I. The Giaour, A Fragment of a London. M. 1813. Turkish Tale. II. The Giaour, etc. A new Ed. London. M. 1813. III. The Giaour, etc. Third Ed. London. M. 1813. IV. The Giaour, etc. Boston. 1813 V. The Giaour, etc. Fifth Ed. London. M. 1813. VI. The Giaour, etc. Sixth Ed. L^n. M. 1813. VII. The Giaour, etc. Seventh Ed. London. M. 1813. VIII. The Giaour, etc. Ninth Ed. London. M. 1814. IX. The Giaour, etc. Tenth Ed. London. M. 1814. X. The Giaour, etc. Eleventh Ed. London. M. 1814. XI. The Giaour, etc. Twelfth Ed. London. M. 1814. XII. The Giaour, etc. Fourteenth Ed. London. M. 1815. XIII. The Giaour, etc. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1825. XIV. The Giaour, etc. London. M. (Tilt and Bogue, Edinb.) 1842. XV. The Giaour, etc. London. 1844.
Le Giaour. P. J.M.H. Bigeon. 1828.
I. Der Gauer. Berlin. 1819. II. Der Gjaur. Leipzig. 1820. III. Der Gjaur. Leipzig. 1871-1876.
I. Il Giaurro. Genova e Parigi. 1817. II. Il Giaurro. Milano. 1884.
I. Giaur. Pulawy. 1830. II. Giaur. ParyŻ. 1834.
I. [Greek: Paimata Burnos ho Gkiaour. A)thnsi]. 1873.
II. [Greek: Sakellariou Bibliothk t. Laou ... ho Gkiaour. E)n A)thnais]. 1898.
I. [Cyrillic: Dzhayur"]. 1821.
II. [Cyrillic: Dzhayur". Moskva]. 1822.
III. [Cyrillic: Gayur". S-Peterburg"]. 1862.
IV. [Cyrillic: Gayur". S-Peterburg"]. 1873.
V. [Cyrillic: Gayur" Bairona. S-Peterburg"]. 1874.
[Cyrillic: Djaur lorda Bairona. u Novom-Sadu]. 1860.
El Giaur el infiel. Madrid. 1828.
Giaurn. Stockholm. 1855.
I. Heaven and Earth, A Mystery. L^n. Benbow. 1824. II. Heaven and Earth, etc. P. Galignani. 1823. III. Heaven and Earth, etc. ? W. Dugdale. 1825.
Essai sur Le Gnie, etc. P. Ladvocat. 1824.
Cielo e terra. Milano. 1853.
[Cyrillic: Nebo n Zemlya. t. 1.]
I. A Selection of Hebrew Melodies. L^n. I. Nathan. 1815. II. Hebrew Melodies. London. M. 1815. III. Hebrew Melodies. Boston. 1815. 24. IV. Hebrew Melodies. Philadelphia. 1815. 16. V. Hebrew Melodies. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1823. VI. Hebrew Melodies. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1825.
Hebrejsk melodie. V Praze. 1890.
Lord Byron: Jdiske Sange. Christiania. 1889.
I. Hebrische Gesnge. Berlin. 1820. II. Hebr. Gesn. Laibach. 1833. III. Germanische Melodien. Bonn. 1862. IV. Lord Byron's Heb. Gesn. Karlsruhe. 1863. V. Heb. Gesn. Memmingen. 1866.
Hebrew Melodies of Lord Byron. Leipzig. 1890.
I. Melodie Ebraiche. Napoli. 1837. II. Le Mel. ebree. Ivrea. 1855.
[Cyrillic: Evreĭskiya Melodin. S.-Peterburg"]. 1860.
Hebreiska Melodier. Helsingfors. 1862.
I. Fugitive Pieces. A Facsimile Reprint 1886. of the Supp. Ed. of 1806. II. Poems on Various Occasions. Newark. 1807. III. Hours of Idleness. Newark. 1807. IV. Poems Original and Translated. Newark. 1808. V. Imitations and Translations. L^n. Longman, etc. 1809. VI. Hours, etc. P. Galignani. 1819. VII. Hours, etc. L^n. Sherwin and Co. 1820. VIII. Hours, etc. Third Ed. P. Galignani. 1820. IX. Hours, etc. L^n. Benbow. 1822. X. Hours, etc. P.A. and W. Galignani. 1822. XI. Hours, etc. Glasgow. 1825. XII. Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of L^n. Whittaker, Treacher, Lord Byron. and Co, 1829.
Poems. Second Ed. London. M. 1816.
I. Poems on His Domestic Circumstances. London. W. Hone. 1816. II. Poems, etc. Second Ed. L^n. W. Hone. 1816. III. Poems, etc. Sixth Ed. L^n. W. Hone. 1816. IV. Poems, etc. Eighth Ed. L^n. W. Hone. 1816. V. Poems, etc. Fifteenth Ed. L^n. W. Hone. 1816. VI. L.B.'s Poems on His Own, etc. Dublin. 1816. VII. Poems on His Domestic, etc. Second Ed. Bristol. 1816. VIII. Poems on His Domestic, etc. Boston. 1816. IX. Poems, etc. Twenty-third Ed. L^n. W. Hone. 1817. X. Poems, etc. L^n. J. Limbird. 1823. XI. Miscell. Poems, including those on His L^n. John Bumpus. 1824. Domestic, etc. XII. Miscell. Poems on His Domestic, etc. L^n. William Cole. 1825.
I. The Island, or Christian and His L^n. John Hunt. 1823. Comrades. II. The Island, etc. P.A. and W. Galignani. 1823. III. The Island, etc. New York. 1823.
Die Insel, etc. Leipzig. 1827.
L' Isola. Napoli. 1840.
Wyspa czyli Chrystyan i jego towarzysze. Krakw. 1859.
n Eller Christian, etc. Stockholm. 1856.
I. The Lament of Tasso. London. M. 1817. II. The Lament, etc. Second Ed. London. M. 1817. III. The Lament, etc. Third Ed. London. M. 1817. IV. The Lament, etc. Fourth Ed. London. M. 1817. V. The Lament, etc. Sixth Ed. London. M. 1818.
I. Lamento del Tasso. Pisa. 1818. II. La Magion del Terrore. Londra. J. Wilson. 1843. III. Gugl. Godio. Il Lamento, etc. Torino. 1873.
I. Lara, A Tale. Jacqueline, A Tale. London. M. 1814. II. Lara, etc. Fourth Ed. London. M. 1814. III. Lara. Boston. 1814. IV. Lara. New York. 1814. V. Lara, etc. Fifth Ed. London. M. 1817. VI. Lara, etc. Art Union of London. 1879.
Lara. V Praze. 1885.
Lara. Leipzig. 1886.
I. Il Lara di L.B. Parigi. 1828. II. Lara. Milano. 1882.
Lara. Wilno. 1833.
[Cyrillic: Lara lorda Bairona. y Novom-Sady]. 1860.
Lara. Paris. 1828.
Lara. Stockholm. 1869.
I. Manfred. London. M. 1817. II. Manfred. Second Ed. London. M. 1817. III. Manfred. Philadelphia. J. Maxwell. 1817. IV. Manfred. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1824. V. Manfred. Brussels. Printed at the British Press, n.d. VI. Manfred. A Choral Tragedy. L^n. T.H. Lacy. 1863. VII. Manfred. L^n. J. Dicks. 1883, etc.
Manfred. Praze. 1882.
I. Manfred. Kjbenhavn. 1820. II. Manfred. Kjbenhavn. 1843.
I. Manfred. Amsterdam. 1857. II. Byron's Manfred. Heusden. 1882.
I. Manfred. Bruxelles. 1852. II. Manfred. P. Paul Ollendorff. 1887. III. Lord Byron. Manfred. Toulouse. 1888.
I. Manfred. A Tragedy. Leipzig. 1819. Manfred. Trauerspiel. Teutsch v. A. Wagner. Leipzig. 1819.
II. Manfred. Gttingen. 1836.
III. Byron's Manfred. Breslau. 1839.
IV. Manfred. Berlin. 1843.
V. Lord Byron's Manfred. Leipzig. 1858.
VI. Byron's Manfred. Berlin. 1872.
VII. Manfred. Leipzig. 1871-1876.
VIII. Manfred. Leipzig. 1879-1890.
IX. Manfred. Frankfurt. 1883.
I. Byron Lord'lete's Munki. Pesten. 1842. II. Manfred. Szolnok. 1884. III. Manfred. Budapest. 1891.
I. Manfredo. Milano. 1832. II. Tragedie di Silvio Pellico. Manfredo. Firenze. 1859. III. Manfredo. Firenze. 1870.
I. Manfred. Wroclaw. 1835. II. Manfred. Paryż. 1859.
[Greek: O Mamphred. En Patrais]. 1864
Stoenescu (Th. M.) Teatru ... Manfred. Bucuresc. 1896.
I. [Cyrillic: Manfred".] II. [Cyrillic: Manfred".] III. [Cyrillic: Manfred". S-Peterburg"]. 1858. IV. [Cyrillic: Manfred".]
I. Manfredo. P. De Decourchant. 1829. II. Manfredo. Madrid. 1861. III. Lord Byron. Manfredo. Madrid. 1876.
I. Marino Faliero. L^n. M. 1821. II. Marino Faliero. Second Ed. L^n. M. 1821. III. Marino Faliero. Philadelphia. 1821. IV. Marino Faliero. P. Galignani. 1821. V. Marino Faliero. L^n. M. [Tilt and Bogue, Edinb.] 1842. VI. Marino Faliero. L^n. J. Dicks. 1883, etc.
I. Marino Faliero. Frankfurt am Main. 1883. II. Lord Byron's Marino Faliero. Oldenburg, n.d.
I. Mazeppa, A Poem. London. M. 1819. II. Mazeppa, etc. Second Ed. P. Galignani. 1819. III. Mazeppa. Boston. 1819. IV. Mazeppa. P. Galignani. 1822. V. Mazeppa. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1824. VI. Mazeppa. Braunschweig. 1834. VII. Mazeppa. L^n. T. Goode. 1854.
Mazeppa. Stockholm. 1853.
I. Mazeppa. Leipzig. 1820. II. Mazeppa. Gttingen. 1836. III. Mazeppa. Stuttgart. 1883.
Byron Lord' lete 's munki. Pesten. 1842.
I. Il Mazeppa. Palermo. 1847. II. Mazeppa. Palermo. 1876. III. Mazeppa. Milano. 1886.
I. Mazepa. W. Hali. 1860. II. Mazepa. Paryż. 1860.
I. [Cyrillic: Vybor" iz" sochneniĭ lorda Baĭrona]. 1821. II. [Cyrillic: Mazepa.] III. [Cyrillic: Mazepa.] IV. [Cyrillic: Mazepa. S.-Peterburg"]. 1860.
Mazeppa, novela. Paris. 1830.
I. Monody, etc. L^n. M. 1816. II. Monody, etc. New Ed. L^n. M. 1817. III. Monody, etc. New Ed. L^n. M. 1818.
A Political Ode. L^n. J. Pearson. 1880.
Traduction de l'Ode. Londres. 1826.
I. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. London. M. 1814. II. An Ode to N.B. Philadelphia. E. Earle. 1814. III. Ode to N.B. Sixth Ed. London. M. 1814. IV. Ode to N.B. Ninth Ed. London. M. 1814. V. Ode to N.B. Twelfth Ed. London. M. 1816. VI. Ode to N.B. Thirteenth Ed. London. M. 1818.
Odas a Napoleon. P. De Decourchant. 1829.
Parisina. Stockholm. 1854.
Parisina. Adolphe Krafft. P. Ernest Leroux. 1900.
Parisina. Gedichte von J.V. Cirkel. Mnster. 1825.
I. Parisina. Milano. 1821. II. Parisina. Milano. 1853. III. Parisina. Mantova. 1854. IV. Parisina. Palermo. 1855. V. Parisina. Genova. 1864.
[Cyrillic: Parizina. S.-Peterburg"]. 1827.
Parisina. P. Imp. de Decoutchant. 1830.
I. The Prisoner of Chillon. London. M. 1816. II. The P. of Chillon. Lausanne. 1818. III. The P. of Chillon. L^n. W. Chubb. 1824. IV. The P. of Chillon. L^n. ? 1825. V. The P. of Chillon. Geneva. 1830. VI. The P. of Chillon. Lausanne. 1857. VII. The P. of Chillon. Illuminated. L^n. W. & G. Audsley. 1865. VIII. Byron's P. of Chillon. L^n. T.J. Allman. 1874. IX. Byron's P. of Chillon. L^n. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 1877. X. The P. of Chillon. L^n. Blackie and Son. 1879. XI. Byron's P. of Chillon. L^n. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 1879. XII. The P. of Chillon. Vevey. 1880. XIII. The P. of Chillon. Berlin. 1884. XIV. The P. of Chillon. Firenze. 1885. XV. Byron's P. of Chillon. L^n. and Edinb. 1894. XVI. The P. of Chillon. L^n. Stewart and Co. n.d. XVII. The P. of Chillon. L^n. and Glasg. Blackie and Son. 1896. XVIII. Byron. The Prisoner of Chillon. Dublin. 1896. XIX. The P. of Chillon. Weimar. 1896.
De Gevangene van Chillon. Gent. 1856.
I. Le Prisonnier de Chillon. Vevey. n.d. II. Bonnivard A Chillon. Le P. de Ch. Genve. 1892.
I. Lord Byron's Gefangener von Chillon. Lausanne. 1861. II. Der Gefangene von Chillon. Vevey and Lausanne. 1865. III. Der Gefangene von Chillon. Berlin. 1886. IV. Der Gefangene von Chillon. St. Gallen and Leipzig. 1892.
I. Il prigionero di Chillon. Milano. 1830. II. Il prigionero di Chillon. Milano. 1853.
[Cyrillic: Shil'onskiĭ Uznik". S.-Peterburg"]. 1822.
El preso de Chillon. Paris. 1829.
Fngen P Chillon. Stockholm. 1853.
I. The Prophecy of Dante. Philadelphia. 1821. II. The Pr. of Dante. P. Galignani. 1821. III. The Pr. of Dante. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1825. IV. The Pr. of Dante. L^n. Blackie and Son. 1879.
