Cambridge, H.R.H. Duke of, 187 Cambridgeshire, election, 155 Campbell, James, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 57, 95, 109 Canterbury, Dean of, signs the British Covenant, 170 Carlyle, Thomas, 137 Carrickfergus, military depot, 175, 176 Carson, Lady, at Belfast, 236, 284 Carson, Rt. Hon. Sir Edward, viii; accepts leadership, 39-41; political views, 41; at the Ulster Hall, 42, 108; at the Ulster Unionist Council meetings, 42, 246-248; relations with Lord Londonderry, 44, 53; on the Parliament Bill, 44; at the Craigavon meeting, 48-51, 210; character of his speaking, 48; at the Conference at Belfast, 52; at Dublin, 54; Portrush, 55; refuses leadership of Unionist Party, 60; meetings in Lancashire, 65; popularity, 66, 110, 148; at Belfast, 73, 157, 224-226, 257, 278; criticism of W. Churchill's speech, 74; on fiscal autonomy for Ireland, 77; at the Balmoral meeting, 81, 84; ovation, 85; attacks on, 87; on the Home Rule Bill, 90, 96; at the Londonderry House Conference, 94; on the resistance of Ulster, 98, 100; character of his leadership, 102; reads the Ulster Covenant, 105; tour of the Province, 110, 114; opinion of the Covenant, 111; presentation to, 115; speech on the Covenant, 116; at the service in the Ulster Hall, 118; at the City Hall, 120-124; signs the Covenant, 121; at Liverpool, 127; on the exclusion of Ulster, 133, 168; death of his wife, 148; at opening of drill hall, 148; in Scotland and England, 149; at Durham, 153; Chairman of the Central Authority, 156; Indemnity Guarantee Fund, 156; inspection of the Ulster Volunteer Force, 162, 164, 167, 223, 226; on the time limit for exclusion, 171; leaves the House of Commons, 173; on the plot against Ulster, 176; signs statement on the Curragh Incident, 186; interview with Major F.H. Crawford, 199, 210; congratulations from Lord Roberts, 220; at Ipswich, 222; at the Buckingham Palace Conference, 227; on the patriotism of Ulster, 231-233; tribute to B. Law, 236; second marriage, 236; tribute to Lord Londonderry, 241; appointed Attorney-General, 242; resignation, 242; on the Irish rebellion, 246; appointed First Lord of the Admiralty, 252; resignation, 263; re-elected leader of the Ulster Party, 263; member of the Irish Unionist Alliance, 265; on the Military Service Bill, 270; letter to President Wilson, 273, 296-299; M.P. for Duncairn, 275; declines office, 275; on the Government of Ireland Act, 279; conclusion of his leadership, 280; Lord of Appeal in Ordinary, 284; unable to be present at the opening of the Ulster Parliament, 284 Casement, Sir Roger, 7, 158; in league with Germany, 243 Cassel, Felix, at Belfast, 81 Castlereagh, Viscount, 109, 230; at Belfast, 81; signs the Covenant, 121 Cavan, 248, 279 Cave, Rt. Hon. George, 188; at Belfast, 81; letter to The Times, 152 Cecil, Lord Hugh, at Belfast, 81, 109; at the Balmoral meeting, 86; on the resistance of Ulster, 96 Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Austen, candidate for the leadership of the Unionist Party, 60; message from, 115; at Skipton, 167; on the policy of the Government, 168 Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, at Belfast, 13; views on Home Rule, 16, 128; tariff policy, 18; his advice to Sir E. Carson, 167 Chambers, James, signs the Covenant, 121 Chichester, Capt. the Hon. A.C., Commander in the Ulster Volunteer Force, 163 Childers, Mr. Erskine, on fiscal autonomy for Ireland, 76 China Expeditionary Force, 161 Chubb, Sir George Hayter, signs the British Covenant, 170 Churchill, Mrs., at Belfast, 73 Churchill, Lord Randolph, at Belfast, 13, 81; at the Ulster Hall meeting, 30, 40, 62; saying of, 31, 42; reception at Larne, 74; views on Home Rule, 128; Life of, 138 Churchill, Rt. Hon. Winston S., at Manchester, 19; Life of Lord Randolph Churchill, 30, 138; at Dundee, 54, 154; views on Home Rule, 62; projected visit to Belfast, 62-69; letter to Lord Londonderry, 69; change of plan, 69; reception at Belfast, 73; departure from, 74; on