D'Artagnan said nothing, but, after having gnawed the flower stalk, he began to bite his nails. At last:
"Do you imagine," he resumed, "that they mean to kill you? And wherefore should they do so? What interest have they in your death? Moreover, you are our prisoners."
"Fool!" cried Aramis; "knowest thou not, then, Mordaunt? I have but exchanged with him one look, yet that look convinced me that we were doomed."
"The truth is, I'm very sorry that I did not strangle him as you advised me," said Porthos.
"Eh! I make no account of the harm Mordaunt can do!" cried D'Artagnan. "Cap de Diou! if he troubles me too much I will crush him, the insect! Do not fly, then. It is useless; for I swear to you that you are as safe here as you were twenty years, ago—you, Athos, in the Rue Ferou, and you, Aramis, in the Rue de Vaugirard."
"Stop," cried Athos, extending his hand to one of the grated windows by which the room was lighted; "you will soon know what to expect, for here he is."
In fact, looking at the place to which Athos pointed, D'Artagnan saw a cavalier coming toward the house at full gallop.
It was Mordaunt.
D'Artagnan rushed out of the room.
Porthos wanted to follow him.
"Stay," said D'Artagnan, "and do not come till you hear me drum my fingers on the door."
When Mordaunt arrived opposite the house he saw D'Artagnan on the threshold and the soldiers lying on the grass here and there, with their arms.
"Halloo!" he cried, "are the prisoners still there?"
"Yes, sir," answered the sergeant, uncovering.
"'Tis well; order four men to conduct them to my lodging."
Four men prepared to do so.
"What is it?" said D'Artagnan, with that jeering manner which our readers have so often observed in him since they made his acquaintance. "What is the matter, if you please?"
"Sir," replied Mordaunt, "I have ordered the two prisoners we made this morning to be conducted to my lodging."
"Wherefore, sir? Excuse curiosity, but I wish to be enlightened on the subject."
"Because these prisoners, sir, are at my disposal and I choose to dispose of them as I like."
"Allow me—allow me, sir," said D'Artagnan, "to observe you are in error. The prisoners belong to those who take them and not to those who only saw them taken. You might have taken Lord Winter—who, 'tis said, was your uncle—prisoner, but you preferred killing him; 'tis well; we, that is, Monsieur du Vallon and I, could have killed our prisoners—we preferred taking them."
Mordaunt's very lips grew white with rage.
D'Artagnan now saw that affairs were growing worse and he beat the guard's march upon the door. At the first beat Porthos rushed out and stood on the other side of the door.
This movement was observed by Mordaunt.
"Sir!" he thus addressed D'Artagnan, "your resistance is useless; these prisoners have just been given me by my illustrious patron, Oliver Cromwell."
These words struck D'Artagnan like a thunderbolt. The blood mounted to his temples, his eyes became dim; he saw from what fountainhead the ferocious hopes of the young man arose, and he put his hand to the hilt of his sword.
As for Porthos, he looked inquiringly at D'Artagnan.
This look of Porthos's made the Gascon regret that he had summoned the brute force of his friend to aid him in an affair which seemed to require chiefly cunning.
"Violence," he said to himself, "would spoil all; D'Artagnan, my friend, prove to this young serpent that thou art not only stronger, but more subtle than he is."
"Ah!" he said, making a low bow, "why did you not begin by saying that, Monsieur Mordaunt? What! are you sent by General Oliver Cromwell, the most illustrious captain of the age?"
"I have this instant left him," replied Mordaunt, alighting, in order to give his horse to a soldier to hold.
"Why did you not say so at once, my dear sir! all England is with Cromwell; and since you ask for my prisoners, I bend, sir, to your wishes. They are yours; take them."
Mordaunt, delighted, advanced, Porthos looking at D'Artagnan with open-mouthed astonishment. Then D'Artagnan trod on his foot and Porthos began to understand that this was merely acting.
Mordaunt put his foot on the first step of the door and, with his hat in hand, prepared to pass by the two friends, motioning to the four men to follow him.
"But, pardon," said D'Artagnan, with the most charming smile and putting his hand on the young man's shoulder, "if the illustrious General Oliver Cromwell has disposed of our prisoners in your favour, he has, of course, made that act of donation in writing."
Mordaunt stopped short.
"He has given you some little writing for me—the least bit of paper which may show that you come in his name. Be pleased to give me that scrap of paper so that I may justify, by a pretext at least, my abandoning my countrymen. Otherwise, you see, although I am sure that General Oliver Cromwell can intend them no harm, it would have a bad appearance."
Mordaunt recoiled; he felt the blow and discharged a terrible look at D'Artagnan, who responded by the most amiable expression that ever graced a human countenance.
"When I tell you a thing, sir," said Mordaunt, "you insult me by doubting it."
"I!" cried D'Artagnan, "I doubt what you say! God keep me from it, my dear Monsieur Mordaunt! On the contrary, I take you to be a worthy and accomplished gentleman. And then, sir, do you wish me to speak freely to you?" continued D'Artagnan, with his frank expression.
"Speak out, sir," said Mordaunt.
"Monsieur du Vallon, yonder, is rich and has forty thousand francs yearly, so he does not care about money. I do not speak for him, but for myself."
"Well, sir? What more?"
"Well—I—I'm not rich. In Gascony 'tis no dishonor, sir, nobody is rich; and Henry IV., of glorious memory, who was the king of the Gascons, as His Majesty Philip IV. is the king of the Spaniards, never had a penny in his pocket."
"Go on, sir, I see what you wish to get at; and if it is simply what I think that stops you, I can obviate the difficulty."
"Ah, I knew well," said the Gascon, "that you were a man of talent. Well, here's the case, here's where the saddle hurts me, as we French say. I am an officer of fortune, nothing else; I have nothing but what my sword brings me in—that is to say, more blows than banknotes. Now, on taking prisoners, this morning, two Frenchmen, who seemed to me of high birth—in short, two knights of the Garter—I said to myself, my fortune is made. I say two, because in such circumstances, Monsieur du Vallon, who is rich, always gives me his prisoners."
Mordaunt, completely deceived by the wordy civility of D'Artagnan, smiled like a man who understands perfectly the reasons given him, and said:
"I shall have the order signed directly, sir, and with it two thousand pistoles; meanwhile, let me take these men away."
"No," replied D'Artagnan; "what signifies a delay of half an hour? I am a man of order, sir; let us do things in order."
"Nevertheless," replied Mordaunt, "I could compel you; I command here."
"Ah, sir!" said D'Artagnan, "I see that although we have had the honor of traveling in your company you do not know us. We are gentlemen; we are, both of us, able to kill you and your eight men—we two only. For Heaven's sake don't be obstinate, for when others are obstinate I am obstinate likewise, and then I become ferocious and headstrong, and there's my friend, who is even more headstrong and ferocious than myself. Besides, we are sent here by Cardinal Mazarin, and at this moment represent both the king and the cardinal, and are, therefore, as ambassadors, able to act with impunity, a thing that General Oliver Cromwell, who is assuredly as great a politician as he is a general, is quite the man to understand. Ask him then, for the written order. What will that cost you my dear Monsieur Mordaunt?"
"Yes, the written order," said Porthos, who now began to comprehend what D'Artagnan was aiming at, "we ask only for that."
However inclined Mordaunt was to have recourse to violence, he understood the reasons D'Artagnan had given him; besides, completely ignorant of the friendship which existed between the four Frenchmen, all his uneasiness disappeared when he heard of the plausible motive of the ransom. He decided, therefore, not only to fetch the order, but the two thousand pistoles, at which he estimated the prisoners. He therefore mounted his horse and disappeared.
"Good!" thought D'Artagnan; "a quarter of an hour to go to the tent, a quarter of an hour to return; it is more than we need." Then turning, without the least change of countenance, to Porthos, he said, looking him full in the face: "Friend Porthos, listen to this; first, not a syllable to either of our friends of what you have heard; it is unnecessary for them to know the service we are going to render them."
"Very well; I understand."
"Go to the stable; you will find Mousqueton there; saddle your horses, put your pistols in your saddle-bags, take out the horses and lead them to the street below this, so that there will be nothing to do but mount them; all the rest is my business."
Porthos made no remark, but obeyed, with the sublime confidence he had in his friend.
"I go," he said, "only, shall I enter the chamber where those gentlemen are?"
"No, it is not worth while."
"Well, do me the kindness to take my purse, which I left on the mantelpiece."
"All right."
He then proceeded, with his usual calm gait, to the stable and went into the very midst of the soldiery, who, foreigner as he was, could not help admiring his height and the enormous strength of his great limbs.
At the corner of the street he met Mousqueton and took him with him.
D'Artagnan, meantime, went into the house, whistling a tune which he had begun before Porthos went away.
"My dear Athos, I have reflected on your arguments and I am convinced. I am sorry to have had anything to do with this matter. As you say, Mazarin is a knave. I have resolved to fly with you, not a word—be ready. Your swords are in the corner; do not forget them, they are in many circumstances very useful; there is Porthos's purse, too."
He put it into his pocket. The two friends were perfectly stupefied.
"Well, pray, is there anything to be so surprised at?" he said. "I was blind; Athos has made me see, that's all; come here."
The two friends went near him.
"Do you see that street? There are the horses. Go out by the door, turn to the right, jump into your saddles, all will be right; don't be uneasy at anything except mistaking the signal. That will be the signal when I call out—Jesus Seigneur!"
"But give us your word that you will come too, D'Artagnan," said Athos.
"I swear I will, by Heaven."
"'Tis settled," said Aramis; "at the cry 'Jesus Seigneur' we go out, upset all that stands in our way, run to our horses, jump into our saddles, spur them; is that all?"
"See, Aramis, as I have told you, D'Artagnan is first amongst us all," said Athos.
"Very true," replied the Gascon, "but I always run away from compliments. Don't forget the signal: 'Jesus Seigneur!'" and he went out as he came in, whistling the self-same air.
