6. The Second Departure from Venice (f. 4).
7. The Polos before Pope Gregory (f. 4 v.)
8. The two elder Polos before the Kaan presenting Book and Cross (f. 5).
9. The Polos demand conge (f. 6).
10. (Subject obscure) (f. 7).
11. Georgians, and Convent of St. Leonard (f. 8).
12. The Calif shut up in his Treasury (f. 9).
13. The Calif ordering Christians to move the Mountain (f. 10).
14. Miracle of the Mountain (God is seen pushing it) (f. 10 v.)
15. The three Kings en route (f. 11 v.).
16. " " " adoring the Fire (f. 12).
17. (Subject obscure—Travelling in Persia?) (f. 12 v.)
18. Cattle of Kerman (f. 13 v.).
19. Ship from India arriving at Hormus (f. 14 v.).
20. Travelling in a Wood, with Wild Beasts (f. 15 v.).
21. The Old Man's Paradise (f. 16 v.).
22. The Old Man administering the Potion (f. 17).
23. Hunting Porcupines in Badashan (f. 18).
24. Digging for Rubies in Badashan (f. 18).
25. Kashmir—the King maintaining Justice (i.e., seeing a Man's head cut off) (f. 19 v.).
26. Baptism of Chagatai (f. 20 v.).
27. People of Charchan in the Desert (f. 21 v.).
28. Idolaters of Tangut with Ram before Idol (f. 22 v.).
29. Funeral Festivities of Tangut (f. 23).
30. (Subject obscure) (f. 24).
31. Coronation of Chinghiz (f. 25 v.).
32. Chinghiz sends to Prester John (f. 26).
33. Death of Chinghiz (f. 27).
34. (Subject obscure) (f. 28).
35. Some of Pliny's Monsters (apropos de bottes) (f. 29 v.).
36. A Man herding White Cattle (?) (f. 30 v.).
37. Kublai hawking, with Cheeta en croupe (f. 31 v.).
38. Kaan on Elephant, in Battle with Nayan (f. 33).
39. Nayan with his wife surprised by the enemy (f. 34).
40. The Kaan's four Queens (f. 36).
41. The Kaan's Palace, with the Lake and Green Mount (f. 37).
42. The Kaan's Son's Palace (f. 38).
43. The Kaan's Banquet (f. 39).
44. " worship of Idols (f. 40).
45. The Kaan travelling in Horse-litter (f. 41).
46. " hunting (f. 42).
47. " in Elephant litter (f. 42 v.).
48. The White Feast (f. 44).
49. The Kaan gives Paper for Treasure (f. 45).
50. Couriers arrive before Kaan (f. 46 v.).
51. The Kaan transplants big Trees (f. 47 v.).
52. The Bridge Pulisangin (f. 49).
53. The Golden King as a Cow-herd (f. 50).
54. Trade on the Caramoran (f. 51).
55. The Girls of Tibet (f. 52 v.).
56. Fishing Pearls in Caindu (f. 54).
57. Dragons of Carajan (f. 55 v.).
58. Battle of Vochan (f. 58).
59. The Forests of Mien, Elephants in the Wood (f. 59).
60. " " and Unicorns, etc. (f. 59 v.).
61. Lion hunting in Coloman (f. 61).
62. Return from the Chase (f. 62 v.).
63. The Queen of Manzi surrenders (f. 64).
64. The City of Quinsai (f. 67).
65. The Receipt of Custom at Quinsai (f. 69).
66. Curiosities brought from India to Great Kaan (f. 71).
67. War with Chipangu (f. 72).
68. Scene at Sea (an Expedition to Chipangu?) (f. 73 v.).
69. Cannibals of Sumatra (f. 74 v.).
70. Cynocephali (rather Alopecocephali!) (f. 76 v.).
71. The folk of Ma'abar, without raiment (f. 78).
72. Idol worship of Indian girls (f. 80).
73. The Valley of Diamonds (f. 82).
74. Brahmin Merchants (f. 83).
75. Pepper gathering (f. 84).
76. Wild Beasts (f. 85).
77. City of Cambaia (f. 86 v.).
78. Male and Female Islands (f. 87).
79. Madagascar (f. 88).
80. Battle of the Abyssinian Kings (f. 89 v.)
81. City of the Ichthyophagi (f. 91).
82. Arab horses at Calatu (f. 92).
83. Wars of Caidu (f. 93 v.).
84. Prowess of Caidu's daughter (f. 95 v.).[1]
1. Frontispiece (f. 218).
2. The Kaan giving the Golden Tablet.
3. Presentation of Pope's Letter.
4. Taking of Baudas.
5. The Bishop before the Calif.
6. The Three Kings at Bethlehem.
7. White Oxen of Kerman.
8. Paradise of the Old Man.
9. River of Balashan.
10. City of Campichu.
11. Battle with Prester John.
12. Tartars and their Idols.
13. The Kaan in his Park at Chandu.
14. Idol Worship.
15. Battle with Nayan.
16. Death of the Rebels.
17. Kaan rewarding his Officers.
18. " at Table.
19. " hunting.
20. The Kaan and his Barons.
21. The Kaan's alms.
22. City of Kenjanfu.
23. " " Sindinfu.
24. People of Carajan.
25. The Couvade.
26. Gold and Silver Towers of Mien.
27. Funeral Customs.
28. The Great River Kian?
29. The Attack of Saianfu (with a Cannon, a Mangonel, and a Crossbow).
30. City of Quinsay.
31. Palace of Facfur.
32. Port of Zayton.
33. Cynocephali.
34. "
35. Idolaters of Little Java.
36. Pearl Divers.
37. Shrine of St. Thomas.
38. The Six Kings, subject to Abyssinia.
Part of the Frontispiece is engraved in vol. i. of the present work; the whole of the Frontispiece representing the Piazzetta reduced has been poorly reproduced in Mrs. Oliphant's The Makers of Venice. London, 1887, p. 134.
APPENDIX F.—List of MSS. of Marco Polo's Book so far as they are known.[3]
The MSS. marked thus '*' are spoken of after Personal Inspection by the Editor.
1 British Museum Library Harleian MSS., No. 5115 Latin.
Pipino's Version; with the work of Hayton the Armenian; Parchment; written about A.D. 1400, in a careful hand.—152 ff.—folio.
2 British Museum Library Arundel, XIII., Plut. 163 c. Latin.
Pipino's; followed by Odoric in same hand, but more carelessly written. Parchment. [4to; 51 fol.,14th century.—H. Cordier, Odoric de Pordenone, p. lxix.].
3 British Museum Library Bibl. Reg. XIV., c. 13.—Plut. 12 f. Latin.
Pipino's. A well-written folio [311 ff.] on parchment, containing Ranulf of Chester; Praefationes Historiographum; Gyraldus Camb. de Conq. Hyberniae; Libellus de Mirab. Sanctae Terrae; Odoric; Rubruquis; Polo; Verses of Master Michael of Cornwall; etc.—[H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. lxviii-lxix.].
4 British Museum Library Bib. Reg. XIX., D.I. French.
[Contains eight works: Le livre d'Alexandre; Jehan le Venelais, la Vengeance d'Alexandre; Marc Pol; Odoric; Ascelin, Mission chez les Tartares; le Directoire; Primat, Chronique des regnes de Louis IX. et de Philippe III.; Extraits de la Bible; Translation of Jean de Vignay. (See H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. cv.-cvi.; 14th century.)].
Paul Meyer, Doc. ms. de l'ancienne litt. de la France, 1871, pp. 69-80
5 British Museum Library Additional MSS., No. 19, 952 Plut. cxcii. B. Latin.
Paper, small 4to.—111 ff.
Appended, f. 85 et seqq., is a notice of Mahommed and the Koran: Incipit Noticia de Machometo et de Libro Legis Sarracenorum, etc. Appears to be the work of William of Tripoli. (See vol. i. p. 23.). Purchased of D. Henry Wolff, 12th August, 1854.
6 British Museum Library Sloane MSS., No. 251 Italian dialect.
Paper, small fol. 39 ff. A good deal abridged, and in a desperately difficult handwriting; but notable as being the only MS. besides the Geog. Text which contains the war of Toctai and Nogai at the end of the Book. It does not, however, contain the majority of the historical chapters forming our Book IV.
At the f. 39 v., is "Esplizzit Liber Milionis Ziuis Veneziani Questo libro scrissi Saluador Paxuti(?) del=1457 a viazo di Baruti [Patron Misser Cabual Volanesso, chapit. Misser Polo Barbarigo]." (The latter words [in part.—H.C.] from Marsden; being to me illegible).
7 British Museum Library Egerton, 2176 French.
Translated from the Latin version of Pipino.
Parchment, 103 folio, 4to. Illuminated Capital Letters. Purchased of R. Townley Nordman, 22nd June, 1872.
Yule, 2nd ed., II p. 517.
8 OXFORD. Bodleian, No. 264. French.
This is bound up with the celebrated Alexander MS. It is a beautiful work, embellished with thirty-eight miniatures, some of which are exquisite, e.g., the Frontispiece, a large piece of about 9-1/2 in., forming a sort of condensed view of the Field of Travel; a large part of it occupied by VENICE, of which our cut (The Piazzetta) in vol. i., p. 18, Introduction, is an extract. Another fine work (f. 220) represents the three Polos presenting the Pope's Letter to the Khan. The embroidered hands on the Khan's robe form an inscription, in which is legible "Johannes me facit." This Mr. Coxe attributes to John of Cologne, a known artist of the 14th century. He considers the MS. to be of about 1380. The Alexander is dated 1338, and its illuminations as finished in 1344 by Jehan de Gruse. [See supra, p. 528, note.]
A comparison of a good many readings, as well as of the point where the version breaks off, and the words: "Explicii la Livre nomme du Gerunt Gann de la Graunt Cite de Cambaluc, Dieux ayda Amien," indicate that this MS. is of the same type as Pauthier's C (No. 20 in this List) and the Bern. MS. (No 63).
The name given in the colophon as above has caused the work to be entered in the old Printed Catalogue under a wrong title. Hence the MS., as one of Marco Polo, has been overlooked.
[P. Meyer, Romania, XI., 1882, pp. 290-301. E. W.B. Nicholson; Personal.—H. C]
9 OXFORD Merton College, No. 312 Latin.
Pipino's; followed by Hayton, and Palladius de Agricultura.
Coxe, Catal. Codd. MSS. Oxen. Pt. I., p. 123.
10 CAMBRIDGE University Library, D. d. I. 17, No. 12 Latin.
The same folio contains Jacques de Vitry, Hayton, several works on Mahommedanism, among others that of William of Tripoli (vol. i. p. 23), Piers Plowman, etc., etc.
Catal. of MSS. in Lib. of Camb. University, I. 22.
11 CAMBRIDGE University Library, D. d. VIII. 7 Latin.
Fragment of Marci Pauli Veneti Historia Tartarorum (probably Pipino's)
Catal. of MSS. in Lib. of Camb. University, I. 22.
12 CAMBRIDGE Gonville and Caus College, No. 162 Latin.
Pipino's; with Odoric, and other works relating to Asia. [H. Cordier, Odoric, p. lxviii.]
Catal. of MSS. of Gonville and Caius Coll. Library, by Ref. J.J. Smith, 1849.
13 GLASGOW Hunterian Collection, S. 5. 7 Latin.
Pipino's Version, with illuminated initials, in a volume containing Guido Colonna's Hist. destruct. Trojae; De Gestis Alex. Magni; Turpinus de Gestis Caroli Magni; M.P.V.; Oderichus de Mirabilibus Tartariae. Parchment, 4to.
Note by Rev. Prof. W.P. Dickson, D.D.
14 GLASGOW Hunterian Collection Q. 6. 21 Latin.
Pipino's also with illuminated initials, and also followed by Odoric. Parchment, 4to.
Note by Rev. Prof. W.P. Dickson, D.D.
