Kneetime Animal Stories
Author of "Squinty, the Comical Pig," "Slicko, the Jumping Squirrel," "Mappo, the Merry Monkey," "Don, a Runaway Dog," etc.
By Richard Barnum
Large 12mo. Illustrated. Price per volume, 50 cents, postpaid
BARSE & HOPKINS Publishers New York
Copyright, 1915 by Barse & Hopkins
Tum Tum, the Jolly Elephant
Whooo-ish! went more water from Tum Tum's trunk on the blazing peanut wagon and straw. Frontispiece
Through the forest jungle rushed the elephants, trampling down the trees and bushes 24
He fell down on his knees, while Mappo sailed through the air 41
All this while Tum Tum was holding Don high in the air in his trunk 60
The big hippopotamus wagon rolled out of the mud, and on to the firm, hard road 84
Right out of the ground the big elephant pulled the tree 98
He stayed under the tree where the tiger was, for he knew that soon the circus men would come to hunt for Sharp Tooth 120
Tum Tum was a jolly elephant. I shall tell you that much at the start of this story, so you will not have to be guessing as to who Tum Tum was. Tum Tum was the jolliest elephant in the circus, but before that he was the jolliest elephant in the woods or jungle.
In fact, Tum Tum was nearly always happy and jolly, and, though he had many troubles, in all the adventures that happened to him, still, he always tried to be good-natured over them.
So I am going to tell you all about Tum Tum, and the wonderful things that happened to him.
Once upon a time Tum Tum was a baby elephant, and lived away off in a far country called India, with many other elephants, little and big, in the jungle.
The jungle is just another name for woods, or forest, only the jungle is a very thick woods. The trees grow big and strong, and between them grow strong vines so that it is hard for any living creature except an elephant, or maybe a snake to push his way along. A snake can crawl on the ground under the vines, you know.
Well, Tum Tum lived in this jungle, and with him lived his father and mother. His father was a great big elephant, named Tusky, and he was called this because he had two big, long, white teeth, called tusks, sticking out on either side of his long trunk, which was like a fat rubber hose.
Tum Tum's mother was named Mrs. Tusky, but she did not have any long teeth like her husband. Perhaps she had had some once, and had lost them, breaking down a big tree, or something like that.
Tum Tum had no brothers or sisters, but there were other little boy and girl elephants in the herd, or family of elephants, where he lived, and, altogether, he had a good time in the jungle, Tum Tum did.
One day Tum Tum, who had been eating his dinner of leaves, with his father and mother, heard a loud trumpeting in the woods back of where he was standing. Trumpeting is the noise an elephant makes when he blows through his long trunk, or nose. It is his way of speaking to another elephant.
"Who's that calling?" asked Mrs. Tusky, of her husband.
"Oh, it sounds like some of the little boy elephants," said the old papa elephant, as he pulled up a tree by the roots, so he could the more easily take a bite from the tender top leaves.
"I hope it doesn't mean any danger for us," said Mrs. Tusky, looking at Tum Tum, who was busy finishing his dinner.
Elephants, you know, no matter if they are big, are just as much afraid of danger as are other wild animals. Of course they are not so much afraid of the other beasts in the jungles, for the elephant can fight almost anything, even a lion or a tiger.
But an elephant is afraid of the black men, or natives, who live in the jungle, and an elephant is also afraid of the white hunters, who come into the big forest from time to time.
"I hope no hunters are about, to make one of our elephant friends trumpet that way," said Mrs. Tusky, speaking in a way elephants have.
"Oh, no, don't be afraid," said her husband, eating away at his tree leaves. "There is no danger." But, as he said this, he put up his long trunk-nose, and carefully sniffed the air. That is the way animals have of telling if danger is near. They do it by smelling as well as by listening and seeing. Only one cannot see very far in the jungle, as the trees are so thick.
Mr. Tusky also lifted up his big ears, about as large as ten palm-leaf fans, and listened for any sounds of danger. All he heard was the crashing of tree branches and bushes, as some of the other elephants, farther off in the jungle, pushed their way about eating their dinners.
Then, suddenly, some elephant called, trumpeting through his trunk:
"Tum Tum! Hello, Tum Tum! Can't you come out and play?"
"Oh, it's some of your little elephant friends," said Mr. Tum Tum, to the little boy elephant. I say "little," though Tum Tum was really a pretty good size. He was much larger than a horse.
"Oh, may I go and play with them?" asked Tum Tum, just as any of you might have done.
Of course Tum Tum did not speak in words, as you or I would have done. Instead he spoke in elephant language, though he could also speak and understand other animal talk. And he could also understand man-talk, just as, in my other books, I have told you how dogs, cats, pigs and monkeys can understand what we say to them, though they cannot talk to us.
"May I go out and play?" asked Tum Tum.
"Oh, I guess so," answered his father. "But do not go too far away. And you must listen for the sound of the danger trumpet from Mr. Boom. When he signals that there is danger, you must run back, for that will mean we shall have to go off farther in the jungle, and hide."
"I'll be careful," promised Tum Tum.
Elephants in the jungle live in big families, or herds. At the head is the largest elephant of them all, the leader. He is always on the lookout for danger, and when he sees, hears or smells any, he gives a signal, or trumpet, through his trunk, and then all the elephants run away and hide.
Tum Tum, the jolly elephant, stopped eating his dinner, for he had had enough, anyhow, and off through the jungle he crashed. He did not wait to go by the path, for he was so big and strong. Even though he was a little chap, as yet, he could crash through big thick bushes, and even knock over pretty large trees, if they were in his way.
"I'm coming!" called Tum Tum to his play-fellows, the other elephants. "I'm coming!"
Tum Tum came to a tree that stood in his way. He could just as well have gone around it, but that was not what he was used to. He lowered his head, and banged into it.
"Crash!" over went the tree, broken off short.
"I'll soon be with you!" Tum Tum called again, for he still could not see his little friends. "Who's there?" he asked.
Back through the jungle came the answer:
"We're all here—Whoo-ee, Gumble-umble, Thorny and Zunga!"
These were the names of the elephants with whom Tum Tum played. Whoo-ee was a boy elephant, and he had that name, because he used to make a funny sound, almost like his name, when he whistled through his trunk. Gumble-umble was another boy elephant, and he was called that because he grumbled, or found fault, so often.
Thorny was a girl elephant, and she got her name, because she was so fond of eating the tender, juicy leaves from the thorn tree. Zunga was another girl elephant, and she was just called that name because her mother thought it sounded nice—just as Tum Tum's mamma thought his name was the nicest one in the jungle.
"I'm coming!" trumpeted Tum Tum, and then he came to another tree that stood in his path.
"I guess I'll have to knock this out of the way," he thought to himself, and he lowered his strong head and started toward it.
"Crack!" went his head against the tree, but the tree did not break. It was very strong.
"Humph!" thought Tum Tum. "I guess I'll have to pull you up by the roots if I can't break you off."
So he wound his trunk around the tree. Then he pulled and he pulled and he pulled some more until, all of a sudden, the tree came up by the roots.
It came up so quickly that Tum Tum tumbled over backwards, head over heels.
"Smash!" down in the bushes went Tum Tum, holding up the tree in his trunk.
"Ha! Ha!" came an elephant laugh from the jungle in front of Tum Tum.
"Oh, just look at him!" a voice called.
"What happened, Tum Tum?" asked a third elephant.
"Are you playing one of your tricks?" some one else wanted to know.
Tum Tum looked up from where he lay on his back in the bushes. He saw Whoo-ee, Gumble-umble, Thorny and Zunga looking at him, their mouths wide open, laughing.
And then, instead of getting angry, and being cross, Tum Tum just laughed himself, such a jolly laugh!
"Ha! Ha!" he giggled. "I—I fell over backward pulling up this tree. Did you see me?"
"Did we see you? Well, I guess we did!" cried Whoo-ee.
"Well, maybe you did, but I didn't," complained Gumble-umble. "Zunga got right in my way, when I wanted to look."
"Oh, I'm sorry," said Zunga. "I didn't mean to."
"Oh, don't mind Gumble-umble," said Tum Tum, with another jolly laugh. "He's always finding fault. I'll pull up another tree, and fall again, Gumble-umble, so you can see me do it, if you like."
"No, don't. You might hurt yourself," said Thorny, the other girl elephant.
"Pooh!" cried Tum Tum. "I'm not afraid!"
"Well, never mind about pulling up more trees now," said Whoo-ee. "We called you to come out, and have some fun with us. We are going swimming."
"Where?" asked Tum Tum, as he got up off his back, and blew some dust over himself to keep away the flies.
"Oh, we're going down in the river," said Zunga. "It's so hot to-day, that a nice bath will cool us off. Come on."
"I'd better ask my mother," said Tum Tum. "I didn't know you were going swimming, when you called for me to come and play with you. I'll go ask her."
"All right, we'll wait for you. Only don't be all day," said Gumble-umble. "We want to go in the water before night."
"Oh, you mustn't mind him," laughed Whoo-ee. "I don't know what's the matter with him to-day; he's always finding fault. Did you get a thorn in your foot, Gumble, that makes you so cross?"
"No, I didn't," answered the other boy elephant. "But I don't want to stand here all the afternoon in a hot jungle, waiting for Tum Tum."
"I won't be long," promised the jolly elephant. He hurried back through the woods to where his father and mother were still eating.
"Mother, may I go in swimming?" he asked, as he came to where Mrs. Tusky stood.
