But it is not only the immediacy of redemption in the apostle's thought by which I am imprest. I stand in awed amazement before its vast, far-stretching reaches into the eternities. Said an old villager to me concerning the air of his elevated hamlet, "Ay, sir, it's a fine air is this westerly breeze; I like to think of it as having traveled from the distant fields of the Atlantic!" And here is the Apostle Paul, with the quickening wind of redemption blowing about him in loosening, vitalizing, strengthening influence, and to him, in all his thinking, it had its birth in the distant fields of eternity! To the apostle redemption was not a small device, an afterthought, a patched-up expedient to meet an unforseen emergency. The redemptive purpose lay back in the abyss of the eternities, and in a spirit of reverent questioning the apostle sent his trembling thoughts into those lone and silent fields. He emerged with, whispered secrets such as these: "fore-knew," "fore-ordained," "chosen in him before the foundation of the world," "eternal life promised before times eternal," "the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Brethren, does our common thought of redemptive glory reach back into this august and awful presence? Does the thought of the modern disciple journey in this distant pilgrimage? Or do we now regard it as unpractical and irrelevant? There is no more insidious peril in modern religious life than the debasement of our conception of the practical. If we divorce the practical from the sublime, the practical will become the superficial, and will degenerate into a very lean and forceless thing. When Paul went on this lonely pilgrimage his spirit acquired the posture of a finely sensitive reverence. People who live and move beneath great domes acquire a certain calm and stately dignity. It is in companionship with the sublimities that awkwardness and coarseness are destroyed. We lose our reverence when we desert the august. But has reverence no relationship to the practical? Shall we discard it as an irrelevant factor in the purposes of common life? Why, reverence is the very clue to fruitful, practical living. Reverence is creative of hope; nay, a more definite emphasis can be given to the assertion; reverence is a constituent of hope. Annihilate reverence, and life loses its fine sensitiveness, and when sensitiveness goes out of a life the hope that remains is only a flippant rashness, a thoughtless impetuosity, the careless onrush of the kine, and not a firm, assured perception of a triumph that is only delayed. A reverent homage before the sublimities of yesterday is the condition of a fine perception of the hidden triumphs of the morrow. And, therefore, I do not regard it as an accidental conjunction that the psalmist puts them together and proclaims the evangel that "the Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in them that hope in his mercy." To feel the days before me I must revere the purpose which throbs behind me. I must bow in reverence if I would anticipate in hope.
Here, then, is the Apostle Paul, with the redemptive purpose interweaving itself with all the entanglements of his common life, a purpose reaching back into the awful depths of the eternities, and issuing from those depths in amazing fulness of grace and glory. No one can be five minutes in the companionship of the Apostle Paul without discovering how wealthy is his sense of the wealthy, redeeming ministry of God. What a wonderful consciousness he has of the sweep and fulness of the divine grace! You know the variations of the glorious air: "the unsearchable riches of Christ"; "riches in glory in Christ Jesus"; "all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ"; "the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering." The redemptive purpose of God bears upon the life of the apostle and upon the race whose privileges he shares, not in an uncertain and reluctant shower, but in a great and marvelous flood. And what to him is the resultant enfranchisement? What are the spacious issues of the glorious work? Do you recall those wonderful sentences, scattered here and there about the apostle's writings, and beginning with the words "but now"? Each sentence proclaims the end of the dominion of night, and unveils some glimpse of the new created day. "But now!" It is a phrase that heralds a great deliverance! "But now, apart from the law the righteousness of God hath been manifested," "But now, being made free from sin and become servants to God." "But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are made nigh in the blood of Christ." "But now are ye light in the Lord." "Now, no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus." These represent no thin abstractions. To Paul the realities of which they speak were more real than the firm and solid earth. And is it any wonder that a man with such a magnificent sense of the reality of the redemptive works of Christ, who felt the eternal purpose throbbing in the dark background and abyss of time, who conceived it operating upon our race in floods of grace and glory, and who realized in his own immediate consciousness the varied wealth of the resultant emancipation—is it any wonder that for this man a new day had dawned, and the birds had begun to sing and the flowers to bloom, and a sunny optimism had taken possession of his heart, which found expression in an assured and rejoicing hope?
