kulalle (54, 802) : -. 653 : Sweet-smelling : kape ganule (612, 826) : -. 654 : Sweet-tasted : g'ru tha mitalle (244, 827) : -. 655 : Thirsty : nuk' enei (38) : -. 656 : Unable : karaweg : -. 657 : Unripe, uncooked : kobaris : -. 658 : Wanton : danule : -. 659 : Warm : kamanalle : imandinya. 660 : Wet : uleig, urge : -. 661 : White : uru : -. 662 : Withered : raji : -. 663 : Worn, old from use : kulbang : -.
664 : Now, immediately : kaibu : -. 665 : Presently, by-and-bye : tuma-tuma : -. 666 : To-morrow : batteingh : achunya. 667 : Two or three days hence : bang-al : ayere. 668 : A week (or so) hence : mata bang-al (675) : -. 669 : Yesterday : ngul : -. 670 : Two or three days ago : kul : narama. 671 : A week (or so) ago : mata kul (675) : -. 672 : A long time ago : korrekida* : -.
(*Footnote. Also denotes duration of time, and is = for a long time; it may also be used as an adjective, as, korrekida gul ina = this is a very old canoe.)
673 : Quickly : tari : -. 674 : Slowly : taregi (674, 804) : -. 675 : Constantly, always, only, still : mata* : -
(*Footnote. Expresses a continuance of the action: gul mata pongeipa = the canoe is still under sail.)
676 : Morning : muggi' batteingh : -. 677 : About noon : kei gariga (625, 2) : -. 678 : Afternoon : kut : -. 679 : Hereabouts : kareki : -. 680 : Here : ina* : -. 681 : There : chena* : -.
(*Footnote. Both are also pronouns: perhaps, when translated as adverbs, the term equivalent to place is omitted, rendering ina = (in) this (place) and chena = (in) that (place.))
682 : Above, upwards : nakareipa : -. 683 : Below, downwards : malupa (29) : -. 684 : Below, (a very long way) : kara malupa : -. 685 : Inside : muye : -. 686 : Thus, in this manner : keda : keda. 687 : A long way off : kapi taig : -. 688 : Near, close to : logi : -. 689 : Again : laka : -. 690 : Completely, into pieces, etc. : palge : -. 691 : Well, much, etc. : purke : -. 692 : Where? : anaga : -. 693 : Why? : mipa : -. 694 : How, in what manner? : mida : -. 695 : Yes : wa, ua : ia. 696 : No : long-a, giure : untamo. 697 : Don't : wan-nur,* maige (804) : -.
(*Footnote. I suspect, from the termination, that this is the present tense of the imperative mood of some verb = to do, to perform, etc.)
698 : Stop! enough! : china : -. 699 : Exclamation of surprise : ka! ka! ka! : -. 700 : Exclamation to arrest attention : qualli! qualli! (= I say!) : -. 701 : Exclamation of pity : igur (= poor thing!) : -. 702 : And* : ia.
(*Footnote. Example: uleip' Aburdia, Salallaia, Wagelia, Mania = Aburde and Salalle and Wagel and Manu are approaching.)
10. VERBS.*
(*Footnote. After tabulating 100 Kowrarega verbs in all the different forms in which they had occurred to me, I yet failed in arriving at a knowledge of their mode of formation, owing to the deficiency of data on one hand, and the presence of some apparently defective and irregular verbs on the other. Still some of the results are worth recording. Leaving out the consideration of the irregular verbs, I can speak with certainty of only two Moods, the Indicative and the Subjunctive, of the Present and the Past (probably really further divisible) Tenses of the former, and the Present of the latter. As an example I may give the verb to strike, of which the root is assumed to be matum = a stroke.
Indicative Present : nudu ngatu : matumeipa = I am striking him. Indicative Perfect : nudu ngatu : matnmina = I struck him. Indicative Future : nudu ngatu : matumeipakai = I shall strike him. Imperative Present : nudu ngidu : matumur = strike him.
Assuming a root to each, I find 94 of the verbs under examination to agree in having the present tense of the indicative terminating in pa: of these 70 end in aipa, 14 in ipa, 6 in epa, and 1 in aipa.
The perfect tense (setting aside some inexplicable irregularities) exhibits a great variety of terminations for the formation of which no rule can yet be given: these are an, ana, ani; in, ina, ima: em, ema; eima, eiun; and un.
The future tense alone is perfectly regular; it is simply formed by adding kai to the present.