"Yes, but don't go so far, that you can't hear any calls that may come from Mr. Boom. There's no telling when the hunters may find us."
"I'll listen, and be careful," said Tum Tum.
Back he crashed through the jungle, and soon he and his elephant friends were on their way to the river, that was not far from where the herd of elephants was feeding.
"There's the river!" suddenly called Whoo-ee, as he caught sight of the sparkling water through the trees.
"Let's see who'll be the first one in!" called Whoo-ee, as he began to run.
"Oh, don't leave us behind," begged Thorny and Zunga.
"Oh, that's the way with girls—always making a fuss!" complained Gumble-umble. "Why can't you run like we boys do?"
"Because you're bigger and stronger than we are," said Zunga.
"Well, we're not going to wait for you," said Gumble-umble.
"Never mind, I don't care whether I'm first in the water or not," said Tum Tum. "I'll stay with you, Thorny, and Zunga."
"Isn't Tum Tum nice?" whispered Zunga to Thorny, as they went along through the jungle.
"Yes," said Thorny.
Whoo-ee and Gumble-umble hurried on through the woods, and Whoo-ee was the first to splash into the water.
"I beat!" he cried.
"Well, I'd have been first only I stumbled over a tree root," said Gumble-umble.
He was always finding fault, it seemed.
Into the water splashed the five elephant children. They went out where it was about deep enough to come up to their ears, and then they sucked water up in their trunks and sprayed it over their backs, to drive away the flies and gnats that bit them. Then they swam out into deep water, and rolled and tumbled about, having great fun. They splashed each other, squirted water all over, and soon were as cool as cucumbers on ice.
All at once, through the jungle, there sounded a loud trumpeting.
"Hark!" cried Whoo-ee, as he stopped squirting water on Thorny. "What's that?"
"It's Mr. Boom signaling that there's danger!" cried Tum Tum.
Tum Tum, and the other elephants who were in swimming, made no more noise than a fly walking up the window. They all kept quiet and listened.
Through the jungle again sounded the trumpet call:
"Umph! Umph! Boom! Boom! Toom!"
"That sure means danger!" cried Tum Tum. "Come on! We had better go back to where our fathers and mothers are."
"Indeed we had!" said Thorny, as she and Zunga waded to the shore, water dripping from them.
"That's always the way!" complained Gumble-umble. "Just as we are having fun, something has to happen."
"Look here!" exclaimed Whoo-ee, "you don't want to be caught in a trap, do you?"
"Of course not," said Gumble-umble.
"And you don't want a hunter to shoot you, or to carry you away far off somewhere, do you?"
"You know I don't," and Gumble-umble did not speak quite so crossly this time.
"Well, then," said Whoo-ee, "let's do as Tum Tum is doing, and start for home. There must be some danger, or Mr. Boom wouldn't have called to us that way."
"Indeed he wouldn't," said Tum Tum, and he did not laugh in his jolly way now. "My mother told me to be sure and listen for a call from Mr. Boom. She said he would be looking for danger, and when he called, I was to hurry home."
Tum Tum was out on the bank of the river now. Gumble-umble was the last one of the elephants to come from the swimming pool.
"Let's hurry," said Tum Tum.
"That's what I say!" cried Thorny. "I don't want to be caught by some hunter."
The elephant children knew what hunters were, for their fathers and mothers had often told them about the natives who tried to catch elephants. Indeed, some of the older elephants had more than once been caught in traps, but they had gotten out.
Without stopping to put on any clothes, for of course elephants do not wear any, Tum Tum and the others hurried off through the jungle toward where the rest of the herd was feeding. Several times as they hastened along, they could hear Mr. Boom trumpeting, and it sounded as though he said:
"Hurry along! Hurry along! There's danger! Danger!"
And Tum Tum and the others did hurry, you may be sure of that.
Before the elephant children reached the place where they had left the herd feeding, Tum Tum saw something pushing through the jungle toward them.
"Look out!" he warned his playmates. "Something is coming!"
The five elephants stopped short, and were beginning to get afraid when, all at once, Tum Tum's mother burst through the bushes and came up to him.
"Oh, I was so frightened!" she said, speaking through her trunk. "I thought you were never coming!"
"Oh, we heard Mr. Boom," said Tum Tum, "and we came on as soon as we could. But what's the matter, mamma?"
"Plenty is the matter, or, rather, is going to be, unless we can get away," said the mamma elephant. "A big band of hunters is in the jungle, and they are coming this way."
"Did you see them?" asked Whoo-ee.
"No, indeed! If we waited until they were close enough for us elephants to see them, they would be so close, that we could not get away. Some monkeys brought word that the hunters were on the march. So we are going to start at once and go afar off, into a deep, dark part of the jungle, where they cannot find us."
"Well, we had a swim, anyhow," said Tum Tum. "I'm hungry, mamma. Have we time to eat?"
"No, indeed," said the lady elephant. "We'll just have to eat as we go along. You children had better go to your fathers and mothers," she said to Whoo-ee, Gumble-umble, Thorny and Zunga. "They are, very likely, looking for you."
So the four friends of Tum Tum started off, and soon the whole herd of elephants was moving off through the jungle, led by Mr. Boom, who had heard of the danger from a monkey friend.
All that day the herd of elephants kept on, crashing their way through the jungle. They did not follow any path, but made one for themselves. Through the thick, strong vines they pushed their way, breaking down trees, or pulling them up by their roots. Nothing could stop the elephants when they were running away from danger.
"Oh, dear! This is no fun! I'm tired! I'm not going to run any more!" complained Gumble-umble. "I don't believe there is any danger, anyhow."
"Oh, but there must be," said Tum Tum, who, with Whoo-ee, was hurrying along beside his play-fellow. "Otherwise they wouldn't make us go so fast," and he pointed with his trunk to Mr. Boom, and some of the older men elephants, who were leading the herd.
"Well, I'm not going to go so fast," said Gumble-umble. "I'm going to stop and have a rest."
"No, you're not!" exclaimed his father, who came up behind Gumble-umble, just then. "I'm sorry," the papa elephant said, "but you must keep on. It would never do to stop now, or the hunters would get us. Here, I'll push you along," and with his strong head, Gumble-umble's father shoved his son along, whether Gumble-umble wanted to go or not.
Tum Tum needed no pushing. He was glad enough to hurry along as fast as he could. So were the other small elephants, for they did not want to be caught.
Then, after a while, Mr. Boom signaled that they were far enough off now, and need not hurry any more. They were safe, at least for a time.
"And I'm glad of it!" exclaimed Gumble-umble. "I can't walk another step," and he lay down to rest. All the elephants were tired, and hungry. But they had come to a place where there was plenty of food and water.
Soon they were eating, drinking and getting ready to spend the night in the jungle, for it was now almost dark. Tum Tum found a nice cozy place between his mother and father, and soon he was sound asleep.
For some time after this, the herd of elephants was kept on the move by the hunters. Then, finally, the men with guns were left so far behind that there was no more danger for them. Then all the elephants were glad. They did not have to run through the jungle any more, and they had time to eat and drink.
Tum Tum and his friends went in swimming many times, and Tum Tum grew so fat and large and strong, that he was soon the largest of all the children elephants in the herd. In fact, he was almost as large as his father and mother, and of all the elephants he was the strongest, except only Mr. Boom. No elephant was stronger or braver than Mr. Boom. That was what made him the leader.
One day, when Tum Tum had grown to be a big, fine strong elephant, though as jolly as ever, something happened to him. I shall tell you all about it now.
The herd of elephants was in the forest as before. They were eating away, when, all of a sudden, Mr. Boom gave the signal with his trunk.
"Danger! Danger!" he cried, in his deep, booming voice, that was like distant thunder.
"Oh, we've got to run again!" cried Mr. Tusky, who was the father of Tum Tum.
It is a good thing elephants do not live in houses, and also good that they have nothing to move with them, when they go from place to place, or they would have trouble, because they have to run away from danger so often.
Once again they were on the march, with Mr. Boom in the lead. Now Tum Tum was so big and strong, that he was allowed to march at the head of the herd with Mr. Boom.
"Oh, but I am afraid to have him there," said Mrs. Tusky to her husband.
"Nonsense!" exclaimed the papa elephant. "He must learn to take his place. Some day he will be the leader of the herd, and will warn the others of danger."
Through the forest jungle rushed the elephants, trampling down the trees and bushes. Behind them could be heard the shouts of the hunters, and the firing of guns. There was also the noise of big wooden and tin drums being beaten, and horns being blown. There was also the trumpeting of other elephants—tame elephants. For hunters use tame elephants to help them catch the wild ones.
"Wait! don't run away! You will not be hurt!" called the tame elephants to Tum Tum, and the other wild ones.
But the wild elephants did not want to be caught. They did not know they would be kindly treated by their masters. All the wild elephants wanted to do was to get away. So with Tum Tum and Mr. Boom at their head, away they rushed through the jungle.
All at once the rushing herd of wild elephants came to a fence in the jungle. It was a strong fence, made of big bamboo trees stuck in the ground. It was such a strong fence that even Mr. Boom, try as he did, could not break it down. When he found that after one or two blows from his head would not break the fence, he called out to the other elephants:
"Never mind the fence! We can't break through it, so we'll run along beside it. Maybe there'll be a hole in it somewhere."
So the elephants rushed through the jungle, alongside of the fence, just as you might do, until you came to a gate, or hole. That was what Mr. Boom was looking for—a hole in the fence.
