Vol. I.: pp. 3-316.
Vol. II.: pp. x. + 11-316.
Note.—Part of Cassell's "Miniature Library of the Poets."
Byron's/ Prisoner of Chillon/ und/ Siege of Corinth./ Mit bibliographischem Material,/ litterarischer Einleitung und sachlichen/ Anmerkungen fr Studierende/ Herausgegeben/ von/ J.G.C. Schuler./ Halle./ Max Niemeyer./ 1886./ [8.
Pp. 92 + "Lesarten aus Byron's MSS.," pp. 93, 94.
Note.—No. 8 of "Materialen fr das Neuenglische Seminar." Herausg. v. Ernst Regel.
The Corsair. Lara. Illustrated by Gambard and Mittis. With Introduction by M.F. Sweetser. Boston, Joseph Knight & Co. 1893. [32.
[Amer. Cat., 1894.]
Pp. 142.
Note.—Part of the "World's Classics."
Korsr. Lara/ Bsnick Povdky/ Lorda Byrona/ Pṙeložil/ Cěněk Ibl./ V Praze/ Tiskem A Nkladem Dra Ed. Grgra/ 1885/ [8.
Pp. 128.
Note.—Poesie Svetova, Pt. xxiii., 1871, etc.
Udvalgte/ Dramatiske Digte/ OG/ Fortoellinger/ Af/ Byron./ Oversatte af Edv. Lembcke./ Frste Bind./ (Dramatiske Dicte.)/ KjBenHavn./ Forlagt af J.H. Schubothes. Boghandel./ Grbes Bogtrykkeri./ 1873./ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. 594.
Vol. II.: [1876] pp. 422.
Note.—Vol. I. contains Sardanapalus; Manfred; Cain; Marino Faliero.
Vol. II. contains The Siege, etc.; Mazeppa; The Bride, etc.; Corsair; Giaour; Lara; The Prisoner, etc.; The Island.
Byron:/ Manfred,/ Fangen paa Chillon og Mazeppa./ Oversat af/ Alfred Ipsen./ Kbenhavn./ Forlagt af P. Hauberg & Comp. og Jul. Gjellerup./ Trykt hos Martius Truelsen. [1889?] [16.
Pp. 136.
Beppo./ Dommedagssynet./ Af/ Lord Byron./ Oversatte/ Af/ Alfred Ipsen./ Kbenhavn,/ Forlagt Af I.H. Schubothes Boghandel./ Grbes Bogtrykkeri./ 1891./ [8.
Pp. 88.
Navolgingen/ van/ Lord Byron./ Door/ Nicolaas Beets./ De gevangene van Chillon./ Mazeppa. Parisina. Fragmenten. Joodsche zangen./ Verscheiden gedichten./ Nieuwe, Herziene Uitgave./ Vermeederd met een Woord over Byrons Pozy./ Te Haarlem, By/ De Erven F. Bonn./ 1848./ [8.
Pp. xl. + 170.
Note.—The vignette (a bunch of cornflowers) on the illustrated title-page (Gedichten/ van/ Nicolaas Beets./) is engraved by J.W. Kaiser.
Gedichten/ van/ Lord Byron./ Door/ J.J.L. Ten Kate./ Eerste Volledige Uitgave./ Te Leiden, Bij A.W. Sijthoff. [1870?] [8.
Pp. 242.
Le Corsaire, Mazeppa, traduits en vers franais suivis de posies diverses, par Lucien Mchin, 1848. Paris, Paulin. [12.
[Lorenz, 1840-1865.]
Le/ Prisonnier de Chillon/ Lara/ Parisina/ Pomes de Lord Byron,/ Traduits en vers/ et/ Posies diverses/ Par H. Gomont/ Membre correspondant de l'Acadmie de Stanislas/ Paris/ Amyot, Libraire/ Rue de la Paix, 6/ [the second column] Nancy./ Mlle Gonet, libraire/ Rue des Dominicains, 14/ 1862/ [12.
Pp. viii. + 228.
Le Corsaire, Lara, le Sige de Corinthe. Traduction nouvelle par Paul Lorencin. (Libraire de la Bibliothque Nationiale, tom. 117.) 1868. [32.
[Lorenz, 1876.]
Chefs-D'oeuvre/ de/ Lord Byron/ Traduits en vers franais/ par/ A. Regnault/ Bibliothcaire et archiviste honoraire du Conseil D'tat/ Membre de l'Acadmie de Lyon/ Auteur d'une histoire du Conseil D'tat,/ D'un Voyage en Orient (Grce, Turquie, Egypte)/ Et de notices historiques sur Moscou et Saint-Ptersbourg/ Tome premier/ Paris/ Amyot, Librairie-Editeur/ 8, rue de la Paix, 8/ Et la librairie, Galignani/ 224, rue de Rivoli, 224/ 1874/ Touts droits rservs/ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. xxxii. + 518.
Vol. II.: pp. 511.
Note.—Vol. I. contains Childe Harold's, etc.; The Bride, etc.; The Giaour; The Siege, etc.; Manfred [Scnes Dtaches].
Vol. II. contains The Corsair; Lara; Mazeppa; The Prisoner, etc.; Parisina; Beppo; Juan and Haidee; Posies Diverses.
Lord Byron/ Les/ Deux Foscari/ Tragdie historique/ Beppo/ Pome humoristique/ Traduction en vers (orne de 15 vignettes)/ Par/ Achille Morisseau/ Paris/ Calmann Lvy, diteur/ 3, rue Auber, 3/ 1881/ [8.
Pp. xiii. + 258.
Le Corsaire. Lara. Illustrations de Gambard et Mittis. Paris, Dentre. 1892. [32.
Fait partie de la "Petite Collection Guillaume," Lorenz, 1900.
Gefangener von Chillon u. Parisina, nebst e. Anh. seiner lyrischen Gedichte, bers. durch Paul Graf v. Haugwitz. Breslau, W.G. Korn. bers. 1821. [8.
[Kayser, 1834.]
Manfred.—Die Finsterniss.—Der Traum. Aus d. Engl. bersetzt von Er. Kpke. Berlin, Schrder. 1835. [8.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Der Giaur. Hebrische Gesnge. Aus dem Engl. bers. von Friederike Friedmann. Leipzig. 1854. Brockhaus. [16.
[Kayser, 1860.]
Kain./ Ein Mysterium./ Mazeppa./ Von/ Lord Byron./ Aus dem Englischen bersetzt/ von/ Friederike Friedmann./ Leipzig:/ F.A. Brockhaus./ 1855./ [16.
Pp. 154.
Manfred. Der Gefangene von Chillon, Hebrische Gesnge, u. Lyrische Gedichte. Deutsch von A.R. Niele. Mnster, Coppenrath. 1857. [16.
[Kayser, 1859.]
Lord Byron's/ Mazeppa, Korsar und Beppo./ In das Deutsche bertragen/ von/ Wilhelm Schffer./ Stulta est elementia, quam tot ubique/ Vatibus occurras, peritur parcere chart./ Juvenal./ [Emblem—Griffin with shield bearing motto "F.A.B. 1805."] Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus./ 1864./ [8.
Pp. 138.
Die Braut von Abydos./ Der Traum./ Zwei Gedichte./ von/ Lord Byron./ Im Versmass des Originals bertragen/ von/ Dr. Otto Riedel./ Hamburg./ Hermann Grning./ 1872./ [16.
Pp. 80.
Der Gefangene v. Chillon. Mazeppa. Von Lord Byron.
[Kayser, 1877.]
Note.—No. 557 of the "Universal Bibliothek." Leipzig, 1871-1876.
Der Gefangene v. Chillon. Parisina. Zwei poet. Erzhlungen, bers. v. Otto Michaeli. Halle. 1887-1890. [8.
Note.—Part of the "Bibl. der Gesamt-Litteratur des In-u. Auslandes." [Kayser, 1891.]
Byron Lord'/ lete's Munki./ Irta/ Petrichevich Horvth Lzr./ Harmadik Rsz./ Pesten./ Nyomtatta Landerer s Heckenast./ 1842./ [12.
Pp. 154 + Sajt-hibk, p. [155].
Note.—The translations include Mazeppa; The Dream; and sixteen lyrical pieces.
Bandinginn Chillon/ og/ Dramurinn,/ Eptir/ Byron Lvard./ Steingrmur Thorsteinson,/ slenzkadi./ Kaupmannahfn./ Utgefandi Pll Sveinsson./ Prentad Hj Louis Klein./ 1866./ [12.
Pp. 70.
Poemi/ di/ Lord G. Byron/ Tradotti dall' originale inglese/ Da/ Pietro Isola/ Socio corrispondente/ della R. Accademia delle scienze ed arti di Alessandria./ Primo volume/ Lugano/ coi tipi di Francesco Veladini e Comp./ 1832./ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. 221 + Note, Indice, pp. [222]-[224]. N.B.—Pp. 1-19 are not numbered.
Vol. II.: pp. 298 + Indice, p. [299], Pp. 1-13 are not numbered.
Poemi/ di/ Giorgio Lord Byron/ Recati in italiano/ da/ Giuseppe Nicolini/ con alcuni componimenti originali/ del traduttore./ Milano/ Per Giuseppe Crespi e C./ 1834./ [8.
Pp. 433 + Indice, p. [435].
Note.—The Title-vignette is a portrait of Lord Byron.
Poemi/ di Giorgio Lord Byron/ Recati in italiano/ Da Giuseppe Nicolini/ Nuova edizione eseguita su quella del 1837/ Riveduta ed aumentata dal traduttore/ Vol. I./ [Vol. II.] Milano/ Presso la ditta Angelo Bonfanti 1842/ [12.
Vol. I.: pp. 283.
Vol. II.: pp. 255.
Poemi e novelle. Milano, Sonzogno. 1882. [16.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Pp. 107.
Opere/ Edite e postume/ di Giacinto Casella/ Gi Accademico della Crusca/ Con prefazione del Prof. Alessandro d'Ancona,/ Uno scritto critico sul Properzio del Prof. G. Rigutini/ E una notizia biografica sull' autore/ Scritta da sua moglie./ Due Vol.—Vol. I./ Parte I.—Il Pellegrinaggio d'Aroldo, la Parisina,/ il Beppo e la sposa d'Abido, di Lord Byron.—Sopra M. Aurora., di S. Fenzi./ Un frammento dal Lambros, di D. Solomos./ Parte II.—Liriche originali./ Firenze,/ Tipografia di G. Barbra./ 1884./ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. lvi. + 438 + Errata Corrige, p. [439].
Vol. II.: pp. xviii. + 450 [Text = pp. 3-450] + Indice, etc., p. [451].
Note.—The translations of Childe Harold, Parisina, Beppo, and the Bride, etc., are on pp. 1-311 of the first part of the first volume.
Misteri e canti; Caino; Parisina; Un sogno. Traduzione di Andrea Maffei. Milano, Hoepli. 1886. [64.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Pp. 198.
Misteri, novelle e liriche. Traduzione di Andrea Maffei. Firenze, Le Monnier. 1890. [64.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Pp. xxxviii. + 441.
Poemata i powieści ... Przez B. hr. K. [Brunona hr. Kicińskiego]. Tom. 1. (Oblȩźenie Koryntu, Korsarz.) Warszawa, 1820. [8.
Part of "Biblioteka Romansw," etc. Wyd. przez W. Malccka.
Powieści, przeklad Wandy Maleckij. (Mazepa, przek. H. Dembińskiego, Paryzyna, Giaur, Upir.) pp. 196. w druk, J. Wrblewskiego: Warszawa, 1828. [8.
Wybr Romansw, wyd. W. Maleckij. Tom. XIII.
[Another edition.] Warszawa, 1831. [8.
Paryzyna, Kalmar i Orla, dwa poemata ... Przeklad Ign. Szydlowskiego. pp. 58.
druk. J. Zawadzkiego: Wilno, 1834. [8.
Poezye/ Lorda Byrona/ tlumaczone/ Giaur/ przez/ Adama Mickiewicza,/ Korsarz/ Przez/ Edwarda Odyńca./ Wydanie Alexandra Jelowickiego./ W. Paryżu./ 1835/ [12.
Pp. xiv. + 202.
Tlmaczenia/ Antoniego Edwarda/ Odyńca./ Tom Drugi./ Narzeczona z Abydos./ W Lipsku/ u Breitkopfa i Haertela./ 1838./
Pp. 216.