Home Rule, 95; letters on the Ulster menace, 99; on the resistance of Ulster, 138, 141; the policy of exclusion, 152; at Bradford, 172, 174, 175 City Hall, Belfast, 119, 283 Clark, Sir George, 156 Clogher, Bishop of, signs the Covenant, 122 Clydevalley, s.s., 211-213, 220; renamed, 214 Coleraine, meeting at, 108, 114 Comber, 82 Copeland Island, 212, 214, 220 Correspondence relating to Recent Events in the Irish Command, 185 Covenant, British, signing the, 170 Covenant, Ulster, draft, 104; terms, 105-107; series of demonstrations, 108-110; meeting in the Ulster Hall, 114; signing the, 120-124; anniversary, 158, 165, 236 Cowser, Richard, 210, 214 Craig, Charles, 96, 147; serves in the war, 234; taken prisoner, 234 Craig, James, member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35; meeting at Craigavon, 46; gift for organisation, 46; member of the Commission of Five, 53; on the resistance of Ulster, 96; draft of the Covenant, 103; organises the demonstration, 111; presentation of a silver key and pen to Sir E. Carson, 115; Indemnity Guarantee Fund, 156; at the reviews of the U.V.F., 162, 164, 223; at Bangor, 217; at the Buckingham Palace Conference, 228; appointed Q.M.G. of the Ulster Division, 234; Treasurer of the Household, 253; resignation, 263; baronetcy, 275; Secretary to the Ministry of Pensions, 275; Secretary to the Admiralty, 281; resignation, 281; Prime Minister of the Northern Parliament, 281 Craig, John, 103 Craig, Mrs., presents colours to the U.V.F., 223 Craigavon, meeting at, 45-51, 80, 105, 149, 210 Crawford, Colonel F.H., viii; signs the Covenant, 123, 191; Commander in the U.V.F., 163; characteristics, 190; career, 191; Secretary of the Reform Club, 191; advertises for rifles, 191; Director of Ordnance, 192; method of procuring arms, 192-200; schooner, 192; agreement with B.S., 197-200; interview with Sir E. Carson, 199, 210; voyage in s.s. Fanny, 202-210; conveys arms from Hamburg, 203-213; attack of malaria, 207; declines to obey unsigned orders, 209; at Belfast, 210; purchases s.s. Clydevalley, 211, 212; lands the arms, 214; at Rosslare, 220; awarded the O.B.E., 284 Crewe, election, 98, 99 Crewe, Marq. of, 18, 23, 175; on the Amending Bill, 223 Cromwell, Oliver, 136 Crozier, Dr., Archbp. of Armagh, member of Provisional Government, 145 Crumlin, meeting at, 108 Curragh Incident, 174-189, 221 Curzon, Marq., on the Parliament Bill, 44; the Home Rule Bill, 134; the loyalty of Ulster, 141
Daily Express, The, 225 Daily Mail, The, 225 Daily News, The, 114, 166 Daily Telegraph, The, 111, 225 D'Arcy, Dr., Primate of All Ireland, 118; signs the Covenant, 121 Darlington, 149 Davis, Jefferson, 137 Democracy, axiom of, 15 Derbyshire, election, 222 Derry, relief of, 13, 85; meeting at, 108; election, 144; riots, 151 Desborough, Lord, signs the British Covenant, 170 Devlin, Joseph, 6, 127, 172, 174, 275; with Mr. W. Churchill in Belfast, 63, 68; the Irish Convention, 261; on the Military Service Bill, 269; letter to President Wilson, 273, 287-295; demands self-determination, 277 Devonshire, 8th Duke of, views on Home Rule, 128, 134; on the resistance of Ulster, 136, 138; Life of, 136 note, 139 note Dicey, Prof., signs the British Covenant, 170 Dickson, Scott, at Belfast, 81; at the Balmoral meeting, 86 "Die Hards" party, 44 Dillon, John, 6, 174; at the Buckingham Palace Conference, 227; on the Irish Rebellion, 244; letter to Pres. Wilson, 273, 287-293 Donaghadee, 214, 219 Donald, Thompson, letter to Pres. Wilson, 296-299 Donegal, 248, 279 Doreen, s.s., 207, 210; at Lundy, 208 Dorset Regiment, transferred to Holywood, 177, 178 Dromore, meeting at, 108 Dublin, insurrection, 4, 243; Unionist demonstration at, 54; Nationalist Convention, meeting, 92; Congress in, 276 Dufferin and Ava, Dow. Marchioness of, 113 Duke, Rt. Hon. H.E., Chief Secretary for Ireland, 253 Duncairn, election, 275 Dundalk, 178 Dundee, 54, 154 Dunleath, Lord, 156 Durham, Sir E. Carson at, 153
