She broke down and began to cry. "He was my only son," she sobbed, "my only son—and I gave him up for the Union, and——" She could say no more.
Her distress affected the boys deeply.
"If I could but find his grave. Even that would be better than this agonizing suspense."
"What was your son's name?" asked the boys, gently.
She told them.
"Why, that's our soldier!" exclaimed both boys.
"Do you know him?" she asked eagerly. "Is—? Is——?" Her voice refused to frame the fearful question.
"Yes'm. In our garden," said the boys, almost inaudibly.
The mother bent her head over on her grandson's shoulder and wept aloud. Awful as the suspense had been, now that the last hope was removed the shock was terrible. She gave a stifled cry, then wept with uncontrollable grief.
The boys, with pale faces and eyes moist with sympathy, turned away their heads and stood silent. At length she grew calmer.
"Won't you come home with us? Our father and mother will be so glad to have you," they said hospitably.
After questioning them a little further, she decided to go. The boys climbed into the back of the wagon. As they went along, the boys told her all about her son,—his carrying Frank, their finding him wounded near the road, and about his death and burial.
"He was a real brave soldier," they told her consolingly.
As they approached the house, she asked whether they could give her grandson something to eat.
"Oh, yes, indeed. Certainly," they answered. Then, thinking perhaps they were raising her hopes too high, they exclaimed apologetically:
"We haven't got much. We didn't kill any squirrels this morning. Both our guns are broken and don't shoot very well, now."
She was much impressed by the appearance of the place, which looked very beautiful among the trees.
"Oh, yes, they're big folks," said the driver.
She would have waited at the gate when they reached the house, but the boys insisted that they all should come in at once. One of them ran forward and, meeting his mother just coming out to the porch, told who the visitor was.
Their mother instantly came down the steps and walked toward the gate. The women met face to face. There was no introduction. None was needed.
"My son——" faltered the elder lady, her strength giving out.
The boys' mother put her handkerchief to her eyes.
"I have one, too;—God alone knows where he is," she sobbed.
Each knew how great was the other's loss, and in sympathy with another's grief found consolation for her own.
The visitors remained at Oakland for several days, as the lady wished to have her son's remains removed to the old homestead in Delaware. She was greatly distressed over the want which she saw at Oakland—for there was literally nothing to eat but black-eyed pease and the boys' chickens. Every incident of the war interested her. She was delighted with their Cousin Belle, and took much interest in her story, which was told by the boys' mother.
Her grandson, Dupont, was a fine, brave, and generous young fellow. He had spent his boyhood near a town, and could neither ride, swim, nor shoot as the Oakland boys did; but he was never afraid to try anything, and the boys took a great liking to him, and he to them.
When the young soldier's body had been removed, the visitors left; not, however, until the boys had made their companion promise to pay them a visit. After the departure of these friends they were much missed.
But the next day there was a great rejoicing at Oakland. Every one was in the dining-room at dinner, and the boys' father had just risen from the table and walked out of the room. A second later they heard an exclamation of astonishment from him, and he called eagerly to his wife, "Come here, quickly!" and ran down the steps. Every one rose and ran out. Hugh and the General were just entering the yard.
They were pale and thin and looked ill; but all the past was forgotten in the greeting.
* * * * *
The boys soon knew that the General was making his peace with their Cousin Belle, who looked prettier than ever. It required several long walks before all was made right; but there was no disposition toward severity on either side. It was determined that the wedding was to take place very soon. The boys' father suggested, as an objection to an immediate wedding, that since the General was just half his usual size, it would be better to wait until he should regain his former proportions, so that all of him might be married; but the General would not accept the proposition for delay, and Cousin Belle finally consented to be married at once.
The old place was in a great stir over the preparations. A number of the old servants, including Uncle Balla and Lucy Ann, had one by one come back to their old home. The trunks in the garret were ransacked once more, and enough was found to make up a wedding trousseau of two dresses.
Hugh was to be the General's best man, and the boys were to be the ushers. The only difficulty was that their patched clothes made them feel a little abashed at the prominent roles they were to assume. However, their mother made them each a nice jacket from a striped dress, one of her only two dresses, and she adorned them with the military brass buttons their father had had taken from his coat; so they felt very proud. Their father, of course, was to give the bride away,—an office he accepted with pleasure, he said, provided he did not have to move too far, which might be hazardous so long as he had to wear his spurs to keep the soles on his boots.
* * * * *
Thus, even amid the ruins, the boys found life joyous, and if they were without everything else, they had life, health, and hope. The old guns were broken, and they had to ride in the ox-cart; but they hoped to have others and to do better, some day.
The "some day" came sooner than they expected.
The morning before the wedding, word came that there were at the railroad station several boxes for their mother. The ox-cart was sent for them. When the boxes arrived, that evening, there was a letter from their friend in Delaware, congratulating Cousin Belle and apologizing for having sent "a few things" to her Southern friends.
The "few things" consisted not only of necessaries, but of everything which good taste could suggest. There was a complete trousseau for Cousin Belle, and clothes for each member of the family. The boys had new suits of fine cloth with shirts and underclothes in plenty.
But the best surprise of all was found when they came to the bottom of the biggest box, and found two long, narrow cases, marked, "For the Oakland boys." These cases held beautiful, new double-barrelled guns of the finest make. There was a large supply of ammunition, and in each case there was a letter from Dupont promising to come and spend his vacation with them, and sending his love and good wishes and thanks to his friends—the "Two Little Confederates."
* * * * *
Transcriber's Notes
Original spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, and punctuation have been retained except for the following changes:
Page 20: oe in Coeur was originally a ligature (C[oe]ur de Lion.)
Page 20: hen-roots changed to hen-roosts (hen-roots were robbed).
Page 86: litttle changed to little (looked a litttle rustier).
Page 107: throughly changed to thoroughly (throughly enjoyed their holiday;).
Page 121: oe in manoeuvres was originally a ligature (their man[oe]uvres for some time.).