The only reason that Roman Catholicism does not control this country with her tyrannical hand is on account of numerical numbers, for did Rome believe that she could rule this country to-day, before the sun would set to-morrow night this would be a nation of serfs instead of a nation of independent men and women.
I perhaps have made my declarations broader and stronger than any man of the present day, but I am fresh from the ranks of Catholicism and I know her cunning, and since I have forsaken her blind leadership and drank deep from the well of Protestantism, I have resolved that no stone shall go unturned that will help me to convince America of her great danger which shadows her future by permitting this Romish despot to flood this country with not only her blind followers, but by being permitted to brazenly denounce everything that is near and dear to this country, as her brazen denunciations of our American institutions is nothing more nor less than treason, and which should be treated as such.
To give the reader some idea of what Roman Catholicism will do if she ever has the power, we quote an article which appeared in a Catholic journal known as "The Catholic Citizen," of Milwaukee, Wis.
Now, if Catholicism has at this time become so brazen that she dares offer the Protestant world the insults that is contained in this article, what shall we expect if this damnable creed ever becomes powerful enough to control by physical strength? The article follows:
"Protestantism in Cuba? What good will it do there? If only the good it has wrought elsewhere, Heaven help the Cubans! Protestantism is nothing but a disorganizer and a pathway to infidelity and atheism. This is the only reason of its existence. As a positive moral force, it is a farce. It has never converted a single nation, but it has unconverted Protestants themselves with a holy vengeance. Berlin has 75,000 church goers out of 2,000,000 people; London 400,000 out of 6,000,000 and so on. 'Without baptism you can not enter Heaven,' says the Scripture, and lo! thanks to Protestantism, nearly 60,000,000 people in the United States are not baptized. A nice system (for the devil), that produces such results—results as fatal to the heathen as to the Christian. Protestantism found the Sandwich islands with 400,000 people. Where are they now? Gone. A million Macris in New Zealand. Where are they? Gone. Seven million Indians in the United States. Where are they? Gone.
"On the other hand, the friars found 300,000 natives in the Philippines 400 years ago, and there are 9,000,000 now; 12,000,000 Indians south of the Rio Grande, and there are 50,000,000 now. 'By their fruits you shall know them.' In view of such facts, we think Protestants should leave 'Boonioboola Gha' alone and confine their proselytizing to unfortunates nearer home. An American is just as well worth saving as a Cuban or a Chinaman any day."
"The American Citizen," a journal published in Boston, Mass., made the following comment on this article, which appeared in this Roman Catholic journal:
"The above is as good a specimen of papal logic as we have ever seen—and it is the real thing.
"'It has never converted a single nation!' Christianity is not supposed to convert nations—it converts individuals. Mohammedanism converted (?) many nations by the sword, and popery attempted to do it by the inquisition, but failed—except in the case of the Jews and Moors in Spain, which it 'converted' into beggars and refugees.
"Rome 'converted' the Albigenses from being peaceful and industrious citizens into the best mountain warriors in Europe—and the handful defied and defeated the best papal armies of Europe.
"But how about England, and Scotland, and Scandinavia, and the Netherlands, and many other nations—were they not all papal at one time, but converted through reformation? How about the Huguenots—the very flower of France; the Protestant Irish, the very salvation of the Emerald Isle—were not these all at one time Romanists—converted to Protestantism?
"Read the record of Rome's 'conversions' in Mexico, in Central America, in South America, as told by Prescott and other historians—the introduction of slavery by the papal church, and the unspeakable cruelties perpetrated upon the Indians, or aborigines, of the countries mentioned. Read, in United States senate document 190, the record of Rome's 'conversions' in the Philippines—a work which has made every Filipino a bitter hater of the priests.
"'The Indians of the United States!' Have they ever been Protestants? Have not the priests had control of them since this land was discovered? Are not the vices which have killed them—apart from war—the peculiar vices of popery, especially drunkenness? What good have the priests wrought among them? Take California as an example, where these priests enslaved tens of thousands of the Indians for the sole purpose of enriching their church!
