No woman ought to arrive at this terrible state of misery, because these symptoms are a sure indication of womb diseases, and backache is merely a symptom of more serious trouble. Women should remember that an almost infallible cure for all female ills, such as irregularity of periods, which cause weak stomach, sick headache, etc., displacements and inflammation of the womb, or any of the multitudes of illnesses which beset the female organism may be found in
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
When a medicine has been successful in more than a million cases, why should you say, "I do not believe it will help me?" If you have some derangement of the feminine organism try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will surely help you. If there is anything in your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.; her advice is given free and will greatly help you.
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:—About two years ago I consulted a physician about my health, which had become so wretched that I was no longer able to be about. I had severe backache, bearing-down pains, pains across the abdomen, was very nervous and irritable, and this trouble grew worse each month.
"The physician prescribed for me, but I soon discovered he was unable to help me, and I then decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and soon found that it was doing me good. My appetite was returning, the pains disappearing, and the general benefits were well marked.
"You cannot realize how pleased I was, and after taking the medicine for only three months, I found I was completely cured of my trouble, and have been well and hearty ever since and no more fear of the monthly period, as it now passes without pain to me. Yours very truly, MISS PEARL ACKERS, 327 North Summer St., Nashville, Tenn."
March 10, 1902.
I now write to tell you what your medicine has done for me. After my first child was born, my womb came down so far that the doctor had to replace it and it was always weak and would never stay in place.
A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I got one bottle of it without any faith at all for I was so bad, I did not think it would do as much good as she said. Well, I took seven bottles and now I am entirely well.
I have used the Vegetable Compound right along when pregnant and found it a great help, child-birth being almost painless. I have had four children and have always been able to do my work even the washing until the child was born. It certainly is a wonderful medicine for pregnant women and I would not be without it at that time.
June 9, 1901.
I had falling of the womb and such an aching across my pelvis bone could hardly walk as the least jar hurt so. I was better before I had finished the second bottle and after taking six bottles was entirely cured.
I can recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to any one.
MRS. ROSA G. BURTON, 1006 Brandywine St., Phila., Pa.
August 19, 1902.
I take great pleasure in writing to thank you for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me.
I suffered for years with painful menstruation, pains in the back, leucorrhoea, dizziness and nervous prostration.
Since taking your medicine, I feel like a new woman. I never will be without your Vegetable Compound and will recommend it as long as I live.
Hoping my testimonial may be of benefit to others, I remain, Yours truly,
MRS. MARY BRADY, 1929 Dumaine St., nr. Prieur, New Orleans, La.
July 16, 1901
I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for the past eight months and it has done me a great deal of good.
Before taking it, I suffered with my head and pains in my back and when I had my changes I suffered agony, could hardly stand on my feet. I have taken twelve bottles of the Compound and to-day I am a well woman. I weighed one hundred and twenty pounds before taking it and now I weigh one hundred and forty-five. I keep a laundry and recommend your medicine to my customers.
AUGUSTA BLISS, 530 E. 84th St., New York, N. Y.
April 29, 1902.
I write this letter so that all suffering women may know what your wonderful medicine has done for me.
Before I began taking your medicine I was very weak and not able to do anything. I had had a miscarriage and a bad flooding spell and my husband had given up all hopes of my ever getting strong again.
Some of my friends told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I was in bed at the time. After taking a few doses I began to feel better. I have taken now three bottles and am telling my friends what it has done for me.
My husband would not have me do without the medicine.
MRS. GEORGE PERRY, Box 52, Fort Gibson, Ind. Ter.
June 14, 1901.
When I wrote to you for advice a year and a half ago, I was confined to my bed and had just about given up hopes of ever being well again. I had heard so much about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I told my husband I would like to try it. He got me a bottle and after taking two bottles I was able to get up and walk a little.
