Manley, Mrs., Secret Memoirs and Manners of several Persons of Quality, of Both Sexes, from the New Atalantis, vi. 453
Manlius, M., ii. 413
Mann, Sir Horace, iv. 339
Manners, George, editor of The Satirist, vi. 69
Manners, Katherine Sophia (Lady Heathcote), vii. 17
Mannheim, vi. 419
Manoncourt, Sonnini de, Voyage en Grce et en Turquie, ii. 191, 194
Mansel, Dr. William Lort, Bishop of Bristol ("Magnus"), i. 28
Mansfeld, v. 340
Mansfield, Lord, vi. 247
Mansion House, the, vi. 435
Mansour Effendi, iii. 145
Mantinea, ii. 294
Mantua, Ferdinando Carlo Gonzaga, Duke of, iv. 514
Manurza, Arab General, v. 558
Mar, Countess of, vi. 246
Marangoni, Delle memorie sacre e profane dell' Anfiteatro Flavin, ii. 521
Marat, Jean Paul, vi. 13
Marathon, ii. 75, 99, 102, 157, 158, 187, 255, 294; vi. 169
Marceau, General Franois Svrin Desgravins, ii. 251, 296, 297; vi. 14
Marcello, Andrea, v. 134
Marcello, Giovanni, iv. 432
Marcellus, Nonius, De Compt. Doct., ii. 92
Marchetti degli Angelini, Conte Giovanni, Discorso ... della prima e principale Allegoria del Poema di Dante, iv. 237, 245
Marciana Library, Venice, iv. 457
Marengo, battle of, iii. 313; v. 538; vi. 14
Mareschalchi Gallery, Bologna, iv. 162
Maria I., Queen of Portugal, ii. 43
Maria da Gloria, of Portugal, ii. 11
Maria Jos Luis, Regent of Portugal, ii. 43
Marialva, Marchese, ii. 38, 86
Mariamne, wife of Herod the Great, iii. 400
Mariana, Hist., iv. 523
Marie Antoinette, ii. 7; iii. 513; iv. 13, 334
Marie Louise, of Austria (Archduchess of Parma), wife of Napoleon, afterwards Madame de Neipperg, iii. 311; v. 498, 539, 576
Marignano, battle of, v. 498
Mariner, William, Account of the Tonga Islands, v. 581, 584, 598-601, 609, 639-631; vi. 577.
Marinet, or Nicholle, M., vi. 373, 374
Marino Faliero, ii. 337; iii. 485; iv. 323-472; v. 3, 40, 115, 139, 148, 158, 332, 389, 469, 479; vi. 24, 443; vii. 63
Marius, Caius, ii. 393; iv. 251; vi. 477
Markland, J.H., editor of the Roxburgh Club issue of Chester Mysteries, vi. 551
Markow, General, vi. 333
Marlborough, John, Duke of, i. 107, 493; iii. 57; iv. 262, 334; vi. 174
Marlianus, Urb. Rom. Topograph., ii. 510
Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus, iv. 80, 81; v. 470, 483; Edward II., iv. 80; Tamburlaine the Great, v. 489
Marly, or mali, a grass plat for public ceremonies, Tonga, v. 600
Marmarotouri, ii. 199, 208
Marmion, i. 309, 310, 311, 312, 371; ii. 360; iii. 289, 329, 461, 475, 518; iv. 13; v. 542; vi. 426
Marmont, v. 553
Marsden, Mary, iv. 38
Marshall, Frank, v. 324
Marshall, John, Royal Naval Biog., v. 589
Marston, Westland, Our Recent Actors, v. 324
Marston Moor, battle of, i. 2
Martia, Cato's wife, vi. 270
Martial, Epig., ii. 410, 412; iii. 16; v. 613; vi. 27, 550; vii. 74
Martin, Henry, the regicide, iv. 477, 482
Martin, Isaac, v. 593
Martin, Dr. John, Mariner's Account, etc., v. 581, 584, 598-601
Martin, Lady. See Faucit, Helen
Martin, Sir Theodore, iii. 32
Martin, R. Montgomery, The Indian Empire, vi. 384
Mary, Queen of Scots, ii. 453; v. 605; vi. 246, 396
Masham, Lady, ii. 353
Masham, Mrs., iv. 334
Mason, Monck, Massinger, i. 220, 304
Massena, ii. 89
Massingberd, Mrs., vi. 100
Massinger, i. 292, 304, 345; The Two Noble Kinsmen, ii. 217; Unnatural Combat, iii. 219; iv. 35; A New Way to Pay Old Debts, iv. 436, 525; vi. 393
Masson, C.F.P., Mmoires Secrets sur la Russie, vi. 321, 351, 388, 399, 412
Massorites, the, v. 219
Matapan, Cape, vi. 147
Mathews, Charles, Memoirs, v. 477
Mathias, J.T., Pursuits of Literature, i. 294, 374, 383
Matten, iv. 119
Matthews, Charles Skinner, ii. x, xi, 16, 95; vi. 153; vii. 9
Matthews, Henry, Diary of an Invalid, iv. 131
Mattioli, Count Ercole Antonio (Man in the Iron Mask), iv. 514
Maturin, Charles, iii. 444; Bertram, iv. 338; vi. xiii, 4; Manuel, vii. 45, 48
Matz, F., Antike Bildwerke in Rom., ii. 395
Maugabree, Moorish mercenaries, iii. 168
Maupertius, President of the Berlin Academy, ii. 282
Maurice, Rev. Thomas, History of Ancient and Modern Hindostan; Richmond Hill; Memoirs, i. 330
Mauritania, ii. 114
Mawman, J., i. xii
Maxwell, Sir Herbert, Bart., The Life of the Duke of Wellington, vi. 345
Maxwell, John, Lord, ii. 4, 25
Maxwell, W.H., Life of the Duke of Wellington, vi. 345
Maypo, battle on the plains of, v. 556
Mazarin, Cardinal, vi. 317
Mazeppa, iii. xix; iv. 193, 198, 201-233, 423; vi. 124, 162, 246, 262
Mazeppa, or Mazepa, Ivan Stepnovitch, iv. 201, 327
Meadley, G.W., Two Pairs of Historical Portraits, ii. 415
Meadowbank, Lord, i. 436
Measure for Measure, ii. 102, 166, 367; iii. 90; v. 541
Mecca, ii. 151, 186
Mecklenburg, Albrecht Wenceslaus Eusebius, Count of Waldstein, Duke of, v. 371
Medea, i. 170; vi. 177, 536
Medes, v. 4
Medici, Cosmo de', ii. 365, 503
Medici, Giovanni de', ii. 365
Medici, Giuliano de', ii. 375
Medici, Julian de', ii. 489
Medici, Lorenzo de', ii. 365, 375; iv. 280
Medici, Venus of, ii. 489
Medici, the, ii. 355, 503
Medici Chapel, ii. 375
Medici Gallery, Florence, iv. 162
Medinah, ii. 151, 186
Mediterranean, ii. 460
Medwin, Conversations with Lord Byron, i. 93, 189, 276, 355; iii. xx, 17, 59, 76, 90, 443, 472; iv. 39, 40, 81, 238, 326, 410, 478, 545, 555; v. 119, 279, 281, 296, 321, 331, 348, 469-471; vi. 22, 138, 188; vii. 58, 64, 71, 75, 77, 78 Angler in Wales, iv. 539
Mee, Mrs. Anne, a miniature-painter, vii. 37
Megara, ii. 362
Meillerie, ii. 303-306; iv. 18, 107
Meineke, Augustus, editor of Menandri et Philemonis reliqu, vi. 186
Meiner, Christopher, History of the Female Sex, i. 489
Mejnoun and Leila (the Romeo and Juliet of the East), iii. 160
Meknop, General, vi. 306, 354
Melancthon, vi. 380
Melbourne, Elizabeth, Lady (ne Milbanke), i. 300, 301
Melbourne, Viscount (Sir Peniston Lamb), i. 300, 380; vii. 15
Meleager, Epitaphium in Heliodoram, iii. 32
Meletius of Janina, Archbishop of Athens, Ancient and Modern Geography, ii. 198; Eccles. Hist., ii. 208
Melton Mowbray, vi. 504
Melville's Mantle, etc., i. 294, 356
Memmo, Jacopo, v. 170
Memmo, Marco, v. 120
Memmo, Marin, v. 170
Memnon, statue of, v. 497; vi. 500
Mmoires de Trvoux, iv. 578
Memorials of Coleorton, iv. 585
Menabrea, F.L., Notices sur le machine Analytique de Mr. Babbage, ii. 215
Menander, ii. 178; vi. 186
Menard, Claud, Histoire de Messire Bertrand du Guesclin, v. 549
Mendeli, the ancient Pentelicus, ii. 186
Mender river, vi. 204, 211
Mendoza, i. 433
Menelaus, king, vi. 535
Mengeaud, Napoleon's surgeon, v. 546
Menken, Adah Isaacs, iv. 203
Merchant of Venice, ii. 331, 342; iv. 166, 273, 436, 473; vi. 472
Mercure de France, vi. xx, 387
Meretrici, in Venice, iv. 456
Merivale, Charles, Dean of Ely, the historian, iv. 283
Merivale, Herman, Under-Secretary for India, iv. 283
Merivale, J.H., Greek Anthology, i. 367; iii. 32; Orlando in Roncesvalles, iv. 156, 279, 283; The Two First Cantos of Richardetto, iv. 156
Merry, Robert, i. 358, 441
Merry Wives of Windsor, i. 496; v. 388, 410; vi. 484
Meschinello, G., La Chiesa Ducale, iv. 390
Mesihi, iii. 86, 105
Mestri, vii. 72
Metastasio, iv. 264
Metella, Cecilia, tomb of, ii. 402-405
Methodism, ii. 302
Metsovo, Monte (Pindus), ii. 126, 129
Metternich, Prince, v. 539, 575; vii. 39
Mexico, ii. 82; gulf of, iii. 296
Meyer of Aaru, the brothers, iv. 109
Meyer, F.J.L., Voyage en Italie, iv. 470
Mezzofanti, Giuseppe, ii. 324
Michael Angelo, ii. 369, 375, 376, 432, 435, 446; iv. 270, 280; his "Last Judgment," iv. 272; his "Moses," iv. 271, 273; vi. 262
Michaelis, A., Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, i. 455
Michaelis, Professor Johann David, iv. 498
Michie, Rev. J., i. 192
Michiel, Madame Giustina Renier, translation of Shakespeare; Origine delle Feste Veneziane, iv. 456, 457
Midas, v. 573
Middleton, Dr. Conyers, Life of Cicero, ii. 362, 408, 523
Midsummer Night's Dream, iv. 21; v. 408; vi. 535
Migne, Opera Cassiodori, iii. 306; Patrologi Cursus, vi. 168
Miguel, Dom, of Portugal, ii. 11
Milan, Filippo Visconti, Duke of, v. 116, 133
Milbanke, Lady, i. 437, 443
Milbanke, Miss. See Byron, Lady
Milbanke, Sir Ralph, i. 301
Milbourne, Rev. Luke, Notes on Dryden's Virgil, i. 220
Milit. Dict., vi. 305, 343, 353
Milky Way, the, ii. 439
Mill, James, vi. 480
Millbank Penitentiary, vii. 34
Miller, William, publisher, i. 311; ii. x
Miller, Mr. (U.S.A.), iii. 307
Miller, "Joe," i. 301
Milliard, vi. 542
Millin, A.L., Voyage dans le Milanais, ii. 507
Milman, Dean, History of Latin Christianity, ii. 336, 338; Belvidere Apollo, ii. 447; History of the Jews, iii. 400; Fall of Jerusalem, iv. 339; "Cybele's priest," vi. 445; "poet-priest," vii. 76
Milner, Joseph, ii. 283
Milo and the Oak, iii. 307
Miltiades, vi. 171
Milton, John, Paradise Lost, i. 312, 313, 397, 404; ii. 64; iii. 111; iv. 133, 135, 245, 274, 504, 506; v. 203, 204, 208, 216, 234, 255, 262, 272; vi. 6, 183, 518; Hayley's Biography of, i. 321; "deigns to doze," i. 428; Lycidas, i. 446; iii. 480; iv. 227, 241; Sonnets, ii. 364; Samson Agonistes, ii. 422; his lyric measure, iii. 128; Comus, iii. 209; his blank verse, iii. 224; Morning of Christ's Nativity (The Hymn), iv. 115; "pratticke," iv. 167; his terza rima, iv. 239; his Satan, v. 201; use of "shook," v. 135; "thou shalt believe in," vi. 74; his first wife, vi. 146, 174; "the Prince of Poets," vi. 174; Lord Thurlow on, vii. 20
Milton, Mrs. John (ne Powell), vi. 146, 174
Minden, battle of, vi. 12
Minerva, i. 447, 457-474
Minetto, Giacomo, iii. 442
Mingrelia, vi. 279
Minos, iv. 518
Minotaur, fable of the, vi. 125
Minotti, iii. 448, 458
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ii. 4
Minturn, iv. 251
Mira, La, ii. 349
Mirabeau, Honor Gabriel Riquetti, Comte de, v. 548; vi. 13
Mirror, the, iv. 32
Miscellaneous Poems, vii. 69
Misers, vi. 48, 455
Mississippi river, iii. 196
Missouri, vi. 349
Mistre du Viel Testament, v. 200, 207, 226
Misti Consiglio X., iv. 447
Mitford, Miss, Christina, the Maid of the South Seas, v. 582
Mitford, William, Greece, iv. 566; v. 16, 24; vi. 460
Mithridates, king of Pontus, ii. 393; iv. 40
Mobility (mobilit) defined, vi. 600
Mocenigo, Giovanni, iv. 432
Mocenigo, Doge Tomaso, v. 118
Modern British Drama, iii. 200
Modern Universal History, ii. 82; iv. 211, 258, 523; v. 499
Mohammed II., ii. 173
Mohammed Ben Abd-el-Wahab, ii. 151
Mohammed Pasha, ii. 140
Moira, Francis Rawdon, Lord (1st Marquis of Hastings), i. 497; iii. 45
Molire, vi. 246, 510; Dom Juan, on Le Festin de Pierre, vi. xvi, 11
Molina, Tirso de (Gabriel Tellez), El Burlador de Sevilla y Convidado de Piedra, vi. xvi
Molinari, Signor, vi. 205
Mollett, John W., Life of Sir D. Wilkie, ii. 92
Mollwitz, battle of, vi. 337
Momus, the god of cruel mockery, v. 396
Monaci, Lorenzo de, iv. 349, 356
Monbron, Fougeret de, Le Cosmopolite, ou le Citoyen du Monde, ii. 1
Moncey, ii. 94
Moniteur, Le, i. 489; v. 562, 575; vi. 12; vii. 41
Moniteur Universel, v. 552
Monk, General, ii. 292
Monk of Athos, The, ii. xiii
Monkir and Nekir, inquisitors of the dead, iii. 121
Monmouth Street, noted for sale of second-hand clothes, iv. 160
Monody on the Death of the Right Hon. R.B. Sheridan, iv. 69-75, 79; v. 537
Mont Blanc, iv. 87
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, vi. 151; Letters, vi. 219, 246
Montague, Mrs., iv. 573
Montaigne, ii. 345; vi. 379
Montanti, Antonio, sculptor and architect of Florence, iv. 272