Note.—The translation of the Bride of Abydos, with the Notes, is on pp. 1-83 of this volume.
Tlomaczenia/ Antoniego Edwarda/ Odyńca./ Tom Trzeci./ Korsarz./ Niebo i Ziemia./ W Lipsku/ u Breitkopfa i Haertela./ 1841./ [12.
Pp. 201.
Note.—The translation of the Corsair, with Notes, is on pp. 1-112; of Heaven and Earth, pp. 116-201.
Poemata. Z oryginalu przeložyl Ant. Zawadzki. (Żale Tassa; Werner; Narzeczona z Abydos; Wyspa.) pp. 392. H. Skimborowicz: Warszawa, 1846. [8.
Piȩć Poematw/ Lorda Birona/ Przeložyl/ Franciszek Dzieržykraj Morawski./ Nakladem Autora./ Leszno./ Drukiem Ernesta Gnthera./ 1853./ [8.
Pp. 272.
Note.—The translations include Manfred; Mazeppa; The Siege, etc.; Parisina; and The Prisoner, etc.
KRUZER (Karol) Przeklady i rymy wlasne. 5 tom. druk. E. Skiwskiego: Warszawa, 1876. [8.
Tom. 3. Parisina. Lara. Kain. Poezje ulotne.
Tom. 4. Poezje ulotne Lorda Byrona.
Traducøes/ Poeticas/ de/ Francisco Jos Pinheiro Guimarⱥes/ Bacharel em sciencias sociaes e juridicas/ Childe Harold e Sardanapalo,/ De Lord Byron;/ O Roubo da Madeixa, de Pope;/ Hernani, de Victor Hugo/ Rio de Janeiro/ Typographia universal de Laemmert/ Rua dos Invalidos, 61 B./ 1863./ [8.
Pp. 636.
Note.—The Title-page, a Dedication, and O Sonho, an imitation of Byron's Dream, are unpaged. The translations of Childe Harold, Cantos I.-IV., and of Sardanapalus, are on pp. 1-424.
Din Scrierile/ Loui/ Lord Byron/ 3 P^t/ Tradduce/ de/ J. Eliad/ Boukouresti/ In Tipographia loui Eliad/ 1834/ [8.
Pp. 74.
Note.—The Title-page, in old Roumanian character, has been transliterated. The translations consist of The Prisoner of Chillon, The Lament of Tasso, and Beppo. The volume concludes with a Half-title, The Vampire.
Odas/ A Napoleon,/ Por lord Byron./ Traduccion castellana./ [Emblem—eagle flying to the sun.] Paris,/ Libreria americana,/ Calle del Temple, N 69./ 1830./ [12.
Pp. 60.
Note.—The translations include the Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte; Napoleon's Farewell; On the Star of "The Legion of Honour"; From the French; Ode from the French.
Biblioteca Jan./ Poemas/ de Lord/ Byron,/ Con notas, comentarios y aclaraciones/ Primera version espaola, en vista de la ultima edicion/ Por Ricardo Canales./ Lara.—El Sitio de Corinto.—Parisina.—Mazeppa./—La Peregrinacion de Childe—Harold.—Las Lamentaciones/ del Tasso.—Beppo./ Barcelona./ Jan Hermanos, Editores./ Ronda de San Antonia, 58./ [?1876.] [8.
Pp. 352 + Indice, p. [353].
Cuatro poemas/ de/ Lord Byron/ Traducidos en verso castellano/ Por/ Antonio Sellen/ Parisina.—El prisionero de Chillon.—/ Los lamentos del Tasso.—La novia de Abydos/ New York./ Imprenta y librera de N. Ponce Leon, 40 y 42 Broadway/ 1877/ [12.
Pp. xiii. + 15-111.
D. Juan/ El Hijo de Doa Ins/ Poema de/ Lord Byron/ seguido de/ Las lamentaciones del Tasso/ del proprio autor/ Version de/ J.A.R./ Ilustrada con dibujos la pluma/ Por R. Escaler/ Barcelona/ Administracion: Nueva San Francisco, 11 y 13/ 1883/ [8.
Pp. viii. + 9-414 + Indice, p. [415].
Note.—Part of the "Biblioteca Amena Instructiva."
Dramas/ By/ Lord Byron./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1837./ [12.
Vol. I.: pp. 403.
Vol. II.: pp. 391.
Note.—Vol. I. contains Manfred; Marino Faliero; Heaven and Earth; Sardanapalus. Vol. II. contains The Two Foscari; Cain; The Deformed Transformed; Werner. The Title-vignette on the illustrated Title-page of Vol. I. is "Fall of the Staubach," engraved by E. Finden, from a drawing by G. Bulmer from a sketch by Mrs. Somerville. These volumes, together with the Miscellanies, Tales, etc., were bound in green cloth, with Lord Byron's arms with supporters stamped in gold on one side.
Dramas./ By Lord Byron./ In Two Volumes.—Vol. I./ Containing/ Manfred./ Marino Faliero./ Heaven and Earth./ Sardanapalus./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1853./ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. 325. The Imprint (Bradbury & Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.) is at the foot of p. 325.
Vol. II.: pp. 318. The Imprint (London: Bradbury & Evans, Printers, Whitefriars.) is at the foot of p. 318.
Note.—Vol. II. contains The Two Foscari, Cain, The Deformed Transformed, and Werner.
Lord Byrons/ Dramatische Werke./ Deutsch/ von/ W. Grzmacher./ Manfred. Kain. Himmel und Erde. Sardanapal./ Hildburghausen./ Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts./ 1870./ [8.
Pp. 323 + Inhalt, p. [324].
Note.—No. 112 of the "Bibliothek Auslndischer Klassiker."
Marino Faliero/ E/ I Due Foscari/ Tragedie/ di/ Lord G. Byron/ Versione dall' originale inglese/ del/ P.G.B. Cereseto/ Delle scuole pie./ Savona 1845./ Presso Luigi Sambolino/ Editore-librajo./ [8.
Pp. 304.
Tragedie/ di/ Giorgio Lord Byron/ Traduzione/ del/ Cav. Andrea Maffei./ Sardanapalo.—Marino Faliero./ I Due Foscari./ Firenze./ Felice Le Monnier./ 1862./ [8.
Pp. 493 + Indice, p. [495].
Poemas dramticos/ De Lord Byron/ Can.—Sardanpalo.—Manfredo./ Traducidos en verso castellano/ Por D. Jos Alcal Galiano/ con una carta prlogo de/ D. Marcellino Menndez y Pelayo/ Madrid/ Imprenta de A. Prez Dubrull/ Flor Baja, nm. 22./ 1886./ [8.
Pp. xxxvi. + 382.
Note.—Vol. 45 of the "Coleccion de Escritores Castellanos." POEMS, DRAMAS, AND COLLECTIONS OF POEMS.
The Age of Bronze.
The/ Age of Bronze;/ or,/ Carmen Seculare et Annus Haud Mirabilis./ "Impar Congressus Achilli."/ London, 1823:/ Printed for John Hunt,/ 22, Old Bond street./ [8.
Half-title (R. London: Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-36. The Imprint (London:/ C.H. Reynell, Printer, 45, Broad-Street, Golden-Square.) is at the foot of p. 36.
Note.—The Second and Third Editions are identical with the First, save that in the Third Edition the Imprint at the foot of p. 36 runs thus: London:/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden-Square. A page of advertisements ("Works about to be published by Mr. John Hunt, 22, Old Bond Street") follows p. 36 in the Second Edition. The Age of Bronze was reissued by John Hunt in 1825 and in 1830 (the Miscellaneous Works, Part II. pp. 1-35), and by (?) W. Dugdale, 1824, together with other poems; and, in France, by A. and W. Galignani, Paris, 1823 (12.), but was not included in any of John Murray's Collected Editions till 1831.
Beppo,/ A Venetian Story./ ROSALIND. Farewell, Monsieur Traveller: Look, you lisp, and wear/ Strange suits; disable all the benefits of your own country; be out of love/ with your Nativity, and almost chide God for making you that countenance/ you are; or I will scarce think that you have swam in a GONDOLA./ AS YOU LIKE IT, Act iv. Sc. 1./ Annotation of the Commentators./ That is, been at Venice, which was much visited by the young English/ gentlemen of those times, and was then what Paris is now—the seat of all dissoluteness. S.A./ Second Edition./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1818./ [8.
Pp. 49. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard-Street, Whitefriars, London./) is at the foot of the Reverse of the Half-title.
Note (1).—The Text numbers 95 stanzas.
Note (2).—"Beppo, a Venetian Story. [Quotation.] London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1818. 8vo. Pp. 49" (the First Edition), is included in the catalogue of the Rowfant Library, 1886, p. 146.
Beppo,/ A Venetian Story./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto, nine lines, as above.] Fifth Edition./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1818./ [8.
Pp. 51. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 51. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard-Street, Whitefriars./) is at the foot of the Reverse of the Half-title.
Note.—The Text numbers 99 stanzas. Byron sent four additional stanzas, viz. stanzas xxviii., xxxviii., xxxix., lxxx., to Murray circ. March 9, 1818. A Second Edition of Beppo, vide supra, was published March 12, 1818, and the fifth, May 30, 1818. The intervening editions, third and fourth, were not advertised in the Morning Chronicle, Morning Post, Courier, and, in the absence of direct evidence, it may be conjectured that the additional stanzas first appeared in the Fifth Edition. A Sixth Edition, and a Seventh Edition identical with the Fifth Edition, were issued in 1818.
Beppo; a Venetian Story. Boston. 1818. [12.
Pp. 36.
Beppo, A Venetian Story. Paris, A. and W. Galignani. 1821. [12.
[Qurard, 1827.]
Translations of Beppo.
Vertalingen/ En/ Navolgingen/ In Poezy/ door/ Mr. J. Van Lennep./ [Motto, seven lines.] Te Amsterdam, bij/ P. Meljer Warnars./ 1834./ [8.
Beppo,/ Eine Venetiansche/ Vertelling./ Naar het Engelsch/ van/ Lord Byron./ pp. 119-159.
Note.—The Title-vignette is the Muse of Poetry with Cupids and scrolls labelled Walter Scott, Moore, Byron, and Shakespeare.
S. Clogenson/ Beppo/ Pome/ de Byron/ Traduit en vers franais, avec texte anglais en regard/ Paris,/ Michel Lvy frres, libraires diteurs/ Rue Vivienne, 2 bis, et boulevard des Italiens, 15/ la librairie-nouvelle./ 1865./ [12.
Pp. 159 + Notes, pp. [161, 162].
[Cyrillic: Beppo ... per. D. Minaeva]. [ [Cyrillic: Sovremennik"]," 1863. No. 8.]
Beppo, novela veneciana, por L.B. traduccion castellana. Paris, 1830. [8.
[Le Moniteur, etc., 1845.]
Beppo,/ En Venetiansk Historia/ AF/ Lord Byron./ Af Lord Byron./ fversttning/ Af/ Talis Qualis./ Stockholm,/ J.L. Brudins Frlag./ [8.
Pp. 48. (A Preliminary Note, n.p., on fly-leaf.)
Note.—Part (No. 5) of "Byron's Poetiska Berttelser," 1853, etc.
Bride of Abydos.
The/ Bride of Abydos./ A Turkish Tale./ By Lord Byron./ Had we never loved so kindly,/ Had we never loved so blindly,/ Never met or never parted,/ We had ne'er been broken-hearted./ Burns./ London/ Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars, For John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1813./ [8.
Title, one leaf; Dedication, one leaf; Text, pp. 1-60; Notes, pp. 61-72. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard Street,/ Whitefriars, London/) is at the foot of p. 72.
Note.—Canto I. numbers 483 lines; Canto II., 724 lines (not, as numbered, 722 lines, line 492 being numbered 490).
The/ Bride of Abydos./ A Turkish Tale./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto, five lines, as above.] Second Edition./ London:/ Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars,/ For John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1813./ [8.
Vide supra.
Note.—Canto II. numbers 730 lines (not, as numbered, 724). On p. 45, after line 401, six additional lines ("Blest as the Muezzin's, ... long-loved voice endears") are inserted; but line 414 is numbered 410, and the wrong enumeration of the First Edition is repeated. A Third Edition is identical with the Second.
