Lamb's reference to Southey and to Andre's monument is characteristically mischievous. He is reminding Southey of his early sympathy with rebels—his "Wat Tyler" and pantisocratic days. Major John Andre, Sir Henry Clinton's adjutant-general, was caught returning from an interview with an American traitor—a perfectly honourable proceeding in warfare—and was hanged by Washington as a spy in 1780. No blame attached either to judge or victim. Andre's remains were reburied in the Abbey in 1821. Lamb speaks of injury to Andre's figure in the monument, but the usual thing was for the figure of Washington to be attacked. Its head has had to be renewed more than once. Minor thefts have also been committed. According to Mrs. Gordon's Life of Dean Buckland, one piece of vandalism at any rate was the work of an American, who returned to the dean two heads which he had appropriated as relics.
In The Examiner for April 8, 1821, is quoted from The Traveller the following epigram, which may not improbably be Lamb's, and which shows at any rate that his protest against entrance fees for churches was in the air.
What can be hop'd from Priests who, 'gainst the Poor, For lack of two-pence, shut the church's door; Who, true successors of the ancient leaven, Erect a turnpike on the road to Heaven? "Knock, and it shall be open'd," saith our LORD; "Knock, and pay two-pence," say the Chapter Board: The Showman of the booth the fee receives, And God's house is again a "den of thieves."
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London Magazine, December, 1823.
A preliminary sketch of the first portion of this essay will be found in the letter from Lamb to Sarah Hazlitt, written probably in November, 1823. In Barry Cornwall's Memoir of Lamb, Chapter VI., there is also an account of the accident to Dyer—Procter (Barry Cornwall) having chanced to visit the Lambs just after the event. For an account of George Dyer see notes to the essay on "Oxford in the Vacation". In 1823 he was sixty-eight; later he became quite blind.
We have another glimpse of G.D. on that fatal day, in the reminiscences of Mr. Ogilvie, an India House clerk with Lamb, as communicated to the Rev. Joseph H. Twichell (see Scribner's Magazine, March, 1876):—
At the time George Dyer was fished out of New River in front of Lamb's house at Islington, after he was resuscitated, Mary brought him a suit of Charles's clothes to put on while his own were drying. Inasmuch as he was a giant of a man, and Lamb undersized; inasmuch, moreover, as Lamb's wardrobe afforded only knee breeches for the nether limbs (Dyer's were colossal), the spectacle he presented when the clothes were on—or as much on as they could be—was vastly ludicrous.
Allsop, in a letter to Mr. Percy Fitzgerald, remarked, of Dyer's immersion, that Lamb had said to him: "If he had been drowned it would have made me famous. Think of having a Crowner's quest, and all the questions and dark suspicions of murder. People would haunt the spot and say, 'Here died the poet of Grongar Hill.'" The poet of "Grongar Hill" was, of course, John Dyer—another of Lamb's instances of the ambiguities arising from proper names.
Page 238, line 19. The rescue. At these words, in the London Magazine, Lamb put this footnote:—
"The topography of my cottage, and its relation to the river, will explain this; as I have been at some cost to have the whole engraved (in time, I hope, for our next number), as well for the satisfaction of the reader, as to commemorate so signal a deliverance."
The cottage at Colebrooke Row, it should be said, stands to this day (1911); but the New River has been covered in. There is, however, no difficulty in reproducing the situation. One descends from the front door by a curved flight of steps, a little path from which, parallel with the New River, takes one out into Colebrooke Row (or rather Duncan Terrace, as this part of the Row is now called). Under the front door-steps is another door from which Dyer may possibly have emerged; if so it would be the simplest thing for him to walk straight ahead, and find himself in the river.
Page 240, line 22. That Abyssinian traveller. James Bruce (1730-1794), the explorer of the sources of the Nile, was famous many years before his Travels appeared, in 1790, the year after which Lamb left school. The New River, made in 1609-1613, has its source in the Chadwell and Amwell springs. It was peculiarly Lamb's river: Amwell is close to Blakesware and Widford; Lamb explored it as a boy; at Islington he lived opposite it, and rescued George Dyer from its depths; and he retained its company both at Enfield and Edmonton.
In the essay on "Newspapers" is a passage very similar to this.
Page 240, line 32. Eternal novity. Writing to Hood in 1824 Lamb speaks of the New River as "rather elderly by this time." Dyer, it should be remembered, was of Emmanuel College, and the historian of Cambridge University.
Page 241, last paragraph. George Dyer contributed "all that was original" to Valpy's edition of the classics—141 volumes. He also wrote the History of The University and Colleges of Cambridge, including notices relating to the Founders and Eminent Men. Among the eminent men of Cambridge are Jeremiah Markland (1693-1776), of Christ's Hospital and St. Peter's, the classical commentator; and Thomas Gray, the poet, the sweet lyrist of Peterhouse, who died in 1771, when Dyer was sixteen. Tyrwhitt would probably be Thomas Tyrwhitt (1730-1786), of Queen's College, Oxford, the editor of Chaucer; but Robert Tyrwhitt (1735-1817), his brother, the Unitarian, might be expected to take interest in Dyer also, for G.D. was, in Lamb's phrase, a "One-Goddite" too. The mild Askew was Anthony Askew (1722-1772), doctor and classical scholar, who, being physician to Christ's Hospital when Dyer was there, lent the boy books, and was very kind to him.
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London Magazine, September, 1823, where it was entitled "Nugae Criticae. By the Author of Elia. No. 1. Defence of the Sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney." Signed "L." The second and last of the "Nugae Criticae" series was the note on "The Tempest" (see Vol. I.).
It may be interesting here to relate that Henry Francis Gary, the translator of Dante, and Lamb's friend, had, says his son in his memoir, lent Lamb Edward Phillips's Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanorum, which was returned after Lamb's death by Edward Moxon, with the leaf folded down at the account of Sir Philip Sidney. Mr. Gary thereupon wrote his "Lines to the memory of Charles Lamb," which begin:—
So should it be, my gentle friend; Thy leaf last closed at Sidney's end. Thou, too, like Sidney, wouldst have given The water, thirsting and near heaven.
Lamb has some interesting references to Sidney in the note to Beaumont and Fletcher's "Maid's Tragedy" in the Dramatic Specimens.
Page 243, line 5. Tibullus, or the ... Author of the Schoolmistress. In the London Magazine Lamb wrote "Catullus." Tibullus was one of the tenderest of Latin poets. William Shenstone (1714-1763) wrote "The Schoolmistress," a favourite poem with Lamb. The "prettiest of poems" he called it in a letter to John Clare.
Page 243, line 9. Ad Leonoram. The following translation of Milton's sonnet was made by Leigh Hunt:—
To every one (so have ye faith) is given A winged guardian from the ranks of heaven. A greater, Leonora, visits thee: Thy voice proclaims the present deity. Either the present deity we hear, Or he of the third heaven hath left his sphere, And through the bosom's pure and warbling wells, Breathes tenderly his smoothed oracles; Breathes tenderly, and so with easy rounds Teaches our mortal hearts to bear immortal sounds. If God is all, and in all nature dwells, In thee alone he speaks, mute ruler in all else.
The Latin in Masson's edition of Milton differs here and there from Lamb's version.
Page 243. Sonnet I. Lamb cites the sonnets from Astrophel and Stella, in his own order. That which he calls I. is XXXI.; II., XXXIX.; III., XXIII.; IV., XXVII.; V., XLI.; VI., LIII.; VII., LXIV.; VIII., LXXIII.; IX., LXXIV.; X., LXXV.; XI., CIII.; XII., LXXXIV. I have left the sonnets as Lamb copied them, but there are certain differences noted in my large edition.
Page 247, middle. Which I have ... heard objected. A criticism of Hazlitt's, in his sixth lecture on Elizabethan literature, delivered in 1820 at the Surrey Institution, is here criticised. Hazlitt's remarks on Sidney were uniformly slighting. "His sonnets inlaid in the Arcadia are jejune, far-fetch'd and frigid.... [The Arcadia] is to me one of the greatest monuments of the abuse of intellectual power upon record.... [Sidney is] a complete intellectual coxcomb, or nearly so;" and so forth. The lectures were published in 1821. Elsewhere, however, Hazlitt found in Sidney much to praise.
Page 248, line 3. Thin diet of dainty words. To this sentence, in the London Magazine, Lamb put the following footnote:—
"A profusion of verbal dainties, with a disproportionate lack of matter and circumstance, is I think one reason of the coldness with which the public has received the poetry of a nobleman now living; which, upon the score of exquisite diction alone, is entitled to something better than neglect. I will venture to copy one of his Sonnets in this place, which for quiet sweetness, and unaffected morality, has scarcely its parallel in our language.
"By Lord Thurlow
"O melancholy Bird, a winter's day, Thou standest by the margin of the pool, And, taught by God, dost thy whole being school To Patience, which all evil can allay. God has appointed thee the Fish thy prey; And given thyself a lesson to the Fool Unthrifty, to submit to moral rule, And his unthinking course by thee to weigh. There need not schools, nor the Professor's chair, Though these be good, true wisdom to impart. He who has not enough, for these, to spare Of time, or gold, may yet amend his heart, And teach his soul, by brooks, and rivers fair: Nature is always wise in every part."
This sonnet, by Edward Hovell-Thurlow, second Baron Thurlow (1781-1829), an intense devotee of Sir Philip Sidney's muse, was a special favourite with Lamb. He copied it into his Commonplace Book, and De Quincey has described, in his "London Reminiscences," how Lamb used to read it aloud.
Page 248, line 27. Epitaph made on him. After these words, in the London Magazine, came "by Lord Brooke." Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke, wrote Sidney's Life, published in 1652. After Sidney's death appeared many elegies upon him, eight of which were printed at the end of Spenser's Colin Clout's Come Home Again, in 1595. That which Lamb quotes is by Matthew Roydon, Stanzas 15 to 18 and 26 and 27. The poem beginning "Silence augmenteth grief" is attributed to Brooke, chiefly on Lamb's authority, in Ward's English Poets. This is one stanza:—
He was (woe worth that word!) to each well-thinking mind A spotless friend, a matchless man, whose virtue ever shined, Declaring in his thoughts, his life and that he writ, Highest conceits, longest foresights, and deepest works of wit.
Sidney was only thirty-two at his death.
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Englishman's Magazine, October, 1831, being the second paper under the heading "Peter's Net," of which "Recollections of a Late Royal Academician" was the first (see note, Vol. I.).
The title ran thus:—
No. II.—On the Total Defect of the faculty of Imagination observable in the works of modern British Artists.
For explanation of this title see note to the essay that follows. When reprinting the essay in the Last Essays of Elia, 1833, Lamb altered the title to the one it now bears: the period referred to thus seeming to be about 1798, but really 1801-1803.
Page 249, first line of essay. Dan Stuart. See below.
