[Greek: Mamphred / Dramatikon Poima / tou / Lordou Burnos. / Metaphrasis / Eppikou Gkrn. / ho ou)ranos, HOra/ti), e)/cheiplei/onak)(gn / par) ho/sa ohi philo/sophoi phanta/zesthe ] / Shakspere. / [Greek: En Patrais / tupographeion kai Bibliopleion Eustathiou P. Christodoulou. / Para t hodo HErmou= ]./ 1864 [8.
Pp. 79 + [Greek: Paroramata], p. [80].
Stoenescu (Th.M.) Teatru ... Manfred, dupe Lord Byron. Editura "Revisteĭ Literare:" Bucurescĭ, 1896. [8.
Manfred, pp. 173-228.
[Cyrillic: Manphred. Dramatitseskaya poema v" trekh" dyĭstviyakh Perevod" M. Vronchenko.]
[Cyrillic: Manphred ... Perevod A. Borodina.] ["[Cyrillic: Panteon"]," 1841. No. 2.]
[Cyrillic: Manphred" ... Perev. E. Zarina] ["[Cyrillic: Biblioteka dlya Chteniya]" [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1858, No. 8.]
[Cyrillic: Manphred ... Perebod" D. Minaeva.]["[Cyrillic: Russkoe Slovo]," 1863. No. 4.]
Manfredo, drama en tres actos. Por lord Byron. Imp. de Decourchant Paris. A Paris, rue du Temple, n. 69. 1829. [18
[Bibl. de la France, October 17, 1829.]
Manfredo,/ Poema dramtico/ de/ Lord Byron./ Traducido en verso directamente del ingls al castellano/ Por/ D. Jos Alcal Galiano/ y Fernandez de las Peas./ Madrid:/ Imprenta de A. Vicente, Preciados, 74./ 1861./ [8.
Pp. xiii. + 85.
Lord Byron./ Manfredo/ y/ Oscar de Alva/ Version castellana/ de ngel R. Chaves./ Madrid,/ Imprenta de Eduardo Martinez,/ Calle del prncipe, nmero, 25./ 1876./ [8.
Pp. xix. + Manfredo, 1-54 + Oscar de Alva, pp. 55-78 + Indice, p. [79].
Marino Faliero.
Marino Faliero,/ Doge of Venice./ An Historical Tragedy,/ In Five Acts./ With Notes./ The Prophecy of Dante,/ A Poem./ By Lord Byron./ London: John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1821./ [8.
Half-title (R. London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars) pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Cont., pp. v., vi.; Half-title, with Motto ("Dux inquieti turbidus Adri."/ Horace./), pp. vii., viii.; Preface, pp. ix.-xxi.; Text, pp. 1-261. The Imprint, as above, is in the centre of p. [262].
Marino Faliero p. 1 Notes p. 169 Appendix p. 173 Prophecy of Dante p. 209 Notes p. 257
Marino Faliero, etc./ Second Edition, etc./ 1821./ [8.
Vide supra, No. i. Note that in some copies of the First Edition lines 500-507, act v. sc. 1, do not appear. In the Second Edition and in other copies of the First Edition they have been inserted. (See Poetical Works, 1901, iv. 447.)
Note.—Another edition (pp. xxi. + 261), in small octavo, was issued by John Murray in 1823.
Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. 179 pp. Philadelphia, M. Carey and Sons. 1821. [8. [Library of Congress, Washington, 1880.]
Marino Faliero, doge of Venice, an historical tragedy in five acts, with notes. By the right hon. lord Byron. Impr. de Belin Paris—A Paris chez Galignani. [12. [Bibl. de la France, June 29, 1821.]
Marino Faliero,/ Doge of Venice:/ An Historical Tragedy,/ In Five Acts./ By/ Lord Byron./ "Dux inquieti turbidus Adri."—Horace./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ Sold also by/ Tilt and Bogue, Fleet Stree nburgh, Oliver and Boyd: Dublin, John Cumming./ 1842./ [12.
Title (R. London:/ Printed by H. Spottiswoode,/ New-Street-Square./); Text, pp. 3-162. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 162.
Marino Faliero./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Title-Vignette, "The Gory Head rolls down the Giant's steps!"]/ New and Complete Edition.—Price one Penny./ London J. Dicks 313 Strand; All Booksellers./ [1883, etc.] [8.
Pp. 461-492.
Note.—No. 153 of "Dicks' Standard Plays."
Translations of Marino Faliero.
Marino Faliero/ Doge von Venedig./ Geschichtliche Tragdie/ von/ Lord Byron./ Freie bersetzung/ von/ Thierry Preyer./ Frankfurt am Main./ Alfred Neumann'sche Buchhandlung./ 1883./ [4.
Collation—Title, one leaf; Personen; Vorrede, 8 pp. + Text, pp. 1-147. The Imprint (C. Naumann's Druckerei, Frankfurt a. M.) is in the centre of p. [148].
Lord Byron's/ Marino Faliero./ Fr das herzoglich Sachsen-Meiningen'sche Hoftheater/ bersetzt und bearbeitet/ von A. Fitger./ Oldenburg./ Schulzesche Hof-Buchhandlung und Hof-Buchdruckerei./ (A. Schwartz.)/ [8.
Title (R. Alle Rechte Vorbehalten); Vorwort (R. "Personen"); Text, pp. 1-84.
Mazeppa,/ A Poem./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1819./ [8.
Half-title (R. London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars.); Title, one leaf; Half-title (Mazeppa), pp. 1, 2; Advt. (quotation from Voltaire, Hist, de Charles XII., pp. 196, 216), pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-69. The Imprint, as above, is in the centre of p. [70] + "Lord Byron's Poems," etc., p. 71.
Mazeppa p. 5 Ode ("Oh Venice! Venice!") p. 47 A Fragment (Augustus Darvell) p. 57
Mazeppa, A Poem./ By Lord Byron./ Second Edition./ Paris:/ Published by Galignani,/ At the French, English, Italian, German, and Spanish/ Library, N 18, Rue Vivienne./ 1819 [12.
Half-title (R. Printed by A. Belin), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Second Half-title, pp. 5, 6; Advt., pp. 7, 8; Text, pp. 9-69.
Mazeppa p. 9 Ode ("Oh Venice!" etc.) p. 47 A Fragment p. 57
Mazeppa, a poem [with fragments]. Boston. 1819. [24.
[Cat. of Books in Bates Hall of Pub. Lib. of Boston, 1866.]
Pp. 56.
Mazeppa, a Poem. Paris, Galignani, 1822. [12.
[Qurard, 1827.]
Mazeppa,/ A Poem./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ Printed and Published by W. Dugdale,/ 52 Russell Court, Drury Lane, 1824./ [12.
Pp. ii. + 5-35. The Imprint (Printed by W. Dugdale, Russell Court, Drury Lane, London.) is at the foot of p. 35.
Mazeppa. a Poem. Mit Worterklrung u. einer Lebenskizze des Dichters, von H.M. Melford. Braunschweig, Vieweg. 1834. [12.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Mazeppa,/ or the/ Wild Horse/ of the/ Ukraine,/ A Poem, by/ Lord Byron./ London:/ T. Goode, 30, Aylesbury-st.,/ Clerkenwell./ [1854?] [32.
Pp. 48.
Note.—The Front, (lithograph of Lord Byron) is on p. 1. The Title is printed on the wrapper (black glazed paper) in gold letters. The volume measures 60 X 40.
Translations of Mazeppa.
Mazeppa./ AF / Lord Byron./ fversttning. [Af Talis Qualis.] Stockholm,/Alb. Bonniers Frlag./ [1853.] [8.
Part of "Byron's Poetiska Berttelser."
Mazeppa. Ein Gedicht. Aus d. Engl. treu bertragen v. Th. Hell. Nebst beigedr. Urschrift. Leipzig, Hinrichs. 1820. [8.
[Kayser, 1834.]
Mazeppa, bers. im Versmass des Originals v. D^r. jur. Everhard Brauns. Herausg. von D^r. jur. Engelbrecht, Gttingen, Kbler. 1836. [8.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Nachgelassenes/ von/ Ferdinand Freiligrath./ Mazeppa,/ nach Lord Byron./ der Eggesterstein,/ Erzhlung./ Stuttgart./ G.J. Gschen'sche Verlagshandlung./ 1883./ [8.
Pp. viii. + 88.
Byron Lord'/ lete's munki./ Irta/ Petrichevich Horvth Lzr./ Harmadik Rsz./ Pesten./ Nyomtatta Landerer s Heckenast. 1842./ [8.
Title, one leaf; Half-title, one leaf; Dedication; Figyelmezlets (Advt.); Second Half-title; Text (Mazeppa), pp. 1-[80] + Oda, etc., pp. [81]-154 + Sajt-hibk, p. [155].
Il Mazeppa. Versione di Ant. Arioti. Palermo, Lo Bianco. 1847. [16.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Mazeppa./ Traduzione/ da/ Georgio Byron./ Di/ I. Virz./ Palermo,/Luigi Pedone Lauriel/ Editore/ 1876./ [8.
Pp. 63.
Mazeppa. Traduzione di Andrea Maffei. Milano, Hoepli. 1886. [64.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Mazepa, poemat. Przeklad wolny na wiersz polski przez Michala Chodźkȩ. pp. 39. Schmidt: w Hali, 1860. [8.
(Together with Lamartine's Death of Jonathan.)
Mazepa, poemat, przeklad wolny na wiersze polskie przez Michala Chodźkȩ, wydanie ozdobione rycinami, etc. pp. 66. Ksiȩg. polska: Paryź [1860]. [8.
[Cyrillic: Viebor" iz" sochineniye lorda Bairona. M. Kachenovskago.] 1821.
Mazepa, pp. 69-107.
Note.—In Prose.
[Cyrillic: Mazepa. Iz" sochineniye lorda Bairona. A. Boeikova] "[Cyrillic: Novosti literatyry]," 1824. [Cyrillic: kn.] x. pp. 9-33.
Note.—In Prose.
[Cyrillic: Mazepa ...per. D. Mikhailovskago.] ["[Cyrillic: Sovremennikh]," 1858. No. 5.]
[Cyrillic: Mazepa ... Perev. I. Gognieva.] ["[Cyrillic: Dramaticheskiye Sbornik"]." [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1860, [Cyrillic: kn.] 4.]
Mazeppa, novela, por L.B. traducida al castellano. Paris, 1830. [18.
[Moniteur, etc., 1845.]
Monody, etc.
Monody/ On the Death of/ The Right Honourable/ R.B. Sheridan,/ Written at the Request of a Friend,/ To be spoke at/ Drury Lane Theatre./ London: Printed for John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1816./ [8.
Half-title (Monody./ [Price One Shilling.]/ Entered at Stationers' Hall) (R. London: Printed by C. Roworth, Bell-yard, Temple-bar.), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-11 + pp. [13]-[15], Advts. of Books published by John Murray. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. [15].
Monody/ on the Death of/ The Right Honourable/ R.B. Sheridan./ Spoken at/ Drury Lane Theatre./ By Lord Byron./ New Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1817./ [8.
Half-title as above (R. T. Davison, Lombard-street, Whitefriars, London.), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-11 + List of the Poems, etc., p. [12]. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard-Street,/ Whitefriars, London./) is at the foot of p. [12].
Monody,/ etc./ New Edition,/ etc./ 1818./ [8.
Half-title (R. London:/ Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars.), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-11 + "Lord Byron's Poems," etc., p. [12]. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. [12].
Note.—Four pp. of Advts., dated "Albemarle-Street, London, May, 1818," are bound up with this edition.
An Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill.
A Political/ Ode/ By/ Lord Byron/ Hitherto Unknown as His Production./ London/ John Pearson 46 Pall Mall./ 1880./ [8.
Half-title (R. [One hundred copies privately printed.]), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Note, pp. 5, 6; [Copy of Lord Byron's Letter ... March 1, 1812], pp. 7, 8; Text, pp. [9], [10], 11.
Ode From the French.
Traduction de l'Ode/ de/ Lord Byron,/ Sur/ La bataille de Waterloo./ Par Aristide Guilbert./ Londres:/ Hunt et Clark,/ 38, Tavistock Street./ MDCCCXXVI./ [8.
Pp. vii. + 9-28. The Imprint (De l'Imprimerie de Thomas Davison,/ 10, Duke Street, Smithfield, London./) is at the foot of p. 28.
Preface p. v. Ode p. 9 Notes p. 17
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte.
Ode/ To/ Napoleon Buonaparte./ "Expende Annibalem:—quot libras in duce summo/ Invenies?"—— / Juvenal, Sat. X./ The Second Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street,/ By W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row,/St James'./ 1814/ [8.
Half-title (Ode, etc./ Entered at Stationers' Hall./), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Note from Gibbon's Decl. and Fall (vol. 6, p. 220), pp. 5, 6; Text (xv. stanzas), pp. 7-14 + Advt. of books "By the Right Hon. Lord Byron," p. [15]. The Imprint (Printed by W. Bulmer and Co./ Cleveland-Row, St James's./) is at the foot of p. [15].
Note.—The First Edition of the Ode is in the Rowfant Library Catalogue, 1886, p. 145.
An Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte. From the 3d Lond. ed. Philadelphia, E. Earle. 1814. [8.
[Catalogue of Library of Congress, 1880.]
Pp. 11.
Note.—The Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte was also published at Boston, 1814, 8, pp. 13; and at New York, 1814, 8, pp. 13.
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. Sixth Edition. London. 1814. [8.
[Cat. of Manchester Free Library, 1864.]
Pp. 17.
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. Ninth Edition. London, M. 1814. [8.
[Library of the University, St. Andrews, N.B.]
Pp. 17.
