By the Duke of Norf.
Right welbeloued, in our hearty wife we commend vs vnto you, letting you wit, that by your seruant, this bearer, wee haue receyued your letters, dated at Truru the 5. day of this moneth of April, by which we perceyue the goodly, valiant, and ieopardous enterprise, it hath pleased God of late to send you, by the taking of Duncane Camel & other Scots on the sea; of which enterprise we haue made relation vnto the Kings Highnesse, who is not a little ioyous and glad, to heare of the same, and hath required vs instantly in his name, to giue you thanks for your said valiant courage, and bolde enterprise in the premises: and by these our letters, for the same your so doing, we doe not onely thanke you in our most effectuall wise, but also promise you, that during our life, wee will bee glad to aduaunce you to any preferment we can. And ouer this, you shall vnderstand, our said Soueraigne Lords pleasure is, that you shall come and repaire to his Highnes, with diligence in your owne person, bringing with you the said Captiue, and the Master of the Scottish ship; at which time, you shall not onely be sure of his especiall thanks by mouth, & to know his further pleasure therein, but also of vs to further any your reasonable pursuits vnto his Highnes, or any other, during our life, to the best of our power, accordingly. Written at Lambeth, the 11. day of Aprill aforesaid.
Superscribed: To our right welbeloued seruant, Iohn Arundell of Trerice.
The King wrote to Sir Iohn Ar. of Trerice, touching [35. H. 8.] his discharge from the Admiralty of the fleete, lately committed vnto him, & that he should deliuer the ship which he sayled in, to Sir Nic. Poynts.
The same yere the King wrote to him againe, that he should attend him in his warres against the French king, with his seruants, tenants, and others, within his roomes and offices, especially horsemen.
Other letters from the King there are, whose date is not expressed, neither can I by any meanes hunt it out.
One, to his seruant Iohn Arundel of Trerice Esquire, willing him, not to repaire with his men, and to wayte in the rereward of his army, as hee had commaunded him, but to keepe them in a readinesse for some other seruice.
Another, to Sir Iohn Arundel of Trerice, praying and desiring him to the Court, the Quindene of Saint Hillarie next, wheresoeuer the King shall then bee within the Realme.
There are also letters, directed to Sir Iohn Arundell of Trerice, from the Kings Counsell, by some of which it it appeareth, that hee was Viceadmirall of the Kings [Ed. 6.] shippes, in the West seas, and by others, that hee had the goods and lands of certaine Rebels, giuen him, for his good seruice against them.
The Queene wrote to Sir Iohn Arundell of Trerice, [1. Mar] praying and requiring him, that hee, with his friends and neighbours, should see the Prince of Spaine most honourably entertained, if he fortuned to land in Cornwall.
[2. Mar.] Shee wrote to him (being then Sherife of Cornwall) touching the election of the Knights of the shire, and the Burgesses for the Parliament.
[2. & 3.] Shee likewise wrote to him, that (notwithstanding [P. & M.] the instructions to the Iustices) hee should muster, and furnish his seruants, tenants, and others, vnder his rule and offices, with his friends, for the defence, and quieting of the Countrie, withstanding of enemies, and any other imployment, as also to certifie, what force of horse and foote he could arme.
These few notes I haue culled out of many others. Sir Iohn Arundell, last mentioned, by his first wife, the coheire of Beuill, had issue Roger, who died in his fathers life time; and Katherine, married to Prideaux: Roger by his wife Trendenham left behind him a sonne, called Iohn. Sir Iohns second wife, was daughter to Erisy, and widdow to Gourlyn, who bare him Iohn, his succeeder in Trerice, and much other faire reuenewes, whose due commendation, because another might better deliuer then my selfe, who touch him as neerely, as Tacitus did Agricola) I will therefore bound the same within his desert, and onely say this, which all, who knew him, shall testifie with me: that, of his enemies, he would take no wrong, nor on them any reuenge; and being once reconciled, embraced them, without scruple or remnant of gall. Ouer his kinred, hee held a warie and charie care, which bountifully was expressed, when occasion so required, reputing himselfe, not onely principall of the family, but a generall father to them all. Priuate respects euer, with him, gaue place to the common good: as for franke, well ordered, and continuall hospitalitie, he outwent all shew of competence: spare, but discreet of speech, better conceiuing, then deliuering: equally stout, and kind, not vpon lightnesse of humour, but soundnesse of iudgement, inclined to commiseration, readie to relieue. Briefely, so accomplished in vertue, that those, who for many yeeres together wayted in neerest place about him, and, by his example, learned to hate vntruth, haue often deeply protested, how no curious obseruation of theirs, could euer descrie in him, any one notorious vice. By his first foreremembred wife, he had 4. daughters married, to Carew, Summaster, Cosowarth, & Denham: by his later, the daughter of Sir Robert Denis, 2. sonnes, and 2. daughters: the elder, euen from his young yeeres, began where his father left, and with so temperate a course, treadeth iust in his footesteps, that hee inheriteth, as well his loue, as his liuing. The younger brother followeth the Netherland wars, with so wel-liked a cariage, that hee outgoeth his age, and time of seruice, in preferment. Their mother equalleth her husbands former children, and generally all his kinred, in kind vsage, with her owne, and is by them all, againe, so acknowledged and respected.