OEuvres de Dante Alighieri. La Pr. du Dante. P. Charpentier. 1842.
I. Profezia di Dante. P. Barrois. 1821. II. La Profezia di Dante. Nuova-Jorca. 1821. III. La Pr. di Dante. Milano. 1856. IV. La Pr. di Dante. Milano. 1858.
La Profecia del Dante. Mexico. 1850.
I. Sardanapalus, ... The Two Foscari, London. M. 1821. ... Cain. II. Sardanapalus, The Two Foscari, Cain. Boston. 1822. III. Sardanapalus. London. M. 1829. IV. Sardanapalus. Arnsberg. 1849. V. Sardanapalus. L^n. T.H. Lacy. 1853. VI. L.B.'s Hist. Tragedy of Sardanapalus. Manchester. 1877. VII. Sardanapalus. L^n. J. Dicks. 1883, etc.
Sardanapal. V Praze. 1891.
Sardanapale. Bruxelles. 1834.
I. Sardanapal. Posen. 1854. II. Sardanapal. Jena. 1888. III. Lord Byron's Sardanapal. Berlin. 1897.
Sardanapalo. Milano. 1884.
Sardanapal. Warszawa. 1872.
[Greek: Sardanapalos. En Athnais]. 1865.
I. [Cyrillic: Sardanapal". S.-Peterburg"]. 1860. II. [Cyrillic: Sardanapal"].
Sardanapalus, Stockholm. 1864.
I. The Siege of Corinth. London. M. 1816. II. The Siege, etc. New York. 1816. III. The Siege, etc. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1824. IV. The Siege, etc. Lneburg. 1854. V. The Siege, etc. L^n. Nat. Soc. Depository. 1879. VI. Byron's Siege of Corinth. Berlin. 1893. VII. The Siege, etc. Bielefeld. 1885-1890.
Het Beleg van Corinthe. Amsterdam. 1831.
Le Sige de Corinthe. P. Pillet an. 1820.
I. Die Belagerung von Korinth. Hamburg. 1817. II. Die Belagerung v. K. Leipzig. 1820. III. Die Belagerung v. K. Hamburg. 1827.
L'Assedio di Corinto. Venezia. 1838.
El Sitio de Corinto. P. Lib. Americana. 1828.
Belgringen Af Korinth. Stockholm. 1854.
I. The Two Foscari. New York. 1822. II. The Two Foscari. P. Galignani. 1822. III. The Two Foscari. L^n. J. Dicks, etc. 1883.
[Cyrillic: Dvoe Foskari].
Los dos Fscaris. Biblioteca Dramatica. Madrid. 1846.
I. Vision of Judgment. P. Galignani. 1822. II. The Two Visions. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1822.
I. Waltz: An Apostrophic Hymn. L^n. Printed by S. Gosnell. 1813. II. Waltz, etc. L^n. Benbow. 1821.
I. Werner, A Tragedy. London. M. 1823. II. Werner. P. Galignani. 1823. III. Werner. New York. 1848. IV. The British Drama (Werner, Vol. iii. L^n. John Dicks. 1865. pp. 767-789). V. Werner. L^n. J. Dicks. 1883, etc. VI. Werner. L^n. George Routledge. 1887.
I. [Cyrillic: Verner". S.-Peterburg"]. 1829. II. [Cyrillic: Don"-Zhuan". Moskva]. 1881.
The Liberal [Vols. I., II.]. L^n. John Hunt. 1822, 1823.
Dedication of Don Juan. L^n. Effingham Wilson. 1833.
The figures in italics refer to the notes only.
Abbot, The, vi. 440
Abdalmalek, iii. 120
Abdera, vi. 171
Abderrahman, Hadgi, vi. 160
Abelard, v. 634
Abencerrages, the, a Moorish tribe, v. 558
Abenhamim, iv. 530
Aberdeen, "auld toun" of, v. 609; vi. 405
Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of, i. 305, 378, 454; ii. 170, 204; An Inquiry into the Principles of Beauty in Grecian Architecture, i. 336
Abernethy, John, vi. 412
Aboukir, battle of, ii. 459; vi. 14
Abruzzi, the, iv. 288
Abydos to Sestos, Byron's swim from, iii. 13
Acadmie des Inscriptions (Paris), v. 603
Acarnania, ii. 143
Achelous (Aspropotamo) river, ii. 143, 182
Acheron (Kalamas) river, ii. 131, 180-182
Acherusia, Palus, ii. 129, 179
Achilles, i. 175, 398; ii. 167, 462; iii. 180; v. 488, 526, 535; vi. 117; his tomb, vi. 204, 211
Achmet II., Sultan, iii. 454
Achmet III., Sultan, vi. 261
Acre, siege of, iii. 4; vi. 14
Acroceraunian mountains, ii. 303
Acropolis, Athens, ii. 100, 165; vi. 429
Actium, battle of, ii. 126, 128, 179; iii. II; vi. 269
Adagia Variorum, v. 396
Adams, John, a carrier of Southwell, vii. 1
Adams, John, of Pitcairn Island (Alexander Smith of the Bounty), v. 583, 588, 605, 625
Adams, Mr., iii. 45
Addison, Joseph, his relative Budgell, i. 449; Essay on Wit, i. 398; Reflections on Westminster Abbey, ii. 133; Cato, ii. 325; vi. 485; Remarks on Several Parts of Italy, ii. 384; on Tasso and the Venetians, ii. 467; quotes an Arabian tale in Spectator, iii. 98; his "faint praise," vi. 602; his publisher Tonson, vii. 57
Address intended to be recited at the Caledonian Meeting, iii. 415
Address spoken at the Opening of Drury Lane Theatre, iii. 51
Address to the Sun in Carthon, iii. 26
Adieu, The, written under the impression that the Author would soon die, i. 192, 232, 237; ii. 458; iii. 48
Adonis, iv. 115
Adramyttium, gulf of, ii. 200
Adrastus, ii. 519
Adrian (Hadrian), Emperor, i. 20, 462, 493; ii. 167, 411, 431, 436, 440
Adrian's Address to his Soul when dying, i. 20
Adriatic, wedding the, ii. 335
gean Sea, i. 460; iii. 272
gina, i. 457; ii. 362
lian, Var. Hist., v. 50
lius, ii. 437
milius Paulus, ii. 518
neas, i. 153, 156, 157
schylus, Prometheus Vinctus, i. 14, 430; ii. 132; iv. 48-50, 82, 94; v. 281, 554; Eumenides, v. 281, 296; Septum contra Thebas, v. 403; Pers, vi. 169
sopus, ii. 405
syetes, iii. 180
tna, ii. 286
tolia, ii. 143
Africa, vi. 198
Afshar tribe, vi. 384
Agamemnon, vi. 15
Age of Bronze, The, ii. 92, 151, 239, 397; v. 332, 333, 364, 405, 495, 535-578, 606; Introduction to, v. 537
Age of Gold, vi. 284
Age of Waterloo, The, ii. 227
Agesilaus, king of Sparta, v. 619
Agg, John, ii. 213
Agilulf, Duke of Turin, ii. 489
Agincourt, battle of, ii. 459
Agis, king of Sparta, iv. 455
Aglietti, Dr. Francesco, ii. 324; iv. 456, 457
Agnadello, battle of, v. 498
Agostini, Leonard, ii. 490
Agrarian Laws, vi. 407
Agrippa, ii. 436; vi. 139
Aholibamah, v. 285
Ahriman (Angra Mainyu), the Spirit of Evil, iv. 112
Aisha, Lilla, vi. 160
Aitken, G.A., his edition of Swift's Journal of Stella, vi. 187
Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress at, v. 563
Ajax, ii. 99, 167; vi. 117, 204, 339
Akenside, iii. 452
Alamanni, Sat., iv. 459
Alaric, king of the Visigoths, i. 462; ii. 109, 172, 390, 512
Alban hill, the, ii. 455, 522
Albanese (or Arnaouts), the, ii. 169, 174
Albania, ii. 123, 173, 174
Albanian (or Arnaout) dialect, specimen of, ii. 183
Albanian war-dance, vi. 151
Albano, ii. 454
Albano, Francesco, vi. 502
Albany, Countess of, publishes Alfieri's Opere Inediti, v. 211
Albany, Duke of (Prince Leopold), iii. 157
Albion, its "chalky belt," vi. 419
Albricus Phil., De Imag. Deor., ii. 328
Albrizzi, Isabella Teotochi, Countess, Ritratti di Uomini lllustri, ii. 324; iv. 456, 457, 536, 570
Albrizzi Giuseppino, iv. 456, 457
Albuera, battle of, ii. xi, 51, 81
Alcantara, Martin de, ii. 81
Alcibiades, his beauty, and charm of his name, v. 485; vi. 547
Alcina, v. 573
Aid. Manut., De Reatina Urbe Agroque, ii. 384
Aldini, Professor, i. 308; vi. 50
Alemanni, the, ii. 298
Alesia (Alise in Cte d'Or), siege of, iv. 331
Alexander the Great (Iskander), i. 467; ii. 123, 174, 509; iii. 180; v. 21, 24, 542, 565; vi. 226, 378, 562; and Mount Athos, vi. 479
Alexander I. of Russia, i. 468, 476, 489; v. 539, 551, 553, 563, 564; vii. 27, 39, 40
Alexander III., Pope, ii. 473
Alexander IV., Pope, iii. 369
Alexander, Grand-Duke, v. 564
Alexander, George, as "Ulric" in Werner, v. 324
Alexandra, Queen, MS. of The Two Foscari, v. 113
Alexandria (Ramassieh), battle of, ii. 108
Alexey, the Tzarovitch, vi. 417
Alexis I., ii. 202
Alfieri, Vittorio, ii. 324; iii. 503; iv. 325, 327; his pilgrimage to Petrarch's tomb, ii. 353; his grave in Santa Croce Church, ii. 369, 491; Autobiography, ii. 369; iv. 264; Mirra, iii. 150; iv. 367, 368; v. 5; sonnet on the tomb of Dante, iv. 244; Abele, v. 211
Algiers, vi. 56
Alhama, iv. 529-534
Ali Coumourgi, Cumourgi, or Cumurgi, iii. 442, 455
Ali Pasha, the original of Lambro in Don Juan, ii. 127, 129, 138-140, 146, 148, 174, 180; ii. 199, 205; iii. 145 189; vi. 195, 234; vii. 53
Alighieri, Alighiero (Dante's father), iv. 248
Alighieri, Beatrice (Dante's daughter), iv. 254
Alighieri, Pietro (Dante's son), iv. 254
Alison, History of Europe, v. 570, 575; vi. 374
All is Vanity, saith the Preacher, iii. 394
"Alia Hu!" concluding words of the Muezzinn's call, ii. 136; iii. 120, 481; Mussulman war-cry, vi. 332
Allacci, L., Drammaturgia, vi. xvi.