My trouble was enlargement of the womb, also had ovarian trouble. I had spells of flooding nearly losing my life at monthly periods. Altogether I was sick and discouraged. The pains and aches I suffered I cannot explain. I took seventeen bottles of your Vegetable Compound and was cured. In due time I gave birth to a nice baby girl. My baby is now six months old and so fat and healthy and I am so well, no more female trouble or pain in back.
MRS. MAY M. MORGAREIDGE, Mayoworth, Wyo.
Fibroid Tumors Cured.
A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor, which baffled the skill of Boston doctors. Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, Mass., in the following letter tells how she was cured, after everything else failed, by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. Hayes' First Letter Appealing to Mrs. Pinkham for Help:
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM—I have been under Boston doctors' treatment for a long time without any relief. They tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I cannot sit down without great pain, and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front. My abdomen is swollen, and I have had flowing spells for three years. My appetite is not good. I cannot walk or be on my feet for any length of time.
"The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book accurately describe my case, so I write to you for advice."—(Signed) MRS. E. F. HAYES, 22 Ruggles St., (Roxbury) Boston, Mass.
Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham's advice—although she advised Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, to take her medicine—which she knew would help her—her letter contained a mass of additional instructions as to treatment, all of which helped to bring about the happy result.
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM—Sometime ago I wrote to you describing my symptoms and asked your advice. You replied, and I followed all your directions carefully, and to-day I am a well woman.
"The use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirely expelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system. I can walk miles now.
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is worth five dollars a drop. I advise all women who are afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial."—(Signed) MRS. E. F. HAYES, 99 Ziegler St., (Roxbury) Boston, Mass.
Mountains of gold could not purchase such testimony—or take the place of the health and happiness which Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs. Hayes.
Woman's Kidney Troubles.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is Especially Successful in Curing this Fatal Woman's Disease.
Of all the diseases known with which the female organism is afflicted, kidney disease is the most fatal. In fact, unless early and correct treatment is applied, the weary patient seldom survives.
Being fully aware of this, Mrs. Pinkham, early in her career, gave exhaustive study to the subject, and in producing her great remedy for woman's ills—Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound—was careful to see that it contained the correct combination of herbs which was sure to control that fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compound acts in harmony with the laws that govern the entire female system, and while there are many so-called remedies for kidney troubles, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the only one especially prepared for women.
The following letters will show how marvellously successful it is.
Oct. 17, 1901.
I have noticed your advertisement in the papers of your wonderful medicine, and I wish to consult you in regard to my sickness.
I have been a sufferer of female weakness for the past six months; have doctored a great deal, but it has done me no good. I have kidney and bladder trouble, backache, constipation, headache, terrible pains in my left side, have leucorrhoea, painful menstruation, which compels me to take my bed for two and three days; also have falling of the womb. Blood is very thin. I hope to hear from you soon.
MRS. W. N. MATTHEWS, 548 W. Jefferson St., Springfield, Ill.
April 15, 1902.
I am almost ashamed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter received last Fall. After I had doctored for a year without receiving any relief, I then wrote you for advice in regard to my sickness and began the use of your medicine.
I am happy to say that I never felt better in my life than I do now. I can eat hearty, sleep well, and feel like a new woman.
Many thanks for your kind and highly appreciated letter. I wish every suffering woman would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
MRS. W. N. MATTHEWS, 548 W. Jefferson St., Springfield, Ill.
June 15, 1901.
It affords me great pleasure to give you my testimony in regard to the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's valuable remedies. I suffered for some time with internal trouble, being at times unable to walk across the floor. I had weakness of the bladder and was very nervous.
After taking one bottle Vegetable Compound I felt better. I continued its use, and after taking five bottles could walk two miles without difficulty. My health is now good and I am sixty years old.
I think your Vegetable Compound the best medicine I have ever taken.
MRS. HENRY GITTELMAN, 1004 N. 6th St., Reading, Pa.
June 26, 1901.
I will write and let you know how much good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me.
I cannot express the terrible suffering I have had to endure. I was taken last May with nervous prostration; also had female trouble, liver, stomach, kidney and bladder trouble. I was in a terrible condition. The doctor attended me for a year, but I kept getting worse. I got so I was not able to do any work. Was confined to my bed most of the time, and thought I would never be able to do anything. People thought I would not live.
