The next morning the yaks were yoked, the wagons supplied with their usual camping equipment, tools, weapons, provisions and the like, and a start was made before ten o'clock.
By agreement a course was marked out farther south than was taken on their previous trips, because they had never explored the country immediately north of the South River, except beyond the falls, and it was their aim to learn every foot of the territory.
On their way they passed the mysterious hole where George had his experience, and the route was also close to the spot where Harry found him when he was lost. Both places were again visited, so that samples of rock might be taken from one of the places, and the Professor hoped the clay bed on the small creek might indicate the proximity of other metals than they had been able to find previously.
Late that evening they reached the edge of the main forest, and a camp made for the night. Red Angel was with them. He was as happy at the sight of the forest as an orang well could be. It was his delight to exhibit his skill as a climber on these occasions, and where the woods were dense he would spring from limb to limb with surprising agility.
During the night, as on several previous trips, Angel exhibited his nervousness, which was attributed to the presence of some animal that alarmed him, but otherwise nothing disturbed the camp.
"How far do you think we are from the falls?" asked Harry.
The Professor made a mental calculation as he replied: "We cannot be far east of it; possibly five or ten miles at most, and it is very likely several miles south. Since you suggest it, we might deviate from our route and take it in, as to do so will not take up more than two hours of our time. It interests me because I have not examined the place from which our boat was taken. That is one of the mysteries I am most interested in."
George was anxious to get a solution of that singular occurrence and jumped at the opportunity to go there. A southwesterly course was at once marked out, and after traveling about three hours George's alert ear caught a sound, as he was at that time leading the advance. Running back he called out: "Do you hear that peculiar sound?"
The wagon stopped. In the stillness around them they could hear a faint murmuring sound.
"Do you know what that is?" The boys looked at each other. "I think," continued the Professor, "that must be the falls."
"Then why not turn to the left and go directly to the river?"
They did so, and within fifteen minutes the river was in sight. A further trip of ten minutes brought them to the foot of the falls, where the boat had been deposited nearly five months before and which had so mysteriously disappeared, only to be recovered by them and again lost by accident, as detailed.
A search along the river bank failed to reveal any trace of the tree overhanging the stream, where the oars had been placed, and instead the river washed out a small bay. All along the banks were evidences of washouts which piled up driftwood every place along the shore where there was a root or snag which would hold the accumulations. The Professor wandered down the stream, pulling out and examining pieces of the limbs, to find, if possible, whether there were any evidences of the drift having been cut by human agencies.
So far as could be seen, the limbs had all been broken, not cut, and this was a relief, in a sense. The South River drained a large part of the island, and it might rightly be inferred that the driftwood in a stream of this kind, if it flowed through a region inhabited by man, would show some signs which they might interpret.
As they were returning George pointed across the river at a peculiarly shaped log, or what appeared to be portion of a large tree. The river at this point was about seventy-five feet wide. The Professor was silent for some time. "My eyesight is not of the best, but it does not look to me like a tree."
"I can easily swim the stream," and Harry had his clothing off in short order, and plunged in. Gaining the other side, he drew himself up, and without touching a thing in and about the debris, called out excitedly: "It is a boat, something like our life-boat! Yes; it is exactly like our boat!"
"Can you dislodge it? If not, I'll come over."
"Never mind, I can manage it, I think."
The interior of the boat was filled with accumulated material of all sorts, principally leaves and bark, and when it had been lightened of all that weight Harry put his shoulder against the stern, and soon succeeded in dislodging it from its seat against the tree which held it a prisoner.
Just before he had it in a position to launch the Professor called out: "Don't put it in the water until you have found something which will serve as a paddle." The stream at this point, being less than a half mile below the falls, had a fairly good current, so that without an oar of some kind he would not be able readily to get it across.
"I can't find any signs of oars, so I will take a piece of this wood."
He ferried it across, and landed a hundred feet below. As he neared the shore George sprang toward it excitedly, and cried out: "Look at that! See the name, 'Investigator'!"
Harry stopped rowing, and bent over the side of the craft; there, plainly, near the stern, was the word "Investigator" followed by the letter "L." The space beyond the letter L was broken, and if anything else had originally been in that space it had been brushed off by contact with some outside object.
This was, undoubtedly, one of the companion lifeboats of their ill-fated ship.
