Namollo, ii. 80, 221
Naples, stay at, ii. 443
Narainzay river, i. 225
Narborough, John, i. 260
Narwhal, i. 165, 418
Narontza river, i. 225n
Nathorst, A.G., ii. 332, 394, 408
Nay, C., i. 232
Nearchus, i. 169
Nedrevaag, A.O., i. 298
Negri, C., i. 34; ii. 443
Nephrite among the Eskimo, ii. 236; among the Chinese, ii. 236n, 399
Neremskoe, i. 172
Neumann, C. von, ii. 79, 118
New Siberian Islands, i. 23, 131n, 132, 413; ii. 171n; exploratory journeys to, i. 412; first visited by Europeans, ii. 204; journeys to, ii. 205
Nierop, i. 203
Nikul river, ii. 167
Nilson, K., ii. 453
Njaskaja, i. 370
Noah Elisej, ii. 50; portrait, ii. 51
Noah's Wood, i. 30, 207, 381; ii. 207n
Nobel, A., ii. 452
Nordenskioeld, K., i. 320; ii. 406n
Nordenskioeld (steamer), ii. 298, 301
Nordquist, O., i. 4, 37, 39, 187, 200, 202, 319, 321, 327, 444, 446n, 489; ii. 12, 44, 82, 115, 315, 362, 369, 371, 435, 447; excursion to Menka's home, i. 497; visit to Pidlin, i. 502; excursion to Nutschoitjin, ii. 18; on the animals wintering in Chukch Laud, ii. 44; portrait, ii. 435
Nordvik, ii. 190
Noril Mountains, i. 360
North-east Land, inland ice on, i. 176
North-east Passage, reasons of search for, i. 58, 231; prize for its discovery, i. 246
North Pole, said to have been reached, i. 263
Norways, the i. 109
Northbrook, Earl of, ii. 451
Notti, ii. 7, 19, 22, 129; portrait, ii. 8
Novara Elliya, ii. 432
Novaya Sibir, ii. 204, 205, 206
Novaya Zemlya, animal life there, i. 107; first known to West-Europeans, i. 215; its name, i. 216; Russian landmarks on, i. 228n; its northern extremity passed for the first time, i. 248; proposal to colonise it, i. 271n; supposed riches in metals, i. 277; Russian voyages to, i. 280; Norwegian voyages to, i. 293; curcumnavigation of, i. 297
Nummelin, G.A., i. 211, 314; portrait, i. 316
Nunamo, ii. 222
Nutschoitjin, excursion to, ii. 18
Ob, Gulf of, Owzyn's voyage on, ii. 185, 186; surveyed, ii. 186
Ob, river territory, i. 372n; navigable, i. 374; first mentioned, ii. 157; Russian navigation to in former times, i. 226, 244, 271; English vessel stranded at, i. 229n, 256; vessel stranded east of, i. 271; Russian expedition to, ii. 183; recent voyages to, i. 313
Obdorsk, i. 204, 290; ii. 185, 186
Observatory, magnetical, at Pitlekaj, i. 473, 509
Oiwaki, ii. 352
Okotsk, ii. 174
Okotsk, Sea of, bottom frozen, ii. 61n; navigation on, ii. 175, 176
Okuschi, ii. 364
Old Believers, Russian sect i. 179, 270n
Olenek river, i. 20, 26, ii. 160, 188, 190
Olutorsk river, ii. 165
Onkilon tribe, the ii. 80, 221; excavations on the sites of old dwellings i. 444, implements, i. 444; Wrangel's account of them, i. 446
Oom, L.G., i. 243
Oordt, Consul van, ii. 298
Ophiacantha bidentata, i. 345
Ophioglypha nodosa, ii. 49
Orange Island, i. 241
