Not long after the people who went to attend the Sayang went home, and Aponibolinayen and Kanag and Alama-an arrived in a level plain. They went to the shade of an alosip [185] tree and they sat there many days, for they were very tired. "I am anxious to drink water," said Aponibolinayen, and not long after they heard a rooster crowing. "I think we are near a town, for I hear a rooster crowing." So they went where they had heard the rooster. "We go and drink," said Aponibolinayen. Not long after they reached the place where Silit (one kind of lightning) and the dog Kimat [186] guarded. Silit and the dog were sleeping and did not see them go inside of the town. Soon they arrived in the yard of the golden house of Balbalaoga of Dona and they were ashamed to ask for water to drink, for they were naked. So they went to the balaua and slept, for they were tired.
While they were sleeping, Balbalaoga saw them in his balaua, and he was surprised, because no one was permitted to enter the town, for Silit and the dog prevented. He said, "What is the matter of the guards that they did not see those people enter the town? Perhaps they are my relatives." So he took some clothes to the balaua for them. He covered them with blankets while they slept. As soon as he covered them he sat down in the balaua and waited until they got up. As soon as Aponibolinayen awoke she saw him and said, "Do not wound us in many places, so we will not need to cure so much." Balbalaoga said, "If I were an enemy I would have killed you while you slept. We are going to chew betel-nut and see who you are." So he cut a betel-nut and gave to them, and their spittle was like agate beads. So he took them up into his golden house and told his mother alan to give them some clothes. Not long after they drank basi, after they had finished eating. All the alan were drunk and the mother of Balbalaoga of Dona said to them, "Aponibolinayen, Balbalaoga is your brother, for he was the after-birth of Awig, which they put in the tabalang which they sent down the stream. [187] So I picked him up, for I had no child to inherit all my things." Not long after they knew that they were brother and sister Balbalaoga asked his sister why they came to Dona without clothes. She said, "Aponitolau is jealous of Don Carlos and he cut off his head, and the head jumped to my breasts, so we were frightened and ran away. That is why we came here. I did not know I had a brother who lived here." The head still hung to the breasts of Aponibolinayen, but they had not seen it before, for she had covered it. As soon as she showed it to Balbalaoga he took the head from her breasts and they sent some betel-nuts to go and summon their mother.
As soon as the betel-nut arrived in Kaodanan it said to Pagbokasan and Ebang, "Good morning. I came here for Balbalaoga, and his sister sent me to come and get you." So Ebang and Pagbokasan were surprised, because Aponibolinayen had another brother. So they called Awig and said to him, "Here is a betel-nut from Dona which Aponibolinayen and Balbalaoga sent, for they want to see us." Awig said to them, "I don't believe that Aponibolinayen is still alive, for we have searched for her a very long time, and I never heard of a place called Dona, and I have been all over the world."
They started and the betel-nut led them. "Where is Dona?" they said to the betel-nut. "Dona is somewhere. Follow me. You must step on the big dishes where I step." Not long after they arrived in the place where Balbalaoga lived and were surprised at the big golden house, and Balbalaoga and Aponibolinayen were watching them from the window, and they went to the yard of the house. Ebang and Pagbokasan did not believe that Balbalaoga was their son, so they chewed betel-nut. As soon as they chewed they found out that he was the after-birth of Awig. So Balbalaoga took them into his house.
Not long after Balbalaoga said to them, "Wait for me for awhile, for I am going to hunt deer." So he called his dogs who talked with the thunder, they were so big and also powerful. Not long after he went to the wood and the dogs caught three deer. He cut up the deer and took them back home.
Not long after Aponitolau heard that Aponibolinayen was with her brother in Dona. He went to follow her, for he intended to live with her again. Ebang and Pagbokasan took Balbalaoga and Aponibolinayen to Kaodanan, and they used their power so that all the things which the alan had given to Balbalaoga went to Kaodanan. Not long after the house and the other things which the alan had given went to Kaodanan, all the alan flew away. Not long after they made balaua in Kaodanan, and they called all their relatives in the other towns and all of the alan who cared for Balbalaoga of Dona. After that all the people went to attend their balaua. In that time Balbalaoga was married and Aponitolau was very sorry, because he could not remarry Aponibolinayen, and he went to the balaua even though he was not invited. As soon as the balaua was over, all the people went back home, but Balbalaoga did not go back to Dona. The alan flew away after he was married.
(Told by Magwati of Lagangilang).
Ayo went to the spring. When she went she met Dagdagalisit, who was fishing in the river. When she reached him she became pregnant. Not long after she went home. When she arrived in her house the space between the little finger and the next itched. "Bolinayen, you stick the needle in my finger where it itches. I do not know what makes it itch so," she said. As soon as Bolinayen stuck the needle the little baby popped out. [188] "What shall we name the baby?" "Dagolayan will be his name." The baby shook his head, so they gave him the name Kanag.
Awig went to wash his hair in the spring. When he finished washing his hair he went home. When he reached his house he made Ayo louse him. While Ayo was lousing him the milk from her breasts dropped on Awig's legs. "Why, Ayo, does the milk from your breasts drop on my legs?" he asked. He sat up and asked them many times until they brought the baby. When they brought the baby, "We are going home to Natpangan now, because it does not do me any good to try and hide you." He took them home and soon he made a bamboo bench by the gate of the town where the people passed when they went to the well, and he placed the baby on it. Then they built balaua, for he wanted to see the father of the baby. Not long after he commanded some one to go and get betel-nuts and he oiled them. He sent them to go and invite all the people in the world. When they arrived none of them wanted the baby to recognize them. When the baby did not go to any of them, he sent someone to get a betel-nut to send to Dagdagalisit whom they had not invited. As soon as the betel-nut arrived at the place where Dagdagalisit lived "Dagdagalisit came to Natpangan for Awig makes balaua," it said. "I cannot go, for I am ashamed, because I have no good clothes," he said, for his clout was the dried bark of a banana tree. "If you do not come I will grow on your big pig," it said, and the betel-nut jumped on the back of the big pig, and it began to squeal. When his big pig began squealing loudly, because the tree grew on his back, Dagdagalisit said, "I come now." Not long after he went. When he came walking up the trail from the spring the baby saw him, and went to him, and Awig saw him carrying the baby. "I did not think it would happen this way to Aponibolinayen," he said. Then he sent Aponibolinayen away, and he made her carry the poor house box that they used to put the fish in which Dagdagalisit caught in the river. "You carry the female pig so that you have something to eat by the river," said Awig to Dagdagalisit. So they went; Aponibolinayen carried the poor box and Awig took her beads and clothes off from her, and he gave her old clothes to use, and so they went.
When they were near the spring they threw away the things they carried, the female pig and poor box. While they were walking near the town of Dagdagalisit, which was Kabenbenlan, Ayo saw the golden house. "We must not walk by the side of the golden house, for I am ashamed before the man who owns it," said Ayo to Dagdagalisit. They were still walking and Ayo followed him. As soon as they arrived at the ladder Dagdagalisit went upstairs and Ayo did not because she thought that Dagdagalisit did not own that house, and Dagdagalisit made her go up, and she did. As soon as she arrived above Dagdagalisit went to get rice to give Ayo to cook. "Cook this, Ayo, while I go to catch fish for us to eat," he said, and he went. As soon as he caught two fish he went home, and he left the dry bark of the banana, which he used as a clout, by the river, and he became Ligi, [189] so he went home. As soon as he arrived he made Ayo wake up, when he finished cooking the fish, and the baby went to him to be carried. He called Ayo and she did not go. "I wait for my husband, we will both eat at one time, bye and bye," she said, and she took the baby which he carried, for she was ashamed. "No, I was Dagdagalisit, but used the bark of the banana tree for a clout, because I changed my form. Let us eat." So they ate. As soon as they finished eating, "We shall make balaua so that we invite all our relatives in the different towns, and we also shall invite Awig and Aponigonay," he said. Not long after he went and took the betel-nuts which he cut. When he had cut them all he oiled them and sent them to the different towns.
When the people from the different towns arrived by the spring in Kabenbenlan they were surprised because all the stones of the spring were of gold. Not long after they went up to the town. Next day Awig and Aponigonay started to go. "Ala, Aponigonay, take rice so that we may cook it in Kabenbenlan, because Aponibolinayen and Dagdagalisit have no rice to cook. What will Dagdagalisit use for his balaua? He ties a banana bark clout on his body. I do not think he has rice, so we will take some for us to eat. You people who live in the same town we go to attend balaua. You take food with you for Aponibolinayen and Dagdagalisit make balaua." Not long after they went, and when they arrived in the place where the spring is in Kabenbenlan they saw the beautiful spring whose stones were all gold. The gravel which they used to wash the pottery with was all agates which have no holes through them. "I do not think that Dagdagalisit has a spring like this, for his clout is only the dry bark of the banana, but it is best for us to go and see in the town." They went, and when they had almost reached the town the golden house twinkled. "We must not walk by the golden house," said Awig. "We must not walk by that golden house, you say, but that is where the people are dancing," said Aponibolnay. As they walked they saw that the men and women who were making alawig [190] were the companions of Aponibolinayen. Awig said, "That is the man who used to put the clout of banana leaves on him." As soon as Aponitolau [191] and Aponibolinayen finished dancing they went to take the hands of Awig and Aponibolay, and Aponitolau commanded the people who lived with them to bring golden seats. After that Aponitolau went to make Awig sit down. "You sit down, brother-in-law, and we will forget the things which have passed." Then he made him sit down and soon Awig and Asigtanan danced. While they were dancing Aponitolau went to cut off Awig's head. Not long after the women who never go outdoors [192] went to bring Awig to life. As soon as they made him alive again, Aponitolau gave the marriage price. It was nine times full, the balaua, and when Aponibolnay raised up her elbow half of it vanished, which was in the balaua. And Aponibolinayen used her power and the balaua was full again.