Allegra, Byron's natural daughter, i. 208; v. 469; vi. 186, 297
Allen, Edward Heron, Rubiyat of Omar Khayyⱥm, iii. 109
Allen, Dr. John, i. 337
Allen, Richard, A Souvenir of Newstead Abbey, vi. 497
Allied Army occupy Paris, iii. 431
Allied Sovereigns, Congress at Verona of, v. 537-539; at Vienna, v. 562
Allingham, The Weathercock, i. 45
All's Well that Ends Well, vi. 506
Almachius, or Telemachus, an Eastern monk, ii. 520
Almack's, i. 476; vi. 431
Almanack de Gotha, vi. 417
Almas, Turkish dancing-girls, iii. 251
Almonacid, ii. 89
Alp, "the Adrian renegade," iii. 454
Alpheus river, ii. 182
Alphonso I. of Tuscany, ii. 354
Alphonso II. of Tuscany, ii. 355, 356
Alphonso III., ii. 356; iii. 299; iv. 139, 145
Alphonso X., king of Castile, Tabul Alphonsin, iv. 523
Alpinula, Julia, ii. 256, 299
Alpinus, Julius, ii. 299
Alps, "the Palaces of Nature," ii. 254, 385; iv. 258
Alpuxarras, the, vi. 30
Al-Sirat's arch, iii. 109
Altada, a character in Sardanapalus, v. 12
Alterkirchen, battle of, ii. 296
Alvirt, L., Sardanapale Tragdie Imite de Lord Byron, v. 2
Alypius, prtor, ii. 520
Amasis, king of Egypt, ii. 519
Amaun, quarter or pardon, iii. 115
Amazons, v. 526
Amber, its perfume, iii. 181
Ambition, ii. 241, 398; v. 488; vi. 78, 392, 456
Ambracia, Gulf of, ii. 128; iii. 11
Ambrosius, Mediolanensis Episcopus, vi. 168
Ameer Khan, i. 468
Amenhotep III., v. 497
America, Byron's eulogy of, iv. 197, 198
American War of Independence, i. 500; ii. 82; iv. 511, 516; vi. 12, 508
Amiens Academy, ii. 6
Ammonians, the, iv. 259
Amnani, Lilla, vi. 160
Ampre, M.J.J., La Grce, Rome, et Dante, iv. 317
Amphion, i. 438
Amstel, A. van (Johannes Christiaan Neuman), iv. 5
Amulets, iii. 181
Amurath II., Sultan, ii. 173; iii. 308
Amycus, king of the Bebryces, vi. 220
Anacreon, Odes, i. 82, 109, 147, 149, 228; ii. 139, 270; vi. 26, 171
Anacyndaraxes, Sardanapalus' father, v. 23, 24
Anah, v. 285
Analectic Magazine, iii. 377; iv. 198
Anatolia, plains of, vi. 211
Anaxarchus, the philosopher, v. 543
Anchialus, v. 23
Andernach, ii. 296
Anderson, British Poets, i. 198; ii. 236; iii. 129, 262, 405
Anderson, the actor, as "Jacopo Foscari," v. 114
Andreini, Giovanni Battista, Adam, a Sacred Drama, v. 218
Andrews, Miles Peter, Better Late than Never, i. 353
Andromache, v. 577
Andromachus, the senator, ii. 513
And wilt thou weep when I am low? i. 266
Anent, use of the word, vi. 440
Angas, G.F., Polynesia, v. 599-601
Angelo, Reminiscences, i. 322, 343
Angiolina, Dogaressa, iv. 367
Angiolini, Mdlle., i. 347, 348
Angling, "that solitary vice," vi. 513
Angora, battle of, iii. 312
Anhalt Zerbst, Prince of, vi. 388
Anholt, i. 488
Anio river, Falls of the, ii. 384, 523
Anlace, a dagger, ii. 57
Anne Boleyn, her remark on the scaffold, iii. 265
Anne, Empress of Russia, vi. 417
Annesley, hills of, i. 210
Annesley Park and Hall, iii. 311, 477; iv. 31, 32, 36, 37
Annual, The, i. 303
Annual Anthology, iv. 521
Annual Biography, v. 568; vi. 413
Annual Biography and Obituary, vi. 265
Annual Register, i. 495, 496; iii. 25; vii. 72
Annuitants, alleged longevity of, vi. 100
Another Simple Ballat, vii. 61
Anselm, Pope, i. 493
Anson, Lady, vi. 410
Anson, Sir W., Voyages, iv. 58; Memoirs of Augustus Henry, Third Duke of Grafton, iv. 510
Anster, Faust, iv. 85, 123; v. 493
Anstey, Christopher, New Bath Guide, i. 114; vi. 587
Answer to a Beautiful Poem, written by Montgomery, etc., i. 107
Answer to some Elegant Verses sent by a Friend to the Author, etc., i. 114
Answer to —— 's Professions of Affection, vii. 40
Anteros, iv. 105
Anthemocritus, the herald, ii. 431
Anthologia Grca, i. 490
Anthony (Antony), ii. 179, 492; v. 486; vi. 139
Anthony and Cleopatra, ii. 179
Anthony Pasquin (Williams), i. 304
Antigallican Monitor, iii. 535
Antigonus, v. 487
Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner, i. 304; iii. 304; vii. 49
Anti-Jacobin, Poetry of the, i. 315, 329, 368; ii. 7, 30; iv. 482, 483
Antilochus, ii. 99; iii. 180
Antimachus, i. 404
Antinomianism, i. 417
Antinous, ii. 167
Antipater, Coelius, Annales, ii. 378
Anti-Paros, island of, iii. 295
Antiquary, The, i. 413; iv. 524; v. 377
Antonina, Belisarius' wife, vi. 139
Antoninus Pius, ii. 440, 514
Aus (Viosa, or Voioussa) river, ii. 182
Apelles, iv. 270
Apennines, the, ii. 385; iv. 253
Apicius, vi. 562
Apollo Alexicacos, ii. 446
Apollo Belvidere, statue of, 446
Apollo Bodromios, ii. 446
Apollodorus, ii. 273
Appian, ii. 179, 509
Appleton's Encyclopedia, vi. 349
Aquileia, iv. 386
Aquinas, St. Thomas, De Omnibus Rebus; De Quibusdam Aliis, ii. 163
Arabs, their hatred of the Turks, iii. 163
Araktchef, "the corporal of Gatchina," v. 564
Aranjuez, insurrection at, ii. 90
Ararat, Mount, v. 294
Arbaces, the Mede, v. 11, 13; Governor of Media, v. 12
Arcadia, ii. 189
Arcadius, vi. 8
Archangels, the, v. 286
Archenholtz, M. de, Picture of Italy, iv. 470
Archidamus, king of Sparta, v. 619
Archilochus, ii. 483
Archimedes, vi. 538
Archivio Veneto, iv. 457
Ardennes, forest of, ii. 232, 293
Ares, fountain of, ii. 189
Aretini, B. Accolti, Dialogus de Prstanti Virorum sui vi, iv. 309
Aretino, Lionardo (Leonardo Bruni), Le Vite di Dante, ii. 500; iv. 253, 275, 309; Istoria Fiorentina, iv. 287
Argentire, Mount, ii. 300
Argonauts, the, vii. 10
Argos, iii. 447
Argus, Ulysses' dog, ii. 30, vi. 149
Argyle Rooms, i. 348
Argyrocastro, ii. 174, 202
Arici, Cesare, La coltivazione degli Ulivi; Il Corallo; La Pastorizia, iv. 245
Arimanes, Arimanius, etc., king of the Spirits, iv. 86, 112
Ariosto, Lodovico, ii. 5, 65, 354; iv. 141, 239, 265, 480; v. 615; vi. xviii, 176, 210; Satira, ii. 309; iv. 149; "The Southern Scott," ii. 311; the gondoliers and, ii. 330, 468; Orlando Furioso, ii. 359; iii. 243; iv. 75, 266, 283; v. 573; his bust, ii. 360, 486; Titian's portrait of, iv. 162
Aristaenetus, ii. 199
Aristippus, vi. 139
Aristobulus, v. 24
Aristogeiton, ii. 228, 291
Aristomenes, iv. 566
Aristophanes, Clouds, v. 289
Aristotle, i. 398; ii. 196; iv. 253; v. 13, vi. 47, 73, 182
Armada, Spanish, ii. 459
Armida and Rinaldo, vi. 34
Arminius, ii. 293
Armstrong, John, laird of Gilnockie, ii. 25, 295
Armstrong, poet, iii. 330
Arnaout, or Albanian dialect, specimen of, ii. 183
Arnaouts (or Albanese), ii. 169, 174
Arnaud, ii. 502
Arno Miscellany, i. 358
Arno river, ii. 364; vi. 402
Arnold, Matthew, ii. 370; A Wish, iii. 39, Poetry of Byron chosen and arranged by, v. 205, 254; Motto to Poems, vi. 173; A Picture of Newstead, vi. 496
Arnold, Dr. Thomas, on Cain, v. 224
Arnulph, a Lombard, ii. 390
Arpenaz, Falls of, ii. 383
Arqu, ii. 312, 350; Petrarch's tomb at, ii. 482
Arragonians, the, v. 560
Arrian, v. 24; Alexand. Anabasis, v. 543
Arrowsmith, John, Tractica Sacra, vi. 380
Arsenalotti, the, iv. 356, 358
Arsniew, vi. 306, 332, 353
Arsenius, Archbishop of Monembasia, iii. 121, 122
Art of Happiness, Horace's, vi. 490
Arta, gulf of, ii. 142, 145
Artaxerxes Mnemon, v. 3, 4
Artemidorus, Oneirocritica, ii. 488
Artemis, temples of, i. 467; ii. 441
Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, i. 331, 334
Arundel, Lord, vi. 496
Arvad, island-city of, v. 4
As You Like It, ii. 293, 399, iv. 153; v. 153, vi. 466
Ascanius, i. 157
Ascham, Roger, Schoolmaster, iv. 153
Asdrubal, v. 606
Ashburton, Lord, iv. 513
Ashpitel, F.S.A., Arthur, vi. 497
Askalon, i. 2
Asma Sultana, vi. 261
Asmodeus, i. 56, iv. 516
Aspasia, v. 5
Asphaltites, lake, ii. 237, 294
Aspropotamo (Aehelous), river, iv. 143, 182
Assyrians, the, v. 4
Astarte, iv. 115
Astley, Mrs., vii. 59
Astley's Theatre, iv. 203; vii. 59
Astoreth, the Phoenician, iv. 115
Astrea, the goddess of justice, i. 111
Asturias, the, ii. 89; v. 558
Asurbanipal, king of Assyria, v. 4
Asuretiliani, king of Assyria, v. 4
Ataghan, long dagger, iii. 103
Atalantis, vi. 453, 454
Athanasian Creed, vi. 275
Atheista Fulminalo, the old Spanish play, vi. 4
Athenum, i. xiii; ii. 36, 216; iv. 32, 36, 513, v. 324
Athenus, Deipnosophist, v. 11, 24, 103, 107
Athenian Society, the, i. 336
Athens, i. 376; its works of Art plundered, i. 454-474; ii. 187-204; besieged by the Venetians, ii. 165, et seq., treachery of the Greeks after capitulation of, v. 556
Athos, Mount, ii. 116; iii. 18; vi. 479
Atkinson, Miss, as "Josephine" in Werner, v. 324
Atlantic Monthly Magazine, v. 584; vii. 3
Atlas, Mount, ii. 386
Atreus, i. 144
"Attic Bee," vi. 585
Attica, ii. 129; vi. 429
Attila, the Hun, ii. 107, 298; iii. 306, iv. 386, 456; v. 158; vi. 321
Atuahalpa, king of Quito, ii. 81
Aubin, Commander Philip, sloop Betsy, vi. 98, 102
Aubrey, John, Miscellanies upon Various Subjects, iv. 524, Letters and Lives of Eminent Persons, vi. 571
Auchinleck, Lord, vii. 35
Auerstadt, battle of, v. 550
Augustini Cod., v. 118
Augustini Cronaca, v. 190
Augustinian monks, iv. 120
Augustinus de Crem, ii. 340, Confess., ii. 520
Augustus, ii. 128, 336, 408, 488, 509, 518; v. 542
Augustus, port of, vi. 179
Aulus Ccina, ii. 299
Aulus Gellius, ii. 92; Noct. Attic., vi. 379
Aurelian, ii. 520
Aurelius, column of, ii. 410
Aurora Borealis, vi. 479
Austen, Sarah, translation of Ranke's Popes of Rome, v. 520; vi. 208
Austerlitz, battle of, i. 489, 495; ii. 342; v. 548; vi. 14, 351
Austria, and Italy, ii. 363; iv. 456, 458; loan to, v. 573
Austrians, restore St. Mark's Lions to Venice, ii. 336, defeated by Dumouriez at Jemappes, vi. 13, at battle of Leipsic, vii. 23
Ava, cava, or kava, a Tongan intoxicating drink, v. 600
Avalanches in Switzerland, ii. 385
Avarice, "a good old-gentlemanly vice," vi. 78
Aventicum (Avenches), ii. 256, 298
Avicenna, iv. 523
Avogadori di Commun (State advocates), iv. 346, 361, 399, 463, 465
Ayesha, Mahomet's favourite wife, vi. 139
Ayliffe, Parergon, v. 135
Ayscough, Samuel, iv. 153
Azzl, v. 291
Azrael, iii. 171
Azzo V. (d'Este), of Tuscany, ii. 354
Baal, king of Tyre, v. 4, 18, 19, 36, 70, 95
Babbage, Charles, ii. 215
Babel, Tower of, vi. 235
Babylon, iii. 402-404; vi. 235, 236, 348
Bacchus, vi. 129
Bacci, O., Manuale della Letteratura Italiana, iv. 536
Bacon, Captain Anthony, ii. 11
Bacon, Friar (The Famous Historie of), his brazen head, vi. 78; discovers gunpowder, vi. 340
Bacon, Lady Charlotte Mary (ne Harley), "Ianthe," ii. xii, 11
Bacon, Lord, ii. 514; vi. 174, 548; Advancement of Learning, v. 228; Essays, v. 489; vi. 259; Nat. Hist., vi. 518
Bactria, v. 20
Badajoz, capture of, i. 496
Baden, Franz, v. 564
Baffin's Bay, vi. 51
Bagehot, Literary Studies, i. 303
"Bagpipe," "pibroch" used for, i. 133
Bailen, ii. 54
Bailli, Jean Sylvani, first Mayor of Paris, iv. 454
Baillie, Agnes, vi. 412
Baillie, Joanna, iv. 339; vi. 412; De Montfort, iv. 338
Baillie, Dr. Matthew, vi. 21, 412
Bairm, the Moslem Easter, iii. 96
Baird, Sir David, ii. 80
Bajuzet, cage of, iii. 312
Baker, H. Barton, The London Stage, v. 324
Bakewell, T., The Moorland Bard, etc.; A Domestic Guide to Insanity, i. 361
Baldwin and Cradock, vii. 50
Balgownie, Brig o', vi. 405
Ballad. To the Tune of "Sally in our Alley," vii. 58
Ballantyne, i. 435, 436
Baltazhi-Mahomet, Grand-Vizier, v. 564
Bandelli, iii. 505
Banderillos, dart-throwers, ii. 67
Bandusia, fountain of, ii. 524
Bank tokens, i. 495
Bankes, William, i. xii, 84, 497; iv. 162, 279, 472
Banks, Sir Joseph, ii. 7; v. 582
Bannier, or Baner, Johan, Swedish general, v. 371
Barataria, pirates of, iii. 296
Barbarelli, Giorgio (Giorgione), iv. 162
Barbarigo, Doge Agostino, v. 195
Barbarigo, Doge Marco, v. 195
Barbarossa, Frederic, ii. 336, 390, 473
Barbette, vi. 305
Barbiera, R., Poesie Veneziane, iv. 457
Barbo, Pantaleone, iv. 352
Barclay, Captain Robert, i. 321
Bardela, ii. 523
Barings, the, vi. 456
Barker, Miss, Lines addressed to a Noble Lord, iii. 488
Barlow, Sir George, i. 468
Barnave, Antoine Pierre Joseph, vi. 13
Barnet, Lewis, Sub-Dean of Exeter, iii. 299
Baronius, Ann. Eccles., ii. 512, 513, 521
Barossa, battle of, i. 469; ii. 81
Barotti, ii. 487
Barrett, Eaton Stannard ("Polypus"), All the Talents, i. 294, 337
Barrey, Lodowick, Ram Alley, i. 493
Barrol, M. de Fallette, iv. 367
Barrow, Dr. Isaac, vi. 128
Barrow, Sir John, Memoir of the Life of Peter the Great, iv. 209, 505, The Eventful History of the Mutiny of the Bounty, etc., v. 584, 588, 592, 594, 596; a Q.R. contributor, vii. 76
Barry, the actor, as "Werner," v. 324
Barry Cornwall. See Procter, B.W.
