He was a stranger to Venice, newly come from Rome—known in Venice years ago, it was whispered—a mere stripling. Now the face and figure had the beauty and the strength of manhood.... A famous courtesan touched her red-gold locks and laughed sweetly as she drifted by. But the sombre, dark face with the inscrutable eyes and the look of power did not turn. He sat, for the most part, a little turned away, looking at the waves dancing with leaden lights under the moon and running in ripples from the boat. Now and then his lips curved in a smile at some jest of his companions, or his eyes rested on the face of the woman opposite—and filled with gentle, wondering light.
Titian, watching him from beside the young woman, marvelled at the look of mystery and the strength. He leaned forward, about to speak—but Giorgione stayed him with a gesture.
"The Fondaco," he said, raising his hand to the gondolier. "Ho, there! Halt for the Fondaco!"
The boat came slowly to rest at the foot of the great building that rose white and gray and new in the half light. Giorgione's eye ran lovingly along the front. "To-morrow," he said, "we begin the last frescos. You, Titian, on the big facade to the south, and Zarato and I—" He laid his hand affectionately on the arm of the young man at his side, "Zarato and I on the inner court."
The youth started and looked up. His eyes studied the massive walls, with the low, arching porticos and long unbroken lines. "A noble piece of work," he said.
Giorgione nodded. "German and Venetian mixed." He laughed softly. "With three Venetians at the frescos—we shall see, ah—we shall see!" He laughed again good-humoredly.
The boat shot under the Rialto and came out again in the clear moonlight.
"To-morrow," said Giorgione, looking back, "to-morrow we begin."
"To-morrow Zarato comes to me—for his portrait." Titian spoke quickly, almost harshly. His eyes were on the young man's face.
The gondola stirred slightly. Every one looked at the young man. He sat staring at Titian, a look half amused and half perplexed in his dark eyes. The look broke and ran. "Is it so!" he said almost gayly.
Titian nodded grimly. "You come to me."
Giorgione leaned forward. "But I can't spare him," he pleaded. "I can't spare you. The work is late, and the Council hammer at a man! You must wait."
"Just one day," said Titian briefly. "I block in the outlines. It can wait then—a year, six months—I care not."
Giorgione's face regained its look of good-humor. "But you are foolish, Titian, foolish! Paint doges, if you will, paint popes and dukes—paint gold. But never paint an artist—an artist and a gentleman!"
They laughed merrily and the boat glided on—out into the lagoon and the broad, flooding moonlight.
"Sing something," said Giorgione. He raised the flute to his lips, breathing into it a gay, gentle air. The lute and cithara, from the opposite side, took it up. Presently the tenor voice joined in, carrying the air with sweet, high notes. They fell softly on the ear.
The slender fingers plucking at the cithara faltered. The bosom beneath its white tunic, where a single pansy glowed, trembled with swift breathing, and the red lips parted in a quick sigh.
Titian looked up, smiling reproachfully: "Violante! ah, Violante!" he murmured softly.
She shook her head smilingly. A tear rested on her cheek. "I cannot help it," she said; "it is the music."
"Yes, it is the music," said Titian. His tone was dry—half cynical.
Her husband looked over with faithful eyes and smiled at her.
Only Zarato had not looked up. His eyes followed the dancing leaden water. A flush had come into his sallow cheek. But the moonlight did not reveal it.
Violante glanced at him timidly.
"Come, we will try again," she said. She swept her cithara, and the tenor voice took up the notes. "Faster!" she said. The time quickened. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes shone.
"Chi boit et ne reboit, ne cais qua boir soit," rang out the voice.
"Qua boir soit—qua boir soit," repeated Violante softly.
The duet rose, full and sweet and clear, with passionate undertones. Slowly it died away, calling to itself across the lighted water.
The two men applauded eagerly. "Bella!" murmured Giorgione. "Once more!—Bella!" He clapped his hands.
Again the music rose. Once the eyes of the singers met—a long, slow look. The time quickened a little, and the music deepened.
Titian sat watching them, his head in its velvet cap, thrown back against the cushions, his lips smiling dreamily. His eye strayed over the voluptuous figure at his side—the snowy tunic and the ruby-red bodice and skirt. He knew the figure well, the red-gold hair and wondrous eyes. But a new look had come into them—something tender, almost sweet.
He leaned forward as the music ceased. "You shall pose for me," he said under his breath. "I want you for the Duke's picture."
She nodded slightly, her bosom rising and falling.
Giorgione leaned forward, smiling.
"What is that?" he asked. His eyes rested tenderly on the flushed face and the full lips of his wife. "What is it you say?"
"I want her for Bacchante," said Titian, "for the Duke's picture." He had not removed his eyes from her face.
Giorgione smiled. Then his face darkened. "My frescos! Oh, my frescos!" he murmured tragically. "But you will help, Zarato. You will not go paint for dukes and popes?" The tone was half laughing and half querulous.
The young man roused himself and looked at him questioningly. He drew his hand across his eyes. "What is it?" he said dreamily. "What is it?" His face flushed. "Help you? Yes, I will help you—if—I can."
"A little more to the right, please."
Titian's eyes studied the figure before him thoughtfully. His voice murmured half-articulate words, and his glance ran swiftly from the sitter to his canvas.
"That is good." He gave a sigh of satisfaction. "Can you hold that—ten minutes, say!" He had taken up his brush and was painting with swift strokes.
The young man before him smiled a little. The dark, handsome face lighted under it and glowed. "I will do my best." The quiet irony in the tone laughed gently.
Titian smiled back. "I forget that you are of the craft. You have too much of the grand air, Zarato, to belong to us."
"I am indebted to you!" said the young man politely. He lifted his hand with a courtly gesture, half mocking and half sincere. It dropped easily to the console beside him.
With rapid touches Titian sketched it as it lay. His face glowed with satisfaction, and he worked with eager haste. "Good!—Good!" he murmured under his breath. "It will be great. You will see.... You will see." He hummed softly to himself, his glance flashing up and down the tall figure before him, inserting a touch here and a line there, with swift decision.
The warm air of the studio was very quiet. Voices drifted up from the Grand Canal, and now and then the sound of bells.
The young man's eyes looked dreamily before him. He had forgotten the studio and its occupant. He might have been listening to pleasant words—to the sound of a voice.
"There!" Titian dropped the brush and stepped back. "We have done for to-day." He surveyed the canvas critically.
The young man stepped to his side. He looked earnestly at the daubs and lines of paint that streaked it. A smile crept over his dark face. "You paint like no other," he said quietly.
Titian nodded. "Like no other," he repeated the words with satisfaction. "They will not call it like Palma, this time—nor like Giorgione, nor Signor Somebody Else." He spoke with mild irritation. His eyes travelled over the lines of glowing canvas that covered the walls.
The young man's glance followed them. "No," he assented, "you have outstepped them all.... You used them but to climb on." He moved toward a canvas across the room.
"But this—" he laid his hand lightly on the frame—"this was after Palma?" He turned his eyes with a look of inquiry.
Titian nodded curtly.
"It was the model—partly," he said half grudgingly.
"I know—Violante." Zarato spoke the name softly. He hesitated a moment. "Would she pose for any one—for me, do you think?"