I decided to try your medicine. I have taken twelve bottles Vegetable Compound and cannot praise it too highly, for I know it will do all and even more than it is recommended to do. I tell every suffering woman about your medicine and urge them to try it.
MRS. EMMA SAWYER, Conyers, Ga.
Change of Life
A Danger Period Through Which Every Woman Must Pass.
Owing to modern methods of living, not one woman in a thousand approaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and sometimes painful symptoms. At this period a woman indicates a tendency towards obesity or tumorous growths.
Those dreadful hot flashes, sending the blood surging to the heart until it seems ready to burst, and the faint feeling that follows, sometimes with chills, as if the heart were going to stop forever, are only a few of the symptoms of a dangerous nervous trouble. The nerves are crying out for assistance. The cry should be heeded in time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was prepared to meet the needs of woman's system at this trying period of her life, and all women who use it pass through this trying period with comfort and safety.
August 6, 1902.
My trouble was Change of Life and cramping. No human tongue can describe what I suffered with the cramp. I dreaded from one time to another so much that I almost wanted to die.
Our family physician did everything he could for me, but I got no relief. He said if I lived to get through with the other trouble it would wear away after a time, but I had it six years, and could not walk or exercise in any way without bringing on an attack of the cramp, and I would suffer untold misery until I would be perfectly exhausted and helpless.
I read in one of your little books about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound being good for female trouble and Change of Life, and thought there was no harm in trying it. So I did, and it helped me, and I was able to take walks and work some.
I am very thankful for the relief your medicine has been to me.
MRS. V. M. BLAKE, Deep Water, W. Va.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
I began to dread the approach of Change of Life some years ago, as so many of my friends had been miserable for five or six years during that period and as I was not very strong and being subject to headaches and weakness, I felt that I did not have the strength to carry me through this dangerous period and had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I feel that I would not have been alive to-day.
I began to take it about three years ago when I felt the change coming on and continued taking it for three months, then I did not take any for a couple of months, and began to feel so badly that I started to use it again, and then continued to take it for about six months out of every year for three years and am pleased to state that it has kept me free from sickness.
Very truly yours, MRS. GEORGE SHEPHERD, Berlin, Wis.
Vice-President Mothers' Club.
June 28, 1902.
I thought I would write and state my condition to you and ask if you think you can do me any good. I am fifty-five years old, never had any children. I came here from Brooklyn for my husband's health, he having consumption. I have always had good health, never any trouble with my menses, always regular until two or three months before my husband died, which was March 25, 1901. As soon as he died, I commenced and flowed constantly ever since. I know it must be the Change of Life. I did not worry about it for four or five months, then I had a doctor but he did me no good. I had another with the same result. Last May I had to go to New York and traveling I think was too much for me as I have been worse. I saw a doctor there and he wanted me to go to the hospital and have my womb curetted, but I did not feel like having that done. I never have any pain only once in a while a little backache. Please let me know if you think you can do me any good.
January 18, 1903.
I feel that I must write and thank you for the good you have done me. I wrote to you my case last summer. I flowed constantly for sixteen months so badly that I dared not go any where and the doctors all said an operation. Nothing did me any good. As a last resort I appealed to you. I had no faith in your medicine, but thought I would try it and if it did me no good I would go to the hospital. I took two boxes of the Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound Pills and started on the third and now I am all right. I was run down, nervous, could not sleep, no appetite, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound has cured me entirely. I am very grateful to you and wish that everyone afflicted as I was would try it.
MRS. J. J. REARDON, Milford, Pa.
November 20, 1901.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did wonders for me during the Change of Life.
I was troubled with backache and headache, hot flashes and cold chills, pains in my hips, and at times would have such pains under my shoulder blades that I could hardly move for a while. I hope that other suffering women will take your medicine.
Many thanks for what you have done for me.