Ode/ To/ Napoleon Buonaparte./ By Lord Byron./ etc./ Twelfth Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1816./ [8.
Half-title (Ode, etc.) (R.T. Davison, Lombard-street,/ Whitefriars, London./), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Note, pp. 5, 6; Second Half-title, pp. 7, 8; Text (xvi. stanzas), pp. 9-17 + Advt. of books "By the Right Hon. Lord Byron," p. [19]. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. [19].
Ode,/ etc./ Thirteenth Edition./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1818./ [8.
Vide supra, No. i.
Translation of the Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte.
Odas a Napoleon. Por Lord Byron. Imp. de Decourchant, Paris. 1829. A Paris, rue du Temple, n. 69. [18.
[Bibl. de la France, October 17, 1829.]
[For First Edition of Parisina, vide infra, The Siege of Corinth, No. i.]
Parisina./ Af/ Lord Byron./ fversttning. [Af Talis Qualis.] Stockholm, J.W. Brudins Frlag. [1854.] [8.
Pp. 36. No. 4 of "Byron's Poetiska Berttelser."
Adolphe Krafft/ Parisina/ Pome/ de Lord Byron/ et fragment de/ Nicolas de Ferrare/ Drame/ Tir des documents historiques/ Avec commentates et notices./ Paris/ Ernest Leroux, diteur/ 28, rue Bonaparte, 28/ 1900 Tous droits rservs./ [8.
Pp. xiv. + 55 + Errata, p. [57] + Table des Matires, p. [59].
Note.—The Text of Parisina is on pp. 8-26.
Gedichte/ von/ Jacob Vinc. Cirkel./ Mit bersetzungen/ von W. Scott's Feld von Waterloo und Byrons/ Parisina etc./ Mnster,/ in Commission der Coppenrathschen Buch-und Kunsthandlung./ 1825./ [8.
Collation—Pp. 159. The Imprint (Mnster, gedruckt mit Coppenrathschen Schriften) is on p. [160].
Note.—The Text of Parisina, etc., is on pp. 127-156.
Parisina/ Poema/ di/ Lord Byron/ Traduzione italiana in versi./ Milano/ Da Placido Maria Visaj/ Stampatore-Librajo nei Tre Re/ 1821./ [8.
Pp. 27.
Parisina: poema tradotto da Andrea Maffei. Milano, Gnocchi. 1853. [16.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Pp. 40.
Parisina. Traduzione di Carlo Dall'Oro. Mantova, Negretti. 1854. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Parisina, Traduzione in versi sciolti di Paolo Pappalardo. Palermo. 1855. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Parisina. Traduzione di Ant. Canepa. Geneva, Artisti tip. 1864. [16.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Pp. 24.
[Cyrillic: Paritsina ... Perevod V. Verderevskago. S.-Peterburg"], 1827
Parisina, novela. For L.B. Imp. de Decourchant, Paris. 1830. [18.
[Bibl. de la France, October 17, 1829.]
The Prisoner of Chillon.
The/ Prisoner of Chillon,/ And/ Other Poems./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1816./ [8.
Half-title (The/ Prisoner of Chillon,/ etc./) (R. Advt. of Third Canto of Childe Harold, and Imprint, T. Davison, Lombard-street,/ Whitefriars, London./), one leaf; Title, one leaf; Cont.; ext, pp. 1-60.
Sonnet on Chillon p. 1 The Prisoner of Chillon p. 3 Poems— Sonnet p. 23 Stanzas to —— p. 24 Darkness p. 27 Churchill's Grave p. 32 The Dream p. 35 The Incantation p. 46 Prometheus p. 50 Notes p. 55
Note.—On p. 3 the Text is headed "The Prisoner of Chillon. A Fable."
The/ Prisoner of Chillon./ A Poem/ By Lord Byron./ Lausanne./ Hignou & Company. Book-sellers./ 1818./ [8.
Title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 8-29.
Note.—The Front, is a lithograph of "Chillon." The seven poems are not included in this edition.
The/ Prisoner/ of/ Chillon,/ By Lord Byron,/ London:/ Printed by W. Chubb, Fetter Lane./ 1824./ [12.
Pp. 35. The Imprint (W.P. Chubb, Printer, Fetter Lane, London.) is at the foot of p. 35.
The/ Prisoner of Chillon,/ By Lord Byron./ [n.d.? 1825.] [12.
Pp. 1-18.
Note.—This edition, which is without a separate Title-page and bears no Imprint, is bound up with The Bride of Abydos, etc., Printed for Thomas Wilson, Oxford Street. 1825.
The/ Prisoner/ of/ Chillon./ By Lord Byron./ Geneva./ Published by Barbezat and Delarue,/ Booksellers, 177, Rue du Rhne./ 1830/ [16.
Half-title (R. Printed by Barbezat and Dalarue.), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Sonnet on Chillon, pp. 5, 6; Text, pp. 7-32.
Note.—The volume with the above title is bound in pink paper cover with title-vignette (helmet, spear, and wreath of bay-leaves), and dated M.DCCC'XVIII.
The/ Prisoner of Chillon/ By/ Lord Byron/ Le prisonnier de Chillon/ Par/ Lord Byron/ prcd d'une/ Notice historique sur le chteau de Chillon/ Par/ D. Martignier/ Lausanne/ Librairie Martignier et Chavannes/ 1857/ [8.
Half-title (R. Lausanne.—Printed by Corbaz and Rouiller sen.), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Notice, etc., pp. 5-7; Hist. de Chillon, pp. 8-21; Text and Notes, pp. 25-46. The seven poems are not included in this edition.
The/ Prisoner/ of/ Chillon Poem/ By/ Lord Byron./ Illuminated by/ W. & G. Audsley./ Architects./ 1865 [4.
Illuminated Half-title; Title; 17 pp. of Text with illuminated borders, etc. + p. 18 (Chromo-lithographed/ By/ W.R. Tymms./ Printed & Published by/ Day & Son,/ [Limited],/ London)./
Byron's/ Prisoner of Chillon./ With Notes for Teachers and Scholars./ London:/ T.J. Allman, 463, Oxford Street./ [1874.] [16.
Pp. 32.
Note.—No. 8 of "Allman's English Classics for Elementary Schools."
Byron's/ Prisoner of Chillon./ With Life, Notes,/ Grammatical & Miscellaneous Questions,/ etc., etc./ By R.S. Davies,/ Head Master of Holy Trinity Schools, Hull./ Hull: A. Brown, Scholastic Publisher./ London: Simpkin, Marshall, & Co./ Leeds: Arnold; Bean & Son./ Darlington: The Education Depot./ Price Twopence./ [1877-] [12.
Pp. 24.
Note.—Part of "Brown's Series of English Classics."
The/ Prisoner of Chillon./ By/ Lord Byron./ With Prefatory and Explanatory Notes./ [Monogram, with Motto, Lucem Libris Disseminamus.] London: Blackie & Son, 49 & 50 Old Bailey, E.C./ Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dublin./ 1879./ [6.
Pp. 32.
Note.—Part of "Blackie's School Classics."
Byron's/ Prisoner of Chillon:/ With Life and Notes./ For Pupil Teachers and the Upper Standards in/ Schools./ Manchester: J.B. Ledsham, 31, Corporation Street;/ London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co./ [1879.] [16.
Pp. 35.
Note.—Part of the "World School Series."
The/ Prisoner of Chillon/ By/ Lord Byron/ And Part of/ The 3rd Canto of Child [sic] Harold/ With a Short Description of the Castle/ And a Notice of the Chief Historical Events/ and Legends connected with its History/ Selected from authentic sources by an English resident./ Fourth Edition/ Vevey/ Loertscher & Son, Editors/ 1880/ [8.
Pp. 59. The Text of The Prisoner of Chillon is on pp. 43-53.
The Prisoner of Chillon. A Fable. Erklrt v. F. Fischer. Berlin, Weidmann. 1884. [8.
[Kayser, 1887.]
The Prisoner of Chillon, with introduction and explanatory notes by Th. C. Cann, Firenze, Bencini, 1885. [16.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Byron's Prisoner of Chillon and Part of Mazeppa. With Life and Notes. London and Edinburgh. 1894.
[Klbing, p. 257.]
Note.—Part of "Chambers' Reprints of English Classics."
The Prisoner of Chillon, by Lord Byron. Special Subject. London. Stewart & Co., The Holborn Viaduct Steps, E.C. Edinburgh and Glasgow: Menzies & Co.
[Klbing, p. 257.]
The/ Prisoner of Chillon/ By/ Lord Byron/ With Notes/ Explanatory, Analytical, and Grammatical/ Embracing/ Figures of Speech, and Metre/ By the/ Rev. Henry Evans, D.D./ Commissioner of National Education/ Dublin/ Blackie & Son, Limited, 89 Talbot Street/ London and Glasgow/ 1896/ [16.
Pp. 36.
Note—Part of "English Classics for Intermediate Schools and Colleges."
Byron./ The Prisoner of Chillon./ A Fable./ With Life, Introduction, Notes, etc./ Dublin:/ Fallon & Co., 16 Lower Sackville Street./ [Copyright. All Rights Reserved.] [1896.] [16.
Pp. 36.
Note.—Part of "School and College Series. Edited by Rev. T.A. Finlay, M.A., F.R.U.I. Price Sixpence, Net."
XIX. The/ Prisoner of Chillon/ And/ Other Poems/ By/ Lord Byron/ In kritischen Texten/ Mit/ Einleitung und Anmerkungen/ Herausgegeben/ von Eugen Klbing/ Weimar/ Verlag von Emil Felber/ 1896/ [8.
Pp. ix. + 450.
Translations of The Prisoner of Chillon.
De Gevangene van Chillon; in: Gedichten van K.L. Ledeganck' met eene Levensschets des Dichters door J.F.J. Heremans. Gent, 1856.
[Klbing, p. 265.]
Le Prisonnier de Chillon, Pome de Lord Byron librement traduit en vers blancs, prcd d'une notice historique et descriptive du chteau de Chillon. Vevey. G. Blanchoud, libraire-diteur.
[Klbing, p. 264.]
Bonnivard/ A/ Chillon/ Souviens-toi du temps d'autrefois./ (Deut. xxxii. 7.)/ Drame historique/ En un acte et trois tableaux/ Suivi d'une notice historique et du pome de lord Byron, intitul: Le Prisonnier de Chillon/ Par un Huguenot/ Genve/ Imprimerie Wyss et Duchne, rue Verdaine/ 1892/ [8.
Pp. 96. There is a prose translation of The Prisoner of Chillon, pp. 74-85.
Note.—The Front, is a lithograph of "Chillon."
I. Lord Byron's Gefangener von Chillon (am Genfer See). Aus dem Englischen metrisch bertragen von G. Kreyenberg. Lausanne, 1861.
[Klbing, p. 261.]
Der/ Gefangene von Chillon./ Dichtung/ von/ Lord Byron./ In deutscher Uebersetzung mit historischer Einleitung / von / M. von der Marwitz./ Vevey & Lausanne,/ Richard Lesser./ [1865.] [8.
Pp. xi. + 16.
Note.—The Front, is a "Photog. de R. Lesser & Cie., Vevey," of four female figures supporting a mirror reflecting the dungeon of Chillon.
Der Gefangene von Chillon. Eine Fabel von Georg Gordon Lord Byron. Wortgreteu nach H.R. Mecklenburgs Grndsatzen in deutsche Prosa bersetzt und eingehend erlutert von D'. phil. R.T. Berlin, 1886.
[Klbing, p. 262.]
Der/ Gefangene von Chillon./ Von/ Lord Byron./ Uebersetzt von J.G. Hagmann./ S'. Gallen & Leipzig/ Verlag von Busch & Co./ [1892.] [16.
Pp. 29.
Note.—The Front, is a lithograph of "Chillon."
Il prigionero di Chillon, poema romantico trad. in prosa italiana. In Indicatore Livornese, N. 44, del II Gennaio del 1830.
[Saggio di Bibliografie, Milano, Levino Robecchi, 1887.]
Il prigionero di Chillon: Traduzione di Andrea Maffei, Milano, Gnocchi, 1853. [16.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
[Cyrillic: Shilonskiye Uznik", nozma lorda Bairona. Perevod" s" angliyeskago V. Zhykovskago.] pp. i.-viii. 1-24. [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1822. 8.
Pp. i.-viii. + 1-24.
El preso de Chillon, novela. For lord Byron, traduccion castellana. Imp. de Decourchant, Paris. 1829. [18.
[Bibl. de la France, Oct. 17, 1829.]
Fangen PA Chillon,/ En Dikt/ Af/ Lord Byron./ fversttning./ [Af/ Talis Qualis.]/ Stockholm,/ Albert Bonniers Frlag./ [1853, etc.] [8.
Pp. 30.
Note.—No. 3 of "Byron's Poetiska Berttelser."
The Prophecy of Dante.
Note.—The Prophecy of Dante was first published in the same volume with Marino Faliero, 1821. See No. i. (p. 275).
The Prophecy of Dante. Philadelphia. 1821. [12.
Pp. 48.
The Prophecy of Dante. Paris, Galignani, 1821. [12.
[Qurard, 1827.]
The/ Prophecy of Dante./ A Poem./ By Lord Byron./ "'Tis the sunset of life gives me mystical lore,/ "And coming events cast their shadows before."/ Campbell./ London:/ Printed and Published by W. Dugdale,/ 23, Russell Court, Drury Lane./ 1825/ [12.
Pp. vi. + 7-32. The Imprint (W. Dugdale, Printer, 23, Russell Court, Drury Lane.) is at the foot of p. 32.