Titian laughed harshly. "Better not, my boy—Better not! When she gets into a brush, it is a lost brush, Zarato—bewitched forever! Look there—and there—and there!" His rapid hand flashed at the canvases.
The young man's eyes followed the gesture. "The result is not so bad," he said gravely.
Titian laughed back. "Not so bad!..." He studied them a minute. "You've no idea how I had to fight to keep her out—And, oh, that hair!" He groaned thoughtfully, looking at the canvases—"Palma's worse!" he chuckled.
The young man started. A thought crossed his face and he looked up. "And Giorgione?" he asked doubtingly.
Titian shook his head grimly. "He married her."
The young man moved a little away. He picked up a small book and mechanically turned the leaves.
The older man eyed him keenly.
"Don't mind me, Zarato." He said it kindly, and laid a hand on the young man's shoulder. "I have no right to say anything against her—except that she's a somewhat fickle woman," he added dryly.
The young man's eyes were fixed on the page before him. He held it out, pointing to a name scrawled on the margin.
Titian took it in his hands, holding it gently, and turning it so that the light fell on the rich binding. "A treasure!" he said enthusiastically.
The young man nodded. "An Aldine—I saw that. What does the marking mean?" He asked the question almost rudely.
His companion turned the leaves. "It's a bacchanal for the Duke," he said slowly.... "I've been looking up Violante's pose.—Here it is." He read the lines in a musical voice.
A heavy frown had come between the handsome eyes watching him. "You'll not paint her like that?"
"I rather think I shall," responded Titian slowly. "She has promised."
"And Giorgione?"
"Giorgione lets her do as she likes. He trusts her—as I do." He laid his hand again on the shoulder near him. "I tell you, man, you're wrong. Believe in her and—leave her," he said significantly.
The shoulder shrugged itself slightly away. The young man picked up his hat from the table near by. He raised it courteously before he dropped it with a little laugh on the dark curls.
"I go to an appointment," he said.
A face looked over the balcony railing as the gondola halted at the foot of the steps. It smiled with a look of satisfaction, and the owner, reaching for a rose at her belt, dropped it with a quick touch over the balcony edge.
It fell at the feet of the young man stepping from the gondola, and caused him to bend with a deep flush. It touched his lips lightly as he raised himself and lifted his velvet cap to the face above.
She smiled mockingly. "You are late," she said—"two minutes late!"
"I come!" he replied, springing up the steps. In another minute he was beside her, smiling and flushed, looking down at her with deep, intent gaze.
She made a place for him on the divan. "Sit down," she said.
He seated himself humbly, his eyes studying hers.
She smiled lazily and unfurled her fan, covering her face except the eyes. They regarded him over the fringe of feathers.
"Where have you been?" she demanded.
"With Titian."
"Giorgione wanted you. He did scold so—!" She laughed musically.
Zarato nodded. "I go to him to-morrow."
"Has Titian finished?"
"For the present—He will lay it away."
"I know," she laughed, "—to mellow!... How did you like it?"
He hesitated a second. "It was a little rough," he confessed.
"Always!" The laugh rippled sweetly. "Like a log of wood—or a heap of stones—or a large loaf of bread."
He stirred uneasily. "Do you sit to him often?" he asked.
Her eyes dwelt for a moment on his face. "Not now," she replied.
He returned the look searchingly. "You are going to?"
"Yes," she assented.
He still held her eyes. "I don't like it," he said slowly.
The ghost of a smile came into her face. Her eyes danced in the shadow of it. "No?" she said quietly.
She waited, looking down and plucking at the silken fringe of her bodice. "Why?" she asked after a time.
He made no reply.
She glanced up at him. He was looking away from her, across the gay canal. His face had a gentle, preoccupied look, and his lip trembled.
Her glance fell. "Why not?" she repeated softly.
He looked down at her and his face flushed. "I don't know," he said. He bent toward her and took the fan from her fingers.
She yielded it with half reluctance, her eyes mocking him and her lips alluring.
He smiled back at her, shaking his head slightly and unfurling the fan. He had regained his self-possession. He moved the fan gently, stirring the red-gold hair and fluttering the silken fringe on her bodice. It rose and fell swiftly, moved in the soft current of air. His eyes studied her face. "Will you sit for me some day?" he said.
She nodded without speaking. The breath came swiftly between the red lips and the eyes were turned away. They rested on the facade of a tall building opposite, where a flock of doves, billing and cooing in the warm air, strutted and preened themselves. Their plump and iridescent breasts shone in the sun.
Her hand reached for the cithara at her side. "Shall I sing you their song?" she said, "The Birds of Venus."
He smiled indulgently. Her voice crooned the words.
"Sing!" she said imperiously. He joined in, following her mood with ready ease.
There was silence between them when the song was done. She sat with her eyes half closed, looking down at the white hands in her lap.
He lifted one of them gently, his eyes on her face. She did not stir or look up. He raised it slowly to his lips.
The warm breath stirred a smile on her face. She glanced at him from under falling lids.
He dropped the hand and stood up with a half cry.
"I must go—Violante—I must—go!" He groped to where the doorway opened, cool and dark, behind them, "I must go," he repeated vaguely.
She rose and came to him slowly. "You must go," she said softly.
They passed into the dark, open doorway.
Below, in the hot sun, the gondola rocked at the foot of the stairs.
The noon-bell in the southern turret of the Fondaco chimed softly. A painter at work on the facade near by looked up inquiringly at the sun. He smiled absently to himself and, dropping his brushes, descended lightly from the scaffolding to the ground. He walked away a few steps—as far as the ground permitted—and turned to look at the work above.
"Not so bad," he murmured softly, "—not so bad ... and better from the water." He glanced at the canal below. A white hand from a passing gondola waved to him and motioned approvingly toward the colors of the great wall.
"Bravo, Tiziano!" called some one from another craft. The canal took up the cry. "Bravo, bravo! Bravo,—Tiziano!"
Titian raised his painter's cap and returned the salute. He stood with one foot on the parapet, looking down and smiling with easy grace, at the pleasure-loving crowd below. A man came in sight around the corner of the Fondaco, walking slowly and looking up at the picture as he came.
"Well?" Titian glanced at him keenly.
"Great!" responded Giorgione heartily. "The Judith bears the light well, and when the scaffolding is down it will be better yet.... Venice will be proud!" He laid his hand affectionately on the other's shoulder and motioned toward the throng of boats that had halted below, gazing at the glowing wall.
"To-day Titian—to-morrow another!" said Titian a little bitterly.
"Why care?" responded Giorgione. "Some one to-day told me that my Judith, on the south wall here, surpasses all my other work together." He laughed cordially.
Titian looked at him keenly. His face had flushed a little under the compliment. "It is like you not to care," he said affectionately.
"Care! Why should I care—so that the work is done?" His eyes rested lovingly on the facade. "It is marvellous—that trick of light," he said wonderingly.... "You must teach it to me."
Titian laughed under his breath. "I learned it from you."
Giorgione shook his head. "Not from me...." he replied doubtingly. "If you learned it from me, others would learn from me." He stood, looking up, lost in thought.
"Where is Zarato?" asked Titian abruptly.
Giorgione started vaguely. A flush came into his face. "He stopped work—an hour ago," he said.
