Can Sex Be Foretold?—Mothers often wish to know if it is possible to determine the sex of the child before it is born. Although a great deal has been written on this subject, and a number of so-called rules have been made, yet it is absolutely impossible to tell whether the child will be a boy or a girl; and it is also equally impossible to do anything that could in any way exert an influence in producing a child of the desired sex.
To Tell Time of Confinement.—For two hundred and eighty days, or forty weeks, the prospective mother has been conducting herself in the best way she thought possible, that all good might be exerted upon the new life. The question now comes, When may the day of confinement be expected? I give here a table for calculating this day, which I am sure will be found very convenient.
+ January 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Oct'r 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + Feb'y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Nov'r 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + March 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Dec'r 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 + April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Jan'y 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 + May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Feb'y 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 + June 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 March 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 April 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 + August 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 May 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + Sept'r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 June 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + October 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 July 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + Nov'r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Aug 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 + Dec'r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sept'r 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 +
-+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nov. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 Dec. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Jan. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 1 2 3 4 Feb. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mar. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 April. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 May. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 June. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 July. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Aug. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sept. -+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oct. -+
As labor occurs in the larger proportion of cases between 270 and 290 days from the first day of the last menstruation, 280 days is the average. The table presents at a glance the beginning and end of 280 days for every day in the year. Find the date of menstruation in the upper line of the horizontal column, and the figure below, with the corresponding month, will indicate 280 days.
To Avoid Miscarriage.—The pregnant woman must be very careful as the usual time for menstruation approaches. It is then that any undue effort, unusual lifting, excessive grief, or shock to the system, may bring on a miscarriage. This is especially true if such a misfortune has previously occurred.
A Great Preventive.—The most abundant testimony shows that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is an almost certain preventive to miscarriage or abortion. It gives strength to the uterine walls, quiets the first approach of pain, controls any spasmodic contractions, and brings about such a healthy condition that all danger is averted. I cannot speak too strongly of this Vegetable Compound for these cases. So many mothers have written us that they are now happy in the possession of a child, when, for time and time again, they would have a miscarriage at the third or fourth month.
Keep it in the House.—Every pregnant woman should always keep in the house a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She does not know the day when she will need it, and when that day comes she will require it promptly.
At any time when there is soreness, tenderness, unusual pain, any unnatural discharge, or any symptom whatever that shows pregnancy is not pursuing a perfectly natural course, she should begin to use the Vegetable Compound at once. It should be taken in small doses two or three times a day, just enough to produce its strengthening, quieting, and healing effects.
If she finds she has been overdoing, has strained herself in any way, or fears that some unfortunate result will follow an extra hard day's labor, let her take a few doses of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a certain preventive to future trouble.
The One Universal Cure.—In other words, I repeat what I have already said so many times, that whenever there is trouble of any kind with any part of the female generative organs, whenever these do not act in a perfectly natural manner, then the Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound is indicated; for it is the one great, universal and never-failing cure for all the affections which fall to the lot of womankind.
Makes Mother and Child Strong.—Many thousands of wives owe the fact that they are mothers to-day to this grand remedy, and thousands upon thousands of children are happy, strong and robust because their mothers were wise enough to use it. Keep it in the house. Do not be a day without it. Have it where you can reach it at any time. Put your confidence in it. 'Twill prove a never-failing friend to you in time of need.
Mothers' Marks.—There is a wide belief among women that any strong impression made at a certain time during pregnancy will exert a powerful influence in producing some defect or deformity in the child. The opposite is also held, to the effect that beautiful objects, delightful music, and everything elevating and ennobling will have a favorable effect upon the body or mind of the child.
An immense amount of testimony can be produced on both sides of this question. The weight of evidence, however, is rather in favor of these so-called "maternal impressions." In other words, it seems possible that under very unusual conditions the mother may affect her unborn child because of some powerful impression made upon the system.
Yet hundreds of thousands of mothers become frightened and undergo the most terrible experiences without having the slightest unfavorable effect upon the child; while other mothers give birth to deformed children when they have been surrounded with every comfort and have not been disturbed in any way. No one understands this subject, and but little can truly be said about it.
Hereditary Influences Are Strong.—On the other hand, we all know how strong is heredity. Therefore it is only acting the part of ordinary wisdom for every pregnant woman to avoid all disagreeable things possible and cultivate everything that is good and true.
Early Training Necessary.—When we come to study the theory of heredity, we see that it is impossible for any mother to completely change her course of life simply during pregnancy and have a corresponding effect upon her child. To produce the best results on the offspring it is necessary that the mother should have cultivated her own mind and body through many years of training.
Were Cured Early in Life.—Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done untold good to the present generation. There are hundreds of thousands of children living to-day who are healthy and happy because years before they were born their mothers, when young girls, took this grand household medicine. They were restored to health, a great load was lifted, and things again looked cheerful and bright, and in this condition a happy baby was born into the world. If you do not understand your ailments write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. Such letters are strictly confidential and answered with the help of women only.
Diet During Nursing.—Many mothers believe that it is necessary to eat only certain articles of diet while nursing their baby, for fear the child may be given the colic. While this may be true in certain cases, yet it is the exception. As a rule, mothers may eat nearly everything digestible without fear of affecting the baby.
Exceptions.—Sometimes raw fruits or acid substances may change the milk in some way so that it will disagree with the baby, but as I have said, this is not the rule. Occasionally, however, when such articles of diet as onions, cauliflower, and cabbage have been eaten, these will impart such an odor and taste to the milk that the child will refuse to nurse.
Must Be Guided By Experience.—The only precaution the mother need take is that if she finds some article of diet disagrees with her, or if she knows a certain article always causes pain or discomfort in the child, then these should be avoided.
It is true that certain medicines, especially purgatives, may be taken by the mother which will affect the child very quickly. Here the same rule should be the guide as should always govern one, namely, no article of diet should be used which is known to disturb the digestion.
Insufficient Supply of Milk.—When a mother knows that the chances of her child's life are greatly increased if it has its natural food, she will certainly make unusual efforts to supply all the food necessary.
Mothers are too likely to think that an increase in the quantity of the milk answers every purpose; but this is of no use unless the quality is increased as well. The free use of soups and some malt extracts may increase the quantity, but this does the child no good. It too much resembles the example of the milk-man who uses the well-pump to increase his supply of milk.
How Increased.—However, the supply of milk can easily be increased in quantity and correspondingly improved in quality if the mother will drink freely of cow's milk, and use other substantial foods at the same time. If the milk is constipating, or rests heavy on the stomach, then a little lime water may be added to it in the proportion of one or two tablespoonfuls to a glass of milk. Regular exercise in the open air is also necessary in order that the general health may be kept in the best possible condition.
Anger May Poison Milk.—It is a fact that if the child nurses after the mother has had a severe fright, or has become violently angry, the milk will sometimes act as an intense poison. In such cases the mother had better empty the breasts with a breast-pump, and not nurse the child for ten or twelve hours afterward, substituting some artificially prepared food.
Extra Supply of Milk.—Sometimes the secretion of milk is so great that even a strong child cannot take it all. This produces a distention of the breasts, causing what is known as "caked breasts," or "milk cake." This should be promptly attended to, as there is great danger of an abscess forming.
To Prevent Caked Breasts.—The way to relieve this condition is to gently but firmly rub the breasts with warm sweet-oil, continuing this for fifteen or twenty minutes at a time. An occasional use of the breast-pump is necessary also.
How to Diminish Supply.—When weaning-time comes, the question arises how the secretion of milk may be diminished. This is best done by having the mother take as little liquid as possible, whether of water, tea, milk, soup, or anything of this kind. She should also take a gentle laxative each day, as a little Hunyadi Water, or laxative mineral water of any kind.
Then support the breasts by passing a broad band beneath them, and carrying it over the shoulders, compressing the breasts slightly, but not too greatly.
The breast-pump should be used as soon as any distention becomes painful, and the breasts should be diligently rubbed with warm sweet-oil. If you do not understand your ailments write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and always helpful. Such letters are strictly confidential and answered with the help of women only.
Work of the Kidneys Most Important.—The kidneys are constantly engaged in removing from the body certain poisonous substances which are held in solution in the urine. If they should fail to do this work, or if no urine should be secreted for even a few hours, most serious consequences would follow.
Cause of Convulsions.—When these poisons are retained in the system to a sufficient degree they cause convulsions and unconsciousness, and are frequently fatal. The convulsions which some women have at childbirth are caused by this imperfect action of the kidneys.
To Tell If Danger Is Present.—An examination of the urine at any time will tell whether the kidneys are acting well or not, and thus it is possible to determine whether there is danger of having these convulsions during confinement. Therefore I urge upon all pregnant women the necessity of having their urine examined once or twice during the course of pregnancy, and certainly during the eighth or ninth month.
Albumen in the Urine.—Imperfect action of the kidneys is shown by the appearance of albumen in the urine. Any competent physician can easily determine whether this albumen is in the urine or not, and if present he can take such prompt measures as to remedy the evil before any serious danger occurs. Of course I know that hundreds of thousands of women pass safely through childbirth and have no unfavorable symptom at all; yet I also know that now and then a most valuable life is lost when it might just as well have been spared as not, if these simple suggestions had been carried out.
It is the teaching of all the best medical authorities in the world that this precaution should be taken by every expectant mother.
Symptoms of Kidney Trouble.—When the kidneys are not performing their work properly, the mother may know it, herself. If she finds her feet and ankles swelling at night, if she has a puffy look under the eyes, and especially if the amount of urine passed in twenty-four hours is not so great as formerly, then there is probably albumen in the urine. In this case she should stop eating meat of all kinds, and live largely upon milk, keeping the bowels in laxative condition by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills, and bathing the skin well once or twice a day. She should also begin at once the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, resting assured that this will remove the congestion in the kidneys, and will cause a more free secretion of the urine.
