"Say, hold on. What have you got on that wagon?" he asked.
"My chicken-house, of course," was the reply.
"Chicken-house be jiggered!" exploded the official. "That's the station!"
"I read of the terrible vengeance inflicted upon one of their members by a band of robbers in Mississippi last week."
"What did they do? Shoot him?"
"No; they tied him upon the railroad tracks."
"Awful! And he was ground to pieces, I suppose?"
"Nothing like it. The poor fellow starved to death waiting for the next train."—W. Dayton Wegefarth.
The reporter who had accompanied the special train to the scene of the wreck, hurried down the embankment and found a man who had one arm in a sling, a bandage over one eye, his front teeth gone, and his nose knocked four points to starboard, sitting on a piece of the locomotive and surveying the horrible ruin all about him.
"Can you give me some particulars of this accident?" asked the reporter, taking out his notebook.
"I haven't heard of any accident, young man," replied the disfigured party stiffly.
He was one of the directors of the railroad.
The Hon. John Sharp Williams had an engagement to speak in a small southern town. The train he was traveling on was not of the swiftest, and he lost no opportunity of keeping the conductor informed as to his opinions of that particular road.
"Well, if yer don't like it," the conductor finally blurted out, "why in thunder don't yer git out an' walk?"
"I would," Mr. Williams blandly replied, "but you see the committee doesn't expect me until this train gets in."
"We were bounding along," said a recent traveler on a local South African single-line railway, "at the rate of about seven miles an hour, and the whole train was shaking terribly. I expected every moment to see my bones protruding through my skin. Passengers were rolling from one end of the car to the other. I held on firmly to the arms of the seat. Presently we settled down a bit quieter; at least, I could keep my hat on, and my teeth didn't chatter.
"There was a quiet looking man opposite me. I looked up with a ghastly smile, wishing to appear cheerful, and said:
"'We are going a bit smoother, I see.'
"'Yes,' he said, 'we're off the track now.'"
Three men were talking in rather a large way as to the excellent train service each had in his special locality: one was from the west, one from New England, and the other from New York. The former two had told of marvelous doings of trains, and it is distinctly "up" to the man from New York.
"Now in New York," he said, "we not only run our trains fast, but we also start them fast. I remember the case of a friend of mine whose wife went to see him off for the west on the Pennsylvania at Jersey City. As the train was about to start my friend said his final good-by to his wife, and leaned down from the car platform to kiss her. The train started, and, would you believe it, my friend found himself kissing a strange woman on the platform at Trenton!"
And the other men gave it up.
"Say, young man," asked an old lady at the ticket-office, "what time does the next train pull in here and how long does it stay?"
"From two to two to two-two," was the curt reply.
"Well, I declare! Be you the whistle?"
An express on the Long Island Railroad was tearing away at a wild and awe-inspiring rate of six miles an hour, when all of a sudden it stopped altogether. Most of the passengers did not notice the difference; but one of them happened to be somewhat anxious to reach his destination before old age claimed him for its own. He put his head through the window to find that the cause of the stop was a cow on the track. After a while they continued the journey for half an hour or so, and then—another stop.
"What's wrong now?" asked the impatient passenger of the conductor.
"A cow on the track."
"But I thought you drove it off."
"So we did," said the conductor, "but we caught up with it again."
The president of one great southern railway pulled into a southern city in his private car. It was also the terminal of a competing road, and the private car of the president of the other line was on a side track. There was great rivalry between these two lines, which extended from the president of each down to the most humble employe. In the evening the colored cook from one of the cars wandered over to pass the time of day with the cook on the other car.
One of these roads had recently had an appalling list of accidents, and the death-toll was exceptionally high. The cook from this road sauntered up to the back platform of the private car, and after an interchange of courtesies said:
"Well, how am youh ole jerkwatah railroad these days? Am you habbing prosper's times?"
"Man," said the other, "we-all am so prosperous that if we was any moah prosperous we just naturally couldn't stand hit."
"Hough!" said the other, "we-all am moah prosperous than you-all."
"Man," said the other, "we dun carry moah'n a million passengers last month."
"Foah de Lord's sake!" ejaculated the first negro. "You-all carried moah'n a million passengers? Go on with you, nigger; we dun kill moah passengers than you carry."
It was on a little branch railway in a southern state that the New England woman ventured to refer to the high rates.
"It seems to me five cents a mile is extortion," she said, with frankness, to her southern cousin.
"It's a big lot of money to pay if you think of it by the mile," said the southerner, in her soft drawl; "but you just think how cheap it is by the hour, Cousin Annie—only about thirty-five cents."—Youth's Companion.
One cold, wintry morning a man of tall and angular build was walking down a steep hill at a quick pace. A treacherous piece of ice under the snow caused him to lose control of his feet; he began to slide and was unable to stop.
At a cross-street half-way down the decline he encountered a large, heavy woman, with her arms full of bundles. The meeting was sudden, and before either realized it a collision ensued and both were sliding down hill, a grand ensemble—the thin man underneath, the fat woman and bundles on top. When the bottom was reached and the woman was trying in vain to recover her breath and her feet, these faint words were borne to her ear:
"Pardon me, madam, but you will have to get off here. This is as far as I go."
See Books and Reading.
Little Nelly told little Anita what she termed a "little fib."
ANITA—"A fib is the same as a story, and a story is the same as a lie."
NELLY—"No, it is not."
ANITA—"Yes, it is, because my father said so, and my father is a professor at the university."
NELLY—"I don't care if he is. My father is a real estate man, and he knows more about lying than your father does."
The storekeeper at Yount, Idaho, tells the following tale of Ole Olson, who later became the little town's mayor.
"One night, just before closin' up time, Ole, hatless, coatless, and breathless, come rushin' into the store, an' droppin' on his knees yelled, 'Yon, Yon, hide me, hide me! Ye sheriff's after me!'
"'I've no place to hide you here, Ole,' said I.
"'You moost, you moost!' screamed Ole.
"'Crawl into that gunny-sack then,' said I.
"He'd no more'n gotten hid when in runs the sheriff.
"'Seen Ole?' said he.
"'Don't see him here,' said I, without lyin'.
"Then the sheriff went a-nosin' round an' pretty soon he spotted the gunny-sack over in the corner.
"'What's in here?' said he.
"'Oh, just some old harness and sleigh-bells,' said I.
"With that he gives it an awful boot.
"'Yingle, yingle, yingle!' moaned Ole."
MOTHER—"Tommy, if you're pretending to be an automobile, I wish you'd run over to the store and get me some butter."
TOMMY—"I'm awful sorry, Mother, but I'm all out of gasoline."—Judge.
"Children," said the teacher, instructing the class in composition, "you should not attempt any flights of fancy; simply be yourselves and write what is in you. Do not imitate any other person's writings or draw inspiration from outside sources."
As a result of this advice Tommy Wise turned out the following composition: "We should not attempt any flights of fancy, but write what is in us. In me there is my stummick, lungs, hart, liver, two apples, one piece of pie, one stick of lemon candy and my dinner."
"A great deal of fun has been poked at the realistic school of art," says a New York artist, "and it must be confessed that some ground has been given to the enemy. Why, there recently came to my notice a picture of an Assyrian bath, done by a Chicago man, and so careful was he of all the details that the towels hanging up were all marked 'Nebuchadnezzar' in the corner, in cuneiform characters."
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER—"Johnny, what is the text from Judges?"
JOHNNY-"I don't believe in recalling the judiciary, mum."
"Senator, why don't you unpack your trunk? You'll be in Washington for six years."
"I don't know about that. My state has the recall."
A firm of shady outside London brokers was prosecuted for swindling. In acquitting them the court, with great severity, said:
"There is not sufficient evidence to convict you, but if anyone wishes to know my opinion of you I hope that they will refer to me."
Next day the firm's advertisement appeared in every available medium with the following, well displayed: "Reference as to probity, by special permission, the Lord Chief Justice of England."
MISTRESS—"Have you a reference?"
BRIDGET—"Foine; Oi held the poker over her till Oi got it."
There is a story of a Scotch gentleman who had to dismiss his gardener for dishonesty. For the sake of the man's wife and family, however, he gave him a "character," and framed it in this way: "I hereby certify that A. B. has been my gardener for over two years, and that during that time he got more out of the garden than any man I ever employed."
The buxom maid had been hinting that she did not think much of working out, and this in conjunction with the nightly appearance of a rather sheepish young man caused her mistress much apprehension.
"Martha, is it possible that you are thinking of getting married?"
"Yes'm," admitted Martha, blushing.
"Not that young fellow who has been calling on you lately?"
"Yes'm he's the one."
"But you have only known him a few days."
"Three weeks come Thursday," corrected Martha.
"Do you think that is long enough to know a man before taking such an important step?"
"Well," answered Martha with spirit, "'tain't 's if he was some new feller. He's well recommended; a perfectly lovely girl I know was engaged to him for a long while."
An Englishman and an Irishman went to the captain of a ship bound for America and asked permission to work their passage over. The captain consented, but asked the Irishman for references and let the Englishman go on without them. This made the Irishman angry and he planned to get even.
