SUITOR—"I will leave that to my fiancee."
H.F.—"Will you have a church or a private wedding?"
S.—"Her mother can decide that, sir."
H.F.—"What have you to live on?"
S.—"I will leave that entirely to you, sir."
The London consul of a continental kingdom was informed by his government that one of his countrywomen, supposed to be living in Great Britain, had been left a large fortune. After advertising without result, he applied to the police, and a smart young detective was set to work. A few weeks later his chief asked how he was getting on.
"I've found the lady, sir."
"Good! Where is she?"
"At my place. I married her yesterday."
"I would die for you," said the rich suitor.
"How soon?" asked the practical girl.
HE—"I'd like to meet Miss Bond."
"I hear she has thirty thousand a year and no incumbrance."
"Is she looking for one?"—Life.
MAUDE—"I've just heard of a case where a man married a girl on his deathbed so she could have his millions when he was gone. Could you love a girl like that?"
JACK—"That's just the kind of a girl I could love. What's her address?"
"Yes," said the old man to his young visitor, "I am proud of my girls, and would like to see them comfortably married, and as I have made a little money they will not go penniless to their husbands. There is Mary, twenty-five years old, and a really good girl. I shall give her $1,000 when she marries. Then comes Bet, who won't see thirty-five again, and I shall give her $3,000, and the man who takes Eliza, who is forty, will have $5,000 with her."
The young man reflected for a moment and then inquired: "You haven't one about fifty, have you?"
"Fust time you've ever milked a cow, is it?" said Uncle Josh to his visiting nephew. "Wal, y' do it a durn sight better'n most city fellers do."
"It seems to come natural somehow," said the youth, flushing with pleasure. "I've had a good deal of practice with a fountain pen."
"Percy" asks if we know anything which will change the color of the fingers when they have become yellow from cigarette smoking.
He might try using one of the inferior makes of fountain pens.
"You are in favor of a safe and sane Fourth of July?"
"Yes," replied Mr. Growcher. "We ought to have that kind of a day at least once a year."
One Fourth of July night in London, the Empire Music Hall advertised special attractions to American visitors. All over the auditorium the Union Jack and Stars and Stripes enfolded one another, and at the interludes were heard "Yankee Doodle" and "Hail Columbia," while a quartette sang "Down upon the Swanee River." It was an occasion to swell the heart of an exiled patriot. Finally came the turn of the Human Encyclopedia, who advanced to the front of the stage and announced himself ready to answer, sight unseen, all questions the audience might propound. A volley of queries was fired at him, and the Encyclopedia breathlessly told the distance of the earth from Mars, the number of bones in the human skeleton, of square miles in the British Empire, and other equally important facts. There was a brief pause, in which an American stood up.
"What great event took place July 4, 1776?" he propounded in a loud glad voice.
The Human Encyclopedia glared at him. "Th' hincident you speak of, sir, was a hinfamous houtrage!"
See Husbands.
TOMMY—"Pop, what is a freethinker?"
POP—"A freethinker, my son, is any man who isn't married."
"I understand you speak French like a native."
"No," replied the student; "I've got the grammar and the accent down pretty fine. But it's hard to learn the gestures."
In Paris last summer a southern girl was heard to drawl between the acts of "Chantecler": "I think it's mo' fun when you don't understand French. It sounds mo' like chickens!"—Life.
See College Students.
The Lord gives our relatives, Thank God we can choose our friends.
"Well, what is it?"
"It says here, 'A man is known by the company he keeps.' Is that so, Father?"
"Yes, yes, yes."
"Well, Father, if a good man keeps company with a bad man, is the good man bad because he keeps company with the bad man, and is the bad man good because he keeps company with the good man?"—Punch.
Here's champagne to our real friends. And real pain to our sham friends.
It's better to make friends fast Than to make fast friends.
Some friends are a habit—some a luxury.
A friend is one who overlooks your virtues and appreciates your faults.
A visitor to Philadelphia, unfamiliar with the garb of the Society of Friends, was much interested in two demure and placid Quakeresses who took seats directly behind her in the Broad Street Station. After a few minutes' silence she was somewhat startled to hear a gentle voice inquire: "Sister Kate, will thee go to the counter and have a milk punch on me?"—Carolina Lockhart.
Friendly may we part and quickly meet again.
There's fellowship In every sip Of friendship's brew.
May we all travel through the world and sow it thick with friendship.
Here's to the four hinges of Friendship— Swearing, Lying, Stealing and Drinking. When you swear, swear by your country; When you lie, lie for a pretty woman, When you steal, steal away from bad company And when you drink, drink with me.
The trouble with having friends is the upkeep.
"Brown volunteered to lend me money."
"Did you take it?"
"No. That sort of friendship is too good to lose."
"I let my house furnished, and they've had measles there. Of course we've had the place disinfected; so I suppose it's quite safe. What do you think?"
"I fancy it would be all right, dear; but I think, perhaps, it would be safer to lend it to a friend first."—Punch.
"Hoo is it, Jeemes, that you mak' sic an enairmous profit aff yer potatoes? Yer price is lower than ony ither in the toon and ye mak' extra reductions for yer freends."
"Weel, ye see, I knock aff twa shillin's a ton beacuse a customer is a freend o' mine, an' then I jist tak' twa hundert-weight aff the ton because I'm a freend o' his."—Punch.
The conductor of a western freight train saw a tramp stealing a ride on one of the forward cars. He told the brakeman in the caboose to go up and put the man off at the next stop. When the brakeman approached the tramp, the latter waved a big revolver and told him to keep away.
"Did you get rid of him?" the conductor asked the brakeman, when the train was under motion again.
"I hadn't the heart," was the reply. "He turned out to be an old school friend of mine."
"I'll take care of him," said the conductor, as he started over the tops of the cars.
After the train had made another stop and gone on, the brakeman came into the caboose and said to the conductor:
"Well, is he off?"
"No; he turned out to be an old school friend of mine, too."
If a man does not make new acquaintances, as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair.—Samuel Johnson.
They say, and I am glad they say, It is so; and it may be so; It may be just the other way, I cannot tell, but this I know— From quiet homes and first beginnings Out to the undiscovered ends There's nothing worth the wear of winning Save laughter and the love of friends.
—Hilaire Belloc.
Fun is like life insurance, th' older you git th' more it costs.—Abe Martin.
See also Amusements.
There was an old man in a hearse, Who murmured, "This might have been worse; Of course the expense Is simply immense, But it doesn't come out of my purse."
GUEST—"That's a beautiful rug. May I ask how much it cost you?"
HOST—"Five hundred dollars. A hundred and fifty for it and the rest for furniture to match."
A certain young man's friends thought he was dead, but he was only in a state of coma. When, in ample time to avoid being buried, he showed signs of life, he was asked how it seemed to be dead.
"Dead?" he exclaimed. "I wasn't dead. I knew all that was going on. And I knew I wasn't dead, too, because my feet were cold and I was hungry."
"But how did that fact make you think you were still alive?" asked one of the curious.
"Well, this way; I knew that if I were in heaven I wouldn't be hungry. And if I was in the other place my feet wouldn't be cold."
FATHER (impressively)—"Suppose I should be taken away suddenly, what would become of you, my boy?"
IRREVERENT SON—"I'd stay here. The question is, What would become of you?"
"Look here, now, Harold," said a father to his little son, who was naughty, "if you don't say your prayers you won't go to Heaven."
"I don't want to go to Heaven," sobbed the boy; "I want to go with you and mother."
On a voyage across the ocean an Irishman died and was about to be buried at sea. His friend Mike was the chief mourner at the burial service, at the conclusion of which those in charge wrapped the body in canvas preparatory to dropping it overboard. It is customary to place heavy shot with a body to insure its immediate sinking, but in this instance, nothing else being available, a large lump of coal was substituted. Mike's cup of sorrow overflowed his eyes, and he tearfully exclaimed,
"Oh, Pat, I knew you'd never get to heaven, but, begorry, I didn't think you'd have to furnish your own fuel."
An Irishman told a man that he had fallen so low in this life that in the next he would have to climb up hill to get into hell.
When P.T. Barnum was at the head of his "great moral show," it was his rule to send complimentary tickets to clergymen, and the custom is continued to this day. Not long ago, after the Reverend Doctor Walker succeeded to the pastorate of the Reverend Doctor Hawks, in Hartford, there came to the parsonage, addressed to Doctor Hawks, tickets for the circus, with the compliments of the famous showman. Doctor Walker studied the tickets for a moment, and then remarked:
"Doctor Hawks is dead and Mr. Barnum is dead; evidently they haven't met."
Archbishop Ryan once attended a dinner given him by the citizens of Philadelphia and a brilliant company of men was present. Among others were the president of the Pennsylvania Railroad; ex-Attorney-General MacVeagh, counsel for the road, and other prominent railroad men.
Mr. MacVeagh, in talking to the guest of the evening, said: "Your Grace, among others you see here a great many railroad men. There is a peculiarity of railroad men that even on social occasions you will find that they always take their lawyer with them. That is why I am here. They never go anywhere without their counsel. Now they have nearly everything that men want, but I have a suggestion to make to you for an exchange with us. We can give free passes on all the railroads of the country. Now if you would only give us—say a free pass to Paradise by way of exchange."
"Ah, no," said His Grace, with a merry twinkle in his eye, "that would never do. I would not like to separate them from their counsel."