The present tense of the imperative mood in those verbs having the present of the indicative ending in ipa terminates (with one exception in i) in ir: in the others the terminations of this tense are ur (the most frequent); ar (the next in order of frequency), ara, ari; ada, eada; e, eio, eir, erur; and o.
After all I am inclined to suppose that the Kowrarega verb, although apparently complicated, is of simple construction; and that its various modifications are caused by the mere addition to its root of various particles, the exact meaning of which (with one exception) is yet unknown. That exception is the particle aige or ge (804) the mode of employment of which is shown by the following examples :
Wawp' yinu ngai purteipaige = I am not eating your fish. Wawp' yinu ngai purteiunaige = I did not eat your fish. Wawp' yinu ngai purteipakaige = I shall not eat your fish. Wawp' nanu ngi purtaige = Don't eat his fish.
A few examples may be given in illustration of the preceding remarks.
Eat : purteipa : purteiun : purteipakai : purtar. Bite : mapeipa : mapana : mapeipakai : mapur. Take away : meipa : mani : meipakai : mari. Tell : mulepa : mulem : mulepakai : muleada. Lie down : yuneipa : yunum : yuneipakai : yunur. Leave behind : yuneipa : yunem : yuneipakai : yunur. Shoot : uteipa : utun : uteipakai : utur. Enter : uteipa : utema : uteipakai : uterur.)
703 : Word implying motion : ngapa* : -.
(*Footnote. This is a word which from the variety of its modes of application long puzzled me. Careful examination of sentences in which it occurred led to the following results. 1. It may be used as an independent word to denote motion towards the speaker, the pronoun which would otherwise be required being omitted. Example: adur = go out, but ngap' adur = come out (towards the speaker), lak' ngapa = to come again, to return. 2. It is also used as a postfix to denote motion towards the object to which it is joined. Example: laga' p'(ngapa) aiyewel = come to the hut, mue' pa teir = throw it into the fire. 3. It is used in a third sense. Example: wawpi 'pa = to go fishing, kaba 'pa = to go to a dance. 4. It is often used as an equivalent to give me, the hand being held out at the same time, Example: ngapa = let it come to me.)
704 : Bail : salpumeipa : -. 705 : Be affected with : ameipa* : -.
(*Footnote. Apparently a contraction of ana and meipa. Example: ana kobaki ameipa = (literally) me cough affects, or I have a cough. The word mizzi, the exact meaning of which is unknown to me, is also used to express the same thing. Example: quiku kikire ana mizzi = I have a sick head, or a headache.)
706 : Become : atzipa : -. 707 : Bite : mapeipa : -. 708 : Bore a hole : tartepaleipa (817, 722) : -. 709 : Break (as a stick) : tideipa aterumbanya. 710 : Break wind backwards : - : penyaka. 711 : Build (as a hut) : mideipa (369 ?) : -. 712 : Bury, plant, sow : maramateipa (40, 791) : -. 713 : Call for : tureipa : untandurra. 714 : Carry, hold : ang-eipa : -. 715 : Choose, select : yapepa : -. 716 : Climb : waleipa : oquagamurra. 717 : Come here : pateipa, aiyewel : -. 718 : Come, approach : uleipa : impebino. 719 : Cook : gia paleipa (641 ?) : -. 720 : Copulate : lameipa : erorunya. 721 : Cover over : abeipa : -. 722 : Crush, pound with a stone : paleipa : akelgurra. 723 : Cry, howl like a dog : maierchipa : rong-gung-ga-murra. 724 : Cut : labaipa : utedung-gurra. 725 : Dance : kaba mineipa (811) : unchigulkamurra. 726 : Die : dadeipa : -. 727 : Dig : pideipa : -. 728 : Dive : penneipa : -. 729 : Dream : piki lalkeipa* (813, 755) : -.
(*Footnote. The pronoun ana is always used with this. Example: ana piki lalkar = I had a dream.)
730 : Drink : wanipa : ung-gen-ga. 731 : Drown : delupeipa : -. 732 : Dry up : wata' pateipa (602) : -. 733 : Eat : purteipa, pratipa : atedurra. 734 : Enter (going out of sight) : uteipa : -. 735 : Fall down : pudeipa : -. 736 : Fill (with solids) : wangepa : -. 737 : Fill (with fluids) : maleipa (29) : -. 738 : Find : imeipa : angkanya. 739 : Finish (men's work) : min' atzipa (613, 706) : -. 740 : Finish (women's work) : palpagipa : -. 741 : Feces, to void : - : anabichung-ar. 742 : Forget : kekochipa : -. 743 : Get up : winipa : amamung-i. 744 : Give : pibeipa, wiepa* : utera.