MRS. SARAH DERFER, Dundee, Ohio.
Ladies in Profile
A nervous, irritable mother, often on the verge of hysterics, is unfit to care for children; it ruins a child's disposition and reacts upon herself. The trouble between children and their mothers too often is due to the fact that the mother has some female weakness, and she is entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her nerves that governing a child involves; it is impossible for her to do anything calmly. She cannot help it, as her condition is due to suffering and shattered nerves caused by some derangement of the uterine system with backache, headache, and all kinds of pain, and she is on the verge of nervous prostration. When a mother finds that she cannot be calm and quiet with her children, she may be sure that her condition needs attention, and she cannot do better than to take
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
It builds up her system, strengthens her nerves, and enables her to calmly handle a disobedient child without a scene. The children will soon realize the difference, and seeing their mother quiet, will themselves become quiet.
Read what the Vice-Pres. of the Mothers' Club, at Hot Springs, Ark., says:
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM—Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will make every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged through nine years of miserable existence, worn out with pain and weariness. I then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was, and the wonderful results she had obtained from your Compound, and decided to try what it would do for me, and used it for three months. At the end of that time I was a different woman, and the neighbors remarked it, and my husband fell in love with me all over again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suffering with inflammation and falling of the womb, but your medicine cured that, and built up my entire system, till I was indeed like a new woman."—Sincerely yours, MRS. CHAS. F. BROWN, Vice-Pres. Mothers' Club, Hot Springs, Ark.
From a vast experience in treating female ills, extending over 20 years, Mrs. Pinkham has gained a knowledge which is of untold value.
If there is anything in your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs. Pinkham. Address is Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, always confidential and helpful.
Lady Gazing Upwards
Has Cured More Women Than Any Other Medicine in the World.
Its annual sales are greater than those of any other medicine exclusively for women. It holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested by hundreds of thousands of letters from grateful women which are on file in the Pinkham laboratory, and which are constantly being published. Merit alone can produce such results. Good advertising serves to call attention for a time, but merit alone can stand the test of time.
The ablest specialists now agree that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the most universally successful remedy for woman's ills known to medicine.
All sick women should note these facts, and placing all possible prejudices aside, should realize the truthfulness of these statements, and that a cure for their troubles actually exists.
Wise is the woman who has faith in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for health and happiness is sure to follow its use.
YOU CAN GET HELPFUL ADVICE FREE.—If there is anything about your illness you do not understand, Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., will be glad to receive a letter from you telling her all the details. She will send you promptly a reply which may save you years of suffering and pain. She has helped thousands of women. For all this she will not charge you a cent; besides, she will keep your letter strictly confidential. Write her to-day.
October 14, 1902.
I suffer something terrible with flooding every month and pass large clots of blood. The pains are excruciating. I can hardly stand them. The doctor says my ovaries are decayed and my womb needs to be scraped. I do not wish to go under the operation if I can possibly avoid it. I hope you can relieve me.
September 16, 1903.
After giving Lydia E. Pinkham's wonderful remedies a thorough trial, I am very anxious to send in my testimonial that others may learn of their great value. I have been a great sufferer for the last eight years, the trouble first originating from painful menstruation, and I also had inflammation and ulceration of the womb. The doctor told me I must have an operation or I could not live. I then wrote you telling all my ailments. I followed your advice very carefully and am now entirely well. I can walk miles without an ache or pain and can safely say I owe my life and health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I cannot speak too highly of its merits. My friends all look at me in astonishment, for my case was very serious and it seems almost a miracle that I am cured. I wish suffering women could read this testimonial and realize the value of your remedy. I shall take much pleasure in recommending it to all.
MRS. MARY DIMMICK, 59th and E. Capitol St., Benning P. O., Washington, D. C.
July 14, 1901.
Words cannot express the gratitude I feel towards you for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me.