Not long after they chewed betel-nut and the quid of Langa-an and Pagatipanan and the quids of Dagdagalisit went together, and the quid of Pagbokasan and Ebang went to the quid of Aponibolinayen and Awig, and Langa-an and Pagatipanan changed the name of Dagdagalisit to Ligi. "Ala, now mother old alan do not feel sorry, for we take Aponitolau to Kadalayapan," said Langa-an. "Ala, yes, you take them, take all my valuable things. If it were not for me, Aponitolau would not be alive, for you Langa-an had a miscarriage and lost him, when you went to wash your hair, so I picked him up, because I had no one to inherit my possessions. Take all my things, so that Aponitolau and his wife may own them." Not long after they went home and Awig took all the payment for Aponibolinayen and all the alan flew away. So Awig and Aponitolau went to their towns.
Aponibalagen went to put Aponibolinayen in Kabwa-an, where no one could see her. As soon as they arrived at the ocean they rode on the crocodiles to Kabwa-an. When they arrived there Aponibalagen used magic so that a big golden house stood in the middle of a wide plain. In the yard were many betel-nut trees and a spring below the trees. The gravel where the stream flowed was beads called pagatpat and kodla, and the leaves and grass used to rub the inside of the jars was a necklace of golden wire.
When the golden house, and betel-nuts, and spring had appeared, Aponibalagen left an old woman with Aponibolinayen and Alama-an, and Sinogyaman and Indiapan, and he went back home, and he said to them, "Do not be afraid to stay, for no one can see you here, where I have put you, and if anyone tries to come here the crocodiles will eat them. You have everything you need." So he went home.
Ingiwan who lived in Kabilabilan went to take a walk. As soon as he arrived at the ocean he wondered how he could get across. Not long after he put his headaxe on the water and he rode on it, for he used magic, and his headaxe floated and went to the other side of the ocean. As soon as he reached the other side he took a walk and he saw the big golden house in the middle of the wide plain. He was surprised, and he went to see it, and the crocodiles all slept while he crossed the ocean. When he reached the spring he said, "How pretty the well is. I think the girl who owns this well has magical power, and that she is pretty also." So he went to the house and said, "Good afternoon." Alama-an was cooking, and she said, "Good afternoon." She looked at him from the window, and she saw that he was a fine looking man. She did not tell Aponibolinayen, but she had him go up the ladder. The old woman who took care of them asked why she did not tell her and Aponibolinayen. Alama-an said she did not know what she was doing when she had him go up. So the old woman went to ask him what he came for. He said, "I just took a walk and I did not know how to get home, for there was a very high bank in the way, so I came across the ocean to learn the other way back home. While I was still on the ocean I saw this big golden house. I came here, for I was very tired, for it is more than one month since I left Kabilabilan." "Ala, you Alama-an go and cook some food for this young man," said the old woman, and Alama-an went truly, and when she finished cooking, the old woman called him to eat. The young man said he did not wish to eat unless one of the ladies who never went outdoors [193] ate with him. "Alama-an is the girl who never goes outdoors," said the old woman, but he did not believe her, and so he did not go. When he would not eat she called Sinogyaman to go and eat, but the young man said, "I do not wish to eat with anyone except the pretty girl who never goes outdoors." So the old woman called Indiapan. As soon as she went outdoors to the place where the young man was, "No, that is not the girl I want. There is one prettier still. I will not go to eat." The old woman became angry and said, "If you are not hungry and do not wish to eat that is all right. I have offered three young girls to eat with you, but if you do not wish to eat with them I do not care." When the old woman and the three girls had eaten they gave him a place to sleep, and they slept also.
While the others were talking to the young man, Aponibolinayen was looking through a crack of the house, and she liked him very much. She wished to go outdoors and talk to him, but she was afraid because the old woman had said there were only the three young girls whom she called. As soon as they had finished talking, they went to bed.
In the middle of the night Ingiwan said to himself, "I believe there are other young girls here prettier than the last one she showed me. I will use my power and will become a firefly, and I will fly to all parts of the house, and see if there is a prettier one there." So he used his power and he became a firefly and he flew. [194] When he was in the room where the old woman was, he left, and went where Alama-an was, and he went on to Sinogyaman. When he did not like her he went to Indiapan. "This is the last girl she showed me and I like her, but I believe that there is another prettier." So he went to the next room, but no one slept there, and so he went on to the ninth room. He heard the sound of the pan pipe in the ninth room, and he was very glad. He flew over the head of the woman who was playing, and she stopped playing and struck at him. "How did the firefly get in here? I do not think there are any cracks in here." The firefly said, "Do not strike at me, for I fear you will hit my headaxe and be cut." So he became a man and sat down beside her, and Aponibolinayen saw that it was the man who had talked with the old woman and the girls, and she loved him, but she said, "Go outdoors, do not come here. I am afraid that the old woman who cares for us will see us. If you want something wait until morning and we will talk with her." Ingiwan did not get up and he would not go outdoors, and he said, "The best thing for us to do is to chew betel-nut, so we will know each other. Do not be afraid for I would not have come here if it was not my fortune to marry you, for I was taking a walk and intended to go back home, but I met a high bank in the way, and there was no place to go except the ocean, so I came across the ocean. As soon as I reached the field I saw your house and I was surprised to see the golden house in the middle of the field. I spoke to the young girl who was cooking and she asked me to come up, and the old woman hated her. They asked me to eat, but I would not unless a pretty girl ate with me. So the old woman called two other pretty girls, but I did not want them, for they are not so pretty as you. I thought there were others prettier than the last one she showed me, so I became a firefly. It is my fortune to marry you." So he cut the betel-nut, but Aponibolinayen did not want to chew. When he talked to her so she could not sleep she took the betel-nut, and when they chewed they saw that they both had magical power and that it was good for them to marry. Ingiwan said, "You are the woman who lives here and you must tell your name first." "No, it is not good for a woman to tell her name first. You tell your name." Not long after, "My name is Ingiwan, the son of alan, of Kabilabilan, who did not find a way to go home, but who found you." "My name is Aponibolinayen, who is the sister of Aponibalagen of Natpangan, who put me here so no one might see me. It is bad that you have come."
When the daylight came Alama-an went to cook and when she finished the old woman said to her, "Go and call the man and see if he wishes to eat with the girls. You call them, but do not call Aponibolinayen, for that is why we are here, so no one can see her. I do not know why the alligators did not see him." Aponibolinayen and Ingiwan heard what she said and they laughed. So Alama-an went to call him, but he was not in the room. She went to tell the old woman that he was not there, and they were surprised, for they thought he had gone home, for all the other rooms were locked. "If he is not there you go and call Aponibolinayen and we will eat." The three girls went to the room of Aponibolinayen, but Ingiwan disappeared and they only saw Aponibolinayen. So they all went to eat and Ingiwan was not hungry, for Aponibolinayen used magic, so that rice and meat went to where he was hiding.
When they had lived together a long time Aponibolinayen said to him, "You better go home now, for it is time for my brother to visit us. If you wish to marry me you must arrange with him and my father." So Ingiwan went back home and the crocodiles only watched him, but did not try to eat him. He rode on his headaxe, and when he reached the other side of the ocean he saw that the high bank had disappeared and he found the way home.
Not long after Aponibalagen went to wash his hair, and he went to the place where Aponibolinayen and the other girls were living. The three girls and the old woman agreed not to tell that a man had been there. As soon as Aponibalagen arrived in Kabwa-an he asked the old woman if anyone had been there, and she replied, "No." He called Alama-an and the other girls to the place where Aponibolinayen was, so all of them might louse him. While Aponibolinayen was lousing her brother the milk from her breasts dropped on his legs, and Aponibalagen was surprised, and he said, "What have you done, Aponibolinayen." She tried to rub it off from his leg. "No, do not rub it off; what is that?" "I do not know, brother. I guess I am sweating, for I am hot." "No, I do not believe you, I think someone has been here." He called the old woman and asked her. "You, grandmother, did you see a man who came here? Do not tell a lie." "Why?" asked the old woman. But she knew that Aponibolinayen had a little baby, for she had pricked her little finger and the baby had come out. [195] "When the girls were lousing me the milk from Aponibolinayen's breast dropped on my legs. I think you know the man who has been here." "I do not believe anyone came here, for we are on this side of the ocean, and the crocodiles protect us."
Aponibalagen called all the crocodiles to the side of the house, and he whipped all the crocodiles, and he asked them why they did not eat the man who went to Kabwa-an. As soon as he whipped them one of them said, "We did not see any man come here, but we were all very sleepy one day a long time ago. We would have eaten the man if we had seen him." Aponibalagen whipped all of them again. "I put you here to prevent anyone from coming here, and you did not watch. Go away." The crocodiles were afraid and they said, "If that is what you say we will go." So they went. Aponibalagen went back to the house and whipped the girls. "We will go back now to Kaodanan. I thought it was good for you to be here, but you have done wrong." So he took them back to Kaodanan and they made balaua in order to find out who was the father of the boy. The boy grew one span every time they bathed him, [196] for they used their power. In a few days they built their balaua and the liblibayan [197] got betel-nuts which were covered with gold, and they oiled them and sent them to invite the people in all parts of the world. So the betel-nuts went.
