South American republics, recognition of, 289-91.
South Carolina, ratifies the Constitution, 41.
Southwest, colonization of, 14-15, 249-52; commerce of, 15-16; a frontier society, 251-52; diverges from Northwest, 252.
Spain, disputes the line of 1783, 16-17; in the Southwest, 68, 70; concludes Treaty of San Lorenzo, 87; withholds posts, 97; cedes Louisiana to France, 146; retains the Floridas, 159; menaced by the United States, 170-72; threatens hostilities, 173-74; in East Florida, 260; protests against Jackson's invasion, 262; cedes the Floridas to the United States, 264; loses her American colonies, 289-90; invaded by France, 292.
Specie payment, suspension of, 239; resumption of, 240-41.
Speculation, in Western lands, 10-12, 26-27; in government paper, 58; in bank stock, 63-64.
Squatter, the, 251-52.
State banks, increase of, 239; notes of, 266.
Steamboat, on Western waters, 253-54.
Story, Joseph, and Marshall, 333; appointed Associate Justice, 335; on criticism of the judiciary, 339-40; opinion in Martin v. Hunter's Lessee, 335-36.
Stuart, Gilbert, 285.
Supreme Court. See Federal judiciary.
Survey Bill, vote in Congress on, 309.
Symmes, John C., land grants to, 11, 12; begins colony, 14.
Talleyrand-Perigord, C. M., urges acquisition of Louisiana, 98; and the X Y Z affair, 98-99; to the American commissioners, 100; and the retrocession of Louisiana, 146; and the cession of Louisiana to the United States, 149-50; on the boundaries of the province, 159.
Tallmadge, James, 270, 271.
Tariff Act, of 1789, 50-51; of 1816, 237-38; of 1824, 310-13; of 1828, 328-30;
Tariff of Abominations. See Tariff Act, of 1828.
Taylor, John, on agriculture at the South, 126; on the Louisiana Treaty, 156; on state rights, 339.
Taylor, John W., 271.
Tecumseh, 205, 218, 219.
Tennessee, settlement of, 14; intrigues in, 68; admitted as a State, 92.
Thames, battle of the, 218.
Thomas, Jesse B., 275-76.
Ticknor, George, 287.
Tippecanoe, battle of, 206.
Tocqueville, De, on equality in America, 300; on the character of Western society, 301.
Tonnage dues, 51, 124.
Tories, persecution of, 3-5.
Toussaint L'Ouverture, 146.
Tracy, Uriah, on the Louisiana Treaty, 155-56; on a New England confederacy, 164.
Trade. See Commerce.
Transportation, in 1800, 105. See also National Road, Canals, Internal improvements, etc.
Travel, difficulties of, about 1800, 105-06; improvement after the War of 1812, 255.
Treasury, Secretary of, bill to establish, 52; reports of, 56-62.
Treaty-making power, debated in House, 90-91.
Treaty of Paris (1783), 1; (1794), 84-88; of Greenville (1795), 87; of San Lorenzo (1795), 87-88; of Morfontaine (1800), 104, 146; of Louisiana (1803), 150; with Tripoli (1805), 145; (1806), 184; (1809), 197; of Ghent (1814), 229-30; with Spain (1819), 264.
Trespass Act of New York, 4.
Trevett v. Weeden, 19.
Tripolitan War, 143-45.
Troup, George M., 325-26.
Trumbull, John, 236-37, 286.
Tudor, William, 283.
Turnpikes, construction of, 255.
Unitarianism, rise of, 287-88.
United States, frigate, 215.
United States Gazette, Federalist newspaper, 66.
United States v. Peters, 333-34.
Universalism, rise of, 288.
Van Buren, Martin, 243-44, 316, 323.
Vans Murray, William, 103.
Vermont, admitted as a State, 55; refuses the call for militia, 224; and the Hartford Convention, 224.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 110-12.
Virginia, commercial difficulties with Maryland, 27-28; ratifies the Constitution, 41; protests against internal improvements, 319-20; on the Supreme Court (1809), 335; protests against decisions of federal courts, 336-37; proposes constitutional amendment, 339.
War of 1812, preparations for, 208-09; motives for, 208-10; vote for, 210; political aspects of, 212-13, 216-17, 223-27; land operations of, 213-14, 217-18, 220-23; naval operations, 215-16, 218-19, 221-22; in the Southwest, 219-20; end of, 228; results of, 231-244, 282.
Washington, George, on the prospects of the United States, 1; on Tories, 3; resigns commission, 6; on the West, 16; on Shays' Rebellion, 23; in the Federal Convention, 29; on the growth of industry, 46-47; elected President, 48; inauguration, 48-50; appointments of, 54-55; and the Bank Bill, 62-63; levees of, 65; reelected President, 66-67; proclaims neutrality, 73; sends Jay on mission to England, 79; and the Whiskey Insurrection, 82-83; censures Democratic Clubs, 83-84; and the Jay Treaty, 86-88; Farewell Address, 91-92; appointed head of provisional army, 102.
Wasp, American sloop-of-war, 215.
Watauga settlement, 14.
Wayne, Anthony, wins battle of Fallen Timber, 80-81; secures Treaty of Greenville, 87.
Webster, Daniel, on the principle of protection, 237; on universal suffrage, 305; and the Tariff of 1828, 330; influence at the federal bar, 333; counsel for Dartmouth College, 342.
Wellington, Duke of, 214, 228-29.
West, Benjamin, 285.
West, the, social aspects, 252, 299-300; political aspects, 298, 303-04; intellectual aspects, 300-01, 302; religious aspects, 301-02; education in, 302-03.
Western lands, speculation in, 26.
West Florida, claimed by the United States, 151, 158-59; revolt in, 203-04; annexed in part, 204.
Whiskey Insurrection, the, 81-83.
Whitney, Eli, 127.
Wilkinson, James, in Kentucky, 68; his relation to Burr's conspiracy, 172-75, 177; in the campaign of 1813, 218; occupies West Florida, 219.
Wilson, James, in the Federal Convention, 31; appointed Associate Justice, 54.
Wirt, William, 333, 345.
Wolcott, Oliver, 89.
Woolen manufacturing, beginnings of, 235; after the War of 1812, 235-36.
X Y Z affair, 98-100.
Yazoo land controversy, 168-70, 342.