Orange Islands, i. 234, 248
Orca gladiator, i. 170
Orosius, Paulus, i. 47n
Osaka, ii. 364, 366
Oscar, Duke of Gotland, ii. 453, 454
Oscar, King, i. 2, 3; ii. 459, 460, 463
Osche, ii. 278
Oshima, ii. 297
Osmerus eperlanus, i. 494
Ostatiof, M., ii. 72
Ostyaks, i. 384
Otaria Stelleri, see Sea lion
Otaria ursina, see Sea-bear
Othere, i. 158; voyage, i. 47
Otter, F.W. von, i. 3; ii. 460
Owl, snowy, i. 131; observed during expedition, i. 343, 352
Owzyn, Lieut, i. 16; ii. 185, 186
Pachtussov, voyages of, i. 279; death of, i. 282
Paget, Sir A.B., ii. 446
Paj-Roj mountain, the, i. 74
Palander, L, i. 4, 9, 10n, 11, 36, 38, 137, 141, 172, 176, 190, 191, 319, 348, 429, 456, 474, 478, 509; ii. 67, 131, 226, 256, 298, 401, 410, 412, 443, 445, 447, 451n, 463; excursion to a reindeer-chukch camp, ii. 15; portrait, ii. 68
Pallas, ii. 211, 275
Pallavicini, Prince, ii. 445
Palliser, John, i. 286
Palmieri, Prof., ii. 445
Panelapoetski, i. 262
Pansch, Dr., i. 140n
Pappan Island, ii. 409
Paradeniya, botanic garden at, ii. 428
Parent, E., ii. 446
Paris, fetes at, ii. 453
Parositi, Asiatic tribe, i. 103n
Parry Island, i. 113, 133
Parry, Sir Edward, ii. 144, 210
Paulov, Lieut, i. 272; i. 183
Paulutski, D., ii. 75, 221
Payer, i., 266, 422
Pedrotalagalla, ii. 414, 432
Pekarski, ii. 275
Pelikan, Consul, ii. 298
Penschina Bay, ii. 75
Penschina River, ii. 166
Permakov, J., ii. 169
Perry, Commodore, ii. 297
Pet, A., i. 60, 172; his voyages, i. 227
Petchora river, i. 55, 219, 224; ii. 157
Peter the Great, ii. 175, 179
Petermann, A., his belief that the Polar Sea is occasionally navigable, i. 265
Petersen, C., i. 143, 423
Petropaulovsk, ii. 196, 268, 294
Pet's Straits, i. 172
Phalarope, i 128, 191, 320; observed during the expedition, i. 415, 437; ii. 42
Philip and Mary (vessel), i. 226n
Phipps Island, i. 133
Phoca barbata, i. 159n, 162, 334
Phoca Groenlandica, i. 165; young of the, 164
Phoca hispida, i. 165, 343
Pidlin, i. 485; excursion to, i. 502
Pinto, Major, ii. 448
Piper, Count, ii. 451
Pitlekaj, i. 485; flora at, i. 468; appearance of, ii. 60
Pjaesina River, i. 193; ii. 187; is discovered, ii. 160
Plancius, Dutch geographer, i. 232
Pleuropogon Sabini, i. 332
Pliny the elder, ii. 153, 157n
Plover expedition, ii. 79, 245
Podurids, Novaya Zemlya, i. 148
Poetry, Japanese, ii. 382
Pogytscha, River, ii. 162
Point de Galle, arrival at, ii. 414; departure from, ii. 437
Polar bear seen during the expedition, i. 190, 339, 353; ii. 46; account of, i. 137
Polar Sea hunting, i. 291
Pole of cold, i. 474
Police in Japan, ii. 331
Polo, Marco, i. 58, 144; ii. 154, 157n; his life, ii. 153
Polynias, i. 466
Pompeii, excursion to, ii. 444
Pontchartrin, Count de, ii. 216
Poole, J., i. 291
Popov, ii. 78
Porcelain manufacture in Japan, ii. 381