Of Saint Peran, wee haue spoken before, which too well brooketh his surname, in Sabulo: for the light sand, carried vp by the North wind, from the sea shore, daily continueth his couering, and marring the land adioynant, so as the distresse of this deluge, draue the Inhabitants to remooue their Church: howbeit, when it meeteth with any crossing brooke, the same (by a secret antipathy) restraineth, and barreth his farder incroching that way.
In Withiell Parish of this Hundred, one Gidly, not many yeeres sithence, digged downe a little hillocke, or [149] Borough, called Borsneeuas, in English, Cheapfull, therewith to thicken his other ground. In the bottome of which he found three white stones, triangle-wise (as pillers) supporting another flat one, some two foote and a halfe square, and in the midst betweene them, and vnder it, an earthen Pot, halfe full of a blacke slymie, and ill-fauouring substance, which (doubtlesse) was once the ashes of some notable person, there committed to that maner of buriall.
Saint Agnes, one of the high hils, which I specially recited in my former booke, by his entrailes (like Prometheus) feedeth the Tynners pecking, or picking bils, with a long liued profit, albeit, their scarcle Eagle eyes sometimes mistake the shadow for the substance, and so offer vp degenerate teares, as a late sacrifice to repentance.
The neighbours haue obserued, that of two Lakes, neere adioyning to this hill, and so each to other, the one will foster fish, and the other none at all.
Neyther may I omit newe Kaye, a place in the North coast of this Hundred, so called, because in former times, the neighbours attempted, to supplie the defect of nature, by Art, in making there a Kay, for the Rode of shipping, which conceyt they still retayne, though want of means in themselues, or the place, haue left the effect in Nubibus: and onely lent them the benefit of Lestercockes and fisher-boates.
I cannot finish this Hundred, with the relation of many more Gentlemen, eyther through want of them, or in my selfe. Trenance added to his owne liuelyhood, the possessions of Littleton, to whome, as sisters sonne, and generall heire, hee succeeded and married Kendall, and his sonne Roscarrocke: hee beareth A. a Fesse, betweene three Swords S.
There dwelleth also Master Tredenick, who matched with the daughter of Viuian, and his father, of Marow, who beareth O. on a bend S. three Buckes heads cabased A. As also Langherne B. a Cheuron betweene 3. Escalops O. Burlace, A. on a bend S. two hands tearing in sunder a horse-shooe of the field; and others.
Kerier Hundred.
KEry in Cornish, signifieth bearing: and yet you must beare with me, if I forbeare to deriue Kerier herefrom, vntill I see some reason for my warrant: wherefore leauing that, I will weaue on my former webbe of Falmouth hauen; and first, a word or two touching the same in generall, ere I descend to the yet vndescribed West side in particular.
The riuer Fala, falling here, into the seas wide-gaping mouth, hath endowed it with that name,
In the very entrance of the harbour lyeth a rocke, rather disgracing, then endamaging the same: for with the ebbe it is discouered, and at the flood, marked by a pole purposely fixed thereupon. For the rest, such as compare Plymmouth and Falmouth together, obserue, that Plymmouth creekes are mostly coasted with plaine shoares; Falmouth, with steepe: which maketh that, the more delightfull for prospect, this, the more safe for riding. Againe, they say that Falmouth lyeth farther out in the trade way, and so offreth a sooner oportunity to wind-driuen shipping, then Plymmouth, but that Plymmouth hath a better outlet, from his Catwater, for saylers [150] bound to the Westwards, and from Hamoase for those that would fare to the East, then Falmouth. Likewise as Plymmouth vaunteth richer and fairer townes, and greater plentie of fish then Falmouth: so Falmouth braggeth, that a hundred sayle may Anker within his circuite, and no one of them see the others top, which Plymmouth cannot equall. Howsoeuer they agree for competence among themselues, the worst of them, by most mens iudgements, hath the precedence (Milford onely excepted) of all other hauens in England. And thus much of the whole. Now to the parts.