The/ Bride of Abydos,/ etc. Fourth Edition,/ etc. 1813./ [8.
Vide supra.
Note.—Canto II. numbers 732 lines. The additions in the Fourth Edition are lines 662, 663 (p. 157), "Hark—— to the hurried," etc. The enumeration of the lines is correct. A Fifth Edition is identical with the Fourth.
The/ Bride of Abydos,/ etc. Sixth Edition,/ etc. 1814./ [8.
This edition is identical with the Second and Third Editions. Lines 622, 623 are omitted. Seventh, Eighth, and Tenth Editions, issued in 1814, are identical with the Fourth. An Eleventh Edition was issued in 1815.
The Bride of Abydos./ A Turkish Tale./ By Lord Byron./ Had we never loved so kindly,/ Had we never loved so blindly,/ Never met or never parted,/ We had ne'er been broken-hearted./ Burns./ Philadelphia:/ Published by Moses Thomas,/ No. 52 Chestnut-Street./ William Fry, Printer./ 1814./ [12.
Pp. 72.
The Bride of Abydos:/ A Turkish Tale,/ By Lord Byron./ [Motto.] [London, 1844.]
Pp. 1-39.
Note.—Part of "Clarke's Home Library."
Translations of Bride of Abydos.
Lorda Byrona/ Nevěsta z Abydu./ Pověst tureck./ Z anglickho prěložil/ Josef V. Frič./ V Praze./ Tisk a nklad Jaroslava Pospšila./ 1854./ [16.
Pp. 66.
[Cyrillic: Abidonska Neviesta, pobolgaril" N.D. Katramov". Moskva], 1850.
De/ Abydeensche/ Verloofde./ Uit het Engelsch van/ Lord Bijron/ door/ Mr. J. Van Lennep./ Te Amsterdam, bij/ P. Meijer Warnars./ 1826./ [8.
Pp. iv. + 67.
Note.—The Title-vignette represents a pillar with skull and cross-bones struck by lightning. The "ghastly-turbaned head" (line 1208) hovers above. There is a Half-title, with Motto and Transl., on the Reverse.
Zuleika et Selim, on la vierge d'Abydos: par lord Byron: trad, de l'anglais par Lon Thiess; et suivi de notes augmentes du Fare Thee Well, et autres morceaux du mme auteur. A Paris, chez Plancher. 1816. [12.
[B. de la France, Oct. 5, 1816.]
La Fiance d'Abydos, pome en 11 chants, avec des notes; imit de l'angl. par Aug. Clavareau, Gand, Houdin. 1823. [8.
[Qurard, 1827.]
Die Braut von Abydos. Deutsch. v. Dr. J. v. Adrian. Frankfurt-a-M., Sauerlnder. 1819. [8.
[Centralblatt, 1890, vii. 456.]
Die Braut von Abydos, eine trkische Sage. Getreu in's Deutsche bers. u. seinen Schlern gewidmet von Finck de Bailleul. Landau. 1843. [8.
[Kayser, 1848.]
Die Braut von Abydos. Aus der engl. in freie, deutsche Dichtg. bertrag. von Frdr. Kley. Halle, Schmidt. 1884. [8.
[Kayser, 1887.]
Pp. 62.
Az abydoszi ara. [The Bride of Abydos, transl. by Tercsi.] Hangok a multbl s Byrontol nekek. pp. 25-66. B'pest. 1884.
[Egyetemes Philologiai Kzlny, 1901, xxv. 227.]
La fidanzata d'Abido. Traduzione di Giov. Giovio. Milano, Guglielmini. 1854. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Dziewica z Abydos, poema. Prezkt. Wl. hr. Ostrowskiego. Warszawa, Glcksberg. 1818. [8.
Pp. 94.
[Cyrillic: Abidosskaya Neviesta. Turetskaya poviest". M. Kachenovskiĭ.] [Cyrillic: Vyibor" iz" sochineniye lorda Bairona.] 1821.
Note.—Bride of Abydos, pp. 177-255.
[Cyrillic: Neviesta Abidosskaya. Turetskaya poviest" lorda Bairona.] [Cyrillic: Perevel" s" angliyeskago Ivan" Kozlov".] pp. i.-x. 1-92. [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1826. 8.
Second Edition. [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1831. 16.
[Cyrillic: Abidosskaya Neviesta ... Perediellana ... M. Politkovskoye. Moskva], 1859.
Pp. 1-57.
Bruden Frn Abydos,/ En Turkisk Berttelse/ Af/ Lord Byron./ fversttning./ Stockholm,/ J.L. Brudins Frlag./ [8.
Pp. 72.
Note.—No. 7 of "Byron's Poetiska Berttelser," 1853, etc.
[Note.—Cain, A Mystery was published by John Murray, together with Sardanapalus, A Tragedy, and The Two Foscari, A Tragedy, Dec. 21, 1821; vide post, Sardanapalus, A Tragedy, No. i. (p. 293).]
Cain;/ A Mystery./ By the author of Don Juan./ "Now the Serpent was more subtil than any beast of/ the field which the Lord God had made."/ Gen. iii. I./ London:/ Printed for the Booksellers,/ By W. Benbow, Castle-Street, Leicester-Square./ 1822./ [12.
Pp. vii. + 8-93.
Cain;/ A Mystery./ By Lord Byron./ To which is added/ a Letter from the Author/ To/ Mr Murray, the original Publisher./ "Now the Serpent was more subtil than any Beast of the Field which the Lord/ God had made."/ Gen. iii. I./ Second Edition./ London:/ Printed and Published by R. Carlile, 55, Fleet Street./ 1822./ [8.
Pp. iv. + 5-23 + Letter, etc., p. [24].
Cain;/ A Mystery./ By Lord Byron./ "Now the Serpent was more subtil than any beast of the/ field which the Lord God had made."/ Gen. iii. I./ London:/ Printed for the Booksellers,/ By H. Gray, No. 2, Barbican./ 1822./ [12.
Pp. vii. + 8-72.
Cain, A Mystery. New York. 1822. [24.
Pp. 100.
Cain, a Mystery. Paris, A. and W. Galignani. 1822. [12.
[Qurard, 1827.]
Cain,/ A Mystery./ By Lord Byron./ "Now the Serpent was more subtil than any beast of the/ field which the Lord God had made."/ Gen. iii. I./ London:/ Printed for the Booksellers,/ Published by W. Benbow, 252, High Holborn./ 1824./ [12.
Pp. vii. + 8-85.
Lord Byron's/ Cain, A Mystery:/ with/ Notes:/ Wherein the/ Religion of the Bible/ Is considered, in reference to acknowledged/ Philosophy and Reason./ By Harding Grant;/ Author of "Chancery Practice."/ "Judge Righteous Judgment,"/ "Prove all things."/ "Justify the ways of God."/ London:/ William Crofts, 19, Chancery Lane./ 1830./ [8.
Pp. xvi. + 432.
Cain;/ A Mystery./ By Lord Byron./ "Now the Serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field/ which the Lord God had made."—Gen. iii. I./ To which is added/ A Letter from the Author/ To/ Mr. Murray, the original Publisher./ London:/ J. Watson, 33, Windmill Street,/ Finsbury./ 1832./ [12.
Pp. iv. + 5-47 + Letter, etc., p. [48].
Cain, a Mystery. Breslau, Kern. 1840. [16.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Cain./ By/ Lord Byron./ "I tread on air, and sink not; yet I fear to sink."/ New and Complete Edition.—Price One Penny./ London: J. Dicks, 313, Strand; and all Booksellers./ New York Samuel French & Son, 122, Nassau Street—Sole Agents./ 1883, etc./ [12.
Pp. 143-160.
Note.—No. 203 of "Dicks' Standard Plays."
Translations of Cain.
Kain/ Dramatick Bseň/ Lorda Byrona/ Prěložil/ Jose Durdk/ V Praze/ Tisk a nklad dra. Ed. Grgra/ 1871/ [8.
Pp. 117.
Can,/ Mystre dramatique/ En trois actes,/ De Lord Byron,/ Traduit en vers franais,/ Et rfut dans une suite de remarques philosophiques/ et critiques;/ Prcd/ d'une lettre adresse Lord Byron, sur les motifs/ et le but de cet ouvrage,/ Par Fabre d'Olivet./ Paris,/ Chez Servier, libraire,/ rue de L'Oratoire, No. 6./ 1823./ [8.
Pp. 248 + p. [249], Table (R. "Fautes corriger").
Cain, ein Mysterium. Deutsch v. G. Parthey. Berlin, Nicola'ische Buchh. 1831. [12.
[Centralblatt, vii. 468.]
Cain. Ein Mysterium. Von Lord Byron. Frei bers. v. Adf. Seubert. Leipzig. 1871-1876.
[Kayser, 1877.]
Pp. 70.
Note.—No. 779 of Universal Bibliothek.
[Hebrew: Kine, shir-chizayon al-pi kitvey hakodesh / me'et / Lord Byron / tirgem me'anglit le'ivrit / David Frishman / Varsha TRS ]
Pp. xl. + 44.
Kain. [Cain, transl. by Ilona Gyry.] Franklin-Trsulat 1895.
[Eg. Phil. Kz., 1901, xxv. 222.]
Kain. [Cain, transl. by Lajos Mikes.] (Magyar Knyvtr, p. 128.) B'pest, Lampel. 1898.
[Eg. Phil. Kz., 1901, xxv. 224.]
International Language.
Kain./ Mistero/ de/ Lord Byron/ (Bajron)./ Tradukis A. Kofman./ Nurnbergo./ Presejo de W. Tmmel./ 1896./ [8.
Pp. ix. + 102.
Caino: mistero, tradotto da Andrea Maffei. Milano, Pirola. 1852-6. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Kain./ Poemat Dramatyczny/ Lorda Bajrona/ W trzech aktach/ przelożyl/ Adam Pajgert./ A waż byl chytrzejszy nad wszystkie/ zwierzȩta polne, ktre uczynil Pan Bg./ Genezis R. III. w. I./ Lww/ Nakladem Wydawnictwa Dziennika Literackiego./ 1868./ [8.
Pp. 125.
[Cyrillic: Kain" ... Perevod" Efrena barysheva. S.-Peterburg"], 1881.
[Cyrillic: Kain" ... Perevod" P.A. Kalenova. Moskva], 1883.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By/ Lord Byron./ L'univers est une espce de livre, dont on n'a lu que la premire page quand on n'a vu que son pays./ J'en ai feuillet un assez grand nombre, que j'ai trouv galement mauvaises. Cet examen ne m'a point/ t infructueux. Je hassais ma patrie. Toutes les impertinences des peuples divers, parmi lesquels j'ai vcu,/ m'ont rconcili avec elle. Quand je n'aurais tir d'autre bnfice de mes voyages que celui-l, je n'en re/gretterais ni les frais, ni les fatigues./ Le Cosmopolite./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, 32, Fleet-Street;/ William Blackwood, Edinburgh; and John Cumming, Dublin./ By Thomas Davison, White-Friars./ 1812./ [4.
Title, one page, pp. i., ii.; Preface, pp. iii.-vi.; Cont. (Errata on Reverse); Sec. Half-title, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-226 + two pages of publisher's advertisements, pp. [227, 228]. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard Street,/ Whitefriars, London./) is at the foot of p. [228].
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto I p. 1 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto II p. 59 Notes to Canto I p. 111 Notes to Canto II p. 119 Poems— I. Written in an Album p. 165 II. To... p. 166 III. Stanzas p. 169 IV. Stanzas p. 171 V. Written at Athens p. 177 VI. Written after Swimming, etc. p. 178 VII. Song p. 181 VIII. Translation of a Greek War Song p. 183 IX. Translation of a Romaic Song p. 186 X. Written Beneath a Picture p. 189 XI. On Parting p. 190 XII. To Thyrza p. 192 XIII. Stanzas p. 195 XIV. To Thyrza p. 197 Appendix— Romaic Books and Authors p. 203 Specimens of the Romaic p. 207 Fac Simile of a Romaic Letter [inserted between Cont. and Half-title]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, seven lines.] The Second Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Fleet Street;/ William Blackwood, Edinburgh; and John Cumming,/ Dublin./ By Thomas Davison, White-Friars./ 1812./ [8.