The soldiers were playing or sleeping; two of them were singing in a corner, out of tune, the psalm: "On the rivers of Babylon."
D'Artagnan called the sergeant. "My dear friend, General Cromwell has sent Monsieur Mordaunt to fetch me. Guard the prisoners well, I beg of you."
The sergeant made a sign, as much as to say he did not understand French, and D'Artagnan tried to make him comprehend by signs and gestures. Then he went into the stable; he found the five horses saddled, his own amongst the rest.
"Each of you take a horse by the bridle," he said to Porthos and Mousqueton; "turn to the left, so that Athos and Aramis may see you clearly from the window."
"They are coming, then?" said Porthos.
"In a moment."
"You didn't forget my purse?"
"No; be easy."
Porthos and Mousqueton each took a horse by the bridle and proceeded to their post.
Then D'Artagnan, being alone, struck a light and lighted a small bit of tinder, mounted his horse and stopped at the door in the midst of the soldiers. There, caressing as he pretended, the animal with his hand, he put this bit of burning tinder in his ear. It was necessary to be as good a horseman as he was to risk such a scheme, for no sooner had the animal felt the burning tinder than he uttered a cry of pain and reared and jumped as if he had been mad.
The soldiers, whom he was nearly trampling, ran away.
"Help! help!" cried D'Artagnan; "stop—my horse has the staggers."
In an instant the horse's eyes grew bloodshot and he was white with foam.
"Help!" cried D'Artagnan. "What! will you let me be killed? Jesus Seigneur!"
No sooner had he uttered this cry than the door opened and Athos and Aramis rushed out. The coast, owing to the Gascon's stratagem, was clear.
"The prisoners are escaping! the prisoners are escaping!" cried the sergeant.
"Stop! stop!" cried D'Artagnan, giving rein to his famous steed, who, darting forth, overturned several men.
"Stop! stop!" cried the soldiers, and ran for their arms.
But the prisoners were in their saddles and lost no time hastening to the nearest gate.
In the middle of the street they saw Grimaud and Blaisois, who were coming to find their masters. With one wave of his hand Athos made Grimaud, who followed the little troop, understand everything, and they passed on like a whirlwind, D'Artagnan still directing them from behind with his voice.
They passed through the gate like apparitions, without the guards thinking of detaining them, and reached the open country.
All this time the soldiers were calling out, "Stop! stop!" and the sergeant, who began to see that he was the victim of an artifice, was almost in a frenzy of despair. Whilst all this was going on, a cavalier in full gallop was seen approaching. It was Mordaunt with the order in his hand.
"The prisoners!" he exclaimed, jumping off his horse.
The sergeant had not the courage to reply; he showed him the open door, the empty room. Mordaunt darted to the steps, understood all, uttered a cry, as if his very heart was pierced, and fell fainting on the stone steps.
59. In which it is shown that under the most trying Circumstances noble Natures never lose their Courage, nor good Stomachs their Appetites.
The little troop, without looking behind them or exchanging a word, fled at a rapid gallop, fording a little stream, of which none of them knew the name, and leaving on their left a town which Athos declared to be Durham. At last they came in sight of a small wood, and spurring their horses afresh, rode in its direction.
As soon as they had disappeared behind a green curtain sufficiently thick to conceal them from the sight of any one who might be in pursuit they drew up to hold a council together. The two grooms held the horses, that they might take a little rest without being unsaddled, and Grimaud was posted as sentinel.
"Come, first of all," said Athos to D'Artagnan, "my friend, that I may shake hands with you—you, our rescuer—you, the true hero of us all."
"Athos is right—you have my adoration," said Aramis, in his turn pressing his hand. "To what are you not equal, with your superior intelligence, infallible eye, your arm of iron and your enterprising mind!"
"Now," said the Gascon, "that is all well, I accept for Porthos and myself everything—thanks and compliments; we have plenty of time to spare."
The two friends, recalled by D'Artagnan to what was also due to Porthos, pressed his hand in their turn.
"And now," said Athos, "it is not our plan to run anywhere and like madmen, but we must map up our campaign. What shall we do?"
"What are we going to do, i'faith? It is not very difficult to say."
"Tell us, then, D'Artagnan."
"We are going to reach the nearest seaport, unite our little resources, hire a vessel and return to France. As for me I will give my last sou for it. Life is the greatest treasure, and speaking candidly, ours hangs by a thread."
"What do you say to this, Du Vallon?"
"I," said Porthos, "I am entirely of D'Artagnan's opinion; this is a 'beastly' country, this England."
"You are quite decided, then, to leave it?" asked Athos of D'Artagnan.
"Egad! I don't see what is to keep me here."
A glance was exchanged between Athos and Aramis.
"Go, then, my friends," said the former, sighing.
"How, go then?" exclaimed D'Artagnan. "Let us go, you mean?"
"No, my friend," said Athos, "you must leave us."
"Leave you!" cried D'Artagnan, quite bewildered at this unexpected announcement.
"Bah!" said Porthos, "why separate, since we are all together?"
"Because you can and ought to return to France; your mission is accomplished, but ours is not."
"Your mission is not accomplished?" exclaimed D'Artagnan, looking in astonishment at Athos.
"No, my friend," replied Athos, in his gentle but decided voice, "we came here to defend King Charles; we have but ill defended him—it remains for us to save him!"
"To save the king?" said D'Artagnan, looking at Aramis as he had looked at Athos.
Aramis contented himself by making a sign with his head.
D'Artagnan's countenance took an expression of the deepest compassion; he began to think he had to do with madmen.
"You cannot be speaking seriously, Athos!" said he; "the king is surrounded by an army, which is conducting him to London. This army is commanded by a butcher, or the son of a butcher—it matters little—Colonel Harrison. His majesty, I can assure you, will be tried on his arrival in London; I have heard enough from the lips of Oliver Cromwell to know what to expect."
A second look was exchanged between Athos and Aramis.
"And when the trial is ended there will be no delay in putting the sentence into execution," continued D'Artagnan.
"And to what penalty do you think the king will be condemned?" asked Athos.
"The penalty of death, I greatly fear; they have gone too far for him to pardon them, and there is nothing left to them but one thing, and that is to kill him. Have you never heard what Oliver Cromwell said when he came to Paris and was shown the dungeon at Vincennes where Monsieur de Vendome was imprisoned?"
"What did he say?" asked Porthos.
"'Princes must be knocked on the head.'"
"I remember it," said Athos.
"And you fancy he will not put his maxim into execution, now that he has got hold of the king?"
"On the contrary, I am certain he will do so. But then that is all the more reason why we should not abandon the august head so threatened."
"Athos, you are becoming mad."
"No, my friend," Athos gently replied, "but De Winter sought us out in France and introduced us, Monsieur d'Herblay and myself, to Madame Henrietta. Her majesty did us the honor to ask our aid for her husband. We engaged our word; our word included everything. It was our strength, our intelligence, our life, in short, that we promised. It remains now for us to keep our word. Is that your opinion, D'Herblay?"
"Yes," said Aramis, "we have promised."
"Then," continued Athos, "we have another reason; it is this—listen: In France at this moment everything is poor and paltry. We have a king ten years old, who doesn't yet know what he wants; we have a queen blinded by a belated passion; we have a minister who governs France as he would govern a great farm—that is to say, intent only on turning out all the gold he can by the exercise of Italian cunning and invention; we have princes who set up a personal and egotistic opposition, who will draw from Mazarin's hands only a few ingots of gold or some shreds of power granted as bribes. I have served them without enthusiasm—God knows that I estimated them at their real value, and that they are not high in my esteem—but on principle. To-day I am engaged in a different affair. I have encountered misfortune in a high place, a royal misfortune, a European misfortune; I attach myself to it. If we can succeed in saving the king it will be good; if we die for him it will be grand."
"So you know beforehand you must perish!" said D'Artagnan.
"We fear so, and our only regret is to die so far from both of you."
"What will you do in a foreign land, an enemy's country?"
"I traveled in England when I was young, I speak English like an Englishman, and Aramis, too, knows something of the language. Ah! if we had you, my friends! With you, D'Artagnan, with you, Porthos—all four reunited for the first time for twenty years—we would dare not only England, but the three kingdoms put together!"
"And did you promise the queen," resumed D'Artagnan, petulantly, "to storm the Tower of London, to kill a hundred thousand soldiers, to fight victoriously against the wishes of the nation and the ambition of a man, and when that man is Cromwell? Do not exaggerate your duty. In Heaven's name, my dear Athos, do not make a useless sacrifice. When I see you merely, you look like a reasonable being; when you speak, I seem to have to do with a madman. Come, Porthos, join me; say frankly, what do you think of this business?"
"Nothing good," replied Porthos.
"Come," continued D'Artagnan, who, irritated that instead of listening to him Athos seemed to be attending to his own thoughts, "you have never found yourself the worse for my advice. Well, then, believe me, Athos, your mission is ended, and ended nobly; return to France with us."
"Friend," said Athos, "our resolution is irrevocable."
"Then you have some other motive unknown to us?"
Athos smiled and D'Artagnan struck his hand together in anger and muttered the most convincing reasons that he could discover; but to all these reasons Athos contented himself by replying with a calm, sweet smile and Aramis by nodding his head.
"Very well," cried D'Artagnan, at last, furious, "very well, since you wish it, let us leave our bones in this beggarly land, where it is always cold, where fine weather is a fog, fog is rain, and rain a deluge; where the sun represents the moon and the moon a cream cheese; in truth, whether we die here or elsewhere matters little, since we must die."
"Only reflect, my good fellow," said Athos, "it is but dying rather sooner."
"Pooh! a little sooner or a little later, it isn't worth quarreling over."
"If I am astonished at anything," remarked Porthos, sententiously, "it is that it has not already happened."