Page 249, line 2 of essay. The Exhibition at Somerset House. Between the years 1780 and 1838 the Royal Academy held its exhibitions at Somerset House. It then moved, first to Trafalgar Square, in a portion of the National Gallery, and then to Burlington House, its present quarters, in 1869. The Morning Post office is still almost opposite Somerset House, at the corner of Wellington Street.
Page 250, line 5. A word or two of D.S. Daniel Stuart (1766-1846), one of the Perthshire Stuarts, whose father was out in the '45, and his grandfather in the '15, began, with his brother, to print the Morning Post in 1788. In 1795 they bought it for L600, Daniel assumed the editorship, and in two years' time the circulation had risen from 350 to 1,000. Mackintosh (afterwards Sir James), Stuart's brother-in-law, was on the staff; and in 1797 Coleridge began to contribute. Coleridge's "Devil's Walk" was the most popular thing printed in Stuart's time; his political articles also helped enormously to give the paper prestige. Stuart sold the Morning Post in 1803 for L25,000, and then turned his attention to the development of The Courier, an evening paper, in which he also had occasional assistance from Coleridge and more regular help from Mackintosh.
Lamb's memory served him badly in the essay. So far as I can discover, his connection with the Morning Post, instead of ending when Stuart sold the paper, can hardly be said to have existed until after that event. The paper changed hands in September, 1803 (two years after the failure of The Albion), and Lamb's hand almost immediately begins to be apparent. He had, we know, made earlier efforts to get a footing there, but had been only moderately successful. The first specimens prepared for Stuart, in 1800, were not accepted. In the late summer of 1801 he was writing for the Morning Chronicle—a few comic letters, as I imagine—under James Perry; but that lasted only a short time. At the end of 1801 Lamb tried the Post again. In January and February, 1802, Stuart printed some epigrams by him on public characters, two criticisms of G.F. Cooke, in Richard III. and Lear, and the essay "The Londoner" (see Vol. I.). Probably there were also some paragraphs. In a letter to Rickman in January, 1802, Lamb says that he is leaving the Post, partly on account of his difficulty in writing dramatic criticisms on the same night as the performance.
We know nothing of Lamb's journalistic adventures between February, 1802, and October, 1803, when the fashion of pink stockings came in, and when he was certainly back on the Post (Stuart having sold it to establish The Courier), and had become more of a journalist than he had ever been. I quote a number of the paragraphs which I take to be his on this rich topic; but the specimen given in the essay is not discoverable:—
"Oct. 8.—The fugitive and mercurial matter, of which a Lady's blush is made, after coursing from its natural position, the cheek, to the tip of the elbow, and thence diverging for a time to the knee, has finally settled in the legs, where, in the form of a pair of red hose, it combines with the posture and situation of the times, to put on a most warlike and martial appearance."
"Nov. 2.—Bartram, who, as a traveller, was possessed of a very lively fancy, describes vast plains in the interior of America, where his horse's fetlocks for miles were dyed a perfect blood colour, in the juice of the wild strawberries. A less ardent fancy than BARTRAM'S may apply this beautiful phenomenon of summer, to solve the present strawberry appearance of the female leg this autumn in England."
"Nov. 3.—The roseate tint, so agreeably diffused through the silk stockings of our females, induces the belief that the dye is cast for their lovers."
"Nov. 8.—A popular superstition in the North of Germany is said to be the true original of the well-known sign of Mother REDCAP. Who knows but that late posterity, when, what is regarded by us now as fashion, shall have long been classed among the superstitious observances of an age gone by, may dignify their signs with the antiquated personification of a Mother RED LEGS?"
"Nov. 9.—Curiosity is on tip-toe for the arrival of ELPHY BEY'S fair Circassian Ladies. The attraction of their naturally-placed, fine, proverbial bloom, is only wanting to reduce the wandering colour in the 'elbows' and 'ancles' of our belles, back to its native metropolis and palace, the 'cheek.'"
"Nov. 22.—Pink stockings beneath dark pelices are emblems of Sincerity and Discretion; signifying a warm heart beneath a cool exterior."
"Nov. 29.—The decline of red stockings is as fatal to the wits, as the going out of a fashion to an overstocked jeweller: some of these gentry have literally for some months past fed on roses."
"Dec. 21.—The fashion of red stockings, so much cried down, dispraised, and followed, is on the eve of departing, to be consigned to the family tomb of 'all the fashions,' where sleep in peace the ruffs and hoops, and fardingales of past centuries; and
"All its beauty, all its pomp, decays Like Courts removing, or like ending plays."
On February 7, 1804, was printed Lamb's "Epitaph on a young Lady who Lived Neglected and Died Obscure" (see Vol. IV.), and now and then we find a paragraph likely to be his; but, as we know from a letter from Mary Lamb to Sarah Stoddart, he had left the Post in the early spring, 1804. I think this was the end of his journalism, until he began to write a little for The Examiner in 1812.
In 1838 Stuart was drawn into a correspondence with Henry Coleridge in the Gentleman's Magazine (May, June, July and August) concerning some statements about Coleridge's connection with the Morning Post and The Courier which were made in Gillman's Life, Stuart, in the course of straightening out his relations with Coleridge, referred thus to Lamb:—
But as for good Charles Lamb, I never could make anything out of his writings. Coleridge often and repeatedly pressed me to settle him on a salary, and often and repeatedly did I try; but it would not do. Of politics he knew nothing; they were out of his line of reading and thought; and his drollery was vapid, when given in short paragraphs fit for a newspaper; yet he has produced some agreeable books, possessing a tone of humour and kind feeling, in a quaint style, which it is amusing to read, and cheering to remember.
For further remarks concerning Lamb's journalism see below when we come to The Albion and his connection with it.
Page 250, line 6. Perry, of the Morning Chronicle. James Perry (1756-1821) the editor of the Morning Chronicle—the leading Whig paper, for many years—from about 1789. Perry was a noted talker and the friend of many brilliant men, among them Porson. Southey's letters inform us that Lamb was contributing to the Chronicle in the summer of 1801, and I fancy I see his hand now and then; but his identifiable contributions to the paper came much later than the period under notice. Coleridge contributed to it a series of sonnets to eminent persons in 1794, in one of which, addressed to Mrs. Siddons, he collaborated with Lamb (see Vol. IV.).
Page 250, line 14. The Abyssinian Pilgrim. For notes to this passage about the New River see the essay "Amicus Redivivus."
Page 250, foot. In those days ... This paragraph began, in the Englishman's Magazine, with the following sentence:—
"We ourself—PETER—in whose inevitable NET already Managers and R.A.s lie caught and floundering—and more peradventure shall flounder—were, in the humble times to which we have been recurring, small Fishermen indeed, essaying upon minnows; angling for quirks, not men."
The phrase "Managers and R.A.s" refers to the papers on Elliston and George Dawe which had preceded this essay, although the Elliston essay had not been ranged under the heading "Peter's Net." The George Dawe paper is in Vol. I. of this edition.
Page 252, line 25. Basilian water-sponges. The Basilian order of monks were pledged to austerity; but probably Lamb intended merely a joke upon his friend Basil Montagu's teetotalism (see note in Vol. I. to "Confessions of a Drunkard," a paper quoted in Montagu's Some Enquiries into the Effects of Fermented Liquors). In John Forster's copy of the Last Essays of Elia, in the South Kensington Museum, a legacy from Elia, there is written "Basil Montagu!" against this passage. Moreover the context runs, "we were right toping Capulets"—as opposed to the (Basil) Montagus.
Page 253, line 23. Bob Allen. See the essay on "Christ's Hospital" and note.
Page 253, line 24. The "Oracle." This daily paper was started in the 1780's by Peter Stuart, Daniel Stuart's brother, as a rival to The World (see below).
Page 253, line 31. Mr. Deputy Humphreys. I am disappointed to have been able to find nothing more about this Common Council butt.
Page 254, lines 11 and 12. The "True Briton," the "Star," the "Traveller." The True Briton, a government organ in the 1790's, which afterwards assimilated Cobbett's Porcupine. The Star was founded by Peter Stuart, Daniel Stuart's brother, in 1788. It was the first London evening paper to appear regularly. The Traveller, founded about 1803, still flourishes under the better-known title of The Globe.
Page 254, lines 24-26. Este ... Topham ... Boaden. Edward Topham (1751-1820), author of the Life of John Elwes, the miser, founded The World, a daily paper, in 1787. Parson Este, the Rev. Charles Este, was one of his helpers. James Boaden (1762-1839), dramatist, biographer and journalist, and editor of The Oracle for some years, wrote the Life of Mrs. Siddons, 1827.
Page 254, foot. The Albion. Lamb's memory of his connection with The Albion was at fault. His statement is that he joined it on the sale of the Morning Post by Stuart, which occurred in 1803; but as a matter of fact his association with it was in 1801. This we know from his letters to Manning in August of that year, quoting the epigram on Mackintosh (see below) and announcing the paper's death. Mackintosh, says Lamb, was on the eve of departing to India to reap the fruits of his apostasy—referring to his acceptance of the post of Recordership of Bombay offered to him by Addington. But this was a slip of memory. Mackintosh's name had been mentioned in connection with at least two posts before this—a judgeship in Trinidad and the office of Advocate-General in Bengal, and Lamb's epigram may have had reference to one or the other. In the absence of a file of The Albion, which I have been unable to find, it is impossible to give exact dates or to reproduce any of Lamb's other contributions.
Page 255, line 6. John Fenwick. See the essay "The Two Races of Men," and note. Writing to Manning on September 24, 1802, Lamb describes Fenwick as a ruined man hiding from his creditors. In January, 1806, he tells Stoddart that Fenwick is "coming to town on Monday (if no kind angel intervene) to surrender himself to prison." And we meet him again as late as 1817, in a letter to Barron Field, on August 31, where his editorship of The Statesman is mentioned. In Mary Lamb's letters to Sarah Stoddart there are indications that Mrs. Fenwick and family were mindful of the Lambs' charitable impulses.
After "Fenwick," in the Englishman's Magazine, Lamb wrote: "Of him, under favour of the public, something may be told hereafter." It is sad that the sudden discontinuance of the magazine with this number for ever deprived us of further news of this man.
Page 255, line 11. Lovell. Daniel Lovell, subsequently owner and editor of The Statesman, which was founded by John Hunt, Leigh Hunt's brother, in 1806. He had a stormy career, much chequered by imprisonment and other punishment for freedom of speech. He died in 1818.
Page 255, line 20. Daily demands of the Stamp Office. The newspaper stamp in those days was threepence-halfpenny, raised in 1815 to fourpence. In 1836 it was reduced to a penny, and in 1855 abolished.
Page 255, line 28. Accounted very good men now. A hit, I imagine, particularly at Southey (see note to "The Tombs in the Abbey"). Also at Wordsworth and Mackintosh himself.
