On the spot where Gilles was executed his daughter erected a monument, to which came all nursing mothers to pray for an abundance of milk. Here again is a strong suggestion that he was regarded as the Incarnate God of fertility. Another suggestive fact is the length of time—nine years—which elapsed between the death of Joan and the death of Gilles. This is a usual interval when the Incarnate God is given a time-limit.
It required twenty-five years before an action of rehabilitation could be taken for Joan. In the case of Gilles, two years after the execution the King granted letters of rehabilitation for that 'the said Gilles, unduly and without cause, was condemned and put to death'.
An intensive study of this period might reveal the witch organization at the royal Court and possibly even the Grand-master to whom Joan owed allegiance, the 'God' who sent her. Giac, the King's favourite, was executed as a witch, and Joan's beau duc, the Duke d'Alencon, was also of the fraternity.
[Footnote 956: It is advisable to read the trial in the original Latin and French, as the translations have often a Christian bias, e.g. 'the King of Heaven' being rendered as 'our Lord', and 'my Lord' as 'our Saviour'. This is not merely inaccurate but actually misleading.]
[Footnote 957: Compare Bessie Dunlop's more homely description of Thom Reid: 'An honest wele elderlie man.']
[Footnote 958:
___ Tiphaine de = Maurice Chevalier = Clemence Bertrand = Tiphaine Champtoce de Craon de Husson du Guesclin (the fairy) Guy de = Tiphaine Laval I Marie de Craon = Guy de Laval II Gilles de Rais ]
The three formulae for the 'flying' ointment used by witches are as follows:
1. Du persil, de l'eau de l'Aconite, des feuilles de Peuple, et de la suye.
2. De la Berle, de l'Acorum vulgaire, de la Quintefeuille, du sang de chauuesouris, de la Morelle endormante, et de l'huyle.
3. De graisse d'enfant, de suc d'Ache, d'Aconite, de Quintefeuille, de Morelle, et de suye.
These formulae may be translated as follows:
1. Parsley, water of aconite, poplar leaves, and soot.
2. Water parsnip, sweet flag, cinquefoil, bat's blood, deadly nightshade, and oil.
3. Baby's fat, juice of water parsnip, aconite, cinquefoil, deadly nightshade, and soot.
These prescriptions show that the society of witches had a very creditable knowledge of the art of poisoning: aconite and deadly nightshade or belladonna are two of the three most poisonous plants growing freely in Europe, the third is hemlock, and in all probability 'persil' refers to hemlock and not to the harmless parsley, which it resembles closely.
The other ingredients have no marked toxic action, unless 'berle' and 'ache' refer not to the harmless water parsnip but to the poisonous water hemlock or cowbane. The baby's fat and bat's blood would of course have no action.
Aconite was one of the best-known poisons in ancient times; indeed it was so extensively used by professional poisoners in Rome during the Empire that a law was passed making its cultivation a capital offence. Aconite root contains about 0.4 per cent. of alkaloid and one-fifteenth of a grain of the alkaloid is a lethal dose. The drug has little effect upon the consciousness, but produces slowing, irregularity, and finally arrest of the heart.
The use of belladonna as a poison was also known in classical times; fourteen of the berries have been known to produce death; a moderate dose will produce wild excitement and delirium.
Hemlock is also a well-known and ancient poison; the fruit may contain as much as 0.9 per cent. of alkaloid, and 1/4 grain of the alkaloid may produce death. The action of hemlock usually is to produce a gradual motor paralysis, consciousness being unimpaired, and death being caused by paralysis of respiration, but sometimes hemlock may produce delirium and excitement.
There is no doubt, therefore, about the efficacy of these prescriptions and their ability to produce physiological effects. They were administered by being rubbed into the skin, which is not an efficient way of introducing most drugs into the body, indeed some have denied that alkaloids can be absorbed from the unbroken skin; but there is no doubt that alkaloids can be absorbed when rubbed into scratches or into the quick of the nails, and it must be remembered that an unbroken skin is only possessed by those who are free from vermin and who wash regularly, and neither of these conditions would be likely to apply to a mediaeval witch. Cases of poisoning associated with delirium have actually been recorded following the application of belladonna plasters to the skin.
Of the three prescriptions the first is a watery solution and would not be very efficacious when rubbed into the skin, but the second and third are ointments, and if they were rubbed into the skin in sufficient quantities definite physiological results would be produced.
The first preparation, which contains hemlock and aconite, would produce mental confusion, impaired movement, irregular action of the heart, dizziness and shortness of breath.
The belladonna in the second ointment would produce excitement which might pass into delirium.
The third ointment, containing both aconite and belladonna, would produce excitement and irregular action of the heart.
I cannot say whether any of these drugs would produce the impression of flying, but I consider the use of aconite interesting in this respect. Irregular action of the heart in a person falling asleep produces the well-known sensation of suddenly falling through space, and it seems quite possible that the combination of a delirifacient like belladonna with a drug producing irregular action of the heart like aconite might produce the sensation of flying.
A. J. Clark.
Abbotsford Club Miscellany, vol. i. Edinburgh, 1837. Ady, Thomas. A Candle in the Dark. London, 1656. Alse Gooderige, The most wonderfull and true Storie of. London, 1597. Arnot, Hugo. Criminal Trials. Edinburgh, 1785.
Baines, Edward. History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster. London, 1836. Bannatyne Club. Memoirs of Sir James Melville. Edinburgh, 1827. —— Historie and Life of King James the Sext. Edinburgh, 1825. —— Diary of John Nicoll. Edinburgh, 1836. —— Spottiswode's History of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1847-50. Baxter, Richard. Certainty of Worlds of Spirits. London, 1691. Beaumont, John. Historical Treatise of Spirits. London, 1705. Bede, Venerable. Ecclesiastical History (ed. Giles). London, 1843. Bernard, Richard. Guide to Grand-Iury men. London, 1627. Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, vol. xi. Alnwick, 1887. Black, G. F. Scottish Antiquary, vol. ix. Edinburgh, 1895. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. i. Edinburgh, 1817. Bodin, Jean. De la Demonomanie des Sorciers. Rouen, 1604. —— Le Fleau des Demons et Sorciers. Nyort, 1616. Boguet, Henri. Discours des Sorciers. Lyons, 1608. Bourignon, Antoinette. La Parole de Dieu. Amsterdam, 1683. —— La vie exterieur. Amsterdam, 1683. Bournon, Jacques. Chroniques de la Lorraine. Nancy, 1838. Bovett, Richard. Pandaemonium. London, 1684. Bower, Edmund. Dr. Lamb revived. London, 1653. Bromhall, Thomas. Treatise of Spectres. London, 1658. Burns Begg. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. New Series, vol. x. Edinburgh. Burr, George Lincoln. Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases. New York, 1914. Burton, John Hill. Criminal Trials. London, 1852. —— History of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1873.
Calef, Robert. More Wonders of the Invisible World. Salem, 1861. Calendar of State Papers. Domestic, 1584. London, 1865. Cambrensis, Giraldus. Itinerary (Bohn's edition). London, 1847. Camden Society. Lady Alice Kyteler. London, 1843. Campbell, John Gregorson. Superstitions of the Highlands. Glasgow, 1902. Cannaert, J. B. Olim proces des Sorcieres en Belgique. Gand, 1847. Chambers, Robert. Domestic Annals of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1861. Chartier, Jean. Chronique de Charles VII (ed. Vallet de Viriville). Paris, 1858. Chetham Society. Moore Rental. Manchester, 1847. —— Potts, Discoverie of Witchcraft. Manchester, 1858. Chronicon de Lanercost (ed. Stevenson). Maitland Club. Glasgow, 1839. Collection of rare and curious Tracts relating to Witchcraft. London, 1838. Cooper, Thomas. Mystery of Witchcraft. London, 1617. —— Pleasant Treatise of Witches. London, 1673. Cotta, John. Infallible, true and assured Witch. London, 1625. —— Trial of Witchcraft. London, 1616. County Folklore, iii. Orkney. London, 1901. Cunningham, Allan. Traditional Tales of the English and Scottish Peasantry. London, 1874.
Dalyell, John Grahame. Darker Superstitions of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1834. Danaeus, Lambert. Dialogue of Witches. [London?], 1575. Davenport, John. Witches of Huntingdon. London, 1646. Davies, J. Ceredig. Welsh Folklore. Aberystwith, 1911. De la Martiniere. Voyage des Pais Septentrionaux. Paris, 1682. De Lancre, Pierre. L'Incredulite et Mescreance du Sortilege. Paris, 1622. —— Tableau de l'Inconstance des mauvais Anges. Paris, 1613. Denham Tracts. London, 1895. Detection of damnable Drifts. 1579.
Elven, Henry van. La Tradition, vol. v. Paris, 1891. Examination of certain Witches at Chelmsford. Philobiblon Society, viii. London, 1863-4. Examination of A. Baker, Joane Willimot, and Ellen Greene. London, 1619. Examination of Joane Williford, Joan Cariden, and Jane Hott. (See Collection of rare and curious Tracts.) London, 1645. Examination of John Walsh. London, 1566.
Fairfax, Edward. Demonologia (ed. W. Grainge). Harrogate, 1882. Flower, The Wonderful Discoverie of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Philip. London, 1619. Forbes, William. Institutes of the Law of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1722-30. Foster, Tryall of Ann. Northampton, 1881. Fountainhall, Lord. Decisions. Edinburgh, 1759. Fournier, Alban. Epidemie de Sorcellerie en Lorraine. Nancy, 1891. French Intelligencer, No. 21. Thomason Tracts. London, 1652. Full Tryals of Notorious Witches at Worcester. London, n. d.
Gaule, John. Select Cases of Conscience. London, 1646. Gerish, William Blyth. Relation of Mary Hall of Gadsden. 1912. —— The Divel's Delusions. Bishops Stortford, 1914. —— The Severall Practices of Johane Harrison. 1909. Gibbons, A. Ely Episcopal Records. Lincoln, 1891. Giffard, George. Discourse of the subtill Practises of Devilles. London, 1587. —— Dialogue concerning Witches. Percy Society, VIII. London, 1843. Gilbert, William. Witchcraft in Essex. London, 1909. Giraldus Cambrensis. Itinerary (Bohn's edition). London, 1847. Glanvil, Joseph. Sadducismus Triumphatus. London, 1681. Goldsmid, E. Confessions of Witches under Torture. Edinburgh, 1886. Goodcole, Henry. Wonderfull Discoverie of Elizabeth Sawyer. London, 1621. Gooderige, The most wonderfull and true storie, of a certaine Witch named Alse. London, 1597. Green, Samuel Abbott. Groton in the Witchcraft Times. Cambridge, Mass., 1883.
