Tintinnalogia, or, the Art of Ringing - Wherein is laid down plain and easie Rules for Ringing all - sorts of Plain Changes
by Richard Duckworth and Fabian Stedman
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I have here set down this Peal of Grandsire, making the treble the whole Hunt, and the tenor the half Hunt, and the first single change is made the sixth bob; that is, the third double bob, which is sixty changes from the beginning of the Peal; you may know the single change, by the line drawn between the figures at the single change, that next after the line is the single: Grandsire is most commonly rang, as it is here prickt; but it may be rang any other way, according to my directions before.

12345 21354 23145 32415 34251 43521 45312 54132 51423 15243 12534 21543 25134 52314 53241 35421 34512 43152 41325 14352 13425 31452 34125 43215 42351 24531 25413 52143 51234 15324 13542 31524 35142 53412 54321 45231 42513 24153 21435 12453 14235 41253 42135 24315 23451 32541 35214 53124 51342 15432 14523 41532 45123 54213 52431 25341 23514 32154 31245 13254 ——- 13245 31254 32145 23415 24351 42531 45213 54123 51432 15342 13524 31542 35124 53214 52341 25431 24513 42153 41235 14253 12435 21453 24135 42315 43251 34521 35412 53142 51324 15234 12543 21534 25143 52413 54231 45321 43512 34152 31425 13452 14325 41352 43125 34215 32451 23541 25314 52134 51243 15423 14532 41523 45132 54312 53421 35241 32514 23154 21345 12354 ——- 12345

Grandsire may be rang another way (i.e.) in making the bobs when the whole Hunt is before the bells (as in the former way) and to make the single changes when it lies behind (viz.) the first single change may be made at any time when the whole Hunt comes behind, provided it be made within sixty changes from the beginning of the Peal; if it is made the next time the whole Hunt comes behind after a single bob, it is in treble and seconds places; after a double bob, it is made in third and fourths places, the whole Hunt lying behind when each single change is made, and the second single change must be made just sixty changes from the first.

In all the several Peals of Grandsire by the course aforesaid, the first changes in each Peal must be made by these following Rules:

With these ten Hunts, the whole Hunt is to be hunted up at the beginning of each Peal.

B 1,3 B 1,5 2,3 2,4 3,2 3,5 4,1 4,5 5,1 5,4

With these ten Hunts, the first change in each Peal is made by hunting the whole Hunt down.

1,2 1,4 2,1 B 2,5 3,1 3,4 4,2 4,3 5,2 5,3

These are the twenty Hunts on five bells, which are set down in Page 26. The two figures which stand together, do represent the whole Hunt and half Hunt; for instance, the uppermost figures are 1,3; the 1 is the whole Hunt, and the 3 is the half Hunt, and so of the rest. Where the letter B stands by the Hunt, the first change that Hunt makes is a Bob: But with all the other Hunts, the first change is either between the four first, or four last bells; yet the first change in many of them may be made single, as in 1,2: 1,3: 1,4: 1,5: 2,1: 2,3: 3,1: 3,5: 4,1: 4,3: 1,5: 5,1: 5,4:

In hunting the treble down, the first change is made between the four hindmost bells; and in hunting the fifth bell up, the first change is made between the four foremost bells.

There is another way to Ring this Peal of Grandsire, which is, to make the bobs and single changes when the whole hunt lies behind the bells; but this is not convenient to be practised, therefore I will say no more of it in this place, having only mentioned this, to shew the great variety there is in this Peal.

This Peal of Grandsire is to be Rang by another course, viz. to make the bobs when the whole hunt is behind the bells, and the single changes, when it lies before them. This is the absolute foundation from whence the excellent Peal of Grandsire bob (on six bells) had its beginning and method, and by practising to prick down this Peal, and by observing the true course and method of the bobs and single changes herein, you may with the greatest ease understand the true course of the bobs and single changes in Grandsire bob on six bells, for the half hunt, the quarter hunt, and the three extream bells (in Grandsire bob on six bells) do make these sixscore changes; every time the whole hunt leads in Grandsire bob, there are two changes made in this Peal of Grandsire on five bells: And so consequently, the single changes in Grandsire bob are made by the same rule and method as they are in this Peal. The Rule for making the bobs in this Peal, is this (viz.) when the whole hunt lies in the fourths place hunting up, and the half hunt leads, the next is a double Bob: And when the whole hunt lies in the tenors place, and the half hunt in thirds place, then the next change is a single bob, the bobs are made between the two first and two last bells, that in thirds place lies still in the bob change, and then moves up. The single changes are made when the whole hunt leads; the first single change (in Ringing it with any whole hunt and half hunt) may be made at any time when the whole hunt leads, within sixty changes from the beginning of the Peal, accounting the bells as they stand round at the beginning for one of the sixty changes. The single change that is made the next time the whole hunt leads after a single bob, is made in fourth and fifths places; and that which is made next after a double bob, is made in second and thirds places, the half hunt is alwayes one of the two bells which makes every single change. If the first single change is made after a single bob, then the second single change must be made when the whole hunt leads next after the third single bob from that after which the first single was made; and the same is observed, in making them after a double bob: there being alwayes sixty changes from the first to the second single change in each Peal. This Peal I have here set down, in which I make the treble the whole hunt, the fifth the half hunt, and the first single change is made when the whole hunt comes to lead next after the first single bob: You may know the single change, by the line drawn between the figures; the change next below the line, is the single, as in the following Peal.