I look abroad again over the record of this man's life and teachings, if perchance I may discover the secrets of his abiding optimism, and I am profoundly imprest by his living sense of the reality and greatness of his present resources. "By Christ redeemed!" That is not a grand finale; it is only a glorious inauguration. "By Christ redeemed; in Christ restored"; it is with these dynamics of restoration that his epistles are so wondrously abounding. In almost every other sentence he suggests a dynamic which he can count upon as his friend. Paul's mental and spiritual outlook comprehended a great army of positive forces laboring in the interests of the kingdom of God. His conception of life was amazingly rich in friendly dynamics! I do not wonder that such a wealthy consciousness was creative of a triumphant optimism. Just glance at some of the apostle's auxiliaries: "Christ liveth in me!" "Christ liveth in me! He breathes through all my aspirations. He thinks through all my thinking. He wills through all my willing. He loves through all my loving. He travails in all my labors. He works within me 'to will and to do of his good pleasure.'" That is the primary faith of the hopeful life. But see what follows in swift and immediate succession. "If Christ is in you, the spirit is life." "The spirit is life!" And therefore you find that in the apostle's thought dispositions are powers. They are not passive entities. They are positive forces vitalizing and energizing the common life of men. My brethren, I am persuaded there is a perilous leakage in this department of our thought. We are not bold enough in our thinking concerning spiritual realities. We do not associate with every mode of the consecrated spirit the mighty energy of God. We too often oust from our practical calculations some of the strongest and most aggressive allies of the saintly life. Meekness is more than the absence of self-assertion; it is the manifestation of the mighty power of God. To the Apostle Paul love exprest more than a relationship. It was an energy productive of abundant labors. Faith was more than an attitude. It was an energy creative of mighty endeavor, Hope was more than a posture. It was an energy generative of a most enduring patience. All these are dynamics, to be counted as active allies, cooperating in the ministry of the kingdom. And so the epistles abound in the recital of mystic ministries at work. The Holy Spirit worketh! Grace worketh! Faith worketh! Love worketh! Hope worketh! Prayer worketh! And there are other allies robed in less attractive garb. "Tribulation worketh!" "This light affliction worketh." "Godly sorrow worketh!" On every side of him the apostle conceives cooperative and friendly powers. "The mountain is full of horses and chariots of fire round about him." He exults in the consciousness of abounding resources. He discovers the friends of God in things which find no place among the scheduled powers of the world. He finds God's raw material in the world's discarded waste. "Weak things," "base things," "things that are despised," "things that are not," mere nothings; among these he discovers the operating agents of the mighty God. Is it any wonder that in this man, possessed of such a wealthy consciousness of multiplied resources, the spirit of a cheery optimism should be enthroned? With what stout confidence he goes into the fight! He never mentions the enemy timidly. He never seeks to underestimate his strength. Nay, again and again he catalogs all possible antagonisms in a spirit of buoyant and exuberant triumph. However numerous the enemy, however subtle and aggressive his devices, however towering and well-established the iniquity, however black the gathering clouds, so sensitive is the apostle to the wealthy resources of God that amid it all he remains a sunny optimist, "rejoicing in hope," laboring in the spirit of a conqueror even when the world was exulting in his supposed discomfiture and defeat.