Hale, John. A modest Enquiry (ed. Burr). New York, 1914. Hale, Sir Matthew. Collection of Modern Relations. London, 1693. Harou, Alfred. La Tradition, vol. vi. Paris, 1892. Hector, William. Judicial Records of Renfrewshire. Paisley, 1876. Hibbert, Samuel. Description of the Shetland Isles. Edinburgh, 1822. Highland Papers, vol. iii. Witchcraft in Bute. Edinburgh, 1920. Holinshed, Raphael. Chronicles. London, 1587. Hopkins, Matthew. The Discovery of Witches. London, 1647. Horneck, Anthony. Appendix to Glanvil's Sadducismus Triumphatus. London, 1681. Howell, Thomas Bayly. State Trials. London, 1816. Humborg, Ludwig. Die Hexenprozesse in der Stadt Muenster. [Muenster?] 1882. Hunt, William. History of the English Church. London, 1901. Hutchinson, Bishop Francis. Historical Essay. London, 1718. Hutchinson, John. History of the Province of Massachuset's Bay. 1828.
Inch, Trial of Isabel. Ardrossan (1855?).
James I. Demonologie. Edinburgh, 1597. James the Sext, Historie and Life of. Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh, 1825. Journal of Anatomy, vols. xiii and xxv. London, 1879, 1891. Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris. Pantheon Litteraire. Paris, 1838. Justiciary Court, Edinburgh, Records of the Proceedings of. Edinburgh, 1905.
Kinloch, George Ritchie. Reliquiae Antiquae Scoticae. Edinburgh, 1848.
Lamont, John. Diary. Maitland Club. Edinburgh, 1830. Law, Robert. Memorialls (ed. Sharpe). Edinburgh, 1818. Lawes against Witches and Conivration. Published by Authority. London, 1645. Lea, Henry Charles. History of the Inquisition. London, 1888. Lemoine, Jules. La Tradition, vol. vi. Paris, 1892.
Mackenzie, Sir George. Laws and Customs of Scotland. Edinburgh. 1699. Maitland Club. Chronicon de Lanercost. Glasgow, 1839. —— Lamont's Diary. Glasgow, 1830. Maitland Club Miscellany, vol. ii. Glasgow, 1840. Manchester Oriental Society's Journal. Manchester, 1916-17. Mather, Cotton. Wonders of the Invisible World. London, 1862. —— Increase. Remarkable Providences. London, 1890. Melville, Sir James. Memoirs. Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh. Michaelis, Sebastian. Admirable Historie of the Possession and Conversion of a Penitent Woman. London, 1613. —— A Discourse of Spirits. London, 1613. Monoyer, Jules. La Sorcellerie en Hainault. Essais d'histoire et d'archeologie. Mons, 1886. Monseur, Eugene. Le Folklore Wallon. Bruxelles (1892). Moore Rental. Chetham Society, vol. xii. Manchester, 1847. More, Henry. Antidote against Atheism. London, 1655. Moret, A. Mysteres Egyptiens. Paris, 1913. Murray, T. Douglas. Jeanne d'Arc. London, 1902.
Narrative of the Sufferings of a young Girle. Edinburgh, 1698. Nicoll, John. Diary. Bannatyne Club. Edinburgh, 1836. Notestein, Wallace. History of Witchcraft in England. Washington, 1911.
Pearson, Karl. Chances of Death. London, 1897. Percy Society. Giffard's Dialogue of Witches. London, 1843. Perkins, William. Discourse of the damned Art of Witchcraft. Cambridge, 1608. Peterson, Tryall of Mrs. Joan. Thomason Tracts. London, 1652. Petto, Samuel. A faithful Narrative. London, 1693. Philobiblon Society. Examination of certain Witches. London, 1863-4. Pinkerton, John. Voyages. London, 1808-14. Pitcairn, Robert. Criminal Trials. Edinburgh, 1833. Pittenweem, A true and full Relation of the Witches of. Edinburgh, 1704. Pleasant Treatise of Witches. London, 1673. Potts, Thomas. Discoverie of Witches. Chetham Society. Manchester, 1845. Prodigious and Tragicall History. See Collection of rare and curious Tracts. London, 1652.
Quibell, James Edward. Hierakonpolis, ii. London, 1902. Quicherat, Jules Etienne Joseph. Proces de condemnation et de rehabilitation de Jeanne d'Arc. Paris, 1841.
Ravaisson, Francois. Archives de la Bastille. Paris, 1873. Records of the Justiciary Court of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1905. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. Edinburgh, 1886. Rehearsall both straung and true. London, 1579. Remigius, Nicholas. Daemonolatria. Hamburg, 1693. Roberts, Alexander. Treatise of Witchcraft. London, 1616. Ross, William. Aberdour and Inchcolme. Edinburgh, 1885. Rymer, Thomas. Foedera. London, 1704.
Sadducismus Debellatus. London, 1698. St. Osees, A true and iust Recorde of all the Witches taken at. London, 1582. Sandys, George. Relation of a Journey. London, 1632. Sawyer, Wonderfull Discouerie of Elisabeth. 1621. Scot, Reginald. Discoverie of Witchcraft. London, 1584. Scots Magazine. Edinburgh, 1772 and 1814. Scott, Sir Walter. Demonology and Witchcraft. Morley's Universal Library. London, 1883. Scottish Antiquary, vol. ix. Edinburgh, 1891. Scottish History Society, vol. xxv. Edinburgh, 1896. Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick. Historical Account of Witchcraft in Scotland. London, 1884. Shaw, Elinor, and Mary Phillips. Northampton, 1866. Sinclair, George. The Hydrostaticks. Edinburgh, 1672. —— Satan's Invisible World Discovered. Edinburgh, 1871. Sinclair, John. Statistical Account of Scotland, vol. xviii. Edinburgh, 1796. Sinistrari de Ameno, Ludovico Maria. Demoniality. Paris, 1879. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. New Series, x. Edinburgh. Spalding Club Miscellany. Aberdeen, 1841. Spottiswode, John. History of the Church of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1847-50. Spottiswoode Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1844-5. Stearne, John. Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft. London, 1648. Stevenson, J. Chronicon de Lanercost. Maitland Club. Glasgow, 1839. Stewart, William Grant. Popular Superstitions of the Highlanders. Edinburgh, 1823. Surtees Society, vol. xl. Durham, 1861.
Taylor, John. Tracts relating to Northamptonshire. Northampton, 1866. Taylor, John. The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut. New York, n. d. Thomson, H. A., and Miles, A. Manual of Surgery. Oxford, 1913. Thorpe, Benjamin. Monumenta Ecclesiastica. [London] 1840. Tradition, La, vol. v. van Elven's Les Proces de Sorcellerie au Moyen Age. Paris, 1891. —— vol. vi. Harou's Sorciers et Sorcieres. Paris, 1892. —— vol. vi. Lemoine's Sorcellerie contemporaine. Paris, 1892. True and exact Relation of the severall Informations, Examinations and Confessions of the late Witches executed in the County of Essex. London, 1645. True and iust Recorde of all the Witches taken at St. Oses. By W. W. London, 1582. Tryalls of Four Notorious Witches at Worcester. London, n. d.
Wagstaffe, John. Question of Witchcraft. London, 1671. Walsh, Examination of John. London, 1566. Webster, John. Displaying of Supposed Witchcraft. London, 1677. Wellhausen, Julius. Reste arabischen Heidenthums. Berlin, 1897. Whitaker, T. D. History of Whalley. London, 1818. Wilson, Daniel. Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time. Edinburgh, 1891. Witch of Wapping, The. Thomason Tracts. London, 1652. Witchcraft, Collection of rare and curious tracts on. Edinburgh, 1820. Witches of Northamptonshire. London, 1612. Wonderfull Discouerie of Elizabeth Sawyer. London, 1621. Wonderful Discoverie of Margaret and Philip Flower. London, 1619.
1324 Kilkenny, Ireland.
[This is the earliest record to give the names of all those who took part in the ceremonies. Two of the poorer women were burned; Dame Alice Kyteler returned to England; William Outlaw, her son, was imprisoned for a time. Nothing is known of the fate of the rest.]
1. Alice Kyteler 2. Alice, wife of Henry the Smith 3. Annota Lange 4. Eva de Brounstoun 5. Helena Galrussyn 6. John Galrussyn 7. Petronilla de Meath 8. Robert de Bristol 9. Robin, son of Artis (the Devil) 10. Sarah, daughter of Petronilla 11. Sysok Galrussyn 12. William Payn of Boly 13. William Outlaw.
Aberdeen:— Allhallow Eve, 107, 110-12, 131, 136. Candles, 36, 145. Children by the Queen of Elphen, 44, 45, 242. Christsonday, 36, 44, 45, 69, 70, 87, 128, 155, 242. Description of elves, 242. Devil as a calf, 65. " God, 28, 145, 227. " a hen, 207. " a horse, 207. " a lamb, 227. " a man, 36, 43, 65, 145. " a stag, 45, 70, 207, 242. " a woman, 44, 242. Divination by animals, 207. Dog sacrifice, 155, 163. Fertility charm, 170, 173. Fish Cross, 107, 110, 131, 233. Headgear, 36, 43. Hour of meeting, 112. King making, 45, 242. Kiss, 45, 128, 129, 242. Kneeling to the Devil, 28, 129. Magical rite, 207. " words, 45, 155, 163, 242. Mark, 87. Market Cross, 107, 110, 131. Midwife, 207. Musical instrument, 110, 131, 136. Names of members of Covens, 251. Nudity rite, 173. Number in Covens, 191-2. Our Lady, 45, 189. Personal attendant, 189. Punishment, 131, 188, 200. Queen of Elphen, 44, 45, 128, 242. Raising the Devil, 45, 155, 163, 242. Riding Devil, 69, 242. Right hand, 87. Ring dance, 107, 131, 136. " leader, 131, 136, 188, 200. Rood-day, 45, 110, 112, 134, 242. Sexual rites, 242. Silken habiliments, 36, 145. Standing stone, 108, 131. Transformation, 233. Tree-riding, 110, 134. Two chiefs, 35. White garments, 36, 43, 45. " hackneys, 45, 242.
Abiron, 163.
Admission ceremonies, 71-96.
Age of admission, 71-4.
Aix in Provence:— Blood-sprinkling, Form of, 149. Cannibalism, 143. Christian priest, 128. Feast, 143. Kiss, 129. Kneeling, 129. Knives not used, 143. Lucifer, 129, 149. Musical instruments, 138. Queen of the Sabbath, 129. Rank among the witches, 129. Religious service, 138. Renunciation, 77. Singing, 138. Taboo on salt, 143. Violins, 138. Wine representing blood, 149.
Ale, 39, 114, 141, 142.
Alest:— Abiron, 163. Raising the Devil, 163.
Alice Kyteler, Dame (see Kyteler).
Allhallow Eve, 45, 54, 107, 109-12, 131, 136.
Alloa:— Brown garments, 36, 43. Devil as a dog, 67. " a man, 36, 37, 43. Grey garments, 37, 43. Headgear, 36, 37, 43. Names of members of Coven, 252 Number in Coven, 192. Transformation, 233-4.