Barthlmi; i. 414; Anacharsis, ii. 199
Bartolini, Lorenzo, vi. 360
Barton, Catherine (Mrs. Conduit), vi. 400
Baruffaldi Giuniore, Abb G., La Vita di M.L. Ariosto, ii. 486
Baschet, Armand, Les Archives de Vnise, iv. 327, 364, 399
Basejo, Pietro, iv. 382
Bashkirs, a Turco-Mongolian tribe, v. 565
Basili, Byron's Albanian servant, ii. 175, 176
Baskerville, vi. 146
Basle, Treaty of, ii. 90
Basquia or saya, the outer petticoat, vi. 116
Bastille, the, vi. 214
Bathurst, Captain, Salsette frigate, iii. 13
Bathurst, Henry, Earl of, v. 545, 546
Batteux, M., i. 402
Bauer, Juliette, tr. of Klencke's Alexander von Humboldt, vi. 216
Baussire, Madame, i. 493
Bautzen, battle of, iii. 431
Baxter, Richard, i. 417
Bayard, i. 107; ii. 7; v. 498
Bayart, Chronique de, v. 515
Bayle, Pierre, Historical and Critical Dictionary, ii. 502, 519; iii. 122; iv. 523; v. 202, 208, 226, 235, 250, 306, 634; vi. 571
Beachey, Captain, Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific, v. 588, 605
Beatrice (Portinari), Dante's, iv. 247, 248, 251; vi. 146
Beattie, James H., Minstrel, ii. 5, 65, 82, 115, 123, 350, 479; v. 615; vi. 78
Beaufort, Duke of, Driving, vii. 26
Beauharnais, Eugne, Viceroy of Italy, iv. 458; vi. 12
Beaumont and Fletcher; i. 397, 398, 489; The Humorous Lieutenant, iv. 172
Beaumont, i. 343, 398
Beaumont, Lady (Margaret Willis), "Lady Bluemount" of The Blues, iv. 569, 570, 585; vi. 587
Beaumont, Sir George, founder of the National Gallery, iv. 341, 570, 582, 585; vii. 63, 64
Beauties of England and Wales, vi. 496, 497
Bebryces, the, vi. 220
Becher, Lady (Elizabeth O'Neill), iv. 338
Becher, Rev. J.T., i. xi, 112, 247, 263
Becket, Thomas , i. 116; vi. 422, 495
Beckford, William, Childe Harold on; ii. xi; Italy with Sketches of Spain and Portugal, ii. 35, 36, 43, 45; Vathek, ii. 37; iii. 59, 76, 87, 105, 109, 110, 121, 145, 478; iv. 45, 89, 113, 244; "Dives," vii. 7
Becque, Henry, Sardanapale, Opra en Trois Actes, v. 2
"Bed of Ware," vi. 272
Beddoes, Dr., i. 307
Bede, Excerptis seu Collectaneis, ii. 435
Bedford, Southey's letter to Mr., vi. 3
Bedford, Lucy, Countess of, iv. 239
Bedlam, vi. 435
Beechy, Lieutenant, vi. 478
Beethoven, iii. 376
Begum of Oude, iv. 72
Behmen or Boehm, Jacob, vi. 268
Behn, Mrs., v. 550
Bjot, M., ii. 481
Belcher, Lady, Mutineers of the Bounty, v. 588, 589, 622
Beleses, Governor of Babylon, v. 13
Beleses, a Chaldan and soothsayer (character in Sardanapalus), v. 12
Belgrade, ii. 153; iv. 331
Belisarius, vi. 139
Bell, John, i. 357, 358
Bellerophon, vi. 255
Bellingham, murderer of Mr. Perceval, v. 477
Belshazzar, iii. 396, 421; vi. 162
Beltramo Bergamasco, iv. 384, 430, 465
Beltane Tree, a Highland festival, i. 142
Belus, v. 25, 31
Belvidere Apollo, the, ii. 446
Bembo, Antonio, iii. 448
Bembo, Bernardo, ii. 495
Ben Nevis, i. 192
Benbow, W., iv. 482; v. 203; vii. 46
Bende, Niccolo dalle, iv. 464
Bender river, v. 551, vi. 362
Benedict XIV., Pope, ii. 282
Benengeli, Cid Hamet, i. 299
Bentham, Jeremy, vi. 267; vii. 32
Bentinck, Lord William, v. 158
Bentley, Richard, i. 30; iii. 209
Bentotes, or Bendotes (Vendoti), [Greek: Lexiko Tri/glosson], ii. 197; iii. 121
Benvenuto Cellini, v. 471, 516, 518, 521
Benzon, Marina Querini, the heroine of La Biondina in Gondoleta, iv. 456, 457
Benzon, Vittore, Nella, iv. 456, 457
Benzon, Countess, iv. 471
Beppo, i. 362, ii. 313, 371, 374, iv. 153-189, 238, 241, 279, 413, 471, 517, 579, vi. xvi, xvii, 214, 287, 390; vii. 51
Branger, J.P, de, Chansons Indites, vi. 235, 373
Berenice, i. 69; vi. 139
Beresford, James, Miseries of Human Life; or, The Last Groans of Timothy Testy and Samuel Sensitive, i. 338
Beresford, Lord, ii. 51
Beresina, battle of, iv. 207
Bergami, Bartolommeo, vi. 236, 290
Bergamo, v. 119, 138
Bergk, i. 19, ii. 138
Berkeley, D.D., Bishop George, Principles of Human Knowledge, vi. 427
Berlan, Francesco, I due Foscari, Memorie Storicho Critiche, v. 117, 119, 121, 122, 133, 134
Berlin, v. 550
Berlinghieri, Andrea Vacca, ii. 324
Bernadotte, king of Sweden, v. 553
Bernard, Edward, Pedigree of George Gordon, Sixth Lord Byron, vi. 411
Bernard, W. Bayle, adapts Marino Faliero for the stage, iv. 324
Berners, Sir John Bourchier, Lord, The Bake of Duke Huon of Burdeux, v. 496
Berni, Francesco, iv. 157, 283, 325; vi. xvi
Bernis, Abb de, iv. 334
Bernstorff, Count, v. 539
Berr, Duc de, iii. 435; v. 567
Berry, Miss, Journal, iv. 569, 570, 587
Bertrand, General, iii. 312; Campagnes d' Egypte et de Syrie, v. 550
Bertuccio, Israel, iv. 340, 464
Bestuchef, Count, vi. 417
Betham, William, v. 588
Bethlen Gabor, king of Hungary, v. 349, 352
Betsy, wreck of the sloop, vi. 98, 102
Bettinelli, ii. 496
Betty, William Henry West, "the young Roscius," i. 342
Beuchot, editor of Voltaire's Works, iv. 212
Bevius, Canon of Padua, ii. 503
Bewley, John H., of Buffalo, N.Y., vii. 63
Bey Oglou, the, iii. 166
Bezborodky, vi. 389
Biagoli, iv. 318
Bianchi, ii. 494
Bianconi, ii. 487
Bibiena, Antono Divizio da, iv. 174
Bibiena, Cardinal, iv. 174
Bibiena, Maria da, iv. 174
Bible, the, ii. xiii; prophecies of, iv. 244
Bibliographie Universelle, iv. 334
Bibliotheca Teubneriana, iv. 213
Bibliothque de l' cole des Hautes tudes, Paris, ii. 412
Bibliothque Historique de la Revolution, vi. 13
Bindi, V., Monumenti Storici ed. Artistici degli Abruzzi, iv. 288
Bindlose, Sir Francis, i. 101
Biographia Literaria (Coleridge's), i. 489; iii. 435
Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland, iv. 341; vi. 443
Biographie Universelles, vi. 246, 531
Biondo, Niccolo, iv. 464
Birch, Alderman, i. 435
Biren, Ernest John, vi. 417
Biscay, Bay of, ii. 31
Bishop, Sir Henry, iv. 78
Bisognoso, bezonian, a rogue, vi. 347
Black Friar of Newstead Abbey, the, vi. 576, 578, et seq.
Black, John, "Maid of Athens'" husband, iii. 16
Black, John, Life of Tasso, ii. 470, 485; iv. 145
Black, Theresa (ne Macri), "Maid of Athens," iii. 15; vi. 280
Black Sea, iii. 4; vii. 10
Blackbourne, Dr., Archbishop of York, iii. 298
Blacket, Joseph, i. 323, 359, 442, 443; vii. 11
Blacklock, Dr., ii. 5
Blackmore, Sir Richard, i. 314, 404
Blackstone, Commentaries, i. 29
Blackwood, William, iii. 444; vii. 51
Blackwoods Edinburgh Magazine, iii. 182; iv. 80, 119, 139, 152, 157, 203, 240, 329, 368, 521, 570; v. 5, 204, 280, 282, 329; vi. xix, 16, 213, 278, 445; vii. 51
Blair, Dr., vi. 128
Blake, Benjamin, barber, i. 422
Blake, K. Jex-, The Elder Pliny's Chapters on the History of Art, ii. 432
Blanc, Mont, ii. 257, 299, 385
Blanchard, E.L., Life and Remains, iv. 324
Bland, Rev. Robert, The Greek Anthology, etc., i. 366; ii. 291; iii. 32; v. 633
Bland-Burges Papers, i. 416, 438
Blank verse, "allied to tragedy," i. 398; "prose poets like," vi. 73
"Blatant beast," a figure for the mob, ii. 40
Blenheim, battle of, ii. 459; iii. 57
Blessington, Lady, Conversations with Lord Byron, i. 337, 390; ii. 236, 423; iv. 63, 64, 70, 538, 545, 549, 562, 570; vi. 509; vii. 38, 82; Lawrence's portrait of, iv. 64
Blessington, Lord, iv. 64; vi. 512; vii. 82
Bligh, Lieutenant William, short account of, v. 587; A Narrative of the Mutiny and Seizure of the Bounty, etc., v. 581-583, 585, 588, 589, 591-595; vi. 98-100, 105, 111
Blondus, Flavius, De Rom Instaurat, ii. 509
Bloomfield, George, i. 360
Bloomfield, Nathaniel, i. 300, 441, 442
Bloomfield, Robert, The Farmer's Boy, i. 359, 360, 442, 443
Blore, Edward, architect, iii. 376
Blount, Henry, "Good night to Marmion," i. 312
Blcher, Marshal, ii. 459; v. 553; vi. 312, 345; vii. 39
Blue-stockings, the, iv. 176; vi. 75
Blues, The, i. 321, 362; iv. 567-588; vi. 357, 587; vii. 17
Blunt, Lady Anna Isabella Scawen (ne Noel), ii. 215
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, ii. 215
Boabdil, vi. 30
Boatswain, Byron's dog, i. 280; ii. 30
Boccaccio, Giovanni, ii. 353, 373, 498, 500; iv. 248, 253, 254; vi. 179; "the Bard of Prose," ii. 371; Decameron, ii. 495, 501, 502; his burial-place, ii. 499; his cenotaph at Arqu, ii. 503; Il Comento sopra la Com media, iv. 316
Bodleian Library, Oxford, v. 302, 473
Bodoni, ii. 472
Boehm, Mrs., her masquerade, iv. 177
Boeotia, ii. 66, 93
Boethius, De Consolat. Philos., iv. 318
Bogle, Scottish for goblin, vi. 449
Bohemia, evacuated by the Swedish garrisons, v. 371
Bohours, ii. 485
Boardo, Matteo Maria, Orlando Innamorato, ii. 293, 354, 485; iv. 281, 283
Boileau, i. 402; ii. 358, 484, 485
Boissevain, P., editor of Dio Cassius' Hist. Rom., iv. 370
Bolero, i. 492; iii. 3, 26; vi. 526
Boleyn, Anne, her remark on the scaffold, iii. 265
Bolingbroke, Lord, hires Mallet to traduce Pope, i. 326
Bolivar, Simon (El Libertador), v. 555
Bonar, James, Malthus and his Work, vi. 461
Bonesani, Beccaria, Dei Delitti e delle Pene, ii. 196
Boniface VII., Pope, ii. 494
Bonivard, Amblard de, iv. 14
Bonivard, Franois de, Prior of St. Victor (Prisoner of Chillon), iv. 3-28, 327; Les Chroniques de Genve, iv. 5; Mmoires, etc., iv. 18
Bonivard, Jean Aim de, iv. 9, 20
Bonivard, Louis de, iv. 9
Bonn, vi. 419
Boone, Colonel Daniel, The Adventures of; Containing a Narrative of the Wars of Kentucky, vi. 348, 349
Boone, George, of Exeter, vi. 349
Booth, G., The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian, v. 11
Booth's Theatre, New York, Sardanapalus at, v. 2
Border Minstrelsy, ii. 4, 25, 295
Borgia, Lucrezia, ii. 354
Borgo, Count Pozzo di, v. 539
Bornou, vi. 474
Borysthenes (Dniper) river, iv. 211
Boscan, Juan, of Barcelona, Leandro; The Allegory, vi. 40
Bosphorus, vi. 219, 220; vii. 10
Bosquet de Julie, ii. 305, 306
Boswell, James, Life of Johnson, i. 401, 409, 449; ii. 460, 489; iv. 500, 573; v. 592; vi. 247, 455, 482
Botzaris, Marco, Suliote chief, ii. 180
Boudot, M., ii. 481
Boufflers, Marshal, ii. 297
Boulanger, J.C., De Terr Motu et Fulminibus, ii. 488
Bounty, Mutiny of the, See also The Island, v. 581-584. See also The Island
Bourbon, Conntable Charles de (Comte de Montpensier, Dauphin d'Auvergne), ii. 390; iv. 258; v. 495, 498, 515-518, 520
Bourbon, Susanne, Duchesse de, v. 499
Bourbons, the, iv. 334
Bourdeille, Pierre de, v. 520
Bourne, H.R. Fox-, Life of John Locke, ii. 353
Bourrienne, M., i. 489
Bouveret, ii. 304; iv. 18
Bouwah! the Suliote war-cry, vii. 83
Bowles, Rev. William Lisle, Strictures on Pope, etc., i. 292, 305, 323-327, 352, 370, 421, 435; ii. 139; iii. 535; iv. 555, 562; Spirit of Discovery, i. 324, 325, 404; The Missionary of the Andes, vii. 45; The Invariable Principles of Poetry, vii. 74, 75
Bowles and Campbell, vii. 74
Bowring, E.A., The Tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri, v. 211
Boyd, Hugh, iv. 313, 513
Boyer, J.B., Lettres Juives, iii. 123
Boyne, W., i. 495
"Boz," Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, vi. 11