Port Clarence, ii. 226
Port Dickson, i. 18; stay at, i. 189; its discovery, i. 311
Porthan, i. 47
Portugal, stay in, ii. 447
Pospjelov, i. 277
Postels, ii. 245
Postnik, ii. 161
Potatoes, antiscorbutic, i. 11
Preobraschenie Island, i. 353
Pribylov, ii. 212
Pribylov Islands, ii. 258
Priluschnoj, i. 195
Procellaria galcialis, i. 108
Promontorium Scythicum, ii. 153
Promontorium Tabin, ii. 153
Prontschischev, i. 19; ii. 188, 189
Protodiakonoff, Z., i. 418
Proeven (hunting sloop), i. 1, 292
Provision depot on land, i. 473
Ptolemy, ii. 152
Purchas, i. 62n
Puschkarev, ii. 203
Pustosersk, i. 75
Putrefaction slow in the Polar regions, i. 167
Pyramids, the, visit to, ii. 440
Quaen Sea, i. 215
Quaens, skilful harpooners, i. 224
Quale, P, i. 298
Quatrefages, ii. 453
Rabaut, A., ii. 447
Railway, Siberian, i. 375
Rambodde, ii. 432
Ratnapoora, ii. 416
Recherche's wintering, ii. 36
Red ochre, ii. 235
Red Sea, ii. 439
Reindeer, tame, i. 78; wild, i. 132
Reindeer's skin used for clothing, i. 37
Reindeer's stomach, contents of, consumed by the Chukches, i. 435
Reitinacka, ii. 57, 58
Renoe, i. 43
Rhinoceros antiquitatis, i. 406
Rhinoceros Merckii, i. 411
Rhytina, ii. 272
Riccio, ii. 444
Richter, Consul-general, ii. 451
Rijp, i. 246
Riksdag, the, supports the expedition, i. 5
Rio-San, ii. 382
Rirajtinop, i. 485
Robeck, ii. 211
Rodgers, i. 26
Rokuriga-hara, ii. 348
Romanzov, ii. 204
Rondes (sable), i. 145
Rookery, ii. 282
Rossmuislov, i. 274
Rotgansen, i. 247
Rotschilten, ii. 16, 31
Roule, C., i. 216
Rubies, ii. 419
Ruggieri, Prof., ii. 444
Ruinlike rock formations, i. 428
Runeberg, R., i. 8
Ruspoli, Prince, ii. 445
Russians, at Chabarova, i. 79
Sabinea septemcarinata, ii. 48
Sachanich Bay, i. 236n
Sacrificial heights, i. 92
Saigo Kichinosuke ii. 303
Sajsan, Lake, i. 374
Salix artica, ii. 65
Samoyeds, i. 77; their idols, i. 85, 94; their dress, i. 89; Compared with other Polar races, i. 91; burying place, i. 97; their weapons, i. 99; old accounts of them, i. 100; their place in ethnography, i. 103
Samurai, ii. 376
Sandman, Captain, ii. 294
Sandpiper, see Phalarope
Sankin Grigorej, ii. 170
Sannikov, i. 24
Sanyo Sanitomi, ii. 303
Saostrovskoj, i. 311
Sapetto, Prof., ii. 439
Sapphires, ii. 419
Sarytschev, ii. 408
Satow, E M, ii. 321
Sauer, Martin, i. 418
Savavatari, ii. 337
Savina river, i. 280
Schalaurov, ii. 200
Schelags, ii. 170
Schelechov, G, ii. 270n
Scheltinga, ii. 198
Schestakov, A, ii. 74
Schigansk, i. 369
Schmidt, F, i. 409
Schmidt, H, i. 360
Schrenck, L von, i. 410
Schtinnikov, A, ii. 182
Schwanenberg, D, i. 9n, 314
Scoresby, i. 143n
Scurvy, i. 45; ii. 295
Sea-bear, the, ii. 272
Sea-cow, ii. 272
Sea-lion, i. 446; ii. 267
Sea-otter, ii. 271
Sea-spider, i. 349
Seals, i. 162
Sealskin used as clothing, i. 37