Half-title; Title, one leaf; Preface; Cont., pp. i.-xii.; Note on the Errors in the Inscriptions at Orchomenus, n.p.; Text, pp. 1-300. The Imprint (T. Davison,/ Lombard Street, Whitefriars, London./) is at the foot of p. 300.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Cantos I. (93 stanzas), pp. 3-201 II. (88 stanzas) (N.) Poems (as in First Ed., Nos. I.-XIV.) pp. 205-237 XV. Euthanasia p. 241 XVI. Stanzas ("And thou art dead," etc.) p. 244 XVII. Stanzas ("If sometimes," etc.) p. 249 XVIII. On a Cornelian Heart, etc. p. 252 XIX. To a Youthful Friend p. 253 XX. To —— ("Well! thou art happy") p. 260 Appendix p. 267 Specimens of the Romaic p. 273 Fac Simile of a Romaic Letter [inserted between Half-title and Title]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt: and/ Other Poems./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, six lines.] Third Edition./ London: Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars./ For John Murray, Fleet Street;/ W. Blackwood, Edinburgh; and J. Cumming, Dublin./ 1812./ [8.
Note.—Collation and Cont. are identical with those of the Second Edition. The Note on the Errors in the Inscriptions at Orchomenus is omitted. The Fac Simile of a Romaic Letter is inserted at the end of the volume, after p. 300.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ a Romaunt:/ and/ Other Poems./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, six lines.] Fourth Edition./ London:/ Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars,/ For John Murray, Fleet Street;/ William Blackwood, and J. Ballantyne and Co. Edin-/ Burgh; and J. Cumming, Dublin./ 1812./ [8.
Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Preface, pp. v.-ix.; Addition to the Preface, pp. ix.-xii.; Cont., pp. xi., xii. (sic); Text, pp. 1-300. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 300.
Note.—The Cont. are identical with those of the Second Edition. The Fac Simile of the Romaic Letter is inserted at the beginning of the volume (in a bound copy between pp. 184, 185).
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt:/ and/ Other Poems./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, six lines.] Fifth Edition./ London:/ Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars,/ For John Murray, (removed to) Albemarle-Street;/ William Blackwood, Edinburgh; and J. Cumming,/ Dublin./ 1812./ [8.
Half-title, pp. iii., iv.; Title, one leaf, pp. v., vi.; Preface, pp. vii.-xi.; Addition to the Preface, pp. xi.-xiv.; Cont., pp. xv.-xvi.; Text, pp. 1-300. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 300.
Note.—The Cont. are identical with those of the Second Edition; but the Fac Simile of the Romaic Letter is not mentioned in the Table of Cont. nor inserted in the volume.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt:/ and/ Other Poems./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto—Le Cosmopolite.] The First American Edition./ Philadelphia:/ Published by Moses Thomas,/ No. 52, Chestnut-Street./ William Fry, Printer. 1812./ [12.
Pp. 179.
Note.—"For sale in Philadelphia, by the publisher, M. Carey, and Bradford and Inskip; in New York, by Inskip and Bradford, and J. Eastburn; in Boston, by Munroe and Francis, and West and Blake; and in Baltimore, by F. Lucas, Junr. William Fry, Printer. 1812."
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt:/ And/ Other Poems./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, six lines.] The Sixth Edition./ London:/ Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars,/ For John Murray, Bookseller to the Admiralty,/ And to the Board of Longitude,/ 50, Albemarle-Street./ 1813./ [8.
Note.—The Collation and Cont. are identical with those of the Fifth Edition; but in the Table of Cont. the words "Fac Simile of a Romaic Letter" occur as in the Fourth Edition; but in the copy belonging to the British Museum the letter is not inserted. In the Sixth Edition the words Childe Harold's Pilgrimage are printed in Roman type, and the words A Romaunt in Gothic type, whereas in all other editions Childe, etc., is in Gothic, and A Romaunt in Roman type.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt:/ And/ Other Poems./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, six lines.] Seventh Edition./ London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars,/ For John Murray, Albemarle-Street,/1814./ [8.
Half-title; Title, one leaf; Preface, etc.; Cent., pp. iii.-xvi.; Text, pp. 1-296. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard-Street,/ Whitefriars, London./) is at the foot of p. 296. The Fac Simile of the Romaic Letter is inserted between pp. 294, 295.
To Ianthe p. 3 Childe Harold's, etc., Canto I. (93 stanzas) p. 6 Childe Harold's, etc., Canto II. (98 stanzas) p. 65 Notes to Canto I. p. 121 Notes to Canto II. p. 125 Poems— Nos. I.-XX. as in Eds. II.-VI. p. 191 XXI. From the Portuguese p. 245 XXII. Impromptu in Reply to a Friend p. 246 XXIII. Address to Drury-Lane Theatre p. 246 XXIV. To Time p. 250 XXV. Translation of a Romaic Love Song p. 252 XXVI. A Song ("Thou art not false," etc.) p. 255 XXVII. Origin of Love p. 257 XXVIII. Remember him p. 257 XXIX. Lines inscribed upon a Cup formed from a Skull p. 261 Romaic Books and Authors p. 264 Specimen of the Romaic p. 271
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt:/ And/ Other Poems./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, five lines.] Eighth Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street:/ By Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1814./ [8.
Collation—Title, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; Preface, pp. iii.-vii.; Addition to the Preface, pp. vii.-x; Cont., pp. xi., xii.; Text, pp. 1-296.
Note.—The Cont. are identical with those of the Seventh Edition.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt:/ And/ Other Poems./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, five lines.] Tenth Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray; Albemarle-Street,/ 1815./ [8.
Collation—Title (R. T. Davison, Lombard street/ Whitefriars, London./), pp. i., ii.; Preface, pp. iii.-vii.; Addition to the Preface, pp. vii.-x.; Cont., pp. xi., xii.; Text, pp. 1-302. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard-Street, /Whitefriars, London./) is in the centre of p. [304].
Note.—The Cont. are identical with those of the Seventh Edition, save for the insertion of a thirtieth (No. XXX., p. 263) poem, "On the Death of Sir Peter Parker."
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ Canto the Third./ By Lord Byron./ "Afin que cette application vous fort de penser autre chose; il n'y a/ en vrit de remde que celui-l et le temps."/ Lettre du Roi de Prusse D'Alembert, Sept. 7, 1776./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1816./ [8.
Collation—Half-title (R. Published THIS DAY in 8vo. 5s.6d./ THE PRISONER OF CHILLON;/ A DREAM;/ And Other Poems./ By the Right Hon. Lord Byron./ T. Davison, Lombard Street,/ Whitefriars, London./); Title, one leaf; Text, pp. 1-79.
Note (1).—The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 79; and on the reverse of p. 79, "List of the Poems," etc.
Note (2).—Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto III., was published at Boston, 1817, 16, pp. 72; and, together with The Prisoner of Chillon and other Poems, at Philadelphia, 1817, 16.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ Canto the Fourth./ By Lord Byron./ Visto ho Toscana, Lombardia, Romagna,/ Quel Monte che divide, e quel che serra/ Italia, e un mare e l'altro, che la bagna./ Ariosto, Satira iii./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1818./ [8.
Collation—Title, pp. i., ii.; Dedication, pp. iii.-xiv.; Cont., n.p.; Text, pp. 1-257. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard-Street, Whitefriars, London.) is at the foot of p. [259].
Childe Harold's, etc., Canto IV. Ṇ p. 3 Poems. Romance, etc. p. 240 Translation p. 241 Per Monaca. Sonetto di Vittorelli p. 256 Translation p. 257
Note (1).—In another copy, Cont., n.p., precedes the Dedication.
Note (2).—Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Canto IV., to which are added Beppo, and other Poems, was published at Philadelphia in 1818, 24, pp. 270.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage./ Canto the Fourth./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto—Ariost., Sat. iii., four lines.] New York:/ Published by James Eastburn and Co./ At the Literary Rooms, Broadway./ Clayton & Kingsland, Printers./ 1818./ [12.
Pp. 143.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt:/ And/ Other Poems./ By/ Lord Byron./ [Motto from Le Cosmopolite, six lines.] Eleventh Edition./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1819./ [8.
Note.—The Collation of the preliminary matter is identical with that of the Tenth Edition. The Cont. are also identical, save that on p. 274 a note headed "Conclusion" (on pp. 301, 302 of the Tenth Edition) is omitted. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./) is at the foot of p. 274.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt,/ In Four Cantos./ By the Right Honourable/ Lord Byron./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II.] Containing Cantos I., II./ London:/ John Murray,/ Albemarle-Street./ 1819./ [8.
Vol. I.: Title (R. London:/ Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars./), pp. iii., iv.; Half-title (R. Motto, Le Cosmopolite, eight lines), pp. v., vi.; Preface, pp. vii.-xiv.; Cont., one leaf; Text, pp. 1-218. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard Street,/ Whitefriars, London./) is in the centre of p. [220].
Vol. II.: Title (R. Imprint, as above); Cont., one leaf; Text, pp. 1-273; Advt. of Historical Illustrations (R. Imprint, London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars), pp. [275, 276].
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. [Two vols.] Leipzig, Brockhaus. 1820. [8.
[Kayser, 1834.]
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ Printed and Published by W. Dugdale,/ Russell Court, Drury Lane./ 1825./ [12.
Pp. vi. + 7-182.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. [Two vols.] Paris, A. and W. Galignani. 1825. [32.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage,/ A Romaunt:/ By Lord Byron./ London:/ Printed and Published by W. Dugdale/ 23, Russell Court, Drury Lane./ 1826./ [12.
Pp. vi. + 1-162.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage;/ A Romaunt./ In Four Cantos./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ Printed for Thomas Colmer,/ 2, Bell-Isle, Battle Bridge./ 1827./ [24.
Pp. vi. + 161.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, a poem by Lord Byron. [Two vols.] Paris. 1827. [16.
[Le Moniteur; etc., 1845.]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By the/ Right Hon. Lord Byron./ London:/ John Buncombe, 19, Little Queen Street,/ Holborn./ [1831?] [12.
Pp. viii. + 9-270.
Note.—The Front. is "Lord Byron," by T. Phillips, R.A., engraved by R. Page.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt/ By/ Lord Byron./ Campe's Edition./ Nuremberg and New York./ Printed and Published by/ Frederick Campe and C/ [1831.] [12.
Pp. 333.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1837. [8.
Pp. 329. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by A. Spottiswoode,/ New-Street-Square.) is in the centre of p. [330].
Note.—The Front., "Byron," is engraved by E. Finden, from the portrait by E. Sanders. The Vignette, or illustrated Title, is the "Lake of Geneva," engraved by E. Finden from a drawing by G. Stainfield, R.A. This edition is bound in green cloth, stamped with coat-of-arms, uniform with No. xiv. of Miscellaneous Poems.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Mannheim, Hoffmann. 1837. [12.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1841. [8.
Half-title (R. Motto from Le Cosmopolite, seven lines), pp. i., ii.; Title (R. Bradbury and Evans, Printers extraordinary to the Queen, Whitefriars.), pp. iii., iv.; Preface, and Addition to Preface, pp. v.-viii.; List of Embellishments, pp. ix.-xi.; Half-title, pp. xiii., xiv.; To Ianthe, pp. xv., xvi.; Text, pp. 1-320. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 320.
Note.—The Front. is a portrait of "Lord Byron, in his Albamanian Dress," by T. Phillips, R.A., engraved by W. Finden. The Title-vignette on illustrated title is the "Monument of Lysicrates," drawn by H. Warren, engraved by W. Finden. There are fifty-nine other "embellishments," and, inserted between pp. [228], [229], a Map of Lord Byron's Route through Spain, Portugal, Holland, etc., with "Picturesque Border."
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, with Notes by Lord Byron, Carton demi rel. Jolie d. London. 1842. [12.
[Le Moniteur, etc., 1845.]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1853./ [8.
Pp. xii. (To Ianthe, pp. xi., xii.) + 311. The Imprint (London:/ Bradbury and Evans, Printers, Whitefriars./) is in the centre of P. [312].
Childe Harold herausg. von Aug. Mommsen. Hamburg, Th. Niemeyer. 1853. [Hamburg, 1869.] [8.
[Kayser, 1860.]
Pp. iv. + 189.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage,/ von/ Lord Byron./ [Two Vols.] Erklrt/ von/ Ferd. Brockerhoff./ Erstes Bndchen./ Berlin./ Verlag von Th. Chr. Fr. Enslin./ 1854./ [8.