And, finally, in searching for the springs of this man's optimism, I place alongside his sense of the reality of redemption and his wealthy consciousness of present resources his impressive sense of the reality of future glory. Paul gave himself time to think of heaven, of the home of God, of his own home when time should be no more. He loved to contemplate "the glory that shall be revealed." He mused in wistful expectancy of the day "when Christ who is our life shall be manifested," and when we also "shall be manifested with him in glory." He pondered the thought of death as "gain," as transferring him to conditions in which he would be "at home with the Lord," "with Christ, which is far better." He looked for "the blest hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ," and he contemplated "that great day" as the "henceforth," which would reveal to him the crown of righteousness and glory. Is any one prepared to dissociate this contemplation from the apostle's cheery optimism? Is not rather the thought of coming glory one of its abiding springs? Can we safely exile it from our moral and spiritual culture? I know that this particular contemplation is largely absent from modern religious life, and I know the nature of the recoil in which our present impoverishment began. "Let us hear less about the mansions of the blest and more about the housing of the poor!" Men revolted against an effeminate contemplation, which had run to seed, in favor of an active philanthropy which sought the enrichment of the common life. But, my brethren, pulling a plant up is not the only way of saving it from running to seed. You can accomplish by a wise restriction what is wastefully done by severe destruction. I think we have lost immeasurably by the uprooting, in so many lives, of this plant of heavenly contemplation. We have built on the erroneous assumption that the contemplation of future glory inevitably unfits us for the service of man. It is an egregious and destructive mistake. I do not think that Richard Baxter's labors were thinned or impoverished by his contemplation of "The Saint's Everlasting Rest." When I consider his mental output, his abundant labors as father-confessor to a countless host, his pains and persecutions and imprisonments, I can not but think he received some of the powers of his optimistic endurance from contemplations such as he counsels in his incomparable book. "Run familiarly through the streets of the heavenly Jerusalem; visit the patriarchs and prophets, salute the apostles, and admire the armies of martyrs; lead on the heart from street to street, bring it into the palace of the great king; lead it, as it were, from chamber to chamber. Say to it, 'Here must I lodge, here must I die, here must I praise, here must I love and be loved. My tears will then be wiped away, my groans be turned to another tune, my cottage of clay be changed to this palace, my prison rags to these splendid robes'; 'for the former things are passed away.'" I can not think that Samuel Rutherford impoverished his spirit or deadened his affections, or diminished his labors by mental pilgrimages such as he counsels to Lady Cardoness: "Go up beforehand and see your lodging. Look through all your Father's rooms in heaven. Men take a sight of the lands ere they buy them. I know that Christ hath made the bargain already; but be kind to the house ye are going to, and see it often." I can not think that this would imperil the fruitful optimisms of the Christian life. I often examine, with peculiar interest, the hymn-book we use at Carr's Lane. It was compiled by Dr. Dale. Nowhere else can I find the broad perspective of his theology and his primary helpmeets in the devotional life as I find them there. And is it altogether unsuggestive that under the heading of "Heaven" is to be found one of the largest sections of the book. A greater space is given to "Heaven" than is given to "Christian duty." Is it not significant of what a great man of affairs found needful for the enkindling and sustenance of a courageous hope? And among the hymns are many which have helped to nourish the sunny endeavors of a countless host.
There is a land of pure delight Where saints immortal reign; Infinite day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain.
What are these, arrayed in white, Brighter than the noonday sun? Foremost of the suns of light, Nearest the eternal throne.
Hark! hark, my soul! Angelic songs are swelling O'er earth's green fields and ocean's wave-beat shore. Angelic songs to sinful men are telling Of that new life when sin shall be no more.
My brethren, depend upon it, we are not impoverished by contemplations such as these. They take no strength out of the hand, and they put much strength and buoyancy into the heart. I proclaim the contemplation of coming glory as one of the secrets of the apostle's optimism which enabled him to labor and endure in the confident spirit of rejoicing hope. These, then, are some of the springs of Christian optimism; some of the sources in which we may nourish our hope in the newer labors of a larger day: a sense of the glory of the past in a perfected redemption, a sense of the glory of the present in our multiplied resources, a sense of the glory of tomorrow in the fruitful rest of our eternal home.
O blest hope! with this elate Let not our hearts be desolate; But, strong in faith and patience, wait Until He come!