"This is a matter of history—of undeniable history. If the American Indians were slain in battle, in nine cases out of ten the Jesuits instigated them to the deeds which brought on the war. While Prescott's 'Mexico' and 'Peru' are accessible in our libraries, popery had better be dumb.
"That the Filipinos have increased from 300,000 to 9,000,000 and the South Americans from 12,000,000 to 50,000,000, may be true, for all travelers tell us that it is no uncommon thing to find a priest with a halfscore of concubines and fifty children. Certainly these priests have an advantage over Protestant missionaries in this respect. The pagans would naturally follow the example of their 'spiritual' advisers. Oh, yes, the population certainly increases where the priestcraft live."
The Roman Catholic church says that the priests shall not wed, but at the same time the priestcraft fathers an army of children.
The Philippine islands is a nation of heathens, and Catholicism has been in charge of these islands for centuries, and to-day they are worse off than they were before Catholicism planted her black banner in their midst.
Wherever you find intellectuality, morality and civilization in its fullest meaning, you will find a country where Protestantism is the predominating doctrine, as Catholicism can not exist only in the "underbrush" of ignorance and vice.
The greatest menace this country has to contend with is the influx of Rome's followers from other nations, and unless our immigration laws are remedied it will not be long until Rome will be able, by physical strength, to enumerate the United States as one of her countries, as each succeeding year tens of thousands of the followers of Rome from Italy and other priest-ridden countries flock to our shores to practice in this country the abominations taught them in their childhood.
France's woes and miseries have been expected for years by men of intelligence and men who could read the signs of the times, as Rome's influence was year by year growing more intolerable, and it was only a matter of time when France would be forced to either permit herself to be dragged down to the level of the debased teachings of Catholicism or else by a heroic effort boldly stamp out this Romish creed of damnation, and the latter course is the one she has chosen to pursue, and to-day finds the Roman Catholic church despised and detested by every intelligent and patriotic Frenchman of the land.
In July 1874, Eugene Lawrence, in the columns of "Harper's Weekly," made a prediction that ought to convince every sane man and woman in this land that the woes of France are directly traceable to the Roman Catholic church, as Mr. Lawrence was a historian of national repute, and a man who was a patriot whom the American eagle was proud of, and for the benefit of the readers of my little book I desire to quote in full this prediction made thirty years ago, as to-day finds Mr. Lawrence's prediction being fulfilled in every particular, and Roman Catholicism is the incarnate fiend that has forced this prediction to come true. Mr. Lawrence's article follows:
"The Papal church is chiefly responsible for the decadence of the French mind. The priests have long controlled the education of the nation and have striven to shut it out from all contact with the culture of America, Germany and England. Under the rule of Napoleon III, the Jesuits obtained the guidance of nearly all the secondary colleges; Protestant schools were sedulously discouraged, and nothing was taught that could offend the mediaeval tastes of Rome. When, two years ago, the French republicans had resolved to found a free and compulsory system of instruction for all France as the chief want of the nation, the papal bishops and priests suppressed the measure by all their arts. They were resolved to have no education which they could not control. The republican movement failed; Bishop Dupanloup and his associates succeeded once more in shutting out the light of knowledge from the people, and have sown the fires of warfare in the place of mental progress and moral culture.
"France, which has often made the most rapid progress toward reform, has also been the most successful leader of modern reaction. Its revolutions have set in motion all other nations, but have failed to purify itself. It is enslaved by a single church and ruled by Roman superstition. At the recent assembly at Paris, of all the hierarchy of France, of Jesuits, Dominicans, Monks and prelates, it was resolved that all the strength of the papal party should be given to an effort to grasp the control of the higher education of the people, and make every college and seminary the teacher of the worship of the Sacred Heart; to confine instruction within the limits of Roman theology, and shut out more strictly than ever before the light of modern progress. At a great and powerful meeting of all the Roman Catholic editors of France, a similar policy was resolved upon. By a strange revulsion of sentiment the press was made to advocate its own restriction or repression. The papal editors apparently sigh for a return of the mediaeval practices when Francis I. burned ardent printers in Paris, and the Sorbonne would have banished the printing press from France forever. The Roman Catholic papers invoke the restoration of the Bourbons and of the temporal power of the Pope, and in the ardor of a new spirit of martyrdom offered themselves up to a spiritual bondage that must end in their own slow destruction and the death of the national intellect They would enforce anew that policy if isolation which has filled France with impurity, and left it the prey of emperors and marshals, princes and priests.