Searchthrift (vessel), i. 217
Seebohm, Mr., i. 315
Selenetz Islands, i. 228
Selenga, i. 374
Selennoe Lake, i. 269
Self-dead animals, i. 322
Selifontov, i. 204
Selivaninskoj, i. 387
Selivestrov, ii. 166n
Semenoffski Island, i. 414
Semipalitinsk, i. 373
Senjavin Sound, ii. 244
Senkiti-San, ii. 336
Serapoa Koska, i. 217
Serdze Kamen, i. 467
Seribrenikoff, S.J., i. 39
Seven Islands, i. 117
Severnoe Sianie, i. 211
Shamans, ii. 128
Shaman drums, ii. 24
Shimonoseki. ii. 387
Shintoism, ii. 378
Sibbern, ii. 453
Siberian Polar Sea, i. 14, 28
Siberian cattle plague, i. 78
Sibir, ii. 159
Sibiriakoff, A., i. 2, 3, 8, 24
Sibiriakoff Island, ii. 312
Sidoroff, M., i. 211
Sidoroff's graphite quarry, ii. 235
Siebold, P.H.F. von, ii. 326
Siebold, H. von, ii. 326
Sieversia glacialis, i. 197
Simonsen, i. 300
Simovies, i. 193
Simpson, John, ii. 118
Singapore, ii. 413
Singhalese, ii. 424
Sirovatskoj, ii. 204
Skoptzi in Siberia, i. 387
Skuratov, i. 204
Slaves among the Chukches, ii. 123
Sledges, i. 82, 83
Smitt, F.A., ii. 59
Snobberger, C.P., i. 259
Snow-blindness, i. 477; ii. 10
Snow-bunting, the, ii. 129
Snow-drifting, i. 483
Snow-shoes, ii. 102
Snow-spectacles, i. 477; ii. 10
Snow, the melting of the, ii. 34
Snups, M., ii. 157n
Sokolov, ii. 176
Solovets, ii. 157
Somateria molissima, i. 123
Somateria spectabilis, i. 123
Somateria V.-nigrum, ii. 42
Spangberg, Martin, ii. 179
Spinel, ii 423
Spirits, i. 440; ii. 13, 116, 118
Spitzbergen hunting, history of, i. 29
Spitzbergen, its discovery ascribed to Willoughby, i. 62n; discovered by Barents, i. 247; Russian voyages to, i. 291; Norwegian voyages to, i. 293
Spottiswoode, Mr., ii. 451
Springs, hot, ii. 343
St. James's Islands, i. 223
St. Laurens Bay, i. 236
St. Lawrence Bay, ii. 212, 218
St. Lawrence Island, i. 154; ii. 250
Stegocephalus Kessleri, ii. 48
Stellar, G.N., ii. 80, 187n, 200, 266; his death, ii. 268
Steppes, Siberian, i. 384
Sterna macroura, i. 123
Stockholm, arrival at, ii. 459
Stolbovoj Island, i. 414
Stone Pacha, ii. 440
Stone polishing works in Canton, ii. 399
Strabo, ii. 148, 151
Strahlenberg i. 405
Strix nyctea, i. 131
Stroganov, Russian commercial house, i. 235
Stuxberg, A., i. 3, 38, 151, 193, 194, 198, 311, 324, 438, 451; ii. 225, 291, 315, 434; portrait, ii. 435
Suez, arrival at, ii. 440
Suez Canal, the, ii. 441
Sujeff, student, i. 185n
Swan, Bewick's, i. 127
Swedish expedition of 1875, the, i. 12; visits Yalmal, i. 205; reaches the Yenisej, i. 311
Swedish prisoners of war in Siberia, ii. 175
Swell from falling pieces of ice dangerous to vessels, i. 183n
Sword-bearing in Japan, ii. 377
Sylvia Ewersmanni, ii. 43
Sylvius, AEneas, i. 52n
Tabin, Promontorium, i. 13, 241
Taffelbeiget, ii. 29
Tagil river, the, ii. 159
Taimur Island, i. 331