As soon as the betel-nuts arrived in Kabilabilan, they said, "Good morning, Kagkagakag," [198] to the man who was lying in his balaua covered with mud. "We came to invite you to the balaua of Aponibalagen." "I do not wish to go, for I have no clothes and am ashamed. I do not know the man who is going to make balaua." "If you do not go I will grow on your knee," said one of the betel-nuts. "Do as you wish." So the betel-nut grew on his knee. When it grew big he became tired and he said, "Get off from me now and I will go." So they went. All the people from the other towns had arrived and Aponibalagen carried the baby, to see whom the baby would want to go to, but the baby did not want any of them. When the betel-nut and Kagkagakag appeared the baby was happy and wanted to go to him. So Aponibalagen gave the boy to him and all the people were surprised that Aponibolinayen had wanted him. Not long after they danced, and when they had finished Aponibalagen said to Aponibolinayen, "Take off all your things and go to Kagkagakag." Aponibolinayen did not wish to go, for he was not the same man she was with before, but her brother made her go, and he said, "Kagkagakag, take her to your town." So he took her to his town, and when they reached the gate Aponibolinayen was crying, but he said to her, "Do not feel bad, I am the man who came to Kabwa-an. That is why the boy wants me, for I am his father." Aponibolinayen did not believe him, but when they arrived at the spring of Kabilabilan she was surprised to see that the stones were of gold, and the fruits of the trees were of gold and were beads, and she said to Kagkagakag, "Why do we come here? It is shameful for us to be seen by the man who owns this." Kagkagakag laughed at her. "If you do not believe that I am your husband, you watch." And he went to take a bath, and the mud all washed off, and she saw that he was the man who was with her before in Kabwa-an. So they went up to the town, and the alan who cared for Ingiwan was glad to see them.
Not long after they made balaua, for they wished to call Aponibalagen so that he would not always feel badly about them. Not long after they sent the betel-nuts to summon their relatives. As soon as the betel-nut arrived in Kaodanan, "Good afternoon, Aponibolinayen and Kagkagakag want you to attend their Sayang." Aponibalagen laughed and said, "Yes," and he called all the people and told them to prepare to go to the balaua.
When they arrived at the spring everyone was astonished, for all the fruit of the trees was of gold, and all the places they walked were covered with plates. And Aponibalagen said, "I do not think this is the spring of Kagkagakag. I think someone else owns it. We will go up to the house where he lives." When they reached the gate of the town they asked the young girl who was going to the spring where Aponibolinayen and Kagkagakag slept, and the woman said, "You follow these plates, for they go to the ladder of Kagkagakag's house." So they went and they always walked on the plates. When they arrived they saw many people dancing in the yard and Aponibalagen shook their hands. "Kagkagakag, if you had come as you are now to my balaua I would not have been bad to my sister." Kagkagakag laughed at them and they all chewed betel-nut.
While they were chewing Langa-an and Pagatipanan went to them and they said, "We came to chew betel-nut also to see if we are related to you." Kagkagakag gave them betel-nut, and when they chewed they found out that they were relatives and they called Kagkagakag, Aponitolau, and he paid the marriage price for Aponibolinayen. Aponigawani said to him, "I thought I had no brother. I do not know what my father and mother did with you." The alan who cared for Aponitolau said, "He was by the road where Langa-an had dropped him on her way to Nagbotobotan, so I picked him up, for I have no children." As soon as Aponitolau paid the marriage price they danced again, and the alan gave all her things to Aponitolau, for Langa-an and Pagatipanan took them home. Not long after Aponibalagen married Aponigawani, and he paid the same as Aponitolau had paid for Aponibolinayen.
(Told by Madomar, a woman of Riang barrio Patok.)
"I go to visit my cousin Gawigawen of Adasin," said Aponitolau. He pushed his raft until he reached Pangasinan. At the spring he asked the women if his cousin Aponibolinayen was there. "She is not, because she went to celebrate Sayang. [199] Did you not get the invitation of Gawigawen of Adasin?" "No," said Aponitolau.
Aponibolinayen went to have Lisnaya fix her upper arm beads and they sat in the shade of the pamlo-ongen tree, and Aponibolinayen dropped her switch.
"I wish to visit my relatives, but am ashamed because the invitation did not reach me," said Aponitolau. So he went to rest in the shade of the pamlo-ongen tree, and he saw there the switch which was spread out, and there was none like it.
The women who had been at the spring said, "Why did you not invite Aponitolau? Whenever we have trouble, it is he and his cousin that we call."
"Ala, we go down to the river to see." They went to get Aponitolau and when they arrived at the spring he was there in the shade of the tree. "Ala, forgive us because the invitation did not reach you and come up to the Sayang" "Yes, but if the old enemy is there, when I go, the dance circle will be disturbed, if we fight." They still requested him, and he went up to the place where they danced during the two months.
Dalinmanok of Dalinapoyan said, "Long ago, when my grandfather was young, the town of Kadalayapan became wooded." (He meant that his grandfather had destroyed the town in which Aponitolau's ancestors lived.) "My grandfather Dagolayen long ago said, 'Dalinapoyan, Dagala, and also Dagopan became wooded.'" Then Dalinmanok became angry; he looked like a courting cock and seized Aponitolau by the hair. "It is as I predicted, Cousin Gawigawen; the circle is now broken." They parted the fighters, but the hawk hastened to the town of Kadalayapan to tell Aponigawani.
"Cousin Dumalagan, Cousin Agyokan; the enemy—the old one—has killed my brother Aponitolau at the Sayang of Gawigawen of Adasin, so says the hawk." After that they started and soon arrived in Adasin. They began at the south end of the town and killed so many it looked as though they were cutting down banana trees. "Look down, Aponitolau, and see if you know the men who are destroying the town." Aponitolau truly looked. "Why, Cousin Dumalagan and Cousin Agyokan, do you destroy the town?" "Because the hawk reported to Aponigawani that you had been killed by the old enemy in the town of Adasin, and she has thrown away her upper arm beads [200] by the gate of Kadalayapan."
"Ala! you stop. Ala! You who live, join their heads and their bodies; you join all," he said. "I will spit once and they will appear as if they were not cut at all. I will whip my perfume which is banowes, they quickly breathe. I whip my perfume which is alikadakad (clatter), and they quickly stand up. I whip my perfume which is dagimonau (monau—just awakened) and they quickly recover." [201] "Oh, how long we have slept," they said. "How long we have slept, you say, and you have been dead." "Oh, how powerful are the people of Kadalayapan! Even if we die, we may hope to live again at once," they said, and all went up to the house of Gawigawen.
"Now Dalinmanok of Dalinapoyan, Dumpoga of Dagala, Ligi of Madagitan and Ligi of Dagopan, expect me in two months' time, for I shall come to fight you." After that they agreed and everybody went home. When they arrived at Kadalayapan there were no upper arm beads on Aponigawani, for she believed the hawk when it told her Aponitolau was dead. "No, I am not dead, but when two months have passed I shall go to fight Dalinmanok and his companions."
"When you went to sail, did you not find the switch which belongs to Aponibolinayen? They are now making a ceremony to find it." "It is here, that which I picked up in the shade of the pamlo-ongen tree, and I will take it back when I go to fight."
Not long after that, according to the custom of the story, the second month came. "Old men who know the signs and very old women, come and see the liver and gall sack, because I go to fight." After that they all gathered, they caught the pig and cut it in large pieces. "Ala, old men who know the signs and very old women, come and see the gall, for I go to fight." [202] "This is better than your grandfather had when he consulted the gall. How fearful you will be to the town which you go to fight!" "Cousin Agyokan, go and tell all our cousins that we start when morning comes." When early morning came—as goes in a story—they arrived. Aponitolau played his Jew's harp at the spring of the town, and it sounded like the song of a bird and the people smelt the odor of alangigan (Ilangilang) which is only possessed by the people of Kadalayapan. "Ala, it is Aponitolau," said Dalinmanok. "Go and tell our companions that we go to fight him at the river, for we do not wish them to come on shore in our town." When it was day, they met at the river and they fought until afternoon; and when Aponitolau was thirsty his headaxe turned slantwise and water blue as indigo flowed off it freely.