12345 13254 31524 35142 53412 35421 53241 35214 53124 51342 15432 14523 41253 42135 24315 23451 32541 23514 32154 31245 13425 ——- 13452 31542 35124 53214 35241 53421 35412 53142 51324 15234 12543 21453 24135 42315 43251 34521 43512 34152 31425 13245 12354 21534 25143 52413 25431 52341 25314 52134 51243 15423 14532 41352 43125 34215 32451 23541 32514 23154 21345 12435 14253 41523 45132 54312 45321 54231 45213 54123 51432 15342 13524 31254 32145 23415 24351 42531 24513 42153 41235 14325 ——- 14352 41532 45123 54213 45231 54321 45312 54132 51423 15243 12534 21354 23145 32415 34251 43521 34512 43152 41325 14235 12453 21543 25134 52314 25341 52431 25413 52143 51234 15324 13542 31452 34125 43215 42351 24531 42513 24153 21435 12345

This Peal may be Rang without making any single change therein, there are two double changes which may be made to supply the places of the two single changes; the first of these double changes in any Peal may be made any time when the whole hunt lies in fourths place hunting up, provided you make it within sixty changes from the beginning of the Peal. At a double bob, it may be made at either of the two bob changes, by moving the bell which lies in thirds place down under two bells at once into the trebles place: Now suppose it were to be made the first time the whole hunt lies in the fourths place hunting up in the Peal next before, which is at a double bob, the bells lie thus, 53412; now the treble being the whole hunt must move up behind, and the fourth bell being in thirds place, must move down under two bells at once into the trebles place, thus, 45321; or else it may be made at the next bob change of the double bob, 53241; here the treble must be moved down into fourths place, and the second bell into trebles place, thus, 25314. It may also be made the change next before the single bob, in which change it may be made two wayes; viz. either by moving the bell in thirds place down into trebles place, as in the changes next before, or else by moving the bell in trebles place up into thirds place; for instance, two changes before the first single bob (as in the Peal before set down) the bells be thus, 24315; now the change may be made, either by moving the third bell into the trebles place, thus, 32451; or else the bell that leads up into thirds place, thus, 43251; in both which wayes, the whole hunt is to be moved up behind.

There are only two of these double changes to be made in each Peal: if the first is made at a double bob, then the second must be made at the third double bob from it; or if the first of them is made at a single bob, then the second must be made at the third single bob from that where the first was made, there being alwayes just sixty changes from the first of these double changes to the second in each Peal.

These double changes are the same which in Grandsire bob on six bells, are called true changes; those true changes in Grandsire bob being made by the same rule, and in the same manner as these are.

In all the Peals of Grandsire, wherein the bobs are made when the whole hunt is behind (according to the Rules next before set down) the first changes in each Peal must be made by these Rules following.

With these ten Hunts, the first change in each Peal is made by hunting down the whole Hunt.

1,2 1,5 2,1 2,5 3,1 3,4 4,2 4,3 B 5,1 B 5,3

With these ten Hunts, the first change in each Peal is made by hunting the whole Hunt up.

1,3 1,4 2,3 2,4 3,1 3,5 B 4,1 4,5 5,4 5,2

Where the letter B stands next to any hunt; the first change which that hunt makes, is a bob: But with all the other hunts, the first change in each Peal is made double, either between the four first, or four last bells; yet in many of them, the first change may be made single, as in 1,2: 1,5: 2,1: 2,3: 2,5: 3,5: 4,3: 4,5: 5,2: 5,3:

Before I conclude my directions to this excellent Peal of Grandsire, I will set down one general Rule for making the single changes in any Peal (at places differing from any of the former Rules) viz. wheresoever the whole hunt and half hunt meets together to make a change (which constantly happens every time the whole hunt hunts up, and every time it hunts down in every Peal) the other three bells may lie still in their places, whil'st the whole hunt and half hunt makes the change; which being made, the whole hunt, the half hunt, and the other bells are immediately to proceed in their course; which single change is as effectual, as those which are made by the Rules aforesaid. Observing to make the first single change in any Peal, within sixty changes from the beginning; and the second single change must be made (just sixty changes from the first) between the whole hunt, and half hunt, which two bells will in course lie in the same places where the first single change was made.

The Seven-score and four on six Bells.

This Peal containing Seven-score and four changes, is to be Rang on six bells, in which, the treble and tenor are both whole hunts, and the second is half hunt; the whole hunts do both hunt at one and the same time in a direct course, one up, and the other down; and alwayes when one of them lies before the bells, the other lies behind them; and when that hunt which lies before the bells, leaves the trebles place hunting up, the other hunt lying behind, leaves the tenors place hunting down; each hunt lies only twice together before the bells, and twice behind throughout the Peal.

The second bell is the half hunt in this following Peal, for the second, third, fourth and fifth bells make the twenty four changes herein; every time the whole hunts come before and behind the bells, there is one change made in the Twenty-four (which is alwayes once in six changes) the second bell being the hunt on the Twenty-four; so that every time it comes before or behind the extream bells, there is an extream change to be made, which in the following Peal is made between the two farthest extream bells from the second. I have only set down part of this Peal, which is sufficient to shew the course and method thereof.