Taimur lake, ii. 192
Taimur Land, inhabited by Samoyeds, i. 244n position of its east coast, i. 352; Minin's travels along the coast, ii. 187
Taimur river, the, i. 409
Takasaki, ii. 325
Takasima coal mine, ii. 394
Tamils, ii. 424
Tanning reindeer hides hides, ii. 122
Tas-ary, i. 362, 368
Tas river, the, ii. 156, 159n
Tatarinov, Feodor, ii. 203
Tatariov, Cossack, ii. 206
Tattooing, Chukch, i. 499; ii. 99; Eskimo, at Port Clarence, ii. 232; Eskimo, at St. Lawrence island ii. 251, 252
Tazata, Insula, ii. 155
Teano, Prince, ii. 445, 446
Temples in Japan, ii. 375, 377; on Ceylon, ii. 425
Tennent, E, ii. 415n, 419, 424n
Terfins, i. 48n
Tetgales, B.Y., i. 232
Thalassiophyllum Clathrus, ii. 293
Theel, Hj, i. 3, 311
Theatres in Japan, ii. 356
Thorne, Robert, i. 57n
Thunberg, C.P., ii. 43, 326n
Thwaites, Dr., ii. 428
Tietgen, state councillor, ii. 456
Tigil River, the, ii. 167n, 176
Tintinyaranga, i. 509
Tjapka, Chukch village, ii. 20
Tjumen, ii. 159, 268
Tobacco, its use among the Chukches, ii. 116; in Japan, ii. 321
Tobiesen, S.K., i. 108, 141, 144, 152, 300; his voyage to Spitzbergen, i. 302; wintering on Bear Island, i. 303; his death, i. 305; his portrait, i. 303
Tobol river, the, ii. 159
Tobolsk, i. 344; ii. 185, 186
Tokaido road, the, ii. 315
Tokio, visit to, ii. 304; the Shoguns' graves at, ii. 309
Topaz, ii. 400, 419
Toporkoff Island, ii. 291
Torosses, i. 425, 463; ii. 2
Toxar Island, i. 239
Treacher, Governor, ii. 408
Trees, distribution of, in Siberia, i. 383
Tringa maritima, i. 128
Trofimov's mammoth, i. 409
Tromsoe, Vega's stay at, i. 38; its climate, i. 45n
Tumat Island, i. 362
Tundra, appearance of the, i. 378
Tunguses, i. 384, 408; ii. 191
Umbellula in the Kara Sea, i. 184
Ural-Altaic race, i. 103
Uria Bruennichii, i. 110
—— grylle, i. 113
Urusov, Prince, ii. 445
Ustjansk, ii. 205, 206
Usui toge, ii. 352
Vardoe, i. 66, 68; climate of, i. 45
Varsina river, the, i. 66
Varthema, Luduvico de, ii. 438
Vasa Murrhina, ii. 236n
Vaygats Island, i. 77, 93; discovered, i. 215; visited by Pet, i. 228
Veer, Gerrit de, i. 101; his book, i. 245 Vega, the, purchased, i. 8; description of, i. 9; equipment of, i. 11; position when frozen in, i. 468; action of cold on, i. 466; prepared for wintering, i. 469; repaired, ii. 396; sold, ii. 463
Vessels, Norse, i. 50; Russian, on the Polar sea, i. 219
Vlamingh, i. 258
Volcanic dust in Scandinavia, i. 330
Volcanoes, ii. 249
Vulpes lagopus, see Fox, Arctic
—— vulgaris, see Fox, common
Waern, C.F., i. 5
Waldburg-Zeil, Count, i. 205
Walden Island, i. 112
Walrus, i. 152
Walton, Lieut., ii. 198
Wax tree, the Japanese, ii. 389
Waxel, Lieut, ii. 197
Weasel, ii. 46
Werchojansk, i. 411
Werkon, the river, ii. 202
Weyprecht, i. 266