Montanvert, iv. 475
Montebello, battle of, vi. 14
Montecuccoli, Raimondo, iv. 262
Montemajor, Jorge de, Diana, i. 44
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de, Considrations ... de la Grandeur des Romains, etc., ii. 393
Montfauon, Diarium Italic., ii. 431, 511, 515
Montford, Colonel, vii. 24
Montgomery, James, The Wanderer of Switzerland, etc., i. 107, 305, 330, 331, 370; ii. 450
Monthly Literary Recreations, i. 234
Monthly Magazine, i. 441; iv. 156, 229, 367; v. 540; vi. 87
Monthly Review, i. 379; iii. 444, 499; iv. 82, 158, 165, 203, 240; v. 472, 540, 584; vi. xx
Montholon, Count, v. 548
Monti, Vincenzo, ii. 324, 496; iv. 245, 325
Monticolo, G., Le Vite dei Dogi di Marin Sanudo, iv. 462
Montmartre, heights of, v. 553
Montmorenci, Jean Mathieu Felicit, Duc de, v. 539, 573, 575
Montorsoli, ii. 446
Montpensier, Comte de, Charles V., Dauphin d'Auvergne, ii. 390; iv. 258; v. 495, 498, 515-518, 520
Montreal Herald, vi. 508
Montrond, Casimir, Comte de (Byron's "preux Chevalier de la Ruse"), vi. 507
Montrose, Marquis of, iv. 338
Montucci, A., Tragedie di Alfieri, iv. 368
Mooa, capital of an island (Tonga), v. 600
Moor, Charles de, iii. 296
Moore, Dr. John, Letters to Burns, i. 118; Zeluco; Various Views of Human Nature, etc., ii. 8; A View of the Society and Manners in Italy, iv. 333-335, 469; History of Ireland, iv. 334
Moore, Sir John, ii. 8
Moore, Thomas, Life of Lord Byron, i. xii, xiii, 2, 4, 5, 15, 21, 25, 26, 33, 45, 78, 84, 88, 89, 93, 98, 119, 128, 184, 192, 205, 210, 213, 222, 224, 257, 259, 261, 280, 303, 304, 310, 325, 327, 347, 349, 368, 387, 411, 475, 497, 499; ii. xii, 16, 20, 34, 65, 118, 139, 187, 236, 258, 304, 322, 324, 352, 369, 387, 461; iii. xix, xx, 15, 16, 25, 30, 75, 90, 103, 109, 128, 272, 280, 304, 319, 320, 329, 331, 376, 415, 443, 444, 477, 531, 535, 537; iv. 3, 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 58, 61, 63, 74, 92, 213, 267, 308, 340, 447, 489, 545, 587; v. 82, 210, 348, 470, 471, 477, 489, 610; vi. 21, 128, 143, 297, 578, 601; viii. 12, 18, 19, 21, 71, 82; Poetical Works of the late Thomas Little, i. 78, 202, 305, 307, 319, 324, 325, 333, 431; vi. 43; Byron's letters to, i. 195; ii. 30, 238, 351, 447; iii. 69, 75, 77, 149, 219, 249, 255, 303, 319, 320, 376, 413, 417, 423, 433, 496; iv. 53, 64, 69, 157, 159, 169, 176, 178, 214, 279, 411, 478, 520, 538, 555, 558, 561, 570, 578; v. 202, 204, 242, 255, 470, 561; vi. xvii, 24, 149, 227, 302, 373, 403, 578; vii. 35, 37, 42, 46, 48, 70, 71, 73, 74; and Jeffrey, i. 203, 305, 333-335; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 321, 370; "Anacreon," i. 374; Intercepted Letters; or, The Twopenny Post-Bag, by Thomas Brown the Younger, i. 496; iv. 158, 555; vii. 16, 22, 27, 29, 30; the stanza on Beckford, in Childe Harold, ii. 37; The Meeting of the Waters, ii. 246; Irish Melodies, iii. 73; Lalla Rookh, iii. 87, 181, 186; iv. 176, 587; vi. 230; on The Corsair, iii. 217; Corsair dedicated to, iii. 223; Notices, etc., iv. 63; Life of Sheridan, iv. 69, 73; Lines on the Death of Sh-r-d-n, iv. 74; referred to in Beppo, iv. 183; Byron's exclusiveness, iv. 472; calls Madame de Stal the Begum of Literature, iv. 570; "Tracy" of The Blues, ibid.; M.P.; or, The Blue Stocking, iv. 573; vii. 12; on Cain, v. 204; Loves of the Angels, v. 280, 281; Fables for the Holy Alliance, v. 563; "the question of posterity," vi. 6; "flirtation with the muse of," vi. 75; "Oft in the Stilly Night," vi. 234; Fudge Family in Paris, vi. 243; Fum and Hum, the Two Birds of Royalty, vi. 389, 451; "reigned before and after me," vi. 444; "Here's the Bower she lov'd so much," vi. 447; on Byron's first rhymes, vii. 1; Byron's Jeux d'Esprit on, vii. 12, 16; his noms de plume, vii. 12; the "When Rogers" incident, vii. 17, 18; on The Devil's Drive, vii. 21; "Epigram," vii. 22; at Venice, vii. 72
Moors, expelled from Granada, ii. 47; Cadiz captured from, ii. 77
Moorzuk, vi. 474
Morat, battle of, ii. 255, 297; bones, ii. 298
Moravians, the, i. 305, 322
Mordaunt, Miss, as "Ida" in Werner, v. 324
More, Mrs. Hannah, Bas Bleu, iv. 176, 573; Coelebs in Search of a Wife, vi. 18
More, Sir Thomas, iii. 265
Morea, the, i. 457; iii. 83, 270, 447
Moreau, Jean Victor, vi. 14
Morelli, Cosimo, ii. 324
Morelli, Giacomo, ii. 324
Morelli, Abbate Jacopo, Chronica iadratina seu historia obsidionis Jader, iv. 331; Monumenti Veneziani, iv. 332, 456, 457
Morena, ii. 55
Moreotes, the, v. 556
Morgan, Sydney, Lady (ne Owenson), Woman, or Ida of Athens; France; Italy, ii. 187; v. 158; vi. 233; Memoirs, iv. 587
Morgante Maggiore, iv. 157, 279-309; vi. xvi, 184
Morghen, Raphael, iii. 314
Moriah, the goddess of folly, i. 82
Morier, James, A Journey through Persia, i. 492, 500
Morley, John, Rousseau, ii. 266
Morning Chronicle, i. 319, 347, 444, 445, 489; ii. xii, 212; iii. 45, 46, 51, 55, 57, 58, 79, 80, 151, 304, 315, 377, 419, 431, 435, 532-534; iv. 74, 177, 555-557, 559, 560; v. 130, 203, 539, 540, 553, 556, 572, 578, 602; vi. 11, 437, 451; vii. 13, 14, 23, 28, 32, 41, 86, 88
Morning Herald, vi. 179
Morning Post, i. 31, 34, 308, 309, 350, 351, 357, 358, 441, 485, 489, 499; ii. 397, 401; iii. 534; v. 544; vi. 175, 452, 494; vii. 6, 21, 44, 66
Mornington, Lady (Catherine Long), i. 485
Mornington, William Wellesley Pole, 3rd Earl of, ii. 79
Mornington, William Pole-Wellesley, 4th Earl of, i. 484
Morocco, vi. 198
Morosini, Conte Domenico, Medea in Corinto; Giulio Sabino, iv. 456, 457
Morosini, Doge Francesco, ii. 165; iv. 459
Morrison, James, boatswain's mate on the Bounty, Journal, v. 588, 594, 622
Morritt, J.B.S., ii. 88
Morven, Mount, i. 182, 191
Moscow, i. 487; Napoleon's retreat from, iv. 207; v. 551; vi. 351; its clime, vi. 409
Moses, Michael Angelo's statue of, iv. 271, 273; vi. 380
Moses, Henry, engraver of Canova's Works, iv. 536
Mossop, Henry, tragedian, i. 26
Mosti, Agostino (Tasso's gaoler), iv. 146
Mottley, John, i. 301
Moussine-Pousckine, Count Alexis Iwanowitch, vi. 307
Moustoxides (or Moustoxudes), Andreas, ii. 324; iv. 456, 457; Su i Quattro Cavalli della Basilica di S. Marco in Venezia, ii. 472
Moxon, iv. 485
Mozart, iii. 376; vi. 586; Don Giovanni, vi. xvi
Muchtar, or Mukhtar, Pasha, of Berat, ii. 148; iii. 144; vi. 244
Mucia, Pompey's third wife, vi. 139
Mules, Italian name of bastards and foundlings, vi. 609
Muley, Abul Hacen, king of Granada, iv. 530
Mulgrave, John Sheffield, Earl of, i. 354
Mller, the artist, vi. 321
Mller, F. Max, Sacred Books of the East, iii. 110
Mllinen, iv. 119
Muncker, Thomas, Notes on the Fabul of Hyginus, vi. 535
Munster, Duchess of, iii. 299
Mntz, Professor E., ii. 424; Raphael, iv. 174
Murad Effendi (Franz von Werner), iv. 329
Murat, Joachim, king of Naples and the Two Sicilies, ii. 90; iii. 432; v. 550
Muratori, ii. 502; Nov. Thes, Inscr. Vet., ii. 519; Italic. Rerum Scriptores, iv. 332, 349, 352, 462; v. 134
Murin, Tio, ii. 94
Murphy, Arthur, Apprentice, vi. 601
Murray, Dr. A.S., History of Greek Sculpture, ii. 432, 441
Murray, Joe, i. 280; ii. 27, 52; vii. 6
Murray, Rev. William, i. 347
Murray, A.H. Hallam, iii. 60; MS. of Ich Dien, vii. 36
Murray, John, I., ii. 169
Murray, John, II., Byron's letters to, i. 21, 208, 293, 325, 411, 421, 422, 453, 475; ii. xii, 11, 15, 16, 22, 187, 211, 212, 215, 287, 304, 305, 307, 311, 313, 324, 334, 343, 344, 359, 366, 369, 370, 375, 381, 429, 453, 460, 461; iii. xx, 32, 75, 76, 102, 128, 137, 151, 155, 181, 187, 197-199, 206, 210, 270, 301, 303, 308, 312, 324, 435, 443, 449, 468, 488, 519, 540, 544; iv. 3, 21, 31, 36, 54, 70, 79-81, 107, 126, 136, 157, 162, 163, 165, 168, 174, 182, 198, 214, 237, 239, 245, 259, 279, 280, 285, 304, 308, 313, 325-328, 332, 339, 340, 362, 366, 367, 431, 436, 447, 471, 475, 478, 479, 490, 536, 539, 542, 545, 549, 555, 569; v. 3, 15, 64, 115, 201, 202, 204, 271, 272, 279, 331, 367; vi. xvi, xvii, 3, 4, 8, 18, 52, 70, 75, 76, 87, 142, 153, 160, 175, 210, 260, 263, 294, 428; vii. 45, 47, 48, 62, 66, 69, 72, 77; Byron's copy of Catullus, i. 75; Byron's copy of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 291, 294; Byron on Edinburgh Review of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 293; Marmion, i. 310, 311; MS. of:—English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 354; Hints from Horace, i. 387, 390, 391-394, 397, 399, 405, 406, 408, 411, 412, 414, 416, 418, 421, 426, 429, 430, 439-444, 448, 449; The Waltz, i. 487, 488, 490, 492, 493, 496, 498, 501; Childe Harold, ii. xvi, xvii, 11, 71, 249, 327-330, 332-337, 339, 341-346, 352-354, 357-359, 361, 363, 365, 368, 370, 371, 375, 377-382, 385, 388, 389, 391, 392, 394, 398-401, 403, 404, 406, 407, 409, 410, 413, 415, 418, 427, 429, 431-434, 436, 438-446, 448, 449, 453-456, 458-462; Poems of 1809-1813, iii. 1, 2-4, 6, 12, 23, 24, 28, 61, 64, 65, 67-72; Lara, iii. 335; Hebrew Melodies, iii. 382, 383, 388, 389; Poems of the Separation, iii. 532, 540, 545; The Giaour, iii. 78; Fare Thee Well, iii. 532; Morgante Maggiore, iv. 281; Sardanapalus, v. 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 31, 34, 38, 43, 47, 49, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 66, 68, 70-72, 75, 76, 78, 84, 88, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 102, 103, 109, 110; Two Foscari, v. 124-127, 132, 135, 137, 138, 141, 148, 149, 159, 160-162, 165, 171, 175, 188, 192-194; Cain, v. 219, 220, 228-230, 233, 234, 239, 240, 246, 252, 265; Werner, v. 339, 368, 391, 406, 407; Age of Bronze, v. 571, 577; Don Juan, vi. 35, 53, 58, 71, 72, 87, 159; La Revanche, vii. 16; E Nihilo Nihil, vii. 56; The Ballad, vii. 60; Another Simple Ballat, vii. 62; Lucietta, vii. 81; Song to the Suliotes, vii. 84; accepts Childe Harold, ii. x, xi; suppression of stanzas in Childe Harold, ii. 65; Byron on Quarterly Review and Lady Morgan's France, ii. 187; Shelley and the Childe Harold MS., ii. 211; purchase of Childe Harold, Canto III., ii. 212; his compliment to Lady Byron, ii. 288; the Morat bones, ii. 298; Byron's autograph MSS., iii. 411, 419, 425; bears testimony to Byron's genius, iii. 444; Scott's letter on Cain dedication, v. 206; declines Don Juan, vi. xvi; the stanzas on Castlereagh in Don Juan, vi. 8; copyright of Don Juan, Canto XVII., vi. 608; Hammond his "chief 4-o'clock man," vii. 49; the offer of Madame de Stal's Considrations sur la Rvolution Franaise, vii. 49; his share in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vii. 51, 57; his "columns," vii. 55; Navy List, vii. 57; Mrs. Rundell's Domestic Cookery, ibid.; bookseller to the Admiralty, and the Board of Longitude, vii. 58; Gally Knight, vii. 59, 62; his offer of 2000 to Byron, vii. 77
Murray, John, III., dedication of Marino Faliero to Goethe, iv. 328, 340; MS. of Werner, v. 326
Murray, John, IV., iii. 66
Murray, Sir George, vi. 374
Murray v. Benbow and Another, v. 204
Murray's Handbooks—Central Italy, ii. 373, 380; iv. 275; Constantinople, vi. 220; Greece, ii. 117, 125, 157, 166, 189; Northern Italy, ii. 372; iv. 336, 392, 430; Rome, ii. 389, 403; iv. 271, 273; Switzerland, ii. 306; iv. 98
Murray's Magazine, ii. 229; iii. 319, 324; vii. 10, 69, 85, 86
Mus Etonenses, i. 336
Musus, De Herone atque Leandro, iii. 178
Musca, ii. 89
Musk-bull, vi. 478