"Oh, it will happen, you may be sure," said D'Artagnan. "So it is agreed, and if Porthos makes no objection——"
"I," said Porthos, "I will do whatever you please; and besides, I think what the Comte de la Fere said just now is very good."
"But your future career, D'Artagnan—your ambition, Porthos?"
"Our future, our ambition!" replied D'Artagnan, with feverish volubility. "Need we think of that since we are to save the king? The king saved—we shall assemble our friends together—we will head the Puritans—reconquer England; we shall re-enter London—place him securely on his throne——"
"And he will make us dukes and peers," said Porthos, whose eyes sparkled with joy at this imaginary prospect.
"Or he will forget us," added D'Artagnan.
"Oh!" said Porthos.
"Well, that has happened, friend Porthos. It seems to me that we once rendered Anne of Austria a service not much less than that which to-day we are trying to perform for Charles I.; but, none the less, Anne of Austria has forgotten us for twenty years."
"Well, in spite of that, D'Artagnan," said Athos, "you are not sorry that you were useful to her?"
"No, indeed," said D'Artagnan; "I admit even that in my darkest moments I find consolation in that remembrance."
"You see, then, D'Artagnan, though princes often are ungrateful, God never is."
"Athos," said D'Artagnan, "I believe that were you to fall in with the devil, you would conduct yourself so well that you would take him with you to Heaven."
"So, then?" said Athos, offering his hand to D'Artagnan.
"'Tis settled," replied D'Artagnan. "I find England a charming country, and I stay—but on one condition only."
"What is it?"
"That I am not forced to learn English."
"Well, now," said Athos, triumphantly, "I swear to you, my friend, by the God who hears us—I believe that there is a power watching over us, and that we shall all four see France again."
"So be it!" said D'Artagnan, "but I—I confess I have a contrary conviction."
"Our good D'Artagnan," said Aramis, "represents among us the opposition in parliament, which always says no, and always does aye."
"But in the meantime saves the country," added Athos.
"Well, now that everything is decided," cried Porthos, rubbing his hands, "suppose we think of dinner! It seems to me that in the most critical positions of our lives we have always dined."
"Oh! yes, speak of dinner in a country where for a feast they eat boiled mutton, and as a treat drink beer. What the devil did you come to such a country for, Athos? But I forgot," added the Gascon, smiling, "pardon, I forgot you are no longer Athos; but never mind, let us hear your plan for dinner, Porthos."
"My plan!"
"Yes, have you a plan?"
"No! I am hungry, that is all."
"Pardieu, if that is all, I am hungry, too; but it is not everything to be hungry, one must find something to eat, unless we browse on the grass, like our horses——"
"Ah!" exclaimed Aramis, who was not quite so indifferent to the good things of the earth as Athos, "do you remember, when we were at Parpaillot, the beautiful oysters that we ate?"
"And the legs of mutton of the salt marshes," said Porthos, smacking his lips.
"But," suggested D'Artagnan, "have we not our friend Mousqueton, who managed for us so well at Chantilly, Porthos?"
"Yes," said Porthos, "we have Mousqueton, but since he has been steward, he has become very heavy; never mind, let us call him, and to make sure that he will reply agreeably——
"Here! Mouston," cried Porthos.
Mouston appeared, with a most piteous face.
"What is the matter, my dear M. Mouston?" asked D'Artagnan. "Are you ill?"
"Sir, I am very hungry," replied Mouston.
"Well, it is just for that reason that we have called you, my good M. Mouston. Could you not procure us a few of those nice little rabbits, and some of those delicious partridges, of which you used to make fricassees at the hotel——? 'Faith, I do not remember the name of the hotel."
"At the hotel of——," said Porthos; "by my faith—nor do I remember it either."
"It does not matter; and a few of those bottles of old Burgundy wine, which cured your master so quickly of his sprain!"
"Alas! sir," said Mousqueton, "I much fear that what you ask for are very rare things in this detestable and barren country, and I think we should do better to go and seek hospitality from the owner of a little house we see on the fringe of the forest."
"How! is there a house in the neighborhood?" asked D'Artagnan.
"Yes, sir," replied Mousqueton.
"Well, let us, as you say, go and ask a dinner from the master of that house. What is your opinion, gentlemen, and does not M. Mouston's suggestion appear to you full of sense?"
"Oh!" said Aramis, "suppose the master is a Puritan?"
"So much the better, mordioux!" replied D'Artagnan; "if he is a Puritan we will inform him of the capture of the king, and in honor of the news he will kill for us his fatted hens."
"But if he should be a cavalier?" said Porthos.
"In that case we will put on an air of mourning and he will pluck for us his black fowls."
"You are very happy," exclaimed Athos, laughing, in spite of himself, at the sally of the irresistible Gascon; "for you see the bright side of everything."
"What would you have?" said D'Artagnan. "I come from a land where there is not a cloud in the sky."
"It is not like this, then," said Porthos stretching out his hand to assure himself whether a chill sensation he felt on his cheek was not really caused by a drop of rain.
"Come, come," said D'Artagnan, "more reason why we should start on our journey. Halloo, Grimaud!"
Grimaud appeared.
"Well, Grimaud, my friend, have you seen anything?" asked the Gascon.
"Nothing!" replied Grimaud.
"Those idiots!" cried Porthos, "they have not even pursued us. Oh! if we had been in their place!"
"Yes, they are wrong," said D'Artagnan. "I would willingly have said two words to Mordaunt in this little desert. It is an excellent spot for bringing down a man in proper style."
"I think, decidedly," observed Aramis, "gentlemen, that the son hasn't his mother's energy."
"What, my good fellow!" replied Athos, "wait awhile; we have scarcely left him two hours ago—he does not know yet in what direction we came nor where we are. We may say that he is not equal to his mother when we put foot in France, if we are not poisoned or killed before then."
"Meanwhile, let us dine," suggested Porthos.
"I'faith, yes," said Athos, "for I am hungry."
"Look out for the black fowls!" cried Aramis.
And the four friends, guided by Mousqueton, took up the way toward the house, already almost restored to their former gayety; for they were now, as Athos had said, all four once more united and of single mind.
60. Respect to Fallen Majesty.
As our fugitives approached the house, they found the ground cut up, as if a considerable body of horsemen had preceded them. Before the door the traces were yet more apparent; these horsemen, whoever they might be, had halted there.
"Egad!" cried D'Artagnan, "it's quite clear that the king and his escort have been by here."
"The devil!" said Porthos; "in that case they have eaten everything."
"Bah!" said D'Artagnan, "they will have left a chicken, at least." He dismounted and knocked on the door. There was no response.
He pushed open the door and found the first room empty and deserted.
"Well?" cried Porthos.
"I can see nobody," said D'Artagnan. "Aha!"
At this word the three friends leaped from their horses and entered. D'Artagnan had already opened the door of the second room, and from the expression of his face it was clear that he there beheld some extraordinary object.
The three friends drew near and discovered a young man stretched on the ground, bathed in a pool of blood. It was evident that he had attempted to regain his bed, but had not had sufficient strength to do so.
Athos, who imagined that he saw him move, was the first to go up to him.
"Well?" inquired D'Artagnan.
"Well, if he is dead," said Athos, "he has not been so long, for he is still warm. But no, his heart is beating. Ho, there, my friend!"
The wounded man heaved a sigh. D'Artagnan took some water in the hollow of his hand and threw it upon his face. The man opened his eyes, made an effort to raise his head, and fell back again. The wound was in the top of his skull and blood was flawing copiously.
Aramis dipped a cloth into some water and applied it to the gash. Again the wounded man opened his eyes and looked in astonishment at these strangers, who appeared to pity him.
"You are among friends," said Athos, in English; "so cheer up, and tell us, if you have the strength to do so, what has happened?"
"The king," muttered the wounded man, "the king is a prisoner."
"You have seen him?" asked Aramis, in the same language.
The man made no reply.
"Make your mind easy," resumed Athos, "we are all faithful servants of his majesty."
"Is what you tell me true?" asked the wounded man.
"On our honor as gentlemen."
"Then I may tell you all. I am brother to Parry, his majesty's lackey."
Athos and Aramis remembered that this was the name by which De Winter had called the man they had found in the passage of the king's tent.
"We know him," said Athos, "he never left the king."
"Yes, that is he. Well, he thought of me, when he saw the king was taken, and as they were passing before the house he begged in the king's name that they would stop, as the king was hungry. They brought him into this room and placed sentinels at the doors and windows. Parry knew this room, as he had often been to see me when the king was at Newcastle. He knew that there was a trap-door communicating with a cellar, from which one could get into the orchard. He made a sign, which I understood, but the king's guards must have noticed it and held themselves on guard. I went out as if to fetch wood, passed through the subterranean passage into the cellar, and whilst Parry was gently bolting the door, pushed up the board and beckoned to the king to follow me. Alas! he would not. But Parry clasped his hands and implored him, and at last he agreed. I went on first, fortunately. The king was a few steps behind me, when suddenly I saw something rise up in front of me like a huge shadow. I wanted to cry out to warn the king, but that very moment I felt a blow as if the house was falling on my head, and fell insensible. When I came to myself again, I was stretched in the same place. I dragged myself as far as the yard. The king and his escort were no longer there. I spent perhaps an hour in coming from the yard to this place; then my strength gave out and I fainted again."
"And now how are you feeling?"
"Very ill," replied the wounded man.
"Can we do anything for you?" asked Athos.
"Help to put me on the bed; I think I shall feel better there."
"Have you any one to depend on for assistance?"
"My wife is at Durham and may return at any moment. But you—is there nothing that you want?"
"We came here with the intention of asking for something to eat."
"Alas, they have taken everything; there isn't a morsel of bread in the house."
"You hear, D'Artagnan?" said Athos; "we shall have to look elsewhere for our dinner."
"It is all one to me now," said D'Artagnan; "I am no longer hungry."