"France has thus displayed, since its first revolution, a most remarkable contest. The spirit of freedom has more than once placed its people in front of human progress, and ever again the spirit of reaction has dragged them back into the abyss of mental and moral decay. Its priests have invariably triumphed over its reformers. The Roman church has always held a supremacy above the law. Of all the national institutions, it has alone preserved its freedom of action unimpaired. It receives an enormous subsidy from the state. While all other associations are held under a strict subjection, while political meetings are scarcely allowed, while the press is silenced, while Protestant churches can hold no assemblies or synods except by the connivance of the government, while Protestant churches are forbidden to have either bell or steeple, the Roman priesthood hold their councils and assemblies unrestrained, and cover the land with their sodalities, their societies, their processions, and their pilgrimages. The church is the only well-organized political party. Its agents are active in every commune. Its severe discipline produces order through all its hosts of Jesuits, monks and priests. Its confessors rule in the palaces of the wealthy and the hovels of the peasants. It forbids education, it stifles thought, it inculcates a pitiless severity against Protestants and reformers; and with natural indignation the leading Republicans point to the dominant church as the chief source of all the woes of France, as sacrificing the morals, integrity and mental elevation of the nation to the single purpose of maintaining the ascendency of a foreign Pope. The French Republicans have been forced to see that the Papal church is the necessary foe of freedom. It would be well if our own people could learn from their experience, and guard with strict vigilance their institutions from the secret and open assaults of a foreign priesthood.
"There is no doubt, at least in the minds of the French Republicans, that to the intrigues of the Papal faction is due the disordered and hopeless condition of the nation. Gambetta's paper, La Republique, assures its readers that the assembly is ruled by a party devoted wholly to the ecclesiastical interests; that they labor only to reduce the whole country to an abject submission to Rome, and are ready to accomplish their aims by measures fatal to the peace of France. It asserts that the priesthood forms a league as rigorous as that over which the Guises ruled and against which the Huguenots struggled; that the church has its myriads of societies, committees, agents, an overflowing treasury, the favor of the government, a single aim—an infallible ruler. It calls upon the people, if they would be free, to strike down the hydra that preys upon the state. The policy of Bismarck, indeed, finds its best defense in the condition of France. If the interference of the papal faction proves so disastrous to the welfare of the French people, it is plainly the interest of Germany to crush it forever by all the resources of statesmanship. If the rule of papal Rome be so intolerable to its friends, what might it not accomplish in the dominions of its opponents? France may yet learn from its neighbors over the Rhine the only path to freedom. What it seems most to need is a Bismarck."
If in 1874, Mr. Lawrence, after making a thorough study of the conditions of France, could so accurately prophecy what would happen thirty years hence, the conditions at that time must have been indeed very palpable, but no more so than they are in America to-day, as Roman Catholicism within the past ten years has made greater strides in strangling American liberties than she ever has in any twenty-five years, before, as this creed of abominations has been losing its hold upon not only the throats of France, but of Italy as well. As she has made the effort of her life to plant the seeds of anarchy and revolution in the bosom of her followers in the United States, in order that she may at the proper time, and as soon as she believes she is numerically strong enough to overcome by physical force, to strike a blow that will paralyze every ambition of Protestantism in this country.
Hundreds of the best and wisest men this country has ever known have been for years warning the United States of her dangers from Romanism, but it seems as though we will not heed the warning, but bear in mind that unless this country does heed this warning and halt the Czar of Darkness, we will live to see the time when we will have to resort to arms to protect our Protestant interests.
The nation of France has swung out from the power of the Vatican, and is to-day defying the Pope of Rome and daring him to do his worst, and France is a nation that has always been a Catholic nation and controlled by her abominations, but she has woke up to the fact that unless this hellish doctrine is stamped out from her shores that she will become a nation of mental pygmies and nonentities, as she has long since learned that Catholicism is nothing more nor less than a poisonous breath that withers intellect and causes nations to decay and sink to the level of Romish degeneracy.