15 IRELAND Lismore Castle, and a transcript in Library of Royal Irish Academy, Dublin Irish.
See vol. i., Introduction, Irish Version, pp. 102-103.
Curry's Lectures, and special Note by Mr. J. Long, Dublin.
16 Dublin Trinity College, No. 632 Latin.
Marco Polo: Itinerarium (ff. 43), 4to; 15th century. In a collection of "Historical and Miscellaneous Treatises" comprising: Leges S. Edwardi per Will. Conq. confirmatae; De Fundatoribus Eccles. quarundam in Anglia, etc.
Cat. of the MSS. in the Lib. Trinity College, Dublin, ... by T.K. Abbott, 1900, p. 105.
17 PARIS Bib. nationale, No. 7367 (now Fr. 1116) French.
This is the most precious of all MSS. of Polo. It has been fully spoken of (vol. i., Int., The Old French Text) under the name of the Geographic Text or (G.T.), because it was printed by the Societe de Geographie in 1824. [See I, p. 83]
A large 4to of thick parchment; 112 ff.; very clearly though not very neatly written in Gothic text.—14th century.
A facsimile of this MS. has been made this year (1902) at Karlsruhe. (See App. H. p. 569.)
18 PARIS Bib. nationale, No. 8329 (now Fr. 2810) French.
"Ce Liure est des // Merueilles du Monde. Cest assavoir de la Terre // Saincte. Du Grant Kaan Empereur des tartars. // Et du pays Dynde. Le Quel // Liure Jehan Duc de Bourgoingne donna // a son oncle Jehan fils de Roy de // France duc de Berry et Dauviergne, Conte // de Poitou, Detampes. de Bouloingne. et Dauvergne. // Et contient le dit Liure six // Livres. Cest assavoir. Marc Pol. Frere Odric de lordre des // freres meneurs. Le Liure fait a la requeste du Cardinal Taleran de // Pierregort. L'Estat du Grant Kaan. Le Liure de Messire Guillaume // de Mandeville. Le Liure de Frere Jehan Hayton de lordre de premonstre. // Le Liure de Frere Bicul de lordre des freres Prescheurs //—Et sont en ce dit Liure Deux cens soixante six // hystoires."
Signed by N. Flamel.
Then follows.
1 deg. Marco Polo: "Cy apres commence le liure de Marc Paule des merveilles daise la grant et dinde la maiour et mineur Et des diuerses regions du monde."—Begins: "Pour sauoir la pure verite de diuerses regions du monde. Si prenez ce liure cy et le faictes lire. Si y trouuerez les grandismes merueilles qui y sont escriptes...."
Ends (Fol. 96 verso): "Et a tant fine messire marc pol son liure de la diuision du monde et des merueilles dicelluy."
Of the 266 histoires or miniatures in this splendid book, 84 belong to the story of Polo. We have given engravings of several of them. Its value is estimated in the catalogue of the Library of the Duc de Berry in 1416 (quoted by Pauthier) at 125 livres, equivalent (if parisis) to about 115l. This is Pauthier's MS. B. See vol. i., Int., Various Types of the Text.
Large folio on vellum.
[H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. cviii-cxiii.].
19 PARIS Bib. Nationale, No. 10260 (now Fr. 5631) French.
"Ci commencement les rebriches de cest Livre qui est appelez le Deuisement du Monde, lequel je Gringoires contrefais du Livre de Messire Marc Pol le meilleur citoien de Venisse creant Crist."
At the beginning of the Text is a coarse drawing of Kublai on his bretesche, carried by four elephants (vol. i., p. 337); and after the prologue another apparently representing the Princess Aijaruc wrestling with her wooer (vol. ii. p. 465).
This is Pauthier's MS. A. (vol. i, Int., Various Types of the Text), and also was in the Duc de Berry's Library, values at 6 livres 5 sols. [Second half of the 14th cent.].
20 PARIS Bib. nationale, No. 10,270 (now Fr. 5649) French.
This is Pauthier's MS. C. (See as before.) It is that which has the certificate about the original presented to the Seigneur de Cepoy; see Int., p. 69.
At the end is Bertran Pichart scripsit hoc. Small 4to, parchment, in a clear enough half-current hand; 134 ff.
Came from the library of the Archb. of Rheims. [Middle of the 15th century.]
21 PARIS Bib. nationale (675)? French.
I know nothing of this MS. except its readings of names given in the Table appended to the Geographic Text. It then belonged to the Comte d'Artois. Lazari has it entered as belonging to the Bibl. Imp., I know not if correctly. [I have been unable to find it in the Bibliotheque nationale.—H.C.]
See preceding column.
22 PARIS Bib. nationale, Fr. nonv. acq. 1880 French.
This is a copy of the time of King Louis XII., made apparently for Admiral Louis Malet de Graville, Governor of Honfleur, who died in 1516; it bears the arms of the Urfe family; it is at times modernized, but less is suppressed in it than in MSS. 5631 and 2810. The MS. ends: "Et sa auchuns disdaine qui a lui ..." about the middle of ch. cxcix of Pauthier's ed., p. 738, line 4. These are also the last words of the Stockholm MS. of which it is a copy.
Purchased in 1870.
L. Delisle, Bib. Ec. Chartes, xliii. p. 219.
23 PARIS Bib. de l'Arsenal, No. 5219 French.
Translated by Robert Frescher.—Fol. 1. "Prologue du present livre, V. p. 163. par maistre Robert Frescher, bacheloir forme en theologie translateur.—Berose, ainsi que Josephe nous a laisse par enscript, fut natif de la cite de Babilone...."—Fol. 9. Begins: "Pour scavoir la pure verite des diverses regions du monde, lises au faictes lire ce livre...." Incomplete; ends: "... Argon fui filz de Abaga mon frere, et sa aucun disoit que a luy." (See Pauthier's ed., p. 738.)
Parchment; ff. 168; end of the 15th or beginning of 16th century. From the libraries of Charles Adrien Picard and de Paulmy. With miniatures some of which are engraved in Moeurs, Usages of Costumes du Moyen Age, par les Bibliophile Jacob, pp. 411-413.
Cat. des MSS. de l'Arsenal, V. p. 163.
24 PARIS Bib. nationale, No. 3195 Latin.
This is the old Latin version, published by the Soc. de Geog., and which I have cited as Geographic Latin or G.L. (See vol. i., Int. Various Types of the Text.) [Contains: Petri Amphusi clericalis disciplina; Odoric; Marco Polo; Bernardi cujusdam ad Raymundum Castri Ambrosii epistola de modo rei familiaris utilius gubernandae. Cf. Cat. Cod. MSS. Bib. Reg. Pars tertia., t. iii. Paris, 1744, p. 385. Parchment, small fol., 15th century.—H. Cordier, Odoric, p. lxxxiii—H.C.].
Printed Text.—H. Cordier.
25 PARIS Bib. nationale, No. 1616 Latin.
Pipino's. [Paper; fol. cccvii et seqq.].
Table in the G.T.
26 PARIS Bib. nationale, No. 6244 A. Latin.
Pipino's. [Paper.]
Table in the G.T.
27 PARIS Bib. Nationale, Codd. Ital., No. 10,259 [now 434] Italian.
Paper, 4to, of 14th century. Seen, but not examined with any care, which I regret, as the readings suggest that it may have been that text from which Pipino translated [pp. 100.].
[Begins f. 2 recto: "Signori Imperadori Re e Duci e tutte altre gienti che uolete sapere le diuerse gienerationi delle gienti elle diuersita delle regioni del mondo leggiete que sto libro doue retrouerrete tutte le grandissime marauigle," etc.
Ends: "Explicit Liber de Milione per Messe Marcho Polo di Vinegia. Deo gratias."]
I Manoscritti Italiani ... della R. Bib. Parigina ... dal Ant. Marsana, 1835, 4to.
28 PARIS Former Library of Baron C. Walckenaer Latin.
A miscellaneous volume, containing an imperfect copy of Pipino's version. Present locality not known.
Table in the G.T.
29 LUXEMBURG City Library, No. 50 Latin.
Volume containing several works; and among them Marchi (Pauli) Veneti Liber Narrationum Morum, etc.
Paper; written 1448 by Tilman Pluntshe, "canonicus ecclesie SS. Chresanti et Darie monasterii Eyfflic."
Pertz, Archiv, viii. 594.
30 BRUSSELS Royal Library, No. 9309 French.
Derives from the Paris 5631 and 2810 and the Stockholm MS., 14th century.
G. Raynaud, Romania, xi. pp. 429-430.
31 VENICE St. Mark's Library, Cl. X. Codd. Lat. 72 Latin.
Formerly belonged to the Monastery of St. John's in Viridario at Padua, to which it was presented by John Marchanova, Doctor of Arts and Medicine, 1467. Paper, 4to. (It is mentioned by Marsden as at Padua, p. lv.)
32 VENICE St. Mark's Library, Cl. X. Codd. Lat. 128 Latin.
Another of Pipino's. Paper, 4to, of 15th century.
33 VENICE St. Mark's Library, Cl. VI. Codd. Ital., 56 Italian (Ven. dialect).
A rude translation of Pipino's version, written late in the 15th century
Also contains a translation of the same Pipino's Tract, De Locis Terrae Sanctae. Belonged to T.G. Farsetti. Paper, folio.
34 VENICE St. Mark's Library, Cl. VI. Codd. Ital., 208 Italian (Ven. dialect).
Corresponds to the Venetian edition of 1496, but even more inaccurate, with absurd interpolations.
The volume contains also Odoric, A. Ca' da Mosto, V. da Gama, Columbus, etc., being of the beginning of the 16th century.
Paper, 4to. Belonged to Morelli.
35 VENICE Museo Civico, Coll. Cicogna, No. 2389, now 2408. Latin.
+Paper, large 4to; belonged to Gian-Giuseppe Liruti, and after to E.A. Cicogna; contains also Odoric, published by G. Venni in 1761, and other matter.
This is the MS. noticed at vol. i. Int., Ramusio's Italian Version, p. 102, as containing several passages found in no other text except Ramusio's Italian. Written in 1401 by the Notary Philip, son of Pietro Muleto of Fodan (or Fogan?)[4] in Friuli, whilst studying Rhetoric at Padua.
*[H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. xci.-xcii.]
36 VENICE Library of Count Dona delle Rose Italian, with a Venetian tinge.
It begins: "Quegli che desiderano d'entendere le maraviglose chose del mondo de l'Asia de Armenia persia e tartaria dell indie et diverse parti del mondo legano questo libro et intenderano quello chel nobelle citadino Veneciano Miss. Marcho Polo," etc., and end: "Explicit liber Millionis civis Veneciarum. Expleto ad CCCCXLVI mensis setembris die vigesimo-octavo."
These extracts indicate that it belongs to the same type as the Sloane MS. No. 6, in our list.
Note by Comm. Nicolo Barozzi, Director of the Museo Civico at Venice.
37 FERRARA Public Library, No. 35n (336, N.B. 5) Italian, with a Venetian tinge.
Incipit prologus Libri qui vulgari hominum dictur "El Milione."
This looks as if it were not Pipino's.
Note by the Abate S.B. Mondino.
38 MILAN Ambrosian Library, M. 526, Sc. D. Latin.
Fragments extracted from Pipino's version inserted at end of 2nd part of the Cronica Libri Ymaginis Mundi of Fr. Jacopo d'Acqui. (Vol. i. Int., Captivity of M. Polo.)
Paper, folio. 14th century.
39 MODENA Este Library Latin.
Pipino's Parchment of 14th century. Muratori speaks of this. (Script. VII.) as "fortassis autographum."
Muratoni; and Prof. Bianconi, Degli Scritta di Marco Polo, etc.
40 FLORENCE Bib. Magliabecchiana (now Nationale), Cl. XIII., Plut. IV. c. 104 Italian (Tuscan).
The Crusca MS., of which an account has been given, vol. i. Int., Original Language of the Book.
