Pp. xliii. + 716—Gen. Half-title (R. Printed by Jules Didot, Senior,/ Printer to his Majesty, Rue du Pont de Lodi, N 6/); Title-page, one leaf, pp. i., ii.; Cont., pp. iii., iv.; The Life of Lord Byron [by J.W. Lake], pp. v.-xliii.; Text, pp. 1-716.
The Front. is a Portrait of Lord Byron by F. Sieurac, engr. by J.T. Wedgwood. The Title-vignette is a harp, etc., resting on foliage (bays and oak leaves).
The Facsimile of the Letter from Lord Byron to M. Galignani, dated Venice, April 27, 1819, is inserted between the "Contents" and the "Life," etc.
Note (1).—Among MISCELLANEOUS POEMS are The Irish Avatar, p. 515; Ode ("Oh, shame to thee," etc.), p. 539; Windsor Poetics, p. 540; and Carmina Byronis in C. Elgin, p. 541. The Volume concludes (pp. 711-716) with Poems Attributed to Lord Byron, viz.—
Childish Recollections (32 lines) p. 711 Lord Byron to his Lady ("How strangely," etc.) ib. Ode to the Island of St. Helena ib. To the Lily of France p. 712 Madame Lavalette ib. Adieu to Malta ib. Enigma ("'Twas whispered," etc.) p. 713 The Triumph of the Whale ib. To Jessy ib. To my Daughter p. 714 To Lady Caroline Lamb p. 715 The Farewell ("When man compelled," etc.) ib. Lines ("Would you get to the House," etc.) ib. Verses ("All hail, Mont Blanc," etc.) ib. To a Lady ("And wilt thou weep," etc.) p. 716 Stanzas ("I heard thy fate," etc.)[C] ib. Lines found in the Travellers' Book at Chamouni ib. Lines found in Lord Byron's Bible[D] ib.
Note (2).—This edition was reissued, in 1827, on different paper. An impression of the portrait by F. Sieurac, in an unfinished state, precedes the Frontispiece.
[C] "Stanzas" were published Poetical Works, 1899, iii. 425, 426, with the title, "On the Death of the Duke of Dorset." Note (I) on p. 425 is incorrect.
[D] "Lines Found in Lord Byron's Bible" are by Sir Walter Scott (see Monastery, chap. xii.).
The Works, etc. Complete. One Vol. Frankfort o. M. Printed by and for H.L. Broenner. 1826. 4, pp. xvi. + 776.
Note.—A Second Edition, pp. xlvi. + 804, including Morgante Maggiore and Parliamentary Speeches, was issued in 1829, vide post, No. xl.; and a third, pp. xxx. + 784, including Francesca di Rimini, Hints from Horace, and The Blues, etc., in 1837. According to Kayser, the First Edition appeared in 1827, a second in 1829, and a third, "considerably augmented," in 1837.
The Works, etc. In Six Volumes. London: John Murray, etc. 1827. [Small 8.
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ In Four Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1828./ [12.
Vol. I.: pp. ix. + 362—Gen. Half-title, Works/ of/ Lord/ Byron./ (R. London: Printed by Thomas Davison Whitefriars/), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Gen. Cont., pp. v.-ix.; Cont. of Vol. I. (n.p.); Text, pp. 1-362.
The Front., "Lord Byron," is engr. by E. Finden from a portrait by G. (sic) Phillips, R.A.
Vol. II.: pp. 1-424—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint); Cont. of Vol. II.; Text, pp. 1-424. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 424.
The Front., "Medora" (Corsair, i. 379), is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by H. Corbould.
Vol. III.: pp. vii. + 383—Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Cont. of Vol. III., pp. v.-vii.; Text, pp. 1-383. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [384].
The Front., "Lord Byron" ("When late I saw thy ... child"), is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by H. Corbould.
Vol. IV.: pp. 1-429—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint); Title, one leaf; Cont. of Vol. IV.; Text, pp. 1-429. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [430].
The Front., "Sardanapalus" (act iv. sc. 1, line 1), is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by H. Corbould.
Vol. I.:—Childe Harold's, etc., Cantos I.-IV. (N.) p. 1 Vol. II.:—The Giaour (N.) p. 1 The Corsair, Cantos I.-III. (N.) p. 61 Lara, Cantos I., II. (N.) p. 143 The Bride, etc., Cantos I., II. (N.) p. 195 Siege, etc. (N.) p. 253 Parisina (N.) p. 299 The Prisoner of Chillon, Sonnet, etc. (N.) p. 331 Beppo (N.) p. 353 Mazeppa p. 391 Vol. III.:—Manfred (N.) p. 1 Hebrew Melodies: "She walks in beauty" (and 22 others) p. 61 Ode to N.B. (N.) p. 89 Monody, etc. p. 99 Lament of Tasso p. 105 Poems: Written in an Album (and 55 others) p. 119 Ode [to Venice] p. 249 Notes to the Poems p. 255 Prophecy of Dante, Cantos I.-IV. (N.) p. 259 Cain p. 299 Vol. IV.:—Marino Faliero (App.) p. 1 Sardanapalus (N.) p. 175 The Two Foscari (App.) p. 303
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ Including/ The Suppressed Poems./ Complete in One Volume./ Paris:/ Published by A. and W. Galignani,/ No. 18, Rue Vivienne./ 1828./ 8.
Pp. xl. + 718.
Note.—This edition closely corresponds with that issued by A. and W. Galignani in 1826-7, q.v. ante, No. xxxi. The "Life of Lord Byron," by J.W. Lake, is abbreviated and corrected. Among ATTRIBUTED POEMS are the following additions: A Drinking Song ("Fill the goblet," etc.), p. 716; Remember Thee, ibid.; To Mary ("Remind me not," etc.), p. 717; Verses ("There was a time," etc.), ibid.; On Leaving England, ibid.; and the following omissions: Verses ("All hail, Mont Blanc," etc.), 1826, p. 715; and Lines found in Lord Byron's Bible, 1826, p. 716.
The Works of Lord Byron. Complete in One Volume. Title-Vignette. Published by Broenner, Frankfort. 1828, 8.
Note.—A Second Edition was issued in 1829, and a third, "considerably augmented," in 1837. [Kayser.]
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ In Six Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1829./ 8.
Vol. I.:—Gen. Half-title, "Byron" (R. London: Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriar's), pp. i., ii; Title, one leaf, pp. iii, iv.; General Cont., pp. v.-ix.; Cont. of Vol. I., n.p.; Text, pp. 1-235. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [236].
Vol. II.: Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint); Title, one leaf; Cont. of Vol. II.; Text, pp. 1-297. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [300].
Vol. III.: Gen. Half-title, etc., as in Vol. II.; Text pp. 1-282. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [284].
Vol. IV.: pp. vii. + 275—Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Cont. of Vol. IV., pp. v.-vii.; Text, pp. 1-275. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [276].
Vol. V.: Half-title, etc., as in Vol. II.; Text, pp. 1-26. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 264.
Vol. VI.: pp. viii. + 266—Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii, iv.; Cont. of Vol. VI. (B.R.), pp. v., vi.; Preface, pp. vii., viii.; Text, pp. 1-266. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [268].
Vol. I.:—Childe Harold's, etc., Cantos I.-III. (Pref. N.) p. 1 Vol. II.:—Childe Harold's, etc., Canto IV. (N.) p. 1 The Giaour (N.) p. 157 The Corsair, Cantos I.-III. (N.) p. 217 Vol. III.:—Lara, Cantos I., II. (N.) p. 1 The Bride, etc., Cantos I., II. (N.) p. 53 Siege, etc. (N.) p. 111 Parisina (N.) p. 157 The Prisoner, etc. (Sonnet, N.) p. 189 Beppo (N.) p. 211 Mazeppa p. 249 Vol. IV.:—Manfred (N.) p. 1 Hebrew Melodies: "She walks," etc. (and 21 others) p. 61 Ode to N.B. (N.) p. 85 Monody, etc. p. 95 Lament of Tasso p. 101 Poems: Written in an Album (and 56 others) (N.) p. 115 Prophecy of Dante, Cantos I.-IV. (N.) p. 235 Vol. V.:—Marino Faliero (A) p. 1 Cain p. 179 Vol. VI.:-Sardanapalus (N.) p. 1 The Two Foscari (A) p. 135 Notes to Captain Medwin's, etc. p. 253
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ In Four Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1829./ 12.
Vol. I.:—Gen. Half-title, "Byron" (R. (a) Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars); Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Gen. Cont., pp. v.-x.; Cont. of Vol. I., n.p.; Text, pp. 1-357. The Imprint (b) (London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars/), is in the centre of the last page, p. [360].
Vol. II.: pp. 1-424—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint (a)); Title, one leaf; Cont. of Vol. II.; Text, pp. 1-424. The Imprint (b) is at the foot of p. 424.
Vol. III.:—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint (a)); Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Cont. of Vol. III., pp. v.-viii.; Text, pp. 1-383. The Imprint (b) is at the foot of the last page, p. [384].
Vol. IV.: pp. 1-412—Half-title (R. Imprint (a)); Title, one leaf; Cont. of Vol. IV.; Text, pp. 1-412. The Imprint (b) is at the foot of p. 412.
The Cont. of Vols. I., II., III. of the Edition of 1829 are identical with the Cont. of Vols. I., II., III. of the Edition of 1828. The pagination of the Text 1829 follows the pagination of the Text 1828, but the type of 1829 is not the type of 1828.
Vol. IV. (1829):—Marino Faliero p. 1 Appendix p. 147 Sardanapalus (N.) p. 161 The Two Foscari p. 289 Appendix p. 381 Notes on Captain Medwin's "Conversations of Lord Byron" p. 401
Note.—The original Italian and French Versions of the Cronica di Sanuto, and the extracts from the works of P. Daru and P.L. Ginguen, which appeared in 1828, are omitted in 1829, and the notes (by John Murray) on Captain Medwin's Conversations, etc. (1824), are inserted.
The Poetic Works, etc., including his Don Juan—all his minor poems, and the suppressed pieces of Cain, and the V. of Judgment, all complete. In Two Vols. Second Edition. Philadelphia: Published by the Washington Press. 1829. [4 and 6.
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Complete/ In One Volume./ [Title-vignette, "Ship in Storm," engraved on steel by C. Tremonet.] The Second Edition, considerably augmented./ Francfort O.M./ Printed by and for H.L. Broenner./ 1829./ [8.
Pp. xlvi + Cont., one leaf + 804—Title, one leaf; Life, etc., by J.W. Lake, pp. i.-xli. + A Character of Lord Byron, by Sir W. Scott, pp. xlii., xliii. + "Goethe und Byron" (including the stanzas "Ein freundlich Wort," etc.) + "Lord Byron's Last Lines," pp. xliv.-xlivi. + Cont., one leaf, n.p. + Text, pp. 1-804.
Note.—The Miscellaneous Poems include Ode "Oh, shame to thee," etc., and On Sir John Moore's Burial, p. 650. The ATTRIBUTED POEMS are identical with those published in Paris, 1826 (No. xxxi.), except that they include To Miss Chaworth ("Remind me not," etc.), and exclude Lines Found in Lord Byron's Bible. The Notes to Childe Harold's, etc., and other poems are printed continuously, pp. 715-792. The Waltz, together with the Notes, is on pp. 795-798.
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ In Four Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1830./ [16.
Vol. I.: pp. ix. + 359—Title (R. (a) Thomas Davison, London.), pp. i., ii.; General Cont., pp. iii.-ix.; Cont. of Vol. I., p. x.; Text, pp. 1-359. The Imprint (b) (London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars/) is in the centre of the last page, p. [360].
The Frontispiece, "Lord Byron," is engraved by E. Finden from a portrait by T. Phillips, R.A.
Vol. II.: pp. iv. + 424—Title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Cont. of Vol. II., pp. iii., iv.; Text, pp. 1-383. The Imprint (b) is at the foot of p. 424.
Vol. III.: pp. vi. + 383—Title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Cont. of Vol. III., pp. iii.-vi.; Text, pp. 1-383. The Imprint (b) is in the centre of the last page, p. [384].
Vol. IV.: pp. 1-415—Title (R. Imprint); Cont. of Vol. IV., one leaf; Text, pp. 1-415. The Imprint (b) is in the centre of the last page, p. [384].
The Front, of Vol. II. is that of Vol. II., ed. 1828; the Front. of Vol. III. that of Vol. IV., 1828; and the Front. of Vol. IV. that of Vol. III., 1828.
Note.—The Cont. of Vols. I.-IV., 1830, are identical with the Cont. of Vols. I.-IV., 1829. The Notes have been partly re-set.
The Complete Works, etc., including his lordship's suppressed poems with others never before published. (With portrait and fac-simile.) Paris, Galignani, 1830. [12.
[Qurard, 1846.]
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ In Six Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle-Street./ 1831./ [16.
Vols. I.-IV. of Ed. 1831 are identical with Vols. I.-IV. of Ed. 1830. The Frontispieces of Vols. III., IV., which were transposed in Ed. 1830, are restored to their original position, as in Ed. 1828.