"Dumpoga of Dagala, Ligi of Madagitan, Ligi of Dagopan, Masilnag of Kaskasilnagan, I come to teach you because you do not know how to kill. When one tries to kill your left side, receive the blow with your right, and when they try to kill the right side, receive it with the left. Ala! you that are left alive, it is better that I spare you and that you marry the wives of your companions. I will spare you if you will all agree to give me one hundred jars which are ginlasan, summadag, and tadogan." They agreed. They rolled the jars which they took down to the river and there were among them doldoli and ginaang, [203] and the jars were glad, for they had formerly belonged to Dagolayen, the grandfather of Aponitolau, but had been stolen. After that Aponitolau said, "Give me your betel-nut with magic power. You jars and all you heads of dead persons which are cut off, go first to Kadalayapan." After that they went and Aponitolau followed. After they arrived they danced with the heads and in a short time put them on the sagang. [204]
"Now, Aponigawani, bring me the switch of Aponibolinayen, for I go to take it to her." He took the switch and used the power of the betel-nut, so that he went as quickly as a person can point to the place of many betel-nuts. In a short time, as the story goes, they arrived. "Good evening," said Aponitolau, but Aponibolinayen thought him to be an enemy. "Does the old enemy bring greetings?" asked Aponitolau. Then they went up into the house and he leaned against the corner pole. Aponibolinayen looked at Aponitolau and his good looks seemed to climb the corner pole. "It is better for us to tell our names," said Aponitolau, "for it is difficult to talk when we do not know each other's names." After that he took out, from his little sack, nuts whose husks were of gold. He cut a nut and when he gave the half to Aponibolinayen their golden finger rings exchanged themselves. "Give back my ring," she said. "Our relationship is the reason they change," said Aponitolau. Then they chewed and laid the quids on the headaxe and they became agate beads which looked like honey, and laid in parallel lines. "We are relatives," they said, and in a short time they told their names. When it became time to eat, Aponibolinayen said, "What do we eat?" He took the boiling stick and broke it into pieces, and it became a fish which they ate, [205] and Aponitolau took the bone out of the fish which Aponibolinayen ate. When they finished eating she spread the mat and the blanket which they kept in the box. "I do not like a blanket which is kept in a box, for it smells like kimi," [206] said Aponitolau. "Why do you not like it? It is what we keep for company and is easy to use," said Aponibolinayen. "The end of my clout is enough for my blanket," said Aponitolau. Then Aponibolinayen used the power of the betel-nut and vanished. "Why is there no one here?" said Aponitolau. "I use your power betel-nut, so that I may become the insect which belongs to Kaodanan (i.e., the firefly)."
After that he flew and arrived in the ninth room and sailed back and forth near Aponibolinayen who was playing a pan-pipe. He touched her body and she struck him away. "You must not strike me away, for you hit my headaxe." After that Aponitolau sat down. "How did you pass in here?" she asked. "I passed through the crack in the wall," said Aponitolau; and after that they laid together. When it was early morning Aponibolinayen sent him away, for she feared her brother might come.
As Aponitolau went quickly to his raft, he was seen by Balau of Baboyan, a great bird. "How fine is Aponitolau, Ala! I shall take him to marry Ginteban." [207] Then he was seized by Balau and was carried to Baboyan. "Now Aponitolau, you must marry Ginteban who lived in Baygan, for this place is surrounded with water blue as indigo and many crocodiles lie in that water."
In a little while, as the story goes, Aponibolinayen gave birth to a child.
"Ala! grandmother, prick my little finger, for it itches." She truly opened it and the baby popped out like popped rice. [208] After that they bathed it and called him Balokanag, for that is a name of the people of Kadalayapan. Soon the child was large and asked for a clout, then he asked the name of his father, but they told him falsely that it was Dumanagan. "Ala! get me a top so that I can play with the others," he said. Then his mother gave him the top which was his father's when he was a little boy. After that he went to play with it. When it was late afternoon, the old woman Alokotan went to feed the pigs, but Kanag threw his top and it broke her jar. "Pa-ya," said the old woman, "the son is brave; when you go to rescue your father who Balau captured, it will not be my pot toward which you act brave." Kanag cried, "You said, mother, that Dumanagan is my father, but there is another who is my father—Aponitolau whom Balau stole." Then Aponibolinayen cried, "How bad you are, old woman! We should have exchanged for your jar if you had not told him of his father."
"You must make me sweets, for I go to get my father," he said. "If he was seized, you who are little will be also," said his mother, but he insisted. Then she used magic and secured for him the headaxe used by his father when he was a little boy, and she made him sweets. He started and went, and his mother planted a lawed vine by their hearth. [209] "Your power betel-nut, so that I go as quickly as pointing to Baboyan," said Kanag. Soon he arrived there, and he saw the crocodiles lying in the water. "You power betel-nut that I may walk on the crocodiles. Make them all sleep so that they do not feel me." He reached the home of Balau, where he saw great snakes hanging in the trees. He climbed the trees, he cut them so that they fell down, he cast them down—those big snakes—then he cut off the head of Balau, and the earth trembled. After that he went to find his father who was in the place of many betel-nuts.
"I am Balokanag whom Aponibolinayen desired, whom you left," he said. "Now I take you home to Kadalayapan." After that he truly took home Aponitolau, and Ginteban, who lived in Baygan. In a short time they arrived in Kadalayapan and Kanag's mother was there, because Aponigawani had taken her home. "Now we are married forever, Aponitolau," said Ginteban who lived in Baygan. "No, for Aponibolinayen is his wife," replied Aponigawani. "Ala! you chance it and the one who loses is not the one who is married. Put clay dishes in line, which you are to step on. The one who breaks them loses." Aponibolinayen stepped first and there was nothing broken. Ginteban followed and all those clay dishes which she stepped on were broken. Then she went home to Baygan and after that Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen were married.
"I am anxious to eat the fruit of the bolnay tree [210] of Matawitawen," said Aponibolinayen. "What is that?" said Ligi. "I am anxious to eat fish roe, I said." "Bring me a fish net and I will go and get some," said Ligi. So she went to get the fish net and gave it to him. Not long after he went to the river and he used magic so that all the fish in the river were caught, so truly all the fish were in the net. He caught one of them and cut it open and took out the roe. As soon as he secured the roe he let the fish all go out of the net and he went back home. Not long after he reached the yard of their house. "Aponibolinayen, come and get the fish roe which you desire," he said. She went to get it from him. She did not cook it, but put it on the bamboo hanger above the fire. Ligi went to the balaua and when Aponibolinayen thought he was in the balaua she threw away the roe and the dogs went to eat it, and they snarled and barked beneath the kitchen. "What are the dogs fighting about, Aponibolinayen? I think you threw away the fish roe," he said to her. "I dropped one of them."
Aponibolinayen went again to the room and she said again that she wished to eat the fruit of Matawitawen, and Ligi asked what she said. "I am anxious for the liver of a deer, I said." So Ligi went to the woods to hunt deer. As soon as he reached the woods he sent his dogs and he said to them, "You, my black dog, do not catch deer except in the low grass, and you, my striped dog, do not touch any deer unless they have large horns." Not long after his dogs caught some deer, and he took their livers and he let them go again. Not long after he arrived at his house and he called Aponibolinayen, "Come and get the liver, which you wish to eat." Aponibolinayen said to him, "Put it in the rattan hanger." Ligi went back to the balaua, and Aponibolinayen used magic so that Ligi slept. While he was asleep she went to the kitchen to throw away the livers of the deer, and the dogs went to eat and made such a great disturbance that Ligi awoke and asked Aponibolinayen what was the matter. "One small piece of liver which I did not eat." She went again to the room and laid down, and Ligi used magic and became an ant, and he went to the crack of the floor, for he wanted to know what Aponibolinayen was saying, for he suspected that she was not telling him the truth. As soon as he arrived in the crack Aponibolinayen repeated her wish to eat the bolnay fruit of Matawitawen, and Ligi became a man again and appeared to her. "Why did you not tell the truth, Aponibolinayen?" he said and she answered, "I did not, because Matawitawen is very far and I am afraid that you will be lost." "No, give me a sack," he said to her. So he went and he used magic so that he arrived at the tree at once.
Not long after he arrived truly at the place and he secured the fruit and put it in the sack. As soon as the sack was filled he took some of the fruit to hold in his other hand and he went. Not long after he reached the spring in Kadalayapan and his sweethearts were at the spring. "Ligi, how many and how pretty the bolnay fruit are. Your sack is filled and you have some in your hands. Will you give us some of it to eat?" So Ligi gave them all the fruit in the sack and all he held in his hand. "Do not give everything to Aponibolinayen, but give to us also." So he gave them all he had. "The baby inside of Aponibolinayen, which desires the bolnay, is not your child, but is the child of Maobagan," said his sweethearts, and when they had eaten all of the fruit Ligi went home with nothing but the sack. He gave the sack to Aponibolinayen. As soon as she received it she looked to see what was inside and she found one little piece of the fruit which the women had overlooked, and she ate it. As soon as she ate it: "I am anxious to eat more if there are more. My headache is gone." "What is that?" said Ligi, angrily. "You get ready for I will put you in the place where the tree is if you want more." Aponibolinayen said to him, "Because I said that I wanted more you want to put me by the tree." Ligi was angry and he seized her by the arm and dragged her to the tree. As soon as they arrived at the bolnay tree, he dug a hole about neck deep and he put her in it. As soon as he put her in the hole he went back home.
Soon Aponibolinayen was ready to give birth. "What can I do?" she said to the spirit Ayo. Ayo said, "The best thing for us to do is to prick your little finger." Not long after the little baby popped out of her finger. [211] "What shall we call him?" they said. "We will call him Kanag, for it is the name of the people who live in Kadalayapan." Every time they gave him a bath the baby always grew, for they used magic. [212] Not long after the baby became a boy, and he wanted them to get out of the hole. "No, we do not get out, for I am afraid your father is watching us." The little boy got out even though his mother was afraid.
As soon as the boy got out of the hole he listened to hear where many children were playing. So he walked to where the sounds came from. As soon as he arrived at the place where the boys were swimming Dagolayan saw him. "Who is that boy?" he said to his companions, and the little boy went near to them. "Why, this boy looks like my uncle in Kadalayapan," said Dagolayan to his companions, and he asked him who his father was, and the boy said he was the son of an alan of Matawitawen. Not long after they agreed that they would go to fight. So Kanag agreed with them and they decided on a day and Dagolayan told him that he would go to his home. "If that is what you say, it is all right," said Kanag, and they all went home. As soon as he arrived at the hole by the bolnay tree: "Why, we are cousins," said the other boy to me. And Aponibolinayen said, "Perhaps it is the boy from Kaodanan." "We agreed to go to fight, day after tomorrow. Make cakes for me to take with me." "No, do not go, for I fear that your father will meet you." "No, I am going. I will plant the lawed vine by the stove, and if it wilts I am dead," [213] he said.