Paper, folio, early in 14th century.
41 FLORENCE Bib. Magliabecchiana (now Nazionale), Cl. XIII., Plut. IV. c. 73 Itailian.
Many liberties taken with the text, and much abridged and disarranged. Thus, after the Prologue it proceeds: "Al nome di Dio io Marcho Polo Veneziano raccontero tutte le maravigliose chose ch'io trovai e vidi, etc. etc." It ends the chapter on Russia with the following impertinence: "E se volete sapere piu innanzi dimandatene un altro ch'io Marcho Polo non cercai piu avanti." The Khalif is called Largaliffe; Reobarles, Reubarbe, with a marginal note in an old hand, "Reubarbe citta di Persia, donde viene il reubarbero herba medicinale." Completed by Dolfo Spini, 16th July, 1425. Paper. Belonged to the Strozzi Collection.
42 FLORENCE Bib. Magliabecchiana (now Nazionale), Cl. XIII., Plut. IV., c. 61 Italian.
This corresponds to the Pucci MS. noted below (No. 47). It contains the colophon quoted at vol. i. Int., Some Estimate of Polo and his Book, p. 115, note.
Paper, folio, 1392, 100 ff. of which the first 40 contain Polo. Not well written.
Ex. Bibl. Gaddiana.
43 FLORENCE Bib. Magliabecchiana (now Naxionale), Cl. XIII., Plut. IV., c. 136 Italian.
Both beginning and end are missing. Slightly different from the Crusca.
14th century.
44 FLORENCE Riccardian Library Italian.
Ends with chapter on Russia. Followed by an extract of Mandevile and a valuable coll. of geographical documents of 15th century and beginning of 16th.
Paper 4to, 16th century.
45 FLORENCE Riccardian Library Latin.
Pipino's; but reaching only to Bk. III. ch. 31.
Paper, 14th century.
46 FLORENCE Riccardian Library, No. 1924. Italian (Ven. dialect).
Partial and defective transcript under the title of Itinerario di Levante.
G. Uzielli, Note.
47 FLORENCE Library of Pucci family Italian.
See remarks at vol. i. Int., Various Types of the Text. Completed 20th Nov. 1391.
48 FLORENCE Bib. Palatina (now united to Nazionale), Cod. 572 Italian.
The language differs slightly from that of the Crusca, and, where I have compared it, is less compressed. Ends with Rossia.
Paper, small 4to, 14th century.
Written somewhat roughly in a very old hand. Rustician is Messer Restazo da Pisa. The Grand Kaan gives the Polo's a "tovaglia d'Oro."
49 LUCCA Bib. governativa, Coll. (Lucchesini, Giacomo), No. 26 (now No. 296) Italian (Ven. dialect).
Corresponds to the corrupt Venice epitome published in 1496. Contains also Odorico.
[Ends:—"Complito el libro de le cosse mirabile vedute per lo nobile homo Messer Marcho Polo gientelomo de Venesia a di 12 de Marzo 1465 per mi Daniele da Verona in sul Ponte de' Berettiari al onore e laude dell' Omnipotente."
Paper, 4to, 75 ff.
H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. xcvi.-xcviii.]
50 SIENA Public Library, c. V 14 Italian.
This is a miscellaneous MS. which, among other things; contains a fragment of Polo, "Qui comicio ellibro di Missere Macho Polo da Vinegia de le cose maniglose che trovo p lo mondo," etc. It calls Rusticiano Missere Stacio da Pisa.—N.B.—Baldelli gives a very similar description of a fragment at Sienna, but under press mark A. IV. 8. I assume that it is the same that I saw.
51 ROME Vatican Library, Cod. 2207, Ottoboniano French.
A fragment, going no further than the chapter on Georgia, and ending thus: "Autre chose ne vous en scay dire parquoi je vous fois fin en ce livre; le nom de notre Seigneur soi benoist et de sa benoiste Mere. Amen. Loys de Luxembourg."
Parchment, 14 cent.
52 ROME Vatican Library, No. 2935 Latin.
An old Latin abridgment of Polo, entitled De Mirabilibus Mundi. The same volume contains a tract, De Mirabilibus Romae, to which also Polo's name is given.
Paper, 14th cent.
Baldelli-Boni and Lazari.
53 ROME Vatican Library, No. 3153 Latin.
Pipino's. Very neat and clean; apparently of 14th cent.
54 ROME Vatican Library, No. 5260 Latin.
Pipino's. Very clearly and regularly written. Apparently 15th cent.
55 ROME Barberini Library, XXXIV. 4 Latin.
A MS. volume, containing Ricold of Monte Croce; Tractatus divisionis et ambitus Orbis Terrarum, etc.; Liber de divisione Orbis Terrarum; Libellus de Mirabilibus Urbis Romae; and "Incipit de Morum et Gentium Varietatibus editus a Marcho Polo Veneto." It is very cramply written, much compressed, and has no division into books or chapters. Ends with "Roscia, provincia maxima." "Explicit libellus editus a Dno. Marcho Polo de Venetiis de diversis provinciis et gentibus mundi, et earum ritibus et moribus diversis et artibus."
Parchment, large thin 4to, 14th cent.
56 ROME Barberini Library, LVIII. 40 Italian (Venetian dial).
This is the fragment spoken of, vol. i. p. 101, note. It is a transcript made apparently in the 17th cent., from a MS. written in 1465.
57 ROME Barberini Library, No. 934 Italian.
I give this on Baldelli's authority. I did not see it on my visit to the Barberini.
58 ROME Corsini Library, No. 1111 Italian(?).
59 ROME Chigi Library, M. VI. 140 Italian.
Bears a note in the handwriting of Pope Alexander VII. (Fabio Chigi of Sienna, 1655-1667), which draws attention to Sienese peculiarities in the language, and assigns the date about 1420
Sm. 4to, paper
60 ESCURIAL Library Latin.
61 TOLEDO Cathedral Library. Latin.
Seems to be different from any of the other Latin versions. It has the prefatory address to Domini Imperatores, Reges, Duces, etc.
8vo, paper. Of 15th century.
62 TOLEDO Cathedral Library. Italian (Venetian).
This is a copy of the Soranzo MS., of which Marsden has given an ample notice after Apostolo Zeno, and which has disappeared from knowledge.
63 BERN Canton Library, No. 125 French.
I have examined this MS. minutely, and am satisfied that it is a copy of Pauthier's C. i.e., No. 20, in our List. Like that (and no other), it bears the certificate regarding the Seigneur de Cepoy. (Vol. i., Int., Notices of Marco in later life.) The MS. is fully described in Sinner's Catalogue. It is in very beautiful condition, very clearly written on parchment, with all the initials filled up in gold and colours, and with numerous flowered scrolls.
It belonged to Bongars, whose autograph is on it: "Bongars—l'a de la courtoisie de Mr. de Superville."
[Parchment, fol., ff. 286, 14th century.—H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. cxiv.-cxv.]
64 BERN Canton Library Italian (Venetian).
In a neat running hand resembling italic type. It is much abridged, especially in the latter part.
Small Paper 4to. It is inscribed: "Bongars, de la courtoisie de Mr. Aurel, tire de la biblioteque de Mr. de Vutron(?)."
65 VEVEY City Museum French.
[A double sheet; parchment, and of 14th century. Fragment: 1st sheet, end of chap. 121 and greater part of chap. 122; 2nd sheet, end of chap. 134, chaps. 135, 136, 137, and beginning of chap. 138 of Pauthier's ed. Very similar to the text of the Stockholm MS. Our No. 84.—H.C.]
Earnest Muret, Romania, t. xxx. 1901.
66 MUNICH Royal Library, Codd. Lat. 249 Latin.
Folio, paper, 15th century
Also Pipino's tract, De Locis Terrae Sctae., and Boccacio's De Casibus Virorum Illustrium.
67 MUNICH Royal Library, Codd. Lat. 850 Latin.
Paper, 4to, 15th cent.
Also Pipino's tract, De Locis Terrae Sctae., etc.
68 MUNICH Royal Library? Latin.
Excerpia de ejus Historia, principaliter Orientalis
Private Memo.
69 MUNICH Royal Library? Latin.
Narrationes ex ejus libro de partitus transmarinis
Private Memo.
70 MUNICH Royal Library, Cod. Germ. 696 German.
The version published at Nuremberg in 1477.
Paper, 4to. [See Bibliography, p. 554.]
71 MUNICH Royal Library, 252 German.
72 MUNICH ? German.
The whole.
Private Memo.
73 MUNICH ? German.
Translated for Duke William of Bavaria, 1582.
Private Memo.
74 WOLFENBUETTEL Ducal Library, No. 40, Weissemburg Latin.
[Contains: Polo (Pipino's version) f. 1-57 verso; Odoric; Ricold; Boldensel.—Ricold was published by Mr. J.C. Laurent: Peregrinatores Medii Aevi Quatnor. Lipsiae, 1864. Paper, 15th cent., fol., ff. 110.]
H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. lxxiv.-lxxv.
75 WOLFENBUETTEL Ducal Library, No. 41, Weissemburg Latin.
[Contains: Ciceronis orationes in Verrem, Chronicon Flandriae; R. Bacon, de regionibus ad papam Clementem; Marco Polo, ff. 122-160 verso; Ricold; Jacques de Vitry; Odoric; Plano Carpini.
Paper 15th cent, fol., ff. 253.]
H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. lxxv.-vi.
76 BERLIN Royal Library Latin.
Pipino's. Also contains Mappa-Mundi, Expositio Libri Mateorum, etc. I believe this is the Codex Brandenburgensis collated by Andreas Mueller in his edition (1671).
Private Memo.
77 BERLIN Royal Library German.
A modern MS., said to be a copy of the Wiener MS.(?).
Private Memo.
78 WUERZBURG Royal Library Latin.
Marcus Paulus de Mirabilibus Mundi. Paper.
Pertz, Archiv., viii, 100.
79 GIESSEN University Library, No. 218 Latin.
M. Paulus de Venetiis de Regionibus Orientis (with other matter), probably Pipino's.
Paper, folio, 15th cent.
I know not if it is a second, which is cited by Mr. Major (Notes on Russia) from Catalogus Codd. MSS. Academ. Gissenses, by J. V. Adrian, Frankfort, 1840, as bound up with Eusebius and entitled M. P. de Ven. de condit. et consuet. Orient. Regionum.
Pertz, Archiv., ix, 576.
80 JENA University Library Latin.
Pipino's. Followed by H. of Alexander
Pertz, Archiv., viii, 698.
81 MENTZ Metropolican Chapter, No. 52 Latin.
Pipino's. A collection containing in Latin, besides Polo, Odoric, Ricold, and Boldensel. [H. Cordier, Odoric, pp. lxxii.-iv.]
V. F. de Gudenus, Sylloge I. Variorum Diplomatariorum, etc., Frankf. 1728, p. 381.
82 PRAGUE Chapter of St. Vitus Latin.
Pertz, Archiv., ix. 474
83 VIENNA — German?
There appears to be a MS. at Vienna; for above I have registered (No. 77) one at Berlin, which is called a copy of the Vienna MS., but I have not been able to get any particulars regarding it.
84 STOCKHOLM Royal Library, French, No. 37 French.
This MS., published in facsimile by Baron A.E. Nordenskioeld, belongs to the "Cepoy" type of MSS. Yule wrote in The Athenaeum (17th June, 1882): "I gather that it has been produced by partial abridgement from one of the earlier MSS. of the type in question." And again (p. 766): "It will be seen that though the publication is a beautiful example of facsimile, it contributes, as far as I have been able to examine it, nothing to the amelioration or elucidation of the text or narrative."
The changes and suppressions are much less considerable than in the Paris MSS., 5631 and 2810. Cf L. Delisle, Bib. de l'Ecole des Chartres, XLIII., 1882, pp. 226-235, 424.