But he did not see any. In fact, this fence was a trap, and soon Mr. Boom and the other elephants knew this.
"Run away from the fence! Run over this way!" called Mr. Boom.
The elephants ran, but soon they saw another fence in front of them—a fence as strong as the first one. Mr. Boom and some of the strong elephants, including Tum Tum, tried to break it down, but they could not. If they had all gotten together, and pushed at one spot, they might have broken it, but they pushed in different places, and the fence held them back.
"Never mind!" called Mr. Boom. "Maybe this fence has a hole in it. We'll run along it and find out."
"Why can't we turn around and go back?" asked Gumble-umble of Tum Tum, behind whom he was now running.
"Because the hunters are behind us," said Tum Tum. "If we turned back, they would surely catch us. The only thing to do is to run on."
Tum Tum was beginning to be a smart elephant, you see. He knew many things about danger. But, had he only known it, there was something he did not know—and this was that he and the others were, even then, running right into a trap.
On and on rushed the elephants. The two lines of fences that had been far apart, were now so close together that they could both easily be seen at once. It was like going down a long lane, in the cow pasture, with a fence on either side.
Then Mr. Boom saw the danger.
"Go back! Go back!" called the big leader elephant. "Go back!"
But it was too late. Right in front of the elephants was a big round place, like a baseball park, with a high fence all around it—a very strong fence. There was a gate by which the elephants could be driven into this park, only it was a trap, and not a park. And there was no way out of it. The fence ran all about it, except this one hole. And through that hole the elephants were being driven.
"Go back! Go back!" cried Tum Tum, waving his trunk at the other elephants as Mr. Boom was doing.
But the elephants were afraid to go back because the hunters were rushing up behind them. The hunters had driven the elephants into the trap, and were going to keep them there.
Up rode the hunters on tame elephants. Into the trap they drove the wild ones, Tum Tum and all the others.
"Alas! We are caught!" cried Mr. Boom. "Come, let us see if we cannot break through this fence!"
He rushed at it with his big head, but the fence was too strong for him.
Into the midst of the wild elephants came the tame ones, with the hunter-men on their backs. The tame elephants talked to the wild ones.
"Be quiet!" said the tame elephants. "You will not be hurt! See us! We were once like you, but we were caught and we like it. Be quiet!"
Some of the elephants quieted down, but others rushed about, trying to break through the fence. Tum Tum was one of these. Then, all at once two tame elephants, with men on their backs, rushed at Tum Tum. Chains and ropes were thrown over his back, and around his legs. The chains and ropes were pulled tight.
Tum Tum was caught in the trap.
Tum Tum was not now such a jolly elephant as he had been the day he went in swimming, or as happy as when he pulled up the tree, fell over backward, and laughed at his own joke. No, indeed! Tum Tum was feeling very unhappy now.
"Oh, mamma!" Tum Tum cried. "Oh, papa! What has happened?"
Mr. and Mrs. Tusky were not able to answer Tum Tum. They, too, as well as nearly all the other elephants, had been caught in the trap. Some of them, like Tum Tum, were held fast with chains and ropes, and others were trying to batter down the fence of the trap with their heads. But they felt that they could not do it, as the fence was too strong.
"Let me go! Let me loose!" cried Tum Tum in his elephant language.
Of course the hunter men, who had taken Tum Tum and the others prisoners, did not understand this talk, but they could see that Tum Tum was very strong, and might break loose.
"Better put a couple more chains on that fellow," said one of the hunters to another.
"I guess so," agreed the second hunter. "That is the finest and biggest elephant we have caught in this herd."
At first Tum Tum thought they must be speaking of Mr. Boom, who surely was the largest and strongest elephant in the jungle. But, when Tum Tum looked around, Mr. Boom was not to be seen. He had gotten away. He had turned, and run out of the trap, and he was so big and strong that even the tame elephants, with the hunters on their backs, could not stop him. Away he rushed into the jungle. But he was very sad, for he alone, of all the herd, had escaped.
"I wonder of whom they can be speaking, so big and strong," thought Tum Tum. He saw two tame elephants, with hunters on their backs, and carrying chains, coming toward him.
"Why—why, they must mean me!" said Tum Tum to himself. He stopped trying to break down the fence, which the hunters had built as a trap, and waited.
"Look out for him," said one of the men. "He looks dangerous. He looks like a bad elephant."
Tum Tum was not a bad elephant. He was very strong, but he was not bad.
"Oh, mamma, what shall I do?" cried Tum Tum, as he saw the tame elephants, with chains, coming closer to him.
For all his great strength, Tum Tum was yet only a boy elephant. He was not very wise. He did not know what to do.
"Listen," said Tum Tum's father. "You are now the leader of the herd, Tum Tum. Mr. Boom is gone, and I am too old to be the leader. So you must be. We elephants will do as you do. If you can break down the fence, and get away from the hunters, we will follow you."
"I will try, once more, to break down the fence," said Tum Tum. "Let some of the strong, young elephants come to help me. Come, Whoo-ee—come, Gumble-umble! We will smash down the fence!"
But one of the tame elephants, who heard what Tum Tum said, called to him, and spoke:
"Oh, brother. Do not break down the fence."
"Why not?" asked Tum Tum, who could easily understand the language of the tame elephant. "Why should I not break the fence, and let my friends, and my father and mother, out of this trap. Why not?"
"Because," answered the tame elephant, with the chains, "you cannot do it. Already you are held with ropes, and soon we will put more chains on you, so that you cannot move."
"And why would you—you who are elephants like ourselves—why would you do this to us, who never harmed you?" asked Tum Tum.
"Because it is for your good," said the tame elephant. "The white hunters are very strong. You may get away from them now, but they will come after you again. It is better to give in now. If you are good, and do not try to break down the fence, you will wear no chains."
"But what will happen to us—to me and my father and mother?" asked Tum Tum.
"You will be put to work, piling teak logs in the woods," said the tame elephant. "You will have enough to eat, you will have shelter from the rain and the flies. You will have water to drink and to wash in. It is a good life. I like it."
"Is that all that will happen to me?" asked Tum Tum.
"Perhaps not," answered the tame elephant. "You may be sent far across the big water, in a house that floats, and go, as other elephants have gone, to a circus, or menagerie, for the boys and girls to look at, and feed peanuts to."
"What are peanuts?" asked Tum Tum, who was hungry.
"I do not know, never having eaten any," said the tame elephant. "But one of my brothers, who was in a circus in a far off land, and who came back here, said they were very good. Now shall we put the chains on you—I and my tame brothers—or will you be quiet—you and the others?"
Tum Tum thought for a minute. After all he was caught, and it would be hard to get away, even if he were the strongest elephant in the herd, now that Mr. Boom was gone. Then, too, it might be nice in a circus, and Tum Tum certainly wanted to see what peanuts were like.
"I—I will be good, tame brother," he said. "You need not put the chains and ropes on me."
"You are wise, Tum Tum," said the tame elephant. "We will put no chains on you. And about the others?" he asked.
"The others will do as I do," said Tum Tum. "I am the leader now."
"Good!" trumpeted the tame elephant, whose name was Dunda. "My brother from the jungle is wise."
So Tum Tum had no more chains put on his legs or back, and those that were on him, with the ropes, were taken off.
"So we are not to try to break from the trap?" asked Whoo-ee.
"No, for we will be well treated here," said Tum Tum, "and some of us may go to a circus."
"What is a circus?" asked Zunga.
"It is a place where boys and girls look at us, and feed us peanuts," answered Tum Tum.
"I will not go to any circus!" cried Gumble-umble. "I am going to break out of this trap!"
"You must not!" cried Tum Tum. "I have said that we would all be good, and I am the leader."
"You cannot lead me!" trumpeted Gumble-umble, and he rushed at the fence of the stockade, or trap. But before he could reach it, two tame elephants rushed at him, and Gumble-umble was soon bound with strong chains and ropes, so that he could hardly move.
"It is all your fault!" he cried to Tum Tum.
"No, it is your own," said Gumble-umble's papa. "Now you must quiet down and be a good elephant. We are caught, we can go no more to the jungle, but perhaps it is best for us."
So Tum Tum and the wild elephants were thus caught.
For a time the herd of wild elephants was kept inside the fence. They were given good things to eat, and plenty of water to drink, and to blow over themselves with their trunks, to cool off. They did not try to get away, though once, in the night, Mr. Boom came as close to the outside of the trap, or stockade, as he dared, and trumpeted, trying to call his herd back to him. But they would not go. They were beginning to like it, with the tame elephants.
In a little while all the wild elephants, Tum Tum included, were quite tame. Then they were taken out, a few at a time, out to the forest, and shown how to pile up the heavy logs of teakwood, which is used for building ships, and sometimes for making tables and chairs.
The tame elephants showed the wild ones how to carry the logs on their tusks, or in their trunks, and how to pile them up as neatly as you can pile up your building blocks.
Tum Tum learned to do this, and also how to push heavy wagons about with his head. He also learned much of the man-talk, so that his driver, or mahoot, as he is called, could, by a few words, make Tum Tum understand just what was wanted.
One day Tum Tum was taken away from the rest of the herd, and he did not even have a chance to say good-by. He was led up what seemed to be a little bridge, and Tum Tum was afraid it would fall with him. But it did not.
Next he walked down into a dark place, and he found other elephants there. Some of them he knew.
"Where are we, and where are we going?" he asked.
"We are in a ship, and we are being taken across the ocean to a circus," answered Whoo-ee, who was one of the elephants in the dark place, which was the inside of a steamship.
