Arnaut Daniel. U. A. Canello, Halle, 1883.
Bernart de Rovenac. G. Borsdorff, Erlangen, 1907.
Bartolomeo Zorzi. E. Levy, Halle, 1883.
Bertran d'Alamanon. J. Salverda de Grave, Toulouse, 1902 (Bibliotheque Meridionale).
Bertran de Born. A. Thomas, Toulouse, 1888 (Bibliotheque Meridionale).
Bertran de Born. A. Stimming, Halle, 1892 (and in the Romanischz Bibliothek, Leipsic).
Blacatz. O. Soltau, Leipsic, 1890.
Cercamon. Dr Dejeanne, Toulouse, 1905 (Annales du Midi, vol. xvii.).
Elias de Barjols. Stronski, Paris, 1906 (Bibliotheque Meridionale vi.).
Folquet de Marselha. Stronski, Cracow, 1911.
Folquet de Romans. Zenker (Romanische Bibliothek).
Gavaudan. A. Jeanroy, Romania, xxxiv., p. 497.
Guillaume IX. Comte de Poitiers. A. Jeanroy, Toulouse, 1905.
Guillem Anelier de Toulouse. M. Gisi, Solothurn, 1877.
Guillem de Cabestanh. F. Hueffer, Berlin, 1869.
Guillem Figueira. E. Levy, Berlin, 1880.
Guillem de Montanhagol. J. Coulet, Bibliotheque Meridionale, iv., Toulouse.
Guiraut de Bornelh. A. Kolsen, Berlin, 1894 and 1911.
Guiraut d'Espanha. P. Savi-Lopez. Studj mediaevali, Fasc. 3, Turin, 1905.
Guiraut Riquier, Etude sur, etc. J. Anglade, Paris, 1905.
Jaufre Rudel. A Stimming, Kiel, 1873.
Marcabrun. Dr Dejeanne. Bibliotheque Meridionale, 1910.
Marcoat. Dr Dejeanne, Toulouse, 1903 (Annales du Midi, xv.).
Monk of Montaudon. E. Philippson, Halle, 1873; O. Klein, Marburg, 1885.
N' At de Mons. Bernhard. Altfranzoesische Bibliothek, Heilbronn.
Paulet de Marselha. E. Levy, Paris, 1882.
Peire d'Alvernhe (d'Auvergne). R. Zenker, Rostock, 1900.
Peire Vidal. K. Bartsch, Berlin, 1857 (an edition by J. Anglade is about to appear).
Peire Rogier. C. Appel, Berlin, 1892.
Perdigon. H.J. Chaytor, Annales du Midi, xxi.
Pons de Capdoill. M. Napolski, Halle, 1879.
Raimbaut de Vaqueiras. O. Schultz, Halle, 1893.
Raimon de Miraval, Etude sur, etc. P. Andraud, Paris, 1902.
Sordel. De Lollis, Halle, 1896 (Romanische Bibliothek).
Numerous separate pieces have been published in the various periodicals concerned with Romance philology, as also have diplomatic copies of several MSS. Of these periodicals, the most important for Provencal are Romania, les Annales du Midi, Zeitschrift der Romanischen Philologie, Archiv fur das Studium der neueren Sprachen, Romanische Studien, Studj di filologia romanza, Revue des langues romanes. Mahn's Gedichte der Troubadours, 4 vols., Berlin, 1856-71, contains diplomatic copies of MSS.; his Werke der Troubadours, Berlin, 1846-55, contains reprints from Raynouard, Choix des poesies originales des Troubadours, Paris, 1816. Suchier, Denkmaeler provenzalischer Sprache, Halle, 1883; Appel, Provenzalische Inedita, Leipsic, 1890; Chabaneau, Poesies inedites des Troubadours du Perigord, Paris, 1885; P. Meyer, Les derniers troubadours de Provence, Paris, 1871, should be mentioned. Most of the pieces in the Parnasse Occitanien, Toulouse, 1819, are to be found better edited elsewhere. Other pieces are to be found in various Festschriften and occasional or private publications, too numerous to be detailed here. C. Chabaneau, Les biographies des Troubadours, Toulouse, 1885 (part of the Histoire generale de Languedoc) is full of valuable information. The biographies have been translated by I. Farnell, Lives of the Troubadours, London, 1896.
1. See maps at the end of Groeber's Grundriss, vol. i.
2. De Vulg. El. I., 8: alii oc, alii oil, alii si affirmando loquuntur, and Vita Nuova, xxv. Dante also knew the term provincialis.
