He had a feeling that, in a sense, Madge's marriage was a desertion. He did not in the least want to marry her, but there were moments when he needed her friendship very much. He needed it now. And she was going to marry Major Prime, and go out to some God-forsaken place, and get fat and lose her beauty. He wished that she would not talk about such things—it made him feel old, and worried about his waist-line.
Even Oscar was failing him. "When Flora gets well," the little man kept telling him, "we are going to do some good with our money. We have done nothing but think of ourselves——"
"Oh, for Heaven's sake, don't preach," George exploded. It seemed to him that the world had gone mad on the subject of reforms. Man was no longer master of his fate. The time would come when the world would be a dry desert, without a cocktail or a highball for a thirsty soul, and all because a lot of people had been feeling for some time as Flora and Oscar felt at this moment.
"I shall take Flora up to the Crossing in a few days," Oscar was saying; "the doctor thinks the sea air will do her good. I wish you would come with us."
George had no idea of going with Oscar and Flora. He had been marooned long enough with a sick woman and her depressed spouse. When Flora was better and she and Oscar got over their mood of piety and repentance, he would be glad to join them. In the meantime he searched his mind for some reasonable excuse.
"Look here," he said, "I'll join you later, Oscar. I've promised some friends at Nantucket that I'll come down for the hunting."
"I didn't know that you had friends in Nantucket," Oscar told him moodily.
"The Merediths," George remembered in the nick of time the name of Becky's grandfather. Oscar would not know the difference.
Having committed himself, his spirits soared. It had, he felt, been an inspiration to put it over on Oscar like that. Subconsciously he had known that some day he would follow Becky, and when the moment came, he had spoken out of his thoughts.
In the two or three days that elapsed between his decision and the date that he had set for his departure, he found himself enjoying the city—its clear skies, its hurrying crowds, its color and glow, the tingle of its rush and hurry, its light-hearted acceptance of the pleasure of the moment.
He telegraphed for a room at a hotel in Nantucket. Once there, he was confident that he could find Becky. Everybody would know Admiral Meredith.
He went by boat from New York to New Bedford, and enjoyed the trip. Later on the little steamer, Sankaty, plying between New Bedford and Nantucket, he was so shining and splendid that he was much observed by the other passengers. His Jap servant, trotting after him, was perhaps less martial in bearing than the ubiquitous Kemp, but he was none the less an ornament.
Thus George came, at last, to Nantucket, and to his hotel. Having dined, he asked the way to the Admiral's house. He did not of course plan to storm the citadel after dark, but a walk would not hurt him, and he could view from the outside the cage which held his white dove. For he had come to that, sentimentally, that Becky was the white dove that he would shelter against his heart.
The clerk at the hotel desk, directing him, thought that the Admiral was not in his house on Main Street. He was apt at this season to spend his time in Siasconset.
"'Sconset? Where's 'Sconset?"
"Across the island."
"How can I get there?"
"You can motor over. There's a 'bus, or you can get a car."
So the next morning, George took the 'bus. He saw little beauty in the moor. He thought it low and flat. His heart leaped with the thought that every mile brought him nearer Becky—his white dove—whom he had—hurt!
He was set down by the 'bus at the post-office. He asked his way, and was directed to a low huddle of gray houses on a grassy street. "It is the 'Whistling Sally,'" the driver of the 'bus had told him.
When George reached "The Whistling Sally," he felt that there must be some mistake. Here was no proper home for an Admiral or an heiress. His eyes were blind to the charms of the wooden young woman with the puffed-out cheeks, to the beauty of silver-gray shingles, of late flowers blooming bravely in the little garden.
He kept well on the other side of the street. It might perhaps be embarrassing if he met Becky while she was with her grandfather. He wanted to see her alone. With no one to interfere, he would be, he was sure, master of the situation.
He passed the house. The windows were open, and the white curtains blew out. But there was no one in sight. At the next corner, he accosted a tall man in work clothes, with bronzed skin and fair hair.
"Can you tell me," George asked, "whether Admiral Meredith lives in that cottage—'The Whistling Sally'?"
"Yes. But he isn't there. He's gone to Boston."
George was conscious of a sense of shock.
"Yes. He wasn't very well and he wanted to see his doctor."
"Has his—granddaughter gone with him?"
"Miss Becky? Yes."
"But—the windows of the house are open——"
"I open them every morning. The housekeeper is in Nantucket. But they are all coming back at the end of the week."
"Coming back?" eagerly; "the Admiral, and Miss Bannister?"
George drew a long breath. He walked back with Tristram to the low gray house. "Queer little place," he said.
Tristram eyed him with easy tolerance. "Of course it seems queer if you aren't used to it——"
"I thought the Admiral had money."
"Well, he has. But he forgets it out here——"
"Is there a good hotel?"
"Yes. It is usually closed by now. But they are keeping it open for some guests who are up for the hunting."
The hotel was a pleasant rambling structure, and overlooked the sea. George engaged a room for Saturday—and said that his man would bring his bags. He would have his lunch and take the afternoon 'bus back to Nantucket.
As he waited for the dining-room doors to open, a girl wrapped in a yellow cape crossed the porch and descended the steps which led to the beach. She wore a yellow bathing cap and yellow shoes. George walked to the top of the bluff and watched her. She threw off the cape, and stood slim and striking for a moment before she dived into the sea. She swam splendidly. It was very cold, and George wondered how she endured it. When she came running back up the steps and across the porch, she was wrapped in the cape. She was rather handsome in a queer dark way. "It was cold," she said, as she passed George.
He took a step forward. "You were brave——"
She stopped and shrugged her shoulders. "One gets warm," she said, "in a moment."
She left him, and he went in to lunch. He stopped at the desk on the way out. "I have changed my mind. My man will bring my bags to-morrow."
It was still too early for the 'bus, so George walked back up the bluff, turning at last towards the left. Crossing a grassy space, there was ahead of him a ridge which marked the edge of the moor. A little fog was blowing in, and mistily through the fog he saw a figure which moved as light as smoke above the eminence. It was a woman dancing.
As he came nearer, he saw that she wore gray with a yellow sash. Her yellow cape lay on the ground. "I am not sure," George said, as he stopped beside her, "whether you are a pixie or a mermaid."
"Look," she said, smiling, "I'll show you what I am——"
She began with a light swaying motion, like a leaf stirred by a breeze. Then, whipped into action, she ran before the pursuing elements. She cowered, and registered defiance. Her loosened hair hung heavy about her shoulders, then wound itself about her, as she whirled in a cyclone of movement. Beaten to the ground, she rose languidly, swayed again to that light step and stopped.
Then she came close to George. "You see," she said, "I am not a pixie or a mermaid. I am the spirit of the storm."
The Admiral's rheumatism had taken Becky to Boston. "There'll be treatments every morning," he said, "and we'll invite the Copes to visit us, and they will look after you while I am away."
The Copes were delighted. "Only it seems like an imposition——"
"The house is big enough for an army," the Admiral told them; "that's what we built houses for in the old days. To have our friends. Charles, my butler, and his wife, Miriam, who cooks, stay in the house the year round, so it is always open and ready."
"And you and I shall see Boston together," Archibald told Becky, triumphantly. "I wonder if you have ever seen Boston as I shall show it to you."
"Well, I've been to all the historic places."