One day when they were washing off the deck, the Englishman leaned far over the rail, dropped the bucket, and was just about to haul it up when a huge wave came and pulled him overboard. The Irishman stopped scrubbing, went over to the rail and, seeing the Englishman had disappeared, went to the Captain and said: "Perhaps yez remember whin I shipped aboard this vessel ye asked me for riferences and let the Englishman come on widout thim?"
The Captain said: "Yes, I remember."
"Well, ye've been decaved," said the Irishman; "he's gone off wid yer pail!"
"Yes, I quarreled with my wife about nothing."
"Why don't you make up?"
"I'm going to. All I'm worried about now is the indemnity."
LOUISE—"The man that Edith married is a reformer."
JULIA—"How did he lose his money?"—Judge.
He was earnestly but prosily orating at the audience. "I want land reform," he wound up, "I want housing reform, I want educational reform, I want—"
And said a bored voice in the audience: "Chloroform."
The young woman sat before her glass and gazed long and earnestly at the reflection there. She screwed up her face in many ways. She fluffed her hair and then smoothed it down again; she raised her eyes and lowered them; she showed her teeth and she pressed her lips tightly together. At last she got up, with a weary sigh, and said:
"It's no use. I'll be some kind of reformer."
A Newport man who was invited to a house party at Bar Harbor, telegraphed to the hostess: "Regret I can't come. Lie follows by post."
After the death of Lord Houghton, there was found in his correspondence the following reply to a dinner invitation: "Mrs. —— presents her compliments to Lord Houghton. Her husband died on Tuesday, otherwise he would have been delighted to dine with Lord Houghton on Thursday next."
A young woman prominent in the social set of an Ohio town tells of a young man there who had not familiarized himself with the forms of polite correspondence to the fullest extent. When, on one occasion, he found it necessary to decline an invitation, he did so in the following terms:
"Mr. Henry Blank declines with pleasure Mrs. Wood's invitation for the nineteenth, and thanks her extremely for having given him the opportunity of doing so."
The funeral procession was moving along the village street when Uncle Abe stepped out of a store. He hadn't heard the news. "Sho," said Uncle Abe, "who they buryin' today?"
"Pore old Tite Harrison," said the storekeeper.
"Sho," said Uncle Abe. "Tite Harrison, hey? Is Tite dead?"
"You don't think we're rehearsin' with him, do you?" snapped the storekeeper.
"It is hard, indeed," said the melancholy gentleman, "to lose one's relatives."
"Hard?" snorted the gentleman of wealth. "Hard? It is impossible!"
When Bishop Phillips Brooks sailed from America on his last trip to Europe, a friend jokingly remarked that while abroad he might discover some new religion to bring home with him. "But be careful of it, Bishop Brooks," remarked a listening friend; "it may be difficult to get your new religion through the Custom House."
"I guess not," replied the Bishop, laughingly, "for we may take it for granted that any new religion popular enough to import will have no duties attached to it."
At a recent conference of Baptists, Methodists, and English Friends, in the city of Chengtu, China, two Chinamen were heard discussing the three denominations. One of them said to the other:
"They say these denominations have different beliefs. Just what is the difference between them?"
"Oh," said the other, "Not much! Big washee, little washee, no washee, that is all."
A recent book on Russia relates the story of the anger of the Apostle John because a certain peasant burned no tapers to his ikon, but honored, instead, the ikon of Apostle Peter in St. John's own church. The two apostles talked it over as they walked the fields near Kieff, and Apostle John decided to send a terrible storm to destroy the just ripe corn of the peasant. His decision was carried out, and the next day he met Apostle Peter and boasted of his punishing wrath.
And Apostle Peter only laughed. "Ai, yi, yi, Apostle John," he said, "what a mess you've made of it. I stepped around, saw my friend, and told him what you were going to do, so he sold his corn to the priest of your church."
The priest of a New York parish met one of his parishioners, who had long been out of work, and asked him whether he had found anything to do. The man grinned with infinite satisfaction, and replied:
"Yiss indade, ycr Riverince, an' a foine job too! Oi'm gettin' three dollars a day fur pullin' down a Prodesant church!"
A man addicted to walking in his sleep went to bed all right one night, but when he awoke he found himself on the street in the grasp of a policeman. "Hold on," he cried, "you mustn't arrest me. I'm a somnambulist." To which the policeman replied: "I don't care what your religion is—yer can't walk the streets in yer nightshirt."
The friendship existing between Father Kelly and Rabbi Levi is proof against differences in race and religion. Each distinguished for his learning, his eloquence and his wit; and they delight in chaffing each other. They were seated opposite each other at a banquet where some delicious roast ham was served and Father Kelly made comments upon its flavor. Presently he leaned forward and in a voice that carried far, he addressed his friend:
"Rabbi Levi, when are you going to become liberal enough to eat ham?"
"At your wedding, Father Kelly," retorted the rabbi.
The broad-minded see the truth in different religions; the narrow-minded see only their differences.—Chinese Proverb.
MISTRESS—"Did the mustard plaster do you any good, Bridget?"
MAID—"Yes; but, begorry, mum, it do bite the tongue!"
SUFFERER—"I have a terrible toothache and want something to cure it."
FRIEND—"Now, you don't need any medicine. I had a toothache yesterday and I went home and my loving wife kissed me and so consoled me that the pain soon passed away. Why don't you try the same?"
SUFFERER—"I think I will. Is your wife at home now?"
For every ill beneath the sun There is some remedy or none; If there be one, resolve to find it; If not, submit, and never mind it.
The wife of an overworked promoter said at breakfast:
"Will you post this letter for me, dear? It's to the furrier, countermanding my order for that $900 sable and ermine stole. You'll be sure to remember?"
The tired eyes of the harassed, shabby promoter lit up with joy. He seized a skipping rope that lay with a heap of dolls and toys in a corner, and going to his wife, he said:
"Here, tie my right hand to my left foot so I won't forget!"
Repartee is saying on the instant what you didn't say until the next morning.
Among the members of a working gang on a certain railroad was an Irishman who claimed to be very good at figures. The boss, thinking that he would get ahead of Pat, said: "Say, Pat, how many shirts can you get out of a yard?"
"That depends," answered Pat, "on whose yard you get into."
A middle-aged farmer accosted a serious-faced youth outside the Grand Central Station in New York the other day.
"Young man," he said, plucking his sleeve, "I wanter go to Central Park."
The youth seemed lost in consideration for a moment.
"Well," he said finally, "you may just this once. But I don't want you ever, ever to ask me again."
SEEDY VISITOR—"Do you have many wrecks about here, boatman?"
BOATMAN—"Not very many, sir. You're the first I've seen this season."
HER DAD—"No, sir; I won't have my daughter tied for life to a stupid fool."
HER SUITOR—"Then don't you think you'd better let me take her off your hands?"
Wendell Phillips was traveling through Ohio once when he fell in with a car full of ministers returning from a convention. One of the ministers, a southerner from Kentucky, was naturally not very cordial to the opinions of the great abolitionist and set out to embarrass Mr. Phillips. So, before the group of ministers, he said:
"You are Wendell Phillips, are you not?"
"Yes," answered the great abolitionist.
"And you are trying to free the niggers, aren't you?"
"Yes, sir; I am."
"Well, why do you preach your doctrines up here? Why don't you go over into Kentucky?"
"Excuse me, are you a preacher?"
"I am, sir."
"Are you trying to save souls from hell?"
"Yes, sir; that is my business."
"Well, why don't you go there then?" asked Mr. Phillips.
SOLEMN SENIOR—"So your efforts to get on the team were fruitless, were they?"
FOOLISH FRESHMAN—"Oh, no! Not at all. They gave me a lemon."—Harvard Lampoon.
A benevolent person watched a workman laboriously windlassing rock from a shaft while the broiling sun was beating down on his bare head.
"My dear man," observed the onlooker, "are you not afraid that your brain will be affected in the hot sun?"
The laborer contemplated him for a moment and then replied:
"Do you think a man with any brains would be working at this kind of a job?"
Winston Churchill, the young English statesman, recently began to raise a mustache, and while it was still in the budding stage he was asked at a dinner party to take in to dinner an English girl who had decided opposing political views.
"I am sorry," said Mr. Churchill, "we cannot agree on politics."
"No, we can't," rejoined the girl, "for to be frank with you I like your politics about as little as I do your mustache."
"Well," replied Mr. Churchill, "remember that you are not likely to come into contact with either."
Strickland Gillilan, the lecturer and the man who pole-vaulted into fame by his "Off Ag'in, On Ag'in, Finnigin" verses, was about to deliver a lecture in a small Missouri town. He asked the chairman of the committee whether he might have a small pitcher of ice-water on the platform table.
"To drink?" queried the committeeman.
"No," answered Gillilan. "I do a high-diving act."
TRAVELER—"Say, boy, your corn looks kind of yellow."
BOY—"Yes, sir. That's the kind we planted."
TRAVELER—"Looks as though you will only have half a crop."
BOY—"Don't expect any more. The landlord gets the other half."
TRAVELER (after a moment's thought)—"Say, there is not much difference between you and a fool."
BOY—"No, sir. Only the fence."