Titian's eyes were on his face.
The open friendliness had vanished. It was turned to him with a look of trouble. "Had you thought, Cevelli—" His speech hesitated and broke off. He was looking down at the dark water.
Titian answered the unspoken question. "Yes, I had thought," he said. His voice was very quiet.
His companion looked up quickly. "He is with her now, it may be.... I told them that I should not go home at the noon-bell." He looked about him slowly—at the clear sky and at the moving throng of boats below—
"I am going home." He spoke the words with dull emphasis.
Titian turned and held out his hand. "The gods be with you, friend!"
Giorgione gripped it for a moment. Tears waited behind the eyes and clouded the look of trust. "I could bear it if—if Zarato was not my friend," he said as he turned away.
"Keep faith while you may," said Titian, following him a step. "He who distrusts a friend lends thunderbolts to the gods," he quoted softly.
"Remind him that he is to sit for me this afternoon," he called more lightly, as the other moved away.
"I will remember," said Giorgione soberly. The next moment he had disappeared in the maze of buildings.
Titian, looking after him, shook his head slowly. He turned and gathered up some tools from a bench near by.... The look in his friend's eyes haunted him.
It still haunted him as he laid out brushes and colors in his studio for the appointed sitting with Zarato.
He brought the canvas from the wall and placed it on the easel and stood back, examining it critically. His face lighted and he hummed softly, gazing at the rough outline.... Slowly, in the smudge of the vague face, gleaming eyes formed themselves—Giorgione's eyes! They looked out at him, pathetic and fierce.
With an exclamation of disgust he threw down the brush. He looked about him for his cap, and found it at last—on the back of his head. He settled it more firmly in place. "There will be time," he muttered. "I shall be back in time." With a swift glance about him he was gone from the room, and on the way to Giorgione's studio.
As he opened the door he saw Giorgione's great figure huddled together against the eastern window. Bars of light fell across it and danced on the floor. Titian crossed the studio quickly and touched the bent shoulder.
The eyes that looked up were those that had called him. Giorgione's eyes—a fierce, pathetic light in their depths. They gazed at him stupidly. "What is it?" asked the man. He spoke thickly and half rose, gazing curiously about the room. He ran a hand across his forehead and looked at Titian vaguely. "What is it?" he repeated.
Titian fell back a step. "That's what I came to find out," he said frankly. He was more startled than he cared to show.
"What has happened, Giorgione?" His tone was gentle, as if speaking to a child, and he took him by the shoulder to lead him to a seat.
For a moment the man resisted. Then he let himself be led, passively, and sank back in the chair with a hoarse sigh. He looked about the studio as if seeking something—and afraid of it. "She's gone!" he whispered.
Titian started. "No!"
Giorgione laughed harshly. "Fled as a bird," he said gayly, "a bird that was snared." He hummed a few bars of the song and stopped, his gaze fixed on vacancy. A great shudder broke through him, and he buried his face in his hands. There was no movement but the heave of his shoulders, and no sound. The light upon the floor danced in the stillness.
Titian's eyes rested on it, perplexed. He crossed the room swiftly and touched a bell. He gave an order and waited with his hand on his friend's shoulder till the servant returned.
"Drink this," he said firmly, bending over him. He was holding a long, slender glass to his lips.
The man quaffed it—slowly at first, then eagerly. "Yes, that is good!" he said as he drained the glass. "I tremble here." He laid his hand on his heart. "And my hand is strange." He smiled—a wan, wintry smile—and looked at his friend with searching eyes.
"Where have they gone?" he demanded.
Titian shook his head. "How should I know?"
"He said he was going to you."
"Zarato?" Titian started. "For the portrait—He will be there!"
Giorgione broke into a harsh laugh. "No portrait for Zarato!" He said it exultantly.
"What do you mean!"
"He bears a beauty mark." He laughed again.
"You did not——?"
Giorgione glanced cunningly about the studio. His big face worked and his eyes were flushed. He laid his hand on his lips.
"Hush!" he said. "It is a secret—I—she—branded him with this." A piece of heavy iron lay on the sill—the wood near it blackened and charred. He took it up fondly.
"Look!" He pointed to the fire-worn end.
Titian shrank back in horror. "You are mad!" he said.
Giorgione shook his head sadly. "I wish I were mad ... my eyes have seen too much." He rubbed his hand across them vaguely.
"Sleep—" he murmured. "A little sleep." The potion was beginning to take effect.
Titian laid him on the couch near by and hurried from the studio.
"Home!" he said to the white-robed gondolier who looked back for orders. "Home! Row for life!"
A sense of vague horror haunted him. He dared not think what tragedy might be enacting. A man of Zarato's proud spirit—"Faster!" he called to the laboring gondolier, and the boat shot under the awning.
With a sigh of relief he closed the door of his studio behind him.... On the couch across the room, his cap fallen to the floor and his arms hanging at his sides, lay the young man asleep. Titian moved forward, scanning eagerly the dark, handsome face. Deep shadows lay under the closed lids, and a look of scornful suffering touched the lines of the mouth. Slowly his eyes traversed the figure. He gave a start and bent closer, his eyes peering forward.... The left hand trailing on the floor was gloved, but above the low wrist a faint line shot up—a blotch on the firm flesh.
With an exclamation of horror he dropped to his knees and lifted the hand.
It rested limply in his grasp.
Slowly the eyes opened and looked out at him. A faint flush overspread the young man's face. He withdrew the hand and sat up. "I came to tell you the portrait—must wait," he said apologetically, "I fell asleep." He picked up his cap from the floor and smoothed its ruffled surface. "I must go now." He looked awkwardly at his friend and got to his feet.
"Zarato," said Titian sternly. "Where is she?"
He shook his head. "I don't know," slowly.
"You don't know! She has left home——"
"But not with me."
The two men stood staring at each other.
There was a sound of steps in the hall and the door swung open. It was a group of Venetian boatmen, bearing in their midst a wet, sagging form. The red-gold hair trailed heavily. They moved stolidly across the room and laid their burden on the low bench. The oldest of them straightened his back and looked apologetically at the wet marks on the shining floor.
"He said to bring her here, Signor." He motioned clumsily toward the wet figure. "He said so."
"Who said it?" said Titian harshly.
"Signor—The Signor—Giorgione.... We took her there. He would not let us in. He stood at the window. He was laughing. He said to bring her here," ended the old man stolidly. "She is long dead." He bent to pick up the heavy litter. The group shuffled from the room.
Slowly the young man crossed to the bench. He knelt by the motionless figure and, drawing the glove from his hand, laid it on the breast that shone in the wet folds.
"I swear, before God—" he said ... "before God!" He swayed heavily and fell forward.
The artist sprang to his side. As he touched him, his eye fell on the ungloved hand.... Shuddering, he reached over and lifted the glove from the wet breast. He drew it over the hand, covering it from sight.
"You must go!" said Titian sternly.
The young man looked at him dully, almost appealingly. He shook his head. "I have work to do."
Titian lifted an impatient hand. "The people will not permit it—I tell you!" He spoke harshly. "Giorgione is their idol. It has been hard to keep them—this one week! Only my promise that you go at once holds them."
The young man smiled, a little cynically. "Do you think I fear death—I crave it!" His arms fell at his sides.