On the West side, at the verie comming in, there riseth a hill, called Pendenis, where king Henrie the eighth, when hee tooke order for fortifying the Sea coasts, caused a Castle to bee builded, with allowance of a pettie Garrison, and some small store of Ordinance. Another, somewhat like thereto in plot, but different in sight, was s. Mawes then erected in the other side, at Saint Mawes, of which Castle, I haue spoken heretofore.
Saint Mawes lieth lower, and better to annoy shipping: but Pendenis standeth higher, and stronger to defend it selfe. It should seeme, the fortifier made his aduantage of the commoditie, affoorded by the ground, and shot rather at a safe preferuing the Harbour, from sodaine attempts of little Fleetes, and the mastering of Pirates, then to withstand any great Nauie, or maigne inuasion.
But her Maiestie casting an equall eye to both, or rather a sharper sight to this later, as quickned through the enemies diuers pretences against these places (whereof Falmouth, by myracle, not prouidence, escaped one) raysed a new fort with a Garrison, vpon the Hawe at Plymmouth, and at her great charges, with some little helpe of the Countrie, added an increase of fortification and souldiers to Pendenis. Howbeit, his greatest strength consisteth in Sir Nicholas Parker, the Gouernour, who demeaning himselfe, no lesse kindly, and frankly towards his neighbours, for the present, then hee did resolutely, and valiantly, against the enemie when he followed the warres; therethrough commaundeth, not onely their bodies, by his authoritie, but also their hearts, by his loue, to liue and die in his assistance, for their common preseruation, and her Highnesse seruice: hee beareth B. Frettie, and A. a Fesse O.
After the declining hill hath deliuered you downe from this Castle, Arwenacke entertaineth you, with a pleasing view: for the same standeth so farre within the Hauens mouth, that it is protected from the sea stormes, and yet so neere thereunto, as it yeeldeth a ready passage out. Besides the Cliffe, on which the house abbutteth, is steepe enough to shoulder off the waues, and the ground about it, plaine and large enough for vse and recreation.
It is owed by Master Iohn Killigrew, who married the daughter of Monck, and heire to her mother [blank] and was sonne to Sir Iohn Killigrew, who matched with Woluerstone: the stocke is ancient, and diuers of the branches (as I haue elsewhere remembred) growne to great aduancement, in calling and liuely-hood, by their greater desert: their Armes are A. an Eagle with two heads displayed within a bordure Bezanty S.
Somewhat aboue Arwenacke, Trefuses point diuideth the harbour, and yeeldeth a seuerall Ankering [151] place on eche side thereof; the one called Carrack rode, the other, Kings rode.
This Promontory is possessed and inhabited by a Gentleman of that name, who suitably to his name, giueth three Fusils for his coat, in this sort: A. a Cheuron betweene three Fusils S. He maried the coheire of Gaurigan, and M. Wil. Godolphin, late yonger brother to Sir FraunciS, her other sister.
Vpon the left hand from hence, at the top of a creek, Perin towne hath taken vp his seat, rather passable, then noteable, for wealth, buildings, and Inhabitants; in all which, though neere the hauens mouth, it giueth Truro the preeminence: the like whereof I obserue, touching diuers other townes, of the same situation, in Deuon, as Salcomb, and Kings bridge, Dartmouth, and Totnes, Topsham, and Excester: amongst which, those that stand highest vp in the Countrey, affoord therethrough, a fitter oportunity of accesse, from all quarters, and so a speedyer and larger vent of their commodities.
In Perin was Glasney Colledge, founded [1256.] by Walter Brounscomb, & benefited by Iohn Graundson, Bishops of Excester [1327.], which See possesseth faire reuenues thereabouts.
Vpon another creeke on the same side, Carclew hath (after the Cornish maner) welneere metamorphosed the name of Master Bonithon, his owner, into his owne. He maried the daughter of Viuian, his father of Killigrew, his graundfather of Erisy, and beareth A. a Cheuron betweene 3, Floures de luce. S.
With any memorable act or accident, concerning this hauen, I cannot acquaint you, before my parting therefrom, saue onely, that Philip, Arch-duke of Austriche, during his voyage from Netherland towards Spayne (his wiues Kingdome) was weather-driuen into Weymouth, and, with a kinde constraint, receyued a more royall, then welcome entertainment, at the hands of King Henrie the 7. from which hee could not free himself, but by redeeming his libertie, with De la Pooles captiuity. This accomplished, he made choyce to take ship again at Falmouth, that so by the shortest cut, hee might leaue least power in fortune, to thwart him any second incumbrance.