"Faith! neither am I," said Porthos.
They carried the man to his bed and called Grimaud to dress the wound. In the service of the four friends Grimaud had had so frequent occasion to make lint and bandages that he had become something of a surgeon.
In the meantime the fugitives had returned to the first room, where they took counsel together.
"Now," said Aramis, "we know how the matter stands. The king and his escort have gone this way; we had better take the opposite direction, eh?"
Athos did not reply; he reflected.
"Yes," said Porthos, "let us take the opposite direction; if we follow the escort we shall find everything devoured and die of hunger. What a confounded country this England is! This is the first time I have gone without my dinner for ten years, and it is generally my best meal."
"What do you think, D'Artagnan?" asked Athos. "Do you agree with Aramis?"
"Not at all," said D'Artagnan; "I am precisely of the contrary opinion."
"What! you would follow the escort?" exclaimed Porthos, in dismay.
"No, I would join the escort."
Athos's eyes shone with joy.
"Join the escort!" cried Aramis.
"Let D'Artagnan speak," said Athos; "you know he always has wise advice to give."
"Clearly," said D'Artagnan, "we must go where they will not look for us. Now, they will be far from looking for us among the Puritans; therefore, with the Puritans we must go."
"Good, my friend, good!" said Athos. "It is excellent advice. I was about to give it when you anticipated me."
"That, then, is your opinion?" asked Aramis.
"Yes. They will think we are trying to leave England and will search for us at the ports; meanwhile we shall reach London with the king. Once in London we shall be hard to find—without considering," continued Athos, throwing a glance at Aramis, "the chances that may come to us on the way."
"Yes," said Aramis, "I understand."
"I, however, do not understand," said Porthos. "But no matter; since it is at the same time the opinion of D'Artagnan and of Athos, it must be the best."
"But," said Aramis, "shall we not be suspected by Colonel Harrison?"
"Egad!" cried D'Artagnan, "he's just the man I count upon. Colonel Harrison is one of our friends. We have met him twice at General Cromwell's. He knows that we were sent from France by Monsieur Mazarin; he will consider us as brothers. Besides, is he not a butcher's son? Well, then, Porthos shall show him how to knock down an ox with a blow of the fist, and I how to trip up a bull by taking him by the horns. That will insure his confidence."
Athos smiled. "You are the best companion that I know, D'Artagnan," he said, offering his hand to the Gascon; "and I am very happy in having found you again, my dear son."
This was, as we have seen, the term which Athos applied to D'Artagnan in his more expansive moods.
At this moment Grimaud came in. He had stanched the wound and the man was better.
The four friends took leave of him and asked if they could deliver any message for him to his brother.
"Tell him," answered the brave man, "to let the king know that they have not killed me outright. However insignificant I am, I am sure that his majesty is concerned for me and blames himself for my death."
"Be easy," said D'Artagnan, "he will know all before night."
The little troop recommenced their march, and at the end of two hours perceived a considerable body of horsemen about half a league ahead.
"My dear friends," said D'Artagnan, "give your swords to Monsieur Mouston, who will return them to you at the proper time and place, and do not forget you are our prisoners."
It was not long before they joined the escort. The king was riding in front, surrounded by troopers, and when he saw Athos and Aramis a glow of pleasure lighted his pale cheeks.
D'Artagnan passed to the head of the column, and leaving his friends under the guard of Porthos, went straight to Harrison, who recognized him as having met him at Cromwell's and received him as politely as a man of his breeding and disposition could. It turned out as D'Artagnan had foreseen. The colonel neither had nor could have any suspicion.
They halted for the king to dine. This time, however, due precautions were taken to prevent any attempt at escape. In the large room of the hotel a small table was placed for him and a large one for the officers.
"Will you dine with me?" asked Harrison of D'Artagnan.
"Gad, I should be very happy, but I have my companion, Monsieur du Vallon, and the two prisoners, whom I cannot leave. Let us manage it better. Have a table set for us in a corner and send us whatever you like from yours."
"Good," answered Harrison.
The matter was arranged as D'Artagnan had suggested, and when he returned he found the king already seated at his little table, where Parry waited on him, Harrison and his officers sitting together at another table, and, in a corner, places reserved for himself and his companions.
The table at which the Puritan officers were seated was round, and whether by chance or coarse intention, Harrison sat with his back to the king.
The king saw the four gentlemen come in, but appeared to take no notice of them.
They sat down in such a manner as to turn their backs on nobody. The officers, table and that of the king were opposite to them.
"I'faith, colonel," said D'Artagnan, "we are very grateful for your gracious invitation; for without you we ran the risk of going without dinner, as we have without breakfast. My friend here, Monsieur du Vallon, shares my gratitude, for he was particularly hungry."
"And I am so still," said Porthos bowing to Harrison.
"And how," said Harrison, laughing, "did this serious calamity of going without breakfast happen to you?"
"In a very simple manner, colonel," said D'Artagnan. "I was in a hurry to join you and took the road you had already gone by. You can understand our disappointment when, arriving at a pretty little house on the skirts of a wood, which at a distance had quite a gay appearance, with its red roof and green shutters, we found nothing but a poor wretch bathed—Ah! colonel, pay my respects to the officer of yours who struck that blow."
"Yes," said Harrison, laughing, and looking over at one of the officers seated at his table. "When Groslow undertakes this kind of thing there's no need to go over the ground a second time."
"Ah! it was this gentleman?" said D'Artagnan, bowing to the officer. "I am sorry he does not speak French, that I might tender him my compliments."
"I am ready to receive and return them, sir," said the officer, in pretty good French, "for I resided three years in Paris."
"Then, sir, allow me to assure you that your blow was so well directed that you have nearly killed your man."
"Nearly? I thought I had quite," said Groslow.
"No. It was a very near thing, but he is not dead."
As he said this, D'Artagnan gave a glance at Parry, who was standing in front of the king, to show him that the news was meant for him.
The king, too, who had listened in the greatest agony, now breathed again.
"Hang it," said Groslow, "I thought I had succeeded better. If it were not so far from here to the house I would return and finish him."
"And you would do well, if you are afraid of his recovering; for you know, if a wound in the head does not kill at once, it is cured in a week."
And D'Artagnan threw a second glance toward Parry, on whose face such an expression of joy was manifested that Charles stretched out his hand to him, smiling.
Parry bent over his master's hand and kissed it respectfully.
"I've a great desire to drink the king's health," said Athos.
"Let me propose it, then," said D'Artagnan.
"Do," said Aramis.
Porthos looked at D'Artagnan, quite amazed at the resources with which his companion's Gascon sharpness continually supplied him. D'Artagnan took up his camp tin cup, filled it with wine and arose.
"Gentlemen," said he, "let us drink to him who presides at the repast. Here's to our colonel, and let him know that we are always at his commands as far as London and farther."
And as D'Artagnan, as he spoke, looked at Harrison, the colonel imagined the toast was for himself. He arose and bowed to the four friends, whose eyes were fixed on Charles, while Harrison emptied his glass without the slightest misgiving.
The king, in return, looked at the four gentlemen and drank with a smile full of nobility and gratitude.
"Come, gentlemen," cried Harrison, regardless of his illustrious captive, "let us be off."
"Where do we sleep, colonel?"
"At Thirsk," replied Harrison.
"Parry," said the king, rising too, "my horse; I desire to go to Thirsk."
"Egad!" said D'Artagnan to Athos, "your king has thoroughly taken me, and I am quite at his service."
"If what you say is sincere," replied Athos, "he will never reach London."
"How so?"
"Because before then we shall have carried him off."
"Well, this time, Athos," said D'Artagnan, "upon my word, you are mad."
"Have you some plan in your head then?" asked Aramis.
"Ay!" said Porthos, "the thing would not be impossible with a good plan."
"I have none," said Athos; "but D'Artagnan will discover one."
D'Artagnan shrugged his shoulders and they proceeded.
61. D'Artagnan hits on a Plan.
As night closed in they arrived at Thirsk. The four friends appeared to be entire strangers to one another and indifferent to the precautions taken for guarding the king. They withdrew to a private house, and as they had reason every moment to fear for their safety, they occupied but one room and provided an exit, which might be useful in case of an attack. The lackeys were sent to their several posts, except that Grimaud lay on a truss of straw across the doorway.
D'Artagnan was thoughtful and seemed for the moment to have lost his usual loquacity. Porthos, who could never see anything that was not self-evident, talked to him as usual. He replied in monosyllables and Athos and Aramis looked significantly at one another.
Next morning D'Artagnan was the first to rise. He had been down to the stables, already taken a look at the horses and given the necessary orders for the day, whilst Athos and Aramis were still in bed and Porthos snoring.
At eight o'clock the march was resumed in the same order as the night before, except that D'Artagnan left his friends and began to renew the acquaintance which he had already struck up with Monsieur Groslow.
Groslow, whom D'Artagnan's praises had greatly pleased, welcomed him with a gracious smile.
"Really, sir," D'Artagnan said to him, "I am pleased to find one with whom to talk in my own poor tongue. My friend, Monsieur du Vallon, is of a very melancholy disposition, so much so, that one can scarcely get three words out of him all day. As for our two prisoners, you can imagine that they are but little in the vein for conversation."
"They are hot royalists," said Groslow.
"The more reason they should be sulky with us for having captured the Stuart, for whom, I hope, you're preparing a pretty trial."
"Why," said Groslow, "that is just what we are taking him to London for."
"And you never by any chance lose sight of him, I presume?"
"I should think not, indeed. You see he has a truly royal escort."
"Ay, there's no fear in the daytime; but at night?"
"We redouble our precautions."
"And what method of surveillance do you employ?"
"Eight men remain constantly in his room."
"The deuce, he is well guarded, then. But besides these eight men, you doubtless place some guard outside?"
"Oh, no! Just think. What would you have two men without arms do against eight armed men?"
"Two men—how do you mean?"