All Saints' Day, 108, 111, 116.
Alost:— Adoration, 28. Belzebuth, 28, 41. White garments, 41.
Altars to Christ and the Devil, 21.
Ancyra, Decree of Council of, 22, 102.
Angers:— Change of shape, 65. Devil as a bull, 65. " a goat, 65. Iupin, 65.
Animals for divination, 163, 204.
Antecessor, 164.
Appin, Red Book of, 170, 196.
Aqua vitae, 83, 141.
Aquelarre, 107, 118, 122.
Arab custom, 130. " witches, 104, 134 note.
Arras, 198.
Arrows, Fairy, 201, 245.
Artificial phallus, 178-82.
Ashes of the sacrifice, 159-62, 183, 276.
Aspic, 248.
Auldearne:— Black garments, 229. Black John, 199. Blood sprinkling, 84-5, 153. Boots and shoes, 37. Candlemas, 120, 142. Cloven feet, 37. Coldness of the Devil, 65, 181. Dances, 120, 133. Devil as an animal, 66, 70, 129, 183. " God, 29. " a man, 37. Dun-coloured garments, 229. Elf arrows, 201, 245. " boys, 245. " bulls, 244, 245. Fairy money, 245. Feast, 114, 141-2. Gillatrypes, 133. Grace before meat, 142, 167. Green garments, 229. Image, 116. Instruction from the Devil, 196. Irregular date of meetings, 122-3. King of Faery, 244. Kiss, 129. Magical ceremony, 115, 116, 171. " words, 105-6, 164, 166, 234-5. Maiden of the Coven, 133, 190, 193. Names of familiars, 229-30. " of members of Coven, 253. Nickname, 133. Number in Coven, 193. Officer, 171, 187-8, 193. Phallus, 180. Place of Devil at table, 142. " meeting, 120. Ploughing ceremony, 115, 171. Power from the Devil, 29. Punishment, 199, 201. Quarterly meeting, 111. Queen of Faery, 244. Riding, 99, 105. Salutation, 29. Sexual rites, 183. Transformation, 166, 234-5. Yellow garments, 229.
Avignon:— Devil as a goat, 68. " a man, 68. Standing stone, 68.
Avoidances, 17.
Bacchic cry, 164 note.
Back-to-back dance, 128, 131, 132, 133-5, 232, 247.
Bale fire, 111.
Baptism, 82-5, 117, 156, 247, 248.
Barton (see Suffolk).
Basses-Pyrenees:— Admission Ceremonies, 71, 78. Aquelarre, 107, 118, 122. Ashes, 160. Back-to-back dance, 132, 133. Baptism, 82. Beelzebub, 143. Book, 148. Candles, 146, 148. Cannibalism, 158. Change of shape, 63, 182. Child witches, 62, 71, 175-6. Christian festivals, 111. Coldness of Devil, 180, 181. Cross-roads, 118. Day of meeting, 122. Devil as an animal, 43, 62, 63, 65, 68-9, 129, 146, 182. " God, 29. " a man, 32, 40-1, 63, 128, 132. Diabloton, 137. Disguise, 64. Easter, 111. Esbat, 113. Feast, 142. Fire, 146. Flute, 137. Flying, 98, 101, 164. " ointment, 164. Follow-my-leader dance, 134. Food at feast, 142. Grace before meat, 143. Headgear, 43, 69, 146. Horns, 41, 43, 69, 146. Janicot, 165. Janus, 62. Jumping dance, 132. Jus primae noctis, 179. Kiss, 45, 62, 72, 128-30, 146, 148. Kneeling to the Devil, 29, 71, 72. Lane de Bouc, 107, 118, 122. Left hand, 45, 148. " side, 45, 88, 148. Lucifer, 148. Magical words, 148, 164, 165. Mark, 72, 88. Marriage, 179. Mask, 62, 64, 68, 129, 232. Midday, 122. Minor devils, 137, 228. Modern dance, 130. Monsieur, 128. Musical instruments, 137. Officer, 187. Opinions of witches, 25. Phallus, 179-80. Place of Devil at table, 143. " meeting, 118. Punishment, 198, 202. Quarterly festival, 109. Queen of the Sabbath, 45, 71, 148, 190. Quillet, 164. Religious service, 148, 164. Renewal of vows, 128. Renunciation, 71, 78. Riding, 102. Ring dances, 40, 107, 128, 131, 132. Sacrifice of the God, 160. Sermon, 148, 149. Sexual rites, 149, 180-2. Standing stones, 40, 107, 128, 131. Tambourine, 137. Toad, 71. Transformation, 235, 237. Trumpet, 137. Two-faced God, 62, 129. Violin, 137. Voice, 62. Voluntary convert, 71. Vows to new God, 78. Walking to meeting, 98. Written contract, 80.
Bear, Devil as a, 70. " familiar, 219.
Beelzebub, 28, 143, 184.
Belgium:— Alost, 28, 41. Ashes, 160. Barrebon, 41. Belzebuth, 28, 41. Black garments, 41, 43, 232. Blood-drinking, 153. Blue garments, 232. Burning the God, 160. Cold food, 144. Coldness of the Devil, 63. Crebas, 41. Devil as a goat, 128, 160. " a man, 41, 43. Flying ointment, 105. Headgear, 43. Kiss, 128, 160. Kneeling to the Devil, 29, 128. Mask, 232. Places dedicated to the Devil, 108. Standing stones, 108. Stick-riding, 105. White garments, 41. Yellow garments, 232.
Believers in witchcraft, 9, 10.
Beltane, 109.
Belzebuth, 28, 41.
Bernardo di Bosco, 24.
Bideford (see Devonshire).
Bird familiars, 206, 213, 217, 218. " sacrifice, 155, 241.
Bishop of Coventry, 23, 127.
Black candles, 146. " garments, 33-5, 37, 38, 40-3, 54, 57, 63, 127, 134, 140, 145, 147, 175, 200, 229, 232, 242.
Black John, 199.
Blackman, 33, 219, 223.
Black plaid, 37.
Blasting with the fairy, 245.
Blockula (see Sweden).
Blood baptism, 84. " covenant signed in, 80, 81. " drinking, 153. " Familiars fed with, 209-11, 213-17, 219-21, 225. " in chalice, 157. " sacrifice, 89, 152-4, 210, 213, 220, 225. " sprinkling, 84, 153. " Wine representing, 149.
Blue garments, 232. " mark, 75, 87.
Book, Devil's, 79, 148, 170, 196, 246, 248.
Boots and shoes, 37.
Borrowstowness:— Ale, 39, 114, 142. Change of shape, 67, 183. Cross, 117. Devil as a dog, 68, 183. " a man, 39, 67, 183. Drinking, 39, 114, 142. Feast, 142. Mark, 90. Piper, 117. Right hand, 90.
Bothwell, Earl of, 54-9.
Brampton (see Suffolk).
Breast, Supernumerary, 90-1, 94.
Brecy:— Black candles, 146. Devil as a black dog, 67. Sermon, 67. Walking to Sabbath, 98.
Brescia, 24, 135.
Brewham (see Somerset).
Bridle, Enchanted, 103, 104.
Broomstick, 10, 104, 105, 106, 164.
Brown garments, 33, 36, 43.
Bull, Devil as a, 65-6, 70, 129, 183.
Bulls, Elf, 244, 245. " Papal, 19, 24, 169.
Burning the God, 159-62.
Burroughs, Rev. George, 49, 151.
Burton Agnes (see Yorkshire).
Bute:— Aqua vitae, 83. Baptism, 83, 156. Blasting with the fairy, 245. Cock sacrifice, 156. Devil as a man, 83. Elf arrow, 245. Hen sacrifice, 156. Klareanough, 84. Left leg, 89. Local anaesthesia, 89. Mark, 83, 89. Names of members of Coven, 253. Renunciation, 156. Result of elf-shots, 245. Right foot and leg, 83. " hand, 83. " shoulder, 89. Shooting and blasting, 245. Two chiefs, 83. Use of words God and Devil, 31.
Byrehill:— Devil as instructor, 195. Fairies, 44, 140, 195, 201. Green garments, 113, 140, 241. Identification of the Devil, 35, 48. Piping, 113, 140, 241. Queen of Elfhame, 44, 241. Threats against a traitor, 201. William Simpson, Mr., 35, 48, 195. Wine puncheons, 113, 140, 241.
Calder, 157.
Calf, Devil as a, 65.
Cambridgeshire:— Blood sacrifice, 220. Cat familiar, 220. Use of familiar, 220.
Candlemas, 13, 109, 110, 120, 142, 144.
Candles, 36, 54, 68, 125, 127, 128, 144-7, 148, 159, 180.
Cannibalism, 143, 158, 159.
Canons, Ecclesiastical, of King Edgar, 22.
Capital punishment, 201-4.
Cat, Devil as a, 66, 127, 128, 182, 208, 220, 228. " familiar, 209-14, 216-21, 224, 225, 241. " sacrifice, 154, 155, 168, 208.
Cats, conjuring of, 52, 54, 115, 167, 168, 208.
Change of familiar, 210. " of name, 46, 83-5. " of shape, 41, 47, 65, 66, 67, 69, 182, 183, 236, 237.
Chaplain to the Devil, 188, 201.
Chelmsford (see Essex).
Chicken sacrifice, 154, 155, 210.
Child sacrifice, 49, 150, 156-9. " witches, 39, 40, 62, 65, 71-4, 80, 99, 123, 175, 176, 184, 242, 248.
Children by the Devil, 182. " by the Queen of Elphen, 44, 242.
Christening of animals, 85, 115, 155, 167, 168.
Christian clergy, 129, 133, 137, 149, 150, 151, 188-9, 201. " festivals, 111.
Christians and the Witch-cult, 18, 49.
Christmas, 49, 111. " Eve, 112.
Christsonday (see Aberdeen).
Churchyard dance, 54, 113, 136, 146.
Cittern, 136.
Classical authors, 21.
Clay images, 147.
Cloven feet, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38, 116.
Cnut, Invasion of, 20. " Laws of, 23, 107.
Cock, sacrifice, 154-6, 212. " Signal given by, 112.
Cold food, 144.
Coldness of the Devil, 62, 63-5, 128, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185.
Collupp Munday, 103.
Como, 135.
Compiegne:— Artificial intercourse, 182. Black garments, 40, 175. Child witch, 40, 175. Coldness of the Devil, 182. Devil as a man, 40, 175. Devil's horse, 40, 175. Renunciation, 175. Sexual rites, 175.
Coney familiar, 219.
Confessionale of Ecgberht, 22.
Congregational Churches, 13.
Conjuration, 150, 171.
Conjuring of cats, 52, 54, 115, 156, 163, 167, 168.
Connecticut:— Christmas, 111. Devil as a boy, 42. " a deer, 70. " a man, 42, 43. Headgear, 43. Human familiars, 230. Names of members of Coven, 253.