Abbott, Lyman, The Divinity in Humanity Abraham's Imitators; or The Activity of Faith. By Thomas Hooker Affection, The Expulsive Power of a New. By Thomas Chalmers Argument, The, from Experience. By Robert William Dale Arnold, Thomas, Alive in God Ascension, The, of Christ. By Girolamo Savonarola Assurance in God. By George Adam Smith Atonement, Eternal. By Roswell Dwight Hitchcock Atonement, The Prominence of the. By Edwards Amasa Park Augustine, St., The Recovery of Sight by the Blind
Bacon, Leonard Woolsey, God Indwelling Basil "The Great," The Creation of the World Baxter, Richard, Making Light of Christ and Salvation Beecher, H.W., Immortality Beecher, Lyman, The Government of God Desirable Bible, The, vs. Infidelity. By Frank Wakely Gunsaulus Blair, Hugh, The Hour and the Event of All Time Blind, The Recovery of Sight by the. By St. Augustine Bones, The Valley of Dry. By Frederick Denison Maurice Bossuet, Jacques Benigne, The Death of the Grande Conde Bounty, The Royal. By Alexander McKenzie Bourdaloue, Louis, The Passion of Christ Broadus, John A., Let us Have Peace with God Brooks, Memorial Discourse on Phillips. By Henry Codman Potter Brooks, Phillips, The Pride of Life Bunyan, John, The Heavenly Footman Burrell, David James, How to Become a Christian Bushnell, Horace, Unconscious Influence
Cadman, S. Parkes, A New Day for Missions Caird, John, Religion in Common Life Calvin, John, Enduring Persecution for Christ Campbell, Alexander, The Missionary Cause Carlyle, Thomas,—In Memoriam. By Arthur Penrhyn Stanley Carpenter, William Boyd, The Age of Progress Chalmers, Thomas, The Expulsive Power of a New Affection Charming, William Ellery, The Character of Christ Chapin, Edwin Hubbell Nicodemus: The Seeker after Religion Character, The, of Christ. By William Ellery Charming Christ and Salvation, Making Light of. By Richard Baxter Christ Among the Common Things of Life. By William James Dawson Christ Before Pilate—Pilate Before Christ. By William Mackergo Taylor Christ, Enduring Persecution for. By John Calvin Christ, The Ascension of. By Girolamo Savonarola Christ, The Character of. By William Ellery Channing Christ, The First Temptation of. By John Knox Christ, The Loneliness of. By Frederick William Robertson Christ, The Passion of. By Louis Bourdaloue Christ—The Question of the Centuries. By Robert Stuart MacArthur Christ, The Spirit of. By Charles H. Fowler Christ, What Think ye of. By Dwight Lyman Moody Christ, Zeal in the Cause of. By William Morley Punshon Christ's Advent to Judgment. By Jeremy Taylor Christ's Real Body not in the Eucharist. By John Wyclif Christ's Resurrection an Image of our New Life. By Frederich Ernst Schleiermacher Christian, How to Become a. By David James Burrell Christian Victory. By Christopher Newman Hall Christianity, The Mysteries of. By Alexander Vinet Christianity, The Transient and Permanent in. By Theodore Parker Chrysostom, Excessive Grief at the Death of Friends Church, The Mother. By Ernest Roland Wilberforce Church, The Triumph of the. By Henry Edward Manning Clifford, John, The Forgiveness of Sins Colonization, The, of the Desert. By Edward Everett Hale Common Life, Religion in. By John Caird Common Things of Life, Christ Among the. By William James Dawson Conde, The Funeral Sermon on the Death of the Grande. By Jacques Benigne Bossuet Creation, The, of the World. By Basil Creation, Work in the Groaning. By Frederick William Farrar Crosby, Howard, The Prepared Worm Cuyler, Theodore Ledyard, The Value of Life
Dale, Robert William, The Argument from Experience Day, A, in the Life of Jesus of Nazareth, By Francis Wayland Dawson, William James, Christ Among the Common Things of Life Death, Glorification Through. By Francis Landey Patton Desert, The Colonization of the. By Edward Everett Hale Divinity, The, in Humanity. By Lyman Abbott Drummond, Henry, The Greatest Thing in the World Dwight, Timothy, The Sovereignty of God