My trouble was misplacement of the womb, also womb was lacerated, and had inflammation of the ovaries. I went away for treatment to a specialist on female diseases and passed through twelve operations. Was gone from home eight weeks and gradually grew worse and returned home to die, having given up all hope of ever getting well. My heart would stop beating at times and I became very weak, could not sit up in bed.
A friend of mine brought me a bottle of the Vegetable Compound and I began its use and by the time I had taken half a bottle I could see that I had improved. I used in all twelve bottles of the Compound and am now able to do all my house work and enjoy better health than I have in six years. I owe my life to you, for I believe I would have been in my grave to-day had it not been for the Vegetable Compound. Your medicine is a God-send to suffering women.
MRS. J. A. JORDAN, Canoe Station, Ga.
March 3, 1901.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
I would like some advice from you as I have such very bad pains in ovaries, falling of the womb, and every time I have my monthlys I have the cramps very bad, and seem to be getting worse. I always have it a week and I am so very nervous. I don't want an operation.
Every time I become pregnant I carry the child only seven months, and then it is born and lives only a week or two. I have lost four children this way and hope you will tell me what to take as I know you have helped others.
August 26, 1902.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
Over a year ago I wrote you a letter asking for advice how to carry my babes to full time as I had lost four children between five and seven months.
I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and did as you instructed me, and now I have a beautiful baby girl about six months old and we are both healthy.
I advise all suffering women to call on you for help and I tell every one of the good you have done me.
MRS. FRED SEYDEL, 412 N. 54th St., West Phila., Pa.
June 13, 1901.
Last summer I had terrible pains in my back and head. I went to the doctor and he told me I had a touch of Bright's disease and gave me some medicine but it did me no good. My mother advised me to take some of your medicine, and after taking eight bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I can say that I am feeling well.
MRS. ANNIE DAMBACK. 263 Grand Street, Rahway, N. J.
Ladies with Children
Requires Treatment which acts in Harmony with the Female System.
A great many women suffer with a form of indigestion or dyspepsia which does not seem to yield to ordinary medical treatment. While the symptoms seem to be similar to those of ordinary indigestion, yet the medicines universally prescribed do not seem to restore the patient's normal condition. Mrs. Pinkham claims that there is a kind of dyspepsia that is caused by derangement of the female organism, and which while it causes disturbance similar to ordinary indigestion cannot be relieved without a medicine which not only acts as a stomach tonic, but has peculiar utero-tonic effects as well; in other words, a derangement of the female organs may have such a disturbing effect upon a woman's whole system as to cause serious indigestion and dyspepsia, and it cannot be relieved without curing the original cause of the trouble, which seems to find its source in the pelvic organs. As proof of this theory, we call attention to the letter from Mrs. Maggie Wright, who was completely cured by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"MY DEAR MRS. PINKHAM—For two years I suffered more or less with dyspepsia, which so degenerated my entire system that I was unfit to properly attend to my daily duties. I felt weak and nervous, and nothing I ate tasted good or felt comfortable in my stomach. I tried several dyspeptic cures, but nothing seemed to help me permanently. I decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, and was happily surprised to find that it acted like a fine tonic, and in a few days I began to enjoy and properly digest my food. My recovery was rapid, and in five weeks I was a different woman. Seven bottles completely cured me, and a dozen or more of my friends have used it since."—MRS. MAGGIE WRIGHT, 12 Van Voorhis St., Brooklyn, New York.
Many women were utterly discouraged, and life lacked all joy to them when they wrote Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. They received advice which made them strong women again.
Lady sitting in chair with elbow on table and hand propped on chin
Don't Wait Until Your Sufferings Have Driven You To Despair, With Your Nerves All Shattered and Your Courage Gone.