"A circus! Good!" cried Tum Tum. "Now I shall know how a peanut tastes."
The ship began to move and rock. It rocked and swayed for many days, for it was on the ocean. And then, one day, a sailor came down to see the elephants. He brought with him a queer little animal, with thick, brown hair. And this animal chattered in jungle talk.
"Ha! I seem to know who that is!" thought Tum Tum.
"Chatter! Chatter! Chat! Chur-r-r-r-r-r!" went the little brown-haired animal, as he sprang from the arms of the sailor.
"Umph! Umph!" trumpeted Tum Tum.
Then the little brown monkey, for such it was, gave a jump from the arms of the sailor, and landed up on the back of the elephant.
"Hello, Tum Tum!" cried the monkey.
"Why, it's Mappo!" exclaimed Tum Tum. "How did you get here?"
"I was caught in a net, when I was eating some cocoanut," the monkey said. I have told you how that happened in a book called, "Mappo, the Merry Monkey."
"Caught in a net, eh?" said Tum Tum. "That is too bad. I was caught myself. But where are you going?"
"To a circus," answered Mappo.
"So am I!" cried Tum Tum. "This is fine! We'll be in the circus together!"
The monkey and the elephant were good friends, for they had known each other in the jungle, Tum Tum often having passed under the tree where Mappo's home was.
The sailor who had brought Mappo down to see the elephants, smiled as he saw Tum Tum making friends with him.
"I guess I'll leave them together," said the sailor.
So Mappo went to sleep on Tum Tum's big back.
The monkey had not slept very long, before he was suddenly awakened, by finding himself almost sliding off.
"What is the matter, Tum Tum?" asked Mappo.
"The ship is trying to stand on its head, I think," said the elephant. "Oh, here I go!" and he fell down on his knees, while Mappo sailed through the air and fell on a pile of hay.
With Mappo chattering in his monkey language, and the elephants in the lower part of the ship trumpeting through their trunks, there was so much noise, that it is no wonder many of the animals were frightened.
"Oh, what is it? What is it?" Mappo chattered.
"I don't know," answered Tum Tum, "unless the hunters are coming after us again," and, raising his trunk, he gave the call of danger, as he had heard Mr. Boom, the big leader elephant, give it in the jungle.
"Hush! Be quiet!" called an old elephant near Tum Tum. "Why do you call that way, brother?" he asked in elephant language.
"There is danger," replied Tum Tum. "I must tell the others to get out of here."
"That cannot be done," said the old elephant. "We are in a ship, on the big water, and if we got out now, in the ocean, we would surely drown. Be quiet!"
"But why am I tossed about so?" asked Tum Tum. "Why can I not stand up straight?"
"Because the ship is in a storm," answered the old elephant. "I know, for I have been on a ship before. The wind is blowing and tossing the ship up and down.
"But there is no danger. Only keep quiet, and, since you are the new leader of the elephants, tell them to be quiet, or some of them may be hurt. See, down come the sailors to see what is the trouble."
Surely enough, down came a whole lot of sailors, in white suits, to see why all the elephants had trumpeted so loudly, and why Mappo, the merry monkey, had squealed.
"Hush! Be quiet!" called Tum Tum to the other elephants. "Be quiet or I shall beat you with my trunk, and make you."
When Tum Tum spoke that way, all the other elephants heard him, and they grew quiet. Some, who had fallen on their knees, when the ship tossed from side to side, now got up. They placed their big legs far apart, so they could stand steadily.
"We will be all right when the storm passes," said the old elephant who had spoken to Tum Tum.
Mappo picked himself up off the pile of hay, and, just then, his friend the sailor came to get him.
"I guess you have been here long enough, Mappo," said the sailor. "You might get hurt down here, with all these big elephants."
Mappo was glad enough to go, not that he felt afraid of the elephants, but he knew that one of them might, by accident, fall on him, and an elephant is so large and heavy that, when he falls on a monkey, there is not much left of the little chap.
"Good-by, Tum Tum!" called Mappo to his big friend. "I'll come and see you, when the storm is over."
"All right," answered Tum Tum. "And I hope the storm will soon be over, for I do not like it."
The ship was swinging to and fro, like a rocking chair on the front porch when the wind blows. But finally the elephants became used to it, and some of them could even go to sleep. But Tum Tum stayed awake.
"There might be some danger," he thought to himself, "and if there was, I could warn the others. I am the leader, and must always be on the watch for danger, just as Mr. Boom would be, if he were here."
But I am glad to say no more danger came to the ship. It rode safely through the storm, and in a few days, it was gliding swiftly over the blue sea.
"What will happen to us, when the ship stops sailing?" asked Tum Tum of the old elephant, who seemed to know so much.
"After it gets to the other side of the ocean," said the old elephant, "we shall be taken out—we and all the animals. Then we shall go to the circus."
"Is the circus nice?" asked Tum Tum.
"I have been in one or two, and I like them," said the old elephant, whose name was Hoy. "There is hard work, but there is also fun."
"Tell me about the fun," said Tum Tum. "I do not like to hear about the hard work."
"The work goes with the fun," said Hoy, "so I will tell you about both. The hard work comes in marching through the hard city streets, that hurt your feet. That is when we go in the parade. I know, for I have been in many parades. But it is fun, too, for we elephants have a little house on our backs, and men and women ride in it. Then the bands play, and the people laugh and shout to see us pass by. Yes, that is fun," and the old elephant, who had been sent to make the voyage in the ship, so that he might keep the new, wild elephants quiet, shut his eyes as he thought of the circus days.
"Is there other hard work?" asked Tum Tum.
"A great deal," said Hoy. "You will have to push heavy wagons about with your head, and lift heavy poles, as you did in the lumber yard when you came from the jungle. And then you will have to do tricks in the circus ring."
"What are tricks?" asked Tum Tum.
"Tricks are what I call hard work, but they make the people in the circus laugh," answered Hoy. "You will have to stand on your head, turn somersaults and do many things like that."
"Now tell me about the fun," begged Tum Tum.
"Yes, there is some fun," spoke Hoy, slowly. "You will get nice hay to eat, and water to drink, and the children in the circus will give you popcorn balls and peanuts to eat. Also, you will wear a fine blanket, all gold and spangles, when you march around the ring in the tent. But now I am tired, and I want to go to sleep."
So the old elephant slept, and Tum Tum stood there, swaying backward and forward in the ship, wondering whether he would like a circus.
It took several weeks for the ship to make the journey from jungle land to circus land, and, during that period, Mappo, the merry monkey, came down to see Tum Tum several times.
"I am going to be in the circus, also," said Mappo, when one day Tum Tum spoke of the big show under the white tent.
"Are you?" asked the jolly elephant. "That will be nice. We'll see each other."
"And will you take care of me, so the tiger won't get me?" asked Mappo.
"Indeed I shall!" cried Tum Tum through his big trunk.
At last the day came when the ship reached her dock, and the animals were taken out. The chains were loosed from the legs of Tum Tum and the other elephants, and they were hoisted up from the lower part of the ship, and allowed to go ashore. Tum Tum was glad of it, for he was tired of the water. But his journey was not over, for, with the others, he was put in a railroad car, and hauled by an engine. At last, however, he reached a big wooden building, and the old elephant, Hoy, said:
"This is where the circus stays in winter. Now you will begin to have hard work, and also fun."
"Well," thought Tum Tum, as, with the other elephants, he marched toward the big barn-like building, "if there is enough fun, I shall not mind the hard work."
Then, as he felt rather jolly, after getting out of the big freight car, Tum Tum picked up a piece of stick from the ground, and began tickling another elephant in the ribs with it.
"Yoump! Umph! Woomph!" trumpeted this elephant. This was his way of saying:
"Hi, there! What are you doing? Stop it!"
"Oh, that's only in fun!" laughed Tum Tum.
"Well, my ribs are too sore to want that kind of fun," the other elephant said. "Now you just quit!"
But Tum Tum was so jolly that he wanted more fun, so he tickled another elephant. This elephant, instead of speaking to Tum Tum, just reached over with her long trunk, pulled one of Tum Tum's legs out from under him, and down he went in a heap.
"Ha! Maybe you like that kind of fun!" cried the elephant who had made Tum Tum fall.
"It didn't hurt me!" said Tum Tum, as he got up. But, after that, he was careful not to play any jokes on this elephant.
It was very cold in this new land to which Tum Tum had come, for it was winter. It was not at all like his green, hot jungle, and he was glad when he was led, with the other elephants, into the big barn, where the circus stayed in winter.
"Well, this is certainly a funny place," thought Tum Tum, the jolly elephant, as he looked about him. And well might he say so.
He found himself inside a large barn, which was nice and warm, and for this Tum Tum was glad, for it felt more like the warmth of his jungle, and Tum Tum, who had been shivering in the cold, outer air, now felt much better.
The earthen floor of the barn was covered with sawdust, and all around the sides of the barn were cages containing many animals. There were lions, tigers, wolves, leopards, monkeys, snakes, and many other strange beasts, some of which Tum Tum had seen in his jungle home, and some of which he had never before seen.
"I suppose that is where Mappo will be put," thought Tum Tum, as he looked at the cages full of lively little monkey chaps.
Then Tum Tum looked and saw a number of elephants, chained in a row on another side of the circus barn, and he knew that would be his place. Opening out of the big barn was a smaller one, and in that were many horses and ponies.