The/ Prophecy of Dante./ (Cantos I., 11.)/ By/ Lord Byron./ With Critical and Explanatory Notes,/ By L. W. Potts,/ Lecturer on History at the Birkbeck Institute, London./ London:/ Blackie & Son, 49 & 50 Old Bailey, E.C./ Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dublin./ 1879./ [16.
Pp. 32. The Imprint (Glasgow: W.G. Blackie and Co., Printers, Villafield.) is at the foot of p. 32.
Note.—Part of "Blackie's School Manuals."
Translations of The Prophecy of Dante.
Oeuvres de Dante Alighieri. La Divine Comdie, Traduction A. Brizeux. La Vie Nouvelle, Traduction E.J. Delcluze. Paris, Charpentier, libraire-diteur. 29, rue de Seine. 1842. [8.
Pp. lxxxviii. + 403 + "Table," p. [404].
Note.—The translation of La Prophtie du Dante (par M. Benjamin Laroche) (see "Avis de L'diteur," p. i.) is on pp. 385-403.
Profezia di Dante Alighieri, scritta da lord Byron, e tradotta dell'inglesc. Impr. de Cl, Paris. Paris, chez Barrois an, 1821. [8.
[Bibl. de la France, October 26, 1821.]
La Profezia di Dante. Di Lord Byron. Tradotta in terza rima da L. Da Ponte. Nuova-Jorca: Publicata da R.E.W.A. Bartow, 250 Pearl-St. Gray & Bunce, Stampatori. 1821. [12.
Pp. 72.
Note.—The Italian is printed over against the English. There is a double Dedication (pp. 3-7), "A Madamgella Giulia Livingston," and "A Lord Byron."
La Profezia di Dante: poema, reso in versi italiani da Giov. Giovio, Milano, Bernardoni, 1856. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
La Profezia di Dante: poema accommodate all'indole del verso italiano da Melchiorre Missirini, publicato da Fr. Longhena, Milano Guglielmini, 1858. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
La Profecia del Dante./ Poema escrito y dedicado/ la/ Condesa Guiccioli/ En 1819,/ Por lord Byron,/ al visitar en Ravena la tumba de aquel./ Traducido del Frances/ Por/ Antonio Maria Vizcayno,/ y dedicado a su bien amigo/ El Sr. Lic. D. Jose Agustin de Escudero./ Magistrado del supremo tribunal de guerra y marina./ Mexico: 1850./ Imprenta de J.M. Lara, calle de la Palma nm. 4./ [8.
Title, etc., 6 pp. + Text, pp. 28.
Sardanapalus,/ A Tragedy./ The Two Foscari,/ A Tragedy./ Cain,/ A Mystery./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1821./ [8.
Pp. viii. + 439. Half-title (R. London: Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars.), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Cont., pp. v., vi.; Preface, pp. vii., viii.; Text, pp. 1-439. The Imprint, as above, is on p. [440].
Sardanapalus, A Tragedy p. 1 Notes p. 171 The Two Foscari, A Tragedy p. 175 Appendix p. 305 Cain, A Mystery p. 331
Sardanapalus, a Tragedy; The Two Foscari, a Tragedy; Cain, a Mystery. Boston. 1822. [16.
Pp. 309.
Sardanapalus:/ A Tragedy./ By/ Lord Byron./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street,/ 1829./ [8.
Title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Half-title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Dedication, pp. 5, 6; Author's Note, pp. 7, 8; Dramatis Person, n.p.; Text, pp. 9-134.
Note.—The Dedication to "The illustrious Gothe," which was omitted from the edition of 1821 (No. i.), is inserted.
Sardanapalus: A Tragedy by Lord George Gordon Byron. Arnsberg, Ritter. 1849. [16.
[Kayser, 1854.]
Note.—Part of "Sammlung Englischer Schauspiele der neuesten Zeit."
Sardanapalus,/ King of Assyria./ A Tragedy./ In Five Acts./ By/ Lord Byron./ Adapted for Representation by/ Charles Kean./ Thomas Hailes Lacy,/ Wellington Street, Strand,/ London./ [1853.] [12.
Pp. 56.
Note.—No. 155 of "Lacy's Acting Edition of Plays."
Lord Byron's/ Historical Tragedy/ of/ Sardanapalus./ Arranged for Representation,/ In Three [sic] Acts,/ By Charles Calvert./ Manchester: John Heywood, 141 and 143, Deansgate./ [1877?] [8.
Pp. vii. + 56.
Note.—A list of "Opinions of the Press" (see Poetical Works, 1901, v. 9) is printed on p. 56 and on the inner leaf of the paper cover.
Sardanapalus./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Title-vignette, "Myrrha, Embrace me: yet once more—yet once more."] New and Complete Edition.—Price One Penny./ London: J. Dicks, 313, Strand: All Booksellers./ [1883, etc.] [12.
Pp. 495-524.
Note.—No. 50 of "Dicks' Standard Plays."
Translations of Sardanapalus.
Sardanapal ... Přeložil František Krsek. ("Sbornk světov poesie." svaz. 3.) pp. 204. Otto: v Praze, 1891. [8.
Sardanapale,/ Tragdie,/ Imite de Lord Byron,/ par L. Alvin,/ Et reprsente pour la premire fois sur le Thatre Royal/ de Bruxelles, Le 11 Janvier 1834./ Bruxelles,/ Gambier, libraire, rue des peronniers N 16./ et chez tous les libraires de royaume./ 1834./ [8.
Pp. xviii. + 122.
Sardanapal./ Trauerspiel in fnf Akten. Aus dem Engl. bers. von Emma Herz. Posen, Merzbach. 1854. [16.
[Kayser, 1860.]
Pp. 214.
Sardanapal./ Trauerspiel in fnf Aufzgen/ von/ Lord Byron./ Bhnenbearbeitung/ Nach der Uebersetzung von Adolf Bttger/ mit einem/ "Vorspiel"/ von/ Max Zerbst./ Jena 1888./ Friedr. Mauke's Verlag./ (A. Schenk.)/ [1888.] [8.
Pp. 117.
Lord Byron's/ Sardanapal/ Eine Tragdie/ frei bertragen und fr die Bhne bearbeitet/ von/ Josef Kainz/ Berlin W/ F. Fontane & Co./ 1897/
Pp. 214.
Sardanapalo/ Tragedia in 5 atti/ di/ G. Byron/ Milano/ Edoardo Sonzogno, editore/ 14.—Via Pasquirolo.—14./ 1884./ [8.
Pp. 91.
Note.—No. 77 of the "Biblioteca Universale."
Sardanapal, tragedya, przeklad Fryderyka Krauzgo. pp. 132. wyd. red. "Biblioteki Warszawskij": Warszawa, 1872. [8.
[Greek: Sardanapalos, / Trag dia tou Lordou Bur nos / Metaphrastheisa e)k tou A)gglikou, o / uios ts Douls / kai / Eugenia / upo / Chrstou A. Parmenidou. En Athnais, / ek tou tupographeiou Ermou. ( kata t hodo Perikle/ous, e)n t~ oi)ki/a N. Mukoni/ou. ) ]
Pp. [Greek: ] + 400 + [Greek: Pinax tn Periechomenn ], p. [401].
Note.—The translation of Sardanapalus is on pp. 1-150; the translation of The Dream ([Greek: To E)nupnion. Ek tn tou Burnos]), on pp. 171-184.
[Cyrillic: Sardanapal" ... Perevod" E. Zorina. S.-Peterburg"], 1860. 8.
[Cyrillic: Sardanapal" ... Per. O.N. Chyuminoie. "Artist", 1890, kn. 9 i 10.]," 1890.
Sardanapalus./ Sorgespel I Fem Akter/ Af/ Byron./ Frsvenskadt och Fr Scenen Behandladt/ Af/ Nils Arfvidsson./ Frsta gngen uppfrdt Kongl. Stora Theatern den 17 Nov. 1864./ Stockholm, 1864./ P.A. Norstedt & Sner,/ Kongl. Boktryckare./ [8.
Pp. 154 + Rttelser, p. [155].
The Siege of Corinth.
The/ Siege of Corinth./ A Poem./ Parisina./ A Poem./ London:/ Printed for John Murray. Albemarle-Street./ 1816/ [8.
Half-title (R. T. Davison, Lombard street,/ Whitefriars, London.); Title, one leaf; Second Half-title, with Motto ("Guns," etc.), pp. 1, 2; Dedication, pp. 3, 4; Advt., pp. 5, 6; Text, pp. 7-89 + Notes, p. [91] (R. Imprint as above).
Note.—The Siege of Corinth is on pp. 7-57; Parisina, pp. 59-[91].
Note.—A Second and a Third Edition were issued in 1816. The Museum copy of the First Edition is without the Half-title.
The/ Siege of Corinth:/ A Poem./ Parisina:/ A Poem./ By Lord Byron./ New-York:/ Printed and Published by Van Winkle & Wiley,/ No. 3 Wall-Street./ 1816./ [12.
Pp. 94.
The/ Siege of Corinth./ A Poem./ By Lord Byron./ "Guns, Trumpets, Blunderbusses, Drums, and Thunder."/ London:/ Printed and Published by W. Dugdale,/ 23, Russell Court, Drury Lane./ 1824./ [12.
Pp. 44. The Imprint (Printed by W. Dugdale; Russell-Court, Drury Lane.) is at the foot of p. 44.
The Siege of Corinth. Fr den Schul. u. Privatgebrauch abgedr. nach der Pariser Ausg. (1835, Galignani.) Lneburg, Engel. 1854. [8.
[Kayser, 1860.]
Pp. 51.
Lines from the Poets/ With Notes/ For use in Elementary and Secondary Schools/ Adapted to the requirements of the New Code and the/ Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations/ No. 4/ Byron's 'Siege of Corinth'/ London/ National Society's Depository/ Broad Sanctuary, Westminster/ 1879/ [16.
Pp. 62.
Byron's/ Siege of Corinth./ Mit/ Einleitung und Anmerkungen/ Herausgegeben/ von/ Eugen Klbing./ Berlin./ Verlag von Emil Felber./ 1893./ [8.
Pp. lx. + 155. The Imprint (Druck von G. Uschmann in Weimar.) is at the foot of p. 155.
The Siege of Corinth. Mit Anmerkgn. zum Schulgebrauch hrsg. v. K. Bandow. [12.
[Kayser, 1891.]
Note.—Part of "English Authors." Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing. 1885-1890.
Translations of The Siege of Corinth.
Het/ Beleg van Corinthe,/ Uit Het Engelsch van/ Lord Byron./ Door/ Mr. I. Van Lennep./ [Title-vignette, phantom appearing to Alp.] Te Amsterdam bij/ P. Meijer Warnars./ 1831./ [8.
Pp. 59. The Imprint (Gedrukt Bij C.A. Spin.) is at the foot of p. 59.
Le Sige de Corinthe, par lord Byron; traduit de l'anglais par Ch. Mancel. Impr. de Guraudet, Paris. A Paris, chez Delaunay; chez Pillet an. 1820. [12.
[Bibl. de la France, September 16, 1820.]
Die Belagerung von Korinth. [Deutsch. v.] A. Wollheim. Hamburg. Lbbers & Schubert. (?) 1817. [12.
[Centralblatt, 1890, vii. 472.]
Die Belagerung von Korinth. Mit gegeniibergedrucktem Originaltext. Leipzig, Brockhaus. 1820. [8.
[Centralblatt, 1900, vii. 458.]
Note.—Britische Dichterproben, ii. I.
Die Belagerung von Korinth. [Deutsch. v.] G.E. Schumann. Hamburg, Nestler & Melle. 1827. [8.
[Centralblatt, 1890, vii. 471.]
L'Assedio di Corinto, di Giorgio lord Byron, Versione di Vincenzo Padovan. Venezia, coi tipi del Gondoliere, 1838. [8.
[Bibliografia Italiana, March, 1838.]
El Sitio/ de/ Corinto./ Por/ Lord Byron./ Traducido del Francs Al Castellano./ [Title-vignette, Athene with owl.] Paris, Libreria americana,/ Calle del Temple, N 9./ 1828./ [16.
Pp. 85.
Belgringen Af Korinth./ Af/ Lord Byron./ fversttning./ [Af/ Talis Qualis./ Stockholm,/ Albert Bonniers Frlag./] [1854.] [8.
Pp. 60.
Note.—No. 2 of "Byron's Poetiska Berttelser."
The Two Foscari.
[Note.—For the First Edition of The Two Foscari, vide ante, Sardanapalus, No. i.]
The Two Foscari. New York. 1822. [24.
Pp. 114.
The Two Foscari, an historical tragedy. By the right hon. lord Byron. Impr. de Belin, Paris. A Paris chez Galignani, 1822. [12.
[Bibl. de la France, March 9. 1822.]
The Two Foscari./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Title-vignette, Death of Jacopo Foscari—"Touch it not, Dungeon Miscreants!——"] New and Complete Edition.—Price One Penny./ London: J. Dicks, 313, Strand. All Booksellers./ [1883, etc.] [8.
Pp. 525-546.
Note.—No. 73 of "Dicks' Standard Plays."
Translations of The Two Foscari.
[Cyrillic: Dvoye Foskari ... per. E. Zarina.] ["[Cyrillic: Biblioteka dlya Chteniya]," 1861. No. 11.]
Los dos Fscaris. Drama histrico en cinco actos y en verso por D. Manuel aete, representado en el teatro de la Cruz, a beneficio de D. Juan Lombia, en el mes de noviembre de 1846.
Pp. 24.
Note.—Part of "Biblioteca Dramatica,"/ etc./ Madrid, 1846./ Imprenta de Don Vicente de Lalama, Editor,/ Calle del Duque de Alba, n. 13./ 4.
The Vision of Judgment.
Note.—For the First Edition of The Vision of Judgment, see The Liberal, 1822, No. I., pp. 3-39.