When a cheerful, brave, light-hearted woman is suddenly plunged into that perfection of misery, the BLUES, it is a sad picture. It is usually this way:
She has been feeling "out of sorts" for some time; head has ached, and back also; has slept poorly, been quite nervous, and nearly fainted once or twice; head dizzy, and heart beats very fast; then that bearing-down feeling. Her doctor says: "Cheer up; you have dyspepsia; you will be all right soon." But she does not get "all right." She grows worse day by day, till all at once she realizes that a distressing female complaint is established. Her doctor has made a mistake. She has lost faith in him; hope vanishes; then comes the brooding, morbid, melancholy, everlasting BLUES. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound instantly asserts its curative powers in all those peculiar ailments of women, and the story recited above is the true experience of hundreds of American women, whose letters of gratitude we constantly publish.
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak, and sick and discouraged, exhausted with each day's work. If you have some derangement of the female organism try the remedy that has restored a million women to health,
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM—I cheerfully recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to my suffering sisters as a perfect medicine for all female derangements. I was troubled with displacement of the womb and other female weakness. Had headache, backache, and such bearing-down pains I could hardly walk across the floor, and was very nervous. A friend advised me to try your medicine, which I did, and after using the first bottle I began to improve. I took in all twelve bottles of Vegetable Compound, one box of Liver Pills, also used the Sanative Wash and was cured, and have no return of my troubles. I am as well now as I ever was. I am more thankful every day for my cure. I know that your medicine will do everything that it is recommended to do for suffering women."—MRS. DORA ANDERSON, North Muskegon, Mich.
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM—I want to tell you what your remedies have done for me. Before taking them I used to have a continuous headache, would be very dizzy, would have spells when everything seemed strange, and I would not know where I was. I went to our local doctor. He gave me some medicine, but it did not seem to do me any good, but after taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I began to improve at once. I can honestly recommend your remedies to all suffering women and advise all to give it a trial."—MRS. HENRY SELL, Van Wyck, Wash.
If there is anything in your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mrs Pinkham. She will hold your letter in strict confidence.
Such as Leucorrhoea, and all Inflammation of the Vaginal Passage by local application, experience has proven that nothing excels
Every woman will find this a most valuable assistant whenever a Vaginal Injection is desirable. It is soothing, cleansing and healing. In connection with the VEGETABLE COMPOUND it hastens the cure.
We are permitted to publish on this page several testimonials which demonstrate the virtue of the SANATIVE WASH, and should convince every woman that she should place complete reliance on any statement made by Mrs. Pinkham in regard to the virtue and reliability of any of these medicines.
Steep one-fourth of the package in sufficent water to make one pint after it is strained. When the discharge is very profuse, use one-half of this, adding to it one pint of warm water, daily, as a VAGINAL INJECTION.
25 Cents per Package. Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
Sanative Wash.
I feel that I neglect a duty in not writing you that others may know what your Vegetable Compound has done for me.
Before taking it I was almost an invalid, could not walk any distance and suffered pain all the time. After taking nine bottles I was very much better, and can now do my house work and ride a wheel. It would take too much space to tell you all of its merits but I must not forget to speak of the Sanative Wash for it simply acts like magic.
Trusting that this may help some other sufferer, I remain.
Yours truly, MRS. A. C. SAXTON, Port Jefferson, N. Y.
Sanative Wash.
It affords me great pleasure to tell you of the benefit I have derived from taking your Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash. I can hardly find words to express my gratitude to you for the boon which you have offered suffering women in your excellent remedies. Before taking your Compound I was thin, sallow and nervous. I was troubled with leucorrhoea, and my menstrual periods were very irregular. I tried three physicians and gradually grew worse. About a year ago I was advised by a friend to try your Sanative Wash and Vegetable Compound, which I did. After using your Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash I am now enjoying better health than I ever did, and attribute the same to your wonderful remedies. I cannot find words to express What a godsend your remedies have been to me. Whenever I begin to feel nervous and ill, I know I have a never failing physician at hand. It would afford me pleasure to know that my words have directed my suffering sisters to the road to health and strength through your most excellent remedies. I thank you again for what your remedies have done for me.
MISS MARY SACHNER, 205 E. Town St., Columbus, Ohio.
Sanative Wash.