"How do you suppose this boat ever got here?"
"It undoubtedly came over the falls, and if so, it must have come from the interior of the island. My only solution is, that our companions in this boat were also, like us, cast ashore, or, at any rate, the boat itself was, and if they reached land safely probably used this boat on the river."
"Isn't it singular that this boat has been treated just as our boat was, since they removed the lockers? Why should they do that?"
"The interesting thing to me is," answered the Professor, "why the boat was lost by them, if it ever was in the possession of our friends on the island?"
"Possibly the natives may have captured or killed them."
"That is a plausible explanation, but there may be a reason which is entirely different from anything which now occurs to us. I believe a search of the island will show that we are not the only white people living here, and that the loss of the boat indicates that they are not on friendly terms with the natives."
All thoughts of hunting were now dissipated. It did not interest them in the least.
They sat down and debated the discovery. Undoubtedly, it had drifted down South River and gone over the falls, as the indented sides and bottom of the boat plainly showed. How far had the river carried it before the falls were reached? It was a matter of regret now that they had passed up the river before the animal trail in their path had caused them to leave it, instead of trying to discover its source.
Something must be done. Their companions must be in peril. That was a situation hinted at by the Professor. They had a duty to perform, if such should turn out to be the case. With many misgivings they decided that they must follow up the stream, cost what it might. No provision had been made for a lengthy trip, but, fortunately, they had plenty of ammunition, and as to food, they could supplement what they had by forage along the way, as they had often done before.
"What shall we do with the boat?"
"Let us find a place for it far enough from the shore to be beyond reach of the river, and hide it, so there will be no further danger of its disappearance."
"We are so used to have things get away from us that it has become a habit," said Harry, laughing.
While they were engaged in the task of drawing the boat up, Red Angel appeared, excitedly chattering and endeavoring to attract their attention, and frequently running back in the direction of the wagon.
"What is the matter with him? I never saw him with such antics before." George, who had the greatest control over him, ran up and tried to catch him, but the little fellow avoided capture, and whenever George would get near he would spring toward the wagon, keeping up his excited gesticulations all the while.
The Professor now ran forward without another word, and Harry stood there wondering what had happened, or was about to happen. As he ran past George, who was still trying to get Angel, the Professor merely said: "He is trying to get you to go to the wagon."
The boys understood, and both started on a run. Harry was the first to get there. The team had disappeared!
Their further adventures on the island are related in the next book, entitled "The Mysteries of the Caverns."
* * * * *
Absorb. To take into; or to take up into itself.
Accomplishment. Fulfillment; completion; perfection.
Accumulation. Adding to; to bring together.
Acquired. To take; the act of getting anything.
Activities. Exertion of energy; action.
Adjacent. Close to; near the object referred to.
Affinity. Any natural feeling, drawing, liking, inclination, or affection for another.
Agility. Quick; sprightly.
Agitated. Excited; much perturbed.
Albumen. The chief substance in an egg. The nutritive material within a seed.
Alkali. Any substance that will neutralize an acid.
Allegiance. An obligation of fidelity that an individual owes.
Allied. Attached to; bound to; an arrangement with.
Allusion. Referred to; to speak of.
Alternative. First one and then the other, and so on.
Altitude. The height; the top; the high part.
Ammonia. A colorless, pungent, suffocating gas, found in small quantities in the air and in mineral waters.
Analyzed. To separate; to find the principal parts of anything.
Anticipated. Looking forward to the future; to expect; to forecast.
Antics. Grotesque; ridiculous, fantastic action, prank or caper.
Appendage. Belonging to; to hang or attach to.
Approximating. Close to; in the neighborhood of.
Aquatic. Pertaining to water; as a water (aquatic) animal.
Arbitrary. Stubborn; determination to do, whether right or wrong.
Astringent. Having, as a sour fruit or acid, the power to contract or draw together.
Atmosphere. The air we breathe; composed of four parts of nitrogen and one part of oxygen, principally.
Attributed. Belonging to; to assign; refer, as an effect to a cause.
Bacteria. A microscopic microbe, very minute, widely distributed in all matter.
Base Line. A term used to designate a starting point for surveyors, or for builders in laying out work.
Battery. Usually applied to a series of cells for generating or storing electricity.
Bleaching. The process for whitening any substance, either by the action of the sun or by chemicals.