Th' only time some fellers ever dig in th' gardens is just before they go a fishin'.—Abe Martin.
"I am going to start a garden," announced Mr. Subbubs. "A few months from now I won't be kicking about your prices."
"No," said the grocer; "you'll be wondering how I can afford to sell vegetables so cheap."
A Georgia woman who moved to Philadelphia found she could not be contented without the colored mammy who had been her servant for many years. She sent for old mammy, and the servant arrived in due season. It so happened that the Georgia woman had to leave town the very day mammy arrived. Before departing she had just time to explain to mammy the modern conveniences with which her apartment was furnished. The gas stove was the contrivance which interested the colored woman most. After the mistress of the household had lighted the oven, the broiler, and the other burners and felt certain the old servant understood its operations, the mistress hurried for her train.
She was absent for two weeks and one of her first questions to mammy was how she had worried along.
"De fines' ever," was the reply. "And dat air gas stove—O my! Why do you know, Miss Flo'ence, dat fire aint gone out yit."
"This is a foine country, Bridget!" exclaimed Norah, who had but recently arrived in the United States. "Sure, it's generous everybody is. I asked at the post-office about sindin' money to me mither, and the young man tells me I can get a money order for $10 for 10 cents. Think of that now!"
At one of these reunions of the Blue and the Gray so happily common of late, a northern veteran, who had lost both arms and both legs in the service, caused himself to be posted in a conspicuous place to receive alms. The response to his appeal was generous and his cup rapidly filled.
Nobody gave him more than a dime, however, except a grizzled warrior of the lost cause, who plumped in a dollar. And not content, he presently came that way again and plumped in another dollar.
The cripple's gratitude did not quite extinguish his curiosity. "Why," he inquired, "do you, who fought on the other side, give me so much more than any of those who were my comrades in arms?"
The old rebel smiled grimly. "Because," he replied, "you're the first Yank I ever saw trimmed up just to suit me."
At dinner one day, it was noticed that a small daughter of the minister was putting aside all the choice pieces of chicken and her father asked her why she did that. She explained that she was saving them for her dog. Her father told her there were plenty of bones the dog could have so she consented to eat the dainty bits. Later she collected the bones and took them to the dog saying, "I meant to give a free will offering but it is only a collection."
A little newsboy with a cigarette in his mouth entered a notion store and asked for a match.
"We only sell matches," said the storekeeper.
"How much are they?" asked the future citizen.
"Penny a box," was the answer.
"Gimme a box," said the boy.
He took one match, lit the cigarette, and handed the box back over the counter, saying, "Here, take it and put it on de shelf, and when anodder sport comes and asks for a match, give him one on me."
Little Ralph belonged to a family of five. One morning he came into the house carrying five stones which he brought to his mother, saying:
"Look, mother, here are tombstones for each one of us."
The mother, counting them, said:
"Here is one for father, dear! Here is one for mother! Here is brother's! Here is the baby's; but there is none for Delia, the maid."
Ralph was lost in thought for a moment, then cheerfully cried:
"Oh, well, never mind, mother; Delia can have mine, and I'll live!"
She was making the usual female search for her purse when the conductor came to collect the fares.
Her companion meditated silently for a moment, then, addressing the other, said:
"Let us divide this Mabel; you fumble and I'll pay."
"Sadie, what is a gentleman?"
"Please, ma'am," she answered, "a gentleman's a man you don't know very well."
Two characters in Jeffery Farnol's "Amateur Gentleman" give these definitions of a gentleman:
"A gentleman is a fellow who goes to a university, but doesn't have to learn anything; who goes out into the world, but doesn't have to work at anything; and who has never been black-balled at any of the clubs."
"A gentleman is (I take it) one born with the God-like capacity to think and feel for others, irrespective of their rank or condition.... One who possesses an ideal so lofty, a mind so delicate, that it lifts him above all things ignoble and base, yet strengthens his hands to raise those who are fallen—no matter how low."
The poet Heine and Baron James Rothschild were close friends. At the dinner table of the latter the financier asked the poet why he was so silent, when usually so gay and full of witty remarks.
"Quite right," responded Heine, "but to-night I have exchanged views with my German friends and my head is fearfully empty."
"I confess, that the subject of psychical research makes no great appeal to me," Sir William Henry Perkin, the inventor of coal-tar dyes, told some friends in New York recently. "Personally, in the course of a fairly long career, I have heard at first hand but one ghost story. Its hero was a man whom I may as well call Snooks.
"Snooks, visiting at a country house, was put in the haunted chamber for the night. He said that he did not feel the slightest uneasiness, but nevertheless, just as a matter of precaution, he took to bed with him a revolver of the latest American pattern.
"He slept peacefully enough until the clock struck two, when he awoke with an unpleasant feeling of oppression. He raised his head and peered about him. The room was wanly illumined by the full moon, and in that weird, bluish light he thought he discerned a small, white hand clasping the rail at the foot of the bed.
"'Who's there?' he asked tremulously.
"There was no reply. The small white hand did not move.
"'Who's there?' he repeated. 'Answer me or I'll shoot.'
"Again there was no reply.
"Snooks cautiously raised himself, took careful aim and fired.
"From that night on he's limped. Shot off two of his own toes."
When Lawrence Barrett's daughter was married Stuart Robson sent a check for $5000 to the bridegroom. The comedian's daughter, Felicia Robson, who attended the wedding conveyed the gift.
"Felicia," said her father upon her return, "did you give him the check?"
"Yes, Father," answered the daughter.
"What did he say?" asked Robson.
"He didn't say anything," replied Miss Felicia, "but he shed tears."
"How long did he cry?"
"Why Father, I didn't time him. I should say, however, that he wept fully a minute."
"Fully a minute," mused Robson. "Why, Daughter, I cried an hour after I signed it."
A church house in a certain rural district was sadly in need of repairs. The official board had called a meeting of the parishioners to see what could be done toward raising the necessary funds. One of the wealthiest and stingiest of the adherents of that church arose and said that he would give five dollars, and sat down.
Just then a bit of plastering fell from the ceiling and hit him squarely upon the head. Whereupon he jumped up, looked confused and said: "I—er—I meant I'll give fifty dollars!" then again resumed his seat.
After a brief silence a voice was heard to say: "O Lord, hit 'im again!"
He gives twice who gives quickly because the collectors come around later on and hit him for another subscription.—Puck.
"Presents," I often say, "endear Absents."—Charles Lamb.
In giving, a man receives more than he gives, and the more is in proportion to the worth of the thing given.—George MacDonald.
See also Christmas gifts.
A clergyman was quite ill as a result of eating many pieces of mince pie.
A brother minister visited him and asked him if he was afraid to die.
"No," the sick man replied, "But I should be ashamed to die from eating too much."
There was a young person named Ned, Who dined before going to bed, On lobster and ham And salad and jam, And when he awoke he was dead.
Two Scotchmen met and exchanged the small talk appropriate to the hour. As they were parting to go supperward Sandy said to Jock:
"Jock, mon, I'll go ye a roond on the links in the morrn'."
"The morrn'?" Jock repeated.
"Aye, mon, the morrn'," said Sandy. "I'll go ye a roond on the links in the morrn'."
"Aye, weel," said Jock, "I'll go ye. But I had intended to get marriet in the morrn'."
GOLFER (unsteadied by Christmas luncheon) to Opponent—
"Sir, I wish you clearly to understand that I resent your unwarrant—your interference with my game, sir! Tilt the green once more, sir, and I chuck the match."
Doctor William S. Rainsford is an inveterate golf player. When he was rector of St. George's Church, in New York City, he was badly beaten on the links by one of his vestrymen. To console the clergyman the vestryman ventured to say: "Never mind, Doctor, you'll get satisfaction some day when I pass away. Then you'll read the burial service over me."
"I don't see any satisfaction in that," answered the clergy-man, "for you'll still be in the hole."
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER—"Willie, do you know what beomes of boys who use bad language when they're playing marbles?"
WILLIE—"Yes, miss. They grow up and play golf."
The game of golf, as every humorist knows, is conducive to profanity. It is also a terrible strain on veracity, every man being his own umpire.
Four men were playing golf on a course where the hazard on the ninth hole was a deep ravine.
They drove off. Three went into the ravine and one managed to get his ball over. The three who had dropped into the ravine walked up to have a look. Two of them decided not to try to play their balls out and gave up the hole. The third said he would go down and play out his ball. He disappeared into the deep crevasse. Presently his ball came bobbing out and after a time he climbed up.
"How many strokes?" asked one of his opponents.
"But I heard six."
"Three of them were echoes!"
When Mark Twain came to Washington to try to get a decent copyright law passed, a representative took him out to Chevy Chase.
Mark Twain refused to play golf himself, but he consented to walk over the course and watch the representative's strokes. The representative was rather a duffer. Teeing off, he sent clouds of earth flying in all directions. Then, to hide his confusion he said to his guest: "What do you think of our links here, Mr. Clemens?"
"Best I ever tasted," said Mark Twain, as he wiped the dirt from his lips with his handkerchief.
A glass is good, a lass is good, And a pipe to smoke in cold weather, The world is good and the people are good, And we're all good fellows together.
May good humor preside when good fellows meet, And reason prescribe when'tis time to retreat.
Here's to us that are here, to you that are there, and the rest of us everywhere.
Here's to all the world,— For fear some darn fool may take offence.