I am glad to state that through the use of your Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash, etc., I am cured from the worst form of female weakness. I was troubled very much with leucorrhoea, bearingdown pains and backache. It seemed that I had no strength at all. I was in pain all over. I began to feel better after taking the first dose of Vegetable Compound, and am now like a new woman. I know if other suffering women would only try it, it would help them.
MRS. GEORGE. W. SHEPARD, Box 127, Boonville, N. Y.
Is far superior to any other known Remedy for the Cure of all Diseases arising from Impurities of the Blood, such as
Scrofula, Cancerous Humor, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Canker, Salt Rheum and Skin Diseases.
There is no condition of the human system so uncertain or so deceptive as the condition of the blood. Other disease makes itself known by aches or appearance, but the blood courses on with no sign of vitiation, carrying its poison to every nerve and fibre of the body. Suddenly comes the awakening; pains that were never thought of before, ulcers or eruptions where never a pimple existed, make you ask in wonder, if not in agony, the cause. This effect may come in various ways, but the cause is always impure blood. This impurity or blood poisoning produces Rheumatism, Debility, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Mercurial or Syphilitic Ulcers, Fistula, Eruptions, Consumption, Scurvy, &c.
These two complaints are closely akin and generally exist together. Dyspepsia, or Chronic Indigestion, is more prevalent in this country than anywhere else on the face of the earth, the chief reason being that we eat with intemperate haste, and consequently do not, as a rule, properly masticate our food. The work that should be done by the dental mill we remit to the stomach; and, as it cannot accomplish the task, the food-grist is not properly ground up and applied, and the whole body—aye, every fibre and tissue of it—suffers. We need not here describe the pains and penalties of Dyspepsia. They are within the personal experience of two-thirds of the adult population of the United States. Biliousness is a somewhat indefinite term, but it means, in its common acceptation, an unnatural determination of bile to the channels of circulation. The yellow tinge of the skin and of the white of the eyes in bilious cases is caused by the undue presence of bile in the superficial blood-vessels.
A proper course of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier, together with her celebrated Liver Pills, will purify the blood and drive off the bile, making you happy and pleasant, instead of grouty and disagreeable.
Is as great a success as her celebrated Vegetable Compound, and may be used with great benefit in all diseases caused by impurities of the blood. Do not class it with bitters of any kind. It is not a drink or an appetizer, but a strictly medicinal preparation. It is a powerful alterative, but a purely vegetable preparation, and may be taken without fear by any invalid. The dose is small and with good nutritious diet of any kind, avoiding highly seasoned or greasy food, you will be free from the tortures of rheumatism, clear of scrofulous sores or ulcers, and eradicate every taint, whether inherited or contracted. You will have a beautiful complexion and a soft, smooth skin, and rejoice in a healthy body and pure blood.
For Sale by your Druggist, $1.00 per bottle.
Sept. 15, 1902.
I feel it my duty to send you a testimonial and tell you how much good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier has done my daughter. She feels like a different person. Her menstruation was irregular; did not come around for two months. She took some medicine from the doctor which did not help her, and he thought she would have to take treatments. She took some of your Vegetable Compound and now her menses are regular again and she rests well nights, which she had not been able to do for about a year. Her friends all wonder at her improved looks as well as health.
I never fail to recommend your medicine when I know of any woman who has female troubles.
Jan. 21, 1902.
I will tell you what your remedy has done for me. I was in a very bad condition with scrofula swellings around my neck. It started with a bunch on the side of my neck, and it kept growing until the whole side of my face was swollen.
I had tried everything in the shape of patent medicines for five years. I had gone under an operation in one of the hospitals in Boston and had them cut out. I had thirty little tubular glands taken from back of my ear down my shoulder. They looked like a bunch of grapes, and about the same size. After the cuts healed over they started to come again worse than before.
After suffering so much I thought I would try Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier, and before I had taken two bottles there was a great change in the swellings. I continued its use and to-day I am a well woman. Every word of this is true.
I cannot speak too highly in praise of your Blood Purifier.