Bovine. Pertaining to the common cow species.
Calisaya. A weed which has a bitter principle from which a variety of quinine is extracted.
Camphor. A white, volatile, tough, gum-like, translucent substance, with a peculiar pungent taste and smell.
Carbon. One of the four principal elements. Coke; charcoal.
Carbonic acid. A heavy, colorless, incombustible gas.
Carbonize. To put in the form of a coke or charcoal.
Ceremonies. A formal act, rite, or observance, either religious or otherwise.
Charcoal. Wood from which the lighter or more volatile gases have been abstracted by heat.
Charged. Referring to a battery, or cell, which has been supplied with liquid; or anything filled with material.
Chicory. A product, used as a substitute for or an adulterant of coffee, containing a bitter principle, and made from the root of the endive and other similar plants.
Circuiting. The term applied to the wiring of a battery or other electrical apparatus.
Clarified. Liquid which has been relieved of floating matter.
Coke. Coal from which the most volatile gases have been taken by heat.
Conspicuous. Very plain; easily observed.
Cortege. A train of equipages at a funeral.
Contracted. Something brought down, or compressed into a smaller bulk.
Coagulated. Changing the form of solid matter in liquids.
Comprises. That of which any article is made up.
Conclusive. A finality; the end.
Constipated. A morbid condition of the bowels.
Concerted. Acting together, or in unison.
Contingency. The awaiting of an event; in the event of.
Corrosive. The action, usually of an acid, like rust.
Complicated. Mixed up; difficult to understand.
Compressible. That which may be put into a smaller compass.
Coincidence. One fact happening with another, or at the same time.
Commotion. In an uproar; not in order.
Compound. Made up of two or more substances.
Crenate. Scalloped or toothed by even, rounded notches.
Crenelated. Furnished with flutes and indentations.
Crucible. A receptacle for melting ores and the like.
Critically. In a low state; very ill; the danger point.
Crater. An open cavity of a volcano.
Crystal. Glass; transparent substances which are rigid.
Cubic. A body having six sides.
Curtailed. Cut off; only a part of.
Dentate. Tooth-like; made somewhat in the form of a tooth.
Density. The substance; the body, or the weight.
Dehaired. Material, like hides, from which the hair has been removed.
Debris. Accumulation of material.
Devoid. Left without; having nothing.
Devious. In a roundabout way.
Delicacies. Anything which is a luxury; that tastes well.
Decreasing. Growing less.
Dejection. Downcast; not happy.
Discrimination. Capacity to judge; to be able to pick out; to act well.
Discomfiture. Routed; disappointment; defeat.
Distracting. To turn aside for something claiming attention.
Dissipated. To scatter or to fritter away.
Dilemma. A quandary; difficult position or thing to judge or consider.
Diagonally. Going across corners. The longest distance across, starting from a base.
Discordant. Not in tune; not agreeable; not in harmony with.
Disinfectant. Any substance which will destroy germs or purify air, water, or foods.
Dross. The refuse; the impurities in a substance.
Domain. The country, nation, or the particular area or district owned by an individual.
Dynamo. A machine for generating electricity.
Elude. To evade the search of; to avoid pursuit.
Elongated. Made longer than normally, or greater in one direction than in another.
Enumerate. To take note of; to number.
Endive. A salad, well known here and in Europe; the root produces the well-known chicory substance.
Enhanced. Made better; put into a more advantageous condition.
Emitted. To give out; like the rays from a light; or blown out from the mouth or nostrils.
Escutcheon. The shield or helmet of a warrior, or the ensign of a house or family.
Essential. The particular thing; the important element.
Essence. The extract or the principal element in a substance.
Eventually. Finally; at the last.
Evolved. Taken out of; brought forth; made from something else.
Exhausted. Entirely removed; drawn off; reduced.
Exultant. Joyfully; rejoicing greatly.
Exerted. Making every effort; straining.
Exhilarating. A lively, pleasing or enlivening sensation.
Facility. With ease; readily accomplished.
Fantastic. A peculiar or abnormal condition.
Fermentation. A chemical condition where germs are developed and grow in a substance and change the elements comprising it.
Filament. A thread-like element, usually made of carbon and employed in the exhausted electric bulb.
Fissures. The openings, cleavages, or splits in rock or other formations.
Flail. An article formerly used for threshing out grain.