Vision of Judgment. Paris, Galignani, 1822. [12.
[Qurard, 1827.]
The/ Two Visions;/ or,/ Byron v. Southey./ Containing/ The Vision of Judgment,/ By Dr. Southey, L.L.D./ Poet-Laureate and Esquire; Republican and Royalist:/ Also Another/ Vision of Judgment,/ By Lord Byron./ London: Printed and Published by W. Dugdale, 19, Tower/ Street, Seven Dials./ 1822./
Pp. 72.
Note.—The Text of Lord Byron's Vision of Judgment is on pp. 35-72.
The Waltz.
Waltz:/ An Apostrophic Hymn./ By/ Horace Hornem, Esq./ "Qualis in Eurot ripis, aut per juga Cynthi/ Exercet DIANA choros."—Ovid./ London: Printed by S. Gosnell, Little Queen Street, Holborn,/ For Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row./ 1813./ (Price Three Shillings.)/ [4.
Title, one leaf, pp. [1], [2]; To the Publisher, pp. 3-6; Text, pp. 7-27. The Imprint (S. Gosnell, Printer, Little Queen Street, London.) is at the foot of p. 27.
Note.—The pages of the Text measure 280 X 220.
Waltz:/ An/ Apostrophic Hymn./ By/ Horace Hornem, Esq./ (The Author of Don Juan.)/ Qualis in Eurot ripis, aut per juga Cynthi/ Exercet DIANA choros./ Virgil./ Such on Eurotas' banks, or Cynthia's height,/ Diana seems; and so she charms the sight,/ When in the dance the graceful goddess leads/ The Quire of Nymphs, and overtops their heads./ Dryden's Virgil./ London:/ Benbow, Printer and Publisher, Castle Street,/ Leicester Square./ 1821./ [12.
Pp. v. + (Text) 7-36.
To the Publisher p. iii. The Waltz p. 7 Notes p. 19 To Jessy [attrib. to Lord Byron] p. 27 "My Boat is on the shore" [attrib. to Lord Byron] p. 29 Lines ... to Mr. Hobhouse [attrib. to Lord Byron] p. 30 On the Star of "The Legion of Honour" p. 31 Adieu to Malta p. 34
Note.—The two last poems are not attributed to Lord Byron.
Werner,/ A Tragedy./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1823-/ [8.
Half-title (R. London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars.), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Dedication, one leaf ("To/ The Illustrious Gothe,/ By One of His Humblest Admirers,/ This Tragedy is dedicated./"), pp. v., vi.; Preface, pp. vii., viii.; Text, pp. 1-188. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 188.
Werner, a Tragedy. Paris, Galignani. 1823. [12.
[Qurard, 1827.]
Werner./ A Tragedy/ In Five Acts./ By Lord Byron./ With the Stage Business, Casts of Characters,/ Costumes, Relative Positions, etc./ New York:/ M. Douglas, 11 Spruce Street./ And for Sale by all Booksellers./ 1848./ [8.
Pp. v. + 6-75.
Note.—No. lxviii. of "Modern Standard Drama." Edited by John W.S. Hows.
The/ British Drama./ Illustrated./ Vol. III./ London:/ Published by John Dicks, 313, Strand./ 1865./ [8.
Note.—The Text of "Werner./ A Tragedy, In Five Acts.—By Lord Byron./" is on pp. 767-789.
Werner./ By Lord Byron./ [Title-vignette [Sieg.]—"Liar and Fiend! But you shall not be slain."—[Act v. Scene 1.]/] New and Complete Edition.—Price One Penny./ London: J. Dicks, 313, Strand; All Booksellers./ [1883, etc.] [8.
Pp. 767-789.
Note.—No. 3 of "Dicks' Standard Plays."
Werner/ or/ The Inheritance/ A Tragedy/ By/ Lord Byron/ London/ George Routledge And Sons/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ Glasgow and New York/ 1887/ [16.
Pp. ix. + 10-256. The Imprint (Ballantyne Press: Edinburgh and London.) is at the foot of p. 256.
Translations of Werner.
[Cyrillic: Verner" ... per. Neizviestnago. S.-Peterburg"], 1829.
[Cyrillic: Don"-Djuan" ia ostrov" pirata. Perev. D. Mina Moskva], 1881. 1881.
The Liberal.
The/ Liberal./ Verse and Prose From The/ South./ Volume the First./ London, 1822:/ Printed by and for John Hunt,/ 22, Old Bond Street./ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. xii. + 3-399 + Cont., p. [401] (R. "Errata," p. [402]). The Imprint (London:/ C.H. Reynell, Printer,/ 45, Broad-Street, Golden-Square.) is at the foot of p. [402].
Vol. II.: [The/ Liberal,/ etc./ Volume The Second./ London, 1823:/ Printed for John Hunt,/ 22, Old Bond Street./], pp. viii. + 1-377 + Cont. of No. iv., p. [379]. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden-Square.) is at the foot of p. [380].
Contents [Lord Byron's contributions]—
Vol. I.: The Liberal, No. 1. The Vision of Judgment. By Quevedo Redivivus. Suggested by the Composition so entitled by the Author of "Wat Tyler." "A Daniel come to judgment! yea, a Daniel! I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word." Pp. 8-39; Letter to the Editor of "My Grandmother's Review," pp. 41-50; Epigrams on Lord Castlereagh, p. 164.
The Liberal, No. II. Heaven and Earth, A Mystery, Founded on the Following Passage in Genesis, Chap. vi.: "And it came to pass ... that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." "And woman wailing for her demon lover."—Coleridge. Part I., etc., pp. 165-206. From the French ("gle, beauty and poet," etc.), p. 396; Martial.—Lib. I. Epig. I (Translation), p. 398; New Duet ("Why how now, saucy Tom?"), ibid.
Vol. II.: The Liberal, No. III. The Blues, A Literary Eclogue, "Nimium ne crede colori."—VIRGIL. O trust not, ye beautiful creatures, to hue, Though your hair were as red as your stockings are blue. Eclogue the First, etc., pp. 1-21.
The Liberal, No. IV. Morgante Maggiore di Messer Luigi Pulci, pp. 193-249.
Note.—The text of the original Italian is printed after the English translation.
Dedication of Don Juan.
The following note was attached to the "Dedication" which was prefixed to the First Canto in 1833 (Works, 1833, xv. 101):—
"Note(1). [This 'Dedication' was suppressed in 1819, with Lord Byron's reluctant consent; but, shortly after his death, its existence became notorious, in consequence of an article in the Westminster Review, generally ascribed to Sir John Hobhouse, and for several years the verses have been selling in the streets as a broadside. It could therefore serve no purpose to exclude them on the present occasion.]" See, too, Poetical Works, 1903, vi. 3.
I am indebted to the kindness of Mr. H. Buxton Forman, C.B., for the following description of one of these "broadsides," now in his possession:—
"Single sheet foolscap 8vo, consisting of Half-title, 'Dedication/ to/Don Juan,/' with Imprint on verso ('London:/ printed by C. and W. Reynell, Broad Street,/ Golden Square'); Title-page, 'Dedication/ to/ Don Juan./ by/ Lord Byron./ London:/ Published by Effingham Wilson,/Royal Exchange./ 1833./' On the verso of this is a note—
"'[Why the following Dedication did not appear with the two first published Cantos of the Poem cannot be explained—unless the connection between Mr. MURRAY and Mr. SOUTHEY sufficiently explains it.]'
"The first page of the Text (p. 5, but not numbered) contains the dropped head 'Don Juan./ Dedication.' and one stanza. Pp. 6-10 contain two stanzas each, and p. 11 one. The headline 'Don Juan' runs from p. 6 to p. 11, and the stanzas are numbered in Roman capital figures. P. 12 is blank, and is followed by a Half-title, 'Notes,' with a blank verso. The Notes occupy pp. 15 and 16, of which 15 is not numbered, but has a dropped head, 'Notes.' Page 16 is numbered, and has the headline 'Notes.'"
Among the first who called attention to the "inextricable tangle" of the several editions of English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers was Mr. Leicester Warren, better known as Lord de Tabley, who communicated some notes in 1877 to Notes and Queries (Series V. vol. vii. pp. 145, etc.); but it was reserved to the late Mr. Dykes Campbell, Mr. Bertram Dobell, and other correspondents to the Athenum (May 5 to July 7, 1894), to point out that the problem was still farther complicated by the existence of spurious issues of at least three out of the five or six distinct editions of the Satire.
All editions, genuine or spurious, claim as their publisher "James Cawthorn, British Library, No. 24 Cockspur Street," but different printers were employed. The First Edition bears the imprint of "T. Collins, Printer, No. 1, Harvey's Buildings, Strand;" the Second Edition, that of "Deans and Co. Hart Street, Covent Garden;" the Third Edition, that of "T. Collins," etc.; the Fourth Edition of 1810, that of "T. Collins," etc.; the Fourth Edition of 1811 ("James Cawthorn and Sharpe and Hailes"), that of "Cox, Son, and Baylis, Great Queen Street, London." No printer's name was attached to the suppressed Fifth Edition of 1812.
Genuine First Editions have the water-mark, "E. and P. 1804," or "E. and P. 1805," or, possibly, no water-mark at all. A copy of the spurious First Edition, in Mr. Murray's possession, has the water-mark, "S. and C. Wise, 1812." In addition to at least eleven variants in punctuation, the spurious copy prints (p. 5, line 47) "Wizzard" (p. 20 n.), "Medeira," and, in the same note, "Anna d'Afert;" whereas the genuine copies print correctly "Wizard," "Madeira," and "Anna d'Arfet."
A genuine copy of the Second Edition, which belonged to the late Mr. Dykes Campbell, bears the water-mark "Budgen and Willmot, 1808." On p. 80, line 1007, "Abedeen" is misprinted for "Aberdeen;" and the same misprint occurs in a copy of the Second Edition in the British Museum. In all probability there was no spurious issue of the Second Edition.
Of the Third Edition (1810), copies bearing the water-mark, "E.&P. 1804," or "G.&R.T.," may be regarded as genuine—rare exceptions among a host of forgeries which either lack a water-mark altogether or bear water-marks of a later period. Mr. Gilbert R. Redgrave, in an article (The Library, December 1, 1899, Series II. vol. i. pp. 18-25), notes two distinct and divergent forgeries bearing the water-mark "Pine, and Thomas, 1812." Forgery A prints "myse" for "muse" (line 4), "rove" for "rave" (line 384), etc.; while forgery B, in a footnote to p. 30, prints "Bowle'ss" for "Bowles's," and, at the end of p. 85, "we" for "me," and "farther" for "further." Other copies bear the water-marks, "Allnutt, 1816," "Smith & Allnutt, 1816," "Ivy Mills, 1817," and "I.&R. Ansell, 1818." A copy of a spurious issue of the Third Edition in the British Museum prints "crawl" for "scrawl" (line 47), and "p. 73" for "p. 85."
It has been surmised, but conclusive proof is not forthcoming, that a so-called Fourth Edition of 1810 (1050 lines), which purports to have been published by James Cawthorn, and bears the imprint, "Printed by J. Collins, Harvey's Buildings, Strand, London," is a spurious issue. It is practically a reprint of the Third Edition; but in some copies there are misprints not to be found in other piracies—e.g. "crouds" for "crowds" (line 269), and "alter" for "altar"(line 285).
Copies of the Fourth Edition of 1810, which may possibly be genuine, bear a water-mark, "G.&R.T.," or are on plain paper. Copies which are manifestly forgeries bear the water-marks, "J.X. 1810" and "W. Pickering, 1816."
A second Fourth Edition (1052 lines), published by "James Cawthorn and Sharp & Hailes, 1811," and printed by "Cox, Son, & Baylis," was certainly recognized by Byron as a genuine Fourth Edition, and must have passed through his hands, or been subject to his emendation, before it was sent to press. Copies of this edition bear his MS. emendations of 1811-1812, and marginal notes of 1816. Genuine copies (e.g. Leigh Hunt's copy, now in the Forster Collection at the South Kensington Museum) are printed on paper bearing a water-mark, "J. Whatman, 1805." There was, however, another issue of the Fourth Edition of 1811, printed on plain paper. Mr. Redgrave notes certain minute differences between these two issues. In the edition on plain paper there is a hyphen to "Cockspur-Street" on the title-page, and the word "Street" is followed by a comma instead of a semicolon. Again, in the plain-paper copies "Lambe" is spelt with an e, and in the water-mark copies the word is correctly spelt "Lamb." In the plain-paper copies the misprint "Postcript" for "Postscript" is repeated, and in the copies bearing a water-mark the word is correctly spelt "Postscript." There are other differences in the advertisements at the end of the volume.
A spurious Fourth Edition in Mr. Murray's possession, which has been enriched with a series of prints of persons and places, bears the water-marks, "1811," "1814." Each page has been inserted into a folio sheet bearing the water-mark, "J. Whatman, 1816." A full-sized octavo, in small print (B.M. 11645 P. 15), which purports to be the Fourth Edition of 1811, is probably spurious. It is the survival of a distinct issue from other genuine or spurious copies of the Fourth Edition.
The spurious issues of the Third and Fourth Editions, whether they were printed in Ireland or were secretly thrown upon the market by James Cawthorn after Byron had definitely selected Murray as his publisher, were designed for the general reader and not for the collector. The issue of a spurious First Edition after the improved and enlarged editions of 1809-11 were published, must have been designed for the Byron enthusiast, if not the collector of First Editions.