Not long after Aponibolinayen went to make cakes for his provisions, and Dagolayan started early in the morning to go to see Kanag, and it seemed as if a thousand men struck their shields. Kanag heard the sound of the shield. "Who are the boys with Dagolayan who go with us to fight?" As soon as Kanag met Dagolayan they went, and they both struck their shields, and Ligi heard them and he was surprised for it sounded like two thousand people. So Ligi thought that Dagolayan had many companions. As soon as they arrived where Ligi was waiting for them, "Where did you get the other boy who is with you?" he said to Dagolayan. He answered that he met him where they were swimming, and that they agreed to go to fight together. Ligi wanted to kill him, and he said, "I want to kill." "No, do not kill him," said Dagolayan. Not long after they went. As soon as they arrived where there were no houses, Kanag used his power so that it rained very hard and they had nothing to cook. Not long after it rained and Ligi and Dagolayan did not cook anything, for everything was damp. The spirit helpers of Aponibolinayen always fed Kanag, and Ligi and Dagolayan ate with him. "What is the matter of this boy who is the son of alan? He has something to eat. I do not believe that his mother alan knows how to prepare good food," said Ligi, angrily.
After they had finished eating they went, and after a while they wished to fight. "The best for us to do is to stand in different places and ambush the people," said Ligi. "The best for you, son of alan, is to stay at the place where the carabao pass by." And Ligi went to hide where the people passed by on the way to the spring, and Dagolayan staid on the other side. A young pretty girl passed by the place where Kanag was hiding, so he cut off her head and he shouted, for he was very happy. "Why did the son of alan kill someone before us?" said Ligi. Not long after an old woman and an old man passed by where Ligi and Dagolayan were hiding, and they killed them. Not long after they saw the head which Kanag had taken, and Kanag saw the heads which Ligi and Dagolayan had taken were those of an old man and old woman. Dagolayan said to him, "What did you say when you killed that pretty girl? I think I heard you say, 'Your father does not like you.' I did not hear very well so I ask for sure." "'The son of alan of Matawitawen kills the pretty girl is what I said.'" "No, that is not what you said. You said you were the son of a man who lives in Kadalayapan." Not long after, when Dagolayan could not make Kanag repeat what he had said, they all went back to Kadalayapan where Ligi lived.
When they arrived in Kadalayapan they played the gansa and danced, and Aponibolinayen heard the sound of the gansa, and she was anxious to go, but her spirit companion would not let her go. They saw that the lawed vine was green. Not long after they made Kanag dance, and when his body trembled, while he danced, the whole town of Kadalayapan trembled also; and when he moved his feet the fish were around his feet and they went to lap his feet, because the water came up into the town. When he stamped his feet the coconuts fell from the trees, and Ligi was very angry, and he went to sharpen his headaxe. As soon as he had sharpened his headaxe he went to where Kanag was dancing and he cut off his head. When Aponibolinayen looked at the lawed vine each leaf was wilted. "Grandmother, the lawed vine which Kanag planted is wilted," said Aponibolinayen. "I am going to get him." So she went and as she approached the place where Ligi used to live he saw her. "How angry you were, Ligi; you killed your son," said Aponibolinayen, and Ligi bent his head, for he did not know it was his son. "I will use magic so that when I whip my perfume alikadakad he will stand up." [214] So the little boy stood up at once. Not long after she used her power again, and whipped her perfume dagimonau so that her son awoke. He woke up and said, "How long my sleep is!" "No, do not say that; your father killed you." She wanted to take him back to Matawitawen, but Ligi prevented them and he begged them to forgive him, and Aponibolinayen said, "No, we will go back, for you did not want us and you put us there." So they went to Matawitawen and Ligi followed them. As soon as they arrived at the spring of Matawitawen Aponibolinayen used her power. "I use my power so that Ligi cannot see us, and the trail will become filled with thorns." [215] Not long after Ligi could not walk in the trail and he could not see them, and he was very sorry. He laid down, because he could not follow them and his hair grew like vines along the ground; and he did not eat, for he was always sorry about the things he had done to his wife and son. Not long after they forgave him and went to get him, and they all went back to Kadalayapan. Ligi commanded his spirit attendants to take his sweethearts and kill them, for they told falsehoods about Aponibolinayen, so that he did not want her any more. This is all.
(Told by Magwati of Lagangilang.)
There was a husband and wife who were Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen. Aponitolau laid down in their balaua and Aponibolinayen was in the house and she had a headache. "I am anxious to eat the fruit of the orange tree which belongs to Gawigawen of Adasen," said Aponibolinayen. Aponitolau heard her. "What is that?" he said to her. "I am anxious to eat the biw [216] of Matawitawen." "Give me a sack and I will go to get it," said Aponitolau, and he went. As soon as Aponitolau filled the sack with biw he went back home. As soon as he arrived in their house, "Here is the fruit you wished, Aponibolinayen. Come and get." "Put it on the bamboo hanger above the fire, and I will go and get some to eat when my head does not feel so badly, for I cannot get up yet." So Aponitolau went to put the fruit on the hanger above the fire and he laid down again in the balaua.
As soon as Aponitolau laid down in the balaua, Aponibolinayen went to the kitchen and peeled one of the biw fruit and she ate it truly. As soon as she ate she vomited and so she threw them away. "What is the matter, Aponibolinayen; I think you threw away the fruit." "One of them I dropped." She went into the room and she said again, "I am anxious to eat the oranges of Gawigawen of Adasen." "What is that?" said Aponitolau. "I am anxious to eat fish roe," said Aponibolinayen. So Aponitolau went to get his fish net and he fished in the river. As soon as he arrived at the river he threw his net and secured a fish with fish roe. He cut open the fish and took out the roe. When he had taken out the roe he spat on the place where he had cut the fish and it became alive again and swam in the river. After that he went back home. As soon as he arrived at their house he gave the fish to Aponibolinayen, and he laid down in the balaua again, and Aponibolinayen went to the kitchen and she toasted the roe. When she finished she tasted it, and she vomited, so she threw it away also. "What is the matter, Aponibolinayen? Why are the dogs barking?" "I dropped some of the roe." She went again to the room of the house. "I am anxious to eat the oranges which belong to Gawigawen of Adasen." "What is that, Aponibolinayen," said Aponitolau. "I am anxious to eat a deer's liver, I said." So Aponitolau called his dogs and he went to hunt deer. As soon as he arrived on the mountain, "Ala, my black dog, do not catch a deer unless it is in the low grass. Ala, my dog Boko, do not catch deer unless it is in a level field." Not long after his dogs caught deer, and he took out their livers. As soon as he took out the liver he spat on the places he had cut, and the deer ran away again. Not long after he went back home. As soon as he arrived, "Here is the liver which you wanted. Come and take it." "Put it in the kitchen. I will go and fix it when my head does not hurt." Aponitolau put it in the kitchen and he went to the balaua again. When Aponitolau was in the balaua, Aponibolinayen went to the kitchen and cooked the liver and she tried to eat, but she vomited again, so she threw it away, and the dogs all barked. "What is the matter? Why do the dogs bark? I think you threw away the livers." Aponibolinayen said, "I threw away what I did not eat, for I did not eat all of it." "Do not throw them away, for bye and bye I will eat, for it is hard to go and get them."
Not long after she went again to the room, and Aponitolau thought that Aponibolinayen did not tell the truth, so he used his power. "I use my power so that I will become a centipede." So he became a centipede and he went in the crack of the floor where Aponibolinayen was lying. Not long after Aponibolinayen said again, "I am anxious to eat the oranges which belong to Gawigawen of Adasen." "I know now what you want; why did you not tell the truth at first? That is why you threw away all the things I went to get for you," said Aponitolau, and he became a man and appeared to her. "I did not tell the truth for I feared you would not return, for no one who has gone there has returned, so I am patient about my headache."
"Ala, go and get rice straw, and I will wash my hair." Not long after he went to wash his hair. When he finished washing his hair he went to get one lawed vine, and he went back home. He planted the vine by the hearth. "Make some cakes for my provision on the journey." "No, do not go, Aponitolau," said Aponibolinayen. "Make some, for if you do not I will go without provisions." Not long after Aponibolinayen went to cook cakes. As soon as she finished, "Ala, you come and oil my hair." As soon as she oiled his hair, "Go and get my dark clout and my belt and my headband." So Aponibolinayen went to get them. As soon as he dressed he took his spear and headaxe and he told Aponibolinayen that if the lawed leaves wilted he was dead. [217] So he went.
As soon as he arrived at the well of Gimbangonan all the betel-nut trees bowed, and Gimbangonan shouted and all the world trembled. "How strange that all the world trembles when that lady shouts." So Aponitolau took a walk. Not long after the old woman Alokotan saw him and she sent her little dog to bite his leg, and it took out part of his leg. "Do not proceed, for you have a bad sign. If you go, you cannot return to your town," said the old woman Alokotan. "No, I can go back." So he went. As soon as he arrived at the home of the lightning, "Where are you going?" said the lightning. "I am going to get the oranges from Gawigawen of Adasen. Go and stand on the high stone and I will see what your sign is." So he went and stood on the high stone and the lightning made a light and Aponitolau dodged. "Do not go, for you have a bad sign, and Gawigawen will secure you." "No, I am going." So he went. As soon as he arrived at the place of Silit [218] it said to him, "Where are you going, Aponitolau?" "I am going to get the oranges of Gawigawen of Adasen." "Stand on top of that high stone so I can see if you have a good sign." So he went and Silit made a great noise. As soon as he made the great noise he jumped. "Go back, Aponitolau, and start another time, for you have a bad sign." [219] "No, I go."