Control of the Phairie, 243.
Conversion of England, 20.
Cordova:— Child witch, 80, 175. Contract for term of years, 80.
Council of Ancyra, Decree of, 22, 102.
Court of Elphen, 44, 240.
Covenant, 79-82.
Covens, 190-4, 249-54.
Coventry, Bishop of, 23, 127.
Crebas, 41.
Crighton:— Chaplain to the devil, 188, 201. Coldness of the devil, 65. Minister, Christian, 133, 188-9, 201. Pace of dance, 133, 189, 201. Punishment, 133, 189, 201. Sermon, 30, 189.
Crook of Devon:— Black garments, 38, 43. Change of name, 85. Coldness of the Devil, 64. Date of meetings, 111. Devil as a boy, 38, 43. " a man, 38, 43. Dun-coloured garments, 38. Feast, 141. Flying, 101. Fulyairt garments, 38. Grey garments, 38, 43. Headgear, 38, 43. Methods of destruction, 118, 172. Music, 137. Names of members of Coven, 253. Number in Coven, 193. Piper, 137. Place of meeting, 120. Riding Devil, 38. St. Andrew's Day, 111. Two chiefs, 38. Voluntary converts, 79. Walking to the Sabbath, 98. Yule, 120.
Cross, 68, 107, 110, 117, 131, 233.
Cross-roads, 68, 107, 118, 132, 144, 203.
Crow familiar, 208.
Cursing, 218, 220, 224-5, 227.
Dalkeith:— Admission ceremony, 78. Bale fire night, 111. Capital punishment, 204. Change of shape, 67, 183. Devil as a boy, 37, 67, 183. " a dog, 67. Green garments, 37, 43, 67, 183. Hanging with a lace, 204. Headgear, 37, 43. Magical words, 165. Mark, 183. Officer, 47. Queen of Farie, 47, 245. Renunciation, 244.
Dance as reward, 200. " Back to back, 128, 131, 133, 134, 135, 232, 247. " called Gillatrypes, 133. " Children's, 135. " Churchyard, 54, 113, 133, 136, 146. " Complicated, 130, 132. " Fairy, 132, 242, 244. " Fertility, 23, 130. " Follow-my-leader, 55, 130, 133, 134, 136. " Jumping, 130, 132, 134, 137. " La volta, 135. " led by Devil, 127, 133, 134, 136. " " priest, 23. " Modern, 130, 133, 135, 183 note. " Pace of, 130, 133, 189, 200, 201. " Ring, 130-3. " round stones, 40, 107, 108, 128, 131. " round the devil, 40, 107, 128, 145. " round trees, 239, 240. " to instrumental music, 133, 136, 138. " Torchlight, 146. " to vocal music, 134, 137, 138, 146. " Tree-riding, 134. " under trees, 41. " Widdershins, 135.
Daniel the Prophet, 34.
Dates of chief festivals, 12, 13. " conversion of England, 20. " meetings, 109-11, 119, 121-3.
Dead men's bones, 115, 168, 169.
Death by fire, 162.
Decadence of the cult in England, 5, 135.
Decree of Council of Ancyra, 22.
Dedication, 78.
Deer, Devil as a, 70, 129, 183.
Definition of a witch, 18, 51.
Description of Blockula, 103, 108, 119. " elves, 242.
Destructive acts, 118, 172.
Devil, Children by, 182, 185, 242. " Coldness of, 62-5, 128, 181. " Identification of, 35, 38, 48, 49, 55-9. " Instruction from, 124, 125, 195, 196. " Marriage with, 184-5. " Money from, 37, 49. " Places dedicated to, 108. " Sacrifice of, 159-62. " Substitute for, 160-2, 270-9. " the same as fairy, 243.
Devil as ape, 47, 69. " bear, 70. " boy, 33, 37, 38, 42, 43, 64, 67, 183. " bull, 65-6, 70, 129, 183. " calf, 65. " cat, 66, 127, 152, 154, 182, 228. " cow, 65. " deer, 70, 129, 183. " dog, 66-8, 70, 129, 133, 136, 155, 182, 183, 208, 227. " fowl, 182. " frog, 226. " goat, 63, 65, 68-9, 70, 144-6, 159, 160, 180, 182, 183, 233, 247, 248. " God, 28-31, 145, 227, 247. " hen, 182, 207. " horse, 47, 69, 70, 183, 207, 208. " lamb, 227.
Devil as lion, 66. " man, 31-43, 52, 53, 55, 63, 65, 68, 69, 73, 77, 79, 83, 88, 106, 116, 126-7, 134, 136, 140, 145, 153, 163, 164, 175, 182, 183, 188, 195, 206, 208, 217, 218, 221, 223, 228, 246. " mediciner, 36, 195. " minister, 41, 149, 151. " physician, 36. " priest, 150, 157. " sheep, 70, 127, 182, 233, 247. " stag, 45, 70, 207, 242. " woman, 44-7, 242.
Devil's change of shape, 47, 63, 65, 182. " chaplain, 188, 201. " disguise, 35, 62. " duties, 196. " garments, 33-8, 40-3. " head-gear, 42-3. " horse, 29, 40, 45, 69, 103, 175, 208, 236. " phallus, 179-81. " place at feast, 29, 140, 142. " powers, 236. " voice, 61-3.
Devonshire:— Black garments, 34. Devil as a lion, 66. " a man, 34. Supernumerary nipple, 95. Toad familiar, 95.
Diabloton, 137.
Diana, 12, 22, 102.
Dianic cult, 11, 12, 15, 272, 274.
Dirlton, 36.
Disbelievers in witchcraft, 10-11.
Disguise, 35, 47, 60-5, 129. " Removal of, 182.
Distribution of ashes, 159, 160, 161, 276.
Divination, 163, 205-8, 221, 248.
Divining familiar, 163, 205-8.
Dog, Devil as a, 66-8, 70, 129, 133, 136, 182, 183, 208, 226. " familiar, 163, 206, 207, 208, 212-15, 218, 219, 221, 223-5, 227, 229. " sacrifice, 154, 155, 163.
Dorset:— Bird familiar, 206. Blood sacrifice, 153. Cat sacrifice, 155. Chicken sacrifice, 155. Cloven feet, 33. Devil as a man, 33, 206. Dog familiar, 206. " sacrifice, 155. Fairies, 240. Gift of familiar, 224. Human familiar, 33, 206. Periodical sacrifices, 155.
Dreams, 15.
Drinking, 39, 98, 113, 114, 115, 140-3. " the Devil's health, 194.
Ducking of witches, 17.
Dumfries-shire, 157.
Dun-coloured garments, 38, 229.
Dunfermline:— Capital punishment, 203. Burial of Lady Pittadro, 162. Fate of a traitor, 203. Rebuke to Presbytery, 162.
Dunstable, 48.
Dunwich (see Suffolk).
Duties of the Devil, 196.
Easter, 23, 111.
Ecclesiastical canons of King Edgar, 22.
Ecgberht, Archbishop of York, 22.
Edinburgh:— Black garments, 37. Cat sacrifice, 155. Devil as a dog, 67. " a man, 36, 37, 39, 116. " a woman, 46. Dog sacrifice, 155. Drinking, 39, 113. Fertility powers, 170, 174. Gift of money, 37, 49. Green garments, 37. Grey garments, 116. Identification, 37, 38, 48, 50. Magical powers, 170, 174. Mark, 46. Marriage with the Devil, 185. Number in Coven, 193. Renunciation, 39, 46. Standing stones, 37. Weir, Major, 50, 161.
Edmonton:— Cursing, 227. Dog familiar, 213. Name of familiar, 213. Prayer, 30. Supernumerary nipple, 92.
Edward and Guthrum, Laws of, 22.
Elf arrows, 245. " boys, 245. " bulls, 244, 245.
Elfin, Court of, 240. " Queen or Fairy Queen, 14, 44, 45, 47, 128, 189, 190, 241, 242, 244, 245.
Elva, 163, 206.
Elves, Description of, 242.
Enchanted bridle, 103, 104, 236.
England (see Cambridgeshire, Chelmsford, Coventry, Devonshire, Dorset, Dunstable, Edmonton, Essex, Faversham, Fenny Drayton, Fewstone, Huntingdonshire, Ipswich, Kidderminster, Lancashire, Leaven Heath, Leicester, Lenham, Maidstone, Northampton, Northumberland, St. Albans, St. Osyth, Salisbury, Somerset, Stapenhill, Suffolk, Windsor, Yarmouth, Yorkshire).
Esbat, 97, 113-23.
Essex:— Bird familiar, 217, 218. Blood sacrifice, 89, 152, 154, 210, 225. Cat familiar, 209-12, 214, 216, 217, 224, 225. Change of familiar, 210. Chicken sacrifice, 154, 210. Child witch, 73. Cock sacrifice, 155, 212. Coldness of the Devil, 64, 185. Devil as a cat, 152, 154. " a dog, 67, 155, 227. " a man, 33, 88, 217, 223. Dog familiar, 212, 214, 215, 223, 227. Feeding of familiar, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215-17, 224. Ferret familiar, 212. Frog familiar, 218. Gift of familiar, 209, 210, 214, 216, 217, 223, 224. Inherited familiar, 214, 217, 224-6. Kiss, 64, 185, 215. Kitten familiar, 215, 224, 225. Lamb familiar, 211. Left hand, 89. Marriage, 185. Mole familiar, 217, 223. Mouse familiar, 216-18. Names of familiars, 209, 211, 212, 214-18, 224, 225. Paternoster as a charm, 210. Prayers, 31, 215. Promise of secrecy, 215. Renunciation of Christianity, 185, 209, 225. Robin, 211, 218, 225. St. Osyth Coven, 250. Sathan, 152, 210, 224, 225, 226. Supernumerary nipple, 92-3, 95, 214-17. Thirteen in Coven, 191. Threats against a traitor, 202. Toad familiar, 210-12, 225. Use of familiars, 214-18, 223, 224. Weasel familiar, 212.
Ethelred, Laws of, 23.
Eve of St. John, 111.
Evidence, Sources of, 11.
Execution, Methods of, 17, 162, 201.
Eymouth, 36.
Fairies:— Arrows, 201, 245. Boy in green, 37, 244. Boys, 245. Children by Queen of Elphen, 44, 242. Colour of clothes, 37, 140, 240-2, 244. Connexion between witches and fairies, 14. Controlled with the Phairie, 243. Court of Elfin, 240, 241. Dances, 132, 239, 242, 244. Description of elves, 242. Dress of Queen, 244. Elf bulls, 244-5. Fairies and witches, 238-46. Familiar, 46, 229, 243. Folk, 241, 242. Foster child, 242. Hill, 36, 243, 245. Hours for consultation, 240. Human sacrifice, 238, 246. Instruction by, 195, 239, 241, 243-4. Kane-bairn, 246. King, 244. King-making, 242. Man in green, 140, 241. Men, 195, 240-3, 245. Money, 155, 241, 245. Plaids, 240, 242. Puck, 238. Puckrels, 241. Queen, 14, 44, 45, 47, 128, 189, 190, 240-2, 244, 245. Rings, 132, 244. Robin, 127, 154, 163, 208, 211, 218, 225, 238, 245. Sickness cast by, 241, 245. Squint-Ey'd Elf, 246. Thomas a Fearie, 230. Threats against traitor, 201. Tree, 238-9. White hackneys, 242. Women, 238-40, 241, 243, 244, 245, 246.