"Bunker Hill and the embattled farmers, of course," said Archibald; "but have you seen them since the war?"
"No. Are they different?"
"They aren't, but you are. All of us are."
Louise was not quite sure that her brother ought to leave the island. "You are down here for the air, Arch, and the quiet."
He was impatient. "Do you think I am going to miss this?"
She frowned and shook her head. "I don't want you to miss it. But it will be going against the doctor's orders."
"Oh, hang the doctor, Louise. Being in Boston with Becky will be like—wine——"
But she was not satisfied. "You always throw yourself into things so—desperately——"
"Well, when I lose my enthusiasm I want to—die."
"No, you don't, Arch. Don't say things like that." Her voice was sharp.
He patted her hand. "I won't. But don't curb me too much, old girl. Let me play—while I can——"
They arrived in Boston to find a city under martial law, a city whose streets were patrolled by khaki-clad figures with guns, whose traffic was regulated by soldierly semaphores, who linked intelligence with military training, and picturesqueness with both.
For a short season Boston had been in the hands of the mob. All of her traditions of law and order had not saved her. It had been her punishment perhaps for leaving law and order in the hands of those who cared nothing for them. People with consciences had preferred to keep out of politics. So for a time demagogues had gotten the ear of the people, and chaos had resulted until a quiet governor had proved himself as firm as steel, and soldiers had replaced the policemen who had for a moment followed false gods.
"It all proves what I brought you here to see," Cope told Becky eagerly.
Coffee was being served in the library of the Meredith mansion on Beacon Street. The Admiral's library was as ruddy and twinkling as the little man himself. He had furnished it to suit his own taste. A great davenport of puffy red velvet was set squarely in front of a fireplace with shining brasses. The couch was balanced by a heavy gilt chair also in puffy red. The mantel was in white marble, and over the mantel was an oil portrait of the Admiral's wife painted in '76. She wore red velvet with a train, and with the pearls which had come down to Becky. The room had been keyed up to her portrait, and had then been toned down with certain heavy pieces of ebony, a cabinet of black lacquer, the dark books which lined the wall to the ceiling. The room was distinctly nineteenth-century. If it lacked the eighteenth-century exquisiteness of the house at Nantucket, with its reminder of austere Quaker prejudices, it was none the less appropriate as a glowing background for the gay old Admiral.
Becky and Cope sat on the red davenport. It was so wide that Becky was almost lost in a corner of it. The old butler, Charles, served the coffee. The coffee service was of repousse silver. The Admiral would have no other. It had been given him by a body of seamen when he had retired from active duty.
"It all proves what I brought you here to see," Archibald emphasized, "how the gods of yesterday are going to balance the gods of to-day."
The Admiral chuckled. "There aren't any gods of to-day."
"The gods of to-day are our young men," Cope flung out, glowingly; "the war has left them with their dreams, and they have got to find a way to make their dreams come true. And that's where the old gods will help. Those fine old men who dreamed, backed their dreams with deeds. Then for a time we were so busy making money that we forgot their dreams. And when foreigners came crowding to our shores, we didn't care whether they were good Americans or not. All we cared was to have them work in our mills and factories and in our kitchens, and let us alone in our pride of ancestry and pomp of circumstance. We forgot to show them Bunker Hill and to tell them about the old North Church and Paul Revere and the shot heard 'round the world, and what liberty meant and democracy, and now we've got to show them. I am going to take you around to-morrow, Becky, and pretend you are Olga from Petrograd, and that you are seeing America for the first time."
Archibald Cope was kindled by fires which gave color to his pale cheeks. "Will you be—Olga from Petrograd?"
"I'd love it."
But the next morning it rained. "And you can't, of course, be Olga of Petrograd in the rain. Bunker Hill must have the sun on it, and the waves of the harbor must be sparkling when I tell you about the tea."
They decided, therefore, to read aloud "The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table."
"Then if it stops raining," said Archibald, "we'll step straight out from its pages into the Boston that I want to show you."
He read well. Louise sat at a little table sewing a pattern of beads on a green bag. Becky had some rose-colored knitting. The Admiral was in his big chair by the fire with his hands folded across his waistcoat and his eyes shut. The colorful work of the two women, the light of the fire, the glow of the little lamp at Cope's elbow, the warmth of the red furniture saved the room from dreariness in spite of the rain outside.
"'It was on the Common,'" read Cope, "'that we were walking. The mall, or boulevard of our Common, you know, has various branches leading from it in different directions. One of these runs down from opposite Joy Street southward across the whole length of the Common to Boylston Street. We called it the long path, and were fond of it.
"'I felt very weak indeed (though of a tolerably robust habit) as we came opposite the head of this path on that morning. I think I tried to speak twice without making myself distinctly audible. At last I got out the question, "Will you take the long path with me?" "Certainly," said the schoolmistress, "with much pleasure." "Think," I said, "before you answer: if you take the long path with me now, I shall interpret it that we are to part no more!" The schoolmistress stepped back with a sudden movement, as if an arrow had struck her.
"'One of the long granite blocks used as seats was hard by—the one you may still see close by the Gingko-tree. "Pray sit down," I said. "No, no," she answered, softly, "I will walk the long path with you!"
"'—The old gentleman who sits opposite met us walking arm in arm about the middle of the long path, and said, very charmingly,—"Good-morning, my dears!"'"
The reading stopped at luncheon time, and it was still raining. On the table were letters for Becky forwarded from Siasconset. An interesting account from Aunt Claudia of the wedding of Major Prime and Madge MacVeigh.
"They were married in the old orchard at the Flippins', and it was beautiful. The bride wore simple clothes like the rest of us. It was cool and we kept on our wraps, and she was in white linen with a loose little coat of mauve wool, and a hat to match. The only bride-y thing about her was a great bunch of lilacs that the Major ordered from a Fifth Avenue florist. They are to stay in New York for a day or two, and then visit the Watermans on the North Shore. After that they will go at once to the West, where they are to live on the Major's ranch. He has been relieved from duty at Washington, and will have all of his time to give to his own affairs.
"There has been an epidemic of weddings. Flippins' Daisy waited just long enough to help Mrs. Flippin get Miss MacVeigh married; then she and young John had an imposing ceremony in their church, with Daisy in a train and white veil, and four bridesmaids, and Mandy and Calvin in front seats, and Calvin giving the bride away. I think the elaborateness of it all really reconciled Mandy to her daughter-in-law."
There was also, from Randy, a long envelope enclosing a thick manuscript and very short note.
"I want you to read this, Becky. It belongs in a way to you. I don't know what I think about it. Sometimes it seems as if I had done a rather big thing, and as if it had been done without me at all. I wonder if you understand what I mean—as if I had held the pen, and it had—come—— I have sent it to the editor of one of the big magazines. Perhaps he will send it back, and it may not seem as good to me as it does at this moment. Let me know what you think."
Becky, finishing the letter, felt a bit forlorn. Randy, as a rule, wrote at length about herself and her affairs. But, of course, he had other things now to think of. She must not expect too much.
There was no time, however, in which to read the manuscript, for Cope was saying, wistfully, "Do you think you'd mind a walk in the rain?"
"No." She gathered up her letters.
"Then we'll walk across the Common."
