Gilder, R. W., editor Century Magazine, xxiii. 338; xxiv. 26, 29, 30, 64, 98, 149, 185, 250
Gilfillan, —, xxiv. 349, 352
Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W. E., xxiii. 113; xxiv. 136-7, 139, 192
Glasgow, Knox memorial at, xxv. 88
"Gleams of Memory" (Payn), xxv. 447
Glencorse Church, xxiii. 180; xxv. 305, 307
"Go Between," xxv. 314-5 & n. 1
"Goguclat" (St. Ives), xxiii. intro. xx.
"Good Boy, A" ("Child's Garden"), xxiv. 55, 170
"Gordon Darnaway" ("Merry Men"), xxiii. intro. xx.
Gordon, General C. G., xxiv. 107, 137, 139-40, 183; xxv. 57
Gosse, Edmund, xxiii. 311, 316, 328, 329, 341; xxiv. 36, 120, 244; appointment to Clark Readership, xxiv. 99; letters to, xxiii. 219, 224, 226, 236, 243, 245, 260, 271, 292, 293, 306, 311, 313, 324, 325, 332, 338, 350, 359, 360; xxiv. 26, 29, 30, 45, 50, 87, 97, 125, 139, 173, 181, 244, 277; xxv. 71, 317, 454; "Life" by, of his father, xxv. 71, 130, 317
Gosse, Mrs. Edmund, xxiii. 225, 227; letter to, xxiii. 347
Gosse, P. H., "Life" of, by E. Gosse, xxv. 71, 130, 317
"Gossip, A, on Romance," xxiii. 283, 342, 349
Goettingen, xxiii. 118, 122, 125
"Gower Woodseer" ("Amazing Marriage," by Meredith), prototype of, xxv. 344, 390-1
Grange, Lady, xxiii. 298
Grant, —, xxiii. 316
Grant, Geordie, xxiii. 19
Grant, Lady, xxiv. 53, 72
Grant, Mrs., of Laggan, xxiii. 298
Granton, xxiii. 8
Grant, Sir Alexander, xxiv. 53, 72, 132
"Grape from a Thorn" (Payn), xxiv. 7
Graves, home and foreign, xxv. 349 & n. 1
"Gray, Thomas" ("English Men of Letters"), by Gosse, xxiii. 350, 351, 360; works of, edited by Gosse, xxiv. 140
"Great Expectations" (Dickens), xxiv. 22-3
"Great North Road," unfinished, xxiii. 328; xxiv. 106, 127, 139, 152, 402
Greenaway, Kate, xxiv. 32
Green, Madame, singer, xxv. 249
Grey, Sir George, xxv. 290, 298-9; visit to, xxv. 292
Grez, at, xxiii. 183, 185, 187; meeting with Mrs. Osbourne at, xxii. 183, 228
Grove, Sir George, xxiii. intro. xviii. 151, 178, 204
Guerin, Maurice de, xxiii. 165
Gurr, —, xxv. 48, 105, 116, 448
Gurr, Mrs., xxv. 107
Guthrie, Charles J., letters to, xxiii. 312; xxiv. 178
"Guy Mannering" (Scott), xxiv. 91; xxv. 167
Habakkuk, prophet, xxiii. 211
Haddon, Trevor, letters to, xxiii. 357, 360; xxiv. 10, 39, 93
Haggard, Bazett, xxv. 138, 161, 170-1, 193 et passim
Haggard, Rider, xxiv. 257; xxv. 86, 226-7
"Haggis, The" (Burns), xxiv. 256
"Hair Trunk," xxiii. 205-6
Hake, Dr. Gordon, xxiv. 239
Hall, Basil, xxv. 111
Halle, Sir Charles, xxiii. 169, 198
"Hall, Mr." (Clarissa Harlowe), xxiii. 211
Hamerton, P. G., xxiii. intro. xvii., 58, 216, 218, 315 n. 1, 316, 336; letters to, xxiii. 242, 314, 335; xxiv. 143
"Hamerton, P. G., An Autobiography," xxiii. 216
Hamilton, Captain, death of, xxv. 65
"Hamlet" (Shakespeare), xxv. 51
Hammond, Basil, xxiv. 13 & n. 1
Hampstead, at, xxiii. 124, 133
Hand, Captain, R.N., xxv. 139
Handwriting, tests of, xxv. 254-5
Hansome, Rufe, xxiii. 278
Happiness, xxiv. 183-4
Hardy, Thomas, xxiv. 153; xxv. 266
Hargrove, Mr., xxiii. 25, 26
"Harry Richmond" (Meredith), characters in, xxiv. 97
Harte, Bret, xxiii. 210
"Hastie" (Kidnapped), xxiv. 196
Hawaiian Islands, stay in, xxiv. 291
"Hawthorne" (H. James), xxiii. 273, 277
Hayley, —, xxiii. 252
Hazlitt, William, xxv. 385
"Heart of Midlothian" (Scott), xxiii. 65; xxv. 154
"Heathercat," unfinished, xxv. 281, 360-1, 403
Hebrides, yachting trip in, xxiii. 124, 139, 140
Hecky, a dog, xxiv. 202
Hegel, —, xxiv. 75
Heintz, Dr., xxiii. 244
Henderson, Mr., xxiii. 6, 328; xxiv. 31
Henley, Anthony, xxiii. 238, 240
Henley, E. J., xxiv. 261
Henley, W. E., xxiii. 124, 171, 172, 177, 284, 285, 334, 352; xxiv. 29, 47, 52, 59, 67, 79, 99, 151, 155, 191, 202, 302, 377; xxv. 97, 121, 123, 174; appreciation of, xxv. 213; dramatic collaboration with, xxiii. 185, 256, 257; xxiv. 99, 106, 119, 146; editor of London, xxiii. 184; in hospital, xxv. 427; letters to, xxiii. 204, 217, 219, 221, 233, 238, 249, 255, 256, 265, 317, 319, 326, 328, 330, 334, 341, 342, 352, 362; xxiv. 17, 23, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 47, 54, 57, 65, 72, 79, 91, 96, 102, 111, 114, 120, 123, 127, 131, 133, 146, 147, 155, 229, 239, 248, 257; xxv. 214; poems by, xxv. 122, 214
"Henry Shovel," see "Shovels of Newton French"
Herald, ship, xxv. 444
Herbert, George, poetry of, xxiii. 18
Herrick, Robert, xxiii. intro. xx.; xxiv. 36, 82
"Herrick, Robert," essay (Gosse), xxiv. 45
Hester Noble, unfinished play (with Henley), xxiii. 256, 257
"Hey, Johnnie Cope, are ye waukin' yet?" air, xxiii. 113
Highland History, projected, xxiii. 280, 290-1, 297; xxv. 117
"Highland Widow" (Scott), xxv. 24
"High Woods of Umfanua," see "Beach of Falesa"
Hiroshige, prints by, xxiii. 157
"Histoire d'Israel" (Renan), xxv. 304
"Histoire des Origines de Christianisme" (Renan), xxv. 304
"History of America" (Adams), xxv. 215, 266
"History of England" (Macaulay), xxiii. 70
"History of France" (Martin), xxiii. 193
"History of Indostani" (Orme), xxv. 419, 423
"History of Notorious Pirates" (Johnson), xxiv. 101
"History of the Great Storm" (Defoe), xxiv. 101
"History of the Rebellion" (Clarendon), xxiii. 31
"History of the Stevensons," see "Family of Engineers"
"History of the United States" (Bancroft), xxiii. 246
Hogarth, William, xxiii. 69; Cambridge lectures on, by Colvin, xxiii. 178
Hokusai (Magazine of Art), xxiv. 32
Hole, W., illustrator, xxiv. 270, 319, 321-2, 346; xxv. 349 & n. 1, 362 n. 1
"Holy Fair" (Burns), xxiii. 4; xxiv. 265 n. 1
Homburg, visit to, xxiii. 182
"Home is the Sailor," lines chosen for epitaph, xxiii. 269; xxv. 375
Home Rule Bill of 1885, xxiv. 192
"Homme, L', qui rit" (Hugo), xxiii. 125 & n. 1
Honolulu, visits to, xxiv. 291, 319 et seq., 329, 353; xxv. 281, 345, 349, 362
"Horatian Ode" (Marvell), xxiii. 293
Hoskin, Dr., xxv. 268, 270, 452
"House of Eld" Fables, xxiii. 12, 141
Houses, characteristics of, xxiii. 145, 146
Howard Place, 8, Edinburgh, birthplace, xxiii. 5
"Howe, Miss" (Clarissa Harlowe), xxiii. 210
"Huckleberry Finn" (Twain), xxiv. 139
"Huguenots, Les," opera, xxiii. 200
"Huish" (Ebb Tide), xxv. 313
"Human Compromise," xxiii. 267
Humble Apology (Longman's), xxiv. 181
Humble Remonstrance (Longman's), xxiv. 127
Hume, David, xxiii. 4, 72, 111, 145
"Humilies et offenses" (Dostoieffsky), xxiv. 183
Hunter, Robert, "portrait" of, xxv. 301
Hurricane at Apia, the great, xxiv. 345, 346, 369; xxv. 141, 172-4; chapter on, in "Footnote," issued in Scots Observer, xxv. 174
Hutchinson, —, bust by, of R. L. S., xxv. 353 & n. 1
Hyde, Rev. Dr., and Father Damien, xxiv. 292; controversy with, xxiv. 383-4, 391 & n. 1, 402, 404
Hyeres, at, xxiv. 5, 21 et seq.; xxv. 60
Hyndman, —, xxiv. 141
"Hyperion" (Keats), xxiv. 170
Iceland, book on, by Gosse suggested, xxiii. 333
"Ich unglueckselige Atlas," song (Schubert), xxiii. 139
Ide, Annie H., and R. L. S.'s birthday, xxv. 89-90, 118-9; letter to, xxv. 118
Ide, C. J., Land Commissioner and afterwards Chief Justice in Samoa, xxv. 281, 298, 380-1, 450; letter to, xxv. 88
Ide, Margery, xxv. 450
Idler, The, xxv. 372, 429; contributions to, xxv. 376
Illustrated London News, xxv. 301
Inchcape bell, xxiii. 29
Income-tax, xxiii. 113, 114
Inglis, John, Justice-General, xxiii. 181
Ingram, John H., xxiii. 166
"Inland Voyage," xxiii. 183, 185, 204, 211, 212, 218, 229, 247; xxiv. 103; criticisms on, xxiii. 215-6
"Inn Album" (Robert Browning), review of, xxiii, 198, 199
"Inn, The," xxv. 429
"In Russet and Silver" (Gosse), dedication of, xxv. 454
"In the Garden," projected, xxiv. 99
"In the South Seas," first published as "The South Seas," xxiv. 290, 292, 297, 320-1, 358, 362, 399, 403; xxv. 5, 12, 16, 22, 26, 34, 45, 54, 61 & nn. 1 & 2, 68, 69, 77, 78, 80, 97, 100; criticisms, xxiv. 293, 348-9; xxv. 76; dedication proposed, xxiv. 304
Intimate Poems, suggested edition, xxv. 377
Iona, vessel, xxiii. 24
Ireland, Alexander, letter to, xxiii. 342
Ireland, plan for life in, xxiv. 108, 222
Irongray, tombs at, xxiii. 65
"Isabella and the Pot of Basil" (Keats), xxiv. 170
Isaiah, prophet, xxiii. 211
"Is it not verse except enchanted groves" (Herbert), xxiii. 18
"Island Nights' Entertainments," xxv. 64, 272, 284, 290; illustrations, xxv. 312; length, xxv. 353 & n. 1; reviews xxv. 315 & n. 1
"Isle of Voices," xxv. 272
"Islet, The," xxv. 301
"Ivanhoe" (Scott), xxiv. 31
Jack, the island horse, xxv. 35-6, 41, 136, 142
James, G. P. R., novels by, ordered by R. L. S., xxiv. 273
James, Henry, xxiv. 105, 127, 130, 133, 143, 154, 182, 235, 250, 359; xxv. 29, 317, 415, 452; letters to, xxiv. 127, 160, 214, 215, 237, 249, 262, 278, 288, 334, 382, 396; xxv. 43, 108, 130, 274, 320, 335, 367, 406
"James More," xxv. 161, 216, 295
Janet Nicoll, ss., cruise in, xxiv. 292-3, 385 et seq., 392, 403; xxv. 11, 54, 304
Japan and Japanese art, interest in, xxiii. 157, 158, 159; xxiv. 32, 57
Japp, Dr. Alexander, xxiii. 329; letters to, xxiii. 321, 327, 351
Jeafferson, —, xxiv. 178
"Jedidiah Cleishbotham" (Scott), xxiii. 65
Jenkin family, xxiii. 25, 100
Jenkin, Mrs. Fleeming, xxiii. 10, 25; xxiv. 300; letters to, xxiv. 150, 151, 187, 221, 225, 258; xxv. 273
Jenkin, Professor Fleeming, xxiii. 10, 25, 118, 122, 175, 176, 183, 247, 311, 341, 353; xxiv. 48, 258, 272; death, xxiv. 106, 150, 151; memoir of, by R. L. S. (see "Memoir"); debt to, xxiv. 331
Jerome, Jerome K., xxv. 372, 429
"Jerry Abershaw," projected, xxiii. 328, 329; xxiv. 152
Jersey, Countess of, in Samoa, xxv. 145, 227, 228, 325; letters to, xxv, 228-9; on her visit to R. L. S., xxv. 228
Jersey, Earl of, xxv. 288
"Jess" (Window in Thrums), xxv. 277
Jhering, Professor, xxiii. 118, 122
J. L. Tiernan, schooner, xxiv. 359
Joan of Arc, Byron's epithet for, xxiii. 354
"Jock o' Hazeldean," air, xxiii. 113
"John Peel" of the song, xxiii. 28
"John Silver" (Treasure Island), xxiv. 112, 123; genesis of, xxiv. 31
Johnson, —, an American, xxiii. 108, 110, 111, 112
"Johnson," or "Johnstone," pseudonym, xxiv. 14, 121
Johnson, Samuel, xxiii. 298; "Life" of, xxiii. 193, 203
Johnstone, Marie, Mary, or May, xxiii. 94, 95, 98, 99, 101
Johnstone, Mr. and Mrs., xxiii. 96, 99
John Williams, missionary barque, xxiv. 387
"Jolly Beggars" (Burns), sent for autograph, xxv. 69, 87, 118
Jones, Henry Arthur (see also "Bauble Shop"), letter to, xxiv. 133
Jonson, Ben, xxiii. 294
Journalistic work, xxiii. 184
"Joy of Earth" (Meredith), xxv. 214
Jura, Skye terrier, xxv. 428-9
"Justice Clerk," see Weir of Hermiston
"Juvenilia," xxv. 397-8
Kaiulani, Hawaiian Princess, xxiv. 345, 346
Kalakaua, King, xxiv. 320
Kalaupapa, Molokai, xxiv. 351 et seq.