(*Footnote. Ana is used with pibeipa only; the exact meaning of both is to bestow, or cause the transfer of ownership; the actual HANDING OVER of anything would be asked for by ngapa = let it come here, holding out the hand at the same time, but this last may presume merely inspection or temporary use of the article.)
745 : Go away : udzaripa : einpira. 746 : Go out, perforate : adeipa : -. 747 : Go out (as a fire) : utsimeipa : -. 748 : Hear, understand : krangipa : -. 749 : Hide, conceal : muye teipa (685, 791) : -. 750 : Jump, leap : katapulgipa : ralkagamurra. 751 : Kick : kukuna mapeipa (485, 707) : -. 752 : Kill : dadeima matameipa (598, 786) : -. 753 : Laugh : gi waleipa (819) : ung-garung-gari. 754 : Leave behind : yuneipa : -. 755 : Lie : lalkeipa (820) : -. 756 : Lie down : yuneipa : -. 757 : Make (men's work) : tatureipa : -. 758 : Make (women's work) : umeipa : -. 759 : Make a fire : muekemeipa : -. 760 : Paddle : karaba tapeipa (343, 787) : untyendyurra : -. 761 : Pull, drag : yuteipa : -. 762 : Rain : ari pudeipa (18, 735) : -. 763 : Return : mang-epa : -. 764 : Rise (as the sun) daneipa : -. 765 : Run* : - : ringa.
(*Footnote. In Kowrarega, the action of running is expressed by the adverb tari = quickly, and the verb uleipa = to approach: Example: ngapa tari uleipa expresses quick motion TOWARDS the speaker, and tari uleipa quick motion FROM the speaker.)
766 : Sail : pong-eipa : reng-gamurra. 767 : Scold : ideipa : inyamung-urra. 768 : Scrape hands* : getapudeipa (465, 735) : -.
(*Footnote. A mode of salutation practised throughout Torres Strait, and occasionally at Cape York.)
769 : Scratch, pinch : musiteipa : -. 770 : See, look after, watch : yaweipa : -. 771 : Sew : tarpeipa : belkagur. 772 : Shake : lupeipa : -. 773 : Sharpen : gizu paleipa (824, 722) : -. 774 : Shave : piniteipa : angkarung-gurra (449, 450). 775 : Shoot (with gun or bow) : uteipa : -. 776 : Seize, press, squeeze : gasumeipa : gipaburra. 777 : Sing : sagul piyepa (818) : -. 778 : Sleep : ute-ipa (825) : eremadin. 779 : Smoke : suguba wanipa (323, 730) : -. 780 : Sit down : tanureipa : engka. 781 : Speak, tell : mulepa : ekalkamurra. 782 : Spear, sting : pageipa : -. 783 : Stand : kadi (irregular) : -. 784 : Stand up : kadi tanure (783) : -. 785 : Steal : krameipa : -. 786 : Strike : matumeipa : untondunya. 787 : Swim : tapeipa : rolma, rulma. 788 : Take away : meipa : -. 789 : Tear : ladeipa : -. 790 : Thirst : nukineipa (655) : -. 791 : Throw into : teipa : umpanya. 792 : Tie : kunumeipa : -. 793 : Touch : tareipa : abeang-gang-urra. 794 : Turn over : tarteipa : -. 795 : Unloose, untie : ideipa : -. 796 : Waken : welmeipa : -. 797 : Wash : garwulgeipa : -. 798 : Water, make : ing-uje (irregular) : -. 799 : Wound : umaliza matumeipa (598, 786) : -. 800 : Wrap round, coil, twist : nureipa : -.
801 : Affix expressing article spoken of : dza* : -.
(*Footnote. Example: Nabi'dza = this thing.)
802 : Affix expressing possession : leg* : -.
(*Footnote. Leg or le, is to be possessed of, and, when used independently, is placed after the noun which it refers to: ngai 'quassur daje leg = I have two petticoats; ngi kutai leg? = have you (any) yams?)
803 : —— : ki* : -.
(*Footnote. The meaning of this is to a certain extent doubtful; however it enforces an affirmation: Example: ina muggi' ki = this is VERY little : it is frequently used after pronouns: Example: arri ki kabspakai = we SHALL go to the dance.)
804 : Affix of negation : aige* : -.
(*Footnote. Being the negative of leg, or le, as formerly stated, aige, or ge = to have not: Example: ngai kalak' aige = I have no spears; nga ajir'ge = she has no shame.) |