Mussulmans, Albanian, ii. 144; their devotion, ii. 302
Musters, John, i. 210
Musters, Mrs. Chaworth. See Chaworth, Mary Anne
My Boy Hobbie O., vii. 66
My Epitaph, iii. 38; vii. 10
My Grandmother's Review, iv. 578
Myrina, Queen of the Amazons, v. 5
Myrrha, a character in Sardanapalus, v. 12
My soul is dark, iii. 389
Mystery Plays, v. 207
Nabopolassar, v. 107
Nadir Shah, or Thamas Kouli Khan, vi. 384
Naef, A., Guide to the Castle of Chillon, iv. 14, 15, 19
Nahum, v. 4
Naldi, Giuseppe, i. 346
Nani, Bartolommeo, v. 115
Nani, Maria or Marina, v. 115
Napier, History of the Peninsular War, i. 469, 470; ii. 53, 54, 87, 90-94
Napoleon Buonaparte, his snuff-box, i. 355; vii. 77 mentioned in Hints from Horace, i. 410; the affair of Copenhagen, i. 468; "Buonaparte's fiat," i. 487; fall of Hamburg, i. 488; "then flamed of Austerlitz the blest despatch," i. 489; unwhiskered, i. 493; repulsed at Vimiera, ii. 39; "to swell one bloated chiefs unwholesome reign," ii. 56; abdication of Ferdinand VII., ii. 78; invasion of Spain, ii. 82, 90; blockade of Corfu, ii. 193; Shelley's Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Buonaparte, ii. 227; "there sunk the greatest, nor the worst of men," etc. (Childe Harold), ii. 238-241, 294; his star, ii. 270; the Horses of St. Mark, ii. 336; the Venus de' Medici, ii. 365; Coleridge on, ii. 397; described by Pitt as "the child and champion of Jacobinism," etc., ii. 400; v. 544; a prisoner, ii. 453; "Waterloo," ii. 459; vi. 539; and Mrs. Spencer Smith, iii. 4; his abdication, iii. 303; Ode to, iii. 305-315; his Farewell, iii. 427, 428; "crushed by the Northern Thor," iv. 179; the retreat from Moscow, iv. 207; vi. 351, 352; Werther, v., iv. 342; his reply to the Venetian envoys, iv. 456; Scott's Life of, iv. 456; crowned king of Italy, iv. 458; his death, iv. 489; Hazlitt on, iv. 570; at St. Helena, v. 537, 538 (see also The Age of Bronze); his grave, v. 548; his wife Marie Louise, v. 576; causes his soldiers to be vaccinated, vi. 50; takes Missouri from the Spaniards, vi. 349; and the sculptor Bartolini, vi. 360; in Don Juan, vi. 377; his cancer, vi. 378; "Ceres fell with Buonaparte," vi. 383; his blue eyes, vi. 396; "Ah! my old Guard," vi. 418; "Where is Napoleon the Grand?" vi. 450; "shrink to a Saturn," vi. 452; and the Comte de Montrond, vi. 507; "Ausu Romano, re Veneto," vi. 590; his escape from Elba, vii. 41
Napoleon Buonaparte, Ode to, ii. 187, 238; iii. 305-315; iv. 49, 269; vi. 12
Napoleon's farewell, iii. 427; iv. 111
Napoleon's Snuff-Box, vii. 77
Napoli di Romania, iii. 447
Nardini, F., Roma Vetus, ii. 510, 511, 513, 515, 517
Nash, the architect, i. 349
Nash, Edward, artist, iv. 475
Nasoni, Giovanni Gradenigo, iv. 465
Nathan, Isaac (Hebrew Melodies), iii. 375; Fugitive Pieces, iii. 376, 381, 383, 387, 388, 390, 400
National Gallery, i. 472
National Intelligencer (U.S.A.), iii. 297
Nauck, A., Incert. Fab. Fragm.; Trag. Grc. Fragm., iv. 264
Naupli, Gulf of, i. 457
Navagero, Andrea, Storia della Republica Veneziana, iv. 326, 332, 349, 463; v. 115
Neapolitan Government, v. 574
Nebuchadnezzar, Nabuchadonosor, vi. 235, 236
Nectanebus II., v. 543
Negropont, the, iii. 173
Neipperg, Count Albert Adam de, iii. 311; v. 539, 576
Nekir and Monkir, inquisitors of the dead, iii. 121
Nelson, vi. 14
Nemesis, ii. 426, 518, 519
Nemi, village of, ii. 454
Nemours, Gaston de Foix, Duc de, i. 107; vi. 212
Neoptolemus, or Pyrrhus, v. 577
Nepos, Cornelius, Epam., vi. 376
Nepos, Emperor, iii. 301
Neptune, v. 616; vi. 130
Nereus, iv. 243
Nero, Emperor, i. 349; ii. 408, 409, 472; iv. 124; v. 606; vi. 181
Nero, the Consul, v. 606
Nerva, ii. 412
Nervii, the, vi. 339
Nesselrode, Count, v. 539; vii. 39
Nessus, robe of, vi. 447, 575
Neuhaus, iv. 119
Neuman, Johannes Christiaan (A. van Amstel), iv. 5
Neumann, i. 476
Neva, vi. 475
New English Dictionary, i. 314; ii. 4, 57, 70, 122, 146, 172, 181, 205, 294, 325, 385; iii. 113, 157; iv. 13, 166, 171, 172, 445; v. 228; vi. 68, 208, 316, 473, 487, 550, 567
New Grenada, v. 555
New Monthly Magazine, i. 452, 453; ii. 366; iv. 65, 552, 564; v. 282, 584; vi. xx
New Orleans, iii. 296
New Plan of the Town of Nottingham, A, vii. 1
New South Wales, insurrection (1805) in, v. 588
New Testament, v. 208
New Vicar of Bray, The, vii. 78
Newbury, battle of, i. 3, 121
Newcastle, Duke of, i. 457
Newcastle Herald, i. 373
Newstead Abbey, i. 1, 116, 256, 280; ii. 16; iii. 27; the lake at, iv. 60; description of, vi. 495
Newstead MS., i. 47, 79, 82, 87, 91, 129, 130, 147-150, 153, 155, 159-162, 164-168, 174-178, 181, 182, 185-188, 212, 213, 217, 220, 226, 228, 229, 231, 233, 240, 242, 244, 247, 253-256, 258, 262, 263
Newton, Professor A., iii. 130
Newton, Sir Isaac, iv. 47; vi. 303, 400
Newton, D.D., Thomas, Life of Milton, vi. 146
Ney, Michel, Duke of Elchingen, vi. 373
Nicholas III., iii. 503
Nicholle, or Marinet, M., vi. 373, 374
Nicholls, Colonel E., iii. 298
Nichols, John, editor of Hardinge's Miscellaneous Works, vi. 508
Nichols, Mrs. (Harriet Maltby), i. 129, 263
Nicnac, iii. xxi; vii. 41, 42
Nicolo III. (d'Este) of Tuscany, ii. 354
Nicopolis, ii. 128, 148, 179
Niebuhr, vi. 122
Niger, delta of the, iv. 515
Nightingale and the rose, iii. 86; v. 428, 612
Niketas, Greek general, v. 556
Nile, v. 550
Nimrod, v. 14, 18, 28, 36, 58; vi. 235, 236
Nineteenth Century, iv. 5; v. 326, 329
Nineveh, fall of, v. 4, 13, 25; vi. 348
Ninus, king of Assyria, v. 11
Ninya, v. 79
Niobe, ii. 389
Nisbet, Mary (Lady Elgin), i. 463
Nisbet, William Hamilton, i. 463
Nisus, i. 151, 175; ii. 387
Nitrous oxide gas, i. 307
Nizam Gedidd, new Turkish ordinance, ii. 207
Noah, i. 325; v. 284
Noble, Rev. Mark, continuation of Granger's Biographical History of England, iii. 298
Noel, Captain the Hon. F.L. King, iv. 159
Noel, Lady, vi. 274; vii. 75
Noel, Lady Anna Isabella (Scawen Blunt), ii. 215
Noel, Hon. Elizabeth, i. 437
Noel, Hon. Roden, Life of Lord Byron, ii. xiii; ii. 117; iii. 18
Nogaret, v. 554
Nonius Marcellus, ii. 92
Norbury, Mr., private secretary to Lord Granville, vii. 36
Norbury, Hon. Mrs., vii. 36
Nordlingen, battle of, ii. 186
Norfolk, Charles Howard, 11th Duke of ("Jockey of Norfolk"), vii. 28
Normanby, John Sheffield, Marquis of, i. 354
North, Lord, i. 500
Norton, Mrs., i. 343
Nossa Seora da Pea, Convent of, ii. 35, 85
Notaras, ii. 203
Notes and Queries, ii. 430, 460; iii. 72; iv. 15, 46, 75, 530, 533; vi. 483; vii. 59
Nott, Dr. George Frederick, Prebendary of Winchester and Salisbury, vii. 78
Notti, Signori di, iv. 465
Nouveau Dictionnaire de l'conomie Politique, vi. 461
Nouvelle Biographie Universelle, iii. 311; v. 499
Novelists Magazine, iv. 519
Novi, battle of, vi. 14
Nugent, vi. 175
Numa Pompilius, ii. 416; vi. 24
Numbers, ii. 271
Nunez, translation of de Quevedo's Sueos, etc., iv. 484
Nuovo Archivio Veneto, iv. 327, 331, 332, 349, 403, 462
Nympholepsy, ii. 415
Oakes, Major-General Hildebrand, iii. 25
Oaths, British and Continental, vi. 440
Observations upon Observations, v. 537; vii. 75
Observer, i. 414
Occasional Pieces (Poems, 1809-1813; Poems, 1814-1816), ii. 37; iii. xix
Occasional Poems, iii. 449
Occasional Prologue previous to the Performance of the Wheel of Fortune, i. 45
Ocellus Lucanus, De Universi Natur, ii. 198
Ochakof, siege of, vi. 313
Ockham, Viscount, ii. 215
O'Connell, Daniel, iv. 559
Odalisques, ladies of the Seraglio, vi. 277
Ode from the French, ii. 227; iii. 431; iv. 110; vi. 266, 373
Ode on the Death of Sir Peter Parker, iii. xix, 417
Ode on Venice, ii. 338; iii. xix; iv. 193, 203, 458
Ode to a Lady whose lover was killed by a ball, which at the same time shattered a portrait next his heart, iv. 552; vi. 144
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, ii. 187, 238; iii. 305-315; iv. 49, 269; v. 519; vi. 12, 348
Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill, vii. 13
Ode to the Isle of St. Helena (spurious), iii. xx
Oder, river, v. 348
Odessa, vi. 264
O'Doherty, parody of the "Pisa letter," v. 204; Miscellanies, v. 326
Odysseus, iii. 272
OEdipus, ii. 93, 431
Ogilvy, i. 314, 403
Ogle, Sir Chaloner, vii. 48
Oh, Shame to thee, Land of the Gaul (spurious), iii. xx
Oh! snatched away in beauty's bloom, iii. 388
Oh! weep for those, iii. 385
Old Testament, iii. 187; v. 199, 279
Oliphant, Mrs., Annals of a Publishing House, iii. 444
Olivier, G.A., iii. 13; Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, iii. 188
Ollah, a Turkish cry, iii. 168
Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great, ii. 123; v. 543
Olympieion, Temple of Zeus Olympius, i. 462; ii. 167
Olympus, Mount, ii. 286
Olytsika, Mount (ancient Tomarus), ii. 132, 182
Omar Khayym, Rubyt, iii. 87, 109
Ombre, the game of, iv. 507
O'Meara, Dr. Barry Edward, Napoleon in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena, v. 537, 540, 544-547
Omegarus and Syderia, iv. 42, 43
On a change of Masters at a Great Public School, i. 16, 84, 91
On a Cornelian heart which was broken, iii. 48
On a distant view of the village and school of Harrow-on-the-Hill, i. 25
On a Royal Visit to the Vaults (Windsor Poetics), vii. 36
On being asked what was the "Origin of Love", iii. 65
On finding a Fan, i. 253
On Jordan's banks, iii. 386
On leaving Newstead Abbey, i. 1; vi. 499
On Lord Thurlow's Poems, vii. 17
On Moore's last Operatic Farce or Farcical Opera, vii. 12
On my Thirty-Third Birthday, vii. 73
On my Wedding-Day, ii. 322; vii. 64
On Napoleon's Escape from Elba, vii. 41
On Parting, iii. 23
On revisiting Harrow, i. 259
On the Birth of John William Rizzo Hoppner, vii. 54
On the Bust of Helen by Canova, iv. 536
On the day of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, iii. 401
On the death of a Young Lady, Cousin to the Author, and very dear to Him, i. 5
On the death of Mr. Fox, i. 34
On the death of the Duke of Dorset, iii. xxi, 425
On the eyes of Miss A—— H——, i. 244
On the Morning of my Daughter's Birth (spurious), iii. xx
On the Quotation "And my true faith can alter never, / Though thou art gone perhaps for ever", ii. xxi, 65
On the Star of "The Legion of Honour", iii. 436
On this day I complete my thirty-sixth year, vii. 86
One struggle more, and I am free, iii. 31, 32, 36
O'Neill, Miss Elizabeth (afterwards Lady Becher), actress, ii. 331; iv. 338; vii. 50
Opera Comique, i. 413
Opie, Mrs., The Warrior's Return, iii. 424
Oracle, The, i. 358
Orange, Prince of, iv. 197
Orazio, alias Celio de' Malespini, iv. 144
Orbe, Madame, ii. 304
Orchomenus, iii. 15
O'Reilly, Count Alexander, vi. 56
Orestes, i. 175; ii. 427
Orford, Lord (Horace Walpole), Reminiscences; Works, iii. 209; iv. 340; Memoirs ... of George II., vii. 76
Oriental Antiquities, ii. 136
Orla, i. 177
Orleans, Duke of, ii. 282; iv. 334
Orlow (Orloff), General, vi. 314, 353, 354
Ormsby, John, translation of Don Quixote, ii. 178
Orosius, Hist., ii. 179, 392, 512
Orpheus, i. 437, 484; ii. 11; vi. 173
Orsini, the, v. 576
O'Ruarc, Dervogilla, iv. 334
O'Ruarc, Tiernan, iv. 334
Orthodoxy, vi. 267
Oscar of Alva, i. 131; ii. 343
Ossian, Poems, i. 1, 116, 177, 183, 191, 229; iii. 100, 115, 389, 416, 426; iv. 126; vii. 2
Ossian's Address to the Sun in "Carthon", i. 229; iv. 126; vii. 2
Ossory, John, 1st Earl of, i. 500
Otaheite (Tahiti), v. 582-584, 588