Kalawao, Molokai, xxiv. 353-4
Katoomba, H.M.S., xxv. 334; band of, xxv. 351
Kava, native beverage, xxv. 183 & n. 1
"Keats" ("English Men of Letters," by Colvin), xxiii. 349, 350-1; xxiv. 210, 211
Keir, Jean, xxv. 335
Kelso, xxiii. 156
"Kenilworth" (Scott), xxiv. 91
"Kidnapped," xxiii. 24, 331; xxiv. 106, 146, 147, 179, 190, 195-6, 203, 233, 265, 317, 370, 377; xxv. 108, 160, 215, 250, 283, 301, 351; in Braille, xxv. 366; projected illustrations, xxv. 349 n. 1; reception, xxiv. 198; reviews, xxiv. 203; sequel (see "Catriona"), xxv. 144; suggested French translation, xxv. 52
Killigrew, Anne, xxiii. 293 n. 1
"King Lear" (Shakespeare), xxv. 51
"King Matthias's Hunting Horn" lost, xxiii. 158, 160, 170
Kinglake, W., xxiii. 70
"King's Horn, The," xxiii. 308
Kingston, W.G., xxiii. intro. xxiii.
Kingussie, at, xxiii. 284, 357
Kipling, Rudyard, anticipated visit from, xxv. 105 & n. 1; xxv. 163, 165; appreciations of, xxiv. 396; xxv. 46, 213, 275; letter to, xxv. 46; writings of, xxv. 379
Kirriemuir, xxv. 417
"Kirstie Elliot" (Weir of Hermiston), xxiii. intro. xx.; xxv. 457
Kitchener, Colonel, ib.
Kitchener, Viscount, xxv. 236-7
Knappe, Consul, xxiv. 370; xxv. 139, 141
"Knox, John, and his Relations with Women," xxiii. 141, 149, 150, 153, 155
Knox, John, "Works" of, xxiii. 117
Knox, John, writings on, xxiii. 55, 61, 111, 141, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 155, 158, 159, 167, 170, 171, 173
Ko-o-amua, ex-cannibal chief, xxiv. 293
"Kubla Khan" (Coleridge), xxiii. 92, 220
Kuniyoshi, prints by, xxiii. 157
Labiche, —, xxiii. 239
Labour, imported, in Samoa, xxv. 159 & n. 1
Lacy, Mr., xxiii. 307
"Lady Barberina" (H. James), xxiv. 128
"Lady Carbury" ("Way of the World"), xxiii. 215
Lafarge, John, painter, xxv. 4, 29 & n. 1, 41, 43, 45
La Fontaine, "Fables" of, xxv. 49
"Lake Isle of Innisfree" (Yeats), xxv. 390
Lamb, Charles, xxiii. 209
"Lamia" (Keats), illustrated by Low, xxiv. 142, 166; dedication of, xxiv. 169-71
Lampman, Archibald, sonnet by, xxiv. 321 & n. 1
Landor, W. S., xxiii. 302, 317, 320-1
"Landscape" (Hamerton), xxiv. 143-4
Land's End, visited, xxiii. 183, 209
Lang, Andrew, xxiii. 115, 117, 222, 311, 316; xxiv. 106, 134, 206, 257, 278, 381, 388; xxv. 357, 427; letters to, xxiv. 399; xxv. 216, 453; story suggested by, xxv. 141 & n. 1; on "Treasure Island," xxiv. 67
Lantenac, M. (Victor Hugo), xxiii. 130 n. 1
"Lantern Bearers, The" (Scribner's), xxiv. 235, 254; xxv. 97, 301
Large, Miss, xxv. 329-31
La Sale, Antoine, projected essay on, xxiii. 207
"Last Sinner, The," xxiii. 171
Laupepa, see Malietoa
Lautreppe, Albert de, xxv. 383
Lavenham, xxiii. 56
Law examination passed, xxiii. 182
"Lay Morals," 86, 185; xxiv. 62 et seq.
"Leading Light, The," projected, xxiii. 329
"Leaves of Grass" (Whitman), xxiii. 70
Le Gallienne, Richard, letter to, xxv. 364
Legal work, xxiii. 182, 184
Leigh, Hon. Capt., xxv. 227-8, 231, 233, 234, 235
Leith, xxiii. 159, 202
Lemon, —, picture by, xxiv. 167
Lenz, —, xxiv. 198
Le Puy, xxiii. 217
"Lesson, The, of the Master" (H. James), xxiv. 382; xxv. 108, 274
"Letter to the Church of Scotland," xxv. 398
"Letter to a Young Gentleman," xxv. 123 n. 1
"Letters and Memories of Jane Welsh Carlyle" (Froude), xxiii, 301, 302
Letters, desiderata in, xxiii. 259
"Letters" (Flaubert), xxiv. 405; xxv. 59
"Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to his Friend in London" (Burt), xxiii. 291
"Letters to his Family and Friends," xxiii. intro. xix.
Leven, xxiii. 61
"Library, The" (Lang), xxiii. 307
"Lieder und Balladen" (Burns), Silbergleit's translation, xxiii. 39
Life, two views on, xxiv. 158, 164, 165
"Life and Death," xxiii. 171
"Life of General Hutchinson" (Mrs. Hutchinson), xxiii. 30, 31, 32
"Life of Hazlitt," projected, xxiii. 283, 336, 339, 345
"Life of P. H. Gosse" (Edmund Gosse), xxv. 71, 130, 317
"Life of R. L. S." (Balfour), xxiii. intro. xix.; xxv. 4, 59
"Life of Robertson" (Dugald Stewart), xxiii. 119
"Life of Samuel Johnson" (Boswell), xxiii. 193, 203
"Life of Sir Walter Scott" (Lockhart), xxiv. 75, 84, 170, 171
"Life of Wellington" ("English Worthies"), unfinished, xxiv. 106, 134, 139
"Life on the Lagoons" (H. F. Brown), xxiii. 303
Lillie, Jean and David, connection of, with the Stevensons, xxv. 436
"Lion of the Nile," xxiv. 321
Lions, xxiii. 307
Lippincott, xxiv. 54-5, 90
"Literary Recollections" (Payn), xxiv. 381
"Little Minister" (Barrie), xxv. 265, 276
"Lives of the Admirals" (Southey), xxiii. 70
"Lives of the Stevensons," see "Family of Engineers"
"L. J. R.," Essay Club, xxiii. 46, 48; xxv. 121
Llandudno, visited, xxiii. 124, 148
Locker-Lampson, Frederick, letters to, xxiv. 205, 206, 207, 208, 215
"Lodging for the Night," xxiii. 184, 191, 248
Logan, John, xxiii. 71, 72
London, contributions to, xxiii. 184
"London Life" (H. James), xxiv. 289
London, visits to (see also British Museum), xxiii. 77, 155, 330; xxiv. 105, 107, 186-7, 189, 202, 209, 229
"London Voluntaries" (Henley), xxv. 214
Longman, —, publisher, xxiv. 30, 66, 111, 134; xxv. 123, 125
Longman's Magazine, contributions to, xxiv. 127, 130, 134, 143, 181; xxv. 454
"Lord Nidderdale" (Way of the World), xxiii. 215
"Lord Rintoul" (Little Minister), xxv. 265
"Lost Sir Massingberd" (Payn), xxiv. 7, 177
Loti, Pierre (M. Viaud), xxiv. 308
"Loudon Dodd" (Wrecker), xxv. 24, 172 & n.1
"Louis XIV. et la Revocation de l'Edit de Nantes" (Michelet), xxiii. 69
"Louse, The" (Burns), xxiv. 256
"Love in the Valley" (Meredith), xxiv. 54; xxv. 214, 390
"Lovelace" (Clarissa Harlowe), xxiii. 210
Love, young, advice on, xxiii. 358
Lowell, John Russell, xxiv. 107
Low, Mrs. W. H., xxiv. 107, 202, 217
Low, W. H., xxiv. 107, 202, 217, 234, 250, 251, 255, 288, 369, 390; xxv. 25, 111; illustrated edition by, of "Lamia," xxiv. 142, 166; dedication of, xxiv. 169-71; letters to, xxiv. 57, 63, 72, 89, 115, 142, 153, 166, 169, 172, 177, 185, 217, 230, 245, 346; xxv. 378
Luebeck, s.s., passage on, xxiv. 375 et seq.; xxv. 48, 50, 53, 81
Ludgate Hill, s.s., passage in, xxiv. 110, 230, 232; xxiv. 235 et seq.
Lully, J.B., gavotte by, xxiv. 188-9
Lysaght, Sidney, xxv. 385-6, 388, 405, 415 & n. 1; books by, xxv. 390; visit from, xxv. 374
Macaire, play (with Henley), xxiv. 146, 147
Macbeth (Shakespeare), xxiv. 57
M'Carthy, Justin, xxiv. 173
McClure, S. S., publisher, relations with, xxiv. 234, 252, 321, 379; xxv. 120
McCrie, —, xxiii. 117
Macdonald, David, xxiii. 20
Macdonald, Flora, xxiii. 298
Macdonald, George, xxiv. 248
Macdonald, J. H. A., xxiii. 114
Macgregor, clan, xxv. 293, 346
M'Gregor-Stevenson connection, question of, xxv. 440
Mackay, Professor AEneas, xxiii. 282; letters to, xxiii. 309
Mackintosh family, xxiii. 169
M'Laren, Duncan, xxiii. 96, 97, 114
MacMahon, President, xxiii. 116
Macmillan, Alexander, xxiii. 151
Macmillan's Magazine, xxiii. intro. xvii. 204; contributions to, xxiii. 125, 149, 151
Macpherson, Miss Fanny (Lady Holroyd), xxv. 83 & n. 1
Madeira, plan to visit, xxiv. 328
"Mademoiselle Merquem" (Sand), xxiii. 87
Magazine of Art, contributions to, xxiii. 333-4; xxiv. 54, 57, 115, 181; xxv. 97, 123, 398, 423
Majendie, Colonel, xxiv. 283
"Malade Imaginaire" (Moliere), xxiv. 123
"Malbrook s'en va-t-en guerre," xxiii. 102
Malie, abode and following of Malietoa, xxv. 6, 9 et seq.
Malietoa Laupepa, xxv. 9, 176, 234, 466; friendliness with, xxv. 10; and Mataafa, troubles concerning, xxv. 6-9 et seq.
Manasquan, at, xxiv. 234, 286-8
Manchester Ship Canal, xxiv. 135
Manhattan, magazine, xxiv. 57, 90
"Manse, The," xxiii. 4; xxv. 301
Manu'a, islands of, "queen" of, xxv. 407-8
Marat, xxiv. 183
Marbot, "Memoires" of, xxv. 274, 321
"Marche funebre" (Chopin), xxiii. 139
Marcus Aurelius, xxiv. 183
"Marden, Colonel" (Clarissa Harlowe), xxiii. 210
"Margery Bonthron," xxiii. 171
"Marion," xxiii. 307
Mariposa, s.s., xxv. 346
"Markheim," xxiii. intro. xx., xxiii.; xxiv. 125, 213
"Marmont's Memoirs," xxiv. 134
Marot, Clement, poems by, xxiii. 108
"Marplot, The" (Lysaght), xxv. 390
Marquesas Islands, visited, xxiv. 290, 293, 371
Marryat, Captain, works by, ordered by R. L. S., xxiv. 338
Marseilles, at, xxiv. 5, 12-14, 98
Marshall Islands, visited, xxiv. 292
Martial, xxiv. 82
Martin, A. Patchett, letters to, xxiii. 208, 209
"Martin's Madonna," xxiii. 171
Marvell, Andrew, xxv. 46
Mary, Queen of Scots, xxiii. 62
"Mary Wollstonecraft" (Mrs. Pennell), xxiv. 149
"Master of Ballantrae," xxiii. intro. xxiii.; xxiv. 235, 265, 268-70, 274, 276, 278, 279, 291, 314, 317, 328, 338, 339, 346, 349, 360, 369, 370, 377, 398; xxv. 43, 171 & n. 2, 250, 357; illustrations, xxiv. 319, 320; original plan of, xxv. 396; paper on, xxv. 376; suggested French translation, xxv. 52
Mataafa, xxiv. 370; xxv. 176, 256; troubles concerning, xxv. 6-9 et seq., 93 et seq., 280, 332-3, 350; visits to, xxv. 193 et seq., 242; with Lady Jersey, xxv. 228 et seq.