123456 213465 231645 236145 263415 623451 632451 362415 326145 321645 312465 132456 134256 314265 341625 346125 364215 634251 634521 364512 346152 341652 314562 134526 ——— 143526 413562 431652 436152 463512 643521 643251 463215 436125 431625 413265 143256 142356 412365 421635

At the extream change next before, I have drawn a line between the figures, that next below the line is the extream: The aforesaid Peal may be Rang with any other whole hunt, or half hunt; and also the Twenty-four changes doubles and singles, may be made in the room of the plain Twenty-four in the aforesaid Peal.

Trebles and Doubles on six Bells.

There are many Peals of Trebles and Doubles to be Rang on six bells, as, Six-score changes, Seven-score and four, Twelve-score, and Seven-hundred and twenty. In each of which Peals, the changes that are made from the time that the whole hunt leaves the trebles place hunting up, until it comes down into that place again, are all made in one and the same manner, so that the only difference in these Peals, consists in making the changes when the whole hunt leads. These Peals are called Trebles and Doubles, because one is a treble change (that is, 3 changes made together, in which all the six bells do change their places, thus, 123456:214365:) and the next is a double change between the 4 bells, in the midst, thus, 241635: And in this course the changes are alwayes made from the time that the whole hunt leaves the trebles place hunting up, until it comes down into the trebles place again; and in Ringing this Peal, 'tis observed, that every bell does hunt in a perfect and direct course, and be twice together before, and twice behind, until the whole hunt leads.

The manner of Ringing the Seven-score and four, is this; the treble and tenor are both whole hunts, and the second is the half hunt; the first change is a treble change, and the next a double change, as I shewed you before; in which course they are made, until the treble leads again, and the tenor lie behind; at which time there's a single change to be made in third and fourths places: But when the half hunt lies next to the treble, then the next single change must be made in fourths and fifths places, as in this following Peal, where I have only set down part of it for an example.

123456 214365 241635 426153 462513 645231 654321 563412 536142 351624 315264 132546 135246 312564 321654 236145 263415 624351 642531 465213 456123 541632 514362 153426 154326 513462 531642 356124 365214 632541 623451 264315 246135 421653 412563 145236 142536 415263 451623 546132 564312 653421 635241 362514 326154 231645 213465 124356 ——— 124536 215463 251643 526134 562314 653241

This Peal is grounded on the Twenty-four changes doubles and singles, the second, third, fourth and fifth makes the Twenty-four changes; the second bell is the hunt in the Twenty-four, therefore the extream in the Peal next before, is made between the two farthest extream bells from it when it lies before them: At the extream changes there's a line drawn between the figures, but the extreams may be made every time the second lies behind the extream bells; or else, every time it lies before and behind them, in the same manner, as I told you before in my directions to the Twenty-four Doubles and Singles: And this Peal may be also Rang with any other whole hunts, or half hunts.

In the Six-score Trebles and Doubles, the changes are the same as in the Peal next before, until the whole hunt leads, at which time (in this Peal) there is a double change to be made between the four hindmost bells; but when the whole hunt leads, and the half hunt lies next to it, then there is a single change to be made, either between the two nearest bells to the half hunt, or else between the two farthest bells from it; there are but two single changes in the Peal, and the second single change must be made between those two bells which made the first. In this following, the treble is the whole hunt, and the second the half hunt, and the first single change is made when the bells do lie 124365: which is sixty changes from the beginning of the Peal; after the whole hunt has at first hunted up and down again: I have set down only those changes which are made every time the whole hunt leads.

123456 214365 241635 426153 462513 645231 654321 563412 536142 351624 315264 132546 135264 ——— 153624 156342 ——— 165432 164523 146253 142635 ——— 124365 ——— 123465 ——— 132645 136254 ——— 163524 165342 156432 154623 ——— 145263 142536 ——— 124356 ——— 123456

The course of the Twelve-score, and the Seven-hundred and twenty, are both one and the same; for the Twelve-score changes, are only part of the Seven-hundred and twenty. There's a whole hunt, a half hunt, a quarter hunt, and three extream bells in the Seven-hundred and twenty; the changes are all treble and double (in the same course, as in the Six-score next before set down) until the whole hunt leads, and the half hunt lies next to it, at which time there's a single change to be made in fourth and fifths places: But when the whole hunt leads, and the half hunt lies next to it, and the quarter hunt lies next to the half hunt, then there's an extream to be made, which is a single change, and made between the two farthest extream bells from the quarter hunt; and by observing this course, you may prick down, or Ring the Seven-hundred and twenty: But if you would only Ring Twelve-score changes (and then end there, by bringing the bells round) you must make no extream change at all; for in making every single change in fourth and fifths places, the bells will come round in course at the end of Twelve-score changes if you make no extream change to carry the Peal forward. In the following changes, the treble is the whole hunt, the 2 is the half hunt, the 3 the quarter hunt, and the 4, 5, and 6, are the extream bells. It being not much material to set down this Peal at large, therefore after the treble (which is the whole hunt) has hunted twice up and down, I have put down only the two changes which are made every time the treble leads to the end of the Twelve-score, as follows.