Self-abuse (Masturbation).—This is a cause of many of the diseases of women, also men. Small girls learn the practice from larger ones, and through ignorance continue it often to maturity without knowing that it is bringing upon them a physical and moral injury.
If mothers instructed their daughters on this subject there would be fewer broken lives.
SYMPTOMS.—The main symptoms are wakefulness, restless nights, headache, indolence, melancholy, indisposition to study, forgetfulness, despondency, weakness in the back and private organs, no confidence in one's own abilities, a desire for seclusion from society; whites, hysterics, and inability to look any one in the face. Sometimes the muscles are relaxed, limbs tremble, the skin is sallow and dry, with pain in the womb.
REMARKS. Write to Mrs. Pinkham in perfect confidence, and she will tell you exactly what to do. Delay is dangerous in this matter.
Dyspepsia, Acute.—Acute dyspepsia is usually caused by some improper diet, as the eating of an unusual article of food or of a larger amount than necessary. Such articles of diet as cucumbers, unripe or overripe fruit, an excessive amount of sweets, rich salads, heavy puddings, etc., may so irritate the stomach that an acute attack of dyspepsia follows.
Nature Often Cures.—Nature often makes a prompt cure in these cases by causing a sharp attack of vomiting or diarrhoea. If a cure is not made in this way, then we can imitate nature by giving an emetic, or by taking a laxative, in order to rid the body of the indigestible material as soon as possible.
Treatment.—If there is much pain in the stomach, a mustard plaster should be placed directly over the pit of the stomach, or cloths wrung out in hot water. For the next day following the attack the diet should be restricted to milk, or poached eggs on toast, or something of this kind.
Chronic Dyspepsia.—It is chronic dyspepsia, however, which is so annoying because of its persistence. It has been called "The American Disease" because so many people are troubled with it.
Symptoms.—Persons suffering from chronic dyspepsia complain of a bad taste in the mouth, dry throat, nausea, and a feeling of great weight in the stomach for an hour or two after each meal.
Frequently there is no appetite whatever, or it may be even more ravenous than natural because of the irritation and inflammation in the stomach. When the latter is the case, food does not satisfy, and it becomes necessary to eat every two or three hours in order to quiet the gnawing and empty feeling in the stomach. The chronic dyspeptic suffers greatly from nervousness and depression of spirits; indeed, it seems almost impossible to maintain the usual cheerfulness.
Thought to be the Heart.—Many persons go to their family physician thinking they have a serious form of heart disease, when the whole trouble is with the stomach, the violent beating of the heart being simply a nervous manifestation caused by the irritable condition of the stomach.
Two Diseases Closely Associated.—Chronic dyspepsia is almost invariably associated with the diseases of women. Indeed, the two seem almost inseparable, for whenever you find a woman complaining of soreness across the lower part of the bowels, irregular menstruation, ovarian irritation, inflammation of the bladder, leucorrhoea, etc., you will find a confirmed dyspeptic. The blood is thin and watery, the bowels are constipated, and the whole nervous system seems to be upset.
Which Disease Is the Cause?—The question comes whether the disease in the pelvis causes the difficulty with the stomach, or whether the stomach produces the inflammation in the uterus and surrounding parts. Probably one is true at one time and another at another time. The fact is that both conditions need correcting, and there is one remedy which answers perfectly in each case.
Both Must Be Cured.—The digestion certainly cannot be perfect while there is this inflammation in the pelvic organs; while the latter can hardly maintain a healthy condition if the stomach fails to do its work.
Both May Be Cured.—By paying attention to a few rules of diet, and by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a short time, I believe every case will promptly yield to treatment.
Cures Dyspepsia of Men.—Indeed, strange as it may seem, a great many men who have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound because they have seen its good action on the stomach in cases of other members of the family have written reporting good results. It certainly has a most soothing and strengthening power on this organ, while its gently stimulating effect on the whole alimentary canal brings about the most desirable changes.
Regular Action of the Bowels.—I would recommend that Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills be taken each night in just sufficient doses to cause a regular action of the bowels each day. Then if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be taken, it will not only allay all inflammation in the stomach and impart great strength, but it will at the same time remove the soreness and pain in the pelvic organs.
A Simple but Valuable Aid.—All such persons will obtain relief by drinking a cupful of hot water at least half an hour before breakfast each morning; and if the case is very bad, then the hot water may be repeated before each meal. The water should be as hot as can be comfortably taken.
Useful Hints.—I would strongly urge the necessity of thoroughly chewing the food and eating slowly. If this rule alone were observed there would be far less dyspeptics in the country. Drink should be used sparingly at meal-time, also, for while the body requires a great deal of liquid during the day, yet this should be taken between meals rather than during meals.
The stomach should certainly have time to rest from its work of digesting the food, hence nothing should be eaten between meals. The habit so many girls have of eating before retiring is very injurious to the health, and should be corrected at once. Meals should be taken at regular intervals and not at any time when most convenient.
Diet for Dyspeptics.—The chronic dyspeptic should use soups sparingly, for, as a rule, they are quite difficult of digestion, while they do not contain much nourishment. Plain mutton and beef soup without much fat are the least harmful. Such fish as pickerel, trout, shad, and white fish may be used moderately; while oysters, especially when raw, are easily digested. The best kinds of meat are roasted or broiled beef, lamb chops, and some fowl, as chicken.
Eggs are easily digested, and are exceedingly valuable as an article of diet for the dyspeptic. They may be cooked in almost any form except hard-boiled. They are highly nourishing, can be prepared in many delicate ways, and are, as I have said, as valuable an article of diet as the dyspeptic can have.
Persons with chronic dyspepsia do not digest vegetables well, as a rule, although such green vegetables as lettuce, green peas, asparagus, celery, and spinach may be used. Potatoes often ferment in the stomach, producing gases, and should be used sparingly.
Toast is always well borne, but should never be buttered while hot. Bread should not be used until it is at least a day old. Rolled oats, cracked wheat, etc., may be taken, although with many they cause fermentation. Nearly all cooked fruits are well borne by the stomach, and so are nearly all ripe fruits. Puddings made from rice and custard are easily digested.
Milk is valuable at all times, and if the chronic dyspeptic bears it well, this diet alone will frequently make a marked cure. If it rests heavy on the stomach, a little lime water may be added to it in the proportion of a tablespoonful of lime water to a cupful of milk.
Forbidden Diet.—There are certain articles of diet which the dyspeptic should not use under any circumstances. Among such are fried foods of all kinds, pork, liver, veal, rich soups, turkey, goose, duck, mackerel, lobster, cucumbers, cabbage, turnips, parsnips, string beans, pies and cakes, cheese and nuts.
Constipation.—As we have already stated, constipation is productive of the most serious evils. When the lower bowel is distended, pressure is made upon the surrounding blood-vessels, and thus the circulation seriously interfered with.
Causes Inflammation of Uterus.—As a result, there is congestion in the blood-vessels of the ovaries and uterus, and inflammation of these organs is likely to follow with its long train of ailments.
Constipation also seriously interferes with the general health, producing nausea, indigestion, headache, backache, nervousness, general debility, etc.
Daily Movements Necessary.—Nature intended that the alimentary canal should be relieved of its contents at least once every twenty-four hours, and if this is not done, then certain poisons are absorbed into the blood which produce the most undesirable effects.
To Cure Constipation.—For constipation I strongly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills. I know they give the most prompt and satisfactory relief. I have received letters from hundreds of women who have been cured of the most distressing ailments of the uterus and bladder simply by using these Liver Pills, and all because constipation was cured and in this way the cause of the suffering removed.
Diarrhoea.—Diarrhoea, as a rule, is an effort of nature to get rid of some offensive material. While this may be the first reason for its existence, yet if it is allowed to go on, it produces such an irritation in the bowels that serious results may easily follow.
Treatment.—If the person is conscious of having eaten something indigestible, as unripe or overripe fruit, then it is best to aid nature by taking some gentle laxative, as a laxative dose of Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills, thus hastening the removal of the indigestible substance. If, however, there have been a number of movements of the bowels, until the offending material is probably all removed, then the following plan is all that will be necessary to make a cure:
Let the person rest at full length upon a couch or bed, remaining as quiet as possible. For the diet nothing should be taken but hot milk. A glass of hot milk can be slowly sipped once every three hours, and nothing else whatever should be taken into the stomach for a day, at least, or until the diarrhoea is checked.
If the pain is quite severe in the stomach or bowels, then a mustard plaster may be placed over the most painful part, or cloths wrung from hot water; or a poultice of linseed meal or slippery elm may be applied. I have seen the good results of this treatment of "rest and hot milk" in so many cases, and it is so exceedingly simple, that I earnestly recommend its trial.
General Debility, Exhaustion, Anaemia.—Many women go about suffering from great debility, being hardly able to drag themselves through the day. When night comes they are too tired to sleep, and when morning comes it seems they are more tired than they were at night. All parts of the body partake of this general weakness.
There are great discomfort and suffering through the lower part of the body, difficulty in passing the urine, constipation of the bowels, leucorrhoea, and all other affections which naturally come from an impoverished condition of the blood.
May Be Promptly Cured.—To all women who are suffering from this general debility, exhaustion, and nervous prostration I earnestly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier. If the inflammation in the uterus and surrounding organs is quite marked at the same time, then the Blood Purifier may be taken before meals and the Vegetable Compound after. If the female generative organs are not much involved, then the Blood Purifier may be used alone.
A Grand Medicine.—This grand medicine has done great good, and I am confident it will build up the system, purify the blood, and greatly improve the general health.
Persons suffering from general debility of this kind do not prosper well on a milk diet alone. They need more hearty food, such as rare beefsteak, rare roast beef, lamb chops, and eggs.