A gossip is a person who syndicates his conversation.—Dick Dickinson.
Gossips are the spies of life.
"However did you reconcile Adele and Mary?"
"I gave them a choice bit of gossip and asked them not to repeat it to each other."
The seven-year-old daughter of a prominent suburban resident is, the neighbors say, a precocious youngster; at all events, she knows the ways of the world.
Her mother had occasion to punish her one day last week for a particularly mischievous prank, and after she had talked it over very solemnly sent the little girl up to her room.
An hour later the mother went upstairs. The child was sitting complacently on the window seat, looking out at the other children.
"Well, little girl," the mother began, "did you tell God all about how naughty you'd been?"
The youngster shook her head, emphatically. "Guess I didn't," she gurgled; "why, it'd be all over heaven in no time."
Get a gossip wound up and she will run somebody down.—Life.
"Papa, mamma says that one-half the world doesn't know how the other half lives."
"Well, she shouldn't blame herself, dear, it isn't her fault."
It is only national history that "repeats itself." Your private history is repeated by the neighbors.
"You're a terrible scandal-monger, Linkum," said Jorrocks.
"Why in thunder don't you make it a rule to tell only half what you hear?"
"That's what I do do," said Linkum. "Only I tell the spicy half."
"What," asked the Sunday-school teacher, "is meant by bearing false witness against one's neighbor?"
"It's telling falsehoods about them," said the one small maid.
"Partly right and partly wrong," said the teacher.
"I know," said another little girl, holding her hand high in the air. "It's when nobody did anything and somebody went and told about it."—H.R. Bennett.
MAUD—"That story you told about Alice isn't worth repeating."
KATE—"It's young yet; give it time."
SON—"Why do people say 'Dame Gossip'?"
FATHER—"Because they are too polite to leave off the 'e.'"
I cannot tell how the truth may be; I say the tale as 'twas said to me.
Never tell evil of a man, if you do not know it for a certainty, and if you do know it for a certainty, then ask yourself, "Why should I tell it?"—Lavater.
"Don't you think the coal-mines ought to be controlled by the government?"
"I might if I didn't know who controlled the government."—Life.
The governor of a western state was dining with the family of a Representative in Congress from that state, and opposite him at table sat the little girl of the family, aged ten. She gazed at the Governor solemnly throughout the repast.
Finally the youngster asked, "Are you really and truly a governor?"
"Yes," replied the great man laughingly; "I really and truly am."
"I've always wanted to see a governor," continued the child, "for I've heard Daddy speak of 'em."
"Well," rejoined the Governor, "now that you have seen one, are you satisfied?"
"No, sir," answered the youngster, without the slightest impertinence, but with an air of great conviction, "no, sir; I'm disappointed."
"What is meant by graft?" said the inquiring foreigner.
"Graft," said the resident of a great city, "is a system which ultimately results in compelling a large portion of the population to apologize constantly for not having money, and the remainder to explain how they got it."
LADY—"I guess you're gettin' a good thing out o' tending the rich Smith boy, ain't ye, doctor?"
DOCTOR—"Well, yes; I get a pretty good fee. Why?"
LADY—"Well, I hope you won't forget that my Willie threw the brick that hit 'im!"
Every man has his price, but some hold bargain sales.—Satire.
The Democrats had a clear working majority in ——, Illinois, for a number of years. But when the Fifteenth Amendment went into effect it enfranchised so many of the "culled bredren" as to make it apparent to the party leaders that unless a good many black votes could be bought up, the Republicans would carry the city election. Accordingly advances were made to the Rev. Brother ——, whose influence it was thought desirable to secure, inasmuch as he was certain to control the votes of his entire church.
He was found "open to conviction," and arrangements progressed satisfactorily until it was asked how much money would be necessary to secure his vote and influence.
With an air of offended dignity, Brother —— replied:
"Now, gemmen, as a regular awdained minister ob de Baptist Church dis ting has gone jes as far as my conscience will 'low; but, gemmen, my son will call round to see you in de mornin'."
A well-known New York contractor went into the tailor's, donned his new suit, and left his old one for repairs. Then he sought a cafe and refreshed the inner man; but as he reached in his pocket for the money to settle his check, he realized that he had neglected to transfer both purse and watch when he left his suit. As he hesitated, somewhat embarrassed, he saw a bill on the floor at his feet. Seizing it thankfully, he stepped to the cashier's desk and presented both check and money.
"That was a two dollar bill," he explained when he counted his change.
"I know it," said the cashier, with a toss of her blond head. "I'm dividing with you. I saw it first."
After O'Connell had obtained the acquittal of a horse-stealer, the thief, in the ecstasy of his gratitude, cried out, "Och, counsellor, I've no way here to thank your honor; but I wish't I saw you knocked down in me own parish—wouldn't I bring a faction to the rescue?"
Some people are never satisfied. For example, the prisoner who complained of the literature that the prison angel gave him to read.
"Nutt'n but continued stories," he grumbled. "An I'm to be hung next Tuesday."
It was a very hot day and a picnic had been arranged by the United Society of Lady Vegetarians.
They were comfortably seated, and waiting for the kettle to boil, when, horror of horrors! a savage bull appeared on the scene.
Immediately a wild rush was made for safety, while the raging creature pounded after one lady who, unfortunately, had a red parasol. By great good fortune she nipped over the stile before it could reach her. Then, regaining her breath, she turned round.
"Oh, you ungrateful creature!" she exclaimed. "Here have I been a vegetarian all my life. There's gratitude for you!"
Miss PASSAY—"You have saved my life, young man. How can I repay you? How can I show my gratitude? Are you married?"
YOUNG MAN—"Yes; come and be a cook for us."
One of the stories told by Mr. Spencer Leigh Hughes in his speech in the House of Commons one night tickled everybody. It is the story of the small boy who was watching the Speaker's procession as it wended its way through the lobby. First came the Speaker, and then the chaplain, and next the other officers.
"Who, father, is that gentleman?" said the small boy, pointing to the chaplain.
"That, my son," said the father, "is the chaplain of the House."
"Does he pray for the members?" asked the small boy.
The father thought a minute and then said: "No, my son; when he goes into the House he looks around and sees the members sitting there and then he prays for the country."—Cardiff Mail.
There is a lad in Boston, the son of a well-known writer of history, who has evidently profited by such observations as he may have overheard his father utter touching certain phases of British empire-building. At any rate the boy showed a shrewd notion of the opinion not infrequently expressed in regard to the righteousness of "British occupation." It was he who handed in the following essay on the making of a British colony:
"Africa is a British colony. I will tell you how England does it. First she gets a missionary; when the missionary has found a specially beautiful and fertile tract of country, he gets all his people round him and says: 'Let us pray,' and when all the eyes are shut, up goes the British flag."
Jim, who worked in a garage, had just declined Mr. Smith's invitation to ride in his new car.
"What's the matter, Jim?" asked Mr. Smith. "Are you sick?"
"No, sah," he replied. "Tain't that—I done los' $5, sah, an' I jes' nacherly got tuh sit an' grieve."
TRAVELER (on an English train)—"Shall I have time to get a drink?"
GUARD—"Yes, sir."
TRAVELER—"Can you give me a guarantee that the train won't start?"
GUARD—"Yes, I'll take one with you!"
"Look here, Dinah," said Binks, as he opened a questionable egg at breakfast, "is this the freshest egg you can find?"
"Naw, suh," replied Dinah. "We done got a haff dozen laid diss mornin', suh, but de bishop's comin' down hyar in August, suh, and we's savin' all de fresh aigs for him, suh."
"Here's a health to thee and thine From the hearts of me and mine; And when thee and thine Come to see me and mine, May me and mine make thee and thine As welcome as thee and thine Have ever made me and mine."
Among the new class which came to the second-grade teacher, a young timid girl, was one Tommy, who for naughty deeds had been many times spanked by his first-grade teacher. "Send him to me any time when you want him spanked," suggested the latter; "I can manage him."
One morning, about a week after this conversation, Tommy appeared at the first-grade teacher's door. She dropped her work, seized him by the arm, dragged him to the dressing-room, turned him over her knee and did her duty.
When she had finished she said: "Well, Tommy, what have you to say?"
"Please, Miss, my teacher wants the scissors."
In reward of faithful political service an ambitious saloon keeper was appointed police magistrate.
"What's the charge ag'in this man?" he inquired when the first case was called.
"Drunk, yer honor," said the policeman.
The newly made magistrate frowned upon the trembling defendant.
"Guilty, or not guilty?" he demanded.
"Sure, sir," faltered the accused, "I never drink a drop."
"Have a cigar, then," urged his honor persuasively, as he absently polished the top of the judicial desk with his pocket handkerchief.
"We had a fine sunrise this morning," said one New Yorker to another. "Did you see it?"
"Sunrise?" said the second man. "Why, I'm always in bed before sunrise."
A traveling man who was a cigarette smoker reached town on an early train. He wanted a smoke, but none of the stores were open. Near the station he saw a newsboy smoking, and approached him with:
"Say, son, got another cigarette?"
"No, sir," said the boy, "but I've got the makings."
"All right," the traveling man said. "But I can't roll 'em very well. Will you fix one for me?"
The boy did.
"Don't believe I've got a match," said the man, after a search through his pockets.
The boy handed him a match. "Say, Captain," he said "you ain't got anything but the habit, have you?"
Habit with him was all the test of truth; "It must be right: I've done it from my youth."