Page 256, line 3. Sir J——s M——h. Sir James Mackintosh (1765-1832), the philosopher, whose apostasy consisted in his public recantation of the opinions in favour of the French Revolution expressed in his Vindiciae Gallicae, published in 1791. In 1803 he accepted the offer of the Recordership of Bombay. Lamb's epigram, which, as has been stated above, cannot have had reference to this particular appointment, runs thus in the version quoted in the letter to Manning of August, 1801:—
Though thou'rt like Judas, an apostate black, In the resemblance one thing thou dost lack: When he had gotten his ill-purchased pelf, He went away, and wisely hang'd himself: This thou may'st do at last; yet much I doubt, If thou hash any bowels to gush out.
Page 256, line 6. Lord ... Stanhope. This was Charles, third earl (1753-1816), whose sympathies were with the French Revolution. His motion in the House of Lords against interfering with France's internal affairs was supported by himself alone, which led to a medal being struck in his honour with the motto, "The Minority of One, 1795;" and he was thenceforward named "Minority," or "Citizen," Stanhope. George Dyer, who had acted as tutor to his children, was one of Stanhope's residuary legatees.
Page 256, line 10. It was about this time ... With this sentence Lamb brought back his essay to its original title, and paved the way for the second part—now printed under that heading.
At the end of this paper, in the Englishman's Magazine, were the words, "To be continued." For the further history of the essay see the notes that follow.
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Athenaeum, January 12, 19, 26, and February 2, 1833, where it was thus entitled: "On the Total Defects of the Quality of Imagination, observable in the Works of Modern British Artists." By the Author of the Essays signed "Elia."
The following editorial note was prefixed to the first instalment:—"This Series of Papers was intended for a new periodical, which has been suddenly discontinued. The distinguished writer having kindly offered them to the ATHENAEUM, we think it advisable to perfect the Series by this reprint; and, from the limited sale of the work in which it originally appeared, it is not likely to have been read by one in a thousand of our subscribers."
The explanation of this passage has been made simple by the researches of the late Mr. Dykes Campbell. Lamb intended the essay originally for the Englishman's Magazine, November number, to follow the excursus on newspapers. But that magazine came to an end with the October number. In the letter from Lamb to Moxon dated October 24, 1831, Lamb says, referring to Moxon's announcement that the periodical would cease:—"Will it please, or plague, you, to say that when your Parcel came I damned it, for my pen was warming in my hand at a ludicrous description of a Landscape of an R.A., which I calculated upon sending you to morrow, the last day you gave me."
That was the present essay. Subsequently—at the end of 1832—Moxon started a weekly paper entitled The Reflector, edited by John Forster, in which the printing of Lamb's essay was begun. It lasted only a short time, and on its cessation Lamb sent the ill-fated manuscript to The Athenaeum, where it at last saw publication completed. Of The Reflector all trace seems to have vanished, and with it possibly other writings of Lamb's.
In The Athenaeum of December 22, 1832, the current Reflector (No. 2) is advertised as containing "An Essay on Painters and Painting by Elia."
Page 256, line 1 of essay. Hogarth. Compare Lamb's criticism of Hogarth, Vol. I.
Page 256, foot. Titian's "Ariadne." This picture is now No. 35 in the National Gallery. Writing to Wordsworth in May, 1833, it is amusing to note, Lamb says: "Inter nos the Ariadne is not a darling with me, several incongruous things are in it, but in the composition it served me as illustrative." The legend of Ariadne tells that after being abandoned by Theseus, whom she loved with intense passion, she was wooed by Bacchus.
Page 258, line 2. Somerset House. See note above to the essay on "Newspapers."
Page 258, line 14. Neoteric ... Mr. ——. Probably J.M.W. Turner and his "Garden of the Hesperides," now in the National Gallery. It is true it was painted in 1806, but Lamb does not describe it as a picture of the year and Turner was certainly the most notable neoteric, or innovator, of that time.
Page 259, line 1. Of a modern artist. In The Athenaeum this had been printed "of M——," meaning John Martin (1789-1854). His "Belshazzar's Feast," which Lamb analyses below, was painted in 1821, and made him famous. It was awarded a L200 premium, and was copied on glass and exhibited with great success as an illuminated transparency in the Strand. Lord Lytton said of Martin that "he was more original, more self-dependent, than Raphael or Michael Angelo." Lamb had previously expressed his opinion of Martin, in a letter to Bernard Barton, dated June 11, 1827, in a passage which contains the germ of this essay:—"Martin's Belshazzar (the picture) I have seen. Its architectural effect is stupendous; but the human figures, the squalling, contorted little antics that are playing at being frightened, like children at a sham ghost who half know it to be a mask, are detestable. Then the letters are nothing more than a transparency lighted up, such as a Lord might order to be lit up on a sudden at a Christmas Gambol, to scare the ladies. The type is as plain as Baskervil—they should have been dim, full of mystery, letters to the mind rather than the eye."
Page 259, line 13. The late King. George IV., who built, when Prince of Wales, the Brighton Pavilion. As I cannot find this incident in any memoirs of the Regency, I assume Lamb to have invented it, after his wont, when in need of a good parallel. "Mrs. Fitz-what's-her-name" stands of course for Mrs. Fitzherbert.
Page 259, line 33. The ingenious Mr. Farley. Charles Farley (1771-1859), who controlled the pantomimes at Covent Garden from 1806 to 1834, and invented a number of mechanical devices for them. He also acted, and had been the instructor of the great Grimaldi. Lamb alludes to him in the essay on "The Acting of Munden."
Page 262, line 10. "Sun, stand thou still ..." See Joshua x. 12. Martin's picture of "Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still" was painted in 1816. Writing to Barton, in the letter quoted from above, Lamb says: "Just such a confus'd piece is his Joshua, fritter'd into 1000 fragments, little armies here, little armies there—you should see only the Sun and Joshua ... for Joshua, I was ten minutes finding him out."
Page 262, line 29. The great picture at Angerstein's. This picture is "The Resurrection of Lazarus," by Fra Sebastiano del Piombo, with the assistance, it is conjectured, of Michael Angelo. The picture is now No. 1 in the National Gallery, the nucleus of which collection was once the property of John Julius Angerstein (1735-1823). Angerstein's art treasures were to be seen until his death in his house in Pall Mall, where the Reform Club now stands.
Page 263, line 35. The Frenchmen, of whom Coleridge's friend. See the Biographia Literaria, 1847 ed., Vol. II., pp. 126-127.
Page 265, line 5. "Truly, fairest Lady ..." The passage quoted by Lamb is from Skeltoa's translation of Don Quixote, Part II., Chapter LVIII. The first sentence runs: "Truly, fairest Lady, Actaeon was not more astonished or in suspense when on the sodaine he saw Diana," and so forth.
Page 266, line 9. "Guzman de Alfarache." The Picaresque romance by Mateo Aleman—Vida y Lechos del picaro Guzman de Alfarache, Part I., 1599; Part II., 1605. It was translated into English by James Mabbe in 1622 as The Rogue; or, The Life of Guzman de Alfarache. Lamb had a copy, which is now in my possession, with Mary Lamb's name in it.
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London Magazine, January, 1823.
This paper, being printed in the same number as that which announced Elia's death, was signed "Elia's Ghost."
Lamb returned to this vein of fancy two years or so later when (in 1825) he contributed to his friend William Hone's Every-Day Book the petition of the Twenty-Ninth of February, a day of which Hone had taken no account, and of the Twelfth of August, which from being kept as the birthday of King George IV. during the time that he was Prince of Wales, was, on his accession to the throne, disregarded in favour of April 23, St. George's Day. For these letters see Vol. I. of this edition.
Page 271, line 15. "On the bat's back ..." From Ariel's song in "The Tempest." Lamb confesses, in at least two of his letters, to a precisely similar plight.
* * * * *
Page 271. THE WEDDING.
London Magazine, June, 1825.
The wedding was that of Sarah Burney, daughter of Lamb's old friends, Rear-Admiral James Burney and his wife Sarah Burney, to her cousin, John Payne, of Pall Mall, at St. Margaret's, Westminster, in April, 1821. The clergyman was the Rev. C.P. Burney, who was not, however, vicar of St. Mildred's in the Poultry, but of St. Paul's, Deptford, in Kent. Admiral Burney lived only six months longer, dying in November.
Canon Ainger pointed out that when Lamb was revising this essay for its appearance in the Last Essays of Elia, he was, like the admiral, about to lose by marriage Emma Isola, who was to him and his sister what Miss Burney had been to her parents. She married Edward Moxon in July, 1833.
Page 274, line 8. An unseasonable disposition to levity. Writing to P.G. Patmore in 1827 Lamb says: "I have been to a funeral, where I made a pun, to the consternation of the rest of the mourners." Again, writing to Southey: "I am going to stand godfather; I don't like the business; I cannot muster up decorum for these occasions; I shall certainly disgrace the font; I was at Hazlitt's marriage and was like to have been turned out several times during the ceremony. Anything awful makes me laugh. I misbehaved once at a funeral."
Page 274, line 24. Miss T——s. In the London Magazine "Miss Turner's."
Page 274, line 27. Black ... the costume of an author. See note below.
Page 274, line 29. Lighter colour. Here the London Magazine had: "a pea-green coat, for instance, like the bridegroom."
Page 274, line 34. A lucky apologue. I do not find this fable; but Lamb's father, in his volume of poems, described in a note on page 381, has something in the same manner in his ballad "The Sparrow's Wedding":—
The chatt'ring Magpye undertook Their wedding breakfast for to cook, He being properly bedight In a cook's cloathing, black and white.
Page 275, foot. The Admiral's favourite game. Admiral Burney wrote a treatise on whist (see notes to "Mrs. Battle's Opinions on Whist").
* * * * *
London Magazine, June, 1823.
Thomas Moore's Loves of the Angels was published in 1823. Lamb used it twice for his own literary purposes: on the present occasion, with tenderness, and again, eight years later, with some ridicule, for his comic ballad, "Satan in Search of a Wife," 1831, was ironically dedicated to the admirers of Moore's poem (see Vol. IV.).
* * * * *
Page 279. A DEATH-BED.
Hone's Table Book, Vol. I., cols. 425-426, 1827. Signed "L.," and dated London, February 10, 1827. The essay is very slightly altered from a letter written by Lamb to Crabb Robinson, January 20, 1827, describing the death of Randal Morris. It was printed in the first edition only of the Last Essays of Elia; its place being taken afterwards by the "Confessions of a Drunkard," an odd exchange. The essay was omitted, in deference, it is believed, to the objection of Mrs. Norris to her reduced circumstances being made public. As the present edition adheres to the text of the first edition, "The Death-Bed" is included in its original place as decided by the author. The "Confessions of a Drunkard" will be found in Vol. I.
Randal Norris was for many years sub-treasurer of the Inner Temple (see postscript to the essay on the "Old Benchers"). Writing to Wordsworth in 1830 Lamb spoke of him as "sixty years ours and our father's friend." An attempt has been made to identify him with the Mr. Norris of Christ's Hospital who was so kind to the Lambs after the tragedy of September, 1796. I cannot find any trace of Randal Norris having been connected with anything but the law and the Inner Temple; but possibly the Mr. Norris of the school was a relative.