123456 214365 241635 426153 462513 645231 654321 563412 536142 351624 315264 132546 135264 312546 321456 234165 243615 426351 462531 645213 654123 561432 516342 153624 156342 ——— 165432 164523 ——— 146253 142635 ——— 124365 single 124635 ——— 142365 143256 ——— 134526 135462 ——— 153642 156324 ——— 165234 162543 ——— 126453 single 126543 ——— 162453 164235 ——— 146325 143652 ——— 134562 135426 153246 152364 ——— 125634 single 125364 ——— 152634 156243 ——— 165423 164532 ——— 146352 143625 ——— 134265 132456 ——— 123546

The last change is 123456: which is at the end of Twelve-score changes; and here you see, that the whole hunt, the half hunt, and quarter hunt, do lie next to each other before the extream bells; therefore the bells may either be brought round, by making the single change in the same place, as those next before, are made thus, 123456: or else, if you would proceed forward to the end of the Seven-hundred and twenty, then the next must be an extream change between the fourth and sixth, which are the 2 hindmost bells, thus, 123564: and by observing to make an extream change behind every time the 1, 2, 3, lie together before the bells, the bells will come round in course at the end of the Seven-hundred and twenty; at the end of every Three score changes, there's a single change throughout the Peal, and an extream change at the end of every Twelve-score. This Peal (by the Rules aforesaid) may be Rang with any whole hunt, half hunt, and quarter hunt.

In this Peal is contained the Six-score changes of Old Doubles on five bells, and also the Twenty-four changes Doubles and Singles on four bells; the half hunt, the quarter hunt, and three extream bells, makes the Six-score changes of Old Doubles in a perfect course; and the quarter hunt, and three extream bells, do make the Twenty-four changes Doubles and Singles. Every time the whole hunt leads, there are made two changes of the Six-score; and every time the whole hunt leads, and the half hunt lies next to it, there are two changes mades in the Twenty-four.

Grandsire Bob. On six Bells.

In this Peal of Grandsire Bob, there are Seven-hundred and twenty changes, in Ringing of which, there is the same course, as in Trebles and Doubles (before set down) until the bob-changes come to be made; this Peal may more properly be called Trebles and Doubles than the former, because all the changes throughout the Seven-hundred and twenty, are treble and double, except only the two single changes: But in Ringing an Eighteen-score (which is half the Seven-hundred and twenty, and a complete Peal of it self) the changes are all treble and double without any single change therein; for you must know, that in any Peal of Grandsire bob, the bells will come round in course at the end of Eighteen-score changes, if you make no single change to carry it on farther to the end of the Seven-hundred and twenty.

This Peal has a whole hunt, a half hunt, a quarter hunt, and three extream bells; every bell hunts in a direct course, and lies twice together before, and twice behind, until the whole hunt leads, and then the four hindmost bells do dodge, that is, they make a double change; in which 'tis alwayes observed, that the two bells which lie in third and fifths places (in the change next before the dodge) are hunting down, and in making this double change, each of those bells do dodge with the bell next above it, that is, they move up over one bell, and then each of them moves directly down; and the two bells that lie in fourth and tenors places in the change next before every dodge, are hunting up, and in making the dodge change, each of those bells do move down under one bell, and then they move up again in their course, as before; the dodge changes in all Peals of Trebles and Doubles, are made in the same manner as these.

There are two sorts of bobs in this Peal, viz. a single, and a double Bob; the Rule for making the single bob, is this, when the whole hunt leads, and the half hunt lies in tenors place, and the quarter hunt in fourths place, the next change is a bob; and when the whole hunt leads, and the half hunt lies in fifths place, and the quarter hunt in seconds place, then there is a double bob, that is, two bob-changes; one of which is made the next change, and the other is made the next time the whole hunt leads after. The bobs are all double changes, and made in one and the same manner (i.e.) the leading bell, and that in fourths place, do both lie still, whil'st the two bells in second and thirds places, and those in fifth and tenors places make the bob-change; and as soon as 'tis made, the bell in fourths place moves directly down. The half hunt is alwayes one of the two hindmost bells which makes every bob-change.

In Ringing this Peal, there is a Rule observed, whereby the person that does Ring the quarter hunt, may give notice of the bobs before they come to be made, without which it were impossible to Ring it; the Rule is this: In the dodge which is made between the four hindmost bells every time the whole hunt leads, if the half hunt and quarter hunt do dodge in fifth and tenors place, then the next time the whole hunt leads, there's a single bob; if they dodge in fourth and thirds places, then there's a double bob that is, two bob-changes, one of which is made the next time, the whole hunt leads after the dodge, and the other is made the next time the whole hunt leads after the former is made: He that does Ring the quarter hunt, may give notice of every bob-change, by saying (Bob) when the whole hunt is going to lead, which is a change next before the bob is to be made.

There are certain Rules very convenient to be known by all that practise to Ring this Peal; (viz.) he that does Ring the whole hunt, must observe that the bell which he first follows when he leaves the trebles place hunting up, he must follow the same bell the next time he lies behind; and the second bell which he follows in hunting up, he must also follow the same bell when he next leaves the tenors place hunting down; and likewise, the third bell which he follows in hunting up, he must also follow the same bell when he leaves the fifths place hunting down: For instance, in the first change of the following Peal, the bells stand thus: 214365: here the treble (being the whole hunt) does first follow the second, therefore when the treble has hunted up, and lies behind, it follows the second again, as in this change, 654321: And again, the second change of the following Peal, is 241635: here the fourth is the second bell, which the treble follows in hunting up, therefore he follows that bell again the next time he leaves the tenors place hunting down, as in this change, 563412: which course is observed throughout the Peal. And in Ringing any other bell (beside the whole Hunt) 'tis observed, that the next time you lie before the bells after a bob, that bell which you first follow in hunting up, you must also follow the same bell when you lie behind; and the same bell you must first follow every time you hunt up, and every time you lie behind, until the next bob comes to be made, but if the whole hunt is the second bell which you follow in hunting up, then you must follow the whole Hunt when you lie behind; and the next time you lead, and lie behind, you must follow the former bell as before, until the bobs come to be made; and after the bobs, the course is the same (though you do not follow the same bell) as before.