His companion looked at him intently. "What is your plan?" he asked shortly.
"Giorgione—" The voice was tense. "He shall pay—to the uttermost!"
"For that?" Titian made a motion toward the gloved hand.
The young man raised it with a scornful gesture.
"For that"—he spoke sternly—"I would not touch the dog. It is for her!" His voice dropped.
Titian waited a moment. "What would you do?" he asked in a low voice.
The young man stirred. "I care not. He must suffer—as she suffered," he added with slow significance.
"Would that content you? Would you go away—and not return?"
"I would go—yes."
Titian waited, his eyes on the gloved hand. "You can go," he said at last, "the Lord has avenged her."
The young man leaned forward. His breath came sharply. "What do you mean?"
"That she is avenged," said Titian slowly. "Giorgione cannot live the year. Go away. Leave him to die in peace."
"I did not ask for peace," said the young man grimly.
Titian turned on him fiercely. "His heart breaks. He dies drop by drop!"
The young man smiled.
Titian watched him closely. "You need not fear his not suffering," he said significantly. "Go watch through his window, or by a crack in the door."—He waited a breath. "The man is mad!"
The young man started sharply.
"Mad!" repeated Titian.
Zarato turned on him a look of horror and exultation. "Mad!" he repeated softly. The gloved hand trembled.
A look of relief stole into Titian's face. "Does that satisfy you?" he asked quietly. "Will you go?"
"Yes, I will go." The young man rose. He moved toward the door. "Mad!" he whispered softly.
"Wait," said Titian. He sprang before him. "Not by daylight—you would be murdered in the open street! You must wait till night.... I shall row you, myself, out from the city. It is arranged. A boat waits for you."
The young man looked at him gratefully. "You take this risk for me?" he said humbly.
"For you and Giorgione and for—her."
They sat silent.
"He will never paint again," said the young man, looking up quickly with the thought.
Titian shook his head. "Never again," he said slowly.
The young man looked at him. "There are a dozen pictures begun," he said, "a dozen and more."
"Who will finish them?"
"Who can tell?" The painter's face had clouded.
"Shall you?"
Titian returned the suspicious gaze frankly. "It is not likely," he said. "He will not speak to me or see me. He says I am false to him—I harbor you."
The young man's gaze fell. "I will go," he said humbly. He shivered a little.
"And not return till I send for you."
"I will not return—till you send for me!"
Venice laughed in the sunshine. Gay-colored boats flitted here and there on the Grand Canal, and overhead the birds of Venus sailed in the warm air.
A richly equipped gondola, coming down the canal, made its way among the moving boats. Its occupant, a dark, handsome man, sitting alone among the crimson cushions, looked out on the hurrying scene with watchful eyes. Other eyes from passing gondolas returned the glance with curious, smiling gaze and drifted past. No one challenged him and none remembered. Two years is overlong for laughing Venice to hold a grudge or to remember a man—when the waters close over him.... Slowly the boat drifted on, and the dark eyes of the man feasted on the flow and change of color.... "Bride of the Sea," he murmured as the boat swept on. "Bride of the Sea—There is none like thee in beauty or power!" His eyes, rapt with the vision, grew misty. He raised an impatient hand to them, and let it fall again to his knee. It rested there, strong and supple. The seal of a massive ring broke its whiteness. The other hand, incased in a rich glove, rested on the edge of the gondola. The man's eyes sought it for a moment and turned away to the gay scene.
With a skilful turn the boat had come to rest at the foot of a flight of stairs leading to a richly carved doorway. The young man leaped out and ran up the steps. The great silent door swung open to his touch, and he disappeared within.
Titian, standing by his easel, looked up quickly. "You are come!" He sprang forward, holding out his hands.
The young man took them, looking into the welcoming eyes. "I am come," he said slowly.
"Why did you send for me?" he asked after a pause. His eyes sought the glowing walls of color, with curious, eager glance.
"Nothing there!" The painter shook his head with a wistful smile. "I have not done a stroke since that last night—the night I rowed you out to the lagoon."
"Why not?" They were seated by a window; the tide of life drifted below.
Titian shook his head again. "I was broken at first—too strained and weak. My fingers would not follow my thoughts." He glanced down at them ruefully. "And then—" His voice changed. "Then they came for me to finish his pictures.... There has been no time."
"Did he want you to do it?" asked the other in a low voice.
Titian's gaze returned the question. "I shall never know—He would not see me—to the last. He never spoke.... When he was gone they came for me. I did the work and asked no questions—for friendship's sake." He sighed gently and his glance fell on the moving, changing crowd below.
"His name is water," he said slowly. "Ask for the fame of Giorgione—They will name you—Titian!" He laughed bitterly.
The young man's smile had little mirth in it. "We are all like that...." He turned to him sharply: "Why did you want me?"
The painter roused himself. "To sit for me"—with a swift look. "I am hunted! I cannot wipe away your face—as it looked that night. I paint nothing.... Perhaps when you are done in oil I shall rest easy." He laughed shortly and rose to his feet.
The young man rose also with a courteous gesture of the supple hand. "I am at your service, Signor Cevelli, now and always."
Titian's eyes swept the graceful figure. "I must begin at once." He turned away to an easel.
"There was a picture begun, was there not?" asked the young man. He had not moved from his place.
Titian looked up swiftly. "Yes," he said. "Yes."
"Why not finish that?"
The painter waited an awkward moment. He crossed the room and fumbled among the canvases. Then he brought it and placed it on the easel, looking at it.... Slowly the look changed to one of pride, and his hand reached out for a brush.
The young man moved to his side. They looked at it in silence.
"You will not do better." The young man spoke with decision. "Best finish it as it stands—I am ready." He moved to his place by the console, dropping his hand upon it and standing at ease.
Titian looked at him doubtfully. "We shall change the length and perhaps the pose," he said thoughtfully.
"Why?" The question came sharply.
The painter colored under it. "I had planned—to make much of the—hands." He hesitated between the words. "The change will be simple," he added hastily.
"Would you mind painting me as I am?" There was a note of insistence behind the words.
Titian's eyes leaped at the question. They scanned the figure before him with quick, gleaming lights.
The young man read their depths. "Go on," he said coolly. "When my feelings are hurt I will tell you."
The painter took up his brushes, working with swift haste. Fingers and brush and thumb flew across the canvas. Splotches of color were daubed on and rubbed carelessly in and removed with infinite pains. Over the picture crept a glow of living color and of light.
At last the brush dropped. "I can do no more—to-day," he said slowly. His eyes dwelt on the picture lovingly.
The young man came across and joined him, looking down at the glowing canvas. His lips curved in a sweet smile.
"You thought I was ashamed of it?" The gloved hand lifted itself slightly. "I would not part with it—not for all the gold of Venice!"
The painter's eyes were on it, doubtingly. "But you wear it gloved," he stammered.
"It is not for the world to see," murmured the young man quietly. "It is our secret—hers and mine. It was her last touch on my hand."
Titian's eyes stared at him.
"You did not know?" The lips smiled at him. "It was her hand that did it." He touched the glove lightly. "Giorgione stood over her—and guided it...." His voice ceased with a catch.
Titian's eyes were full of tears. "Poor Violante!" he murmured. "Poor child!"