They shared one umbrella. And they played that it was over fifty years ago when the Autocrat had walked with the young Schoolmistress. They even walked arm in arm under the umbrella. They took the long path to Boylston Street. And Cope said, "Will you take the long path with me?"
And Becky said, "Certainly."
And they both laughed. But there was no laughter in Cope's heart.
"Becky," he said, "I wish that you and I had lived a century ago in Louisberg Square."
"If we had lived then, we shouldn't be living now."
"But we should have had our—happiness——"
"And I should have worn lovely flowing silk skirts. Not short things like this, and little bonnets with flowers inside, and velvet mantles——"
"And you would have walked on my arm to church. And we would have owned one of those old big houses—and your smile would have greeted me across the candles every day at dinner——" He was making it rather personal, but she humored his fancy.
"And you would have worn a blue coat, and a bunch of big seals, and a furry high hat——"
"You are thinking all the time about what we would wear," he complained; "you haven't any sense of romance, Becky——"
"Well, of course, it is all make-believe."
"Yes, it is all—make-believe," he said, and walked in silence after that.
The wind blew cold and they stopped in a pastry shop on Boylston Street and had a cup of tea.
Becky ate little cream cakes with fluted crusts, and drank Orange Pekoe.
"I am glad you don't wear flowing silks and velvet mantles," said Archibald, suddenly; "I shall always remember you like this, Becky, in your rough brown coat and your close little hat, and that your hand was on my arm when we walked across the Common. Do you like me as a playmate, Becky?"
"Do you—love me—as a playmate?" He leaned forward.
"I beg your—pardon——" he flushed. "I am not going to say such things to you, Becky, and spoil things for both of us—I know you don't want to hear them——"
"Make-believe is much nicer," she reminded him steadily.
"But I am not a make-believe friend, am I? Our friendship—that at least is—real?"
Her clear eyes met his. "Yes. We shall always be friends—forever——"
"How long is forever, Becky?"
She could not answer that. But she was sure that friendship was like love and lived beyond the grave. They were very serious about it, these two young people drinking tea.
It was when the four of them were gathered together that night in the library that Becky asked Archibald Cope to read "The Trumpeter Swan."
"Randy wrote it," she said, "and he sent the manuscript to me this morning."
The Admiral was at once interested. "He got the name from the swan in the Judge's Bird Room?"
"Has he ever written anything before?" Louise asked.
"Lots of little things. Lovely things——"
"Have they been published?"
"I don't think he has tried."
Becky had the manuscript in her work-bag. She brought it out and handed it to Archibald. "You are sure you aren't too tired?"
Louise glanced up from her beaded bag. "You've had a hard day, Arch. You mustn't do too much."
"I won't, Louise," impatiently.
She went back to her work. "It will be on your own head if you don't sleep to-night, not on mine."
"The Trumpeter Swan" was a story of many pages. Randy had confined himself to no conventional limits. He had a story to tell, and he did not bring it to an end until the end came naturally. In it he had asked all of the questions which had torn his soul. What of the men who had fought? What of their futures? What of their high courage? Their high vision? Was it all now to be wasted? All of that aroused emotion? All of that disciplined endeavor? Would they still "carry on" in the spirit of that crusade, or would they sink back, and forget?
His hero was a simple lad. He had fought for his country. He had found when he came back that other men had made money while he fought for them. He loved a girl. And in his absence she had loved someone else. For a time he was overthrown.
Yet he had been one of a glorious company. One of that great flock which had winged its exalted flight to France. Throughout the story Randy wove the theme of the big white bird in the glass case. His hero felt himself likewise on the shelf, shut-in, stuffed, dead—his trumpet silent.
"Am I, too, in a glass case?" he asked himself; "will my trumpet never sound again?"
The first part of the story ended there. "Jove," Cope said, as he looked up, "that boy can write——"
Louise had stopped working. "It is rather—tremendous, don't you think?"
Archibald nodded. "In a quiet way it thrills. He hasn't used a word too much. But he carries one with him to a sort of—upper sky——"
Becky, flushing and paling with the thought of such praise as this for Randy, said, "I always thought he could do it."
But even she had not known that Randy could do what he did in the second part of the story.
For in it Randy answered his own questions. There was no limit to a man's powers, no limits to his patriotism, if only he believed in himself. He must strive, of course, to achieve. But striving made him strong. His task might be simple, but its very simplicity demanded that he put his best into it. He must not measure himself by the rule of little men. If other men had made money while he fought, then let them be weighed down by their bags of gold. He would not for one moment set against their greed those sacred months of self-sacrifice.
And as for the woman he loved. If his love meant anything it must burn with a pure flame. What he might have been for her, he would be because of her. He would not be less a man because he had loved her.
And so the boy came in the end of the story to the knowledge that it was the brave souls who sounded their trumpets—— One did not strive for happiness. One strove for—victory. One strove, at least, for one clear note of courage, amid the clamor of the world.
Louise, listening, forgot her beads. The Admiral blew his nose and wiped his eyes. Becky felt herself engulfed by a wave of surging memories.
"That's corking stuff, do you know it?" Archibald was asking.
Louise asked, "How old is he?"
"He is young to have learned all that——"
"All what, Louise?" Archibald asked.
"Renunciation," said Louise, slowly, "that's what it is in the final analysis," she went back to her beads and her green bag.
"Randy ought to do great things," said Becky; "the men of his family have all done great things, haven't they, Grandfather?"
"Randolph blood is Randolph blood," said the Admiral; "fine old Southerners; proud old stock."
"If I could write like that," said Archibald, and stopped and looked into the fire.
Louise rose and came and stood back of him. "You can paint," she said, "why should you want to write?"
"I can't paint," he reached up and caught her hand in his; "you think I can, but I can't. And I am not wonderful—— Yet here I must sit and listen while you and Becky sing young Paine's praises."
He flung out his complaint with his air of not being in earnest.
The Admiral got up stiffly. "I've a letter to write before I go to bed. Don't let me hurry the rest of you."
"Please take Louise with you," Archibald begged; "I want to talk to Becky."
His sister rumpled his hair. "So you want to get rid of me. Becky, he is going to ask questions about that boy who wrote the story."
"Are you?" Becky demanded.
"Louise is a mind reader. That's why I want her out of the way——"
"You can stay until the Admiral finishes his letter." Louise bent and kissed him, picked up her beaded bag, and left them together.
When she reached the threshold, she stopped and looked back. Archibald had piled up two red cushions and was sitting at Becky's feet.
"Tell me about him."
"Yes. He's in love with you, of course."
"What makes you think that?"
"He sent you the story."
"Well, he is," she admitted, "but I am not sure that we ought to talk about it."
"Why not?"
"Is it quite fair, to him?"
"Then we'll talk about his story. It gripped me—— Oh, let's have it out, Becky. He loves you and you don't love him. Why don't you?"
"I can't—tell you——"
There was silence for a moment, then Archibald Cope said gently, "Look here, girl dear, you aren't happy. Don't I know it? There's something that's awfully on your mind and heart. Can't you think of me as a sort of—father confessor—and let me—help——?"
She clasped her hands tensely on her knees; the knuckles showed white. "Nobody can help."
"Is it as bad as that?"
"Yes." She looked away from him. "There is somebody else—not Randy. Somebody that I shouldn't think about. But I—do——"
She was dry-eyed. But he felt that here was something too deep for tears.