These Rules and Directions before set down, are to be observed in Ringing any Peal of Grandsire bob with any whole Hunt, half Hunt, and quarter Hunt: An Example I have here set down, wherein the treble is the whole Hunt, the second the half Hunt, and the fourth the quarter Hunt, as in these following changes.

123456 214365 241635 426153 462513 645231 654321 563412 536142 351624 315264 132546 135264 312546 321456 234165 243615 426351 462531 645213 654123 561432 516342 153624 156342 513624 531264 352146 325416 234561 243651 426315 462135 641253 614523 165432 ——— 156423 514632 541362 453126 435216 342561 324651 236415 263145 621354 612534 165243 162534 615243 651423 564132 546312 453621 435261 342516 324156 231465 213645 126354 123645 216354 261534 625143 652413 564231 546321 453612 435162 341526 314256 132465 134256 312465 321645 236154 263514 625341 652431 564213 546123 451632 415362 143526 ——— 134562 315426 351246 532164 523614 256341 265431 624513 642153 461235 416325 143652 ——— 134625 316452 361542 635124 653214 562341 526431 254613 245163 421536 412356 143265 142356 413265 431625 346152 364512 635421 653241 562314 526134 251643 215463 124536 125463 214536 241356 423165 432615 346251 364521 635412 653142 561324 516234 152643 156234 512643 521463 254136 245316 423561 432651 346215 364125 631452 613542 165324 163542 615324 651234 562143 526413 254631 245361 423516 432156 341265 314625 136452 ——— 163425 614352 641532 465123 456213 542631 524361 253416 235146 321564 312654 136245 132654 316245 361425 634152 643512 465321 456231 542613 524163 251436 215346 123564 125346 213564 231654 326145 362415 634251 643521 465312 456132 541623 514263 152436 154263 512436 521346 253164 235614 326541 362451 634215 643125 461352 416532 145623 ——— 154632 516423 561243 652134 625314 263541 236451 324615 342165 431256 413526 145362 ——— 154326 513462 531642 356124 365214 632541 623451 264315 246135 421653 412563 145236 142563 415236 451326 543162 534612 356421 365241 632514 623154 261345 216435 124653 126435 214653 241563 425136 452316 543261 534621 356412 365142 631524 613254 162345 163254 612345 621435 264153 246513 425631 452361 543216 534126 351462 315642 136524 135642 316524 361254 632145 623415 264351 246531 425613 452163 541236 514326 153462 ——— 135426 314562 341652 436125 463215 642351 624531 265413 256143 521634 512364 153246 152364 513246 531426 354162 345612 436521 463251 642315 624135 261453 216543 125634 126543 215634 251364 523146 532416 354261 345621 436512 463152 641325 614235 162453 164235 612453 621543 265134 256314 523641 532461 354216 345126 431562 413652 146325 ——— 164352 613425 631245 362154 326514 235641 253461 524316 542136 451263 415623 146532 ——— 164523 615432 651342 563124 536214 352641 325461 234516 243156 421365 412635 146253 142635 416253 461523 645132 654312 563421 536241 352614 325164 231546 213456 124365

Here are just Eighteen-Score changes already made, and the bells may either be brought round in their places, by making a dodg-change behind (according to the common course), thus,

124365 123456

but to have proceeded forward in the 720, the last should have been a single change in third and fourths places, thus,

124365 123465

the single change being made, all the following changes to the end of the 720 are to be made, by the same rule and course as those before set down, the last change of the 720 being also a single change, and to be made in the same place, and between those two bells which made the former single, thus,

124356 123456

which single change brings the bells round in their right places at the end of the 720.

This Peal of Grandsire bob may be Rang with any whole Hunt, half Hunt, and quarter Hunt; but there being some difficulty in beginning many of the Peals, I have therefore set down Directions for beginning each Peal, as follows.

1.2.4 1.2.5 1.3.2 2.3.6 1.4.6 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6.3

In Ringing Grandsire bob with any of these eight Hunts, the first changes in each Peal are to be made in the same manner, as those in the Peal before set down, until the first bob in each Peal comes to be made.

1.2.3 1.2.6 1.3.5 1.4.2 1.4.5

With these five Hunts, the first change in each Peal is a dodge between the four hindmost bells: thus,

123456 124365

Each three figures that stand together next before, do represent a whole Hunt, a half Hunt, and quarter Hunt: for instance, the uppermost figures in the first Column, are 1.2.4. there the treble is the whole Hunt, the second the half Hunt, and the fourth the quarter Hunt, and so of the rest.

In making the treble the whole Hunt, the fifth the half Hunt, and the sixth the quarter Hunt; the first change is a dodge between the four hindmost bells, in which the half and quarter Hunt do dodge together in fifth and tenors places, therefore the next time the whole hunt comes before the bells, there's a single bob.

In ringing treble, tenor, and fifth, the whole Hunt moves up the first change, thus 214365, and so on in the common course until it comes next before the bells, at which time there's a single bob.

In ringing treble, fourth, and third, the whole Hunt moves up the first change, thus, 214365, and so forward in the common course, until it leads again; at which time there's a bob-change to be made, and another the next time the whole Hunt leads after that, it being a double bob.