There were many men in the circus barn, and they all seemed to be doing something. Some were carrying pails of water to the animals, others were feeding hay to the elephants, and meat to the lions, tigers and spotted leopards. Tum Tum did not care for meat, but he was very hungry for some of the juicy, green leaves that grew on trees in his jungle.
As he could get none of those now, he had to eat dry hay, and very good that tasted, too. He had grown to like it on board the ship.
"Bring the elephants over here!" called one circus man to another, and Tum Tum felt himself being led along by a man who had a stick with a hook in the end of it. But the man did not stick the hook in Tum Tum, because Tum Tum was good and gentle now.
Tum Tum, though he had been a wild elephant in the jungle only a few weeks before, had learned many things, since he had been caught. He had learned that men were his friends, and would not hurt him, though they made him do as they wanted him to, and ordered him about as though he were a little dog instead of a big, strong elephant. The men did not seem to be afraid of Tum Tum, though he was a little afraid of them, especially when they carried sharp hooks, which hurt one's skin.
"Come along!" cried the man who was leading Tum Tum and the others, and over to one side of the circus barn they went, to be chained by a leg to a very strong stake driven into the ground.
"Feed them up well," said the first man, "and then we'll see about putting them through some tricks."
"Ha!" thought Tum Tum. "So the tricks are to begin soon, are they? I wonder what kind I shall do, and whether I shall like them or not?"
Tum Tum waited anxiously to see what would happen next. What did happen was that he got something to eat, and a little treat into the bargain.
For with the big pile of hay that was given him, there were some long, pointed yellow things.
"Ha! What are those?" asked Tum Tum of Hoy, the big, tame elephant who had been in a circus before.
"They are carrots," said Hoy.
"Are they good to eat?" asked Tum Tum.
"Try and see," answered Hoy, with a twinkle in his little eyes. He was eating the yellow carrots as fast as he could.
Tum Tum took one little bite, holding the carrot in his trunk. And, as soon as he chewed on it, he knew that he liked carrots very much.
"Ha! That is certainly good!" he said to Hoy. "I wish I had carrots every day."
"Oh, but you won't get them every day," said the old elephant. "They are just special, to get you to feeling jolly, so you will learn your tricks more easily."
"Well, I feel pretty jolly anyhow," said Tum Tum. "I'll do any tricks I can."
He did not know yet all that was to happen to him, before he learned to do his tricks.
Tum Tum had been in the circus nearly a week before he was taught any tricks. In that week he had plenty to eat, and good water to drink, some of which he spurted over himself with his trunk. That was his way of taking a bath, you see.
Then, one day, some circus men came to where Tum Tum was chained, and one of them said:
"Now, we'll take out this big elephant, and teach him some tricks. Get Hoy, so he'll show Tum Tum what we want done."
"Ha! So now the tricks begin!" cried Tum Tum to Hoy.
"Yes, and you want to watch out, and do as you are told, or you may not like it," said Hoy.
Tum Tum and the older elephant were led to the middle of the circus ring. The chains were taken off Tum Tum's legs, but a rope was put around his front ones, and he wondered what that was for. Then Tum Tum and Hoy were stood in a line with some other big elephants.
"All ready now!" cried a circus man, snapping his long whip. "Stand up!"
Hoy raised himself up on his hind legs, lifting his trunk high in the air.
"Do as I do! Do as I do!" called Hoy to Tum Tum. "Stand up on your hind legs."
"I—I can't!" answered Tum Tum, who tried. But he found he could not.
Then a funny thing happened. All of a sudden Tum Tum found his front legs and head being pulled up in the air by the rope, and, before he knew it, he was standing on his hind legs whether he wanted to or not.
The circus men had pulled on the end of the rope, which ran through a pulley, hoisting Tum Tum in the air. That was the way they had of teaching him to stand up. Several times Tum Tum was let down to the ground, and hauled up again, and each time he was pulled up, the circus man would call out:
"Stand up on your hind legs! Stand up on your hind legs!"
"Is this a trick?" asked Tum Tum of Hoy, who did not have to have a rope around him to pull him up.
"Yes, it is one trick," answered the old elephant. "There are many more, though, to learn."
Tum Tum was beginning to be tired of being hauled up this way. So were some of the other elephants, and one of them tried to break loose. But he was hit with a rope, and squealed so that none of the others tried to get away.
"Now then, take off the ropes, and we'll see how many have learned their lesson," said the head circus man.
"Now's your chance to show how smart you are," whispered Hoy to Tum Tum. "When he tells you to stand up next time, do it all by yourself. Then you'll have learned this one trick."
"I'll try," promised Tum Tum.
The elephants stood in a row. The head circus man cracked his whip, and called:
"Up on your hind legs!"
Tum Tum gave a little spring, and raised his front legs from the ground. He settled back on his strong hind legs, and there he was, doing just as Hoy was doing! Tum Tum had learned his first lesson, just as he had learned to pile teakwood logs in straight piles.
"Ha! We have one smart fellow in the bunch, anyhow!" cried the circus man.
Tum Tum was glad when he heard this, just as you would be, if you had learned your lesson in school. For it is a good thing to learn to do things, even for an elephant.
But if Tum Tum thought he would get a rest after he had shown that he could do the trick without being hauled up by a rope, he was sadly mistaken. Over and over he had to do the trick, until he felt tired, large and strong as he was.
Some of the elephants could stand up on their hind legs for a second or so, and then they fell down again. They were made to practice again with ropes, but no ropes were needed for Tum Tum.
"Well, that's enough for one day," said the head circus man finally. "Give them all some carrots with their hay. To-morrow we shall try having them stand on their front legs."
"Will that be harder?" asked Tum Tum of Hoy as he marched to the side of the barn where the elephants were kept.
"Much harder," said the old elephant. "But I think you can do it."
"I'll try, anyhow," spoke Tum Tum, with a jolly laugh. "I think tricks are fun."
Standing on his front legs, with his hind ones in the air, was not as funny as he had thought. In the first place, he had to start with the rope, and, before he knew it, his hind legs were pulled out from under him, by the circus men, and Tum Tum was almost standing on his head. Hoy told him what to do, and how to balance himself, just as he told the other elephants, and soon Tum Tum could do it very well. When this practice was over, and when Tum Tum could stand on either his front or hind legs, without being pulled by a rope, he was given more carrots to eat.
Tum Tum could now do two tricks, but, as you children know, who have seen elephants in a circus, there are many others that can be done.
Elephants can be made to sit down in a low, strong chair, they can be made to stand on top of a small tub, to play see-saw, to ring bells, play hand organs with their trunks, and do many other queer things they never thought of doing in the jungle.
Why, I have seen elephants fire cannon, wave flags, and play baseball. Elephants are very wonderful, and very wise and lively, for such big animals.
As the winter days went by, Tum Tum learned many tricks in the circus. He learned to stand with other elephants, in a long row, and let the acrobats jump over him, and he also let the clowns jump right on his broad back. Tum Tum learned to do a little dance, too, but he never danced as well as the ponies could, for Tum Tum was very heavy. Tum Tum also learned how to walk across, and kneel down over his master, who lay flat on the sawdust, and though Tum Tum, with his big body, came very close to the man, he never touched him. If Tum Tum had stepped, even with one foot, on the man, he would have hurt him very much. But Tum Tum was careful.
One day, when spring was near at hand, and when it was nearly time for the circus to travel on the road, from one town to another, Tum Tum was out in front of the barn, helping push some of the big circus wagons about. He pushed them with his strong head.
All at once Tum Tum felt something bite him on the hind leg, and he heard a barking noise, such as monkeys sometimes make.
"Is that you, Mappo?" asked Tum Tum quickly. He could not turn around, for he was pushing the wagon up hill.
"Bow wow! Bow wow! Bow wow!" was the barking answer, and Tum Tum felt his legs nipped again.
"Stop that, Mappo, if you please," said the big elephant. "Please don't do that, when I am pushing this wagon."
But Tum Tum's leg was bitten again, and he cried:
"Mappo, I shall squeeze you in my trunk, if you do not let me alone. I like a joke as well as you do, but it is no fun to have your legs nipped when you are pushing a heavy wagon. Stop it!"
"Bow wow! Bow wow! Bow wow!" came the answer.
"That doesn't sound exactly like Mappo," said Tum Tum. "I wonder who it can be?"
When Tum Tum had pushed the wagon to the top of the hill, he could turn around. Then, instead of seeing the merry little monkey, he saw a big black and white dog, who was barking and nipping at his heels.
"Oh, ho! So it is you, eh?" asked Tum Tum. "Who are you, and what are you biting me for?"
"My name is Don," barked the dog, "and I am biting you to drive you away. I am afraid you might hurt my master. I never saw such an animal as you, with two tails. Go away!" and Don barked louder than before, and once more tried to bite the elephant's feet.
"Here, Don! Don!" called a man's voice. "Come away from that elephant!"
"Bow wow!" barked Don. "I am going to bite him!"
"Oh, are you?" asked Tum Tum. And with that he reached out with his trunk, caught Don around the middle, and lifted him high in the air. Don did not bark now. He howled in fear.
"Please let me down! Oh, please do!" begged Don, the dog, of Tum Tum, the jolly elephant, as the big creature from the jungle held the dog high up in the air.
Tum Tum did not feel so very jolly just then. He did not want to hurt Don, but neither did the elephant like to be nipped on his hind legs, when he was pushing a wagon.