Flux. A substance used in connection with welding of melting liquids to facilitate the process.
Formation. The term applied to the manner in which rock, ores, or other geological substances are united or arranged.
Frantically. Excessive excitement from anger or otherwise.
Friction. The rubbing together of substances. Contact.
Fulcrum. The pivotal point.
Fused. Melting of ores or metals.
Gaseous. Any substance which is neither a solid nor a liquid.
Gelatin. A transparent, tasteless substance obtained from animal tissue.
Generated. To evolve from; to make; to originate.
Gesticulation. The making of motions, especially when excited.
Germs. An original element; the first form.
Geological. That which pertains to the study of the structure of the earth.
Glutin. Similar to gelatin; the nutritious element of wheat.
Glaize. The coating of a hard, flint-like film on pottery.
Gravity. The attraction of mass for mass.
Halliards. The ropes for holding a flag or banner.
Harmonize. To be brought into unison with.
Horizon. The point where the earth and sky meet.
Horizontal. Level. The surface of water is horizontal.
Hysterically. An uncontrollable laughter.
Identically. The same; similar to.
Illuminating. To light up; to make brighter.
Immoderately. More than usual; beyond the ordinary.
Immemorial. From very ancient times.
Imperfect. Not in the best condition.
Impetuous. Hastily; without considering consequences.
Impulse. A sudden mental motion or feeling.
Insecurity. Not sure of safety.
Intervening. Placed between; something between.
Instrumentality. By the agency of; by means of which it is accomplished.
Insidious. Doing or planning a thing without the knowledge of the victim.
Intact. Unbroken; whole; in good condition.
Instinct. A knowledge which comes from the internal senses.
Interval. Not continuous; having spaces or periods between.
Indented. To cut into or to notch.
Intimately. Closely associated; friendly.
Irrigating. To cover the ground with moisture by artificial methods.
Infectious. Transmitting diseases by passing from one to another; catching.
Identified. Pointed out; knowledge from some mark or otherwise.
Incandescent. Heated up so that it has illuminating qualities.
Innumerable. Without number. A large quantity; a great many.
Lavished. Given out without stint; liberal.
Laboratory. A workshop; a testing room; experimental works.
Leavened. The term used to indicate the raising of dough.
Lentils. A kind of greens, largely used in Europe.
Lumbering. Clumsily; huge; encumbered by bulk.
Ludicrous. Amusing; calculated to amuse.
Luxuries. Extravagant indulgences in pleasures.
Mineralogical. Pertaining to mines, ores, and similar arts.
Manifest. Made known; acknowledged; understood.
Neutralize. Made unlike either; the effect of uniting an acid and an alkali.
Nitrogen. One of the four principal elements. The lightest of all substances.
Nutrition. Food; the substance which is required for the sustenance of plants or animals.
Observant. Noticing; seeing; taking note of.
Obstructions. In the way of; impediments.
Octave. Composed of eight. A musical measure or scale.
Odor. The quality in a substance which renders its presence known by the smell.
Ominous. Of the nature of or marked by some omen.
Orifice. A hole; an opening.
Organisms. A body or substance that is in a proper condition for growth or development.
Oxygen. One of the four principal elements. One-fifth of air and one-third of water is oxygen.
Paralysis. Loss of ability to control muscular motion.
Parlance. A mode of speech; a phrase; a particular sentence.
Perceived. Noticed; observed.
Perplexity. Puzzling; distracted.
Petals. One of the leaves, or the subordinate part of the leaf.
Persistent. Firm and resolved.
Pelts. The skin of an animal with the hair on.
Perspective. The art or theory of representing a drawing made on a flat surface so that it will appear as not lying in that surface.
Perceptible. Noticeable; able to be seen.
Perennial. Not planted each year. Wheat is sown each year. An apple tree grows on from year to year.
Permanence. Something that keeps on or continues.
Pitch. The inclination, as the roof of a house; a high or a low musical tone.
Plateau. A rather level elevated portion of ground.
Plausible. Appearing to be true; likelihood.
Philosopher. One who seeks first truths; the underlying principles.
Phosphorus. A non-metallic element which readily absorbs oxygen from the air, and exhibits a glow by slow combustion.
Port. A haven. A home for a ship.
Potter's Wheel. A horizontal wheel revolving on a vertical spindle on which pottery forms are made.