"Does Randy know?"
"Yes. I told him. We have always talked about things——"
"I see," he sat staring into the fire, "and of course it is Randy that you ought to marry——"
"I don't want to marry anyone. I shall never marry——"
"Tut-tut, my dear." He laid his hand over hers. "Do you know what I was thinking, Becky, to-day, as we walked the Boston streets? I was thinking of why those big houses were built, rows upon rows of them, and of the people who lived in them. Those old houses speak of homes, Becky, of people who wanted household gods, and neighborly gatherings, and community interests. They weren't the kind of people who ran around Europe with a paint box, as I have been doing. They had home-keeping hearts and they built for the future."
He was very much in earnest. She had, indeed, never seen him so much in earnest.
"It is all very well," he went on, "to talk of a tent in a desert or a hut on a mountain top, but when we walked across the Common this morning, it seemed to me that if I could really have lived the game we played—that life could have held nothing better in the world for me than that, my dear."
She tried to withdraw her hand, but he held it. "Let me speak to-night, Becky—and then forever, we'll forget it. I love you—very much. You don't love me, and I should thank the stars for that, although I am not sure that I do. I am not a man to deal in—futures. I'll tell you why some day." He drew a long breath and went on in a lighter tone: "But you, Becky—you've got to find a man whose face you will want to see at the other end of the table—for life. It sounds like a prisoner's sentence, doesn't it?"
But he couldn't carry it off like that, and presently he hid his face against her hands. "Oh, Becky, Becky," she heard him whisper.
Then there was the Admiral's step in the hall and Archibald was on his feet, staring in the fire when the little man came in.
"Any letters for Charles to mail?"
"No, Grandfather."
The Admiral limped away. Becky stood up. Cope turned from the fire.
"If it doesn't rain to-morrow, I'll show America to Olga of Petrograd."
They smiled at each other, and Becky held out her hand. He bent and kissed it. "I shall sleep well to-night because of—to-morrow."
But when to-morrow came there was a telephone message for Becky that Major Prime and his wife were in town. They had messages for her from Huntersfield, and from King's Crest.
"And so our day is spoiled," said Archibald.
"We can come again," said the Admiral, "but we must be getting back to Siasconset to-morrow. I wrote to Tristram. We'll have Prime and his wife here for dinner to-night, and drive them out somewhere this afternoon. I remember Mark Prime well. I played golf with him one season at Del Monte. How did you happen to know him, Becky?"
Becky told of the Major's sojourn to King's Crest.
The Copes made separate plans for the afternoon. "If I can't have you to myself, Becky," Cope complained, "I won't have you at all——"
Madge, sitting later next to Becky in the Admiral's big car, was lovely in a great cape of pale wisteria, with a turban of the same color set low on her burnt-gold hair.
"I have brought you wonderful news of Randy Paine," she said to Becky. "He has sold his story, 'The Trumpeter Swan.' To one of the big magazines. And they have asked for more. He is by way of being rather—famous. He came on to New York the day after we arrived. They had telegraphed for him. We wanted him to come up here with us, but he wouldn't."
"Why wouldn't he?"
"He had some engagements, and after that——"
"He will never write another story like 'The Trumpeter Swan,'" said Becky.
"Why not?"
"It—it doesn't seem as if he could—— It is—wonderful, Mrs. Prime——"
"Well, Randy—is wonderful," said Madge.
A silence fell between them, and when Madge spoke again it was of the Watermans. "We go to the Crossing to-morrow. I must see Flora before I go West."
The blood ran up into Becky's heart. She wondered if George Dalton was with the Watermans. But she did not dare ask.
So she asked about California instead. "You will live out there?"
"Yes, on a ranch. There will be chickens and cows and hogs. It sounds unromantic, doesn't it? But it is really frightfully interesting. It is what I have always dreamed about. Mark says this is to be my—reincarnation."
She laughed a little as she explained what she meant. "And when I was in New York, I bought the duckiest lilac linens and ginghams, and white aprons, frilly ones. Mark says I shall look like a dairy maid in 'Robin Hood.'"
The Major, who was in front of them with the Admiral, turned and spoke.
"Tell her about Kemp."
"Oh, he is going with us. It develops that there is a girl in Scotland who is waiting for him. And he is going to send for her—and they are to have a cottage on the ranch, and come into the house to help us, and there is an old Chinese cook that Mark has had for years."
Becky spoke sharply. "You don't mean Mr.—Dalton's Kemp?"
"Yes. He came to Mark. Didn't you know?"
Becky had not known.
"Why did he leave Mr.—Dalton?"
"He and Georgie had a falling out about an omelette. I fancy it was a sort of comic opera climax. So Mark got a treasure and Georgie-Porgie lost one——"
"Oh, I always call him that, and he hates it," Madge laughed at the memory.
"You did it to—tease him?" slowly.
"I did it because it was—true. You know the old nursery rhyme? Well, George is like that. There were always so many girls to be—kissed, and it was so easy to—run away——"
She said it lightly, with shrugged shoulders, but she did not look at Becky.
And that night when she was dressing for dinner, Madge said to her husband, "It sounded—catty—Mark. But I had to do it. There's that darling boy down there eating his heart out. And she is nursing a dream——"
The Major was standing by his wife's door, and she was in front of her mirror. It reflected her gold brocade, her amethysts linked with diamonds in a long chain that ended in a jeweled locket. Her jewel case was open and she brought out the pendant that George had sent her and held it against her throat. "It matches the others," she said.
He arched his eyebrows in inquiry.
"I wouldn't wear it," she said with a sudden quick force, "if there was not another jewel in the world. I wish he hadn't sent it. Oh, Mark, I wish I hadn't known him before I found—you," she came up to him swiftly; "such men as you," she said, "if women could only meet them—first——"
His arm went around her. "It is enough that we—met——"
Becky was also at her mirror at that moment. She had dressed carefully in silver and white with her pearls and silver slippers. Louise came in and looked at her. "I haven't any grand and gorgeous things, you know. And I fancy your Mrs. Prime will be rather gorgeous."
"It suits her," said Becky, "but after this she is going to be different." She told Louise about the ranch and the linen frocks and the frilled aprons. "She is going to make herself over. I wonder if it will be a success."
"It doesn't fit in with my theories," said Louise. "I think it is much better if people marry each other ready-made."
Becky turned from her mirror. "Louise," she said, "does anything ever fit in with a woman's theories when she falls in love?"
"One shouldn't fall in love," Louise said, serenely, "they should walk squarely into it. That's what I shall do, when I get ready to marry—— But I shall love Archibald as long as the good Lord will let me——"
She was trying to say it lightly, but a quiver of her voice betrayed her.
"Louise," Becky said, "what's the matter with Archibald? Is anything really the matter?"
Louise began to cry. "Archie saw the doctor to-day, and he won't promise anything—I made Arch tell me——"
"Oh, Louise." Becky's lips were white.
"Of course if he takes good care of himself, it may not be for years. You mustn't let him know that I told you, Becky. But I had to tell somebody. I've kept it all bottled up as if I were a stone image. And I'm not a stone image, and he's all I have."