Vol. V.: pp. xii. + 475—Gen. Half-title (R. (a) Thomas Davison, London), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Editor's Advt. to Hours of Idleness, pp. v.-vii.; Cont. of Vol. V., pp. ix.-xii.; Text, pp. 1-475; Publisher's Advt. of the Life of Lord Byron (2 Vols. 4to).... by Thomas Moore, Esq., p. [477]. The Imprint (b) (London:/ Printed by Thomas Davison, Whitefriars:/) is in the centre of p. 476.
The Frontispiece, "Heaven and Earth," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by H. Richter.
Vol. VI.: pp. viii. + 459—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Cont. to Vol. VI., pp. v.-viii.; Text, pp. 1-459. The Imprint (b) is in the centre of the last page, p. [460].
The Frontispiece, "The Island," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by H. Richter.
Vol. V.:—Hours of Idleness: Preface, etc. p. 1 On leaving Newstead Abbey (and 64 others) p. 11 Critique from Edinb. Rev. p. 203 English Bards, etc. p. 209 Hints from Horace p. 273 The Curse of Minerva p. 329 The Waltz p. 345 Age of Bronze p. 365 The Vision of Judgment p. 397 Morgante Maggiore p. 441 Vol. VI.:—Werner p. 1 The Deformed Transformed p. 157 Heaven and Earth p. 227 The Island: Cantos I.-IV. App. p. 277 Poems: The Blues p. 351 Fragment ("Hills of Annesly") p. 368 The Prayer of Nature ib. Fragment ("Young Oak," etc., 10 lines) p. 371 On Revisiting Harrow p. 372 L'amitie, etc. p. 373 To my Son p. 377 Epitaph on John Adams p. 379 Fragment ("Forget this World," etc.) (20 lines) p. 380 To Mrs. —— ("When man expell'd," etc.) p. 381 A Love-song ("Remind," etc.) p. 382 Stanzas to —— ("There was a time," etc.) p. 383 To the Same ("And wilt thou weep," etc.) p. 384 Song ("Fill the goblet," etc.) p. 386 Stanzas to —— on leaving England p. 387 Lines to Mr. Hodgson p. 390 Epistle to ("Oh, banish," etc.) p. 393 The Devil's Drive p. 396 Additional stanzas to the Ode to Napoleon p. 400 Stanzas for Music ("I speak not," etc.) p. 401 Address—at the Caledonian Meeting p. 402 Lines—for the opening of "The Siege of Corinth" p. 404 Extract, "Could I remount," etc. p. 406 To Augusta p. 407 On the bust of Helen by Canova p. 413 To Thomas Moore ("My boat," etc.) ib. To Mr. Murray ("Strahan," etc.) p. 414 Stanzas to the River Po p. 416 The Irish Avatar p. 419 On the Prince Regent's returning the picture, etc. p. 425 To Belshazzar p. 427 Sonnet to George the Fourth p. 428 Francesca of Rimini p. 429 Stanzas ("Oh, talk not to me," etc.) p. 431 To the Countess of B—- p. 432 Lines from a letter to T. Moore ("So we'll," etc.) p. 434 Epistle to Dr. [Polidori] ib. Ep. ("My dear Mr. Murray") p. 437 To Mr. J. Murray ("For Oxford," etc.) p. 439 On this Day, etc. p. 440 From the Portuguese p. 442 Paraphrase from ... the Medea p. 443 Epitaph ("Youth, Nature," etc.) ib. On Moore's Last ... Farce p. 444 On Lord T.'s poems ib. To Lord T. p. 445 To Thomas Moore ("Oh, you," etc.) p. 446 Fragment of an Ep. to T. Moore ("What say I," etc.) p. 447 On Napoleon's Escape from Elba p. 449 Fragment ... On hearing that Lady Byron was ill (6 lines) ib. To Thomas Moore ("What are you," etc.) ib. Song for the Luddites p. 450 Versicles p. 451 To Mr. Murray ("To hook," etc.) ib. On the birth of J.W.R. Hoppner p. 452 Epigram (from Rulhieres) (sic) p. 453 Epigr. ("To-day it is," etc.) ib. Epigr. ("Here's a Happy," etc.) ib. Epigr. ("This day of all," etc.) p. 454 Endorsement to the deed, etc. ib. Epitaph for William Pitt ib. Epigr. ("In digging," etc.) p. 455 Stanzas ("When a man," etc.) ib. On his Thirty-third Birthday ib. Epigr. ("The Brasiers," etc.) p. 456 Epigr. ("The world," etc.) ib. The Charity Ball p. 457 Impromptu ib. Windsor Poetics p. 458 Lines in the Travellers' Book at Orchomenus ib.
Note.—List of publications by John Murray, January 4, 1831—"A fifth and sixth vol. of Lord Byron's Works: containing E.B., etc., Heaven & E., The Def. Trans., The Island, etc., etc., forming the portion of the Works recently purchased by Mr. Murray, and rendering them the first and only complete edition (Don Juan being alone excepted). 2 vols. 12. Printed for the first time, to match with the Edition of Lord Byron's Works in 4 vols. 18."
The/ Complete works/ of/ Lord Byron,/ Including/ his Lordship's Suppressed Poems,/ With others never before published./ In one Volume./ Paris./ Published by A. and W. Galignani,/ No. 18, Rue Vivienne./ 1831./ [8.
Pp. xxiv. + 730—Half-title (R. Printed by J. Smith, Rue Montmorency, Paris./); Title, one leaf; Cont., pp. i.-iv.; The Life of Lord Byron [abridged from the Life by J.W. Lake] pp. v.-xxiv.; Text, pp. 1-730.
The Frontispiece, a portrait of Lord Byron, engr. by J.T. Wedgwood from a painting by W.E. West, in arabesque frame, rests on miniatures of Newstead Abbey and Missolunghi (sic) designed by F. Sieurac. The Title-vignette is tomb, harp, willows, etc. A lithograph of letter, April 27, 1819, to the Editor of Galignani's Messenger, is inserted between the Life and the Text.
This edition includes Hours of Idleness (Sec. Ed.), English Bards, etc., The Curse of Minerva, The Waltz, all poems published by John Murray before 1831, a selection of poems included in Moore's Notices of the Life, etc., poems published by John Hunt, Letter to ... on Bowles' Strictures on Pope, Fragment, Parliamentary Speeches, and the following spurious and additional poems:—
Madame Lavalette p. 699 Ode ("Oh, shame to thee," etc.) p. 705 Carmina Byronis in C. Elgin p. 707 Ode to the Island of St. Helena ib. Enigma on the letter H p. 708 To Jessy ib. To my Daughter p. 709 Lines to Mr. Hobhouse p. 710 Lines found in the Travellers' book at Chamouni ib. Stanzas to her who can best understand them p. 712 In the Valley of Waters p. 713 Francesca ib. Faith, Wisdom, Love and Power ib. Thermopyl p. 714 Song, "Do you know Dr. Nott?" p. 716 To Mr. Hobhouse, "What made you," etc. (20 lines) p. 717 Enigma on the letter I p. 720 To Memory ("Oh, memory," etc.) p. 721 To my dear Mary Anne ib. On an Old Lady ("In Nottingham," etc.) p. 722
Note.—Among the ATTRIBUTED POEMS are To the Lily of France, p. 729; The Triumph of the Whale, ib.; To Lady C. Lamb, ib.; Stanzas ("I heard thy fate," etc.), p. 730.
The Works, etc., including the suppressed poems. Also a Sketch of his Life. By J.W. Lake. Complete in one Vol. Philadelphia. Published by Henry Adams and sold by John Griggs. 1831. [4.
Pp. xxxix. + 176.
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron:/ With/ His Letters and Journals,/ And His Life,/ By Thomas Moore, Esq./ In Fourteen Volumes./ Vol. I. [Vol. II., etc.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 183./ [8.
Vol. I.: pp. xv. + 359—Title (R. Imprint, London:/ Printed by A. Spottiswoode,/ New-Street-Square./), pp. i., ii.; Cont. of Vol. I., pp. iii., iv.; Half-title, pp. v., vi.; Dedication to Sir W. Scott, pp. vii., viii.; Preface to the First Vol. of First Ed., pp. ix., x.; Preface to the Sec. Vol., pp. xi.-xv.; Text (Notices of the Life of Lord Byron), pp. 1-359.
The Frontispiece, "Lord Byron at the Age of 19," is engr. by W. Finden from the portrait by G. Sanders: the Title-vignette, "Cadiz," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by C. Stansfield.
Vol. II.: pp. 1-341—The Frontispiece "Tepaleen," is engr. by F. Finden from a drawing by W. Purser; the Title-vignette, "Constantinople," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by C. Stansfield.
Vol. III.: pp. 1-376—The Front., "Marathon," and the Title-vignette, "A Street in Athens," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by C. Stansfield.
Vol. IV.: pp. 1-359—The Front., "The Wengen Alps," and the Title-vignette, "The Coliseum from the Orto Farnese," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.D. Harding.
Vol. V.: pp. 1-376—The Front., "S^ta^ Maria Dalla Spina," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by J.M.W. Turner, R.A.; the Title-vignette, the "Hellespont," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by J.D. Harding.
Vol. VI.: pp. 1-416—The Front., "Newstead Abbey" [from the Monk's Garden], and the Title-vignette, "The Fountain at Newstead Abbey," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by W. Westall, A.R.A.
Vol. VII.: pp. xv. + 319—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, June, 1832), pp. v.-vii.; Cont. of Vol. VII., pp. ix.-xv.; Text, pp. 1-319. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [320].
The Front., "The Gate of Theseus," and the Title-vignette, "The Plains of Troy," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A. A facsimile of the two first stanzas of To D—— faces p. 12.
Vol. VIII.: pp. x. + 328—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, July 20, 1832), pp. v.-x.; Cont. of Vol. VIII., n.p.; Text, pp. 1-328. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 328.
The Front., "Bacharach," and the Title-vignette, "The Castle of St. Angelo," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A. A facsimile of Childe Harold's, etc., Canto III. stanza xci. faces p. 174. In earlier copies the facsimile faced p. [viii.] of Vol. IX. See Note on reverse of p. vii. of that volume.
Vol. IX.: pp. vii. + 360—Title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Advt. (editorial, July 20, 1832), pp. iii., iv.; Cont. of Vol. IX., pp. v.-vii.; Text, pp. 1-360. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 360.
The Front., "Petrarch's Tomb," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by J.M.W. Turner, R.A.; the Title-vignette, "Seville," is engr. by E. Finden.
Vol. X.: pp. xix. + 316—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, September 16, 1832), pp. v.-xiii.; Cont. of Vol. X., pp. xv.-xix.; Text, pp. 1-316. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 316.
The Front., "Corinth," is engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A., and W. Page; the Title-vignette, "Athens and the Island of Egina," is engr. by E. Finden from drawings by C. Stansfield and W. Page.
Vol. XI.: pp. viii. + 326—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, October 10, 1832), pp. v., vi.; Cont. of Vol. XI., pp. vii., viii.; Text, pp. 1-326. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 326.
The Front., "The Bridge of Sighs," and the Title-vignette, "The Bernese Alps," are engr. by E. Finden, from drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A.
Vol. XII.: pp. vi. + 324—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, November 10, 1832), pp. v., vi.; Cont. of Vol. XII., n.p.; Text, pp. 1-324. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 324.
The Front., "Florence," is engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.D. Harding and G. Moran, junr.; the Title-vignette, "San Georgio Maggiore," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by C. Stansfield, A.R.A.
Vol. XIII.: pp. vi. + 369—Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, December 12, 1832), pp. v., vi.; Cont. of Vol. XIII., n.p.; Text, pp. 1-369. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [370].
The Front., "The Arch of Titus," is engr. by E. Finden, from drawings by C. Stansfield and W. Page; the Title-vignette, "The Walls of Rome," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by J.M.W. Turner, R.A.
Vol. XIV.: pp. 1-360—Gen. Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. [i., ii.]; Title, one leaf, pp. [iii., iv.]; Advt. (editorial, January 10, 1833), pp. [v., vi.]; Text, pp. 1-360. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 360.
The Front., "Parnassus," and the Title-vignette, "The Field of Waterloo," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A.
Vol. XV.: pp. vi. + 334—Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i. ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, February 15, 1833), pp. v., vi.; Cont. of Vol. XV., n.p.; Text, pp. 1-334. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 334.
The Front., "Scio," and the Title-vignette, "Genoa," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A.
Vol. XVI.: pp. vi. + 335—Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii.; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, March 15, 1833), pp. v., vi.; Cont. of Vol. XVI., n.p.; Text, pp. 1-335. The Imprint is in the centre of the last page, p. [336].
The Front., "Cologne," and the Title-vignette, "St. Sophia," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A.
Vol. XVII.: pp. viii. + 304—Half-title (R. Imprint), pp. i., ii; Title, one leaf, pp. iii., iv.; Advt. (editorial, May 15, 1833), pp. v., vi.; Cont. of Vol. XVII., pp. vii., viii.; Text, pp. 1-248; Index, pp. 249-304. The Imprint is at the foot of p. 304.
The Front., "The School of Homer," and the Title-vignette, "The Castellated Rhine," are engr. by E. Finden from drawings by J.M.W. Turner, R.A.