East Fife, 25 Edinburgh, 24, 101; Ulstermen sign the Covenant, 123; meeting at, 149; Philosophical Institution, lecture at the, 274 Edward VII, King, death, 23 Election, General, of 1886, 16; of 1895, 34; of Jan. 1910, 21, 22, 42; of Dec. 1910, 26; of 1918, 4 Elections, result of, 99, 155, 222 Emmet, Robert, 7, 46, 142 Enniskillen, meeting at, 108, 114; military depot, 175, 176 Erne, Earl of, member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35; at the Craigavon meeting, 47; signs the Covenant, 122 Ewart, G.H., President of the Belfast Chamber of Commerce, 157 Ewart, Sir William, member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35; signs the Covenant, 121 Fanny, s.s., voyage, viii, 202-213; alterations in her appearance, 206; rechristened, 207; transference of the cargo, 213 Farnham, Lord, at the Ulster Unionist Council meeting, 248, 279; Irish Unionist Alliance, 265 Ferguson, John, & Co., 196 Fiennes, Mr., at Belfast, 73 Finance Bill, rejected, 19 Finlay, Sir Robert, at Belfast, 81; at the Balmoral meeting, 86 Fishguard, 213 Flavin, Mr., on the Military Service Bill, 269 Fleming, Henry, letter to Pres. Wilson, 296-299 Flood, Henry, patriotism, 7 Foyle, the, 87, 214 Freemason's Journal, The, 72, 287 French, F.M., Viscount, member of the Army Council, 176; resignation, 184; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 272; attempt on his life, 277 Frewen, Miss, marriage, 236; see Carson Friend, General, 177
Gambetta, Leon, 9 George V, King, Conference at Buckingham Palace, 228; opens the Ulster Parliament, 282, 286; reception in Belfast, 283 George, Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Budget, 19; at Edinburgh, 24; on the exclusion of Ulster, 152; Anglo-German relations, 167, 201; opinion of Sir E. Carson's speech, 168; plot against Ulster, 174; at Ipswich, 222; the Buckingham Palace Conference, 227; Secretary of State for War, 245; negotiations for the settlement of the Irish question, 245, 247, 250; Prime Minister, 252; on Home Rule, 254; alternative proposals, 255; statement on the war, 266, 268; Military Service Bill, 268; letter to B. Law, 276 note; basic facts on the Irish Question, 277; Government of Ireland Act, 278 German rifles, 198 Gibson, T.H., Sec. of Ulster Unionist Council, 35; resignation, 35 Gilmour, Captain, at Belfast, 81 Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W.E., 138; on the character of the Nationalists, 5; conversion to Home Rule, 7, 12, 30; Home Rule Bills, 13, 16, 17; personality, 17 Glasgow, 22, 78; meeting at, 149 Goschen, Viscount, views on Home Rule, 16, 128 Goudy, Prof., signs the British Covenant, 170 Gough, General Sir Hugh, commanding the 3rd Cavalry Brigade, 180; at the War Office, 181; return to the Curragh, 181; driven back by the Germans, 270 Government of Ireland Act, 51, 278 Graham, John Washington, 194 Grattan, Henry, patriotism, 7 Greenwood, Sir Hamar, at Belfast, 73; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 285 Grey, Earl, on the Home Rule Bill, 134 Grey, Sir Edward, on the Home Rule Bill, 95; at Berwick, 154 Griffith, Arthur, arrested, 271; deported, 295 Griffith-Boscawen, Sir Arthur, at Belfast, 81 Grimsby, election, 222 Guest, Capt. Frederick, at Belfast, 72 Guinness, Walter, supports exclusion of Ulster, 95 Gun-barrel Proof Act, 196
Haldane, Viscount, 130, 185 Halifax, Lord, 136, 141 Hall, Frank, 121 Halsbury, Earl of, 151 Hamburg, Col. Crawford at, 198 Hamilton, Lord Claud, at Belfast, 81; Provisional Government, 145 Hamilton, George C., M.P. for Altrincham, 155 Hamilton, Gustavus, Governor of Enniskillen, 48 Hamilton, Marq. of, interest in the Ulster Movement, 109; signs the Covenant, 122 Hammersmith Armoury, 195; seizure of arms at, 196 Hanna, J., 257 Harding, Canon, 158 Harland and Wolff, Messrs., 191 Harrison, Frederic, on the Ulster Question, 169 Hartington, Marq. of, views on Home Rule, 16 Health Insurance Act, 222 Healy, T.M., 18, 22; on the Military Service Bill, 270; letter to Pres. Wilson, 273, 