It seems as though the Vatican will not learn that the world moves, as the Vatican is determined that Italy shall not appear above the horizon of papal abhorrence.
It is hard for the Vatican to learn that the world moves and that Italy moves with it. In its final resolution, the quarrel between the Pope and the French government is based on the recognition of the king of Italy as the sole sovereign in Rome, but the Pope is as determined that him and his reign of darkness shall be the only acknowledged ruler of Italy.
President Loubet of France, the executive of this Catholic nation, gave great offense to the Vatican, by visiting the king of Italy, who is in the eyes of the church a usurper.
According to the Vatican's standards, the kingdom of Italy is not an accomplished fact, as the Vatican refuses to recognize any government in Italy save that which he chooses to establish and build up out of the filth and abominations of Roman Catholicism.
The Pope declares himself to be the only legitimate sovereign in Rome, but the Italian government has for a number of years been learning that the power of the Vatican is a power of darkness, emanating from the putridness of paganism, and which is detrimental to any nation that aspires to individual intellectuality, morality and greatness.
The reader must bear in mind that Italy is the home of the Pope, and the home of Popes, and that Rome is the city of Popes, archbishops and cardinals.
This statement can not be denied by any living man, and since it is true, we want to learn something of the inhabitants of Rome, so that we may be prepared to judge whether Roman Catholicism is beneficial or detrimental to those whom she rules.
We make the statement without fear of successful denial, that Roman Catholicism is a power which withers the hopes and ambitions of any nation, which is so unlucky as to fall under her tyrannical tread, as Romanism is a power for evil, unequaled by any creed of deviltry and diabolical cunning ever conceived by mortal man.
We have made the statement that the city of Rome was one of the most immoral and ungodly cities under the shining canopy of Heaven, and we have also made the statement that Rome is the home of popes, archbishops and cardinals, and we propose to prove to the reader that, while Rome is the home of Roman Catholic officials, that she is also the home of the libertine and immoral.
We also propose to prove that the immorality of the inhabitants of Rome is taught them by the Catholic officials of Rome, as we are not writing of what we have learned from the mouth of others, but we are writing of what we know by the power of sight, as we have visited Rome more than once in the official capacity of Roman Catholicism, and we make this statement with a living God as our witness, that Roman Catholicism is responsible for the immorality found in the city of Rome, and this immorality is not confined alone to the city outside the walls of the Vatican, as this atmosphere of immorality and degradation permeates the very atmosphere of the Vatican, as illegitimacy is found within the walls of the Vatican, as well as without.
Rome is a city of popes, cardinals, archbishops, priests, monks, friars and ecclesiastical students.
In the city of Rome, which is the home of popes, there are 39 cardinals, 35 archbishops, 1,469 priests, 2,832 monks and friars, 2,000 nuns and 1,000 ecclesiastical students, making in all 7,576 teachers of this abomination; and for every 4,375 children born in the city of Rome, 3,160 are bastards, and for every 750 people in the city of Rome, there is a murder committed during the year; thus you will see that this herd of Catholic teachers are not only teachers of immorality and degradation, but are also responsible for murder, as such a pestilence of immorality will lead to murder.
Is it any wonder that France and Italy are to-day struggling with this polluted beast in order to free themselves from her filthy grasp? Is it any wonder that France has closed up the monasteries, convents and schools of this abomination!
With such nations as France and Italy declaring to their inhabitants that Catholicism is not only a nuisance but a menace to intelligence and morality, what can this government expect in the future if she permits Romanism to continue to flourish in the future as she has in the past?
This book is not written by a man who seeks notoriety, or a man who is writing from a prejudiced standpoint, but we are writing from what we know of the awfulness of Catholicism, as fifty-six long years have rolled into eternity since I began to worship at the feet of this immoral hag; therefore, the reader must know that it is not a pleasant task to acknowledge before the world that we have been not only fifty-six years a follower of this creed of abominations, but for thirty long years we helped to fasten this creed upon the human family.