3. Boethius. F. Huendgen, Oppeln, 1884. For Sainte Foy d'Agen, see Romania xxxi., p, 177 ff.
4. P. Meyer in Romania v., p. 257. Bedier, Les chansons de Croisade, Paris, 1909, p. 16.
5. See P. Maus, Peire Cardenals Strophenbau, Marburg, 1884.
6. See Jeanroy, Origines, etc.
7. Provencal has also the feminine joia with the general meaning of "delight."
8. See Stimming's article in Groeber's Grundriss.
9. Raynouard, Les Troubadours et les Cours d'Amour, Paris, 1817; see also Diez, Ueber die Minnehoefe, Berlin, 1825. Pio Rajna, Le Corti d'Amore, Milan, 1890.
10. Annales du Midi, xix. p. 364.
11. Die provenzalische Tenzone, R. Zenker, Leipsic, 1888.
12. Girart de Roussillon, translation by P. Meyer, Paris, 1884: see also Romania, vii. Diplomatic copies of the MSS. in Romanische Studien V. Le Roman de Flamenca, P. Meyer, Paris, 1901.
13. J. B. Beck, Die Melodien der Troubadours, Strasburg, 1908. La Musique des Troubadours, Paris, 1910, by the same author, who there promised a selection of songs harmonized for performance: this has not yet appeared. See also Quatre poesies de Marcabrun, Jeanroy, Dejeanne and Aubry, Paris, 1904, with texts, music, and translations.
14. Schindler, Die Kreuzzuege in der altprovenzalischen und mittelhochdeutschen lyrik., Dresden, 1889. K. Lewent, Das altprovenzalische Kreuzlied, Berlin, 1905.
15. A. Pillet, Studien zur Pastourelle, Breslau, 1902. Roemer, Die volkstuemlichen Dichtungsarten der altprovenzalischen Lyrik, Marburg, 1884.
16. Quae judicia de litteris fecerint Provinciales. P. Andraud, Paris, 1902.
17. From Si'm sentis fizels amics, quoted by Dante, De Vulg. El. i. 9.
18. "Paubre motz"; also interpreted as "scanty words," i.e. poems with short lines. On Jaufre Rudel in literature, see a lecture by Carducci, Bologna 1888. The latest theory of his mysterious love is that she was the Virgin Mary; see C. Appel, Archiv fuer das Studium der neueren Sprachen, cvii. 3-4.
19. Mahn, Gedichte, no. 707. An edition of Bernard de Ventadour's poems is in preparation by Prof. Appel.
20. Cp. Dante, Par. xx. 73.
21. Dante, De Vulg. El. ii. 2.
22. "Il Provenzale," Conv. iv. 11.
23. Purg. xxvi.
24. On his family see Stronski, Folquet de Marseille, p. 15 and 159-172.
25. See G. Paris, La Litterature francaise au moyen age, Sec. 128.
26. The best short account of the Albigenses is to be found in vol. i. of H.C. Lea's Histoire de L'Inquisition au moyen age, Paris, 1903. This, the French translation, is superior to the English edition as it contains the author's last corrections, and a number of bibliographical notes. The Adoptionist theory is stated in the introduction to F.C. Conybeare's Key of Truth, Oxford, 1908. The Chanson de la Croisade Albigeoise, P. Meyer, Paris, 1875, 2 vols., is indispensable to students of the subject. In these works will be found much of the extensive bibliography of the heresy and crusade.
27. Eckbertus, Serm. adv. Catharos, Migne, Patr. Lat., tom. 193. p. 73.
28. Cf. Milman, Latin Christianity, Book IX. chap. viii. p. 85.
29. On religious lyric poetry, see Lowinsky, Zeitschrift fuer franzoesische Sprache und Litteratur, xx. p. 163 ff., and the bibliographical note to Stimming's article in Groeber's Grundriss, vol. ii. part ii. Sec. 32.
Most histories of Italian literature deal with this subject. See Gaspary's Italian Literature to the death of Dante: H. Oelsner, Bohn's Libraries. See also the chapter, La poesie francaise en Italie in Jeanroy's Origines. For Dante, see Storia letteraria d'Italia, scritta di una societa di professori, Milan, vol. iii., Dante, by Zingarelli. The Troubadours of Dante, Chaytor, Oxford, 1902. Useful are A. Thomas, Francesco da Barberino et la litterature provencale en Italie au moyen age, Paris, 1883. O. Schultz, Die Lebensverhaeltnisse der Italienischen Trobadors, Berlin, 1883.
