[37] The Archduke Charles of Austria.
[38] Dec 27, 1790.
[39] Observations on a Late State of the Nation.
[40] This and the following tables on the same construction are compiled from the Reports of the Finance Committee in 1791 and 1797, with the addition of the separate paper laid before the House of Commons, and ordered to be printed, on the 7th of February, 1792.
BRICKS AND TILES. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 94,521 1793 122,975 1788 96,278 1794 106,811 1789 91,773 1795 83,804 1790 104,409 1796 94,668 - - Increase to 1790 L386,981 L408,258 L21,277. Increase to 1791 1791 L115,382 4 Years to 1791 L407,842 L416.
PLATE. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 22,707 1793 25,920 1788 23,295 1794 23,637 1789 22,453 1795 25,607 1790 18,433 1796 28,513 - - Increase to 1790 L86,888 L103,677 L16,789. Increase to 1791 1791 L31,528 4 Years to 1791 L95,704 L7,973.
GLASS PLATES. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 1793 5,655 1788 5,496 1794 5,456 1789 4,686 1795 5,839 1790 6,008 1796 8,871 - - L16,190 L25,821 Increase to 1791 1791 L7,880 4 Years to 1791 L24,070 L1,751.
GROCERIES. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 167,389 1793 124,655 1788 133,191 1794 195,840 1789 142,871 1795 208,242 1790 156,311 1796 159,826 - - Increase to 1790 L599,762 L688,563 L88,081. Increase to 1791 1791 L236,727 4 Years to 1791 L669,100 L19,463.
TEA. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 424,144 1793 477,644 1788 426,660 1794 467,132 1789 539,575 1795 507,518 1790 417,736 1796 526,307 - - Increase to 1790 L1,808,115 L1,978,601 L170,486. Increase to 1791 1791 L448,709 4 Years to 1791 L1,832,680 L145,921.
The additional duty imposed in 1795 produced in that year 137,656l., and in 1796, 200,107l.
COFFEE AND COCOA-NUTS. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 17,006 1793 36,846 1788 30,217 1794 49,177 1789 34,784 1795 27,913 1790 38,647 1796 19,711 - - Increase to 1790 L120,654 L133,647 L12,993. Decrease to 1791 1791 L41,194 4 Years to 1791 L144,842 L11,195.
The additional duty of 1795 in that year gave 16,775l., and in 1796, 15,319l.
SUGAR. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 1,065,109 1793 1,473,139 1788 1,184,458 1794 1,392,965 1789 1,905,106 1795 1,338,246 1790 1,069,108 1796 1,474,899 - - Increase to 1790 L4,413,781 L5,679,249 L1,265,468. Increase to 1791 1791 L1,044,781 4 Years to 1791 L4,392,725 L1,286,524.
There was a new duty on sugar in 1791, which produced in 1794 234,292l., in 1795, 206,932l., and in 1796, 245,024l. It is not clear from the report of the committee, whether the additional duty is included in the account given above.
BEER, &c. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 1,761,429 1793 2,043,902 1788 1,705,199 1794 2,082,053 1789 1,742,514 1795 1,931,101 1790 1,858,043 1796 2,294,377 - - Increase to 1790 L7,067,185 L8,351,433 L1,284,248. Increase to 1791 1791 L1,880,478 4 Years to 1791 L7,186,234 L1,165,199.
WINE. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 219,934 1793 222,887 1788 215,578 1794 283,644 1789 252,649 1795 317,072 1790 308,624 1796 187,818 - - Increase to 1790 L996,785 L1,011,421 L14,636. Decrease to 1791 1791 L336,549 4 Years to 1791 L1,113,400 L101,979.
QUANTITY IMPORTED. Years of Peace. Tuns. Years of War. Tuns. 1787 22,978 1793 22,788 1786 26,442 1794 27,868 1789 27,414 1795 32,033 1790 29,182 1796 19,079
The additional duty of 1795 produced that year 736,871l., and in 1796, 432,689l. A second additional duty, which produced 98,165l. was laid in 1796.
SWEETS. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 11,167 1793 11,016 1788 7,375 1794 10,612 1789 7,202 1795 13,321 1790 4,953 1796 15,050 Increase to 1790 L30,697 L49,999 L19,302. Increase to 1791 1791 L13,282 4 Years to 1791 L32,812 L17,187.
In 1795 an additional duty was laid on this article, which produced that year 5,679l., and in 1796, 9,443l.; and in 1796 a second, to commence on the 20th of June: its produce in that year was 2,325l.
MUSLINS AND CALICOES. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 129,297 1793 173,050 1788 138,660 1794 104,902 1789 126,267 1795 103,857 1790 128,865 1796 272,544 - - Increase to 1790 L522,589 L654,353 L131,764.
This table begins with 1788. The net produce of the preceding year is not in the report whence the table is taken.
PRINTED GOODS. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 142,000 1793 191,566 1788 154,486 1794 190,554 1789 153,202 1795 197,416 1790 157,156 1796 230,530 - - Increase to 1790 L616,844 L810,066 L193,222. Increase to 1791 1791 L191,489 4 Years to 1791 L666,333 L143,733.