Bracciolini, Poggio, ii. 354
Braemar, i. 173
Braganza, vii. 6
Braham, John, i., 347; music for Hebrew Melodies, iii. 375
Bramante, first architect of St. Peter's, Rome, iv. 270
Brandenburgh, George William, Elector of, v. 373
Brandl, Professor A., Goethes Verhltuiss zu Byron, iv. 82; Goethe-Jahrbuch, iv. 136
Brandywine, battle of, i. 500
Brantme, Memoires de Messire Pierre de Bourdeille, v. 504, 520
Brasidas, ii. 167, 335
Brass, Corinthian, vi. 284
Braziers, the, vii. 72
Bread-fruit (Autocarpus incisa), v. 596
"Break squares," to, vi. 487
Breitenfeld, battle of, v. 371
Brennus, iv. 258
Brenta, the, ii. 349
Brentano, M. Frantz Funck-, L'Homme au Masque de Velours Noir, iv. 514
Brentford, ii. 66
Brenton, E.P., The Naval History of Great Britain, vi. 589
Brescia, v. 119, 138
Bret Harte, The Society upon the Stanislaus, iv. 296
Breuner, General, iii. 455
Brewster, Sir David, Letters on Natural Magic, v. 483; Memoirs, etc., of Sir Isaac Newton, vi. 400
Briareus, vi. 276
Bride of Abydos, i. 340; iii. 13, 17, 80, 157-210, 217, 219, 275, 319, 480; iv. 56; vi. 204; vii. 55
Bridge of Sighs, Venice, ii. 327, 465; iv. 364; v. 139
Bristol, Countess of, vi. 219
"Britannicus," Revolutionary Causes, etc., and A Postscript containing Strictures on Cain, etc., v. 202
British Album, i. 358, 383
British Archological Society, iii. 120
British Bards, A Satire, original title of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. xiv, 293, 303, 306, 307, 311-314, 316, 317, 321-325, 327, 332, 339-342, 344-346, 353-355, 357, 361, 366, 367, 371-373, 375, 376
British Critic, vi. xx
British Museum, i. xiv, 108; ii. 441; v. 542, 548, 600; vii. 78; Egerton MSS., i. 235, 293, 387; MS., Proof b, i. 394-396, 398-401; Childe Harold MS., ii. 3-5; iii. 38; MS., vii. 87
British Review ("The Old Girl's Review;" "My Grandmother's Review"), iii. 128; iv. 578, 579; v. 204; vi. xx, 76
British Theatre, iii. 158
Brocken, German superstition about the, v. 483
Brodribb, Rev. W.J., Pliny's Letters, ii. 380
Brossano, Petrarch's son-in-law, ii. 484
Brougham, Lord, i. 293, 302, 306, 338; iv. 195; The Identity of Junius with a Distinguished Living Character established, iv. 513; his Fabian tactics, vi. 67-70; "Parolles," vi. 506; his critique of Hours of Idleness, vi. 551
Brown, Horatio F., Venice, an Historical Sketch, etc., ii. 338, 340; iv. 356, 361, 399; v. 119, 125; Venetian Studies, iv. 427
Brown, John, The Kentucky Pioneers, vi. 349
Brown, Rawdon, Preface to Venetian Calendar of State Papers, iv. 447
Browne, Felicia Dorothea (Mrs. Hemans), vii. 70
Browne, Isaac Hawkins, The Fireside, a Pastoral Soliloquy, vi. 348
Browne, Sir Thomas, ii. 345; Religio Medici, iii. 165
Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett, Casa Guidi Windows, iv. 239, 250
Browning, Oscar, Peter the Great, iv. 203; Charles XII., iv. 208; vi. 363; Dante, iv. 254
Browning, Robert, Poetical Works, ii. 346; Christmas Eve, ii. 376, 441; Never the Time, etc., iii. 180; Evelyn Hope, iii. 292; Pippa Passes, iii. 348; Confessions, iv. 217; and Macready, v. 114; Bishop Blougram's Apology, vi. 586
Brownlow, Bishop of Winchester, vii. 22
Bruce, James ("Abyssinian Bruce"), Life and Travels, iii. 99; v. 302; vi. 122
Bruchard, Henri de, Notes sur le Don Juanisme, vi. xx, 387
Brue, Benjamin, Journal de la Campagne en 1715, iii. 442, 481
Brummell, "Beau," iv. 179; vi. 451
Brunck, Richard Franz Philippe, i. 30; Anthologia Grca, i. 490; Gnomici Poet Grci, ii. 404
Brunelleschi, ii. 376
Brunswick, Duchess of, vii. 35
Brunswick, Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of, ii. 239; vi. 12, 312
Brunswick, Frederick William, Duke of, ii. 230
Brussels, the Waterloo ball at, ii. 228, 292
Brutus, ii. 374, 392; iv. 370, 386; v. 560; vii. 37
Bryant, Jacob, iii. 179; Dissertation concerning the War of Troy, etc., vi. 204, 211
Bryant's Dictionary of Painters, ii. 171
Brydges, Sir E., iv. 541
Bucentaur, the Venetian State barge, ii. 335
Buchan, fifth Earl of, i. 429
Buckhurst, Thomas Sackville, Lord, Gorboduc, i. 197
Buckingham, George Villiers, second Duke of, i. 197; The Rehearsal, i. 309, 401, 423, 447; vi. 52, 303
Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of, Essay upon Poetry, i. 354
Buda retaken from the Turks, iii. 458
Budd, the publisher, i. 356
Budge, E.A. Wallis, Life and Exploits of Alexander the Great, v. 543
Budgell, Miss, i. 449
Budgell, Eustace, i. 448, 449
Buffo, vi. 206
Bulgarin, Iwan Wizigin, iv. 203
Bull-fights, ii. 67-72
Bulmer, W., printer, i. 317; iii. 301
Blow, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron von, vi. 345
Bulukof, Count, vi. 260
Bumpus, John, i. 234
Bunbury H., The Little Grey Man, i. 317
Bungay, Friar, vi. 78
Bunyan, John, vi. 208
Bunyan, William, An Effectual Shove, etc., i. 417, 418
Buonaparte, Jacopo, Sacco di Roma, etc., iv. 258; v. 471, 514, 516, 520, 521
Buonaparte, Joseph, iv. 458; v. 533
Buonaparte, Prince Lucien, ii. 522
Buonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon Buonaparte
Buratti (Bucati), Pietro, iv. 456, 457
Burchard, Diar., iii. 367-369
Burdett, Sir Francis, i. 435, 436; vii. 30, 40, 67, 68
Burgage, or tenure in burgage, vi. 590
Brger, Lenore, i. 305
Burges, Elizabeth, Lady (ne Noel), i. 437
Burges, Sir James Bland, i. 314; Richard the First; Exodiad, i. 436, 437
Burgoyne, General John, vi. 12
Burgundians, the, ii. 254, 297
Burke, Edmund, i. 416; iv. 75, 513; v. 592; Reflections on the Revolution in France, ii. 7; iii. 513
Burkitt, Thomas, able seaman on the Bounty, v. 583
Burns, Robert, Farewell to Ayrshire, i. 210; Lewis's Tales of Terror, i. 317; referred to in E.B. and S.R., i. 360, 362; Farewell to Nancy, iii. 147; The Life and Age of Man, iii. 449; Dr. Currie's Life of, vi. 174;
Burrard, Sir Harry, ii. 39
Burton, Sir Richard F., Arabian Nights, iii. 87, 104, 109, 113
Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, ii. 236; v. 543
Burun, Ralph de, iv. 543; vi. 411
Busaco, battle of, i. 470
Busby, Dr. Thomas, A New and Complete Musical Dictionary; The Age of Genius; Drury Lane Address, i. 481, 485; iii. 55-58; translation of Lucretius, iii. 57
Busingen, iv. 97
Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, iv. 501, 510
Butler, A.J., The Hell of Dante; iv. 245; translation of Francesca da Rimini, iv. 320
Butler, Dr., Headmaster of Harrow ("Pomposus"), i. 17, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94
Butler, Rev. Alban, Lives of the Saints, vi. 32, 33
Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, vi. 153, 404, 551
Buxton, Fowell, vi. 549
Byng, George, M.P. ("the County Byng"), vii. 67, 68
Byng, Admiral John, ii. 40, 41
Byrne, editor of Morning Post, i. 358
Byrne. Mrs. (Charlotte Dacre), "Rosa Matilda," i. 306, 357, 370; Hours of Solitude, i. 358
Byron, Augusta Ada. See Lovelace, Lady
Byron, Cecilie, Lady (widow of Sir Francis Bindlose), i. 101
Byron, Charlotte Augusta (Mrs. Christopher Parker), iii. 417
Byron, Elizabeth, Lady (ne Chaworth), iv. 542
Byron, Hon. Mrs. Frances (ne Levett), vi. 410
Byron, Hon. George, vi. 410
Byron, George Anson, iii. xxi; vii. 41
Byron, Hon. Juliana, iii. 381
Byron, Lucy, Lady, i. 101
Byron, the Little Sir John, i. 1, 3, 119
Byron, Admiral the Hon. John, iii. 381, 417; iv. 57; vi. 410; Narrative of his shipwreck in the Wager; Voyage round the World, iv. 58; vi. 102, 121
Byron of Rochdale, 1st Lord (Sir John Byron of Clayton), i. 3, 101, 119, 121; vi. 294, 495
Byron, Sir Nicholas, i. 3
Byron, Richard (2nd Lord), i. 3, 101; iv. 14; vi. 294
Byron, Sir Robert, i. 101
Byron, Sophia Maria, vi. 410
Byron, William (3rd Lord), iv. 542
Byron, William (5th Lord, "the wicked Lord Byron"), ii. 17; iv. 58, 542; vi. 121, 410, 497
Byron, Hon. William, iii. 381
Byron, Sir William, i. 121
Byron, Lady (Miss Milbanke), i. 260, 301, 359; ii. x, 74, 288, 427; iii. 411, 449, 499; iv. 39, 63, 184, 254, 492; vi. 22, 274; her transcription of Parisina, iii. 499; "my moral Clytemnestra", iv. 64; "a poetess—a mathematician—a metaphysician," iv. 576; "Miss Lilac" of The Blues, iv. 570; on Byron's lameness, v. 470; Remarks on Mr. Moore's Life, etc., vi. 21; and M. Baillie, vi. 412; patroness of the Charity Ball, vii. 71
Byron, Lord, Diary or Journals referred to, i. 5, 25, 30, 45, 103, 184, 303, 310, 362; ii. 61, 187, 304; iii. 46, 50, 70, 105, 149, 150, 157, 165, 210, 218, 303, 305, 307, 308, 311, 314, 411, 495; v. 28, 61, 78, 159, 199, 254, 477, 555, 615; vi. 18, 128, 146, 173, 197, 204, 240, 263, 421, 461, 504, 511; vii. 51, 74; My Dictionary, vi. 381
Byron, Mrs. (mother), i. 269, 336; iii. 449; iv. 543; Byron's letters to, i. 125, 282, 351; ii. ix, 24, 27, 34, 42, 49, 59, 63, 100, 124, 128, 138, 301; iii. 4, 13, 441, 450; vi. 128, 195, 565; furiosa, vi. 30
"Byron's Pool," on the Cam, vi. 49
"Byron's Tomb," at Harrow, i. 26
Byzantium, ii. 337
Caballeras, the, ii. 47
Caballero, Victoires et Conqutes des Franais, ii. 94
Cabot, Sebastian, iv. 262
Cabotto, or Gavotto, Giovanni, iv. 262
Cadiz, ii. 63, 67, 77, 93; iii. 1
Cadmus, i. 148
Ccina, Aulus, ii. 299
Csar, i. 351, 422; ii. 397; iv. 352; v. 560; vi. 139, 339, 404; De Bello Gallico, iv. 331
Caia river, ii. 45
Cain, iii. 32, 182; iv. 34, 48, 50; v. 5, 9, 197-275, 279, 306, 469; vi. 385, 444, 491; vii. 78; Introduction to, v. 199; Dedication, v. 205; Preface, v. 207
Calderon, El Mgico Prodigioso, iv. 81; v. 470; Los Cabellos de Absalon, iv. 100
Caledonian Meeting, the, iii. 415
Caledonian Mercury, iii. 45
Calendario, Filippo, a stone-cutter, iv. 382
Calendario, Philip, a seaman, iv. 464
Calenture, the, v. 159; vi. 586
Calenus, A., ii. 520
Caligula, ii. 408; iii. 455; iv. 334; v. 542; vi. 276
Caliriotes (Albanese women), ii. 183
Callcott, Lady (Mrs. Maria Graham), iii. 532; vi. 206, 207
Callimachus, ii. 173; vi. 445
Callistratus, ii. 291
Calma, Abb, v. 211
Calmana, Caimana, etc., Cain's twin sister, v. 226
Calmar, i. 177
Calmet, Augustine, Dissertations sur les Aparitions, iii. 123
Caloyer, Greek monk, ii. 130, 181; iii. 123
Calpac, centre part of Turkish headdress, iii. 119
Calpe's rock (Gibraltar), i. 378; ii. 89, 113, 455
Calprende, M., i. 398
Calvert, Charles, actor, iv. 78; as "Sardanapalus," v. 2
Calvin, i. 417
Calvinism, Byron's, ii. 74
Calypso, ii. 118
Calypso's isle (Goza), ii. 118, 173; iii. 10
Camarases, John, translation of Ocellus Lucanus' De Universi Natura, ii. 198
Cambridge, Duke of, iii. 145
Cambridge, Rev. O.P., iii. 107
Cambridge University, i. 373, 392; Whig Club at, vii. 66, 68
Cambyses, 2nd king of Persia, iv. 259
Camel, "ship of the desert," v. 606
Cameron of Fassieferne, John, ii. 292
Cameron of Lochiel, Donald, ii. 232, 292
Cameron, Sir Evan, ii. 232, 292