The Grangerized Fourth Editions prepared by Mr. W.M. Tartt and Mr. Evans in 1819, 1820, and a Third, by John Murray at about the same period, and, more remarkable still, a copy of the Fourth Edition of 1811, prefaced by a specially printed "List of Names mentioned in the English Bards, and Scotch Reviewers" interleaved with the additions made in the Fifth Edition (B.M.), point to the existence of a circle of worshippers who were prepared to treat Byron's Juvenilia as seriously as the minute critics of the present generation. They seem to have been sufficiently numerous to make piracy, if not forgery, profitable.
First Edition (696 lines). Fifth (Present) Edition (1070 lines).
1-26 = 103-128
27-246 = 143-362
247-262 in Edition 2. = Hobhouse's lines, omitted
263-372 = 418-528
373-470 = 540-637
471-522 = 707-758
523-526 = 761-764
527-586 = 799-858
587-654 = 881-948
655-667 = 961-972
668-696 = 981-1010
Second, Third, Fourth (a) Fifth (Present) Edition Editions (1050 lines). (1070 lines).
1-96 = 1-96
97-521 = 103-527
522-740 = 540-758
741-1050 = 761-1070
Fourth (b) Edition (1052 Fifth (Present) Edition lines). (1070 lines).
1-96 = 1-96
97-521 = 103-528
522-1052 = 540-1070
Additions in the Second, Third, and Fourth (a) Editions.
[The lines are numbered as in the Second, Third, and Fourth Editions.]
1-96 Still must I hear ... as you read. 96 123-136 Thus saith the Preacher ... to grovelling Stott. 14 357-411 But if some new-born whim ... lumbering back again. 55 620-688 Or, hail at once ... virtue must apply. 69 745-778 When some brisk youth ... thy pay for coats. 34 839-860 And here let Shee ... and God-like men. 22 929-940 Yet what avails ... blazes, and expires. 12 953-960 There Clarke, still ... libel on mankind. 8 991-1050 Then, hapless Britain, ... unjustly, none declare 60 —— 370
696-16 (Hobhouse's lines) = 680 + 370 = 1050.
Addition in Fourth Edition (1811).
741-742 Through Crusca's bards ... columns still. 2
1050 + 2 = 1052.
Additions in the Fifth (Present) Edition.
97-102 'But hold!' exclaims ... shine with Pye. 6 528-539 Then, prosper, Jeffrey ... inspires thy pen. 12 —- 18
1052 + 18 = 1070.
Emendations of the Text of the Fourth Edition (b) included in the text of the Fifth and Present Editions.
Fourth Fifth Edition. Edition. Line. Line.
28 And men through life her willing slaves obey. Obeyed by all who nought beside obey. 28
30 Unfolds her motley store to suit the time. Bedecks her cap with bells of every clime. 30
32 When Justice halts, and Right begins to fail. And weigh their Justice in a golden scale. 32
71 Fear not to lie, 'twill seem a lucky hit. Fear not to lie,'twill seem a sharper hit. 71
173 Low may they sink to merited contempt, 174 And scorn remunerate the mean attempt. Still for stern Mammon may they toil in vain! 179 And sadly gaze on Gold they cannot gain. 180
257 How well the subject suits his noble mind! 258 "A fellow feeling makes us wondrous kind." So well the subject suits his noble mind, 263 He brays, the Laureate of the long-eared kind. 264
303 In many marble-covered volumes view 304 Hayley, in vain attempting something new: 305 Whether he spin his comedies in rhyme, 306 Or scrawl, as Wood and Barclay walk, 'gainst time. Behold—Ye Tarts!—one moment spare the text! 309 HAYLEY'S last work, and worst—until his next; 310 Whether he spin poor couplets into plays, 311 Or damn the dead with purgatorial praise. 312
323 And shows, dissolved in thine own melting tears. And shows, still whimpering thro' threescore of years. 329
327 Whether in sighing winds thou seek'st relief 328 Or consolation in a yellow leaf. Whether thou sing'st with equal ease and grief, 333 The fall of empires or a yellow leaf. 334
385 Fresh fish from Helicon! Who'll buy! Who'll buy? Fresh fish from Hippocrene! who'll buy? who'll buy? 391
387 Too much in turtle Bristol's sons delight, 388 Too much o'er bowls of Rack prolong the night. Your turtle-feeder's verse must needs be flat, 393 Though Bristol bloat him with the verdant fat. 394
502 First in the ranks illustrious shall be seen. First in the oat-fed phalanx shall be seen. 508
511 As he himself was damned, shall try to damn. Damned like the Devil—Devil-like will damn. 517
532 And grateful to the founder of the feast, 533 Declare his landlord can translate, at least, And, grateful for the dainties on his plate, 550 Declare his landlord can at least translate. 551
552 While Kenny's World just suffered to proceed, 553 Proclaims the audience very kind indeed. While KENNY's "World"—ah! where is KENNY's wit?— 570 Tires the sad gallery, lulls the listless Pit. 571
563 Let Comedy resume her throne again. Let Comedy assume her throne again. 581
569 Where GARRICK trod, and KEMBLE lives to tread. Where GARRICK trod, and SIDDONS lives to tread 587
614 Raise not your scythe, Suppressors of our Vice. Whet not your scythe, Suppressors of our Vice. 632
625 The Arbiter of pleasure and of play. Our arbiter of pleasure and of play. 643
661 And, kinder still, a PAGET for your wife. And, kinder still, two PAGETS for your wife. 679
728 Want your defence, let Pity be your screen. Want is your plea, let Pity be your screen. 746
742 Some stragglers skirmish round their columns still. Some stragglers skirmish round the columns still. 760
815 The spoiler came; and all thy promise fair 816 Has sought the grave, to sleep for ever there. The Spoiler swept that soaring Lyre away, 834 Which else had sounded an immortal lay. 835
891 The native genius with their feeling given. The native genius with their being given. 909
903 Let MOORE be lewd; let STRANGFORD steal from Moore. Let MOORE still sigh; let STRANGFORD steal from MOORE. 921
922 For outlawed SHERWOOD'S tales of ROBIN HOOD. For SHERWOOD'S outlaw tales of ROBIN HOOD. 940
946 And even spurns the great Seatonian prize. Even from the tempting ore of Seaton's prize. 964
965 So sunk in dullness and so lost in shame, 966 That SMYTHE and HODGSON scarce redeem thy fame. So lost to Phoebus, that nor Hodgson's verse 983 Can make thee better, nor poor Hewson's worse. 984
969 On her green banks a greener wreath is wove. On her green banks a greener wreath she wove. 987
972 And modern Britons justly praise their Sires. And modern Britons glory in their Sires. 990
984 Earth's chief Dictatress, Ocean's mighty Queen. Earth's chief Dictatress, Ocean's lovely Queen. 1002
1005 But should I back return, no lettered rage 1006 Shall drag my common-place book on the stage: 1007 Let vain VALENTIA rival luckless CARR, 1008 And equal him whose work he sought to mar. But should I back return, no tempting press 1023 Shall drag my Journal from the desk's recess; 1024 Let coxcombs, printing as they come from far, 1025 Snatch his own wreath of Ridicule from Carr. 1026
1016 I leave topography to classic GELL. I leave topography to rapid GELL. 1034
1018 To stun mankind with Poesy or Prose. To stun the public ear—at least with Prose. 1036
1049 Thus much I've dared to do; how far my lay. Thus much I've dared: if my incondite lay. 1067
Two annotated copies of the genuine Fourth Edition of English Bards, etc. [1811], with MS. corrections in Byron's handwriting, are extant—one in Mr. Murray's possession, and a second in the Forster Library at the South Kensington Museum. The former, which contains the marginal comments marked "B. 1816," has been assumed to have been prepared as a press copy for the Fifth Edition; but, as the following collation reveals, the latter, which belonged to Leigh Hunt, represents a fuller and later, though not a final revision. The half-title bears the inscription, "Byron, Dec. 31^st^, 1811. N—d. A^y [i.e. Newstead Abbey] B.
"Dum relego—scripsisse pudet—quia plurima cerno— Me quoque—qui feci—judice digna lini—B. J^y 20, 1812."
and the verso the words, "Given me by the author on my birthday, Oct. 19, 1815. Leigh Hunt."
u P. 5. ingen(-i-)ous. [The misprint is a note of a genuine copy.]
Lines 173, 174.
(-Low may they sink to merited contempt-) (-And scorn remunerate the mean attempt.-)
Still for stern Mammon may they toil in vain, And sadly gaze on Gold they cannot gain.
[This emendation is not given in the Murray copy.]
Lines 257, 258.
So (-How-) well the subject suits his noble mind! (-"A fellow feeling makes us wond'rous kind,"-) He brays the Laureat of the long-eared kind!
[The Murray copy, which amends line 258 as above, leaves the "How" unerased, but the Fifth Edition prints "So."]
Lines 323-328.
And shows, (-dissolved in thine own tears-). still whimpering through threescore years. (-Whether in sighing-winds thou seek'st relief,-) (-Or consolation in a yellow leaf.-) Whether in equal strains thou vent'st thy grief O'er falling Empires or a yellow leaf.
[The Murray copy gives no emendation. The Fifth Edition adopts the first correction, but, for the variant in lines 327, 328, reads—
Whether thou sing'st with equal ease and grief The fall of Empires or a yellow leaf.]
Line 336. All love thy (-strain-) rhyme
Line 385. Fresh fish from (-Helicon-) Hippocrene
[The Murray copy adds a note: "The Fifth Edition reads Hippocrene."]
Lines 387, 388.
(-Too much in turtle Bristol's sons delight,-) (-Too much o'er bowls of Rack prolong the night.-) Your turtle-feeder's verse must needs be flat, Though Bristol bloat him with the verdant fat.
[The Murray copy does not contain this emendation, which was adopted in the Fifth Edition.
P. 36 n. The Hunt copy gives in MS. the note concerning Moore—"I am informed," etc.—which is printed in the Fifth Edition. There is no similar annotation in the Murray copy.
Line 502. For (-"ranks illustrious"-) both annotated copies read "oat-fed phalanx."]
Lines 532, 533.
And grateful (-to the founder of the feast,-) Declare his landlord (-can translate, at least.-) And grateful for the dainties on his plate, Declare his landlord can at least translate.
[The amended lines, which appeared in the Fifth Edition, are not in the Murray copy.]
Lines 552, 553.
While Kenny's World (-just suffered to proceed,-) (-Proclaims the audience very kind indeed.-) While Kenny's World—ah where is Kenny's wit? listless Tires the sad Gallery—lulls the (-listening-) pit.
[The emendation is given in both annotated copies; but the substitution of "listless" for "listening," which is adopted in the Fifth Edition, does not appear in the Murray copy,]
Line 563. Let Comedy (-re-)sume ass
[The correction is not given in the Murray copy.]
Line 569. and (-Kemble-) lives to tread. Siddons
[The substitution of "Siddons" for "Kemble," which dates from the Fifth Edition, is not given in the Murray copy.]
Line 728.
Want your (-defence-), let Pity be your screen plea Want is your plea, let Pity be your screen.
Lines 815, 816.
The spoiler (-came; and all thy promise fair-) (-Has sought the grave, to sleep for ever there.-) The Spoiler swept that soaring Lyre away, Which she had sounded an immortal lay.
[The emendation appears in both the annotated copies.]
L. 903. Let Moore (-be lewd-) still sigh
[This emendation does not appear in the Murray copy, but the words ["be lewd"] have been underscored with a pencil, and a X placed against them.]
Line 946.
(-And even spurns the great Scatonian prize.-) Even from the tempting ore of Seaton's prize.
[This emendation is given in both the annotated copies.]
Lines 965, 966.
So sunk in dullness (-and so lost in shame-) (-That SMYTHE and HODGSON scarce redeem thy fame.-) So sunk in dullness that nor Hodgson's verse Can make thee better—nor poor Hewson's worse.
[This emendation is not in the Murray copy. The Fifth Edition adopts the further correction, "So lost to Phoebus" for "So sunk in dullness."]
Line 969. (-"is-) wove, she wove.
[This correction is not in the Murray copy.]
Line 972. ——(-justly praise-) their sires. ——glory in their sires.
[This emendation is not given in the Murray copy.
The Leigh Hunt copy gives twenty MS. emendations (besides "Death" for "death," in line 820, and the alteration of "rapid" to "rabid" in the note on Hewson Clarke, line 962) including the note on Moore. The Murray copy gives nine MS. emendations, of which six are identical with those in the Hunt copy. Three emendations are peculiar to the Murray copy—]
(1) Lines 303-306. Behold!—ye tarts! etc. (vide ante, p. 309).
(2) Line 614. (-Raise-) not your scythe. Whet not your scythe.
(3) Line 661. ——"(-a Paget-) for your wife. ——two Pagets for your wife.
Note.—The following catalogue of "illustrations of Lord Byron" has been extracted from pp. 88, 89, 94-96 of "The Prisoner of Chillon, etc. Herausgegeben von Eugen Klbing, Weimar. 1896."
Compositions in outline from Lord Byron's "Manfred" and "Prisoner of Chillon," by Frederick Thrupp, sculptor. London, Pub^d by Ackermann and Co., Strand.
The Pocket Magazine of classic and polite literature. With engravings, illustrative of Lord Byron's Works. Vols. I., II. London: Printed and published by John Arliss. 1818.
Forty illustrations of Lord Byron; by George Cruikshank. Published by J. Robins and Co., Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. [June 12, 1824.]
Six vignettes pour les Oeuvres de lord Byron, d'aprs les tableaux de MM. Alfred et Tony Johannot, graves par MM. Koenig, Markl, Maulet, Pourvoyeur, Mauduit. Paris. Furne, libraire-diteur. 1832.
The Byron Gallery; a series of historical embellishments to illustrate the poetical works of Lord Byron. London: published by Smith, Elder and Co. 65 Cornhill. 1833.