"Yes, the king and his lackey."
"Oh! then they allow the lackey to remain with him?"
"Yes; Stuart begged this favor and Harrison consented. Under pretense that he's a king it appears he cannot dress or undress without assistance."
"Really, captain," said D'Artagnan, determined to continue on the laudatory tack on which he had commenced, "the more I listen to you the more surprised I am at the easy and elegant manner in which you speak French. You have lived three years in Paris? May I ask what you were doing there?"
"My father, who is a merchant, placed me with his correspondent, who in turn sent his son to join our house in London."
"Were you pleased with Paris, sir?"
"Yes, but you are much in want of a revolution like our own—not against your king, who is a mere child, but against that lazar of an Italian, the queen's favorite."
"Ah! I am quite of your opinion, sir, and we should soon make an end of Mazarin if we had only a dozen officers like yourself, without prejudices, vigilant and incorruptible."
"But," said the officer, "I thought you were in his service and that it was he who sent you to General Cromwell."
"That is to say I am in the king's service, and that knowing he wanted to send some one to England, I solicited the appointment, so great was my desire to know the man of genius who now governs the three kingdoms. So that when he proposed to us to draw our swords in honor of old England you see how we snapped up the proposition."
"Yes, I know that you charged by the side of Mordaunt."
"On his right and left, sir. Ah! there's another brave and excellent young man."
"Do you know him?" asked the officer.
"Yes, very well. Monsieur du Vallon and myself came from France with him."
"It appears, too, you kept him waiting a long time at Boulogne."
"What would you have? I was like you, and had a king in keeping."
"Aha!" said Groslow; "what king?"
"Our own, to be sure, the little one—Louis XIV."
"And how long had you to take care of him?"
"Three nights; and, by my troth, I shall always remember those three nights with a certain pleasure."
"How do you mean?"
"I mean that my friends, officers in the guards and mousquetaires, came to keep me company and we passed the night in feasting, drinking, dicing."
"Ah true," said the Englishman, with a sigh; "you Frenchmen are born boon companions."
"And don't you play, too, when you are on guard?"
"Never," said the Englishman.
"In that case you must be horribly bored, and have my sympathy."
"The fact is, I look to my turn for keeping guard with horror. It's tiresome work to keep awake a whole night."
"Yes, but with a jovial partner and dice, and guineas clinking on the cloth, the night passes like a dream. You don't like playing, then?"
"On the contrary, I do."
"Lansquenet, for instance?"
"Devoted to it. I used to play almost every night in France."
"And since your return to England?"
"I have not handled a card or dice-box."
"I sincerely pity you," said D'Artagnan, with an air of profound compassion.
"Look here," said the Englishman.
"To-morrow I am on guard."
"In Stuart's room?"
"Yes; come and pass the night with me."
"Impossible! why so?"
"I play with Monsieur du Vallon every night. Sometimes we don't go to bed at all!"
"Well, what of that?"
"Why, he would be annoyed if I did not play with him."
"Does he play well?"
"I have seen him lose as much as two thousand pistoles, laughing all the while till the tears rolled down."
"Bring him with you, then."
"But how about our prisoners?"
"Let your servants guard them."
"Yes, and give them a chance of escaping," said D'Artagnan. "Why, one of them is a rich lord from Touraine and the other a knight of Malta, of noble family. We have arranged the ransom of each of them—2,000 on arriving in France. We are reluctant to leave for a single moment men whom our lackeys know to be millionaires. It is true we plundered them a little when we took them, and I will even confess that it is their purse that Monsieur du Vallon and I draw on in our nightly play. Still, they may have concealed some precious stone, some valuable diamond; so that we are like those misers who are unable to absent themselves from their treasures. We have made ourselves the constant guardians of our men, and while I sleep Monsieur du Vallon watches."
"Ah! ah!" said Groslow.
"You see, then, why I must decline your polite invitation, which is especially attractive to me, because nothing is so wearisome as to play night after night with the same person; the chances always balance and at the month's end nothing is gained or lost."
"Ah!" said Groslow, sighing; "there is something still more wearisome, and that is not to play at all."
"I can understand that," said D'Artagnan.
"But, come," resumed the Englishman, "are these men of yours dangerous?"
"In what respect?"
"Are they capable of attempting violence?"
D'Artagnan burst out laughing at the idea.
"Jesus Dieu!" he cried; "one of them is trembling with fever, having failed to adapt himself to this charming country of yours, and the other is a knight of Malta, as timid as a young girl; and for greater security we have taken from them even their penknives and pocket scissors."
"Well, then," said Groslow, "bring them with you."
"But really——" said D'Artagnan.
"I have eight men on guard, you know. Four of them can guard the king and the other four your prisoners. I'll manage it somehow, you will see."
"But," said D'Artagnan, "now I think of it—what is to prevent our beginning to-night?"
"Nothing at all," said Groslow.
"Just so. Come to us this evening and to-morrow we'll return your visit."
"Capital! This evening with you, to-morrow at Stuart's, the next day with me."
"You see, that with a little forethought one can lead a merry life anywhere and everywhere," said D'Artagnan.
"Yes, with Frenchmen, and Frenchmen like you."
"And Monsieur du Vallon," added the other. "You will see what a fellow he is; a man who nearly killed Mazarin between two doors. They employ him because they are afraid of him. Ah, there he is calling me now. You'll excuse me, I know."
They exchanged bows and D'Artagnan returned to his companions.
"What on earth can you have been saying to that bulldog?" exclaimed Porthos.
"My dear fellow, don't speak like that of Monsieur Groslow. He's one of my most intimate friends."
"One of your friends!" cried Porthos, "this butcher of unarmed farmers!"
"Hush! my dear Porthos. Monsieur Groslow is perhaps rather hasty, it's true, but at bottom I have discovered two good qualities in him—he is conceited and stupid."
Porthos opened his eyes in amazement; Athos and Aramis looked at one another and smiled; they knew D'Artagnan, and knew that he did nothing without a purpose.
"But," continued D'Artagnan, "you shall judge of him for yourself. He is coming to play with us this evening."
"Oho!" said Porthos, his eyes glistening at the news. "Is he rich?"
"He's the son of one of the wealthiest merchants in London."
"And knows lansquenet?"
"Adores it."
"His mania."
"Revels in it."
"Good," said Porthos; "we shall pass an agreeable evening."
"The more so, as it will be the prelude to a better."
"How so?"
"We invite him to play to-night; he has invited us in return to-morrow. But wait. To-night we stop at Derby; and if there is a bottle of wine in the town let Mousqueton buy it. It will be well to prepare a light supper, of which you, Athos and Aramis, are not to partake—Athos, because I told him you had a fever; Aramis, because you are a knight of Malta and won't mix with fellows like us. Do you understand?"
"That's no doubt very fine," said Porthos; "but deuce take me if I understand at all."
"Porthos, my friend, you know I am descended on the father's side from the Prophets and on the mother's from the Sybils, and that I only speak in parables and riddles. Let those who have ears hear and those who have eyes see; I can tell you nothing more at present."
"Go ahead, my friend," said Athos; "I am sure that whatever you do is well done."
"And you, Aramis, are you of that opinion?"
"Entirely so, my dear D'Artagnan."
"Very good," said D'Artagnan; "here indeed are true believers; it is a pleasure to work miracles before them; they are not like that unbelieving Porthos, who must see and touch before he will believe."
"The fact is," said Porthos, with an air of finesse, "I am rather incredulous."
D'Artagnan gave him playful buffet on the shoulder, and as they had reached the station where they were to breakfast, the conversation ended there.
At five in the evening they sent Mousqueton on before as agreed upon. Blaisois went with him.
In crossing the principal street in Derby the four friends perceived Blaisois standing in the doorway of a handsome house. It was there a lodging was prepared for them.
At the hour agreed upon Groslow came. D'Artagnan received him as he would have done a friend of twenty years' standing. Porthos scanned him from head to foot and smiled when he discovered that in spite of the blow he had administered to Parry's brother, he was not nearly so strong as himself. Athos and Aramis suppressed as well as they could the disgust they felt in the presence of such coarseness and brutality.
In short, Groslow seemed to be pleased with his reception.
Athos and Aramis kept themselves to their role. At midnight they withdrew to their chamber, the door of which was left open on the pretext of kindly consideration. Furthermore, D'Artagnan went with them, leaving Porthos at play with Groslow.
Porthos gained fifty pistoles from Groslow, and found him a more agreeable companion than he had at first believed him to be.
As to Groslow, he promised himself that on the following evening he would recover from D'Artagnan what he had lost to Porthos, and on leaving reminded the Gascon of his appointment.
The next day was spent as usual. D'Artagnan went from Captain Groslow to Colonel Harrison and from Colonel Harrison to his friends. To any one not acquainted with him he seemed to be in his normal condition; but to his friends—to Athos and Aramis—was apparent a certain feverishness in his gayety.
"What is he contriving?" asked Aramis.
"Wait," said Athos.
Porthos said nothing, but he handled in his pocket the fifty pistoles he had gained from Groslow with a degree of satisfaction which betrayed itself in his whole bearing.
Arrived at Ryston, D'Artagnan assembled his friends. His face had lost the expression of careless gayety it had worn like a mask the whole day. Athos pinched Aramis's hand.
"The moment is at hand," he said.
"Yes," returned D'Artagnan, who had overheard him, "to-night, gentlemen, we rescue the king."
"D'Artagnan," said Athos, "this is no joke, I trust? It would quite cut me up."
"You are a very odd man, Athos," he replied, "to doubt me thus. Where and when have you seen me trifle with a friend's heart and a king's life? I have told you, and I repeat it, that to-night we rescue Charles I. You left it to me to discover the means and I have done so."
Porthos looked at D'Artagnan with an expression of profound admiration. Aramis smiled as one who hopes. Athos was pale, and trembled in every limb.
"Speak," said Athos.