287-295 Henry, Denis, member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35 Hickman, Colonel Thomas, member of Provisional Government, 145; career, 160; letter from Lord Roberts, 161, 195 Hills, J.W., at Belfast, 81 Holland, Bernard, Life of the Eighth Duke of Devonshire, 136 note, 139 note Holywood, 46, 177, 178 Home Rule, 23-29; a separatist movement, 7; memorial against, 155 Home Rule Bill, 13, 16, 17, 90-97, 131, 133, 149; political meetings, 97; under the "guillotine," 131; in the House of Lords, 134; rejected, 135; time limit for exclusion, 171; passed, 222, 224; receives the Royal Assent, 235 Home Rule Bill, Amending Bill, 221, 223, 227, 228, 230 Hull, Mr. Asquith at, 24
Ilfracombe, 54 Indemnity Guarantee Fund, subscriptions, 156, 163 Ipswich, election, 222 Ireland, two nations, 2, 84; rebellions, 6; animosity of rival creeds, 9; condition, 17, 19, 298; insurrection, 27; fiscal autonomy, 76-78; financial clauses of the Home Rule Bill, 91; prohibition of the importation of arms, 166; Easter Rebellion, 243; exemption from conscription, 268; German plot in, 271; agitation against conscription, 272; anarchy, 279 Ireland, Council of, 278 Ireland, Government of, Act, 2, 278-280 Ireland, Northern, Parliament, 280-282 Irish Convention, 255-262; members, 255, 257; Report, 264, 266 Irish News, The, 114 Irish Republican Army, system of terrorism, 277 Irish Republican Brotherhood, 243 Irish Unionist Alliance, 30, 265; co-operation with the Ulster Unionist Council, 37 Islandmagee, 218 Italian Vetteli rifles, 197, 198, 201
James II, King, 139, 141 Johnston, James, Lord Mayor of Belfast, letter to Pres. Wilson, 273, 296-299
Kelly, Sam, 209 Kelly, Thomas, letter to Pres. Wilson, 287-295 Kennedy, Sir Robert, member of Provisional Government, 143 Kettle, Prof. T.M., on fiscal autonomy for Ireland, 76 Kiel, 204 Kingstown, cruisers at, 178 Kipling, Rudyard, "Ulster 1912," 79, 129; signs the British Covenant, 170 Kitchener, F.M. Earl, 230, 238 Kossuth, 136
Labour Party, 22, 26 Ladybank, Mr. Asquith at, 154 Lamlash, battleships at, 175 Lane-Fox, George, at Belfast, 81 Langeland, 204 Lansdowne, Marq. of, scheme of reform for the House of Lords, 24; on the Parliament Bill, 44; message from, 115; on the Ulster Question, 169; the Amending Bill, 223; at the Buckingham Palace Conference, 227 Larne, 74, 81, 212, 214 Law, Rt. Hon. A. Bonar, leader of Unionist Party, 28, 60; on Home Rule, 28, 131; at the Albert Hall, 71; on fiscal autonomy for Ireland, 78; at the Balmoral meeting, 80-86; reception at Larne, 81; his speech, 84; indictment against the Government, 90, 172, 174, 235; on the resistance of Ulster, 91, 95, 98; messages from, 115, 149; at Wallsend, 154; Bristol, 166; on the exclusion of Ulster, 169, 171; demands inquiry into the Curragh Incident, 185; on the Amending Bill, 222; at the Buckingham Palace Conference, 227; at Belfast, 236; tribute to, 236; at the Ulster Hall, 237; warning to the Nationalists, 255; on the Military Service Bill, 269, 271 Lecky, W.E.H., History of England in the Eighteenth Century, 274 note Leeds, meeting at, 149 Leo XIII, Pope, 8 Leslie, Shane, Henry Edward Manning, 8 note Liberal Party, policy, 16; victory in 1906, 18; majority, 19, 22; tactics, 20; number of votes, 22, 26; defeated in 1895, 34 Liddell, R.M., 156 Lincoln, Abraham, 40; saying of, 15 Linlithgow, election, 155 Lisburn, meeting at, 108, 114 Liverpool, 127 Liverpool Daily Courier, The, extract from, 165 Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury, 159 note Llandudno, 212 Lloyd, Mr. George, at Belfast, 81 Logue, Cardinal, 10 London School of Economics, conference at, 76 Londonderry House, conference at, 92, 94, 147 Londonderry, Marchioness of, member of the Ulster Women's Unionist Council, 37; on the Covenant, 112; presents colours to the U.V.F., 223; work in the war, 240 Londonderry, 6th Marq. of, viii; on Home Rule, 28; Ulster Unionist Council, 35; popularity, 43; character, 44; relations with Sir E. Carson, 