Matlock, visited, xxiv. 105, 189
Maupassant, Guy de, xxiv. 383
Maxwell, Sir Herbert, xxv. 437; letters to, xxv. 440, 453
"Mazeppa" (Byron), xxiii. 132
Medallion portrait by St. Gaudens, xxv. 410
Medea (Ordered South), xxiii. 86 & n. 1
Mediterranean, impression of, xxiii. 104, 105
Meiklejohn, Hugh, xxv. 269, 450, 451
Meiklejohn, Professor John, xxiii. 263, 316; compliments on "Burns" article, xxiii. 241; letters to, xxiii. 263; xxv. 450
"Mein Herz ist im Hochland," xxiii. 41
Melford, xxiii. 56
Melville, Herman, xxiv. 295, 348, 381
"Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin," xxiv. 106-7, 150, 169, 174, 187, 225
"Memoirs of a Cavalier" (Defoe), xxiv. 101
"Memoirs of an Islet," essay, xxiii. 23
"Memoirs of Henry Shovel," unfinished, xxiv. 402
"Memorials" (Laing), xxv. 293
"Memorials of a Scottish Family," projected (see also "Family of Engineers"), xxiv. 279
"Memories and Portraits," xxiii. 56, 318 n. 1; xxiv. 96 n. 1, 214, 215, 230, 231, 257; xxv. 51, 53, 301 & n. 1
"Men and Books," xxiii. 86
Menken, Adah, xxiii. 275
Mentone, at, xxiii. 55, 77, 81 et seq., 143-4
Meredith, George, xxiii. 183, 311; xxiv. 97, 278 & n. 1; xxv. 351-2; letters to, xxv. 343, 390
"Merry Men, The," xxiii. 282, 316, 317, 321; xxiv. 35, 90, 125, 213, 215; xxv. 353; criticisms on, xxiii. 319; dedication, xxiv. 211; germ of, xxiii. 308; places described in, xxiii. 317
Michaels, barber, xxiii. 244
Michelet, —, xxv. 304
Middleton, Miss, letter to, xxv. 428
Millais, Sir John E., xxiv. 139; on R. L. S., as artist, xxiii. intro. xxx.
Milne, Mrs., letter to, xxiv. 70
Milson, John, xxiv. 130
"Mimes" (Schwob), xxv. 409
"Misadventure in France, A," essay, xxiv. 67-8
"Misadventures of John Nicholson" (Yule-Tide), xxiii. 12; xxiv. 211, 214; xxv. 57 & n. 1
"Miscellanies" (Edinburgh edition), xxv. 33, 376, 397 & n. 1, 424
"Miserables, Les" (V. Hugo), xxiii. 129 n. 1
Missions and missionary work, xxv. 10, n. 1, 33, 56, 57, 203, 410-11, 422
Moee, Princess, xxiv. 308, 309, 313
"Mobray" (Clarissa Harlowe), xxiii. 210
Moedestine, the donkey of the Cevennes journey, xxiii. 218
Moliere, xxiii. 69; plays, xxiv. 96, 123
"Moll Flanders" (Defoe), xxiv. 101
Molokai, visited, xxiv. 291, 345, 349 et seq., 356
Monaco, at, xxiii. 93
Monastier, visit to, xxiii. 217
Monkhouse, Cosmo, letters to, xxiv. 85, 95
Monroe, Miss, letters to, xxiv. 191, 193, 261
"Monsieur Auguste" (Mery), xxiii. 257, 258
Montagu, Basil, xxv. 29 n. 2
Montaigne, xxiv. 130, 144
Monterey, xxiv. 36; ranche life at, xxiii. 229, 234, 235, 236
"Monterey, California," xxiii. 241, 242
Montpellier, at, xxiv. 4
"Moonstone, The" (Wilkie Collins), xxiii. 18
Moors, H. J., xxiv. 292, 370, 371; xxv. 10, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40, 96, 107
"Morality, the, of the Profession of Letters" (Fortnightly), xxiii. 281
"More New Arabian Nights," xxiv. 106, 108, 114, 127, 139, 140, 142
Morley, Charles, of the Pall Mall Gazette, xxiv. 125
"Morley Ernstein" (G. P. R. James), xxiv. 75
Morley, John (Viscount Morley), xxiii. 127, 132, 226, 268
Morning Star, missionary ship, cruise in, projected, xxiv. 337, 338-9, 340, 343, 384
Morris, William, letter to, xxv. 162
Morse, Captain, xxv. 222
Morse, Miss, letter to, xxv. 253
Mount Chessie, xxiv. 44
Mount Saint Helena, xxiii. 277
Mount Vaea, burial-place of R. L. S., xxv. 9, 10, n. 1, 458 et seq.
Mulinuu, abode and party of Malietoa, xxv. 9 et seq., 107, 330, 332, 333, 370
"Mulvaney" (Soldiers Three), letter as from, xxv. 46
"Murder of Red Colin," projected, xxiii. 331
Murders, famous, volume on, projected by Gosse and R. L. S., xxiii. 338, 350
"Murders in the Rue Morgue" (Poe), xxiii. intro. xxiii
Mures, the, of Caldwell, xxv. 358
Murphy, Tommy, a lost child, story of, xxiii. 161, 162
Murrayfield, xxv. 57
Murray, Grahame, xxiii. 90
Murray, W. C., xxv. 69
Musset, Alfred de, comedies of, xxiii. 212
Mutiny, Indian, novel on, projected, xxiv. 283-4
"My Boy Tammie," air, xxiii. 113
"My First Book," series in Idler, xxv. 33, 376, 429
Myers, F. W. H., letter to, xxiv. 184
Napoleon III., xxv. 250, 319
Nares, Captain (The Wrecker), xxv. 269
Navigator Islands, xxiii. 180, 205; xxiv, 405
Navy, British, men of, xxv. 351-2
Nebraska, aspect of, xxiii. 233-4
Nerli, Count, xxv. 228
Neruda, Mme. Norman, xxiii. 169, 198
Nether Carsewell, xxv. 342, 346
"New Arabian Nights," xxiii. 185, 218; xxiv. 7, 256
New Caledonia, visited, xxiv. 293, 385, 392
"New Poems" (Edmund Gosse), xxiii. 245-6
Newport, U.S.A., at, xxiv. 233, 237-8, 255
New Quarterly, contributions to, xxiii. 237
New Review, contribution to, xxv. 18 n. 1
New Year's wish, a, xxiii. 212
New York, at, xxiv. 233-4, 238
New York Ledger, contribution to, xxiv. 361
New York Tribune, editor of, letter to, xxiv. 7
New Zealand, xxiv. 405
Nice, visits to, xxiii. 84; xxiv. 4, 6, 79, 92
Nile Campaigns, xxiv. 81
Noel-Pardon, M., xxiv. 394
"Noll and Nell," poem (Martin), xxiii. 210
"Norma," opera, xxiii. 252
"Northern Lights" (see also "Family of Engineers"), xxiii. 4, 10; xxv. 322
Norwood, at, xxiii. 57
"Note on Realism" (Magazine of Art), xxiv. 59, 62, 181
"Notes on the Movements of Young Children," xxiii. 133, 143 & n. 2
"Notre Dame" (Hugo), xxiii. 129 n. 1
Noumea, visited, xxiv. 293, 392, 396
Nukahiva Island, at, xxiv. 290, 293
Nulivae Bridge, at, xxv. 223
"Ode to Duty" (Wordsworth), xxv. 173 & n. 1
"Ode to the Cuckoo," authorship of, xxiii. 71, 72
O'Donovan Rossa, xxiii. 321
"OEdipus King" (Sophocles), xxiv. 114
"Olalla," xxiv. 106
Old English History (Freeman's), xxv. 117
"Old Gardener," xxv. 404
"Old Mortality" (Scott), xxiii. 129 n. 1; essay on, xxiv. 6, 68, 96
"Old Pacific Capital" (Fraser's Magazine), xxv. 97
Oliphant, Mrs., xxiv. 370, 382
Omission, art of, xxiv. 60
Omond, —, xxiv. 178
"Omoo" (Melville), xxiv. 348
"One of the Grenvilles" (Lysaght), xxv. 390
"Only Child," projected, xxiv. 99
"On the Enjoyment of Unpleasant Places," xxiii. 15, 151-3
"On the Principal Causes of Silting in Estuaries" (T. Stevenson), xxiv. 135
"On some Aspects of Burns" (Cornhill), xxiii. 224, 227
"On some Ghostly Companions at a Spa," xxiii. 285
"Operations of War" (Hamley), xxiii. intro. xxxiv.
Orange, at, xxiii. 80
"Ordered South," xxiii. intro. xxvii., 56, 77, 83, 86, 87 & n. 1, 116, 122, 126, 267; published, xxiii. 125
Organ-grinder episode, xxiii. 155-6
Ori a Ori, chief, xxiv. 291, 302, 304, 306-7, 309-10 et seq., 317, 334; letter from, xxiv. 332-3, 337
"Origines de la France Contemporaine" (Taine), xxiv. 258; xxv. 111-2, 319
"Origines" (Renan), xxv. 304
Orkneys and Shetlands, tour of, xxiii. 10, 24
Orlando, H.M.S., xxv. 329
Orr, Fred, letter to, xxv. 127
"Orsino" (Twelfth Night), R. L. S. as, xxiii. 175, 176
Osbourne, Lloyd, xxiii. intro. xvii., 300, 348 et seq.; xxiv. 28, 139, 178, 198, 199, 201, 290, 309, 323, 330, 341, 366, 392, 396, 399, 402; xxv. 3, 21 & n. 2, 50, 52, 67, 78, 96, 98, 99, 390, 445; account by, of death of R. L. S., xxv. 457 et seq.; collaboration with (see also "Wrecker"), xxiv. 235, 249, 250, 256, 283-4, 328, 361, 367, 379, 380, 389, 399, 402; xxv. 347-9, 437-8; illness, xxv. 152
Osbourne, Mrs., see Stevenson, Mrs. R. L.
Ossianic controversy, xxiii. 298
Othello (Shakespeare), xxv. 51
Otis, Captain, xxiv. 234, 290
Otway, essay on (Gosse), xxiv. 45
Our Lady of the Snows, monastery, poem on (Underwoods), xxiii. 221-2
"Owl, The," projected, xxv. 315 & n. 1
"Oxford Dictionary of the English Language" (Murray), xxiv. 37
P—N, John, letter to, xxv. 358
P—n, Russell, letter to, xxv. 359
Pacific Ocean, xxiii. 240
Pacific voyages, see "In the South Seas"
Page, H. A., pseudonym for Dr. Japp, q.v.
Pago-pago harbour, xxv. 8, 65
Painters and their art, xxiv. 60-1
"Painters' Camp, in the Highlands" (Hamerton), xxiii. 216
Pall Mall Gazette, contributions to, xxiii. 281, 346; xxiv. 120, 125, 130, 131, 227; xxv. 397; Henley's articles in, xxiii. 238
"Pan's Pipes," xxiii. 212; xxv. 301
Papeete (Tahitian Islands), xxiv. 291, 296, 308, 314
Paperchase, Sunday, xxv. 422
Paris Exhibition of 1878, xxiii. 183
Paris, visits to, xxiii. 183, 305; xxiv. 105, 107
Parker, Lieutenant and Mrs., xxv. 29
"Parliament Close" (Picturesque Notes on Edinburgh), xxiii. 216
Parliament House, Edinburgh, verses on, xxiii. 193-4
Parnessiens, proposed paper on, xxiii. 168
"Paston Letters," xxiii. 203
"Pastoral" (Longman's), xxiv. 221; xxv. 301
Paton, John, and Co., xxiv. 252
Paul, C. Kegan, xxiii. 212
Paumotus atolls, visited, xxiv. 290, 293-4
"Pavilion, The, on the Links," xxiii. 229, 238, 249, 256, 259, 262, 267
Payne, John, xxv. 427
Payn, James, xxiv. 355; handwriting of, xxv. 365; letters to, xxiv. 176, 355, 381; xxv. 425, 446; novel by, xxv. 171; works of, xxiv. 7-9
"Pearl Fisher" (with Lloyd Osbourne, see "Ebb Tide"), changes of name for story, xxv. 288 et seq.
"Pegfurth Bannatyne," xxiii. 361, 362
Pella, letter from, xxiii. 115, 128
Pembroke, Earl of, xxv. 290
"Penn" (H. Dixon), xxiii. 277
Pennell, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, xxiv. 149; letter to, xxiv. 149
Penn, William, article on, projected, xxiii. 265
"Penny plain and Twopence coloured," essay, xxiv. 93
"Penny Whistles," see "Child's Garden of Verse"
"Pentland Hills" (Picturesque Notes on Edinburgh), xxiii. 216
"Pentland Rising," xxv. 397
Penzance, visit to, xxiii. 206
Pepys, Samuel, xxiv. 29, 183; essay on, xxiii. 281
"Petit Jehan de Saintre" (La Sale), essay on projected, xxiii. 267
"Petits Poemes en Prose," xxiii. 195, 196, 197
"Petronius Arbiter," xxiv. 83
"Pew" (Admiral Guinea), xxiv. 119, 120
Peyrat, Napoleon, xxiii. 307
Pharos, s.y., xxv. 98 & n. 1
"Phasellulus loquitur," xxiv. 116
Pheidias, xxiii. 159
"Philosophy of Umbrellas" (with Ferrier), xxv. 398
Picts, the, xxv. 434-6
"Picturesque Notes on Edinburgh," xxiii. 185, 211, 216, 218
"Pilgrim's Progress" (Bunyan), xxiii. 203; Bagster's edition, essay on cuts in, xxiii. 334
Pilsach, Baron Senfft von, President of the Council, Samoa, xxv. 7, 95 et seq., 100-1, 275, 281, 286, 305, 364, 376
"Pinkerton" (Wrecker), xxiv. 368; xxv. 141 & n. 1, 146, 378
"Pioneering in New Guinea" (Chalmers), xxv. 39
Piquet, xxv. 428
"Pirate, The" (Marryat), xxiii. 329
"Pirate, The" (Scott), xxiii. 318
"Pirbright Smith," xxiii. 361
"Pitcairn's Criminal Trials of Scotland," xxv. 271, 293
Pitlochry, at, xxiii. 282, 306
"Plain Speaker" (Hazlitt), xxiv. 130
Platz, Herr, xxiv. 194
Poe, Edgar, xxiii. intro. xxiii., 166; xxiv. 83
Poems by Baildon, technique discussed, xxv. 377
Poepoe, Joseph, xxiv. 330
Poland, projected visit to, xxiii. 151, 152, 155
Pollington, Lord, xxiv. 260
Pollock, ——, xxiv. 36
Pomare V., King, xxiv. 309
Poor folk, charity of, xxv. 209-10
"Poor Thing, The," xxiii. 141
Poquelin, ——, xxiv. 123
Portfolio, The, xxiii. intro. xvii.; contributions to, xxiii. 58, 77, 141, 146, 151, 152, 153, 164, 166, 168, 185, 216; xxv. 397-8; Colvin's work for, xxiii. 178
Portobello, beach incident, xxiii. 73; train incident, xxiii. 63
"Portrait of a Lady" (H. James), xxiv. 263
Positivism, studies in, xxiii. 159
Pratt, ——, fables by, xxv. 49
"Prince de Galles," xxiii., 356
"Prince of Gruenewald," see "Prince Otto"
"Prince Otto" (Forest State q.v.), xxiii. 229, 265, 266, 267, 278, 353; xxiv. 5, 23, 24, 34, 35, 36, 54, 66, 68, 73, 81, 106, 110, 142, 154, 173, 181; xxv. 53, 376; criticisms, xxiv. 191; publication, xxiv. 138; reviews, xxiv. 155-6
"Princess Casamassima" (H. James), xxiv. 160 n. 1
Princes Street, Edinburgh, xxiii. 72, 74
Pringle, Janet, xxv. 361
"Printemps, Le," group (Rodin), xxiv. 202, 209
Prisoners, Samoan, gratitude of, see "Road of Loving Hearts"
Privateers, enquiry on, xxv. 380 & n. 1
Proctor, Mr. B. W., xxv. 29 & n. 2
"Professor Rensselaer," xxiii. 249
Pronouns, "direct and indirect," quip on, xxv. 174
"Providence and the Guitar," xxiii. intro. xx., 185, 219, 248, 268
Publishers, xxv. 123-5
"Pulvis et Umbra" (Scribner's), xxiv. 235, 253, 264, 274,284, 384; xxv. 123 & n. 1
"Pupil, The" (H. James), xxv. 132
Purcell, Rev. ——, xxiii. 332-3; xxiv. 159
Purple passages in literature, xxv. 72-3
"Pye," ——, xxv. 30
Pyle, Howard, xxv. 164 n. 1
Queen, ship, xxv. 353
Queensferry, xxiii. 68, 69
Queen's River, xxv. 417
"Quentin Durward" (Scott), xxiii. 129 n. 1; xxiv. 91
"RAB and his Friends" (Brown) xxiii. 296
Raiatea, xxiv. 308 et seq.