"We are invited," replied D'Artagnan, "to pass the night with M. Groslow. But do you know where?"
"In the king's room."
"The king's room?" cried Athos.
"Yes, gentlemen, in the king's room. Groslow is on guard there this evening, and to pass the time away he has invited us to keep him company."
"All four of us?" asked Athos.
"Pardieu! certainly, all four; we couldn't leave our prisoners, could we?"
"Ah! ah!" said Aramis.
"Tell us about it," said Athos, palpitating.
"We are going, then, we two with our swords, you with daggers. We four have got to master these eight fools and their stupid captain. Monsieur Porthos, what do you say to that?"
"I say it is easy enough," answered Porthos.
"We dress the king in Groslow's clothes. Mousqueton, Grimaud and Blaisois have our horses saddled at the end of the first street. We mount them and before daylight are twenty leagues distant."
Athos placed his two hands on D'Artagnan's shoulders, and gazed at him with his calm, sad smile.
"I declare, my friend," said he, "that there is not a creature under the sky who equals you in prowess and in courage. Whilst we thought you indifferent to our sorrows, which you couldn't share without crime, you alone among us have discovered what we were searching for in vain. I repeat it, D'Artagnan, you are the best one among us; I bless and love you, my dear son."
"And to think that I couldn't find that out," said Porthos, scratching his head; "it is so simple."
"But," said Aramis, "if I understand rightly we are to kill them all, eh?"
Athos shuddered and turned pale.
"Mordioux!" answered D'Artagnan, "I believe we must. I confess I can discover no other safe and satisfactory way."
"Let us see," said Aramis, "how are we to act?"
"I have arranged two plans. Firstly, at a given signal, which shall be the words 'At last,' you each plunge a dagger into the heart of the soldier nearest to you. We, on our side, do the same. That will be four killed. We shall then be matched, four against the remaining five. If these five men give themselves up we gag them; if they resist, we kill them. If by chance our Amphitryon changes his mind and receives only Porthos and myself, why, then, we must resort to heroic measures and each give two strokes instead of one. It will take a little longer time and may make a greater disturbance, but you will be outside with swords and will rush in at the proper time."
"But if you yourselves should be struck?" said Athos.
"Impossible!" said D'Artagnan; "those beer drinkers are too clumsy and awkward. Besides, you will strike at the throat, Porthos; it kills as quickly and prevents all outcry."
"Very good," said Porthos; "it will be a nice little throat cutting."
"Horrible, horrible," exclaimed Athos.
"Nonsense," said D'Artagnan; "you would do as much, Mr. Humanity, in a battle. But if you think the king's life is not worth what it must cost there's an end of the matter and I send to Groslow to say I am ill."
"No, you are right," said Athos.
At this moment a soldier entered to inform them that Groslow was waiting for them.
"Where?" asked D'Artagnan.
"In the room of the English Nebuchadnezzar," replied the staunch Puritan.
"Good," replied Athos, whose blood mounted to his face at the insult offered to royalty; "tell the captain we are coming."
The Puritan then went out. The lackeys had been ordered to saddle eight horses and to wait, keeping together and without dismounting, at the corner of a street about twenty steps from the house where the king was lodged.
It was nine o'clock in the evening; the sentinels had been relieved at eight and Captain Groslow had been on guard for an hour. D'Artagnan and Porthos, armed with their swords, and Athos and Aramis, each carrying a concealed poniard, approached the house which for the time being was Charles Stuart's prison. The two latter followed their captors in the humble guise of captives, without arms.
"Od's bodikins," said Groslow, as the four friends entered, "I had almost given you up."
D'Artagnan went up to him and whispered in his ear:
"The fact is, we, that is, Monsieur du Vallon and I, hesitated a little."
"And why?"
D'Artagnan looked significantly toward Athos and Aramis.
"Aha," said Groslow; "on account of political opinions? No matter. On the contrary," he added, laughing, "if they want to see their Stuart they shall see him.
"Are we to pass the night in the king's room?" asked D'Artagnan.
"No, but in the one next to it, and as the door will remain open it comes to the same thing. Have you provided yourself with money? I assure you I intend to play the devil's game to-night."
D'Artagnan rattled the gold in his pockets.
"Very good," said Groslow, and opened the door of the room. "I will show you the way," and he went in first.
D'Artagnan turned to look at his friends. Porthos was perfectly indifferent; Athos, pale, but resolute; Aramis was wiping a slight moisture from his brow.
The eight guards were at their posts. Four in the king's room, two at the door between the rooms and two at that by which the friends had entered. Athos smiled when he saw their bare swords; he felt it was no longer to be a butchery, but a fight, and he resumed his usual good humor.
Charles was perceived through the door, lying dressed upon his bed, at the head of which Parry was seated, reading in a low voice a chapter from the Bible.
A candle of coarse tallow on a black table lighted up the handsome and resigned face of the king and that of his faithful retainer, far less calm.
From time to time Parry stopped, thinking the king, whose eyes were closed, was really asleep, but Charles would open his eyes and say with a smile:
"Go on, my good Parry, I am listening."
Groslow advanced to the door of the king's room, replaced on his head the hat he had taken off to receive his guests, looked for a moment contemptuously at this simple, yet touching scene, then turning to D'Artagnan, assumed an air of triumph at what he had achieved.
"Capital!" cried the Gascon, "you would make a distinguished general."
"And do you think," asked Groslow, "that Stuart will ever escape while I am on guard?"
"No, to be sure," replied D'Artagnan; "unless, forsooth, the sky rains friends upon him."
Groslow's face brightened.
It is impossible to say whether Charles, who kept his eyes constantly closed, had noticed the insolence of the Puritan captain, but the moment he heard the clear tone of D'Artagnan's voice his eyelids rose, in spite of himself.
Parry, too, started and stopped reading.
"What are you thinking about?" said the king; "go on, my good Parry, unless you are tired."
Parry resumed his reading.
On a table in the next room were lighted candles, cards, two dice-boxes, and dice.
"Gentlemen," said Groslow, "I beg you will take your places. I will sit facing Stuart, whom I like so much to see, especially where he now is, and you, Monsieur d'Artagnan, opposite to me."
Athos turned red with rage. D'Artagnan frowned at him.
"That's it," said D'Artagnan; "you, Monsieur le Comte de la Fere, to the right of Monsieur Groslow. You, Chevalier d'Herblay, to his left. Du Vallon next me. You'll bet for me and those gentlemen for Monsieur Groslow."
By this arrangement D'Artagnan could nudge Porthos with his knee and make signs with his eyes to Athos and Aramis.
At the names Comte de la Fere and Chevalier d'Herblay, Charles opened his eyes, and raising his noble head, in spite of himself, threw a glance at all the actors in the scene.
At that moment Parry turned over several leaves of his Bible and read with a loud voice this verse in Jeremiah:
"God said, 'Hear ye the words of the prophets my servants, whom I have sent unto you.'"
The four friends exchanged glances. The words that Parry had read assured them that their presence was understood by the king and was assigned to its real motive. D'Artagnan's eyes sparkled with joy.
"You asked me just now if I was in funds," said D'Artagnan, placing some twenty pistoles upon the table. "Well, in my turn I advise you to keep a sharp lookout on your treasure, my dear Monsieur Groslow, for I can tell you we shall not leave this without robbing you of it."
"Not without my defending it," said Groslow.
"So much the better," said D'Artagnan. "Fight, my dear captain, fight. You know or you don't know, that that is what we ask of you."
"Oh! yes," said Groslow, bursting with his usual coarse laugh, "I know you Frenchmen want nothing but cuts and bruises."
Charles had heard and understood it all. A slight color mounted to his cheeks. The soldiers then saw him stretch his limbs, little by little, and under the pretense of much heat throw off the Scotch plaid which covered him.
Athos and Aramis started with delight to find that the king was lying with his clothes on.
The game began. The luck had turned, and Groslow, having won some hundred pistoles, was in the merriest possible humor.
Porthos, who had lost the fifty pistoles he had won the night before and thirty more besides, was very cross and questioned D'Artagnan with a nudge of the knee as to whether it would not soon be time to change the game. Athos and Aramis looked at him inquiringly. But D'Artagnan remained impassible.
It struck ten. They heard the guard going its rounds.
"How many rounds do they make a night?" asked D'Artagnan, drawing more pistoles from his pocket.
"Five," answered Groslow, "one every two hours."
D'Artagnan glanced at Athos and Aramis and for the first time replied to Porthos's nudge of the knee by a nudge responsive. Meanwhile, the soldiers whose duty it was to remain in the king's room, attracted by that love of play so powerful in all men, had stolen little by little toward the table, and standing on tiptoe, lounged, watching the game, over the shoulders of D'Artagnan and Porthos. Those on the other side had followed their example, thus favoring the views of the four friends, who preferred having them close at hand to chasing them about the chamber. The two sentinels at the door still had their swords unsheathed, but they were leaning on them while they watched the game.
Athos seemed to grow calm as the critical moment approached. With his white, aristocratic hands he played with the louis, bending and straightening them again, as if they were made of pewter. Aramis, less self-controlled, fumbled continually with his hidden poniard. Porthos, impatient at his continued losses, kept up a vigorous play with his knee.
D'Artagnan turned, mechanically looking behind him, and between the figures of two soldiers he could see Parry standing up and Charles leaning on his elbow with his hands clasped and apparently offering a fervent prayer to God.
D'Artagnan saw that the moment was come. He darted a preparatory glance at Athos and Aramis, who slyly pushed their chairs a little back so as to leave themselves more space for action. He gave Porthos a second nudge of the knee and Porthos got up as if to stretch his legs and took care at the same time to ascertain that his sword could be drawn smoothly from the scabbard.
"Hang it!" cried D'Artagnan, "another twenty pistoles lost. Really, Captain Groslow, you are too much in fortune's way. This can't last," and he drew another twenty from his pocket. "One more turn, captain; twenty pistoles on one throw—only one, the last."