It is incomplete, and ends: "Et se aucuns disoit qui a lui."—Cf. Paris MS., 1880. [Our No. 22]
It belonged to the Library of the French King, Charles V. (1364-1380), and later, as marked on the recto of the last folio, "Pour Symon du Solier demorant a Honnefleu," who was "procureur-syndic des manants et habitants de la ville de Honfleur."
H. Cordier.
85 STOCKHOLM Royal Library, French, No. 38 French.
Translated from the Latin version.
G. Raymond, Romania, XI.
[1] + This MS. Fr. 2810 (formerly 8392), known as the Livre des Merveilles, belonged to the Library of John, Duke of Berry, at the Chateau of Mehun-sur-Yevre, 1416, No. 116 of the catalogue; also No. 196, p. 186, of Le Cabinet des Manuscrits de la Bibl. Nationale, par. L. Delisle, III. Count A. de Bastard began publishing some of the miniatures, but did not finish the work. Of the miniatures, Nos. 1, 12, 19, 35, 41, 37, 45, 47, 52, 56, 57, 60, 66, 70, 75, 78, 81 are engraved, pp. 258, 273, 282, 310, 316, 317, 328, 332, 340, 348, 350, 354, 381, 392, 406, 411, 417 in Charton's Voyageurs du Moyen Age, vol. ii., besides two others, pp. 305, 395, not identified; [in my edition of Odoric, I reproduced Nos. 33, 41, 70, pp. 439, 377, 207.—H.C.]; in the present work, Nos 5, 31, 41, 52, 70 are engraved, vol. i. pp. 15, 244, 369; Nos. 52, 70, vol. ii. pp. 5, 311. Nos. 60 and 75 have been reproduced, pp. 97 and 98 of Faguet's Hist. de la Litterature Francaise, 2nd ed., Paris, 1900.
[2] [Mr. E.W.B. Nicholson, who thought at first that this MS. was written at the end of the 14th century, in his Introduction to Early Bodleian Music, by J.F.R. Stainer and C. Stainer, London, 1901, has come to the conclusion (p. xviii.) that it belongs to the first half of the 15th century. I agree with him. Mr. Nicholson thinks that the writing is English, and that the miniatures are by a Flemish artist; Mr. Holmes, the King's Librarian, believes that both writing and miniatures are English. This MS. came into the Bodleian Library between 1598 and 1605, and was probably given by Sir Thomas Bodley himself.—H.C.]
[3] [This List was printed in vol. ii. pp. 449-462 of the first edition of the Book, but was omitted in the second edition. My own experience has shown me the usefulness of this table, which contains 85 MSS. instead of 75, and some additional particulars.—H.C.]
[4] [Ser petri de Faganea (Fagagna, in Friuli).—H.C.]
APPENDIX G.—Diagram showing Filiation of Chief MSS. and Editions of Marco Polo.
N.B.—Such MSS. as are not enclosed in Cartouches are hypothetical, or not known now to exist, but are recognized or demonstrable as links in the series. Nos. refer to List of MSS. in App. F. Printed Editions are in small capitals.
MARCO POLO dictates at Genoa, 1298 - Rude French MS. (No. 17), undivided. Italian Printed 1824 by - (undivided). Soc. de Geog. - A few notes Italian by M. Polo. divided in - 3 Books. Italian Crusca MS. - Latin, Cicogna's (No. 40). Latin (MS. No 24) MS. (No. 35). Undivided. Printed 1824 by Abridged, but Soc. de Geog. with new matter. - 3 Books. - - Venetian Latin of (type of - Pipino, Sloane MS.) in 3 Books. Supplementary (No. 6.) - Notes by M. Polo. Italian or PORTUGUESE - RAMUSIO'S - - PRINTED Revised French GRYNAEUS'S ITALIAN, - made for Marco LATIN, 1559. Polo before 1532. - 1307. - French Copy - given to T. FRENCH MARSDEN'S de Cepoy, PRINTED ENGLISH, 1307. EDITIONS, 1818. OF 1556, &c. - French French MSS. MS. C, A & B Bern, and (Nos. 19 Bodleian & 18). (Nos. 20, 63, & 8). - PAUTHIER'S FRENCH, 1865.
APPENDIX H.—Bibliography of Marco Polo's Book.
We attempt a list of all the editions of Polo; a task for which Sir Henry Yule had no advantages, and which will be found well done for the time in Lazari's Appendix, based on Marsden. It may be also useful to mention the chief Editions, with their dates.
1477. The first Printed Edition is in German. We give a reduced Facsimile of its Frontispiece.
1481. A reproduction of the preceding at Augsburg, in the same volume with the History of Duke Leopold and his Son William of Austria.
About 1490. Pipino's Latin; the only printed edition of that version. Without place, date, or printer's name.
1496. Edition in Venetian Dialect, printed by J.H. da Sessa.
1500. The preceding reproduced at Brescia (often afterwards in Italy).
1502. Portuguese version from Pipino, along with the Travels of Nicolo Conti. Printed at Lisbon by Valentym Fernandez Alemaao (see vol. ii. of this work). Stated to have been translated from the MS. presented by Venice to Prince Pedro (vol. i.)
1503. Spanish version by Rodrigo de Santaella. Sevilla.
1529. Ditto. Reprinted at Logrono.
1532. Novus Orbis-Basileae. (See vol. i.)
1556. French version from the Novus Orbis.
1559. Ramusio's 2nd volume, containing his version of Polo, of which we have spoken amply.
1579. First English Version, made by John Frampton, according to Marsden, from the Spanish version of Seville or Logrono.
1625. Purchas's Pilgrims, vol. iii. contains a very loose translation from Ramusio.
1664. Dutch Version, from the Novus Orbis. Amsterdam.
1671. Andreas Mueller of Greiffenhagen reprints the Latin of the Novus Orbis, with a collation of readings from the Pipino MS. at Berlin; and with it the book of Hayton, and a disquisition De Chataia. The Editor appears to have been an enthusiast in his subject, but he selected his text very injudiciously. (See vol. i.)
1735. Bergeron's interesting collection of Mediaeval Travels in Asia, published in French at the Hague. The Polo is a translation from Mueller, and hence is (as we have already indicated) at 6th hand.
1747. In Astley's Collection, IV. 580 seqq., there is an abstract of Polo's book, with brief notes, which are extremely acute, though written in a vulgar tone, too characteristic of the time.
1818. Marsden's famous English Edition.
1824. The Publication of the most valuable MS. and most genuine form of the text, by the Soc. de Geographie of Paris. (See vol. i.) It also contains the Latin Text (No. 24 in our list of MSS. App. F.).
1827. Baldelli-Boni published the Crusca MS. (No. 40), and republished the Ramusian Version, with numerous notes, and interesting dissertations. The 2 volumes are cumbered with 2 volumes more containing, as a Preliminary, a History of the Mutual Relations of Europe and Asia, which probably no man ever read. Florence.
1844. Hugh Murray's Edition. It is, like the present one, eclectic as regards the text, but the Editor has taken large liberties with the arrangement of the Book.
1845. Buerck's German Version, Leipzig. It is translated from Ramusio, with copious notes, chiefly derived from Marsden and Ritter. There are some notes at the end added by the late Karl Friedrich Neumann, but as a whole these are disappointing.
1847. Lazari's Italian edition was prepared at the expense of the late Senator T. Pasini, in commemoration of the meeting of the Italian Scientific Congress at Venice in that year, to the members of which it was presented. It is a creditable work, but too hastily got up.
1854. Mr. T. Wright prepared an edition for Bohn's Antiq. Library. The notes are in the main (and professedly) abridged from Marsden's, whose text is generally followed, but with the addition of the historical chapters, and a few other modifications from the Geographic Text.
1854-57. Voyageurs Anciens et Modernes, &c. Par M. Ed. Charion. Paris. An interesting and creditable popular work. Vol. ii. contains Marco Polo, with many illustrations, including copies from miniatures in the Livre des Merveilles. (See list in App. F. p. 528.)
1863. Signor Adolfo Bartoli reprinted the Crusca MS. from the original, making a careful comparison with the Geographic Text. He has prefixed a valuable and accurate Essay on Marco Polo and the Literary History of his Book, by which I have profited.
1865. M. Pauthier's learned edition.
1871. First edition of the present work.
1873. First publication of Marco Polo in Russian.
1875. Second edition of this work.
1882. Facsimile of the French Stockholm MS. by Baron A.E. Nordenskioeld.
1.—1. Nuremberg ... 1477.
The first translation of Marco Polo's Book was printed in German, at Nuremberg, in 1477.
Collation: 58 ff. folio without pagination and without signatures.
Verso f. 1: Frontispiece: Portrait of Marco Polo with this inscription round the border: [Top] Das ist der edel Ritter. Marcho polo von [right] Venedig der grost landtfarer der vns beschreibt die grossen wunder der welt [Foot] die er selber gesehenn hat. Von dem auffgang [left] pis zu dem nydergag der sunne. der gleyche vor nicht meer gehort seyn. [See p. 555.]
Recto f. 2, begins:
Hie hebt sich an das puch des edeln Ritters vn landtfarers Marcho polo. In dem er schreibt die grossen wunderlichen ding dieser welt. Sunderlichen von den grossen kunigen vnd keysern die da herschen in den selbigen landen vnd von irem volck vnd seiner gewonheit da selbs.
Verso f. 58: Hie endet sich das puch des edeln Ritters und landtfarerz Marcho polo das do sagt vo mangerley wunder der landt vn lewt vn wie er die selbigen gesehen vn durch faren hat von de auffgang pisz zu dem nydergang der sune Seliglich.
Disz hat gedruckt Fricz Creiszner zu Nurmberg Nach cristi gepurdt Tausent vierhundert vn im siben vn sibenczigte iar.
The copy which I have examined is in the Grenville Library, No. 6787. (Vide Bib. Grenvilliana, Part II. p. 305.) When Marsden edited his Marco Polo, Grenville did not possess this edition. The only known copy was in the Vienna Imperial Library, but was without the portrait. Grenville had made a transcript spoken of by Marsden, pp. lxx.-lxxi., which we describe infra. "When Mr. Marsden," says Grenville in a MS. note at the beginning of this fine volume, "published his translation of this work, the only known copy of this first German Edition was in the Imperial Library at Vienna, and I had a literal transcript made from it: Since that time a second copy was found and sold by Payne and Foss to Lord Spencer: and now I have purchased from Leipsick a third [the present] beautiful copy. I know of no fourth copy. The copy at Vienna wants the portrait."
Vide Bib. Spenceriana, vol. vi. p. 176.
Other copies are to be found at the Imperial Library, Vienna, the Royal Library, Berlin, the Germanisches Museum, Nuremberg; a sixth copy was in the Crawford Collection (London, June, 1887, 1359) with the portrait, and was purchased by B. Quaritch. [See H. Cordier, Cent. of Marco Polo, p. 41.]
—The copy we just spoke of has No. LII. in the Grenville collection, British Museum; it is a folio of 114 pages numbered with a pencil; bound with the arms of the Rt. Honble. Thos. Grenville. Page 114, the exactness of this copy is thus certified: "Apographum collatum cum prototypo, quod in Bibliotheca Palatina Vindobonensi adservatur. Illo quidem, qui descripsit, recitante ex prototypo, me vero hoc apographum inspectante. Respondet pagina paginae, versui versus & syllaba syllabae. Vindobonae die 29. Augusti 1817. B. Kopitar, Biblioth. Palatinae Vindobon. scriptor."