See Future life.
Lord Tankerville, in New York, said of the international school question:
"The subject of the American versus the English school has been too much discussed. The good got from a school depends, after all, on the schoolboy chiefly, and I'm afraid the average schoolboy is well reflected in that classic schoolboy letter home which said:
"'Dear parents—We are having a good time now at school. George Jones broke his leg coasting and is in bed. We went skating and the ice broke and all got wet. Willie Brown was drowned. Most of the boys here are down with influenza. The gardener fell into our cave and broke his rib, but he can work a little. The aviator man at the race course kicked us because we threw sand in his motor, and we are all black and blue. I broke my front tooth playing football. We are very happy.'"
Mankind are always happier for having been happy; so that if you make them happy now, you make them happy twenty years hence by the memory of it.—Sydney Smith.
The story is told of two Trenton men who hired a horse and trap for a little outing not long ago. Upon reaching their destination, the horse was unharnessed and permitted peacefully to graze while the men fished for an hour or two.
When they were ready to go home, a difficulty at once presented itself, inasmuch as neither of the Trentonians knew how to reharness the horse. Every effort in this direction met with dire failure, and the worst problem was properly to adjust the bit. The horse himself seemed to resent the idea of going into harness again.
Finally one of the friends, in great disgust, sat down in the road. "There's only one thing we can do, Bill," said he.
"What's that?" asked Bill.
"Wait for the foolish beast to yawn!"
"Well, I'll tell you this," said the college man, "Wellesley is a match factory."
"That's quite true," assented the girl. "At Wellesley we make the heads, but we get the sticks from Harvard."—C. Stratton.
"George," said the Titian-haired school marm, "is there any connecting link between the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom?"
"Yeth, ma'am," answered George promptly. "Hash."
The ferry-dock was crowded with weary home-goers when through the crowd rushed a man—hot, excited, laden to the chin with bundles of every shape and size. He sprinted down the pier, his eyes fixed on a ferryboat only two or three feet out from the pier. He paused but an instant on the string-piece, and then, cheered on by the amused crowd, he made a flying leap across the intervening stretch of water and landed safely on the deck. A fat man happened to be standing on the exact spot on which he struck, and they both went down with a resounding crash. When the arriving man had somewhat recovered his breath he apologized to the fat man. "I hope I didn't hurt you," he said. "I am sorry. But, anyway I caught the boat!"
"But you idiot," said the fat man, "the boat was coming in!"
"Where've you been, Murray?"
"To a health resort. Finest place I ever struck. It was simply great."
"Then why did you come away?"
"Oh, I got sick and had to come home."
"Are you going back?"
"You bet. Just as soon as I get well enough."
The Ladies' Aid ladies were talking about a conversation they had overheard before the meeting, between a man and his wife.
"They must have been to the Zoo," said Mrs. A., "because I heard her mention 'a trained deer.'"
"Goodness me!" laughed Mrs. B. "What queer hearing you must have! They were talking about going away, and she said, 'Find out about the train, dear.'"
"Well did anybody ever?" exclaimed Mrs. C. "I am sure they were talking about musicians, for she said 'a trained ear,' as distinctly as could be."
The discussion began to warm up, and in the midst of it the lady herself appeared. They carried their case to her promptly, and asked for a settlement.
"Well, well, you do beat all!" she exclaimed, after hearing each one. "I'd been out to the country overnight, and was asking my husband if it rained here last night."
After which the three disputants retired, abashed and in silence.—W.J. Lampton.
"Tom," said an Indiana youngster who was digging in the yard, "don't you make that hole any deeper, or you'll come to gas."
"Well, what if I do? It won't hurt."
"Yes, 't will too. If it spouts out, we'll be blown clear up to heaven."
"Shucks, that would be fun! You an' me would be the only live ones up there."—I.C. Curtis.
See also Future life.
HE (wondering if his rival has been accepted)—"Are both your rings heirlooms?"
SHE (concealing the hand)—"Oh, dear, yes. One has been in the family since the time of Alfred, but the other is newer"—(blushing)—"it only dates from the conquest."
"My grandfather was a captain of industry."
"He left no sword, but we still treasure the stubs of his check-books."
See Future life.
"Papa, what does hereditary mean?"
"Something which descends from father to son."
"Is a spanking hereditary?"
William had just returned from college, resplendent in peg-top trousers, silk hosiery, a fancy waistcoat, and a necktie that spoke for itself. He entered the library where his father was reading. The old gentleman looked up and surveyed his son. The longer he looked, the more disgusted he became.
"Son," he finally blurted out, "you look like a d—- fool!"
Later, the old Major who lived next door came in and greeted the boy heartily. "William," he said with undisguised admiration, "you look exactly like your father did twenty-five years ago when he came back from school!"
"Yes," replied William, with a smile, "so Father was just telling me."
"There seems to be a strange affinity between a darky and a chicken. I wonder why?" said Jones.
"Naturally enough," replied Brown. "One is descended from Ham and the other from eggs."
"So you have adopted a baby to raise?" we ask of our friend. "Well, it may turn out all right, but don't you think you are taking chances?"
"Not a chance," he answers. "No matter how many bad habits the child may develop, my wife can't say he inherits any of them from my side of the house."
See also Ancestry.
THE PASSER-BY—"You took a great risk in rescuing that boy; you deserve a Carnegie medal. What prompted you to do it?"
THE HERO—"He had my skates on!"—Puck.
MR. HENPECK—"Are you the man who gave my wife a lot of impudence?"
MR. SCRAPER—"I reckon I am."
MR. HENPECK—"Shake! You're a hero."
Each man is a hero and an oracle to somebody.—Emerson.HIGH COST OF LIVING
See Cost of living.
Little James, while at a neighbor's, was given a piece of bread and butter, and politely said, "Thank you."
"That's right, James," said the lady. "I like to hear little boys say 'thank you.'"
"Well," rejoined James, "If you want to hear me say it again, you might put some jam on it."
Home is a place where you can take off your new shoes and put on your old manners.
Who hath not met with home-made bread, A heavy compound of putty and lead— And home-made wines that rack the head, And home-made liquors and waters? Home-made pop that will not foam, And home-made dishes that drive one from home— * * * * * * Home-made by the homely daughters.
See Beauty, Personal.
"Malachi," said a prospective homesteader to a lawyer, "you know all about this law. Tell me what I am to do."
"Well," said the other, "I don't remember the exact wording of the law, but I can give you the meaning of it. It's this: The government is willin' to bet you one hundred and sixty acres of land against fourteen dollars that you can't live on it five years without starving to death."—Fenimore Martin.
"He's an honest young man" said the saloon keeper, with an approving smile. "He sold his vote to pay his whiskey bill."
VISITOR—"And you always did your daring robberies single-handed? Why didn't you have a pal?"
PRISONER—"Well, sir, I wuz afraid he might turn out to be dishonest."
Ex-District Attorney Jerome, at a dinner in New York, told a story about honesty. "There was a man," he said, "who applied for a position in a dry-goods house. His appearance wasn't prepossessing, and references were demanded. After some hesitation, he gave the name of a driver in the firm's employ. This driver, he thought, would vouch for him. A clerk sought out the driver, and asked him if the applicant was honest. 'Honest?' the driver said. 'Why, his honesty's been proved again and again. To my certain knowledge he's been arrested nine times for stealing and every time he was acquitted.'"
"How is it, Mr. Brown," said a miller to a farmer, "that when I came to measure those ten barrels of apples I bought from you, I found them nearly two barrels short?"
"Singular, very singular; for I sent them to you in ten of your own flour-barrels."
"Ahem! Did, eh?" said the miller. "Well, perhaps I made a mistake. Let's imbibe."
The stranger laid down four aces and scooped in the pot.
"This game ain't on the level," protested Sagebush Sam, at the same time producing a gun to lend force to his accusation. "That ain't the hand I dealt ye!"
A dumpy little woman with solemn eyes, holding by the hand two dumpy little boys, came to the box-office of a theater. Handing in a quarter, she asked meekly for the best seat she could get for that money.
"Those boys must have tickets if you take them in," said the clerk.
"Oh, no, mister," she said. "I never pay for them. I never can spare more than a quarter, and I just love a show. We won't cheat you any, mister, for they both go sound asleep just as soon as they get into a seat, and don't see a single bit of it."
The argument convinced the ticket man, and he allowed the two children to pass in.
Toward the end of the second act an usher came out of the auditorium and handed a twenty-five-cent piece to the ticket-seller.
"What's this?" demanded the latter.
"I don't know," said the usher. "A little chunk of a woman beckoned me clear across the house, and said one of her kids had waked up and was looking at the show, and that I should bring you that quarter."
In the smoking compartment of a Pullman, there were six men smoking and reading. All of a sudden a door banged and the conductor's voice cried:
"All tickets, please!"
Then one of the men in the compartment leaped to his feet, scanned the faces of the others and said, slowly and impressively:
"Gentlemen, I trust to your honor."
And he dived under the seat and remained there in a small, silent knot till the conductor was safely gone.
Titles of honour add not to his worth, Who is himself an honour to his titles.
—John Ford.
FRED—"My dear Dora, let this thought console you for your lover's death. Remember that other and better men than he have gone the same way."
BEREAVED ONE—"They haven't all gone, have they?"—Puck.