Raleigh, Walter, on restrained egoism in literature, xxiii. intro. xxvi., xxvii.
"Randal" (The Ebb Tide), xxv. 187
"Random Memories: the Coast of Fife" (Scribner's), xxiii. 12, 15; xxiv. 235, 387; xxv. 97, 301
Rarotonga, xxv. 269
"Raskolnikoff" (Le Crime et le Chatiment), xxiv. 182
Rawlinson, Miss, letters to, xxiv. 227; xxv. 274; verses to, xxiv. 227
Rawlinson, Mrs., xxiv. 227
Reade, Charles, xxiii. 129 n. 1
"Real Thing" (H. James), xxv. 322
"Redgauntlet" (Scott), xxiii. intro. xxiii., 287 n. 1
Reformation, studies in, xxiii. 159
"Refugees" (Doyle), xxv. 340
Reid, Captain Mayne, works of, xxv. 13
"Reign of Law" (Duke of Argyll), xxiii. 67 & n. 1
"Rembrandt," article on, by Colvin (Edinburgh Review), xxiii. 225
"Reminiscences" (Carlyle), xxiii. 301
Remy, Pere, xxv. 327
Renaissance story, projected, xxiii. 167, 168
Renan, Ernest, works, xxv. 304
Rennie, John, xxiv. 121
Resignation, xxiv. 62, 76 et seq.
"Restoration Dramatists," essay on (Lamb), xxiv. 85
Retrospective musings, xxv. 437-8
Revenge, Christian doctrine of, xxiii. 214
Rhone, the, xxiii. 79
"Richard Feverel" (Meredith), xxv. 265
Richard III. (Shakespeare), xxiv. 398; xxv. 51
Richardson, Samuel, novelist, xxiii. 129 n. 1
Richmond, Sir W. B., xxiv. 107; portrait by, xxiv. 202
Richmond, s.s., xxiv. 337, 343
Richmond, stay at, xxiv. 104
"Rideau Cramoisi, Le" (d'Aurevilly), xxv. 314, 380
Ringarooma, ship, xxv. 268-9
"Rising Sun," projected, xxiv. 403
"Ritter von dem heiligen Geist" (Heine), xxiii. 88 & n. 1
R. L. S. Society, Cincinnati, xxv. 384
"R. L. Stevenson in Wick" (Margaret H. Roberton), xxiii. 15 n. 1
"Roads," paper on, xxiii. 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 67, 76, 77, 117, 119, 121, 141, 143, 201; xxv. 397-8
"Road, the, of Loving Hearts," xxv. 374, 431 et seq., 441, 442, 446, 459 et seq.; inscription on, xxv. 441, 446; speech by R. L. S. at opening of, xxv. 441, 446, 462 et seq.
Robert, Louis, xxiv. 28
Roberts, Earl, xxiv. 81
Robertson, —, xxiii. 117
Robertson's Sermons, xxiv, 268
Robinet, —, painter, xxiii. 98, 99
"Robin Run-the-Hedge," unfinished, xxiv. 402
"Robinson Crusoe" (Defoe), xxiv. 101, 103
Rob Roy, xxv. 293
"Rob Roy" (Scott), xxiv. 91
"Rocambole" (Ponson du Terrail), xxiii. 254
Roch, Valentine, xxiv. 110, 238 et passim
"Roderick Hudson" (H. James), xxiv. 262-3, 265
Rodin, Auguste, sculptor, xxiv. 107, 202; letters to, xxiv. 209, 216
Rodriguez Albano, xxiii. 244
"Rois en Exil" (Daudet), xxiii. 346
"Romance" (Longman's), xxiv. 181
Roman Law, studies in, xxiii. 126
Rondeaux, xxiii. 188-9
"Rosa Quo Locorum," xxv. 33
"Rose," character of (Meredith), xxiv. 97
"Rosen, Countess von" (Forest State), xxiii. 266
Ross, Dr. Fairfax, xxv. 348 & n. 1, 350
Ross family, xxiii. 28
Ross of Mull, used in "The Merry Men," xxiii. 41
Rossetti, D. G., xxiv. 239
Ross, Rev. Alexander and Mrs., xxiii. 27
Rothschild, Baron, xxiii. 195
"Rover," verses (Gosse), xxiv. 27
Rowfant, xxiv. 215
"Rowfant Rhymes" (Locker-Lampson), xxiv. 205
Royal Society of Edinburgh, xxiv. 118, 135
Royat, visits to, actual and projected, xxiv. 39, 98, 99 et seq.; xxv. 105, 131
Ruedi, Dr., xxiii. 297
Rui = Louis, in Samoan pronunciation, xxiv. 307, 310 et alibi
Ruskin, John, xxiii. 117; xxv. 397
Russel family, xxiii. 21, 22
Russel, Miss Sara, xxiii. 21, 22
Russel, Mrs., xxiii. 22
Russel, Sheriff, xxiii. 21, 22
Ruysdael, —, painting by, xxiii. 178
Sachsenhausen, xxiii. 43
Sagas, love of, xxiii. 332; xxiv. 207; xxv. 162, 211
"St. Agnes' Eve" (Keats), xxiv. 170
St. Augustine, xxiii. intro. xxiv.
St. Gaudens, Augustus, sculptor, xxiv. 170, 234, 238, 390; xxv. 25; letters to, xxv. 308, 341, 410; medallion portrait by, xxiv. 238-9, 250, 255
St. Gaudens, Homer, letters to, xxiv. 287
St. Germain, at, xxiii. 305
"St. Ives," xxv. 281, 347-8, 371, 375, 380 & n. 1, 387, 392, 403, 405, 414, 430, 450; inception of, xxv. 285-6; parallel to, xxv. 442; scheme for, xxv. 287
St. John, apostle, and the Revelation (in Renan's book), xxv. 304
St. Paul, xxv. 304; teaching of, xxiii. 214
Saintsbury, Professor G., xxiii. 307
Salvini, T., article on, xxiv. 72
Samoa and the Samoans for children (letters to Miss Boodle on), xxv. 147, 217, 243
Samoa, climate of, xxv. 250, 278, 333, 348 n. 1, 350, 419 contrasted with Europe, xxv. 355 exile in, xxv. 349 letters from, xxv. 9 et seq. missionary work, in, interest in, xxv. 10 & n. 1; xxv. 33, 56, 57 rain in, xxv. 443-4 rivers of, xxv. 132-3 et seq. visit to, and settlement in, xxiv. 290 et seq. war trouble in, projected work on, xxiv. 370, 379, 380
Samoan character, xxv. 381, 432 chiefs, road made by, see "Road of Loving Hearts" history, see "Footnote to History" language, xxv. 49; study of, xxv. 181, 203 politics, apologies for dwelling on, xxv. 388, 445; interest in. xxv. 4 et passim prisoners (chiefs), see "Road of Loving Hearts"
Samoa Times, xxiv. 392
"Samuel Pepys," essay (Cornhill), xxiii. 281
Sanchez, Adolpho, xxiii. 240
Sanchez, Mrs., xxv. 257
Sand, George, writings of, xxiii. 87
Sandwich Islands, xxiv. 292, 340
"San Francisco," xxiii. 342
San Francisco, stay at, and visits to, xxiii. 229, 230; xxiv. 234, 283, 286, 289, 290
"Sannazzaro," xxiii. 167
Saone and Rhone, projected journey down and book on, xxiv. 98, 99
Saranac Lake, at, xxiv. 233-4, 240 et seq.; xxv. 123 n. 1
Sargent, John S., artist, xxiv. 105, 167; portrait by, xxiv. 117, 155
Saturday Review, xxiii. 58, 69, 77
Savage Island, at, xxiv. 387
Savile Club, the, xxiii. 124, 127, 133, 186, 263; xxiv. 187
Schmidt, Emil, President of Council, Samoa, xxv. 416, 424
"Schooner Farallone," see "Ebb Tide"
Schopenhauer, studies in, xxiii. 159
Schwob, Marcel, letters to, xxiv. 327, 397; xxv. 51, 409
Sciatica, xxiv. 92
"Scotch Church and Union" (Defoe), xxiv. 101
Scotch labourer and politics, xxiii. 61
Scotch murder trials, books on, asked for, xxv. 271
Scotch songs, Russian pleasure in, xxiii. 113
"Scotland and the Union," projected, xxiii. 297
Scotland, last visit, xxiv. 227
Scotland, whisky, etc., of, xxiii. 41
Scotsman, xxv. 398
Scots Observer, contribution to, xxv. 174
"Scots wha hae," air, xxiii. 113
Scott, Dr., letter to, xxiv. 374
Scott, Sir Walter (see also Waverley Novels), xxiii. 65 & n. 1, 111, 130 n. 1, 264, 333; xxiv. 75, 76, 84, 91, 382; xxv. 86, 110, 154, 164, 167,371; love of action, xxiii. intro. xxxiv.; nobility of character, xxiii. intro. xxxv.; novels, xxv. 24; novels contrasted with R. L. S.'s, xxiii. intro. xxiii.
Scribner, C., xxiv. 233, 253-4, 390; xxv. 25, 380, 392; letters to, xxiv. 252
Scribner, Messrs., verse published by, xxiv. 395
Scribner's Magazine, xxiv. 110, 142, 253, 258; contributions, actual and suggested, xxiv. 233, 235, 239, 240, 247, 252, 268, 277, 287, 367, 377 et seq., 387, 393; xxv. 86, 97, 110, 115, 171 n. 1
"Sea-Cook, The" (see also "Treasure Island"), xxiii. 326-7
Sedan, xxv. 250, 318
Seed, Hon. J., xxiii. 179; xxiv. 405
Seeley, Professor, style of, xxiv. 55-6
Seeley, Richmond, publisher and editor (see also "Portfolio"), xxiii. intro. xvii., 141, 142, 143, 148, 398
Sellar, Mrs., xxiii. 115
"Sensations d'Italie" (Bourget), xxv. 127, 130-1
"Sentimental Journey" (Sterne), xxiii. intro. xxiii.
"Sentimental Tommy" (Barrie), xxv. 419 & n. 1
Seraphina (see also "Prince Otto"), xxiii. intro. xx.