"Oh, the elephant has our dog!" cried a boy who was with the man who had called after Don. "Oh, papa, will he hurt him?"
"No, Tum Tum won't hurt anyone," said a circus man. "I'll get your dog back for you, but he must be careful of elephants after this."
"He never saw one before," said the boy's father.
All this while Tum Tum was holding Don high in the air in his trunk.
"Oh, won't you let me down?" begged Don.
"I will, if you won't bark at me again, and bite me," said Tum Tum. "I don't want to hurt you, doggie boy, but I can't have you bothering me, when I'm doing my circus work."
"Oh, I'll be good! I'll be good!" promised Don, and with that Tum Tum lowered him gently to the ground, uncoiled his trunk from around Don's middle, and the dog ran howling to his master and the boy.
"Don, what made you bite the elephant?" asked the boy.
Don only barked gently in answer. He could not speak man or boy talk, you know, any more than an elephant could, though he understood it very well.
"I told you the elephant wouldn't hurt your dog," said the circus man. "Tum Tum is very gentle."
Don crept behind his master, and looked at Tum Tum. The elephant walked down to get another wagon to push up hill, as all the circus horses were too busy to pull it.
"Bow wow!" barked Don, but this time he was talking to Tum Tum, and not barking angrily at him. "Are you an elephant?" asked Don, in his own language, which the elephant understood very well.
"Yes, I am an elephant," said Tum Tum.
"And you have two tails," went on Don.
Almost anyone who sees an elephant for the first time thinks that.
"No, I have only one tail," Tum Tum answered. "The front thing is my trunk, or long nose. I breathe through it, pick up things to eat in it, and squirt water through it."
"My! It is very useful, isn't it?" asked Don, wagging his tail.
"Indeed it is," said Tum Tum. The elephant and the dog were fast becoming friends now, and were talking together, though the boy and his father and the circus men did not know this.
"Then was it your trunk that you picked me up in?" asked Don, of the elephant.
"Yes," replied Tum Tum, "and I am sorry if I frightened you."
"Oh, well, that's all right," answered Don. "I am all right now, and I suppose I did wrong to bark at you, and bite. I am sorry."
"Then I'll excuse you," spoke Tum Tum. "But what is your name, and where do you live?"
"My name is Don, and I live on a farm," answered the dog. "We have a comical little pig on our farm named Squinty. Did you ever see him?"
"I think not," answered Tum Tum. "You see I haven't been in this country very long. Did you bring the pig to the circus?"
"Gracious, no!" barked Don. "He had to stay home in the pen. But my master, his boy and I came to see you elephants, and other circus animals. Only I never knew what an elephant was like before."
"Well, now you know," said Tum Tum, "so you won't bark at, or bite, the next one you see."
"Indeed I shall not," said Don. "I have to bark at Squinty, the comical pig, once in a while, when he gets out of the pen, and once I took hold of his ear in my teeth."
"I hope you didn't hurt him," said Tum Tum.
"No, I wouldn't do that for the world," said Don. And those of you who have read about "Squinty, the Comical Pig," know how kind Don was to him.
"So you came to see the circus?" went on Tum Tum to Don, as the dog's master and his boy looked about at the strange sights.
"Yes, though I don't know exactly what a circus is," said Don.
"Well, this is the start of it," Tum Tum said. "These are our winter quarters. Soon we shall start out on the road, and live in a tent. Then I shall do my tricks, the children and the people will laugh and shout, and give me popcorn balls and peanuts. Oh, yum-yum!" and Tum Tum smacked his lips because he thought of the good things he was going to have to eat a little later on.
"Can you do tricks?" asked Don.
"Indeed I can, a great many," the elephant said. "I can stand on my hind feet—so!" and up he rose in the air, until his little short tail dangled on the ground.
"Anything else?" asked Don. "That's a good trick. Let me see you do another."
"Look!" cried Tum Tum, and this time he stood on his front legs, and raised his hind ones in the air.
"That's harder to do," said the jolly elephant.
"I should think so," agreed Don. "I'm going to try it myself." Don did try, but when he wanted to stand on his front legs, he fell over and bumped his nose. And when he tried to stand on his hind legs, he fell over backward and bumped his head.
"I—I guess I can't do it," he said to Tum Tum.
"It needs much practice to do it well," spoke the jolly elephant.
"Here, Tum Tum!" called one of the circus men. "This is no time to be doing tricks. Come and help push some more of these wagons. If the circus is ever to start out on the road, to give shows in the tent, we must start soon. Come, push some of these wagons, with your big, strong head."
"I'll have to go now," said Tum Tum to Don, the dog, for they were now good friends. "I may see you again, sometime."
"I hope you will," spoke Don. "Your circus is coming to our town, I know, for the barns on our farm are pasted over with posters, and bills."
"Then I may see you when we get there," said Tum Tum, as he walked slowly forward to push the wagon pointed out by the circus man.
That is how Don and Tum Tum became acquainted. As the dog went off with his master and the boy, he barked a good-by to Tum Tum, saying:
"If you come near our place, I'll show you Squinty, the comical pig. One eye is wide open, and the other partly shut."
"He must be a funny chap," said Tum Tum. The big, jolly elephant pushed into place the heavy wagon. Then it was dinner time. But as Tum Tum was eating his hay and carrots in the animal tent, for he was kept in that, now that the weather was warmer, all at once Tum Tum heard a loud shouting.
"Look out for that wagon. The tiger cage wagon is rolling down hill. It will turn over, be smashed, and the tiger will get out! Stop that wagon, somebody!"
Tum Tum heard this shouting, and looking out of the side of his tent, he saw a big red and gold wagon rushing down the hill backwards.
"I must stop that wagon," said Tum Tum.
Tum Tum, the jolly elephant, pulled hard on the chain that held his big leg fast to a stake driven into the ground. He wanted to get loose so he could stop the wagon from rolling down hill, maybe upsetting and letting the big tiger out.
"I know I can stop the wagon, if they will only take this chain off my leg, so I can get out there," thought Tum Tum, as he pulled and tugged at the chain and peg.
Outside the tent men were running and shouting. Some of them tried to put stones in the way of the wagon wheels, but the tiger's cage was so heavy that it rolled right over the stones.
The tiger was frightened and angry, and he growled and snarled, until you would have thought he was back in the jungle again.
"Let me loose! Let me loose!" trumpeted Tum Tum through his trunk, as he waved it to and fro. Of course none of the circus men could understand this language, but Tum Tum's keeper knew what the big elephant meant.
The keeper came running in the tent.
"Tum Tum!" he cried. "I believe you can stop that wagon. Stop the tiger cage! Get in front of it, and push on it with your big head. That will stop it from rolling down hill!"
"I will! I will!" said Tum Tum, only, of course, he spoke in elephant language.
The keeper soon took the chain off Tum Tum's leg, and the big elephant rushed out of the tent, and toward the rolling wagon. None of the men had yet been able to stop it, and it was half way down the hill now, going faster and faster. Inside, the tiger was growling and snarling louder than ever, and trying to break out through the iron bars.
"Look out! He'll get away!" cried Mappo, who had run and jumped inside the cage with the other monkeys. "Old Sharp Tooth will get loose."
"No, he won't!" said Tum Tum, who was now going toward the tiger's cage as fast as he could. "Don't be afraid, Mappo," the elephant went on, for he knew monkeys are very much afraid of tigers. "I won't let him get you, Mappo," said Tum Tum.
On rushed the big elephant toward the rolling cage. He got in front of it, and then he stood still, in the middle of the hill, waiting for the tiger's cage, on wheels, to roll down to him.
"Look out, Tum Tum, or it will hit you!" chattered Mappo.
"That's what I want it to do," said Tum Tum. "But it can't hurt me, as my head is so big and strong. Now you watch me!"
On came the tiger's cage. Tum Tum stood there ready to let it bunk into him. His legs were spread far apart so he himself would not be knocked over.
That was the tiger's cage hitting Tum Tum on the head.
"Ouch!" yelled the big elephant through his trunk, for though it did not hurt him much, he felt a little pain.
Then he stood there, and pushed so hard on the big wagon, that it could not roll down hill any more. Instead, it began to roll back up the hill, as Tum Tum pushed on it.
"That's the way to do it, Tum Tum!" cried the elephant's keeper. "I knew you could do it. Come on now, old fellow. Push the cage right back where it belongs."
Tum Tum did so. Soon the tiger's cage was in line with those of the lions, wolves, bears and other animals, ready for the circus to begin.
"Oh, but I'm glad the tiger didn't get loose," said Mappo, to Tum Tum. "I was so afraid!"
"Why were you afraid?" the big elephant wanted to know.
"Oh, because Sharp Tooth, the tiger, does not like me. I am sure he would bite me, if he got loose."
"Why would he do that?" asked Tum Tum.
"Because I would not let him out of his cage, when he and I were caught in the jungle," answered the monkey.
Then he told about the time Sharp Tooth had tried to get out of his cage.
"Never fear, Mappo," said Tum Tum. "I'll not let Sharp Tooth hurt you as long as I am around."
"Thank you," said Mappo.
For several days after this the circus went from town to town, traveling after dark each night, so as to be ready to give a show in the day-time.
One day Sharp Tooth, the tiger, spoke to Tum Tum as the elephant was passing the cage.
"Why did you stop my wagon from rolling down hill, Tum Tum?" asked the tiger.
"Because I did not want to see it smashed, and see you thrown out, Sharp Tooth," answered Tum Tum.