44, 53; on the Parliament Bill, 44; Conference at Belfast, 52; at the Ulster Hall meeting, 62, 106, 108; the Ulster Unionist Council meetings, 65, 67; reply to W. Churchill, 69; at Belfast, 73; at the Balmoral meeting, 84; signs the Covenant, 121; at the Ulster Club, 125; Liverpool, 127; on the House of Lords, 134; President of the Ulster Unionist Council, 145; Indemnity Guarantee Fund, 156; at the reviews of the U.V.F., 164, 223; on the Curragh Incident, 186; on the Amending Bill, 223; at Enniskillen, 227; despondency, 240; death, 241; tribute to, 241 Londonderry, 7th Marq. of, viii; member of the Irish Convention, 257, 263; Under-Secretary of State in the Air Ministry, 275; resignation, 281; Minister of Education, 281 Long, Rt. Hon. Walter, 147; founder of the Union Defence League, 37; leader of the Irish Unionists, 38; at the Ulster Hall, 42; candidate for the leadership of the Unionist Party, 60; at Belfast, 81, 224; at the Balmoral meeting, 84, 86; the Londonderry House conference, 92; message from, 115; on the policy of the Government, 170; signs the British Covenant, 170; chairman of a Cabinet Committee on the Irish Question, 277 Lonsdale, Sir John B., member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35; Hon. Sec. of the Irish Unionist Party, 39; signs Covenant, 122; Indemnity Guarantee Fund, 156; leader of the Ulster Party, 254; at Belfast, 257; raised to the peerage, 263; see Armaghdale Lords, House of, rejection of the Home Rule Bill, 17, 135; of the Finance Bill, 19, 21; forced to accept the Parliament Bill, 27; position under the Parliament Act, 134; debates on the Home Rule Bill, 134 Loreburn, Lord, letters to The Times, 152, 165 Lough Laxford, 203, 206, 207 Lough, Thomas, on fiscal autonomy for Ireland, 76 Lovat, Lord, signs the British Covenant, 170 Lowther, Rt. Hon. James, at the Buckingham Palace Conference, 227 Loyal Orange Institution, 31 Lundy, 208 Lyons, W.H.H., 35
Macdonnell, Lord, on fiscal autonomy for Ireland, 76 Mackinder, H.J., at Belfast, 81 Macnaghten, Sir Charles, member Provisional Government, 145 Macnaghten, Lord, Lord of Appeal, 140, 145; signs the Covenant, 122 MacNeill, John, letter to Pres. Wilson, 287-295 Mahan, Admiral, 130 Maine, Sir H., Popular Government, extract from, 14 Malcolm, Sir Ian, at Belfast, 81 Manchester, 77, 166; election, 99 Manchester Guardian, The, 166 Manning, Cardinal, on Home Rule, 8 Mary, H.M., Queen, at the opening of the Ulster Parliament, 282; reception in Belfast, 283 Massereene, Lady, presents colours to the Ulster Volunteer Force, 223 Massingham, Mr., 166 Masterman, Rt. Hon. C.F.G., 170, 222 Mazzini, 136 McCalmont, Col. James, Ulster Unionist Council, 35; Commander of a U.V.F regiment, 163 McCammon, Mr., 121 McDowell, Sir Alexander, criticism of the Ulster Covenant, 104 McMordie, Mr., Lord Mayor of Belfast, at the service in the Ulster Hall, 118; receives Sir E. Carson, 120; at the Ulster Club, 125 Meath election petition in 1892, 10 Melbourne, Lord, 136 Mersey, the, 127 Midleton, Earl of, at the Irish Convention, 260; supports Home Rule, 262; secedes from the Irish Unionist Alliance, 265 Midlothian, election, 99 Military Service Act, ii., 268-272 Milner, Viscount, signs the British Covenant, 170; on the Amending Bill, 223 Moles, Thomas, viii; Chairman of Committee in the Northern Parliament, 282 Molyneux, patriotism, 7 Monaghan, 248, 279 Montgomery, B.W.D., Secretary of the Ulster Club, 103 Montgomery, Dr., 118 Montgomery, Major-Gen., member of Provisional Government, 145 Moore, William, Ulster Unionist Council, 35; on the amendment to the Home Rule Bill, 96; exclusion of Ulster, 168 Morley, Viscount, Life of Gladstone, 17; on the resistance of Ulster, 154; helps Colonel Seely to draft the "peccant paragraphs," 181, 183 Morning Post, The, 79, 225, 229, 283 note Motu Proprio, Vatican decree, 11 Mount Stewart, 82, 225 Mountjoy, the, 87, 214 Mountjoy II, s.s., cargo landed at Larne, 214, 218 Moyle, the, 193 Musgrave Channel, 211, 217 Musgrave, Henry, 156