Camerotti di sotto, and di sopr, (Venetian prisons), iv. 364
Camese, Albanian kilt, ii. 146
Camillus, ii. 518
Camons, Luis de, i. 78, 313, 320, 370
Campbell, J. Dykes, iii. 538
Campbell, Thomas, i. 331, 435; vii. 49; Specimens of the British Poets, i. 198; vii. 74, 75; a true poet, i. 306; Pleasures of Hope, i. 361; ii. 169; iii. 459; Gertrude of Wyoming, i. 429; ii. xiii, 23, 113; vi. 39; Hohenlinden, ii. 49; Lochiel's Warning, ii. 292; iv. 235; Elegy on Princess Charlotte's Death, ii. 450; Battle of the Baltic, ii. 459; Last Man, iv. 42; referred to in Don Juan, vi. 6, 75, 444
Campo Formio, Peace of, ii. 363
Can Grande della Scala, v. 562
Canaries, Isles of the Blest, vi. 169
Candia, ii. 340; v. 127
Cangas, battle of, ii. 46
Cann, battle of, ii. 255
Canning, George, New Morality, i. 294, 363; Gifford's support of, i. 304; his "colleagues hate him for his wit", i. 377; M.P. for Liverpool, i. 497; attempts to form coalition Ministry, i. 497; his duel with Perceval, ii. 79; Needy Knife-Grinder in Anti-Jacobin, ii. 80; praises Bride of Abydos, iii. 151, 197; parodies Southey's Elegy on H. Martin, iv. 482; Pitt's "The Pilot that weathered the Storm," v. 568, vi. 482; and Roman Catholic Emancipation, v. 569; Byron on, vi. 482; Brougham and, vi. 506; quotes Christianity to sanction slavery, vi. 549; "the tall wit," vii. 54; "for War," vii. 30
Canova, Antonio, ii. 324, 369, 370; iv. 174, 536
Cantabria, Favila, Duke of, v. 558
Cantemir, Demetrius, History of the Growth and Decay of the Othman Empire, vi. 259, 277
Canterbury, vi. 421, 422
Canzani, Lambro, iii. 194, 219
Cape de Verd Islands, vi. 169
Cape Gallo, iii. 248
Capena, ii. 416, 516
Capo di Ferro, Cardinal, ii. 508
Capo d'Istria, Count, President of Greece, v. 575
Capote, Albanese cloak, ii. 132, 181; iii. 450
Cappelletti, Giuseppe, Storia della Republica di Venisia, iv. 327, 345, 427
Capperonier, M., ii. 481
Caracalla, ii. 517, 521; iii. 180
Caracci, Hannibal, ii. 437
Caractacus, vi. 497
Carapanos, Constantin, Dodone et ses Ruines, ii. 132, 182
Carasman (or Kara Osman), Oglou, iii. 166
Caravaggio, vi. 502
Carbonari, the, vi. 259, 489; v. 567
Cardan, De Consolatione, ii. 236
Carew, Thomas, Poems, iii. 17; The Spark, ii. 236
Carey, Henry, Chrononhotonthologos; Sally in our Alley, i. 413; Namby Pamby, or a Panegyric on the New Versification, i. 418
"Caritas Romana," ii. 437
Carlisle, taken by the Highlanders, vii. 25
Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of, i. 354, 370, 383; ii. 23, 234; vii. 78
Carlisle, Lady, v. 329
Carlo Dolce, vi. 502
Carlowitz plain, iii. 455
Carlyle, Thomas, i. 489; French Revolution, iv. 13, 454; History of Frederick the Great, iv. 334; vi. 337
Carmagnola, v. 179, 180
Carnarvon, 1st Earl of, i. 336
Caroline (of Anspach), Queen, ii. 282
Caroline (of Brunswick), Queen, i. 311; ii. 230; iv. 555; v. 15, 206, 569; vi. 67, 236, 275, 290, 450, 451; vii. 72, 78
Carpenter, Dr. F.J., Selections from the Poetry of Lord Byron, iv. 119
Carr, Sir John (Stranger in France; Travels), i. 38, 378, 379; ii. 65, 78
Carrara, Francesco Novello da (Signer of Padua), ii. 476, 482
Carreno, Jos Maria, Commandant-General of Panama, v. 602
Carrer, Luigi, iv. 456, 457, 536
Carrer Museum, Venice, iv. 457
Cartaginense, Il, vi. 91
Cartaret, Lord, i. 418
Carthage, iv. 251; vi. 348; burning of, v. 512
Carthaginians and Irish, vi. 337
Carttar, Joseph, coroner for Kent, vi. 265
Carus, Rev. W., Memoirs of the Life of the Rev. Mr. Simeon, i. 417
Carver, William, vii. 22
Gary, New Pocket Plan of London, Westminster, and Southwark, vi. 434
Gary, Rev. Henry Francis, Dante, iv. 23, 313; Memoir of, iv. 314
Carysfort, John Joshua Proby, 1st Earl of, i. 445
Casaubon, ii. 518
Casemate, a, vi. 305
Cash, power of, vi. 458
Casimir V., king John, of Poland, iv. 201, 205, 211, 212
Cassander, v. 487
Cassandra, i. 377; iv. 243
Cassiodorus, Tripartita, ii. 521; iii. 306; iv. 386
Cassius, ii. 374; iv. 120, 386
Castelar, Emilio, Life of Lord Byron, ii. 374
Castellan, Antoine Louis, Lettres sur la More, etc. iii. 249, 270; Moeurs des Ottomans, iii. 480
Castelnau, Marquis Gabriel de, Essai sur L'Histoire ancienne et moderne de la Nouvelle Russie, vi. 264, 304, 305-307, 309-313, 315-317, 319, 320, 331-335, 340, 343, 344, 352, 356, 358, 359, 362, 365, 366-368
Castra, J.H., Vie de Catherine II., vi. 370, 392
Casti, Animali Parlanti, iv. 156
Castiglione, Marchesa, iv. 157
Castlereagh, Lord, ii. 342; iv. 476; vi. 4, 7, 264, 389, 418, 450; vii. 20, 30, 65, 81
Castri, village of, ii. 61, 85, 92, 189
Castriota, George (Scanderberg or Scander Bey), ii. 124, 173
Catalani, Angelica, i. 346; v. 562
Cataneo, Maurizio, iv. 150
Cathay, vi. 457
Cathcart, Lord, i. 468, 488
Catherine II. of Russia, ii. 193, 198, 200, 282; v. 550, 564; vi. 313, 333, 351, 370, 381, 383, 387-399, 406, 411, 413, 414, 439
Catholic Claims, iv. 561
Catholic Emancipation, iv. 503; v. 569; vi. 506
Catilina, iii. 117
Catinat, Marchal Nicholas, Mmoires, vi. 170, 514
Cato, i. 449; ii. 514; iv. 253; v. 506; vi. 270, 303
Catullus, v. 613; vi. 26, 139; vii. 17; Ad Lesbiam, i. 72; "Lugete Veneres, Cupidinesque," i. 74; "Mellitos oculos tuos, Juventi," i. 75
Caucasus, Mount, i. 378; v. 17, 30, 57, 294
Causeus, Museum Romanum, ii. 509
Cava, the Helen of Spain, ii. 46, 89; iv. 334
Cava, battle of, vi. 14
Cava, kava, or ava, a Tongan intoxicating drink, v. 600
Cavalier, a military earthwork, vi. 352
Cavalier Servente, iv. 165, 172
Cavalli, Marquis Antonio, iv. 547
Cawthorn, James, i. 294, 387, 453; ii. ix, x; vii. 9
Cayster river, ii. 182
Ceccho, Captain, ii. 477
Cecilia Metella, tomb of, ii. 402-405
Cecrops, i. 462
Cellini, Benvenuto, v. 471, 516, 518, 521
Ceneda, Lorenzo, Count-bishop of, iv. 332
Centaur, H.M.S., wreck of, vi. 90, 92, 94-96, 99, 110
Century Dictionary, ii. 135; v. 135
Century Magazine, iii. 435
Cephalonia, ii. 125; vii. 83
Cephalus, ii. 178
Cephisus river, i. 459; iii. 272
Ceraunian mountains ("Chimera's Alps"), ii. 131, 181
Cerement (searment), ii. 154
Ceres, vi. 129; "fell with Buonaparte," vi. 383
Cerigo, island of, ii. 167
Certaldo, Boccaccio's tomb at, ii. 373, 499
Certosa Cemetery, i. 21
Cervantes, Don Quixote, i. 299; ii. 89, 178; vi. 303, 483
Cesarotti, ii. 496; iv. 457
Cesi, Pietro, President of Romagna, vi. 212
Cevallos, Don Pedro de, i. 338
Chad, G.W. vi. 374
Chronea, ii. 294.
Chalmers, George, iv. 513; The Life of Mary Queen of Scots, vii. 53
Chambrier, M., iv. 514
Champion, The, iii. 532-535; vii. 37, 38
Champollion, Jean Franjois, v. 603
Chandler, Dr., Travels in Greece, ii. 172, 189
Chantrey, Sir Francis, vii. 49
Chaponnire, J.J., editor of Advis et Devis de l'ancienne et nouvelle Police de Genve, etc., iv. 5
Chappell, William, Old English Popular Music, vi. 145
Charity Ball, The, vii. 71
Charlemagne, iv. 287-290; vi. 507
Charlemont, Lady, iii. 105; iv. 569; vi. 215
Charles I., i. 2, 3, 101, 130,; v. 560; vii. 35, 36
Charles II., i. 2, 123, 198; v. 487
Charles III., Duke of Savoy, iv. 4, 10
Charles IV. of Spain (Conntable de Bourbon, Comte de Montpensier), ii. 390; iv. 258; v. 495, 498, 515-516, 520
Charles V. of Spain, ii. 453; iii. 308, 309; v. 499, 549
Charles VII. (Duke of Lorraine), iii. 458
Charles VIII. of France, ii. 504
Charles IX. of Sweden, v. 371
Charles XII. of Sweden, i. 107; iv. 202, 207, 233; v. 551; vi. 362, 363
Charles of Anjou, ii. 494
Charles of Saxony, Prince, vi. 605
Charles the Bold, ii. 297
Charles, Prince (the Pretender), i. 173
Charles Edward, Prince, ii. 369
Charles, R.H., translation of Dillman's Ethiopic Text (Book of Enoch), v. 302
Charlotte, Princess, wife of Tzarovitch Alexey, vi. 417
Charlotte of Wales, Princess, ii. 313, 450; iii. 45, 376; vii. 35, 78
Charlotte, Queen, iii. 4
Charrire, E., La Vie vaillant Bertran du Guesclin, v. 549
Chateaubriand, Franois Rn, Vicomte de; ii. 190; iii. 195, 431; v. 538, 539; Les Aventures du dernier Abencerrage, v. 558; Congress, etc. v. 562, 567, 575; Les Martyrs ou le Triomphe de la religion chrtienne, v. 575
Chteauneuf-de-Randon (Lozre), v. 549
Chatham, Earl of, i. 113; iv. 510; vi. 478; vii. 28
Chaucer, mentioned in Hints from Horace, i. 395; his use of the word lemman, ii. 22; Canterbury Tales ii. 155; the nightingale's "merry note," iii. 170; terza rima, iv. 313; Compleint to his Lady, iv. 239; Wife of Bath, iv. 484
Chaumont, Treaty of, v. 550
Chaworth, George, Viscount, iv. 542
Chaworth, Mary Ann (Mrs. Chaworth-Musters), i. 52, 189, 192, 210, 329, 277, 282, 283, 285, 475; ii. 18, 29. 421; iv. 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, 542; Byron's "bright morning star of Annesley," iv. 38
Chaworth, William, i. 189; ii. 17; iv. 542
Cheltenham, v. 609
Chemnitz, battle of, v. 371
Cheops, king, vi. 79
Cherbuliez, J.L.A., vi. 461
Chermside, Sir Herbert Charles, Governor of Queensland, vi. 497
Chermside, Lady (ne Webb), vi. 497
Cherry, Andrew, The Travellers; Peter the Great, i. 306, 345
Cherubim, the, v. 228
Cherubini, his opera Les Abencerages, v. 558
Chester Mysteries, vi. 551
Chester Plays, v. 200, 207
Chesterfield, 4th Earl of, Letters, i. 415; vi. 525
Chesterfield, Philip Henry, 5th Earl of, President of the Four-Horse Club, vii. 26
Chetsum, Rev. David, ii. 283
Chevalier, Le, iii. 13
Chezy, A.L., Jⱥmⱥ's Medjnoun and Leila, iii. 160
Chiaus, a Turkish messenger, iii. 113
Chichester, Lady, ii. 23
Chichester, Mrs., i. 350
Childe Harold, Introduction to Cantos I. and II., ii. ix-xv; Notes on the MSS. of, ii. xvi-xx; Itinerary, ii. xxi-xxiv; Preface to Cantos I. and II. ii. 3-8; Canto I., ii. 15-84; Notes on Canto I., ii. 85-95; Canto II., ii. 99-163; Notes on Canto II., ii. 165-208; Introduction to Canto III., ii. 211-214; Canto III., ii. 215-289; Notes on Canto III., ii. 291-307; Introduction to Canto IV., ii. 311-315; Original Draft Canto IV., ii. 316-319; Dedication of Canto IV., ii. 321-326; Canto IV., ii. 327-463; Notes on Canto IV., ii. 465-525; referred to, i. 5, 232, 277, 282, 324, 355, 366, 368, 379, 387, 453-455; iii. xix, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 90, 91, 96, 107, 120, 121, 123, 129, 134, 145, 165, 168, 210, 225, 336, 395, 417, 450, 459, 460, 470, 480, 485, 495, 499, 521; iv. 6, 34, 40, 41, 53-59, 62, 63, 65, 79, 87, 100, 104, 105, 127, 131, 132, 139, 155, 162, 166, 173, 193, 194, 196, 238, 244, 257, 266, 271, 275, 304, 364, 397, 404, 413, 422, 425, 426, 446, 456, 471, 529, 536, 578, 580; v. 27, 73, 126, 139, 149, 153, 157, 163, 333, 365, 408, 500, 556, 607, 610, 612, 615; vi. xv, xvii, 12, 13, 48, 74, 84, 116, 149, 186, 200, 212, 234, 303, 382, 384, 419, 424, 434, 476, 539, 558; vii. 7, 37, 49, 51, 55, 58
Childe Harold's Good Night, ii. 26; vii. 6