Finden's Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron. With original and selected information on the subjects of the engravings, by W. Brockedon. Vols. I.-III. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street: sold also by Charles Tilt, Fleet Street. 1833-1834.
Oeuvres de Lord Byron, gravures l'eau-forte, par Rveil, d'aprs les dessins de A. Colin. Paris. Audot, diteur du Muse de peinture. 1833.
Historical Illustrations of Lord Byron's Works in a series of etchings by Rveil, from original paintings by A. Colin. London, Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street. 1834.
Galerie des dames de Byron. Trente-neuf planches. Paris: Charpentier-diteur. 1836.
Illustrations of the Works of Lord Byron, consisting of a portrait after Saunders, a vignette title-page after Stothard, engraved by Blanchard, two facsimiles of handwriting of Byron, and twenty etchings on steel by Rveil, from original drawings by A. Colin; to which are added the select passages in English and French, which form the subject of the engravings. Adapted to all editions. Paris, Baudry, European Library, etc. 1837.
Les dames de Byron; or portraits of the principal female characters in Lord Byron's poems. Engraved from original paintings by eminent artists. Under the superintendence of W. and L. Finden. London: Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet Street. 1837.
Finden's Beauties of Byron; or, portraits of the principal female characters in Lord Byron's poems. Engraved from original paintings by eminent artists. With extracts illustrating each subject. London: Charles Tilt, Fleet-street, and Thomas Wardle, Philadelphia.
Cabinet of Poetry and Romance. Female portraits from the writings of Byron and Scott. With poetical illustrations by Charles Swain. London: David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street. 1845.
Illustrations to the Works of Lord Byron. The drawings by Chalon, Leslie, Harding, Herbert, Meadows, Stephanoff, E. Corbould, Fanny Corbaux, Jenkins, and Westall. Engraved under the superintendence of Mr. Charles Heath. A. Fullarton & Co., 106, Newgate Street, London, etc.
The Byron Gallery of highly finished engravings, illustrating Lord Byron's Works, with selected beauties from his poems. Elucidated by historical and critical notices, together with a sketch of his life, containing important and unpublished matter. By Robert B. McGregor, Esq. New York: published by R. Martin, 46, Anne-street.
Collected Editions, pp. 89-136. Collections of Dramas, pp. 168, 169. Fugitive Pieces and Minor Poems, pp. 246-254. The Liberal, p. 303. Miscellaneous Poems, pp. 152-159. Poems, pp. 254, 255. Poems on His Domestic Circumstances, pp. 255-259. Selections, pp. 144-149.
Age of Bronze, p. 170. Beppo, pp. 170, 171. Bride of Abydos, pp. 172, 173. Cain, pp. 176-178. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, pp. 180-194. Corsair, pp. 201-204. Curse of Minerva, pp. 207, 208. Deformed Transformed, p. 208. Don Juan, pp. 209-220. English Bards, etc., pp. 225-232. Fare Thee Well! and A Sketch, etc., pp. 232-234. Giaour, pp. 234-238. Heaven and Earth, p. 241. Hebrew Melodies, pp. 242-244. Hints from Horace, pp. 259, 260. Irish Avatar, p. 260. Island, pp. 260, 261. Lament of Tasso, pp. 262, 263. Lara, pp. 263-265. Manfred, pp. 266-268. Marino Faliero, pp. 275, 276. Mazeppa, pp. 276-278. Monody on the Death of Sheridan, pp. 280, 281. An Ode to the Trainers of the Frame Bill, pp. 281. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, pp. 282, 283. Prisoner of Chillon, pp. 285-289. Prophecy of Dante, pp. 291, 292. Sardanapalus, pp. 293, 294. Siege of Corinth, pp. 296-298. Two Foscari, pp. 299, 300. Vision of Judgment, p. 300. Waltz, p. 301. Werner, pp. 301, 302.
Collections of Poems.
Collected Editions, pp. 136-144. Collections of Dramas, p. 169. Miscellaneous Poems, pp. 159-168. Selections, pp. 149-152.
Separate Poems and Dramas.
Beppo, pp. 171, 172. Bride of Abydos, pp. 174-176. Cain, pp. 178-180. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, pp. 194-201. Corsair, pp. 204-206. Deformed Transformed, p, 208. Don Juan, pp. 220-225. Giaour, pp. 238-240. Heaven and Earth, pp. 241, 242. Hebrew Melodies, pp. 244-246. Island, pp. 261, 262. Lament of Tasso, p. 263. Lara, pp. 265, 266. Manfred, pp. 268-274. Marino Faliero, p. 276. Mazeppa, pp. 278-280. Ode from the French, p. 281. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, p. 283. Parisina, pp. 283-285. Prisoner of Chillon, pp. 289-291. Prophecy of Dante, pp. 292, 293. Sardanapalus, pp. 294-296. Siege of Corinth, pp. 298, 299. Two Foscari, p. 300. Werner, p. 303.
I. Poetical Works. 2 v. Philadelphia. 1813 II. P. Works. 2 v. Boston. 1814. III. Works. 4 v. London. Murray. 1815. IV. Works. 2 v. London. M. 1815. V. P. Works. 3 v. New York. 1815. VI. Works. 3 v. Philadelphia. 1816. VII. Works. 5 v. London. M. 1817. VIII. Poems. 1 v. New York. 1817. IV. Works. 8 v. London. M. 1818-1820. X. Works. 6 v. Paris. 1818. XI. Works. 13 v. Leipzig. 1818-1822. XII. Works. 3 v. London. M. 1819. XIII. Works. 6 v. Paris. 1819. XIV. Works. 6 v. Zuickau. 1819. XV. Works. 7 v. Brussels. 1819. XVI. Works. 4 v. New York. 1820. XVII. Works. 5 v. London. M. 1821. XVIII. Works. 5 v. Paris. 1821. XIX. Works. 16 v. Paris. 1822-1824. XX. Works. 4 v. London. M. 1823. XXI. Works. 12 v. Paris. 1822-1824. XXII. Works. 12 v. Paris. 1823. XXIII. Works. 3 v. [vols. v., vi., vii.] London. Knight and Lacy. 1824-1825. XXIV. Works. 8 v. London. M. 1825. XXV. Works. 6 v. [vols. v., vi.] London. M. 1825. XXVI. Complete Works. 7 v. Paris. 1825. XXVII. Works. 8 v. Philadelphia. 1825. XXVIII. Works. 8 v. New York. 1825. XXIX. Works. 32 v. Zuickau. 1825-1827. XXX. Works. 13 v. Paris. 1826. XXXI. Works. 1 v. Paris. 1826. XXXII. Works. 1 v. Frankfort. 1826. XXXIII. Works. 6 v. London. M. 1827. XXXIV. Works. 4 v. London. M. 1828. XXXV. Works. 1 v. Paris. 1828. XXXVI. Works. 1 v. Frankfort. 1828. XXXVII. Works. 6 v. London. M. 1829. XXXVIII. Works. 4 v. London. M. 1829. XXXIX. Poetic Works. 2 v. Philadelphia. 1829. XL. Works. 1 v. Frankfort. 1829. XLI. Works. 4 v. London. M. 1830. XLII. Complete Works. 1 v. Paris. 1830. XLIII. Works. 6 v. London. M. 1831. XLIV. Complete Works. 1 v. Paris. 1831. XLV. Works. 1 v. Philadelphia. 1831. XLVI. Works. 14 v. (17 volume edition.) London. M. 1832-1833. XLVII. Complete Works. 4 v. Paris. 1832. XLVIII. Works. (Verse and Prose.) 1 v. New York. 1833. XLIX. Complete Works. 1 v. Paris. 1835. L. Complete Works. 4 v. Paris. 1835. LI. Works. 1 v. London. M. 1837. LII. Complete Works. 1 v. Paris. 1837. LIII. Works. 1 v. London and Leipzig. 1837. LIV. Complete Works. 7 v. Mannheim. 1837. LV. Complete Works. 1 v. Paris. 1839. LVI. P. Works. 8 v. London. M. 1839. LVII. Works. 5 v. Leipzig. 1842. LVIII. Works. 4 v. Philadelphia. 1843. LIX. Complete Works. 1 v. Frankfort. 1846. LX. Works. (Verse and Prose.) 1 v. Hartford. 1847. LXI. Works. 2 v. Edinburgh. 1850. LXII. P. Works. 1 v. Philadelphia. 1850. LXIII. P. Works. 1 v. London.H.G. Bohn. 1851. LXIV. P. Works. 1 v. Philadelphia. 1851. LXV. Complete Works. 1 v. Frankfort. 1852. LXVI. The Illustrated Byron. 1 v. London. H. Vizetelly, 1854-1855. LXVII. P. Works. 2 v. Philadelphia. 1853. LXVIII. P. Works. 1 v. London. C. Daly. 1854. LXIX. Works. 1 v. Boston. 1854. LXX. P. Works. 6 v. London. M. 1855. LXXI. P. Works. 1 v. Edinburgh. 1857. LXXII. P. Works. 1 v. New York. 1857. LXXIII. P. Works. 1 v. London. M. 1857. LXXIV. P. Works. 1 v. London. M. 1859. LXXV. P. Works. 1 v. Philadelphia. 1859. LXXVI. P. Works. 1 v. Leipzig. B. Tauchnitz. 1860. LXXVII. P. Works. 3 v. Leipzig. 1860. LXXVIII. P. Works. 1 v. Edinburgh. 1861. LXXIX. P. Works. 10 v. Boston. 1861. LXXX. P. Works. 1 v. Halifax. 1863. LXXXI. P. Works. 1 v. Edinburgh. 1868. LXXXII. P. Works. 1 v. London. F. Warne and Co. 1868. LXXXIII. P. Works. 1 v. London. J. Dicks. 1869. LXXXIV. P. Works. 8 v. London. M. 1870. LXXXV. P. Works. 1 v. London. E. Moxon. 1870. LXXXVI. Complete P. Works. 1 v. London. G. Routledge. 1874. LXXXVII. P. Works. 1 v. London. Virtue and Co. 1874. LXXXVIII. P. Works. 1 v. Boston. 1874. LXXXIX. P. Works. 1 v. London. Ward, Lock, and Co. 1878. XC. P. Works. 1 v. Boston. 1878. XCI. P. Works. 1 v. London. Ward, etc. 1880. XCII. P. Works. 1 v. London. F. Warne. 1881. XCIII. Complete P. Works. 1 v. London. G. Routledge. 1883. XCIV. P. Works. 1 v. Edinburgh. 1881. XCV. P. Works. 12 v. London. Sultaby and Co. 1885. XCVI. P. Works. 1 v. New York. 1886. XCVII. P. Works. 1 v. London. W. Scott. 1886. XCVIII. P. Works. 1 v. London. 1886. XCIX. Life and Works. 2 v. London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. 1888. C. Complete P. Works. 1 v. London. G. Routledge. 1890. CI. P. Works. 1 v. New York. 1890. CII. P. Works. 12 v. London. Griffith, Farran, etc. 1891. CIII. P. Works. 3 v. London. W. Gibbings. 1892. CIV. Works. 12 v. Philadelphia. 1892. CV. Dramatic and P. Works. 1 v. Philadelphia. 1898. CVI. P. Works. 4 v. London. H. Frowde. 1896. CVII. P. Works. 1 v. London. Bliss, Sands, and Co. 1897. CVIII. P. Works. 1 v. London. W.P. Nimme. 1897. CIX. P. Works. 4 v. Philadelphia. 1897. CX. P. Works. 1 v. London. G. Henny and Co. n.d. CXI. P. Works. 1 v. New York. n.d. CXII. P. Works. 1 v. New York. n.d. CXIII. P. Works. 1 v. New York. n.d.
I. OEuvres Compltes. 15 tomes. Paris. Ladvocat. 1821. II. OEuvres C. 13 t. P. Dondey-Dupr. 1830. III. OEuvres C. 4 t. P. Charpentier. 1836. IV. OEuvres. 2 t. P. Chapelle. 1842. V. OEuvres. 3 t. P. Daussin. 1845. VI. OEuvres C. 1 t. P. Bry an. 1856. VII. OEuvres. 2 t. Alphonse Lemerre. 1891.
I. Lord Bryon's Poesien. 31 B. Zwickau. 1821-1828. II. L.B.'s smmttiche Werke. 12 B. Frankfurt a. M. 1830. III. Dichtungen v. L.B. 4 Sammnl. Stuttgart. 1836-1839. IV. L.B.'s s. W. 1 B. Leipzig. 1839. V. L.B.'s s. W. 10 B. Pforzheim. 1842. VI. L.B.'s s. W. 8 B. Berlin. 1865. VII. Dichtungen v. L.B. 8 B. Hildburghausen. 1865. VIII. L.B.'s ausgewhlte W. 4 B. Leipzig. [1865-1812.] IX. L.B.'s s. W. 3 B. Leipzig. 1874. X. L.B.'s W. 6 B. Stuttgart. [1885-1890.] XI. L.B.'s p. W. 8 B. Stuttgart. 1886. XII. L.B.'s W. 6 B. Berlin. 1888. XIII. Byron's s. W. 8 B. 1901.
Modern Greek.
[Greek: Ta Apanta tou Burnos]. 3 V. [Greek: En Athnais]. 1895.
I. Opere complete di Lord Byron. 1 t. Padova. 1842. II. Opere. 1 t. Napoli. 1853. III. Opere. 1 t. Napoli. 1857. IV. Opere. 1 t. Napoli. 1886.