Earth, The Shaking of the Heavens and the. By Charles Kingsley Education and the Future of Religion. By John Lancaster Spalding Edwards, Jonathan, Spiritual light Elect, The Small Number of the. By Jean Baptiste Massillon Eternal Atonement. By Roswell Dwight Hitchcock Eucharist, Christ's Real Body not in the. By John Wyclif Evans, Christmas, The Fall and Recovery of Man Event, The Hour and the, of all Time. By Hugh Blair Experience. By Alexander Whyte Experience, The Argument from. By Robert William Dale Expulsive Power, The, of a New Affection. By Thomas Chalmers
Faith, Constructive. By Charles Henry Parkhurst Faith, The Activity of; or, Abraham's Imitators. By Thomas Hooker Faith, The Story of a Disciple's. By Henry Scott Holland Fall, The, and Recovery of Man. By Christmas Evans Farrar, Frederick William, Work in the Groaning Creation Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Mothe, The Saints Converse with God Footman, The Heavenly. By John Bunyan Forgiveness, The, of Sins. By John Clifford. Fowler, Charles H., The Spirit of Christ Funeral Sermon, The, on the Death of the Grande Conde, by Jacques Benigne Bossuet
Gethsemane, The Rose Garden of God. By William Robertson Nicoll Gladden, Washington, The Prince of Life Glorification Through Death. By Francis Landey Patton God, Alive in. By Thomas Arnold God Calling to Man. By Charles John Vaughan God Indwelling. By Leonard Woolsey Bacon. God, Marks of Love to. By Robert Hall God, Preparation for Consulting the Oracles of. By Edward Irving God, The Government of, Desirable. By Lyman Beecher God, The Image of, in Man. By Robert South God, The Saints Converse with. By Francois Fenelon God, The Sovereignty of. By Timothy Dwight God the Unwearied Guide. By Newell Dwight Hillis God's Love to Fallen Man. By John Wesley God's Will the End of Life. By John Henry Newman Gordon, George Angier, Man in the Image of God Government, The, of God Desirable. By Lyman Beecher Grace, The Method of. By George Whitefield Greatest Thing, The, in the World. By Henry Drummond Grief, Excessive, at the Death of Friends. By Chrysostom Guide, God the Unwearied. By Newell Dwight Hillis Gunsaulus, Frank Wakely, The Bible vs. Infidelity Guthrie, Thomas, The New Heart
Hale, Edward Everett, The Colonization of the Desert Hall, Christopher Newman, Christian Victory Hall, John, Liberty only in Truth Hall, Robert, Marks of Love to God Heart, The New. By Thomas Guthrie Heavens, The Shaking of the, and the Earth. By Charles Kingsley Hillis, Newell Dwight, God the Unwearied Guide Hitchcock, Roswell Dwight, The Eternal Atonement Holland, Henry Scott, The Story of a Disciple's Faith Holy Spirit, Influence of the. By Henry Parry Liddon Hooker, Thomas, The Activity of Faith; or Abraham's Imitators Hour, The, and the Event of all Time. By Hugh Blair Howe, John, The Redeemer's Tears over Lost Souls Humanity, The Divinity in. By Lyman Abbott
Ideal of Life, The Perfect. By George Campbell Morgan Immortality. By H.W. Beecher Infidelity, The Bible vs. By Frank Wakely Gunsaulus Influence, Unconscious. By Horace Bushnell Influences of the Holy Spirit. By Henry Parry Liddon Inheritance, The Heavenly. By John Summerfield Irving, Edward, Preparation for Consulting the Oracles of God
Jefferson, Charles Edward, The Reconciliation Jesus of Nazareth, A Day in the Life of. By Francis Wayland Jowett, John Henry, Apostolic Optimism Judgment, Christ's Advent to. By Jeremy Taylor Judgment, The Reversal of Human. By James B. Mozley Justification, The Method and Fruits of. By Martin Luther