Childish Recollections, i. 17, 84-106; ii. 8, 12, 95; iii. 324
Children of Apollo, i. 294, 342, 445
Childs, George W., vii. 63
Chili, Independence of, v. 556
Chillon, Castle of, ii. 303, 304; iv. 3, 4, 18
Chimariot mountains, ii. 131, 181
Chinazzo, David, The War of Chioza, ii. 338, 477
Chioggia (Chioza), war of, ii. 338, 476, 497
Chisholm, G.G., ii. xxiv
Chiswick Press, i. xi
Choiseul-Gouffier, Count, Voyage Pittoresque de la Grce, ii. 168; iii. 295; vi. 151
Chouet, i. 414
Chrematoff, vi. 307
Christian, Charles, v. 622
Christian, Edward, Chief justice of Ely, v. 588; editor of Blackstone's Commentaries, v. 622
Christian, Fletcher, mate of the Bounty, v. 581-584, 588; short account of, v. 622
Christian Observer, iii. 377
Christians of Ewanrigg, the, v. 622
Christodoulos, an Acarnanian,
[Greek: Peri Philoso/phou, k.t.l.], ii. 198
Christopher Caustic's Terrible Tractoratian, etc., i. 307
Chronique de Bayart, v. 515
Chryseus, ii. 462
Chrysostom, vi. 28
Chulos, footmen, ii. 67, 71
Church, Rev. A., Pliny's Letters, ii. 380
Churchill, Charles, iv. 45, 51; v 337; Prophecy of Famine, iv. 14; The Times, iv. 21; The Candidate, iv. 46; The Farewell, iv. 174
Churchill, Charles, master-at-arms on the Bounty, v. 583
Churchill's Grave, iv. 45, 51, 71, 230, 266; v. 337; vi. 401
Cibber, Colley, The Provoked Husband, i. 399; Lives, iii. 280
Cicero, "Tully's fire," i. 29; Addison on his puns, i. 398; Sulp. Severus' letter to, ii. 133; In Verrem, ii. 168; speeches in the Forum, ii. 301, 413; De Finibus, ii. 345; Epist. ad Familiares, ii. 362; Epist. ad Atticum, ii. 384, 509; "Alas, for Tully's voice," ii. 392; In Catilinam, ii. 396, 510; Academ., ii. 399; Middleton's Life quoted, ii. 408; site of his villa, ii. 455, 522; Romans and the theatre, ii. 492; De Divinat., ii. 510; vi. 585; De Suo Consulatu, ii. 510; De Legibus, ii. 519; De Natur Deorum, iv. 115; Epist., iv. 120; Pro Sexto Roscio, Amerino, iv. 438; Diodorus Siculus contemporary with, v. 3; "the topical memory of the ancients," vi. 16
Cicisbeo, origin of the word, iv. 171
Cicogna, E.A., Personaggi illustri della Venezia patrizia gente, iv. 457; Inscrizioni Veneziane, v. 123
Cicognara, Leopoldo, Conte de, ii. 324, 472; iv. 456, 457
Cicognini, Giacinto Andrea, Convitato di Pietra, vi. xvi
Cid Hamet Benengeli, i. 299
Cilicia, v. 4, 24
Cimon, iv. 108
Cincinnatus, iii. 314; v. 571
Cinna, ii. 393
Cintio Giraldi, Nouvelles, v. 471
Cintra, Convention of, ii. xi, 38, 39, 65, 86; mountain, ii. 31, 34; Royal Palace at, ii. 37
Circassia (Franguestan), iii. 111; vi. 279
Circe, v. 573
Cisternes, Raoul de, Le Duc de Richelieu, vi. 333
Ciudad Real, ii. 89
Ciudad Rodrigo, fall of, i. 496; vi. 69
Civil Wars, the, i. 3
Civitella, village of, ii. 523
Civran, iv. 331
Claiborne, W.C.C., Governor of Louisiana, iii. 297, 298
Clairmont, Jane (her transcription of Childe Harold, Canto III.), ii. 145, 211, 214, 216, 217, 230, 232, 288, 304; iv. 3, 70
Clancarty, Lord, vi. 374
Clare, John Fitzgibbon, 1st Earl of, i. 100
Clare, John Fitzgibbon, 2nd Earl of ("Lycus"), i. xi, 96, 98-100, 128, 200, 222
Clarence, Duke of, vi. 60, 451
Clarendon, History of the Rebellion, i. 3
Clarens, ii. 277, 304; iv. 18
Clark, J.W., Cambridge, vi. 433
Clarke, Edward Daniel, Travels in Various Countries, i. 455; ii. 168, 172, 204; iii. 75, 94, 151, 272, 295; vi. 171, 204, 211; The Tomb of Alexander, etc., v. 542
Clarke, Hewson, i. 373-375, 383; ii. 213
Clarke, John, i. 406
Clarke, J.S., Memoir of William Falconer, ii. 169
Clarke, Mary Anne, i. 391
Claude Lorraine, ii. 168; vi. 502
Claudian, ii. 412; In Ruffin., v. 289; Epigrammata, v. 562
Claudius, ii. 520
Clayton, Sir Richard, Critical Enquiry into the Life of Alexander the Great, vi. 226
Clement XII., Pope, ii. 389, 432; v. 521
Cleon, ii. 190
Cleonice, iv. 108
Cleopatra, i. 490; ii. 397; iii. 11; v. 484; vi. 269; her mummy in the British Museum, v. 542
Clermont, Mrs., vi. 22
Cleveland, Duchess of, iv. 541
Clinton, George, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord Byron, iii. 443, 447; v. 581
Clitumnus river, ii. 379-381
Clodius, i. 351; iv. 352; vi. 139
Clootz, Jean Baptiste, Baron de (Anacharsis Clootz), vi. xviii, 13
Club, Byron's definition of a, i. 407
Clusium, iv. 334
Clytemnestra, ii. 426
Clytus, ii. 124
Coalition Ministry, the, i. 500
Cobbett, William, i. 297; ii. 40; v. 572; vi. 380; vii. 65, 67, 68
Cobbett's Weekly Register, v. 540, 572; vi. 266
Cochineal, kermes, vi. 575
Cochrane, Thomas, Lord, iv. 111; vi. 67
Cockburn, Admiral Sir George, ii. 239
Cockburn, Mrs. Robert (Mary Duff), i. 192
Cocker, Arithmetic, vi. 601
Cockney School, the, iv. 339
Coehoorn, Baron Menno van, a Dutch military engineer, vi. 344
Coelius Antipater, Annales, ii. 378
Cohen, Francis (afterwards Sir F. Palgrave), translation of Old Chronicle (Marino Faliero); Rise and Progress of the English Constitution; History of the Anglo-Saxons, iv. 46
Coke on Littleton, vi. 568
Colbleen mountain, i. 194
Cole, W., boatswain on the Bounty, v. 583
Coleorton, Memorials of, iv. 585
Coleridge, Miss Edith, iii. 454
Coleridge, Hartley, Essays, ii. 331; First Visit to the Theatre in London, v. 474
Coleridge, H.N., Study of the Classics, vi. 117
Coleridge, Sara, i. 489
Coleridge, Mrs. S.T., iv. 521
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, The Devils Walk, i. 31; vii. 21; Byron and, i. 305, 365; iii. 444; vi. 74; nitrous oxide, i. 307; Poems, i. 315, 316; ii. 22; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 316, 369; on Monk Lewis, i. 138; Letters of, i. 318; ii. 401; iv. 225, 585; v. 175, 544; vi. 350, 421; Table Talk of, i. 318; iv. 318, 339, 485; v. 175; vi. 152; Cottle's Early Recollections of, i. 329; Anima Poet, i. 367; ii. 113, 236; iv. 587; vi. 91; and Charles Lloyd, i. 368; Frost at Midnight, i. 369; Sir J. Bland Burges, i. 437; on dancing in Germany, i. 475; on Kotzebue, i. 489; Biographia Literaria, i. 489; iii. 435; vi. 4, 39, 167, 168, 175; Ancient Mariner, ii. 22; iv. 22, 27, 104, 225, 230, 506; vi. 106, 114; Lamb's apology for, ii. 22; Christabel, ii. 134, 274, 360; iii. 443, 471, 476, 511, 519, 537; iv. 20, 82, 224; v. 281; vi. 243, 279; vii. 45; Hymn before Sunrise in the Valley of Chamouni, ii. 254; iv. 110; Dejection: An Ode, ii. 264; vi. 39; The Friend, ii. 281, 301; vi. 174; Lines to Nature, ii. 302; vi. 179; "Oh for one hour of The Recluse," ii. 337; Boccaccio, ii. 374; Essays on His Own Times, ii. 397, 401; a Parliamentary reporter, ii. 401; Kubla Khan, ii. 416, 418, 447; iv. 267; v. 73, 277; Israel's Lament, ii. 450; his influence on Rogers, iii. 320; Lines to a Gentleman, iii. 336; Byron's letters to, iii. 441; iv. 338; Byron's beneficiary, iii. 444; "Apostacy and Renegadoism," iii. 488; Songs of the Pixies, iii. 524; Zapolya, iv. 24; Sibylline Leaves, iv. 42; Religions Musings, ibid.; depreciates Voltaire, iv. 184; "No more my visionary soul shall dwell," iv. 225; on Walpole's Mysterious Mother, iv. 339; author of the libel on Shelley? iv. 475; The Plot Discovered, etc., iv. 512; Miscellanies, etc., iv. 515; Hazlitt on, iv. 518; the result of pantisocracy, iv. 521; on Southey's Life of Wesley, iv. 522; translates Schiller's Piccolomini, iv. 566; Lectures of 1811-1812, iv. 575; his visit to the Beaumonts, iv. 585; Pains of Sleep, v. 78; on Keats and Adam Steinmetz, "There is death in that hand," v. 175; and Pitt's description of Napoleon, v. 544; Critique on Maturin's Bertram, vi. xvii, 4; Morning Post, vi. 175; his marriage, ibid.; "hath the sway," vi. 445; Literary Remains, vi. 576; his note-books, vii. 18; Mackintosh on, vii. 32
Coligny, vi. 246
Coliseum (or Colosseum), Rome, ii. 423-435; iv. 131
Collegio dei Signore di notte al Criminal, iv. 427
Colleoni, Battolommeo, iv. 336, 392
Collier, Jeremy, Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage, i. 416; Shakespeare, vi. 502
Collignon, Maximo, Histoire de la Sculpture Grecque, ii. 365, 432, 445
Collini, Mdlle., i. 348
Collins, Ode to Pity, ii. 34; How Sleep the Brave, ii. 50; Ode on the Death of Mr. Thomson, iii. 50; Irish Eclogues, iii. 224
Collins, Peerage, vi. 410
Colman the younger, George, i. 306, 343; iv. 75; The Iron Chest; Heir-at-Law, i. 343; John Bull, or An Englishman's Fireside, i. 343, 400; The Review, or the Wags of Windsor, iii. 43; Love Laughs at Locksmiths, vi. 308
Cologne, vi. 419
Colonna, Cape, ii. 156, 169; iii. 86, 134
Colonna de' Francesi, La (Ravenna), vi. 212
Colonna, Vittoria, iv. 262
Columbia, Republic of, v. 555; vi. 456
Columbus, Christopher, iii. 76; iv. 262; vi. 552
Columella, De Re Rustica, ii. 488
Comboloio, a Turkish rosary, iii. 181, 275
Commodus, iv. 334
Comnena, Anna, Alexiad, ii. 202
Complaint, The, iv. 220
Compostelli, Pietro de, iv. 448, 467
Conan the Jester, v. 209
"Concision" used for "conciseness," vi. 550
Cond, Prince de, iv. 262
Condolatory Address to Sarah, Countess of Jersey, on the Prince Regents returning her Picture to Mrs. Mee, vii. 37
Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine, Marquis de, President of Legislative Assembly in 1792, vi. 13
Conduit, Mrs. (Catherine Barton), vi. 400
Congreve, i. 198, 306, 349, 416; vi. 510
Congreve, Sir William, inventor of "Congreve rockets," vi. 50
Conquest, The, vii. 82
Consiglio Minore (Venice), iv. 345
Consiglio dei Dieci. See Council of Ten
Constable, Archibald, i. 310, 436
Constans, ii. 520
Constant, Henri Benjamin de Rebecque, v. 566, 567
Constantine, Emperor, ii. 336, 520
Constantine, Grand-Duke, v. 564
Constantinople (Istambol, [Greek: HEpta/lophos]), i. 378; ii. 152, 194; iii. 17, 21; vi. 219
Constitutionel, Le, v. 566, 577
Contarini, Doge Andrea, ii. 477, 497
Contarini (afterwards Foscari), Lucrezia, v. 115, 130
Conti, v. 371
Contrario, Ugoccion, iii. 506
Cook, Captain, i. 325; v. 582; vi. 19; voyage in the Resolution, v. 588, 605
Cook, Dutton, A Book of the Play, i. 414
Cooke, George Frederick, i. 46, 344; iv. 338
Cookery, science of, vi. 561
Cooper, actor, iv. 324
Copenhagen, bombardment of, i. 468; v. 588
Copernicus, i. 402
Copet, iv. 53; vii. 50
Coray, Diamant or Adamantius, Bibliothque Hellnique, ii. 196-199, 203
Corday, Charlotte, vi. 14
Cordoba, ii. 54
Corfu, ii. 193
Corfu, Giovanni da, iv. 464
Corinth, ii. 363; iii. 440-496; Gulf of, ii. 60
Corinthian brass, vi. 284
Corinthians, v. 262
Coriolanus, ii. 388, 452; iv. 338; v. 27
Cork Convent, ii. 35, 86
Cork and Orrery, 8th Earl of, vi. 504
Cork and Orrery, Mary, Countess of ("Countess Crabby"), vi. 504
Cornaro, Flaminio, Ecclesi Venet, v. 123
Cornaro, Marco, iv. 402, 465
Cornelia, daughter of Metellus Scipio, and widow of P. Crassus, iv. 264
Cornelian, The, i. 66, 240; iii. 48
Cornwall, Barry. See Procter, B.W.