Vols. I.-V.:—Notices of the Life of Lord Byron. Vol. VI.:—The Life, etc., from February, 1823-April, 1824 p.1 App.: cont. two epistles from the Armenian, etc. p. 269 Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose: Review of Wordsworth's Poems, 1807 p. 293 Review of Gell's Geography of Ithaca, etc., 1811 p. 296 Parliamentary Speeches, etc. p. 314 A Fragment. [The Vampyre.] 1816 p. 339 Letter to John Murray, Esq., etc. p. 346 Observations upon "Observations," etc. [Now first p. 382 published.] Vol. VII.:—Hours of Idleness: a Series of Poems, Original and Translated: Dedication. p. 1 Preface p. 5 On the Death of a Young Lady (and 69 others) p. 9 Article from the Edin. Rev. p. 188 Occasional Pieces: written in 1807-8: The Adieu (and 15 others) p. 195 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers p. 219 Occasional Pieces: written in 1808-1810: Well, thou art happy (and 15 others) p. 291 Vol. VIII.:—Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: Preface to the p. 3 First and Second Cantos To Ianthe p. 9 Canto the First [Canto the Second, etc.] p. 11 Dedication of Canto the Fourth p. 189 Historical Notes to Canto the Fourth p. 271 Vol. IX.:—Occasional Pieces: written in 1811-1813: Lines written beneath a Picture (and 31 others) p. 3 Hints from Horace p. 47 The Curse of Minerva p. 107 The Waltz p. 123 The Giaour p. 141 The Bride, etc. p. 203 The Corsair (Dedication, etc.) p. 257 Appendix: Remarks on the Romaic, etc. p. 339 Vol. X.:—Ode to N.B. p. 1 Lara (Cantos I., II. (N.)) p. 17 Hebrew Melodies: She walks in Beauty (and 22 others) p. 75 The Siege, etc. p. 99 Parisina p. 149 Domestic Pieces: Fare Thee Well (and five others) p. 185 Monody, etc. p. 211 The Prisoner of Chillon p. 221 The Dream p. 243 Occasional Pieces: 1814-1816: The Devil's Drive (and 28 others) p. 257 Vol. XI.:—Manfred p. 1 The Lament of Tasso p. 77 Beppo p. 95 Mazeppa p. 143 Ode on Venice p. 179 The Morgante Maggiore (Canto I.) p. 187 The Prophecy of Dante (Cantos I.-IV.) p. 259 Occasional Pieces: Versicles (and 14 others) p. 307 Vol. XII.:—Francesca of Rimini p. 1 Stanzas to the Po p. 13 Stanzas (Written on the Road, etc.) p. 19 The Blues p. 21 Marino Faliero (App.) p. 43 The Vision of Judgment (App.) p. 231 Occasional Pieces: Stanzas ["Could Love for ever"] (and 5 others) p. 317 Vol. XIII.:—Heaven and Earth p. 1 Sardanapalus p. 55 The Two Foscari p. 197 The Deformed Transformed p. 301 Vol. XIV.:—Cain (App.) p. 1 Werner p. 113 The Age of Bronze p. 263 The Island p. 299 Stanzas: To a Hindoo Air p. 357 Lines ("On this day," etc.) p. 358 Vol. XV.:—Preface to Don Juan p. 3 Testimonies of Authors p. 5 Letter to the Editor of "My Grandmother's Review" p. 41 Some Observations upon an article in Blackwood's p. 55 Magazine (August, 1819. [Now first pub.]) Fragment ("I would to heaven," etc.) p. 100 Dedication to Robert Southey, Esq. p. 101 Don Juan (Cantos I.-III.) p. 109 Vol. XVI.:—Don Juan (Cantos IV., V., App.) p. 1 Preface to Cantos VI., VII., VIII. p. 127 Cantos VI.-X. p. 133 Vol. XVII.:—Don Juan (Cantos XI.-XVI.) p. 1 Appendix: Farewell to Malta (and nine additional p. 239 occasional pieces Concluding Page of Lord Byron's "Observations upon an p. 247 Article," etc. Index p. 249
Note (1).—The Title-pages of Vols. XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., issued in 1833, do not specify the total number of volumes. The Title-pages of Vol. I. issued in 1835, Vol. II. in 1833, and Vol. IX. in 1834, print the words, "In Seventeen Volumes." There were probably other variations. There is an illustrated Title-page ornamented with a Title-vignette (vide supra et ante) to each volume.
Note (2).—The editor of these volumes was John Wright (1770?-1844), the editor of Cobbett's Parliamentary History, and the ninth and tenth volumes of Boswell's Life of Johnson (1836), and of Sir Henry Cavendish's Debates of the House of Commons during the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain, etc., two vols. 1841-3.
The Complete Works, etc., including his suppressed poems and others never before published. In Four Volumes. Paris, Baudry. 1832. [8.
[Katalog der Bucher, von Eduard Grisebach, 1894, p. 127.]
Note.—The Front. is "Lord Byron," from a portrait by Hopwood. Qurard, 1846, gives the names of the publishers of this edition as Baudry, Barrois, Amyot.
The Works, etc., In Verse and Prose. Including his Letters, Journals, etc. With a sketch of his Life. New York: George Dearborn, Publisher. 1833. 4. pp. xxviii., 203, 619. ["... The first complete edition of the Poetical and Prose Works of Lord Byron."—Publisher's Advt.]
Note.—The Catalogue of the Library of Congress, 1880, describes this or a Second Edition as consisting of two vols. in one, 8.
The/ Complete Works/ of Lord Byron,/ Reprinted from the last London Edition,/ with considerable additions, now first published;/ Containing/ Notes and Illustrations/ By/ Moore, Walter Scott, Campbell, Jeffrey, Egerton Brydges, Wilson, Hobhouse,/ Dallas, Hunt, Milman, Lockhart, Bowles, Heber, Medwin, Gamba, Croby, Ugo Foscolo, Ellis,/ Kennedy, Parry, Stanhope, Gait, Nathan, Lady Blessington, Mrs. Shelley, etc./ And/ A Complete Index;/ To which is prefixed/ A Life,/ By Henry Lytton Bulwer, Esq., M.P.,/ In one Volume./ Paris/ Published by A. and W. Galignani and Co./ 1835./ [8.
Pp. xxxiii. + 935—Half-title (R. Printed by H. and A. Firmin Didot, rue Jacob, No. 24.), pp. i., ii.; Title, pp. iii., iv.; (Publisher's) Advt., pp. v., vi.; Cont. pp. vii.-x.; The Life of Lord Byron, pp. xi.-xxxiii.; Text pp. 1-908; Index, pp. 909-935.
The Frontispiece is a portrait of Lord Byron, engr. by J.T. Wedgwood from a painting by W.E. West. The portrait in arabesque frame rests on picture of Newstead Abbey and Missolunghi (sic), designed by F. Sieurac. There is a lithographed vignette of tomb, harp, wreath, etc., on the title-page, and a lithograph of the memorial tablet in the chancel of Hucknall Torkard. A facsimile of the letter dated Venice, April 27, 1819, precedes the text, and facsimiles of original MS. of "To D——," and of Childe Harold, Canto IV. stanza xcii., face pp. 3, 122.
Miscellaneous Poems—
On an Old Lady ("In Nottingham," etc.) p. 842 On Lord Elgin ("Noseless himself," etc.) p. 864 Stanzas to her who can best understand them p. 887 Epigram from Martial ("The Laureate's House," etc.) p. 888 To Mr. Hobhouse ("Would you get," etc.) ib. To Mr. Hobhouse ("What made you," etc.) ib. On Queen Caroline p. 901 Elegy on the Recovery of Lady —— p. 903 Song, "Do you know Doctor Nott?" ib. To —— ("But once I dared," etc.) p. 904 On Sam Rogers ("Nose and Chin," etc.) ib. On Lady Milbank's Dog Trim p. 905 Lines to Lady Holland ("Lady, accept," etc.) ib. Attributed Poems: To Jessy ("There is a mystic," etc.) p. 906 Lines found in the Travellers' Book at Chamouni ib. To Lady Caroline Lamb p. 907 To the Prince of Whales ib. On the letter I p. 908 To my dear Mary Anne ib. Stanzas ("I heard thy fate," etc.) ib.
Note.—This edition includes the contents of "the last [edition] published in London in seventeen volumes," together with the poems published in the Appendix to the Works of Lord Byron (1832-1833, xvii. 238-248), and the following pieces not recognized or collected by John Murray.
The Complete Works, etc. In Four Volumes. Paris, Baudry, Amyot, Truchy. 1835. [8.
[Qurard, 1846.]
Note.—This edition was reissued in 1840.
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Complete In One Volume./ With Notes By/
Thomas Moore, Esq., Lord Jeffrey, Sir Walter Scott, Bishop Heber, Samuel Rogers, Esq., Professor Wilson, J.G. Lockhart, Esq., George Ellis, Esq., Thomas Campbell, Esq., Rev. H.H. Milmand,
etc. etc. etc.
London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1837./ [8.
Pp. viii. + 827—Title (R. London:/ Printed by A. Spottiswoode,/ New-Street-Square./), pp. i., ii.; Contents, pp. iii.-vi.; Chronology of Lord Byron's Life and Works, pp. vii., viii.; Text, pp. 1-812; Index, pp. 813-827. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 827.
The Frontispiece, "Lord Byron at the age of 19," is engr. by E. Finden from the portrait by G. Sanders. The illustrated Title is embellished with a vignette of "Newstead Abbey," engr. by E. Finden from a painting by T. Creswick.
The Dedication is enclosed in an arabesque of oak branches issuing from a shield bearing the arms and motto. (Industria) of Sir Robert Peel. It runs as follows: To/ The Right Honorable/ Sir Robert Peel, Bart./ etc. etc. etc./ This/ Collective Edition/ of The Works of His/ "School and Form Fellow,"/ Is/ Respectfully Inscribed/ By His/ Faithful and Obedient Servant/ John Murray,/ February Fifth./ MDCCCXXXVII./
Facsimiles of Lord Byron's Handwriting at Various Periods of His Life, viz.: I. At Harrow in 1803. II. From the Giaour, 1813. First draft. III. Marriage Signatures of Lord and Lady Byron, January 2, 1815. IV. From Lord Byron's Diary, 1821. V. From Lord Byron's last letter to Mr. Murray, dated Missalonghi, February 2, 1824 (four pages, n.p.) are inserted between the "Chronology," etc., and the Text.
The first edition was bound in brown cloth. Lord Byron's Coat of Arms, with Coronet, Supporters and Motto, is stamped in gold on the cover.
Note.—This Edition, which is printed in double columns enclosed by a double line, has been reissued at brief intervals from 1838 to 1902.
The contents of this volume includes the contents of Vols. VII.-XVII. of the Ed. 1832, 1833, together with the following additions already printed (except No. 4) in Vols. I.-VI.:—
1. Translation of ... Nurse's Dole ("Oh, how I wish," etc.) p. 546
2. My Epitaph ("Youth, Nature," etc.) ib.
3. Remember thee! Remember thee! p. 554
4. John Keats p. 574
5. Impromptu ("Beneath Blessington's eyes") p. 577
6. To the Countess of Blessington ib.
Appendix: Conversations of Lord Byron as related by Thomas p. 809 Medwin, Esq., compared with a Portion of His Lordship's Correspondence. Published, Ed. 1828, iv. 419-429.
The/ Complete Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ From the last London Edition,/ Now first collected and arranged, and Illustrated/ With all the notes/ By Sir Walter Scott [and 24 others—five lines] To which is prefixed the Life of the Author/ By John Galt, Esq./ In one Volume./ Paris:/ Baudry's European Library,/ Rue Du Coq, near the Louvre./ A. and W. Galignani and Co., 18, Rue Vivienne./ Sold also by Amyot, Rue de la Paix; Truchy, Boulevard des Italiens; Theophile Barrois, Jun.,/ Rue Richelieu; at the Librairie des Etrangers, 55, Rue Neuve-Saint-Augustin;/ And by all the Principal Booksellers on the Continent./ 1837./ [8.
Pp. II + cxxii + 954—Half-title (R. Printed by Casimir, 12, Rue de la Vieille-Monnaie); Title, one leaf; Publisher's Advt., pp. 1-6; Contents, pp. 7-11; The Life of Lord Byron. By John Galt, Esq., pp. i.-cxxii.; Text, pp. 1-941; Index, pp. 943-954. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 954.
The Frontispiece, "Lord Byron at the age of 17" (sic), is engr. by Blanchard from the painting by G. Sanders. The Title-page is embellished with a vignette of a shipwreck.
Facsimiles of Lord Byron's Handwriting, etc. (as in No. li.), four pages (n.p.), are inserted between the "Life," and the Text.
Note.—This volume "contains all the works of Lord Byron carefully reprinted from the [last eleven volumes of the] London edition published by Mr. Murray in 1833." The prose pieces published in Vol. VI. of the same edition are included. The additional poems printed in the Appendix of Vol. XVII., 1833, "occupy respectively their proper places."
Galt's Life of Lord Byron was first published in 1830 as No. 1 of G.A. Gleig's "National Library."