He arrived at the ocean and he used magic. "I use my power so that you, my headaxe, sail as fast as you can when I stand on you." As soon as he stood on it it sailed very fast. Not long after he was across the ocean and he was at the other edge of the ocean and he walked again. Not long after he arrived at the spring where the women went to get water. "Good morning, you women who are dipping water from the spring." "Good morning. If you are an enemy cut us in only one place so we will not need to cure so much." "If I was an enemy I would have killed all of you when I arrived here." After that he asked them, "Is this the spring of Gawigawen of Adasen?" "Yes, it is," said the women. So he sent the women to the town to tell Gawigawen, and the women did not tell him for he was asleep. So he went up to the town, but did not go inside, because the bank reached almost up to the sky, and he could not get in. He was sorrowful and bent his head.
Soon the chief of the spiders went to him: "What are you feeling sorry about, Aponitolau?" "I feel sorry because I cannot climb up the bank and go into the town." "Do not feel sorry. You wait for me while I go up and put some thread which you can hold," said the chief of the spiders. [220] So Aponitolau waited for him. Not long after the spider said, "Now you can climb;" so Aponitolau climbed on the thread. After he got inside of the town of Gawigawen he went directly to the house of Gawigawen. When he arrived there Gawigawen was still asleep in his balaua. As soon as he woke up and saw Aponitolau sitting by his balaua he stood and ran to his house and got his headaxe and spear. Aponitolau said to him, "Good morning, Cousin Gawigawen. Do not be angry with me. I came here to buy your oranges for my wife. Aponibolinayen wishes to eat one, for she always has a headache, because she has nothing she can eat." Gawigawen took him to his house, and he fed him one carabao. "If you cannot eat all of the carabao which I give you, you cannot have the oranges which your wife wishes to eat." Aponitolau was sorrowful, for he thought he could not eat all of the carabao and he bent his head. Not long after the chiefs of the ants and flies went to him. "What makes you feel so badly, Aponitolau?" they said to him. "I am sorrowful, for I cannot get the oranges which Aponibolinayen wishes to eat until I eat this carabao which Gawigawen feeds to me." "Do not be sorrowful," said the chiefs of the ants and flies. So they called all the ants and flies to go and eat all the meat and rice. Not long after the flies and ants finished eating the meat and rice, and Aponitolau was very glad and he went to Gawigawen and said to him, "I have finished eating the food which you gave me." Gawigawen was surprised. "What did you do?" "I ate all of it."
Gawigawen took him where the oranges were and Aponitolau saw that the branches of the tree were sharp knives. Gawigawen said to him, "Go and climb the tree and get all you want." He went to climb. When he got two of the oranges he stepped on one of the knives and he was cut. So he fastened the fruit to his spear and it flew back to Kadalayapan. Not long after the fruit dropped on the floor in the kitchen and Aponibolinayen heard it, and she went into the kitchen. As soon as she got there she saw the fruit and she ate it at once, and the spear said to her, "Aponitolau is in Adasen. He sent me first to bring you the oranges which you wished." As soon as she ate the oranges she went to look at the lawed vine by the stove and it was wilted, and she knew that Aponitolau was dead.
Not long after Aponibolinayen gave birth and every time they bathed the baby it grew one span and soon it was large. [221] He often went to play with the other children and his mother gave him a golden top which had belonged to his father when he was a little boy. When he struck the tops of the other children they were broken at once. Not long after he struck the garbage pot of the old woman, and she was angry and said, "If you are a brave boy, you go and get your father whom Gawigawen of Adasen has inherited." And Kanag went back to their house crying. "I did not have a father, you said, mother, but the old woman said he was inherited by Gawigawen, when he went to get the orange fruit. Now prepare provisions for me to take, for I am going to get my father." Aponibolinayen said to him, "Do not go or Gawigawen will get you as he did your father." But Kanag said, "If you do not let me go and do not give me food, I will go without anything." Not long after Aponibolinayen cooked food for him and Kanag was ready to go, and he took his headaxe which was one span long and his spear. Not long after he went.
As soon as he got to the gate of the town he struck his shield and it sounded like one thousand people, and everyone was surprised. "How brave that boy is! We think he is braver than his father. He can strike his shield and it sounds like one thousand." When he arrived at the spring of Gimbangonan he was still striking his shield, and when Gimbangonan heard she said, "Someone is going to fight." He shouted, for he was very happy and the world trembled and Kanag looked like a flitting bird, for he was always moving.
As soon as he arrived at the place where Alokotan lived she sent her dog against him, and the dog ran at him, and Kanag cut off its head. "How brave you are, little boy! Where are you going?" "Where are you going, you say, I am going to Adasen to follow my father." "Your father is dead. I hope you secure him, for you have a good sign," said Alokotan. So Kanag went on in a hurry. Not long after he arrived at the place where the thunder was and it said, "Where are you going, little boy?" "I am going to follow my father in Adasen." "Go and stand on the high stone and see what your sign is." So he went. As soon as he stood on the high stone the thunder rolled, but Kanag did not move and the thunder was surprised. "Go at once; I think you can get your father whom Gawigawen inherits." So Kanag went. Not long after he arrived at the place of the lightning, and he made him stand on the high stone. As soon as he stood on it the lightning made a big noise and flash, but he did not move. So the boy went at once, for he had a good sign.
Kanag struck his shield until it sounded like a thousand people, and all the women who were dipping water at the spring of Gawigawen were surprised, for they saw only a little boy, who struck his shield, approaching them, and it sounded like a thousand. As soon as he arrived at the spring, "Good morning, women who are dipping water. Go and tell Gawigawen of Adasen that he must prepare for I am going to fight with him." So all the women ran to the town and told Gawigawen that a strange boy was at the spring. Gawigawen said to the women, "Go and tell him that if it is true that he is brave he will come into the town if he can." So one of the women went to tell him and he went.
When he arrived at the bank which reached to the sky Kanag used his power and he jumped like the flitting bird, and he entered the town and went directly to the balaua and house of Gawigawen of Adasen. Not long after he had arrived he saw that the roof of his house and balaua was of hair and around his town were heads, and Kanag said, "This is why my father did not return. It is true that Gawigawen is a brave man, but I think I can kill him."
As soon as Gawigawen saw Kanag in the yard of his house he said, "How brave you are, little boy! Why did you come here?" "I came to get my father, for you secured him when he came to get the oranges which my mother wanted. If you do not wish to give my father to me I will kill you." And Gawigawen laughed at him and said, "One of my fingers will fight you. You will not go back to your town. You will be like your father." Kanag said, "We shall see. Go and get your arms and we will fight here in the yard of your house." Gawigawen became angry and he went to get his headaxe, which was as big as half of the sky, and his spear. As soon as he returned to the place where Kanag was waiting he said, "Can you see my headaxe, little boy? If I put this on you you cannot get it off. So you throw first so you can show how brave you are." Kanag said to him, "No, you must be first, so you will know that I am a brave boy." Gawigawen tried to put his headaxe on him and the boy used his power and he became a small ant and Gawigawen laughed at him and said, "Now, the little boy is gone." Not long after the little boy stood on his headaxe and he was surprised. "Little boy, you are the first who has done this. Your father did not do this. It is true that you are brave; if you can dodge my spear I am sure you will get your father." So he threw his spear at him and Kanag used his power and he disappeared and Gawigawen was surprised. "You are the next." Then Kanag used magic so that when he threw his spear against him it would go directly to the body of Gawigawen. As soon as he threw Gawigawen laid down. Kanag ran to him and cut off his five heads and there was one left, and Gawigawen said to him, "Do not cut off my last head and I will go and show you where your father is." So Kanag did not cut off the last head, and they went to see his father. The skin of his father had been used to cover a drum, and his hair was used to decorate the house, and his head was placed by the gate of the town, and the body was put below the house.
As soon as Kanag had gathered together the body of his father he used his power and he said, "I whip my perfume banawes and directly he will say Wes." [222] His father said, "Wes." Not long after he said, "I whip my perfume alakadakad and directly he will stand up." So his father stood beside him. After that he whipped his perfume dagimonau and his father woke up and he was surprised to see the little boy by him and he said, "Who are you? How long I slept." "I am your son. 'How long I slept,' you said. You were dead and Gawigawen inherited you. Take my headaxe and cut off the remaining head of Gawigawen." So he took the headaxe of Kanag and went to the place where Gawigawen stood. When he struck the headaxe against Gawigawen it did not hurt him and Aponitolau slipped, and his son laughed at him. "What is the matter with you, father? Gawigawen looks as if he were dead, for he has only one head left." He took the headaxe from his father and he went to Gawigawen and he cut off the remaining head. Not long after they used magic so that the headaxes and spears went to kill all the people in the town. So the spears and headaxes went among the people and killed all of them, and Aponitolau swam in the blood and his son stood on the blood. "What is the matter with you, father, that you swim in the blood? Can't you use your power so you don't have to swim?" Then he took hold of him and lifted him up. As soon as all the people were killed they used their power so that all the heads and valuable things went to Kadalayapan.