Othello, i. 340, 342; iii. 131, 313, 540; iv. 164; vi. 271, 379, 502, 543
Otho, v. 63, 64
Otway (Venice Preserved), i. 306, 345; ii. 331, 342; iv. 325, 326, 454; vii. 57
Ouchy, iv. 3
Oude, Begum of, iv. 72
Outalissi, i. 430
Ovid, i. 437; v. 573; vi. 26, 139, 218; Metamorph., ii. 13; iii. 199; v. 570; vi. 38, 177, 235, 273, 535; vii. 9; Amor., ii. 31, 367, 509; v. 289 Fasti, ii. 255, 515; iv. 164 Herodes, iii. 178; vi. 447, 575
Owen, Rev. E.C. Everard, ii. 82, 157, 172, 335
Oxenstiern, Chanc. Axel, vi. 531
Oxenstiern, John, vi. 531
Oxford and Mortimer, Edward, 5th Earl of, ii. 11
"Oxoniensis" (Rev. J.H. Todd), v. 202
Oziosi, the, a literary society at Florence, i. 358
Pacchierotti, vi. 207
Pacciaudi, ii. 472
Pactolus, v. 487
Padua, iv. 262, 386
Page, Mrs. Anne, vi. 442
Paine, Tom, vii. 65
Palopolis, iii. 184
Palafox, ii. 78, 94
Palampore, a flowered shawl, iii. 117
Palatine, Rome, ii. 407; iv. 257
Palazzi, Fasti Ducales, v. 124, 195
Paley, vii. 32
Palgrave, Sir Francis (formerly Cohen), translation of Old Chronicle (Marino Faliero); Rise and Progress of the English Constitution; History of the Anglo-Saxons, iv. 462
Palikar, general name for Greek and Albanese soldiers, ii. 144, 183
Pallas Athene, vii. 12
Palmer, E.H., Sacred Books of the East—translation of the Qu'rn, iii. 110, 181, 195, 206
Palmerston, Lady (Cowper), i. 301
Palmerston, Lord, i. 57, 476
Pambotis, lake of Yanina, ii. 179
Pan, vi. 130
Pandion, king of Attica, iv. 287
Pandora, i. 285
Pandora, wreck of the, vi. 96
Panizzi, Preface to the Orlando Innamorato of Boardo, iv. 281
Pantaloni, nickname of the Venetians, ii. 339
Pantheon, Rome, ii. 435
Pantisocracy, iv. 521; vi. 174
Panvinius, ii. 392
Paphos, ii. 19, 63
Paracelsus, v. 208
Parc, the, vi. 220
Parenthetical Address, iii. 55
Parga, pirates of, ii. 145, 146, 147; vi. 171, 172
Paris, Treaties of, ii. 342, 402; v. 550, 576; Allied Army in, iii. 431; v. 553
Parisina, ii. 113, 288, 354; iii. 377, 443, 505-548; iv. 35, 141, 215; v. 326
Park, Mungo, Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, v. 631
Park Theatre, New York, Werner at, v. 324
Parker, Charlotte Augusta (ne Byron), iii. 417
Parker, Christopher, iii. 417
Parker, Margaret, i. 5
Parker, Rev. J., translation of Dionysius' Celestial Hierarchy, v. 286
Parker, Bart., Sir Peter, i. 5; iii. 417
Parkins, Miss Fanny, vi. 578
Parliamentary Debates, i. 412; v. 545; vi. 69, 506, 549
Parliamentary History, i. 412
Parma, Alessandro Farnese, Duke of, iv. 262
Parma, University of, ii. 354
Parnassus (Liakura), i. 426; ii. 60-62, 92, 129, 186; iii. 113, 464
Parnell, Vigil of Venus, i. 317; ii. 279
Paros, island, iii. 273
Parrot, Professor Friedrich, Journey to Ararat, v. 294
Parry, Sir Edward, Voyage in 1819-1820 in Search of a North-West Passage, iv. 496; vi. 51, 478, 491, 521
Parsons, William, i. 358
Parthenon, Athens, i. 454, 455, 462, 463; ii. 166, 172
Parthians, the, ii. 412
Parton, James, Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin, v. 554
Pascal, vi. 379
Pasiphae, vi. 126
Pasqualigo, Nicol, iv. 456, 457
Pasqualigo, Orio, iv. 432
Pasqualino, iv. 171
Pasquin, v. 471
Passavant, J.D., Raphael of Urbino, iv. 174
Paswan Oglou, iii. 188
Paterculus, C. Vell., Hist., ii. 492
Paternoster Row, iv. 574; vii. 9
Paterson, Sir John, iii. 301
Patras, ii. 124, 178
Patroclus, i. 175; ii. 462; vi. 117, 204
Patterson, Commander Daniel, iii. 298
Paul, Czar, vi. 333
Paul III., Pope, ii. 411; iii. 122; iv. 270
Pausanias, king of Sparta, and Cleonice, iv. 108
Pausanias, the Sophist, ii. 85; Laconica, iv. 108, 566; Descriptio Grati, v. 526
Pauw, Cornelius de, Recherches philosophiques sur les Grecs, i. 414; ii. 191, 194-196
Pavia, battle of, v. 503
Payne, J., i. 356
Paxos, ii. 193
Pazig, Christianus, Magic Incantations, v. 289
Peachey, or Peachie, i. 208
Peacock, "that royal bird, whose tail's a diadem," vi. 326
Peacock, Thomas Love, ii. 355; iv. 3, 18, 475; Melincourt, iv. 569, 574; Nightmare Abbey, iv. 569
Pearson, John, vii. 14
Pearson's Cautions, etc., i. 417
Pedro III., Portugal, ii. 43
Peel, Sir Robert, v. 572
Peggy, wreck of the American ship, vi. 103
Pelagius, ii. 89
Pelayo, ii. 46; v. 558
Peleus, v. 488
Pelican, the, iii. 130
Pellegrino, Caraffa, ii. 486
Pemberton, vi. 400
Pea, Convent of Nossa Seora da, ii. 35, 85
Penelope, ii. 124
Peninsular War, i. 469; iii. 416
Pennant, Thomas, Some Account of London, vi. 435
Pentelicus, Mount (Mount Mendeli), ii. 186
Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons, v. 526
Perceval, Spencer, i. 28, 471, 472, 496, 497; ii. 79; vii. 28
Percy's Reliques, i. 317; ii. 22
Pericles, i. 462; ii. 190
Perkinean Institution, London, i. 308
Perkins, Benjamin Charles, his metallic tractors, vi. 50
Perrier, M. Casimir, Opinions et Discours, v. 566
Perry, editor of Morning Chronicle, iii. 532; vii. 37, 44
Persians, capture Teos, vi. 171; "taught three useful things," vi. 572
Persius, i. 304; ii. 201
Peru, Independence of, v. 556; vi. 457
Pescara, Ferdinando Francesco dagli Avalos, Marquis of, iv. 262
Peter the Great, iv. 202; v. 564; vi. 381
Peter III., vi. 388
Peter Pindar. See Wolcot, Dr.
Peterborough, Lord, i. 484; v. 576
Peterborow, Henry Mordaunt, Earl of, iv. 504
Peterwaradin, battle of, iii. 455
Petrarch, i. 108; ii. 350-353, 365, 371, 372, 415, 424, 478, 501-503; iv. 239, 265; and Laura, ii. 480-484; vi. 145; on the conspiracy of Marino Faliero, iv. 468; "the Platonic pimp of all posterity," vi. 218
Petronius, "Arbiter Elegantiarum" to Nero, i. 349; Satyricn, vi. 380, 602
Pettigrew, T.J., vi. 497
Petty, Lord Henry (afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne), i. 31, 57, 340, 471
Peucker, Dr. Karl, Griechenland, ii. xxiv
Phdra, vi. 254
Pharnaces II., ii. 398
Phelps, as "Jaffier" in Venice Preserved, ii. 331; as "Manfred," iv. 78; as "The Doge" in Marino Faliero, iv. 324; as "Werner," v. 324
Phelps, Edmund, as "Ulric" in Werner, v. 324
Phidias, i. 378, 454; iv. 270
Philadelphia Record, vii. 62
Philanthes, ii. 485
Philanthropist, The, ii. 554
Philemon, vi. 186
Philip of Macedon, i. 56; ii. 166; v. 543
Philip II. of Spain, ii. 504; iii. 299, 309
Philippi, battle of, iv. 386
Philips, Ambrose, Epistle to the Earl of Dorset; Pastorals, i. 418
Phillips, Josiah, printer and publisher of The Authentic Memoirs of the Court of England for the last Seventy Years, vii. 31
Phillips, J.O. Halliwell, reprints Ludus Coventri, v. 207
Phillips, Miss, as "Zarina" in Sardanapalus, v. 2
Phillips, Sir Richard, Personal Tour through the United Kingdom, iv. 32
Philo, v. 281
Philo Byzantius, De Septem Orbis Miraculis, ii. 441
Philomela, iv. 287
"Philo-Milton," Vindication of Paradise Lost from the charge of exculpating Cain, v. 202
Phingari, the moon, iii. 108
Phocas, column of, ii. 410
Phoenix, vi. 117
Phrosine or Frosini, iii. 145
Phyle, Fort, ii. 150, 185, 189
Piazza, the, Covent Garden, iv. 160
"Pibroch" confused with "bagpipe," i. 133, 134, 136, 140
Picadores, horsemen, ii. 68
Pickersgill, Junior, Joshua, The Three Brothers, v. 469, 470, 473
Picton, General, ii. 293
Pignus Amoris, i. 231, 240, 241; ii. 458; iii. 48
Pigot, Miss Elizabeth B., i. 41, 45, 47, 66, 129, 210, 233, 258, 264, 293, 406
Pigot, Mrs., i. 239; vii. 8
Pigot, J.M.B., i. xi, xiv, 45, 63, 213; vi. 30
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land (spurious), iii. xx
Pilgrim's Oak at Newstead Abbey, vi. 497
Pillans, Professor James, i. 306, 337
Pilsen, v. 340
Pindar, i. 337, 465, 490; ii. 93; vi. 168
Pindemonte, Ippolito, ii. 324; iv. 245, 457; v. 562
Pindus mount (Monte Metsovo), ii. 126, 129; iii. 7
Pinel, M., Sur l'Insanit, ii. 447
Pineta of Ravenna, the, vi. 178, 180
Piombi, the (Venice prisons), iv. 363; v. 148
Piozzi, Mrs., i. 358
Pirus, ii. 362
Pisa, Byron's household at, v. 348
Pisani, Nicol, iv. 356
Pisani, Vettor, ii. 477, 497
Pisistratus, ii. 167
Pisse Vache, or Salanfe, ii. 383
Pitcairn Island, v. 582-584. See also Island, The
Pitiscus, ii. 509
Pitt, William, appoints Mansel Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, i. 28; "rules the hour," i. 31; "expired in plenitude of power," i. 34, 57; Sayer's Elijah's Mantle, i. 294, 356; mentioned in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 377; in Hints from Horace, i. 395; "heaven-born," i. 486; the "heavy news" of Austerlitz, i. 489; his description of Napoleon, ii. 400; v. 544; Sheridan's speech on the Begum of Oude, iv. 72; one of "the wondrous Three," iv. 75; George III. and Catholic Emancipation, iv. 503, "with Fox's lard was basting William Pitt," iv. 511; his grave in Westminster Abbey, v. 541; "The Pilot that weathered the storm," v. 568; vi. 482, refusal to accept 100,000 from the merchants of London, vi. 376; "Chatham gone," vi. 478; "so like his friend Billy," vii. 28; Byron's Epitaph for, vii. 64
Pitt and Grenville Acts, the, iv. 512
Pius VII., Pope, Napoleon's snuff-box, vii. 78
Pizarro, Francisco, ii. 81; v. 555
Pizarro, Hernando, ii. 81
Pizarro, Juan Gonzalo, ii. 81
Plancus, ii. 492
Plata, battle of, ii. 294; iv. 108
Plato, i. 414; ii. 169, 196, 325; v. 485, vi. 46, 303, 568, 585
Plato, the comic poet, iii. 85
Plato's Epitaph, i. 18; iii. 136
Platonic love, vi. 396, 397
Platow (Platoff), General, vi. 353; vii. 39
Plattsburg Bay, battle of, vi. 508
Plautus, Truculentus, vi. 548
Playfair, Dr., vii. 52
Pliny, Hist. Nat., ii. 31, 378, 379, 384, 432, 437, 441, 445, 488; vi. 220, 236, 563; Epist., ii. 380; Panegyricus, ii. 412
Plum, a, = 100,000, i. 425
Plumptre, E.H., D.D., Commedia, etc., v. 562
Plumptre, E.J., and Gallehault, iv. 320
Plunket, Catholic Emancipation Bills, v. 569
Plutarch, Lives, i. 467; ii. 123, 179, 341, 393, 405, 518; iii. 85, 180, 311; iv. 108, 251, 264, 339, 352, 386, 423, 446; v. 4, 5, 21, 72, 486, 487, 506; vi. 139, 226, 339, 348, 376, 404, 461, 477, 547; Scripta Moralia, etc., ii. 335; v. 619; vi. 479
Po, the river, iv. 545
Pococke, Edward, Not Miscellane, iii. 109, 121
Poems 1814-1816, iii. 409-438
Poems 1816-1823, iv. 529-566
Poems of July-September, 1816, iv. 29-65
Poems of the Separation, iii. 537-546
Poems on his Domestic Circumstances, i. 452, 453; iii. xx, 24
Poems on Various Occasions, i. xi, xii, 1, 3, 18, 20-22, 27, 29, 31, 32, 38, 41, 46, 47, 52-54, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 70, 74, 76-116, 82-84, 89, 91, 96, 99, 101, 102, 104, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 122, 123, 125, 151, 152
Poems Original and Translated, i. xii, 31, 126, 127, 147, 149, 168, 171, 184, 187, 189, 191-208, 354, 374; iv. 281
Poet's Corner at Newstead Abbey, vi. 498
Poggio, De Fort. Var., ii. 364, 365, 403
Point Lividia, iii. 248, 249
Pola, battle of, ii. 476
Poland, partition of, v. 500, 551; and Alexander I., v. 563
Polenta, Guido Novello da, ii. 371, 494
Polenta, Guido Vecchio da, Lord of Ravenna, iv. 316
Polidori, Dr. J.W., i. 318; iv. 40; vii. 47
Polidori, G., iv. 143
Political Eclogues, i. 395
Political Economy Club, vi. 480
Political Miscellanies, i. 395
Political Ode by Lord Byron, hitherto unknown as his production, vii. 14
Polixena, v. 488
Poliziano, ii. 365; iv. 280
Polozk (Polouzki), vi. 354
Poltva, battle of, iv. 207, 233
Polybius, Hist., ii. 377, 506
Polycrates, of Samos, ii. 519; vi. 171
Polynices, v. 403
Polyphontes, the herald, ii. 431