Sleeplessness.—Sleeplessness is frequently the result of a too liberal use of tea or coffee. Many persons cannot take a cup of coffee at any time during the evening without lying awake many hours to pay for it. It is a strong stimulant to those who have a sensitive nervous system, and should be used only sparingly at all times and never after the midday meal.
Strong tea acts in this way upon a great many, and if any of my readers are troubled with sleeplessness, and yet at the same time use tea and coffee freely, I would suggest that they try, first of all, to do without these drinks and note the effect.
Treatment.—A warm (not hot) foot-bath taken just before retiring will often cause a good night's rest, as it draws the blood from the head, makes the circulation more evenly distributed, and in this way induces sleep. Frequently a baby or young child may be made to sleep all through the night if a warm bath be given just before retiring.
When the sleeplessness is due to nerve exhaustion, as is frequently the case, the very best results will follow the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, because of its great nerve tonic properties.
A Hard Cold.—Whenever any one has taken a hard cold, it can often be speedily and completely broken up in the following manner: Take a hot foot-bath for at least half an hour. While the feet are still in the hot water throw a blanket completely about the limbs and body, in order to retain all the heat possible. At the same time drink one or two cupfuls of hot lemonade, or hot ginger tea. Then retire to bed, having the bed previously well warmed, if during the wintertime. Put on plenty of covering, keeping a hot flat-iron or a hot water-bottle at the feet, and in every way try to induce free perspiration.
After an hour or two, gradually remove the extra clothing. Be careful about going out the next morning, for the body will be especially susceptible to the cold. In this way it is possible to break up a hard cold at once. If there is any tendency to cough, or any tightness or soreness in the chest, place a mustard plaster directly over the chest, and allow it to remain on until the skin is quite red.
Sore Throat.—An old-fashioned remedy for sore throat, and a very good one, too, is to bind on each side of the throat a piece of salt pork. The surface of the pork may be slightly covered with black pepper, in order to increase its drawing power. This is allowed to remain on all night, but should be taken off in the morning. During the day a flannel is worn about the neck.
A gargle for sore throat may be made by dissolving half a teaspoonful of chlorate of potash in a cupful of warm water. Gargle the throat with this every hour or two during the day, but do not swallow the mixture. After this has been used for a day or two, then a solution may be made by adding a teaspoonful of pulverized alum to a cupful of warm water; this is applied to the inflamed sides of the throat by means of a swab. Gargling the throat with a solution of ordinary extract of witch hazel, one part, and water two parts, also very useful.
Croup.—As a rule, croup may be quickly cured by the use of either hot or cold water. Immediately the child begins to breathe hard and cough with a dry, hollow, barking cough, wring out a towel from cold water and apply around the throat, covering this with a dry towel. The wet towel should be changed in a few minutes, just as soon as it becomes a little warm. Often before the second cloth is removed the spasm will be broken, and the danger passed. Cool water will not answer; it must be cold. If the spasm does not break, and the breathing does not become easy within fifteen or twenty minutes, then change to hot water. Wring out the cloth from water as hot as can be borne and apply about the neck, changing in a few moments, and so on.
How to Lose Flesh.—I have often been asked whether it were possible to have the flesh reduced without in any way affecting the general health. If the person be only slightly heavier than usual, and is in the best of health, it certainly seems wrong to experiment in any way to reduce the weight, especially when this is done only to better follow the dictates of fashion.
If, however, the excess of flesh is becoming so great as to be uncomfortable, to interfere with the regular work, or to cause weak action of the heart, etc., then something should be done. There are a few rules which a person may follow to advantage in such cases, although the change should be made gradually.
So long as a person continues to gain in flesh, it is positive evidence that more food is being taken than necessary. Therefore the first rule is that the quantity of food should be gradually diminished.
The second rule is that exercise should be taken regularly. This will keep up the general health, while it will cause the fat to be more evenly distributed over the body. Another rule is to keep the bowels well open, so that there may be at least two movements daily. For this special purpose the mineral laxative waters are best.
Diet for Reducing the Flesh.—Fatty foods should be avoided, and so should all drinks in excess. Foods containing sugar or starch should be taken sparingly, as oatmeal, potatoes, rice, cakes, sweetened tea and coffee. Milk is very fattening to many, hence should not be used. The eminent Dr. Mitchell, of Philadelphia, instituted a course of treatment for reducing the weight, which is quite rigid, but nevertheless effective. The regular diet should be changed gradually until it meets Dr. Mitchell's demands.
He prescribes outdoor exercise, and a diet of one cupful of milk and one egg every three hours when awake. No other food or drink is allowed for twenty days, when the list of foods is gradually extended. There are a number of anti-fat remedies upon the market, but many of them depend for a cure upon their power to disturb digestion, and thus interfere with the general health.
How to Gain Flesh.—When it is natural for persons to be thin, it is quite impossible for them to gain in weight under any kind of diet or treatment. Many persons, however, are thin simply because some of the digestive organs do not perform their work properly; or because the diet is not the right kind.
Thin persons need good meats and some vegetables. If the digestion is all right, then such meats as mutton, chicken, broiled bacon, broiled ham, etc., may be used; also rare broiled steak, rare roast beef, etc. Eggs may be used in any way except hard-boiled. Good bread, oatmeal, cracked wheat, hominy, etc., are good.
Such indigestible foods as pork and veal, thin soups, cabbage, turnips, pickles, pies, and pastries of all kinds should not be used.
Often a good preparation of cod-liver oil will increase the weight; and this is also true of many of the extracts of malt. It is useless, however, to try to increase the weight by using a generous diet, unless the digestion is in good order. When the digestion is weak, the person should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound because of its power to strengthen the digestion and enable the system to obtain all the good possible from the food.
Pimples, Rashes, Eruptions.—Many persons, especially young girls, are afflicted with pimples on the face, rashes, blackheads, etc. To cure this condition it is necessary that the bowels be made to act regularly each day, which is easily done by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills.
Then a good course of treatment should be taken with Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier in order to make the blood perfectly pure in every way. Attention should also be paid to the diet, and such indigestible articles as pork, pickles, rich pies and cakes, and rich sauces, sweetmeats and nuts should be avoided.
For local treatment, the face should be washed each day in warm, soapy water, using the best Castile soap. Then with a sponge or wash cloth wash off this water with as hot water as can be borne. It is best to keep up this sponging with the hot water for at least five minutes in order that the face may become thoroughly steamed.
The face should then be wiped dry and rubbed briskly for a few minutes.
Burns.—Burns are likely to occur at any time in the household, and one should always know what to do promptly. The best treatment is to add a teaspoonful of ordinary baking-soda to a cupful of water. Saturate some cloths in this solution and lay them over or loosely bind them about the burned part. This will take out the pain and sting at once. As the cloths become dry, more of the solution should be poured over them, and they should not be removed from the burned parts. After a few hours, these wet cloths may be replaced by cloths well covered with vaseline. If you do not understand your ailments write to Mrs Pinkham. Her advice is free and always helpful. Such letters are strictly confidential; they are never shown without the writer's express permission; women only assist in answering them.
Free Medical Advice to Women
Lady with Raised Hand
In addressing Mrs. Pinkham you are confiding your private ills to a woman—a woman who speaks from a greater experience in treating women's diseases than can any living physician—male or female.
You can talk freely to a woman when it is revolting to relate your private troubles to a man—besides, a man does not understand—simply because he is a man.
Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad to worse, knowing full well that they ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary. Without money or price you can consult a woman, who can speak from a greater actual experience than can any local physician in the world.
Every one will agree that there are the strongest of all reasons why, if we are ill, we should appeal to the person who knows the most about the kind of illness with which we are afflicted—one who has had the greatest experience in treating just such cases and meeting just the symptoms that are manifest in our particular case.
What confidence does one gain by consulting one who has occasionally met a case just like ours, but has had no great experience? None whatever. All treatment under such a person must of necessity be experimental. But in writing Mrs. Pinkham you consult one who has, actually filed in her office for ready reference, an immense correspondence with patients suffering from female ills which has been constantly going on for more than twenty-five years; and it is safe to say there is not a case or complication of female derangements with which she is not familiar. It is a positive fact, easily verified, that within the last few months she, with her corps of trained women assistants, has advised in over one hundred thousand cases, and that a vast number of the women of this country owe the restoration of their health to her advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Now, if a woman is ill and miserable, it seems to us only simple justice to herself that she should avail herself of the help of a woman of such enormous experience.
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She asks nothing in return, except their good will, and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance.
Address simply Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., U. S. A.
El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham es un remedio seguro para todas las enfermedades de las mujeres, incluyendo la caida del utero, leucorrea, menstruaciones irregulares y dolorosas, inflamaciones y ulceraciones de la matriz y del ovario, para toda clase de afecciones de los organos de la generacion, asi como tambien para las enfermedades de los rinones de ambos sexos. Este remedio esta compuesto de las raices y yerbas mas puras y escogidas, que se encuentran en la naturaleza para las enfermedades de las mujeres.
Menstruacion.—Las menstruaciones tempranas no son deseables, aunque muchas menstruaciones aparecen de los trece a los quince anos; sin embargo mucho depende de la constitucion de la muchacha. Si habiendo llegado a esta edad no ha menstruado todavia, la madre debera prestar singular cuidado a la hija; esta probablemente crecera delgada y palida con una complexion livida, que hara de ella una victima facil y segura de la tisis y de la nevrastenia. Nada hay comparable para estos casos al Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham. Ayuda y promueve los cambios importantes que han de verificarse en la vida de la muchacha en esa edad previniendo largos anos de padecimientos los cuales son resaltados seguros de la negligencia. El Compuesto debera tomarse siguiendo estrictamente las direcciones hasta que la menstruacion ocurra regularmente cada veinte y ocho dias. Si hay propension a estrenimiento, las Pildoras de Higado de Lydia E. Pinkham deberan tomarse juntamente con el Compuesto Vegetal. Estas pildoras han sido hechas especialmente para mujeres y obran in perfecta harmonia con el Compuesto Vegetal.