A city man, visiting a small country town, boarded a stage with two dilapidated horses, and found that he had no other currency than a five-dollar bill. This he proffered to the driver. The latter took it, looked it over for a moment or so, and then asked:
"Which horse do you want?"
A traveler in Indiana noticed that a farmer was having trouble with his horse. It would start, go slowly for a short distance, and then stop again. Thereupon the farmer would have great difficulty in getting it started. Finally the traveler approached and asked, solicitously:
"Is your horse sick?"
"Not as I knows of."
"Is he balky?"
"No. But he is so danged 'fraid I'll say whoa and he won't hear me, that he stops every once in a while to listen."
A German farmer was in search of a horse.
"I've got just the horse for you," said the liveryman. "He's five years old, sound as a dollar and goes ten miles without stopping."
The German threw his hands skyward.
"Not for me," he said, "not for me. I live eight miles from town, und mit dot horse I haf to valk back two miles."
There's a grocer who is notorious for his wretched horse flesh.
The grocer's boy is rather a reckless driver. He drove one of his master's worst nags a little too hard one day, and the animal fell ill and died.
"You've killed my horse, curse you!" the grocer said to the boy the next morning.
"I'm sorry, boss," the lad faltered.
"Sorry be durned!" shouted the grocer. "Who's going to pay me for my horse?"
"I'll make it all right, boss," said the boy soothingly. "You can take it out of my next Saturday's wages."
Before Abraham Lincoln became President he was called out of town on important law business. As he had a long distance to travel he hired a horse from a livery stable. When a few days later he returned he took the horse back to the stable and asked the man who had given it to him: "Keep this horse for funerals?"
"No, indeed," answered the man indignantly.
"Glad to hear it," said Lincoln; "because if you did the corpse wouldn't get there in time for the resurrection."
Night was approaching and it was raining hard. The traveler dismounted from his horse and rapped at the door of the one farmhouse he had struck in a five-mile stretch of traveling. No one came to the door.
As he stood on the doorstep the water from the eaves trickled down his collar. He rapped again. Still no answer. He could feel the stream of water coursing down his back. Another spell of pounding, and finally the red head of a lad of twelve was stuck out of the second story window.
"Watcher want?" it asked.
"I want to know if I can stay here over night," the traveler answered testily.
The red-headed lad watched the man for a minute or two before answering.
"Ye kin fer all of me," he finally answered, and then closed the window.
The old friends had had three days together.
"You have a pretty place here, John," remarked the guest on the morning of his departure. "But it looks a bit bare yet."
"Oh, that's because the trees are so young," answered the host comfortably. "I hope they'll have grown to a good size before you come again."
A youngster of three was enjoying a story his mother was reading aloud to him when a caller came. In a few minutes his mother was called to the telephone. The boy turned to the caller and said "Now you beat it home." Ollie James, the famous Kentucky Congressman and raconteur, hails from a little town in the western part of the state, but his patriotism is state-wide, and when Louisville made a bid for the last Democratic national convention she had no more enthusiastic supporter than James. A Denver supporter was protesting.
"Why, you know, Colonel," said he, "Louisville couldn't take care of the crowds. Even by putting cots in the halls, parlors, and the dining-rooms of the hotels there wouldn't be beds enough."
"Beds!" echoed the genial Congressman, "why, sir, Louisville would make her visitors have such a thundering good time that no gentleman would think of going to bed!"
I thank you for your welcome which was cordial, And your cordial which was welcome.
Here's to the host and the hostess, We're honored to be here tonight; May they both live long and prosper, May their star of hope ever be bright.
In a Montana hotel there is a notice which reads: "Boarders taken by the day, week or month. Those who do not pay promptly will be taken by the neck."—Country Life.
A man was telling about an exciting experience in Russia. His sleigh was pursued over the frozen wastes by a pack of at least a dozen famished wolves. He arose and shot the foremost one, and the others stopped to devour it. But they soon caught up with him, and he shot another, which was in turn devoured. This was repeated until the last famished wolf was almost upon him with yearning jaws, when—
"Say, partner," broke in one of the listeners, "according to your reckoning that last famished wolf must have had the other 'leven inside of him."
"Well, come to think it over," said the story teller, "maybe he wasn't so darned famished after all."
A gentleman from London was invited to go for "a day's snipe-shooting" in the country. The invitation was accepted, and host and guest shouldered guns and sallied forth in quest of game.
After a time a solitary snipe rose, and promptly fell to the visitor's first barrell.
The host's face fell also.
"We may as well return," he remarked, gloomily, "for that was the only snipe in the neighborhood."
The bird had afforded excellent sport to all his friends for six weeks.
See Haste.
"Is she making him a good wife?"
"Well, not exactly; but she's making him a good husband."
A husband and wife ran a freak show in a certain provincial town, but unfortunately they quarreled, and the exhibits were equally divided between them. The wife decided to continue business as an exhibitor at the old address, but the husband went on a tour.
After some years' wandering the prodigal returned, and a reconciliation took place, as the result of which they became business partners once more. A few mornings afterward the people of the neighborhood were sent into fits of laughter on reading the following notice in the papers:
"By the return of my husband my stock of freaks has been permanently increased."
An eminent German scientist who recently visited this country with a number of his colleagues was dining at an American house and telling how much he had enjoyed various phases of his visit.
"How did you like our railroad trains?" his host asked him.
"Ach, dhey are woonderful," the German gentleman replied; "so swift, so safe chenerally—und such luxury in all dhe furnishings und opp'indmends. All is excellent excebt one thing—our wives do not like dhe upper berths."
A couple of old grouches at the Metropolitan Club in Washington were one night speaking of an old friend who, upon his marriage, took up his residence in another city. One of the grouches had recently visited the old friend, and, naturally, the other grouch wanted news of the Benedict.
"Is it true that he is henpecked?" asked the second grouch.
"I wouldn't say just that," grimly responded the first grouch, "but I'll tell you of a little incident in their household that came within my observation. The very first morning I spent with them, our old friend answered the letter carrier's whistle. As he returned to us, in the breakfast room, he carried a letter in his hand. Turning to his wife, he said:
"'A letter for me, dear. May I open it?'"—Edwin Tarrisse.
"Your husband says he leads a dog's life," said one woman.
"Yes, it's very similar," answered the other. "He comes in with muddy feet, makes himself comfortable by the fire, and waits to be fed."
NEIGHBOR—"I s'pose your Bill's 'ittin' the 'arp with the hangels now?"
LONG-SUFFERING WIDOW—"Not 'im. 'Ittin' the hangels wiv the 'arp's nearer 'is mark!"
"You say you are your wife's third husband?" said one man to another during a talk.
"No, I am her fourth husband," was the reply.
"Heavens, man!" said the first man; "you are not a husband—you're a habit."
MR. HENPECK—"Is my wife going out, Jane?"
MR. HENPECK—"Do you know if I am going with her?"
A happily married woman, who had enjoyed thirty-three years of wedlock, and who was the grandmother of four beautiful little children, had an amusing old colored woman for a cook.
One day when a box of especially beautiful flowers was left for the mistress, the cook happened to be present, and she said: "Yo' husband send you all the pretty flowers you gits, Missy?"
"Certainly, my husband, Mammy," proudly answered the lady.
"Glory!" exclaimed the cook, "he suttenly am holdin' out well."
An absent-minded man was interrupted as he was finishing a letter to his wife, in the office. As a result, the signature read:
Your loving husband,
Winifred C. Bristol.
Mrs. McKinley used to tell of a colored widow whose children she had helped educate. The widow, rather late in life, married again.
"How are you getting on?" Mrs. McKinley asked her a few months after her marriage.
"Fine, thank yo', ma'am," the bride answered.
"And is your husband a good provider?"
"'Deed he am a good providah, ma'am," was the enthusiastic reply. "Why, jes' dis las' week he got me five new places to wash at."
"I suffer so from insomnia I don't know what to do."
"Oh, my dear, if you could only talk to my husband awhile."
"Did Hardlucke bear his misfortune like a man?"
"Exactly like one. He blamed it all on his wife."—Judge.
A popular society woman announced a "White Elephant Party." Every guest was to bring something that she could not find any use for, and yet too good to throw away. The party would have been a great success but for the unlooked-for development which broke it up. Eleven of the nineteen women brought their husbands.
A very man—not one of nature's clods— With human failings, whether saint or sinner: Endowed perhaps with genius from the gods But apt to take his temper from his dinner.
—J. G. Saxe.
A woman mounted the steps of the elevated station carrying an umbrella like a reversed saber. An attendant warned her that she might put out the eye of the man behind her.
"Well, he's my husband!" she snapped.
OLD MONEY (dying)—"I'm afraid I've been a brute to you sometimes, dear."
YOUNG WIFE—"Oh, never mind that darling; I'll always remember how very kind you were when you left me."
An inveterate poker player, whose wife always complained of his late hours, stayed out even later than usual one night and tells in the following way of his attempt to get in unnoticed:
"I slipped off my shoes at the front steps, pulled off my clothes in the hall, slipped into the bedroom, and began to slip into bed with the ease of experience.
"My wife has a blamed fine dog that on cold nights insists on jumping in the bed with us. So when I began to slide under the covers she stirred in her sleep and pushed me on the head.
"'Get down, Fido, get down!' she said.
"And, gentlemen, I just did have presence of mind enough to lick her hand, and she dozed off again!"
MR. HOMEBODY—"I see you keep copies of all the letters you write to your wife. Do you do it to avoid repeating yourself?"