Polyzois, an Albanian poet, ii. 198
Pombal, ii. 43
Pompadour, Madame de, iv. 334
Pompeia, Csar's third wife, i. 351; iv. 352; vi. 139
Pompey, i. 422; ii. 395, 492; iv. 264; vi. 139; statue of, ii. 508; pillar of, v. 548
Pompignan, Franc de, ii. 282
Poniatowsky, Prince, vii. 24
Ponsonby, Lady Caroline. See Lamb, Lady Caroline
Ponsonby, William, v. 329
Ponte, Antonio da, ii. 327
Poole, Thomas, and his Friends, i. 437
Pope, Alexander, Prologue to the Satires, i. 91, 392; vi. 519, 602; on Earl of Dorset, i. 198; Dunciad, i. 220, 294, 321, 326, 327, 397; iv. 161; vi. 494; Essay on Criticism, i. 289; ii. 13; iv. 481; mentioned in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 304-306, 312, 368, 371; his advice to Wycherley, i. 322; Essay on Man, i. 361; v. 593; mentioned in Hints from Horace, i. 395, 397, 441, 449; his youthful Eclogues, i. 418, 421; and Homer, i. 427; his "prescription," i. 430; "blest paper credit," i. 470; and Wellington, i. 484; Imitations of Horace, ii. 188; iv. 484; v. 576; vi. 247; the Egerian grots, ii. 517; Windsor forest, iii. 227; letter to Steele, iii. 348; Satires, iii. 439; Works, iii. 452; vi. 555; "These be good rhymes," iv. 139; depreciated, iv. 342; Rape of the Lock, iv. 507; vi. 18, 454; his "delicious lobster-nights," iv. 587; Byron's English Bards, in the style of, v. 537; Moral Essays, v. 606; vi. 350, 358; January and May, vi. 62; "Thou shalt believe in," vi. 74; Lady M.W. Montagu's letter to, vi. 151, 219; on Crashaw, vi. 166; Elosa to Abelard, vi. 395; use of the word "gynocracy," vi. 473; and "commence," vi. 567; "Lady Adeline" on, vi. 587; Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, vii. 57
Porphyry, ii. 78
Porson, Richard, i. 30, 313, 438; ii. 283; iii. 402; The Devil's Walk attributed to, vii. 21
Porta Capena, ii. 416, 516
Porter, Jane, Thaddeus of Warsaw, iv. 166
Portfolio, The, iii. 321; iv. 6
Portfolio (Philadelphia), v. 5
Portinari, Beatrice, iv. 247, 248, 251
Portinari, Folco, iv. 248
Portland, William Henry Cavendish, 3rd Duke of, i. 377, 471; iv. 513
Porto Bello taken by Admiral Vernon, vi. 12
Portogallo, Semiramide, i. 347
Portsmouth, Lady (Mary Anne Hanson), vi. 569
Portsmouth, Lord, vi. 569
Portuguese, Byron's estimate of the, i. 469; ii. 33, 45, 87
Potemkin, Prince Gregor Alexandrovitch, ii. 200; vi. 313, 314, 316, 317, 370, 412
Potiphar's wife (Zuleika), iii. 187; vi. 254
Pouqueville, Dr., Travels; Voyage en More, ii. 179, 180, 194, 195
Poussin, Nicholas, vi. 152
Powell, A., i. 350, 432
Powell, Mary, Milton's first wife, vi. 146
Power, publisher, iii. 423
Powerscourt, Richard, 4th Viscount, i. 96
Pozzi, the Venice state dungeons, ii. 465; iv. 363; v. 148, 153
Pozzo di Borgo, Count, v. 539
Pradt, M. Dufour de, Narrative of an Embassy to Warsaw, v. 551, 552
Praed, The Belle of the Ball-Room, i. 347; vii. 12
Prague, Treaty of, v. 340, 423; battle of, v. 371
Pratt, Lord Chief Justice, iv. 510
Pratt, Samuel Jackson (Courtney Melmoth), Gleanings, i. 322, 323, 442; Blacket's Remains, i. 359, 443
Praxiteles, ii. 236
Prayer of Nature, The, i. 224
Predestination, Byron's belief in, iv. 58
Pregadi, Venetian Senate, iv. 441
Presle, Mdlle., i. 347, 348
Pretty Miss Jaqueline, i. 361
Prevesa, ii. 125, 148, 185
Prevost, Sir George ("General Fireface"), Governor-General of British North America, vi. 508
Priam, v. 488
Priestley, Joseph, ii. 283
Prince's Theatre, Manchester, Manfred at, iv. 78
Princess's Theatre Royal, Manfred at, iv. 78; Sardanapalus at, v. 2
Printer's Devil, The, i. 495
Prior, Matthew, i. 198; iv. 158; vi. xviii, 210; Solomon, ii. 76; Paulo Purganti; Hans Carvel, vi. 62
Prisoner of Chillon, ii. 212, 214; iii. xix, 499; iv. 3-28, 63, 79, 92, 182, 194; v. 152, 423, 494; vi. 129, 475
Priuli, Andrea, v. 115
Priuli, Maria, v. 115
Probus, Emperor, i. 375
Procne, iv. 287
Procter, Bryan W. (Barry Cornwall), "Euphues," v. 114; A Sicilian Story, vi. 445
Prometheus, ii. 448; iii. 312; v. 554; vi. 49
Prometheus, iv. 48, 118, 269
Propertius, Eleg., vi. 445
Prophecy of Dante, ii. 441; iv. 7, 26, 49, 144, 237-276, 313, 329; v. 471; vii. xvi, 146, 212
Protasoff, Miss, the "Protassova," vi. 399
Protesilaus, vi. 204
Protestant League, v. 371
Prussian troops at Leipsic, vii. 23
Pruth, river, v. 551; Treaty of, v. 564
Psalidas, Athanasius, True Felicity, ii. 198, 202
Psalms, i. 208; ii. 398, 458; iii. 193; vi. 166, 401
Pseudo-Callisthenes, v. 543
Psyche, vi. 165, 387
Ptolemus Cocces, v. 542
Ptolemus Soter, v. 542
Ptolemy, i. 402; iv. 523; v. 487
Ptolemy Philadelphus, iv. 243
Public Characters of 1799-1800, vi. 175
Publius Syrus, i. 414
Pckler, Herman Frst von, iv. 81
Puffend, Hist. Gen., iv. 211
Pugilistic Club, i. 434
Pulci, G., ed. of Morgante Maggiore, iv. 309
Pulci, Luigi, Morgante Maggiore, iv. 156, 279-309, 325, 484; vi. xvi, 156, 184, 505
Pulk, Polish for "regiment," v. 564
Pulteney, Sir James, Bart., i. 347
Pultency Hotel, Piccadilly, vii. 39
"Pultowa's Day," iv. 202, 207
Purgstall, J. von Hammer-, Hist. de l'Empire Othoman, iii. 166, 312, 441, 454, 455
Purple, Tyrian, vi. 574
Purvis, Admiral, ii. 93
Pushkin, Poltava, iv. 203
Puttenham, Art of Poesie, iv. 239
Pye, Henry James, poet-laureate, i. 305, 314, 329, 404, 435; iv. 519
Pygmalion, vi. 281, 390
Pylades, i. 175
Pym, iv. 519
Pyramus, vi. 235
Pyrenees, the, ii. 45
Pyrrhic war-dance, Pyrrhica, vi. 151, 171
Pyrrho, master of the Pyrrhonists or Sceptics, vi. 379
Pyrrhus (or Neoptolemus), ii. 174; v. 577
Pythagoras, i. 59; vi. 610
Pythian Oracle, the, i. 56
Pythias, i. 175
Quarantia Criminale (Council of Forty), iv. 333, 345
Quarterly Review, i. 304, 321; ii. xiii, xv, 5, 139, 187, 212, 213, 266, 299, 315, 325, 356; iii. 77, 151, 219, 225, 321; iv. 6, 37, 42, 46, 57, 156, 166, 244, 281, 313, 327, 329, 514, 575; v. 5, 111, 119, 204, 205, 544, 552, 582, 613; vi. xx, 76, 79, 360, 445, 456, 508; vii. 49, 57, 76
Quebec, siege of, vi. 12
Queensberry, William Douglas, 3rd Earl of March, and 4th Duke of ("Old Q."), i. 500
Quem Deus vult perdere prius dementat, vii. 45
Quercetanus, Andreas, notes to Historia Calamitatum Ablardi, v. 634
Queries to Casuists, i. 262
Querini, Alvisi (Ormildo Emeressio), L'Ammiraglio dell' Indie, iv. 456, 457
Question and Answer, iv. 538
Quevedo of Villegas, Francisco Gomez de, Sueos, iv. 484; Dream of Skulls, iv. 496
Quiberon Bay, French fleet defeated by Hawke in, vi. 12
Quinctilian, iv. 270; vi. 16
Quincy, De, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, vi. 188
Quirini, Angelo, ii. 389
Quito, capital of Ecuador, ii. 81
Quotidienne, La, v. 566, 573, 577
Rabbe, Biographie des Contemporains, ii. 168
Rabelais, Life of Gargantua, etc., v. 354
Rack, or arrack, punch, vi. 197
Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann, Mysteries of Udolpho, ii. 327, 342; iii. 89, 351; iv. 364, 413
Rae, W. Fraser, Life of Sheridan, iv. 74; Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox, iv. 511; articles in Athenum on Junius' Letters, iv. 513
Rag Fair or Rosemary Lane (now Royal Mint Street), iv. 161
Raikes, Thomas, Personal Reminiscences, i. 476; v. 563; A Portion of the Journal, etc., vi. 507
Rainbow described, vi. 108
Rajna, Pio, iv. 280; Ricerche sui Reali di Francia, iv. 309
Ralph the rhymester, i. 326
Ralston, W.R.S., Russian Folk-Tales, iii. 123
Ramassieh (Alexandria), battle of, ii. 108
Ramazn, or Turkish Lent, ii. 134, 137; iii. 96
Rambaud, M., History of Russia, v. 563
Ramsay, the artist, vi. 496
Ramsay, Chevalier, vi. 303
Ramsden, Rev.——, i. 431
Rangoni, Aldobrandino, iii. 506
Ranke, Leopold, The Popes of Rome, v. 520
Ransom and Morland, vi. 546
"Ranz des Vaches," v. 159
Raphael, Archangel, v. 281
Raphael, ii. 437; iv. 174; his "Transfiguration," vi. 548
Rapp, George, the harmonist, vi. 554
Rapresentatione di Abel et di Caino, La, v. 264
Raschid, iii. 441
Rasponi, Countess Clelia, iv. 547
Rasselas, iii. 145
Ravenna, ii. 372; iv. 237, 238, 243; v. 138; battle of, vi. 212
Ravenna, Cardinal of, v. 516
Ravenna, Guido Vecchio da Polenta, Lord of, iv. 316
Raven-stone (rabenstein), a German stone gibbet, iv. 122; v. 385
Ravignani, Benintendi de, Grand Chancellor, iv. 431
Rawlinson, Canon, The Five Great Monarchies, etc., v. 24, 107
Rayet, Olivier, Monuments de l'Art Antique, ii. 396
Read, General Meredith, Historic Studies in Vaud, Berne, and Savoy, ii. 299, 303, 307
Read, T., i. 301
Reade, Sir Thomas, v. 544
Rebeck, fiddle, ii. 53
Red Sea, the, vi. 122
Reeve, Henry, Petrarch, ii. 351, 372; Greville Memoirs, vi. 451
Reeves, John, The Rothschilds, v. 574
Reformadoes, vi. 404
Regent, Prince. See George IV.
Regnier, General of Saxons at Leipsic, v. 553
Rehnskjld, Swedish General, iv. 207
Reichenbach, Falls of, ii. 383
Reichstadt, Napoleon Franois Charles Joseph, Duke of, v. 545, 576; vi. 590
Reid, vii. 32
Reinagle, R.R., ii. 226; iv. 425
Rejected Addresses, i. 462, 481, 485; iii. 55
Rembrandt, vi. 502
Remember him, whom Passion's power, iii. 67
Remember thee! Remember thee! iii. xx, 59
Remembrance, i. 211
Remind me not, remind me not, i. 268
Renault, iv. 454
Rendlesham, Lord, i. 471
Renegado, renegade, ii. 488
Rennes, siege of, v. 549
Reply to some Verses of J.M.B. Pigot, Esq., on the Cruelty of his Mistress, i. xi, 53
Repository of Arts, Literature, Commerce, Manufactures, Fashions, and Politics, iv. 178
Retz, Cardinal de, Mmoires du, iv. 338; vi. 93, 94
Retzsch, illustrations to Goethe's Faust, v. 493
Revanche, La, vii. 15
Revelation, ii. 271; iii. 432; iv. 102; v. 499
Revilliod, Gustave, ed. of Advis, etc., iv. 5
Revue Arch., ii. 424
Revue des Deux Mondes, iv. 5
Revue de Paris, La, vi. 507
Revue Encyclopdique, vi. xx
Revue Historique, iv. 514
Reynolds, Frederick, i. 306, 353; The Caravan; or, The Driver and his Dog, i. 342; Life and Times, i. 416
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, i. 389; Discourses, iv. 271
Rheinfeld, battle of, v. 372
Rhianus, the Alexandrian poet, iv. 566
Rhigas, or Rigas, Constantine, ii. 199; iii. 29, 194
Rhine, the, i. 249, 353; vi. 418; Confederation of, i. 486
Rhodes, iv. 400; vi. 111
Rhoeteum, ii. 99
Rhone, the, ii. 261, 300; iv. 18, 26, 120
Rialto (Rivo alto), Venice, ii. 331; iv. 165
Ribas, Admiral Josef de, vi. 313, 319, 359, 366
Ribaupierre, General, vi. 352
Ricardo, David, vi. 480
Ricci's monument to Dante, ii. 375
Rich, Claudius James, Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon, vi. 236
Richard II., iii. 517; vi. 210
Richard III., iv. 391; vi. 392, 570
Richards, Rev. George, The Aboriginal Britons, i. 306, 376
Richardson, iii. 109
Richelieu, Armand Emanuel du Plessis, Duc de, Journal de mon Voyage en Allemagne, vi. 264, 317, 333, 340, 347, 358, 359
Richelieu, Louis Franois, Duc de, Marshal of France, vi. 333
Richmond, Duchess of, ii. 228
Richmond, Duke of, ii. 229, 230
Richmond Hill, ii. 66
Ricimer, a Sueve, ii. 390
Ridge, S. and J., i. xi, xii, xiv, 234
Ridgeway, bookseller, iv. 482
Ridotto, iv. 178, 180
Rienzi, or Rienzo (commonly called Cola di' Rienzi), Nicolas Gabrino di', ii. 414
Riese, Varro. Satur. Menipp. Rel., ii. 92
Rigadoon, the, i. 491
Rimini, Francesca da (ne da Polenta), iv. 316
Rimini, Malatesta da Verrucchio, Lord of, iv. 316
Rinaldo and Armida, vi. 34
Riots, O.P., at Covent Garden, i. 347
Rivington, F. and C., i. xii; their Annual Register, q.v.