Familiars, 93-5, 184, 205-37. " as gods, 219, 220. " Feeding of, 209, 212, 216, 217, 224.
Fate of traitors, 201-4.
Faversham:— Devil's place at table, 140. Feast indoors, 140. Term of years, 81.
Feast, 46, 114, 138-44.
Feeding of familiars, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215-17, 221, 224, 248.
Feet, Cloven, 29, 33, 34, 37, 116. " of griffon, 35.
Female familiars, 46, 229, 243.
Fenny Drayton, 48.
Ferret familiar, 212.
Fertility charms, 149 note, 160, 170, 171, 173. " dances, 23, 130-5. " powers, 28, 170, 174.
Fewstone:— Bird familiar, 213. Cat familiar, 213. Names of familiars, 213.
Fines, 247.
Fir, Baton of, 163, 207. " torches, 147.
Fire, 146.
Fish Cross, 107, 110, 131, 233.
Fixed number of witches, 190.
Flint arrows, 201, 245.
Flute, 137, 138.
Flying, 98, 100-6, 164. " ointment, 100, 101, 104, 105, 164, 279-80.
Follow-my-leader dance, 130, 132-4.
Food at feasts, 139-44.
Forfar:— Ale, 141. All Hallow Eve, 110. Aqua vitae, 141. Black plaid, 37. Candlemas, 110. Cannibalism, 159. Change of shape, 183, 236, 237. Child witch, 73, 176. Churchyard dance, 113, 146. Coldness of the Devil, 64. Dance in churchyard, 113, 146. Dates of meetings, 119. Devil as a horse, 69, 183. " a man, 37, 69, 183. " a woman, 46. Devil's horse, 103, 236. Drinking, 98. Feast, 140-1. Grey clothes, 64. Kiss, 89, 114, 141. Lammas, 110. Mark, 89. Names of members of Coven, 252. Number in Coven, 120, 136, 193. Officer, 187. Pipes, 114, 136. Place of meeting, 119, 120. " Devil at table, 141. Puberty, Girl under, 176. Quarterly Festival, 110. Renunciation, 47, 79. Roodmass, 110. Sieve and shears, 114. Singing, 114, 138. Sinking ships, 69, 116, 183. Torchlight, 113, 146. Transformation, 237. Voluntary convert, 79. Walking to Sabbath, 98. Wrecking a bridge, 117-18, 196.
Forked shoes, 32 note.
Formula of renunciation, 67, 74, 76, 78.
Foul thief, 163, 207.
France (see also Aix, Alost, Angers, Arras, Basses-Pyrenees, Brecy, Compiegne, Gilles de Rais, Joan of Arc, Lille, Lorraine, Lyons, Machecoul, Orleans, Paris, Poitiers, Puy-de-Dome, St. Germain-en-Laye). Ashes, Distribution of, 159, 160, 161, 276. Back-to-back dance, 232. Candles, 146. Change of shape, 41, 66, 182. Coldness of the Devil, 180. Date of Sabbath, 123. Devil as a cat, 41, 66, 182. " a cow, 65. " a man, 41, 66, 156, 182. Fixed number of witches, 190. Flying ointment, 101. Garter as sign of rank, 191. God in human form, 40. Hen sacrifice, 156. Mask, 146, 233. Modern admission ceremony, 82. " organization, 190. Phallus, 180. Punishment, 199. Red garments, 41, 66, 183. Reine du Sabbat, 190. Renunciation, 65. Sacrifice of the God, 160. " a fowl, 156. Singing, 138, 146. Term of years, 82. Voluntary converts, 70. Written contract, 80.
Frog, Devil as a, 226. " familiar, 218.
Fulyairt garments, 38.
Garter as sign of rank, 191.
Geographical range of domestic familiar, 17, 209.
Gift of familiars, 209, 210, 214, 216, 217, 218, 222, 223, 224, 249. " of money, 37, 49.
Gillatrypes, 133.
Gilles de Rais, 161, 276-9.
Girls under puberty, 175-6.
Goat, Devil as a, 68-9, 129, 144-6, 159, 160, 180, 183.
God incarnate, 12, 28, 55, 161, 276, 278. " in human form, 40.
Good Friday, 111.
Grace before meat, 139, 140, 142, 143, 167, 247.
Green garments, 36, 37, 43, 67, 113, 140, 183, 229, 241, 242, 244.
Grey-bearded man, 32, 35, 36, 42, 195.
Grey garments, 35, 37, 38, 41-3, 64, 116.
Groton:— Devil as an old man, 42. Term of years, 81.
Guernsey:— Broomstick, 104, 164. Devil as a cat, 66, 127. " a dog, 67. Flying, 104, 164. Horns, 67. Hou, 165. Kiss, 66, 127. Kneeling to Devil, 66. Lucifer, 164. Magic words, 104, 164, 165. Name of early God, 165. Names of members of Coven, 251. Number in Coven, 192. Renunciation, 67. Site of Sabbath, 108. Transformation, 233.
Guthrum, invasion of, 20.
Guthrum, Laws of Edward and, 22.
Hair sacrifice, 155.
Hanged with a lace, 202-4, 278.
Hare familiar, 227.
Hartford (see Connecticut).
Hautboy, 138.
Headgear, 35-7, 38, 42-3, 69, 127, 145, 146, 147.
Heathen invasions, 20.
Hedgehog familiar, 221.
Helen Mcbrune, 45.
Hell, Queen of, 47.
Hen, Devil as a, 182. " familiar, 207, 208. " sacrifice, 154, 156.
Heresy, Witchcraft as, 23.
Herodias, 102.
Hillswick (see Orkney).
Homage, 23, 62, 68, 126, 127, 128, 129, 145.
Horns, 41, 43, 67, 69, 146.
Horse, Devil as a, 47, 69, 183, 207, 208. " Devil's, 29, 40, 45, 69, 103, 208.
Horse-flesh, 143, 247.
Hou, 165.
Hour of Sabbath, 112.
Human familiars, 33, 40, 46, 183, 193, 206, 221, 228-30, 243.
Huntingdonshire:— Bear familiar, 219. Black garments, 33, 34, 63. Blood sacrifice, 219. Cat familiar, 218, 219, 225. Cloven feet, 33. Coney familiar, 219. Cursing, 218, 220, 224-5, 227. Devil as a man, 33, 63, 218, 223. Dog familiar, 218, 219, 223, 224. Familiars as gods, 219, 220. Gift of familiar, 218, 224-5. Light, 146. Mouse familiar, 220. Names of familiars, 218-20, 223. Rat familiar, 220. Renunciation, 218-19, 225. Supernumerary nipple, 93, 219-20. Term of years, 81. Use of familiars, 218-20. Voice of Devil, 63. Yielding the soul, 220.
Hymns, 137.
Hysteria, supposed, 9, 177, 231.
Identification, 35, 37, 38, 47-50, 55-9.
Image, Clay and wax, 116, 117, 147. " Sacred, 125, 145.
Imitative magic, 177.
Impenitent witches, 26.
Imps called puckrels, 241.
Incarnate God, 12, 28, 55, 161, 276, 278.
Incubus, 183.
Inherited familiars, 214, 217, 224-6.
Innerkip:— Cloven feet, 38, 116. Devil as a dog, 67. " a man, 38, 116. Drinking, 114, 141. Kiss, 114. Magical ceremony, 116-17. Mark, 89. Name of Devil, 163. Night assemblies, 123. Raising the Devil, 163. Right side, 89. Serpent, 163. Singing, 38, 114, 138. Storm raising, 67, 116. Transformation, 116, 234. Yule, 123.
Innocent VIII, Bull of, 24, 169.
Instruction by the Devil, 124, 125, 195, 196, 208. " by fairies, 241, 244.
Introduction, Letter of, 60. " of new members, 39, 76, 77.
Inverary:— Corresponding with the Devil, 245. Fairies, 245. Trumps, 245.
Inverkeithing, Priest of, 23.
Ipswich, 49.
Ireland (see Kyteler, Dame Alice).
Iron rods, Beating with, 197, 203.
Irregular dates of esbats, 122.
Irrevocability of vows, 78.
Irvine:— Capital punishment, 202. Devil as a man, 79. Hanged with a lace, 202. Left leg, 88. Mark, 88. Voluntary convert, 79.
Italy, 24, 100, 135.
Iupin, 65.
Janicot, 165, 249.
Janus, 12, 62.
Jean le Blanc, 247.
Jew's harp, 136.
Joan of Arc, 24, 40, 161, 238-40, 270-6, 279.
Jumping dance, 130, 132, 137.
Jus primae noctis, 179, 181.
Kane-bairn, 246.
Kent (see Faversham, Lenham, Maidstone).
Kidderminster, 94.
King-making, 45, 242.
King of Faery, 244.
Kinross-shire (see Crook of Devon).
Kiss:— Devil kisses witches, 89, 114, 141, 165, 185, 247. Familiars kiss witches, 215. Witches kiss the Devil, 45, 62, 63, 64, 66, 72, 126-30, 145, 146, 148, 159, 160, 200, 242, 247. Witches kiss an image, 125, 145. " Queen of Elphen, 128, 242.
Kitten familiar, 94, 210, 215, 216, 221, 224, 225.
Klareanough, 84.
Kneeling to the Devil, 28, 29, 66, 71, 72, 126, 128-9.
Knives not used, 143.
Kyteler, Dame Alice:— Cock sacrifice, 154. Devil as a man, 40, 228. Flying ointment, 104. Human familiar, 40, 228. Name of Devil, 154. Robin, son of Artis, 40, 154. Sacramental bread, 148. Stick-riding, 104. Trial, 23.
Lamb familiar, 211, 227.
Lammas, 13, 52, 54, 109, 110.
Lancashire:— All Saints' Day, 108, 111, 116. Black garments, 33. Blood sacrifice, 153, 213. Cat familiar, 213. Child witch, 73. Day of Sabbath, 111. Devil as a bear, 70. " a boy, 33. " God, 29. " a man, 33, 77. Dog familiar, 213. Familiars, male and female, 46, 184, 229. Method of obtaining, 227. Number of, 229. Feast, 46, 139. Female familiar, 46, 229. Flying, 102. Good Friday, 111. Introduction of new member, 77. Light, 46. Mamillion, 29. Method of marking, 88, 153. Name of God, 29. " of familiars, 46. Names of members of Coven, 251. Naming a familiar, 115. Number in Coven, 192. Officer, 187. Pricking, 88, 153. Purpose of meeting, 115, 116. Riding, 99, 116. Sacramental bread, 227. Sexual rites, 184. Standing stone, 108. Supernumerary nipple, 213. Yielding the soul, 33, 77.