"Done for twenty," replied Groslow.
And he turned up two cards as usual, a king for D'Artagnan and an ace for himself.
"A king," said D'Artagnan; "it's a good omen, Master Groslow—look out for the king."
And in spite of his extraordinary self-control there was a strange vibration in the Gascon's voice which made his partner start.
Groslow began turning the cards one after another. If he turned up an ace first he won; if a king he lost.
He turned up a king.
"At last!" cried D'Artagnan.
At this word Athos and Aramis jumped up. Porthos drew back a step. Daggers and swords were just about to shine, when suddenly the door was thrown open and Harrison appeared in the doorway, accompanied by a man enveloped in a large cloak. Behind this man could be seen the glistening muskets of half a dozen soldiers.
Groslow jumped up, ashamed at being surprised in the midst of wine, cards, and dice. But Harrison paid not the least attention to him, and entering the king's room, followed by his companion:
"Charles Stuart," said he, "an order has come to conduct you to London without stopping day or night. Prepare yourself, then, to start at once."
"And by whom is this order given?" asked the king.
"By General Oliver Cromwell. And here is Mr. Mordaunt, who has brought it and is charged with its execution."
"Mordaunt!" muttered the four friends, exchanging glances.
D'Artagnan swept up the money that he and Porthos had lost and buried it in his huge pocket. Athos and Aramis placed themselves behind him. At this movement Mordaunt turned around, recognized them, and uttered an exclamation of savage delight.
"I'm afraid we are prisoners," whispered D'Artagnan to his friend.
"Not yet," replied Porthos.
"Colonel, colonel," cried Mordaunt, "you are betrayed. These four Frenchmen have escaped from Newcastle, and no doubt want to carry off the king. Arrest them."
"Ah! my young man," said D'Artagnan, drawing his sword, "that is an order sooner given than executed. Fly, friends, fly!" he added, whirling his sword around him.
The next moment he darted to the door and knocked down two of the soldiers who guarded it, before they had time to cock their muskets. Athos and Aramis followed him. Porthos brought up the rear, and before soldiers, officers, or colonel had time to recover their surprise all four were in the street.
"Fire!" cried Mordaunt; "fire upon them!"
Three or four shots were fired, but with no other result than to show the four fugitives turning the corner of the street safe and sound.
The horses were at the place fixed upon, and they leaped lightly into their saddles.
"Forward!" cried D'Artagnan, "and spur for your dear lives!"
They galloped away and took the road they had come by in the morning, namely, in the direction toward Scotland. A few hundred yards beyond the town D'Artagnan drew rein.
"Halt!" he cried, "this time we shall be pursued. We must let them leave the village and ride after us on the northern road, and when they have passed we will take the opposite direction."
There was a stream close by and a bridge across it.
D'Artagnan led his horse under the arch of the bridge. The others followed. Ten minutes later they heard the rapid gallop of a troop of horsemen. A few minutes more and the troop passed over their heads.
62. London.
As soon as the noise of the hoofs was lost in the distance D'Artagnan remounted the bank of the stream and scoured the plain, followed by his three friends, directing their course, as well as they could guess, toward London.
"This time," said D'Artagnan, when they were sufficiently distant to proceed at a trot, "I think all is lost and we have nothing better to do than to reach France. What do you say, Athos, to that proposition? Isn't it reasonable?"
"Yes, dear friend," Athos replied, "but you said a word the other day that was more than reasonable—it was noble and generous. You said, 'Let us die here!' I recall to you that word."
"Oh," said Porthos, "death is nothing: it isn't death that can disquiet us, since we don't know what it is. What troubles me is the idea of defeat. As things are turning out, I foresee that we must give battle to London, to the provinces, to all England, and certainly in the end we can't fail to be beaten."
"We ought to witness this great tragedy even to its last scene," said Athos. "Whatever happens, let us not leave England before the crisis. Don't you agree with me, Aramis?"
"Entirely, my dear count. Then, too, I confess I should not be sorry to come across Mordaunt again. It appears to me that we have an account to settle with him, and that it is not our custom to leave a place without paying our debts, of this kind, at least."
"Ah! that's another thing," said D'Artagnan, "and I should not mind waiting in London a whole year for a chance of meeting this Mordaunt in question. Only let us lodge with some one on whom we can count; for I imagine, just now, that Noll Cromwell would not be inclined to trifle with us. Athos, do you know any inn in the whole town where one can find white sheets, roast beef reasonably cooked, and wine which is not made of hops and gin?"
"I think I know what you want," replied Athos. "De Winter took us to the house of a Spaniard, who, he said, had become naturalized as an Englishman by the guineas of his new compatriots. What do you say to it, Aramis?"
"Why, the idea of taking quarters with Senor Perez seems to me very reasonable, and for my part I agree to it. We will invoke the remembrance of that poor De Winter, for whom he seemed to have a great regard; we will tell him that we have come as amateurs to see what is going on; we will spend with him a guinea each per day; and I think that by taking all these precautions we can be quite undisturbed."
"You forget, Aramis, one precaution of considerable importance."
"What is that?"
"The precaution of changing our clothes."
"Changing our clothes!" exclaimed Porthos. "I don't see why; we are very comfortable in those we wear."
"To prevent recognition," said D'Artagnan. "Our clothes have a cut which would proclaim the Frenchman at first sight. Now, I don't set sufficient store on the cut of my jerkin to risk being hung at Tyburn or sent for change of scene to the Indies. I shall buy a chestnut-colored suit. I've remarked that your Puritans revel in that color."
"But can you find your man?" said Aramis to Athos.
"Oh! to be sure, yes. He lives at the Bedford Tavern, Greenhall Street. Besides, I can find my way about the city with my eyes shut."
"I wish we were already there," said D'Artagnan; "and my advice is that we reach London before daybreak, even if we kill our horses."
"Come on, then," said Athos, "for unless I am mistaken in my calculations we have only eight or ten leagues to go."
The friends urged on their horses and arrived, in fact, at about five o'clock in the morning. They were stopped and questioned at the gate by which they sought to enter the city, but Athos replied, in excellent English, that they had been sent forward by Colonel Harrison to announce to his colleague, Monsieur Bridge, the approach of the king. That reply led to several questions about the king's capture, and Athos gave details so precise and positive that if the gatekeepers had any suspicions they vanished completely. The way was therefore opened to the four friends with all sorts of Puritan congratulations.
Athos was right. He went direct to the Bedford Tavern, and the host, who recognized him, was delighted to see him again with such a numerous and promising company.
Though it was scarcely daylight our four travelers found the town in a great bustle, owing to the reported approach of Harrison and the king.
The plan of changing their clothes was unanimously adopted. The landlord sent out for every description of garment, as if he wanted to fit up his wardrobe. Athos chose a black coat, which gave him the appearance of a respectable citizen. Aramis, not wishing to part with his sword, selected a dark-blue cloak of a military cut. Porthos was seduced by a wine-colored doublet and sea-green breeches. D'Artagnan, who had fixed on his color beforehand, had only to select the shade, and looked in his chestnut suit exactly like a retired sugar dealer.
"Now," said D'Artagnan, "for the actual man. We must cut off our hair, that the populace may not insult us. As we no longer wear the sword of the gentleman we may as well have the head of the Puritan. This, as you know, is the important point of distinction between the Covenanter and the Cavalier."
After some discussion this was agreed to and Mousqueton played the role of barber.
"We look hideous," said Athos.
"And smack of the Puritan to a frightful extent," said Aramis.
"My head feels actually cold," said Porthos.
"As for me, I feel anxious to preach a sermon," said D'Artagnan.
"Now," said Athos, "that we cannot even recognize one another and have therefore no fear of others recognizing us, let us go and see the king's entrance."
They had not been long in the crowd before loud cries announced the king's arrival. A carriage had been sent to meet him, and the gigantic Porthos, who stood a head above the entire rabble, soon announced that he saw the royal equipage approaching. D'Artagnan raised himself on tiptoe, and as the carriage passed, saw Harrison at one window and Mordaunt at the other.
The next day, Athos, leaning out of his window, which looked upon the most populous part of the city, heard the Act of Parliament, which summoned the ex-king, Charles I., to the bar, publicly cried.
"Parliament indeed!" cried Athos. "Parliament can never have passed such an act as that."
At this moment the landlord came in.
"Did parliament pass this act?" Athos asked of him in English.
"Yes, my lord, the pure parliament."
"What do you mean by 'the pure parliament'? Are there, then, two parliaments?"
"My friend," D'Artagnan interrupted, "as I don't understand English and we all understand Spanish, have the kindness to speak to us in that language, which, since it is your own, you must find pleasure in using when you have the chance."
"Ah! excellent!" said Aramis.
As to Porthos, all his attention was concentrated on the allurements of the breakfast table.
"You were asking, then?" said the host in Spanish.
"I asked," said Athos, in the same language, "if there are two parliaments, a pure and an impure?"
"Why, how extraordinary!" said Porthos, slowly raising his head and looking at his friends with an air of astonishment, "I understand English, then! I understand what you say!"
"That is because we are talking Spanish, my dear friend," said Athos.
"Oh, the devil!" said Porthos, "I am sorry for that; it would have been one language more."
"When I speak of the pure parliament," resumed the host, "I mean the one which Colonel Bridge has weeded."
"Ah! really," said D'Artagnan, "these people are very ingenious. When I go back to France I must suggest some such convenient course to Cardinal Mazarin and the coadjutor. One of them will weed the parliament in the name of the court, and the other in the name of the people; and then there won't be any parliament at all."
"And who is this Colonel Bridge?" asked Aramis, "and how does he go to work to weed the parliament?"