"But that is just what I wanted to do—get out," spoke the tiger. "I want to get loose! I am tired of staying in the cage!"
"But if you got out, you might bite someone," went on Tum Tum.
"Yes, that is just what I would do," growled the tiger. "I would bite and scratch until the men would be glad to let me go back to my jungle again. I am mad at you for not letting my cage run on. If you had, I would now be free."
"Well, I am glad you are not free," said Tum Tum, as he looked at the sharp teeth and sharp claws of the tiger, and thought of little Mappo.
"Then I am mad at you, and I am going to stay mad," said the tiger, and he sulked in his cage.
Tum Tum was not very much afraid of the tiger now, even though he knew the bad animal might some day get loose and scratch him.
"I don't believe Sharp Tooth will ever get out," said Tum Tum to himself.
The big elephant had good times in the circus. He had to do only a few tricks in the afternoon, and some more in the evening. The rest of the time he could eat or sleep, except when the circus moved from place to place. Then he would have to help the other elephants push the heavy wagons up on the railroad trains. But Tum Tum did not mind this.
What he liked, best of all, was to stand in the animal tent, before and after his trick performances, and watch the children and grown people come in to look at him and the other animals. Some of the little children seemed afraid of the elephants, but when Tum Tum saw one of these frightened little tots, he would just put out his trunk, and gently stroke some other little boy or girl, so as to show how gentle he was. Then the frightened one's mother or father would say:
"See, the good elephant will not hurt you. Come, give him some peanuts or popcorn."
Then the child would hand Tum Tum a peanut, and Tum Tum would eat it with a twinkle in his little eyes.
Of course Tum Tum would much rather have had a whole bag full of peanuts at a time, for he could put them all in his mouth, and more, at once.
Still, Tum Tum was glad enough to get single peanuts at a time, and though it was hard work to chew a single one in his big mouth, just as it would be hard for you to chew just one grain of sugar, still Tum Tum was very polite, and he never refused to take the single peanuts.
"A big ball of popcorn makes something pretty good to chew on," said Tum Tum to one of the elephants chained near him. "I like that, don't you?"
"Indeed I do," the elephant said. "We never got anything as nice as popcorn and peanuts in the jungle, did we?"
"No," answered Tum Tum, thinking of the days in the dense jungle. Tum Tum wondered what had become of Mr. Boom and where his father and mother, and his other elephant friends, might be.
"I suppose they are still back in the lumber yard, piling up teakwood logs," thought Tum Tum. "I am glad I am in the circus, even if I did have to be pulled up with a rope to make me learn how to stand on my head and my hind legs."
Tum Tum could do many other tricks besides these now, and he was such a jolly old elephant, always doing as he was told without any grumbling, that all the circus men liked him.
If there was anything hard to do, or any trick that none of the other elephants could go through, Tum Tum was sure to be called on.
"He is the smartest elephant of all," his keeper would say, and this made Tum Tum feel very proud and happy.
One day there was much excitement in the animal tent, and at first Tum Tum thought maybe the tiger had gotten loose again, or that another big cage had rolled down hill.
When one of the animal men rushed in and called out something, Tum Tum knew it was not that.
"One of the monkeys is missing," said one trainer to another. "It is Mappo, that smart one."
"Ha! Is that so?" asked the other. "How did he get loose?"
"He must have slipped out of the cage, when we were on the road. Come, we are going to try to find him."
"I know a good way," said the keeper of Tum Tum. "I shall take my elephant with me. My elephant and that monkey Mappo were good friends. If Mappo sees Tum Tum, he will be glad to come back. So we will take Tum Tum to hunt Mappo."
"Ha! That is good!" thought Tum Tum, as he listened.
Soon the hunt for Mappo began. Many of the circus men started for the woods to look for the lost monkey. Tum Tum went along also, his keeper riding on his back.
"I wonder if we will find Mappo?" thought Tum Tum.
Through the woods, near the circus town, went the men looking for lost Mappo. They wanted to get back the monkey because he was such a good one to do tricks, and because the children, many of whom came to the circus, liked to see him ride on the back of a dog, or pony, and jump through paper-covered hoops.
"We must find Mappo!" cried the keeper who had him in charge.
Mappo had run away, as I have told you in the book about his adventures, because he was afraid Sharp Tooth, the big tiger, would get loose and bite him. In the woods he had many wonderful adventures.
He met Slicko, the jumping girl squirrel, about whom I have told you, and also Squinty, the comical pig. Mappo liked Squinty, the pig, very much, for Squinty was a nice little chap.
On and on went Tum Tum and the men, looking for the lost monkey. After the search had gone on for several hours, Mappo, who was walking along through the woods with Squinty, saw the circus men coming after him.
"Here's where I have to run and hide," said Mappo.
"Why?" grunted Squinty, the comical pig.
"Because the circus men are after me. Look!" and the monkey chap pointed through the woods to where could be seen some men in red coats.
"Oh, and look at that funny animal with two tails!" cried Squinty. "I'd be afraid of him."
"You wouldn't need to be," said Mappo. "That is only Tum Tum, the elephant, and he is very jolly. He would not hurt a fly. I guess he is looking for me, but, as I don't want to go back to the circus just yet, I'll go off in the woods and hide."
"And I guess I'll go hide, too," said Squinty, for he, also, had run away, but not from a circus. He had run away from his pen at the farm—the farm where Don, the dog, lived.
So Mappo hurried off to climb a tall tree. As Tum Tum went along through the bushes, he saw his little monkey friend.
"Ha! There is Mappo!" said Tum Tum to himself, and he hurried on through the woods.
"Wait a minute, Mappo!" called Tum Tum, in animal language.
But Mappo would not wait, and Tum Tum could not tell the circus men with him that the lost monkey was just ahead of them. Tum Tum could not speak man talk, you know, and the circus men had not yet seen Mappo. So the little monkey got away.
Tum Tum saw a little animal with Mappo, and the elephant said to himself:
"Ha! That must be Squinty, the comical pig, of whom Don, the dog, told me. I would like to meet Squinty, but I don't see how I can. He can run through these woods faster than I can. Well, maybe I will see him some day. And I do hope Mappo comes back to the circus. It will be lonesome without him."
But Mappo had many adventures before he came back to the circus.
"Well, I guess it's no use hunting for him any more," said one of the circus men. "That monkey has gotten far away. We had better go back to the tents."
"Yes, I think we had," said the man who was riding on the back of Tum Tum.
The elephant knew that Mappo was not so very far off, but Tum Tum had no way of telling his keeper about it.
Back to the circus went Tum Tum, and another monkey had to do the tricks that Mappo used to do in the performances that day.
"What happened?" asked Sharp Tooth, the tiger, of Tum Tum, as the elephant went past the cage of the striped beast. "Where did you go a little while ago?"
"Out looking for Mappo, the monkey," answered Tum Tum.
"Did he run away?" asked the tiger.
"Yes, I guess he was afraid you would bite him."
"And so I would, if I could get him," snarled the tiger. "He is to blame for me being shut up in this cage."
Tum Tum said nothing, for he did not want to get in a quarrel with the tiger.
Day after day went past in the circus, and still Mappo did not come back. Sometimes Tum Tum was lonesome for his little monkey friend, but there was so much to do, that no one in a circus could be lonesome for very long at a time.
Tum Tum was learning some new tricks, and this took up much of his time. Each day he was growing bigger and stronger, for he was not a very old elephant, when he had been caught in the jungle. Now he was very strong, and he could easily have pushed two heavy animal cages at once. He was the strongest elephant in the whole circus.
One day, when the circus was going along the road from one town to another, one of the wagons became stuck fast in the mud, for it had rained in the night. It was the wagon in which rode the hippopotamus, with his big red mouth that he could open so wide.
The whole circus procession had to stop, or at least all the wagons behind the hippopotamus cage, had to stop, as they could not get past.
"Bring up some of the elephants, and have them pull the hippo's cage out of the mud!" cried the head circus man. He called him "hippo" for short, you see.
Up came two big elephants, and chains were put about their necks, and made fast to the hippopotamus wagon.
"Now, pull!" cried the circus men, and the elephants strained and pulled as hard as they could.
But the wagon did not move out of the mud.
"Pull harder!" cried the circus man, and he cracked his long whip, but he did not hit the elephants with it.
But, no matter how hard the elephants pulled, they could not pull the hippopotamus wagon out of the mud.
"Well, what are we going to do?" asked the head circus man. "We cannot stay here all day."
"Suppose you let my elephant, Tum Tum, try to pull the wagon out of the mud," said Tum Tum's keeper. "My elephant is very strong."
"Ha! But is he as strong as two elephants?" asked the head circus man.
"I think so," said the keeper. "Let us try. But Tum Tum can push better than he can pull, so I shall put him in back of the wagon, and let him push it out of the mud with his head. Let some of the men steer the wagon in front, when Tum Tum pushes from behind."
"Very well, we shall try," said the head circus man.
The ten horses who pulled the hippopotamus wagon had been unhitched when the two elephants tried to pull it. Now the two elephants were led to one side, and Tum Tum came up.
"Ha! He thinks he can push that wagon out of the mud, when we two could not pull it," said one elephant to the other.
"Yes, he is very proud," spoke the other.
Tum Tum heard them.
"No, I am not proud," said Tum Tum, "and I am not sure that I can push the wagon out of the mud, but I am going to try."