Primary. First. Applied to a form of electric battery which generates a current by means of metals and liquids.
Precipitate. Throwing down, as applied to chemistry; causing the solid matter in a liquid to go to the bottom.
Prudence. Care; caution; ability to look out for the future.
Prosperity. Success in business; doing well.
Precede. To go before; the one ahead.
Primitive. The first way of doing things; the original plan or method.
Precaution. Taking care; going slowly and with caution.
Propagate. To bring to a better condition or state. Making an improved breed or type from plants or animals.
Projecting. Throwing or casting a shadow.
Proximity. Close to; in the neighborhood.
Phenomenon. Any new development; a startling sight; a natural occurrence out of the ordinary.
Puncture. To cut; to open; to tear.
Pyramid. A solid with a broad base and a top with an apex.
Quartz. The hardest of the common minerals. A common rock.
Rabies. A disease the germs of which are carried by animals when in a certain diseased condition.
Ramie. A very important fibrous plant; for making rope and many articles of fabric.
Retort. A heated furnace for the melting of ores and metals.
Rejoinder. An answer; a reply.
Relative. In comparison with; proportionally.
Registered. Taking note of; to keep account of.
Replenished. Taking new supply; a new helping.
Restrained. To hold back; to prevent.
Reservoir. A tank or vessel to hold liquids or other matter.
Reassuring. To restore boldness or courage; to make certain.
Reconciled. To bring content and to restore confidence.
Regulation. In accordance with some law or order established.
Reagent. A substance used chemically which will have an action on one or more substances in the sample treated.
Relaxation. A change from the ordinary routine.
Sanitary. Healthful; in a condition to preserve health.
Sarcophagus. A stone burial place, carved out of rock.
Scientific. That which has a reason and a knowledge for each step.
Serviceable. That which is of use; advantageous.
Seismograph. An instrument by means of which shocks in the movement of the earth's crust may be registered.
Septic. Any substance that promotes putrefaction.
Sewage. The waste matter carried off from cities by the drains.
Serrate. Formed with saw-teeth.
Sentimental. Involving or exciting the feelings or tender emotions.
Sequence. That which follows.
Shuffling. Awkward or clumsy movements.
Shambled. A shuffling gait, allied to clumsy movements.
Solution. To make out a problem; in chemistry, the unity of two or more elements which will mix.
Speculative. Opposed to practical or experimental; taking a risk.
Specter. A ghost; an apparition; a vision.
Sulphurous. From sulphur; having the qualities of sulphur.
Stimulating. To rouse to activity or action.
Sutures. The saw-teeth united portions of the skull.
Substitute. Taken for or instead of something else.
Subsided. Going down; quieted.
Subterranean. Beneath the sea; below the waves.
Sulphate. Sulphur united with any alkali to form a salt.
Symptoms. Indications; the appearances which indicate certain diseases.
Technically. Specially pertaining to some formal training in art, science or manufacture.
Theoretically. Pertaining to knowledge which is not exact, but in the nature of speculation.
Torso. The body, devoid of its limbs; the trunk.
Translucent. Capable of permitting light to pass through, but through which vision cannot pass.
Transparent. Any substance through which the eye can see.
Transversely. Across, at right angles. In the direction of the narrow way.
Transporting. Carrying; taking from place to place.
Theorist. One who speculates; one who tries to arrange facts to harmonize.
Triangular. Bounded by three sides, and which has three points.
Tubular. Like a pipe; a body with a hole through it.
Typical. A sample; a pattern; an emblem.
Utilize. To take advantage of; to turn to practical account.
Undeveloped. Not fully grown; not developed.
Unobtrusive. Not willingly thrust forward.
Vacuum. A space entirely devoid of matter.
Vanquished. Overcome; subdued.
Vestige. A visible trace, mark or impression.
Versed. Knowledge in a certain direction.
Vibration. Moving to and fro; a regular movement.
Veteran. One long trained in any service.
Voluntarily. Done of free will.
Vitrify. Converted into glass, wholly or in part.
Weird. Superstitious; uncanny; unearthly.
* * * * *
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The Campfire and Trail Series
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2. The Rivals of the Trail
3. The Strange Cabin on Catamount Island
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5. With Trapper Jim in the North Woods
6. Caught in a Forest Fire.