I. Poezye Lorda Byrona. Pt. 1. Petersburg. 1857. II. Poezye L.B. 1 v. Warszawa. 1885.
I. [Cyrillic: Sochineniya Lorda Bairona. 5 t. S-Peterburg"]. 1864-66.
II. [Cyrillic: Bairon". S-Peterburg"]. 1876.
Biblioteca Universal. Coleccion de Los Mejores Autores. T. lxiii. Madrid. 1880.
Byron's Poetiska Berttelser. Stockholm. 1854-1856.
I. The Beauties of Byron. London. J. Sudbury. 1823. II. The Beauties of B. L^n. J. Limbird. 1827. III. Life and Select Poems. L^n. 1828. IV. The Beauties of L.B. Philadelphia. 1828. V. The Beauties of B. Paris. 1829. VI. Lord B.'s Select Works. 3 v. Frankfort a. M. 1831-1832. VI. Childe Harold's, etc.; The Giaour, etc. Paris. 1832. VIII. L.B.'s Select P.W. Paris and Lyons, 1835. IX. L.B.'s Select W. London and Berlin. 1837. X. The Beauties of B. L^n. T. Tegg and Son. 1837. XI. The Beauties of B. L^n. n.d. XII. B.'s Select W. Paris, 1843. XIII. A Selection from L.B.'s P.W. Marienwerder. 1846. XIV. Select P.W. L^n. Adam Scott. 1848. XV. L.B.'s Select W. Oldenburg. 1848. XVI. Selections. London. M. 1854. XVII. A Selection. IV. [A.C. Swinburne.] L^n. Moxon and Co. 1866. XVIII. Songs by L.B. L^n. Virtue and Co. 1872. XIX. Selections. London. M. 1874. XX. Beauts de B. Paris. 1876. XXI. Favourite Poems. Boston. 1877. XXII. Beauties of B. Stuttgart. n.d. XXIII. Poetry of B. (Matthew Arnold.) L^n. Macmillan and Co, 1881. XXIV. Gems from B. IV. New York. 1886. XXV. Selections from the Poetry of L.B. New York. 1900. XXVI. Poems of Lord Byron. L^n. A. and C. Black. 1901.
Translations of Selections
Lord B.'s Armenian Exercises and Poetry. Venice. 1886.
I. Choix de Posies. 2t. Genve et Paris. 1820. II. Les Beauts de L.B. P. 1838. III. crin potique de lit. angl. P. 1841. IV. Chefs-d'oeuvre de L.B. P. 1847. V. Rough Hewing of L.B. In French. L^n. J.W. Kolckmann. 1869. VI. Chefs-d'oeuvre de L.B. 2 t. P. 1874.
I. Byron's ausgewhlte Dichtungen. Leipzig. 1838. II. Byron-Anthologie. Schwerin. 1866. III. Auswahl aus Byron. 1892.
I. Poemi di Lord G.B. Torino. 1827. II. Opere scelte. Milano. 1852. III. A' Mici Arnici. 1873.
Miscellaneous Poems.
I. An Ode. On the Star, etc. New York. 1816. II. Three Poems. London. E. Wilson. 1818. III. English Bards, etc., etc. Paris. 1818. IV. The Works of the R.H.L.B., cont. Philadelphia. 1820. Eng. Bards, etc., etc. V. Poems by the R. H. L. B. L^n. Jones and Co. 1825. VI. The Miscell. Poems. L^n. Benbow. 1825. VII. Don Juan, Complete; Eng. Bards, L^n. J.F. Dove. 1827. etc., etc. VII. Don Juan; Hours of Idleness, etc. 2 v. L^n. J.F. Dove. 1828. IX. The Miscell. Works. L^n. Hunt and Clarke. 1830. X. The Corsair—Lara. Paris. 1830. XI. The Bride, etc. The Corsair, Paris. 1832. etc., etc. XII. Manfred—Marino Faliero, etc. Paris. 1832. XIII. Don Juan—The Age of Bronze, etc. Paris. 1832. XIV. Miscellanies. 3 v. London. M. 1837. XV. Tales. 2 v. London. M. 1837. XVI. Lord Byron's Tales. Halifax. 1845. XVII. The Giaour—The Bride, etc.—etc. L^n. H.G. Clarke and Co. 1848. XVIII. Miscellanies. 2 v. London. M. 1853. XIX. Tales and Poems. London. M. 1853. XX. Beppo and Don Juan. 2 v. London. M. 1853. XXI. Poems by the R't. Hon. L.B. L^n. T. Nelson and Sons. 1855. XXII. Tales and Poems. Leipzig. B. 1857. XXIII. Poems. L^n. G. Routledge. 1859. XXIV. Eastern Tales. L^n. D. Bogue. 1859. XXV. Byron's Siege, etc., etc. Madras. 1876. XXVI. Poems. L^n. G. Routledge. 1880. XXVII. Poems of L.B. 2 v. L^n. Cassell and Co. 1886. XXVIII. Byron's Prisoner of Chillon and Halle. 1886. Siege of Corinth. XXIX. The Corsair—Lara. Boston. 1893.
Korsr. Lara. V Praze 1885.
I. Udvalgte Dramatiske Digte. Kbenhavn. 1873. II. Byron—Manfred, etc. Kbenhavn. 1889. III. Beppo. Dommedagssynet. Af L.B. Kbenhavn. 1891.
I. Navolgingen van L.B. Haarlem. 1848. II. Gedichten van L.B. Leiden. 1870.
I. Le Corsaire—Mazeppa. Paris. 1848. II. Le Prisonnier, etc.—etc., etc. P. 1862. III. Le Corsaire—etc., etc. P. 1868. IV. Chefs-D'oeuvre de L.B. 2 v. P. 1874. V. L.B. Les Deux Foscari, etc. P. 1881. VI. Le Corsaire. Lara. P. 1892.
I. Gefangener von Chillon u. Parisina. Breslau. 1821. II. Manfred. Die Finsterniss. Berlin. 1835. III. Der Giaur. Hebraische Gesnge. 1854. IV. Kain. Ein Mysterium. Mazeppa. Leipzig. 1855. V. Manfred. Der Gef. v. Chillon. Heb. Ges. Mnster. 1857. VI. L.B. Mazeppa, Korsar, u. Beppo. Leipzig. 1864. VII. Die Braut v. Ab. Der Traum. Hamburg. 1872. VIII. Der Gefangene v. Chillon. Mazeppa. Leipzig. 1871-1876. IX. Der Gef. v. Chillon. Parisina. Halle. 1887.
Byron Lord' lete's Munki. Pesten. 1842.
Bandinginn i Chillon og Dramurinn. Kaupmannahfn, 1866.
I. Poemi di Lord G. Byron. 2 v. Lugano. 1832. II. P. di Giorgio L.B. Milano. 1834. III. P. di Giorgio L.B. 2 v. Milano. 1842. IV. Poemi e novelle. Milano. 1882. V. Opere ... di G. Casella. 2 v. Firenze. 1884. VI. Misteri e canti. Milano. 1886. VII. Misteri, novelle e liriche. Firenze. 1890.
I. Poemata i powieści. Warszawa. 1820. II. Powieści. Warszawa. 1831. III. Paryzyna, Kalmar i Orla. Wilno. 1834. IV. Poezye Lorda B. W. Paryzu. 1835. V. Tlomaczenia A.E. Odyńca. W. Lipsku. 1838. VI. Tlomaczenia A.E. Odyńca. W. Lipsku. 1841. VII. Poemata. Warszawa. 1846. VIII. Piȩć Poematw Lorda Birona. Leszno. 1853. IX. Kruzer (Karol) Przeklady, etc. 5 t. Warszawa. 1876.
Traducøes Poeticas de F.J. Pinheiro Guimarⱥes. Rio de Janeiro. 1863.
Din Scrierile Loui L.B. Boukouresti. 1834.
I. Odas A Napoleon. Paris. 1830. II. Poemas de L.B. Barcelona. 1876. III. Cuatro Poemas de L.B. New York. 1877. IV. D. Juan El Hijo de Doa Ins. Barcelona. 1883.
I. Dramas by Lord Byron. 2 v. London. M. 1837. II. Dramas by Lord Byron. 2 v. London. M. 1853.
Lord Byron's Dramatische Werke. Hildburghausen. 1870.
I. Marino Faliero e I Due Foscari. Sayona. 1845. II. Tragedie di Giorgio Lord Byron. Firenze. 1862.
Poemas dramticos de Lord Byron. Madrid. 1886.
The Age of Bronze. L^n. John Hunt. 1823.
I. Beppo, A Venetian Story. Second Ed. London. M. 1818. II. Beppo, etc. Fifth Ed. London. M. 1818. III. Beppo. Boston. 1818. IV. Beppo, etc. P.A. and W. Galignani. 1821.
Vertalingen en Navolgingen, etc. [Beppo Eine Venetiansche Vertelling, pp. 119-159.] Amsterdam. 1824.
Beppo, Pome de Byron. Trad. p. S. Clogenson. P. Michel Lvy f. 1865.
[Cyrillic: Beppo.].
Beppo, novela veneciana. P. 1830.
Beppo, En Venetiansk Historia. Stockholm. 1853, etc.
I. The Bride of Abydos. A Turkish Tale. London. M. 1813. II. The Bride, etc. Second Ed. London. M. 1813. III. The Bride, etc. Fourth Ed. London. M. 1813. IV. The Bride, etc. Sixth Ed. London. M. 1814. V. The Bride, etc. Philadelphia. 1814. VI. The Bride, etc. London. 1844.
Nevěta z Abydu. V Praze. 1854.
[Cryllic: Abidonska Nevysta. Moskva]. 1850.
De Abydeensche Verloofde. Amsterdam. 1826.
I. Zuleika et Selim. P. Plancher. 1816. II. La Fiance d'Abydos. Gand, Houdin. 1823.
I. Die Braut von Abydos. Frankfort-a-M. 1819. II. Die Braut, etc. London. 1843. III. Die Braut, etc. Halle. 1884.
Az abydoszi ara. B'pest. 1884.
La fidanzata d'Abido. Milano. 1854.
Dziewica z Abydos. Warszawa. 1818.
I. [Cyrillic: Abidosskaya Neviesta]. 1821.
II. [Cyrillic: Neviesta Abidosskaya. S-Peterburg"]. 1826. Second edition. [Cyrillic: S-Peterburg"]. 1831.
III. [Cyrillic: Abidosskaya Neviesta. Moskva]. 1859.
Bruden Frn Abydos. Stockholm, 1853, etc.
I. Cain; A Mystery. London. Benbow. 1822. II. Cain, etc. L^n. R. Carlile. 1822. III. Cain, etc. L^n. H. Gray. 1822. IV. Cain, A Mystery. New York. 1822. V. Cain, etc. P.A. and W. Galignani. 1822. VI. Cain, etc. L^n. Benbow. 1824. VII. Lord Byron's Cain, etc. L^n. William Crofts. 1830. VIII. Cain, etc. L^n. J. Watson. 1832. IX. Cain, etc. Breslau. 1840. X. Cain. J. Dicks. 1883, etc.
Kain. V Praze. 1871.
Can, Mystre dramatique. P. Servier. 1823.
I. Cain, ein Mysterium. Berlin. 1831. II. Cain. Ein Mysterium. Leipzig. 1871-1876.
[Hebrew: Kine, shir-chizayon al-pi kitvey hakodesh / me'et / Lord Byron / tirgem me'anglit le'ivrit / David Frishman / Varsha TRS ]
I. Kain. Franklin-Trsulat. 1895. II. Kain. B'pest. 1898.
International Language.
Kain. Mistero de Lord Byron. Nurnbergo. 1896.
Caino: mistero. Milano. 1852-6.
Kain. Lww. 1868.