"Colonel Bridge," replied the Spaniard, "is a retired wagoner, a man of much sense, who made one valuable observation whilst driving his team, namely, that where there happened to be a stone on the road, it was much easier to remove the stone than try and make the wheel pass over it. Now, of two hundred and fifty-one members who composed the parliament, there were one hundred and ninety-one who were in the way and might have upset his political wagon. He took them up, just as he formerly used to take up the stones from the road, and threw them out of the house."
"Neat," remarked D'Artagnan. "Very!"
"And all these one hundred and ninety-one were Royalists?" asked Athos.
"Without doubt, senor; and you understand that they would have saved the king."
"To be sure," said Porthos, with majestic common sense; "they were in the majority."
"And you think," said Aramis, "he will consent to appear before such a tribunal?"
"He will be forced to do so," smiled the Spaniard.
"Now, Athos!" said D'Artagnan, "do you begin to believe that it's a ruined cause, and that what with your Harrisons, Joyces, Bridges and Cromwells, we shall never get the upper hand?"
"The king will be delivered at the tribunal," said Athos; "the very silence of his supporters indicates that they are at work."
D'Artagnan shrugged his shoulders.
"But," said Aramis, "if they dare to condemn their king, it can only be to exile or imprisonment."
D'Artagnan whistled a little air of incredulity.
"We shall see," said Athos, "for we shall go to the sittings, I presume."
"You will not have long to wait," said the landlord; "they begin to-morrow."
"So, then, they drew up the indictments before the king was taken?"
"Of course," said D'Artagnan; "they began the day he was sold."
"And you know," said Aramis, "that it was our friend Mordaunt who made, if not the bargain, at least the overtures."
"And you know," added D'Artagnan, "that whenever I catch him I will kill him, this Mordaunt."
"And I, too," exclaimed Porthos.
"And I, too," added Aramis.
"Touching unanimity!" cried D'Artagnan, "which well becomes good citizens like us. Let us take a turn around the town and imbibe a little fog."
"Yes," said Porthos, "'twill be at least a little change from beer."
63. The Trial.
The next morning King Charles I. was haled by a strong guard before the high court which was to judge him. All London was crowding to the doors of the house. The throng was terrific, and it was not till after much pushing and some fighting that our friends reached their destination. When they did so they found the three lower rows of benches already occupied; but being anxious not to be too conspicuous, all, with the exception of Porthos, who had a fancy to display his red doublet, were quite satisfied with their places, the more so as chance had brought them to the centre of their row, so that they were exactly opposite the arm-chair prepared for the royal prisoner.
Toward eleven o'clock the king entered the hall, surrounded by guards, but wearing his head covered, and with a calm expression turned to every side with a look of complete assurance, as if he were there to preside at an assembly of submissive subjects, rather than to meet the accusations of a rebel court.
The judges, proud of having a monarch to humiliate, evidently prepared to enjoy the right they had arrogated to themselves, and sent an officer to inform the king that it was customary for the accused to uncover his head.
Charles, without replying a single word, turned his head in another direction and pulled his felt hat over it. Then when the officer was gone he sat down in the arm-chair opposite the president and struck his boots with a little cane which he carried in his hand. Parry, who accompanied him, stood behind him.
D'Artagnan was looking at Athos, whose face betrayed all those emotions which the king, possessing more self-control, had banished from his own. This agitation in one so cold and calm as Athos, frightened him.
"I hope," he whispered to him, "that you will follow his majesty's example and not get killed for your folly in this den."
"Set your mind at rest," replied Athos.
"Aha!" continued D'Artagnan, "it is clear that they are afraid of something or other; for look, the sentinels are being reinforced. They had only halberds before, now they have muskets. The halberds were for the audience in the rear; the muskets are for us."
"Thirty, forty, fifty, sixty-five men," said Porthos, counting the reinforcements.
"Ah!" said Aramis, "but you forget the officer."
D'Artagnan grew pale with rage. He recognized Mordaunt, who with bare sword was marshalling the musketeers behind the king and opposite the benches.
"Do you think they have recognized us?" said D'Artagnan. "In that case I should beat a retreat. I don't care to be shot in a box."
"No," said Aramis, "he has not seen us. He sees no one but the king. Mon Dieu! how he stares at him, the insolent dog! Does he hate his majesty as much as he does us?"
"Pardi," answered Athos "we only carried off his mother; the king has spoiled him of his name and property."
"True," said Aramis; "but silence! the president is speaking to the king."
"Stuart," Bradshaw was saying, "listen to the roll call of your judges and address to the court any observations you may have to make."
The king turned his head away, as if these words had not been intended for him. Bradshaw waited, and as there was no reply there was a moment of silence.
Out of the hundred and sixty-three members designated there were only seventy-three present, for the rest, fearful of taking part in such an act, had remained away.
When the name of Colonel Fairfax was called, one of those brief but solemn silences ensued, which announced the absence of the members who had no wish to take a personal part in the trial.
"Colonel Fairfax," repeated Bradshaw.
"Fairfax," answered a laughing voice, the silvery tone of which betrayed it as that of a woman, "is not such a fool as to be here."
A loud laugh followed these words, pronounced with that boldness which women draw from their own weakness—a weakness which removes them beyond the power of vengeance.
"It is a woman's voice," cried Aramis; "faith, I would give a good deal if she is young and pretty." And he mounted on the bench to try and get a sight of her.
"By my soul," said Aramis, "she is charming. Look D'Artagnan; everybody is looking at her; and in spite of Bradshaw's gaze she has not turned pale."
"It is Lady Fairfax herself," said D'Artagnan. "Don't you remember, Porthos, we saw her at General Cromwell's?"
The roll call continued.
"These rascals will adjourn when they find that they are not in sufficient force," said the Comte de la Fere.
"You don't know them. Athos, look at Mordaunt's smile. Is that the look of a man whose victim is likely to escape him? Ah, cursed basilisk, it will be a happy day for me when I can cross something more than a look with you."
"The king is really very handsome," said Porthos; "and look, too, though he is a prisoner, how carefully he is dressed. The feather in his hat is worth at least five-and-twenty pistoles. Look at it, Aramis."
The roll call finished, the president ordered them to read the act of accusation. Athos turned pale. A second time he was disappointed in his expectation. Notwithstanding the judges were so few the trial was to continue; the king then, was condemned in advance.
"I told you so, Athos," said D'Artagnan, shrugging his shoulders. "Now take your courage in both hands and hear what this gentleman in black is going to say about his sovereign, with full license and privilege."
Never till then had a more brutal accusation or meaner insults tarnished kingly majesty.
Charles listened with marked attention, passing over the insults, noting the grievances, and, when hatred overflowed all bounds and the accuser turned executioner beforehand, replying with a smile of lofty scorn.
"The fact is," said D'Artagnan, "if men are punished for imprudence and triviality, this poor king deserves punishment. But it seems to me that that which he is just now undergoing is hard enough."
"In any case," Aramis replied, "the punishment should fall not on the king, but on his ministers; for the first article of the constitution is, 'The king can do no wrong.'"
"As for me," thought Porthos, giving Mordaunt his whole attention, "were it not for breaking in on the majesty of the situation I would leap down from the bench, reach Mordaunt in three bounds and strangle him; I would then take him by the feet and knock the life out of these wretched musketeers who parody the musketeers of France. Meantime, D'Artagnan, who is full of invention, would find some way to save the king. I must speak to him about it."
As to Athos, his face aflame, his fists clinched, his lips bitten till they bled, he sat there foaming with rage at that endless parliamentary insult and that long enduring royal patience; the inflexible arm and steadfast heart had given place to a trembling hand and a body shaken by excitement.
At this moment the accuser concluded with these words: "The present accusation is preferred by us in the name of the English people."
At these words there was a murmur along the benches, and a second voice, not that of a woman, but a man's, stout and furious, thundered behind D'Artagnan.
"You lie!" it cried. "Nine-tenths of the English people are horrified at what you say."
This voice was that of Athos, who, standing up with outstretched hand and quite out of his mind, thus assailed the public accuser.
King, judges, spectators, all turned their eyes to the bench where the four friends were seated. Mordaunt did the same and recognized the gentleman, around whom the three other Frenchmen were standing, pale and menacing. His eyes glittered with delight. He had discovered those to whose death he had devoted his life. A movement of fury called to his side some twenty of his musketeers, and pointing to the bench where his enemies were: "Fire on that bench!" he cried.
But with the rapidity of thought D'Artagnan seized Athos by the waist, and followed by Porthos with Aramis, leaped down from the benches, rushed into the passages, and flying down the staircase were lost in the crowd without, while the muskets within were pointed on some three thousand spectators, whose piteous cries and noisy alarm stopped the impulse already given to bloodshed.
Charles also had recognized the four Frenchmen. He put one hand on his heart to still its beating and the other over his eyes, that he might not witness the slaying of his faithful friends.
Mordaunt, pale and trembling with anger, rushed from the hall sword in hand, followed by six pikemen, pushing, inquiring and panting in the crowd; and then, having found nothing, returned.
The tumult was indescribable. More than half an hour passed before any one could make himself heard. The judges were looking for a new outbreak from the benches. The spectators saw the muskets leveled at them, and divided between fear and curiosity, remained noisy and excited.
Quiet was at length restored.
"What have you to say in your defense?" asked Bradshaw of the king.
Then rising, with his head still covered, in the tone of a judge rather than a prisoner, Charles began.
"Before questioning me," he said, "reply to my question. I was free at Newcastle and had there concluded a treaty with both houses. Instead of performing your part of this contract, as I performed mine, you bought me from the Scotch, cheaply, I know, and that does honor to the economic talent of your government. But because you have paid the price of a slave, do you imagine that I have ceased to be your king? No. To answer you would be to forget it. I shall only reply to you when you have satisfied me of your right to question me. To answer you would be to acknowledge you as my judges, and I only acknowledge you as my executioners." And in the middle of a deathlike silence, Charles, calm, lofty, and with his head still covered, sat down again in his arm-chair. |