30. Schultz, Die Briefe des Trobadors Raimbaut de Vaqueiras an Bonifaz I., Halle, 1883.
31. Zingarelli, Intorno a due Trovatori in Italia, Florence, 1899.
Mila y Fontanals, Los trovadores en Espana, Barcelona, 1861, remains the best work on the subject. On Portugal, the article in Groeber's Grundriss, ii. 2, p. 129, by C. Michaelis de Vasconcellos and Th. Braga is admirable: see the bibliographical references there given and the introduction to R. Lang, Das Liederbuch des Koenigs Denis von Portugal, Halle, 1894.
32. The date of this poem is disputed, see Dr Dejeanne's edition of Marcabrun, p. 235.
33. F. Guessard, Grammaires Provencales, Paris, 1858; E. Stengel, Die beiden aeltesten prov. Gram., Marburg, 1878.
Troubadour influence in Germany is discussed at greater or less length in most histories of German literature. See Jeanroy, Origines, p. 270 ff. A. Luederitz, Die Liebestheorien der Provenzalen bei den Minnesingern der Slauferzeit, Literarhistorische Forschungen, Berlin, 1904.
For France. A. Jeanroy, De nostratibus medii aevi poetis qui primum Aquitaniae carmina imitati sint, Paris, 1889.
For England. Schofield, English Literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer, London, 1906. O. Heider, Untersuchungen zur mittelenglischen erotischen Lyrik, Halle, 1905. A. Brandl, Spielmann's verhaeltnisse in fruehmittelenglischer Zeit, Sitzungs-berichte der Koenigl. preuss., Akademie, 1910.
34. Bedier, Chansons de Croisade, Paris, 1909, p. 112.
35. See introduction to Leo Wiese, Die Lieder des Blondel de Nesle, Dresden, 1904, p. 19 ff.
36. Romania, viii. p. 370.
37. K. Boeddeker, Altenglische Dichtungen des MS. Harl. 2253, Berlin, 1878.
38. Modern Language Review, vol. 1. p. 285; vol. ii. p. 60, articles by Prof. Skeat.
39. P. Leinig, Grammatik der provenzalischen Leys d'amors verglichen mit der Sprache der Troubadours, Breslau, 1890. M. Gatien. Arnoult, Monuments de la litterature romane, Toulouse, 1841.
40. Histoire critique de l'Academie des Jeux Floraux, by F. de Gelis from the origin to the 17th century will appear shortly in the Bibliotheque meridionale, Toulouse. Useful anthologies of modern Provencal are Flourilege prouvencau, Toulon, 1909: Antologia provenzale, E Portal, Milan, Hoepli, 1911 (Manuali Hoepli).
Alamanon, Bertran d', 104 Alba, 33, 128 Albigeois, 13, 23, 75, ff. Alcuin, 7 Alfonso II. of Aragon, 51, 59, 69, 74, 110, 113 Alfonso VIII. of Castile, 110, 113, 114 Alfonso X. of Castile, 118, 124 Andre le Chapelain, 19, 130 Aquino, Rinaldo d', 82 Aquitaine, 42 Arabs, 8, 105 Aragon, 54, 71, 110 —— Pedro II. of, 78, 83, 113 Arles, 5 Aurenga, Raimbaut d', 35, 85, 64 Auvergne, 3 —— Dauphin of, 134 —— Peire d', 36, 67, 70, 135 Azalais, 71, 79
Ballata, 33 Barral, 71, 79 Belenoi, Aimeric de, 118 Bethune, Conon de, 131 Bezaudun, Raimon Vidal of, 115, 122 Beziers, 50, 78 Blacatz, 103 Born, Bertran de, 13, 57, 111, 130 Bornelh, Giraut de, 23, 35, 37, 53, 68, 86, 113 Brunei, Uc, 113