Mrs. Randal Norris was connected with Widford, the village adjoining Blakesware, where she had known Mary Field, Lamb's grandmother. It was thither that she and her son retired after Randal Norris's death, to join her daughters, Miss Betsy and Miss Jane, who had a school for girls known as Goddard House School. Lamb kept up his friendship with them to the end, and they corresponded with Mary Lamb after his death. Mrs. Norris died in 1843, aged seventy-eight, and was buried at Widford. The grave of Richard Norris, the son, is also there. He died in 1836. One of the daughters, Elizabeth, married Charles Tween, of Widford, and lived until 1894. The other daughter, Jane, married Arthur Tween, his brother, and lived until 1891.
Mary Lamb was a bridesmaid at the Norris's wedding and after the ceremony accompanied the bride and bridegroom to Richmond for the day. So one of their daughters told Canon Ainger.
Crabb Robinson seems to have exerted himself for the family, as Lamb wished. Mr. W.C. Hazlitt says that an annuity of L80 was settled upon Mrs. Norris.
Page 279, last line. To the last he called me Jemmy. In the letter to Crabb Robinson—"To the last he called me Charley. I have none to call me Charley now."
Page 280, line 2. That bound me to B——. In the letter to Crabb Robinson—"that bound me to the Temple."
Page 280, line 14. Your Corporation Library. In the letter—"The Temple Library."
Page 280, line 19. He had one Song. Garrick's "Hearts of Oak."
* * * * *
Page 281. OLD CHINA.
London Magazine, March, 1823.
This essay forms a pendant, or complement, to "Mackery End in Hertfordshire," completing the portrait of Mary Lamb begun there. It was, with "The Wedding," Wordsworth's favourite among the Last Essays.
Page 282, line 23. The brown suit. P.G. Patmore, in his recollections of Lamb in the Court Journal, 1835, afterwards reprinted, with some alterations, in his My Friends and Acquaintances, stated that Lamb laid aside his snuff-coloured suit in favour of black, after twenty years of the India House; and he suggests that Wordsworth's stanzas in "A Poet's Epitaph" was the cause:—
But who is he, with modest looks, And clad in homely russet brown? He murmurs near the running brooks A music sweeter than their own.
He is retired as noontide dew, Or fountain in a noon-day grove; And you must love him, ere to you He will seem worthy of your love.
Whatever Patmore's theory may be worth, it is certain that Lamb adhered to black after the change.
Page 282, line 25. Beaumont and Fletcher. See note to "Books and Reading."
Page 282, line 27. Barker's. Barker's old book-shop was at No. 20 Great Russell Street, over which the Lambs went to live in 1817. It had then, however, become Mr. Owen's, a brazier's (Wheatley's London Past and Present gives Barker's as 19, but a contemporary directory says 20). Great Russell Street is now Russell Street.
Page 282, line 30. From Islington. This would be when Lamb and his sister lived at 36 Chapel Street, Pentonville, a stone's throw from the Islington boundary, in 1799-1800, after the death of their father.
Page 283, line 11. The "Lady Blanch." See Mary Lamb's poem on this picture, Vol. IV. and note.
Page 283, line 15. Colnaghi's. Colnaghi, the printseller, then in Cockspur Street, now Pall Mall East. After this word came in the London Magazine "(as W—— calls it)." The reference, Mr. Rogers Rees tells me, is to Wainewright's article "C. van Vinkbooms, his Dogmas for Dilletanti," in the same magazine for December, 1821, where he wrote: "I advise Colnaghi and Molteno to import a few impressions immediately of those beautiful plates from Da Vinci. The ... and Miss Lamb's favourite, 'Lady Blanche and the Abbess,' commonly called 'Vanitas et Modestia' (Campanella, los. ed.), for I foresee that this Dogma will occasion a considerable call for them—let them, therefore, be ready."
Page 283, line 5 from foot. To see a play. "The Battle of Hexham" and "The Surrender of Calais" were by George Colman the Younger; "The Children in the Wood," a favourite play of Lamb's, especially with Miss Kelly in it, was by Thomas Morton. Mrs. Bland was Maria Theresa Bland, nee Romanzini, 1769-1838, who married Mrs. Jordan's brother. Jack Bannister we have met, in "The Old Actors."
Page 286, line 12. The Great yew R——. This would be Nathan Meyer Rothschild (1777-1836), the founder of the English branch of the family and the greatest financier of modern times.
* * * * *
This series of little essays was printed in the New Monthly Magazine in 1826, beginning in January. The order of publication there was not the same as that in the Last Essays of Elia; one of the papers, "That a Deformed Person is a Lord," was not reprinted by Lamb at all (it will be found in Vol. I. of this edition); and two others were converted into separate essays (see "The Sanity of True Genius" and "The Genteel Style in Writing").
After Lamb's death a new series of Popular Fallacies was contributed to the New Monthly Magazine by L.B. (Laman Blanchard) in 1835, preceded by an invocation to the spirit of Charles Lamb.
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
Page 287, line 1. Hickman. This would be Tom Hickman, the pugilist. In Hazlitt's fine account of "The Fight," Hickman or the Gas-Man, "vapoured and swaggered too much, as if he wanted to grin and bully his adversary out of the fight." And again, "'This is the grave digger' (would Tom Hickman exclaim in the moments of intoxication from gin and success, showing his tremendous right hand); 'this will send many of them to their long homes; I haven't done with them yet.'" But he went under to Neale, of Bristol, on the great day that Hazlitt describes.
Page 287, line 2. Him of Clarissa. Mr. Hickman, in Richardson's novel Clarissa, the lover of Miss Bayes.
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
Page 288, line 12. In Mandeville. In Bernard Mandeville's Fable of the Bees, a favourite book of Lamb's. See Vol. I., note to "The Good Clerk."
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
Page 291, line 4 from foot. Little Titubus. I do not know who this was, if any more than an abstraction; but it should be remembered that Lamb himself stammered.
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
New Monthly Magazine, January, 1826.
Compare the reflections on puns in the essay on "Distant Correspondents." Compare also the review of Hood's Odes and Addresses (Vol. I.). Cary's account of a punning contest after Lamb's own heart makes the company vie with each in puns on the names of herbs. After anise, mint and other words had been ingeniously perverted Lamb's own turn, the last, was reached, and it seemed impossible that anything was left for him. He hesitated. "Now then, let us have it," cried the others, all expectant. "Patience," he replied; "it's c-c-cumin."
Page 293, line 18. One of Swift's Miscellanies. This joke, often attributed to Lamb himself, will be found in Ars Punica, sine flos Linguarum, The Art of Punning; or, The Flower of Languages, by Dr. Sheridan and Swift, which will be found in Vol. XIII. of Scott's edition of Swift. Among the directions to the punster is this:—
Rule 3. The Brazen Rule. He must have better assurance, like Brigadier C——, who said, "That, as he was passing through a street, he made to a country fellow who had a hare swinging on a stick over his shoulder, and, giving it a shake, asked him whether it was his own hair or a periwig!" Whereas it is a notorious Oxford jest.
Page 294, line 8. Virgil ... broken Cremona. Swift (as Lamb explained in the original essay in the New Monthly Magazine), seeing a lady's mantua overturning a violin (possibly a Cremona), quoted Virgil's line: "Mantua vae miserae nimium vicina Cremonae!" (Eclogues, IX., 28), "Mantua, alas! too near unhappy Cremona."
New Monthly Magazine, March, 1826.
Whether a Mrs. Conrady existed, or was invented or adapted by Lamb to prove his point, I have not been able to discover. But the evidence of Lamb's "reverence for the sex," to use Procter's phrase, is against her existence. The Athenaeum reviewer on February 16, 1833, says, however, quoting the fallacy: "Here is a portrait of Mrs. Conrady. We agree with the writer that 'no one that has looked on her can pretend to forget the lady.'" The point ought to be cleared up.
New Monthly Magazine, April, 1826.
Page 297, line 13. Our friend Mitis. I do not identify Mitis among Lamb's many friends.
Page 297, line 11 from foot. Presentation copies. The late Mr. Thomas Westwood, the son of the Westwoods with whom the Lambs lived at Edmonton, writing to Notes and Queries some thirty-five years ago, gave an amusing account of Lamb pitching presentation copies out of the window into the garden—a Barry Cornwall, a Bernard Barton, a Leigh Hunt, and so forth. Page 298, line 6. Odd presents of game. Compare the little essay on "Presents of Game," Vol. I.
New Monthly Magazine, March, 1826. In that place the first sentence began with the word "Two;" the second ended with "of our assertions;" and (fourteenth line of essay) it was said of the very poor man that he "can ask" no visitors. Lamb, in a letter, wished Wordsworth particularly to like this fallacy and that on rising with the lark.
Page 300, line 9. It has been prettily said. By Lamb himself, or more probably by his sister, in Poetry for Children, 1809. See "The First Tooth," Vol. III., which ends upon the line
A child is fed with milk and praise.
Page 301, line 3. There is yet another home. Writing to Mrs. Wordsworth on February 18, 1818, Lamb gives a painful account, very similar in part to this essay, of the homeless home to which he was reduced by visitors. But by the time he wrote the essay, when all his day was his own, the trouble was not acute. He tells Bernard Barton on March 20, 1826, "My tirade against visitors was not meant particularly at you or A.K. I scarce know what I meant, for I do not just now feel the grievance. I wanted to make an article." Compare the first of the "Lepus" papers in Vol. I.
Page 301, line 20. It is the refreshing sleep of the day. After this sentence, in the magazine, came this passage:—
"O the comfort of sitting down heartily to an old folio, and thinking surely that the next hour or two will be your own—and the misery of being defeated by the useless call of somebody, who is come to tell you, that he is just come from hearing Mr. Irving! What is that to you? Let him go home, and digest what the good man said to him. You are at your chapel, in your oratory."
Mr. Irving was the Rev. Edward Irving (1792-1834), whom Lamb knew slightly and came greatly to admire.
New Monthly Magazine, February, 1826.
Compare "A Bachelor's Complaint." I cannot identify the particular friend whom Lamb has hidden under asterisks; although his cousin would seem to have some likeness to one of the Bethams mentioned in the essay "Many Friends" (Vol. I.), and in the letter to Landor of October, 1832 (usually dated April), after his visit to the Lambs.
Page 304, line 15. Honorius dismiss his vapid wife. Writing to Bernard Barton on March 20, 1826, Lamb says:—"In another thing I talkd of somebody's insipid wife, without a correspondent object in my head: and a good lady, a friend's wife, whom I really love (don't startle, I mean in a licit way) has looked shyly on me ever since. The blunders of personal application are numerous. I send out a character every now and then, on purpose to exercise the ingenuity of my friends."