Cornwall wreckers, ii. 141, 182
Coron, or Corone (the ancient Colonides), iii. 249
Corresponding Society, The, iv. 516
Corsair, i. 388, 457; ii. 252; iii. xix, 46, 49, 217-229, 303, 319-321, 409; v. 584; vi. 132
Corsi, Cardinal, ii. 495
Cortejo, Spanish, vi. 55
Cortes, v. 555
Cosmo II., ii. 499
Costerden, Elizabeth, vi. 294
Costerden, William, vi. 294
Cotta, v. 81, 108
Cottle, Amos, Translation of the Edda of Smund, i. 314, 328, 329, 403
Cottle, Joseph, Alfred; The Fall of Cambria, i. 328, 436; Early Recollections of Coleridge, i. 329
Cotton, Mrs., of Worcester, iii. 209
Couch of Hercules, vi. 220
Coulman, M.J.J., iv. 543
Council of Ten (Il Consiglio dei Dicci), iv. 363, 366, 385, 399, 441, 448, 465, 470; v. 115-118, 169
Courier, The, i. 423, 436; ii. xii; iii. 45, 377, 488, 534; iv. 477-479, 482; v. 203; vi. 4, 12
Courland, Anne, Duchess of (Empress of Russia), vi. 417
Courland, Frederick William, Duke of, vi. 417
Courland, James, 3rd Duke of, vi. 417
Courlande, Pierre, last Duc de, vi. 417
Courrier, v. 566, 577
Courtney Melmoth. See Pratt, Samuel Jackson
Courtney, W.P., English Whist, vi. 507
Coutts, Mrs., iv. 541; Byron's "Mrs. Rabbi;" Vivian Grey's "Mrs. Million," vi. 504
Covent Garden Theatre, O.P. riots at, i. 347; vi. 11; Manfred at, iv. 78; Lee's The Three Strangers at, v. 337
Cowley, Abraham, i. 403; vi. 166; Davideis, i. 436
Cowley, Henry Wellesley, 1st Baron, ii. 79
Cowley, Mrs. Hannah (ne Parkhouse), i. 314; The Belle's Stratagem, i. 358, 403; Siege of Acre, i. 436
Cowley, W.D., translation of Parrot's Journey to Ararat, v. 294
Cowper, Joseph Meadows, Memorial Inscriptions, etc., vi. 422
Cowper, Lady (afterwards Palmerston), i. 301
Cowper, William, mentioned in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 362; The Task, iv. 174; vi. 348; Hayley's biography of, i. 321; Milton, v. 218
Coxe, William, Archdeacon of Wilts, Trav. Switz., ii. 385; Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough, vi. 174
Crabbe, George, i. 306, 365; vi. 6, 75; vii. 49; Resentment, iii. 128
"Crane," to, vi. 524
Crashaw, Richard, vi. 166
Crassus, ii. 405; iv. 264
Creech, Thomas, Translation of Horace, vi. 247
Crem, v. 138
Crem, Augustinus de, ii. 340
Creon, king of Corinth, i. 170
Crespan, Gio., Della Vita e delle lettere di Luigi Carrer, iv. 457
Crespi, the tenor, vi. 206
Cressy, battle of, i. 2
Crete, v. 127
Creusa, i. 159
Crib, i. 466
Critical Review, iii. 473, 499, 518; iv. 6, 13, 27, 81, 99
Croesus, iii. 519
Croker, John Wilson, ii. 4, 187; iii. 157, 217; iv. 74, 157, 339; v. 546; vi. 482; vii. 49; article on Keats in Q.R., vi. 445; vii. 76
Croly, D.D., Rev. George, Paris in 1815; Catiline; Salathiel; The Angel of the World, vi. 444, 445
Cromwell, Oliver, i. 122, 123; ii. 292, 394, 453; iv. 334; v. 560; vi. 174; vii. 35
Cronaca Augustini, v. 190
Cronaca Dolfin, v. 117, 118, 121, 172
Crosby and Co., B., i. xii, 234
Crosby's Magazine, i. 368
Crossing the Line, v. 616
Croupade, ii. 70
Crousaz-Crtet, Lon de, vi. 264
Cruikshank, drawing of Jackson's rooms, i. 434; frontispiece to Rowfant Library Catalogue, iv. 508
Crusaders, the, i. 117
Cruscanti, the, iv. 152
Crusius, Martinus, Turco-Grcia, iii. 122
Ctesias of Cnidos, Persica, v. 3, 4, 11; vi. 122
Ctesilaus, ii. 431
Cuba, iii. 296
Cuesta, ii. 89
Culloden, battle of, i. 173; ii. 292; vi. 12
Cumberland, Ernest Augustus, Duke of, and King of Hanover, gazetted Field-Marshal 1813, vii. 31
Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of, vi. 12
Cumberland, Princess Olive of, iv. 541
Cumberland, Richard, Wheel of Fortune, i. 45, 344; referred to in English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers, i. 306, 314, 343; The West Indian; The Jew, i. 344; and Townsend, i. 403; Observer, i. 414; iii. 85; Exodiad; Calvary, i. 436
Cumourgi (Courmourgi or Cumurgi), Ali, iii. 442, 455
Cunningham, Allan, vi. 3
Curll, a bookseller, i. 220, 326
Curran, John Philpot, ii. 236; iv. 561; vi. 450; Life of, iv. 555; "Longbow from Ireland," vi. 509
Currie, M.D., James, Works of Robert Burns, with an Account of his Life, etc., vi. 174
Curse of Minerva, i. 378, 451-474; ii. ix, 33, 106, 107, 168, 192, 252, 366; iii. 270
Curtis, Sir William, v. 578; vii. 68
Curtius, Q., Hist. Alexand., vi. 226
Curwens of Workington Hall, the, v. 622
Curzon, Visits to Monasteries of the Levant, ii. 294
Cuvier, le Bon G., Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, etc., v. 210; vi. 385, 415
Cyanean Symplegades, vii. 10
Cyanometer, vi. 216
Cyaxares, v. 107
Cybele, ii. 328
Cyclades, vi. 118, 203
Cymar, or simar, a shroud, iii. 143
Cymbeline, vi. 487
Cypress tree, "the only constant mourner o'er the dead," iii. 99
Cyprus, iv. 400
Cyrus, king of Persia, v. 5; vi. 572
Czaplinski, Governor of Poland, iv. 211
d'Abrants, Duke (Junot), ii. 39, 40
d'Acerenza, Franois Pignatelli de Belmonte, Duc, vi. 417
d'Acerenza, Jeanne Catherine, Duchesse, vi. 417
Dacians, the, ii. 412
Dacier, M., i. 402; Aristotle, vi. 182
Dacre, Charlotte. See Byrne, Mrs.
Dacre, Lady (Mrs. Wilmot), vii. 48
D'Alembert, Jean-le-Rond, ii. 209; v. 554; vi. 63
Dalkeith, Countess of, i. 310
Dallas, Rev. Alexander, i. 387; ii. xvi
Dallas, Judge, i. 495
Dallas, R.C., his copy of British Bards, i. xiv, 293, 298, 322; Byron's letters to, i. 294, 347, 359, 404; ii. xi, xii, xiv, xviii, 15, 24, 30, 32, 37, 65, 73, 83, 95, 104, 105, 161-163, 208; iii. 129; iv. 125; vii. 9; Fitzgerald's and Byron's jeux d'esprit, i. 298; Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, i. 305, 387; ii. ix-xii, xiv, xv, 89, 104, 120, 176; iii. 107; iv. 446; MS. of Childe Harold, ii. xvi, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22-24, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41-43, 45, 46, 48-52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 62, 64, 66, 82, 83, 100-102, 105-107, 110, 112-116, 126, 131, 135, 138-140, 146, 147, 149, 150, 155, 157, 159-162, 328, 329, 336, 341, 342, 352, 370, 373, 382, 385, 413, 419, 421, 443, 451, 458, 460; a suppressed Note on Spain and Portugal, ii. 87; on Cain, v. 199; certain "ludicrous stanzas" of The Island, v. 615; MS. of The Island, v. 587, 589, 590, 592, 595-597, 600-604, 611, 612, 615, 621, 625, 632, 636, 637, 639; Don Juan MS., vi. 143, 144, 150, 159, 167, 168, 170; "Yes! wisdom shines in all his mien," vii. 12; MS. of On a Royal Visit, etc., vii. 36
Dallas, Robert, iii. 18
Dallaway, Rev. James, Constantinople Ancient and Modern, iii. 90, 166
Dalrymple, Sir Hew, ii. 39, 40
dal Sale, Alberto, iii. 506
Dalzell, Sir George, Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, vi. 87, 89-92, 94-96, 99, 102-110, 112
Damtus, i. 128
Damas d'Antigny, Joseph Elizabeth Roger, Comte de, vi. 312
Damascus, ii. 151
Damon, i. 175
Dampier, discoverer of the bread-fruit, v. 596
d'Ancona, A., Manuale della Letteratura Italiana, iv. 536
Dandies, the, iv. 176
Dandolo, Doge Andrea, iv. 352, 366, 438, 459
Dandolo, Giovanni, iv. 356
Dandolo, Doge Henry, ii. 329, 336, 337, 475
Dandolo, Conte Girolamo Antonio, Sui Quattro Cavalli, etc.; La Caduia della Repubblica di Venezia, iv. 456, 457
Danes at battle of Copenhagen, i. 468
Daniel, To the Lady Lucy, Countess of Bedford, iv. 239
Daniel, prophecies of, ii. 78; the writing on the wall, iii. 398; in the lions' den, vi. 235; Book of, vi. 504
Dante, ii. 355, 375, 494, 503; iv. 237-276; v. 562; vi. 146, 212, 213, 303; his tomb, ii. 371, 494; iv. 237, 244; Ricci's monument to, ii. 375; Inferno, iii. 227, 249, 270; iv. 23, 238, 245, 254, 272, 314, 316; vi. 36, 37, 105, 289, 408, 606; Div. Commedia, iv. 237, 570; Paradiso, iv. 347; La Vita Nuova, iv. 248, 253; Sonnet, iv. 249, 253; Il Convito, iv. 253, 256, 274, 318; Purgatorio, iv. 256, 263, 272; vi. 181; Epistola IX. Amico Florentino, iv. 276
Danton, Georges Jacques, vi. 13
Danube, vi. 304, 306, 331, 368
Dardanelles, the, iii. 13; vi. 208
d'Argens, Marquis, Lettres Juives, iii. 123
Darkness, iv. 42; v. 315
Darmesteter, James (Notes to Childe Harold), ii. 67, 106, 115, 134, 149, 236, 325, 345, 358, 419; translation of Zend-Avesta, iv. 112
Darnley, Lord, vii. 29
Daru, P., Histoire de la Rpublique de Vnise, iv. 332, 471; v. 115, 124, 179, 188, 190, 195; vi. 199; Histoire de la Rpublique Franaise, v. 196
Darwin, Charles Robert, i. 367
Darwin, Erasmus, The Botanic Garden; The Temple of Nature, i. 306, 367
Davenport, actor, as "Ulric" in Werner, v. 324
David, i. 490
Davies, Scrope B., ii. 211, 212; iv. 179; Parisina dedicated to, iii. 501
Davies, Thomas, Massinger, i. 304; Life of Garrick, i. 409, 428
Davis, Henry Edward, ii. 283
Davison, Mrs., iv. 70
Davison, T., printer, i. 452, 453; iii. 259, 315, 323; vii. 58
Davoust, General, v. 550
Davy, Lady (Mrs. Apreece), iv. 541
Davy, Sir H., i. 307; iv. 472, 570, 586; his safety-lamp, vi. 51
Davy, Martin, Master of Caius College, Cambridge, iii. 170
Dead Sea, ii. 237, 294
Death of Calmar and Orla, i. 177
Debora, or Azzrum, Cain's sister, v. 226
Decies, Lord, Archbishop of Tuam, i. 390
Dee river, Aberdeenshire, i. 193, 238
Deformed Transformed, The, ii. 423, 483; iv. 15; v. 72, 371, 469-534, 606; vi. 500
d'Egville, Don Quichotte, ou les Noces de Gamache, i. 347
de la Bastie, M. le Bimard, Baron, Mmoires de l'Acadmie, etc., ii. 480, 481, 482
De la Berge, Essai sur le rgne de Trajan, ii. 412
de la Croix, Sieur, i. 493
Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Eugne, painter, iv. 461
de la Guilletire, Le Sieur, Lacedmone Ancienne et Nouvelle, iii. 122
de la Houssaie, Sieur Amelott, History of the Government of Venice, iv. 358
de la Motraye, Aubrey, Voyages, vi. 295, 296
Delano, Amasa, Narrative of Voyages, etc., v. 622
De la Pryme, Charles, iv. 46
De La Rose, Pierre, vii. 3
Delavigne, Casimir Jean Franois, Marino Faliero, tragdie en cinq actes, iv. 329, 367
Delawarr, George John, 5th Earl of ("Euryalus"), i. 7, 100; ii. 22
Delawarr, Thomas, 3rd Earl of, i. 101
Delbora, or Awina, Abel's sister, v. 226
Delhis, or delis, Turkish bravos, "Forlorn Hope," ii. 136, 149; iii. 168, 459; vi. 312
Della Cruscan School, i. 304, 323, 357, 358, 441, 444; Academy (Florence), i. 358; ii. 357, 485
della Scala, Francesco can Grande, v. 562
Delort, M., iv. 514
Delphi, i. 425; ii. 15, 60, 61, 85, 92
Delphin, Martial, vi. 27
Delpini, Charles Anthony, Don Juan; or, The Libertine destroyed, vi. xvi, 11
Del Pinto, vi. 227, 228
Delvinachi (Illyria), ii. 134, 174, 177, 202
Demeter, v. 570
Demetrius, Byron's servant, ii. 75
Demetrius Poliorcetes, v. 486
Democracy, "an Aristocracy of Blackguards," vi. 381
Democritus, i. 422
Demosthenes, i. 29; ii. 301
Denham, Clapperton, and Oudney, Narrative of Travels ... in Northern and Central Africa, vi. 474
Denman, Lord, i. 366; ii. 291
Dennis, John, i. 220, 326; iii. 279; Essay on the Operas after the Italian manner, etc., i. 410
Dent, M.P., John ("Dog Dent"), vii. 49
Denvil ("Manfred Denvil"), the actor, iv. 78
d'Epinay, Madame, ii. 266
De Principatibus Itali Tractatus Varii, ii. 478
Derby, Lord, Homer's Iliad, vi. 339
d'Erceville, Rolland, Recherches sur les Prrogatives des Dames chez les Gaulois, etc., ii. 6
Deropoli, plain of, ii. 134
Dervish Tahiri, ii. 175, 176; iii. 134, 450 |