Nation, The, 158 National Insurance Bill, 53 Nationalist Party, in the House of Commons, 22, 26; attitude on the war, 267; opposition to conscription, 269-273 Nationalists, the, compared with the Ulster Unionists, 2; disloyalty, 4-6; policy, 6, 78, 141, 142; ancestry, 8; demand dissolution of the Union, 14; attitude on the war, 231, 233, 252; members of the Irish Convention, 256-262; letter to Pres. Wilson, 273, 287-295; demand "self-determination," 291, 298 Nationality, root of, 2; plea of 14, 15 Navy, reduction of, 167, 201 Nec Temere, Vatican decree, 11 Neild, Herbert, at Belfast, 81 Newcastle, 149, 153; training camp, 237 Newman, Cardinal, 5 Newry, 177 Newtownards, 225; meeting at, 108, 114 Nineteenth Century, The, 183 note, 239 note Nonconformists, 9; opposition to Home Rule, 155 Northcliffe, Viscount, 225 Norwich, Ulster members at, 150
O'Brien, William, 22; on the Military Service Bill, 270; letter to Pres. Wilson, 273, 287-295 Observer, The, 84, 115 note, 225 O'Connell, Daniel, 7 O'Connor, T.P., 127, 174, 275; on Home Rule, 253 Omagh, military depot, 175, 176 Omash, Miss, viii O'Neill, Capt. Hon. Arthur, 230; killed in the war, 241, 253 O'Neill, Major Hugh, serves in the war, 242; Speaker of the Northern Parliament, 282 O'Neill, Hugh, Earl of Tyrone, 7 O'Neill, Laurence, Lord Mayor of Dublin, letter to Pres. Wilson, 273, 287-295 O'Neill, Hon. R.T., member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35 Ormsby-Gore, Capt. the Hon. W.G.A., at Belfast, 81 O'Shea, divorce, 17
Paget, Sir Arthur, Commander-in-Chief in Ireland, letter from Colonel Seely, 175; in London, 176; interviews with Ministers, 177; instructions from the War Office, 178, 180; conference with his officers, 179, 185; on the employment of troops in Ulster, 186 Parliament, assembled, 23, 131, 167; dissolved, 23, 275; adjourned, 99 Parliament Act, 23, 27, 43-45, 53, 91 Parliamentary Debates, viii, 29 note, 142, 179 note, 181 note, 185 note Parnell, Charles, saying of, 6; leader of the Nationalist Party, 6; downfall, 17 Pathfinder, H.M.S., 178 Patriotic, R.M.S., 128 Peel, Sir Robert, 138 Peel, W., at Belfast, 81 "People's Budget," 20; rejection, 42 Percival-Maxwell, Col., Privy Councillor, 284 Phoenix Park murders, 243 Pirrie, Lord, unpopularity in Belfast, 63; peerage conferred, 284 Pitt, Rt. Hon. William, 15 Plunkett, Sir Horace, Chairman of the Irish Convention, 257, 261; letter to Lloyd George, 264 Pollock, Sir Ernest, at Belfast, 81 Pollock, H.M., member of the Irish Convention, 257, 262 Portadown, meeting at, 108, 114 Portland, Duke of, signs the British Covenant, 170 Portrush, 55, 193 Presbyterian Church, General Assembly of the, 155 Presbyterians, political views, 12 Preston, George, subscription to the Indemnity Guarantee Fund, 156 Prisoners, release of, 256 Protestants, Irish, distrust of Roman Catholics, 9; dislike of clerical influence, 10
Ramsay, Sir W., signs the British Covenant, 170 Ranfurly, Earl of, organises the Ulster Loyalist Union, 30, 37; member of the Unionist Council, 35 Raphoe, Bishop of, member of the Irish Convention, 258, 260-262 Rawlinson, J.F.P., at Belfast, 81 Reade, R.H., 35 Reading, Mr. Asquith at, 24; election, 155 Redistribution Act, 275 Redmond, Capt., 275 Redmond, John, 174; on the national movement, 7; policy, 22; on Home Rule, 27, 54; with Mr. W. Churchill in Belfast, 63, 68; opinion of Sir E. Carson's speech, 133; protests against Amending Bill, 222; at Buckingham Palace Conference, 227; conditional offer of help in the war, 231, 233; tribute to, 239; patriotism, 239; refuses office, 242; at Dublin, 249; on the exclusion of Ulster, 250; manifesto, 254; at the Irish Convention, 260-262; death, 262; on the condition of Ireland, 298 Redmond, Major W., his speech in the House, 253; killed in the war, 253 Reform Club, Belfast, 122, 124, 191 Reid, Whitelaw, 274 Renan, E., on the root of nationality, 2 Reynolds's Newspaper, 89 Richardson, Gen. Sir