With this manuscript is bound a letter addressed to Mr. Grenville by the Chevalier Scotti, who had the copy made; it is dated "Vienne 20 nmbre 1817," and ends with this post-scriptum: "N.B. Comme cette Edition fort peu connue du 477. est une edition non seulement precieuse, mais a la verite fort rare aussi, elle avoit ete prise par les Francois et portee a Paris la derniere fois qu'ils ont ete a Vienne. Elle y a ete rendue avec tout le reste qu'on avoit emporte a la suite des heureux succes des Coilises, auxquels L'immortel Wellington a tant contribue en y mettant la derniere couronne dont les lauriers resteront a jamais infletrissables."
2.—2. Augsburg ... 1481.
—The second German edition of Marco Polo has been reprinted at Augsburg in 1481; it is as scarce as the first edition; I have examined the copy in the Imperial Library at St. Petersburg.
Collation: 60 ff. folio, without pagination nor signatures.
Recto f. 1: End of the story of William of Austria, after which is printed Marco Polo.
Verso f. 1: Frontispiece: Portrait of Marco Polo coloured with this inscription round the border: [Top] Das ist der edel ritter Marcho polo von Venedig. [right] der grost landfarer der vas beschreibt die grossen wunder der welt die er selber gese [foot] he:n hat. Von dem auffgang biss zu dem nidergang der [left] sunnen der geleich vor nit meer gehort seind.
Recto f. 2, begins:
Hie hept sich an das buch des edle ritters vn landtfarers Marcho polo, in dem er schreibt die grossen wunderlichen ding diser welt. sunderlichen vo den grossen kuenigen vnd keisern die da herschen in den selbigen landen vnd von jrem volck vnnd seiner gewonheyt da selbs.
Recto f. 60: Hie enndet sich herczog Wilhalm von oesterreich vn das buch des edeln ritters vn landtfarers Marcho polo das da sagt von mengerley wunder der land vnd leuet. vnd wie er die selbige gesehen vn durch faren hat von dem auffgang biss zu dem nydergang d'sunnen Seligklich. Diss hat gedruckt Anthonius Sorg zu Augspurg Nach xpi gepurt tausent vier hundert vnd jm lxxxj. jare.
No. fig. in the text.
3.—3. Die New Welt der landschaften vnnd Insulen ... gedruckt zu Strassburg durch Georgen Vlricher ... An. M.D.XXXIIII, folio.
Ff. 103-133; Marr Paulen des Venedigers Erst Buch von den Morgenlandern. Ff. 134-152: Haithon des Armeniers Premonstratensis ordens von den Tartern.
Translated from the Novus Orbis Regionvm.—See 11-12.
4.—4.* M. Polus. Reise in die Tartarey und zum Grossen Chan von Chatai, uebersetzt. v. H. Megisser. Altenburg, 1609, 8vo.
H. Ternaux-Compans, Bibliotheque asiatique et africaine, No. 1031.—[Notwithstanding all my researches, I could not find this edition in any private or public library in Germany.—H.C.]
5. 5. Chorographia Tartariae: Oder Warhafftige Beschreibung der vberaus wunderbahrlichen Reise welche der Edle vnd weit erfahrne Venedigi sche GENTILHUOMO MARCUS POLUS, mit dem zunahmen MILLION, noch vor vierthalb hundert Jah= ren in die Oriental vnd Morgenlander Sonderlich aber in die Tartarey zu dem grossen Can von Cathai zu Land vnd Wasser Persoenlich verrichtet: Darinnen ausfuehrlich vnd vmbstaend= lich erzehlet werden viel zuvor vnbekandte Landschaff= ten Koenigreich vnd Staedt sampt dero Sitten vnd Gebraeuchen vnd andern seltzamen Sachen: Die Er als der erste Erfinder der newen Welt gegen Orient oder den Ost Indien gesehen vnd erfahren. In drey vnterschiedliche Buecher abge= [t]heilet: sampt einem Discurs Herrn Johan Bapti= stae Rhamnusij der Herrschafft zu Vene= dig geheimen Secretarij von dem Leben des Autoris. Alles aus dem Original so in Italianischer Sprach beschrieben treulich vnd mit fleis ver= teutschet auch mit Kupfferstuecken geziehret durch HIERONYMUM MEGISERUM. Anno M. DC. XI. Leipzig in vorlegung Henning Grossen des Juengern. Small 8vo. pp. 354 (last page numbered by mistake 351) + 36 prel. ff. for the tit., preface, etc., and 7 ff. at the end for the table.
Plates.—See p. 350: Alphabetum Tartaricum, et Oratio Dominica Tartarice.
6.—6. Die Reisen des Marco Polo, oder Marcus Paulus, eines Venetianers, in die Tartarey, im Jahre 1272. (Allgemeine Historie der Reisen, Leipzig, 1750, VII, pp. 423 et seq.)
7. 7. Marco Paolo's Reise in den Orient waehrend der Jahre 1272 bis 1295. Nach den vorzueglichsten Original=Ausgaben verdeutscht, und mit einem Kommentar begleitet von Felix Peregrin. Ronneburg und Leipzig, bei August Schumann, 1802, 8vo., pp. vi-248.
P. 248: Eisenberg, gedruckt bei Johann Wilhelm Schoene.
8.—8. Die Reisen des Venezianers Marco Polo im dreizehnten Jahrhundert.— Zum ersten Male vollstaendig nach den besten Ausgaben Deutsch mit einem Kommentar von August Buerck.-Nebst Zusaetzen und Verbesserungen von Karl Friedrich Neumann. Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1845, 8vo, pp. xvi-631.
—Di un frammento inedito di Marco Foscarini intorno ai Viaggiatori Veneziani e di una nuova traduzione in tedesco dei Viaggi di Marco Polo. [By Tommaso Gar] (Archivio Storico Italiano, Appendice, T. IV, Firenze, 1847, pp. 89 et seq.)
9.—9. Die Reisen des Venezianers Marco Polo im dreizehnten Jahrhundert.— Zum ersten Male vollstaendig nach den besten Ausgaben Deutsch mit einem Kommentar von August Buerck. Nebst Zusaetzen und Verbesserungen von Karl Friedrich Neumann. Zweite unveraenderte Ausgabe.—Leipzig, Druck und Verlag von B.G. Teubner, 1855, 8vo, pp. xvi-631.
10.—1. Commence; In nomine dni nri ihu xpi filij dei viui et veri amen. Incipit plogus i libro dni marci pauli de venecijs de cosuetudinibus et codicionibus orientaliu regionu.
Then the declaration of "Frater franciscus pepur. de bononia frm pdicatoru" who translated the work from the vulgar language into Latin.
End p. 147: Explicit liber dni marci de venecijs Deo gracias.
Collation: 74 f. or 148 pages; the last is blank, 4to, no title, no pagination; signatures p. 1, a. 1 = p. 141, k. 3 (a-h, par 8; i, by 4; k, by 6); maximum 33 lines by page; [1485?].
It is interesting to note that Christopher Columbus had a copy of this edition of Marco Polo, now kept in the Colombina at Seville. The margins of the following folios contain the autograph notes of the great navigator:
9 v. 31 r. & v. 46 v. 55 r. & v. 66 r. & v. 13 v. 36 v. 47 r. & v. 57 r. & v. 67 r. & v. 15 r. & v. 38 v. 48 r. & v. 59 r. & v. 68 r. & v. 17 v. 39 r. 49 r. & v. 60 r. & v. 69 r. & v. 18 r. & v. 40 r. & v. 50 r. & v. 61 r. & v. 70 r. & v. 19 r. 41 r. 51 r. & v. 62 r. & v. 71 r. & v. 23 r. & v. 42 r. & v. 52 r. & v. 63 r. 72 r. & v. 24 r. & v. 43 r. & v. 53 r. & v. 64 v. 73 r. & v. 25 r. 44 r. & v. 54 r. 65 r. & v. 74 r.
Cf. Simon de la Rosa y Lopez, pp. XXIII, XLIII-XLIV of vol. II, Sevilla, 1891, 4to: Biblioteca Colombina.—Catalogo de sus libros impresos publicado por primera vez en virtud de acuerdo del Excmo. e Ilmo. Sr. Dean y Cabildo de la Santa Metropolitana y Patriarcal Iglesia de Sevilla bajo la immediata direccion de su Bibliotecario el Ilmo. Sr. Dr. D. Servando Arbolf y Faraudo Dignidad de Capellan Mayor de San Fernando.—See also H. Harrisse, Bibl. americana vetustissima.—Additions, p. XII.
"Edition fort rare, dit Brunet, et la plus ancienne que l'on ait de cette version latine de Marco Polo, faite par Pipino, vers 1320. Elle est imprimee avec les memes caracteres, que l'Itinerarium de Joan. de Mandeville, c'est-a-dire par Gerard de Leeu, a Anvers, vers 1485, et non pas a Rome et a Venise, comme on l'avait suppose. Vend. 4 liv. 14 sh. 6d. Hanrott; 7 liv. Libri en 1859. (Choicer portion, 1562.)" Brunet writes elsewhere (cf. Mandeville par H. Cordier) about Mandeville from the same press: "...La souscription que nous allons rapporter semble prouver qu'elle a ete imprimee a Venise; cependant Panzer, IX, 200, la croit sortie des presses de Theodoric Martin, a Aloste, et M. Grenville en trouvait les caracteres conformes a ceux que Gerard Leeu a employes a Anvers, de 1484-1485. M. Campbell (Ann. de la typ. neerlandaise) la donne a Gerard Leeu, et fixe la date de l'impression a la premiere annee du sejour de ce typographe a Anvers, apres son depart de Gouda."
It is certain from the use of the signatures a, aa, a, and the similitude of the type of the three works, that the Mandeville, the Ludolphe, and the Marco Polo come from the same printing office, and have been printed together as it seems to be proved by the copy of the Sunderland Library, which was complete and contained the three works.
Lazari, p. 460, writes: "Jo. de Mandeville itineraria: Dom. Ludolph. de itinere ad Terrain Sanctam: M. Paul. Venet. de regionibus orientalibus. Liber rariss. Zwollis, 1483, in-4.
"Leggiamo questa nota nell' opera Bibliotheca Beauclerkiana or Sale catalogue of the books of Topham Beauclerk's Library, London, 1781, P. II., p. 15, n. 430. Marsden pero ritiene celarsi sotto quell'erronea indicazione la seguente prima edizione [s.a., 4to] latina de' viaggi di M. Polo. Fgli istitui molte ricerche per rinvenire in Inghilterra quell' esemplare, ma non gli e stato possibile di averne traccia."
11.—2. Marci Pavli Veneti, de Regionibvs orientalibvs Libri III. (Novus Orbis Regionum).
Editions of 1532, 1537, 1555.—See 3-3.
12. 3. Marci Pavli Veneti Itinerarivm, seu de rebus Orientalibus Libri tres. Helmaestadii, M.D. LXXXV, 4to.
Part of the Collection of Reineccius:
Reineri Reinecii Polyhistoris clarissimi Historia O rientalis: Hoc est Rerum in oriente a Christianis, Saracenis, Tur- cis & Tartaris gestarum diuersorum Auctorum. Totum opus in duas partes tribulum est, contenta in singulis sequens pagina indicat. Helmaestadii, Typis Iacobi Lucij, impensis heredum Ludolphi Brandes. Anno 1602, 4to.
Verso of the title:
Primus Tomus continet:
Chronicon Hierosolomytanum, cum appen- dice Reineri Reineccij & Chronologia Henr. Meibomij.
In Altero sunt:
Vita Henrici VII. Imp. auctore Conrado Vec- erio.
Vita Caroli IIII. Imp. ab ipso Carolo con- scripta.
—Historia Orientalis Haythoni Armenij.
—Pauli Veneti Itinerarium.
Fragmentum de reb. orientalibus ex Speculo Historiali Vincentij Beluacensis.
Appendix ad Expositiones Haythoni auctore Rein. Reineccio.
The colophon at the end of the first part has the date of 1584; at the end of the second part, 1585.
—This Marco Polo was reprinted according to Lazari, p. 465, in 1602.