I wish that it was within my power to become a spirit, which would enable me to navigate the air and whisper my warnings into the ears of Protestant America, for no nation on the face of the earth needs the warning as badly as the United States, as day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year the Vatican's shadow grows longer and longer upon our shores, and wherever this shadow of paganish darkness stretches itself you will find the withered hopes of man, as Roman Catholicism's only ambition is to place humanity at her feet, which will enable her to bind her followers with the cords of superstition and ignorance, as she exists upon the blasted hopes of those whom she rules.
If what I have told you in the pages of this book is true, then is it not time for Protestant America to arouse herself from her lethargy and buckle on the armor of righteousness and patriotism and go forth to battle this "Strumpet of Sin" with the valor of our American forefathers?
I have prayerfully endeavored to lay bare the sins of Roman Catholicism, and the only hindrance I have encountered in my efforts is on the account of not being more familiar with the English language, as I am a German born, and my power of expressing myself in the English language is materially hindered by being educated in Germany, but thank God that education does not stand in the way of a living God helping the foreign tongue to express itself in a manner which can be understood.
I have endeavored to inform the reader who I am, what I am, and why I am what I am, and have taken up the abominations of Catholicism and treated these abominations in a manner that I hope will carry conviction to the hearts of the reader, as I am qualified to go before not only any official who has the power to administer an oath and to make oath to the truthfulness of every assertion made herein, but I am willing to meet my God around the great white throne in Heaven and stand upon the declarations herein contained.
I have endeavored to give the Protestant reader to understand that his offspring are considered bastards, and their parents persons who live in immorality, by not belonging to the Roman Catholic Church and being married by the priestcraft.
I have endeavored to tear the mask of ignorance from the bleared and polluted features of Romanism and show her up in all of her detestible ugliness.
I have in my weak manner endeavored to try to warn our American fathers and mothers of the great danger of the "confession," as the confessional is the stepping stone that leads to Romish abominations, as it is there that the seed of immoral thought is planted and it is there that the purity of girlhood is first tarnished, and if I can arouse Protestant mothers and fathers of this land to these awful sinks of iniquity I will consider that I have been instrumental in helping to obliterate one of the greatest evils known to the human family.
I have endeavored to point out to Protestant America the awful mistake made by the United States in permitting Roman Catholicism to continue her debauchery in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands, as I declare to the reader with eyes wet with grief that not only the flower of our army is being sacrificed in these far away islands, but that millions of dollars are being spent upon these islands and that Roman Catholicism is being benefited by this great expenditure of Protestant money, as the Pope of Rome is as powerful in these islands to-day as he ever was, and every intelligent Protestant in this land who has made this subject a study knows full well that had it not been for Roman Catholicism and her outrages, that the Spanish-American war would never have been fought.
I have earnestly tried to make the reader understand that the monasteries in this country are often the abodes of criminals, and the nunneries of this land are the slaughter pens of virtue, and I trust that my readers will read it in the spirit that I have written it, and if such is the case I know that this little book will be instrumental in not only opening the eyes of drowsy Protestantism, but it will be instrumental in turning thousands of Roman Catholics from the error of their ways and pointing them to "the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world."
I have endeavored to demonstrate to the reader that celibacy upon the part of the priestcraft is one of the most damnable crimes known to civilization, as it is the unmarried cussedness of the Roman Catholic priests that is instrumental in the slaughter of virtue.
I have endeavored to prove to the reader that the Roman Catholic Church is a living infamous insult to an all-wise God, by claiming that the Pope of Rome is an infallible being, and I believe that if the reader has read my book with a determination of discarding that which is bad and holding to that which is good, that he or she will close this book with an enlightened conception of this devilish creed which would have its followers believe that the Pope of Rome is on an equality with Jesus Christ.
I have endeavored to lead the reader from clime to clime, so that he or she might behold the characters of the followers of Rome, and by comparison I have endeavored to convince the reader that the characters of the followers of Roman Catholicism are not nor never can be on a par with the character of Protestantism, as Roman Catholicism follows the teachings of paganism, born in the kennel of filthiness and surrounded and led by a class of men who glut their lust upon the virtue of their "dupes," while Protestantism is led by the lowly Nazarine, whose teachings have made Protestant America all that she is to-day or ever will be.