The other nodded slightly. "It has pledged us forever—forever." He repeated the words in low, musical exultation. The locket suspended from its slender chain amid the folds of his cloak, swung forward as he moved. A hand stayed it—the gloved hand.
There was silence between them. Voices from the canal floated up, laughter-laden. The June sunshine flooded in.
Titian roused himself with a sigh. "It shall be called 'The Portrait of a Gentleman,'" he said. He laid his hand with swift affection on the arm beside him.
The young man smiled back. His hand closed firmly over the one on his arm. "Call it 'The Man With the Glove,'" he said quietly. "It is the open secret that remains unguessed."
The woman seated in the light of the low, arched window was absorbed in the piece of linen stretched on a frame before her. As her fingers hovered over the brilliant surface, her eyes glowed with a look of satisfaction and lighted the face, making it almost handsome. It was a round, smooth face, untouched by wrinkles, with light-blue eyes—very near the surface—and thin, curved lips.
She leaned back in her chair to survey her work, and her lips took on a deeper curve. Then they parted slightly. Her face, with a look of listening, turned toward the door.
The young man who entered nodded carelessly as he threw back the blue-gray cloak that hung about his shoulders and advanced into the room.
She regarded the action coldly. "I have been waiting, Albrecht." She spoke the words slowly. "Where have you been?"
"I see." He untied the silken strings of the cloak and tossed it from him. "I met Pirkheimer—we got to talking."
The thin lips closed significantly. She made no comment.
The young man crossed the room and knelt before a stack of canvases by the wall, turning them one by one to the light. His full lips puckered in a half whistle, and his eyes had a dreamy look.
The woman had returned to her work, drawing in the threads with swift touch.
As the man rose to his feet her eyes flashed a look at the canvas in his hand. They fell again on her work, and her face ignored him.
He placed the canvas on an easel and stood back to survey it. His lips whistled softly. He rummaged again for brushes and palette, and mixed one or two colors on the edge of the palette. A look of deep happiness filled his absorbed face.
She lifted a pair of scissors and snipped a thread with decisive click. "Are you going on with the portrait?" she asked. The tone was clear and even, and held no trace of resentment.
He looked up absently. "Not to-day," he said. "Not to-day." His gaze returned to the easel.
The thin lips drew to a line. They did not speak. She took off her thimble and laid it in its velvet sheath. She gathered up the scattered skeins of linen and silk, straightening each with a little pull, and laid them in the case. She stabbed a needle into the tiny cushion and dropped the scissors into their pocket. Then she rose deliberately, her chair scraping the polished boards as she pushed it back from the frame.
He looked up, a half frown between the unseeing eyes.
She lifted the embroidery-frame from its rest and turned toward the door. "I have other work to do if I am not to pose for you," she said quietly.
He made no reply.
Half-way to the door she paused, looking back. "Herr Muendler was here while you were out. We owe him twenty-five guldens. It was due the fifth." She spoke the words crisply. Her face gave no sign of emotion.
He nodded indifferently. "I know. I shall see him." The soft whistle was resumed.
"There is a note from the Rath, refusing you the pension again." She drew a paper from the work-box in her hand and held it toward him.
He turned half about in his chair. "Don't worry, Agnes," he said. The tone was pleading. He did not look at the paper or offer to take it. His eyes returned to the easel. A gentle light filled them.
She dropped the paper into the box, a smile on her lips, and moved toward the easel. She stood for a moment, looking from the pictured face of the Christ to the glowing face above it. Then she turned again to the door. "It's very convenient to be your own model," she said with a laugh. The door clicked behind her.
He sat motionless, the grave, earnest eyes looking into the eyes of the picture. Now and then he stirred vaguely. But he did not lift his hand or touch the brushes beside it. Gazing at each other, in the fading light of the low window, the two faces were curiously alike. There was the same delicate modelling of lines, the same breadth between the eyes, the long, flowing locks, the full, sensitive lips, and in the eyes the same look of deep melancholy—touched with a subtle, changing, human smile that drew the beholder. It disarmed criticism and provoked it. Except for the halo of mocking and piercing thorns, the living face might have been the pictured one below it. The look of suffering in one was shadowed in the other.
There was a light tap at the door and it flew open.
The painter looked up quickly. The tense, earnest gaze broke into a sunny smile. "Pirkheimer!" He sprang to his feet. "What now?"
The other man came leisurely across the room, his eyes on the easel. He nodded toward it approvingly.
"Wanted to see it," he said. His eyes studied the picture. "I got to thinking it over after you left me—I was afraid you might touch it up and spoil it—I want it just as it is." His eyes sought his companion's face.
The painter shook his head. "I don't know—not yet—you must leave it with me. It's yours. You shall have it—when it's done."
"It's done now," said the other brusquely. "Here—sign." He picked up a brush, and, dipping it into a soft color on the palette, handed it to the painter.
He took it doubtfully between his fingers, his eyes on the face. Slowly his hand moved toward the canvas. It traced rapidly, below the flowing locks, a huge, uncouth A; then, more slowly, within the sprawling legs of the A, a shadowy D; and finally, at the top, above them both, in tiny figures, a date—1503. The brush dropped from his fingers, and he stepped back with a little sigh.
His companion reached out his hand. "That's all right," he said. "I'll take it."
The artist interposed a hand. "Not yet," he said.
"It's mine," replied the other. "You said it."
"Yes, I said it—not yet."
The other yielded with a satisfied smile. His hand strayed to the purse hanging at his side. "What's to pay? Tell me."
The artist shook his head. "I would not sell it—not even to you," he said. His eyes were on the canvas.
"But it's mine!"
"It's yours—for friendship's sake."
The young man nodded contentedly. Then a thought struck across his face. "You'll tell Agnes that?" he said quickly.
"Ay, I'll tell Agnes—that it's yours. But not what you paid for it," added the painter thoughtfully.
"No, no, don't tell her that." The young man spoke quickly. His tone was half jesting, half earnest. He stood looking at the two faces, glancing from one to the other with a look of baffled resentment. "A living shame!" he muttered under his breath.
The artist looked up quickly. "What?"
"Nothing." The young man moved vaguely about the room. "I wish to God, Duerer, you had a free hand!" he broke out.
The artist glanced inquiry. He held up his hand, moving the supple fingers with a little gesture of pride. "Isn't it?" he demanded, smiling.
The young man shook his head. His round face retained its look of dissent. "Marriage—for a man like you! Two hundred florins—for dowry!" He laughed scornfully.
His companion's face flushed. A swift look came into the eyes.
The other held out a deprecating hand. "I didn't mean it," he said. "Don't be angry."
The flush faded. The artist turned to the easel, taking up a brush, as if to seek in work a vent for his disturbed thought.
"You'll spoil it!" said Pirkheimer quickly.
"I shall finish it," replied Duerer, without looking up.
The other moved restlessly about. "Well ... I must go. Good-by, Duerer." He came and stood by the easel, holding out his hand.
The artist rose, the warm smile on his lips bathing his face. "Good-by, my friend." He held out his hand frankly.
Pirkheimer caught it in his. "We're friends?" he said.
"And you will never want—if I can help you."
"Never!" The tone was hearty and proud.