Page 304, line 11 from foot. Merry, of Delia Cruscan memory. Robert Merry (1755-1798), an affected versifier who settled in Florence as a young man, and contributed to the Florence Miscellany. He became a member of the Delia Cruscan Academy, and on returning to England signed his verses, in The World, "Delia Crusca." A reply to his first effusion, "Adieu and Recall to Love," was written by Mrs. Hannah Cowley, author of The Belle's Stratagem, and signed "Anna Matilda;" this correspondence continued; a fashion of sentiment was thus started; and for a while Delia Cruscan poetry was the rage. The principal Delia Cruscan poems were published in the British Album in 1789, and the collection was popular until Gifford's Baviad (followed by his Maeviad) appeared in 1791, and satirised its conceits so mercilessly that the school collapsed. A meeting with Anna Matilda in the flesh and the discovery that she was twelve years his senior had, however, put an end to Merry's enthusiasm long before Gifford's attack. Merry afterwards threw in his lot with the French Revolution, and died in America. He married, as Lamb says, Elizabeth Brunton, an excellent tragic actress, in 1791. But that was in England. The journey to America came later.
The story of Merry's avoidance of the lady of his first choice is probably true. Carlo Antonio Delpini was a famous pantomimist in his day at Drury Lane, Covent Garden and the Haymarket. He also was stage manager at the Opera for a while, and occasionally arranged entertainments for George IV. at Brighton. He died in 1828.
New Monthly Magazine, February, 1826.
Compare "The Superannuated Man," to which this little essay, which, with that following, is one of Lamb's most characteristic and perfect works, serves as a kind of postscript.
New Monthly Magazine, February, 1826.
New Monthly Magazine, September, 1826.
This was the last of the series and Lamb's last contribution to the New Monthly Magazine.
See notes to the essays "On Some of the Old Actors," "The Artificial Comedy" and "The Acting of Munden." Two portions of these essays, not reprinted by Lamb, call for comment: the story of the first night of "Antonio," and the account of Charles Mathews' collection of pictures.
Page 328, line 14 from foot. My friend G.'s "Antonio." William Godwin's tragedy, produced on December 13, 1800, at Drury Lane. Lamb had written the epilogue (see Vol. IV.). Compare the letter to Manning of December 16, 1800.
Page 329, line 28. M. wiped his cheek. Writing to Godwin after the failure Lamb says: "The breast of Hecuba, where she did suckle Hector, looked not to be more lovely than Marshal's forehead when it spit forth sweat, at Critic-swords contending. I remember two honest lines by Marvel ...
"'Where every Mower's wholesome heat Smells like an Alexander's sweat.'"
And again, to Manning: "His [Marshal's] face was lengthened, and all over perspiration; I never saw such a care-fraught visage; I could have hugged him, I loved him so intensely. 'From every pore of him a perfume fell.'"
Page 329, foot. R——s the dramatist. I imagine this to be Frederic Reynolds (1764-1841), author of "The Dramatist" and many other plays. We know Lamb to have known him later, from a mention in a letter to J.B. Dibdin.
Page 330, foot, Brutus ... Appius. Brutus in "Julius Caesar," or possibly in the play called "Brutus," by John Howard Payne, Lamb's friend (produced December 3, 1818), in which Brutus kills his son—a closer parallel. Appius was probably a slip of the pen for Virginius, who in Sheridan Knowles' drama that bears his name kills his daughter to protect her from Appius.
Page 331, line 7. G. thenceforward. Godwin did, however, write another play, "Faulkener," for which Lamb wrote the prologue. It was moderately successful.
Page 331, 1st line of essay. I do not know, etc. The paragraph beginning with these words is often printed by editors of Lamb as a separate article entitled "The Old Actors." Charles Mathews' collection of theatrical portraits is now in the Garrick Club. In his lifetime it occupied the gallery at Ivy Lodge, Highgate (or more properly Kentish Town). A year or so before Mathews' death in 1835, his pictures were exhibited at the Queen's Bazaar in Oxford Street, Lamb's remarks being printed in the catalogue raisonne.
Accountants, Lamb on, 3. Actors and acting, Lamb's essays on, 150, 161, 168, 185, 188, 190, 230, 315, 322, 331. Actors among Lamb's friends, 232. Adams, Parson, 49. Agar's wish, 348. Aguecheek, Lamb on, 155. Ainger, Canon, his notes on Lamb, 345, 353, 361, 403, 436, 438. Albion, The, and Lamb, 254, 429, 432. Alice W——n, 32, 44, 116, 117, 339, 363, 389. ALL FOOLS' DAY, 48, 367. Allen, Bob, 25, 253, 355, 431. Allsop, Thomas, quoting Lamb, 357. —— and "Roast Pig," 396. —— quotes Lamb on G.H., 425. Almsgiving, Lamb on, 137. Alsatia, the debtors' sanctuary, 162. America, Lamb relics in, 344, 357, 358, 362, 412. AMICUS REDIVIVUS, 237, 424. Anatomy and love, 64. Anatomy of Melancholy quoted, 46. Andre, Major, 237, 424. Anna Matilda, 443. Antiquity, Lamb on, 11. "Antonio," by Godwin, 328, 444. Arcadia, The, by Sidney, 242. Arrowsmith, Aaron, 369. "Artaxerxes," 113, 387. Artificial comedy, Lamb's essay on, 161, 399. Artists, their want of imagination, 256. Arundel Castle and the chimney-sweep legend, 127. As when a child on some long winter's night, 388. Athenaeum, The, Lamb's contribution to, 433. Athenian Oracle, The, 303. Australia, Lamb on, 122. Ayrton, William, 361, 363.
BACHELOR'S COMPLAINT OF THE BEHAVIOUR OF MARRIED PEOPLE, 144, 397. Badams, Mrs., 362. Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 340. Bannister, Jack, 159, 185, 399, 408. BARBARA S——, 230, 421. Barker's book-shop, 282, 439. BARRENNESS OF THE IMAGINATIVE FACULTY IN THE PRODUCTIONS OF MODERN ART, 256, 433. Barrington, Daines, 101, 383. Bartholomew Fair, 128, 391. Barton, Bernard, Lamb's letters to, 341, 406, 417, 420, 435, 442. — Thomas, 102, 383. Baskett prayer-book, 9. Battle, Mrs., 37, 175, 406. —— on whist, 37. —— her identity, 361. Beaumont and Fletcher, Lamb's copy, 357. Beauty, Lamb on, 295. "Beggar's Petition," 394. Begging, Lamb's essay on, 130, 392. Belisarius, 131. "Belshazzars Feast," Martin's picture of, 259, 434. Benchers, The Old, Lamb's essay on, 94. Bensley, Robert, 152, 318, 398. Betty, Master, 414. Bigod, Ralph, Lamb's name for Fenwick, 27, 356. Billet, John, 184. Binding, Lamb on, 412. Blackwood's Magazine and Scott, 340. Blake, William, and Lamb, 391. BLAKESMOOR IN H——SHIRE, 174, 405. Blakesware near Widford, 115, 174, 388, 405. Bland, Mrs., 283, 439. Blandy, Miss, the poisoner, 98, 380. Bodkin, W.H., 392. Book of Sports, The, 418. Books, Lamb on, 34, 360. — that are not books, 195, 411. Booth's Tables of Interest and Lamb, 419. Borrowing, Lamb on, 26. Bourne, Vincent, 133, 393. Bowles, William Lisle, 38, 362. Boyer, James, 23, 353. Braham, John, 71, 371. Breeding, Lamb on, 288. Bridget, Elia. See Elia. Brighton and the Lambs, 415. — Lamb's imaginery scene there, 259. British Museum, a careful vandal, 357. Browne, Moses, 404. — Sir Thomas, 58, 66, 80. Bruce, James, 240, 425. Bruton, Miss Sarah, 376. Brutons, Lamb's relations, 88, 89. Buckland, Dean, and the American vandal, 424. Bullies, Lamb on, 286, 440. Buncle, The Life of, 30, 357. Burney, Edward, 65, 370. — James, 361. Burney, Martin, 200, 414. — Mrs., and Mrs. Battle, 361. — Sarah, her wedding, 271, 436. Burns, Robert, and Lamb, 70, 370. Burton, Robert, quoted, 46, 77. Business! the frivolous pretence, 419. Button Snap, Lamb's cottage, 385, 386, 387. But who is he, with modest looks, 438.
Cambridge, Lamb at, 345. Camelford, Lord, 121, 390. Candle-light, Lamb on, 308. CAPTAIN JACKSON, 215, 416. Card playing, essay on, in Every-Day Book, 362. Carlisle, Sir Anthony, 193, 372, 410. Cary, H.F., his verses on Lamb, 426. — on Lamb's puns, 441. Cave, Edward, 344. Chambers, John, 224, 419. Chapman's Homer kissed by Lamb, 412. CHAPTER ON EARS, A, 43, 363. CHARACTER OF THE LATE ELIA, A, 171, 402. Chess and Mrs. Battle, 42. CHILD ANGEL, THE, 276, 437. Children and the dark, 77. Chimney-sweepers, Lamb's essay on, 124, 390. CHINA, OLD, 281, 438. — its first roast pork, 138. CHRIST'S HOSPITAL FIVE AND THIRTY YEARS AGO, 14, 350. —— prayer-book, 9. —— food in Lamb's day, 14, 350. —— holidays in Lamb's day, 15, 351. —— the dungeon, 19. —— flogging, 23. —— Grecians, 26, 355. —— its graces, 110, 384. —— the Coleridge memorial, 354. —— the Lamb medal, 355. Clapdishes, 131. "Cobbler of Preston," by Johnson, 170, 401. Cockletop, in "Modern Antiques," 168, 400. Colebrooke cottage, 425. Coleridge, Hartley, on Lamb, 400. — S.T., at Christ's Hospital, 15, 350, 351. — his wit combats, 25. — his treatment of books, 29, 356. — his "Ode on the Departing Year," 31, 359. — on apple-dumplings, 108, 384. — his "Epitaph on an Infant," 141, 397. — on Boyer, 353. — and the Christ's Hospital memorial, 354. — his military name, 356. — Lamb's letters to, 356, 368, 396. — his marginalia, 358. — his notes in Beaumont and Fletcher, 357. ——— in Donne, 358. — on Lamb, 359. — Lamb's letter to, concerning Quakers, 368. — and Christopher North, 371. — his sonnets with Lamb, 388. — and the Morning Post, 429, 430. Colet, Dean, his Accidence, 59. Colnaghi's print shop, 283, 439. Comberback, Coleridge's military name, 29, 356. Come, all degrees now passing by, 391. Comedy and its licence, 161. COMPLAINT OF THE DECAY OF BEGGARS IN THE METROPOLIS, 130, 392. CONFESSIONS OF A DRUNKARD, 437. Congreve, Lamb on, 160, 162. Conrady, Mrs., 294, 441. CONVALESCENT, THE, 208, 416. Corbet, Peter, 404. Coventry, Thomas, 97, 380. Cowards and bullies, 286. Cowley, on business, 419. Crawford, Anne, 423. Cresseid, 131. Curry, Sir Christopher, in "Inkle and Yarico," 169, 401.