I have endeavored to point out to the readers of this little volume the sin of Protestantism, permitting Catholicism to control our public schools and teach our children doctrines that will be instrumental in strangling their ambitions and paralyzing their aspirations, which is near and dear to Protestant America.
I have from the bottom of an honest heart endeavored to impress upon the reader the awful influence that the priestcraft of America has upon the morals of this country, and I trust that this task has not been a useless one, for America has no plague that is so deadly to patriotism as this black-garbed army of priests, who tramp up and down the length and breadth of this land, seeking whom they may devour.
With every drop of blood in my old veins electrified with a desire to serve a living God, I have endeavored to warn Protestant America of the lustfulness of the priestcraft, who without a blush of shame invade the chastity of our American homes, and by the hellishness of this Romish doctrine pollute the wives and daughters of this fair land.
I have pointed out the dangers which beset this nation by the toleration of Popish rule, and have compared Protestant nations with the nations which have been morally damned and disgraced by Romanism, and I trust that my comparisons will lead an intelligent public to see the dangers that beset this country unless Romanism is relegated to the everlasting haunts of oblivion.
In conclusion I desire to say to the reader that he or she will never know of the diabolical cunning of this Romish doctrine, for it is impossible for mortal man who has traveled this road of debauchery to ever portray in print to the public what he has seen along this journey of ignorance, superstition and immorality, as no man who has the welfare of the young and rising generation at heart would sink so low as to write all of the awfulness that I have seen upon my journey for thirty years upon this Romish highway of carnality, as every turn in the path that leads through this desert of desolation is strewn with the bleached bones of ambition.
There is not an oasis in this vast stretch of Romish desolation, as her every ambition is to rule by superstition, ignorance and tyranny.
Again I would warn Protestant America that we are nearing the trenches of physical strength, and unless we infuse into our Protestant manhood the liquid fires of Protestantism, the time is not far distant when the Bunker Hill that was made famous by the blood of our forefathers will have her base dripping wet with the blood of Protestantism, in defense of the principles that have made America all that she ever has been, all that she is, and all that she may hope to be.
Can we expect anything else should Roman Catholicism ever become numerically strong enough to rule by physical strength? The answer to this question must come from the pages of Romish history, and this history has every page wet with Protestant blood shed by this Monarch of Darkness, as 75,000,000 Protestants to-day sleep beneath the sod of the universe, bearing the scars of Romish torture.
My task is done; my warning has been sounded; my prayers have been offered, and now in the evening of old age, when life's sun is slipping down behind the horizon of earthly things, I find myself surrounded with the faces of new friends, but in the dim far away I behold the countenance of my Lord beckoning me to that rest beyond the skies, where I hope to receive a full pardon from a God I so recently learned to serve.
For the sake of right, I bade farewell to the associations of my childhood, but in doing so I have been permitted to taste of realities that were bought for the human race "By the blood of the Lamb," and I feel assured that when this earthly race is over that I will be taken home to glory, where I will be permitted to sing the songs of the new Jerusalem, and my prayer is that this little volume may march on down the ages after I am gone, to warn the generations that are yet unborn of the damnable teachings of Romanism, and be instrumental in wooing away from this human viper those who have been taught to worship at the feet of this hydra-headed monster, Roman Catholicism.
Catholicism is circulating a lie that BERNARD FRESENBORG never was a Catholic Priest. Here is a copy of a Check given Mr. Fresenborg by ARCHBISHOP J.J. HARTY, for saying "Mass" in 1903. J.J. Harty is now an Archbishop in the Philippine Islands and one of Rome's big guns.
Archbishop Harty at the time this Check was given was Priest in charge of ST. LEO'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, St. Louis, Mo.
[I will give $1,000 to any man, woman or child who will prove that this statement untrue.]
* * * * *
The following typographical errors in the text were corrected as detailed here.
On the cover page, "circumfrence" was corrected to "circumference" in the following text: "This great book has stirred America from center to circumference."
In the Author's Announcement, "enlightment" was corrected to "enlightenment" in "A structure of enlightenment ..."