Supresion de las Reglas es la suspension de la menstruacion.
Si la supresion de las reglas ocurriese, excepto en los casos de prenez o de amamantamiento, el Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham debera tomarse hasta que la menstruacion vuelva a producirse regularmente. Curara todas las irregularidades.
Menstruaciones dolorosas.—Muchas mujeres sufren dolores terribles durante la menstruacion. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham curara esos martirizantes dolores. Nada importa que el caso sea reciente o que haya existido durante muchos meses, si el Compuesto Vegetal se toma regularmente y siguiendo las instrucciones, la cura sera un hecho cierto.
Menstruaciones abundantes ocurren a menudo en las personas sanguineas y en las palidas y linfaticas. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia Pinkham ha hecho algunas de las curas mas asombrosas precisamente en esas condiciones. Para las menstruaciones abundantes avisamos que se tome el Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham en forma seca, es decir en pildoras o pastillas.
La inflamacion y la ulceracion del utero es la causa de casi todas las enfermedades de las mujeres. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham ha curado mas de un millon de casos de enfermedades uterinas. El numero de relaciones recibidos de mujeres que han estado enfermas a punto de morir y han sido curadas por este remedio es casi increible. Una mujer puede conocer perfectamente si padece de alguna enfermedad del utero, porque estas enfermedades vienen acompanadas de terribles dolores en el abdomen, espalda etc., desmayos, pesadez en las extremidades, y de toda clase de otros dolores. Una cura segura se encuentra en el Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham.
Leucorrea (o Flores Blancos).—Uno de los primeros sintomas de la inflamacion del utero es la leucorrea, familiarmente conocida bajo el nombre de Flores Blancos, la cual consiste en una secrecion blancusca de la vagina la cual debilita muchisimo el sistema y produce una irritacion de la membrana mucosa que reviste el canal vaginal. El uso regular del Compuesto Vegetal, por sus efectos en la constitucion, y la Locion Sanativa de Lydia E. Pinkham usada en inyecciones curara positivamente los casos mas graves de leucorrea. La negligencia de esta dolorosa enfermedad originara ulceras, flujos excesivos, estableciendo los cimientos para la mas terrible de todas las enfermedades—el Cancer.
Caida del Utero.—Existen muchos desplazamientos del utero, pero el mas principal es el conocido generalmente con el nombre de la Caida del Utero. Esto es debido muchas veces a la flojedad de los ligamentos que soportan este organo. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham fortalece las ligamentos, alivia todas las inflamaciones y gradualmente restaura los organos a su propia condicion. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham removera los tumores del utero en su temprano desenvolvimiento tan seguro como el sol brilla.
La Inflamacion de los ovarios es una de las enfermedades mas desesperantes que atacan a las mujeres de 20 a 40 anos. Esta enfermedad va siempre acompanada de algunos dolores de la region de los ovarios y de una sensacion de pesadez especialmente durante la menstruacion. A menudo el dolor extiendese por el costado y la espalda, especialmente en el lado izquierdo produciendo continuos deseos de orinar. A menos que esta enfermedad se ataque prontamente nada curara a la paciente que no sea la cuchilla del cirujano. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham a curado miles de mujeres que sufrian enfermedades del ovario, salvandolas de los riesgos de una seria operacion.
La Esterilidad es a menudo debida a la extrema debilidad e inflamacion cronica del utero; frecuentemente el uso regular del compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham ha restaurado los organos reproductivos de la mujer a sus condiciones normales quitandolas la idea de que su esterilidad era imposible de curarse.
Cambio de Vida es el periodo peligroso por el cual pasan todas las mujeres que han cumplido 45 anos; durante este periodo las mujeres sufren toda clase de dolores y enfermedades, pero si el Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham se toma regularmente este cambio importante puede ser pasado sin peligro de enfermedades o muerte.
Las Enfermedades de los Rinones y de la Vejiga son comunes en ambos sexos, generalmente de dificil curacion, pero pueden curarse si se atienden a tiempo; nada sin embargo es tan fatal como el no atenderlos debidamente a su tiempo, siendo la muerte el resultado inevitable. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham no reconoce rival entre los remedios que para estas enfermedades han sido descubiertos. Es digno de absoluta confianza tanto por hombre como por mujer.
Los Dolores de la Espalda no son una enfermedad pero son uno de los principales sintomas; cuando existe una enfermedad de los organos de la generacion, esta es telegrafiada, como si dijeramos, al gran nervio simpatico que tiene uno de sus principales centros en la parte mas baja de la espalda. El Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham curando las enfermedades del utero y de los rinones hara desaparecer los dolores de la espalda.
Dispepsia e Indigestion.—Nada en el mundo sera descubierto que pueda compararse al Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham, para las enfermadedes del estomago.
Prenez.—Muchos dolores y sufrimientos que ocurren al dar a luz a un nino podrian evitarse enteramente, si la madre fortificase su sistema durante dos meses antes del nacimiento con el Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham.
Una cucharada del Compuesto Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham debera tomarse cada 4 horas al dia para cualquiera de las enfermedades arriba mencionadas.
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Empapese un cuarto del paquete le la Locion Sanativa de Lydia E. Pinkham en cantidad suficiente de agua para hacer una pinta despues de haberse filtrado; cuando los flujos son profusos, usese la mitad de esta cantidad, anadiendo una pinta de agua caliente.
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Para estrenimiento, dolores de cabeza, biliosidades tomense tres Pildoras de Higado de Lydia E. Pinkham la primera noche, dos la segunda y una la tercera, y a menos que se obtenga una saludable flojedad de los intestinos debera seguirse tomando una cada noche, hasta concluir la caja.
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Cuando la sangre es pobre y el paciente se sienta debil y cansado, y desganado, nada en el mundo es tan bueno como el "Purificador de la Sangre" de Lydia E. Pinkham. Una cucharada tres veces al dia curara el reumatismo, scrofula, erupciones de la piel, etc. etc.
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De venta por todos los farmaceuticos y droguistas.
Preparado por The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company,
Lynn, Mass., E. U. de A.
ar ett saekert botemedel foer alla qvinnosjukdomar, sasom lifmoderns nedfallande, hvitsot, oregelbunden och smaertsam rening, inflammation och sarnad pa lifmodern och aeggstockarne, samt alla andra svagheter uti de qvinliga skaporganen, aefvensom njurlidande hos bada koenen. Det aer sammansatt af utvalda och renaste slag af roetter och oerter, sasom naturen sjelf framstaellt dem foer botandet af qvinnans lidanden.
Rening.—Foer tidig rening aer icke oenskvaerd, ehuru densamma vanligen boerjar vid omkring tretton intill femton ars alder; emellertid beror dervid mycket pa flickans kroppsbyggnad. Om hon natt denna alder och aennu icke haft rening, boer modren faesta saerskild uppmaerksamhet dervid; hennes dotter blir antagligen mager och blek, med en egendomlig gulblek hy och hon blir ett saekert och laett offer foer lungsot och nervoes nedslagenhet. Ingenting i verlden naer upp till Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound i dylika fall.
Det bidragar att astadkomma den vigtiga foeraendring uti en flickas lif, som boer ega rum vid omkring denna alder och foerebygger salunda aratal af elaende, som aer en saeker foeljd af uraktlatenhet. Medicinen maste tagas bestaemdt enligt foereskrift, intill reningen intraeffar regelbundet hvarje tjuguattonde dag. Om inelfvorna aero benaegna att hoptraenga sig, borde Lefver-Piller (Lydia E. Pinkhams Liver-Pills) begagnas, hvilka blifvit saerskildt sammansatta foer qvinnans bruk och verka i fullkomlig harmoni med Vegetable Compound.
Foerhindrande af Flytningen aer ett uppharonde sedan reningen vederboerligen boerjat. Om ett upphoerande eger rum, sa framt det icke aer en foeljd af hafvandeskap eller gifvande af di, aer det ett allvarligt fall och Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound boer tagas tills reningen ater blir regelbunden. Den foerbaettrar saekert alla oregelbundenheter.
Smaertsam Rening.—Manga qvinnor lida marterande smaerta under reningen. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound botar saekert denna smaertande kaensla. Det inverkar ej om detta foerhallande nyligen intraedt eller om det egt rum under manga manader; om Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound tages regelbundet och enligt foereskrift aer ett botande saekert.
Foer Ymnig Rening foerekommer ofta hos dem, som aero blodfulla, liksom hos dem som aero bleka och svaga. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound har atstadkommit atskilliga af de mest foervanansvaerda botaden i just dylika fall. Foer foer ymnig rening eller flytning rekommendera vi alltid Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound i torr form, antingen som piller eller kakor.
Inflammation och Sarnad pa Lifmodern aer orsaken till naestan alla qvinnosjukdomar. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound har botat mera aen en million fall af Lifmoderfel. De skildringer, som erhallits fran qvinnor, hvilka varit doedsjuka och som botats genom Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound aero naestan otroliga. En qvinna vet saekerligen om hon har nagot slags lifmoderfel, enaer dylikt naestan alltid atfoeljes af en nedtyngande kaensla uti underlifvet, ryggvaerk, svimmingsanfall, styfhet i lederna och all annan taenkbar vaerk och smaerta. Ett aldrig svikande botemedel aer Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound.