She dabbed her eyes with a futile handkerchief. The tears dripped. "I must stop," she kept saying, "I shall look like a fright for dinner——"
But at dinner she showed no signs of her agitation. She had used powder and rouge with deft touches. She had followed Becky's example and wore white, a crisp organdie, with a high blue sash. With her bobbed hair and pink cheeks she was not unlike a painted doll. She carried a little blue fan with lacquered sticks, and she tapped the table as she talked to Major Prime. The tapping was the only sign of her inner agitation.
The Admiral's table that night seemed to Becky a circle of sinister meaning. There was Archibald, condemned to die—while youth still beat in his veins—— There was Louise, who must go on without him. There was the Admiral—the last of a vanished company; there was the Major, whose life for four years had held—horrors. There was Madge, radiant to-night in the love of her husband, as she had perhaps once been radiant for Dalton.
It was a horrid name. "There were always so many girls to be kissed—and it was so easy to run away——"
She had always hated the nursery rhyme. But now it seemed to sing itself in her brain.
"Georgie-Porgie, Pudding and pie, Kissed the girls, And made them cry——"
Cope was at Becky's right. "Aren't you going to talk to me? You haven't said a word since the soup."
"Well, everybody else is talking."
"What do I care for anybody else?"
Becky wondered how Archibald did it. How he kept that light manner for a world which he was not long to know. And there was Louise with rouge and powder on her cheeks to cover her tears—— That was courage—— She thought suddenly of "The Trumpeter Swan."
She spoke out of her thoughts. "Randy has sold his story."
He wanted to know all about it, and she repeated what Madge had said. Yet even as she talked that hateful rhyme persisted,
"When the girls Came out to play, Georgie-Porgie Ran away——"
After dinner they went into the drawing-room so that Louise could play for them. A great mirror which hung at the end of the room reflected Louise on the piano bench in her baby frock. It reflected Madge, slim and gold, with a huge fan of lilac feathers. It reflected Becky—in a rose-colored damask chair, it reflected the three men in black. Years ago there had been other men and women—the Admiral's wife in red velvet and the same pearls that were now on Becky's neck—— She shuddered.
As they drove home that night, the Major spoke to his wife of Becky. "The child looks unhappy."
"She will be unhappy until some day her heart rests in her husband, as mine does in you. Shall I spoil you, Mark, if I talk like this?"
When they reached their hotel there were letters. One was from Flora: "You asked about George. He is not with us. He has gone to Nantucket to visit some friends of his—the Merediths. He will be back next week."
"The Merediths?" Madge said. "George doesn't know any—Merediths. Mark—he is following Becky."
"Well, she's safe in Boston."
"She is going back. On Wednesday. And he'll be there." Her eyes were troubled.
"Mark," she said, abruptly, "I wonder if Randy has left New York. Call him up, please, long distance. I want to talk to him."
"My darling girl, do you know what time it is?"
"Nearly midnight. But that's nothing in New York. And, anyhow, if he is asleep, we will wake him up. I am going to tell him that George is at Siasconset."
"But, my dear, what good will it do?"
"He's got to save Becky. I know Dalton's tricks and his manners. He can cast a glamour over anything. And Randy's the man for her. Oh, Mark, just think of her money and his genius——"
"What have money and genius to do with it?"
"Nothing, unless they love each other. But—she cares—— You should have seen her eyes when I said he had sold his story. But she doesn't know that she cares, and he's got to make her know."
"How can he make her know?"
"Let her see him—now. She has never seen him as he was in New York with us, sure of himself, knowing that he has found the thing that he can do. He was beautiful with that radiant boy-look. You know he was, Mark, wasn't he?"
"Yes, my darling, yes."
"And I want him to be happy, don't you?"
"Of course, dear heart."
"Then get him on the 'phone. I'll do the rest."
Randy, in New York, acclaimed by a crowd of enthusiasts who had read his story as a gold nugget picked up from a desert of literary mediocrity. Randy, not knowing himself. Randy, modest beyond belief. Randy, in his hotel at midnight, walking the floor with his head held high, and saying to himself, "I've done it."
It seemed to him that, of course, it could not be true. The young editor who had eyed him through shell-rimmed glasses had said, "There's going to be a lot of hard work ahead—to keep up to this——"
Randy, in his room, laughed at the thought of work. What did hardness matter? The thing that really mattered was that he had treasure to lay at the feet of Becky.
He sat down at the desk to write to her, cheeks flushed, eyes bright, a hand that shook with excitement.
"I am to meet a lot of big fellows to-morrow—I shall feel like an ugly duckling among the swans—oh, the swans, Becky, did we ever think that the Trumpeter in his old glass case——"
The telephone rang. Randy, answering it, found Madge at the other end. There was an exchange of eager question and eager answer.
Then Randy hung up the receiver, tore up his note to Becky, asked the office about trains, packed his bag, and went swift in a taxi to the station.
It was not until he was safe in his sleeper, and racketing through the night, that he remembered the meeting with the literary swans and the editor with the shell-rimmed glasses. A telegram would convey his regrets. He was sorry that he could not meet them, but he had on hand a more important matter.
If Randy's train had not missed a connection, he would have caught the same boat that took the Admiral and his party back to the island. They motored down to Wood's Hole, and boarded the Sankaty, while Randy, stranded at New Bedford, was told there would not be another steamer out until the next day.
The Admiral was the only gay and apparently care-free member of his quartette. Becky felt unaccountably depressed. Louise sat in the cabin and worked on her green bag. There was a heavy sky and signs of a storm. It was not pleasant outside.
Archibald was nursing a grievance. "If your grandfather had only stayed over another day."
"He had written Tristram that we would come. He is very exact in his engagements."
"And he feels that fifty years in 'Sconset is better than a cycle anywhere else."
"Yes. It will be nice to get back to our little gray house, and the moor, don't you think?"
"Yes. But I wanted to show you Boston as if you had never seen it, and now I shall never show it."
They were on deck, wrapped up to their chins. "Tell me what you would have shown me," Becky said; "play that I am Olga and that you are telling me about it."
He looked down at her. "Well, you've just arrived. You aren't dressed in a silver-toned cloak with gray furs and a blue turban with a silver edge. That's a heavenly outfit, Becky. But what made you wear it on a day like this?"
"It is the silver lining to my—cloud," demurely; "dull clothes are dreadful when the sky is dark."
"I am not sure but I liked you better in your brown—in the rain with your hand on my arm—— That is—unforgettable——"
She brought him back to Olga. "I have just arrived——"
"Yes, and you have a shawl over your head, and a queer old coat and funny shoes. I should have to speak to you through an interpreter, and you would look at me with eager eyes or perhaps frightened ones."
"And first we should have gone to Bunker Hill, and I should have said, 'Here we fought. Not of hatred of our enemy, but for love of liberty. The thing had to be done, and we did it. We had a just cause.' And then I should have taken you to Concord and Lexington, and I would have said, 'These farmers were clean-hearted men. They believed in law and order, they hated anarchy, and upon that belief and upon that hatred they built up a great nation.' And thus ends the first lesson."
He paused. "Lesson the second would have to do with the old churches."
They had stopped by the rail; the wind buffeted them, but they did not heed it. "It was in the churches that the ideals of the new nation were crystallized. No country prospers which forgets its God."
"Lesson number three," he went on, "would have had to do with the bookshops."
"The bookshops?"