"Service of Man" (Cotter Morison), xxiv. 219-20
Seumanutafa, Chief, of Apia, xxv. 26, 48-9, 105
"Seventeenth Century Studies" (Gosse), xxiv. 45
Sewall, Mr., American Consul at Samoa, xxv. 4, 29, 58, 65-6
"Shadow, The, on the Bed" (Mrs. R. L. S.), xxiii. 308, 316, 321
Shairp, Professor, xxiii. 191, 263
Shaltigoe, wreck at, xxiii. 22
Shannon, W. J., xxiii. 332-3
Shaw, Bernard, appreciation of, xxiv. 270-1
Shelley, Lady, xxiv. 105, 149, 177, 179, 211; xxv. 131
"Shelley Papers" (Dowden), xxiv. 211, 212
Shelley, P. B., xxiv. 177-8, 212; 372, 373-4; and Keats, xxiv. 211
Shelley, Sir P. B., xxiv. 177-8, 211, 373; xxv. 458
"Sherlock Holmes" (Doyle), xxv. 299
Shetland, visited, xxiii. 10, 24
"Shovels of Newton French," projected, xxv. 5, 55-6, 82-3, 172
Sick child, episode of, xxiii. 230, 269
"Sign of the ship" causerie (Lang), xxiv. 278, 388
"Sigurd" (W. Morris), xxiii. 334; xxv. 162
Silverado, life at, xxiii. 278
"Silverado Squatters," xxiii. 230, 279, 283, 352, 355; xxiv. 5, 26, 27, 30 & n. 1, 34, 56, 66, 67, 73, 92; xxv. 423; serial issue of, xxiv. 55
"Silver Ship," see "Casco"
Simoneau, Jules, xxiii. 239, 240, 244; xxiv. 423; letters to, xxiv. 36, 41
Simoneau, Mrs., xxiv. 42
"Simon Fraser" (Catriona), xxv. 351 & n. 1
Simpson, Sir Walter, xxiii. 36,43, 46, 49, 69, 89, 124, 159, 174, 182, 187, 259, 341, 353; xxiv. 47; letter to, xxiv. 117, 229, 242; yachting trip with, xxiii. 124, 139, 140
Simson, Dr., xxiv. 91
Sinclair, Miss Amy, xxiii. 24, 27-8
Sinclair, Sir Tollemache, xxiii. 27
Sinico, —, singer, xxiii. 166
"Sire de Maletroit's Door," xiii. 184, 206, 207, 211, 248
Siron, aubergiste, Barbizon, xxiii. 187
Sitwell, Mrs. (see also Colvin, Lady), xxiii. 54, 300; xxiv. 335; xxv. 85; letter to, from Mrs. R. L. Stevenson, xxiv. 331; letters to, from R. L. S., xxiii. 57, 58, 61, 63, 66, 68, 71, 74, 77, 83, 86, 91, 93, 101, 103, 104, 110, 115, 121, 125, 127, 131, 133, 137, 139, 140, 144, 148, 149, 151, 153, 155, 156, 158, 161, 164, 166, 168, 171, 174, 175, 177, 180 bis, 181, 187, 189, 197, 198, 200, 203, 205, 207, 323; xxiv. 24; xxv. 393
Skelt, xxiv. 57, 93
Skene, William Forbes, xxv. 434-5
Skerryvore, article on (Archer), xxiv. 305
"Skerryvore" (house), xxiv. 105, 109, 141, 196, 252; xxv. 31 n. 2, 75
Skinner, Mr., xxv. 413
Slade School, xxiv. 39
"Sleeper Awakened," xxv. 314 & n. 1
Smeoroch, Skye terrier, xxiv. 77 & n. 1; xxv. 429
Smiles, Samuel, xxiv. 121
Smith, Adam, xxiii. 72
Smith, Captain, xxiii. 235
Smith, Rev. George, xxiii. 4; xxiv. 265 n. 1
Soalu, Chief, xxv. 460
Society for Psychical Research, Journals of, xxv. 299
"Soldiers Three" (Kipling), xxv. 46
"Solemn Music" (Milton), xxiii. 294
"Solomon Crabb," xxiii. 343-4
"Solution, The" (Lesson of the Master, H. James), xxiv. 382
"Song at the Feast of Brougham Castle" (Wordsworth), xxiii. 315 & n. 1
"Song of To-morrow," xxiii. 141
"Songs of Scotland without words, for the Pianoforte" (Surrenne), xxiii. 113
"Songs of Travel," xxiv. 190, 239, 337, 362, 375, 378, 395; xxv. 349 & n. 1
"Sonnet to England" (Martin), xxiii. 210
"Sophia Scarlett," proposed, xxv. 144, 152-3, 172, 187, 281
Sophocles, translation (Campbell), xxiv. 113
Sorrow, discipline of, xxiv. 163
Soudan affairs, xxiv. 107
Southey, R., xxiii. 302
"South Sea Ballads," xxiv. 298-9, 317, 321, 380, 395, 399
"South Sea Bubble" (Earl of Pembroke), xxv. 153 n. 1; on Kava, xxv. 183 n. 1; on Samoan streams, xxiv. 133 n. 1
"South Sea Idylls" (Stoddard), xxiv. 180
South Sea Islands, call of, xxiii. 180, 205
"South Sea Letters," published first as "The South Seas," later as "In the South Seas," q.v.; selection from, projected, xxv. 423
South Seas, cruises in, xxiv. 233 et seq., 286 et seq.
"South Sea Yarns" (with Lloyd Osbourne), projected, xxiv. 361, 367, 379; xxv. 397
Spain, xxiii. 119
Spectator, xxiii. 239, 264; xxv. 58
"Spectator" (Addison's), style of, xxiii. 252
Speculative Society, Edinburgh University, xxiii. 35, 64, 184, 312; xxiv. 178
Speed, —, xxv. 210
Spencer, —, xxv. 74-5
Spencer, Herbert, xxiii. 169
Sperber, German warship, xxv. 29
Speyside, in, xxiii. 284
"Spring Sorrow" (Henley), xxiii. 186
"Spring time," xxiii. 191, 193, 196, 197, 202
"Squaw Men," projected, xxiii. 329
"Squire" (Story of a Lie), xxiii. 249
"Squire Trelawney" (Treasure Island), xxiii. 326-7
Stansfield, —, xxv. 269
"Stepfather's Story," projected, xxiii. 207
Stephen, Leslie, xxiii. intro. xvii., 174, 184, 205, 206, 207, 241, 256, 257, 264, 267, 302, 311; xxiv. 47; letter from with appreciation of "Victor Hugo," xxiii. 129 et seq. & n. 1; introduction by, of R. L. S. and Henley, xxiii. 172; on "Forest Notes," xxiii. 201, 202; testimonial from, xxiii. 316
Stephenson, —, xxiii. 25
Sterne, Laurence, xxiii. intro. xxiii.
Stevenson, Alan, xxv. 335, 401, 436
Stevenson family, inquiries concerning, xxv. 293, 335, 342, 357, 399, 435-7
Stevenson, Hugh, xxv. 335
Stevenson, James, xxv. 334
Stevenson, James S., letter to, xxv. 334, 342
Stevenson, J. Horne, xxv. 293, 345, 435; letter to, xxv. 357
Stevenson, John, xxv. 358
Stevenson, Katharine (see also de Mattos), xxiii. 138
Stevenson, Macgregor, xxv. 293
Stevenson, Mrs. Alan, xxv. 110, 436
Stevenson, Mrs. R. L., xxiv. 234, 247-8, 251, 256, 258-9, 275, 282, 291-2, 323, 330-1, 341-2, 390; xxv. 29, 30, 31, 38, 249-50, 371, 377; character, xxiii. 279-80; first meeting, xxiii. 183, 228; marriage, xxiii. 228 et seq., 260, 262, 268, 270, 272, 274; xxiv. 105; collaboration with R. L. S., xxiii. 282; letter to, on avoiding the infliction of pain in literary work, xxiii. intro. xxvi.; story by (see "Shadow on the Bed"); ill health and illness of, xxiii. 280, 283-4, 320-1,355; xxv. 146, 280, 297 et seq., 320-1 et alibi; letter to, xxiv. 349; letters from, to S. Colvin, xxiv. 309, 347, to Mrs. Sitwell, xxiv. 331, to J. A. Symonds, xxiv. 11
Stevenson, Mrs. Thomas (nee Balfour), xxiii. 4, 6, 148; xxiv. 39, 147, 199, 216, 220, 234, 248, 251, 258, 276, 280, 290, 291, 309, 310, 314, 323, 331, 336, 341, 343, 366, 375, 405; xxv. 3, 31, 50, 53, 193 et seq., 259, 282, 403, 406, 416; letters to, xxiii. 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 24, 36, 38, 39, 44, 56, 81, 94, 96, 97, 99, 107, 112, 116, 117, 118, 120, 187, 215, 216, 218, 298, 337, 354; xxiv. 9, 21, 66, 76, 202, 383; settled in Samoa, xxv. 76, 78
Stevenson, Mrs. Thomas, and Thomas Stevenson, letters to (jointly), see Stevenson, Thomas, infra
Stevenson, name, query on to Sir H. Maxwell, xxv. 440
Stevenson, Robert, xxiii. 4, 13, 160, 200; xxiv. 359; xxv. 87, 95, 98, 120, 310, 315, 401, and see "Family of Engineers"
Stevenson, Robert (the first), xxv. 335
Stevenson, Robert Alan Mowbray (Bob), xxiii. 49, 57, 58, 83, 103, 105, 109, 110, 124, 133, 135, 137, 138, 140, 149, 174, 183, 187, 239, 308, 341; xxiv. 3, 69, 89, 124, 167, 196, 328 & n. 1; letters to, xxiii. 356; xxiv. 8, 59, 196, 198, 240, 323; xxv. 398, 401, 434
Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour ("R. L. S."), ancestry, xxiii. 4, 5; appearance, xxiii. intro. xxxviii.; appreciation of, by Lysaght, xxv. 415 n. 1; appreciation of his own literary skill, xxv. 443; characteristics and habitudes, xxiii. intro. xxii., xxvi. et seq., 8-12, 186; xxiv. 296; xxv. 33, 415, n. 1; charm, xxiii. intro. xxiii., xxvi., xxvii.-ix., xxxi., 55; xxv. 415; conversation, xxiii. intro. xxxi., 9. 123; help derived from writings of, xxii., intro. xxix., 253-4; interest in missionary work, xxv. 10 & n. 1, 33, 56, 57; interest in music, xxiv. 188-9, 196 et seq., 285, 302; xxv. 85, 92, 125, 185; literary style and methods, xxiii. intro. xix. et seq.; xxv. 173; political views, xxiv. 107-8; portraits, busts, photographs of, xxiv. 117, 154, 170, 177, 199, 202, 238-9, 250, 255; xxv. 309, 310, 341, 353 & n. 1; relations with his father, xxiv. 5, 6 et alibi; religious views, xxiii. intro. xxxii., 11, 12, 53-4, 67
Life, 1850-57, Birth and Early delicacy, xxiii. 5
1858-67, Education and home life and early travels, xxiii. 6-8
1868-70, Engineering studies, xxiii. 10
1871-4, Law studies, religious differences with parents, xxiii. 10-12
1874-5 (May to June), Law studies, home life, experimental literature, travels, home and foreign, and friendships, xxiii. 123-4
1875-79 (July to July), Bar studies concluded, travels in France and Germany, life at the bar abandoned for literature; Fontainebleau again, xxiii. 182-3; early journalistic and other writing, xxiii. 184-5
1879-1880 (July to July), Californian visit, hardships, illness, marriage, xxiii. 228-30
1880, Aug.-1882, Oct., Home from California, xxiii. 279; summers in Scotland, xxiii. 279-80; winters at Davos, and literary work, xxiii. 280, 283
1882, Oct.-1884, Aug., The Riviera again, Montpellier and Marseilles, Nice, xxiv. 5; Hyeres home life, happier relations with parents, illness and literary work, letters, xxiv. 3-5
1874, Sept.-1887, Aug., Bournemouth homes—"Skerryvore," invalid life, friendships, and literary work, xxiv. 104-9; visit to Paris, schemes for life in Ireland, xxiv. 108; death of his father, and departure for Colorado, xxiv. 110
1887, Aug.-1888, June, Voyage to New York and reception there, friends new and old, stay in the Adirondacks, journey to San Francisco, xxiv. 233-4
1888, June-1890, Oct., Voyages in the Pacific, xxiv. 290-3; settlement at Vailima, xxiv. 291-2; controversy about Father Damien, xxiv. 292
1890, Nov.-1891, Dec., First year at Vailima, Samoan politics, letters on, to The Times—building of the first Vailima house, xxv. 3-8
1892, Jan. to Dec., Life at Vailima, second year, visitors, enlargement of the house, Samoan politics, threatened deportation, xxv. 144-6
1893, Jan. to Dec., Life at Vailima, third year, the addition to the house completed, Samoan politics, proclamation aimed at him, illness of Mrs. R. L. Stevenson, trips to Sydney, to Honolulu, to New Zealand, outbreak of war, financial anxieties, signs of life-weariness, xxv. 280-2
1894, Jan. to Dec., fourth year at Vailima, illness and recovery, loss of literary facility, financial position, visitors, xxv. 373-5; the making of the Road of Gratitude, xxv. 374, 432 et seq., 441, 446; speech and feast to the chiefs, xxv. 441, 446, 462 et seq.; sudden death and burial, xxv. 8, 10 n. 1, 375; account of, by Lloyd Osbourne, xxv. 457 et seq.; epitaph, xxiii. 268; xxv. 375
Stevenson, Thomas, xxii. 4, 5, 11, 12, 20, 24, 146, 148, 180, 260, 261 & n. 1, 279, 285, 298, 328, 347, 353; xxiv. 5, 6, 39, 58, 105, 107, 108, 118, 119, 135, 138, 147, 161, 187, 188, 189, 196, 199, 210, 216, 220, 234, 276, 280, 365, 405; xxv. 335, 382, 401; affection for Mrs. R. L. S., xxiii. 279; gift to her of a Bournemouth house, xxiv. 105; biographical essay on, xxiii. 21; letters to, xxiii. 13, 42, 111, 113, 213, 290, 330; xxiv. 9, 22, 62, 74, 90, 118, 119, 137, 159, 179, 190, 201; Memories of, xxv. 413; misunderstandings with, xxiii. intro. xvii., 11, 12, 55, 67; religious views, xxiii. 11, 12, 52, 67; death, xxiii. 5; xxiv. 109, 227
and Mrs. Thomas Stevenson, joint letters to, xxiii. 215, 296, 305; xxiv. 27, 75, 76, 78, 100, 110, 130, 168, 199
"Stewart, Alan Breck," xxv. 46-8
Stewart, James (see Appin murder)
Stewart, Miss (Bathgate), xxiii. 227
Stewart, Sir Herbert, xxiv. 81
Stewart's plantation, Tahiti, xxv. 153 & n. 1
"Stickit Minister" (Crockett), dedication of, xxv. 349 & n. 1
Stobo Manse, at, xxiii. 284, 357
Stockton, F. R., verse to, xxiv. 125
Stoddard, Charles Warren, xxv. 267; letters to, xxiii. 275, 294; xxiv, 180
"Stories and Interludes" (Barry Pain), xxv. 215
"Stories," or "A Story Book," projected, xxiii. 249
Storm, ideas on, xxiii. 150
"Story of a Lie," xxiii. 12, 229, 230, 235, 237, 247, 249; xxiv. 90
"Strange Adventures of Mr. Nehemiah Solny," projected, xxiii. 170
"Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," xxiii. intro. xxiii.; xxiv. 106, 169, 171, 182, 233, 253, 398; xxv. 289; publication, xxiv. 166; dedication, xxiv. 167; criticisms, xxiv. 184
Strathpeffer, at, xxiii. 280, 284, 285
Streams, Samoan, peculiarities of, xxv. 36
Strong, Austin, xxiv. 151, 341; xxv. 92, 117, 249 & n. 1, 269 & n. 1, 389, 403, 446
Strong, Mrs., xxiv. 325 & n. 1, 341; xxv. passim; letter to, xxiii. 286
Stuebel, Dr., German Consul, xxv. 35, 41 & n. 1, 141
Sturgis, Mrs., xxv. 391
"Subpriorsford," nickname for Vailima, xxv. 165, 170
"Such is Life," poem (Martin), xxiii. 209
Sudbury, Suffolk, at, xxiii. 56
Suffering, value of, xxiii. 251
Suffolk, peasantry, xxiii. 61
"Suicide Club," xxiii. intro. xx., 356
Sullivan, Russell, xxv. 25
Sunrise, tonic of, xxv. 401
Sutherland, Mr., xxiii. 15
Sutherland, Mrs., xxiii. 22
Swan, Professor, xxiii. 193; xxiv. 143; xxv. 315
Swanston Cottage, Lothianburn, xxiii. 8, 123, 126 et seq., 312
"Sweet Girl Graduate, A," and other poems (Martin), xxiii. 208-9
Swift, Dr. and Mrs., of Molokai, xxiv. 351-2
Swinburne, A. C., poems, xxv. 390
Sydney, N.S.W., visits to, and illnesses at, xxiv. 292-3, 325, 375, 382 et seq., 394; xxv. 4, 38, n. 1, 53 et seq., 61, 77, 81, 208, 288-9, 296
Symonds, J. A., xxiii. 281, 304, 311, 317, 334, 341, 351, 361; xxiv. 142; dedication of book by, xxv. 454; epithet of, for R. L. S., xxiii. intro. xxvi.; letter to, from Mrs. R. L. Stevenson, xxiv. 11; letters to, xxiv. 182, 254, 304; on Southey, xxiii. 302; death of, xxv. 317 & n. 1
"Table Talk" (Hazlitt), xxiv. 130
Tacitus, xxiv. 83
Tahiti, xxiv. 291, 371
Tahitian Islands, xxiv. 293; stay in, xxiv. 291, 296 et seq.