Rivoli, battle of, vi. 14
Rizzo, Antonio, iv. 336
Roberts, William, iv. 578
Roberts, W. Rhys, Longinus on the Sublime, vi. 26
Robertson, James, i. 192
Robertson, J.L., Burns' Selected Poems, iii. 449
Robertson, Mary, i. 192
Robertson, Dr. William, Charles V., iii. 309; v. 471, 560
Robespierre, iv. 476; vi. 13, 14
Robinson, H. Crabb, Diary, i. 337, 475; ii. x, 74; iv. 475. 478, 479, 492, 512, 538, 556; v. 199, 281, 470, 614; vi. 444
Robinson, editor of Morning Post, i. 358
Robinson, Mrs., "Perdita" (ne Darby), The Mistletoe, i. 358
Rocca, Giovane, ii. 523; vii. 50
Rochefoucauld, Maximes, ii. 307, 419 Rflexions, iv. 552; vi. 144, 246, 303
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, Poems, i. 218
Rodd, Thomas, Ancient Ballads from the Civil Wars of Granada, iv. 529, 530
Roderick the Goth, ii. 89
Rogers, Samuel, Byron's withdrawal of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 294; "a true poet," i. 306; Recollections of the Table Talk of, i. 329, 429; iv. 539; vi. 17; Byron and Lord Carlisle, i. 355; Pleasures of Memory, i. 361; iii. 50, 207; Italy, ii. 329, 343, 353, 372, 376-378, 407; iv. 539; v. 130; Byron's opinion of, iii. 50; Voyage of Columbus, iii. 76; Giaour dedicated to, iii. 81; Jacqueline, iii. 319, 320, 323; Byron's letters to, iii. 545; iv. 80; vi. 83, 173; and Byron's Dream, iv. 31; first meeting of Byron and Sheridan at his house, iv. 69; Sheridan's appeal to, iv. 73; Brides of Venice, iv. 166; referred to in Beppo, iv. 183; translation of Zappi's Sonetto, iv. 271; Byron's verses on (Question and Answer), iv. 538; Human Life, iv. 539, 574; at Sir George Beaumont's, iv. 570; in Don Juan, vi. 6; "I wished to learn the Art of forgetting," vi. 17; "Thou shalt not steal from," vi. 75; "have deserted," vii. 17; Lord Thurlow's An Epistle to a Friend, vii. 18-20
Roland, v. 553
Rolland (d'Erceville), M. le Prsident, Recherches sur les Prrogatives des Dames chez les Gaulois sur les Cours d'Amours, ii. 6; Foscari, v. 130
Rolliad, i. 294, 319, 395, 500
Romaika, kerchief-waving dance, i. 492; vi. 151
Romance Muy Doloroso, iv. 529
Romanceros, the, ii. 47
Romanelli, Dr., ii. 175; vii. 11
Romanin, S., Documentata Storia di Venezia, v. 116, 117, 119, 121, 144, 171, 172, 178, 179, 195
Rome, i. 376; ii. 312, 388; v. 158; vi. 348; siege and sack of, v. 471
Rome, Laodamia, iii. 507
Romeo and Juliet, vi. 540
Romilly, Sir Samuel, ii. 213; v. 181; vi. 17, 451
Romney, i. 321
Romuald of Salermo, ii. 473-476
Ronalds, Sir Francis, iv. 505
Ronco river, vi. 212
Ronda, mount, ii. 54
Roque, M., ii. 190
Ros, Georgiana, Lady de (Lennox), Personal Recollections of the Great Duke of Wellington, ii. 229
Rosa, ii. 425
Rosbach, battle of, iv. 334
Rosciad, i. 294
Roscoe, Life and Pontificate of Leo Tenth, iii. 369
Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of, i. 354
Rose and nightingale, iii. 86; v. 428, 612
Rose, George, Treasurer of the Navy, vii. 30; Diaries, etc., vii. 31
Rose, Sir William Stewart ("Parthenopex Puff" of Vivian Grey), Court and Parliament of Beasts, etc., iv. 156; vi. 506; vii. 55
Rosebery, Earl of, iv. 163; Napoleon, The Last Phase, v. 547; Pitt, vi. 377
Rosetta Stone, ii. 108
Ross, Sir John, A Voyage of Discovery ... for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, vi. 51
Rossberg, or Rufiberg. fall of the, iv. 97
Rosse, Sir Laurence Parsons, 2nd Earl of, Defence of the Antient History of Ireland, vi. 337
Rossetti, D.G., Dante and his Circle, iv. 248; Dante at Verona, v. 562
Rossi, Professor V., iv. 309
Rossini, v. 562; vi. 586; Armida and Rinaldo, vi. 34; L'Italiana in Algieri, vi. 205
Rostopchin, General, i. 488
Rothen, iv. 97
Rothschild, Baron Anselm (of Frankfort), v. 573
Rothschild, Baron Charles (of Naples), v. 573
Rothschild, Baron James (of Paris), v. 573; reprints Le Mistre du Viel Testament, v. 207
Rothschild, Baron Nathan Mayer (of London), v. 573; vi. 456
Rothschild, Baron Salomon (of Vienna), v. 573
Rousseau, J.J., i. 15; ii. 260, 264-267; v. 548; vi. 303; Confessions, ii. 280, 300, 302; iv. 53; Julie, ou La Nouvelle Hlose, ii. 277, 278, 303; iv. 18; vi. 536 on the Ranz des Vaches, v. 159
Roux-Fazillac, M., iv. 514
Rovere, Francis Maria II., Duke of, ii. 498
Rowfant Library, iv. 508
Rowland, Junior, Alexander, An Historical, Philosophical, and Practical Essay on the Human Hair, vi. 19
Rowlandson's caricatures, iv. 509
Roxburgh Club, v. 200; reprints the Chester Plays, or Mysteries, v. 207; vi. 551
Royal Alexandra Theatre, Liverpool, Manfred at, iv. 78; Sardanapalus at, v. 2
Royal Amphitheatre, Westminster Bridge, iv. 203; vii. 59
Royal Caledonian Asylum, iii. 415
Royal Institution, vi. 16
Royalty Theatre, Goodman's Fields, Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed at, vi. 11
Royston, Philip Yorke, Viscount, translation of Lycophron's Cassandra, iv. 243
Ruffin, Marshal, i. 469; vi. 261
Rufinus, the prfect, ii. 518
Rulhire, Claude Carloman de, vi. 395; Anecdotes sur la rvolution de Russie en l'anne 1762; Histoire de l'anarchic de Pologne, etc., vii. 62
Rundell, Mrs., Domestic Cookery, vii. 57
Runic, Byron's use of the word, iv. 241
Rushton, Robert, ii. 26, 52; vii. 6
Ruskin, John, Stones of Venice, ii. 327; Modern Painters, iv. 18, 26
Russell, Lord John, ii. 352; iv. 314; Moore Memoirs, iv. 587; v. 5, 280
Russia, her intrigues in Greece, v. 557
Russians v. Swedes, iv. 207, 233; "rushing from hot baths to snows," vi. 475; at Leipsic battle, vii. 23
Rustica (the Ustica of Horace), valley of, ii. 523
Rusticucci, Jacopo, iv. 254
Rycquius, Just., De Capit. Roman. Comm., ii. 511, 512
Ryder, Mrs., as "Ida" in Werner, v. 324
Ryder, Richard, Home Secretary, vii. 13
Sabellicus, Marcus Antonius Coccius, De Venet Urbis Situ Narratio, ii. 328; v. 179
Sabina, Empress, i. 493
Sabio, Alonso el, ii. 77
Sackville, Lord George, iv. 513
Sacy, Silvestre de, Notice du Libre d' Enoch, v. 302
Sadducees, the, ii. 104
Sade, Abb de, Mmoires pour la Vie de Franois Ptrarque, ii. 350, 479, 480, 481
Sade, Hugo de, ii. 350, 480
Sade, Laura de (ne de Noves), Petrarch's Laura, ii. 350, 479
Sa'di, The Gulistan, or Rose Garden, i. 353; iii. 160
Sadler's Wells Theatre, Werner at, v. 324; Don Juan; or, The Libertine Destroyed at, vi. 11
Safety-lamp, Sir H. Davy's, vi. 51
Saick, a Levantine barque, iii. 252
St. Albans, Duke of, iv. 541
St. Aldegonde, i. 476
St. Angelo, castle of, ii. 439
St. Anthony, vi. 32
St. Augustine, ii. 480; v. 209, vi. 573; De Civitate Dei, v. 235; Confessions, vi. 28; Epist., vi. 168; Black Canons of, vi. 495
St. Bartholomew, iv. 494; vi. 230
St. Bernard, Convent of, ii. 306
St. Christopher, of Paris, vi. 93
St. Domingo Island, ii. 90; iii. 296
Saint-Evremond, vi. 246
St. Francis of Assisi, vi. 32, 33, 273
St. Gingolph, ii. 304; iv. 18
St. Helena, v. 544
St. Honorius, ii. 35, 86
St. James of Compostella, ii. 206
St. Jean, Mount, ii. 293, 325
St. Jerome, vi. 28
St. John, i. 326
St. John, Knights of, iv. 400
St. Jules, Caroline Rosalie Adelaide (Hon. Mrs. George Lamb), i. 301; vii. 15
St. Lambert, ii. 300
St. Lorenzo, Church of, Florence, ii. 375, 503
St. Mark's, Venice, horses, ii. 336; lions, ii. 471; bells, iv. 363; Doges buried at, iv. 366
St. Maurice, iv. 120
S. Nicola in Carcere, Church of, Rome, ii. 437
St. Pantaleon, of Nicomedia, ii. 339
St. Peter's, Rome, ii. 376, 440, et seq.; iv. 270
St. Petersburg, "that pleasant capital of painted snows," vi. 386
St. Preux, ii. 260, 305
St. Sophia's, Constantinople, ii. 152, 176, 442
St. Thomas Aquinas, vi. 572
St. Ursula, vi. 419
St. Victor, Monastery of, iv. 4
St. Vincent, Lord, vi. 14
Sainte Croix, Guilhem de Clermont Lodve, Baron de, Examen Critique, etc., vi. 226
Sainte-Palaye, De la Curne de, Mmoires sur l'Ancienne Chevalerie, ii. 6
Salakhora, ii. 145, 148
Salam aleikoum! aleikoum salam! Moslem salutation, iii. 104
Salamanca, battle of, i. 496
Salamis, battle of, i. 458; iii. 91, 270, 273; vi. 169
Salanfe, or Pisse-Vache, ii. 383
Sale, Preliminary Discourse to the Koran, iii. 110, 121, 197 translation of the Koran, vii. 9
Sale, Alberto dal, iii. 506
Salemenes, a character in Sardanapalus, v. 12
Salisbury, Countess of, ii. 7
Sallust, Catilina, vi. 299
Salsette frigate, ii. 13, 205
Salt-mines, Poland, iv. 212
Saluces, Marquis de, v. 471
Salvator Rosa, vi. 502
Salviati, Lionardo, ii. 357, 485
Salvo, Marquis de, Travels in the Year 1806, etc., iii. 4
Samolovitch, president of the Eastern Ukraine, iv. 201
Samos, vi. 171
San Caetano, Ignatio de, ii. 43
San Liberatore alla Majella, Benedictine Monastery of, iv. 288
San Martin, General Jos de, v. 556
San Zanipolo, Church of, iv. 336
Sanadon, Pre, v. 567
Sancho Panza, i. 490
Sandall, Prior William, vi. 496
Sandasarmu, of Cilicia, v. 4
Sandford, Francis, History of the Coronation of James the Second, iv. 504
Sandford, Mrs., Thomas Poole and his Friends, i. 437
Sandi, Vettor, Principi di Storia civile della Repubb. di Venezia, iv. 326, 332
Sandwich, Lord, vi. 267
Sandys, translation of Ovid, iii. 199
Sanguinetto river, ii. 379, 507
Sansovino, F., Venetia citt nobilissima, iv. 166, 390
Sant' Anna, Hospital of, Ferrari, ii. 355; iv. 139, 141, 143, 144, 147
Santa Croce, Church of, ii. 369, 374, 375, 490
Santa Maura (Leucadia), ii. 126, 178
Santi Giovanno e Paolo (or San Zanipolo), Church of, Venice, iv. 336
Sanudo, or Sanuto, Marin, Vit Ducum Venetorum, ii. 475; iv. 326, 331, 347, 349, 352, 357, 363, 384, 431, 435, 450, 452, 461, 462; v. 115, 134
Sapienza, island of, iv. 356, 365
Sappho, ii. 125, 178; vi. 26, 139, 180
Saracus, last king of Assyria, v. 107
Saragoza, Augustina, Maid of, ii. 58, 91
Saragoza, siege of, ii. 58, 91, 94
Saratoga, battle of, vi. 12
Sardanapalus, iii. 493; v. 3-112, 115, 199, 203, 204, 243, 279, 469; vi. 140, 461, 538; vii. 77
Sardi, iii. 505
Saronic Gulf, ii. 362
Sassi, the brothers, ii. 389
Satan, v. 201
Satanic School of Poetry, iv. 477, 481, 483; v. 196
Satibarzanes, the eunuch, v. 72
Satirist, The, i. 373, 374, 383; vi. 69
Saul, iii. 392
Saussure, Horace Bndict de, Essai sur Hygromtrie, inventor of the cyanometer, vi. 216
Savage, Richard, The Wanderer, iii. 261
Savary, Marshal, iii. 428
Savelli family, the, ii. 403
Savini, Guido, ii. 487
Savioli, Conte Ludovico, iv. 250
Savoie, Louis de (wife of Louis XVIII.), v. 498, 566
Savoy, Charles III., Duke of, iii. 299; iv. 4, 10
Savoy-Carignan, Franois Eugene, Prince of, iv. 262
Sawbridge, vi. 100
Saya, or basquia, the outer petticoat, vi. 116
Sayer, Elizabeth Price, translation of Dante's Il Convito, iv. 253, 256
Sayer, James, Elijah's Mantle, i. 294, 356
Saxe, Count, i. 107
Saxe-Cobourg, Leopold of, ii. 450
Saxe-Weimar, Bernhard, Duke of, v. 371
Saxons, the, v. 371, 553
Saxony, John George, Elector of, v. 373
Sbergo, or usbergo, iv. 308
Sbirri, Venetian policemen, iv. 383
Scalanova, Port, Asia Minor, iii. 252
Scaliger, J.J., v. 281, 302
Scaligers, tombs of the, v. 561, 562
Scamander river, ii. 182
Scanderberg, or Scander Bey (George Castriota), ii. 124, 173
Scarron, vi. 246
Sceptics, or Pyrrhonists, vi. 379
Schaffhausen, ii. 383
Schaffner, Alfred, Lord Byron's Cain und Seine Quellen, v. 200
Schaumburg, v. 371
Scheible, Das Kloster, vi. xx
Scheremetov, Count Boris Petrowitch, Russian General, vi. 307
Schiavoni, Giorgio, iii. 368
Schiller, iii. 503; Armenian, or the Ghost-Seer (Der Geisterseher), i. 131; ii. 342; Bride of Messina, iii. 150; Wilhelm Tell, ii. 385; Piccolomini, iv. 566
Schipper, Dr. J., Englische Metrik, iv. 239
Schlegel, Friedrich, ii. 472; iv. 237, 238, 341, 342; vii. 50
Schlegel, J.S.B., Tagebuch, etc., vi. 605
Schlick, M., Corr. of, iv. 470
Schoene, A., v. 107
Schroepfer, Johann Georg, vi. 605
Schultz, Hans, Der Sacco di Roma, v. 520
Schumann, R., Music to Byron's Manfred, iv. 78
Schuyler, Eugene, Peter the Great, iv. 203, 207, 233
Scio island, iii. 252
Scipio Africanus, i. 493; ii. 371, 389, 459, 496; (II.), v. 512
Scipio Barbatus, ii. 389
Scipio, Lucius, ii. 389
Scipio, Metellus, iv. 264
Scipios, tomb of the, ii. 389
Semelet, W., iii. 160
Scorpion, The, iii. 107
Scotland, vi. 405
Scot's Magazine, iv. 139; v. 329, 470, 540
Scott, John, iii. 532, 535; iv. 472