Leucorrhea eller Hvitflytning.—En af de foersta symptomerna af lifmoderns inflammation aer leucorrhea, vanligen kallad "hvitt," hvilken bestar af en hvit flytning fran moderslidan och som aer mycket kraftnedsaettande foer systemet och retande foer moderslidans kaensliga slemhinna.
Ett regelbundet begagnande af Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound pa grund af dess inverkanpa kroppsbeskaffenheten och Lydia E. Pinkhams Laekande Medel foer insprutning uti moderslidan, botar saekert de allvarligaste fall af hvitflytning. Foersummande af denna ledsamma sjukdom foerorsakar sarnader, oefverdrifven flytning och laegger grunde foer den forskraeckligaste af alla sjukdomar nemligen Kraefta.
Lifmoderns Nedfallande.—Det finnes manga olika rubbningar hos lifmodern, den vanligaste kaend under namn af lifmoderns nedfallande. Detta beror hufvudsakligast pa foerslappning af de band som uppbara detta organ eller halla det pa sin plats. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound starker dessa band, lindrar inflammation och aterstaeller sa smaningen delarne uti deras behoeriga laege. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound borttager svullnad uti lifmodern i dess tidigare stadium lika saekert som solen skiner.
Inflammation uti Aeggstockarne aer en saerdeles allvarlig sjukdom, som angriper qvinnan mellan 20 och 40 ars alder. Den atfoeljes alltid af oemhet och harda smaertor i trakten af aeggstockarne och en kaensla af uppfyllnad isynnerhet under reningen. Ofta utstracka sig smartorna till sidan och ryggen, isynnerhet till venstra sidan, med ett staendigt begar att urinera. Sae framt icke denna sjukdom genast haefvas, kan ingenting raedda patienter fran operationsknifven. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound har emellertid botat tusentals qvinnor foer sjukdomar uti aeggstockarne och raeddat mangfaldiga fran hospitalet och en allvarlig operation.
Ofruktbarhet har often sin orsak uti ytterlig svaghet och kroniskt inflammeradt tillstand af lifmodern. Regelbundet begagnande af Lydia E. Pinkhams medicin har ofta aterstaellt lifmoderns fruktbara organer till deras normala tillstand och lindrat fran den bekymrande tanken att ofruktbarheten var obotlig.
Foeraendring I Lifvet ar en farlig period foer alla qvinnor, som hunnit till 45 ars alder. Under denna tid har qvinnan all slags sjukdom och smaerta, men om Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound tages regelbundet, kan denna vigtiga foeraendring i en qvinnas lif passeras utan fara foer sjugdom eller doed.
Njurlidande och Blaskatarr hos bada koenen aro vanliga och svara sjukdomar, men de kunna botas om de tagas itu med i raett tid. Ingenting ar emellertid sa olycksbringande som symptomerna till dessa sjukdomar om de ej gifvas akt pa i tid och doeden aer oundviklig. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound oefvertraeffas ej af nagot annat botemedel, som nagonsin uppstackts foer botande af alla sjugdomar i njurarne och blasan. Det aer fullt tillfoerlitligt bade foer maen och qvinnor.
Ryggvark aer icke en sjukdom utan en tydlig symptom da sjukdom foerefinnes uti skaporganen och ger sig tillkaenna som om det vore uti den stora sympatiska nerv, som har ett af sina foernaemsta laegen i laegre delen af ryggen. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, som haefver lifmoders-, aeggstocks-, och njurlidanden, botar tryckande ryggvaerk.
Magsyra och Dalig Matsmaltning.—Ingenting verlden har nagonsin uppstaeckts, som uppnar Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for magsjukdomar.
Hafvande Tillstand.—Vid barnsboerd intraffer mycken smaerta och lidande, som kunde helt och hallet undvikas om den blifvande modern staerkte sitt system genom regelbunden behandling med Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound under en period af tva manader foere barnsboerden.
En matsked af Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound hvarje fjerde timma under dagens lopp foer hvilken som helst af foerutnmaende sjukdomar.
Laegg ett fjerdedels paket af Lydia E. Pinkhams Laekande Medel i tillraeckligt med vatten foer att utgoera en pint sedan det silats. Da flytningen aer foer riklig, tag haelften deraf och tillsaett en pint varmt vatten. Begagna dagligen foer insprutning i moderslidan.
Foer foestoppning, hufvudvaerk och gallsjukdom tages tre Lydia E. Pinkhams Lefverpiller foersta natten, tva den andra och en den tredje och savida ej en regelbunden och helsosam foeraendring intraedt uti underlifvet, fortsaett att taga ett hvarje afton sa laenge de raecka.
Naer blodet aer fattigt och patienten aer svag samt alltid kaenner sig troett, aer mager och ej har appetit, sa aer intet i verlden sa vaelgoerande som Lydia E. Pinkhams Blodrenare. En matsked tre ganger dagligen botar rheumatism, skrofler, hudsjukdomar m. m.
Saeljes hos Apotekare, prepareradt af Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company,
Lynn, Mass., Foerenta Staterna.
Le Remede Vegetal de Lydia E. Pinkham est un remede absolument sur pour toutes les maladies de femme telles que le prolapsus de la matrice, la leucorrhee, les menstrues irregulieres et douloureuses, l'inflammation et l'ulceration de la matrice et des ovaires, ainsi que pour toutes les autres affections des organes genitaux de la femme, et les maladies des reins et du foie des deux sexes.
Il se compose des herbes et racines les plus pures, telles que les pourvoit la nature elle meme.
Menstrues.—Il n'est pas a desirer que les regles aient lieu a un age trop jeune, quoiqu'en general les menstrues commencent entre la 13e et la 15e annee, la constitution de la jeune fille y jouant un certain role. Si la fille a atteint cet age et qu'elle n'ait pas encore ses regles, la mere ne saurait etre trop soigneuse; il est probable que la fille est pale et maigre, et que son teint montre cette couleur livide qui nous fait craindre qu'elle ne devienne sous peu la victime de la phthisie et qu'elle ne devienne fortement neurasthenique. Pour empecher un tel malheur rien n'egale "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Il produit d'une maniere salutaire et prompte le changement qui devrait alors avoir lieu, en prevenant ainsi de longues annees de souffrances, resultat inevitable de tout manque de precaution. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound doit etre pris strictement selon les instructions, jusqu'a ce que les regles aient lieu tous les 28 jours. Si, de plus, il y a de la constipation, on se servira des Pilules de Foie de Lydia E. Pinkham, faites expres pour l'usage des femmes et operant entierement d'accord avec le remede.
L'Absence des Regles apres qu'elles ont commence une fois, a moins qu'elle ne soit due a la grossesse ou a l'allaitement, est une affaire de la plus grande importance et personne ne devrait manquer de se servir de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound jusqu'a ce que de nouveau les menstrues se montrent regulierement.
Regles Douloureuses.—Il y a bien des femmes qui, pendant le temps de leurs regles, souffrent des douleurs tout a fait terribles. Notre remede guerira d'une maniere sure cette affection n'importe si c'est un cas recent ou vieux de plusieurs mois. On peut s'attendre a une guerison sure et efficace pourvu que le remede soit pris regulierement et suivant les instructions.
Les Regles Excessives se montrent d'abord chez des personnes sanguines et chez les personnes affaiblies et pales. Notre remede, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a obtenu des resultats tout a fait merveilleux dans ces cas. Pour guerir l'exces ou l'hemorrhagie des regles nous conseillons l'emploi du remede dans sa forme seche, c'est a dire en pilules ou en pastilles.
L'Inflammation ainsi que L'Ulceration de la Matrice peuvent etre regardees comme cause de presque toutes les maladies de la femme. Cependant Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a gueri plus d'un million de maladies de la matrice. Les rapports que nous recevons des femmes qui ont failli en mourir et qui ensuite ont ete gueries, sont presque incroyables. La femme peut s'assurer assez facilement, si elle est atteinte ou non d'une affection de la matrice, vu le fait qu'ordinairement elle est sujette a des tiraillements d'estomac, a des peines dans les reins, a des evanouissements, a l'engourdissement des membres et a une foule d'autres douleurs. Le seul remede infaillible pour guerir toutes ces affections est Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
La Leucorrhee que nous connaissons plus familierement sous le nom de "Fleurs Blanches," represente un des premiers symptomes de l'inflammation de la matrice. Le mal se montre sous la forme d'une secretion blanchatre du vagin, enfaiblissant le systeme et exercant un irritation tres serieuse sur la muqueuse du vagin. L'emploi regulier de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, grace a son effet sur le systeme, ainsi que de la Lotion Sanitaire de Lydia E. Pinkham (Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash) appliquee sous forme d'injections dans le vagin, ne tardera guere de guerir les cas les plus obstines de leucorrhee. En negligeant cette maladie desastreuse on est sur de donner lieu a des secretions excessives, a des ulceres ainsi qu'a la plus dangereuse de toutes les maladies—le Cancer.
Prolapsus de la Matrice.—Il y a un grand nombre de deplacements dont le plus important est appele "le prolapsus de la matrice." Celui-ci est produit d'abord par une relaxation des ligaments qui, dans leur etat normal, maintiennent cet organe a sa place. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound fortifiera ces ligaments, l'inflammation disparaitra et peu a peu l'organe sera remis dans sa condition normale. Notre remede aura de plus un succes indiscutable pour guerir toutes les tumeurs de la matrice pourvu qu'on commence a s'en servir des leurs premiere phases.
L'Inflammation des Ovaires est une des maladies les plus desastreuses atteignant les femmes entre la vingtieme et la quarantieme annee. Les personnes qui en souffrent s'apercevront vite d'une sensibilite extraordinaire dans la region des ovaires, de plus des sensations d'enflements desagreables, surtout dans la periode des regles. Souvent la douleur s'etend aux flancs et au dos, surtout au flanc gauche, et il se fait sentir un desir incessant d'uriner. A moins que cette affection ne soit arretee promptement rien ne pourra sauver la malade d'une operation. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, cependant, a gueri les maladies d'ovaires de milliers de femmes et bien de femmes ont ete assez heureuses, par consequent, pour echapper a un long traitement a l'hopital ainsi qu'a une operation des plus serieuses.