President Lincoln was busily engaged in his office when an attendant, a young man of sixteen, unceremoniously entered and gave him a card. Without rising, the President glanced at the card. "Pshaw. She here again? I told her last week that I could not interfere in her case. I cannot see her," he said impatiently. "Get rid of her any way you can. Tell her I am asleep, or anything you like."
Quickly returning to the lady in an adjacent room, this exceedingly bright boy said to her, "The President told me to tell you that he is asleep."
The lady's eyes sparkled as she responded, "Ah, he says he is asleep, eh? Well, will you be kind enough to return and ask him when he intends to wake up?"
The garrulous old lady in the stern of the boat had pestered the guide with her comments and questions ever since they had started. Her meek little husband, who was hunched toad-like in the bow, fished in silence. The old lady had seemingly exhausted every possible point in fish and animal life, woodcraft, and personal history when she suddenly espied one of those curious paths of oily, unbroken water frequently seen on small lakes which are ruffled by a light breeze.
"Oh, guide, guide," she exclaimed, "what makes that funny streak in the water—No, there—Right over there!"
The guide was busy re-baiting the old gentleman's hook and merely mumbled "U-m-mm."
"Guide," repeated the old lady in tones that were not to be denied, "look right over there where I'm pointing and tell me what makes that funny streak in the water."
The guide looked up from his baiting with a sigh.
"That? Oh, that's where the road went across the ice last winter."
Nothing more clearly expresses the sentiments of Harvard men in seasons of athletic rivalry than the time-honored "To hell with Yale!"
Once when Dean Briggs, of Harvard, and Edward Everett Hale were on their way to a game at Soldiers' Field a friend asked:
"Where are you going, Dean?"
"To yell with Hale," answered Briggs with a meaning smile.
John Kendrick Bangs one day called up his wife on the telephone. The maid at the other end did not recognize her "master's voice," and after Bangs had told her whom he wanted the maid asked:
"Do you wish to speak with Mrs. Bangs?"
"No, indeed," replied the humorist; "I want to kiss her."
A boy took a position in an office where two different telephones were installed.
"Your wife would like to speak to you on the 'phone, sir," he said to his employer.
"Which one?" inquired the boss, starting toward the two booths.
"Please, sir, she didn't say, and I didn't know that you had more than one."
An Englishman was being shown the sights along the Potomac. "Here," remarked the American, "is where George Washington threw a dollar across the river."
"Well," replied the Englishman, "that is not very remarkable, for a dollar went much further in those days than it does now."
The American would not be worsted, so, after a short pause, he said: "But Washington accomplished a greater feat than that. He once chucked a sovereign across the Atlantic."
Pat was busy on a road working with his coat off. There were two Englishmen laboring on the same road, so they decided to have a joke with the Irishman. They painted a donkey's head on the back of Pat's coat, and watched to see him put it on. Pat, of course, saw the donkey's head on his coat, and, turning to the Englishmen, said:
"Which of yez wiped your face on me coat?"
A district leader went to Sea Girt, in 1912, to see the Democratic candidate for President. In the course of an animated conversation, the leader, noticing that Governor Wilson's eyeglasses were perched perilously near the tip of his nose remarked: "Your glasses, Governor, are almost on your mouth."
"That's all right," was the quick response. "I want to see what I'm talking about."
According to the London Globe two Germans were halted at the French frontier by the customs officers. "We have each to declare three bottles of red wine," said one of the Germans to the douaniers. "How much to pay?"
"Where are the bottles?" asked the customs man.
"They are within!" laughed the Teuton making a gesture.
The French douanier, unruffled, took down his tariff book and read, or pretended to read: "Wines imported in bottles pay so much, wines imported in barrels pay so much, and wines en peaux d'ane pay no duty. You can pass, gentlemen."
A small boy was hoeing corn in a sterile field by the roadside, when a passer-by stopped and said:
"'Pears to me your corn is rather small."
"Certainly," said the boy; "it's dwarf corn."
"But it looks yaller."
"Certainly; we planted the yaller kind."
"But it looks as if you wouldn't get more than half a crop."
"Of course not; we planted it on halves."
See Journalism; Newspapers.
The morning after a banquet, during the Democratic convention in Baltimore, a prominent Republican thus greeted an equally well-known Democrat:
"I understand there were some Republicans at the banquet last night."
"Oh, yes," said the Democrat genially, "one waited on me."
Popularity is when people like you; and reputation is when they ought to, but really can't.—Frank Richardson.
Senator Blackburn is a thorough Kentuckian, and has all the local pride of one born in the blue-grass section of his State. He also has the prejudice against being taken for an Indianian which seems inherent in all native-born Kentuckians. While coming to Congress, several sessions ago, he was approached in the Pullman coach by a New Yorker, who, after bowing politely to him, said:
"Is not this Senator Blackburn of Indiana?"
The Kentuckian sprang from his seat, and glaring at his interlocutor exclaimed angrily:
"No, sir, by ——. The reason I look so bad is I have been sick!"
"Every time the baby looks into my face he smiles," said Mr. Meekins.
"Well," answered his wife, "it may not be exactly polite, but it shows he has a sense of humor."
Mark Twain constantly received letters and photographs from men who had been told that they looked like him. One was from Florida, and the likeness, as shown by the man's picture, was really remarkable so remarkable, indeed, that Mr. Clemens sent the following acknowledgment:
"My Dear Sir: I thank you very much for your letter and the photograph. In my opinion you are certainly more like me than any other of my doubles. In fact, I am sure that if you stood before me in a mirrorless frame I could shave by you."
NEIGHBOR: "Johnny, I think in looks you favor your mother a great deal."
JOHNNY: "Well. I may look like her, but do you tink dat's a favor?"
"Then you don't think I practice what I preach, eh?" queried the minister in talking with one of the deacons at a meeting.
"No, sir, I don't," replied the deacon "You've been preachin' on the subject of resignation for two years an' ye haven't resigned yet."
"Is he respectable?"'
"Eminently so. He's never been indicted for anything less than stealing a railroad."—Wasp.
A weather-beaten damsel somewhat over six feet in height and with a pair of shoulders proportionately broad appeared at a back door in Wyoming and asked for light housework. She said that her name was Lizzie, and explained that she had been ill with typhoid and was convalescing.
"Where did you come from, Lizzie?" inquired the woman of the house. "Where have you been?"
"I've been workin' out on Howell's ranch," replied Lizzie, "diggin' post-holes while I was gittin' my strength back."
You know that fellow, Jim McGroiarty, the lad that's always comin' up and thumpin' ye on the chest and yellin', 'How are ye?'"
"I know him."
"I'll bet he's smashed twinty cigars for me—some of them clear Havanny—but I'll get even with him now."
"How will you do it?"
"I'll tell ye. Jim always hits me over the vest pocket where I carry my cigars. He'll hit me just once more. There's no cigar in me vest pocket this mornin'. Instead of it, there's a stick of dynamite, d'ye mind!"
Once when Henry Ward Beecher was in the midst of an eloquent political speech some wag in the audience crowed like a cock. It was done to perfection and the audience was convulsed with laughter. The great orator's friends felt uneasy as to his reception of the interruption.
But Mr. Beecher stood perfectly calm. He stopped speaking, listened till the crowing ceased, and while the audience was laughing he pulled out his watch. Then he said: "That's strange. My watch says it is only ten o'clock. But there can't be any mistake about it. It must be morning, for the instincts of the lower animals are absolutely infallible."
An Episcopal clergyman, rector of a fashionable church in one of Boston's most exclusive suburbs, so as not to be bothered with the innumerable telephone calls that fall to one in his profession, had his name left out of the telephone book. A prominent merchant of the same name, living in the same suburb, was continually annoyed by requests to officiate at funerals and baptisms. He went to the rector, told his troubles in a kindly way, and asked the parson to have his name put in the directory. But without success.
The merchant then determined to complain to the telephone company. As he was writing the letter, one Saturday evening, the telephone rang and the timid voice of a young man asked if the Rev. Mr. Blank would marry him at once. A happy thought came to the merchant: "No, I'm too damn busy writing my sermon," he replied.
Haiti was in the midst of a revolution.
As a phase of it two armed bodies were approaching each other so that a third was about to be caught between them.
The commander of the third party saw the predicament. On the right government troops, on the left insurgents.
"General, why do you not give the order to fire?" asked an aide, dashing up on a lame mule.
"I would like to," responded the general, "but, Great Scott! I can't remember which side we're fighting for."
Said a great Congregational preacher To a hen, "You're a beautiful creature." And the hen, just for that, Laid an egg in his hat, And thus did the Hen reward Beecher.
FARMER BARNES—"I've bought a barometer, Hannah, to tell when it's going to rain, ye know."
MRS. BARNES—"To tell when it's goin' to rain! Why, I never heard o' such extravagance. What do ye s'pose th' Lord has given ye th' rheumatis for?"—Tit-Bits.
A Yankee just returning to the states was dining with an Englishman, and the latter complained of the mud in America.
"Yes," said the American, "but it's nothing to the mud over here."
"Nonsense!" said the Englishman.
"Fact," the American replied. "Why, this afternoon I had a remarkable adventure—came near getting into trouble with an old gentleman—all through your confounded mud."
"Some of the streets are a little greasy at this season, I admit," said the Englishman. "What was your adventure, though?"