MR. FARAWAY—"No. To avoid contradicting myself."
There is gladness in his gladness, when he's glad, There is sadness in his sadness, when he's sad; But the gladness in his gladness, Nor the sadness in his sadness, Isn't a marker to his madness when he's mad.
See also Cowards; Domestic finance.
We used to think that the smartest man ever born was the Connecticut Yankee who grafted white birch on red maples and grew barber poles. Now we rank that gentleman second. First place goes to an experimenter attached to the Berlin War Office, who has crossed carrier pigeons with parrots, so that Wilhelmstrasse can now get verbal messages through the enemy's lines.—Warwick James Price.
"Speakin' of fertile soil," said the Kansan, when the others had had their say, "I never saw a place where melons growed like they used to out in my part of the country. The first season I planted 'em I thought my fortune was sure made. However, I didn't harvest one."
He waited for queries, but his friends knew him, and he was forced to continue unurged:
"The vines growed so fast that they wore out the melons draggin' 'em 'round. However, the second year my two little boys made up their minds to get a taste of one anyhow, so they took turns, carryin' one along with the vine and—"
But his companions had already started toward the barroom door.
News comes from Southern Kansas that a boy climbed a cornstalk to see how the sky and clouds looked and now the stalk is growing faster than the boy can climb down. The boy is clear out of sight. Three men have taken the contract for cutting down the stalk with axes to save the boy a horrible death by starving, but the stalk grows so rapidly that they can't hit twice in the same place. The boy is living on green corn alone and has already thrown down over four bushels of cobs. Even if the corn holds out there is still danger that the boy will reach a height where he will be frozen to death. There is some talk of attempting his rescue with a balloon.—Topeka Capital.
Hypocrisy is all right if we can pass it off as politeness.
TEACHER-"Now, Tommy, what is a hypocrite?"
TOMMY-"A boy that comes to school with a smile on his face."—Graham Charteris.
The fact that his two pet bantam hens laid very small eggs troubled little Johnny. At last he was seized with an inspiration. Johnny's father, upon going to the fowl-run one morning, was surprised at seeing an ostrich egg tied to one of the beams, with this injunction chalked above it:
"Keep your eye on this and do your best."
A doctor came up to a patient in an insane asylum, slapped him on the back, and said: "Well, old man, you're all right. You can run along and write your folks that you'll be back home in two weeks as good as new."
The patient went off gayly to write his letter. He had it finished and sealed, but when he was licking the stamp it slipped through his fingers to the floor, lighted on the back of a cockroach that was passing, and stuck. The patient hadn't seen the cockroach—what he did see was his escaped postage stamp zig-zagging aimlessly across the floor to the baseboard, wavering up over the baseboard, and following a crooked track up the wall and across the ceiling. In depressed silence he tore up the letter he had just written and dropped the pieces on the floor.
"Two weeks! Hell!" he said. "I won't be out of here in three years."
One day a mother overheard her daughter arguing with a little boy about their respective ages.
"I am older than you," he said, "'cause my birthday comes first, in May, and your's don't come till September."
"Of course your birthday comes first," she sneeringly retorted, "but that is 'cause you came down first. I remember looking at the angels when they were making you."
The mother instantly summoned her daughter. "It's breaking mother's heart to hear you tell such awful stories," she said. "Don't you remember what happened to Ananias and Sapphira?"
"Oh, yes, mamma, I know; they were struck dead for lying. I saw them carried into the corner drug store!"
Not long ago a company was rehearsing for an open-air performance of As You Like It near Boston. The garden wherein they were to play was overlooked by a rising brick edifice.
One afternoon, during a pause in the rehearsal, a voice from the building exclaimed with the utmost gravity:
"I prithee, malapert, pass me yon brick."
A wife after the divorce, said to her husband: "I am willing to let you have the baby half the time."
"Good!" said he, rubbing his hands. "Splendid!"
"Yes," she resumed, "you may have him nights."
"Is the baby strong?"
"Well, rather! You know what a tremendous voice he has?"
"Well, he lifts that five or six times an hour!"—Comic Cuts.
Recipe for a baby:
Clean and dress a wriggle, add a pint of nearly milk, Smother with a pillow any sneeze; Baste with talcum powder and mark upon its back— "Don't forget that you were one of these."
See Wives.
See Editors; Love.
She was from Boston, and he was not.
He had spent a harrowing evening discussing authors of whom he knew nothing, and their books, of which he knew less.
Presently the maiden asked archly: "Of course, you've read 'Romeo and Juliet?'"
He floundered helplessly for a moment and then, having a brilliant thought, blurted out, happily:
"I've—I've read Romeo!"
Half the world doesn't know how many things the other half is paying instalments on.
A lively looking porter stood on the rear platform of a sleeping-car in the Pennsylvania station when a fussy and choleric old man clambered up the steps. He stopped at the door, puffed for a moment, and then turned to the young man in uniform.
"Porter," he said. "I'm going to St. Louis, to the Fair. I want to be well taken care of. I pay for it. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir, but—"
"Never mind any 'buts.' You listen to what I say. Keep the train boys away from me. Dust me off whenever I want you to. Give me an extra blanket, and if there is any one in the berth over me slide him into another. I want you to—"
"But, say, boss, I—"
"Young man, when I'm giving instructions I prefer to do the talking myself. You do as I say. Here is a two-dollar bill. I want to get the good of it. Not a word, sir."
The train was starting. The porter pocketed the bill with a grin and swung himself to the ground. "All right, boss!" he shouted. "You can do the talking if you want to. I'm powerful sorry you wouldn't let me tell you—but I ain't going out on that train."
A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured the other day.
"Do you cycle?" the insurance agent asked.
"No," said the man.
"Do you motor?"
"Do you, then, perhaps, fly?"
"No, no," said the applicant, laughing; "I have no dangerous—"
But the agent interrupted him curtly.
"Sorry, sir," he said, "but we no longer insure pedestrians."
See Irish bulls.
"And what," asked a visitor to the North Dakota State Fair, "do you call that kind of cucumber?"
"That," replied a Fargo politician, "is the Insurgent cucumber. It doesn't always agree with a party."
"Haven't your opinions on this subject undergone a change?"
"No," replied Senator Soghum.
"But your views, as you expressed them some time ago?"
"Those were not my views. Those were my interviews."
"Recently," says a Richmond man, "I received an invitation to the marriage of a young colored couple formerly in my employ. I am quite sure that all persons similarly favored were left in little doubt as to the attitude of the couple. The invitation ran as follows:
"You are invited to the marriage of Mr. Henry Clay Barker and Miss Josephine Mortimer Dixon at the house of the bride's mother. All who cannot come may send."—Howard Morse.
One day a Chinese poor man met the head of his family in the street.
"Come and dine with us tonight," the mandarin said graciously.
"Thank you," said the poor relation. "But wouldn't tomorrow night do just as well?"
"Yes, certainly. But where are you dining tonight?" asked the mandarin curiously.
"At your house. You see, your estimable wife was good enough to give me tonight's invitation."
MARION (just from the telephone)—"He wanted to know if we would go to the theater with him, and I said we would."
MADELINE—"Who was speaking?"
MARION—"Oh, gracious! I forgot to ask."
Little Willie wanted a birthday party, to which his mother consented, provided he ask his little friend Tommy. The boys had had trouble, but, rather than not have the party, Willie promised his mother to invite Tommy.
On the evening of the party, when all the small guests had arrived except Tommy, the mother became suspicious and sought her son.
"Willie," she said, "did you invite Tommy to your party tonight?"
"Yes, Mother."
"And did he say he would not come?"
"No," explained Willie. "I invited him all right, but I dared him to come."
Two Irishmen were among a class that was being drilled in marching tactics. One was new at the business, and, turning to his companion, asked him the meaning of the command "Halt!" "Why," said Mike, "when he says 'Halt,' you just bring the foot that's on the ground to the side av the foot that's in the air, an' remain motionless."
"Dear teacher," wrote little Johnny's mother, "kindly excuse John's absence from school yesterday afternoon, as he fell in the mud. By doing the same you will greatly oblige his mother."
An Irishman once was mounted on a mule which was kicking its legs rather freely. The mule finally got its hoof caught in the stirrup, when the Irishman excitedly remarked: "Well, begorra, if you're goin' to git on I'll git off."
"The doctor says if 'e lasts till moring 'e'll 'ave some 'ope, but if 'e don't, the doctor says 'e give 'im up."
For rent—A room for a gentleman with all conveniences.
A servant of an English nobleman died and her relatives telegraphed him: "Jane died last night, and wishes to know if your lordship will pay her funeral expenses."
A pretty school teacher, noticing one of her little charges idle, said sharply: "John, the devil always finds something for idle hands to do. Come up here and let me give you some work."
A college professor, noted for strict discipline, entered the classroom one day and noticed a girl student sitting with her feet in the aisle and chewing gum.
"Mary," exclaimed the indignant professor, "take that gum out of your mouth and put your feet in."
MAGISTRATE—"You admit you stole the pig?"
PRISONER—"I 'ave to."
MAGISTRATE—"Very well, then. There has been a lot of pig-stealing going on lately, and I am going to make an example of you, or none of us will be safe."—M.L. Hayward.
"In choosing his men," said the Sabbath-school superintendent, "Gideon did not select those who laid aside their arms and threw themselves down to drink; but he took those who watched with one eye and drank with the other."—Joe King.