The Works, etc., Complete in one Vol. With Notes by Th. Moore, Lord Jeffrey, etc. Authorized Foreign Edition. London and Leipzig: Black and Armstrong. 1837.
Note.—Kayser (1841) records the issue of The Works in seventeen volumes, and The Complete Works in ten volumes (pocket edition), by the same publisher. (See, too, The Prisoner of Chillon, by E. Klbing, 1896)
Lord Byron's Complete Works. In Seven Vols. Mannheim. Henry Hoff. 1837. [16.
[Kayser, 1841.]
The Complete Works, etc. Including the Suppressed Poems and Supplementary pieces selected from his papers after his Death. In one Vol. Paris. Published by Gamier, Palais-Royal. 1839. [4.
Pp. xlv. + 724.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ In Eight Volumes./ Vol. I.—Part I./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1839.-[4.
Note.—This edition (printed by A. Spottiswoode, New-Street-Square), together with Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, etc., by T. Moore. 2 v. 1830. 4. ("to which have been added the Letter to [John Murray] on the Rev. W.L. Bowles' Strictures on the life and writings of Pope.... Second Edition, and a few other printed papers, also numerous views, portraits, autograph letters," etc.) bound in 44 vols. with the gen. Title (The/ Poetical Works,/ Letters and Journals,/ of/ Lord Byron:/ with/ Notices of His Life./ By/ Thomas Moore, Esq./ Vol. I. [Vol. II.] London: 1844./), printed expressly for the purpose and prefixed to each volume, which is known as the "Watts" Collection (B.M.C. 44, e-h), was arranged by the late William Watts, Esq., Member of the Philharmonic Society, who died at Jersey, December 28, 1859, aged 81. (See Klbing's P. of Chillon, 1896, pp. 90-92.)
The Works, etc. Complete in Five Vols. Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz. 1842. [8.
Note.—A Second Edition was issued in 1886.
The Works, etc. A New Edition. Edited by Thomas Moore, Esq. Complete in four volumes. With Engravings. Philadelphia. Carey and Hart. 1843.
The Complete Works, etc.... A Life by Thomas Moore, Esq. In One Volume. With a Portrait. Second Edition. Frankfort o. M. Published by Joseph Baer.; 1846. [8.
Pp. xlviii. + 1004.
Note.—Another edition appeared in 1852 (vide post, No. lxv.).
The/ Works of Lord Byron;/ In Verse and Prose./ Including/ His Letters, Journals, etc./ With/ A Sketch of His Life./ Hartford:/ Published by Silas Andrus and Son./ 1847./ [8.
Pp. xxviii. + 319 + 627—Illustrated Title as above (n.d.), pp. iii., iv.; Title (R. Publishers' Advt, New York, Jan. 1834), pp. v., vi.; Cont. pp. vii.—xiv.; The Life of Lord Byron [By Fitz Green Halleck], pp. xv.-xxviii.; Text (i.) Letters (635), Extracts from a Journal, and Prose Pieces, pp. 1-319; Text (ii.) Poems, etc., pp. 1-627.
The Front., "Lady Noel Byron," is engr. by A. Dick from a painting by W.J. Newton. The vignette or illust. title is Lord Byron, engr. by A. Dick from a painting by W.E. West. To face p. 1 of the Poems is "Diodati," engr. by M. Osborne from a sketch by W. Purser; to face p. 156, "Mazeppa," engr. by Illman and Pilbrow from a painting by H. Verner; facsimiles of Lord Byron's handwriting face pp. 25, 384.
The volume was issued in roan binding, with portrait of Byron stamped in gold on the covers.
Among "Poems not included in any Collection of Lord Byron's Works until after his Death," pp. 467-488, are the following pieces not included in the London editions of 1831, 1832, and of 1833.
To my dear Mary Anne p. 472 To Miss Chaworth ("Oh, memory," etc.) ib. To Lady Caroline Lamb p. 480 "In the Valley of Waters," etc. p. 482 Stanzas to her who can best understand them p. 486
The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron:/ With a/ Life and Illustrative Notes,/ By/ William Anderson, Esq.,/ Author of Landscape Lyrics, Scottish Popular Biography, etc./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II.] A Fullarton & Co.:/ Stead's Place, Leith Walk, Edinburgh;/ and 106, Newgate Street, London./ n.d. [1850.] [8.
Vol. I.: pp. ccxxiv. + 270—Title (R. Edinburgh:/ Fullarton and Macnab, Printers, Leith Walk), pp. i., ii.; Preface, pp. iii., iv.; Cont. of Vol. I. pp. v., vi.; Life of Lord Byron, pp. vii.-ccxxiv.; Text, pp. 1-270. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 270.
The Front. ["Lord Byron at the age of 19"] is engr. by E. Finden from the painting by G. Sanders. The illustrated Title-page [The/ Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ With Notes and Illustrations./ Vol. I./ Edinburgh:/ A Fullarton & Co./ Stead's Place, Leith Walk./] is embellished with a vignette of "Lausanne," engr. by W. Finden from a drawing by C. Stansfield, A.R.A.
Vol. II.: pp. 1-465—Title (R. Imprint as above); Cont. of Vol. II.; Text, pp. 1-465. The Imprint, as above, is at the foot of p. 465.
The Front., "Newstead Abbey," is engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by W. Westall, A.R.A. The illustrated Title-page is embellished with a vignette, "Villeneuve," engr. by E. Finden from a drawing by C. Stansfield, A.R.A.
Note.—These volumes contain all that "the existing laws of copyright [1850] allows to be free;" e.g. all the dramas except Manfred and Cain, The Island, The Age of Bronze, etc., are omitted. In Vol. i. the Life and Text are illust. by 56 Plates; in Vol. II. the Text is illust. by 41 Plates. Two pages (B.R.) headed, "Directions for placing the Plates," and "Directions for placing Plates in Supplement," are bound up with Vol. II.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Complete in One Volume./ Collected and Arranged, with Illustrative Notes,/ By/ Thomas Moore/ [and 9 others]. With a Portrait, and View of Newstead Abbey./ Philadelphia./ 1850./ [8.
Pp. 829.
Note.—Reissued by the same firm with different addresses in 1854, 1869, 1878, etc. This edition is a reproduction of Murray's one-volume edition of 1837.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Containing/ The Giaour,/ [and 17 others]. Also/ Several Attributed and Suppressed Poems not/ Included in Other Editions./ With a Memoir,/ By/ Henry Lytton Bulwer, Esq./ London:/ Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden./ 1851./ [12.
Pp. xlviii. + 641.
Attributed Poems—
Ode ("Oh, shame to thee") p. 624 Madame Lavalette p. 626 Farewell to England p. 627 To my Daughter, Etc. p. 627 Ode to the Island of St. Helena p. 636 To the Lily of France p. 638 To Jessy p. 640 Lines addressed to Mr. Hobhouse p. 641 Enigma (H.) ib.
Note.—The Front. is "Lord Byron," by Harlow, Sanders, and Phillips (three vignettes), with arabesque border surmounted by arms and coronet. The Title-vignette (on illustrated Title-page, dated 1847) is "Newstead Abbey."
The Poetical Works, etc. Complete in One Volume. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo and Co., successors to Grigg, Elliot and Co., N 14, North Fourth Street. 1851. [6.
Note.—A reissue, entitled The Globe Edition, Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen, and Haffelfinger, appeared in 1870.
The/ Complete Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Reprinted from the Last London Edition;/ Containing Besides the/ Notes and Illustrations/ By/ Moore, (and 24 others = 4 lines). Considerable Additions and Original Notes;/ To which is Prefixed/ a Life/ By Thomas Moore, Esq./ [Abbreviated.] In One Volume, with a Portrait./ Second Edition./ Frankfort o.M./ Published by Joseph Baer, Bookseller./ 1852./ [8.
Pp. xlviii. + 1004.
The Front., "Lord Byron at the age of 19," is engr. by C. Deucker from the painting by G. Sander (sic).
The "Miscellaneous Poems" are identical with the Miscellaneous Poems of No. xlviii., save for the omission of the lines, "In Nottingham County," etc., and twelve lines from the ballad "On Mr. Hobhouse."
The/ Illustrated/ Byron/ with upwards of/ Two Hundred Engravings/ From Original Drawings/ By/ Kenny Meadows/ Birket Foster/ Hablot K. Browne/ Gustave Janet/ and/ Edward Morin./ Henry Vizetelly London. Gough Sq., Fleet St./ [1854, 1855.] [8.
Pp. viii. + 632.
Poetical Works, with a memoir of his life. (2 vols.) Philadelphia. 1853. [8.
[Detroit Public Library.]
Poetical Works, etc. With life and notes by Allan Cunningham. Family ed. London, Charles Daly, 17 Greville Street, Hatton Gardens. [1854.] [12.
[Cat. of Lib. of Congress, 1880.]
Pp. xxii. + 544. 10 pl.
The Works, etc., embracing his suppressed poems, and a sketch of his life. Illustrated. New edition, complete in one volume. Boston: Phillips, Sampson, and Company, 110 Washington Street. 1854. [4.
Pp. vi. + 1071.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ In Six Volumes—Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] A New Edition./ With Portrait./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1855./ [8.
Note.—Front., Portrait of Lord Byron, by T. Phillips, R.A., engr. by E. Finden. [Murray's "Library Edition," reissued in 1857 and in 1867.]
(In this Edition Objectionable Pieces have been excluded.)/ The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ With Life./ Eight engravings on Steel./ Edinburgh:/ Gall and Inglis, 6 George Street;/ London: Houlston and Wright./ [1857.] [8.
Pp. xix. + 524.
Note.—The Ed. omits Canto IV. of Childe Harold, all the dramas except Manfred, and gives "extracts" from Don Juan, "a poem unfit to be printed in this collection entire." Another edition, including the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold's, etc., Mazeppa, and the Ode on Venice, enclosed in coloured vignette borders, was issued in 1881.
The Poetical Works, etc. Complete in One Vol. Illustrated. New York. Leavitt and Allen. 1857. [4.
Pp. xxxiii. + 935.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Complete./ New Edition, The Text Carefully Revised./ With Portrait./ London: John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1857./ [8.
Pp. viii. + 685. The Front., "Statue of Byron by Thorwaldsen," is engr. by W. Holl.
Note.—The arrangement of the poems differs from the edition of 1837. [Hours of Idleness; Occasional Pieces; Hebrew Melodies; Domestic Pieces; Later "Occasional Pieces;" The Satires; Childe Harold; The Tales; The Dramas; Beppo; Don Juan; Notes; Index.] This edition is known as the "Pearl" Edition. There was a reissue in 1867, with a new Title-page and without the line-border.
The Poetical Works, etc. Collected and arranged with notes by Sir Walter Scott, Lord Jeffrey, Professor Wilson, Thomas Moore, etc. New and Complete Edition. With Portrait and Illustrated Engravings. London: John Murray, etc. 1859. [8.
Pp. x. + 827.
Note.—This edition was reissued in 1866, 1873, 1876, and 1883.
The Poetical Works, etc. With copious illustrative notes, and a memoir of his life. Complete in One Vol. Illust. with elegant steel engravings. Philadelphia: James B. Smith & Co., No. 27, South Seventh Street. 1859. [8.
Pp. 715.
The Poetical Works, etc. Collected and arranged with notes by Sir Walter Scott, Lord Jeffrey, etc. New and Complete Edition. With Portrait. London: 1860. Leipzig. B. Tauchnitz. [8.
Pp. x. + 828.
Note.—An edition of The Works, etc., forming part of the "Collection of British Authors" (16), was issued by B. Tauchnitz, at Leipzig, 1865-1870. [Kayser, 1865, 1871.]
The Poetical Works, etc. In Three Vols. F.A. Brockhaus. Leipzig. 1860. [8.
Note.—Part of the "Library of British Poets." A Second Edition was issued in 1867. [Kayser, 1866.]
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ With Illustrations/ By Keeley Halswelle./ Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 2 St. David Street./ London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co./ 1861. [8
Pp. xxii + 673.
Note.—The Life of Lord Byron, pp. v.-xv., is by Alexander Leighton. The dramas are represented by Manfred, Heaven and Earth, and Cain; the Satires by English Bards, etc., The Waltz, and Vision of Judgment, ... Don Juan by numerous extracts. Red line-borders.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ In Ten Volumes./ Vol. I. [Vol. II., etc.] Boston:/ Little, Brown and Company./ New York: Phinney, Blakeman and Mason./ Cincinnati: Rickey, Mallory and Co./ 1861./ [8.
Note (1).—Vol. I. contains Life of Lord Byron [Excerpt from the Encycl. Brit., by J.H. Lister], pp. xi.-xxxv.; Hours of Idleness (71), and all the "Occasional Pieces," 1807-1824. Vol. II., The Satires; Ode to N.B.; Heb. Melodies; "Domestic Pieces;" Ode on Venice; Monody, etc.; Lament of Tasso, etc. Vol. III., Beppo; Proph. of Dante; Francesca, etc.; the Poems published in The Liberal; The Age of Bronze. Vol. IV., Childe Harold's, etc. Vol. V., "The Tales." Vols. VI., VII., VIII., The Dramas. Vols. IX., X., Don Juan. The Front. of Vol. I. is "Byron," by T. Phillips, R.A.