"Well," said the American, "as I was walking along I noticed that the mud was very thick, and presently I saw a high hat afloat on a large puddle of very rich ooze. Thinking to do some one a kindness, I gave the hat a poke with my stick, when an old gentleman looked up from beneath, surprised and frowning. 'Hello!' I said. 'You're in pretty deep!' 'Deeper than you think,' he said. 'I'm on the top of an omnibus!'"
As William Faversham was having his luncheon in a Birmingham hotel he was much annoyed by another visitor, who, during the whole of the meal, stood with his back to the fire warming himself and watching Faversham eat. At length, unable to endure it any longer, Mr. Faversham rang the bell and said:
"Waiter, kindly turn that gentleman around. I think he is done on that side."
A delegation from Kansas visited Theodore Roosevelt at Oyster Bay some years ago, while he was president. The host met them with coat and collar off, mopping his brow.
"Ah, gentlemen," he said, "dee-lighted to see you. Dee-lighted. But I'm very busy putting in my hay just now. Come down to the barn with me and we'll talk things over while I work."
Down to the barn hustled President and delegation.
Mr. Roosevelt seized a pitchfork and—but where was the hay?
"John!" shouted the President. "John! where's all the hay?"
"Sorry, sir," came John's voice from the loft, "but I ain't had time to throw it back since you threw it up for yesterday's delegation."
A country school-teacher was cashing her monthly check at the bank. The teller apologized for the filthy condition of the bills, saying, "I hope you're not afraid of microbes."
"Not a bit of it," the schoolma'am replied. "I'm sure no microbe could live on my salary!"—Frances Kirkland.
A darky fruit-dealer in Georgia has a sign above his wares that reads:
Our choice 25 cents.
Your choice 35 cents.
—Elgin Burroughs.
The quick wit of a traveling salesman who has since become a well-known merchant was severely tested one day. He sent in his card by the office-boy to the manager of a large concern, whose inner office was separated from the waiting-room by a ground-glass partition. When the boy handed his card to the manager the salesman saw him impatiently tear it in half and throw it in the waste-basket; the boy came out and told the caller that he could not see the chief. The salesman told the boy to go back and get him his card; the boy brought out five cents, with the message that his card was torn up. Then the salesman took out another card and sent the boy back, saying: "Tell your boss I sell two cards for five cents."
He got his interview and sold a large bill of goods.
A young man entered a hat store and asked to see the latest styles in derbies. He was evidently hard to please, for soon the counter was covered with hats that he had tried on and found wanting. At last the salesman picked up a brown derby, brushed it off on his sleeve, and extended it admiringly.
"These are being very much worn this season, sir," he said. "Won't you try it on?"
The customer put the hat on and surveyed himself critically in the mirror. "You're sure it's in style?"
"The most fashionable thing we have in the shop, sir. And it suits you to perfection—if the fit's right."
"Yes, it fits very well. So you think I had better have it?"
"I don't think you could do better."
"No, I don't think I could. So I guess I won't buy a new one after all."
The salesman had been boosting the customer's old hat, which had become mixed among the many new ones.
VISITOR—"Can I see that motorist who was brought here an hour ago?"
NURSE—"He hasn't come to his senses yet."
VISITOR—"Oh, that's all right. I only want to sell him another car."—Judge.
"That fellow is too slick for me. Sold me a lot that was two feet under water. I went around to demand my money back."
"Get it?"
"Get nothing! Then he sold me a second-hand gasoline launch and a copy of 'Venetian Life,' by W.D. Howells."
In a small South Carolina town that was "finished" before the war, two men were playing checkers in the back of a store. A traveling man who was making his first trip to the town was watching the game, and, not being acquainted with the business methods of the citizens, he called the attention of the owner of the store to some customers who had just entered the front door.
"Sh! Sh!" answered the storekeeper, making another move on the checkerboard. "Keep perfectly quiet and they'll go out."
He who finds he has something to sell, And goes and whispers it down a well, Is not so apt to collar the dollars, As he who climbs a tree and hollers.
—The Advertiser
"Where can I get a drink in this town?" asked a traveling man who landed at a little town in the oil region of Oklahoma, of the 'bus driver.
"See that millinery shop over there?" asked the driver, pointing to a building near the depot.
"You don't mean to say they sell whiskey in a millinery store?" exclaimed the drummer.
"No, I mean that's the only place here they don't sell it," said the 'bus man.
WILLIS—"Some of these rich fellows seem to think that they can buy their way into heaven by leaving a million dollars to a church when they die."
GILLIS—"I don't know but that they stand as much chance as some of these other rich fellows who are trying to get in on the instalment plan of ten cents a Sunday while they're living."—Lauren S. Hamilton.
An Italian noble at church one day gave a priest who begged for the souls in purgatory, a piece of gold.
"Ah, my lord," said the good father, "you have now delivered a soul."
The count threw another piece upon the plate.
"Here is another soul delivered," said the priest.
"Are you positive of it?" replied the count.
"Yes, my lord," replied the priest; "I am certain they are now in heaven."
"Then," said the count, "I'll take back my money, for it signifies nothing to you now, seeing the souls have already got to heaven."
An Episcopal missionary in Wyoming visited one of the outlying districts in his territory for the purpose of conducting prayer in the home of a large family not conspicuous for its piety. He made known his intentions to the woman of the house, and she murmured vaguely that "she'd go out and see." She was long in returning, and after a tiresome wait the missionary went to the door and called with some impatience:
"Aren't you coming in? Don't you care anything about your souls?"
"Souls?" yelled the head of the family from the orchard. "We haven't got time to fool with our souls when the bees are swarmin'."
Edith was light-hearted and merry over everything. Nothing appealed to her seriously. So, one day, her mother decided to invite a very serious young parson to dinner, and he was placed next the light-hearted girl. Everything went well until she asked him:
"You speak of everybody having a mission. What is yours?"
"My mission," said the parson, "is to save young men."
"Good," replied the girl, "I'm glad to meet you. I wish you'd save one for me."
Take care of the pennies and the dollars will be blown in by your heirs.—Puck.
"Do you save up money for a rainy day, dear?"
"Oh, no! I never shop when it rains."
JOHNNY—"Papa, would you be glad if I saved a dollar for you?"
PAPA—"Certainly, my son."
JOHNNY—"Well, I saved it for you, all right. You said if I brought a first-class report from my teacher this week you would give me a dollar, and I didn't bring it."
According to the following story, economy has its pains as well as its pleasures, even after the saving is done.
One spring, for some reason, old Eli was going round town with the face of dissatisfaction, and, when questioned, poured forth his voluble tale of woe thus:
"Marse Geo'ge, he come to me last fall an' he say, 'Eli, dis gwine ter be a hard winter, so yo' be keerful, an' save yo' wages fas' an' tight.'
"An' I b'lieve Marse Geo'ge, yas, sah, I b'lieve him, an' I save an' I save, an' when de winter come it ain't got no hardship, an' dere was I wid all dat money jes' frown on mah hands!"
"Robert dear," said the coy little maiden to her sweetheart, "I'm sure you love me; but give me some proof of it, darling. We can't marry on fifteen dollars a week, you know."
"Well, what do you want me to do?" said he, with a grieved air.
"Why, save up a thousand dollars, and have it safe in the bank, and then I'll marry you."
About two months later she cuddled up close to him on the sofa one evening, and said:
"Robert dear, have you saved up that thousand yet?"
"Why, no, my love," he replied; "not all of it."
"How much have you saved, darling?"
"Just two dollars and thirty-five cents, dear."
"Oh, well," said the sweet young thing as she snuggled a little closer, "don't let's wait any longer, darling. I guess that'll do."—R.M. Winans.
See also Economy; Thrift.
An ill wind that blows nobody good.
There is in Washington an old "grouch' whose son was graduated from Yale. When the young man came home at the end of his first term, he exulted in the fact that he stood next to the head of his class. But the old gentleman was not satisfied.
"Next to the head!" he exclaimed. "What do you mean? I'd like to know what you think I'm sending you to college for? Next to the head! Why aren't you at the head, where you ought to be?"
At this the son was much crestfallen; but upon his return, he went about his work with such ambition that at the end of the term he found himself in the coveted place. When he went home that year he felt very proud. It would be great news for the old man.
When the announcement was made, the father contemplated his son for a few minutes in silence; then, with a shrug, he remarked:
"At the head of the class, eh? Well, that's a fine commentary on Yale University!"—Howard Morse.
"Well, there were only three boys in school to-day who could answer one question that the teacher asked us," said a proud boy of eight.
"And I hope my boy was one of the three," said the proud mother.
"Well, I was," answered Young Hopeful, "and Sam Harris and Harry Stone were the other two."
"I am very glad you proved yourself so good a scholar, my son; it makes your mother proud of you. What question did the teacher ask, Johnnie?"
"'Who broke the glass in the back window?'"
Sammy's mother was greatly distressed because he had such poor marks in his school work. She scolded, coaxed, even promised him a dime if he would do better. The next day he came running home.
"Oh, mother," he shouted, "I got a hundred!"
"And what did you get a hundred in?"
"In two things," replied Sammy without hesitation. "I got forty in readin' and sixty in spellin'."