"If you want to put that song over you must sing louder."
"I'm singing as loud as I can. What more can I do?"
"Be more enthusiastic. Open your mouth, and throw yourself into it."
A little old Irishman was trying to see the Hudson-Fulton procession from Grant's Tomb. He stood up on a bench, but was jerked down by a policeman. Then he tried the stone balustrade and being removed from that vantage point, climbed the railing of Li Hung Chang's gingko-tree. Pulled off that, he remarked: "Ye can't look at annything frum where ye can see it frum."
MRS. JENKINS—"Mrs. Smith, we shall be neighbors now. I have bought a house next you, with a water frontage."
MRS. SMITH—"So glad! I hope you will drop in some time."
In the hall of a Philharmonic society the following notice was posted:
"The seats in this hall are for the use of the ladies. Gentlemen are requested to make use of them only after the former are seated."
Sir Boyle Roche is credited with saying that "no man can be in two places at the same time, barring he is a bird."
A certain high-school professor, who at times is rather blunt in speech, remarked to his class of boys at the beginning of a lesson. "I don't know why it is—every time I get up to speak, some fool talks." Then he wondered why the boys burst out into a roar of laughter.—Grub S. Arts.
Once, at a criminal court, a young chap from Connemara was being tried for an agrarian murder. Needless to say, he had the gallery on his side, and the men and women began to express their admiration by stamping, not loudly, but like muffled drums. A big policeman came up to the gallery, scowled at the disturbers then, when that had no effect, called out in a stage whisper:
"Wud ye howld yer tongues there! Howld yer tongues wid yer feet!"
The ways in which application forms for insurance are filled up are often more amusing than enlightening, as The British Medical Journal shows in the following excellent selection of examples:
Mother died in infancy.
Father went to bed feeling well, and the next morning woke up dead.
Grandmother died suddenly at the age of 103. Up to this time she bade fair to reach a ripe old age.
Applicant does not know anything about maternal posterity, except that they died at an advanced age.
Applicant does not know cause of mother's death, but states that she fully recovered from her last illness.
Applicant has never been fatally sick.
Applicant's brother who was an infant died when he was a mere child.
Mother's last illness was caused from chronic rheumatism, but she was cured before death.
A Peoria merchant deals in "Irish confetti." We take it that he runs a brick-yard.—Chicago Tribune.
Here are some words, concerning the Hibernian spoken by a New England preacher, Nathaniel Ward, in the sober year of sixteen hundred—a spark of humor struck from flint. "These Irish, anciently called 'Anthropophagi,' man-eaters, have a tradition among them that when the devil showed Our Savior all the kingdoms of the earth and their glory, he would not show Him Ireland, but reserved it for himself; it is probably true, for he hath kept it ever since for his own peculiar."
An Irishman once lined up his family of seven giant-like sons and invited his caller to take a look at them.
"Ain't they fine boys?" inquired the father.
"They are," agreed the visitor.
"The finest in the world!" exclaimed the father. "An' I nivver laid violent hands on any one of 'em except in silf-difince."—Popular Magazine.
See also Fighting; Irish bulls.
There were three young women of Birmingham, And I know a sad story concerning 'em: They stuck needles and pins In the reverend shins Of the Bishop engaged in confirming 'em.
—Gilbert K. Chesterton.
A few years ago Henry James reviewed a new novel by Gertrude Atherton. After reading the review Mrs. Atherton wrote to Mr. James as follows:
"Dear Mr. James: I have read with much pleasure your review of my novel. Will you kindly let me know whether you liked it or not?"
The girl with the ruby lips we like, The lass with teeth of pearl, The maid with the eyes like diamonds, The cheek-like-coral girl; The girl with the alabaster brow, The lass from the Emerald Isle. All these we like, but not the jade With the sardonyx smile.
What is the difference between a banana and a Jew? You can skin the banana.
He was quite evidently from the country and he was also quite evidently a Yankee, and from behind his bowed spectacles he peered inquisitively at the little oily Jew who occupied the other half of the car seat with him.
The little Jew looked at him deprecatingly. "Nice day," he began politely.
"You're a Jew, ain't you?" queried the Yankee.
"Yes, sir, I'm a clothing salesman," handing him a card.
"But you're a Jew?"
"Yes, yes, I'm a Jew," came the answer.
"Well," continued the Yankee, "I'm a Yankee, and in the little village in Maine where I come from I'm proud to say there ain't a Jew."
"Dot's why it's a village," replied the little Jew quietly.
The men were arguing as to who was the greatest inventor. One said Stephenson, who invented the locomotive. Another declared it was the man who invented the compass. Another contended for Edison. Still another for the Wrights,
Finally one of them turned to a little man who had remained silent:
"Who do you think?"
"Vell," he said, with a hopeful smile, "the man who invented interest was no slouch."
Levinsky, despairing of his life, made an appointment with a famous specialist. He was surprised to find fifteen or twenty people in the waiting-room.
After a few minutes he leaned over to a gentleman near him and whispered, "Say, mine frient, this must be a pretty goot doctor, ain't he?"
"One of the best," the gentleman told him.
Levinsky seemed to be worrying over something.
"Vell, say," he whispered again, "he must be pretty exbensive, then, ain't he? Vat does he charge?"
The stranger was annoyed by Levinsky's questions and answered rather shortly: "Fifty dollars for the first consultation and twenty-five dollars for each visit thereafter."
"Mine Gott!" gasped Levinsky—"Fifty tollars the first time und twenty-five tollars each time afterwards!"
For several minutes he seemed undecided whether to go or to wait. "Und twenty-five tollars each time afterwards," he kept muttering. Finally, just as he was called into the office, he was seized with a brilliant inspiration. He rushed toward the doctor with outstretched hands.
"Hello, doctor," he said effusively. "Vell, here I am again."
The Jews are among the aristocracy of every land; if a literature is called rich in the possession of a few classic tragedies what shall we say to a national tragedy lasting for fifteen hundred years, in which the poets and the actors were also the heroes.—George Eliot.
See also Failures; Fires.
A nut and a joke are alike in that they can both be cracked, and different in that the joke can be cracked again.—William J. Burtscher.
JOKELY—"I got a batch of aeroplane jokes ready and sent them out last week."
BOGGS—"What luck did you have with them?"
JOKELY—"Oh, they all came flying back."—Will S. Gidley.
"I ne'er forget a joke I have Once heard!" Augustus cried. "And neither do you let your friends Forget it!" Jane replied.
—Childe Harold.
A negro bricklayer in Macon, Georgia, was lying down during the noon hour, sleeping in the hot sun. The clock struck one, the time to pick up his hod again. He rose, stretched, and grumbled: "I wish I wuz daid. 'Tain' nothin' but wuk, wuk from mawnin' tell night."
Another negro, a story above, heard the complaint and dropped a brick on the grumbler's head.
Dazed he looked up and said:
"De Lawd can' stan' no jokes. He jes' takes ev'ything in yearnist."
The late H.C. Bunner, when editor of Puck, once received a letter accompanying a number of would-be jokes in which the writer asked: "What will you give me for these?"
"Ten yards start," was Bunner's generous offer, written beneath the query.
NEW CONGRESSMAN—"What can I do for you, sir?"
SALESMAN (of Statesmen's Anecdote Manufacturing Company)—"I shall be delighted if you'll place an order for a dozen of real, live, snappy, humorous anecdotes as told by yourself, sir."
Jokes were first imported to this country several hundred years ago from Egypt, Babylon and Assyria, and have since then grown and multiplied. They are in extensive use in all parts of the country and as an antidote for thought are indispensable at all dinner parties.
There were originally twenty-five jokes, but when this country was formed they added a constitution, which increased the number to twenty-six. These jokes have married and inter-married among themselves and their children travel from press to press.
Frequently in one week a joke will travel from New York to San Francisco.
The joke is no respecter of persons. Shameless and unconcerned, he tells the story of his life over and over again. Outside of the ballot-box he is the greatest repeater that we have.
Jokes are of three kinds—plain, illustrated and pointless. Frequently they are all three.
No joke is without honor, except in its own country. Jokes form one of our staples and employ an army of workers who toil night and day to turn out the often neatly finished product. The importation of jokes while considerable is not as great as it might be, as the flavor is lost in transit.
Jokes are used in the household as an antiseptic. As scenebreakers they have no equal.—Life.
Here's to the joke, the good old joke, The joke that our fathers told; It is ready tonight and is jolly and bright As it was in the days of old.
When Adam was young it was on his tongue, And Noah got in the swim By telling the jest as the brightest and best That ever happened to him.
So here's to the joke, the good old joke— We'll hear it again tonight. It's health we will quaff; that will help us to laugh, And to treat it in manner polite.
—Lew Dockstader.
A jest's prosperity lies in the ear Of him that hears it, never in the tongue Of him that makes it.
A Louisville journalist was excessively proud of his little boy. Turning to the old black nurse, "Aunty," said he, stroking the little pate, "this boy seems to have a journalistic head." "Oh," cried the untutored old aunty, soothingly, "never you mind 'bout dat; dat'll come right in time."
John R. McLean, owner of the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Washington Post, tells this story of the days when he was actively in charge of the Cincinnati newspaper: An Enquirer reporter was sent to a town in southwestern Ohio to get the story of a woman evangelist who had been greatly talked about. The reporter attended one of her meetings and occupied a front seat. When those who wished to be saved were asked to arise, he kept his seat and used his notebook. The evangelist approached, and, taking him by the hand, said, "Come to Jesus."