He nodded. "The old bookshops and the new of Boston. I would have taken you to them, and I would have said, 'Here, Olga, is the voice of the nation speaking to you through the printed page. Learn to read in the language of your new country.' Oh, Becky," he broke off, "I wanted to show you the bookshops. It's a perfect pilgrimage——"
The Admiral, swaying to the wind, came up to them. "Hadn't you better go inside?" he shouted. "Becky will freeze out here."
They followed him. The cabin was comparatively quiet after the tumult. Louise was still working on the green bag. "What have you two been doing?" she asked.
"Playing Olga of Petrograd," said Archibald, moodily, "but Becky was cold and came in."
"Grandfather brought me in," said Becky.
"If you had cared to stay, you would have stayed," he told her, rather unreasonably. "Perhaps, after all, Boston to Olga simply means baked beans which she doesn't like, and codfish which she prefers—raw——"
"Now you have spoiled it all," said Becky. "I loved the things that you said about the churches and the bookshops and Bunker Hill."
"Did you? Well, it is all true, Becky, the part they have played in making us a nation. And it is all going to be true again. We Americans aren't going to sell our birthright for a mess of pottage!"
And now the island once more rose out of the sea. The little steamer had some difficulty in making a landing. But at last they were on shore, and the 'bus was waiting, and it was after dark when they reached "The Whistling Sally."
The storm was by that time upon them—the wind blew a wild gale, but the little gray cottage was snug and warm. Jane in her white apron went unruffled about her pleasant tasks—storms might come and storms might go—she had no fear of them now, since none of her men went down to the sea in ships.
Tristram in shining oilskins brought up their bags. He stood in the hall and talked to them, and before he went away, he said casually over his shoulder, "There's a gentleman at the hotel that has asked for you once or twice."
"For me?" the Admiral questioned.
"You and Miss Becky."
"Do you know his name?"
"It's Dalton. George Dalton——"
"I don't know any Daltons. Do you, Becky?"
Becky stood by the table with her back to them. She did not turn. "Yes," she said in a steady voice. "There was a George Dalton whom I met this summer—in Virginia."
There was little sleep for Becky that night. The storm tore around the tiny house, but its foundations were firm, and it did not shake. The wind whistled as if the wooden figure in the front yard had suddenly come to life and was madly making up for the silence of a half-century.
So George had followed her. He had found her out, and there was no way of escape. She would have to see him, hear him. She would have to set herself against the charm of that quick voice, those sparkling eyes. There would be no one to save her now. Randy was far away. She must make her fight alone.
She turned restlessly. Why should she fight? What, after all, did George mean to her? A chain of broken dreams? A husk of golden armor? Georgie-Porgie—who had kissed and run away.
She was listless at breakfast. The storm was over, and the Admiral was making plans for a picnic the next day to Altar Rock. "Hot coffee and lobster sandwiches, and a view of the sea on a day like this."
Becky smiled. "Grandfather," she said, "I believe you are happy because you keep your head in the stars and your feet on the ground."
"What's the connection, my dear?"
"Well, lobster sandwiches and a view of the sea. So many people can't enjoy both. They are either lobster-sandwich people, or view-of-the-sea people."
"Which shows their limitations," said the Admiral, promptly; "the people of Pepys' time were eloquent over a pigeon pie or a poem. The good Lord gave us both of them. Why not?"
It was after breakfast that a note was brought to Becky. The boy would wait.
"I am here," George wrote, "and I shall stay until I see you. Don't put me off. Don't shut your heart against me. I am very unhappy. May I come?"
She wrote an immediate answer. She would see him in the afternoon. The Admiral would be riding over to Nantucket. He had some business affairs to attend to—a meeting at the bank. Jane would be busy in her kitchen with the baking. The coast would be clear. There would be no need, if George came in the afternoon, to explain his presence.
Having dispatched her note, and with the morning before her, she was assailed by restlessness. She welcomed Archibald Cope's invitation from the adjoining porch. He sang it in the words of the old song,
"Madam, will you walk! Madam, will you talk? Madam, will you walk and talk With me——"
"Where shall we go?"
"To Sankaty——"
She loved the walk to the lighthouse. In the spring there was Scotch broom on the bluffs—yellow as gold, with the blue beyond. In summer wild roses, deep pink, scenting the air with their fresh fragrance. But, perhaps, she loved it best on a day like this, with the breakers on the beach below, racing in like white horses, and with the winter gulls, dark against the brightness of the morning.
"Why aren't you painting?" she asked Archibald.
"Because," he said, "I am not going to paint the moor any more. It gets away from me—it is too vast—— It has a primal human quality, and yet it is not alive."
"It sometimes seems alive to me," she said, "when I look off over it—it seems to rise and fall as if it—breathed."
"That's the uncanny part of it," Archibald agreed, "and I am going to give it up. I am not going to paint it—— I want to paint you, Becky."
"Me? Why do you want to do that?"
He flashed a glance at her. "Because you are nice to look at."
"That isn't the reason."
"Why should you question my motives?" he demanded. "But since you must have the truth—it is because of a fancy of mine that I might do it well——"
"I should like it very much," she said, simply.
"Would you?" eagerly.
She had on her red cape, and a black velvet tam pulled over her shining hair.
"I shall not paint you like this," he said, "although the color is—superlative—— Ever since you read to me that story of Randy Paine's, I have had a feeling that the real story ought to have a happy ending, and that I should like to make the illustration."
"I don't know what you mean?"
"Why shouldn't the girl care for the boy after he came back? Why shouldn't she, Becky Bannister?"
Her startled gaze met his. "Let's sit down here," he said, "and have it out."
There was a bench on the edge of the bluff, set so that one might have a wider view of the sea.
"There ought to be a happy ending, Becky."
"How could there be?"
"Why not you—and Randy Paine? I haven't met him, but somehow that story tells me that he is the right sort. And think of it, Becky, you and that boy—in that big house down there, going to church, smiling across the table at each other," his breath came quickly, "your love for him, his for you, making a background for his—genius."
She tried to stop him. "Why should you say such things?"
"Because I have thought them. Last night in the storm—I couldn't sleep. I—I wanted to be a dog in the manger. I couldn't have you, and I'd be darned if I'd help anyone else to get you. You—you see, I'm a sort of broken reed, Becky. It—it isn't a sure thing that I am going to get well. And if what I feel for you is worth anything, it ought to mean that I must put your happiness—first. And that's why I want to make the picture for the—happy ending."
Her hand went out to him. "It is a beautiful thing for you to do. But I am not sure that there will be a—happy ending."
"Why not?"
She could not tell him. She could not tell—that between her and her thought of Randy was the barrier of all that George Dalton had meant to her.
"If you paint the picture," she evaded, "you must finish it at Huntersfield. Why can't you and Louise come down this winter? It would be heavenly."
"It would be Heaven for me. Do you mean it, Becky?"
She did mean it, and she told him so.
"I shall paint you," he planned, "as a little white slip of a girl, with pearls about your neck, and dreams in your eyes, and back of you a flight of shadowy swans——"
They rose and walked on. "I thought you were to be with the Admiral in Boston this winter."
"I stay until Thanksgiving. I always go back to Huntersfield for Christmas."
After that it was decided that she should sit for him each morning. They did not speak again of Randy. There had been something in Becky's manner which kept Archibald from saying more.
When they reached the lighthouse, the wind was blowing strongly. Before them was the sweep of the Nantucket Shoals—not a ship in sight, not a line of smoke, the vast emptiness of heaving waters.