Who ceases to be a student has never been one.—George Iles.
See also College students.
"Mamma," complained little Elsie, "I don't feel very well." "That's too bad, dear," said mother sympathetically. "Where do you feel worst?"
"In school, mamma."
The late Sylvanus Miller, civil engineer, who was engaged in railroad enterprise in Central America, was seeking local support for a road and attempted to give the matter point. He asked a native:
"How long does it take you to carry your goods to market by muleback?"
"Three days," was the reply.
"There's the point," said Miller. "With our road in operation you could take your goods to market and be back home in one day."
"Very good, senor," answered the native. "But what would we do with the other two days?"
A visitor from New York to the suburbs said to his host during the afternoon:
"By the way, your front gate needs repairing. It was all I could do to get it open. You ought to have it trimmed or greased or something."
"Oh, no," replied the owner "Oh, no, that's all right."
"Why is it?" asked the visitor.
"Because," was the reply, "every one who comes through that gate pumps two buckets of water into the tank on the roof."
A Scotsman is one who prays on his knees on Sunday and preys on his neighbors on week days.
It being the southerner's turn, he told about a county in Missouri so divided in sentiment that year after year the vote of a single man prohibits the sale of liquor there. "And what," he asked, "do you suppose is the name of the chap who keeps a whole county dry?"
Nobody had an idea.
"Mackintosh, as I'm alive!" declared the southerner.
Everybody laughed except the Englishman. "It's just like a Scotsman to be so obstinate!" he sniffed, and was much astonished when the rest of the party laughed more than ever.
A Scottish minister, taking his walk early in the morning, found one of his parishioners recumbent in a ditch.
"Where hae you been the nicht, Andrew?" asked the minister.
"Weel, I dinna richtly ken," answered the prostrate one, "whether it was a wedding' or a funeral, but whichever it was it was a most extraordinary success."
See also Thrift.
A Philadelphian, on his way to Europe, was experiencing seasickness for the first time. Calling his wife to his bedside, he said in a weak voice: "Jennie, my will is in the Commercial Trust Company's care. Everything is left to you, dear. My various stocks you will find in my safe-deposit box." Then he said fervently: "And, Jenny, bury me on the other side. I can't stand this trip again, alive or dead."—Joe King.
Motto for the dining saloon of an ocean steamship: "Man wants but little here below, nor wants that little long."
On the steamer the little bride was very much concerned about her husband, who was troubled with dyspepsia.
"My husband is peculiarly liable to seasickness, Captain," remarked the bride. "Could you tell him what to do in case of an attack?"
"That won't be necessary, Madam," replied the Captain; "he'll do it."
A clergyman who was holding a children's service at a Continental winter resort had occasion to catechize his hearers on the parable, of the unjust steward. "What is a steward?" he asked.
A little boy who had arrived from England a few days before held up his hand. "He is a man, sir," he replied, with a reminiscent look on his face, "who brings you a basin."
"The first day out was perfectly lovely," said the young lady just back from abroad. "The water was as smooth as glass, and it was simply gorgeous. But the second day was rough and—er—decidedly disgorgeous."
The great ocean liner rolled and pitched.
"Henry," faltered the young bride, "do you still love me?"
"More than ever, darling!" was Henry's fervent answer.
Then there was an eloquent silence.
"Henry," she gasped, turning her pale, ghastly face away, "I thought that would make me feel better, but it doesn't!"
There was a young man from Ostend, Who vowed he'd hold out to the end; But when half way over From Calais to Dover, He did what he didn't intend.
There was a young fellow named Hall, Who fell in the spring in the fall; 'Twould have been a sad thing If he'd died in the spring, But he didn't—he died in the fall.
A Senator is very often a man who has risen from obscurity to something worse.
"You have been conspicuous in the halls of legislation, have you not?" said the young woman who asks all sorts of questions.
"Yes, miss," answered Senator Sorghum, blandly; "I think I have participated in some of the richest hauls that legislation ever made."
An aviator alighted on a field and said to a rather well-dressed individual: "Here, mind my machine a minute, will you?"
"What?" the well-dressed individual snarled. "Me mind your machine? Why, I'm a United States Senator!"
"Well, what of it?" said the aviator. "I'll trust you."
"What of his sense of humor?" "Well, he has to see a joke twice before he sees it once."
—Richard Kirk.
"A sense of humor is a help and a blessing through life," says Rear Admiral Buhler. "But even a sense of humor may exist in excess. I have in mind the case of a British soldier who was sentenced to be flogged. During the flogging he laughed continually. The harder the lash was laid on, the harder the soldier laughed.
"'Wot's so funny about bein' flogged?' demanded the sergeant.
"'Why,' the soldier chuckled, 'I'm the wrong man.'"
Mark Twain once approached a friend, a business man, and confided to him that he needed the assistance of a stenographer.
"I can send you one, a fine young fellow," the friend said, "He came to my office yesterday in search of a position, but I didn't have an opening."
"Has he a sense of humor?" Mark asked cautiously.
"A sense of humor? He has—in fact, he got off one or two pretty witty things himself yesterday," the friend hastened to assure him.
"Sorry, but he won't do, then," Mark said.
"Won't do? Why?"
"No," said Mark. "I had one once before with a sense of humor, and it interfered too much with the work. I cannot afford to pay a man two dollars a day for laughing."
The perception of the ludicrous is a pledge of sanity.—Emerson.
See Armies.
See Preaching.
TOMMY—"Pop, what is it that the Bible says is here to-day and gone to-morrow?"
POP—"Probably the cook, my son."
As usual, they began discussing the play after the theater. "Well, how did you like the piece, my dear?" asked the fond husband who had always found his wife a good critic.
"Very much. There's only one improbable thing in it: the second act takes place two years after the first, and they have the same servant."
SMITH—"We are certainly in luck with our new cook—soup, meat, vegetables and dessert, everything perfect!"
MRS. S.—"Yes, but the dessert was made by her successor."
THE NEW GIRL—"An' may me intended visit me every Sunday afternoon, ma'am?"
MISTRESS—"Who is your intended, Delia?"
THE NEW GIRL—"I don't know yet, ma'am. I'm a stranger in town."
"And do you have to be called in the morning?" asked the lady who was about to engage a new girl.
"I don't has to be, mum," replied the applicant, "unless you happens to need me."
A maid dropped and broke a beautiful platter at a dinner recently. The host did not permit a trifle like this to ruffle him in the least.
"These little accidents happen 'most every day," he said apologetically. "You see, she isn't a trained waitress. She was a dairymaid originally, but she had to abandon that occupation on account of her inability to handle the cows without breaking their horns."
Young housewives obliged to practice strict economy will sympathize with the sad experience of a Washington woman.
When her husband returned home one evening he found her dissolved in tears, and careful questioning elicited the reason for her grief.
"Dan," said she, "every day this week I have stopped to look at a perfect love of a hat in Mme. Louise's window. Such a hat, Dan, such a beautiful hat! But the price—well, I wanted it the worst way, but just couldn't afford to buy it."
"Well, dear," began the husband recklessly, "we might manage to—"
"Thank you, Dan," interrupted the wife, "but there isn't any 'might' about it. I paid the cook this noon, and what do you think? She marched right down herself and bought that hat!"—Edwin Tarrisse.
It is probable that many queens of the kitchen share the sentiment good-naturedly expressed by a Scandinavian servant, recently taken into the service of a young matron of Chicago.
The youthful assumer of household cares was disposed to be a trifle patronizing.
"Now, Lena," she asked earnestly, "are you a good cook?"
"Ya-as, 'm, I tank so," said the girl, with perfect naivete, "if you vill not try to help me."—Elgin Burroughs.
"Have you a good cook now?"
"I don't know. I haven't been home since breakfast!"
MRS. LITTLETOWN—"This magazine looks rather the worse for wear."
MRS. NEARTOWN—"Yes, it's the one I sometimes lend to the servant on Sundays."
MRS. LITTLETOWN—"Doesn't she get tired of always reading the same one?"
MRS. NEARTOWN—"Oh, no. You see, it's the same book, but it's always a different servant."—Suburban Life.
MRS. HOUSEN HOHM—"What is your name?"
MRS. HOUSEN HOHM—"Do you expect to be called Miss Arlington?"
APPLICANT—-"No, ma'am; not if you have an alarm clock in my room."
MISTRESS—"Nora, I saw a policeman in the park to-day kiss a baby. I hope you will remember my objection to such things."
NORA—"Sure, ma'am, no policeman would ever think iv kissin' yer baby whin I'm around."
See also Gratitude; Recommendations.
CLERK—"Can you let me off to-morrow afternoon? My wife wants me to go shopping with her."
EMPLOYER—"Certainly not. We are much too busy."
CLERK—"Thank you very much, sir. You are very kind!"
The late "lan Maclaren" (Dr. John Watson) once told this story on himself to some friends:
"I was coming over on the steamer to America, when one day I went into the library to do some literary work. I was very busy and looked so, I suppose. I had no sooner started to write than a diffident-looking young man plumped into the chair opposite me, began twirling his cap and stared at me. I let him sit there. An hour or more passed, and he was still there, returning my occasional and discouraging glances at him with a foolish, ingratiating smile. I was inclined to be annoyed. I had a suspicion that he was a reader of my books, perhaps an admirer—or an autograph-hunter. He could wait. But at last he rose, and still twirling his cap, he spoke:
"'Excuse me, Doctor Watson; I'm getting deathly sick in here and I'm real sorry to disturb you, but I thought you'd like to know that just as soon as you left her Mrs. Watson fell down the companionway stairs, and I guess she hurt herself pretty badly.'"