These duties for 1787 are blended with several others. The proportion of printed goods to the other articles for four years was found to be one fourth. That proportion is here taken.
SILK. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 166,912 1793 209,915 1788 123,998 1794 221,306 1789 157,730 1795 210,725 1790 212,522 1796 221,007 - - Increase to 1790 L661,162 L862,953 L201,791. Increase to 1791 1791 L279,128 4 Years to 1791 L773,378 L89,575.
FURS. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 3,464 1793 2,829 1788 2,958 1794 3,353 1789 1,151 1795 3,666 1790 3,328 1796 6,138 Increase to 1790 L10,901 L15,986 L5,085. Increase to 1791 1791 L5,731 4 Years to 1791 L13,168 L2,815.
The skins here selected from the Custom-House accounts are, Black Bear, Ordinary Fox, Marten, Mink, Musquash, Otter, Raccoon, and Wolf.
[48] Report of the Lords' Committee of Secrecy, ordered to be printed 28th April, 1797, Appendix 44.
INCLOSURE BILLS. Years of Peace Years of War. 1789 33 1793 60 1790 25 1794 74 1791 40 1795 77 1792 40 1796 72 - - 138 283
NAVIGATION AND CANAL BILLS. Years of Peace. Years of War. 1789 3 1793 28 1790 8 1794 18 1791 10 1795 11 1792 9 1796 12 80 69
Money raised L2,377,200 L 7,115,100
POST-HORSE DUTY. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1785 169,410 1793 191,488 1788 204,659 1794 202,884 1789 170,554 1795 196,691 1790 181,155 1796 204,061 Increase to 1790 L725,778 L795,124 L69,346. Increase to 1791 1791 L198,634 4 Years to 1791 L755,002 L40,122.
[51] The above account is taken from a paper which was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 8th December, 1796. From the gross produce of the year ending 5th April, 1796, there has been deducted in that statement the sum of 36,666l., in consequence of the regulation on franking, which took place on the 5th May, 1795, and was computed at 40,000l. per ann. To show an equal number of years, both of peace and war, the accounts of two preceding years are given in the following table, from a report made since Mr. Burke's death by a committee of the House of Commons appointed to consider the claims of Mr. Palmer, the late Comptroller-General; and for still greater satisfaction, the number of letters, inwards and outwards, have been added, except for the year 1790-1791. The letter-book for that year is not to be found.
POST-OFFICE. Number of Letters. Gross Revenue L Inwards. Outwards. April, 1790-1791 575,079 - 1791-1792 585,432 6,391,149 5,081,344 1792-1793 627,592 6,584,867 5,041,137 1793-1794 691,268 7,094,777 6,537,234 1794-1795 705,319 7,071,029 7,473,626 1795-1796 750,637 7,641,077 8,597,167
From the last-mentioned report it appears that the accounts have not been completely and authentically made up for the years ending 5th April, 1796 and 1797; but on the Receiver-General's books there is an increase of the latter year over the former, equal to something more than 5 per cent.
[52] In a debate, 30th December, 1796, on the return of Lord Malmesbury.—See Woodfall's Parliamentary Debates, Vol. XIII. p. 591.
GENERAL LICENSES. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 44,030 1793 45,568 1788 40,882 1794 42,129 1789 39,917 1795 43,350 1790 41,970 1796 41,190 - - Increase to 1790 L166,799 L170,237 L3,438. Increase to 1791 1791 L44,240 4 Years to 1791 L167,009 L3,228.
DEALERS IN TEA. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 10,934 1793 13,939 1788 11,949 1794 14,315 1789 12,501 1795 13,956 1790 13,126 1796 14,830 - - Increase to 1790 L48,510 L57,040 L8,530. Increase to 1791 1791 L13,921 4 Years to 1791 L51,497 L5,543.
SELLERS OF PLATE. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 6,593 1793 8,178 1788 7,953 1794 8,296 1789 7,348 1795 8,128 1790 7,988 1796 8,835 - - Increase to 1790 L29,832 L33,437 L3,555. Increase to 1791 1791 L8,327 4 Years to 1791 L31,616 L1,821.
AUCTIONS AND AUCTIONEERS. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1787 48,964 1793 70,004 1788 53,993 1794 82,659 1789 52,024 1795 86,890 1790 53,156 1796 109,594 - - Increase to 1790 L208,137 L349,147 L141,010. Increase to 1791 1791 L70,973 4 Years to 1791 L230,146 L119,001.
[56] Since Mr. Burke's death a Fourth Report of the Committee of Finance has made its appearance. An account is there given from the Stamp-Office of the gross produce of duties on Hawkers and Peddlers for four years of peace and four of war. It is therefore added in the manner of the other tables.
HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS. Years of Peace. L Years of War. L 1789 6,132 1793 6,042 1790 6,708 1794 6,104 1791 6,482 1795 6,795 1792 6,008 1796 7,882 - - L25,330 L26,823
Increase in 4 Years of War L1,493
[57] This account is extracted from different parts of Mr. Chalmers's estimate. It is but just to mention, that in Mr. Chalmers's estimate the sums are uniformly lower than those of the same year in Mr Irving's account.