Becky stood at the edge of the bluff, her red cape billowing out into a scarlet banner, her hair streaming back from her face, the velvet tam flattened by the force of the wind.
Archibald glanced at her. "Are you cold?"
"No, I love it."
He was chilled to the bone, yet there she stood, warm with life, bright with beating blood——
"What a beastly lot of tumbling water," he said with sudden overmastering irritation. "Let's get away from it, Becky. Let's get away."
Going back they took the road which led across the moor. The clear day gave to the low hills the Persian carpet coloring which Cope had despaired of painting. Becky, in her red cape, was almost lost against the brilliant background.
But she was not the only one who challenged nature. For as she and Archibald approached the outskirts of the town, they discerned, at some distance, at the top of a slight eminence, two figures—a man and a woman. The woman was dancing, with waving arms and flying feet.
"She calls that dance 'Morning on the Moor,'" Cope told Becky; "she has a lot of them—'The Spirit of the Storm, 'The Wraith of the Fog.'"
"Do you know her?"
"No. But Tristram says she dances every morning. She is getting ready for an act in one of the big musical shows."
The man sat on the ground and watched the woman dance. Her primrose cape was across his knee. He was a big man and wore a cap. Becky, surveying him from afar, saw nothing to command closer scrutiny. Yet had she known, she might have found him worthy of another look. For the man with the primrose cape was Dalton!
George Dalton, entering the little sitting-room of "The Whistling Sally," had to bend his head. He was so shining and splendid that he seemed to fill the empty spaces. It seemed, indeed, to Becky, as if he were too shining and splendid, as if he bulked too big, like a giant, top-heavy.
But she was not unmoved. He had been the radiant knight of her girlish dreams—some of the glamour still remained. Her cheeks were touched with pink as she greeted him.
He took both of her hands in his. "Oh, you lovely, lovely little thing," he said, and stood looking down at her.
They were the words he had said to her in the music-room. They revived memories. Flushing a deeper pink, she drew away from him. "Why did you come?"
"I could not stay away."
"How long have you been here?"
"Five days——"
"Please—sit down"—she indicated a chair on the other side of the hearth. She had seated herself in the Admiral's winged chair. It came up over her head, and she looked very slight and childish.
George, surveying the room, said, "This is some contrast to Huntersfield."
"Do you like it?"
"Oh, yes. I have spent months here, you know, and Sally, who whistles out there in the yard, is an old friend of mine. I played with her as a child."
"I should think the Admiral would rather have one of those big houses on the bluff."
"Would you?"
"But he has so many big houses. And this is his play-house. It belonged to his grandfather, and that ship up there is one on which our Sally was the figure-head."
He forced himself to listen while she told him something of the history of the old ship. He knew that she was making conversation, that there were things more important to speak of, and that she knew it. Yet she was putting off the moment when they must speak.
There came a pause, however. "And now," he said, leaning forward, "let's talk about ourselves, I have been here five days, Becky—waiting——"
"Waiting? For what?"
"To ask you to—forgive me."
Her steady glance met his. "If I say that I forgive you, will that be—enough?"
"You know it will not," his sparkling eyes challenged her. "Not if you say it coldly——"
"How else can I say it?"
"As if—oh, Becky, don't keep me at long distance—like this. Don't tell me that you are engaged to Randy Paine. Don't——. Let this be our day——" He seemed to shine and sparkle in a perfect blaze of gallantry.
"I am not engaged to Randy."
He gave an exclamation of triumph. "You broke it off?"
"No," she said, "he broke it."
She folded her hands in her lap. "You see," she said, "he felt that I did not love him. And he would not take me that way—unloving."
"He seemed to want to take you any way, the day he talked to me. I asked him what he had to offer you——" He gave a light laugh—seemed to brush Randy away with a gesture.
Her cheeks flamed. "He has a great deal to offer."
"For example?" lazily, with a lift of the eyebrows.
"He is a gentleman—and a genius——"
His face darkened. "I'll pass over the first part of that until later. But why call him a 'genius'?"
"He has written a story," breathlessly, "oh, all the world will know it soon. The people who have read it, in New York, are crazy about it——"
"Is that all? A story? So many people write nowadays."
"Well," she asked quietly, "what more have you to offer?"
"Love, Becky. You intimated a moment ago that I was not—a gentleman—because I failed—once. Is that fair? How do you know that Paine has not failed—how do you know——? And love hasn't anything to do with genius, Becky, it has to do with that night in the music-room, when you sang and when I—kissed you. It has to do with nights like those in the old garden, with the new moon and the stars, and the old goddesses."
"And with words which meant—nothing——"
"Becky," he protested.
"Yes," she said, "you know it is true—they meant nothing. Perhaps you have changed since then. I don't know. But I know this, that I have changed."
He felt back of her words the force which had always baffled him.
"You mean that you don't love me?"
"I—I don't believe it——"
"You must——"
"But——" he rose and went towards her.
"Please—we won't argue it. And—Jane is going to give us some tea." She left him for a moment and came back to sit behind the little table. Jane brought tea and fresh little cakes.
"For Heaven's sake, Becky," George complained, when the old woman had returned to her kitchen, "can you eat at a moment like this?"
"Yes," she said, "I can eat and the cakes are very nice."
She did not let him see that her hand trembled as she poured the tea.
George had had five days in the company of the dancer in yellow. He had found her amusing. She played the game at which he had proved himself so expert rather better than the average woman. She served for the moment, but no sane man would ever think of spending his life with her. But here was the real thing—this slip of a child in a blue velvet smock, with bows on her slippers, and a wave of bronze hair across her forehead. He felt that Becky's charms would last for a lifetime. When she was old, and sat like that on the other side of the hearth, with silver hair and bent figure, she would still retain her loveliness of spirit, the steadfast gaze, the vivid warmth of word and gesture.
For the first time in his life George knew the kind of love that projects itself forward into the future, that sees a woman as friend and as companion. And this woman whom he loved had just said that she did not love him.
"I won't give you up," he said doggedly.
"How can you keep me?" she asked quietly, and suddenly the structure of hope which he had built for himself tumbled.
"Then this is the—end?"
"I am afraid it is," and she offered him a cup.
His face grew suddenly gray. "I don't want any tea. I want you," his hands went over his face. "I want you, Becky."
"Don't," she said, shakily, "I am sorry."
She was sorry to see him no longer shining, no longer splendid, but she was glad that the spell was broken—the charm of sparkling eyes and quick voice gone—forever.
She said again, as she gave him her hand at parting, "I'm sorry."
His laugh was not pleasant. "You'll be sorrier if you marry Paine."
"No," she said, and he carried away with him the look which came into her eyes as she said it, "No, if I marry Randy I shall not be sorry."
Randy, arriving on the evening boat, caught the 'bus, and found the Admiral in it.
"It's Randy Paine," he said, as he climbed in and sat beside the old gentleman.
"My dear boy, God bless you. Becky will be delighted."
"I was in New York," was Randy's easy explanation, "and I couldn't resist coming up."
"We read your story, and Mrs. Prime told us how the editor received it. You are by way of being famous, my boy."
"Well, it's mighty interesting, sir," said young Randy.
It was late when they reached the little town, but the west was blood-red above the ridge, with the moor all darkling purple.