When the late Senator Wolcott first went to Colorado he and his brother opened a law office at Idaho Springs under the firm name of "Ed. Wolcott & Bro." Later the partnership was dissolved. The future senator packed his few assets, including the sign that had hung outside of his office, upon a burro and started for Georgetown, a mining town farther up in the hills. Upon his arrival he was greeted by a crowd of miners who critically surveyed him and his outfit. One of them, looking first at the sign that hung over the pack, then at Wolcott, and finally at the donkey, ventured:
"Say, stranger, which of you is Ed?"
"Buck" Kilgore, of Texas, who once kicked open the door of the House of Representatives when Speaker Reed had all doors locked to prevent the minority from leaving the floor and thus escaping a vote, was noted for his indifference to forms and rules. Speaker Reed, annoyed by members bringing lighted cigars upon the floor of the House just before opening time, had signs conspicuously posted as follows: "No smoking on the floor of the House." One day just before convening the House his eagle eye detected Kilgore nonchalantly puffing away at a fat cigar. Calling a page, he told him to give his compliments to the gentleman from Texas and ask him if he had not seen the signs. After a while the page returned and seated himself without reporting to the Speaker, and Mr. Reed was irritated to see the gentleman from Texas continue his smoke. With a frown he summoned the page and asked:
"Did you tell the gentleman from Texas what I said?"
"I did," replied the page.
"What did he say?" asked Reed.
"Well—er," stammered the page, "he said to give his compliments to you and tell you he did not believe in signs."
A conversation with an Englishman.—Heine.
BALL-"What is silence?"
HALL-"The college yell of the school of experience."
The other day upon the links a distinguished clergyman was playing a closely contested game of golf. He carefully teed up his ball and addressed it with the most aproved grace; he raised his driver and hit the ball a tremendous clip, but instead of soaring into the azure it perversely went about twelve feet to the right and then buzzed around in a circle. The clerical gentleman frowned, scowled, pursed up his mouth and bit his lips, but said nothing, and a friend who stood by him said: "Doctor, that is the most profane silence I ever witnessed."
Man-like is it to fall into sin, Fiend-like is it to dwell therein, Christ-like is it for sin to grieve, God-like is it all sin to leave.
—Friedrich von Logan.
"Now," said the clergyman to the Sunday-school class, "can any of you tell me what are sins of omission?"
"Yes, sir," said the small boy. "They are the sins we ought to have done and haven't."
As the celebrated soprano began to sing, little Johnnie became greatly exercised over the gesticulations of the orchestra conductor.
"What's that man shaking his stick at her for?" he demanded indignantly.
"Sh-h! He's not shaking his stick at her."
But Johnny was not convinced.
"Then what in thunder's she hollering for?"
A visiting clergyman was occupying a pulpit in St. Louis one Sunday when it was the turn of the bass to sing a solo, which he did very badly, to the annoyance of the preacher, a lover of music. When the singer fell back in his seat, red of face and exhausted, the clergyman arose, placed his hands on the unopened Bible, deliberately surveyed the faces of the congregation, and announced the text:
"And the wind ceased and there was a great calm."
It wasn't the text he had chosen, but it fitted his sermon as well as the occasion.
One cold, wet, and windy night he came upon a negro shivering in the doorway of an Atlanta store. Wondering what the darky could be doing, standing on a cold, wet night in such a draughty position, the proprietor of the shop said:
"Jim, what are you doing here?"
"'Sense me, sir," said Jim, "but I'm gwine to sing bass tomorrow mornin' at church, an' I am tryin' to ketch a cold."—Howard Morse.
"The man who sings all day at work is a happy man."
"Yes, but how about the man who works and has to listen to him?" Miss Jeanette Gilder was one of the ardent enthusiasts at the debut of Tetrazzini. After the first act she rushed to the back of the house to greet one of her friends. "Don't you think she is a wonder?" she asked excitedly.
"She is a great singer unquestionably," responded her more phlegmatic friend, "but the registers of her voice are not so even as, for instance, Melba's."
"Oh, bother Melba," said Miss Gilder. "Tetrazzini gives infinitely more heat from her registers."
At a certain Scottish dinner it was found that every one had contributed to the evening's entertainment but a certain Doctor MacDonald.
"Come, come, Doctor MacDonald," said the chairman, "we cannot let you escape."
The doctor protested that he could not sing.
"My voice is altogether unmusical, and resembles the sound caused by the act of rubbing a brick along the panels of a door."
The company attributed this to the doctor's modesty. Good singers, he was reminded, always needed a lot of pressing.
"Very well," said the doctor, "if you can stand it I will sing."
Long before he had finished his audience was uneasy.
There was a painful silence as the doctor sat down, broken at length by the voice of a braw Scot at the end of the table.
"Mon," he exclaimed, "your singin's no up to much, but your veracity's just awful. You're richt aboot that brick."
She smiles, my darling smiles, and all The world is filled with light; She laughs—'tis like the bird's sweet call, In meadows fair and bright. She weeps—the world is cold and gray, Rain-clouds shut out the view; She sings—I softly steal away And wait till she gets through.
God sent his singers upon earth With songs of gladness and of mirth, That they might touch the hearts of men, And bring them back to heaven again.
A young lady entered a crowded car with a pair of skates slung over her arm. An elderly gentleman arose to give her his seat.
"Thank you very much, sir," she said, "but I've been skating all afternoon, and I'm tired of sitting down."
See Buildings.
Recently a friend who had heard that I sometimes suffer from insomnia told me of a sure cure. "Eat a pint of peanuts and drink two or three glasses of milk before going to bed," said he, "and I'll warrant you'll be asleep within half an hour." I did as he suggested, and now for the benefit of others who may be afflicted with insomnia, I feel it my duty to report what happened, so far as I am able to recall the details.
First, let me say my friend was right. I did go to sleep very soon after my retirement. Then a friend with his head under his arm came along and asked me if I wanted to buy his feet. I was negotiating with him, when the dragon on which I was riding slipped out of his skin and left me floating in mid-air. While I was considering how I should get down, a bull with two heads peered over the edge of the wall and said he would haul me up if I would first climb up and rig a windlass for him. So as I was sliding down the mountainside the brakeman came in, and I asked him when the train would reach my station.
"We passed your station four hundred years ago," he said, calmly folding the train up and slipping it into his vest pocket.
At this juncture the clown bounded into the ring and pulled the center-pole out of the ground, lifting the tent and all the people in it up, up, while I stood on the earth below watching myself go out of sight among the clouds above. Then I awoke, and found I had been asleep almost ten minutes.—The Good Health Clinic.
There was a young lady of Niger, Who went for a ride on a tiger; They returned from the ride With the lady inside, And a smile on the face of the tiger.
—Gilbert K. Chesterton.
A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.—Rudyard Kipling.
AUNT MARY—(horrified) "Good gracious. Harold, what would your mother say if she saw you smoking cigarets?" HAROLD (calmly)—"She'd have a fit. They're her cigarets."
An Irish soldier on sentry duty had orders to allow no one to smoke near his post. An officer with a lighted cigar approached whereupon Pat boldly challenged him and ordered him to put it out at once.
The officer with a gesture of disgust threw away his cigar, but no sooner was his back turned than Pat picked it up and quietly retired to the sentry box.
The officer happening to look around, observed a beautiful cloud of smoke issuing from the box. He at once challenged Pat for smoking on duty.
"Smoking, is it, sor? Bedad, and I'm only keeping it lit to show the corporal when he comes as evidence agin you."
While campaigning in Iowa Speaker Cannon was once inveigled into visiting the public schools of a town where he was billed to speak. In one of the lower grades an ambitious teacher called upon a youthful Demosthenes to entertain the distinguished visitor with an exhibition of amateur oratory. The selection attempted was Byron's "Battle of Waterloo," and just as the boy reached the end of the first paragraph Speaker Cannon gave vent to a violent sneeze. "But, hush! hark!" declaimed the youngster; "a deep sound strikes like a rising knell! Did ye not hear it?"
The visitors smiled and a moment later the second sneeze—which the Speaker was vainly trying to hold back—came with increased violence.
"But, hark!" bawled the boy, "that heavy sound breaks in once more, and nearer, clearer, deadlier than before! Arm! arm! it is—it is—the cannon's opening roar!"
This was too much, and the laugh that broke from the party swelled to a roar when "Uncle Joe" chuckled: "Put up yout weapons, children; I won't shoot any more."
Snobbery is the pride of those who are not sure of their position.
Snore—An unfavorable report from headquarters.—Foolish Dictionary.
Among the stories told of the late Baron de Rothschild is one which details how a "change of heart" once came to his valet—an excellent fellow, albeit a violent "red."