Whales, on the coast of Norway, i. 49; scarce at Novaya Zemlya, i, 168; fear of, in ancient times, i. 169; with European harpoons, found in the Pacific, i. 264
Whale bones on Spitzbergen, i. 168; sub-fossil at Pitlekaj, i. 520; used is building materials, ii. 223; at St. Lawrence Island, ii. 253
Whale-fishing, described by Albertus Magnus, i. 159n; at Spitzbergen, i. 168
Whale mummy at Pitlekaj, i. 523
White-fronted goose, i. 124
White Island, see Beli Ostrov
White Sea, the, i. 215
White whale, the, i. 79, 167
Widmark, H.A., ii. 35
Wiemut, Julian, ii. 294
Wiggins, J., i. 311, 312; portrait, i. 313
Wilkoffski, ii. 238
Willoughby, Sir Hugh, i. 13, 58; portrait, i. 59
Willoughby's, Land, i. 62
Wilui river, the, i. 406
Wood, Captain, i. 260
Wosnessenski, conservator, ii. 276
Wrangel, Ferdinand von, i. 23, 265, 446, journeys, ii. 209; portrait, ii. 208
Wrangel Land, i. 23, 26, 448; ii. 171n, 202, 209; landing on, i. 448
Wrestlers, Japanese, ii. 339
Wulfstan's travels, i. 50
Yakovieva, i. 316
Yakuts, i. 384; ii. 161
Yakutsk, i. 19, 22, 26, 370, 371; ii. 187, 190, 193
Yalmal, exclusion to, i. 201; visited in 1875, i. 205; population i. 204; origin of the name, i. 203; old accounts of, i. 204; surveyed, ii. 185
Yana River, the, i. 418n
Yanimoto, ii. 366
Yefremov Kamen, i. 376
Yekargauls, i. 498
Yelmert, i. 203
Yelmert Land, i. 203
Yenisej, the, voyages of the Fraser and the Empress, up, i. 357; ascent of, in 1875, i. 387; river territory, i. 372; navigable, i. 373; its banks, i. 377; vegetation on, i. 381; steamers on, i. 394; discovered, ii. 160; Russian navigation on, in former times, i. 243; Russian sea, expeditions to, ii. 185; Minin's voyages on, ii. 186; later voyages to, i. 311
Yenisej, mouth of the, map of, i. 192; formerly inhabited, i. 193; winter at, i. 209
Yettugin, ii. 29, 67, 125
Yii gate, the, ii. 399
Yinretlen, i. 485
Ymer (steamer), i. 1, 9n, 312, 358
Yokohama, ii. 296; arrival at, ii. 295; departure from, ii. 364
Yokosuka, ii. 396
Yoldia Artica, i. 199
Young, Sir Allen, ii. 451
Yugor Schar, i. 14; expedition passes, i. 171; rules for sailing through, i. 172; harbours in, i. 174; origin of the name, i. 172; Pet did not sail through, i. 228; map of, i. 242
Yukagires, ii. 75
Yukagir dwellings, remains of, on the New Siberian Islands, ii. 209
Zaritza (steamer), i. 360
Zeno, i. 53
Ziegler's map of the north, i. 53
Zivolka, A.K., i. 282; portrait, i. 284
Zircon, ii. 423
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First a list of typographical errors, which have been corrected in the etext. Followed by alternative spellings of words noticed, the majority of which occur bewteen the index and the text, these have been left unchanged. There are also two short ERRATA for Volume I and Volume II in the printed edition.