Pirkheimer turned away with a look of contentment. "I shall hold you to it," he said. "It is a promise."
"I shall hold you to it," laughed Duerer.
When the door had closed, he stood looking down at the picture. He moved once or twice across the room. Then he stopped before a little brazier, looking at it hesitatingly. He bent over and lighted the coals in the basin. He blew them with a tiny bellows till they glowed. Then he placed a pan above them and threw into it lumps of brownish stuff. When the mixture was melted, he carried it across to the easel and dipped a large brush into it thoughtfully. He drew it across the canvas. The track behind it glowed and deepened in the dim light. Slowly the picture mellowed under it. A look of sweet satisfaction hovered about the artist's lips as he worked. The liquid in the pan lessened and his brush moved more slowly. The mixture had deepened in tint and thickened. Wherever the brush rested a deep, luminous color sprang to meet it. It moved swiftly across the monogram—and paused. The artist peered forward uncertainly. The letters lay erased in the dim light. With another stroke of the brush—and another—they were gone forever.
The smile of satisfaction deepened on his lips. It was not conceit, nor humility, nor pride. One could not have named the sweetness that hovered in it—hauntingly.
He laid down the brush with a quick breath and sat gazing at the picture. It returned the gentle, inevitable look. He raised a finger to the portrait, speaking softly. "It is Albrecht Duerer—his work," he said under his breath. "None but a fool can mistake it. It shall speak for him forever."
For a quarter of a century the picture had rested, face to the wall, on the floor of the small, dark studio. Pirkheimer had demanded his treasure—sometimes with jests, and sometimes with threats. But the picture had remained unmoved against the wall.
Journeys to Italy and to the Netherlands had intervened. Pirkheimer's velvet purse had been dipped into again and again. Commissions without number had been executed for him—rings and stones and tapestries, carvings and stag-antlers, and cups and silks and velvet—till the Pirkheimer mansion glowed with color from the South and delicate workmanship from the North. Other pictures from Duerer's brush adorned its walls—grotesque monks and gentle Virgins. But the Face bided its time against the wall.
To-day—for the first time in twenty-five years—the Face of the Christ was turned to the light. The hand that drew it from its place had not the supple fingers of the painter. Those fingers, stiffened and white, lay upon a quiet breast—outside the city wall.
The funeral cortege had trotted briskly back, and Agnes Duerer had come directly to the studio, with its low, arched window, to take account of her possessions. It was all hers—the money the artist had toiled to leave her, the work that had shortened life, and the thousand Rhenish guldens in the hands of the most worthy Rath; the pictures and copperplates, the books he had written and the quaint curios he had loved—they were all hers, except, perhaps, the copperplates for Andreas. Her level glance swept them as she crossed to the canvas against the wall and lifted it to a place on the easel. She had often begged him to sell the picture. It was large and would bring a good price. Her eyes surveyed it with satisfaction. A look of dismay crossed the smooth face. She leaned forward and searched the picture eagerly. The dismay deepened to anger. He had neglected to sign it! She knew well the value of the tiny monogram that marked the canvases about her. A sound clicked in her throat. She reached out her white hand to a brush on the bench beside her. There would be no wrong done. It was Albrecht's work—his best work. Her eyes studied the modelling of the delicate, strong face—the Christ face—Albrecht's face—at thirty-three.... Had he looked like that? She stared at it vaguely. She moved away, looking about her for a bit of color. She found it and came again to the easel. She reached out her hand for the brush. A slip of paper tucked beneath the canvas caught her eye. She drew it out slowly, unfolding it with curious fingers. "This picture of the Christ is the sole property of my dear and honored friend, the Herr Willibald Pirkheimer. I have given it to him and his heirs to have and to hold forever. Signed by me, this day, June 8, 1503, in my home in Nuernberg, 15 Zisselstrasse, Albrecht Duerer."
She crushed the paper in firm fingers. A door had opened behind her. The discreet servant, in mourning garments, with downcast, reddened eyes, waited. "His Highness the Herr Pirkheimer is below, my lady."
For a moment she hesitated. Then her fingers opened on the bit of paper. It fluttered to the table and lay full in sight. She looked at it with her thin smile. "Ask Herr Pirkheimer to ascend to the studio. I shall receive him here," she said.
He entered facing the easel. With an exclamation he sprang forward. He laid a hand on the canvas. The small eyes blinked at her.
She returned the look coldly.
"It is mine!" he said.
She inclined her head, with a stately gesture, to the open paper on the table beside her.
He seized it in trembling fingers. He shook it toward her. "It is mine. You see—it is mine!"
"It is yours, Herr Pirkheimer." She spoke with level coolness. "I had read the paper."
With a grunt of satisfaction, he turned again to the canvas. A smothered oath broke from his lips. He leaned forward, incredulous. His round eyes, bulging and blue, searched every corner. They fell on the wet brush and bit of color. He turned on her fiercely. "Jezebel!" he hissed, "you have painted it out. I saw him sign it—years ago—twenty-five years!"
She smiled serenely. "It may have been some other one," she said sweetly. Her glance took in the scattered canvases.
He shook his head savagely. "I will have no other," he shouted; "I should know it in a thousand!"
"Very well." Her voice was as tranquil as her face. "Shall I have it sent to the house of the honored Herr Pirkheimer?"
He glared at her. "I take it with me," he said. "I do not trust it out of sight."
She bowed in acquiescence. Standing in her widow's garments, with downcast eyes and gentle resignation, she waited his withdrawal.
He eyed her curiously. The years had touched her lightly. There were the same plump features, the same surface eyes, and light, abundant bands of hair. He heaved a round sigh. He thought of the worn face outside the city wall. He gathered the canvas under his arm, glaring about the low room. "There was a pair of antlers," he muttered. "They might go in my collection. You will want to sell them."
The downcast eyes did not leave the floor. "They are sold," she said, "to Herr Umstaetter." A little smile played about the thin lips.
"Sold! Already!" The round eyes bulged at her. "My God!" he shouted fiercely, "you would sell his very soul, if he had left it where you could!"
She raised the blue eyes and regarded him calmly. "The estate is without condition," she said.
He groaned as he backed toward the door. The canvas was hugged under his arm. At the door he paused, looking back over the room. His small eyes winked fast, and the loose mouth trembled.
"He was a great man, Agnes," he said gently. "We must keep it clean—the name of Duerer."
She looked up with a little gesture of dismissal. "It is I who bear the name," she said coldly.
When he was gone she glanced about the room. She went over to a pile of canvases and turned them rapidly to the light. Each one that bore the significant monogram she set aside with a look of possession. She came at last to the one she was searching. It was a small canvas—a Sodom and Gomorrah. She studied the details slowly. It was not signed. She gave a little breath of satisfaction, and took up the brush from the bench. She remembered well the day Albrecht brought it home, and his childish delight in it. It was one of Joachim Patenir's. Albrecht had given a Christ head of his own in exchange for it. The brush in her fingers trembled a little. It inserted the wide-spreading A beneath Lot's flying legs, and overtraced it with a delicate D. She paused a moment in thought. Then she raised her head and painted in, with swift, decisive strokes, high up in one corner of the picture, a date. It was a safe date—1511—the year he painted his Holy Trinity. There would be no one to question it.