La Sterilite est tres souvent une consequence directe d'une inflammation chronique de la matrice et d'une faiblesse extreme. L'emploi regulier de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a souvent retabli les fonctions normales de l'organe generateur, et a ainsi detruit cette idee fatale que la sterilite etait incurable.
La Periode Climaterique ou Changement de Vie est une periode tres importante et assez dangereuse pour toute femme qui a passe l'age de 45 ans. Pendant cette periode les femmes sont atteintes de toute espece de maladies et de peines; l'emploi regulier de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cependant va leur garantir une immunite parfaite contre tout accident dangereux qui pourrait leur survenir dans cette periode.
Les Maladies des Reins et de la Vessie, chez les deux sexes, sont tres frequentes et tres obstinees. Aussi peuvent-elles devenir tres dangereuses et meme fatales, si l'on manque de s'en occuper des l'apparence des premiers symptomes. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, que nous conseillons d'employer le plus tot possible, est la medicine par excellence qui dans tous les cas de maladies du foie et de la vessie produira un resultat simplement merveilleux chez l'homme et chez la femme, et qui ne manquera guere de sauver une vie trop souvent menacee fatalement.
Le Mal de Dos, quelque frequent qu'il soit, n'est guere une maladie proprement dite, mais plutot un symptome de la plus haute importance, comme il indique par le centre dorsal du grand nerf sympathique, qu'il y a une affection des organes generateurs qu'on fera bien de ne point negliger. Aussitot que ces affections ou uterines, ou ovariennes ou renales sont gueries par l'emploi de Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, ce mal de dos tourmentant va cesser tout seul.
Dyspepsie et Indigestion.—Rien au monde n'egale la force guerissante de notre remede pour toutes les maladies de l'estomac.
Grossesse.—Une grande partie des douleurs et des souffrances qu'en general les femmes doivent endurer en accouchant pourraient etre evitees, si elles se preparaient convenablement en fortifiant leur systeme par l'emploi de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a peu pres deux mois avant l'accouchement.
Prenez une cuilleree de Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound toutes les 4 heures pendant la journee pour guerir chacune des maladies decrites ci-dessus.
Trempez le quart d'un paquet de Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash (Lotion Sanitaire) dans assez d'eau pour obtenir une pinte apres la filtration; la secretion etant tres forte on doit employer la moitie de cette quantite a laquelle on ajoutera une pinte d'eau chaude. Employez la lotion chaque jour en l'injectant dans le vagin.
Pour guerir la constipation, la migraine, les attaques bilieuses, prenez trois pilules la premiere nuit, deux la suivante et une la troisieme et continuez jusqu'a ce que la boite soit vide, a moins qu'il n'y ait pas une evacuation reguliere plus tot.
Quand le sang est appauvri et que le malade est toujours fatigue, bien amaigri et sans appetit, rien au monde ne lui fera autant de bien que le remede purificateur Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier. Une cuilleree trois fois par jour guerira les rhumatismes, la scrofule et toutes sortes d'eruptions de la peau.
Vendu chez tous les pharmaciens.
Prepare par Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company,
Lynn, Mass., E. U.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Kraeutermittel, unter dem Namen "Vegetable Compound" auf den Markt gebracht, ist ein absolut zuverlaessiges Heilmittel fuer saemmtliche Frauenkrankheiten, einschliesslich Vorfall der Gebaermutter, Leukorrhoe, unregelmaessige und schmerzhafte Menstruation, Entzuendung und Geschwuerbildung in der Gebaermutter und den Eierstoecken, ferner fuer alle sonstigen Schwaechezustaende in den weiblichen Geschlechtsorganen und fuer Nierenkrankheiten bei beiden Geschlechtern. Das Mittel ist aus den reinsten und erlesensten Wurzeln und Kraeutern, wie sie Mutter Natur zur Heilung aller Frauenleiden selbst geschaffen hat, zusammengestellt.
Menstruation. Eine uebermaessig fruehe Menstruation ist keineswegs wuenschenswerth; obwohl die Monatsregel oder Menstruation im Allgemeinen in der Zeit vom dreizehnten bis zum fuenfzehnten Jahre aufzutreten pflegt, wobei jedoch viel von der Constitution des betreffenden Maedchens abhaengt. Hat sie jedoch dieses Alter erreicht, und sollte sich die Menstruation noch nicht eingestellt haben, so muss die Mutter sich um die Sache bekuemmern. Wahrscheinlich ist das junge Maedchen mager und blass, wobei der Teint ein besonders, gelbliches Aussehen hat, so dass es nur zu leicht ein Opfer der Auszehrung und allgemeiner Nervenschwaeche wird. Fuer solche Faelle ist Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound geradezu unvergleichlich. Es traegt vor allem dazu bei, dass der Wechsel im Maedchenleben, der um diese Zeit eintreten sollte, auch richtig stattfindet, und es verhindert somit jahrelanges Leiden, das in der Regel eine sichere Folge einer Vernachlaessigung in diesem Sinne bildet. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound sollte genau nach Vorschrift eingenommen werden, bis die Regeln regelmaessig sich alle 28 Tage einstellen. Zeigt sich Anlage zu Verstopfung, so muss man auch Lydia E. Pinkham's Leberpillen brauchen, die speciell fuer den Gebrauch von Frauen zusammengestellt worden sind und in jeder Beziehung harmonisch mit dem "Compound" zusammenwirken.
Ausbleiben der Regeln. Mit diesem Ausdruck bezeichnet man das Nichterscheinen der Menstruation, nachdem dieselbe einmal zu erscheinen angefangen hat. Ein derartiges Ausbleiben, sofern es nicht der Schwangerschaft oder dem Stillen zuzuschreiben ist, ist eine ernsthafte Angelegenheit, und Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound muss eingenommen werden, bis die Menstruation wieder regelmaessig eintritt. Durch den Gebrauch dieses Mittels kann man zuverlaessig alle Unregelmaessigkeiten beseitigen.
Schmerzhafter Monatsfluss. Bei vielen Frauen verursacht der Monatsfluss ueberaus grosse Schmerzen, und alle, die daran leiden, sollten ja nicht verfehlen, sich durch den Gebrauch von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound von dieser wahrhaften Geissel zu retten. Dabei ist es gleichgueltig, ob der Fall ein akuter ist oder ob er schon viele Monate gedauert hat. Vorausgesetzt, dass das Vegetable Compound regelmaessig und genau nach Vorschrift genommen wird, darf man zuverlaessig eine Heilung erwarten.
Zu starker Monatsfluss. Sowohl vollbluetige als auch besonders bleichsuechtige und schwaechliche Personen leiden haeufig unter zu starker Menstruation. Gerade mit Bezug auf derartige Zustaende vermag Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ausserordentlich guenstige Resultate aufzuweisen. Doch empfehlen wir bei zu reichlich auftretender Blutung Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in seiner trockenen Form, d. h. in der Form von Pillen oder Pastillen einzunehmen.
Beinahe alle Frauenkrankheiten haben ihren Ursprung in Entzuendung und Geschwuerbildung in der Gebaermutter, und es ist daher nicht genug hervorzuheben, dass Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound schon mehr als eine Million Faelle von Gebaermutteraffektionen gluecklich geheilt hat. Fast unglaublich klingen die Berichte vieler Frauen, die todtkrank waren, und die dem Vegetable Compound ihre Rettung verdanken. Es ist nicht schwer fuer eine Frau zu erkennen, ob sie an einer Affektion der Gebaermutter leidet, da eine derartige Erkrankung fast stets von ziehenden, aeusserst empfindlichen Schmerzen im Unterleib, Rueckenschmerzen, Ohnmachtsanfaellen, Erstarrung "Einschlafen" der Gliedmassen, sowie von einer Reihe anderer Schmerzen begleitet ist. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ist ein unfehlbares Mittel gegen alle derartigen Erkrankungen.
Die Leukorrhoe oder der weisse Fluss. Eines der allerersten Symptome, die eine Entzuendung der Gebaermutter anzeigen, ist die Leukorrhoe, oder wie man sich gewoehnlich ausdrueckt: Der weisse Fluss. Derselbe zeigt sich als eine weissliche Absonderung aus der Vagina oder Mutterscheide, die den Koerper auffallend angreift und schwaecht und besonders die empfindliche Schleimhaut des Scheidekanals irritiert. Aber selbst die hartnaeckigsten Faelle von weissem Fluss lassen sich positiv kurieren durch den Gebrauch von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in Verbindung mit Lydia E. Pinkham's "Sanative Wash" oder "hygienischem Waschwasser." Das erstere staerkt das System und das zweite heilt die lokalen Erscheinungen, da es direct in die Scheide eingespritzt wird. Man huete sich ja, diese Art von Krankheit zu vernachlaessigen, da sich sonst leicht Geschwuere und uebermaessige Absonderung einstellen koennen, die oftmals den ersten Grund zu der schrecklichsten aller Krankheiten — dem Krebs legen.
Gebaermuttervorfall. Es giebt eine Reihe von Faellen, wo die Gebaermutter eine Veraenderung ihrer normalen Lage erleidet; von diesen ist der wichtigste der sogenannte Gebaermuttervorfall. Derselbe kommt hauptsaechlich von einer Erschlaffung der Baender her, die dieses Organ stuetzen und in seiner richtigen Lage erhalten sollen. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound staerkt diese Baender, vermindert die Entzuendung und verleiht nach und nach den erkrankten Theilen ihren frueheren, normalen Zustand wieder.