In ringing treble, third, and fourth, the first is a dodge-change between the four hindmost bells, in which the half Hunt and quarter Hunt do dodge together in third and fourths places, therefore a double bob is next to be made, one of which bob-changes is the next time the whole Hunt leads, and the other the next following. In ringing treble, fifth, and second, the first is a bob-change; and the next time the whole Hunt leads, there's another bob-change, it being a double bob.

In Ringing treble, sixth, and second, and treble, sixth, and fourth, the first change in each of these two Peals is a bob.

2.4.6 5.3.4 6.1.2 5.3.1

With these four Hunts, the first change is treble, and the next double, thus, 214365, and so on, till the whole Hunt leads.

3.5.2 4.6.2 6.2.1 2.3.5 6.3.5

With these five Hunts, the first change must be made between the four bells in the midst, thus, 132546.

In Ringing tenor, treble, and second, there's a single bob the first time the whole Hunt comes before the bells.

In all Peals of Grandsire bob, where the first change is either a bob, or a dodge between the four hindmost bells, or else a double change between the four bells in the midst, it must be made at the back-stroke of the bells, otherwise the Peal would cut compass all the way, that is, every bell would come to lead at the back-stroke.

In the Eighteen-score changes before set down, there's a line drawn between the figures at every bob, the changes next below each line is a bob-change.

In the Seven-hundred and twenty changes of Grandsire bob, there are two single changes to be made. The first single change in any Peal is most commonly made as near the end of Eighteen-score changes (from the beginning) as may be, and 'tis the best way, and most convenient: For instance, sometimes it happens that one or more of those persons who do Ring this Peal, may be weary before they have Rang Eighteen-score changes, therefore upon notice given, the single change may be forborn, and then the bells will in course come round at the end of Eighteen-score changes, making a complete Peal; but after the first single change is made, the bells cannot be brought round in course, until the Seven-hundred and twenty are all made.

There is great variety in making the single changes in each Peal, which may be made at divers places (viz.)

The first single change in any Peal may be made the second time the whole Hunt leads after the last bob-change of the first or second double bobs, at which places the whole Hunt, half Hunt, and quarter Hunt, do alwayes lie together before the bells, and the single change is to be made in third and fourths places.

The first single change in any Peal may also be made the second time the whole Hunt leads after the first or second single bobs, at which place the whole Hunt and half Hunt do alwayes lie together before the bells; and the quarter Hunt lies behind, therefore it must be made between the two hindmost bells.

Or if the first bob in any Peal is a double bob, then the first single change may be made the second time the whole Hunt leads after the third double bob in that Peal, at which place the whole Hunt, half Hunt, and quarter Hunt do lie together before the bells, and the single is made in third and fourths places.

Or if the first bob in any Peal is a single bob, then the first single change may be made the second time the whole Hunt leads after the third single bob, where the whole Hunt and half Hunt do alwayes lie together before the bells, and the quarter Hunt behind, therefore the single change must be made behind.

The first single change in any Peal may also be made either at the first, second, or third single bobs, at which places the whole Hunt leads, the half Hunt lies in tenors place, and the quarter Hunt in fourths place, therefore it must be made behind.

The first single change in any Peal may also be made the next time the whole Hunt leads after the last bob-change of the first or second double bobs, at which place the whole Hunt, and quarter Hunt do alwayes lie together before the bells, and the half Hunt in fourths place, therefore the single change must be made in third and fourths places. And in most Peals, the first single change may be made the next time the whole Hunt leads after the last bob-change of the third double bob; and in some Peals, the first single change may be made the second time the whole Hunt leads after the third double bob (nothwithstanding the first bob-change in that Peal is a single bob, as in the Eighteen-score treble, second and fourth before set down) which falls out according as the first bob change happens to be made either nearer the beginning of the Peal, or farther from it; for in some Peals, the bells will come round in course the next time the whole Hunt leads after the last bob-change of the third double bob. And in many Peals, the bells will come round at the fore-stroke the second time the whole Hunt leads after the last bob-change of the third double bob, &c.

There are two single changes in every Seven-hundred and twenty, which are alwayes made when the whole Hunt leads, the last single change in every Peal being constantly made just Eighteen-score changes from the first; for making of which, observe these Rules.

If the first single change (in any Peal) is made the second time the whole Hunt leads after a double bob, then the second single change must be made the second time the whole Hunt leads after the third double bob, accounting from the place where the first single change was made.

If the first single change in any Peal is made the second time the whole Hunt leads after a single bob, then the second single change must be made the second time the whole Hunt leads after the third single bob, accounting from the place where the first single change was made. Or if the first single change is made at a single bob, then the second single change must be made at the third single bob, accounting from the place where the first single change was made.

The second single change in every Peal must be made between those two bells, and in the same place where the first single change was made; and the whole Hunt, half Hunt, and quarter Hunt, will in course lie in the same places at the second single change, where they lay at the first: either the half Hunt, or quarter Hunt, are alwayes one of the two bells which makes every single change. But there are many other wayes to make the single changes, viz. to make them between the half Hunt, and quarter Hunt, at any dodge, where those two bells do dodge together next before a bob, &c. of which I need not say any thing more in this place, having already set down all those wayes which are most easie and convenient to be practised.

In Ringing this Peal of Grandsire bob, (with any whole Hunt, half Hunt, and quarter Hunt) if there's no single change made within Eighteen-score changes from the beginning of the Peal, the bells will in course come round in their right places, just at the end of Eighteen-score changes.