Becky was not in the house. "I saw her go down to the beach," Jane told them.
"In what direction?" Randy asked; "I'll go after her."
"She sometimes sits back of the blue boat," said Jane, "when there's a wind. But if you don't find her, Mr. Paine, she'll be back in time for supper. I told her not to be late. I am having raised rolls and broiled fish, and Mr. and Miss Cope are coming."
"I'll find her," said Randy, and was off.
The moon was making a path of gold across the purple waters, and casting sharp shadows on the sand. The blue boat, high on the beach, had lost its color in the pale light. But there was no other boat, so Randy went towards it. And as he went, he gave the old Indian cry.
Becky, wrapped in her red cape, deep in thoughts of the thing that had happened in the afternoon, heard the cry and doubted her ears.
It came again.
"Randy," she breathed, and stood up and saw him coming. She ran towards him. "Oh, Randy, Randy."
She came into his arms as if she belonged there. And he, amazed but rapturous, received her, held her close.
"Oh, oh," she whispered, "you don't know how I have wanted you, Randy."
"It is nothing to the way that I have wanted you, my dear."
"Really, Randy?"
"Really, my sweet."
The moon was very big and bright. It showed her face white as a rose-leaf against his coat. He scarcely dared to breathe, lest he should frighten her. They stood for a moment in silence, then she said, simply, "You see, it was you, after all, Randy."
"Yes," he said, "I see. But when did you find it out?"
"This afternoon. Let's sit down here out of the wind behind the boat, and I'll tell you about it——"
But he was not ready yet to let her go. "To have you here—like this."
He stopped. He could not go on. He lifted her up to him, and their lips met. Years ago he had kissed her under the mistletoe; the kiss that he gave her now was a pledge for all the years to come.
They were late for supper. Jane relieved her mind to the Admiral and his guests. "She had a gentleman here this afternoon for tea, and neither of them ate anything. And now there's another gentleman, and the rolls are spoiling."
"You can serve supper, Jane," the Admiral told her; "they can eat when they come."
When they came, Becky's cheeks were as red as her cape. As she swept within the radius of the candle-light, Archibald Cope, who had risen at her entrance, knew what had happened. Her eyes were like stars. "Did Jane scold about us?" she asked, with a quick catch of her breath; "it was so lovely—with the moon."
Back of her was young Randy—Randy of the black locks, of the high-held head and Indian profile, Randy, with his air of Conqueror.
"I've told them all about you," Becky said, "and they have read your story. Will you please present him properly, Grandfather, while I go and fix my hair?"
She came back very soon, slim and childish in her blue velvet smock, her hair in that bronze wave across her forehead, her eyes still lighted.
She sat between her grandfather and Archibald.
"So," said Cope softly, under cover of the conversation, "it has happened?"
"What has happened?"
"The happy ending."
"Oh—how did you know?"
"As if the whole world wouldn't know just to look at you."
The Randy of the supper table at "The Whistling Sally" was a Randy that Becky had never seen. Success had come to him and love. There was the ring of it in his young voice, the flush of it on his cheeks. He was a man, with a man's future.
He talked of his work. "If I am a bore, please tell me," he said, "but it is rather a fairy-tale, you know, when you've made up your mind to a hum-drum law career to find a thing like this opening out."
Becky sat and listened. Her eyes were all for her lover. Already she thought of him at King's Crest, writing for the world, with her money making things easy for him, but not spoiling the simplicity of their tastes. If she thought at all of George Dalton, it was to find the sparkle and shine of his splendid presence dimmed by Randy's radiance.
"I hate to say that he is—charming," Cope complained.
He was a good sport, and he wanted Becky to be happy. But it was not easy to sit there and see those two—with the pendulum swinging between them of joy and dreams, and the knowledge of a long life together.
"Why should it be?" he asked Louise, as he stood beside her, later, on their own little porch which overlooked the sea; "those two—did you see them? While I——"
Louise laid her hand on his shoulder. "Yes. I think it is something like this, Arch. They've got to live it out, and life isn't always going to be just to-night for them. And perhaps in the years together they may lose some of their dreams. They've got to grow old, and you, you'll go out—with all—your dreams——"
He reached up and took the kind hand.
"'They all go out like this—into the night—but what a fleet of—stars.' Is that it, Louise?"
The clearness of the moonlight was broken by long fingers of fog stretched up from the horizon.
"I'll wrap up and sit here, Louise," Archibald said; "I shan't sleep if I go in."
"Don't stay too long. Good-night, my dear, good-night."
Archibald, watching the fog shut out the moonlight, had still upon him that sense of revolt. Fame had never come to him, and love had come too late.
Yet for Randy there was to be fulfillment—the wife of his heart, the applause of the world. What did it all mean? Why should one man have all, and the other—nothing?
Yet he had had his dreams. And the dreams of men lived. That which died was the least of them. The great old gods of democracy—Washington, Jefferson, Adams—had seen visions, and the visions had endured. Only yesterday Roosevelt had proclaimed his gallant doctrines. He had died proclaiming them, and the world held its head higher, because of his belief in its essential rightness.
The mists enveloped Archibald in a sort of woolly dampness. He saw for a moment a dim and distant moon. If he could have painted a moon like that—with fingers of fog reaching up to it——!
His own dreams of beauty? What of them? His pictures would not live. He knew that now. But he had given more than pictures to the world. He had given himself in a crusade which had been born of high idealism and a sense of brotherhood. Day after day, night after night, his plane had hung, poised like an eagle, above the enemy. He had been one of the young gods who had set their strength and courage against the greed and grossness of gray-coated hordes.
And these dreams must live—the dreams of the young gods—as the dreams of the old gods had endured. Because men had died to make others free, freedom must be the song on the lips of all men.
He thought of Randy's story. The Trumpeter Swan was only a stuffed bird in a glass case. But once he had spread his wings—flown high in the upper air. There had been strength in his pinions—joy in his heart—thrilling life in every feather of him. Some lovely lines drifted through Archibald's consciousness—
"Upon the brimming water, among the stones Are nine and fifty swans. Unwearied still, lover by lover, They paddle in the cold Companionable streams or climb the air; Their hearts have not grown old; Passion and conquest, wander where they will. Attend upon them still——"
From the frozen north the swan had come to the sheltered bay and some one had shot him. He had not been asked if he wanted to live; they had taken his life, and had set him up there on the shelf—and that had been the end of him.
But was it the end? Stuffed and quiet in his glass case, he had looked down on a little boy. And the little boy had seen him not dead, but sounding his trumpet. And now the whole world would hear of him. In Randy's story, the Trumpeter would live again in the hearts of men.
The wind was rising—the fog blown back before it showed the golden track of the sea—light stretching to infinity!
He rose and stood by the rail. Then suddenly he felt a hand upon his, and looking down, he saw Becky.
"I ran away from Randy," she said, breathlessly, "just for a moment. I was afraid you might be alone, and unhappy."
His hand held hers. "Just for this moment you are mine?"
"Then let me tell you this—that I shall never be alone as long as I may have your friendship—I shall always be happy because I have—loved you."
He kissed her hand. "Run back to your Randy. Good-night, my dear, good-night."
Her lover received her rapturously at the door of the little house. They went in together. And Archibald looked out, smiling, over a golden sea.