Pp. 163.
Note.—Bdchn. of Sammlung englischer Schriffsteller. Berlin, Th. Enslin. 1853-1855. "Siebentes Bndchen" contains Cantos I., II.; "Neuntes Bndchen" (pp. 214), published in 1855, contains Cantos III., IV.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage/ A Romaunt/ By Lord Byron/ Illustrated From Original Sketches/ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1859./ [8.
Title (R. Motto, Le Cosmopolite, six lines; Note, two lines); Vignette, "Newstead Abbey" (R. The Illustrations drawn on Wood by Percival Skelton./ Engraved by J.W. Whymper and J. Cooper./); List of Illustrations, four pages; Text, pp. 1-329. The Imprint (Printed by R. and R. Clark, Edinburgh) is at the foot of p. 329.
Note.—This edition was reissued in 1869.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By Lord Byron./ New Edition./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1860./ [8.
Pp. 192. The Imprint (London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street) is at the foot of p. 192.
Note.—Murray's Complete Edition. Price One Shilling. The Front. is "The Earliest Portrait of Byron. Taken at the age of 7 years, from an original by Kay, Edinburgh," engraved by E. Finden.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ By Lord Byron./ A New Edition./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1860./ [8.
Pp. 60. The Imprint (London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street,/ And Charing Cross./) is on Reverse of Title.
Note.—"Murray's Complete Edition." Price Sixpence. The Front. is a lithograph of the portrait of Lord Byron, by T. Phillips, R.A.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Romaunt. Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz. 1862. [16.
[Kayser, 1865.]
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ A Romaunt/ By/ Lord Byron/ With a Memoir/ By/ William Spalding, A.M./ Professor of Logic and Rhetoric in the University of Saint Andrews/ Illustrated/ London/ Charles Griffin and Company/Stationer's Hall Court/ [1866] [8.
Pp. 180.
Note.—The Front, is an engraving of the medallion by E.W. Wyon.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Romaunt. Mit erlut. Anmerkungen zum Schul-u. Privatunterricht bearb. von P. Weeg. 1867. [8.
Note.—No. V., Sammlung gediegener u. interessanter Werke der englischen Litteratur. Mnster, Brunn's Verl. 1868-1870. [Kayser, 1871.]
Byron's/ Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ A Romaunt/ With Notes/ W. & R. Chambers/ London and Edinburgh/ 1877/ [12.
Pp. 180.
Lord Byron/ Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ dition classique/ Par/ James Darmesteter/ Docteur s-Lettres/ Directeur-Adjoint l'cole des Hautes tudes/ Paris/ librairie Ch. Delagrave/ 15, rue Soufflot, 15/ 1882/ [8.
Pp. xxxv. + 342.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Texte anglais, revu et annot par l'abb A. Julien. Paris, Poussielque frres. 1883. [12.
[Lorenz, 1886.]
Clarendon Press Series/ Byron/ Childe Harold/ Edited/ With Introduction and Notes/ By/ H.F. Tozer, M.A./ Fellow and Tutor of Exeter College, Oxford/ At the Clarendon Press/ 1885/ [All rights reserved]/ [8.
Pp. 336.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Illustrated. London, Chatto. 1885. [8.
[Eng. Cat., 1891.]
Lord Byron,/ Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage./ A Romaunt./ Erklrt/ von/ August Mommsen./ Berlin./ Weidmannsche Buchhandlung./ 1885./ [8.
Pp. xxxvi. + 367.
Cassell's National Library./ Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage./ By/ Lord Byron./ Cassell & Company, Limited:/ London, Paris, New York & Melbourne./ 1886./ [16.
Pp. 192.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ A Romaunt/ By Lord Byron/ Illustrated/ Boston/ Ticknor and Company/ 1886/ [8.
Pp. 236.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: edited with Notes by W.J. Rolfe, Philadelphia. 1886. [16.
[Detroit Public Library.]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Leipzig, Gressner & Schramm. 1886. [16.
[Kayser, 1887.]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. By Lord Byron. Im Auszuge m. Anmerkgn. zum Schulgebrauch hrsg. v. Mart. Krummacher. Mit Anmerkgn. unter dem Text.
Note.—No. 13 of "English Authors." Bielefeld, Velhagen, and Klasing. 1885-1886. [Kayser, 1887.]
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ A Romaunt/ By/ Lord Byron/ London/ George Routledge and Sons/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ Glasgow and New York/ 1888/ [16.
Pp. viii. + 9-320.
Note.—Part of "Routledge's Pocket Library."
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Im Auszuge hrsg. v. Mart. Krummacher. 1891. [Reissued in 1893.] [12.
Note.—Part of "English Authors," vide supra, No. xlvii.
Sir John Lubbock's Hundred Best Books/ 29/ Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ A Romaunt/ By/ Lord Byron/ London/ George Routledge and Sons, Limited/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ Manchester and New York/ 1892/ [8.
Pp. x. + 11-249.
Byron's/ Childe Harold/ With Introduction and Notes/ By/ H.G. Keene, Hon. M.A. Oxon.,/ Fellow of Calcutta University, Author of "A Manual of/ French Literature," etc./ London/ George Bell & Sons, York St., Covent Garden/ And New York/ 1893/ [8.
Pp. xx. + 255.
Byron/ Childe Harold/ Texte Anglais/ Publi avec une Notice, des Arguments/ Et des Notes en Franais/ Par mile Chasles/ Inspecteur gnral de l'Instruction publique/ Paris/ Librairie Hachette et C'ie/ 79, Boulevard Saint-Germain, 79/ 1893/ [8.
Pp. xxvi. + 261.
Note.—This edition was reissued in 1894.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: a Romaunt. New York, T.Y. Crowell & Co. 1894.
[Amer. Cat., 1895.]
Pp. 9 + 283.
Arnold's British Classics for Schools/ General Editor:/ J. Churton Collins, M.A./ Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ Edited by/ The Rev. E.C. Everard Owen, M.A./ Late Fellow of New College, Oxford; Assistant Master/ In Harrow School./ Edward Arnold/ London/ 37 Bedford Street/ New York/ 70 Fifth Avenue/ [1897] [8.
Pp. lxii. + 236.
Childe/ Harold/ A Romaunt/ George/ Gordon/ Lord/ Byron/ 1898. Published. by. J.M. Dent. / And. Co.. Aldine. House. London. E.C./ [8.
Pp. xii. + 310 + Note (one leaf) by Editor, I.G., October 1, 1898.
Note.—Part of the "Temple Classics," edited by Israel Gollmer, M.A. The Front. is a photogravure of the portrait of "George Gordon Lord Byron," by T. Phillips, R.A.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ A Romaunt by Lord Byron/ Cantos I. and II./ Edited with Notes and an Introduction by/ Edward E. Morris/ Professor of English in the University of Melbourne/ London/ Macmillan and Co., Limited/ New York: The Macmillan Company/1899/ All rights reserved/ [8.
Pp. xxxvi. + 115.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ A Romaunt by Lord Byron/ Cantos III. and IV./ Edited with Notes and an Introduction by/ Edward E. Morris/ Professor of English in the University of Melbourne/ London/ Macmillan and Co., Limited/ New York: The Macmillan Company/ 1899/ All rights reserved/ [8.
Pp. xxxvi. + 168.
Note.—The Introduction (pp. vii.-xxxvi.) is a repetition of the Introduction to the preceding volume.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: a Romaunt. Cantos 1, 2, 3, and 4; Edited with Notes and Introduction by E. Morris. New York, The Macmillan Co. [Two vols.] 1899. [8.
[Amer. Cat., 1900.]
Vol. I.: pp. 36 + 115.
Vol. II.: pp. 36 + 168.
Note.—Part of "Macmillan's English Classics."
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: a Romaunt. Edited with Introduction and Notes by Andrew J. George. New York., The Macmillan Co. 1899. [16.
[Amer. Cat., 1900.]
Pp. 34 + 282.
Note.—Part of "Macmillan's Pocket English Classics."
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. New York, Cassell. 1900.
[Amer. Cat., 1901.]
Pp. 192.
Note.—Part of "Cassell's National Library," N.S.
Lord Byron/ Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ Canto II./ Edited by/ John Downie, M.A./ Editor of Macaulay's Lives of Johnson and Goldsmith, Etc. Etc./ London/ Blackie and Son, Limited, 50 Old Bailey, E.C./ Glasgow and Dublin/ 1901/ [8.
Pp. 47.
Lord Byron/ Childe Harold's/ Pilgrimage/ Canto III./ Edited by/ John Downie, M.A./ [etc., vide supra, No. lxi.] 1901/ [8.
Pp. 47.
Note.—This and the preceding volume form part of "Blackie's English Classics."
Translations of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.
Lord Byron/ Childe Harold's Pilgrimage/ Italy/ [Canto IV.] Venice/ Printed/ at the Armenian Monastery of S. Lazarus/ 1872/ [16.
Pp. 147.
Note.—The Armenian verse, translated by Gheuond Alshanian, accompanies the English original. The Notes are in the Armenian language.
Childe Haroldova pout' Prelozila El. Krsnohorsk [in Kabinetn Knihovna]. 1890.
Junker Harolds Pilgrimsfart./ Et Romantisk Kvad./ Af/ Byron./ Oversat af/Adolf Hansen/Kjbenhavn./ Forlagt af J.H. Schubothes Boghandel./ Grbes Bogtrykkerei. 1880/ [8.
Pp. 237.
Le Plerinage de Childe Harold, pome romantique de lord Byron, traduit en vers franais par l'auteur des Hellniennes et des Mlodies potiques. Paris, Dupont. 1828. [18.
[Qurard, 1846.]
Pp. 288.
Le Plerinage de Childe Harold, traduit par P.A. Deguer. Paris, Ponthieu. 1828. [18.
[Qurard, 1846.]
Pp. 84.
Le Plerinage/ de/ Childe Harold/ Traduction en vers franais/ Par/ Eugne Quiertant./ [Motto, Le Cosmopolite, nine lines.] Paris/ Librairie de Ch. Blriot,/ rue Bonaparte, 25. 1861./ [8.
Pp. viii. + 266 + "Note de L'diteur," one leaf.
Note.—Le premier chant de cette traduction avail dja t publi en 1852. [Lorenz, 1867.]
Childe Harold/ Pome de Lord Byron/ Traduit en vers franais/ Par/ Lucien Davsis de Ponts./ Tome premier./ Paris/ E. Dentu, libraire-diteur,/ Galerie D'Orlans, Palais-Royal./ 1862./ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. lv. + 232.
Vol. II.: pp. 334 + "Errata," one leaf, p. [335].
Le Plerinage de Childe Harold, traduit en vers d'aprs l'dition anglaise de 1812; prcd de Marie-Magdaleine, pome, et de diverses posies, par Victor Robert Jones, Saint-Quentin, imprimerie Monreau. 1862. [12.
[Lorenz, 1867.]
Childe Harold, pome de lord Byron, traduit en vers franais par Lucien Davsis de Ponts, 2^e dition revue et corrige par le bibliophile Jacob. Paris, Amyot. 1870. [12.
[Lorenz, 1876.]
Childe Harold. Expliqu littralement, traduit en franais et annot par H. Bellet. Paris, Hachette et Cie. 1881.
[Lorenz, 1886.]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Traduction franaise littrale, par l'Abb A. Julien. Paris, Poussielque frres. 1883.
[Lorenz, 1886.]
Childe Harold, dition classique, prcde d'une notice littraire, par M.A. Elwall. Paris, Delalain frres. 1892.
[Lorenz, 1900.]
Childe Harold, dition classique, avec une notice biographique et littraire, un appendice et des notes par Douglas Gibb. Paris, Belin frres. 1892. [12.
[Lorenz, 1900.]
Harold, der Verwiesene. Aus. d. Engl. v. Karl Baldamus. Leipzig, Hartmann. 1835. [8.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Ritter Harold's Pilgerfahrt./ Aus dem Englischen/ des/ Lord Byron./ Im Versmass des Originals bersetzt/von/ Zedlitz:/ Stuttgart und Tbingen,/ Verlag der J.G. Cotta'schen Buchhandlung. 1836./ [8.
Pp. xvi. + 381 + Berichtungen, p. [382].