In any Peal of Grandsire bob, where the first is a double change, and made at the back-stroke, the last change of the Peal (which brings the bells round in their right places) is a treble change, and made at the fore-stroke.

The Seven-hundred and twenty changes of Grandsire Bob may be Rang without making any single change therein, which way of Ringing it, is call'd Grandsire Bob True: that is, the changes are all true trebles and doubles without any single change therein. There are made two double changes (contrary to the course of all the double changes in the Peal) to supply the place of the two single changes, which two are called True changes; and to be made divers wayes, and at several places. The first true change in any Peal may be made at the first, second, or third double bobs either at the first or second bob-change of each. At the first bob-change of any double bob it may be made, by moving the Bell in fourths place down under two Bells at once into the seconds place, and the two hindmost Bells must make a change at the same time: for Example, in the Eighteen-score of treble, second and fourth before set down, at the first bob-change of the first double Bob, the Bells stand thus, 143526. Now the true change is made, by moving the Bell which lies in fourths place down under two Bells at once into seconds place, and the two hindmost Bells are at the same time to make a change thus, 154362. At this place it may be made another way, by moving the hindmost Bell down under two Bells at once into the fourths place, and the two Bells in second and thirds places are at the same time to make a change thus, 134652. At the last Bob-change of each double Bob, it may also be made two wayes; one of which, is to move the Bell in fourths down into the seconds place, and the two hindmost Bells at the same time to make a change, as I shewed you before: But the best and easiest way is to move the bell which lies in fourths place up over two bells at once into the tenors place, and the two bells in second and thirds places to make a change as at a bob: for instance, at the last bob-change of the first double bob in the Eighteen-score before set down, the figures stand thus, 143652. Now the bell in fourths place must be moved up behind, and the two bells in second and thirds places are to make a change, 134526. The second True change in every Peal must be made just Eighteen-score changes from the first, in making of which, these Rules are to be observed. If the first true change in any Peal is made at the first bob-change of a double bob, then the second true change must be made at the first bob-change of the third double bob, accounting from the place where the first true change is made, but not reckoning that for one of the three: or if the first true change is made at the last bob-change of a double bob, then the second true change must be made at the last bob-change of the third double bob, accounting from the place where the first true change was made, but not reckoning that for one of the three. And the second true change in every Peal must be made in the same manner and place as the first, the true and single changes in Grandsire bob, are both to one and the same effect (i.e.) to alter the course of the extream bells; for in making these changes, the whole hunt, half hunt, and quarter hunt are to continue their constant course without variation, neither of those 3 bells being any otherwise concerned therein, than at the change which should have been made, if the single or true change had been forborn.

There is another way to Ring this Peal of Grandsire Bob, by a course differing from the former. When the whole Hunt leads, the half Hunt lies in fifths place, and the quarter Hunt in fourths place, then the next change is a single bob; and when the whole Hunt leads, and the half Hunt lies in fifths place, and the quarter Hunt in thirds place, then the next change is the first bob-change of a double bob; the bobs and dodge-changes herein are made in the same manner, as those in the former way: But the bobs herein are called by a Rule differing from the former, viz. when the whole Hunt and half Hunt do lie together before the bells, and the quarter Hunt (lying in fourths place) dodges with the bell in thirds place, then the second time the whole Hunt comes before the bells (from that place) there is made the first bob-change of a double bob, the second bob-change being made the next time the whole Hunt leads after. When the whole Hunt and half Hunt, do lie together before the bells, and the quarter Hunt (lying in fifths place) dodges with the bell in tenors place, then the second time the whole Hunt leads (from that place) is made a single bob.

There are two single changes in the Seven-hundred and twenty, the first single change in any Peal may be made at the first, second, or third single bobs, at which places it must be made between the 2 hindmost bells; or the first single change may be made the next time the whole Hunt leads after the first, second, or third single bobs, at which places 'tis alwayes made between the two hindmost bells. The first single change may also be made the next time the whole Hunt leads after the last bob-change of the first, second, or third double bobs, where it must alwayes be made in third and fourths places. But in some few Peals it happens, that the bells will come round at the fore-stroke the next time the whole Hunt leads after the third single bob, and also after the last bob-change of the third double bob, which falls out according as the first bob-change in each Peal is made, either nearer the beginning, or farther off.

The second single change (in every Peal) must be made Eighteen-score changes from the first, in making of which, these Rules must be observed.

If the first single change is made at a single bob, then the second single change must be made at the third single bob from the place where the first was made. Or if the first single change is made the next time the whole Hunt leads after a single bob, then the second single change must be made the next time the whole Hunt leads after the third single bob, accounting from the place where the first single change was made. And the same Rule is observed in making it after a double bob.

The second single change in every Peal must be made in the same place, and between those two bells which made the first single change: But (in Ringing this Peal) if you make no single change, the bells will in course come round at the end of Eighteen-score changes.

The way to begin several of these Peals, is as follows.

In Ringing treble, third, and fifth; and second, third, and fifth; and also third, fifth, and second; the first change is treble, and the next double, and so forward in the common course of trebles and doubles, until the first Bob in each comes to be made. In treble, second and third, the first changes are treble and double in the common course; and the second time the treble leads, there's a double Bob. In treble, tenor and second, the first changes are treble and double in the common course; and the second time the treble leads, there's a single Bob. In treble, second and fifth, the first change is a dodge between the four hindmost Bells; and the second time the treble leads, there's a single Bob. In second, fourth and tenor, the first change is made between the 4 Bells in the midst. In treble, second and fourth, the first change is a dodge behind; and the second time the treble leads, there's a double Bob.