Da Vinci, Leonardo, and Lamb's beauty, 69, 370. Dawson, Bully, 287. Days, Lamb's fantasy upon, 266. DEATH-BED, A, 279, 437. Delia Cruscan poetry, 443. Delpini, 305, 443. Dennis, John, 292. De Quincey on Lamb, 377. DETACHED THOUGHTS ON BOOKS AND READING, 195, 411. Dickens anticipated by Lamb, 356, 417. Disputes, Lamb on, 291. DISSERTATION UPON ROAST PIG, 137, 395. DISTANT CORRESPONDENTS, 118, 389. Dobell, Mr. Bertram, his notes on Lamb, 342, 395, 408. Doctor, the, at Islington, 238. Dodd, James William, 155. Dodwell, Henry, 224, 419. Dornton in "The Road to Ruin," 169, 401. Dorrell, William, the Lambs' enemy, 32, 360. DREAM-CHILDREN, 115, 388. Dreams, Lamb on, 79. Drowning in dreams, 241. Drury Lane Theatre, 111, 385. Dyer, George, 11, 237, 241, 347, 348, 349, 424, 425, 433. —— and the New River, 237, 424.
Early rising, Lamb on, 305. East India House, Lamb at, 219. ——— Lamb's superannuation, 219, 417. ——— Lamb's fellow clerks, 223, 224, 403, 404. Edwards, Thomas, 92, 379. Eel-soup, 374. Elgin marbles, 225, 419. ELIA, 1823, suggested dedication, 337. — its poor reception, 338. — second series. American edition, 339. Elia, F.A., 337. — Lamb on, 8. — his death, 171. — Lamb's character of, 171, 402. — origin of name, 337. — his birthplace, 365. — Bridget (Mary Lamb), 43, 362. —— her taste in reading, 86. —— her regrets for poverty, 282. ELLISTON, TO THE SHADE OF, 188, 409. ELLISTONIANA, 190, 410. Elliston, R.W., Lamb's essays on, 188, 190, 409, 410. —— at Leamington, 190. —— his grave, 411. —— Lamb and Munden on an excursion, 410. Elton, Sir C.A., his poem to Lamb, 358. Emery, John, 186, 409. Endor, the Witch of, 75, 372. Englishman's Magazine, 342. —— Lamb's contributions to, 188, 190, 249. Evans, William, 3, 343. Evelyn, John, quoted, 72. Every-Day Book, essay on card-playing, 362. Examiner, The, and Lamb's "Chimney-Sweepers," 392. —— Lamb's contributions to, 63, 168. —— "On a visit to St. Paul's," 424. Example, Lamb on, 288. Excursions, the Lambs', 283.
Faerie Queene, Lamb's copy, 413. FALLACIES, POPULAR. See POPULAR FALLACIES. Family Pictures, by Anne Manning, 378. Farley, Charles, 169, 259, 401, 435. "Father, A," his remonstrance with Lamb, 360. Favell, Joseph, 25, 181, 355, 408. Feasting, Lamb on, 290. Fenwick, John, 27, 129, 255, 356, 432. Field, Barron, 90, 118, 363, 377, 389. — Mary, 361, 405. — Matthew, 20, 352. Fielde, Francis, Lamb's godfather, 111, 385. Flecknoe, quoted, 51. Flogging, Lamb on, 23. Fools, Lamb's essay on, 48, 367. Fountains, Lamb on, 96. Fox, George, 53, 368. French translation of Lamb, 415. Fuller, Thomas, quoted, 71. Funerals and Lamb, 274, 436.
Gallantry, Lamb on, 90, 377. "Garden, The," by Marvell, 96. Gattie, Henry, 186, 408. Gebir and the Tower of Babel, 49. Gebir, by Landor, 206, 415. GENTEEL STYLE IN WRITING, THE, 226, 420. Gentility, Lamb on, 176. George IV., 259, 268, 435, 436. Gladmans, Lamb's relations, 88, 89, 90. Gli Elogi del Porco, 396. Gluttony and grace, Lamb on, 105. Godwin, William, his play "Antonio," 328, 444. — Lamb's friend, 376. — Lamb's letter to, 444. Gold's London Magazine, 395. GRACE BEFORE MEAT, 104, 384. Graces at Christ's Hospital, 110, 384. Gray's Inn Gardens, 155, 399. Grecians at Christ's Hospital, 26, 355. Greg, Mr. Thomas, and Lamb's property, 385. Guildhall giants, 29. Gulliver's Travels, 382.
Hare Court, Lamb's rooms in, 390. "Harlequin's Invasion," 113, 387. Hastings and the Lambs, 206, 416. Hawes, Dr., 241. Hazlitt, William, on Sidney, 247, 427. —— on Lamb in the country, 345. —— knocked down by John Lamb, 347. —— his interest in John Buncle, 357. —— as Duns Scotus, 367. —— Lamb's letter to, 397. —— on Lamb, 403. —— his wedding, 436. — W.C., his notes on Lamb, 357, 438. Helicon and Hippocrene confused, 37. Hertfordshire hair, 178. — and Lamb, 220, 418. — Lamb's praise of, 375. He was (woe worth that word!) to each well-thinking mind, 428. Heywood, Thomas, quoted, 67. Hickman, Tom, the prize fighter, 287, 440. High-born Helen, round your dwelling, 407. Hodges (or Huggins), 352. Hogarth, his chimney-sweeper, 126. Hogsflesh and Bacon, 415. Hogs Norton and the pigs, 109. Holcroft, Thomas, 376. Hone's Table Book, Lamb's contribution to, 279. Hood, Thomas, his friendship with Lamb, 393. —— on beggars, 393. Hooker, Richard, 104, 384. Hoole, John, 404. Horsey, Samuel, 135, 393. Huggins (or Hodges), 352. Hugh of Lincoln, 70, 371. Hume, David, 70, 371. — Joseph, Lamb's friend, 394. Humphreys, Mr. Deputy, 253. Hunt, Leigh, and Lamb, 360. —— chaffed by Lamb, 364. Hunt, Leigh, replies to Lamb, 365. —— and Lamb's "Chimney Sweepers," 392. —— on Lamb's books, 412. —— his translation of Milton, 426. — Thornton, 77, 372. Hutchinson, Sarah, Lamb's letter to, 417.
I can remember when a child the maids, 372. I have not forgot how thou didst love thy Charles, 350. Illusion on the stage, 185. Imagination, its lack in the artists of Lamb's day, 256. Imitators of Lamb, 339. IMPERFECT SYMPATHIES, 66, 370. Ino Leucothea, 79. Ireland, Dean, 423. Irving, Edward, and Lamb, 442. Isola, Emma, 436.
JACKSON, CAPTAIN, 215, 416. — "Omniscient," 102, 383. "Janus Weathercock." See Wainewright. Jekyll, Joseph, 97, 379. John Woodvil quoted, 368, 372. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 250, 344, 383. Jokes to order, Lamb on, 252. Jonson, Ben, quoted, 89. Jordan, Mrs., 151, 398. Joshua, Martin's picture of, 262, 435. Journalism and Lamb, 251.
Kelly, Fanny, and BARBARA S——, 421. —— and Mrs. Siddons, 422. Kemble, John Philip, 153, 168, 327, 398. Kenney, James, 30, 357. Kent, Charles, his edition of Lamb, 421. King, Thomas, 166, 400.
"Lady of the Manor," 113, 387. Lamb, Charles, on the South-Sea House, 1. —— on accountants, 3. —— on Elia, 8. —— on Oxford, 10. —— on antiquity, 11. —— on old libraries, 11. —— on George Dyer, 11. —— on his school-days, 14. —— on Coleridge's school-days, 14. —— on Matthew Fielde, 21. —— on James Boyer, 22. —— on borrowers and borrowing, 26. —— on John Fenwick, 27. —— on Coleridge as a book borrower, 29. —— on the Duchess of Newcastle, 30. —— on the New Year, 31. —— on bells, 31. —— on his childhood, 32, 75. —— on the joy of life, 33. —— on death, 34. —— on Mrs. Battle and whist, 37, —— his want of ear, 43. —— his piano playing, 44. —— on oratorios, 45. —— on Novello's evenings, 47. —— on fools, 48. —— on Quakers, 51, 55, 72. —— on silence, 51. —— on Sewel's History, 53. —— on John Woolman, 54. —— and the Quaker "wit," 55. —— his reading, 56. —— on schoolmasters, 59. —— on Valentine's Day, 63. —— on anatomy and love, 64. —— on door knocks, 64. —— on Edward Burney's valentine, 65. —— on imperfect sympathies, 66. —— on Scotchmen, 67. —— on Jews, 70. —— on Braham, 71. —— on negroes, 71. —— on Quakers, 72. —— on witches, 74. —— on his childhood, 75. —— on children and the dark, 77. —— on Thornton Hunt's bringing up, 77. —— on dreams, 79. —— on his relations, 80. —— on Sarah Lamb, 80. —— on John Lamb, jr., 81, 117. —— on his sister Mary, 86. —— his dislike of stories, 86. —— on the Duchess of Newcastle again, 87. —— on Mackery End, 88. —— his Hertfordshire relations, 88. —— on the comely Brutons, 89. —— on gallantry, 90. —— on Joseph Paice, 92. —— on the Temple, 94. —— on sun-dials, 95. —— on fountains, 96. —— on the old Benchers, 97. —— on Joseph Jekyll, 97. —— on Samuel Salt, 98, 103. —— on Thomas Coventry, 99. —— on his father, 99. —— on Daines Barrington, 101. —— on James Mingay, 102. —— on Baron Maseres, 103. —— on saying grace, 104. —— on Milton, 107. —— his godfather Field, 111. —— as a landed proprietor, 112. —— his first play, 112. —— and his imaginary children, 115. —— his grandmother, 115. —— on Blakesware, 116. —— on distant correspondents, 118. —— on Lord Camelford's whim, 121. —— on puns, 122. —— on Australia, 122. —— on chimney-sweepers, 124. —— on Saloop, 125. —— and fine teeth, 127. —— and James White, 128. —— on beggars, 130. —— his translation from Bourne, 133. Lamb, Charles, on Samuel Horsey, 135. —— on almsgiving, 137. —— on the origin of roast pig, 137. —— on roast pig, 140. —— and his plum cake, 142. —— on married people, 144. —— on "Twelfth Night," 150. —— on Mrs. Jordan, 151. —— on Mrs. Powel, 151. —— on Bensley's Malvolio, 152. —— on Dodd's Aguecheek, 155. —— on Dicky Suett, 157. —— on Jack Bannister, 159. —— on Jack Palmer, 159, 165. —— on the artificial comedy, 161. —— on Wycherley and Congreve, 162. —— on the "School for Scandal," 164. —— on J.P. Kemble, 168. —— on Munden's faces, 169. —— on Elia's death, 172. —— on family mansions, 174. —— on Blakesware, 175. —— on the feeling of gentility, 176. —— on poor relations, 178. —— on Favell's sensitiveness, 181. —— on John Billet, 183. —— on stage illusion, 185. —— on Gattie's old men, 186. —— on Emery as Tyke, 186. —— on Elliston, 188, 190. —— entertains Elliston, 194. —— on reading, 195. —— on books that are not books, 195. —— on binding, 196. —— on editions of the great authors, 197. —— on the names of poets, 198. —— on Shakespeare, 198. —— his adventure on Primrose Hill, 199. —— on watering-places, 201. —— on the voyage to Margate, 21. —— on a good liar, 202. —— on the ocean, 205. —— on Hastings, 206. —— on smuggling, 207. —— on convalescence, 208. —— on the sanity of genius, 212. —— on Captain Jackson, 215. —— on his clerk-state, 219. —— his superannuation, 221. —— on leisure, 222. —— on the genteel style in writing, 226. —— on Sir William Temple, 226. —— on Miss Kelly's reminiscence. 