Note (2).—This edition professes to be an amended reprint of the London Edition of 1856 in Six Volumes. Doubtful and "attributed" poems are not included.
The Poetical Works, etc. With Life of the Author, and Copious Notes. Beautifully illustrated. Family Edition. Halifax: Milner and Sowerby. 1863. [8.
Pp. xv. + 702.
Note.—Two other editions of the same work were issued in 1865 by the firm, imprinted London; Milner and Sowerby, Paternoster Row. [Klbing.]
The Poetical Works/ of Lord Byron./ With Illustrations./ [Life by A. Leighton.] New Edition Carefully Revised./ Edinburgh:/ William P. Nimmo./ [1868.] [8.
Pp. 437.
Note.—This edition includes three dramas, Manfred, Cain, Heaven and Earth; Childe Harold, and Don Juan, but omits Hints from Horace, The Age of Bronze, The Island, The Blues, etc., and occasional Pieces first included in the ed. of 1831.
The Poetical Works/ of Lord Byron./ Reprinted from the Original Editions./ With explanatory notes, etc./ London:/ Frederick Warne and Company./ Bedford Street, Covent Garden./ New York: Scribner, Welford and Co./ [1868.] [16.
Pp. vii. + 638.
Note.—Part of the "Chandos Classics."
Klbing notes another edition, pp. viii. + 668.
A Third Edition: London and New York.
A Fourth Edition: Portrait and Original Illustrations. Part of "The Lansdowne Poets."
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron:/ With/ Life and Portrait,/ and/ Sixteen Illustrations./ By F. Gilbert./ London:/ John Dicks, 313, Strand./ [1869.] [8.
Pp. xv. + 457. Double columns.
The Poetical Works, etc. New Edition. In Eight Volumes. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1870. [8.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Edited, with a Critical Memoir,/ By/ William Michael Rossetti./ Illustrated by/ Ford Madox Brown./ London:/ E. Moxon, Son, & Co., Dover Street./ 1870./ [8.
Pp. xx. + 604.
Note.—Hints from Horace, Translation of Francesca of Rimini, and Occasional Pieces, first included in the edition of 1831, are omitted. This edition was reissued in 1872.
The Complete/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ with an Introductory Memoir/ by/ William B. Scott/ With Illustrations/ London/ George Routledge and Sons/ The Broadway, Ludgate/ New York: 416, Broome Street/ [1874] [8.
Pp. 750.
Note.—Double columns bordered with red lines.
The Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ Illustrated Edition/ London/ Virtue and Co., City Road and Ivy Lane/ [1874] [8.
Pp. cliv. + 614.
The Front., "Byron," is engr. by W.J. Edwards from the portrait by T. Phillips, R.A. The Title-vignette is "The Corsairs' Isle," and there are fifty other line engravings.
Note.—This edition includes six "Attributed Poems," but omits Hints from Horace, Transl. of Francesca of Rimini, and the Occasional Pieces first collected in the editions of 1831 and 1832-1833. This edition was reissued in 1879.
Poetical Works, etc., embracing his suppressed poems, and a sketch of his life. New Edition.... (Portrait ... 8 plates.) Boston: Lee & Shepard. 1874. [8.
[Cat. of Lib. of Congress, 1880.]
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ London:/ Ward, Lock, and Co., Warwick House,/ Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C./ [1878.] [8.
Pp. vii. + 604. [Double column.]
The Poetical Works, etc., complete in one Vol. Collected and arranged, with illustrative notes by Thomas Moore, etc., ... Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1878. [8.
Pp. 829.
Note.—A reproduction of Murray's Edition of 1855. [Klbing.]
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Edited, With a Critical Memoir,/ By/ William Michael Rossetti./ Illustrated by/ Thomas Seccombe./ London:/ Ward, Lock, & Co., Warwick House,/ Dorset Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.C./ [1880.] [8.
Pp. xx. + 604.
Note.—Part of "Moxon's Popular Poets." This edition does not contain Hints from Horace, Francesca of Rimini, or the Occasional Pieces first collected in the editions of 1831, 1832-1833. The Prefatory Note is by W.M. Rossetti. Double columns bordered with red lines. The same edition, bordered with different red lines and printed on large paper, was issued in 1881.
The Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Reprinted from the Original Editions,/ With Life, Explanatory Notes, etc./ London:/ Frederick Warne and Co.,/ Bedford Street, Strand./ [1881.] [8.
Pp. xvi. + 720.
Note.—"This edition (known as 'The Albion Edition') contains the whole of Byron's Poems and Dramas, with his Original Notes."—Publisher's Preface. The Albion Edition was reissued by Warne and Co. in 1897.
The Complete/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ With an Introductory Memoir/ By/ William B. Scott/ London/ George Routledge and Sons/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ New York: 9, Lafayette Place/ 1883/ [8.
Pp. 750.
The Front. is the portrait of Lord Byron by G. Sanders; the vignette on Title-page is "Newstead Abbey."
Note.—This edition (double column), which includes all poems published in the one-volume edition of 1837 (No. li.), was reissued in three volumes, 1883, 1886, 1887. Each volume concludes with an Index of First Lines.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ With Life./ Engravings on Steel./ Gall & Inglis./ Edinburgh:/ Bernard Terrace./ London:/ 25 Paternoster Sq^r. / [1881.] [8.
Pp. xviii. + 576.
Note.—This edition, which repeats the order and contents of that issued by Gall and Inglis in 1857 (No. lxxi.), adds the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold's, etc., Mazeppa, and the Ode on Venice. Coloured vignette-borders.
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ With Original and Additional Notes./ In Twelve Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] Hours of Idleness./ English Bards and Scotch Reviewers./ London:/ Suttaby and Co., Amen Corner./ New York:/ Scribner and Welford./ 1885./ [8.
Note.—This edition includes all poems contained in the edition of 1837, but omits the prose pieces.
The Poetical Works, etc. Complete in one vol. Collected and arranged with illustrative notes by Thomas Moore, etc. New York: P.F. Collier. [1886?]
Pp. viii. + 820. [Klbing.]
The Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Edited by/ Mathilde Blind./ Miscellaneous Poems./ London:/ Walter Scott, 24, Warwick Lane, E.G./ and Newcastle-on-Tyne./ 1886./ [16.
Pp. xxviii. + 280.
Note.—Part of the "Canterbury Poets." This volume contains Introductory Notice by Mathilde Blind, pp. vii.-xxviii.; "Miscellaneous Poems" (including Vision of Judgment, Manfred, Cain, etc.), pp. 1-280.
The Poetical Works/ etc. Edited by/ Mathilde Blind./ Childe Harold./ Don Juan./ London, etc./ 1886./ [16.
Pp. 1-369.
Note.—These volumes (Nos. xcvii., xcviii.) were issued separately. Red line-borders.
The Life and Works of, etc., With Notes and Illustrations. ["Centenary Edition."] In Two Volumes. Thomas C. Jack, London, Edinb. and Glasgow. 1888.
The Complete/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ With an Introductory Memoir/ By/ William B. Scott/ London/ George Routledge and Sons, Limited/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ Glasgow, Manchester, and New York/ 1890/ [8.
Pp. 750. Double columns.
Note.—Part of "Routledge's Popular Library." The Front. is an illust. of Childe Harold, Canto III. stanza xxi., and the Title-vignette, "Newstead Abbey."
The Poetical Works, etc. New York: John W. Lovell, Company, 50, Worth Street, Corner Mission Place. 1890? [8.
Pp. ii. + 544. [Klbing.]
The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ With Original and Additional Notes./ In Twelve Volumes./ Vol. I. [Vol. II., etc.] Hours of Idleness./ English Bards and Scotch Reviewers./ Griffith Farran Okeden & Welsh/ Newbery House, Charing Cross Road/ London, and Sydney./ [1891.] [8.
Note.—This edition (The "Bijou Byron") is a reissue of The Poetical Works, etc., published by Suttaby and Co. (No. xcv.) in 1885.
The Poetical Works, etc., Complete Edition. In Three Vols. William W. Gibbings. London. 1892.
Note.—A reprint of the Leipzig edition of 1880, published by F.A. Brockhaus.
Works. "Bijou Ed." 12 Vols. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co. 1892. [Pocket size.
[Amer. Cat., 1892.]
Dramatic and Poetical Works. "Newstead Ed." Philadelphia, D. McKay. 1895. [8.
[Amer. Cat., 1895.]
Pp. 720.
Oxford Miniature Byron/ The/ Poetical Works/ of/ Lord Byron/ In Four Volumes—Vol. I./ London/ Henry Frowde/ Oxford University Press Warehouse/ Amen Corner, E.C./ New York: 91 and 93, Fifth Avenue/ 1896/ [16.
Note.—"We are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. John Murray, publisher of the edition of 1867, for permission to use any copyright matter contained in that issue."—Publisher's Advt.
The Poetical/ Works of/ Lord/ Byron/ London/ Bliss/ Sands & Co/ XII. Burl-/ Eigh St./ Strand/ W.C./ [1897] [4.
Pp. xvi + 727.
Note.—This edition forms part of "The Apollo Poets." The Front., "Lord Byron," is a Lamerciergravure, printed in Paris, of the portrait by T. Phillips, R.A.
Poetical Works, etc. New Edition, carefully revised. With illustrations. W.P. Nimmo. 1897. [8.
[English Catalogue, 1898.]
Note.—Part of the "Edinburgh Library of Standard Authors."
Poetical Works. (Ed. by T. Moore.) In four volumes. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott Co. 1897. [12.
[Amer. Cat., 1898.]
The Poetical Works, etc. With Notes, and a memoir of the author. Pictorial Edition. London: George Henny & Co., Bartholomew Close. [n.d.]
Pp. cliv. + 344.
The Poetical Works, etc. With explanatory notes and a life of the author, by Thomas Moore. Illustrated with numerous fine steel engravings, embracing the principal female characters, landscape and historical subjects. First quarto edition complete in [? one] volume. New York: Johnson, Fry and Company, 27 Beekman Street. n.d. [4.
Pp. ii. + 740 + xxviii.
The Poetical Works, etc. Complete in one volume. Collected and arranged with illustrative notes by Thomas Moore, etc. New York: P.F. Collier. [1889?] [Fol.
Pp. viii. + 820.
The Poetical Works, etc. New York: Hurst & Co., Publishers, 122 Nassau Street. [n.d.]
Pp. vi. + 608.
Oeuvres/ Compltes/ de Lord Byron,/ Traduites de l'Anglais/ Par MM.A.—P. et E.—D.S.; [Amde Pichot et Eusbe de Salle]/ Troisime dition,/ Entirement revue et corrige./ Tome premier./ Paris,/ Ladvocat, Libraire, Palais-Royal,/ Galerie de Bois, No. 195./ 1821./ [12.
Note.—Vols. I.-VIII. were issued in 1821; Vols. IX. and X. (in two parts) in 1822. Vol. I. (pp. i.-xlv.) is preceded by Notice sur Lord Byron, et ses Ecrits, par Amde Pichot. Vols. XI.-XV. (Oeuvres, etc./ Traduites de l'Anglais/ Par A.P. ... T./) with Gen. half-title, Oeuvres/ de/ Lord Byron./ Indites,/ were issued in 1824.
In the Museum copy of this edition an unnumbered volume entitled Essai/ Sur le Gnie et le Caractre/ de Lord Byron,/ Par A.P.... T.,/ Prcd/ d'une Notice Prliminaire/ Par M. Charles Nodier./ Extracts de la Quatrime Edition des Oeuvres/ Compltes de Lord Byron,/ (six volumes in-8 orns de vignettes.) Paris./ Ladvocat, etc./ 1824,/ which includes an essay Sur la Mort de Byron, and a transl. of Heaven and Earth, pp. 195-252, is bound up with Vol. XV.
Note (1).—"Oeuvres de lord Byron. Quatrime dition, entirement revue et corrige par A.P.... T.; prcde d'une notice sur lord Byron, par M. Charles Nodier; orne de vignettes ... A Paris, chez Ladvocat, libraire, Palais-Royal, galerie de bois, No. 195 (Impr. Firmin Didot), MDCCCXXII.-MDCCCXXV. (1822-1825), 8 vols. in-8, conv. impr. Tome I: [Tome II., etc. (in 8 vols.)], 2 ff. (faux-titre et titre); xvi. pp. (notice prliminaire de Ch. Nodier); clii. pp. (Essai sur lord Byron); 4 pp. (Table gnrale des matires pour les tomes I. VI.); 249 pp.; et 1 f.n. ch. (annonce d'ouvrages).
"Frontispiece grav par Godefroy; portrait de lord Byron, grav par Dequevauvilliers; et 5 figures graves d'aprs Richard Westall, par Godefroy, Mougeot, Dequevauvilliers, etc.
"Tome II., etc., etc.
"Les tomes II., III., IV., V., portent la date de 1822; les tomes I. et VI., celle de 1823; le tome VII., celle de 1824; et le tome VIII., la date de 1825." [Manuel de l'Amateur de Livres du XIX^e sicle. Par Georges Vicaire. Paris, 1894. Fascic. 3 (1^re^ Partie), pp. 989, 990.]