I. [Cyrillic: Kain". S-Peterburg"]. 1881.
II. [Cyrillic: Kain". Moskva]. 1883.
I. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Romaunt. London. M. 1812. II. Childe Harold's, etc. Second Ed. London. M. 1812. III. Childe Harold's, etc. Third Ed. London. M. 1812. IV. Childe Harold's, etc. Fourth Ed. London. M. 1812. V. Childe Harold's, etc. Fifth Ed. London. M. 1812. VI. Childe Harold's, etc. First Amer. Ed. Philadelphia. 1812. VII. Childe Harold's, etc. Sixth Ed. London. M. 1813. VIII. Childe Harold's, etc. Seventh Ed. London. M. 1814. IX. Childe Harold's, etc. Eighth Ed. London. M. 1814. X. Childe Harold's, etc. Tenth Ed. London. M. 1815. XI. Childe Harold's, etc. Canto the Third. London. M. 1816. XII. Childe Harold's, etc. Canto the Fourth. London. M. 1818. XIII. Childe Harold's, etc. Canto the Fourth. New York. 1818. XIV. Childe Harold's, etc. Eleventh Ed. London. M. 1819. XV. Childe Harold's, etc. 2 v. London. M. 1819. XVI. Childe Harold's, etc. 2 v. Leipzig. 1820. XVII. Childe Harold's, etc. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1825 XVIII. Childe Harold's, etc. P.A. and W. Galignani. 1825. XIX. Childe Harold's, etc. London. W. Dugdale. 1826. XX. Childe Harold's, etc. London. T. Colmer. 1827. XXI. Childe Harold's, etc. 2 v. Paris. 1827. XXII. Childe Harold's, etc. London. John Duncombe. 1831. XXIII. Childe Harold's, etc. Nuremberg and New York. 1831. XXIV. Childe Harold's, etc. London. M. 1837. XXV. Childe Harold's, etc. Mannheim. 1837. XXVI. Childe Harold's, etc. London. M. 1841. XXVII. Childe Harold's, etc. London. 1842. XXVIII. Childe Harold's, etc. London. M. 1853. XXIX. Childe Harold. Damburg. 1853. XXX. Childe Harold's, etc. 2 v. Berlin. 1854. XXXI. Childe Harold's, etc. London. M. 1859. XXXII. Childe Harold's, etc. New Ed. London. M. 1860. XXXIII. Childe Harold's, etc. New Ed. London. M. 1860. XXXIV. Childe Harold's, etc. Leipzig. 1862. XXXV. Childe Harold's, etc. London. C. Griffin and Co. 1866. XXXVI. Childe Harold's, etc. Mnster. 1867. XXXVIII. Lord Byron's Childe Harold's, etc. P. Lib. Ch. Delagrave. 1882. XXXIX. Childe Harold's, etc. P. Poussielque f. 1883. XL. Clarendon Press Series. Childe Harold. Oxford. 1885. XLI. Childe Harold's, etc. London. Chatto. 1885. XLII. Lord Byron. Childe Harold's, etc. Berlin. 1885. XLIII. Cassell's Nat. Lib. Childe Harold's, L^n., P., N.Y., and etc. Melbourne. 1886. XLIV. Childe Harold's, etc. Boston. 1886. XLV. Childe Harold's, etc. Philadelphia. 1886. XLVI. Childe Harold's, etc. Leipzig. 1886. XLVII. Childe Harold's, etc. Bielefeld. 1885-6. XLVIII. Childe Harold's, etc. L^n. G. Routledge and Sons. 1888. XLIX. Childe Harold's, etc. Bielefeld. 1891. L. Sir J. Lubbock's Hundred Best Books. L^n. G. Routledge and Childe Harold's, etc. Sons. 1892. LI. Byron's Childe Harold. L^n. G. Bell and Sons. 1893. LII. Byron. Childe Harold. P. Lib. Hachette et Cie. 1893. LIII. Childe Harold's, etc. New York. 1894. LIV. Arnold's Brit. Classics. Childe L^n. Edw. Arnold. Harold's, etc. 1897. LV. Childe Harold. L^n. J.M. Dent. 1898. LVI. Childe Harold's, etc. Cantos I., II. L^n. Macmillan and Co. 1899. LVII. Childe Harold's, etc. Cantos III., IV. L^n. Macmillan and Co. 1899. LVIII. Childe Harold's, etc. 2 v. New York. 1899. LIX. Childe Harold's, etc. New York. 1899. LX. Childe Harold's, etc. New York. 1900. LXI. Lord Byron. Childe Harold's, etc. Glasgow and Dublin. 1901. LXII. Lord Byron. Childe Harold's, etc. Glasgow and Dublin. 1901.
Childe Harold's, etc. Venice. 1872.
Childe Haroldova pout'. 1890.
Junker Harolds Pilgrimsfart. Kjbenhavn. 1880.
I. Le Plerinage de C.H. P. Dupont. 1828. II. Le Plerinage de C.H. P. Ponthieu. 1828. III. Le Plerinage de C. II. P. Lib. de Ch. Blriot. 1861. IV. C.H. Pome de L.B. P.E. Dentu. 1862. V. Le Plerinage de C.H. Saint-Quentin. 1862. VI. Childe Harold. P. Amyot. 1870. VII. Childe Harold. P. Hachette et Cie. 1881. VIII. Childe Harold's, etc. P. Poussielque f. 1883. IX. Childe Harold. P. Delalain f. 1892. X. Childe Harold. P. Belin f. 1892.
I. Harold, der Verwiesene. Leipzig. 1835. II. Ritter Harold's Pilgerfahrt. Stuttgart. 1836. III. Jungherrn Harold's P. Stralsund. 1839. IV. Erster Gesang des C.H. Ansbach. 1845. V. Byron's Ritter Harold. Leipzig. 1846. VI. Childe Harold's P. Frankfurt a. M. 1853. VII. Harold's P. Kln. 1865. VIII. Childe Harold's P. Hildburghausen. 1868. IX. Jung Harold's P. Berlin. 1869. X. Ritter Harold's P. Leipzig. 1871-1876. XI. Childe Harold's P. 1893.
Childe Harold. Genfben. 1857.
I. L'Italia, Canto IV. del pellegrinaggio di C.H. 1819. II. Il pellegrinaggio del Giovine Aroldo. Geneva. 1836. III. L'Italia, Canto di L. B. Milano. 1848. IV. Il pell. del giov. A. Napoli. 1858. V. Il pell. del giov. A. Venezia. 1860. VI. Byron. Pell. D'Aroldo. Milano. 1866. VII. Italia C. di Gior. Byron. Firenze. 1872. VIII. Il pell. D'Aroldo. Firenze. 1873.
I. Poezye ... Wȩdrwki Czaild Harolda. Petersburg. 1857. II. Pielgrzymka C.H. we Lwowie. 1857. III. Wȩdrwki C.H. Prz. F. Krauze. 1865-1871. IV. Wȩdrwki Rycerza H. Warszawa. 1895. V. Wȩdrwki C.H. Krakow. 1896.
I. [Cyrillic: Chaĭl'd"-Garol'd"]
II. [Cyrillic: Chaĭl'd"-Garol'd"]
Childe Harolds Pilgrimsfrd. Stockholm. 1832.
I. The Corsair, A Tale. London. M. 1814. II. The Corsair, etc. Second Ed. London. M. 1814. III. The Corsair, etc. Third Ed. London. M. 1814. IV. The Corsair, etc. Fourth Ed. L^n. M. 1814. V. The Corsair, etc. Fifth Ed. London. M. 1814. VI. The Corsair, etc. Sixth Ed. London. M. 1814. VII. The Corsair, etc. Seventh Ed. London. M. 1814. VIII. The Corsair, etc. New York. 1814. IX. The Corsair, etc. Ninth Ed. London. M. 1815. X. The Corsair, etc. Tenth Ed. London. M. 1818. XI. The Corsair, etc. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1825. XII. The Corsair, etc. L^n. 1844. XIII. The Corsair, etc. Glasgow. 1867.
I. Der Korsar. Berlin. 1816. II. Der Korsar. Altona. 1820. III. Der Korsar. Leipzig. 1852. IV. Der Corsar. Mainz. 1852. V. Der Korsar. Leipzig. 1871-1876.
A Kalz. B'pest. 1892.
I. Il Corsaro. Torino. 1819. II. Il Corsaro. Milano. 1820. III. Il Corsaro. Milano. 1842. IV. Il Corsaro. Firenze, 1842. V. Il Corsaro. Bologna. 1870. VI. Il Corsaro. V. di C. Rosnati. 1879.
[Cyrillic: Morskoĭ razboĭnik". S.-Peterburg"]. 1827.
I. El Corsario. Paris. 1827. II. El Corsario. Valencia. 1832.
Corsaren. Stockholm. 1868.
I. The Curse of Minerva. London. [4to.] 1812. II. The Curse, etc. Philadelphia. [?] 1815. III. The Curse, etc. P. Galignani. 1818.
THE DEFORMED TRANSFORMED. I. The Deformed Transformed. London. J. and H.L. Hunt. 1824. II. The Def. Transf. P.A. and W. Galignani. 1824. III. The Def. Transf. L^n. J. Dicks. 1883, etc.
Budapesti rvizknyv., etc. Pesten. 1840.
Cantos I., II.
I. Don Juan. London. Printed by T. Davison. [4] 1819. II. D. Juan. L^n. Pt. by T. Davison. 1819. III. D. Juan. L^n. J. Onwhyn. 1819 IV. D Juan. L^n. Pt. by T. Davison. 1820 V. D. Juan. L^n. Sherwin and Co. 1820 VI. D. Juan. L^n. Pt. by T. Davison. 1822.
Cantos III., IV., V.
I. D. Juan. L^n. Pt. by T. Davison. 1821. II. D. Juan. L^n. Sherwin and Co. 1821. III. D. Juan. Fifth Ed. L^n. Pt. by T. Davison, 1822.
Cantos I-V
I. D. Juan. L^n. W. Benbow. 1822. II. D. Juan. L^n. Hodgson and Co. 1822. III. D. Juan. L^n. Peter Griffin. 1823. IV. D. Juan. L^n. G. Smeeton. 1826.
Cantos VI., VII., VIII.
I. D. Juan. L^n. John Hunt. [8] 1823. II. D. Juan. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1823. III. D. Juan. L^n. John Hunt. [12] 1823.
Cantos IX., X., XI.
I. D. Juan. L^n. John Hunt. [8] 1823. II. D. Juan. L^n. John Hunt. [12] 1823.
Cantos XII., XIII., XIV.
I. D. Juan. L^n. John Hunt. [8] 1823. II. D. Juan. L^n. John Hunt. [12] 1823. III. D. Juan. L^n. Pt. for the Booksellers. 1823. IV. D. Juan. P.A. and W. Galignani. 1824.
Cantos XV., XVI.
I. D. Juan. L^n. John and H.L. Hunt. [8] 1824. II. D. Juan. L^n. John and H.L. Hunt. [12] 1824. III. D. Juan. L^n. Pt. for the Booksellers. 1824. IV. D. Juan. L^n. Pt. for John Hunt. 1824. V. D. Juan. P.A. and V. Galignani. 1824.
Full Text.
I. D. Juan. 2 v. L^n. Pt. for the Booksellers. 1826. II. D. Juan. L^n. W. Cla?? 1826. III. D. Juan. L^n. T. and J. Allman. 1827. IV. D. Juan. 2 v. L^n. T. Davison. 1828. V. D. Juan. 2 v. L^n. Pt. for the Booksellers. 1828. VI. D. Juan. Nuremberg and New York. 1832. VII. D. Juan. L^n. Scott and Webster. 1833. VIII. D. Juan. L^n. Pt. for the Booksellers. 1835. IX. D. Juan. 2 v. London. M. 1837. X. D, Juan. Mannheim. 1838. XI. D. Juan. L^n. H.G. Bohn. 1849. XII. D. Juan. L^n. and N.Y. 1874. XIII. D. Juan. L^n. Chatto and Windus. 1875. XIV. D. Juan. L^n. G. Routledge and Sons. 1886.
I. D. Juan. Fredericia. 1854. II. Byron. D. Juan. Kjbenhavn. 1880.
I. Don Juan. 2 v. P.P. Renouard. 1827. II. D. Juan. 2 v. P. Lib. centrale. 1866. III. D. Juan. P. DeGorge-Cadot. 1869. IV. D. Juan. P. Lemerre. 1878.
I. Don Juan. Essen. 1839. II. Byron's D. Juan. Bremen. 1845. III. Byron's D. Juan. Leipzig. 1849. IV. Byron's D. Juan. Hildburghausen. 1867.
I. Don Giovanni. Torino. 1853. II. D. Giovanni. Milano. 1865. III. Gior. Byron. Aidea Epis. del don Giov. Verona. 1875. IV. Il D. Juan. Milano. 1876. V. D. Giovanni. Milano. 1880.
I. Don Żuan. Tarnopol. 1863. II. Ustȩp z drugij pieśni Don Żuana. Krakw. 1877. III. Don Żuan, pieśń trzecia. Krakw. 1877. IV. Don Żuan, pieśń druga, trzecia i czwarta. Tarnopol. 1879. V. Don Żuan. Warszawa. 1885.
Don Juan dela Lord Byron. Bucurescĭ. 1847.
I. [Cyrillic: Don" Zhuan". S. Peterburg"]. 1846.
II. [Cyrillic: Don" Zhuan". 2 v. S. Peterburg"]. [1847.]
III. [Cyrillic: Don' Zhuan' ... Glava Pervaya. Leĭpzig]. 1862.
IV. [Cyrillic: Don" Zhuan". S. Peterburg"]. 1866, 67.
V. [Cyrillic: Don" Zhuan". 2 v. S. Peterburg"]. 1889.
VI. [Cyrillic: Don" Zhuan". 2 t. S. Peterburg"]. 1892.
[Cyrillic: Don" Zhuan" 2 sves. Beograd]. 1888.
I. Don Juan, novela. Paris. 1829. II. Don Juan. Madrid. 1876.
I. Don Juan. Stockholm. 1838. II. Don Juan. 2 v. Stockholm. 1857.
I. The British Bards, A Satire. 1808. II. English Bards, and Scotch L^n. James Cawthorn. 1809. Reviewers. First Ed. III. English B., etc. Second Ed. L^n. J. Cawthorn. 1809. IV. English B., etc. Third Ed. L^n. J. Cawthorn. 1810. V. English B., etc. Fourth Ed. L^n. J. Cawthorn. 1810. VI. English B., etc. Fourth Ed. L^n. J. Cawthorn. 1811. VII. English B., etc. Fifth Ed. [L^n. J. Cawthorn.] 1811. VIII. English B., etc. First Amer. Ed. Philadelphia. 1811. IX. English B., etc. Charleston. 1811. X. English B., etc. Boston. 1814. XI. English B., etc. New York. 1817. XII. English B., etc. P. Galignani. 1818. XIII. English B., etc. Brussels. 1819. XIV. English B., etc. Geneva. 1820. XV. English B., etc. L^n. Benbow. 1823. XVI. English B., etc. Glasgow. J. Starke. 1824. XVII. English B., etc. Glasgow. M'Intosh and Co. 1825. XVIII. English B., etc. L^n. W. Dugdale. 1825. XIX. English B., etc. L^n. T. Kay. 1827.
I. Fare Thee Well! March 18, 1816. II. Fare Thee Well! April 4, 1816. III. Fare Thee Well! Second Version. April 7, 1816. IV. A Sketch from Private Life. March 30, 1816. V. A Sketch, etc. Another Copy. April 2, 1816. VI. Fare Thee Well!—A Sketch, etc. L^n. Sherwood, Neely, and Jones. 1816. VII. Fare Thee Well. Bristol. 1816. VIII. Fare Thee Well. Edinburgh. 1816. |