Tait, Professor, xxiv. 118
"Tales and Fantasies," xxv. 397.
"Tales for Winter Nights," projected title, xxiii. 316, 318
"Tales of a Grandfather" (Scott), xxv. 117
"Tales of my Grandfather" (see also "Family of Engineers"), xxv. 110
"Talk and Talkers" (Cornhill), xxiii. 283, 341, 349; xxiv. 138
Tamasese, xxiv. 371; xxv. 67, 351
Tamate, see Chalmers
Tati, high chief of the Tevas, xxiv. 317
Tauchnitz, Baron, and "Footnote," xxv. 346
Tautira, at, xxiv. 291, 302 et seq., 317
Taylor, Ida and Una, xxiv. 105, 372, 374
Taylor, Lady, xxiv. 105, 180; xxv. 203; death of, xxv. 254; letters to, xxiv. 211, 212, 286, 357, 372
Taylor, Miss, xxv. 364; letter to, xxv. 254
Taylor, Sir Henry, xxiv. 145, 180
Tembinoka, King of Apemama, xxiv. 358-9, 368, 400; verses to, xxiv. 378, 380
Temple Bar, contributions to, xxiii. 184, 206, 207, 211
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (see also "Becket"), xxiv. 205
"Tentation de St. Antoine" (Flaubert), xxiii. 150
Teriitera, Samoan name of R. L. S., xxiv. 308, 310, 317, 321
"Tess of the D'Urbervilles" (Hardy), xxv. 266 n. 1, 296
Thackeray, W. M., xxv. 154
"Theatrical World" (Archer), xxv. 384
"Therese Raquin" (Zola), xxiv. 57
"The Tempest" (Shakespeare), xxiv. 96
"Thomas Haggard" (Window in Thrums), xxv. 276
Thomson, Maggie, xxiii. 25
Thomson, Mr., xxiii. 8
"Thomson," pseudonym, letters in character of and as to, xxiv. 14, 121, 122
Thoreau, Henry David, essay on (Familiar Studies), xxiii. 226, 229, 252, 255, 262, 263, 265, 273; xxiv. 149, 158; criticisms on, xxiii. 322
"Thoughts on Literature as an Art," xxiii. 266
"Thrawn Janet" (Cornhill), xxiii. 282, 308, 316, 321; xxiv. 90; xxv. 295
"Tibby Birse" (Window in Thrums), xxv. 276, 362 n. 1
Time, Archer's criticisms in, xxiv. 156, 159, 160, 161
"Time" (Milton), xxiii. 294
Times, The, letters to, on Samoan affairs, xxv. 7, 94, 98, 119, 137, 145, 212, 376, 386, 387
Todd, John, xxiv. 221
Todd, Mrs., xxiv. 221
"Tod Lapraik" (Catriona), xxv. 294-5
"Tommy Haddon" (Wrecker), xxv. 268 & n. 1
"Toothache, The" (Burns), xxiv. 256
"Torn Surplice, The," suggested title, xxiii. 321
Torquay, at, xxiv. 109
Torrence, Rev. ——, xxiii. 181
"Touchstone, The," xxiii. 141
Tourgenieff, ——, xxiii. 222
"Tourgue, la" ("Quatre-vingt Treize," Hugo), xxiii. 130
Trades Unions, xxiii. 97
"Tragedies of the Wilderness" (Drake), xxiv. 270
"Tragic Comedians" (Meredith), xxiii. 224
"Tragic Muse, The" (H. James), xxiv. 397; xxv. 44, 130-1
"Transformation of the Scottish Highlands," projected, xxiii. 297
Traquair, Willie, xxiii. 20, xxiv. 70
"Travailleurs de la Mer" (Hugo), xxiii. 129 n. 1
Travel-books, cheap edition projected, xxiii. 294
"Travelling Companion, The," projected, xxiii. 321; xxiv. 68, 149
"Travels and Excursions," Vols. II. and III. discussed, xxv. 423
"Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes," xxiii. 183, 184, 185, 216, 217, 219, 225, 229, 248, 250, 257
"Treasure Island," xxiii. intro. xxxv., 282, 283, 326, 334, 352, 355; xxiv. 31, 93, 101, 112, 179, 233; xxv. 76, 124, 289, 429; publication as serial, xxiii. 328; in book form, xxiv. 6, 27, 35, 67; criticisms, xxiv. 66; genesis of, xxiv. 101; illustrated edition, xxiv. 159; paper on, xxv. 376
"Treasure of Franchard," xxiv. 4, 398; xxv. 153
"Trial of Joan of Arc," xxiii. 203
"Trials of the Sons of Rob Roy, with Anecdotes," xxiii. 332
"Tricoche et Cacolet," xxiii. 219
"Tristram Shandy" (Sterne), xxiii. 118
Trollope, Anthony, novels of, xxiii. 215
"Trophees, Les" (Heredia), xxv. 331 & n. 1
Trudeau, Dr., xxiv. 234
Tulloch, Principal, xxiii. 280, 290, 297, 316; xxv. 97, 123
Tupper, Martin, xxiii. 348
"Tushery," xxiv. 6, 31, 32
Tusitala, xxv. 196 et aliter
Tutuila, visited, xxv. 4, 8, 58, 65
"Twa Dogs" (Burns), xxiii. 225
Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens), xxiii. 276
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare) at the Jenkins', xxiii. 175, 176, 178
"Two Falconers, The, of Cairnstane," xxiii. 170
"Two St. Michael's Mounts," essay, projected, xxiii. 207
"Two Years before the Mast" (Dana), xxiv. 297
"Typee" (Melville), xxiv. 348
Ulufanua, island, xxv. 97
"Underwoods," collected verses, xxiii. 222, 271, 281, 296, 300; xxiv. 36, 89, 107, 170, 173 n. 1, 189-90, 214, 215, 229-30, 231, 395; xxv. 376, 398; dedication of, xxiv. 374; review by Gosse, xxiv. 244; success of, xxiv. 239, 255-6
United States, the, and Samoa, xxv. 6 et seq.
Upolu and Savaii, xxv. 8
Vacquerie, ——, xxiii. 307
Vaea, Mount, xxv. 9, 135, 388; burial-place, xxv. 10 n. 1, 460
Vaea river, xxv. 132 et seq.
Vailima, home at, xxiv. 291; purchase of, xxiv. 292, 372-3, 374, 377, 390; life at, xxv. 3 et seq., 148-51, 156 et seq., 280 et seq.; visitors to, xxv. 228; expenses, xxv. 282; household staff, xxv. 356-7; joy of colour at, xxv. 378; new house, xxv. 145-6, 251, 269, 271, 278-9, 284, 287; decorations for, xxv. 308-9; feeling about, xxv. 349
"Vailima Letters," xxiii. intro. xviii., xxix.; xxv. 5
Vanity Fair, magazine, contributions to, xxiii. 184, 198, 199
"Vanity Fair" (Thackeray), xxv. 154
Vedder, Elihu, illustrator of "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam," xxiv. 116
"Velasquez" (R. A. M. Stevenson), xxiii. 57
"Vendetta, in the West," unfinished, xxiii. 229, 238-9, 241, 244, 255, 256, 259, 266
Verses, Miscellaneous and Impromptu—
"Adela, Adela, Adela Chart," xxv. 109
"Bells upon the City are ringing in the night," xxiv. 167
"Blame me not that this Epistle," letter in verse to Baxter, xxiii. 46
"Brave lads in olden musical centuries," xxiii. 304
"Dear Henley, with a pig's snout on," xxiii. 330
"Do you remember—can we e'er forget?—," xxiv. 376
"Far have you come, my lady, from the town," rondel, xxiii. 188
"Feast of Famine" (Ballads, 1890), xxiv. 298-9, 321, 330, 395
"Figure me to yourself, I pray," xxiii. 287
"He may have been this and that," xxiv. 190
"Here's breid an' wine an' kebbuck," xxiii. 257
"Home no more home to me, where must I wander?" (Songs of Travel), xxiv. 303
"I heard the pulse of the besieging sea" (to Colvin), xxiv. 366; xxv. 23 & n. 1
"In the beloved hour that ushers day" (Songs of Travel), xxiv. 240
"I was a barren tree before," xxv. 366
"I would shoot you, but I have no bow," xxiii. 360
"Let us who part like brothers part like bards" (Songs of Travel), xxiv. 378, 380
"My Stockton if I failed to like," xxiv. 125
"Noo lyart leaves blaw ower the green," xxiii. 193
"Nor you, O Penny Whistler, grudge," xxiv. 20
"Not roses to the rose, I trow," xxiv. 205
"Not yet, my soul, these friendly fields desert," xxiii. 271
"Nous n'irons plus au bois," rondel, xxiii. 188-9
"Of the many flowers you brought me" (to Miss Rawlinson), xxiv. 227
"Of where or how, I nothing know," xxiii. 232
"O Henley, in my hours of ease," xxiii. 222
"O, how my spirit languishes," xxiv. 299
"O Sovereign of my Cedercrantz," xxv. 278
"Priests' Drought, The," ballad, xxiv. 321
"Song of Rahero," ballad, xxiv. 317, 321, 330, 395; xxv. 58
"Tandem Desino," xxiv. 79 et seq. "The pleasant river gushes," xxiv. 32
"There was racing and chasing in Vailima plantation," xxv. 422
"Though I've often been touched with the volatile dart," xxv. 109
"Ticonderoga," ballad, xxiv. 321, 395
"To Felix," xxiv. 189, 190 "We're quarrelling, the villages," xxv. 50
"When from her land to mine she goes" (Songs of Travel), xxiv. 345
"Woodman, The" (New Review), xxv. 18 & n. 1, 20
"Youth now flees on feathered foot," xxiv. 172, 181
"Vicar of Wakefield," xxv. 14 n. 1
"Vicomte de Bragelonne" (Dumas), xxiv. 398; xxv. 51
Victor Hugo's romances, essay on, xxiii. 56, 124-5, 126, 127, 135
Victoria, Queen, xxiii. 323
Villiers, Lady Margaret, xxv. 228, 236
"Viol and Flute" (Gosse), xxiv. 98
"Virginibus Puerisque," xxiii. 184, 185, 203, 204, 208, 212, 284, 294; xxv. 301 n. 1; publication, xxiii. 281; new edition, xxiv. 195, 216; reprint, xxiv. 230
Vitrolles, Baron de, xxv. 288 n. 1, 321
Viviani, Emillia, xxiv. 212
Vogelweide, Walther von der (Studies in the Literature of Modern Europe), Gosse's introduction to, xxiii. 221
"Volsungs" (Morris), xxiii. 334
Voltaire, xxiii. 297; on OEdipus, xxiv. 114
Vossische Zeitung, xxv. 263
Wachtmeister, Count, xxv. 96
"Waif Woman, The," xxv. 272 & n. 1
Walker, Patrick, xxiv. 91
"Walking Tours," xxiii. 202
Wallaroo, H.M.S., officers, xxv. 452
Walter, the Skye terrier, and his sobriquets, xxiii. 280, 281, 318; xxv. 41 & n. 2, et alibi
"Wandering Willie," air, xxiii. 113
"Wandering Willie's Tale" (Redgauntlet), xxiii. 287
"Washington" (Irving), xxv. 30
Watts-Dunton, T., letter to, xxiv. 203
Waverley Novels (Scott), xxiv. 75, 76, 84, 91; xxv. 228
"Waverley" (Scott), xxiii. intro. xxiii.; xxiv. 91
"Way of the World" (Trollope), xxiii. 215
Weather and the old woman, xxiii. 175
Webster, essay on (Gosse), xxiv. 45
Week, The, xxiv. 45
"Wegg, Silas," (Our Mutual Friend), xxiii. 226
"Weg," nickname for Gosse, xxiii. 224, 226, 227
"Weir of Hermiston," unfinished, xxiii. intro. xx., 12; xxv. 144, 170, 264-5, 274, 281, 284, 287, 293, 306-7, 338, 350, 375, 383, 392, 403, 453, 456-7; scheme for, xxv. 258, 260-1, 270-1
Wellington, Duke of (see also "Life" of), xxiv. 34 n. 1; Tennyson's "Ode" on, xxiii. 293
Went, George, xxv. 23 & n. 1, 100
"Werther" (Goethe's "Sorrows of Werther"), xxiii. 60
Western Islands, trip among, xxiii. 124
West Highlands, visit to, xxiii. 183
"What was on the Slate," xxiii. 222, 267
"When the Devil was well," xxiii. 167, 168, 186
"Where" and "Whereas," use discussed, xxv. 163
"White Company" (Doyle), xxv. 336
Whitman, Walt, essays on, xxiii. 55, 70, 72, 86, 89, 103, 104, 139, 140; works of, xxiii. 70, 72, 357-8; xxiv. 183
Whitmee, Rev. S. J., missionary xxv. 174, 180, 202, 203; letter to, xxv. 174
Wick, at, xxiii. 12, 15
"Widdicombe Fair," song, xxv. 391
Wiesbaden, visit to, xxiii. 182
"Wild Man of the Woods," xxiii. 249
"Will o' the Mill," xxiii. 184, 207, 248, 268
Williams, Dr., of Nice, xxiv. 59
Williams, Mr. and Mrs., xxiii. 353
"William Wilson" (Poe), xxiii. intro. xxiii.