230. —— on his friends among actors, 232. —— on Westminster Abbey fees, 235. —— on Andrews monument, 237. —— on George Dyer's immersion, 237. —— on the Islington doctor, 238, —— on the New River, 240. —— on drowning in dreams, 241. —— on Sidney's sonnets, 242. —— on Milton's Latin sonnet, 243. —— on Hazlitt s opinion of Sidney, 248. —— on James Bruce, 250. —— on Dan Stuart, 250. —— on the Morning Post days, 250. —— on joking to order, 252. —— on Bob Allen, 253. —— on The Albion, 254. —— and Sir James Mackintosh, 256. —— on modern painters, 256. —— on Titian's "Ariadne," 256. —— on Raphael, 257. —— on J.M.W. Turner, 258. —— his imaginary scene at Brighton, 259. —— on John Martin, 260. —— on Don Quixote, 264. —— his fantasy on the Days, 266. —— on Miss Burney's wedding, 271. —— on mothers and daughters, 273. —— on his behaviour on solemn occasions, 274. Lamb, Charles, on Admiral Burney, 275. —— his fantasy on the child angel, 276. —— on Randal Norris's death, 279. —— on old china, 281. —— his sister's regrets for poverty, 282. —— and the folio Beaumont and Fletcher, 282. —— and his sister's excursions, 283. —— and his sister's playgoing, 283. —— on bullies and cowards, 286. —— on ill-gotten gains, 287. —— on jokes and laughter, 287. —— on breeding, 288. —— on the poor and the rich, 288. —— on sayings concerning money, 290. —— on disputants, 291. —— on puns, 292. —— on Mrs. Conrady, 294. —— on beauty, 295. —— on presents, 296. —— on home, 298. —— on friendship, 302. —— on Merry's wedding day, 304. —— on early rising, 305. —— on superannuation, 307. —— on going to bed late, 308. —— on candle-light, 308. —— on sulky tempers, 309. —— on Kemble in Godwin's "Antonio," 329. —— on Mathews' collection of portraits, 331. —— on the name Elia, 337. —— his dedication to Elia, 337, —— his imitators, 339. —— his Key to Elia, 339. —— and the London Magazine, 340. —— on Taylor's editing, 341. —— his post London Magazine days, 342. —— at the South-Sea House, 342. —— in the country, 345. —— at Oxford, 346. —— his sonnet on Cambridge, 346. —— on Milton's MSS., 346. —— his jokes with George Dyer, 347. —— on George Dyer's career, 348, 349. —— his lines to his aunt, 350. —— his popularity at school, 355. —— on Grecians and Deputy-Grecians, 355. —— on reading and borrowing, 356. —— and Luther's Table Talk, 357. —— Coleridge as a reader, 357. —— his copy of Beaumont and Fletcher, 357. —— his copy of Donne, 358. —— his books in America, 358. —— his reply to "Olen," 358. —— his sonnet "Leisure," 359. —— Coleridge's description of him, 359. —— on Coleridge's "Ode," 359. —— his sonnet on Innocence, 360. —— rebuked by "A Father," 360. —— and the Burneys, 361. —— elementary rules of whist, 362. —— his ear for music, 363. —— weathering a Mozartian storm, 364. —— his chaff of Hunt, 364. —— on Elia's ancestors, 364. —— chaffed by Hunt, 365. —— Maginn thinks him a Jew, 365. —— on birthplaces, 365. —— on turning Quaker, 368. —— kisses a copy of Burns, 371. —— his threat concerning Burns, 371. —— rebuked by Christopher North, 371. —— his admiration of Braham, 371. —— on Sir Anthony Carlisle, 372. —— his sisters, 373. —— on John Lamb's pamphlet, 374. Lamb, Charles, his cousins, 376. —— his blank verse fragment, 377. —— on Wordsworth's "Yarrow Visited," 377. —— De Quincey's description of him, 377. —— his chivalry, 377. —— Barry Cornwall's anecdote of him, 377. —— his birthplace, 379. —— his patron, 380. —— his father, 381. —— and Baron Maseres, 383. —— and Southey's criticism of Elia, 384. —— as a landowner, 385. —— his letter to his tenant, 386. —— and his mother, 387. —— his sonnet to Mrs. Siddons, 388. —— and Alice W——, 389. —— his love period, 389. —— and chimney-sweepers, 390. —— at Bartholomew Fair, 391. —— his acquaintance with Hood, 393. —— his joke to a beggar, 394. —— on the "Beggar's Petition," 394. —— his joke on Wainewright, 395. —— the origin of his "Roast Pig," 395. —— his recantation, 397. —— his aunts, 397. —— on Mrs. John Rickman, 397. —— criticised by Macaulay, 399. —— praised by Hartley Coleridge, 400. —— on Elia's character, 402. —— on the East India House clerks, 404. —— letter to Southey about Blakesware, 406. —— letter to Barton on same subject, 406. —— his excursion with Elliston and Munden, 410. —— his books described by Leigh Hunt, 412. —— his affectation of affectation, 414. —— and watering-places, 415. —— at Hastings, 416. —— leaves the India House, 417. —— letter to Barton on his liberty, 417. —— on the Puritans, 418. —— his love of walking, 419. —— his sonnet on "Work," 419. —— his remark to Macready, 423. —— his remark to Allsop about Dyer, 425. —— the last book he read, 426. —— on Lord's Thurlow's poems, 427. —— his paragraphs for the Morning Post, 429. —— as he appeared to Dan Stuart, 430. —— his epigrams on Mackintosh, 433. —— his real opinion of Titian's "Ariadne," 434. —— letter to Barton on John Martin, 435. —— at Hazlitt's wedding, 436. —— his clothes, 438. —— his pun at Cary's, 441. —— his treatment of presentation copies, 441. — Elizabeth, Lamb's mother, 387. — John (Lovel), 100, 381. —— his boyhood, 183, 408. —— quoted, 437. —— jr., his character, 81. —— his childhood, 117. —— at the South-Sea House, 344. —— and Hazlitt, 347. —— his Letter ... on Cruelty to Animals, 374. —— his death, 388. — Mary (Bridget Elia), Lamb's sister, 43, 86, 362, 376. —— her account of a schoolmaster, 62. —— a quaint poetess, 200, 414. —— her first play, 387. —— her poem "Helen," 407. — Sarah (Lamb's aunt), 15, 142, 350, 397. —— her character, 80. Lamb, Sarah, her sarcasm, 184. — family, 81, 373. "LAST ESSAYS OF ELIA," 339. Laughter, Lamb on, 287. "Lazarus, The Raising of," by Piombo, 262, 435. Le Grice, Charles Valentine, 25, 110, 354, 384. —— Samuel, 25, 355. Leisure, Lamb on, 420. Letter-writing, Lamb on, 118. Liar, a good, 202. Libraries, Lamb on, 11. Life of John Buncle, by Amory, 30, 357. Lincoln, John Lamb's boyhood, 183, 408. Liston, John, 169, 401, 423. Lloyd, Charles, 360. Lombardy and the pawnbrokers, 254. London, Lamb's homes in, 379. London Magazine, history of, 340. —— Lamb's contributions to, 1-56, 66-185, 195-208, 215, 219, 230, 235, 237, 242, 271, 276, 281, 315, 322, 331. —— Lamb's last contribution to, 408. Love and anatomy, 64. "Love for Love," by Congreve, 160. Lovel. See John Lamb. Lovell, Daniel, 255, 432. Lully, Raymond, 49, 196. "Lun's Ghost," 113, 387. Luther's Table Talk and Coleridge, 357. "Lycidas" in its original form, 346.
Macaulay, Lord, 399. MACKERY END, IN HERTFORDSHIRE, 86, 375. Mackintosh, Sir James, 433. Macready, W.C., and Lamb, 423. Maginn, William, 365. Make-believe, an artist in, 215. Malone, Edmund, 198, 413. Malvolio, the character of, 316. Man, Henry, 6, 344. Manning, Miss Anne, quoted, 378. — Thomas, 56, 369. —— and "Roast Pig," 137, 396. —— Lamb's letter to, 376, 444. —— and Baron Maseres, 383. Margate, Lamb at, 415. Hoy, Lamb's essay on, 201, 415. Marriage, Lamb on, 144. Married people, Lamb's essay on, 144, 397. Marshal, Godwin's friend, 329, 444. Martin, John, 259, 434. Marvell, Andrew, quoted, 96, 176. Maseres, Baron, 103, 383. Mathews, Charles, his pictures, 331, 445. Mendicity, Society for Suppression of, 130, 392. Merry, Robert, 304, 443. Micawber, Wilkins, anticipated, 356, 417. Middleton, Thomas Fanshaw, 23, 24, 354. Milton, John, on education, 60, 369. —— Lamb on, 107. —— adapted by Lamb, 188. —— on the Arcadia, 242. —— and the civil war, 242. —— his Latin sonnet, "Ad Leonoram," 243, 426. —— Lamb's copy of, 412. Mingay, James, 102, 383. MODERN GALLANTRY, 90, 377. Money, sayings concerning, 290. Montagu, Basil, 12, 252, 348, 431. Lady Mary Wortley, 381. Montgomery, James, and Lamb, 390. Moore, Thomas, his Loves of the Angels, 276, 437. Moore's Diary quoted, 411. Morning Chronicle and Lamb, 429, 431. — Herald, 413. — Post and Lamb, 249, 429. Mothers and daughters, Lamb on, 273. "Mourning Bride," Mary Lamb's first play, 387. Moxon, Lamb's letter to, 434. Mozart, Lamb copes with, successfully, 364. "Mr. H." and Elliston, 409. MRS. BATTLE'S OPINIONS ON WHIST, 37, 361. Munden, Joseph Shepherd, 168, 400. Music, Lamb's difficulty with, 44, 363. MY FIRST PLAY, 110, 385. My good friend, for favours to my son and wife, 382. MY RELATIONS, 80, 373.