His keeper led him up in back of the hippopotamus wagon. It was very large and heavy, and had settled far down in the soft mud of the road. The hippo was still in it, and the hippo was very heavy himself, weighing as much as two tons of coal. The circus men could not let the hippopotamus out of his cage, because he was rather wild, and might have run away or made trouble. So they had to leave him in.
"Now, Tum Tum, you have some hard work ahead of you!" said his trainer, as he led the elephant up behind the wagon. "Let me see, if you can push this out of the mud hole."
"Umph! Umph!" grunted Tum Tum through his trunk. That was his way of saying that he would do his best.
Tum Tum went close up to the wagon, and stuck his four big feet well down in the mud to brace himself. Then he put his large head against the wagon, and began to push.
Tum Tum took a long breath, and then he pushed, and pushed and pushed some more.
"He can never do it," said one of the two elephants who had tried to pull the wagon.
"Indeed he cannot," spoke the other.
"Wait and see!" grunted Tum Tum. "I have not finished yet."
He pushed harder and harder. His head was hurting him, and his feet were slipping in the mud of the road. Still he kept on pushing.
"I don't believe your elephant can do it," said one of the circus men. "We had better hitch about four of them to the wagon."
"No, let Tum Tum try once more. I am sure he can do it," spoke the elephant's kind keeper.
When Tum Tum heard this, he felt himself swell up inside. It was as though he had new strength.
"I will push that wagon!" he said to himself. "I will push it out of the mud!"
Then he took another long breath, and pushed with all his might on the wagon.
"Now it's going!" cried Tum Tum.
Slowly at first, and then faster, the big hippopotamus wagon rolled out of the mud, and on to the firm, hard road.
"There it goes!" cried a circus man.
"Hurray! Tum Tum has done it!" shouted another.
"I told you he was strong," said Tum Tum's keeper.
"He surely is," spoke the head circus man. "But I never thought he could push that wagon."
Tum Tum had not thought so himself, but even an elephant never knows what he can do until he tries.
"Huh! I s'pose he thinks he's smart, because he pushed a wagon we couldn't," said one of the two elephants to the other.
"Yes," said the second one, "but if they'd given us another chance, we could have done it, too."
But I do not believe they could. And Tum Tum did not think he was "smart," either. He only felt that he had done what he had been told to do, even though it was hard work, and did hurt his head.
So the hippopotamus wagon was pushed out of the mud, and the circus procession went on down the road.
It was not long after this that something else happened to Tum Tum. The elephant seemed to be having many adventures since he came from the jungle.
The circus had gone on and on, showing in many different places. Tum Tum, in each place, had looked to see if Mappo had come back, but the little monkey had not. Perhaps he was still off in the woods with Squinty, the comical pig.
It was a very hot day, and the animals in their cages, and the elephants, camels and horses, in the tent, had hard work to get a cool breeze or find any fresh air to breathe. In the west were some black clouds that looked as though they would bring a thunder shower.
Just before the show began, Tum Tum was taken out of the tent to help push some of the heavy wagons into place.
"Oh, look at the elephant!" cried some boys who had no money to go inside and see the show. They were glad to see even an elephant.
Tum Tum finished his work of pushing the wagons into place and his trainer led him toward a big tub filled with water, for he knew his pet elephant would want a drink, as it was so hot.
Near the water tub stood a peanut wagon, and the smell of the roasting nuts made Tum Tum hungry for some. But he knew the children in the circus would soon give him plenty.
All of a sudden some boys, who were trying to get closer to Tum Tum, ran into the peanut wagon, and tipped it over. All at once the red-hot charcoal that kept the peanuts warm, spilled out, and the wagon, and some straw near it, caught fire. My, how it blazed!
"Fire! Fire!" cried the peanut man. "Oh, somebody put out the fire, or all my peanuts will be burned up!"
Tum Tum looked at the fire, and wondered if he could help put it out.
"Come away, Tum Tum!" cried the elephant's keeper. "I don't want you getting all excited about a fire, and maybe burned. A few peanuts are not worth it. We'll let some of the tent men put out the fire. Come away!"
But Tum Tum did not want to go away from the fire. He was not much afraid of it. Most wild animals are afraid of fire, but Tum Tum was tame now, and he knew that though fire burns, it also does good, in cooking food, even for animals. Besides, Tum Tum had seen so much of fire, since he had come to the circus, and had seen so many flaring lamps at the night performances, that he was not afraid of just a blazing peanut wagon.
"I'm sorry to see all those peanuts burned up," thought Tum Tum. "I wonder if I can't save them—maybe I'll get some for myself, if I do."
Tum Tum thought quickly. There was a great deal of excitement around him, for the straw was now blazing in many places and the peanuts and wagon were all in flames.
"Come away, Tum Tum!" called his keeper.
"Fire! Fire! Fire!" yelled the peanut man.
"Bring water here, somebody!" shouted another man.
"Get a pail! Get a pail!" one of the boys yelled.
"Call out the fire engines!" said another.
But Tum Tum knew a better way than that. His trunk was just like a hose, only, of course, not so long. He could suck it up full of water, and squirt it out again, just like a pop gun shoots out a cork. And that was what Tum Tum did.
He put his trunk into the tub of water, and sucked up as much as he could. Then Tum Tum aimed his trunk right at the blazing peanut wagon and the straw.
Whooo-ish! went the water, as Tum Tum squirted it out of his trunk. On the fire it spattered.
Hiss-s-s-s-s! went the fire, like an angry snake.
"Ha! That's the way to do it, Tum Tum!" cried his keeper. "You know how to put out a fire! That's the way. You're as good as a fire engine yourself!"
Tum Tum did not answer. In the first place, he could not talk to his keeper except in elephant language, which the circus man did not understand. And, in the second place, Tum Tum was going to suck up more water in his nose, for the fire was not quite out yet. And you know it is hard to talk when you have your nose full of water, even if you are an elephant.
Whooo-ish! went more water from Tum Tum's trunk on the blazing peanut wagon and straw.
Hiss! went the fire again, as it felt the wet water. Fire does not like water, you know.
"Once more, Tum Tum! One more trunk full, and you'll have the fire out!" cried the elephant's keeper.
Again Tum Tum dipped his trunk into the tub of water, and spurted it on the fire.
This time the fire went out completely. Tum Tum had made it so wet, with water from his trunk, that it could no longer burn.
"Oh, what a smart, good elephant!" cried the peanut man. "He saved my wagon from burning up. I must give him some peanuts!"
A few of the peanuts were burned, but there were plenty left, and, though some of them tasted a little like smoke, Tum Tum did not mind that. He chewed several bags full—shells and all—and was hungry for more.
But now it was time to go back into the circus tent, and have his handsome blanket put on, to take his place in the procession. The boys, one of whom had accidentally upset the peanut wagon, looked at Tum Tum eagerly.
"Say, he's a smart elephant all right!" he cried.
"That's what he is!" said another. "I'd like to have him!"
"Huh! What would you do with an elephant?" asked his friend. "An elephant would eat a ton of hay a day."
"Would he?"
"Sure he would."
"Well, then, I don't want an elephant," said the boy. "I guess a dog is good enough for me. A dog can eat old bones; he doesn't need a ton of hay a day."
The boys helped the peanut man turn his wagon right side up, and they also helped him gather the scattered peanuts. Then the man built another fire, and went around the tent, selling his peanuts.
"Tum Tum, you are getting smarter and smarter each day," said his keeper, as he led him back to get ready for the parade. "I am proud of you. You are the best elephant in the circus."
Tum Tum heard what was said of him, but he only flapped his big ears, that were nearly the size of washtubs. Then he stood in line with his companions, and ate the peanuts and popcorn balls the children fed to him over the ropes.
"My, I s'pose Tum Tum will be so stuck up, and proud, that he won't want to speak to us, after he has done so many wonderful things," said one of the jealous elephants. "He pushed the wagon out of the mud, and now he has put out a peanut wagon fire. Some elephants have all the luck in this world."
Tum Tum's eyes twinkled, but he said nothing. He just ate the popcorn balls and peanuts. But he was not at all proud or stuck up.
Tum Tum was now such a gentle and tame elephant, that children could ride on his back. At first, some of the circus performers, who had their children with them, let them get up on Tum Tum, and then, when his keeper found that Tum Tum did not mind, some of the boys and girls who came to see the show each day were allowed to ride. Up and down the tent they went on Tum Tum's back, sitting in the little house that was strapped fast to him.
Tum Tum was led about by his keeper when the children thus rode, and very glad Tum Tum was to give the boys and girls this fun, for he liked children very much.
Tum Tum would have been very glad if Mappo, the merry monkey, had come back to ride on his back, as he did sometimes. But Mappo was far away; where, Tum Tum did not know.
Nearly every day something new happened to Tum Tum in the circus. Every day he saw new faces, new boys and girls and once in a while, he did some new tricks. He had enough to eat, a good place to sleep, he did not have to work very hard, and, best of all, he was in no danger.
So, altogether, Tum Tum liked the circus life much better than he had liked being in the jungle. Still, now and again, he would wish himself back in the cool, dark woods, smashing through the thick bushes, and breaking down, or pulling up, big trees by their roots.
In the circus were some men from India, where Tum Tum had worked in the lumber yard, piling up teakwood logs, and these Indians could talk the language spoken in India—the man-language Tum Tum had first learned. He liked to have them come to see him, rub his trunk, and talk to him in their queer words.
One day another adventure happened to Tum Tum. He was out in front of the circus tent, after he had helped roll some of the heavy animal wagons into place, when he saw some children, with their papa, coming to the circus. |