Offenbach on the Main, 266, and note.
Old Testament, Goethe's study of, 16, 17.
Ossian, 187, 192, and note.
Palace of Art, Tennyson's, 294.
Paracelsus, Goethe's study of him, 64.
Passavant, Reformed Pastor, travels with Goethe in Switzerland, 276; tradition in his family regarding Goethe, 278 note.
Pater Brey, satirical piece by Goethe, 170, 171.
Pfenninger, Heinrich, letter of Goethe to, 223, 224.
Pindar, Goethe's study of, 139, 145.
Plato, Goethe's study of him, 145.
Poetische Gedanken ueber die Hoellenfahrt Jesu Christi, early poem of Goethe, 28.
Pollock, Sir Frederick, on "modern Spinozism," 180 note.
Prometheus, fragment of a play by Goethe, 174-180.
Rembrandt, Goethe's study of, 282.
Renan, Ernest, 181 note.
Richardson, Samuel, 156; his Clarissa Harlowe, 188.
Riemer, Goethe's secretary, quoted, 33.
Robinson, Henry Crabb, quoted, 192 note.
Rousseau, 58, 112, 129; Goethe's opinion of him, 152; his Nouvelle Heloise, 188.
Rumohr, W. von, letter of Goethe to him quoted, 56 note.
Sachs, Hans, Goethe's imitation of, 169, 214.
St. Gothard, pass of, 278.
Salzmann, Dr., Goethe's mentor in Strassburg: his character, 79-81; letters of Goethe to, 99, 100, 119, 121.
Satyros, satirical play by Goethe, 171-173.
Schaffhausen, 275.
Scherer, Edmond, 6; his estimate of Goetz von Berlichingen, 128.
Schlosser, J.G., friend of Goethe, 116; his impressions of Goethe, 142; married to Goethe's sister, 162; one of the editors of the Frankfurter Gelehrten Anzeigen, 164, 165.
Schmidt, Erich, his discovery of the Urfaust, 288.
Schoenemann, Anna Elisabeth (Lili): Goethe's first meeting with her, 248; beginning of Goethe's attachment to her, 249; Goethe's lyrics addressed to her, 251-253; Goethe's tribute to her in later life, 251 note; Goethe sends his Stella to her, 263; Goethe's strained relations with her, 267-270; poems of Goethe addressed to, 276-278; Goethe's relations to her after his return from Switzerland, 279-286; her subsequent marriage, 286 note.
Schoenemann family, 247; their social position superior to that of the Goethes, 248; intercourse of Goethe with them, 249.
Schoenemann, Lili. (See Schoenemann, Anna Elisabeth.)
Schoenkopf, Kaethchen, Goethe's love in Leipzig: her appearance and character, 38; Goethe's philandering with her, 38-44; Goethe's poems addressed to her, 42; Goethe's letters to, 61, 68, 69, 138 note.
Scott, Sir Walter, his translation of Goetz von Berlichingen, 131; his writings influenced by it, 132.
Sesenheim, residence of the Brion family: Goethe's visits there, 96-100.
Seven Years' War, its influence on the Goethe household, 18.
Shakespeare, Goethe's debt to, 45, 122.
Song of Solomon, translated by Goethe, 281 note.
Spinoza, Goethe's debt to, 45; his influence on Goethe, 209-212; Goethe and Lavater discuss his writings, 226; discussed by Goethe and Fritz Jacobi, 237.
Stein, Frau von, quoted, 150 note.
Stella, play by Goethe, 257-263; ridiculed in the Anti-Jacobin, 261 and note; admired by Herder, 262; its popularity, ib.
Sterne, 112.
Stevenson, R.L., his admiration of Werther, 200 note.
Stilling, Jung, friend of Goethe in Strassburg: his career and character, 81, 82; Goethe's kindness to, 82-83; prank played on him by Goethe, 231; his affection for Goethe, 246.
Stolberg, Count Christian, comes to Frankfort and travels with Goethe to Switzerland, 270-275.
Stolberg, Count Frederick Leopold, younger brother of Christian, 270-275.
Stolberg, Countess, beginning of Goethe's acquaintance with her, 253; his letters to, 254, 255, 266, 280, 282 and note.
Strassburg, Goethe's residence in, 74-108; description of its society, 75, 273.
Strassburg Cathedral, Goethe's interest in, and its influence on his development, 93-95; Goethe's essay on, 94.
Sturm und Drang movement in German literature, inspired by Goetz von Berlichingen, 130, 139, 140; its aims expounded in the Frankfurter Gelehrten Anzeigen, 164, 165.
Sulzer, J.G., his characterisation of Goethe, 283.
Swift, his relations to Stella and Vanessa suggest Goethe's Stella, 261.
Tennyson, 294 and note.
Textor, J.W., Goethe's maternal grandfather, 18.
Theatre set up by the French in Frankfort, Goethe's interest in it, 20, 21.
Theocritus, Goethe's study of him, 145.
Thoranc, Count, commander of French forces in Frankfort, quartered in Goethe's home: his interest in Goethe, 20-21.
Turgenieff, 180 note.
Two Biblical Questions, piece written by Goethe, 167.
Urfaust, The, 287; account of it, 288-293.
Ur-Religion, Goethe's conception of, 16.
Van Helmont, Goethe's study of him, 64.
Vicar of Wakefield, 96 note.
Voltaire, his criticism of Shakespeare, 70, 181 and note.
Wanderers Sturmlied, poem by Goethe, 139, 140.
Werther, 109; analysis of, 186-200; its influence, 196, 199; public opinion regarding it, 196, 197; prohibited in Leipzig and Denmark, 197; burned at Milan, ib.
Werther, how far he resembled Goethe, 193-195.
Wertherism, 199.
Werthes, F.A., his description of Goethe, 241.
Wetzlar, Goethe's residence there, 143-153; description of, 144; its society, 145; Goethe's flying visit to, 160.
Wieland, his translation of Shakespeare, 70; one of Goethe's masters, 70, 71; his description of Goethe, 98; his opinion of Goetz von Berlichingen, 129; satirised by Goethe, 173, 174; his Alceste, ib.; letter of Goethe to, 185; his approval of Clavigo, 205 note.
Wilhelm Meister, 21.
Winckelmann, influenced by Oeser, 46.
Wilkommen und Abschied, lyric of Goethe addressed to Friederike Brion, 107, 108.
Wordsworth, his remark on Goethe's poetry, 54.
Xenophon, Goethe's study of him, 145.
Young, Edward, his Conjectures on Original Composition: its influence on German literature, 90, 187.
Zelter, friend of Goethe, letter of Goethe to him, 193-194.
Zimmermann, J.G., his characterisation of Goethe, 283.
Zurich, 275; lake of, 276. |