13. 4. MARCI PAULI VENETI, Historici fidelissimi juxta ac praestantissimi, de REGIONIBUS orientalibus libri III. Cum Codice Manuscripto Biblio- thecae Electoralis Brandenburgicae collati, exq'; eo adjectis Notis plurimum turn suppleti tum illustrati. Accedit, propter cognationem materiae, HAITHONI ARMENI HISTORIA orientalis: quae & de Tartaris inscribitur; Itemque ANDREAE MULLERI, Greiffenhagii, de CHATAJA, cujus praedictorum Auctorum uter- que mentionem facit, DISQUISITIO; inque ipsum Marcum Paulum Venetum PRAEFATIO, & locupletissimi INDICES. Coloniae Brandenburgicae, Ex Officina Georgii Schulzii, Typogr. Elect. Anno M. DC. LXXI. 4to.
Engraved frontispiece.
Dedicatory Epistle, 3 ff. not numbered.
Andreae MUELLERI Greiffenhagii, in Marci Pauli Veneti Chorographiam, Praefatio pp. 26.
Doctorum Virorum De hoc Marci Pauli Veneti Opere Testimonia, ac Judicia ... (Franciscus Pipinus, etc.) 8 ff. n. ch.
MARCI PAULI Veneti De Regionibus orientalibus Libri III, pp. 167.
Index primus Historicus, Sive alphabetica Recensio omnium eorum, quae Autor passim observavit, atque alias memoranda reliquit, 22 ff. not numbered.
Index secundus Chronographicus, qui Annos & cujuslibet anni NOTABILIA (quae quidem Autor designavit) continet, 1 page.
Index tertius Itineraries, Ubi Loca recensentur, quae auctor pertransiit, & Distanstantiae Locorum, quas ipse annotavit, 2 ff. not numbered.
Index quartus Glossarius, Estque vocum exoticarum, quas Autor ipse interpretatus est, 1 half p.
Emendanda in Marco Paulo Veneto, quaeq; ad hunc pertinent: aut ad eadem Addenda, 1 f. not numbered.
HAITHONI Armeni Historia ori- entalis: Qvae eadem & De Tartaris inscribitur. Anno CIC. ICC. LXXI, 2 ff. not numbered + pp. 107.
[Errata] 2 pp. not numbered.
Index, 7 pp. not numbered.
Andreae MUELLERI, Greiffenhagii, DISQUISITIO Geographica & Historica, De CHATAJA, In Qua I. Praecipue Geographorum nobilis illa Controversia: Quaenam CHATAJA sit, & an sit idem ille terrarum tractus, quem Sinas, & vul- go Chinam vocant, aut pars ejus aliqua? latissime tractatur; 2. Eadem vero opera pleraque rerum, quae unquam de Chataja, deque Sinis memorabilia fuerunt, atque etiam nunc sunt, compendiose enarrantur. Ecclesiastae I. v. 15. : [Hebrew] Senec. de Beneficiis VI. I. Etiam quod discere supervacuum est prodest cognoscere. Berolini, Typis Rungianis. Anno M. DC. LXX, 2 ff. not numbered + pp. 115 on 2 col.
14. 1. Marco Polo da Venie sia de le merauegliose cose del Mondo.
Below this title the mark of the printer SESSA: a cat holding a mouse in its mouth with the initials I and B on the right and on the left of the coat of arms (with a ducal crown above) which exhibits this group, and S at foot. Verso of f. 83:
Finisse lo libro de Marco Polo da Venie sia dele merauegliose cose del modo Im presso in Venetia per zoanne Baptista da Sessa Milanese del M. ccccxcvi. adi. xiii. del mese de Iunio regna do lo Illustrissimo Principe Au gustino Barbadico inclyto Duce di Venetia.
Recto of folio 84: "Registro. a b c d e f g h i k l Tutti questi sono quaderni excepto l chie duerno"; audessous le monogramme de l'imprimeur en blanc sur fond noir.—Verso of folio 84 is blank.
The copy which I have examined is in the Grenville Library, No. 6666. It is in fine condition and complete, notwithstanding what the Sobolewski Sale Catalogue says to the contrary (No. 1730): it is a small 8vo ff. 84; each quire containing, as is indicated by the register, eight sheets, except quire 1, which has but four.
Grenville added to his copy the following note: "This appears to be the first edition printed in the original Italian.—The Abbe Morelli who sent me this book from Venice had found great difficulty in procuring a copy for the Library of St. Marc.—Panzer III. 396, refers only to the mention made of it by Denis. Supp. I, p'e 415. I know of no other copy in England...."
Lazari, p. 460, says: "Prima e rarissima edizione del compendio veneziano. Un capitolo che parla di Trebisonda, tratto dal viaggio di Fr. Odorico, precede il testo del Polo mutilo e scorrettissimo: quel capitolo non forma pero parte d'esso, come nelle molte ristampe di questo compendio."
See Odoric de Pordenone, par Henri Cordier, p. 9.
Ternaux-Compans (29) mentions an edition of Sessa of 1486, which does not seem to exist.
15 2. Marco Polo da Vene sia de le maraueliose cose del Mondo. Small 8vo.; 64 ff. non chif., sig. a-i: a-g by 8 = 56 ff., h and i by 4 = 8 ff., total 64 ff.
Recto 1st f.: border; vignette; above the vig. title ut supra.
Verso 1st f. begins: Tractate delle piu maraueliose cose e delle piu notabile: che si ri trouano nelle pte del modo. Re dutte & racolte sotto breuita ...
Recto f. 64: Impressa la presente opera per el Venerabile mi ser pre Batista da Farfengo nella Magnifica cita de Bressa. adi. xx. December. M. CCCCC.
"Ristampa dell' edizione 1496, leggiermente modificata nella introduzione. Rarissima." (Lazari, p. 460.)
16. 3. Marco Polo da Veniesia de le marauegliose co= se del Mondo. small 8vo, 56 ff. not numbered, sig. a-g by 8.
Collation: title ut supra: Printer's mark: a cat holding a mouse in its mouth, M O on the sides; S at foot. Ends, recto f. 56; Impresso in Venetia per Melchior Sessa. An no Dni. M. CCCCC VIII. Adi. xxi. zugno.
17. 4. Marco Polo Venetiano in CVI si tratta le meravi gliose cose del mondo per lui uedute: del costu= me di uarij paesi, dello stranio uiuere di quelli; della descrittione de diuersi animali, e del trouar dell' o= ro, dell' argento, e delle pietre preciose, co= sa non men uti le, che bel la. [Vignette.] In Venetia, 8vo; 56 ff. n. ch., sig. a-g by 8.
At the end: Finite e lo libro de Marco Polo da Venetia delle: marauegliose cose del mondo. In Venetia per Matthio Pagan, in Frezaria, al segno della Fede. 1555.
"Ristampa dell' edizione 1496. La edizione 1555 fu riprodotta dello stesso Mathio Pagan senza data." (Lazari, p. 463.)
A copy s.d. exists in the Grenville Library (304. a. 23), this is the title of it:
18. 5. Marco Polo Venetiano. In cvi si tratta le meravi gliose cose del mondo per lui uedute, del costu me di uarij paesi, dello stranio uiuere di quelli; della descrittione de diuersi animali, e del trouar dell' oro dell' argento, e delle pie tre preciose, cosa non men utile, che bel la. In Venetia. s.d., 8vo., 56 ff. not numbered, sig. a-g by 8. At the end: In Venetia per Mathio Pagan, in Freza ria, al Segno della Fede. On the title M. Pagan's mark.
19. 6. Opera stampata nouame te delle marauigliose co= se del mondo: comin= ciado da Leuante a ponente fin al me zo di. El mondo nouo & isole & lo= chi incogniti & siluestri abonda ti e sterili & doue aboda loro & largento & Zoglie & pie tre pciose & animali & mostri spaurosi & do ue manzano car= ne humana e i gesti & vi= uer & co= stumi de quelli paesi cosa certamete molto cu= lriosa de intendere & sapere.
Small 8vo, 56 ff. not numbered, sig. a-g by 8. At foot of recto f. 56: Finito lo libro de Marco Polo da Venetia de le marauegliose cose del mondo. Stampata in Venetia per Paulo Danza Anno. Dni M.D. xxxiij. Adi 10 Febraro.
Reprint of the 1496 edition.
20.—7. De i Viaggi di Messer Marco Polo Gentil'hvomo Venetiano (Ramusio, II, 1606.)
See the former editions of Ramusio.
21. 8. Marco Polo Venetiano, Delle Merauiglie del Mondo per lui vedute; Del Costume di varij Paesi, & dello stranio viuer di quelli. Della Descrittione de diuersi Animali. Del trouar dell' Oro, & dell' Argento. Delle Pietre Preciose. Cosa non meno vtile, che bella. Di nouo Ristampato, & osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. In Treuigi, Ad instantia di Aurelio Reghet tini Libraro. M DXC. 8vo, 57 ff. numbered, a-g x 8 = 56 ff. + h X 1 = 57 ff.; vignette on the title; 1 wood-cut, not inserted in the text.
The wood-cut is not to be found in the copy of the British Museum, G bbb 8.
22.—9. Marco Polo Venetiano, Delle Merauiglie del Mondo per lui vedute; Del costume di varij Paesi, & dello stranio viuer di quelli. Della Descrittione de diuersi Animali. Del trouar Dell' Oro, & dell' Argento. Delle Pietre Preciose. Cosa non meno vtile, che bella, Di nouo Ristampato, & Osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. In Venetia, Appresso Marco Claseri, M DXCVII, 8vo, pp. 128, no cut.
23. 10. Marco Polo Venetiano, Delle Maraviglie del Mondo per lui vedute. Del costume di varij Paesi, & dello stranio viuer di quelli. Della Descrittione de diuersi Animali. Del trouar dell' Oro, & dell' Argento. Delle Pietre Pretiose. Cosa non meno vtile, che bella. Di nuouo ristampato, & osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. [fleuron] In Venetia, M DCII. Appresso Paolo Vgolino, small 8vo pp. 104; no cut.
Page 104: Finito e lo Libro di Marco Polo da Venetia delle Marauigliose cose del Mondo.
This edition differs from the following bearing the same date:
24.—11. Marco Polo Venetiano, Delle Merauiglie del Mondo per lui vedute. Del costume di varij Paesi, & dello stranio viuere di quelli. Della Descritione de diuersi Animali. Del trouar Dell' oro, & dell' Argento. Delle Pietre Preciose. Cosa non meno vtile, che bella. Di nouo Risstampato, & osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. In Venetia. M DCII. Appresso Paulo Vgolino, 8vo, pp. 128; on the title, vig. exhibiting David carrying the head of Goliath; no cut.
25.—12. Marco Polo Venetiano, Delle Merauiglie del Mondo per lui vedute. Del costume di varij Paesi, & dello stranio viuer di quelli. Della Descrittione de diuersi Animali. Dell trouar dell' Oro, & dell' Argento. Delle Pietre Preciose. Cosa non meno vtile, che bella. Di nuouo ristampato, & osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. Con licenza de' Superiori, & Priuilegio. In Venetia, M. DC. XXVI. Appresso Ghirardo, & Iseppo Imberti, small 8vo, pp. 128; 1 wood-cut, not inserted in the text.
26. 13. Marco Polo Venetiano. Delle Merauiglie del Mondo per lui vedute. Del costume di varij Paesi, & dello stranio viuer di quelli. De la Descrittione de diuersi Animali. Del trouar dell' Oro, & de l'Argento. Delle Pietre preciose. Cosa non meno utile, che bella. Di nuouo ristampato, & osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. In Venetia, & poi in Treuigi per Angelo Righettini. 1267 [read 1627]. Con Licenza de' Superiori, small 8vo, pp. 128; 1 wood-cut, not inserted in the text.