Changes on eight Bells.

There are 40320 several changes on 8 bells, which to Ring it is altogether impossible; the greatest Peal that ever was Rang on 8 Bells, is 1680, being only a third part of the changes on seven Bells, which are to be Rang with a whole Hunt, half Hunt, quarter Hunt, half quarter Hunt (for so you may term it) and three extream Bells: But the most complete and musical Peal that ever was Rang on eight Bells, is Grandsire Bob, treble, second and fifth, Half-pulls, on the fourth and the tenor lying behind every change, thus, 123567,48. which has of late been practised by the Colledge-Youths, and excellently well performed by them. Grandsire, and Tendring Six-score on eight Bells makes good Musick, 7.4.8. lying behind every change: And a Six-score (four extreams) on the six Bells in the midst, the treble leading all the way, and the tenor lying behind, making a change at first between the 4 and 5, and then proceeds forwards in the Six-score, making the second the whole Hunt, and the seventh the half Hunt, it makes excellent Musick; but after the Six-score changes are made, the fourth and fifth must change their places again to bring the Bells round.

35678,241 12357,864 12357,468 12357,648 12356,748 34567,218 45678,321 12368,574

The most musical Peals that are commonly Rang on eight Bells, are these Six-scores on five, the other three Bells lying behind every change: For example, the uppermost fig. are 35678,241. here the 35678, makes the Six-score changes, 3 the whole hunt, and 8 the half Hunt, or any others, and 241. strikes behind every change, in the same order as they now lie, and so of the rest. The three Bells which are to lie behind, must first be hunted up one after the other in order, before any of the Six-score changes are made. The Seven-score and four on the six middle Bells, the treble leading, and the tenor lying behind every change, makes good Musick.

Of Hanging Bells.

First, for the Stock, much need not be said, but of placing the Cannons or Crown of the Bell into it, which is called Hanging of a Bell, I shall speak something: First, find out whether the Cannons be upright and true, then raise the Bell up by some Rope tyed to the Cannons, and so that the Bell hang level, which you may find, by applying a Plumet to the brim, then fasten a string to the Crown-staple within the Bell, then (a Plumet being tyed to the other end of the string) if the string hang in the midst between the two sides of the Bell whereon the Clapper should strike, the Crown-staple is cast into the Bell true: Now when you have hung the Bell, and let the Gudgeons in true by Keys (for therein consists the main point of the going of a Bell) then if the Clapper hang in the midst between the two striking sides, and the Stock stand upright, the Bell is well hung.

If a Bell have a longer stroke on the one side, than the other, truss up that side which hath the short stroke more, or let the other side down, and put a piece or two of Leather in, according to the stroke; but sometimes the fault of the stroke is in the Sally, which you may remedy, by tying the Fillet (or little Cord about the rim of the Wheel, which causeth the dancing of the Rope) nearer, or farther off the main Spoke; nearer makes a short stroke, farther off the Spoke, a long one.

And observe, that the trussing or taking up of a great Bell far into the Stock by a notch, makes the Bell go easier, and lie lighter at hand (that is) when it is set, for the farther the brim of the Bell is from the centre of gravity, the heavier it is: Now the centre of gravity is a supposed line drawn through the Stock from one Gudgeon to the other; but note, if you truss a Bell up, that the Crown-staple be much above the Gudgeons, you must fasten a false Eye to the Crown-staple, and to this false Eye hang the Clapper, otherwise it will not strike so freely: Now small Bells must be trussed up short, for else the Bell hanging low, and fetching a great Compass in the swing, and having but little Compass in the brim, the Clapper keeps along by the side of the Bell, and gives no blow at all; but being hung short, the Bell fetches a quick and short Compass, equal to the bigness of the brim, and the Clapper strikes well.

Now for the tempering of the Gudgeons, I leave it to the judgment of the Workman; but a word or two of the polishing of it. After it is filed, or turned exactly round, take two pieces of Oak, and oyl one side of each, and strew fine Sand thereon, and clap them in a Smiths Vice, with the round of the Gudgeon between, then turn it about, until you think it is sufficiently polished, then oyl the sides of the pieces of Oak wherein there is no Sand, and so clap them in a Vice, with the Gudgeon between, as before, then turn it round, and it will polish the Gudgeon wonderful smooth; and if the Brasses are likewise well polished, the Bell will go as well at the first, as ever: Now by the neglect of this, the roughness of the Gudgeon will wear the Brasses so unequally, that the Bell will never go smooth and steddy.

Now I would advise all Bell hangers to hang Bells with bolts of Iron to come from the Cannons through the Stock, and to fasten them with Keys at the top of the Stock, and not with plates nailed on the sides; for they are mighty inconvenient to fasten a bell that is loose in the Stock, or to alter the stroke.

As for the Rowle, let it not be without, nor within the hollow of the side of the Wheel; nor above, nor below the hollow at the bottom of the Wheel. Now the bigger a Wheel is, if the Frame will permit, the bell will go the better; when the wheel is new, nail Stays from the Stock to each Spoke, to keep it from warping.

'Tis very convenient (if the Frame will permit) to fasten a piece of Timber about half a foot long on the end of the main Spoke at the top of the Wheel (whereon the end of the bell-rope is fastned) with a notch on the end of it; so at the setting of the bell, the Rope will hit into that notch from the Rowle, and this will make the bell lie easier at hand when it is set, and flie better.


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