Die Entzuendung der Eierstoecke ist eine aeusserst schwere Erkrankung, die Frauen im Alter von 20 bis 40 Jahren befaellt. Sie ist stets von grosser Empfindlichkeit und scharfen Schmerzen in der Gegend der Eierstoecke begleitet, wozu sich ein Gefuehl der Voelle, besonders zur Zeit der Menstruation, gesellt. Die Schmerzen erstrecken sich auch haeufig auf die Seite und den Ruecken, mit Vorliebe aber auf die linke Seite, in Verbindung mit fortwaehrendem Verlangen das Wasser abzuschlagen. Wird nicht prompt gegen diese Erkrankung eingeschritten, so vermag nichts den Kranken vom Messer des Chirurgen zu retten. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hat aber tausende von Faellen von Eierstockerkrankungen geheilt und hat viele Frauen der Nothwendigkeit enthoben, sich im Hospital einer gefaehrlichen Operation auszusetzen.
Unfruchtbarkeit ist oft weiter nichts als der Folgezustand ausnehmender Schwaeche, sowie einer chronischen Entzuendung der Gebaermutter.
Der regelmaessige Gebrauch von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hat schon in vielen Faellen die weiblichen Zeugungsorgane wiederum ihrer normalen Thaetigkeit zurueckgegeben und eine anscheinend gaenzliche Unfruchtbarkeit gluecklich gehoben.
Die sogenannten Wechseljahre oder die Menopause sind eine Zeit wirklicher Gefahr fuer alle diejenigen Frauen, die das 45. Jahr ueberschritten haben. Waehrend dieser Zeit sind die Frauen allen moeglichen Beschwerden und Erkrankungen ausgesetzt, die sich aber alle vermeiden lassen, ohne ernstliche Krankheit oder sogar den Tod fuerchten zu muessen, wenn man waehrend dieser sehr wichtigen Periode des Frauenlebens regelmaessig Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound einnimmt.
Nieren- und Blasenbeschwerden sind haeufige und hartnaeckige Leiden beider Geschlechter. Sie sind alle heilbar, vorausgesetzt, dass man sich bei Zeiten um sie kuemmert; werden sie aber vernachlaessigt, so koennen sie leicht verhaengnisvoll werden und sogar den Tod nach sich ziehen. Sicher ist aber, dass Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound als ausgezeichnetes Mittel zur Heilung aller Nieren- und Blasenkrankheiten von keinem anderen bisher erfundenen Mittel uebertroffen wird. Maenner und Frauen koennen volles Vertrauen in dasselbe setzen.
Rueckenschmerzen sind nicht eine Krankheit, sondern sind vielmehr nur ein, gewisse Krankheiten anzeigendes, Symptom. Bei Krankheiten der Geschlechtsorgane wird der grosse sympathische Nerv, dessen Hauptcentrum im unteren Theil des Rueckens liegt, in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und verkuendet sozusagen das Vorhandensein einer derartigen Krankheit. Dadurch, dass Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound alle Affektionen der Gebaermutter, der Eierstoecke und der Nieren heilt, heilt es auch das so sehr peinigende Rueckenweh.
Verdauungsbeschwerden. Es giebt in der ganzen Welt kein besseres Mittel gegen alle Stoerungen der Magenthaetigkeit als gerade Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Schwangerschaft. Oftmals ist die Geburt eines Kindes mit vielen Schmerzen und Beschwerden fuer die Mutter verbunden, und doch koennten alle diese zum grossen Theil vermieden werden, wollte nur die Mutter ungefaehr zwei Monate vor der Entbindung anfangen, ihren Koerper durch den regelmaessigen Gebrauch von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound zu kraeftigen.
Fuer saemmtliche oben erwaehnte Beschwerden nehme man alle vier Stunden waehrend des Tages je einen Essloeffel voll von Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ein.
* * * * *
Man weiche ein Viertel Packet von Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash in genuegend Wasser, um nach dem Durchseihen ein Pint zu haben. Ist die Absonderung sehr bedeutend, so brauche man die Haelfte der so erhaltenen Fluessigkeit, fuege noch ein Pint warmen Wassers dazu und benuetze diese Fluessigkeit, um taeglich Einspritzungen in die Scheide zu machen.
* * * * *
Gegen Verstopfung, Migraene, sowie Gallendrang nehme man drei von Lydia E. Pinkham's Leberpillen die erste Nacht, zwei die zweite Nacht und eine die dritte Nacht; tritt auch dann noch kein regelmaessiger Stuhlgang ein, so nehme man eine Pille jede Nacht soweit der Vorrath reicht.
* * * * *
Befindet sich das Blut in schlechtem Zustande und ist der Patient immer muede, abgemagert und angegriffen, und leidet er dazu noch an Appetitmangel, so benuetze er Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Purifier (Blut-Reiniger), das beste Mittel auf der Welt fuer diesen Zweck. Dreimal im Tage ein Essloeffel voll heilt zuverlaessig alle Faelle von Rheumatismus, Skropheln, Hautausschlaege, &c. &c.
In allen Apotheken zu haben.
Hergestellt von der
Lynn, Mass., V. S. von A.
Read the following
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
I wish all women suffering from female troubles might know what you have done for me. A year ago last June I was very sick, and on examination my physician said I had Polypus of the womb and that I would not stop flowing until I had an operation. I always had a horror of operations and could not bear the thoughts of having one, as I am a nervous person. I wrote to you and followed all your directions faithfully, and all the while I prayed that I might not have to have one. At that time I could hardly walk across the floor and I was pale and thin. Now I weigh one hundred and thirty-five pounds, do all my work, and my husband and children say that I am growing young. I am still taking your medicine and will do so until after the turn of life.
MRS. NELSON BAVIER, West Hartford, Conn.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
I suffered for over three years with female weakness brought on by falling on an icy pavement. I had frequent backache and fearful headaches, blinding me with pain. I also had intense pains at the menstrual period. My family physician prescribed several remedies, but although he was considered an excellent physician, he was unable to relieve me. A cousin who visited me had a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound with her and spoke so highly of its efficacy that I took a few doses of it. I was pleased and surprised to find that it seemed to relieve my pains in twenty-four hours. I took it regularly, and within twenty-four hours more I felt like a different woman, and two weeks continued use of it restored me to health and strength such as I had not known in years. I consider Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound the only medicine on the market which is reliable for the ills of the sex.
MISS MAUD BELL, 408 Lanwee West, Lansing, Mich.
Grand Recorder, Daughters of American Independence.
September 22, 1902.
I would like to have your advice as I am a married woman and would be pleased to have children. I cannot tell what is the trouble, but I lose them and I am as careful as I can be. It happens just when I am on the fourth month. I have just had my third miscarriage and been flowing over two weeks and have much pain in back and womb. My menstruation is very painful and some months I have it twice. My stomach bothers me. I suffer with indigestion and dyspepsia.
August 25, 1903.
I will let you know that I have a son, and if it had not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I would not have my baby. Your medicine kept me well until the last minute. I did not know what an ache was. I used fourteen bottles of the Compound and three boxes of your Liver Pills. I cannot thank your medicine too much as it has done me more good than the doctors.
MRS. FRANK WILCOX. 43 Orange St., Bloomfield, N. J.
June 26, 1903.
I have been a sufferer for seven years with womb trouble, ever since my child was born. My doctor says my ovaries are affected also and will have to be taken out. I suffer with pains in my back and left side and at times cannot rest day or night. I have leucorrhoea and menstruation is very irregular and very free with a good deal of pain. I was told to write you for advice.
September 25, 1903.
I am still taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and have improved wonderfully, have gained ten pounds and feel like a new woman. I will recommend your medicine to all women suffering from female trouble for it has done me more good than the doctors have for three years. You are perfectly welcome to use my name and statement for the good of others for everyone ought to know of your wonderful medicine.
MRS. J. D. CURTIS, Box 262, Monaca, Pa.
January 15, 1901.
I was reading to-day in a paper of the recovery of a lady after writing to you and as her case seemed to be very much the same as mine, I was impressed with the desire to write to you to see if I could not get relief. I am the mother of two children and have never had any weakness of any kind until the past year. I am pregnant at present, my back pains me nearly all the time and left side of abdomen. My back pains so sometimes I cannot stand on my feet or straighten up. My appetite is poor and my friends tell me I look badly. I hope that you will be able to give me some advice.
June 27, 1903.
About one year and a half ago, I wrote you in regard to my taking your medicine. I was pregnant at the time and in perfect misery. I suffered everything. You very kindly wrote to me advising your Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound which I began to take at once and when my baby was born, I was sick only half an hour and the sixth day I was upon my feet and felt as well and strong as I ever felt in my life. My baby is a strong healthy boy.
I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind letter to me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the grandest medicine in the world for women. I shall recommend it as long as I live.
MRS. D. D. EDDY, 243 East Ave., Saratoga Springs, N.Y.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
I am very grateful for the good Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. I began using it when I thought there was no help for me and that I would be an invalid for life. The doctor said that I would not get well unless I underwent an operation for ovarian and female difficulties. I was afraid that my health would not stand the strain and so when a friend who was similarly afflicted told me of the good Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did her, I immediately began to use it and I am glad that I did so, for in less than four months I could report as she did a perfect cure. Words fail to express my thankfulness.
Very truly yours, MARGRITE RYAN, Hotel English, Indianapolis, Ind.
Treasurer St. Andrews Society.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
Last Spring my health seemed gradually to decline, until I finally felt so weak I thought I would have to give up entirely. I lost my appetite, had headaches, and bearing down pains with cramps so that I was in perfect misery. I became wakeful and extremely nervous.