Lane de Bouc, 107, 118, 122.
Lang Niddry:— Cat sacrifice, 155. Christening a cat, 115, 155, 168. Drinking, 115. Walking to the meeting, 98.
Lapland, 66, 68, 222, 226.
Lauder:— Devil as a man, 36. Identification, 48. Officer, 187.
Laws of Athelstan, 17, 22. " Cnut, 23, 107. " Edward and Guthrum, 22. " Ethelred, 23. " Lorraine, 102. " Northumbrian priests, 22. " Wihtraed, 22.
Leather money, 155, 241.
Leaven Heath, 81.
Left eye, 96. " hand, 45, 88, 89, 148, 190. " leg, 88, 89. " shoulder, 87, 88, 96. " side, 45, 88, 93, 94, 96, 148.
Legal aspect of covenant, 74. " " familiars, 208. " " mark, 86-7.
Leicester:— Fairy, 46, 243. Human familiar, 46, 229, 243. Method of obtaining familiars, 46, 243. Name of familiar, 46, 229, 243. Yielding the soul, 46, 229.
Lenham, 94.
Letter of introduction, 60.
Liber Poenitentialis, 21, 60.
Light, 46, 146, 147.
Lille:— Ashes, 160. Child witches, 72, 99, 184. Dedication, 78. Devil as an animal, 65, 160. " God, 29. Mark, 72, 81, 89. Opinions of witches, 26, 184. Power over fertility, 174. Punishment, 174, 199, 200. Renewal of vows, 81. Renunciation, 72. Riding, 102. Sacrifice of the God, 160. Sexual rites, 184. Yielding the soul, 72.
Limited range of transformation, 231.
Lion, Devil as a, 66.
List of suspected persons, 47.
Llanddewi Brefi, 226.
Local anaesthesia, 86, 87, 89, 94.
Logan, Rev. Allan, 49.
Lorraine:— Back-to-back dance, 135. Bird sacrifice, 155, 241. Devil as a bear, 70. " a goat, 68. Hair sacrifice, 155. Homage, 126. Kneeling to the devil, 126. Laws, 102. Leather money, 155, 241. Magical charm, 115. Marriage, 184. Masks, 232. Night assemblies, 112, 122. Oath of secrecy, 201. Offerings, 155. Opinions of witches, 25. Phallus, 179. Punishment, 198. Ring dance, 135. Voice, 61. Widdershins, 135.
Lothian:— Baton of fir, 163, 207. Cat sacrifice, 155, 208. Devil as a man, 36, 116. Divining familiars, 163, 207, 208. Dog sacrifice, 155. Foul thief, 163, 207. Instruction by the Devil, 195, 208. Magical words, 163, 207. Mediciner, 36, 195. Minister, 149. Punishment, 198. Sacrament, 149-50. Sermon, 149-50.
Lowdon Hill:— Devil as a woman, 45. Hallow-even, 45, 111. Helen Mcbrune, 45. Name of Devil, 45.
Lucifer, 28, 45, 125, 129, 138, 144, 148, 149, 164.
Lyne:— Court of Elphen, 240. Devil as a man, 35, 42. Grey beard, 35, 42. " garments, 35, 42. Headgear, 35, 42. Instruction by the Devil, 195. Number in Coven, 191, 240. Queen of Elphen, 44, 241. Thorn Reid, 35, 42, 44, 191, 195. White wand, 35.
Lyons:— Ashes, 159, 183. Back-to-back dance, 131, 232. Beelzebub, 143. Black garments, 40, 101. Broomstick, 105. Candles, 125, 145. Christmas, 49, 111, 112. Cold food, 144. Coldness of Devil, 179, 181. Day of meeting, 122. Devil as a cat, 66, 128, 182. " a dog, 182. " a fowl, 182. " a goat, 68, 145, 159, 182, 233. " a man, 40, 101, 145, 182. " a sheep, 70, 182, 233. Drinking, 143. Easter, 111. Fairy dances, 132, 242. Feasts, 143. Flute, 138. Flying, 101, 102. " ointment, 105. Grace before meat, 143. Hautboys, 138. Hour of meeting, 112. Human familiars, 183, 228. Image, Sacred, 125, 145. Jumping Dance, 132. Kiss, 125, 128, 129-30, 145. Mark, 87-8. Mask, 232. Method of going to Sabbath, 97, 99. Midday, 40. Musical instruments, 138. Night assemblies, 112. Phallus, 179. Place of meeting, 119, 121. Power over fertility, 174. Prayer, 30. Punishment, 198. Religious service, 148. Renewal of vows, 125. Renunciation, 125. Reports, 125, 198. Riding to meetings, 99. Right side, 88. Ring dance, 131. Rye, Wafer of, 148. Sacrifice of the God, 159, 183. Sexual rites, 125, 179-82. Singing, 138. Stick riding, 105. Straw, Burning, 145. Taboo on salt, 143. Urine, 148. Voice, 62. Walking to meeting, 97-8.
Machecoul Coven, 249.
Magical ceremonies, 30, 115, 116, 171, 207. " ointment, 100, 101, 104, 105, 279-80. " powers, 170, 174. " words, 45, 101, 104, 105, 128, 149, 162-8, 206-8, 234-5, 242, 244.
Maiden of Coven, 133, 189, 190, 193.
Maidstone:— Child by the Devil, 182. Reason for burning a witch, 162. Sexual rites, 182.
Maitre Jean Mullin, 238. " Leonard, 238.
Malleus Maleficarum, 172.
Mamillion, 29.
Manningtree (see Essex).
Mark, 46, 72, 75, 76, 81, 83, 86-96, 146, 183, 246, 248.
Market Cross, 107, 110, 131.
Marriage, 179, 184, 185.
Masks, 55, 62, 64, 68, 110, 129, 133, 146, 188, 231-3, 246.
May Day, 112. " Eve, 12, 109.
May-November year, 12, 109.
Mediciner, Devil as, 36, 195.
Methods of destruction, 117, 118. " execution, 17, 162, 201. " going to meetings, 97-106. " marking, 87, 88, 153. " obtaining familiars, 46, 226, 227, 243. " transformation, 230-1.
Midday, 40, 101, 122.
Midwives, 50, 170, 171, 206, 207.
Minister, Christian, 133, 137, 151, 188. " Devil as a, 41, 149.
Minor devils, 137, 228.
Modern dance, 130, 132, 135 note, 183 note. " magical ceremonies, 82, 226. " organization, 190.
Mole familiar, 217, 223.
Monsieur, 40, 128.
Mound dwellings, 10.
Mouse familiar, 216-18, 220, 241.
Muffling (see Mask).
Music, 137.
Musical instruments, 55, 110, 131, 133, 136-8.
Name given on admission, 85. " of early God, 165.
Names of the Devil:— Abiron, 163. Antecessor, 164. Aspic, 248. Barrebon, 41. Black John, 199. Blackman, 33, 219, 223. Christsunday, 36, 44, 45, 69, 70, 87, 128, 155, 242. Crebas, 41. Daniel the Prophet, 34. Foul thief, 163, 207. Helen Mcbrune, 45. Hou, 165. Iupin, 65. Janicot, 165, 249. Klareanough, 84. Maitre Jean Mullin, 228. " Leonard, 228. Mamillion, 29. Monsieur, 40, 128. Orthon, 41, 247, 248. Quillet, 164. Robin, 163, 208, 245. " son of Artis, 40, 154. Sathan, 152, 210. Serpent, 163. Simon, 185. Thom Reid, 35, 42, 44, 191, 195, 240. Traisnesac, 41, 247. Tramesabot, 41 note, 248. Walliman, 30-1, 195. William Simpson, 35, 48, 195.
Names of familiars:— Amie, 218. Besse, 217. Christ, 216. Collyn, 216. Dainty, 216. Elimanzer, 215. Elva, 163, 206. Fancie, 46. Fillie, 213. Frog, 218. George, 221, 229. Gibbe, 213. Gille, 210. Ginnie, 210. Greedigut, 219, 223. Grissell, 219, 223. Hendrie Laing, 230. Hoult, 214. Inges, 213. Jacke, 211, 218. James, 218. Jarmara, 214. Jeso, 216. Jesus, 216. Jezebell, 221, 229. Jockey, 216. Jone, 220. Laing, 229. Lierd, 212. Lightfoot, 212, 224. Lilly, 218. Littleman, 216. Lunch, 212. Makeshift, 212. Mak Hector, 229, 230. Margaret, 168, 218. Minny, 225. Mounsier, 216. Mrit. Elizabeth, 216. Panu, 216. Philip, 211. Pigine, 211. Pretty, 46, 218, 229, 243. Pretty-man, 216. Prickeare, 218. Priscill, 218. Red Reiver, 229, 230. Roaring Lion, 229, 230. Robert the Jackis, 229, 230. Robert the Rule, 229, 230. Robin, 208, 211, 218, 225. Rorie, 229. Rug, 217. Sack and Sugar, 214. Sanders, 230. Sandy, 216. Sathan, 209, 210, 224, 225. Sparrow, 218. Suckin, 212. Susan, 217, 218. Swein, 229, 230. Tewhit, 213. Thief of Hell, wait upon herself, 229, 230. Thomas a Fearie, 230. Tib, 220. Tibbe, 46. Tissy, 219. Tom, 211, 213, 225. Tomboy, 216. Tyffin, 211. Tyttey, 211. Vinegar Tom, 214. Wynowe, 216.
Names of members of Covens, 193-4, 249-54. " of tunes, 136, 137.
Naming of animals, 85, 155, 168. " a familiar, 115.
Netherbury (see Dorset).
Newburgh, 195.
New England (see Connecticut, Groton, Salem).
Nicknames, 85, 133, 187.
Nider's Formicarius, 23.
Night assemblies, 112, 122, 123.
Nipple, Supernumerary, 90-6, 209, 221.
Northampton:— Death by fire, 162. Devil as a man, 34. Opinions, 26-7. Supernumerary nipple, 95.