Cabestanh, Guillem de, 73 Cabreira, Guiraut de, 122 Caen, Raoul de, 6 Cairel, Elias, 12 Calanso, Guiraut de, 115, 122 Calha, Albertet, 12 Calvo, Bonifacio, 100, 118 Carcassonne, 78 Cardenal, Peire, 11, 82, 84, 92, 117, 118 Castile, 54, 71 —— Sancho III. of, 67 Catalonia, 3, 5, 71, 109, 121 ff. Cercamon, 9, 42 Chabaneau, 20 Chanso, 23 Cigala, Lanfranc, 39, 100, 116 Circ, Uc de San, 100, 113 Corbiac, Peire de, 93 Comjat, 23 Compostella, 109, 124 Courts of Love, 19 Cunizza, 101
Daniel, Arnaut, 55 Dante, 24, 53, 55, 57, 63, 104, 108, 131 Denis, 124 Descort, 33, 97 Die, Countess of, 11, 65 Dietmar von Aist, 128 Dominic, 77, 80
Ebles II., 46 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 42, 46, 59, 130 Escas Amanieu des, 121 Escondig, 33 Estampida, 33 Este, 95 Ezzelino III., 101
Faidit, Gaucelm, 99, 135 Ferdinand III. of Castile, 104, 116 Figueira, Guillem, 82, 138 Flamenca, 23 Florence, 100 Frederick II. of Sicily, 88, 105 Friedrich von Hausen, 129
Galicia, 123 Gasson, 3, 9, 115 Genoa, 78, 100 Gerona, Serveri de, 120 Guido delle Colonne, 106, 107 Guido Guinicelli, 106 Guiot de Dijon, 132
Hautefort, 60, 111 Henry II. of England, 47, 59, 63 Henry III. of England, 104, 117
Innocent III., 76, 77 Inquisition, 80 Isabella of Angouleme, 117
Jaime I. of Aragon, 85 Jaufre, Roman de, 23
Languedoc, 3 Lemosin, 5 Lentino, Jacopo da, 82 Leys d'Amors, 16, 23, 33, 138 Limousin, 3, 4, 8, 123 Louis VII. of France, 60, 69 Louis VIII. of France, 89 Lyons, 5, 77
Malaspina, Marquis of, 100 Malmesbury, William of, 41 Manfred II., 100, 102 Mantua, 101 Marcabrun, 35, 43, 68, 85, 110, 135 Mareuil, Arnaut de, 50, 53 Marseilles, 5, 10 —— Barral of 71, 79 —— Folquet of, 10, 13, 72, 78, 91 Marie of Champagne, 130 Marvejols, Bernard Sicart de, 84, 117, 118 Mauleon, Savaric de, 135 Minnesingers, 128 Miraval, Raimon de, 39, 83 Montanhagol, Guillem de, 117 Montaudon, Monk of, 11, 69, 79, 113 —— Beatrice of, 97 Montpelier, Germonde de, 89 —— William VII. of, 51, 79 Muret 78, 114 Music, 26 ff.
Narbonne, 5, 59, 67 Navarre, 54, 110 —— Guillem de Tudela of, 120 Nesles, Blondel de, 131, 134 Nostradamus, 19 Novara, 102
Orange, William IV. of, 96
Partimen, 130 Pastorela, 33 Pegulhan, Aimeric de, 99, 107, 114, 138 Perdigon, 11 Pisa, 100 Planh, 30 Poitou, 4 Poitiers, 6, 8 —— William of, 6, 41, 65, 90 Portugal, Denis of, 124 Provence, 3 —— Beatrice of, 102 Puegsibot, Gausbert de, 14 Puy, 69
Raynouard, 19 Richard Coeur de Lion, 55, 58, 69, 72, 134 Riquier, Guiraut, 92, 118 Rogier, Peire, 66 Rovenhac, Bernart de, 118 Roussillon, 3 —— Girart de, 22 Rudel, Jaufre, 23, 44 Rudolf, Count of Neuenberg, 82
Savoy, 96 Serena, 33 Simon de Montfort, 78 Sirventes, 30, 135 Sordello, 96, 101, 116 Stanza, 24, ff.
Tenso, 21, 31, 130 Thibaut IV. of Champagne, 131 Tor, Guillem de la, 100 Toronet, 79 Toulouse, 5, 13, 78, 80, 84, 138 —— N'At de Mons of, 117 —— Peire Raimon of, 113 —— Raimon V. of, 49, 50, 60, 67, 111 —— Raimon VI. of, 78, 80, 114 Tripoli, Countess of, 44 Trobar clus, 34 Turin, 96
Ussel, Gui d', 14
Vaqueiras, Raimbaut de, 96, 100 Vaudois, 76 Venice, 100 Ventadour, 11 —— Bernart of, 11, 13, 46, 68, 128, 130, 133, 135 Verona, 96 Vers, 23 Vidal, Peire, 71, 95, 97, 100, 112, 115, 127, 138 Virgin Mary, 15, 91
Zorzi, Bartolomeo, 100, 118