Note (2).—"La prem. dit, de cette trad, parut de 1819 1820, et formait 10 vol. in-12; la seconde [dit. fut. publ. de 1820 1822, et formait 5 vol. in-8." [Qurard, La France Littraire, 1827, i. 581.]
"Oeuvres compltes, VI. dit.... Paris, Ladvocat, Delangle, 1829 et ann. suiv., 20 vol. gr. in-18, fig.—Autre dit. Paris, Furne, 1830-35, 6 vol. in-8, et avec 6 vignettes ajoutes. XI. dit., avec une notice historique sur lord Byron, des notes et des pices indites. Paris, Furne, Ch. Gosselin, 1842, grand in-8 deux colonnes, avec 15 vignettes." [Qurard, La Littrature Franaise Contemporaine. 1827-1844. 1846, ii. 486.]
Oeuvres compltes/ de/ Lord Byron,/ avec notes et commentaires,/ Comprenant/ Ses Mmoires publis par Thomas Moore,/ et ornes d'un beau portrait de l'auteur./ Traduction nouvelle/ Par M. Paulin Paris,/ de la Bibliothque du roi./ Tome premier./ Paris./ Dondey-Dupr Pre et Fils, impr.—libr., diteurs,/ Rue Saint-Louis, N 46,/ et rue Richelieu, N 47 bis./ 1830./ [8.
Note (1).—The Front. of Vol. I., "Noel Byron," is engr. by Adele Ethiou, after the portrait by T. Phillips, R.A. The engraver has added a wreath of bay leaves.
Vols. I.-X. were issued in 1830; Vols. XI., XII., XIII., in 1831.
Note (2).-"Il y a une seconde dition, Paris, etc., Dondey-Dupr, 1836, in-8, 13 vol." [Qurard, 1846, ii. 486.]
Oeuvres compltes/ de/ Lord Byron,/ Traduction nouvelle,/ d'aprs la dernire dition de Londres,/ Par/ Benjamin Laroche,/ Traducteur des Oeuvres de J. Bentham, Cooper, etc.;/ avec les notes et commentaires de Sir Walter Scott, etc. [Three Lines]. Prcdes de/ l'histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de Lord Byron,/ Par John Galt./ Tome premier./ Paris./ Charpentier, Libraire-diteur,/ Rue de Seine, No. 31./ 1836./ [8.
Note.—The Front. of Vol. I. is "Byron," after the portrait by T. Phillips, R.A. Vol. I. was issued in 1836, Vols. II.-IV. in 1837. The translator (Post-Scriptum, Vol. IV. p. [827]) claims to have accomplished his work from beginning to end without collaboration or assistance: "cette traduction a t commence, poursuivie et acheve par MOI SEUL."
"II^e dit.... prcde de l'histoire de la vie ... de lord Byron par H. Romand, Paris ... 1837, grand in 8, avec une gravure.
"III^e dit., prcde d'une Notice sur la vie de lord Byron, par M. mile Souvestre, Paris, 1838, in-8, avec portrait et fac-simile.
"IV^e dit. Paris, 1840, 1841. 4 vol. in 12.
"V^e dit, orne d'un fac-simile, et prcde d'une Notice sur lord Byron ... par M. Villemain. Paris, 1843. Grand in-8." [Qurard, 1846, ii. 487.]
"La I^re^ dition de cette traduction a t publie en 1836, 4 vol.... Depuis elle a t rimprime environ 10 fois, d'abord par M. Charpentier et puis par M. Lecou, et en dernier lieu par MM. Hachette et Cie." [Lorenz. Cat. Gn. 1867, i. 407.]
Oeuvres, traduites en vers franais par Orby Hunter, 2 vols. (Paris, Chapelle. 1841-1842.) [8.
[Lorenz, Cat. Gn., 1867, i. 407.]
Oeuvres/ de/ Lord Byron/ Traduites en vers franais/ Par/ Orby Hunter & Pascal Ram/ Tome. fred,—Beppo,—Le Corsair,—Lara/ et Posies diverses/ Paris/ Daussin,/ Libraire/ Place et rue Favart,/ 8 bis/ 1845/ [8.
Vols. I.-III. were issued in 1845.
Note.—Vol. II. contains Marino Faliero; La Fiance, etc.; Parisina; "Inscription sur le Monument d'un chien," etc.; A Venise; "Ode sur l'toile," etc.; "Adieu!—Elgi." Vol. III. contains Don Juan, Chants I.-VI.; Notes.
Oeuvres compltes de lord Byron. Traduction nouvelle de Louis Barr, illustre par Ch. Mettais, E. Bocourt, Ed. Frre, Edition Bry an Paris, en vente la librairie centrale des publications 20 centimes, 5, rue du Pont-de-Lodi, 5 (Typ. Gaittet et Cie.), 1856, gr. in 4.
2 ff. (faux-titre et litre); et 400 pp. Texte imprim sur deux colonnes.
[Manuel de l'Amateur, etc., 1894. Fasc. 3 (I'e Partie), p. 990.]
Oeuvres/ de/ Lord Byron/ Traduction nouvelle/ Prcde d'un/ Essai sur Lord Byron/ Par/ Daniel Le Sueur/ Heures d'oisivet—Childe Harold/ Paris/ Alphonse Lemerre, diteur/ 23-31, passage Choiseul, 23-31./ 1891./ [12.
Note.—The Front., "Lord Byron," is engr. by Fredric Mass after the portrait by G. Sanders. The Title-vignette bears a motto, Fac et Spera, and the initials A.L. A second volume (unnumbered), containing Le Giaour; La Fiance, etc.; Le Corsair; Lara, etc., was issued in 1892. This translation, advertised as Oeuvres Compltes, and described by Lorenz as "Traduction couronne par l'Acadmie franaise," has not been continued.
Lord Byron's Poesien. In 31 volumes. Brothers Schumann, Zwickau. 1821-1828. [16.
Note.—Among the several translators were Julius Krner, Wilhelm Reinhold, Heinrich Doering, August Schumann, Christian Karl Meissner, etc. Vols. I.-VI. appeared in 1821; Vols. VII.-XII. in 1822; Vols. XIII., XIV. in 1824; Vols. XV.-XX. in 1825; Vol. XXI. in 1826; Vols. XXII.-XXVIII. in 1827; and Vols. XXIX.-XXXI. in 1828.
[Lord Byron in Deutschland, von Dr. Csar Flaischlen, Centralblatt fr Bibliothekswesen, 1890, vii. 462-464.]
Lord Byron's/ smmtliche Werke./ Herausgegeben/ von/ Dr. Adrian,/ ordentlichem ffentlichem Professor der neueren Litteratur an der/ Universitt zu Giessen./ Erster Theil./ Lord Byron's Leben./ Mit dem Bildniss, einem Facsimile der Handschrift und der/ Abbildung des Stammsitzes Lord Byron's./ Frankfurt am Main./ Gedruckt und verlegt von Johann David Sauerlnder./ 1830./ [12.
Note.—Vols. X. and XII. were issued in 1831. The several translators were G.H. Barmann, O.L.B. Wolff, K.L. Kannegiesser, A. Hungari, P. von Haugwitz, Ph. A.G. von Meyer (the author of Byron's Leben, i. 3-326), and The Editor. This edition was reissued in twelve vols. (12) in 1837. [Kayser, 1841.]
Dichtungen von Lord Byron. Deutsch v. Gustav Pfizer. 4 Sammlungen. Stuttgart, Liesching. 1836-1839. [8.
Note.—There was a reissue of this work in 1851.
[Centralblatt, etc., 1890, vii. 468, 469.]
Lord Byron's smmtliche Werke. Deutsch v. Adolf Bttger [1 vol., with life and portrait.] Leipzig, Otto Wigand. 1839-40. [8.
[Kayser, 1841.].
Note.—This edition was reissued at Leipzig by Otto Wigand in 1 vol. 8 in 1841, 1844, 1845; in 12 vols. 16 in 1841, 1842, and 1847; in diamond edition, in 12 vols. 16 in 1850, 1852, 1856, 1860, 1861; and in 8 vols. 8 in 1854, 1863, 1864. For the latest edition, vide post, No. xiii. [Kayser, 1848, 1853, 1860, 1865. See, too, Centralblatt, etc., 1890, vii. 457.]
Lord Byron's/ smmtliche Werke./ Nach den/ Anforderungen unserer Zeit/ neu bersetzt von/ Mehreren./ Zweite unvernderte Ausgabe./ Erster Band./ Pforzheim./ Verlag von Dennig Finck & Co./ [Ten Vols.] 1842./ [16. Note (1).—The several translators were E. Ortlepp, Dr. Kottenkamp, H. Kurtz, Professor Duttenhofer, Bardili, Bernd von Guseck.
Note (2).—This edition was first issued in small octavo by Hoffmann at Stutgard, in 1839, and reissued (16) by Scheible, Rieger, and Sattler, 1845, 1846; and in 12 vols. (16) by Rieger at Stutgard, in 1856. [Centralblatt, etc., 1890, vii. 466.]
Lord Byron's smmtliche Werke. [8 Bde.] Deutsch von A. Neidhardt. Berlin, Hofmann. 1865. [8.
[Kayser, 1871.]
Dichtungen/ von/ Lord Byron./ Deutsch/ von/ Wilhelm Schffer./ Die Belagerung von Korinth./ Der Gefangene von Chillon. Die Insel./ Hildburghausen./ Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts. 1865. [8.
Note.—This collected edition of translations forms part of the Bibliothek auslndischer Klassiker, etc.
Don Juan, Cantos I.-VI., transl. by W. Schffer, was issued in two vols. in 1867; Childe Harold's, etc., transl. by A.H. Janert, in 1868; Corsair, Mazeppa, Beppo, by W. Schffer, in 1870; Manfred, Cain, Heaven and Earth, Sardanapalus, by W. Grzmacher, in 1872; Lyrical Pieces, by Heinrich Stadelmann, in 1872; The Giaour, Bride of Abydos, Lara, Parisina, by Adolf Strodtmann, in 1872.
Lord Byron's ausgewhlte Werke, uebersetzt von Mehreren [4 bde.], herausg. von A. Strodtmann. Leipzig, Bibl. Inst. 1865-1872. [8.
[Centralblatt, etc., 1890, vii. 466.]
Lord Byron's/ smmtliche Werke/ in drei Bnden./ Frei berzetzt/ von/ Adolf Seubert./ Erster Band./ Leipzig./ Druck und Verlag von Philipp Reclam jun./ [1874.] [8.
Lord Byron's Werke. Deutsch v. Dr. Adalbert Schroeter. [6 Bde.] Uebersetzt, mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen. Stuttgart. In; Coll. Spemann. 1885-1890. [8.
[Centralblatt, etc., 1890, vii, 470.]
Lord Byron's poetische Werke. In lteren Uebertragungen; eingeleitet durch e. Studie v. Henry T. Tuckermann. Stuttgart. Cotta'sche Bibl. der Weltlitteratur, 1886. [In eight vols.] [8.
[Kayser, 1887.]
Lord Byron's Werke./ Uebersetz/ von/ Otto Gildemeister./ In sechs Bnden./ Erster Band./ Vierte Auflage./ Berlin./ Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer./ 1888./ [8.
Note.—A First Edition appeared in 1864, a second in 1866, and a third in 1877. [Kayser, 1865, 1871, 1883.]
Byron's/ smmtliche Werke./ Von/ Adolf Bttger./ Achte Auflage./ Erster Band./ Leipzig,/ Verlag von Otto Wigand./ 1901./ [8 Bde.] [8.
Modern Greek.
[Greek: Ta Apanta / tou / Byrnos / Tomos Prtos / En Athnais / Ek tou typographeiou tn katastmatn / Anest knstatinidou] 1895/ [Three Vols.] [8.
Note.—This translation includes Mazeppa, Parisina, Childe Harold, The Siege of Corinth, The Bride of Abydos, The Corsair, The Curse of Minerva, Don Juan, The Giaour.
The paper wrapper and the title-page are embellished with a lithograph of the portrait by T. Phillips, R.A.
Opere complete/ di/ Lord Byron/ voltate dall' originale inglese in prosa italiana/ Da/ Carlo Rusconi/ Con note ed illustrazioni del volgarizzatore/ nonch dei signori/ Moore (and 33 others = 6 lines)/ a cui si aggiungono/ I dialoghi di Lord Byron compilati da M. Medwin/ Un saggio sul di lui genio—una prefazione—E un' appendice/ parte desunti da altri scritti, parte tradotti,/ parte originali./ Padova/ coi tipi della Minerva/ 1842/ [8.
Note.—This edition, which forms one volume, pp. xxxix. + 1561, was issued in two parts. A dedication ("A Sua Eccellenza/ Lord Holland/ Ministro Plenipotenziario D'Inghilterra/ alla Corte di Toscana"/) is prefixed to Part I., pp. [ix.]-[xi.].
Opere/ di/ Giorgio Lord Byron/ Precedute/ da alcune avvertenze critiche/ Sulle stesse/ e da un discorso/ di/ Cesare Cant/ prima edizione napolitana adorna di figure incise/ Napoli/ Francesco Rossi-Romano editore/ Trinit Maggiore, 6/ 1853/ [8.