27. 14. Marco Polo Venetiano. Delle Merauiglie del Mondo per lui vedute. Del costume di varij Paesi, & dello stranio viuer di quelli. De la Descrittione de diuersi Animali. Del trouar dell' Oro, & de l'Argento. Delle Pietre preciose. Cosa non meno utile, che bella. Di nuouo ristampato, & osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. In Treuigi, Appresso Girolamo Righettini: 1640. Con Licenza de Superiori, small 8vo, 128 pages with a vignette on the title, printer's mark; wood-cut f. 2 verso.
28.—15.—* In Trevigi M. DC. LVII., appresso Girolamo Righettini, 8vo.
29.—16. Marco Polo Venetiano. Delle Merauiglie del Mondo per lui vedute. I. Del costume di varij Paesi, & dello strano viuer di quelli. II. De la Descrittione de diuersi Animali. III. Del trouar dell' Oro, & dell' Argento. IV. Delle Pietre pretiose. Cosa non meno vtile, che bella. Si nuouo ristampato, & osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. In Trevigi, Per il Righettini. M. DC. LXV. Con Licenza de' Svperiori, small 8vo, 128 pp. with a wood-cut.
30.—17. Marco Polo Venetiano Delle Merauiglie del Mondo per lui vedute. I. Del costume di varij Paesi, & dello strano viuer di quelli. II. Della Descrittione de diuersi Animali. III. Del trouar dell' Oro, & dell' Argento. IV. Delle Pietre pretiose. Cosa non meno vtile, che bella. Di nuouo ristampato, & osseruato l'ordine suo vero nel dire. In Trevigi, Per il Reghettini. M. DC. LXXII. Con Licenza de' Svperiori, small 8vo. pp. 128; 1 cut not inserted in the text.
These various editions are reprints of the text of 1496.
31. 18. Il Milione di Marco Polo Testo di lingua del secolo decimoterzo ora per la prima volta pubblicato ed illustrato dal Conte Gio. Batt. Baldelli Boni. Tomo primo Firenze Da' Torchi di Giuseppe Pagani M. DCCCXXVII. Con approv. e privilegio, 4to, pp. XXXII.-CLXXV.-234+1 f. not numbered for the index.
INDICE: Vita di Marco Polo, P.I.—Sommario Cronologico della Vita del Polo, P. XXV.—Storia del Milione, P.I.—Illustrazione della Tela del Salone dello Scudo, P. CV.—Descrizione dell' Atlante Cinese, posseduto dalla Magliabechiana, P. CIX.—Schiarimento relativo all' eta dell' Atlante Cinese, P. CXXI.—Notizia dei Manoscritti del Milione, di cui si e fatto uso nell' Opera, o veduti, o fatti riscontrare, P. CXXIII.—Della Porcellana. Discorso, P. CXXXVII.—Del Portulano Mediceo, e delle Scoperte dei Genovesi nell' Atlantico. Discorso, P. CLIII.—Voci del Milione di Marco Polo, citate dal Vocabolario della Crusca, P. CLXXIII.—Voci tratte dal Testo del Polo, e da citarsi dal Vocabolario della Crusca, P. CLXXIV. —Il Milione di Marco Polo, TESTO DELLA CRUSCA, P.I.
Il Milione di Messer Marco Polo Viniziano Secondo la lezione Ramusiana illustrato e comentato dal Conte Gio. Batt. Baldelli Boni Tomo Secondo Firenze Da' Torchi di Giuseppe Pagani M DCCC XXVII. Con approv. e privilegio, 4to, pp. XXVI.-514 + 2 ff. n. ch.
INDICE: Dichiarazione al Libro Primo, P. 1.—Proemio di Fra Pipino al Milione, P. 3.—TESTO RAMUSIANO del Milione. Libro Primo, P. 5—Dichiarazione al Libro Secondo, per rischiarare le Legazioni di Marco Polo, P. 147.—Libro Secondo, P. 153.—Dichiarazione alla parte seconda del Libro Secondo. Delia Lingua Cinese, P. 223.—Libro Terzo, P. 357.—Aggiunte e Correzioni, P. 481.
Storia delle Relazioni vicendevoli Dell' Europa e dell' Asia dalla Decadenza di Roma fino alla distruzione del Califfato del Conte Gio. Batt. Baldelli Boni. Parte Prima Firenze Da' Torchi di Giuseppe Pagani M DCCC XXVII. Con approv. e privilegio, 4to, 4 ff. n. c. for the tit. and the ded.: "A Sua Altezza Imperiale e Reale Leopoldo Secondo Principe Imperiale d'Austria ..." +pp. 466.
Parte Seconda Firenze Da' Torchi di Giuseppe Pagani M DCCC XXVII. Con approv. e privilegio, 4to, pp. 467 to 1004 + 1 f. n. ch.
Eighty copies of Baldelli-Boni's work were printed on large paper, and two on vellum.
Two maps generally bound apart accompany the work.
32.—19. I Viaggi in Asia in Africa, nel mare dell' Indie descritti nel secolo XIII da Marco Polo Veneziano. Testo di lingua detto Il Milione illustrato con annotazioni. Venezia, dalla tipografia di Alvisopoli, M DCCC XXIX, 2 parts, 8vo, pp. xxi + 1-189, 195-397.
"Ristampa del Testo di Crusca procurata da B. Gamba il quale vi appose piccole note a pie di pagina." (Lazari, p. 470.)
"Il en a ete tire 100 exemplaires, in-8, auxquels est jointe la carte geographique qui fait partie de l'ouvrage de Zurla. Il y en a aussi des exemplaires in-8, tres grand Pap., et sur des papiers de differentes couleurs." (Brunet.)
33.—20. Il Libro di Marco Polo intitolato il Milione. (Relazioni di Viaggiatori, Venezia, co' tipi del Gondoliere, M DCCC XLI, I, pp. 1-231.)
Reprint of the Crusca Text.—See Baldelli-Boni, supra 31-18.
Gondoliere's Collection form vol. i. and ii. of the class XI. of the Biblioteca classica italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti disposta e illustrata da Luigi Carrer.
34.—21. I Viaggi in Asia in Africa, nel marc dell' Indie descritti nel secolo XIII da Marco Polo Veneziano testo di lingua detto Il Milione illustrato con annotazioni. Volume unico. Parma, per Pietro Fiaccadori, M DCCC XLIII, Small 8vo, pp. IV.-308.
Reprint of the Crusca Text.
35.—22. I Viaggi in Asia, in Africa, nel mare dell' Indie descritti nel secolo XIII da Marco Polo Veneziano. Testo di lingua detto II Milione. Udine, Onofrio Turchetto, Tip. edit. 1851, 16mo, pp. X.-207
36. 23. I Viaggi di Marco Polo Veneziano tradotti per la prima volta dall' originale francese di Rusticiano di Pisa e corredati d'illustrazioni e di documenti da Vincenzo Lazari pubblicati per cura di Lodovico Pasini membro eff. e segretario dell' I.R. Istituto Veneto. Venezia M DCCC XLVII, 8vo, pp. LXIV.-484, map.
Verso of the title: "Coi Tipi di Pietro Naratovitch."
See pp. 447-471, Bibliografia.—Pp. 473-484, Indice Alfabetico delle Materie.
37.—24. I Viaggi di Marco Polo secondo la lezione del Codice Magliabechiano piu antico reintegrati col testo francese a stampa per cura di Adolfo Bartoli. Firenze, Felice Le Monnier, 1863, small 8vo, pp. LXXXIII.—439.
38.—25. Il Milione ossia Viaggi in Asia, in Africa e nel Mar delle Indie descritti nel secolo XIII da Marco Polo Veneziano. Torino, Tip. dell' oratorio di S. Franc, di Sales, 1873, 32mo, pp. 280.
Biblioteca della Gioventu Italiana.
39.—26. Giulio Verne. I Viaggi di Marco Polo unica versione originale fedelmente riscontrata sub codice Magliabeccano e sulle opere di Charton per cura di Ezio Colombo. Volume Unico. Milano, Serafino Muggiani e Comp., 1878, 16mo, pp. 143.
The frontispiece is a coarse wood-cut exhibiting Marco Polo; this vol. is part of a popular Collection of Travels.
40.—27. Marco Polo.—I Viaggi secondo la lezione del codice Magliabechiano piu antico. Milano, Sonzogno, 1886, 16mo.
See supra 37-24.
41. 1. MARCO PAULO. pp. Ho liuro de Nycolao veneto. pp. O trallado da carta de huu genoues das ditas terras. pp. Co priuilegio del Rey nosso senhor q nenhuu faca a impres sam deste liuro ne ho venda em todollos se' regnos & senho= rios sem liceca de Valentim fernadez so pena coteuda na car ta do seu preuilegio. Ho preco delle. Cento & dez reaes. folio of 106 ff.
Collation: 8 prel. ff. n. chiff., and 98 ff. numbered.
Recto 1st f.: Titre ut supra.—Vignette showing a sphere.
Verso 2nd f.: Comecase a epistola sobre a tralladaca do liuro de Marco paulo. Feita per Valetym fernadez escudey ro da excellentissima Raynha Dona Lyanor. Ende rencada ao Serenissimo & Inuictissimo Rey & Sen hor Dom Emanuel o primeiro. Rey de Portugal & dos Alguarues. daque & alem mar em Africa. Sen hor de Buynee. E da conquista da nauegacom & co mercio de Ethiopia. Arabia. Persia. & da India.
Recto 7th f.: Comecase a tauoa dos capitulos do liuro Primeyro.
Recto 1st f. chif.: Comecase ho Liuro Primeiro de Marco paulo de Veneza das condicooes & custumes das getes & das terras & prouincias orientaes. E prime y ra mente de como & em que maneyra Dom Marco= paulo de Veneza & Dom Maffeo seu irmaao se pas sarom aas partes do oriente; vig. repres. a galley; border.
Verso f. 77: End of Marco Polo.
Recto f. 78: Nicolo Conti.
Verso f. 95: End of Nicolo Conti.
Recto f. 96: A Carta do genoues.
Verso f. 98: Acabase ho liuro de Marco paulo. co ho liuro de Nicolao ve= neto ou veneziano. & assi mesmo ho trallado de hua carta de huu genoues mercador. que todos escreuero das Indias. a seruico de d's. & auisameto daquelles q agora vam pera as ditas Indias Aos quaes rogo & peco humilmente q benignamete queira eme dar & correger ho que menos achare no escreuer. s. nos vocabul' das prouincias. regnos. cidades. ylhas. & outras cousas muytas & no menos em a distacia das legoas de hua terra pa outra. Im= primido per Valentym fernadez alemaao. Em a muy nobre cida de Lyxboa. Era de Mil & quinhentos & dous annos. Aos. qua tro dias do mes de Feureyro. At the top, printer's mark.
A detailed description of this edition is to be found in Figaniere's Bibliographia, No. 947.
42. 1. Cosmographia breue introdu ctoria en el libro d' Marco paulo. El libro del famoso Marco paulo veneciano d'las cosas marauillosas q vido enlas partes orietales couie ne saber enlas Indias. Armenia. A rabia. Persia & Tartaria. E d'l pode rio d'l gra Ca y otros reyes. Co otro tratado de micer Pogio floretino q trata delas mesmas tierras & yslas.
Folio; 2 col.; 34 ff. numbered and 4 prel ff. not numbered.
On the title page 4 woodcuts exhibiting: Marc paulo. Micer pogio. S. Domingo, ela ysla Isabela. Calicu.
—The 4 prelim. ff. contain: —Recto 1 f.: Title. —Verso 1 f.: Prologo primero. —F. 2 and 3: Maestre Rodrigo al lector. —F. 4: Tabla de los capitulos.
—Marco Polo, ff. 1/26.
—Tratado de Micer Pogio, ff. 27-recto f. 27 [read 34].
—Last f. v. [numbered xxvij erroneously for xxxiv.]