Alphonse was as good a servant as one would wish to employ, and as his socialism never got farther than attending a weekly meeting, the baron never objected to his political faith. After a few months of these permissions to absent himself from duty, his employer noticed one week that he did not ask to go. The baron thought Alphonse might have forgotten the night, but when the next week he stayed at home, he inquired what was up.
"Sir," said the valet, with the utmost dignity, "some of my former colleagues have worked out a calculation that if all the wealth in France were divided equally per capita, each individual would be the possessor of two thousand francs."
Then he stopped as if that told the whole story, so said the baron, "What of that?"
"Sir," came back from the enlightened Alphonse, "I have five thousand francs now."—Warwick James Price.
Smart Society is made up of the worldly, the fleshy, and the devilish.—Harold Melbourne.
"What are her days at home?"
"Oh, a society leader has no days at home anymore. Nowadays she has her telephone hours."
Society consists of two classes, the upper and the lower. The latter cultivates the dignity of labor, the former the labor of dignity.—Punch.
There was a young person called Smarty, Who sent out his cards for a party; So exclusive and few Were the friends that he knew That no one was present but Smarty.
A New York firm recently hung the following sign at the entrance of a large building: "Wanted: Sixty girls to sew buttons on the sixth floor."
Reporters are obliged to write their descriptions of accidents hastily and often from meager data, and in the attempt to make them vivid they sometimes make them ridiculous; for example, a New York City paper a few days ago, in describing a collision between a train and a motor bus, said: "The train, too, was filled with passengers. Their shrieks mingled with the cries of the dead and the dying of the bus!"
"I thought your father looked very handsome with his gray hairs."
"Yes, dear old chap. I gave him those."
"A friend of mine, traveling in Ireland, stopped for a drink of milk at a white cottage with a thatched roof, and, as he sipped his refreshment, he noted, on a center table under a glass dome, a brick with a faded rose upon the top of it.
"'Why do you cherish in this way,' my friend said to his host, 'that common brick and that dead rose?'
"'Shure, sir,' was the reply, 'there's certain memories attachin' to them. Do ye see this big dent in my head? Well, it was made by that brick.'
"'But the rose?' said my friend.
His host smiled quietly. "'The rose,' he explained, 'is off the grave of the man that threw the brick.'"
There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it, and when he can.—Mark Twain.
"I always said old Cornelius Husk was slow," said one Quag man to another.
"Why, what's he been doin' now?" the other asked.
"Got himself run over by a hearse!"
"So you heard the bullet whiz past you?" asked the lawyer of the darky.
"Yes, sah, heard it twict."
"How's that?"
"Heard it whiz when it passed me, and heard it again when I passed it."
A near race riot happened in a southern town. The negroes gathered in one crowd and the whites in another. The whites fired their revolvers into the air, and the negroes took to their heels. Next day a plantation owner said to one of his men: "Sam, were you in that crowd that gathered last night?" "Yassir." "Did you run like the wind, Sam?" "No, sir. I didn't run like the wind,'deed I didn't. But I passed two niggers that was running like the wind."
A guest in a Cincinnati hotel was shot and killed. The negro porter who heard the shooting was a witness at the trial.
"How many shots did you hear?" asked the lawyer.
"Two shots, sah," he replied.
"How far apart were they?"
'"Bout like dis way," explained the negro, clapping his hands with an interval of about a second between claps.
"Where were you when the first shot was fired?"
"Shinin' a gemman's shoe in the basement of de hotel."
"Where were you when the second shot was fired?"
"Ah was passin' de Big Fo' depot."
"Is there anyone present who wishes the prayers of the congregation for a relative or friend?" asks the minister.
"I do," says the angular lady arising from the rear pew. "I want the congregation to pray for my husband."
"Why, sister Abigail!" replies the minister. "You have no husband as yet."
"Yes, but I want you all to pitch in an' pray for one for me!" Some time ago the wife of an assisstant state officer gave a party to a lot of old maids of her town. She asked each one to bring a photograph of the man who had tried to woo and wed her. Each of the old maids brought a photograph and they were all pictures of the same man, the hostess's husband.
Maude Adams was one day discussing with her old negro "mammy" the approaching marriage of a friend.
"When is you gwine to git married, Miss Maudie?" asked the mammy, who took a deep interest in her talented young mistress.
"I don't know, mammy," answered the star. "I don't think I'll ever get married."
"Well," sighed mammy, in an attempt to be philosophical, "they do say ole maids is the happies' kind after they quits strugglin'."
Here's to the Bachelor, so lonely and gay, For it's not his fault, he was born that way; And here's to the Spinster, so lonely and good; For it's not her fault, she hath done what she could.
An old maid on the wintry side of fifty, hearing of the marriage of a pretty young lady, her friend, observed with a deep and sentimental sigh: "Well, I suppose it is what we must all come to."
A famous spinster, known throughout the country for her charities, was entertaining a number of little girls from a charitable institution. After the luncheon, the children were shown through the place, in order that they might enjoy the many beautiful things it contained.
"This," said the spinster, indicating a statue, "is Minerva."
"Was Minerva married?" asked one of the little girls.
"No, my child," said the spinster, with a smile; "Minerva was the Goddess of Wisdom."—E.T.
There once was a lonesome, lorn spinster, And luck had for years been ag'inst her; When a man came to burgle She shrieked, with a gurgle, "Stop thief, while I call in a min'ster!"
Think twice before you speak, and then you may be able to say something more aggraviting than if you spoke right out at once.
A man had for years employed a steady German workman. One day Jake came to him and asked to be excused from work the next day.
"Certainly, Jake," beamed the employer. "What are you going to do?"
"Vall," said Jake slowly. "I tink I must go by mein wife's funeral. She dies yesterday."
After the lapse of a few weeks Jake again approached his boss for a day off.
"All right, Jake, but what are you going to do this time?"
"Aber," said Jake, "I go to make me, mit mein fraeulein, a wedding."
"What? So soon? Why, it's only been three weeks since you buried your wife."
"Ach!" replied Jake, "I don't hold spite long."
In the spring the housemaid's fancy Lightly turns from pot and pan To the greater necromancy Of a young unmarried man. You can hold her through the winter, And she'll work around and sing, But it's just as good as certain She will marry in the spring.
It is easy enough to look pleasant, When the spring comes along with a rush; But the fellow worth-while Is the one who can smile When he slips and sits down in the slush.
—Leslie Van Every.
One of the ushers approached a man who appeared to be annoying those about him.
"Don't you like the show?"
"Yes, indeed!"
"Then why do you persist in hissing the performers?"
"Why, m-man alive, I w-was-n't h-hissing! I w-was s-s-im-ply s-s-s-saying to S-s-s-sammie that the s-s-s-singing is s-s-s-superb."
A man who stuttered badly went to a specialist and after ten difficult lessons learned to say quite distinctly, "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." His friends congratulated him upon this splendid achievement.
"Yes," said the man doubtfully, "but it's s-s-such a d-d-deucedly d-d-d-difficult rem-mark to w-w-work into an ordin-n-nary c-c-convers-s-sa-tion, y' know."
A statesman is a deal politician.—Mr. Dooley.
A statesman is a man who finds out which way the crowd is going, then jumps in front and yells like blazes.
An earnest preacher in Georgia, who has a custom of telling the Lord all the news in his prayers, recently began a petition for help against the progress of wickedness in his town, with the statement:
"Oh, Thou great Jehovah, crime is on the increase. It is becoming more prevalent daily. I can prove it to you by statistics."
PATIENT—"Tell me candidly, Doc, do you think I'll pull through?"
DOCTOR—"Oh, you're bound to get well—you can't help yourself. The Medical Record shows that out of one hundred cases like yours, one per cent invariably recovers. I've treated ninety-nine cases, and every one of them died. Why, man alive, you can't die if you try! There's no humbug in statistics."
"Can I get a steak here and catch the one o'clock train?"
"It depends on your teeth, sir."
"Can you tell what steam is?" asked the examiner.
"Why, sure, sir," replied Patrick confidently. "Steam is—Why—er—it's wather thos's gone crazy wid the heat."
"That new steamer they're building is a whopper," says the man with the shoe button nose.
"Yes," agrees the man with the recalcitrant hair, "but my uncle is going to build one so long that when a passenger gets seasick in one end of it he can go to the other end and be clear away from the storm."
A beautiful statuesque blond had left New York to act as stenographer to a dignified Philadelphian of Quaker descent. On the morning of her first appearance she went straight to the desk of her employer.
"I presume," she remarked, "that you begin the day over here the same as they do in New York?"
"Oh, yes," replied the employer, without glancing up from a letter he was reading.
"Well, hurry up and kiss me, then," was the startling rejoinder, "I want to get to work."
A grain broker in New Boston, Maine, Said, "That market gives me a pain; I can hardly bear it, To bull—I don't dare it, For it's going against the grain."
—Minnesota Minne-Ha-Ha.
A bird dog belonging to a man in Mulvane disappeared last week. The owner put this "ad" in the paper and insisted that it be printed exactly as he wrote it:
LOST OR RUN AWAY—One livver culered burd dog called Jim. Will show signs of hyderfobby in about three days. The dog came home the following day.
"Boy, take these flowers to Miss Bertie Bohoo, Room 12."
"My, sir, you're the fourth gentleman wot's sent her flowers to-day."