MRS. W. H. HAYNES, 38 Adams Ave., Everett, Mass.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills
Are especially adapted to the needs of the stomach and liver, the derangement of which they prevent and cure. They are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless. They do not purge, gripe or weaken, but are a gentle effective laxative which stimulates the natural action of the bowels. They are excellent in conjunction with the Vegetable Compound; especially in those cases when the complaints that are peculiar to women are attended with constipation and sluggishness of the liver. In such cases these Pills enable the Vegetable Compound to do its work more speedily and effectively. The enormous sale of Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills has been attained purely on their merit. During the last 25 years, we have found nothing to excel them. One box contains more than three times the number of pills ordinarily sold for 25 cents and we therefor justly claim superiority both in quantity and quality.
January 12, 1901.
I write you these few lines to see if you can suggest some means to cure me. A little more than a year ago, I was sick with menstruation for the first time and since then I am sick all the time in some way or other. I have painful and irregular menstruation. I went to summer resorts for my health and was doctored all summer, but to no effect. I have not flowed for two months and thought I would see if you could do me any good.
May 25, 1903.
About two years ago I wrote to you for advice, being troubled with irregular menstruation and womb disease. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills and using the Sanative Wash and I am glad to say I am completely cured and have not had any sickness since.
I wish to thank you for your kind advice and shall recommend your medicine to my lady friends.
MARION BARBER, 101 Bracewell Ave., North Adams, Mass.
I am passing through the Change of Life, am suffering from extreme nervousness and depression of spirits, am very constipated and blood impoverished. I have heard so much about Lydia E. Pinkham's Medicine I wish to give it a trial. Please advise me.
MRS. ALICE PICKERING, 14 George Street, Providence, R. I.
June 29, 1900.
Six months ago I wrote to you stating my case. You advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Blood Purifier and Liver Pills. I followed your instructions.
I never used anything in my life that benefited me so much. They are wonderful medicines. I cannot say enough in their praise. I know I should have been insane if I had not taken them.
MRS. ALICE PICKERING, 14 George Street, Providence, R. I.
When writing to Mrs. Pinkham for advice and counsel, it is highly important that you should answer the following questions:
Is your menstruation regular?
Is your menstruation profuse?
Is your menstruation scanty?
Is your menstruation painful?
Are you married or single?
If married, have you borne children?
Have you any discharge from the vagina other than the courses?
Have you a free movement of the bowels daily?
Are you constipated?
Is your blood in good condition?
Write out plainly all symptoms you do not understand.
Be sure of the strictest confidence. Mrs. Pinkham never betrays a trust. You can rely on her help implicitly. Address your letters to "Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass."
A Word of Warning.
No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such hosts of grateful friends.
Do not be persuaded that any other medicine is just as good. Any dealer who asks you to buy something else when you go into his store purposely to buy Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, has no interest in your case. He is merely trying to sell you something on which he can make a larger profit. He does not care whether you get well or not, so long as he can make a little more money out of your sickness. If he wished you well he would, without hesitation, hand you the medicine you ask for, and which he knows is the best woman's medicine in the world.
Follow the record of this medicine, and remember that these thousands of cures of women whose letters are constantly printed in this paper were not brought about by "something else," but by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, The Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills.
Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want—a cure. Moral—Stick to the medicine that you know is Best.
When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health more than a million women, you cannot well say without trying it, "I do not believe it will help me." If you are ill, do not hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, U. S. A., for special advice. It is free and helpful, and will cost you nothing.
This entire book copyrighted in 1901 and 1904 by the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., of Lynn, Mass., U. S. A. All rights reserved and will be protected by law.
Transcriber's Notes: Passages in italics are indicated by underscore.
Passages in bold are indicated by bold.
Illustration captions are indicated by caption.
Illustration descriptions added by the transcriber are indicated by description.
The obstetrical table on page 26 was split in half for this text file.
Misprints corrected: "grea" corrected to "great" (page 16) "ryggvaekr" corrected to "ryggvaerk" (page 38) missing "to" added (page 60)