North Berwick:— Allhallow Eve, 54, 110. Black garments, 35, 42, 54, 57, 145. Bothwell, Earl of, 54-9. Candles, 54, 145. Cat sacrifice, 168. Christening a cat, 168. Churchyard dance, 54, 110, 133, 136. Coldness of the Devil, 62, 64, 128. Conjuring of cats, 52, 54, 163, 167, 168. Dates of meetings, 110. Dead men's bones, 115, 168, 169. Devil as a man, 35, 42, 52, 53, 55. Devil's disguise, 35, 62. Divining by animals, 206-7. Dog familiar, 163, 206. Elva, 163, 206. Headgear, 35, 42, 145. Homage, 62, 138, 145. Hour of meeting, 112. Identification, 55-9. Instruction by Devil, 195. Kiss, 62, 63, 128, 200. Lammas, 52, 54, 110. Magical words, 163, 168, 206. Mask, 55, 110, 133, 188, 232. Midwife, 50, 206. Muffling (see Mask). Name of familiar, 163, 206. Names of members of Coven, 250. Nicknames, 85, 187. Number in Covens, 53, 191. Officers, 187. Punishment, 54, 200. Raising the Devil, 163, 206. Riding to the Sabbath, 99. Ringleader, 55, 110, 133, 188, 232. Sermon, 42, 54, 145. Sieves, 167. Sinking ships, 51, 52, 115, 167, 168. Storm raising, 51, 52, 54, 163, 167, 168. Toad poison, 53. Trial, 50-9. Trump, 55, 110, 133, 136. Voice, 62. Wax image, 51, 53-5. White garments, 35. " wand, 57. Yielding the soul, 59.
Northumberland:— Black garments, 134, 200. Collupp Monday, 103. Dance as reward, 200. Devil as God, 29. " a man, 34, 134. Enchanted bridle, 103-4, 236. Names of members of Coven, 193-4. Number in Coven, 193-4. Punishment, 200. Rewards, 134, 200. Riding, 103, 236. " devil, 34. Sacred stone, 108 note. Term of years, 82. Threats to traitor, 29. Transformation, 234, 236.
November Eve, 12.
Nudity rites, 134 note, 150, 173.
Numbers in Covens, 53, 120, 136, 191-4, 240.
Oath of secrecy, 201.
Objections to the evidence, 15, 16.
Offerings, 155.
Officer, 47, 101, 151, 171, 186-90, 193.
Ointment, Flying, 100, 101, 104, 105, 279-80.
Operative witchcraft, 11.
Opinions of witches, 15, 25-7, 28, 161, 184.
Ordeal by water, 17.
Organization, 13, 186-204.
Orkney:— Black garments, 242. Child witch, 242. Controlled with the Phairie, 243. Devil as a man, 36. " the same as fairy, 243. Fairy folk, 242. " men, 195, 242, 243. Gray beard, 36, 195. Green tartan plaid, 242. Identification, 48. Instruction from the Devil, 195. Name of Devil, 30, 31. Prayer, 31. Walliman, 30, 31, 195. White garments, 36, 195.
Orleans:— Back-to-back dance, 247. Baptism, 247, 248. Book, 246, 248. Child witch, 248. Devil as a goat, 69, 70, 247, 248. " God, 29, 247. " man, 41, 63, 246. " sheep, 70, 247. Disguise, 63. Divination, 221, 248. Feeding of familiars, 221, 248. Fines, 247. Gift of familiar, 222, 224, 249. Janicot, 249. Jean le Blanc, 247. Kiss, 247. Mark, 248. Mask, 246. Names of Devil, 41, 247, 248. Orthon, 41, 247, 248. Phallus, 247. Place of meeting, 246. Punishment, 247. Religious service, 246, 248. Rewards, 247. Salt taboo, 249. Sermon, 63, 247. Sexual rites, 249. Shaving, 246. Singing, 247. Toad familiar, 221, 222, 248, 249. Traisnesac, 41. Tramesabot, 41 note. Trial of Gentien le Clerc, 248-9. " Silvain Nevillon, 246-8. Two chiefs, 63. Two-faced god, 69, 247. Urine, 248. Voice, 63, 247. Walking to the Sabbath, 247.
Orthon, 41, 247, 248.
Ould Birtles, 47.
Our Lady, 45, 189.
Pace of dance, 131, 133, 189, 200, 201.
Paction with the Devil, 74.
Paisley:— Black garments, 38, 63. Candles, 147. Child witch, 73. Clay image, 117, 147. Cloven feet, 38. Date of meeting, 123. Devil as a man, 38, 188. Drinking the Devil's health, 194. Mark, 89. Officer, 188. Thirteen, 194. Voice, 63.
Papal bulls, 19, 24, 169.
Paris:— Child sacrifice, 49, 150, 156, 157. " witch, 72. Conjuration, 150, 171. Devil as a priest, 150, 157, 171. Fertility charm, 171. Identification, 49. Midwife, 171. Nudity rite, 150. Term of years, 81. Witch mass, 150. Written contract, 81.
Paternoster used as charm, 210.
Pembrokeshire, 326.
Pentland Hills:— Candle, 146. Devil as a dog, 67, 133, 136. Name of tune, 137. Pipes, 67, 133, 136.
Periodical sacrifices, 154, 155, 158, 159.
Personal attendant, Devil's, 186, 189.
Perth:— Devil as a man, 36, 195. Fairy hill, 36. Greybeard, 36, 195. Instruction from the Devil, 195.
Phallus, 179-80, 247.
Physician, 36.
Pierronne, follower of Joan of Arc, 40.
Piper, 136, 137, 189.
Pipes, 67, 113, 114, 117, 133, 136, 140, 241.
Pitch, Candles of, 146, 147.
Pittadro, Lady, 162, 203.
Pittenweem:— Black garments, 43. Devil as a man, 39, 43. Headgear, 43. Mark, 90.
Place of Devil at table, 140, 141-3, 144. " meeting, 108, 119-21, 246.
Places dedicated to the Devil, 108.
Ploughing ceremony, 115, 171.
Poison, 158, 279-80.
Poisoning by toads, 53.
Poitiers:— Ashes of the sacrifice, 159. Candle, 145, 159. Cross, 68, 107. Cross-roads, 68, 107, 144. Devil as a goat, 68, 128, 144, 159. Kiss, 128, 145, 159. Ring dance, 68, 128, 145, 159. Sacrifice of the God, 159.
Polymastia, 90.
Polythelia, 90-6.
Position of Devil's marks, 96.
Power from the Devil, 29.
Prayers, 30, 31, 215, 218, 228.
Pre-agricultural religion, 12-13, 109.
Pricking, 88, 153.
Priests, Christian, 84, 128, 137, 150, 171.
Promise of secrecy, 215.
Puberty, Girls under, 175, 176.
Puck, Derivation of, 230.
Puckrels, 241.
Punishments and rewards, 54, 131, 133, 174, 188-9, 197-204, 247.
Purpose of meeting, 115, 116.
Puy-de-Dome:— Back-to-back dance, 128, 131. Candles, 68, 128, 145, 180. Christian festival, 111. Dates of meeting, 119, 123. Devil as a goat, 68, 145, 180. Kiss, 128. Place of meeting, 119. Prayer, 128. Ring dance, 128, 131. Sexual rites, 180. St. John's Eve, 145.
Quarterly festivals, 12-13, 109-11.
Queen of Elfin and Faery, 14, 44, 45, 47, 128, 189, 190, 241, 242, 244, 245.
Queen of Hell, 47.
Queen of Sabbath, 45, 71, 129, 148, 189, 190.
Queensferry:— Names of members of Coven, 252. Number in Coven, 192.
Quillet, 164.
Ragwort, Riding on, 246.
Rain-making, 172-3.
Raising storms, 52, 54. " the Devil, 45, 155, 163, 206, 242.
Rank among witches, 129, 191.
Rat familiar, 211, 220.
Reason for burning witches, 162.
Rebuke to Presbytery, 162.
Red Book of Appin, 170, 196. " garments, 41, 66, 183.
Redwald, King of East Saxons, 21.
Reine du Sabbat, 45, 71, 129, 148, 189, 190.
Religious service, 14, 138, 148, 164, 246, 248.
Renewal of vows, 80, 81, 125, 128.
Renfrewshire:— Capital punishment, 203. Child witches, 39, 65, 73. Coldness of Devil, 65. Devil as a man, 39, 65, 73. Fairies, 246. Hanging with a lace, 203-4. Mark, 90, 246. Names of members of Coven, 254. Squint-Ey'd Elf, 246. Threats to traitor, 203.
Renunciation of previous religion, 39, 46, 47, 65, 67, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 84, 124, 125, 128, 156, 175, 185, 209, 218-19, 225, 244.
Report of work done, 125, 194, 198.
Result of elf shots, 245.
Rewards and punishments, 134, 197-204, 247.
Riding Devil, 34, 38, 69, 208, 242. " on sticks, 104, 105, 106, 134. " to meetings, 99-106, 116, 236.
Right hand, 83, 87, 89, 90, 96. " leg, 83. " shoulder, 89, 91. " side, 88, 89, 96.
Ring dance, 40, 68, 107, 128, 131-2, 135, 145, 159. " leader, 55, 110, 133, 136, 188, 200, 232.
Ritual transformation, 233. " witchcraft, 11-12.
Robin, 127, 154, 163, 208, 211, 218, 225, 238, 245.
Robin, son of Artis, 40, 154.
Roodmas, 45, 109, 110, 112, 134, 242.
Round dance, 135.
Rowing, 147.
Rules for sexual rites, 175-6.
Rye, Wafer made of, 148.
Sabbath, 97-112. " Derivation of, 97. " Opinions regarding, 25.
Sacrament, 148-51.
Sacramental bread, 148, 199, 226, 227, 247.
Sacred image, 125, 145. " marriage, 177. " stone, 108 note.
Sacrifice, Animal, 153-6. " Blood, 152-3. " Child, 156-9, 246. " God, 159-62, 183. " Periodical, 155, 158, 159.
St. Albans:— Dog familiar, 221, 229. Human familiar, 221, 229. Names of familiars, 221, 229. " of members of Coven, 252. Supernumerary breast, 94. " nipple, 93, 221.
St. Andrew's Day, 111.
St. Germain-en-Laye:— Broomstick, 104. Devil as a sheep, 70, 127. Homage, 127. Kiss, 127. Written contract, 80.
St. John's Eve, 11, 145.
St. Osyth Cove, 250.
Salem:— Baptism, 84. Burroughs, Rev. George, 49, 117, 151. Child witch, 74. Devil as a cat, 228. " God, 30. " a horse, 70. " a man, 42. " a minister, 151. Feast, 142. Headgear, 42. Identification, 49. Images, 117. Iron rods, 203. Officer, 151, 188, 190. Place of meeting, 108, 121. Prayer, 228. Punishment, 203. Queen of Hell, 47. Renunciation, 84. Riding on a pole, 106. Sacrament, 151. Sermon, 151, 190. Supernumerary nipple, 95. Term of years, 82. Yielding the soul, 84.
Salisbury:— Blood ceremony, 64. Coldness of Devil, 64. Devil as a boy, 64. Supernumerary nipple, 94. Two chiefs, 64. Written contract, 64.
Salt, 139, 143, 249.
Salutation, 29, 126, 127.
Scarlet cap, 40.
Sceptics, 9, 10, 11, 15, 177.