She sat back, looking her satisfaction.
Seventy-five guldens to account. It atoned a little for the loss of the Christ.
The large drawing-room was vacant. The blinds had been drawn to shut out the glare, and a soft coolness filled the room. In the dim light of half-opened shutters the massive furniture loomed large and dark, and from the wall huge paintings looked down mistily. Gilt frames gleamed vaguely in the cool gloom. Above the fireplace hung a large canvas, and out of its depths sombre, waiting eyes looked down upon the vacant room.
The door opened. An old woman had entered. She held in her hand a stout cane. She walked stiffly across to the window and threw back a shutter. The window opened into the soft greenness of a Munich garden. She stood for a minute looking into it. Then she came over to the fireplace and looked up to the pictured face. Her head nodded slowly.
"It must be," she muttered, "it must be. No one else could have done it. But four hundred years!"—she sighed softly. "Who can tell?"
Her glance wandered with a dissatisfied air to the other canvases. "I would give them all—all of them—twice over—to know—" She spoke under her breath as she hobbled stiffly to a huge chair.
The door swung softly back and forth behind a young girl who had entered. She came in lightly, looking down at a packet of papers in her hand.
The old woman started forward.
"What have ye found?" she demanded. She was leaning on the stout cane. She peered out of her cavernous eyes.
The girl crossed to the window and seated herself in the green light. Shadows of a climbing vine fell on her hair and shoulders as she bent over the papers in her hand. She opened one of them and ran her eye over it before she spoke.
"They were in the north room," she said slowly. "In the big escritoire—that big, clumsy one—I've looked there before, but I never found them. I've been trying all day to make them out."
"What are they?" demanded the old woman.
"Papers, grandmamma," returned the girl absently; "letters and a sort of journal." Her eyes were on the closely written page.
"Read it," said the old woman sharply.
"I can't read it, grandmamma." She shook back the soft curls with a little sigh. "It's queer and old, and funny—some of the words. And the writing is blurred and yellow. Look." She held up the open sheet.
The keen old eyes darted at it. "Work on it," she said brusquely.
"I have, grandmamma."
"Well—what did ye find?"
"It's a man—Will—Willi"—she turned to the bottom of the last page—"Willibald! That's it." She laughed softly. "Willibald Pirkheimer. Who was he?" she asked.
"One of your ancestors." The old mouth waited grimly.
"One of mamma's?"
"Your father's."
"He must have been a nice man," said the girl slowly. "But some of it is rather—queer."
The old woman leaned forward with a quick gesture. She straightened herself. "Nonsense!" she muttered. "Read it," she said aloud.
"This is written to Albrecht Duerer," said the girl, studying it, "in Italy."
The old woman reached out a knotted hand. "Give it to me," she said.
The girl came across and laid it in her hand. The knotted fingers smoothed it. The old eyes were on the picture above the mantel. "Will it tell?" she muttered.
"There are others, grandmamma." The girl held up the packet in her hand.
"What have ye made out?" The old hand closed upon them.
"He was Duerer's friend," said the girl. "There are letters to him—five or six. And he tells about a picture—in the journal—a picture Albrecht Duerer gave to him." She glanced down at the wrinkled, working face. "It was unsigned, grandmamma—and it was the head of the Saviour."
The old woman's throat moved loosely. Her hands grasped the stout cane.
With a half sigh, she rose to her feet and tottered across the room. "Fool—fool—" she muttered, looking up to the mystical, waiting face. "To leave no mark—no sign—but that!" She shook the yellow papers in her hand.
A question shot into the old eyes. She held out the papers.
"What was it dated, Marie?—that place in the journal—look and see."
The girl took the papers and moved again to the window. She opened one and smoothed it thoughtfully, running her eye along the page. She shook her head slowly. "There is no date, grandmamma," she said. "But it must be after Duerer's death. He speaks of Frau Duerer"—a smile shaded her lips—"he doesn't like her very well, I think. When did Duerer die, grandmamma?" She looked up from the paper.
"April 6, 1528," said the old woman promptly.
The girl's eyes grew round and misty. "Four hundred years ago—almost," she murmured softly. She looked down, a little awed, at the paper in her hand.
"It is very old," she said.
The old woman nodded sharply. Her eyes were on the papers. "Take good care of them," she croaked; "they may tell it to us yet."
She straightened her bent figure and glanced toward the door.
A wooden butler was bowing himself to the floor. "The Herr Professor Doctor Polonius Holtzenschuer," he announced grandly.
A dapper young man with trim mustaches and spotless boots advanced into the room.
The girl by the window swayed a breath. The clear color had mounted in her cheek.
The old woman waited, immovable. Her hands were clasped above the stout cane and her bead-like eyes surveyed the advancing figure.
At two yards' distance it paused. The heels came together with a swift click. He bowed in military salute.
The old woman achieved a stiff courtesy and waited. The dim eyes peered at him shrewdly.
"I have the honor to pay my respects to the Baroness von Herkomer," said the young man, with deep politeness.
The baroness assented gruffly. She seated herself on a large divan, facing the picture, and motioned with her knotted hand to the seat beside her.
The young man accepted it deferentially. His eyes were on a bowed head, framed in shadows and leaves across the room.
"I trust Fraeulein Marie is well?" he said promptly.
The girl started vaguely.
"Come and greet the Herr Doctor Holtzenschuer."
She rose lightly from her place and came across the room. A soft curl, blown by the wind, drifted across her flushes as she came.
The young man sprang to his feet. His heels clicked again as he bent low before her.
She descended in a shy courtesy and glanced inquiringly at her grandmother.
The old woman nodded curtly. "Go on with your papers," she said.
The girl turned again to the green window. Her head bowed itself above the papers.
The young man's eyes followed them. He turned to the old woman beside him. "Is it something about—the picture?" he asked.
She nodded sharply. "Private papers of Willibald Pirkheimer," she said, "ancestor of the von Herkomers—sixteenth century. He was a friend of Duerer's." Her lips closed crisply on the words.
He looked at her, a smile under the trim mustaches. "You hope they will furnish a clew?" he asked tolerantly.
She made no reply. Her wrinkled face was raised to the picture.
"You have one Duerer." He motioned toward a small canvas. "Is it not enough?"
Her eyes turned to it and flashed in disdain. "The Sodom and Gomorrah!" She spoke scornfully. "Not so much as a copy!"
"It is signed."
She glanced at it again. There was shrewd intolerance in the old eyes. "Do you think I cannot tell?" she said grimly. "I know the work of Albrecht Duerer, length and breadth, line for line. You say he painted that!" She pointed a swift finger at the picture across the room. "Have ye looked at Lot's legs?" Her laugh cackled softly.
The young man smiled under his mustaches.
The baroness had turned again to the picture over the fireplace. "But that—" she murmured softly. "It is signed in every line—in the eyes, in the painting of the hair, in the sweep from brow to chin. It will yet be found," she said under her breath. "It shall be found."
He looked at her, smiling. Then he raised his eyes politely to the picture. A slow look formed behind the smile. He half started, gazing intently at the deep, painted canvas. His glance strayed for a second to the green window, and back again to the picture.
The old baroness roused herself with a sigh. She turned toward him. "Your dissertation has brought you honor, they tell me," she said, looking at him critically.