Kingsley, Charles, The Shaking of the Heavens and the Earth Knox, John, The First Temptation of Christ Knox-Little, William John, Thirst Satisfied Latimer, Hugh, Christian Love Life, Christ's Resurrection an Image of our New By Frederich Ernst Schleiermacher Life, God's Will the End of. By John Henry Newman Life, The Perfect Ideal of. By George Campbell Morgan Life, The Pride of. By Phillips Brooks Life, The Prince of. By Washington Gladden Life, The Value of. By Theodore Ledyard Cuyler Liberty only in Truth. By John Hall Liddon, Henry Parry, Influences of the Holy Spirit Light, Spiritual. By Jonathan Edwards Loneliness, The, of Christ. By Frederick William Robertson Lord, The Resurrection of Our. By Matthew Simpson Lorimer, George C. The Fall of Satan Love, Christian. By Hugh Latimer Love, Marks of, to God. By Robert Hall Luther, Martin, The Method and Fruits of Justification MacArthur, Robert Stuart, Christ—The Question of the Centuries McKenzie, Alexander, The Royal Bounty Maclaren, Alexander, The Pattern of Service Macleod, Norman, The True Christian Ministry Magee, William Connor, The Miraculous Stilling of the Storm Man, God Calling to. By Charles John Vaughan Man, God's Love to Fallen. By John Wesley Man in the Image of God. By George Angier Gordon Man, The Fall and Recovery of. By Christmas Evans Man, The Image of God in. By Robert South Manhood, The Meaning of. By Henry Van Dyke Manning, Henry Edward, The Triumph of the Church Martineau, James, Parting Words Mason, John Mitchell, Messiah's Throne Massillon, Jean Baptiste, The Small Number of the Elect Maurice, Frederick Denison, The Valley of Dry Bones Melanchthon, Philip, The Safety of the Virtuous Memorial Discourse on Phillips Brooks. By Henry Codman Potter Messiah's Throne. By John Mitchell Mason Ministry, The True Christian. By Norman Macleod Missions, A New Day for. By. S. Parkes Cadman Missionary Cause, The. By Alexander Campbell Missionary Work, The Permanent Motive in. By Richard S. Storrs Monster, A Bloody. By Thomas DeWitt Talmage Moody, Dwight Lyman, What Think ye of Christ? Morgan, George Campbell, The Perfect Ideal of Life Motive, The Permanent, in Missionary Work. By Richard S. Storrs Mozley, James B., The Reversal of Human Judgment Mysteries. The, of Christianity. By Alexander Vinet
Newman, John Henry, God's Will the End of Life Nicodemus: The Seeker after Religion. By Edwin Hubbell Chapin Nicoll, William Robertson, Gethsemane, The Rose Garden of God
Optimism, Apostolic. By John Henry Jowett Optimism. By John Watson Oracles, Preparation for Consulting the, of God. By Edward Irving
Park, Edwards Amasa, The Prominence of the Atonement Parker, Joseph, A Word to the Weary Parker, Theodore, The Transient and Permanent in Christianity Parkhurst, Charles Henry, Constructive Faith Passion, The, of Christ. By Louis Bourdaloue Patton, Francis Landey, Glorification Through Death Paul Before Felix and Drusilla. By Jacques Saurin Peace with God, Let us Have. By John A. Broadus Permanent, The Transient and the, in Christianity. By Theodore Parker Persecution for Christ, Enduring, John Calvin Pilate Before Christ—Christ Before Pilate. By William Mackergo Taylor Potter, Henry Codman, Memorial Discourse on Phillips Brooks Pride, The, of Life. By Phillips Brooks Prince, The, of Life. By Washington Gladden Progress, The Age of. By William Boyd Carpenter Punshon, William Morley, Zeal in the Cause of Christ
Reconciliation, The. By Charles E. Jefferson Recovery, The Fall and, of Man. By Christmas Evans Redeemer's Tears, The, over Lost Souls. By John Howe Religion, Education and the Future of. By John Lancaster Spaldin Religion in Common Life. By John Caird Religion, Nicodemus: The Seeker after. By Edwin Hubbell Chapin Resurrection, Christ's, an Image of our New-Life. By Frederick Ernst Schleiermacher Resurrection, The, of Our Lord. By Matthew Simpson Resurrection, The Reasonableness of a. By John Tillotson Reversal, The, of Human Judgment. By James B. Mozley Robertson, Frederick William, The Loneliness of Christ Royal Bounty, the. By Alexander McKenzie