On page 18, "Catholocism" was corrected to "Catholicism" in the following text: "... that I have shaken off this eternal bondage of Catholicism ..."
On page 20, "ledgerdemain" was corrected to "legerdemain" in the following text: "... Catholic legerdemain, and I was taught ..."
On page 22, "Herold" was corrected to "Harold" to be consistent with other mentions of this name on the same page.
On page 28, "crimnials" was corrected to "criminals'" in the following text: "... built with the purpose of sheltering her abominable faithless in case these criminals' desire to hide themselves ..."
On page 34, "hodwink" was corrected to "hoodwink" in the following text: "... which will enable the officials to "hoodwink" their followers ..."
On page 94, the text "carion" was corrected to "carrion" in the following text: "... that part of the priestcraft which exists upon the carrion of the human family ..."
In the first paragraph of chapter VI (on page 97) "Ecquador" was corrected to "Ecuador" in the following text: "In this chapter, we have before us the vision of two countries; one is Protestant America and the other Catholic Ecuador."
On page 128, "asylumns" was corrected to "asylums" in the following text: "The "asylums" of olden times were intended as retreats ..."
On page 136, "Crowe" was corrected to "Crow" to be consistent with other mentions of this name.
On page 138, "absense" was corrected to "absence" in the following text: "... asked his government of Holland for a leave of absence to fight in the Boer war ..."
On page 141, "sytem" was corrected to "system" in the following text: "... so I sailed for the diamond fields of South Africa, where I am now free, by the system ..."
Also on page 141, the word "by" was corrected to "my" in the following text: "... I walked to the banks of the Missouri River and raised my buried treasure ..."
On page 147, "degredation" was corrected to "degradation" in the following text: "... snatch their children from the Romish mire of degradation ..."
On page 173, Pope "Piux" was corrected Pope "Pius."
On page 214, the word "concensus" was corrected to "consensus" in the following text: "The consensus of opinion among all classes ..."
On page 219, "broad-guage" was corrected to "broad-gauge."
On page 255, "paracite" was corrected to "parasite" in the following text: "... who are as heavily burdened to-day with this ancient parasite ..."
On page 259, two instances of "instiution" were corrected to "institution."
On page 277, "Massachuetts" was corrected to "Massachusetts" in the following text: "If such things are now happening in the State of Massachusetts ..."
On page 297, "Ctholicism" was corrected to "Catholicism" in the following text: "... permit yourself to be made tools of in behalf of Roman Catholicism ..."
On page 285, "blod" was corrected to "blood" in the following text: "... every man, woman and child that lives under that old red, white and blue flag, which was bought by the blood of our forefathers ..."
Also on page 285, "boldy" was corrected to "boldly" in the following text: "... as she boldly and flagrantly declares that she ..."
On page 293, "emmissaries" was corrected to "emissaries" in the following text: "... send her emissaries into the halls ..."
On page 306, "convice" was corrected to "convince" in the following text: "... made a prediction that ought to convince every sane man and woman ..."
On page 311, "hopless" was corrected to "hopeless" in the following text: "... the intrigues of the Papal faction is due the disordered and hopeless condition ..."
On page 312, "interefrence" was corrected to "interference" in the following text: "If the interference of the papal faction ..."
On page 320, "expres" was corrected to "express" in the following text: "... helping the foreign tongue to express itself ..."
On page 321, "detestible" was corrected to "detestable" in the following text: "... in all of her detestible ugliness."
On page 322, "sacrified" was corrected to "sacrificed" in the following text: "... the flower of our army is being sacrificed ..."
"Villify" and "villified" are consistently spelled with two lls and are used multiple times by the author. They have been left unchanged.
The word "lude" appears twice and is left unchanged.
The word "cungering" is spelled consistently and is used in multiple places in this book. This word has been left unchanged.
The word "disorganizer" appears in a quoted passage, and is left unchanged.
The following words each appear once, and are left unchanged: "cathechism;" "effulgency;" "engraven;" "jesuitical;" "Macris;" "Oricular;" "perceptibilities."
Both spellings of the word "Savior" and "Saviour" are used in this book.