Vol I page x "Cape Schelagskog" changed to "Cape Schelagskoj" [ to match 4 other instances in text ]
Vol I page xiii "Sieveria" changed to "Sieweria" [ as in the title "Neu-entdecktes Sieweria, worinnen die Zobeln gefangen werden" confirmed on Internet, and one other instance in the text ]
Vol I page xxv "Ida Fallander" changed to "Ida Falander" [ to match 5 other instances in text ]
Vol I page xxvi "Yenissej" changed to "Yenisej" [ to match many instances in text ]
Vol I page 22 "Staduschin" changed to "Staduschin" [ to match 11 other instances in the text ]
Vol I page 43 "Middendorf" changed to "Middendorff" [ to match 19 other instances in text ]
Vol I page 51 "Ptolemoei Cosmographia" changed to "Ptolemaei Cosmographia" [ confirmed on internet as the correct spelling, also correct in one other instance in the text ]
Vol I page 73 "Besimmanaja Bay" changed to "Besimannaja Bay" [ to match 5 other instances in text ]
Vol I page 219 "Cape Woronov" changed to "Cape Voronov" [ to match entry in index and confirmed on Internet ]
Vol I page 310 "Novya Zemlaya" changed to "Novaya Zemlya" [ over 200+ instances of "Novaya Zemlya" ]
Vol I page 315 "Sewernoe Sianie" changed to "Severnoe Sianie" [ to match 2 other instances in text ]
Vol I page 317 "Meywaldt" changed to "Meyenwaldt" [ to match 2 other instances in text, note also spelt as "Meyenvaldt" in the index ]
Vol I page 377 "YEKISEJ" changed to "YENISEJ" [ to match many instances in text ]
Vol I page 397 "MIDDENDORF" changed to "MIDDENDORFF" [ to match 19 other instances in text ]
Vol I page 451 "Redogoerese" changed to "Redogoerelse" [ to match 4 other instances in the text ]
Vol II page xvi "Pribyloo" changed to "Pribylov" [ to match 4 other instances in the text ]
Vol II page 140 "ocasionally" changed to "occasionally"
Vol II page 183 "Dolgoj Island" changed to "Dolgoi Island" [ to match index and 2 other instances in text ]
Vol II page 249 "Hessal Gerritz" changed to "Hessel Gerritz" [Internet book text search gives both variations of surname see under differences of spelling below, but always "Hessel" as the first name of the author ]
Vol II page 432 "Pedrotalegalla" changed to "Pedrotalagalla" [ to match 2 other instances in text, also confirmed on Internet as correct spelling for this mountain ]
Vol II page 447 "Nutschoitzin" changed "Nutschoitjin" [ to match other index entry and 6 instances in the text ]
Vol II page 481 "Vlaming" changed to "Vlamingh" [ to match 8 other instances in text ]
Differences noticed in spelling, these remain unchanged as it is not obvious which is correct.
"Bruzewitz" In index and Illustration, but "Brusewitz" in text
"Engehardt's" or "Engelhardt's"
"Hessel Gerritsz" or "Hessel Gerritz"
"Gusinnaja Semlja" or "Gusinnyja Semlja"
"Gwosdarev" in text, but "Gvosdarev" in index
"Cape Kamennoj" in text, but "Cape Kammennoj" in index
"Kolmogorsov" in text, but "Kolmogorzov" in index
"Krassilnikoff's" in text, but "Krassilinikoff" in index
"Labuan" in text, but "Labaan" in index
"Matvejev" in text, but "Matveyev" in index
"Meyenwaldt" in text, but "Meyenvaldt" in index
"Morgiouets" in text, but "Morgiovets" in index
"Mutnoi" in text, but "Mutnoj" in index
"Oiwake" in text, but "Oiwaki" in index
"Rotschitlen" in text, but "Rotschilten" in index
"Sarytchev" or "Sarytschev"
"Semenoffskoj" in text, but "Semenoffski" in index
"Gusinnaja Semlja" in text, but "Gusinnaya Semlya" in index
"Serebrenikoff" in text, but "Seribrenikoff" in index
"skuggsja" in text, but "skuggja" in index
"Sumiyashi" In list of illustrations, but "SUMIYOSHI" Caption on illustration
"Tajmur river" or "Taimur river"
"Volodomir" in text, but "Volodimir" in index
"Yekargaules" in text, but "Yekargauls" in index