"Madam," said the newspaper man, "I'm here solely on business—to report your work."
"Brother," said she, "there is no business so important as God's."
"Well, may be not," said the reporter; "but you don't know John R. McLean."
A newspaper man named Fling Could make "copy" from any old thing. But the copy he wrote Of a five dollar note Was so good he is now in Sing Sing.
—Columbia Jester.
"Come in," called the magazine editor.
"Sir, I have called to see about that article of mine that you bought two years ago. My name is Pensnink—Percival Perrhyn Pensnink. My composition was called 'The Behavior of Chipmunks in Thunderstorms,' and I should like to know how much longer I must watch and wait before I shall see it in print."
"I remember," the editor replied. "We are saving your little essay to use at the time of your death. When public attention is drawn to an author we like to have something of his on hand."
Hear, land o' cakes, and brither Scots, Frae Maidenkirk to Johnny Groat's; If there's a hole in a' your coats, I rede you tent it: A chiel's amang you taking notes, And, faith, he'll prent it.
See also Newspapers.
A judge once had a case in which the accused man understood only Irish. An interpreter was accordingly sworn. The prisoner said something to the interpreter.
"What does he say?" demanded his lordship.
"Nothing, my lord," was the reply.
"How dare you say that when we all heard him? Come on, sir, what was it?"
"My lord," said the interpreter beginning to tremble, "it had nothing to do with the case."
"If you don't answer I'll commit you, sir!" roared the judge. "Now, what did he say?"
"Well, my lord, you'll excuse me, but he said, 'Who's that old woman with the red bed curtain round her, sitting up there?"
At which the court roared.
"And what did you say?" asked the judge, looking a little uncomfortable.
"I said: 'Whist, ye spalpeen! That's the ould boy that's going to hang you."
A gentleman of color who was brought before a police judge, on a charge of stealing chickens, pleaded guilty. After sentencing him, the judge asked how he had managed to steal the chickens when the coop was so near the owner's house and there was a vicious dog in the yard.
"Hit wouldn't be of no use, Judge," answered the darky, "to try to 'splain dis yer thing to yo' 't all. Ef yo' was to try it, like as not yo' would get yer hide full o' shot, an' get no chicken, nuther. Ef yo' wants to engage in any rascality, Judge, yo' better stick to de bench whar yo' am familiar."—Mrs. L.F. Clarke.
Four things belong to a judge: to hear courteously, to answer wisely, to consider soberly, and to decide impartially.—Socrates.
HUSBAND—"But you must admit that men have better judgment than women."
WIFE—"Oh, yes—you married me, and I you."—Life.
In the south of Ireland a judge heard his usher of the court say, "Gentlemen of the jury, take your proper places," and was convulsed with laughter at seeing seven of them walk into the dock.
There was recently haled into an Alabama court a little Irishman to whom the thing was a new experience. He was, however, unabashed, and wore an air of a man determined not to "get the worst of it."
"Prisoner at the bar," called out the clerk, "do you wish to challenge any of the jury?"
The Celt looked the men in the box over very carefully.
"Well, I tell ye," he finally replied, "Oi'm not exactly in trainin', but Oi think Oi could pull off a round or two with thot fat old boy in th' corner."
There are two sides to every question-the wrong side and our side.
"What, Tommy, in the jam again, and you whipped for it only an hour ago!"
"Yes'm, but I heard you tell Auntie that you thought you whipped me too hard, so I thought I'd just even up."
One man's word is no man's word, Justice is that both be heard.
He who decides a case without hearing the other side, though he decide justly cannot be considered just.—Seneca.
A woman left her baby in its carriage at the door of a department-store. A policeman found it there, apparently abandoned, and wheeled it to the station. As he passed down the street a gamin yelled: "What's the kid done?"
Kentucky is the state where they have poor feud laws.
Kindness goes a long ways lots o' times when it ought t' stay at home.—Abe Martin.
An old couple came in from the country, with a big basket of lunch, to see the circus. The lunch was heavy. The old wife was carrying it. As they crossed a street, the husband held out his hand and said, "Gimme that basket, Hannah."
The poor old woman surrendered the basket with a grateful look.
"That's real kind o' ye, Joshua," she quavered.
"Kind!" grunted the old man. "I wuz afeared ye'd git lost."
A fat woman entered a crowded street car and seizing a strap, stood directly in front of a man seated in the corner. As the car started she lunged against his newspaper and at the same time trod heavily on his toes.
As soon as he could extricate himself he rose and offered her his seat.
"You are very kind, sir," she said, panting for breath.
"Not at all, madam," he replied; "it's not kindness; it's simply self-defense."
"I think," said the heir apparent, "that I will add music and dancing to my accomplishments."
"Aren't they rather light?"
"They may seem so to you, but they will be very handy if a revolution occurs and I have to go into vaudeville."
The present King George in his younger days visited Canada in company with the Duke of Clarence. One night at a ball in Quebec, given in honor of the two royalties, the younger Prince devoted his time exclusively to the young ladies, paying little or no attention to the elderly ones and chaperons.
His brother reprimanded him, pointing out to him his social position and his duty as well.
"That's all right," said the young Prince. "There are two of us. You go and sing God save your Grandmother, while I dance with the girls."
And so we sing, "Long live the King; Long live the Queen and Jack; Long live the Ten-spot and the Ace, And also all the pack."
—Eugene Field.
FIRST EUROPEAN SOCIETY LADY—"Wouldn't you like to be presented to our sovereign?"
SECOND E.S.L.—"No. Simply because I have to be governed by a man is no reason why I should condescend to meet him socially."
One afternoon Kaiser Wilhelm caustically reproved old General Von Meerscheidt for some small lapses.
"If your Majesty thinks that I am too old for the service please permit me to resign," said the General.
"No; you are too young to resign," said the Kaiser.
In the evening of that same day, at a court ball, the Kaiser saw the old General talking to some young ladies, and he said:
"General, take a young wife, then your excitable temperament will vanish."
"Excuse me, your Majesty," replied the General. "It would kill me to have both a young wife and a young Emperor."
During the war of 1812, a dinner was given in Canada, at which both American and British officers were present. One of the latter offered the toast: "To President Madison, dead or alive!"
An American offered the response: "To the Prince Regent, drunk or sober!"—Mrs. Gouverneur.
A lady of Queen Victoria's court once asked her if she did not think that one of the satisfactions of the future life would be the meeting with the notable figures of the past, such as Abraham, Isaac and King David. After a moment's silence, with perfect dignity and decision the great Queen made answer: "I will not meet David!"
Ten poor men sleep in peace on one straw heap, as Saadi sings, But the immensest empire is too narrow for two kings.
—William R. Alger.
Here lies our sovereign lord, the king, Whose word no man relies on, Who never said a foolish thing, And never did a wise one.
Said by a courtier of Charles, II. To which the King replied, "That is very true, for my words are my own. My actions are my minister's."
Here's to a kiss: Give me a kiss, and to that kiss add a score, Then to that twenty add a hundred more; A thousand to that hundred, and so kiss on, To make that thousand quite a million, Treble that million, and when that is done Let's kiss afresh as though we'd just begun.
"If I should kiss you I suppose you'd go and tell your mother."
"No; my lawyer."
"What is he so angry with you for?"
"I haven't the slightest idea. We met in the street, and we were talking just as friendly as could be, when all of a sudden he flared up and tried to kick me."
"And what were you talking about?"
"Oh, just ordinary small talk. I remember he said, 'I always kiss my wife three or four times every day.'"
"And what did you say?"
"I said, 'I know at least a dozen men who do the same,' and then he had a fit."
There was an old maiden from Fife, Who had never been kissed in her life; Along came a cat; And she said, "I'll kiss that!" But the cat answered, "Not on your life!"
Here's to the red of the holly berry, And to its leaf so green; And here's to the lips that are just as red, And the fellow who's not so green.
There was a young sailor of Lyd, Who loved a fair Japanese kid; When it came to good-bye, They were eager but shy, So they put up a sunshade and—did.
There once was a maiden of Siam, Who said to her lover, young Kiam, "If you kiss me, of course You will have to use force, But God knows you're stronger than I am."
Lord! I wonder what fool it was that first invented kissing.—Swift.
See also Courtship; Servants.
A physician was driving through a village when he saw a man amusing a crowd with the antics of his trick dog. The doctor pulled up and said: "My dear man, how do you manage to train your dog that way? I can't teach mine a single trick."
The man glanced up with a simple rustic look and replied: "Well, you see, it's this way; you have to know more'n the dog or you can't learn him nothin'."
With knowledge and love the world is made.—Anatole France.
HERR HAMMERSCHLEGEL (winding up the argument)—"I think you iss a stupid fool!"
MONSIEUR—"And I sink you a polite gentleman; but possible, is it, we both mistaken."—Life.
A farmer in great need of extra hands at haying time finally asked Si Warren, who was accounted the town fool, if he could help him out.
"What'll ye pay?" asked Si.
"I'll pay you what you're worth," answered the farmer.
Si scratched his head a minute, then answered decisively:
"I'll be durned if I'll work for that!"
See Etiquet; Woman.
An English tourist was sightseeing in Ireland and the guide had pointed out the Devil's Gap, the Devil's Peak, and the Devil's Leap to him. |