Jungherrn Harold's Pilgerfahrt. Aus d. Engl. ins Deutsche bersetzt von Dr. Herm. v. Pommer Esche. Stralsund, Lffler'sche Buch. 1839. [8.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Erster Gesang des Childe Harald. Freie Uebertragung in Reimen v. C.D. Ansbach, Dollfuss. 1845. [12.
[Kayser, 1848.]
Byron's/ Ritter Harold/ von/ Adolf Bttger/ Diamantausgabe./ Leipzig./ Druck und Verlag von Otto Wigand./ 1846./ [16.
Pp. 194.
Note.—The Front. is a portrait of "Byron" (by G. Sanders), engraved by A.H. Payne.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgerfahrt/ von/ Lord George Gordon Byron./ Aus dem Englischen im Versmass des Originals/ bersetzt/ von/ Alexander Bchner./ Frankfurt a/ M./ Verlag von Meidinger Sohn und Cie./ 1853./ [16.
Pp. xxiii. + 342.
Note.—The translation was reissued in 1855.
Harold's/ Pilgerfahrt./ Aus dem Englischen des Lord Byron./ Uebersetzt von/ Erich von Monbart./ Kln, 1865./ Druck, Franz Greven, Burgmauer-Ecke 113. [8.
Pp. 143.
Childe Harold's/ Pilgerfahrt/ von/ Lord Byron./ Deutsch/ von/ A.H. Janert./ Hildburghausen./ Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts./ 1868./ [8.
Pp. 191.
Note.—No. 87 of the "Bibliothek auslndischer Klassiker."
Jung Harold's/ Pilgerfahrt./ Von Byron./ Aus dem Englischen metrisch bersetzt/ von/ Ferdinand Schmidt./ Berlin./ Verlag von W.O.H. Stempelmann./ 1869./ [12.
Pp. 132 + "Anmerkungen," pp. [133, 134].
Ritter Harold's Pilgerfahrt. Eine Romanze v. Lord Byron. Frei ubers. v. Adf. Seubert. [16.
[Kayser, 1877.]
Pp. 224.
Note.—Nos. 516, 517 of the "Universal Bibliothek," Leipzig, 1871-76.
Childe Harold's Pilgerfahrt. Ein Epos. bertr. v. F. Dobbert. 1893. [8.
[Kayser, 1894.]
Pp. vi. + 192.
Note.—Part of the "Bibliothek der Gesammtlitteratur d. In u. Auslandes."
Childe Harold/ Byron/ utn/ anya nyelvbl magyarra forditotta/ Bickersteth Johanka/ Nyomtatta PUKY MIKLOS Genfben/ 1857/ [8.
Pp. 211. [Line-borders.]
L'Italia,/ Canto IV./ del pellegrinaggio/ di Childe HARold,/ Scritto/ da Lord Byron,/ E tradotto/ da Michele Leoni./ Italia,/ 1819./ [8.
Pp. 77.
Il pellegrinaggio del Giovine Aroldo: poema di Lord Byron, tradotto d Giuseppe Gazzino genovese. Genova, tipografia arcivescovile, 1836. [8.
[Bibl. Ital., Nov.-Dec., 1836.]
L'Italia/ Canto/ di Lord Byron/ Accomodato/ All' indole del verso italiano/ da/ Melchior Missirini/ Publicato per cura/ del professore/ Francesco Longhena./ Milano/ Coi tipi di Vincenzo Guglielmini/ 1848/ [8.
Pp. 95.
Il pellegrinaggio del giovane Aroldo: poema recato in italiano da Fr. Armenio. Napoli, 1858. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Il pellegrinaggio del giovane Aroldo: con la traduzione armena. Ultimo canto. Venezia. t.s. Lazard, 1860. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Byron/ Pellegrinaggio D'Aroldo/ Traduzione/di/Giovanni Giovio/ [Then something on poetry/] Schak./ Milano/ Giuseppe Bernardoni/ Tipografo-editore/ 1866/ [8.
Pp. xxxiii. + 122 + "Note," pp. [125, 126].
Italia/ Canto di Giorgio Byron/ Tradotto/ da/ Andrea Maffei./ Firenze,/ Successori le Monnier./ 1872./ [8.
Pp. 190.
Note.—This edition was reissued in 1874 and in 1897.
Il pellegrinaggio/ D'Aroldo./ Poema/ di Lord Byron/ Tradotto/ da Carlo Faccioli./ [Emblem, rose and butterfly, with motto, "Non Bramo Altr' Esca."] Firenze,/ G. Barbra, editore./ 1873./ [8.
Pp. xii. + 249 + Indice, p. [251].
Poezye w tlumaczeniu polskim. Tom. I. (przez Michala Budzyskiego): Wedrwki Czaild Harolda. pp. 256. M. Wolf: Petersburg, 1857. [8.
Pielgrzymka Czajlda Harolda ... z=polszczone przez Wiktora z Baworowa, etc. we Lwowie, 1857. [12.
Wȩdrwki Czaild-Harolda ...Przelożyl Frederyk Krauze. 1865-71.
Wȩdrwki Rycerza Harolda ...Przeklad Jana Kasprowicza. Warszawa, 1895.
Wȩdrwki Czaild-Harolda ... Tlmaczony ... przez A.A. K[rajewskiego], Krakw, 1896.
[Cyrillic: Chail"d"-Garol"d" ... per. D. Minaeva.] [" [Cyrillic: Russkoe Slovo]," 1864.]
[Cyrillic: Chail'd"-Garol'd" ... per. P.A. Kozlova.] ["[Cyrillic: "Russkaya Miesl"]," 1890. No. 1, 2, 11.]
Childe Harolds/ Pilgrimsfrd/ Af/ Lord Byron./ fversatt Af/ A.F. Skjldebrand./ Stockholm./ Tryckt Hos Johan Hrberg,/ 1832./ [8.
Pp. 192.
The Corsair.
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ By Lord Byron./ "—— I suoi pensieri in lui dormir non ponno."/ Tasso, Canto decimo, Gerusalemme Liberata./ London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars, For John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1814./ [8.
Half-title, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Dedication, "To Thomas Moore, Esq.," pp. v.-xi.; Text (and Notes), pp. 1-100.
Note.—The Text numbers 1863 lines, the half-lines 154, 159, 669 being reckoned as whole lines. Other half-lines are not so reckoned, and the First Edition actually numbers 1860 lines.
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ By Lord Byron./ "—— I suoi pensieri in lui dormir non ponno."/ Tasso, Canto decimo, Gerusalemme Liberata./ Second Edition./ London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars,/ For John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1814./ [8.
Half-title, etc. (vide supra); Text, with Notes and Six Poems, pp. 1-108. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard Street,/ Whitefriars, London./) is at the foot of p. 108.
To a Lady weeping p. [101] From the Turkish p. 102 Sonnet, To Genevra ("Thine eyes," etc.) p. 104 Sonnet, To Genevra ("Thy cheek," etc.) p. 105 Inscription on the Monument of a Newfoundland Dog p. 106 Farewell ("Farewell! if ever," etc.) p. 108
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ ... Third Edition./ ... 1814./ [8.
Vide supra, No. 1. The Imprint (Printed by T. Davison, Lombard-Street,/ Fleet Street./) is at the foot of p. 100.
Note.—The Poems which were inserted in the Second Edition pp. [101]-108, were omitted in the Third Edition.
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ ... Fourth Edition.... 1814./ [8.
Vide supra, the Second Edition, No. ii.
Note.—The Poems inserted in the Second, and omitted in the Third, are included in the Fourth Edition.
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto as above, No. i.] Fifth Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street;/ By Thomas Davison, Whitefriars,/ 1814./ [8.
Vide supra, the Second Edition, No. ii.
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ ... Sixth Edition./ ... 1814./ [8.
For Title, vide supra, the Fifth Edition, No. v.
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ ... Seventh Edition./ ... 1814./ [8.
Vide supra, Second Edition, No. ii.
Note.—In this edition the last four lines of Canto I. stanza xi. ("The first may turn ... still it stings!") were added, together with the Note, to Canto II., p. 33, line 18, "It has been objected," etc. The poem numbers 1863 lines, the additional lines not being included in the numeration.
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto as above.] From the Fifth London Edition./ New-York:/ Published by Eastburn, Kirk, and Co./ Literary Rooms, Corner of Wall and Nassau Streets./ 1814./ [6.
Pp. xi. + 108.
Note.—The Corsair was also published in Philadelphia in 1814, 16.
The Corsair;/ A Tale./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto as above.] Ninth Edition./ London:/ Printed for John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1815./ [8.
Half-title, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Dedication, pp. v.-xi.; Text, with Notes, pp. 1-112. The Imprint (T. Davison, Lombard-Street,/ Whitefriars, London./) is at the foot of p. 112.
Note.—The poem numbers 1864 lines, the four new lines at the end of Canto I. stanza xi. being included in the numeration. Pp. 101-104 contain "Note 17, p. 95, last line," on the Pirates of Barataria, and (secondly) on Archbishop Blackbourne.
The Corsair,/ A Tale./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto as above.] Tenth Edition./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1818./ [8.
Half-title (R. London:/ Printed by T. Davison, Whitefriars./), pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Dedication, pp. 5-9; Text, pp. 11-96; Notes, pp. 97-105; Poems, pp. [107]-114.
Note.—The poem is (incorrectly) numbered 1873 lines, line 1506 being numbered 1511.
The Corsair./ A Tale./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto as above.] London: Printed and Published by W. Dugdale,/ 23, Russell Court, Drury Lane./ 1825./ [12.
Pp. 72.
The Corsair./ A Tale./ By Lord Byron./ "—— I suoi pensieri in lui dormir non ponno"—Tasso./ [London, 1844.] [8.
Pp. iv. + 5-48.
Note.—Part of "Clarke's Home Library."
The Corsair:/ A Tale./ By/ Lord Byron./ London: Archd. K. Murray & Co.,/ 30 Queen Square, W.C.:/ Glasgow: 243 Parliamentary Road./ 1867./ [16.
Pp. 122.
Note.—- Part of "Murray's Standard Poets."
Translations of The Corsair.
Der Korsar, eine Erzhlung. [Deutsch v.] F.L. von Tschirsky. Berlin, Maurer. 1816. [12.
[Centralblatt, etc., 1890, vol. vii, p. 472.]
Der Korsar, eine Erzhlung. [Deutsch von] Elise von Hohenhausen. Altona, Hammerich. 1820. [8.
[Centralblatt, etc., 1890, vii. 461.]
Der Korsar. Erzhlung. Aus d. Engl. bers. v. Friederike Friedmann. Leipzig, Brockhaus. 1852. [16.
[Kayser, 1853.]
Pp. 90.
Der Corsar. Gedicht, Aus d. Engl. von Viet. v. Arentsschild. Mainz, Iabern. 1852. [16.
[Kayser, 1853.]
Pp. 139.
Der Korsar. Eine Erzhlg. v. Lord Byron. Frei bers. v. Adf. Seubert. Leipzig, Ph. Reclam, jr. [1871-76.] [16. [Kayser, 1877.]
Pp. 69.
Note.—No. 406 of the "Universal-Bibliothek."
A Kalz./ Irta/ Lord Byron./ Angolbl Forditotta/ Kacziny Gza./ Budapest./ Franklin-Trsulat/ Magyar Irod. Intzet s Knyvnyomda./ 1892./ [16.
Pp. 74.
Il Corsaro/ Novella/ di/ Lord Byron/ Versione in prosa/ di L.C./ Torino/ Vedova Pomba e figli/ 1819/ [8.
Pp. v. + 131.
Note.—The Front. is a lithograph of the portrait of "Giorgio Byron," by G.H. Harlow. A translation, "Al Tempo," "Time on whose arbitrary wing," pp. [129], 131, follows the Notes to the Corsair. The translation includes the four additional lines at the end of Canto I. stanza xi., but not the Note on the "Pirates of Barataria."
Il Corsaro/ Novella/ di/ Lord Byron/ Versione in prosa/ di L.C./ Seconda edizione riveduta dall' autore./ Milano/ Presso Rodolfo Vismara/ 1820/ [8.
Pp. 4 + 5-123.
Note.—For Front., vide supra, No. i.
Il Corsaro, novella di lord Byron. Traduzione dall' inglese di Giuseppe Nicolini. Milano, tip. di Giovanni Silvestri. 1842. [16.
[Bibl. Ital., June, 1842.]