"Wiltshire" (Beach of Falesa), xxv. 187
"Window in Thrums" (Barrie), xxv. 276, 362 & n. 1
Winslow Reef, xxiv. 362
"Winter and New Year" (Picturesque Notes on Edinburgh), xxiii. 216
"Winter's Walk, The," unfinished, xxiii. 201, 202
Wise, ——, xxv. 55
"Witch of Prague" (Crawford), xxv. 275
"Wogg" (see Walter), other names for, xxiii. 280-1, 318
Wolseley, Viscount, xxiv. 81
"Woman killed with Kindness" (Heywood), xxiii. 354
Women characters, dissatisfaction with, xxiv. 398
Women, thoughts on (see also Elgin marbles), xxiii. 162-4, 358
Wood, Sir Evelyn, xxiv. 81
"Wrecker" (with Lloyd Osbourne), xxiii. 12, 275; xxiv. 362, 367-8, 379, 380, 389, 396, 399, 402; xxv. 5, 11, 24, 33, 84, 87, 108, 110, 115, 128, 138,141, 152, 171, 210, 215, 221, 224, 274, 376, 378; finished, xxv. 111-2 & n. 1, 113, 115, 120, 122; comments, xxv. 146; discussed, xxv. 437 & n. 1; publication of, xxv. 87, 144; success of, xxv. 238, 258, 357
Wreck of the Susannah, xxiii. 308
"Wrong Box, The," or "The Finsbury Tontine," or "The Game of Bluff" (with Lloyd Osbourne), xxiv. 235, 249-50, 256, 258, 282, 291, 320, 322, 328, 360, 370
Wurmbrand, Captain Count, xxv. 354, 369, 370, 383, 415
Wyatt, Mr., xxiii. 6
Yeats, W. B., letter to, xxv. 390
"Yellow Paint," xxiii. 141
Yelverton, ——, xxiii. 275
"Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum" (Treasure Island), xxiii. 326
Yoshida Torajiro, essay on (Familiar Studies), xxiii. 229, 262, 264, 265
"Young Chevalier," unfinished, xxv. 144, 171 n. 1, 187-8, 189, 192, 216-7, 264, 281, 305; characters in, xxv. 190-1
Young Folks, contributions to, xxiii. 328, 329, 332, 339; xxiv. 31, 55, 148
Yule-Tide, contribution to, xxv. 57
Zassetsky, Madame, xxiii. 97, 99, 102, 105, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 118, 122
Zassetsky, Nelitchka, xxiii. 98, 102, 104, 107, 108, 112, 114, 115, 116
Zola, Emile, xxiii. 346-7; xxiv. 396; xxv. 250 n. 1, 318, 319, 379
[For Index to the LETTERS, see pp. 469-507 of this Volume.]
"A birdie with a yellow bill," xiv. 23
"A child should always say what's true," xiv. 5
Additional Memories and Portraits, xvi. 155
Additional Poems, xiv. 259
"Adela, Adela, Adela Chart," xiv. 276
Admiral Guinea, xv. 145
Advertisement of "Moral Emblems," Edition de Luxe, xxii. (end)
Advertisement of "Moral Emblems," Second Collection, xxii. (end)
Advertisement of "The Graver and the Pen," xxii. (end)
AEs Triplex, ii. 358
"All night long, and every night," xiv. 4
"All round the house is the jet-black night," xiv. 28
"All the names I know from nurse," xiv. 46
"A lover of the moorland bare," xiv. 74
Alpine Diversions, xxii. 248
Alps, The Stimulation of the, xxii., 252
Amateur Emigrant, The: Part I., From the Clyde to Sandy Hook: The Second Cabin, ii. 7; Early Impressions, ii. 15; Steerage Scenes, ii. 24; Steerage Types, ii. 32; The Sick Man, ii. 43; The Stowaways, ii. 53; Personal Experiences and Review, ii. 66; New York, ii. 77. Part II., Across the Plains: Notes by the Way to Council Bluffs, ii. 93; The Emigrant Train, ii. 107; The Plain of Nebraska, ii. 115; The Desert of Wyoming, ii. 119; Fellow Passengers, ii. 124; Despised Races, ii. 129; To the Golden Gates, ii. 133
"A mile an' a bittock, a mile or twa," xiv. 110
"A naked house, a naked moor," xiv. 71
Antwerp to Boom, i. 7
"A picture-frame for you to fill," xiv. 74
Apology, An, for Idlers, ii. 334
Appeal, An, to the Clergy of the Church of Scotland, xxii. 199
"As from the house your mother sees," xiv. 59
"As the single pang of the blow, when the metal is mingled well," xiv. 254
"At evening when the lamp is lit," xiv. 36
Autumn Effect, An, xxii. 112
Back to the World, i. 120
Bagster's "Pilgrim's Progress," xxii. 186
Balfour, David, xi. 1
Ballads, xiv. 139
Ballantrae, The Master of, xii. 5; its genesis, xvi. 341
Beach, The, of Falesa: A South Sea Bridal, xvii. 193; The Ban, xvii. 206; The Missionary, xvii. 228; Devil-work, xvii. 240; Night in the Bush, xvii. 258; The Bottle Imp, xvii. 277; The Isle of Voices, xvii. 311
Beau Austin, xv. 91
Beggars, xvi. 190
"Berried brake and reedy island," xiv. 226
"Birds all the sunny day," xiv. 44
Black Arrow, The: Prologue, viii. 7; Book I. The Two Lads, viii. 25; Book II. The Moat House, viii. 83; Book III. My Lord Foxham, viii. 123; Book IV. The Disguise, viii. 165; Book V. Crookback, viii. 217
Black Canyon, Advertisement of, xxii. (end)
Black Canyon or Wild Adventures in the Far West, xxii. (end)
"Blame me not that this epistle," xiv. 261
"Blows the wind to-day, and the sun and the rain are flying," xiv. 257
Boarders, The, i. 195
Body-snatcher, The, iii. 277
Books which have Influenced Me, xvi. 272
Bottle Imp, The, xvii. 275
"Brave lads in olden musical centuries," xiv. 270
"Bright is the ring of words," xiv. 227
"Bring the comb and play upon it," xiv. 15
Builder's Doom, The, xxii. (end)
Burns, Robert, Some Aspects of, iii. 43
"By Lyne and Tyne, by Thames and Tees," xiv. 133
Calton Hill, Edinburgh, i. 314
Camisards, The Country of the, i. 211
Camp, A, in the Dark, i. 167
Catriona: Part I. The Lord Advocate, xi. 7; Part II. Father and Daughter, xi. 203
Changed Times, i. 99
Character, A, xxii. 37
Character, The, of Dogs, ix. 105
Charity Bazaar, The, xxii. 213
Charles of Orleans, iii. 171
Cheylard and Luc, i. 177
"Chief of our aunts, not only I," xiv. 56
"Children, you are very little," xiv. 18
Child's Garden, A, of Verses, xiv. 1
Child's Play, ii. 394
Christmas at Sea, xiv. 207
Christmas Sermon, A, xvi. 306
Cockermouth and Keswick, xxii. 80
College Magazine, A, ix. 36
College Memories, Some, ix. 19
College Papers: Edinburgh Students in 1824, xxii. 41; The Modern Student considered generally, xxii. 45; Debating Societies, xxii. 53; The Philosophy of Umbrellas, xxii. 58; The Philosophy of Nomenclature, xxii. 63
"Come up here, O dusty feet," xiv. 24
Compiegne, At, i. 94
Crabbed Age and Youth, ii. 321
Criticisms: Lord Lytton's "Fables in Song," xxii. 171; Salvini's "Macbeth," xxii. 180; Bagster's "Pilgrim's Progress," xxii. 186
"Dark brown is the river," xiv. 10
Davos in Winter, xxii. 241
Davos Press, The, xxii. (end)
Day, The, after To-morrow, xvi. 279
Deacon Brodie, or the Double Life, xv. 1
"Dear Andrew, with the brindled hair," xiv. 79
"Dear Thamson class, whaure'er I gang," xiv. 121
"Dear Uncle Jim, this garden ground," xiv. 50
Debating Societies, xxii. 53
"Do you remember—can we e'er forget?" xiv. 242
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Strange Case of, v. 227
Donkey, the Pack, and the Pack Saddle, i. 143
"Down by a shining water well," xiv. 32
Dreams, A Chapter on, xvi. 177
Dynamiter, The: Prologue of the Cigar Divan, v. 7; Challoner's Adventure, v. 15; Somerset's Adventure, v. 73; Desborough's Adventure, v. 149; Epilogue of the Cigar Divan, v. 212
Ebb-Tide, The: Note by Mr. Lloyd Osbourne, xix. 3; Part I. The Trio, xix. 7; Part II. The Quartette, xix. 81
Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes, i. 269; Introductory, i. 271
Edinburgh Students in 1824, xxii. 41
Education, The, of an Engineer, xvi. 167
El Dorado, ii. 368
Engineers, Records of a Family of, xvi. 3
English Admirals, The, ii. 372
Enjoyment, The, of Unpleasant Places, xxii. 103
Epilogue to An Inland Voyage, i. 122
Episodes in the Story of a Mine, ii. 254
Essays of Travel: Davos in Winter, xxii. 241; Health and Mountains, xxii. 244; Alpine Diversions, xxii. 248; The Stimulation of the Alps, xxii. 252
"Even in the bluest noonday of July," xiv. 77
"Every night my prayers I say," xiv. 13
Fables: The Persons of the Tale, xxi. 269; The Sinking Ship, xxi. 272; The Two Matches, xxi. 274; The Sick Man and the Fireman, xxi. 275; The Devil and the Inn-keeper, xxi. 276; The Penitent, xxi. 277; The Yellow Paint, xxi. 277; The House of Eld, xxi. 280; The Four Reformers, xxi. 286; The Man and His Friend, xxi. 287; The Reader, xxi. 287; The Citizen and the Traveller, xxi. 288; The Distinguished Stranger, xxi. 289; The Cart-horses and the Saddle-horse, xxi. 290; The Tadpole and the Frog, xxi. 291; Something in it, xxi. 291; Faith, Half-faith, and No Faith at all, xxi. 295; The Touchstone, xxi. 297; The Poor Thing, xxi. 304; The Song of the Morrow, xxi. 310
Falling in Love, On, ii. 302
Familiar Studies of Men and Books: Preface by Way of Criticism, iii. 5; Victor Hugo's Romances, iii. 19; Some Aspects of Robert Burns, iii. 43; Walt Whitman, iii. 77; Henry David Thoreau: His Character and Opinions, iii. 101; Yoshida-Torajiro, iii. 129; Francois Villon, Student, Poet, and Housebreaker, iii. 142; Charles of Orleans, iii. 171; Samuel Pepys, iii. 206; John Knox and his Relations to Women, iii. 230
"Far from the loud sea beaches," xiv. 72
"Far have you come, my lady, from the town," xiv. 263
"Farewell, fair day and fading light," xiv. 233
Farewell, Modestine! i. 253
"Far 'yont amang the years to be," xiv. 105
"Faster than fairies, faster than witches," xiv. 24
Father Apollinaris, i. 183
Father Damien: An Open Letter to the Rev. Dr. Hyde of Honolulu, xvi. 315
Feast, The, of Famine; Marquesan Manners, xiv. 167; The Priest's Vigil, xiv. 169; The Lovers, xiv. 172; The Feast, xiv. 176; The Raid, xiv. 182; Notes, xiv. 213
Fife, The Coast of, xvi. 155
"Figure me to yourself, I pray," xiv. 268
Fleeming Jenkin, Memoir of, ix. 165
Florac, i. 234
Fontainebleau: Village Communities of Painters, xvi. 215
Footnote, A, to History: Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa: The Elements of Discord, I. Native, xvii. 5; II. Foreign, xvii. 15; The Sorrows of Laupepa, xvii. 27; Brandeis, xvii. 53; The Battle of Matautu, xvii. 70; Last Exploits of Becker, xvii. 83; The Samoan Camps, xvii. 103; Affairs of Laulii and Fangalii, xvii. 112; "Furor Consularis," xvii. 128; The Hurricane, xvii. 142; Laupepa and Mataafa, xvii. 156
Foreigner, The, at Home, ix. 7
Forest Notes, xxii. 142
"For love of lovely words, and for the sake," xiv. 97
"Forth from her land to mine she goes," xiv. 239
"Frae nirly, nippin', Eas'lan' breeze," xiv. 106
"Friend, in my mountain-side demesne," xiv. 73
"From breakfast on all through the day," xiv. 12
Genesis, The, of "The Master of Ballantrae," xvi. 341
"Give to me the life I love," xiv. 219
"God, if this were enough," xiv. 234
"Go, little book, and wish to all," xiv. 67
Gossip, A, on a Novel of Dumas's, ix. 124
Gossip, A, on Romance, ix. 134
Goulet, Across the, i. 203
Graver, The, and the Pen, xxii. (end)
"Great is the sun, and wide he goes," xiv. 46
Great North Road, The, xxi. 203
Green Donkey Driver, The, i. 149
Greyfriars, Edinburgh, i. 298
Health and Mountains, xxii. 244
Heart of the Country, The, i. 7
Heather Ale: A Galloway Legend, xiv. 201; Notes, xiv. 215
Heathercat, xxi. 177
"He hears with gladdened heart the thunder," xiv. 233
"Here all is sunny, and when the truant gull," xiv. 97
"Here, from the forelands of the tideless sea," xiv. 273
"Home no more home to me, whither must I wander?" xiv. 229
"How do you like to go up in a swing?" xiv. 22
Hugo's, Victor, Romances, iii. 19
Human Life, Reflections and Remarks on, xvi. 354
Humble Remonstrance, A, ix. 148
Hunter's Family, The, ii. 230
"I am a kind of farthing dip," xiv. 95
Ideal House, The, xvi. 370
"If I have faltered more or less," xiv. 86
"If two may read aright," xiv. 55
"I have a goad," i. 158
"I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me," xiv. 12
"I have trod the upward and the downward slope," xiv. 233
"I heard the pulse of the besieging sea," xiv. 244
"I knew a silver head was bright beyond compare," xiv. 240
"I knew thee strong and quiet like the hills," xiv. 232
"I know not how it is with you," xiv. 225
"In all the grove, nor stream nor bird," xiv. 249
"In ancient tales, O friend, thy spirit dwelt," xiv. 80
"In dreams unhappy I behold you stand," xiv. 221
Inland Voyage, An, i. 7; Epilogue to, i. 122
"In mony a foreign pairt I've been," xiv. 125
"In rigorous hours, when down the iron lane," xiv. 230
"In the beloved hour that ushers day," xiv. 231
"In the highlands, in the country places," xiv. 228
"In the other gardens," xiv. 49
Introduction, by Andrew Lang, to the Swanston Edition, i. ix.