"Acabase el libro del famoso Marco paulo vene ciano el ql cueta de todas las tierras prouicias & islas delas Indias. Arabia Persia Armenia y Tartaria y d'las cosas marauillosas que enellas se ha llan assi mesmo el gra senorio y riquezas del gran Can de Catayo se nor delos tartaros anadido en fin vn tratado breue de micer Pogio florentino el qual el mesmo escriuio por mandado de eugenio papa quarto deste nombre por relacion de vn Nicolao [Conti] veneciano el qual assi mesmo auia andado las ptidas orietales & de otros testigos dinos d' fe como por el parece fiel mete trasladado en lengua castellana por el reueredo senor maestre Rodri go de santa ella Arcediano de reyna y canonigo ela sa ta yglesia de Seuilla. El ql se eprimio por La [?] alao polono y Jacome Croberger alemano ela muy noble y muy leal ciudad d'Seuilla. Ano de mil & q' nietos y tres a. xxviij. dias d'mayo."
43 2. Libro del famoso Marco Polo veneciano delas cosas maraui llosas q vido enlas partes orien= tales: conuiene saber enlas Indias Armenia Ara bia Persia & Tarta ria. Edel poderio del gran Can y otros reyes. Con otro tratado de mi cer Pogio Florentino & trata delas mesmas tie= rras & islas. s.l.n.d., fol.; 2 col. [Logrono, 1529].
Collation: 4 prel. ff. not numbered + signatures a-d x 8 = 32 ff.; in all 36 ff. F. 1. v.: Prologo del Interprete. f. 2 r. Cosmographia introductoria. f. 3. v.: Tabla f. 4 v.: Fin dela Tabla. 32 numbered f. follow: F. i. Begins: Libro de Marco Polo Veneciano (col. 1.) Aqui comienca vn libro que trata delas cosas marauillosas que el noble varon micer Marco Polo de Venecia vido enlas partes de Oriente.
Ends: recto f. xxxij: La presente obra del famoso Marco Polo veneciano q fue traduzida fielmete de lengua veneciana en castellano por el reueredo senor maestre Rodrigo Arcedia no de reyna y canonigo enla yglesia de Seuilla. Fue impressa y corregida de nueuo enla muy constante y leal civdad de Logrono en casa d'Mi guel de eguia a treze de junio de mill & qui nientos y. xx. & nueue.
"Cette edition de 1529, says Brunet est fort rare: 2 liv. 9 sh. Heber; 210 flor. Butsch, et 130 fr. en 1859.—Il y en a une plus ancienne de Seville, Cromberger, 1520 in-fol., que cite Panzer d'apres Vogt."
Lazari says of this edition of 1520, p. 461: "Di estrema rarita. Questa traduzione e tratta da un antico testo italiano: l'autore n'e Maestro Rodrigo de Santaella."
44. 3. Historia de las Gran- dezas y Cosas marauillosas de las Prouin- cias Orientales. Sacada de Marco Pavlo Veneto, y traduzida de Latin en Romance, y ana- dida en muchas partes por Don Martin de Bolea y Castro, Varon de Clamosa, senor de la Villa de Sietamo. Dirigida a Don Beltran de la Cueba, Duque de Alburquerque, Marques de Cuellar, Conde de Ledesma y Guelma, Lugar- teniente, y Capitan Geneial por su Ma- gestad, en el Reyno de Aragon. Con Licencia, en Caragoca. Por Angelo Tauano, Ano. M. DCI, 8vo, 8 ff. n. ch.163 ff. 8 ff. n. ch. for the tab. and errata. Last f. n. ch. verso: En Caragoca Por Angelo Tauano Ano. 1601.
45.—4. Biblioteca universal. Coleccion de los Mejores autores antiguos y modernos, nacionales y extranjeros. Tomo LXVI. Los Viages de Marco Polo veneciano. Madrid. Direccion y administracion, 1880, 16mo, pp. 192.
"La edicion que hemos tenido principalmente a la vista, para formar este volumen de nuestra Biblioteca, es la de Ludovico Pasini, Venecia 1847."
46. 1. La description geo- graphiqve des Provinces & villes plus fameuses de l'Inde Orientale, meurs, loix, & coustumes des habitans d'icelles, mesme- ment de ce qui est soubz la domination du grand Cham Empereur des Tartares. Par Marc Paule gentilhomme Venetien, Et nouuellement reduict en vulgaire Francois. [mark] A Paris, Pour Vincent Sertenas tenant sa boutique au Palais en la gallerie par ou on va a la Chacellerie. Et en larue neuue Nostre dame l'image sainct lehan l'Euangeliste. 1556. Avec Privilege dv Roy, 4to, 10 prel. f. not numbered + 123 ff. numbered + I f. not numbered.
Sommaire dv Privilege du Roy (verso of title). Episle "A Adrian de Lavnay sei gneur de sainct Germain le Vieil, Viconte de sainct Siluain, Notaire & Secretaire du Roy." F.G.L.S. De Paris ce xviii. iour d'Aoust 1556, 3 pages. Preface av lectevr par F.G.L., 5 pages. Table, 8 pages. Pieces de vers 2 pages at the beginning and an advertisement (1 page) at the end.
Begins page 1: "Lors que Bauldoyn Prince Chre stien tat fameux & renomme tenoit l'Empire de Constatinople, assavoir en Pan de l'incarnation de nostre Saulueur mil deux cens soixante & neuf, deux nobles & prudes citoyes de Venise....
Verso of last f. not numbered, the mark of Vincent Sertenas.
Oldest edition in French.
Marsden and Yule believe that it has been translated from the Latin of the Novus Orbis.
47. 2. Same title. A Paris, Pour Estienne Groulleau, demourant en la rue neuue Nostre dame, a l'image sainct Iehan Baptiste. 1556. Avec privilege dv Roy, 4to.
Same edition with a different bookseller.
48. 3. La Description geographique ... de l'Inde Orientale ... Par Marc Paule ... A Paris, Pour Jehan Longis tenant sa boutique au Palais en la gallerie par ou on va a la Chancellerie. 1556. Auec Priuilege du Roy. 4to.
Same edition as Sertenas' with the privilege of this bookseller. A copy is marked in the Catalogue des livres ... de ... James de Rothschild, II, Paris, 1887, No. 1938. M.E. Picot remarks that the Preface by F.G. L., as well as the motto Inter utrumque belong to FRANCOIS GRUGET, Lochois, who in the same year edited with the same booksellers the Dodechedron de Fortune.
49. 4. Les Voiages tres-curieux & fort remarquables, Achevees par toute l'Asie, Tartarie, Mangi, Japon, les Indes orientales, iles adjacentes, & l'Afrique, Commencees l'An 1252. Par Marc Paul, Venitien, Historien recommandable pour sa fidelite. Qui contiennent une Relation tres-exacte des Pais Orientaux: Dans laquelle il decrit tres exactement plusieurs Pais & Villes, lesquelles Lui meme a Voiagees & vuees la pluspart: & ou il nous enseigne brievement les Moeurs & Coutumes de ces Peuples, avant ce tems la inconnues aux Europeens; Comme aussi l'origine de la puissance des Tartares, quand a leurs Conquetes de plusieurs Etats ou Pais dans la Chine, ici clairement proposee & expliquee. Le tout divise en III. Livres, Confere avec un Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de S.A.E. de Brandebourg, & enrichi de plusieurs Notes & Additions tirees du dit Manuscrit, de l'Edition de Ramuzio, de celle de Purchas, & de celle de Vitriare.
Form a part of 43 and 185 col. in vol. ii. of Voyages faits principalement en Asie ... par Pierre Bergeron. A la Haye, Chez Jean Neaulme M. DCC. XXXV, in 4.
After Andre Mueller Greiffenhag.
Remark on the title-page the date of the voyage 1252! In the text, col. 6, it is marked 1272.
50.—5. Marco Polo—Un Venitien chez les Chinois avec etude biographique et litteraire par Charles Simond. Paris, Henri Gautier, s.d. [1888], pp't 8vo, pp. 32.
Forms No. 122 of Nouvelle Bibliotheque populaire a 10 Cent. Besides a short biographical notice, it contains Bergeron's Text.
51.—6. Voyages de Marco Polo. Premiere partie. Introduction, Texte. Glossaire et Variantes.
Introduction, pp. xi.-liv. [by Roux.]
Voyage de Marc Pol, pp. 1-288—Table des Chapitres, pp. 289-296. [Published from MS. 7367 of the Bibliotheque nationale.]
Peregrinatio Marci Pauli. Ex Manuscripto Bibliothecae Regiae, No 3195 f deg., pp. 297-494—Index Capitum, pp. 495-502.
Glossaire des mots hors d'usage, pp. 503-530 [by Meon].
Errata, pp. 531-532.
Variantes et Tableau comparatif des noms propres et des noms de lieux cites dans les voyages de Marco Polo, pp. 533-552.
(Vol. i. 1824, of the Recueil de Voyages, de la Societe de geographie de Paris.)
—Rapport sur la Publication des Voyages de Marco Polo, fait au nom de la section de publication, par M. Roux, rapporteur. (Bull. de la Soc. de Geog., I. 1822, pp. 181-191.)
—Itineraires a Jerusalem et Descriptions de la Terre Sainte rediges en francais aux xi'e, xii'e, & xiii'e siecles publies par Henri Michelant & Gaston Raynaud. Geneve, Fick, 1882, in-8.
Voyage des Polo, pp. xxviii.-xxix.—Ext. of MS. fr. 1116 are given, pp. 201-212, et of the version called after Thiebault de Cepoy, pp. 213-226.
The Fr. MS. 1116, late 7367, has been reproduced by photography (including the binding, a poor modern one in calf!) at Karlsruhe this year (1902) under the title:
—Le divisiment dou monde de Messer March Pol de Venece.—Die Handschrift Fonds Francais No. 1116 der National bibliothek zu Paris photographisch aufgenommen auf der Gr. Hof-und Landes bibliothek zu Karlsruhe von Dr. A. Steiner.—Karlsruhe. Hof-Buchdruckerei Friedrich Gutsch. 1902, in-4.
Has No. Impr. 5210 in the National Library, Paris.
52.—7. Marco Polo. (Charton, Voy. anc. et mod., II. pp. 252-440.)
Modernized Text of the Geographical Society.—Notes, Bibliography, etc.
53.—8. [Chinese]
Le livre de Marco Polo citoyen de Venise Conseiller prive et commissaire imperial de Khoubilai-Khaan; redige en francais sous sa dictee en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise; Publie pour la premiere fois d'apres trois manuscrits inedits de la Bibliotheque imperiale de Paris, presentant la redaction primitive du Livre, revue par Marc Pol lui-meme et donnee par lui, en 1307, a Thiebault de Cepoy, accompagnee des variantes, de l'explication des mots hors d'usage, et de Commentaires geographiques et historiques, tires des ecrivains orientaux, principalement chinois, avec une Carte generale de l'Asie; par M.G. Pauthier. Paris Librairie de Firmin Didot.... M. DCCC. LXV, 2 parts, large 8vo.
—Polo (Marco) par G. Pauthier.
Extrait de la Nouvelle Biographie generale, publiee par MM. Firmin Didot freres et fils. Ppt. 8vo, on 2 col.
—A Memoir of Marco Polo, the Venetian Traveller to Tartary and China [translated from the French of M.G. Pauthier]. (Chin. & Jap. Rep., Sept. & Oct. 1863.)
54.—9. Les Recits de Marco Polo citoyen de Venise sur l'histoire, les moeurs et les coutumes des Mongols, sur l'empire Chinois et ses merveilles; sur Gengis-Khan et ses hauts faits; sur le Vieux de la Montagne; le Dieu des idolatres, etc. Texte original francais du XIII'e siecle rajeuni et annote par Henri Bellenger. Paris, Maurice Dreyfous, s.d., 18mo, pp. iv-280. |