Pp. xlviii. + 106.
Il Corsaro, novella Inglese, tradotta da Eritreo Migdonio. Firenze, 1842, tipografia Piatti.
[Bibl. Ital., July, 1843.]
Il/ Corsaro/ di/ Lord Byron/ Versione del Cavaliere/ Luigi Serenelli Honorati/ Gi Presid. di Corte d'Appello/ Bologna/ Tip. Mareggiani All' Insegna di Dante/ 1797, Via Malcontenti, 1797/ 1870/ [8.
Pp. 95.
II Corsaro/ Novella di Lord Byron/ Versione/ di/ Carlo Rosnati/ [1879] [8.
Pp. 96 + Sonnet, "Santa Rosa," p. [97].
[Cyrillic: Morskoye razboynik". Perevod" B. Olina (B" prozye). S.-Peterburg"], 1827.
El Corsario. Por el Byron, traducido en castellano por M.... Imp. de David Paris. A Paris, rue du Temple, N. 69. 1827. [18.
[Bibl. de le France, Aug. 22, 1827.]
El/ Corsario/ Por/ Lord Byron./ Valencia:/ Imprenta de Cabrerizo./ 1832./ [32.
Pp. 272.
Corsaren./ Af/ Lord Byron./ [Motto as above.] Stockholm,/ Tryckt Hos Joh. Beckman, 1868./
Pp. 96.
Note.—"Ofversattning af Talis Qualis."
The Curse of Minerva.
The Curse of Minerva./ London:/ Printed by T. Davison, Lombard Street, Whitefriars./ 1812./ [4.
Title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-25. The Imprint (Printed by T. Davison, Lombard Street,/ Whitefriars, London./) is in the centre of p. [27].
Note.—The pages of the Text measure 280 x 220.
The/ Curse of Minerva./ A Poem,/ By the Right Honourable/ Lord Byron/—— Pallas te hac [sic] vulnere, Pallas/ Immolat, et poenam scelerato ex sanguine sumit./ Philadelphia:/ Printed for De-Silver and Co./ 1815./ [8.
Pp. 24.
Note.—It is probable that this edition, which closely resembles the later separate issues of the Corsair, the Bride of Abydos, and the Giaour, was printed in London.
The/ Curse of Minerva./ A Poem./ By the Right Honourable/ Lord Byron./—— Pallas te hac [sic] vulnere, Pallas/ Immolat, et poenam scelerato ex sanguine sumit./ Third Edition./ Paris./ Published by Galignani/ at the French, English, Italian, German and Spanish/ Library, No. 18, Rue Vivienne./ 1818./ [12.
Half-title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-[21]. The Imprint (Printed by A. Belin) is at the foot of P. [21].
Note (1).—A Fourth Edition, identical with the Third, was issued by Galignani in 1820. Qurard (1827) records the issue of a Second Edition, published by A. and W. Galignani in 1818.
Note (2).—The Curse of Minerva (full text) is included in the fifth volume of the edition of Byron's Works published by Louis and Baudry in 1825 (see W. No. xviii.); in the first volume of the Fifth Edition, in sixteen volumes, published by A. and W. Galignani in 1822 (see W. No. xix.), but was not published, in its entirety, in England till 1831 (see W. No. xliii.).
For a bibliographical note on The Curse of Minerva, first published as The Malediction of Minerva, or The Athenian Marble Market (111 lines), in the New Monthly Magazine, April, 1818, vol. iii. p. 240, and often reprinted in a mutilated form, see Poetical Works, 1898, i. 452.
The Deformed Transformed.
The/ Deformed Transformed;/ A Drama. By the/ Right Hon. Lord Byron./ London, 1824:/ Printed for J. and H.L. Hunt,/ Bond Street, and Tavistock Street./ [8.
Half-title (R. London:/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./), pp. 1, 2; Title, pp. 3, 4; Author's Advt., p. 6; Dramatis Person, one leaf, pp. 7, 8; Text, pp. 9-88. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 88.
Note.—A Second and Third Editions, identical with the First, were issued in 1824.
The Deformed Transformed, a drama by the Right hon. lord Byron. Impr. de A. Belin, Paris, chez A. et W. Galignani, 1824. [12.
[Bibl. de le France, March 27, 1824.]
Note.—La Metamorphose du Bossu forms part (pp. 1-103) of Tome Quinzime of Oeuvres Compltes de Lord Byron. Paris, Ladvocat/ 1824./ (See Transl. of Coll. Ed. No. i.)
The/ Deformed Transformed./ By/ Lord Byron./ New and Complete Edition. —Price one Penny./ London: J. Dicks, 313, Strand; all Booksellers./ [1883, etc.] [12.
Pp. 583-597.
Note.—The Deformed Transformed is No. 113 of "Dicks' Standard Plays."
Budapesti/ rvizknyv./ etc. Szerkeszti/ B. Etvs Jzsef./ Negyedik Rtet./ Pesten,/ Kiadja Heckenast Gusztv./ 1840./ [8.
Lord Byron'/ Elvltoztatott Idomtalanjbl/ Tredek,/ Lukcs Mricztl./ pp. 111-140.
Don Juan.
Cantos I., II.
Don Juan./ "Difficile est proprie communia dicere."/ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1819./ [4.
Half-title, one leaf; Title, one leaf; Second Half-title, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-227. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./) is in the centre of p. [228].
Canto I. p. 3 Notes to Canto I. p. [115] Canto II. p. [119]
Note (1).—The following lines and stanzas are omitted: Canto I. stanzas xv,, cxxix. lines 7, 8, cxxx. lines 7, 8, cxxxi. The omissions were first included in the Text in the edition of 1833. (See vol. xv. p. 40.)
Note (2).—For the "Dedication" in pamphlet form, vide post, p. 304.
Don Juan./ "Difficile est proprie communia dicere."/ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ A New Edition./ London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1819./ [8.
Half-title, one leaf; Title, one leaf; Second Half-title, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-227. The Imprint, as above, is in the centre of p. [228].
Note.—For omitted lines and stanzas, vide supra, No. i. "A New Edition," identical with that of 1819, was issued in 1820.
Don Juan./ "Difficile est," etc. Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ An exact Copy from the Quarto Edition./ London./ Published by J. Onwhyn, No. 4, Catherine-Street./ Strand./ Price Four Shillings./ 1819./ [8.
Title, pp. 1, 2; Half-title, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-117. The Imprint (E. Thomas, Printer, Denmark-Court, Strand) is at the foot of p. 117.
Don Juan./ "Difficile est," etc./ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1820./ [8.
Note.—This edition is identical with the "New Edition" of 1820, but is in smaller type, and the size is crown, not post, octavo.
Don Juan./ "Difficile," etc./ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ An exact copy from the Quarto Edition./ London:/ Printed for Sherwin and Co. Paternoster Row./ Price Four Shillings./ 1820./ [8.
Half-title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-117. The Imprint (Sherwin and Co. Printers, Paternoster Row.) is at the foot of p. 117.
Don Juan./ "Difficile est proprie communia dicere."/ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ A New Edition./ London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1822./ [8.
Half-title (R. London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./); Title, one leaf, etc., vide supra, No. ii.
Note.—The "New Edition" of 1822, with the exception of the first Half-title, is identical with the "New Edition" of 1819.
Cantos III., IV., V.
Don Juan,/ Cantos III, IV, and V./ "Difficile est," etc./ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ London: Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1821./ [8.
Half-title, one leaf; Title, one leaf; Second Half-title, pp. 1,2; Text, pp. 3-218. The Imprint, as above, is in the centre of p. [220].
Canto III. p. 3 Notes to Canto III. p. 65 Canto IV. p. 71 Notes to Canto IV. p. 131 Canto V. p. 135 Notes to Canto V. p. 215
Note.—Canto V. stanza lxi. is omitted. This edition of Cantos III., IV., V. was issued in post and in crown octavo.
Don Juan./ "Difficile est," etc./ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ Cantos III. IV. and V./ London:/ Printed for Sherwin and Co. Paternoster Row./ Price Four Shillings./ 1821./ [8.
Title, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-114. The Imprint (Printed by Sherwin and Co./ Paternoster-Row./) is at the foot of p. 114.
Don Juan./ Cantos III, IV, and V./ "Difficile est," etc. Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ Fifth Edition,/ Revised and Corrected./ London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1822./ [8.
Half-title, one leaf; Title, one leaf; Second Half-title, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-222. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars) is in the centre of p. [224].
Note.—The additional matter consists of the citations and corrections of ten of Bacon's apophthegms, and a defence of the literary merits of Voltaire, pp. 217-222, which was omitted from the First Edition (see letter to Murray, August 21, 1821, Letters, 1901, v. 351).
Cantos I.-V.
Don Juan./ A/ Poem,/ By/ Lord Byron./ London./ Printed & Sold by W. Benbow./ At the Lord Byron's Head./ 9, Castle Street, Leicester Square./ 1822./ [12.
[Cantos I.-V.], pp. 214 + Notes to Canto First, etc., pp. [215]-[220]. The Imprint (Sudbury, Printer, High Holborn) is at the foot of p. [220].
Don Juan./ "Difficile est," etc./ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ With/ A Preface,/ By a Clergyman./ London:/ Printed by and for Hodgson & Co.,/ 10, Newgate Street./ 1822./ [12.
Half-title, pp. i., ii.; Title, pp. iii., iv.; Publisher's Preface, pp. v.-x.; Text, pp. 3-226. The Imprint (Printed by Hodgson and Co. 10, Newgate Street, London.) is at the foot of p. 226.
Note.—The Front. is a lithograph of "Lord Byron." This edition was reissued in 1823 with another Front., a lithograph of "Lord Byron," after the portrait by G. Harlow.
Don Juan./ In Five Cantos./ A New Edition, with Notes./ [Title-vignette,? Newstead Abbey.] And/ Three Engravings after Corbould./ London:/ Printed by and for Peter Griffin,/ Tabernacle Walk,/ and sold by all Booksellers in Town and Country./ [1823.] [12.
Half-title, one leaf; Title (R. Arliss. Typ. London); Second Half-title, with motto, "Difficile est," etc./ Hor./; Cont.; Text [Cantos I.-V.], pp. 1-180.
Note.—A paper cover with ornamental border bears the date MDCCCXXIII.
Don Juan./ "Difficile est," etc./ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ A Correct Copy from the original edition./ London:/ Printed by G. Smeeton, St. Martin's Church Yard,/ Charing Cross./ [1826?] [8.
Title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-215 + Notes to Canto I., etc., pp. [217]-[228]. The Imprint (Printed by G. Smeeton, St. Martin's Church Yard.) is at the foot of p. [228].
Note.—There is an illustrated Title (Don Juan/ Cantos 1 to 5/ London./ Printed by G. Smeeton St. Martins Church Yard./) with Title-vignette, head of Lord Byron encircled with bay leaves, and six coloured illustrations by I.R. Cruikshank.
Cantos VI., VII, VIII.
Don Juan./ Cantos VI.—VII.—And VIII./ "Dost thou think because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more/ Cakes and Ale?"—"Yes, by St. Anne; and Ginger shall be hot i' the/ mouth too!"—Twelfth Night, or What you Will./ Shakespeare./ London, 1823:/ Printed for John Hunt,/ 38, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, And/ 22, Old Bond Street./ [8.
Title (R. London:/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./), pp. i., ii.; Preface to Cantos VI.—VII.—and VIII., pp. [iii.]-vii.; Second Half-title, one leaf; Text, pp. 1-184; "Publications by John Hunt ... July, 1823," pp. [185], [186].
Note.—Notes to Canto VIII. are on pp. [183], 184. This edition was reissued in 1825—Printed for Hunt and Clarke,/ Tavistock Street, Covent Garden./ The pagination, etc., is identical with that of the edition of 1823. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./) is on p. [186].
Don Juan./ Cantos VI.—VII.—VIII./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, four lines]./ London: Printed and Published by W. Dugdale, 19, Tower Street, Seven Dials./ 1823./ [12.
Title, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; Preface, pp. iii., iv.; Text, pp. 1-221 + Notes to Cantos IX. X. XI., pp. [223], [224]. The Imprint (Benbow, Printer, 9, Castle-Street, Leicester-square, London.) is at the foot of p. [224].
Note.—This edition includes Cantos IX., X., XI.