Names of poets, Lamb on, 198. Negroes, Lamb on, 71. New Monthly Magazine, 342. ——— Lamb's contributions to, 212, 226, 286-309. New River, the, and G.D., 237, 424. NEW YEAR'S EVE, 31, 358. Newcastle, Margaret, Duchess of, 30, 87, 131, 197, 357, 393, 412. NEWSPAPERS THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, 249, 428. Newspaper stamps, 433. Night-fears, Lamb on, 77. Nobleman, The Unfortunate Young, 81. Norris, Randal, 279, 416, 437. North, Christopher (John Wilson), 371. Novello, Vincent, 47, 363. Nyren, John, 363.
Odes and Addresses quoted, 392. OF TWO DISPUTANTS, THE WARMEST IS GENERALLY IN THE WRONG, 291, 440. Ogilvie, his memories of G.D., 424. OLD ACTORS, THE, 322, 444. — BENCHERS OF THE INNER TEMPLE, THE, 94, 379. — CHINA, 281, 438. — MARGATE HOY, THE, 201, 415. OLD AND THE NEW SCHOOLMASTER, THE, 56, 369. "Olen," Sir C.A. Elton's pseudonym, 358. O melancholy Bird, a winter's day, 427. One parent vet is left,—a wretched thing, 382. ON SOME OF THE OLD ACTORS, 150, 397. See also APPENDIX. ON THE ACTING OF MUNDEN, 168, 400. See also APPENDIX. ON THE ARTIFICIAL COMEDY OF THE LAST CENTURY, 161, 399. See also APPENDIX. Orrery lectures, 60, 370. OXFORD IN THE VACATION, 8, 345. Oxford, Lamb at, 8, 345.
Paice, Joseph, 92, 343, 378. Palmer, John, 159, 399. Paltock's Peter Wilkins, 21, 122, 353. Paracelsus, Lamb on, 196. Paradise Regained, 107. Patmore, P.G., on Lamb, 403. —— Lamb's letter to, 436. —— on Lamb's dress, 438. Peirson, Peter, 101, 382. Susannah, 99, 381. Penn, William, and the judges, 73. Perry, James, 250, 431. Peter Wilkins, 21, 122, 353. "Peter's Net," 428, 431. Pianoforte, Lamb's solo, 44. Pig, Lamb's essay upon, 137, 395. Piombo, his "Raising of Lazarus," 262, 435. Piquet and Mrs. Battle, 41. Pity the sorrows of a poor old man, 394. Playgoing, the Lambs, 283. Plumer, Richard, 7, 344. — Walter, 7, 40, 345, 362. — William, 344, 389, 405. Poetical Pieces on Several Occasions by John Lamb, 381. Polar expeditions, 58, 369. Poor, Lamb on the, 288, 298. POOR RELATIONS, 178, 408. Pope, Alexander, The Rape of the Lock, 38. — Miss, 167, 400. POPULAR FALLACIES, 212, 226, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292, 294, 296, 298, 302, 305, 308, 309, 439 et seq. Pork, Lamb's essay on, 137. Porphyry on Abstinence from Animal Food, 396. Poverty and pleasure, 282. Powell, Mrs., 151. PRAISE OF CHIMNEY-SWEEPERS, THE, 124, 390. Presentation copies, Lamb on, 297, 441. Presents, Lamb on, 296. Procter, B.W. (Barry Cornwall), his dream, 79, 373. —— quoted, 371, 377. —— on Munden, 400. Puckeridge and Lamb's property, 112. Pulham, Brook, 363. Punning, Lamb on, 122, 292, 441. Puritans and Sunday, 418.
Quadrille and Mrs. Battle, 38. Quakerism and Lamb, 368. QUAKER'S MEETING, A, 51, 367. Quarrels, Lamb on, 309. Quick, John, 332. Quixote, Don, 154, 265, 398, 435.
Ramsay, London Librarian, 49, 367. Raphael, his "Bible," 257. Raymond, George, his Memoirs of Elliston, 410. Reade, John, 102, 383. Reading, Lamb's essay upon, 195, 411. Red stockings, and Lamb's jokes, 251, 429. Reflector, The, Lamb's contribution to, 144. —— Moxon's paper, 434. REJOICINGS UPON THE NEW YEAR'S COMING OF AGE, 266, 436. Relations, poor, Lamb s essay on, 178, 408. Restoration comedy, Lamb on, 160, 161. Rickman, Mrs. John, Lamb's opinion of, 397. Robinson, Crabb, quoted, 370. —— Lamb's letters to, 374, 437. —— on Lamb's books, 411. Romano, Julio, 263. Rover, in "Wild Oats," 188. Roydon, Matthew, his elegy upon Sidney, 248, 428. Rutter, Mr. J.A., his notes on Lamb, 343.
St. Dunstan's giants, 192, 410. Saloop, Lamb on, 125. Salt, Samuel, 98, 352, 380. Samuel and the Witch of Endor, 75, 372. Sandwich, Lord, epigram on, 344. SANITY OF TRUE GENIUS, 212, 416. Sargus, Mr. Lamb's tenant, 386. "School for Scandal," Lamb on, 164. School-days, Lamb on his, 14. Schoolmasters, Lamb's essay on, 56, 369. Scotchmen, Lamb on, 67, 371. Scott, John, editor of the London, 340. Sea, the, Lamb on, 204. Sedition, Lamb's exercises in, 255. Selden, John, 104, 384. Sensitiveness, Lamb on, 181. Sewel, William, historian of Quakers, 369. Shaftesbury, Lord, 226, 420. Shakespeare, Lamb on, 197, 412. — his bust at Stratford-on-Avon, 198, 413. Sharp, Granville, 50, 367. Shenstone, William, 243, 426. Sheridan, R.B., 26, 111, 167, 356, 385, 400. Siddons, Mrs., in "Isabella," 114, 388. Sidney, Sir Philip, his sonnets, 242, 426. Sitting up late, Lamb on, 308. Smith, the Scotchman, 69, 370. John Thomas, 394. Smollett, Tobias George, 70, 371. Smuggling, Lamb on, 207. SOME SONNETS OF SIR PHILIP SIDNEY, 242, 426. So should it be, my gentle friend, 426. South Downs, Lamb on, 415. SOUTH-SEA HOUSE, THE, 1, 342. Southey at Westminster School, 235. — Robert, his criticism of Elia, 359. — Lamb's letters to, 384, 406, 419, 423, 436. Spencer, Lord, epigram on, 344. Spenser, Lamb's copy of the Faerie Queene, 413. Stackhouse's History of the Bible, 75, 372. STAGE ILLUSION, 185, 408. Stanhope, Lord, 433. Stocks, Lamb in the, 363. Stranger, to whom this monument is shown, 413. Stuart, Daniel, 250, 429. 430. Suett, Dicky, 157, 399. Sulkiness, its pleasures, 309. Sun-dials in the Temple, 95. SUPERANNUATED MAN, THE, 219, 417. Superannuation, Lamb on, 219, 307. Surface, Joseph and Charles, 166. Swift's Ars Punica, 293, 441.
Taylor, Bishop, on the sunrise, 309. — John, 337, 341, 358. Teeth, Lamb's admiration of, 127. Temple, The, and Lamb, 94, 113, 379, 387. — the winged horse, 97. — Sir William, 226, 420, THAT A BULLY IS ALWAYS A COWARD, 286, 440. — A MAN MUST NOT LAUGH AT HIS OWN JEST, 287, 440. — A SULKY TEMPER IS A MISFORTUNE, 309, 443. — ENOUGH IS AS GOOD AS A FEAST, 290, 440. — HANDSOME IS AS HANDSOME DOES, 294, 441. — HOME IS HOME THOUGH IT IS NEVER SO HOMELY, 298, 442. — ILL-GOTTEN GAIN NEVER PROSPERS, 287, 440. — SUCH A ONE SHOWS HIS BREEDING, ETC., 288, 440. — THE POOR COPY THE VICES OF THE RICH, 288, 440. — THE WORST PUNS ARE THE BEST, 292, 440. — VERBAL ALLUSIONS ARE NOT WIT, ETC., 292, 440. — WE MUST NOT LOOK A GIFT-HORSE IN THE MOUTH. 296, 441. — WE SHOULD LIE DOWN WITH THE LAME, 308, 443. — WE SHOULD RISE WITH THE LARK, 305, 443. — YOU MUST LOVE ME, AND LOVE MY DOG, 302, 442. The chatt'ring Magpye undertook, 437. Thelwall, John, 376. They talk of time, and of time's galling yoke, 359. Thomson, James, 70. Though thou'rt like Judas, an apostate black, 433. Thurlow, Lord, his sonnet, 427. Tipp, John, 5, 343. Titian, his "Ariadne," 256, 434. To every one (so have ye faith) is given, 426. TO THE SHADE OK ELLISTON, 188, 409. Tobin, James Webbe, 16, 352. — John, 199, 413. TOMBS IN THE ABBEY, THE, 235, 423. Tristram Shandy, a parallel to Lamb, 403. Trollope, A.W., quoted, 351. Turkish Spy and Lamb's roast-pig essay, 395. Turner, J.M.W., 258, 434. "Twelfth Night," Lamb's remarks on, 150, 153, 284, 316. Twelve Caesars, 405, 406. Two Lords whose names if I should quote, 344. TWO RACES OF MEN, THE, 26, 355. Twopenny, Richard, 102, 383. — post in 1825, 370.
Ugliness, Lamb on, 295. Unitarianism, 81, 373.
VALENTINE'S DAY, 63, 370. Vallans, his "Tale of Two Swans," 375. Virgil, his Latin pun, 294, 441. Visitors, Lamb on, 301, 442.
Wainewright, T.G., 395, 439. Ward, Robert, afterwards Plumer-Ward, 405. Watering-places, Lamb on, 201, 415. Weathercock, Janus. See Wainewright. WEDDING, THE, 271, 436. — an interrupted, 305. Westminster Abbey, the price for admission, 235, 423. Westwood, Thomas, on Lamb, 441. We were two pretty babes, the youngest she, 360. Wharry, John, 102, 383. What can be hop'd from Priests who, 'gainst the Poor, 424. What seem'd his tail the likeness of a kingly kick had on, 409. Whist, 37, 275, 361, 362, 437. White, James, 123, 157, 390, 391. —— and the chimney-sweepers, 128. —— and Dodd, 157. "Wild Oats," 188. Who first invented work—and bound the free, 419. Wilson, John. See Christopher North. Winstanley, Susan, and Joseph Paice, 92. WITCHES, AND OTHER NIGHT-FEARS, 74, 372. Woolman, John, 54, 369. Wordsworth, Mrs., Lamb's letter to, 442. — William, his "Yarrow Visited," 89, 377. —— Lamb's letters to, 356, 388, 412, 417, 418, 434. —— his theory of language, 394. —— his "Anecdote for Fathers," 395. —— his "Poet's Epitaph," 438. "Work," Lamb's sonnet on, 419. Worthing and the Lambs, 415. Wrench, Benjamin, 191, 410. Wycherley, Lamb on, 162.
Yet can I fancy, wandering 'mid thy towers, 346.