George, Commander-in-Chief of the U.V.F., 161, 197; career, 161; characteristics, 162; at Belfast, 162, 217; reviews the U.V.F., 163-165 Rifles, seized by Government, 161, 195; purchase of, 198; packing, 201; landed in Ulster, 219 Roberts, F.M. Earl, 130, 188; letter to Col. Hickman, 161, 195; signs British Covenant, 170; congratulations to Sir E. Carson, 220; on the result of coercing Ulster, 224 Robertson, Rt. Hon. J.M., Secretary to the Board of Trade, on fiscal autonomy for Ireland, 76; at Newcastle, 153 Rochdale, Unionist Association at, 99 Roe, Owen, 7 Roman Catholics, Irish, disloyalty 9; character of the priest, 10; methods of enforcing obedience, 10-12 Rosebery, Earl of, 15, 18; at Glasgow, 22; on the characteristics of the Ulster race, 101 Rosslare, 220 Royal Irish Rifles, the 5th, 57 Russia, collapse of, 268 Russian rifles, 198
S.B., the Hebrew dealer in firearms, 197; agreement with Major F.H. Crawford, 197-200; honesty, 204 St. Aldwyn, Viscount, on the King's Prerogative, 151 Salisbury, Marq. of, at Belfast, 13, 81; message from, 109; views on Home Rule, 128 Salvidge, Mr., Alderman of Liverpool, 127, 128; signs the British Covenant, 170 Samuel, Mr. Herbert, at Belfast, 54 Sanderson, Colonel, Chairman of the Ulster Parliamentary Party, 35, 38 Saturday Review, The, extract from, 70 Sclater, Edward, Secretary of the Unionist Clubs, 53 Scotland, the Covenant, 103 Scotsman, The, 101, 225, 274 note Seely, Col. Sec. of State for War, letter to Sir A. Paget, 175; statement to Gen. Gough, 181; adds paragraphs, 181, 183; on the Curragh Incident, 182; resignation, 183, 184 Seymour, Adm. Sir E., signs British Covenant, 170 Sharman-Crawford, Col., member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35; of the Commission of Five, 53 Shaw, Lord, Letters to Isabel, 18 note Shiel Park, meeting at, 128 Shipyards, observance of Ulster Day, 117 Shortt, Rt. Hon. E., Chief Secretary for Ireland, 272 Simon, Sir John, 175 Sinclair, Rt. Hon. Thomas, at the Ulster Convention, 33; member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35, 67; on Home Rule, 38; member of a Commission, 63; on the Covenant, 104, 109; signs it, 121 Sinn Fein party, refuse to join the Convention, 255; in league with Germany, 271, 276; arrests, 271; members of Parliament, 276, 276; treason of, 276; congress in Dublin, 276; outrages, 277 Sinn Feinism, spirit of, 4 Skipton, 167 Smiley, Kerr, 156 Smith, Rt. Hon. F.E. (Lord Birkenhead), on the policy of Ulster, 97, 98; on the Covenant, 109; at the Ulster Club, 125; at Liverpool, 127; at the inspection of the U.V.F., 162; "galloper" to Gen. Sir G. Richardson, 163 Smith, Mr. Harold, 109 Solemn League and Covenant, 104; see Ulster Somme, battle of the, 234 Spectator, The, 225 Spender, Col. W. Bliss, U.V.F., 197, 203, 207, 215; awarded the O.B.E., 284 Standard, The, 70, 118, 225 Star, The, extract from, 89 Stronge, Sir James, member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35 Stuart-Wortley, Mr., at Belfast, 81 Submarine warfare, 253 Suffragists' campaign, 167 Swift, patriotism, 7
Tariff Reform policy, 18, 19; controversy, 59, 155, 167 Templetown, Lord, founds the Unionist Clubs, 30, 31 Thiepval, battle at, 234 Times, The, 32, 64, 69, 71, 77, 79, 82, 84, 99, 110, 115, 124, 126, 139, 140, 153, 172, 182, 187, 225; letters in, 152, 165 Tirah Expedition, 161 Tone, Wolfe, 7, 46, 142 Tramp steamer, diverts suspicion, 217 Turkington, James A., letter to Pres. Wilson, 296-299 Tuskar Light, 210, 211 Tyrone, contingent of Orangemen, 57