Don Juan./ Cantos VI.—VII.—VIII./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, four lines]./ London: 1823./ Printed for John Hunt, 22, Old Bond-Street, and 38, Tavistock-/ Street, Covent Garden./ [12.
Title (R. London:/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./), pp. i., ii.; Preface, pp. iii.-vi.; Text, pp. 7-97. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 97.
Cantos IX., X., XI.
Don Juan./ Cantos IX.—X.—And XI./ "Dost thou think because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more/ Cakes and Ale?"—"Yes, by St. Anne; and Ginger shall be hot i' the/ mouth too!"—Twelfth Night, or What you Will./ Shakspeare./ London, 1823:/ Printed for John Hunt,/ 38, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, And/ 22, Old Bond Street./ [8.
Title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Half-title, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-151. The Imprint (London;/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./) is in the centre of p. [152].
Note (1).—The Notes to Canto IX. are on pp. [49], 50; the Notes to Canto X. on pp. [97]-99; and the Notes to Canto XI. on pp. [149]-151. Canto XI. stanza lvii. lines 5-8 and stanza lviii. are omitted.
Note (2).—The motto is here given in full; and note "Shakspeare," not "Shakespeare," as before.
Don Juan./ Cantos IX.—X.—XI./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, four lines]./ Shakespeare./ London, 1823:/ Printed for John Hunt, 38, Tavistock Street, Covent/ Garden; and 22, Old Bond Street./ [12.
Title (R. Printed by G.H. Reynell,/ 45, Broad-Street, Golden-Square,/), pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-72.
Cantos XII., XIII., XIV.
Don Juan./ Cantos XII.—XIII.—And XIV./ [Motto as above, three lines.] Shakspeare./ London, 1823:/ Printed for John Hunt,/ 38, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, and/ 22, Old Bond-Street./ [8.
Title (R. London./ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./), pp. 1, 2; Half-title, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-168. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 168.
Note.—The Notes to Canto XII. are on pp. [51], 52; the Notes to Canto XIII. on pp. [111], 112; and the Notes to Canto XIV. on pp. [167], 168.
Don Juan./ Cantos XII.—XIII.—XIV./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, four lines]./ London, 1823:/ Printed for John Hunt, 38, Tavistock Street, Covent/ Garden: and 22, Old Bond-Street./ [12.
Title (R. Printed by G.H. Reynell,/ 45, Broad-Street, Golden-Square./), pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-83 + six pages of "Publications by John Hunt," dated December, 1823. This edition is bound in a paper cover with ornamental border—Don Juan./ Cantos/ XII. XIII. XIV./ Price One Shilling./
Don Juan./ Cantos XII.—XIII.—XIV./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, four lines (Shakspeare)]./ London:/ Printed for the Booksellers./ 1823./ [12.
Title (R. Sudbury, Printer, 252, High Holburn.), pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-83. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 83.
Don Juan,/ Cantos XII, XIII, XIV./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, four lines (Shakespeare)]./ Paris:/ Published by A. and W. Galignani,/ at the French, English, Italian, German, and Spanish Library,/ No. 18, Rue Vivienne./ 1824./ [12.
Half-title (R. Paris: Printed by A. Belin.); Title, one leaf; Half-title, with Motto, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-162 + Notes to Canto XIV., pp. [163], [164].
Cantos XV., XVI.
Don Juan./ Cantos XV. And XVI./ [Motto as above, three lines.] Shakspeare./ London, 1824:/ Printed for John and H.L. Hunt,/ Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. [8.
Title (R. Imprint as above), pp. 1, 2; Half-title, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-125; [Works] Published by John and H.L. Hunt, ... March, 1824, pp. [131], [132]. The Imprint, as above, is in the centre of p. [130].
Note.—The Notes to Canto XV. are on pp. [55]-57; the Notes to Canto XVI. on pp. [127]-129. The following note is on p. [126]: ["The errors of the press in this Canto,—if there be any,—are not to be attributed to the Author, as he was deprived of the opportunity of correcting the proof-sheets."]
Don Juan./ Cantos XV. and XVI./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, three lines]. Shakspeare./ London, 1824:/ Printed for John and H.L. Hunt,/ Tavistock Street, Covent Garden./ [12.
Title (R. London:/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./), pp. 1, 2; Half-title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-130. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 130.
Don Juan./ Cantos XV. and XVI./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, four lines]./ Shakspeare./ London:/ Printed for the Booksellers./ 1824./ [12.
Title (R. Sudbury, Printer, 252, High Holborn.), pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-62. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 62.
Don Juan./ Cantos XV. and XVI./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, three lines]./ Shakspeare./ London, 1824:/ Printed for John Hunt, 38, Tavistock-Street, Covent/ Garden; and 22, Old Bond-Street./ [12.
Title (R. Printed by G.H. Reynell/ 45, Broad-Street, Golden-Square./), pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-62.
Note.—The Title-page and setting of the Notes, and the quality of the paper of this edition differ from that of the preceding, but the text appears to have been set up from the same type.
Don Juan,/ Cantos XV, XVI./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, four lines]./ Paris: Published by A. and W. Galignani,/ At the French, English, Italian, German, and Spanish Library,/ No. 18, Rue Vivienne./ 1824./ [12.
Half-title (R. Paris: Printed by A. Belin.); Title, one page; Second Half-title, with Motto, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-125.
Full Text.
Don Juan./ By/ Lord Byron./ Cantos I. To VI./ "Difficile est proprie communia dicere."/ Hor./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II.] London: Printed for the Booksellers./ MDCCCXXVI./ [8.
Vol. I.: General Title (The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Vol. XII./ London:/ Printed for the Booksellers./ 1826); Title (R. Thomas White, Printer,/ Johnson's Court./); Text, pp. 1-353. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. [354].
Vol. II.: General Title (The/ Works,/ etc. Vol. XIII./ etc.); Title (Don Juan./ By/ Lord Byron./ Cantos VII. To XVI./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, three lines]./ Shakspeare./ Vol. II., etc.) (R. Imprint as above); Half-title, pp. 1, 2; Text, PP. 3-398.
Don Juan:/ In/ Sixteen Cantos./ By Lord Byron./ "Difficile est proprie communia dicere."/ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ Complete in one volume./ London:/ Printed for William Clark,/ 60, Paternoster-Row./ 1826./ [16.
Title (R. W. Wilson, Printer,/ 57, Skinner-Street, London./), pp. i., ii.; Biographical Notice, pp. iii.-xii.; Text, pp. 1-432. The Imprint (W. Wilson, Printer, 57, Skinner-Street, London.) is at the foot of p. 452.
Don Juan:/ In/ Sixteen Cantos./ By the/ Right Hon. Lord Byron./ Difficile est proprie communia dicere./ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ Complete in one volume./ With a short Biographical Memoir of the/ Author./ [Title-vignette, the Royal Arms.] London:/ Printed for T. and J. Allman,/ Great Queen-Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields./ 1827./ [16.
Half-title, one leaf; Title (R. Doncaster:/ Printed by C. and J. White, Baxter-Gate./), pp. i., ii.; Biographical Memoir, pp. iii.-ix.; Text, pp. 1-537. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 537.
Note.—The Front. (dated 1828) is a portrait of Lord Byron by T. Phillips, R.A., engraved by W. Wise.
Don Juan./ "Difficile est proprie communia dicere."/ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ London:/ Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1828./ [8.
Don Juan./ "Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be/ no more cakes and ale?—Yes, by St. Anne; and ginger/ shall be hot i' the mouth too!"—Twelfth Night; or What/ you Will./ Shakspeare./ In Two Volumes. Vol. II./ London:/ Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./ 1828./ [8.
Vol. I.: Half-title, one leaf; Title, one leaf; Text, pp. 1-343. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars./) is in the centre of p. [344].
Vol. II.: Half-title, one leaf; Title, one leaf; Text, pp. 1-371. The Imprint, as above, is in the centre of p. [372].
Note.—The Front. to Vol. I. is "Don Juan, C. ii. St. 89," drawn by R. Westall, R.A., and engraved by E. Finden; the Front. to Vol. II. is "Don Juan, Canto II. St. 144," by the same artist and engraver.
Don Juan./ By/ Lord Byron./ Cantos I. To VI./ "Difficile est proprie communia dicere."/ Hor./ Vol. I./ London:/ Printed for the Booksellers./ 1828./ [8.
Don Juan./ By/ Lord Byron./ Cantos VII. To XVI./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, three lines]./ Shakespeare./ Vol. II./ London: Printed for the Booksellers./ 1828./ [8.
Vol. I.: Half-title, one leaf; Title (R. Hamblin, Printer, 63, Upper Thames Street.); Text, pp. 1-351. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. [352].
Vol. II.: Half-title, one leaf; Title (R. Imprint as above); Second Half-title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-392. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 392.
Don Juan in 16 Cantos. Campe's Edition. Nuremberg and New York, Campe and Co. 1832. [12.
[Kayser, 1834.]
Don Juan,/ In/ Sixteen Cantos,/ With Notes;/ By Lord Byron./ "Difficile est," etc./ Horace./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, three lines. "Shaks."]/ London: Printed for Scott and Webster,/ 36, Charter-House Square./ 1833./ [12.
Title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-359. The Imprint (C. Morris, Printer, 20, Sydney Grove, Sydney St.) is at the foot of p. 359.
Note.—The Front. is "Don Juan and Julia," by H. Corbould, engraved by C. Heath. The Title-vignette of the illustrated Title (Don Juan:/ Complete./ By Lord Byron./ London:/ Engraved for the English Classics,/ Published by Scott & Webster./) is from a drawing by H. Corbould, engraved by C. Heath.
Don Juan,/ In/ Sixteen Cantos,/ With Notes;/ By Lord Byron./ "Difficile est," etc./ Horace./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, three lines. "Shaks."]./ London/ Printed for the Booksellers. 1835./ [12.
Vide supra, No. vii.
Note.—The Front. and illustrated Title are omitted.
Don Juan./ By/ Lord Byron./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1837./ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. 376. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by A. Spottiswoode,/ New-Street-Square./) is at the foot of p. 376.
Vol. II.: pp. 395. The Imprint, as above, is in the centre of p. [396].
Note.—The Title-vignette of illustrated Title of Vol. I. is "Cape Colonna Sunium," engraved by E. Finden from a drawing by T. Helpman. The Title-vignette of illustrated Title of Vol. II. is "The Brig of Balgownie near Aberdeen," engraved by E. Finden from a drawing by G. Bulmer. The vols. are bound in green cloth, with coat-of-arms in gold.
Don Juan. Mannheim, Hofmann. 1838. [16.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Don Juan:/ In/ Sixteen Cantos./ By/ Lord Byron./ "Difficile est," etc./ Hor. Epist. ad Pison./ London: H.G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden./ 1849./ [12.
Title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-438.
Note.—The Front. is "The Siesta of Haide and Juan." The Title-vignette on illustrated Title (Don Juan,/ etc. London. MDCCCXLVI./ (sic)) is Newstead Abbey from the Lake.
Don Juan/ By Lord Byron/ Complete Edition with Notes/ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, three lines]/ London and New York/ George Routledge and Sons/ [1874] [16.
Half-title, one leaf, pp. 1, 2; Title (R. Charles Dickens and Evans,/ Crystal Palace Press./), pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-431. The Imprint, as above, is in the centre of p. [432].
Don Juan./ By/ Lord Byron./ "Difficile est," etc./ "Dost thou think," etc. [Motto, three lines (Shakespeare)]./ London: Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly./ 1875./ [16.
Half-title, one leaf; Title, one leaf; List of Cantos, pp. 1, 2; Text, pp. 3-359.
Note.—Part of "The Golden Library."
Don Juan/ By/ Lord Byron/ "Difficile est," etc./ Complete Edition, with Notes/ London/ George Routledge and Sons/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ New York: 9 Lafayette Place/ 1886/ [8.
Half-title, one leaf; Title (R. Advt. of Routledge's Large Type Three-Volume Classics.); Text, pp. 1-476. The Imprint (R. Clay and Sons, London and Bungay.) is at the foot of p. 476.
Note.—The Front. is "Don Juan," from Canto IV. stanza xvii. The same issue without the Front. forms part of Routledge's "Excelsior Series."
Translations of Don Juan.
Don Juan.... Metrisk bearbeidet efter den engelske Original af H. Schou. 1. Hefte Fredericia. 1854. [4. |