Aponibolinayen went to look at the lawed vine behind the stove and it looked like a jungle it was so green, so she believed that her son was alive. Not long after all the heads arrived in Kadalayapan and Aponibolinayen was surprised. Not long after she saw her husband and her son and she shouted and the world smiled. Not long after they went up into their house and summoned all the people and told them to invite all the people in other towns for Kanag had returned from fighting, and had his father. So the people went to invite their relatives. Not long after the people from other towns arrived and they danced. They were all glad that Aponitolau was alive again, and they went to see the heads of Gawigawen who killed Aponitolau.
As soon as the people returned to their towns, when the party was over, Aponitolau went to take a walk. When he reached the brook he sat down on a stone and the big frog went to lap up his spittle. Not long after the big frog had a little baby. [223] Not long after she gave birth, and the anitos [224] went to get the little baby and flew away with it. They used their power so that the baby grew fast and it was a girl, and they taught her how to make dawak. [225] Not long after the girl knew how to make dawak, and every time she rang the dish to summon the spirits.
Kanag went to follow his father, but he did not find him where he had been sitting by the brook, and Kanag heard the sound of the ringing which sounded like the bananayo. [226] As soon as he heard it he stood still and listened. Not long after he used his power so that he became a bird and he flew. As soon as he arrived at the place where the girl was making dawak she said to him, "You are the only person who has come here. If you are an enemy cut me in only one place so I will not have so much to heal." "I am not an enemy; I came here for I heard what you were doing; so I became a bird and flew." Kanag gave betel-nut to her and they chewed. Their quids looked like the beads pinogalan, so they knew that they were brother and sister. The girl said to him, "Go inside of the big iron caldron so that the anitos who care for me will not eat you." So Kanag went inside of the big iron caldron. When the anitos did not arrive at the accustomed time Kanag went out of the caldron and said to his sister, "Now, my sister, I will take you to Kadalayapan. Our father and mother do not know that I have a sister. Do not stay always with the anitos" His sister replied, "I cannot go to Sudipan [227] when no one is making balaua, for I always make dawak as the anitos taught me. If I come in Sudipan when no one is making balaua it would make all of the people very ill." So Kanag went home.
As soon as he arrived he told his father and mother to make balaua for he wanted his sister to see them. "We just made balaua. How can we make balaua again?" said his father and mother. "I want you to see my sister whom I found up in the air, where the anitos took her." "You are crazy, Kanag; you have no sisters or brothers; you are the only child we have." Kanag said to them, "It is sure that I have a sister. I don't know why you did not know about her. The anitos took her when she was a little baby and they taught her how to make dawak, and she always makes dawak. I wanted to bring her when I came back, but she said she could not come to Sudipan when no one makes balaua, for she is always making dawak. She said if she came to Sudipan and did not make dawak everyone would be ill, so I did not bring her. If you wish to see your daughter, father, make balaua at once." So they made balaua, for they wished to see their daughter.
They sent messengers to go and get betel-nuts which were covered with gold, and when they had secured the betel-nuts they oiled them and sent them to the different towns where their relatives lived, and they sent one into the air to go and get their daughter Agten-ngaeyan. So all the betel-nuts went and invited the people to the balaua. As soon as the betel-nut went up into the air it arrived where Agten-ngaeyan was making dawak. When she saw the betel-nut beside her she was startled, for it was covered with gold. She tried to cut it up, for she wished to chew it, and the betel-nut said, "Do not cut me, for your brother and father in Kadalayapan sent me to summon you to their balaua, for they are anxious to see you." So Agten-ngaeyan told the anitos that a betel-nut which was covered with gold had come to take her to Aponitolau who was making Sayang, and they wished to see her. The anitos let her go, but they advised her to return. So she went.
When they arrived in Kadalayapan the people from the other towns were dancing and she went below the talagan, [228] and Kanag went to see what it was that looked like a flame beneath the talagan. When he reached her he saw it was his sister and he tried to take her away from the talagan, and she said to him, "I cannot get off from here, for the anitos who care for me told me to stay here until someone comes to make dawak with me." So they sent the old woman Alokotan to make dawak with her. All the people were surprised, for she made a pleasanter sound when she rang and they thought she was a bananayo [229]. The young men who went to attend the balaua loved her, for she was pretty and knew very well how to sing the dawak. As soon as they finished the dawak she was free to leave the talagan, so her brother Kanag took her and put her in his belt [230] and he put her in the high house [231] so the young men could not reach her.
As soon as the balaua was over the people went home, but the young men still remained below the house watching her, and the ground below became muddy, for they always remained there.
When Kanag saw the young men below the house fighting about her, he took her again into the air so that the young men could not see her. As soon as they arrived in the air they met the anitos, and Kanag said to them, "I intended to keep my sister in Sudipan, for I had made a little golden house for her to live in, but I have brought her back, for all the young men are fighting about her." The anitos were glad that she was back with them and they gave Kanag more power, so that when he should go to war he would always destroy his opponents. Agten-ngaeyan used to go and teach the women how to make dawak when anyone made balaua, so that she taught them very well how to make dawak. This is all.
(Told by a medium named Magwati of Lagangilang.)
"Ala, Aponibolinayen prepare our things, for we are going to plant sugar cane," said Aponitolau. Not long after they went to see the cuttings and they were big. They took them and planted them when they arrived at the place where they wished to plant them. Aponitolau planted them and Aponibolinayen watered them. Not long after Aponibolinayen used magic and she said, "I use my power so that all the cuttings will be planted." Soon they truly were all planted, so they went back home. After seven days Aponitolau went to look at them and their leaves were long and pointed so he used magic and said, "I used my power so that after five days all the sugar cane which we planted will be ready to chew." Then he went back home. In five days he went again to see them and as soon as he arrived at the planting he saw they were all tall and about ready to chew.
Not long after Gaygayoma looked down on the sugar cane and she was anxious to chew it. "Ala, my father Bagbagak, [232] send the stars to go and get some of the sugar cane which I saw, for I am anxious to chew it," she said, for she was pregnant and desired to chew the sugar cane. Not long after, "Ala, you Salibobo [233] and Bitbitowen [234] let us go and get the sugar cane, for Gaygayoma is anxious to chew it," said Bagbagak. Not long after they went. As soon as they arrived where the sugar cane was, they went inside of the bamboo fence and some of them secured the beans which Aponibolinayen had planted. The stems of the bean pods were gold, and they got five of them. Most of them got one stalk of sugar cane. As soon as they secured them they went back up. When they arrived Gaygayoma chewed one of the sugar cane stalks and she felt happy and well, and she saw the beans with the golden stems and she cooked and ate them.
When she had chewed all the sugar cane which the stars had secured, she said, "Ala, my father Bagbagak, come and follow me to the place where the sugar cane grows, for I am anxious to see it." Not long after, "Ala, Salibobo and Bitbitowen we are going to follow Gaygayoma, for she wishes to go and see the place of the sugar cane. Some of you stay outside of the fence to watch and see if anyone comes, and some of you get sugar cane," said Bagbagak to them, and the moon shone on them. Soon they all arrived at the place of the sugar cane and they made a noise while they were getting the sugar cane, which they used to chew. Gaygayoma went to the middle of the field and chewed sugar cane. As soon as they had chewed all they wished they flew up again.
The next day Aponitolau said to Aponibolinayen, "I am going to see our sugar cane, to see if any carabao have gone there to spoil it, for it is the best to chew." So he went. As soon as he arrived he saw that the sugar cane was spoiled, and he looked. He saw that there were many places near the fence where someone had chewed, for each one of the stars had gone by the fence to chew the cane which they wished. When he reached the middle of the field he saw the cane there which had been chewed, and there was some gold on the refuse and he was surprised and he said, "How strange this is! I think some beautiful girl must have chewed this cane. I will try to watch and see who it is. Perhaps they will return tonight." Then he went back home. As soon as he reached home he said, "Ala, Aponibolinayen cook our food early, for I want to go and watch our sugar cane; someone has gone and spoiled it. They have also spoiled our beans which we planted." So Aponibolinayen cooked even though it was not time. As soon as she finished cooking she called Aponitolau and they ate. When they had eaten he went and he hid a little distance from the sugar cane.
In the middle of the night there were many stars falling down into the sugar cane field and Aponitolau heard the cane being broken. Soon he saw the biggest of them which looked like a big flame of fire fall into the field. Not long after he saw one of the other stars at the edge of the fence take off her dress, which was like a star, and he saw that she looked like the half of the rainbow, and the stars which followed her got the sugar cane which they wished. They chewed it by the fence and they watched to see if anyone was coming. Aponitolau said, "What shall I do, because of those companions of the beautiful woman? If I do not frighten them they will eat me. The best thing for me to do is to frighten them. I will go and sit on the star's dress." [235] He frightened them. The stars flew up and Aponitolau went and sat on the star dress.
Not long after the pretty girl came from the middle of the field to get her star dress; she saw Aponitolau sitting on it. "You, Ipogau, [236] you must pardon us, for we came to steal your sugar cane, for we were anxious to chew it." "If you came to get some of my sugar cane it is all right. The best thing for you to do is to sit down, for I wish to know your name, for we Ipogau have the custom to tell our names. It is bad for us if we do not know each others' names when we talk." Not long after he gave her betel-nut and the woman chewed it. As soon as they chewed, "Now that we have chewed according to our custom we will tell our names." "Yes, if that is what you say, but you must tell your name first," said the woman. "My name is Aponitolau who am the husband of Aponibolinayen of Kadalayapan." "My name is Gaygayoma who am the daughter of Bagbagak and Sinag, [237] up in the air," said the woman. "Ala, now you, Aponitolau, even though you have a wife I am going to take you up, for I wish to marry you. If you do not wish to come I will call my companion stars, and give you to them to eat." Aponitolau was frightened, for he knew that the woman who was talking was a spirit. "If that is what you say, and you do not wish me to go and see Aponibolinayen and you wish to be married to me, it is all right," said Aponitolau to her. Not long after the stars dropped the galong-galong [238] of gold which Gaygayoma had ordered to be made. As soon as they dropped it Aponitolau and Gaygayoma got in it, and were drawn up, and soon they were there.