Ulster, use of the term, vii; opposition to Home Rule, 1, 2, 30; loyalty, 2-4, 33, 63, 139-143, 251; ancestry, 8; political views, 12; landlords and tenants, 12; mottoes, 13, 33; reluctant acceptance of a separate constitution, 14; organisations, 30-38; policy, 33, 51, 75, 77, 92, 93-100, 133, 136-143; military drilling, 57; characteristics of the people, 101; time limit for exclusion, 171; plot against, 174; emigrants in America, 274, 297; result of the Government of Ireland Act, 280 Ulster, British League for the support of, formed, 147 Ulster Club, Belfast, 125 Ulster, Convention of 1892, 80, 109 Ulster Covenant, draft, 104; terms, 105-107; series of demonstrations, 108-110; meeting in the Ulster Hall, 114; signing the, 120-124; anniversary, 158, 165, 236 Ulster Day, 165, 236; religious observance, 107, 117 Ulster Division, 1st Brigade, training, 237; recruiting, 238 Ulster Hall, 283; meetings, 30, 38, 40, 42, 62, 106, 108, 114, 237; service, 118, 158 Ulster Loyalist Anti-Repeal Union, 37 Ulster Loyalist and Patriotic Union, 30 Ulster Movement, vii, 1 Ulster Parliament, appointment of Ministers, 281-2; opened, 282-6 Ulster Provisional Government, 53, 145, 156, 163; judiciary, 146; constitution, 226 Ulster Unionist Clubs, founded, 30-1 Ulster Unionist Council, vii, 35; meetings, 27, 42, 52, 62, 65-67, 106, 145, 156, 210, 226, 236, 246-249, 279; members, 35, 36; co-operation with the Irish Unionist Alliance, 37; resolution adopted, 68-71; character, 75; scheme for the Provisional Government, 145; statement on the Curragh Incident, 186 Ulster Unionist Members of Parliament, 38; tour in Scotland and England, 149 Ulster Unionists, letter to Pres. Wilson, 273, 296-299 Ulster Volunteer Force, 58, 113, 137, 160; Indemnity Guarantee Fund, 156, 163; growth, 158, 160; parades, 162, 163-165, 167, 223, 226; strength, 168; arming the, 192-200, 223; organisation, 215; despatch-riders' corps, 215; trial mobilisation, 216; presentation of colours, 223; volunteer for service in the war, 229; organisation and training of the Division, 234 Ulster Women's Unionist Association, work of the, 166 Ulster Women's Unionist Council, formed, 37; meeting, 113 "Ulster 1912," Rudyard Kipling's, 79, 129 "Ulster's Reward," William Watson's, 129 Union Defence League, in London, 37 Unionist Associations of Ireland, joint committee, 37 Unionist Party, administration, 18, 20; defeated, 18; number of votes, 22, 26, 99; dissensions on Tariff Reform, 69; members at Belfast, 81 Unionists, Southern manifesto, 265; Committee formed, 265; result of the Government Act, 282
Valera, E. De, M.P. for East Clare, 256; arrested, 277; deported, 295 Vatican decrees, 11 Vickers & Co., Messrs., 194 Victoria, Queen, 136
Wallace, Col. R.H., member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35; member of a Commission, 53; Grand Master of the Belfast Lodges, 57; popularity, 57; career, 57; applies for leave to drill, 58; at the Ulster Unionist Council meeting, 67, 72; presentation of a banner to Sir E. Carson, 115; Command in the U.V.F., 163, 164; Privy Councillor, 284 Wallsend, 154 Walter, Mr. John, 225 War, the Great, 27, 228, 266 War Office, treatment of Gen. Gough, 181 Ward, Lieut.-Col. John, on the Curragh Incident, 182; "The Army and Ireland," 183 note, 238 Warden, F.W., 72 note Washington, George, 273, 291 Watson, Sir William, "Ulster's Reward," 129 Waziri Expedition, 161 Westminster Gazette, 114; cartoon, 87 Whig Revolution of 1688, 31 White Paper, 175 note, 176 note, 177 note, 178 note, 179 note, 180 note, 181 note, 185, 187 note, 188 William III, King, banner, 115 Willoughby de Broke, Lord, 109 Wilson, President, letter from the Nationalists, 273, 287-295; from the Unionists, 273, 296-299; phrase of "self-determination," 277 Wimborne, Lord, Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, resignation, 272 Wolff, G., 35 Wolseley, Viscount, 187 Women's Unionist Council, Ulster, formed, 37; meeting, 113 Workman and Clark, Messrs., 214 Workman, Frank, 157 Wynyard, Lord Londonderry's death at, 241
Yarmouth, 207 York, 149 York, Archbp. of, on the Home Rule Bill, 134 Yorkshire Post, The, 149, 163 Young, Rt. Hon. John, member of the Ulster Unionist Council, 35; at the meeting, 67; takes part in the campaign, 109; signs the Covenant, 122 Young, W.R., organises the Ulster Loyalist and Patriotic Union, 30, 37; signs the Covenant, 122; Privy Councillor, 284
Zhob Valley Field Force, expedition, 161