Reading of the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in our paper here, I decided to try it, and am pleased to state that I derived immediate benefit, and soon enjoyed permanent relief. Within eight weeks I was restored to normal health, and felt refreshed and strengthened as though I had enjoyed a lengthy vacation. Since that time I have recommended your Compound to a number of my lady friends suffering with female irregularities, and those who have used it report great benefit from its use.
MRS. E. E. VAN DINTER, 965 College Ave., Appleton, Wis.
Vice-President Social Economic Club.
Lady on sofa with head obscured by pillows; child sitting on floor crying
Don't wait until your suffering have driven you to despair, with your nerves all shattered and your courage gone.
Help and happiness surely await you if you accept Mrs. Pinkham's advice. Disease makes women nervous, irritable, and easily annoyed by children and household duties; such women need the counsel and help of a woman who understands the peculiar troubles of her sex; that woman is Mrs. Pinkham, who with that famous medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, has restored thousands upon thousands of sick and discouraged women to health and happiness. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. Write to-day, do not wait.
Will not the volumes of letters from women who have been made strong by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound convince others of the virtues of this great medicine?
When a medicine has been successful in more than a million cases, is it justice to yourself to say, without trying it, "I do not believe it would help me?"
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and discouraged, exhausted with each day's work. If you have some derangement of the feminine organism try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will surely help you.
I am firmly persuaded after eight years experience with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that it is the safest and best medicine for any suffering woman to use.
Immediately after my marriage I found that my health began to fail me. I became weak and pale with severe bearing down pains, fearful headaches and frequent dizzy spells. The doctors prescribed for me and yet I did not improve. I would at times bloat after eating and have frequent vomiting. I had acrid discharge and pains down through my limbs so I could hardly walk. It was as bad a case of female trouble as I have ever known. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me within four months and since that time I have had occasion to recommend it to a number of patients suffering with all forms of female difficulties and I found that while it is considered unprofessional to recommend patent medicines, I could honestly recommend your Vegetable Compound for I have found it cures where other medicines fail. My mother and two sisters have used it also and their health has been restored and their strength renewed. It is a grand medicine for sick women.
MRS. MARTHA POHLMAN, 55 Chester Ave., Newark, N. J.
Graduate nurse from Blockley Training School at Philadelphia and for 6-1/2 years the chief clinic nurse at the Philadelphia Hospital.
March 31, 1902.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me a great deal of good. When I first had my monthly period I suffered very much. I would have such headaches, also pain in abdomen and side. Was not able to go to school.
After taking several bottles of your medicine I was relieved of my trouble and I am now well and enjoying good health.
MISS MARY E. ROGERS, Kipton, Ohio.
October 8, 1901.
It gives me great pleasure to tell what your Vegetable Compound has done for me for the benefit of other suffering women. I would have been a total wreck and probably not living to-day had I not taken your medicine. My legs were so stiff and my back so sore that I could not be on my feet and at times I would have the sick headache so bad that I did not know what I was doing. I also had leucorrhoea all the time which caused me to feel very weak. I lost in flesh until I weighed only ninety-eight pounds.
I was unable to carry babe to maturity. My first child being born in seven months. Since taking your medicine I have had two little girls which are pictures of health and which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I have taken twelve bottles of the Vegetable Compound, used one box of Liver Pills which I found excellent to regulate the bowels. I am now in good health and weigh one hundred and twenty-five pounds.
I cannot praise your medicine enough for the benefit I have derived from its use. What a blessing it is that women can consult with a lady and if every woman feels as I do, they would all consult you far and near.
April 18, 1901
I will now write you a letter of gratitude for what your medicine has done for me. I suffered with very painful menstruation and could not become pregnant which was my great desire. I began the use of your medicine and after taking sixteen bottles I found myself pregnant. I continued the use of your Vegetable Compound and felt well all the time. Last October my baby was born, it was a girl and weighed eleven and one-half pounds. It is my belief that I would never have had my baby if I had not used your medicine.
I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all, believing there is no better medicine for women.
MRS. CHAS. ROHDE, 621 Vine Street, Peoria, Ill.
I have intended for some time to write to you and tell you what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I had been feeling weak and nervous, very easily tired and had much backache.
I took two bottles of your Compound and felt so much better that I enjoyed, instead of dreading my household duties.
I can and do gladly recommend your medicines to anyone suffering from female troubles.
MRS. M. E. SHEPLER, 17 Amesbury Place, Cleveland, Ohio.
Household Cares
Top right: Lady sitting in chair with large broom in the backgroud; Bottom left: Lady standing with forefinger on cheek
A Sick Woman's Devotion to Duty is a Heroism which a Well Person Cannot Understand.
How distressing to see a woman struggling with her daily round of household duties, when her back and head are aching, and every movement brings out a new pain.
One day the poor woman is wretched and utterly miserable; in a day or two she is better, and laughs at her fears, thinking there is nothing much the matter after all; but before night the deadly backache reappears, the limbs tremble, the lips twitch—it seems as though all the imps of Satan were clutching her vitals; she "goes to pieces" and is flat on her back.
No woman ought to arrive at this terrible state of misery, because these symptoms are a sure forerunner of womb troubles. She must remember that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is almost an infallible cure for all female ills, such as irregularity of periods, which cause weak stomach, sick headache, etc., displacements and inflammation of the womb, or any of the multitude of illnesses which beset the female organism. Read how Mrs. Frake wrote to Mrs. Pinkham when she was in great trouble. Her letter tells the result, and how a cure was effected by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:—I have read of your medicine making so many cures, and have been advised to write to you, but I feel that it is of no use. The doctor says that I have womb trouble, but he does not seem to help me a great deal. I have such a weakness across me most of the time—have backache, am very nervous, and am troubled with leucorrhoea. I am very weak, cannot walk any distance or stand long unless I ache all over. I would like to know it you think your medicine would do me any good."—MRS. SAMUEL FRAKE, Prospect Plains, N.J.
"DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:—I cannot thank you enough for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. When I first wrote to you I had suffered for years. The doctor said I had congestion of the womb, was troubled with my kidneys and bladder, my back ached dreadfully all the time, and I suffered with bearing-down feeling, could scarcely walk about to do my own housework. I stopped doctoring with the physician and took your medicine, and am now able to do my own work, have no more backache or weakness across me, and can do all my own work. I cannot praise your medicine enough, and would advise all suffering women to try it."—MRS. SAMUEL FRAKE, Prospect Plains, N.J.
The Medicine that has Restored a Million Women to Health is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
June 10, 1901.
My daughter sixteen years old, has been in very poor health ever since the change to womanhood a year ago. She had the best of doctors but they did her little good. She complained of feeling tired all the time, did not care for anything, pain in her back, very nervous, poor in flesh and so pale. It made her tired to ride or walk any distance, could not go to school. Some thought she could not live long. Through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound she is now in the best of health. I feel that your medicine saved her life.
December 12, 1902.
About a month ago I took a very bad cold and it was at time of menstruation and it stopped my menses. I began to have pains in my ovaries and at last I had inflammation of the ovaries and pain in my kidneys and bladder. I got over that but did not flow hardly any. The last time I came around I began to have that pain in my right ovary and it lasted a week and I have been flowing for a week. I would like some advice as I do not know what to think of my case.
July 22, 1903.
About three months ago the doctor turned the X-ray on me to see what was the matter and found that I had an abscess near my ovary and in a place that if it had broken would have killed me right away.
The doctor's medicine did me no good, so Mama went to the store and got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am now so well that I can work, thanks to your medicine. It has saved me from an operation.
MISS RUBY MUSHRUSH, East Chicago, Ind.
February 10, 1902.
As I have heard and read so much about your medicine, I have decided to write you and tell you my trouble and ask your advice. I am completely run down, am a widow, twenty-five years old, and have one boy five years old. I have never been strong since the birth of my child. Menstruation is irregular and scanty and am always in such distress, pain in lower abdomen and limbs, pain and dizziness in head, cold hands and feet, poor appetite, sick headache, nervous, have leucorrhoea badly, bearing down pains in small of back, pain in both sides, also have catarrh of head and throat. I have had different doctors but they do not help me and I am discouraged. I will be glad to hear from you. Would like to feel well once more.
June 1, 1902.
I think it is my duty to let everyone know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. It has made me well and happy. Five months ago I could hardly walk across the room, I was so full of pain. I could scarcely step. I now feel like a new woman. I sleep well and have a good appetite. I used to get such awful sick headache spells, but now I have them no more. Also would be troubled with awful bearing down pain at time of menstruation but have also been relieved of this. I cannot praise your medicine enough. I think it is the best thing made for women. I advise, everyone who suffers with female trouble to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
MRS. ANNIE M. WAHL, Bellwood, Blair Co., Pa.
October 10, 1901.
I think it is my duty to let you know the good that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I think it is the best medicine in the world. I was well until I weaned my baby and then I began to bloat and had bearing down pains. I took to filling up with water in my abdomen. I had the doctor and he said it was abdominal dropsy and that not having menstruation was the cause of it. He said I would have to be tapped. He tapped me once and took eleven quarts of water from me and in a week I began to fill up again and he was waiting to tap me again. I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham and began to take the Vegetable Compound and the water began to leave me. When I had taken two bottles it had all left me and menses appeared. I now feel as well as I ever did and am able to do all my work. I feel very thankful to you.
MRS. HATTIE RILEY, Waterford, Ohio.
The ordinary every-day life of most of our women is a ceaseless treadmill of work. How much harder the daily tasks become when some derangement of the female organs makes every movement painful and keeps the nervous system all unstrung. One day she is wretched and utterly miserable; in a day or two she is better and laughs at her fears, thinking there is nothing much the matter after all; but before night the deadly backache reappears, the limbs tremble, the lips twitch—it seems as though all the imps of Satan were clutching her vitals, she "goes to pieces" and is flat on her back. |