"What's that? What the deuce? W—who sent the others?"
"Oh, they didn't send any names. They all said, 'She'll know where they come from.'"
"Well, here, take my card, and tell her these are from the same one who sent the other three boxes."
The little girl was having a great deal of trouble pronouncing some of the words she met with. "Vinegar" had given her the most trouble, and she was duly grieved to know that the village was being entertained by her efforts in this direction.
She was sent one day to the store with the vinegar-jug, to get it filled, and had no intention of amusing the people who were gathered in the store. So she handed the jug to the clerk with:
"Smell the mouth of it and give me a quart."
A young couple had been courting for several years, and the young man seemed to be in no hurry to marry. Finally, one day, he said:
"Sall, I canna marry thee."
"How's that?" asked she.
"I've changed my mind," said he.
"Well, I'll tell thee what we'll do," said she. "If folks know that it's thee as has given me up I shanna be able to get another chap; but if they think I've given thee up then I can get all I want. So we'll have banns published and when the wedding day comes the parson will say to thee, 'Wilt thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife?' and thou must say, 'I will.' And when he says to me, 'Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband?' I shall say, 'I winna.'"
The day came, and when the minister asked the important question the man answered:
"I will."
Then the parson said to the woman:
"Wilt thou have this man to be thy wedded husband?" and she said:
"I will."
"Why," said the young man furiously, "you said you would say 'I winna.'"
"I know that," said the young woman, "but I've changed my mind since."
Charles Stuart, formerly senator from Michigan, was traveling by stage through his own state. The weather was bitter cold, the snow deep, and the roads practically unbroken. The stage was nearly an hour late at the dinner station and everybody was cross and hungry.
In spite of the warning, "Ten minutes only for refreshments," Senator Stuart sat down to dinner with his usual deliberation. When he had finished his first cup of coffee the other passengers were leaving the table. By the time his second cup arrived the stage was at the door. "All aboard!" shouted the driver. The senator lingered and called for a third cup of coffee.
While the household, as was the custom, assembled at the door to see the stage oft, the senator calmly continued his meal. Suddenly, just as the stage was starting, he pounded violently on the dining-room table. The landlord hurried in. The senator wanted a dish of rice-pudding. When it came he called for a spoon. There wasn't a spoon to be found.
"That shock-headed fellow took 'em!" exclaimed the landlady. "I knew him for a thief the minute I laid eyes on him."
The landlord jumped to the same conclusion.
"Hustle after that stage!" he shouted to the sheriff, who was untying his horse from the rail in front of the tavern. "Bring 'em all back. They've taken the silver!"
A few minutes later the stage, in charge of the sheriff, swung around in front of the house. The driver was in a fury.
"Search them passengers!" insisted the landlord.
But before the officer could move, the senator opened the stage door, stepped inside, then leaned out, touched the sheriff's arm and whispered:
"Tell the landlord he'll find his spoons in the coffee-pot."
Any one who has ever traveled on the New York subway in rush hours can easily appreciate the following:
A little man, wedged into the middle of a car, suddenly thought of pickpockets, and quite as suddenly remembered that he had some money in his overcoat. He plunged his hand into his pocket and was somewhat shocked upon encountering the fist of a fat fellow-passenger.
"Aha!" snorted the latter. "I caught you that time!"
"Leggo!" snarled the little man. "Leggo my hand!"
"Pickpocket!" hissed the fat man.
"Scoundrel!" retorted the little one.
Just then a tall man in their vicinity glanced up from his paper.
"I'd like to get off here," he drawled, "if you fellows don't mind taking your hands out of my pocket."
Nothing succeeds like excess.—Life.
Nothing succeeds like looking successful.—Henriette Corkland.
Success in life often consists in knowing just when to disagree with one's employer.
A New Orleans lawyer was asked to address the boys of a business school. He commenced:
"My young friends, as I approached the entrance to this room I noticed on the panel of the door a word eminently appropriate to an institution of this kind. It expresses the one thing most useful to the average man when he steps into the arena of life. It was—"
"Pull," shouted the boys, in a roar of laughter, and the lawyer felt that he had taken his text from the wrong side of the door.
I'd rather be a Could Be If I could not be an Are; For a Could Be is a May Be, With a chance of touching par. I'd rather be a Has Been Than a Might Have Been, by far; For a Might Have Been has never been, But a Has was once an Are.
'Tis not in mortals to command success, But we'll do more, Sempronius,— We'll deserve it.
There are two ways of rising in the world: either by one's own industry or profiting by the foolishness of others.—La Bruyere.
Success is counted sweetest By those who ne'er succeed.
—Emily Dickinson.
See also Making good.
When a married woman goes out to look after her rights, her husband is usually left at home to look after his wrongs.—Child Harold.
"'Ullo, Bill, 'ow's things with yer?"
"Lookin' up, Tom, lookin' up."
"Igh cost o' livin' not 'ittin' yer, Bill?"
"Not so 'ard, Tom—not so 'ard. The missus 'as went 'orf on a hunger stroike and me butcher's bills is cut in arf!"
I'd hate t' be married t' a suffragette an' have t' eat Battle Creek breakfasts.—Abe Martin.
FIRST ENGLISHMAN—"Why do you allow your wife to be a militant suffragette?"
SECOND ENGLISHMAN—"When she's busy wrecking things outside we have comparative peace at home."—Life.
Recipe for a suffragette:
To the power that already lies in her hands You add equal rights with the gents; You'll find votes that used to bring two or three plunks, Marked down to ninety-eight cents.
When Mrs. Pankhurst, the English suffragette, was in America she met and became very much attached to Mrs. Lee Preston, a New York woman of singular cleverness of mind and personal attraction. After the acquaintance had ripened somewhat Mrs. Pankhurst ventured to say:
"I do hope, Mrs. Preston, that you are a suffragette."
"Oh, dear no!" replied Mrs. Preston; "you know, Mrs. Pankhurst, I am happily married."
BILL—"Jake said he was going to break up the suffragette meeting the other night. Were his plans carried out?"
DILL—"No, Jake was."—Life.
SLASHER—"Been in a fight?"
MASHER—"No. I tried to flirt with a pretty suffragette."—Judge.
"What sort of a ticket does your suffragette club favor?"
"Well," replied young Mrs. Torkins, "if we owned right up, I think most of us would prefer matinee tickets."
See also Woman suffrage.
The Chinese Consul at San Francisco, at a recent dinner, discussed his country's customs.
"There is one custom," said a young girl, "that I can't understand—and that is the Chinese custom of committing suicide by eating gold-leaf. I can't understand how gold-leaf can kill."
"The partaker, no doubt," smiled the Consul, "succumbs from a consciousness of inward gilt."
GABE—"What are you going back to that place for this summer? Why, last year it was all mosquitoes and no fishing."
STEVE—"The owner tells me that he has crossed the mosquitoes with the fish, and guarantees a bite every second."
"I suppose," said the city man, "there are some queer characters around an old village like this."
"You'll find a good many," admitted the native, "when the hotels fill up."
Albert was a solemn-eyed, spiritual-looking child. "Nurse," he said one day, leaving his blocks and laying his hand on her knee, "nurse, is this God's day?"
"No, dear," said the nurse, "this is not Sunday; it is Thursday."
"I'm so sorry," he said, sadly, and went back to his blocks.
The next day and the next in his serious manner he asked the same question, and the nurse tearfully said to the cook:
"That child is too good for this world."
On Sunday the question was repeated, and the nurse, with a sob in her voice, said: "Yes, lambie, this is God's day."
"Then where is the funny paper?" he demanded.
TEACHER-"Good little boys do not skate on Sunday, Corky. Don't you think that is very nice of them?"
CORKY—"Sure t'ing!"
TEACHER—"And why is it nice of them, Corky?"
CORKY—"Aw, it leaves more room on de ice! See?"
Of all the days that's in the week, I dearly love but one day, And that's the day that comes betwixt A Saturday and Monday.
—Henry Carey.
O day of rest! How beautiful, how fair, How welcome to the weary and the old! Day of the Lord! and truce to earthly care! Day of the Lord, as all our days should be!
"Now, Willie," said the superintendent's little boy, addressing the blacksmith's little boy, who had come over for a frolic, "we'll play 'Sabbath School.' You give me a nickel every Sunday for six months, and then at Christmas I'll give you a ten-cent bag of candy."
When Lottie returned from her first visit to Sunday-school, she was asked what she had learned.
"God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh day," was her version of the lesson imparted.
The teacher asked: "When did Moses live?"
After the silence had become painful she ordered: "Open your Old Testaments. What does it say there?"
A boy answered: "Moses, 4000."
"Now," said the teacher, "why didn't you know when Moses lived?"
"Well," replied the boy, "I thought it was his telephone number,"—Suburban Life.
"How many of you boys," asked the Sunday-school superintendent, "can bring two other boys next Sunday?"
There was no response until a new recruit raised his hand hesitatingly.
"Well, William?"
"I can't bring two, but there's one little feller I can lick, and I'll do my damnedest to bring him."
Superstition is a premature explanation overstaying its time.—George Iles.
"Where are you goin', ma?" asked the youngest of five children.
"I'm going to a surprise party, my dear," answered the mother. |