Sackcloth, The Transfigured. By William L. Watkinson Saints Converse with God, The. By Francis Fenelon Salvation, Making Light of Christ and. By Richard Baxter Satan, The Fall of. By George C. Lorimer Saurin, Jacques, Paul Before Felix and Drusilla Savonarola, Girolamo, The Ascension of Christ Schleiermacher, Frederick Ernst, Christ's Resurrection an Image of our New Life Seiss, Joseph A., The Wonderful Testimonies Service, The Pattern of. By Alexander Maclaren Shaking, The, of the Heavens and the Earth. By Charles Kingsley Sight, The Recovery of, by the Blind By St Augustine Simpson, Matthew, The Resurrection of Our Lord. Sins, The Forgiveness of By John Clifford Smith, George Adam Assurance in God Songs in the Night By Charles Haddon Spurgeon Souls, The Redeemer's Tears Over Lost By John Howe South, Robert, The Image of God in Man Sovereignty, The of God By Timothy Dwight Spalding, John Lancaster, Education and the Future of Religion Spiritual Light By Jonathan Edwards Spurgeon, Charles Haddon Songs in the Night Stalker, James Temptation Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, In Memoriam—Thomas Carlyle Stilling of the Storm, The Miraculous By William Connor Magee Storm, The Miraculous Stilling of the By William Connor Magee Storrs, Richard S. The Permanent Motive in Missionary Work Summerfield, John The Heavenly Inheritance
Talmage, Thomas DeWitt A Bloody Monster Taylor, Jeremy Christ's Advent to Judgment Taylor, William Mackergo Christ Before Pilate—Pilate Before Christ Temptation By James Stalker Temptation, The First, of Christ By John Knox Testimonies The Wonderful By Joseph A Seiss Thirst Satisfied By William John Knox Little Time, The Hour and the Event of all By Hugh Blair Tillotson, John, The Reasonableness of a Resurrection Transfigured Sackcloth, The By William L. Watkinson Transient, The, and Permanent in Christianity. By Theodore Parker Triumph, The, of the Church. By Henry Edward Manning Truth, Liberty Only in. By John Hall Valley, The, of Dry Bones By Frederick Derrison Maurice Van Dyke, Henry, The Meaning of Manhood Vaughan, Charles John, God Calling to Man Victory, Christian By Christopher Newman Hall Vinet, Alexander, The Mysteries of Christianity Virtuous, The Safety of the. By Philip Melanchthon Voice, I am a. By Charles Wagner
Wagner, Charles, I am a Voice Watkinson, William L, The Transfigured Sackcloth Watson, John, Optimism Wayland, Francis, A Day in the Life of Jesus of Nazareth Weary, A Word to the. By Joseph Parker Wesley, John, God's Love to Fallen Man. Whitefield, George, The Method of Grace Whyte, Alexander, Experience Wilberforce, Ernest Roland, The Mother Church Words, Parting By James Martineau Work in the Groaning Creation. By Frederick William Farrar World, The Greatest Thing in the. By Henry Drummond Worm, The Prepared. By Howard Crosby
Genesis i., 2 I i., 27 II i., 31 VII i., 31 VII iii., 9 VI xxxvii., 33 VIII
I Kings x., 13 VII x., 36 IX
II Kings vi., 1,2 IX
Esther iv., 2 VIII
Job xxxiii., 4 IX xxxv., 10 VIII
Psalms xvi., 16 X xlii., 2 VIII cxix., 45 VII cxix., 129 VII
Proverbs xi., 30 IV
Isaiah xl., 1-31 X l, 4 VII lvii., 15 VII
Jeremiah vi., 14 III x., 23 III
Ezekiel xxxvi., 26 V xxxvii., 1-3 V
Jonah iv., 7 VII
Matthew iv., 1 I vi., 10 IV viii., 25, 26 VII xii., 12 IX xiii., 24 VI xvi., 17 III xvii., 5 IV xix., 30 V xx., 30 I xxii., 5 II xxii., 32 IV xxii., 42 VIII xxii., 42 IX xxvi., 26 I xxvii., 22 VII xxviii., 19 IX
Mark vii., 33 VII xvi., 15 VI
Luke iv. 27 III ix., 10-17 IV x., 18 VIII xix., 41, 42 II xxi., 33 V xxiii., 27, 28 II xxiv., 51 I
John i., 23 X iii. 1, 2 VI iii., 8 VII v., 39 IV v., 42 III vi., 38 IV vi., 63 VIII vi., 64 IX viii., 28-30 X x., 28 I x., 34-36 VIII xii., 24 IX xiv. 27 V xv., 12 I xvi., 31, 32 VI xvii., 1 III xvii., 20, 21 V xx., 8 IV xx., 8 IX xxi., 9, 12 X
Acts iii., 15 VIII xix., 23 IX xxiv., 24, 25 III xxvi., 8 II xxvi., 8 IX
Romans iv., 12 II v., 1 IX v., 4 VIII v., 15 III v., 15 III vi., 4 III viii., 9 VIII viii., 22 VII xii., 11 VI xii., 12 X
I Corinthians ii., 2 V ii., 9 IV ix., 24 II xiii., X xiv., 10 X xv., 3 X xv., 19 VI xv., 20 V xx., 13 IX
II Corinthians ii., 14-16 V v., 10 II v., 13-15 VI
Galatians iv., 1-7 I vi., 14 X
I Thessalonians iv., 13 I v., 17 II
Hebrews i., 18 III xii., 26-29 VI xiii., 13 I
II Peter i., 11 IV
I John, ii., 16 VIII v., 15 IV
Revelations ii., 17 VI xiii., 8 VI xxii., 3 VII
Apostles' Creed VIII