Scotland (see Aberdeen, Alloa, Auldearne, Borrowstowness, Bute, Byrehill, Crighton, Crook of Devon, Dalkeith, Dirlton, Dumfries-shire, Dumfermline, Edinburgh, Eymouth, Forfar, Innerkip, Inverary, Inverkeithing, Irvine, Lang Niddry, Lander, Lothian, Lowdon Hill, Lyne, Newburgh, North Berwick, Orkney, Paisley, Pentland Hills, Perth, Pittenweem, Queensferry, Renfrewshire, Seaton, Strathdown, Thurso, Torryburn, Tranent).
Seaton, 98, 168.
Second in command, 32.
Secrecy, Promise of, 215.
Sermon, 30, 42, 54, 63, 67, 145, 148-51, 189, 190, 247.
Serpent, 163.
Sexual rites, 14, 125, 126, 149, 173-85, 242, 249.
Shaving, 246.
Sheep, Devil as a, 70, 127, 182, 247.
Shellie (see Suffolk).
Sieve, 147, 167.
Sieve and shears, 114.
Silken habiliment, 36, 145.
Silvain Nevillon, Trial of, 246-9.
Simon, 185.
Singing, 38, 114, 138, 146, 247.
Sinking ships, 51, 52, 55, 69, 115-17, 167, 168, 183.
Site of meetings, 106-9, 118-21.
Somerset (Wincanton, Brewham):— Baptism, 117. Black garments, 34, 127. Broomsticks, 106. Candles, 147. Cat familiar, 221. Cittern, 136. Covenant, 79. Date of meetings, 123. Devil as a man, 34, 43, 63, 106, 126-7, 136, 140, 163, 208. Dog familiar, 208. Feast, 140. Flying, 101. " ointment, 101. Grace before meat, 140. Headgear, 43, 127. Hedgehog familiar, 221. Images, wax and clay, 117. Magical words, 101, 163, 164, 167, 208. Mark, 89. Names of members of Coven, 254. Number in Coven, 193. Officer, 101, 188. Pipes, 136. Place of Devil at feast, 140. " meeting, 120, 121. Right hand, 89. Robin, 127, 163, 208, 245. Salutation, 126, 127. Term of years, 81. Voice of Devil, 43, 63, 127. Written contract, 81.
Soul, Yielding of, 33, 46, 59, 72, 75-8, 81, 84, 219, 220, 226, 229, 243.
Spirits, 193, 229.
Squint-Ey'd Elf, 246.
Stag, Devil as a, 45, 70, 207, 242.
Standing stones, 37, 40, 68, 107, 108, 128, 131.
Stapenhill:— Capital punishment, 201. Devil as God, 30. Dog familiar, 207, 225. Gift of familiar, 225. Magical ceremony, 30. Name of familiar, 225. Prayer, 30. Supernumerary nipple, 91-2.
Stick-riding, 104-6.
Storm-raising, 51, 52, 54, 67, 116, 163, 167, 168.
Strathdown:— Devil as a dog, 68. Homage, 68. Rowing, 147. Sieves, 147. Torches, 147. Walking to the Sabbath, 99.
Straw, Burning, 145.
Substitute for the God, 160-1.
Succubus, 183.
Suffolk:— Blood ceremony, 153. Coldness of Devil, 181. Daniel the Prophet, 34. Devil as a man, 34, 63, 94, 153, 221. Dog familiar, 223. Gift of familiar, 223. Kitten familiar, 94, 221. Mole familiar, 223. Prayer, 31. Sexual rites, 181. Supernumerary nipple, 94, 95, 221. Voice of the Devil, 63.
Supernumerary breast, 90, 94. " nipple, 90, 91, 92-6, 209, 213-17, 219-21.
Sweden:— Antecessor, 164. Baptism, 84. Capital punishment, 203. Child witches, 74, 123. Christian priests, 84. Cross-roads, 132, 203. Dates of meeting, 123. Description of Blockula, 103, 108, 119. Devil as a man, 41, 43, 164. " a minister, 41, 149. Feast, 144. Grey garments, 41, 43. Headgear, 43. Magical words, 164. Marriage, 185. Method of going to meetings, 103. Places at meals, 144. " of meeting, 119. Powers of the Devil, 118. Punishment, 199, 203. Riding to the Sabbath, 100, 103. Ring dance, 132. Sacrament, 149. Vow, 78. Yielding of the soul, 78.
Sympathetic magic, 158, 159.
Taboo on salt, 139, 143, 249.
Tambourine, 137.
Tattooing, 87.
Term of years, Contract for, 75, 80-2.
Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, 21.
Thirteen in Coven, 191-4.
Thorn Reid, 35, 42, 44, 191, 195, 240.
Threats against traitor, 29, 201-3.
Thurso:— Devil as a man, 40, 208. Divination by a cloud, 208. " a hen, 208. " a horse, 208. Riding Devil, 208.
Toad familiar, 71, 210-12, 221, 222, 225, 248, 249.
Toads, Poisoning by, 53.
Torches, 113, 146, 147.
Torryburn:— Coldness of Devil, 65. Headgear, 43, 147. Light, 147.
Tranent:— Names of tunes, 136. Piper, 136, 189.
Transference of labour pains, 170.
Transformation, 10, 116, 166, 230-7.
Tree-riding, 134.
Trial of Alice Kyteler, 23. " North Berwick witches, 50-9. " Silvain Nevillon, 246-9.
Trump, 55, 110, 133, 136, 245.
Trumpets, 137.
Two chiefs, 32, 35, 38, 63, 64, 83, 228.
Two-faced God, 10, 62, 69, 129, 247.
Unbaptized children, 156.
Urine, 148, 248.
Use of domestic familiars, 214-20, 223, 224. " of words God and Devil, 31.
Violins, 137, 138.
Voice of the Devil, 43, 61-3, 127, 247.
Voluntary converts, 70, 71, 79.
Vosges, 112.
Vows, 78, 125.
Wafer of rye, 148. " of sacramental bread, 148.
Walking to the Sabbath, 97-9, 247.
Walliman, 30, 195.
Walloons, 82, 135.
Walpurgis Nacht, 109, 134.
Water, Ordeal by, 17.
Wax image, 51, 53-5, 116, 117.
Weasel familiar, 212, 241.
Weir, Major, 50, 161.
White garments, 35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 45, 195. " hackneys, 45, 242. " wand, 35, 57.
Widdershins, 124, 135.
William Simpson, 35, 48, 195.
Wincanton (see Somerset).
Windsor:— Cat familiar, 210. Change of shape, 47, 69. Devil as an ape, 47, 69. " a horse, 47, 69. Feeding of familiars, 210, 211. Gille, 210. Ginnie, 210. Kitten familiar, 210. Officer, 189. Philip, 211. Place of meeting, 119. Rat familiar, 211. Toad familiar, 210.
Wine puncheons, 113, 140, 241. " representing blood, 149.
Witch of Endor, 9. " mass, 150.
Witches professing Christianity, 49.
Wooden goblets, 143.
Wooler (see Northumberland).
Word of God, 9.
Worship, 29, 68.
Wrecking a bridge, 117, 196.
Written contracts, 64, 79-81. " reports, 186.
Yarmouth:— Devil as a man, 33, 88. Mark, 88.
Yellow bird, 213. " clothes, 229, 232.
Yielding the soul, 33, 46, 59, 72, 75-8, 81, 219, 220, 226, 229, 243.
Yorkshire:— Bird familiar, 213. Cloven feet, 29, 34. Coloured wart, 94. Devil as a man, 29, 34. Devil's horse, 29. Fairy hill, 243. " Queen, 244. Instruction by fairies, 244. Kneeling to the Devil, 29. Local anaesthesia, 94. Magical words, 244. Supernumerary nipple, 93-4. Worship, 29.
Yule, 109, 111, 120, 123.
Due to many different languages and the age of the texts that appear in the book, the original varied spelling has been retained. Only obvious typographic errors were corrected and the changes have been noted in the list below. The original image lacks the anchors for footnotes 657 and 859. Since it was impossible to determine to which word or a sentence the footnotes in question belong, a false anchor has been placed at the end of their respective pages.
q q with a macron and a straight line bisecting the descender [~q=] q with a tilde and a straight line bisecting the descender q q with a tilde p p with a macron and a straight line bisecting the descender p p with a macron p p with a straight line bisecting the descender [3] yogh [3*] a capital yogh ō o with a macron õ o with a tilde ẽ e with a tilde m m with a tilde ũ u with a tilde
p. 008—spelling normalized: changed 'L'Incredulite' to 'L'Incredulite' p. 008—typo fixed: changed 'TRANSFORMATION' to 'TRANSFORMATIONS' p. 012—typo fixed: changed 'aces' to 'faces' p. 022—possibly vẽr p. 023—possibly 'frith-splots' p. 054—possibly 'Allhallow-ewin' p. 070—spelling normalized: changed 'The Divell's Delusions' to 'The Divel's Delusions' p. 082—possibly McLevine p. 084—possibly bloodrite p. 086—typo fixed: changed 'indentification' to 'identification' p. 097—spelling normalized: changed 'Ian-guillaume' to 'Ianguillaume' p. 098—spelling normalized: changed 'Berthelemy' to 'Barthelemy' p. 099—typo fixed: changed 'North-berwick' to 'North-Berwick' p. 112—typo fixed: changed 'Mitchell' to 'Michell' p. 121—inserted a missing single quote after d'autres p. 131—typo fixed: changed 'Kathrein' to 'Kathren' p. 133—spelling normalized: changed 'follow my-leader' to 'follow-my-leader' p. 136—spelling normalized: changed 'All-hallow' to 'Allhallow' p. 145—spelling normalized: changed 'Puy-de-dome' to 'Puy-de-Dome' p. 150—inserted a missing : after 'the first mass' p. 156—typo fixed: changed 'followin' to 'following' p. 160—inserted a missing single quote after 'autrex animaux' p. 166—no anchor for footnote 657 p. 168—typo fixed, changed 'DeLancre' to 'De Lancre' in footnote 488 p. 179—inserted a missing period after 'etc' p. 180—removed an extra period after they ar.' p. 186—reversed the order of page numbers in footnote 726 p. 199—possibly gairne-toune p. 222—no anchor for footnote 2—footnote 859 p. 246—typo fixed: changed a comma into a period after 'Oliuet' p. 274—inserted a missing period after 'or a cross' p. 281—typo fixed: changed a comma to period after 'Arnot, Hugo' p. 282—possibly Epidemie p. 291—spelling normalized: changed 'headgear' to 'head-gear' p. 292—spelling normalized: changed 'Squint-ey'd' to 'Squint-Ey'd' p. 293—spelling normalized: changed 'Brecy' to 'Brecy' p. 298—spelling normalized: changed 'Prettyman' to 'Pretty-man' p. 300—spelling normalized: changed 'Rainmaking' to 'Rain-making' p. 300—spelling normalized: changed 'Squint-eyed' to 'Squint-Ey'd' p. 301—inserted a missing comma after 'Salem: Officer' p. 302—spelling normalized: changed 'Squint-eyed' to 'Squint-Ey'd'