Scott, Sir Walter, i. 303, 305, 306, 331, 384; vi. 6; The Wild Huntsman, i. 117, 317; mentioned in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 309-312, 319, 337, 369; Lay of the Last Minstrel, i. 309, 310; iii. 472; vi. 406, 458, 560; contributes to Monk Lewis' Tales of Wonder, i. 317, 318; The Fire King; Glenfinlas; The Eve of St. John; Frederick and Alice, i. 317; Marmion, i. 310, 371; ii. 360; iii. 474; iv. 13; v. 542; vi. 426; Fortunes of Nigel, i. 351; in Hints from Horace, i. 395, 419; his amanuensis, W.H. Weber, i. 396; Antiquary, i. 413; iv. 524; v. 377; and Ballantyne, i. 435; The Vision of Don Roderick, i. 436; ii. 4, 51, 88, 89; Border Minstrelsy, ii. 4, 295; Young Lochinvar, ii. 70; Nossa Seora da Pea, ii. 86; Sir Tristrem, ii. 203; reviews Childe Harold in Quarterly Review, ii. 213, 315, 325; iv. 6; Lord of the Isles, ii. 244; The Dance of Death, ii. 292; Field of Waterloo, ii. 292; iii. 434; vi. 266; the "Ariosto of the North," ii. 311, 359; Tales of a Grandfather, ii. 337; vi. 12; Lady of the Lake, ii. 347; Byron accused of copying, iii. 128; octosyllabic verse, iii. 224; The Corsair, iii. 225; Byron's present of a silver urn, iii. 301; Coleridge's Christabel, iii. 443, 472; Byron and Wordsworth, iii. 533; reviews Prisoner of Chillon in Quarterly Review, iv. 6; article in Q.R. on The Dream, iv. 37; on Darkness, iv. 42; on Coleridge's imagination, ibid.; on Churchill's Grave, iv. 46; referred to in Beppo, iv. 183; Tales of my Landlord, iv. 284; Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, iv. 456; v. 546; vi. 418; Guy Mannering, iv. 566; meets Byron frequently in society, iv. 570; Memoirs of the Life, etc., iv. 570, 585, 587; The Search after Happiness, iv. 574; Lydia White's death, iv. 587; on Cain and its dedication, v. 204, 205, 206; Waverley, v. 209; vi. 272, 404; on Byron and Alcibiades, v. 485; on Don Juan, vi. xix; edition of Dryden's Works, vi. 178; Byron's letters to, vi. 178, 186, 405, 479; on Byron's features, vi. 360; Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, vi. 380, 491; The Abbot, vi. 440; "reigned before me," vi. 444; "my buon camerado," vi. 459; his use of "gynocracy," vi. 473; Journal, vii. 25
Scott, William, i. 436
Scourge, The, i. 374
Sea-coal (Newcastle coal), vi. 503
Sea-sickness, remedies for, vi. 84
Seale, John Barlow, An Analysis of the Greek Metres, etc., i. 59
Searment, cerecloth, or searcloth, ii. 154
Seaton, R.C., Sir Hudson Lowe and Napoleon, v. 544
Sebastiani, General Franois Horace Bastien, ii. 89, 200
Sedition Bill, iv. 511
Segati, Marianna, iv. 214
Segovia, Cardinal of, iii. 369
Segur, Louis Philippe, Comte de, vi. 314
Selictar, sword-bearer, ii. 149
Selim II., Sultan, vi. 259
Selim III., ii. 207
Sellers, E., ii. 432
Sellis (Slis), Duke of Cumberland's valet, vii. 31
Semiramis, v. 14, 15, 19-21, 23, 36, 50, 58, 79; vi. 235, 236
Senebier, Jean, Histoire Littraire de Genve, iv. 3, 11
Seneca, v. 3, 543; De Ir, vi. 292
Senger, Richard, Die beiden Foscari, v. 119, 121, 135, 183
Senhouse, Humphrey, iv. 475
Sennacherib, iii. 404; v. 4, 24
Separation, the, iii. xx
Septemberes, Septembriseurs, vi. 595
Septimius Severus, ii. 408, 511, 520; v. 542
Seraphim, the, v. 228
Serassi, La Vita di Tasso, ii. 485, 498
Serenissima Signoria (Venice), iv. 345
Servan, Joseph, vi. 13
Servetus, i. 417
Servius, ii. 133
Servius Sulpicius, ii. 362
Sesostris, v. 405, 543
Sestos, iii. 13
Seven Towers, the, vi. 260
Severus, Sulpitius, ii. 133
Svign, Madame de, i. 402
Svign, M. de, i. 402; vi. 246
Seville (Hispalis of the Romans), ii. 52, 63, 93; vi. 15
Sextilius, Governor of Carthage, iv. 251
Sforza, Cardinal Ascanio, iii. 367
Sforza, Ludovico, iv. 13
Sgricci, Signor, ii. 492
Shadwell, Lancelot, Vice-Chancellor, v. 203
Shadwell, Libertine, vi. xvi, 4, 11
Shaftesbury, Earl of, vi. 482
Shakespeare, i. 29, 37, 38, 193, 289, 345, 399; ii. xiii, 217; iii. 51, 52; iv. 325, 326; v. 3, 28, 339; vi. 174; compared with Byron, v. 205; his use of "shook," v. 135; of "skirred," v. 163
Sharp, Richard, "Conversation," iv. 570; "Kit-Cat," vi. 511
Shaving, "a daily plague," vi. 522
Shee, Sir Martin Archer, i. 365
Shelley, P.B., ii. 115; translation of Plato's Epitaph, i. 19; letter from Byron, i. 293; witnesses Lewis' will, i. 318; Peter Bell the Third, i. 416; Queen Mab, ii. 13; v. 75, 234, 237, 257, 258, 268; Byron's Albanian song, ii. 145; Third Canto of Childe Harold, ii. 211, 315; Wordsworth as preached by, ii. 219, 311; Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Bonaparte, ii. 227; "the only important calumny," ii. 248; iv. 63; his companionship, ii. 258; iv. 82; Adonais, ii. 260, 271; iii. 137; vi. 401, 446; Letters from Abroad, etc., ii. 305, 306, 307; his "delicate spirit," ii. 315; Prometheus Unbound, ii. 325, 417; v. 281; Lines written among the Euganean Hills, ii. 338, 343; Julian and Maddalo, ii. 349; "a very decent dungeon," ii. 355; Hellas; Ode to Liberty, ii. 402; Poetical Works, ii. 407; the Castle of Chillon, iv. 3, 18; Revolt of Islam, iv. 38; v. 603; translation of Calderon's El Mgico Prodigioso, iv. 81; To a Skylark, iv. 96; on Manfred and incest, iv. 100; Prince Athanase; The Woodman and the Nightingale; Ode to the West Wind, iv. 239; Cenci, iv. 367; the entry in the travellers' album at Montanvert, iv. 475; on Cain, v. 204; Greek choruses, v. 281; Prose Works, v. 331; his death, v. 469; on The Deformed Transformed, ibid.; May-Day Night, v. 470; on Don Juan, vi. xix; his mystical affinities and divagations, vi. 188; on Croker's review of Keats, vi. 446; in Pisa with Byron, vii. 78
Shelley, Mrs. P.B., ii. 143, 305; iv. 320, 570; her transcript of:—Werner, v. 331; The Deformed Transformed, v. 474; Age of Bronze, v. 537; Don Juan, vi. 268, 269, 272, 274, 310, 373
Shenstone, William, Poetical Works, iii. 41, 59
Sheppard, v. 199
Sheridan, Charles, iv. 74
Sheridan, Mrs. Frances (ne Chamberlaine), Nourjahad, etc., vii. 33
Sheridan, R.B., i. 306, 317, 343, 500; iii. 45, 51, 545; iv. 561; vi. 450; The Critic, i. 343, 383; iv. 73, 75; v. 113; vi. 537; Pizarro, i. 344, 489; iv. 73; The Rivals, i. 431, 494; ii. 334; iv. 72, 514; vi. 258; his doggerel on Brunck, i. 490; Lines on Waltzing, i. 499; "ere Brinsley ceased to write," iii. 53; Monody, etc., iv. 69-75; Byron's first meeting with, iv. 69; The Scheming Lieutenant; The Duenna, iv. 72; his Begum and Warren Hastings speeches, iv. 72, 75; A Trip to Scarborough, iv. 73; A School for Scandal, iv. 73, 75, 338; Monologue on Garrick, iv. 75; contrasted with Brougham, iv. 195; his pasquinade on Wilkes, iv. 511
Sheridan, Thomas, iv. 74; Bonduca, i. 343
Sherwood, Southey v., v. 204
Sherwood Forest, vi. 495
Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, i. 478; iii. 256; iv. 482
"Ship of the desert," camel or dromedary, v. 606
Shipwreck, description of a, vi. 88-101
Shiraz, iii. 182
Shirley, Sir Anthony, iii. 105
Shooter's Hill, vi. 424, 429
Shtcherbatof, Princess, vi. 389
Shyness, Byron's, i. 207
Siddons, Mrs. (Sarah Kemble), i. 46, 344, 345; iii. 51, 52; iv. 338
Sidney, wreck of the, vi. 95
Sidney, A., Discourses concerning Government, ii. 504
Siege of Corinth, ii. 113, 288; iii. 449-496, 508; iv. 227, 230, 423; v. 163, 326, 503, 626; vi. 111, 332, 382
Siegendorf, Count (F. Kruitzner), v. 327
Siena, Bindo Borrichi da, iv. 248
Sierke, Dr. Eugen, Schwrmer und Schwindler, vi. 605
Sierra Morena, ii. 54, 55, 91
Sigeum, ii. 99; Cape, vi. 204
Sigismund, king of Burgundy, iv. 120
Signori di notte, Venetian police, iv. 383, 427, 467
Silius Italicus, Pun., ii. 379
Silver and Co., De, printers, i. 452, 453
Simar, or cymar, a shroud, iii. 143
Sime, J., Sir Francis Renalds, F.R.S., and his Works in connection with Electric Telegraphy, iv. 505
Simeon, Rev. Charles, i. 417, 431
Simon Magus, ii. 513
Simoon, the, iii. 99; vi. 198
Simpliciad, The, i. 294, 316
Simplon, the, vi. 394
Sinsariskim (Assyria), v. 4
Siria, the bitch-star, vi. 505
Sirocco, the, ii. 48; iii. 9
Sisi, Porta, vi. 212
Sismondi, J.C.L, Simonde de, Histoire des Rpubliques Italiennes du Moyen Age, iii. 235; iv. 332; v. 115, 138, 196; vi. 199, 461
Sisyphus, i. 329; vi. 538
Sitwell, Lady, iii. 381
Sixtus V., Pope, ii. 384, 411; iv. 271
Skeat, Rev. W., Complete Works of Chaucer, iv. 239
Skeffington, Sir Lumley St. George, The Maid of Honour; The Mysterious Bride; The Sleeping Beauty, i. 306, 345, 346
Sketch, A, iii. xix, 499, 540; iv. 64; vi. 22
Slave-market, Constantinople, vi. 216
Slavery, abolition of, vi. 549
Sleep, iv. 33; vi. 123
Sligo, Lord, iii. 75, 441
Slowacki, J., iv. 203
Smalkeld articles, v. 520
Small-pox and vaccination, vi. 50
Srmaragdus, the Exarch, ii. 410
Smedley, Sketches from Venetian History, ii. 329; iii. 455; iv. 363; v. 115
Smiles, Dr. Samuel, Memoir of John Murray, i. 310; ii. 327, 359; iii. 98, 217, 313, 320, 443, 488, 499, 519; iv. 3, 139; v. 203; vii. 47, 57
Smith, Alexander, able seaman on the Bounty (John Adams of Pitcairn Island), v. 583, 588, 605, 623
Smith, Miss Araminta, vi. 443
Smith, Horace and James, Horace in London, i. 462, 465; Rejected Addresses, i. 481; iii. 55
Smith, John Spencer, Minister to Turkey, iii. 4
Smith, Mrs. Spencer ("Florence"), ii. xvii, 75, 110, 118; iii. 4
Smith, Rev. Sydney, i. 302, 306, 336; "twelve-parson power," vi. 410; Peter Plymley's Letters, vi. 596
Smith, William, M.P. for Norwich, iii. 488; iv. 482, 516, 578; vi. 175
Smith, Sir William, Classical Dictionary, ii. 156; Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, ii. 424; Dictionary of the Bible, iv. 499
Smith, Admiral Sir Sidney, iii. 4
Smollett, History and Adventures of an Atom, ii. 40; Humphry Clinker, ii. 203; Roderick Random, vi. 210
Smyth, Sir Harry, vi. 153
Smyth, Professor William, English Lyrics, i. 372
Smythe, i. 306
So we'll go no more a-roving, iv. 411, 538
Soane, Sir John, Museum in Lincoln's Inn Fields, iv. 141
Sobieski, John, king of Poland, iii. 458
Social War, B.C. 88, iv. 251
Socit d'Histoire, etc., de Genve, iv. 5
Socit Imperiale d'Histoire de Russie, vi. 317, 340
Society Islands, the, v. 583
Socrates, i. 458; ii. 101, 103; iii. 271; iv. 253; v. 485; vi. 267, 303, 483, 548, 567, 568, 610
Sodom, apple of, ii. 294
Soignies, wood of, ii. 293
Soissons, Bishop of, ii. 337
Solano, Marquis of. Commander-in-Chief at Cadiz, ii. 77, 93
Solerti, Angelo, Vita di Torquato Tasso, ii. 355-357; iv. 144-146
Soliloquy of a Bard in the Country, i. 217
Solitude, ii. 116, 272, 457; vi. 234
Sollikoff, vi. 370
Solomon, vi. 303
Solon, iv. 438
Solyman, ii. 201; vi. 259
Somerset, Duchess of, i. 343; vi. 417
Sonetto di Vittorelli, iii. xix; iv. 535
Song, i. 262
Song for the Luddites, vii. 42
Song of Saul before his Last Battle, iii. 393
Song of Solomon, v. 491
Song to the Suliotes, vii. 83
Sonnet on Chillon, ii. 214; iv. 7
Sonnet on the Nuptials of the Marquis Antonio Cavalli with the Countess Clelia Rasponi of Ravenna, iv. 547
Sonnet—To Genevra, ii. 67, 70, 71, 390
Sonnet to Lake Leman, iv. 53
Sonnet to the Prince Regent (on the repeal of Lord Edward Fitzgerald's forfeiture), iv. 548
Sophia, Princess, vi. 18
Sophia, Tzarina, iv. 202
Sophie of Russia, Princess, vi. 425
Sophocles, iv. 264; Ajax, vi. 172
Sophron, Mimes, i. 414
Soracte, ii. 386, 388
Soranzo, Marco, iv. 384
Sotheby, William ("Botherby"), iv. 182, 569, 570; vi. 75; Saul, i. 362; vii. 59; Oberon, i. 362; iii. 263; v. 496; Ivan, iii. 280; iv. 338; vii. 48; Five Unpublished Tragedies, iii. 280; iv. 578, 584; vii. 48, 70; Constance de Castile, iii. 348; "a bore," iv. 580; The Blues, vii. 17; Orestes; The Death of Darnley, vii. 48; Farewell to Italy; Occasional Poems, vii. 52; "sate sweating behind her," vii. 61
Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodges, iii. 537
Soudan, vi. 474
Soult, ii. 51, 77
South, Dr., vi. 128
Southcott, Joanna, Book of Wonders, iv. 497; vi. 176, 452
Southey, Robert, i. 331, 443; ii. 56; iii. 402; v. 613, 614; vi. 166; The Devil's Walk, i. 31; vii. 21; Letters from Spain, i. 44; ii. 43; Letters, Life, and Correspondence, i. 303, 344, 359, 396; ii. 34, 87; iv. 225, 476, 482; vi. 3, 4, 175, 350; "notable remarks on," i. 305; "Southey's epics cram the creaking shelves," i. 307; "soaring," i. 308; Epics of the Ton on, i. 311; "the Ballad-monger," i. 313; Thalaba, i. 313, 434; iii. 121, 472; iv. 24; Joan of Arc, i. 313, 437; Madoc, i. 313, 314, 437; vi. 215; The Old Woman of Berkeley, i. 315, 317; on Hayley, i. 321; iv. 244; on Pizarro, i. 344; Life of Henry Kirke White, i. 363; iv. 521, 522; his followers, Lamb and Lloyd, i. 368; "his teeming muse," i. 369; his epic bathos, i. 403; "sink to Southey's level in a trice," i. 404; Curse of Kehama, i. 435, 436; v. 271, 281, 469; History of the Peninsular War, ii. 43, 91, 92, 94; Roderick, ii. 46; iii. 477, 496; v. 565; Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo, ii. 227, 234, 235; iv. 521; Funeral Song for the Princess Charlotte of Wales, ii. 450; on vampires, iii. 123; Carmen Triumphale, iii. 217; vii. 39; The Doctor, iii. 488; Wat Tyler, iii. 488; iv. 477, 481, 482, 521; English Eclogues, iv. 47; The Inchcape Rock, iv. 428; Byron's quarrel with, iv. 474-485; Vision of Judgment, iv. 475, 476, 478, 489, 491, 495, 497, 508, 512, 522, 524; v. 196; Elegy on H. Martin, iv. 477, 482; Essays Moral and Political, iv. 479, 482; vi. 175; his "quartos," iv. 516; Byron on his appearance, iv. 520; The Pious Painter, iv. 520; Battle of Blenheim, iv. 521; Life of Wesley, and Rise and Progress of Methodism, iv. 522; Common-Place Book, iv. 529; Chronicle of the Cid, ibid.; "renegade," iv. 578; his indictment of the Satanic School, v. 196; on the "Byron Head," Castle Street, v. 203; Don Juan dedicated to, vi. 3; "so quaint and mouthy," vi. 74; Epilogue to the Lay of the Laureate, vi. 80; Coleridge's eulogy of, vi. 168; his marriage, vi. 175; March to Moscow, vi. 307; Byron's abuse of, vi. 403; "turncoat," vi. 444; "rogue Southey's gander," vi. 445; Omniana, vi. 576; "Who shot the arrow?" vii. 76
Southey, Herbert, iv. 485
Southey, Mrs. Robert, iv. 521
Southey v. Sherwood, v. 204
Southwell, vii. 1, 8
Southwell Minster, i. 119
Spagnoletto, vi. 502
Spain, i. 469; revolution in, v. 537, 538; vi. 456; royalist reign of terror in, v. 558; the Inquisition in, ibid.