He acknowledged the remark with a bow. "It is nothing," he replied indifferently. "Only a step toward molecules and atoms."
The baroness smiled grimly. "I don't understand chemical jargon." Her tone was dry. "I understand you are going to be famous."
The young man bowed again absently. He glanced casually at the picture above the fireplace. "What would you give to know"—he nodded toward it—"that it is a genuine Duerer?"
The shrewd eyes darted at him.
The clean-cut face was compact and expressionless.
"Give! I would give"—her eye swept the apartment with its wealth of canvas and gilt and tapestry—"I would give all, everything in the room"—she raised a knotted hand toward the picture—"to know that Albrecht Duerer's monogram belongs there." The pointing finger trembled a little.
He looked at it reflectively. Then his glance travelled about the great room. "Everything in this room," he said slowly. "That means—" He paused, glancing toward the window.
The young girl had left her seat. The papers had dropped to the floor. She was leaning from the casement to pick a white rose that swayed and nodded, out of reach.
He waited a breath. Her fingers closed on it and she sank back in her chair, smiling, the rose against her cheek.
The eyes watching her glowed softly. "Everything in this room—" He spoke very low. "The one with the rose?"
The old face turned to him with a look. The heavy jaw dropped and forgot to close. The keen eyes scanned his face. The jaws came together with a snap. She nodded to him shrewdly.
The young man rose to his feet. The cynical smile had left his face. It was intent and earnest. He looked up for a moment to the picture, and then down at the wrinkled, eager face.
"To-morrow, at this time, you shall know," he said gravely.
The old eyes followed him, half in doubt, half in hope. They pierced the heavy door as it swung shut behind him.
The stiff, dapper figure had crossed the hall. The outer door clanged.
Against the green window, within, the soft curls and gentle, questioning eyes of the Fraeulein Marie waited. As the door clanged, a rose was laid lightly to her lips and dropped softly into the greenness below.
At a quarter to ten the next morning a closed carriage drew up before the heavy gate. A dapper figure pushed open the door and leaped out. It entered the big gateway, crossed a green garden and was ushered into the presence of the Baroness von Herkomer.
She stood beneath the picture, her eyebrows bent, her lips drawn, and her hands resting on the stout cane.
"Will you come with me?" he asked deferentially.
"Where to?"
He hesitated. "You will see. I cannot tell you—now. But I need you—with the picture." He motioned toward it.
She eyed him grimly for a second. Then she touched a bell.
The wooden butler appeared. "Send Wilhelm," she commanded.
Half an hour later the Herr Doctor Holtzenschuer was handing a bundled figure into the closed carriage that stood before the gate. A huge, oblong package rested against a lamp-post beside him, and near it stood the Fraeulein Marie, rosy and shy. The young man turned to her with a swift gesture.
"Come," he said.
He placed her beside her grandmother, and watched carefully while the heavy parcel was lifted to the top of the carriage. With an injunction to the driver for its safety, he turned to spring into the carriage.
The voice of the baroness, from muffled folds, arrested him.
"You will ride outside with the picture," it said. "I do not trust it to a driver."
With a bow he slammed the carriage door and mounted the box. In another minute the Herr Professor Doctor Holtzenschuer was driving rapidly through the streets of Munich, on the outside of a common hack, a clumsy parcel balanced awkwardly on his stiff shoulders.
From the windows below, on either side, a face looked out upon the flying streets—a fairy with gentle eyes and a crone with toothless smile.
"The Pinakothek!" grumbled the old woman. "Does he think any one at the Pinakothek knows more of Albrecht Duerer than Henriette von Herkomer?" She sniffed a little and drew her folds about her.
Past the Old Pinakothek rolled the flying carriage—on past the New Pinakothek. An old face peered out upon the marble walls, wistful and suspicious. A mass of buildings loomed in view.
"The university," she muttered under her breath. "Some upstart Herr Professor—to tell me of Albrecht Duerer! Fool—fool!" She croaked softly in her throat.
"The Herr Doctor is a learned man, grandmamma—and a gentleman!" said a soft voice beside her.
"A gentleman can be a fool!" returned the old woman tartly. "What building is this?"
The carriage had stopped before a low, square doorway.
"It is the chemistry laboratory, grandmamma," said the girl timidly.
The old woman leaned forward, gray with rage, pulling at the closed door. "Chemistry lab—" Her breath came in pants. "He will—destroy—burn—melt it!" Four men lifted down the huge parcel from the carriage and turned toward the stone door. "Stop!" she gestured wildly to them.
The door flew open. The young scientist stood before her, bowing and smiling. She shook a knotted finger at him. "Stop those men!" she cried sternly.
At a gesture the men waited. She descended from the carriage, shaking and suspicious, her cane tapping the pavement before her. The Fraeulein Marie leaped lightly down after her. Her hand had rested for a moment on the young man's sleeve. A white rose trembled in the fingers. His face glowed.
"Is your Highness ready?" he asked. He had moved to the old woman's side.
She was standing, one hand on the wrapped parcel, the other on her stout cane, peering suspiciously ahead.
"Is your Highness ready?" he repeated.
"Go on," she said briefly.
Four men were in the hall when they entered—the director of the Old Pinakothek, the artist Adrian Kauffmann, the president of the university, and a young man with a scared, helpful face, who proved to be a laboratory assistant.
"They are your witnesses," murmured the young man in her ear.
She greeted them stiffly, her eyes on the precious parcel. Swiftly the wrappings were undone, and the picture lifted to a huge easel across the room. The light fell full upon it.
The witnesses moved forward in a body, silent. The old face watching them relaxed. She smiled grimly.
"Is it a Duerer?" she demanded. She was standing behind them.
They started, looking at her doubtfully. The artist shrugged his shoulders. He stepped back a little. The director shook his head with a sigh. "Who can tell?" he said softly. "The marks——"
The baroness's eyes glowed dangerously. "I did not suppose you could tell," she said curtly.
The young scientist interposed. "It is a case for science," he said quickly. "You shall see—the Roentgen rays will tell. The shutters—Berthold."
The assistant closed them, one by one, the heavy wooden shutters. A last block of light rested on the shadowy picture. A last shutter swung into place. They waited—in darkness. Some one breathed quickly, with soft, panting breath. Slowly a light emerged through the dark. The great picture gathered to itself shape, and glowed. Light pierced it till it shone with strokes of brushes. Deeply and slowly in the bluish patina, at the edge of the flowing locks, on the shoulder of the Christ, a glimmer of shadow traced itself, faintly and unmistakably.
Confused murmurs ran through the darkness—the voice of the director—a woman's breath.
"Ready, Berthold." It was the voice of the Herr Doctor.
There was a little hiss, a blinding flash of light, the click of a camera, and blackness again.
A shutter flew open.
In the square of light an old woman groped toward the picture. Her knotted hands were lifted to it.
Close at hand, a camera tucked under his arm, the laboratory assistant stood—on his round, practical face the happy look of successful experiment.
A little distance away the Herr Professor Doctor moved quickly. The one with the rose looked up.
High above them all—on the great easel, struck by a ray of light from the shutter—the Duerer Face of Sorrow—out of its four hundred years—looked forth and waited in the modern world.