Note.—The Front. is a lithograph of "Lord Byron nell' et di 17 anni," after the portrait by G. Sanders.
The several translators were Giuseppe Gazzino, Giuseppe Nicolini, Pietro Isola, Pellegrino Rossi, Andrea Maffei, Marcello Mazzoni, and P.G.B. Cereseto.
The translation includes Childe Harold, eight tales, and four dramas.
Opere di Lord Byron tradotte ed annotate da Gabr. De Stefano. Napoli, 1857. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
Pp. 625.
Opere/ di/ Lord Giorgio Byron/ Precedute/ da un saggio intorno al genio e al carattere/ Del medesimo/ Volume unico/ Napoli/ Presso Pasquale Perrone libraio-/Editore/ via Costantinopoli, 107./ 1886/ [8.
Note.—The translations include Childe Harold, Don Juan, eight tales, and seven dramas. A reissue with a portrait, and, apparently, wanting pp. 669-[711] of the appendix, appeared in 1891 (Ferdinando Bideri, editore/ Via Costantinopoli, 89).
Poezye/ Lorda Byrona/ w tlumaczeniu Polskim. Wydane staraniem/ Boleslawa Maurycego Wolffa./ Tom. I./ Wȩdrwki Czajlda-Harolda./ Petersburg./ Nakadem i Drukiem B.M. Wolffa./ 1857./ [12.
Note.—No more published.
Poezye Lorda Byrona w przekladzie polskich poetw. Zbiorowe wydanie, pod red. Piotra Chmielowskiego. ("Biblioteka Najcelnijszych Utworw.") [8. Warszawa, 1885, etc.
[Cyrillic: Sochinenaiya Lorda Bairona V" perevodakh" russkikh" ] [Cyrillic: Poztov" izdainykhie pol" redaktsieyu N.V. Gerbelya] 5 TOM. [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"] 1864-66 [16.
Second edition of Gerbel. [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1874-77. In 4 vols.
Third edition. [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1883-84. In 3 vols.
[Cyrillic: Bairon". Evropeĭeskɨe Klassiki V" russkom" persvodie] [Cyrillic: P. Veĭnoerga S.-Peterburg"] 1876.
Note.—The translations include Hebrew Melodies, Sardanapalus, Manfred, Childe Harold's, etc., and Don Juan.
Biblioteca Universal./ Coleccion/ de los/ Mejores autores/ Antiguos y modernos,/ Nationales y extranjeros./ Tomo LXIII./ Lord Byron/ Madrid./ Direccion y administracion/ calle de Leganitos, 18, 2.0/ 1880./ [16.
This translation includes The Corsair, Lara, Darkness, and Hebrew Melodies (6), The Lament of Tasso. The Prologo is by Rafael Ginard de La Rosa.
Byron's Poetiska Berttelser. fversttning af Talis Qualis [C.W.A. Strandberg]. 1. Maseppa.—2. Belgringen af Korinth.—3. Fngen p Chillon.—4. Parisina—5. Beppo.—6. Giaurn.—7. Bruden frn Abydos.—8. On Eller Christian OCH Hans Stllbrder. [8 vols.] Stockholm, J.L. Brudins Frlag. 1854-1856. [12.
The Beauties of Byron, with a sketch of his life and a dissertation on his genius and writings. By Thomas Parry. London: J. Sudbury. 1823.
The Beauties of Byron. Extracts from the works of the Right Hon. Lord Byron. Embellished with engravings on steel. London: J. Limbird. 1827.
Life/ and/ Select Poems/ of/ Lord Byron,/ Arranged, etc./ By C. Hulbert,/ Author of Literary Beauties, Poetical Bouquet, Museum of the World, etc./ London: Sold by all the Booksellers./ [1828.] [12.
Pp. 84.
The Beauties of Lord Byron, selected by B.F. French, 10th ed. [Pp. xi. + 204, 3 pl.] Philadelphia. 1828. [24
[Cat. of Library of Congress, 1880.]
The/ Beauties/ of/ Byron,/ Consisting of/ Selections From His Works./ By J.W. Lake./ [L.B. in Gothic letters, enclosed in bay and oak leaves.] Paris,/ Baudry, at the English, Italian,/ Spanish, German, and Portuguese Library,/ Rue du Coq Saint-Honor, No. 9./ Bobe and Hingray, rue de Richelieu, No. 14./ 1829./ [16
Pp. viii. + 230.
Lord Byron's Select Works. Vols. I.-III. Frankfort a. M Brnner. 1831, 1832. [12
[Kayser, 1834.]
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage; The Giaour; The Siege, etc.; Parisina; The Island; The Prisoner, etc.; Beppo; Mazeppa; The Prophecy, etc.; The Waltz; The Lament, etc.; Hebrew Melodies; Misc. in Prose. By Lord Byron. Paris. 1832. (1 vol.) [8.
["Le Moniteur de la librairie." Courrier de l'amateur de livres. Paris, Barrois. 4^e Anne, 1845, p. 122. (Bibl. Nat. 9, 5610.)]
Lord Byron's Select Poetical Works, containing the Corsair, Lara, the Giaour, the Siege, etc., the Bride, etc., Parisina, Mazeppa, the Prisoner, etc. Paris and Lyons. 1835. [12.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Lord Byron's Select Works. Consisting of Cain, a Mystery; Hours of Idleness; English Bards, etc., with Occ. Pieces and Life of the Author. Asher, London and Berlin. 1837. [32.
[Kayser, 1841.]
The/ Beauties/ of/ Byron:/ Consisting of/ Selections from the Popular Works of/ This most admired Writer./ By Alfred Howard, Esq./ A new Edition./ London:/ Printed for Thomas Tegg and Son, 73, Cheapside;/ R. Griffin and Co., Glasgow./ T.T. and H. Tegg, Dublin:/ also, J. and S.A. Tegg, Sydney and Hobart Town./ 1837./ [12.
Pp. 192.
The/ Beauties/ of/ Byron,/ consisting of/ selections from his Works./ By Alfred Howard, Esq./ London:/ Printed by T. Davison,/ For Thomas Tegg, No. 73, Cheapside;/ R. Griffin and Co. Glasgow;/ and/ J. Cummings, Dublin./ [n.d.] [12.
Pp. 212.
Note.—The following advertisement is printed on the R. of the Gen. Half-title: "To the few persons who have not read Lord Byron's poems, but who, after perusing these specimens, will undoubtedly wish to read the whole of them, we beg leave to say that the only correct editions are published by Mr. Murray, of Albemarle Street, and Messrs. J. & H.L. Hunt, of Tavistock Street. The first eight volumes are to be had from the former publisher; the last two from the latter. All other editions are piracies, and inflict even more injury on the sense and poetry of the noble bard than they do on the property of the proprietors."
Byron's Select Works, containing the Corsair; Lara; Giaour; the Bride, etc.; the Siege, etc.; the Prisoner, etc.; Select Poems, etc., etc.; to which is prefixed a biographical notice of Lord B. by J.W. Lake. Paris, Truchy. 1843. [12.
[Le Moniteur, etc., 1845, p. 122. See, too, Bibl. de la France, Aug. 12, 1843, vol. xxxii. p. 413.]
A Selection from Lord Byron's Poetical Works, containing, etc. Intended for the use of young people, and provided with explanatory German notes by Charles Graeser. Marienwerder, Edward Levysohn. 1846.
Select Poetical Works of Lord Byron. Containing, etc. With a memoir by Henry Lytton Bulwer, Esq. London, Adam Scott. 1848.
Lord Byron's Select Works, with an Appendix, containing songs and ballads for the use of schools, edited by F. Breier. Oldenburg, Schulze. 1848. [8.
[Kayser, 1853.]
Selections/ From The/ Writings of Lord Byron./ Poetry./ By a Clergyman./ London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1854./ [8.
Pp. viii. + 175.
Note.—The Selection (two vols.—Prose, Poetry) is one of a series called "Murray's Railway Reading." The editor was the Rev. Whitwell Elwin, sometime editor of the Q.R.
Moxon's Miniature Poets./ A/ Selection From/ The Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Edited and Prefaced by Algernon Chas. Swinburne./ London:/ Edward Moxon & Co., Dover Street./ 1866./ [8.
Pp. xxxii. + 244.
Note.—The Selection was reissued by Ward, Lock, and Co. in 1885.
Songs by/ Lord Byron/ [Crest, motto Crede Byron.]/ London/ Virtue & Co., Publishers/ 26 Ivy Lane, Pater noster Row/ 1872/ [16.
Pp. 270.
Note.—There is an index of "Songs set to Music," pp. 268-270.
Selections from the Writings of Lord Byron. New Edition. With Portrait. London, John Murray. 1874.
Beauts de Byron: Childe Harold, le Corsaire, Lara, le Giaour, le Sige, etc., Don Juan, Extraits (texte anglais) avec prface et notes en franais, par A. Biard. Paris, Delagrave. 1876. [12
[Lorenz, 1886.]
Favourite Poems./ By/ Lord Byron./ Illustrated./ Boston:/ James R. Osgood and Company./ Late Ticknor & Fields, and Fields, Osgood & Co./ 1877./ [16.
Pp. 127.
The Beauties of Byron. An Original Selection. Stuttgart, Paul Neff.
Poetry of Byron/ Chosen and Arranged by/ Matthew Arnold/ London/ Macmillan and Co./ 1881/ [8.
Pp. xxxvi. + 276.
Note.—The title-page is illustrated by an engraving, by G.J. Stodart, of Thorwaldsen's statue of Lord Byron. The preface (pp. vii.-xxxi.) is by Matthew Arnold.
Routledge's World Library/ "Syllables govern the World." John Selden/ Gems from Byron/ With an Introduction/ By the/ Rev. Hugh Reginald Haweis, M.A./ London/ George Routledge and Sons/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill/ New York: 9 Lafayette Place/ 1886/ [16.
Pp. 158.
Selections/ From The Poetry of/ Lord Byron/ Edited with/ An Introduction and Notes/ By/ Frederic Ives Carpenter, Ph.D./ Instructor in English, the University of Chicago/ Dir in klar und truben Tagen/ Lied und Mut war schon und gross./ II. 'Faust,' iii. 1. 1426./ New York/ Henry Holt and Company/ 1900/ [8.
Pp. lviii. + 412.
Poems/ of/ Lord Byron/ Selected and arranged for use in Schools/ By/ C. Linklater Thomson/ Head-Mistress of the Solihull School for Girls, [etc., three lines]./ London/ Adam and Charles Black/ 1901/ [8.
Pp. ix. + 67.
Lord Byron's/ Armenian Exercises/ and Poetry./ Venice/ In the Island of S. Lazzaro./ 1886/ [8
Pp. 167 + Index, pp. [169]-[172].
Note.—The Title-page is dated 1886, the paper wrapper (yellow) 1870. Among the exercises are Pieces of Armenian History, The Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, etc.; and among the translations are "The Destruction of Sennacherib," "On Waterloo," "To the Duke of Dorset," etc.
Choix de Posies de Byron, de W. Scott et Th. Moore; trad. libre de l'angl. Genve et Paris, Paschoud. 1820. [Two Vols.] [8.
[Qurard, 1827.]
Les Beauts de lord Byron, galerie de quinze tableaux tirs de ses oeuvres, accompagne d'un texte traduit par Amde Pichot. Paris, Aubert, Giraldon. 1838. [4.
[Qurard, 1846.]
crin potique/ de/ littrature anglaise./ Traduction en vers franais,/ Avec notes historiques,/ De pomes, pisodes et fragments choisis/ de Lord Byron,/ Thomas Moore, Gray, Graham, etc./ Orne du portrait de lord Byron/ et de jolies vignettes de Thompson./ Par D. Bonnefin./ Chevalier de la lgion d'honneur,/ A Paris,/ Chez L. Hachette,/ Libraire de l'Universit Royale de France,/rue Pierre-Sarrazin, no. 12./ 1841./ [8
Pp. ix. + 473.
Chefs-d'oeuvre de lord Byron. (Le Plerinage, etc., Lara, la Fiance, etc., Parisina, Mazeppa, le Sige, etc., le Prisonnier, etc.) La traduction franoise en regard par M. le comte d'Hautefeuille; prcds d'un essai sur la vie et les oeuvres de lord Byron et de ses contemporains, renfermant l'histoire de la posie anglaise au xix^e sicle, par D. O'Sullivan. 1847. Place de la Madelaine, 24. [8
[Lorenz, 1866.]
Rough Hewing/ of/ Lord Byron/ In French,/ With the English Text./ By Francis D'Autrey./ ... Obscurus fio./ Horace, Ars Poetica./ London:/ J.W. Kolckmann,/ Foreign Library,/ 1, Princes Street, Cavendish Square, W./ 1869./ [8.
Pp. 233.
Chefs-d'oeuvre de lord Byron. Traduits en vers franais par A. Regnault. (Two Vols.) 1874. [8.
[Lorenz, 1876.]
Lord Byron's ausgewhlte Dichtungen. Aus d. Engl. bertragen. Leipzig, Wienbrack. 1838. [8.
[Kayser, 1841.]