Spalding, Lieut.-Colonel, Suvroff, vi. 320, 321, 370
Spanish women, their style of beauty, ii. 59
Sparamizus, the eunuch, v. 11
Sparks, Jared, Works of Benjamin Franklin, v. 554
Sparta, iii. 21
Spartans, ii. 195
Spectator, ii. 133; iii. 98; vii. 57
Spelman, iv. 445
Spence, Rev. Joseph, Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters of Books and Men, vi. 303; vii. 52
Spence, Thomas, vi. 265
Spencer, General, ii. 93
Spencer, William, iv. 581
Spenser (Farie Queene), i. 395; ii. x, 4, 5, 17, 71, 72, 101, 139, 146; iii. 224, 474; vi. 592
Spercheus, a river-god, v. 488
Sperone Speroni, ii. 498
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, iv. 262
Spinther, Lentulus, ii. 405
Spurious verses, attributed to Byron, iii. xx, xxi
Spottiswoode, William, the mathematician, vii. 56
Stal, Madame de, i. 494; vi. 70; Corinne, ou L'Italie, ii. 424, 490, 503; iv. 413; vi. 71, 541; vii. 32; De L'Allemagne, iii. 164; vi. 168; vii. 32; on Fare Thee Well, iii. 534; on Byron's Sonnet to Lake Leman, iv. 53; attempts to reconcile the Byrons, iv. 63; quizzed by Sheridan, iv. 75; on Goethe's Werther, iv. 341; "the Begum of Literature," iv. 570; Considrations sur la Rvolution Franaise, vii. 49
Staines, Sir Thomas, v. 582
Stamboul, i. 378; ii. 152, 194
Stamp Acts, v. 560
Stanhope, Colonel, iii. 272; vii. 86
Stanhope, Lord, i. 452, 457, 471; ii. 299; Life of Pitt, iv. 503
Stanislaus of Poland, iv. 202
Stanley, Dean, Life of Arnold, v. 224
Stanzas, iv. 549; vii. 70
Stanzas composed during a Thunderstorm, iii. 4, 7
Stanzas for Music, iii. 413, 423, 426, 435, 438; iv. 91, 147
Stanzas to a Hindoo Air, iv. 563
Stanzas to a Lady, on leaving England, i. 285; ii. 18, 29
Stanzas to a Lady, with the Poems of Camons, i. 78
Stanzas to Augusta, ii. 247, 248, 271; iii. 544; iv. 54
Stanzas to Jessy, i. 234
Stanzas to the Po, iv. 545
Stanzas written in passing the Ambracian Gulf, ii. 128; iii. 4, 11
Stanzas written on the road between Florence and Pisa, iv. 562
Star, The, iii. 534
Stasicrates the architect, vi. 479
Statesman, The, i. 319
Statius, Thebaidos, ii. 189
Staubbach, ii. 383; iv. 81, 82, 119, 124
Steno, Michele, iv. 333, 345, 349, 463
Stefanovc, Vuk (Wuk Stephanowitsch), Narodne Srpske Pjesme; Chants Populaires des Servics, iii. 188
Steinmetz, Adam, v. 175
Stephani, ii. 446; Thesaurus, iv. 113
Stephen, Leslie, iv. 513
Sterne, Tristram Shandy, ii. 176; vi. 487; Sentimental Journey, vi. 214
Sternhold and Hopkins, v. 279
Sternhold, Tom, vii. 39
Stevens, John, continuation of Dugdale's Monasticon, v. 200, 207
Stevenson, Sir John, iii. 423
Stewart, Dugald, Philosophical Essays; Outlines of Moral Philosophy, vi. 63
Stewart, George, midshipman on the Bounty ("Torquil" of The Island), v. 583, 584; short account of, v. 605
Stewart, Peggy, v. 605
Stickles, John, i. 417
Stilicho, ii. 390
Stillingfleet, Benjamin, iv. 573
Stirling, Edward ("Vetus"), vii. 28
Stoics, "men without a heart," vi. 225
Stole, a long loosely-flowing robe, ii. 101
Stonehenge, vi. 434
Stott, Robert ("Hafiz"), i. 306, 308, 352, 357, 358, 370; ii. 139
Stout, Captain Benjamin, of the American ship Hercules, vi. 89
Strabo, ii. 173, 178, 196, 204, 512; v. 497; vi. 116, 122; Rerum Geog., v. 21, 24, 542
Strahan, William, publisher of Johnson's Dictionary, Gibbon's Decline and Fall, Cook's Voyages, etc., vii. 56
Stralenheim, Baron, v. 327
Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, 6th Viscount, Poems from the Portuguese by Luis de Camons, i. 78, 305, 320, 370
Stroganoff Collection, St. Petersburg, ii. 446
Strutt, Joseph, Sports and Pastimes, vi. 471
Stuart, editor of Morning Post, i. 31
Stuart, Daniel, editor of Courier, i. 422
Stuart, Personal Reminiscences of the late Miss, i. 423
Stuart, Princess Annabella (Countess of Huntly), i. 173
Stumpf, De, Chroniques des Ligues, iv. 4
Styx, river, vi. 184
Substitute for an Epitaph, vii. 11
Suetonius, ii. 298, 409, 488; iv. 270; Vit C. Julius Csar, ii. 397, 434, 509; v. 484; vi. 181, 276, 575; Vit. August., ii. 488, 509, 518; Vit. Tiberii, ii. 488; De XII. Csaribus, iv. 124, 445; vi. 174; Opera Omnia, v. 501; in Tiberium, vii. 36
Suicide, vi. 265, 517
Suleyman Aga, ii. 205; v. 558
Suli, district of, ii. 126, 141; vi. 171
Suliotes, the, ii. 129, 146, 180; vii. 83
Sulla, iv. 251; vi. 348
Sulpicius Servius, ii. 362
Sulpitius Severus, ii. 133
Sun of the Sleepless! iii. 399
Sunday News, ii. 535
Sunium, vi. 172
Supernaculum, v. 354
Superstition, ii. 128
Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, iv. 239
Surrey Institution, iv. 575; vi. 12
Surrey Theatre, vii. 59
Surtees Society, v. 207
Sussex, Duke of, vi. 590
Suwarrow (Suvroff, Suwarof, Souvarof, Souwarrow), Field-Marshal Aleksandr Vasilievitch, vi. 14, 222, 304, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 322-326, 370, 393
Swedes, v. Russians, iv. 207, 233; Bohemia evacuated by the, v. 371
Swift, Dean, i. 397, 414, 418, 419; ii. 78; iv. 342; vi. 142, 303; Tale of a Tub, iv. 484; The South Sea Project, v. 159; The Journal of Stella, vi. 187; Corinna, vi. 454; Letters, vi. 528
Swimming, Byron's feats of, ii. 461
Swinburne, A.C., Marino Faliero, a Tragedy, iv. 329, 367; Selections from the Works of Lord Byron, vi. xvi, xx
Swine Green, Nottingham, vii. 1
Swinton, Hon. Mrs. J.R., A Sketch of the Life of Georgiana, Lady de Ros, ii. 229
Swiss Tour, Journal of Byron's, iv. 95, 107
Sylla, ii. 166, 392; iii. 308; iv. 179
Sylvester, John, vi. 7
Symonds, J.A., Renaissance in Italy, ii. 355, 356; iv. 280, 281, 289; Memoirs of Count Carlo Gozzi, ii. 339; translation of Life of Benvenuto Cellini, v. 516, 518, 521; "Evening, all things thou bringest," vi. 180
Symonds, bookseller, iv. 482
Sympathetic Address to a Young Lady (Lines to a Lady Weeping), iii. 45
Symplegades, the Cyanean, ii. 456, 525; v. 573; vi. 129; vii. 10
Syncellus, Georgius, Chronographia, v. 281, 302
Syracuse, battle of, ii. 341
Syri Sententi, ii. 420
Syrius, Publius, i. 414
Taborite, or Hussite, Crusade, v. 549
Tacitus, Annales, ii. 242, 293, 375, 409; Histor., ii. 294, 299; Agricola, iii. 198
Tact, vi. 63
Tnaron, Cape, ii. 193
Tagus, river, ii. 31
Tahiri, Dervish, ii. 175, 176; iii. 134, 450
Tahiti, v. 582-584, 588
Tahiti, Queen of, ii. 7
Talavera, battle of, ii. xi, 39, 49, 50, 89
Tales, vi. xv
Tales of a Grandfather, ii. 337; vi. 12
Tales of my Landlord, iv. 284
Talfourd, v. 114
Talleyrand, v. 573; vi. 507
Talleyrand, Dorothe, Duchesse de, vi. 417
Talleyrand, Edmond de Talleyrand Prigord, Duc de, vi. 417
Talus, the slope or inclination of a wall, vi. 343
Talvi, Languages and Literature ofthe Slavic Nations, iii. 188
Tambour, Turkish drum, iii. 160
Tambourgi, drummer, ii. 146
Tamerlane, iii. 312; v. 489
Taming of the Shrew, vi. 297
Tappa-cloth, or guatoo (Tonga), v. 600
Tarentum, Duke of, vii. 24
Tarik, ii. 89
Tarku (Tirhakah), king of Ethiopia, v. 4
Tarleton, General, i. 479
Tarpeian Rock, ii. 413
Tarquins, the, iv. 334
Tarragona, British Consul, iii. 13
Tarsus, v. 23
Tasso, Cornelia, iv. 146
Tasso, Torquato, i. 313; iv. 265; vii. 52; Gerusalemme Liberata, i. 312; ii. 133, 143, 246, 329, 467, 485; iii. 215, 362; vi. 34; Rinaldo, i. 398; "In Venice Tasso's echoes are no more," ii. 329; "Thy choral memory of the Bard divine," etc., ii. 342; "their glory and their shame," ii. 355; "Peace to Torquato's injured shade," ii. 358; Boileau v., ii. 484; and the Cruscans, ii. 485; Sonnet, iii. 417; The Lament of, iv. 139-152, 237
Tattersall, Rev. John Cecil ("Davus"), i. 97, 98
Tauchnitz, ii. 335
Taurida Palace, St. Petersburg, vi. 386
Tavell, Rev. G.F., i. 406
Taylor, Thomas, translation of the Periegesis Grci, iv. 109, 566
Tcharacovista valley, ii. 132, 182
Tchocadar, Turkish attendant, iii. 176
Telemachus, ii. 118
Telemachus, an Eastern monk, ii. 520
Tellez, Gabriel (Tirso de Molina), El Burlador de Sevilla y Convidado de Piedra, vi. xvi
Temenos, ii. 132
Tempe, ii. 129, 384
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), ii. 213; v. 478; vi. 428
Tempest, The (spurious), iii. xx
Temple, Lord, iv. 510
Teniers, vi. 502
Tennyson, Lord, Palace of Art, ii. 123; Break, break, break, ii. 126; In Memoriam, ii. 461; vi. 516; Locksley Hall, iv. 43, 319; "Of old sat Freedom on the Heights," iv. 196; Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington, iv. 501; Locksley Hall, Sixty Years After, vi. 180
Tenorio, Don Juan, vi. xvi
Teos, birthplace of Anacreon, vi. 171
Tepeleni, ii. 134, 174, 202
Terence, i. 480; Andrea, vi. 484; Eun., vi. 598
Terentia, wife of Tully, iv. 253
Terentius Varro, M., ii. 92; iv. 253; Rerum Rusticarum, vi. 348
Tereus, iv. 287
Terni, the Cascata del Marmore of, ii. 383
Terpsichore, i. 483
Terrick, Richard, Bishop of London, ii. 108
Terry, Ellen, as "Josephine" in Werner, v. 324
Tertullian, De Carne Christi, vi. 573
Terza rima, iv. 239, 243, 244, 313 |