As soon as they arrived he saw one of the stars come to the place where they were, and it was a very big star, for it was Bagbagak. "Someone is coming where we are," said Aponitolau to Gaygayoma. "Do not be afraid; he is my father," said Gaygayoma. "Those stars eat people if you do anything wrong to them." Not long after Bagbagak reached the place where they were. "It is good for you Aponitolau that you wished to follow my daughter here. If you had not we would have eaten you," he said. Aponitolau was frightened. "Yes, I followed her here, but I am ashamed before you who live here, for you are powerful," he said. While they were talking Bagbagak went back home.
After he had lived with Gaygayoma five months she had him prick between her last fingers and a little baby popped out, and it was a beautiful baby boy. "What shall we call our son?" said Aponitolau. "We are going to call him Tabyayen, because it is the name of the people who used to live above," said Gaygayoma. So they called him Tabyayen, and they used their power so that the baby grew all the time. Soon he was big. After three months, "Now Gaygayoma, let me go back down and see Aponibolinayen of Kadalayapan. I think she is searching for me. I will return soon, for you two are my wives," said Aponitolau, but Gaygayoma would not let him go. "Ala, let me go and I will return soon," he said again. "Ala, you go, but you come back here soon. I will send the stars to eat you if you do not wish to return," said Gaygayoma to him. "Yes," he said. Not long after he rode again in the galong-galong, and the stars followed, and they went down. Aponitolau wanted all of them to go to Kadalayapan, but he went alone and the stars and Gaygayoma and the boy went up.
Not long after Aponitolau said, "Wes" at the entrance to the yard of their house in Kadalayapan. Aponibolinayen got up from her mat and she had not eaten for a long time. When she looked at him she was very happy. Aponitolau saw that she was thin. "Why are you so thin, Aponibolinayen?" said Aponitolau. "I have not eaten since you went away. Where have you been so long? I thought that you were dead." "No, I did not die, but Gaygayoma took me up into the sky because they were the ones who spoilt our sugar cane. She would not let me come back any more, and she took me up. I did not want to go with her, but she threatened to feed me to the stars who were her companions. So I was afraid, and I went with her, for she is a spirit."
When the day came on which Aponitolau and Gaygayoma had agreed for his return up, Aponitolau failed to go, because Aponibolinayen would not let him go. In the evening many stars came to the yard of their house and some of them went to the windows and some of them went beside the wall of the house, and they were very bright and the house looked as though it was burning. The stars said, "We smell the odor of the Ipogau and we are anxious to eat." Aponitolau said, "Hide me, Aponibolinayen, for those stars have come to eat me, because you would not let me go back to Gaygayoma. I told you that if I did not go back to her she would send the stars to eat me, and now truly they have come. I told you I would come back, but you would not let me go." Not long after the stars went inside of the house where they were, and they said to Aponitolau, "Do not hide from us, Aponitolau. We know where you are. You are in the corner of the house." "Come out of there or we will eat you," said Bagbagak. Soon he appeared to them and they said to him, "Do you not wish to come back up with us?" "I will go with you," he answered, for he was afraid. So they did not eat him, for Gaygayoma had told them not to eat him if he was willing to follow them. Not long after they flew away with him and Aponibolinayen cried. When they arrived up Gaygayoma said, "Why, Aponitolau, did you lie to me and not return? You were fortunate when you followed the stars, for if you had not they would have eaten you." "I did not return because Aponibolinayen would not let me. You and she are my wives. Do not blame me," said Aponitolau.
After he had lived with her eight months he said, "Now, I am going to leave you, for our son Tabyayen is large. If you will not let me take our son Tabyayen down, he can stay up here with you." "You may go now, but you cannot take our son. You will return here," said Gaygayoma. "Yes," said Aponitolau. So they went down again in the galong-galong. Aponitolau wanted to take them to Kadalayapan, but they would not go with him. "No, do not take us, for it is not our custom to stay down here; we are always above," they said. So they went up and Aponitolau went to Kadalayapan. Not long after he said, "Wes" at the yard of the house, and Aponibolinayen went to see who it was. She saw that it was Aponitolau, and she was very glad.
After one year with Aponibolinayen he said, "Command someone to pound rice, for we are going to make balaua, and I am going to call our son Tabyayen from above." Aponibolinayen had also given birth five days after Gaygayoma had given birth, and they called the boy Kanag.
Not long after Aponitolau went to take Tabyayen from above and Gaygayoma was very glad to see him. When they were talking he said, "Now I am going to take Tabyayen down, for I want him to attend our Sayang." "Yes, you may take him, but you must bring him back when the Sayang is finished." So Aponitolau took the boy to attend the balaua in Kadalayapan. As soon as they arrived there he began to play with Kanag and they were the same size and looked alike, because they were half brothers. While they were playing, during the Sayang, Kanag said, "Mother, it is showering," and Aponitolau heard what the boy said to Aponibolinayen. He said, "It is the tears of Tabyayen's mother, for I think she is thinking of him. I told them not to go over there, but they went anyway. I think Gaygayoma saw them playing and she cried." Then Aponibolinayen went to take them away from the yard where they were playing. She took them upstairs. It was at the time when they were building the balaua. Not long after that they made Libon, [239] and they invited Gaygayoma and all their relatives from the other towns and they danced for one month. Then the people from the other towns went home. As soon as all the people had gone home Aponitolau went to take back the boy to his mother Gaygayoma.
When they arrived where Gaygayoma lived he gave the boy to her and he staid there three days. After three days he went back home, and he said, "I am going now, but I will come back in a few days, for I cannot live here all the time, for we, Ipogau, are accustomed to live below, and I also have another wife there. I cannot leave Aponibolinayen alone most of the time." So Gaygayoma let him go down and she said, "Yes, you may go, but you come back sometimes." "It is good that Tabyayen came down and made Sayang with us." Then he went down again. When he arrived down Aponibolinayen was glad to see him, for she feared he would not return to Kadalayapan. Not long after they arranged for Kanag to be married, and as soon as Kanag was married they arranged for Tabyayen also and he lived down below and Gaygayoma always staid above.
(Told by Lagmani, a man of Domayko.)
"I am going to wash my hair," said Aponitolau. Not long after he went to the river and washed his hair. As soon as he finished he took a bath and went back home. When he arrived in his house he said, "Aponibolinayen, please comb my hair." "Take the comb and go to Indiapan, for I have no time," answered Aponibolinayen. "If you have no time, give it to me then," said Aponitolau. Aponibolinayen was angry and went to get it for him. "What is the matter that you cannot go and get it yourself?" As soon as he got it Aponitolau went to Indiapan.
Kabkabaga-an, who lived up in the air, was looking down, and said, "Indiapan, you have good fortune, for Aponitolau will come and ask you to comb his hair." Not long after Aponitolau arrived. "Will you comb my hair, Indiapan, because Aponibolinayen is impatient and does not want to comb my hair?" "I am sleepy," said Indiapan. She sat down. "Ala, you come and comb my hair," said Aponitolau. Not long after Indiapan went to comb his hair and Aponitolau sat by the door. Kabkabaga-an looked down on them and said, "Indiapan has a good fortune, for she is combing the hair of Aponitolau." When she had combed his hair she went to lie down again and Aponitolau said to her, "Will you please cut this betel-nut into pieces, Indiapan." "You cut it. I am sleepy," answered Indiapan. "Hand me the headaxe then." So Indiapan handed the headaxe to him. As soon as she gave the headaxe to him she went to lie down again. When Aponitolau had cut the betel-nut he cut his first finger of his left hand. The blood went up in the air. "Ala, Indiapan, take your belt, for I cannot stop my finger from bleeding. Come and wrap it," said Aponitolau to her. So Indiapan got up and she went to get her belt and she wrapped his finger, but the blood did not stop, so she called Aponibolinayen, for she was frightened when she saw the blood go up. Aponibolinayen said, "What is the matter with you?" She took her hat which looked like a woodpecker and she went, and the sunshine stopped when she went down out of her house, and Kabkabaga-an saw Aponibolinayen going to Aponitolau. "What good fortune Aponibolinayen has, for she is going to see Aponitolau." As soon as she arrived where Indiapan lived she wrapped her belt around the finger of Aponitolau, but the blood did not stop and they were frightened. Aponibolinayen commanded their spirit helpers to get Ginalingan of Pindayan, who was a sister of Iwaginan, to make dawak [240] and stop the blood of Aponitolau. Not long after Indiapan and the spirit helpers arrived where Ginalingan lived they said, "Good afternoon, you must excuse us, for we cannot stay here long, for Aponibolinayen is in a hurry to have you come to Kaldalayapan to see Aponitolau. He cut his finger and his blood will not stop running, and we do not know what to do. You come and make dawak" Ginalingan said, "Even though I should go to make dawak we could do nothing, for Kabkabaga-an, who lives in the air, loves him." "We must try and see if Kabkabaga-an will stop," said Indiapan, and Ginalingan went with them. |