Byron-Anthologie./ Auserwhltes/ aus/ Lord Byron's Dichtungen,/ bertragen/ von/ Eduard Hobein./ Schwerin./ Stiller'sche Hofbuchhandlung./ (G. Bolhoevener.) 1866. [8.
Pp. 187.
Auswahl aus Byron: Childe Harold (III. and IV.), Prisoner, etc., Mazeppa. Hrsg. v. J. Hengesbach. 1892. [12.
[Kayser, 1895.]
Pp. viii. + 116.
Note.—Part of Textausgaben franzsischer u. englischer Schriftsteller f. den Schulgebrauch, hrsg. v. Osk. Schmager.
Poemi/ di/ Lord G. Byron/ Tradotti/ dall' originale inglese/ da/ Pietro Isola/ Socio corrispondente della R. Accademia delle scienze ed arti/ di Alessandria/ Torino/ Presso Giuseppe Pomba/ 1827/ [8.
Pp. 204.
Opere scelte, tradotte da M. Mazzoni. Milano. 1852. [8.
[Pagliaini, 1901.]
A'Mici Amici./ [1873.] [8.
Pp. 27.
Note.—A translation of a few detached passages, by P. Isola, entitled "In partendo dall' Inghilterra," etc. There is no Title-page.
An Ode./ On/ The Star of the Legion of Honour./ Napoleon's Farewell./ Fare Thee Well./ And/ A Sketch, etc./ By Lord Byron./ New-York:/ Published by Van Winkle and Wiley,/ No. 3 Wall-Street./ 1816./ [8.
Title, one leaf, pp. 3, 4; Text, pp. 5-24.
Note.—The Half-title is probably missing. The "Ode" is the Ode from the French ("We do not curse thee, Waterloo!"). The edition contains the five pieces enumerated on the title.
Three Poems,/ not Included in the Works of/ Lord Byron./ Lines to Lady J——./ The nigma./ The Curse of Minerva./ [Motto from Ter. Andria, five lines.] London:/ Printed for Effingham Wilson,/ Royal Exchange./ 1818./ [8.
Title (R. John Hill, Printer, 32, Water Lane, Blackfriars.), pp. 3, 4; Note on the Lines to Lady Jersey, pp. 5, 6; Text and Notes, pp. 7-18. The second poem is Miss Fanshaw's Enigma (Letter H); the third, The Curse of Minerva (112 lines).
English Bards,/ and/ Scotch Reviewers;/ A Satire./ Ode to the Land of the Gaul.—Sketch/ From Private Life.—Windsor/ Poetics, etc./ By/ The Right Honorable/ Lord Byron./ Second Edition./ Paris:/ Published by Galignani/ At the French, English, Italian, German and Spanish/ Library, No. 18, Rue Vivienne,/ 1818./ [12.
Pp. 84, With half-title, "Suppressed/ Poems." English Bards, etc., a reprint of the Fourth Edition of 1811, numbers 1052 lines.
The/ Works/ of/ The Right Honourable/ Lord Byron;/ Containing/ English Bards, and/ Scotch Reviewers;/ The Curse of Minerva,/ And the Waltz,/ An/ Apostrophic Hymn./ Philadelphia:/ Published By M. Thomas./ 1820./ [8.
Pp. viii. + 151.
Note.—The English Bards, etc., is a reprint of the Fourth Edition of 1050 lines. The Curse of Minerva is the complete edition of 312 lines. The "Fugitive Pieces" are: (1) To Jessy; (2) "My Boat is on the Shore;" (3) Lines addressed to Mr. Hobhouse; (4) Adieu to Malta; (5) Enigma [To the Letter H]. It will be observed that, with the exception of No. 5, all these pieces are genuine.
Poems/ By/ The Right Honourable/ Lord Byron;/ With/ His Memoirs./ London:/ Published by Jones and Company,/ No. 3, Warwick Square./ 1825./ [8.
Pp. 292 + Cont., p. [293].
This edition contains Hours of Idleness, English Bards, etc. (3rd ed.), "Poems on His Domestic Circumstances" (twenty-five, including eight forgeries), and the whole of Don Juan.
The/ Miscellaneous Poems/ of/ Lord Byron./ London:/ Benbow, Printer and Publisher, 252, High/ Holborn./ 1825./ [12.
Pp. 94.
Note.—The collection numbers fifty-three poems, including the twenty-five published by R. Bumpus in 1824 (No. xi. of "Poems on His Domestic Circumstances"), and twenty-eight others (all genuine), including the Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, and the Monody on the Death of Sheridan.
Don Juan,/ Complete;/ English Bards and Scotch/ Reviewers;/ Hours of Idleness;/ The Waltz;/ and all the other Minor Poems:/ By/ Lord Byron./ [Emblem (Dove and olive-branch):—motto (Perseverantia et Amicis).] London:/ Printed and Published by J.F. Dove,/ St. John's Square./ 1827./ [12.
Pp. iv. + 574.
Note.—A second Title-page, with Title-vignette. English Bards, etc., numbers 1050 lines. Among the "Minor Poems" are the seven forgeries: (1) Farewell to England; (2) To my Daughter; (3) Ode—St. Helena; (4) To the Lily of France; (5) Ode ("Oh, shame to thee," etc.); (6) Madame Lavalette; (7) Enigma (Letter H); and The Curse of Minerva (111 lines).
Don Juan;/ Hours of Idleness;/ English Bards and Scotch Reviewers;/ The Waltz;/ and other Poems./ By Lord Byron./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I. [Vol. II.] London: J.F. Dove, St. John's Square./ 1828./ [12.
Vol. I.: pp. xiv. + 384.
Vol. II.: pp. iv. + 428.
Note.—These pirated volumes were occasionally bound up with Murray's four-volume edition of 1828, and numbered Vols. V., VI.
The/ Miscellaneous Works/ of/ Lord Byron./ Containing/ Werner, a Tragedy; Heaven and Earth;/ Morgante Maggiore; Age of Bronze; The Island;/ Vision of Judgment;/ and The Deformed Transformed./ London:/ Printed for Hunt and Clarke,/ Tavistock Street;/ and sold by all Booksellers./ 1830./ [8.
Pp. vi. + 7-308 + 286—Title, one leaf; Half-title (Werner); pp. i., ii.; Dedication, pp. iii., iv.; Preface, pp. v., vi.; Dramatis Person, p. [8]; Text (Werner, Heaven and Earth, Translation of Morgante Maggiore), pp. 9-308; Text (The Age of Bronze, The Island (App.), The Vision of Judgment (App.), The Deformed Transformed), pp. 1-286. The Imprint (London:/ Printed by C.H. Reynell, Broad Street, Golden Square./) is at the foot of p. 286.
The Corsair—Lara. Tales by Lord Byron, with a notice and explanatory arguments by Lake. Paris. 1830. [12.
[Le Moniteur, etc., 1845.]
The Bride of Abydos—The Corsair—Lara—Curse of Minerva—Morg. Magg.—Hours of Idleness—Engl. Bards, etc.—Miscell. Poems. [In one vol.] By Lord Byron. Paris. 1832. [8.
[Le Moniteur, etc., 1845.]
Manfred—Marino Faliero—Sardanapalus—The Two Foscari—Cain—Werner—Heaven and Earth—The Deformed Transf. By Lord Byron. [In one vol.] Paris. 1832. [8.
[Le Moniteur, etc., 1845.]
Don Juan—The Age of Bronze—The Vision of Judgment. By Lord Byron. [In one vol.] Paris. 1832. [8.
[Le Moniteur, etc., 1845.]
Miscellanies./ By/ Lord Byron./ In Three Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II., etc.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1837./ [12.
Vol. I.: pp. vi. + 316.
Vol. II.: pp. iv. + 305.
Vol. III.: pp. viii. + 288.
Note.—Vol. I. contains Hours of Idleness; English Bards, etc.; Hints from Horace.
Vol. II. contains The Curse of Minerva; The Waltz; Ode to N.B.; Hebrew Melodies; The Morgante Maggiore; The Prophecy of Dante; The Blues; The Vision of Judgment; The Age of Bronze.
Vol. III. contains "Occasional Pieces," 1807-1824; "Domestic Pieces," 1816; Monody, etc.; The Dream; Darkness; The Lament of Tasso; Ode on Venice; Francesco da Rimini; and, interspersed with these, pp. 171-261, other minor pieces and epigrams. The App. (pp. 265-288) contains "Remarks on the Romaic," etc.
Tales./ By Lord Byron./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ London:/ John Murray,/ Albemarle Street./ 1837./ [12.
Vol. I.: pp. 263.
Vol. II.: pp. 260.
Note.—Vol. I. contains The Giaour; The Bride, etc.; The Corsair; Lara. Vol. II. contains The Siege, etc.; Parisina; The Prisoner, etc.; Beppo; Mazeppa; The Island.
Lord Byron's/ Tales:/ Consisting of/ The Giaour, The Bride of Abydos,/ The Corsair, Lara;/ With all the Notes:/ Hebrew Melodies,/ and other Poems./ Halifax:/ Printed and Published by William Milner,/ Cheapside./ 1845./ [16.
Pp. viii. + 9-256.
Note.—Among the "Poems" are twelve pieces, "The Illuminated City," "The Wreath," "A Child at Prayer," etc., which are, apparently, attributed to Lord Byron, but are neither his compositions nor capable of being described as forgeries or imitations. They precede six genuine poems.
For an interesting account (by W. Roberts) of other editions (1838, 1865, etc.), published at Halifax, see Notes and Queries, 1886, iv. S. v. 225, etc.; and The Antiquarian Magazine, vol. xii., July-November, 1887, pp. 101-106.
The Giaour,/ and/ The Bride of Abydos./ By/ Lord Byron./ London:/ H.G. Clarke & Co., 278, Strand./ 1848./ [16.
Pp. 154.
Note.—- Part of "Clarke's Cabinet Series."
Miscellanies./ By Lord Byron./ In Two Volumes.—Vol. I./ [Vol. II.] London:/ John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1853./ [16.
Vol. I.: pp. vii. + 364.
Vol. II.: pp. viii. + 360.
Note.—Vol. I. contains Hours of Idleness; English Bards, etc.; Hints from Horace; The Curse of Minerva; The Waltz; Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte; Hebrew Melodies; Domestic Pieces; Monody, etc.; The Dream.
Vol. II. contains The Lament of Tasso; Ode on Venice; The Morgante Maggiore; The Prophecy of Dante; Francesca of Rimini; The Blues; The Vision of Judgment; The Age of Bronze; Occasional Pieces, 1807-1824.
Tales and Poems/ By Lord Byron./ Containing/ The Giaour./ Bride of Abydos./ The Corsair./ Lara./ Siege of Corinth./ Parisina./ Prisoner of Chillon./ Mazeppa./ The Island./ London: John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1853./ [16.
Pp. vi. + 7-358.
Beppo and Don Juan./ By Lord Byron./ In Two Volumes.—Vol. I./ [Vol. II.] London:/John Murray, Albemarle Street./ 1853./ [16.
Vol. I.: pp. 353.
Vol. II.: pp. 367.
Poems/ By/ The Right Honourable/ Lord Byron;/ With/ His Memoirs./ London:/ Thomas Nelson & Sons,/ Paternoster Row./ 1855./ [32.
Pp. xvi. + 174.
Note.—"Poems on Domestic Circumstances," etc. (pp. 133-174) are identical with those published by J.F. Dove, 1827, pp. 536-574 (see No. vii.); and the entire contents of the volume are identical with Poems/ By the/ Right Honourable Lord Byron./, which form part (Vol. II. pp. 1-46) of "The Cabinet Edition of the British Poets." In Four Volumes./ London:/ Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden./ 1851./ [8.
Lord Byron's Tales and Poems. Leipzig, Brockhaus. 1857. [8.
[Kayser, 1860.]
Poems./ By Lord Byron./ [Motto: "Like an archangel," etc., twelve lines, Anon.] With Eight Illustrations,/ By Birket Foster, John Gilbert, etc./ London:/ Routledge, Warne, and Routledge,/ Farringdon Street;/ New York: 56, Walker Street./ 1859./ [8.
Pp. xxxii. + 539.
Eastern Tales:/ By/ Lord Byron./ Comprising/ The Corsair, Lara, The Giaour,/ The Bride of Abydos, and The Siege of Corinth./ With the Author's original Introductions and Notes./ Illustrated./ London:/ David Bogue, 86, Fleet Street./ [1859.] [8.
Pp. 5-265.
Byron's/ Siege of Corinth/ And/ Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte./ With Notes/ For students for the first examination in Arts,/ University of Madras./ 1877./ Madras:/ Addison and Co., 18, Mount Road./ 18767 [8.
Pp. 56.
Poems/ By/ Lord Byron/ London/ George Routledge and Sons/ Broadway, Ludgate Hill./ New York: 416 Broome Street/ [1880.] [8.
Pp. xxxii. + 719.
Note.—Part of the "Excelsior Series."
Poems/ of/ Lord Byron./ Carefully Selected./ In Two Volumes./ Vol. I./ [Vol. II.] Cassell & Company, Limited:/ London, Paris, New York, & Melbourne./ [1886.] [32. |