"In winter I get up at night," xiv. 3
"I read, dear friend, in your dear face," xiv. 85
"I saw you toss the kites on high," xiv. 16
"I should like to rise and go," xiv. 7
"I sit and wait a pair of oars," xiv. 78
Island Nights' Entertainments, xvii. 193
Isle, The, of Voices, xvii. 311
"It is not yours, O mother, to complain," xiv. 90
"It is the season now to go," xiv. 70
"It is very nice to think," xiv. 4
"It's an owercome sooth for age an' youth," xiv. 135
"It's rainin'. Weet's the gairden sod," xiv. 116
"It's strange that God should fash to frame," xiv. 120
"I was a barren tree before," xiv. 276
"I will make you brooches and toys for your delight," xiv. 225
"I woke before the morning, I was happy all the day," xiv. 14
Juvenilia, and other Papers, xxii. 3
Kidnapped, x. 77
Knox, John, and his Relations to Women, iii. 230
La Fere, of Cursed Memory, i. 79
Landrecies, At, i. 46
Lantern-Bearers, The, xvi. 200
Last Day, The, i. 248
"Last, to the chamber where I lie," xiv. 28
"Late in the nicht in bed I lay," xiv. 129
"Late lies the wintry sun a-bed," xiv. 25
Later Essays, xvi. 215
Lay Morals, xvi. 379
Legends, Edinburgh, i. 291
"Let Beauty awake in the morn from beautiful dreams," xiv. 224
"Let now your soul in this substantial world," xiv. 255
Letter to a Young Gentleman who proposes to embrace the Career of Art, xvi. 290
Letters from Samoa, xviii. 351
"Let us, who part like brothers part like bards," xvi. 245
"Light foot and tight foot," xiv. 277
Light-keeper, The, xxii. 217
"Little Indian, Sioux or Crow," xiv. 19
Lodging, A, for the Night, iv. 227
"Long must elapse ere you behold again," xiv. 241
Lord Lytton's "Fables in Song," xxii. 171
Lozere, Across the, i. 213
Macaire, xv. 205
Manse, The, ix. 61
Markheim, viii. 273
Martial Elegy, A, for some Lead Soldiers, xxii. (end)
Master, The, of Ballantrae, xii. 5; its genesis, xvi. 341
Maubeuge, At, i. 21
Memoirs of an Islet, ix. 68
Memories and Portraits, ix. 7; Additional Memories and Portraits, xvi. 155
Merry Men, The, xxi. 69
Mimente, In the Valley of the, i. 237
Monks, The, i. 188
Montvert, Pont de, i. 218
Moral Emblems, xxii. (end)
Moral Emblems: Second Collection, xxii. (end)
Morality, The, of the Profession of Letters, xvi. 260
More New Arabian Nights, v. 7
Mountain Town, A, in France, i. 257
Movements of Young Children, Notes on the, xxii. 97
Moy, Down the Oise to, i. 74
"My bed is like a little boat," xiv. 21
"My body which my dungeon is," xiv. 98
"My bonny man, the warld, it's true," xiv. 118
My First Book, "Treasure Island," xvi. 331
"'My house,' I say. But hark to the sunny doves," xiv. 98
"My tea is nearly ready and the sun has left the sky," xiv. 2
New Arabian Nights, iv. 3; More New Arabian Nights, v. 7
New Form of Intermittent Light for Lighthouses, xxii. 220
New Town, Edinburgh: Town and Country, i. 305
Nicholson, John, The Misadventures of, x. 3
Nomenclature, The Philosophy of, xxii. 63
"Noo lyart leaves blaw ower the green," xiv. 265
Note, A, on Realism, xvi. 234
Notes and Essays, chiefly of the Road: A Retrospect, xxii. 71; Cockermouth and Keswick, xxii. 80; Roads, xxii. 90; Notes on the Movements of Young Children, xxii. 97; On the Enjoyment of Unpleasant Places, xxii. 103; An Autumn Effect, xxii. 112; A Winter's Walk in Carrick and Galloway, xxii. 132; Forest Notes, xxii. 142
Not I, and other Poems, xxii. (end)
"Not yet, my soul, these friendly fields desert," xiv. 89
"Nous n'irons plus au bois," xiv. 263
Noyon Cathedral, i. 86
Nuits Blanches, xxii. 27
Nurses, xxii. 34
"Of a' the ills that flesh can fear," xiv. 131
"Of his pitiable transformation," xiv. 263
"Of speckled eggs, the birdie sings," xiv. 9
"Of where or how, I nothing know," xiv. 267
Oise, The, in Flood, i. 55; Down the Oise to Moy, i. 74; Through the Golden Valley, i. 84; To Compiegne, i. 91 Church Interiors, i. 105
"O it's I that am the captain of a tidy little ship," xiv. 32
"O, I wad like to ken—to the beggar-wife says I," xiv. 116
"O mother, lay your hand on my brow," xiv. 92
Olalla, xxi. 127
Old Mortality, ix. 26
Old Scots Gardener, An, ix. 46
Old Town, Edinburgh: The Lands, i. 278
"Once only by the garden gate," xiv. 220
"On the great streams the ships may go," xiv. 68
Ordered South, ii. 345
Origny Sainte-Benoite: A By-Day, i. 62; The Company at Table, i. 68
Our Lady of the Snows, i. 181
"Out of the sun, out of the blast," xiv. 87
"Over the borders, a sin without pardon," xiv. 17
Pacific Capitals, The Old and New: Monterey, ii. 141; San Francisco, ii. 159
Pan's Pipes, ii. 415
Parliament Close, Edinburgh, i. 285
Pastoral, ix. 53
Pavilion on the Links, The: Tells how I camped in Graden Sea-wood, and beheld a Light in the Pavilion, iv. 167; Tells of the Nocturnal Landing from the Yacht, iv. 174; Tells how I became Acquainted with my Wife, iv. 180; Tells in what a Startling Manner I learned that I was not alone in Graden Sea-wood, iv. 189; Tells of an Interview between Northmour, Clara, and myself, iv. 197; Tells of my Introduction to the Tall Man, iv. 202; Tells how a Word was cried through the Pavilion Window, iv. 208; Tells the last of the Tall Man, iv. 214; Tells how Northmour carried out his Threat, iv. 221
"Peace and her huge invasion to these shores," xiv. 93
Penny Plain and Twopence Coloured, xi. 116
Pentland Hills, To the, Edinburgh, i. 327
Pentland Rising, The: The Causes of the Revolt, xxii. 3; The Beginning, xxii. 6; The March of the Rebels, xxii. 8; Rullion Green, xxii. 13; A Record of Blood, xxii. 17
Pepys, Samuel, iii. 206
Pines, A Night among the, i. 206
"Plain as the glistering planets shine," xiv. 223
Plea, A, for Gas Lamps, ii. 420
Pont-sur-Sambre: We are Pedlars, i. 31; The Travelling Merchant, i. 36
Portraits, Some, by Raeburn, ii. 385
Prayers written for Family Use at Vailima, xvi. 431
Precy and the Marionnettes, i. 111
Prince Otto: Book I. Prince Errant, vii. 7; Book II. Of Love and Politics, vii. 49; Book III. Fortunate Misfortune, vii. 171
Providence and the Guitar, iv. 273
Pulvis et Umbra, xvi. 299
Raeburn, Some Portraits, by, ii. 385
Rajah's Diamond, The: Story of the Bandbox, iv. 86; Story of the Young Man in Holy Orders, iv. 111; The Story of the House with the Green Blinds, iv. 127; The Adventure of Prince Florizel and a Detective, iv. 159
Random Memories: I. The Coast of Fife, xvi. 155; II. The Education of an Engineer, xvi. 167; Rosa quo Locorum, xvi. 345
Realism, A Note on, xvi. 234
Records of a Family of Engineers, xvi. 3
Reflections and Remarks on Human Life, xvi. 354
"Resign the rhapsody, the dream," xiv. 236
Retrospect, A, xxii. 71
Roads, xxii. 90
Robin and Ben, or the Pirate and the Apothecary, xxii. (end)
Rosa quo Locorum, xvi. 345
Royal Sport Nautique, The, i. 16
St. Ives, xx. 3
Salvini's "Macbeth," xxii. 180
Sambre and Oise Canal: Canal Boats, i. 50
Sambre Canalised, On the: To Quartes, i. 26; To Landrecies, i. 41
Satirist, The, xxii. 25
"Say not of me that weakly I declined," xiv. 99
Scots Gardener, An old, ix. 46
Sea-Fogs, The, ii. 239
"She rested by the Broken Brook," xiv. 222
Silverado Squatters, The, ii. 173; In the Valley: 1, Calistoga, ii. 179; 2, The Petrified Forest, ii. 184; 3, Napa Wine, ii. 188; 4, The Scot Abroad, ii. 194. —With the Children of Israel: 1, To Introduce Mr. Kelmar, ii. 201; 2, First Impressions of Silverado, ii. 205; 3, The Return, ii. 215
"Since I am sworn to live my life," xiv. 263
"Since long ago, a child at home," xiv. 237
"Sing clearlier, Muse, or evermore be still," xiv. 96
"Sing me a song of a lad that is gone," xiv. 256
Sire de Maletroit's Door, The, iv. 250
Sketches: The Satirist, xxii. 25; Nuits Blanches, xxii. 27; The Wreath of Immortelles, xxii. 30; Nurses, xxii. 34; A Character, xxii. 37
"Smooth it slides upon its travel," xiv. 23
"Some day soon this rhyming volume, if you learn with proper speed," xiv. 58
Songs of Travel, xiv. 217
Song, The, of Rahero: A Legend of Tahiti, xiv. 139; The Slaying of Tamatea, xiv. 139; The Venging of Tamatea, xiv. 148; Rahero, xiv. 159; Notes, xiv. 211
"Son of my woman's body, you go, to the drum and fife," xiv. 227
South Seas, In the: Part I. The Marquesas.—An Island Landfall, xviii. 5; Making Friends, xviii. 12; The Maroon, xviii. 21; Death, xviii. 28; Depopulation, xviii. 36; Chiefs and Tapus, xviii. 44; Hatiheu, xviii. 53; The Port of Entry, xviii. 61; The House of Temoana, xviii. 69; A Portrait and a Story, xviii. 77; Long Pig—A Cannibal High Place, xviii. 85; The Story of a Plantation, xviii. 95; Characters, xviii. 105; In a Cannibal Valley, xviii. 112; The Two Chiefs of Atuona, xviii, 119. Part II. The Paumotus.—The Dangerous Archipelago—Atolls at a Distance, xviii. 129; Fakarava: An Atoll at Hand, xviii. 137; A House to Let in a Low Island, xviii. 146; Traits and Sects in the Paumotus, xviii. 155; A Paumotuan Funeral, xviii. 165; Graveyard Stories, xviii. 170. Part III. The Eight Islands.—The Kona Coast, xviii. 187; A Ride in the Forest, xviii. 197; The City of Refuge, xviii. 203; Koahumanu, xviii. 209; The Lepers of Kona, xviii. 215. Part IV. The Gilberts.—Butaritari, xviii. 223; The Four Brothers, xviii. 229; Around Our House, xviii. 237; A Tale of a Tapu, xviii. 247, 255; The Five Days' Festival, xviii. 265; Husband and Wife, xviii. 278. Part V. The Gilberts—Apemama.—The King of Apemama: The Royal Trader, xviii. 289; Foundation of Equator Town, xviii. 298; The Palace of Many Women, xviii. 306; Equator Town and the Palace, xviii. 313; King and Commons, xviii. 321; Devil-work, xviii. 320; The King of Apemama, xviii. 342 |