Hailford, so called, of the fordible riuer Haill, if elsewhere placed, would carry the reputation of a good harbour; but as it now standeth, Falmouths ouer-neere neighbourhood lesseneth his vse, and darkeneth his reputation, as quitting it onely to the worst sort of Seafarers, I meane, Pirats, whose guilty brests, with an eye in their backs, looke warily how they may goe out, ere they will aduenture to enter; and this at vnfortifyed Hailford, cannot be controlled: in which regard, it not vnproperly brooketh his more common terme of Helford, and the nick-name of Stealfoord.
His shores affoord commodious seates, to the dwellings of Reskimer, who maried S. Abin, and beareth B. 3. barres A. in cheife a Wolfe passant of the first: and Tregose, who matched with Kendal: his sonne with Erisy, and beareth B. two barres Gemewes in cheife a Lyon passant O. armed and langued G.
And if your eares be not already cloyed with relation of wonders, I will let you vnderstand, how I was once carried to see one hereabouts. It is (forsooth) a [152] great rock, lying vpon the ground, his top deepned to a hollownesse, not much vnlike in fashion, but far exceeding in proportion the long halfe of an egge. This (they say) holdeth water, which ebbeth and floweth as the sea, and, indeed, when I came thither, the tyde was halfe out, and the pit halfe empty. By it there stands a Chappell, & to it there belonged a couer, so as the same seemed, in former times, to cary some regard. But I haue heard credible persons so discredit this woonder, that I dare not offer it you, as probable, much lesse thrust it vpon you, as approoued. The name thereof is, Hanterdauis, which (turning d to t) signifieth halfe a tongue.
More certaine, though lesse wonderfull, and yet, for the strangenesse, wel worth the viewing, is Mainamber: Mayne, is a rocke, amber, as some say, signifieth Ambrose. And a great rocke the same is, aduaunced vpon some others of a meaner size, with so equall a counterpeyze, that the push of a finger, will sensibly moue it too and fro: but farther to remooue it, the vnited forces of many shoulders are ouer-weake. Wherefore the Cornish wonder-gatherer, thus descrybeth the same,
BE thou thy mother natures worke, Or proofe of Giants might: Worthlesse and ragged though thou shew, Yet art thou worth the sight. This hugy rock, one fingers force Apparently will moue; But to remooue it, many strengths Shall all like feeble prooue.
Helston, in Cornish, Hellaz, in English, the greene hall, is a well seated and peopled towne, priuiledged, secundum vsum, with the rest, and one of the 4. Coynage places.
Vnder it runneth the riuer Lo, whose passage into the sea, is thwarted by a sandy banke, which forceth the same to quurt back a great way, and so to make a poole of some miles in compasse. It breedeth a peculiar kind of bastard Trought, in bignesse and goodnes exceeding such as liue in the fresh water, but comming short of those that frequent the salt.
The foreremembred bank serueth as a bridge, to deliuer wayfarers, with a compendious passage, to the other side; howbeit, sometimes with more haste then good speed: for now and then, it is so pressed on the inside, with the increasing riuers waight, and a portion of the vtter sand, so washed downe by the waues; that at a sudden, out breaketh the vpper part of the poole, and away goeth a great deale of the sand, water, and fish: which instant, if it take any passenger tardy, shrewdly endangereth him, to flit for company: and some haue so miscarried.
To this poole adioyneth M. Penrose his house, whose kind entertainment hath giuen mee, and many others experience of these matters. He maried the daughter of Rashleigh: he beareth A. 3. Bendes S. charged with 9. restes.of the field.
Those 2. riuers of Haill and Lo, rising not farre asunder, doe enclose betweene them, as they runne into the sea, a neck of land, particularized with the name of Meneag: and in regard of his fruitfulnesse, not vnworthy of a seuerance.
Within this circuit, lie Trelawarren M. Viuians house, and Erisy, seated in 2. parishes, and descended, by a long ranke of ancestours, to the Gent, of that name, now in ward. His father married Carew: his graundsire, one of Militons coheires, who ouerliuing her husband, ended the course of her long and well commended widdowhood, in becomming Lady to Sir Nicholas Parker. The Enzies beare S. a Cheuron, betweene 3. Griffons Sergreant O.
Clowance (deriued from Cloow, which signifieth, to heare) is the possession and dwelling of M. Saintabin, whose very name (besides the conquest roll) deduceth his first auncestours out of Fraunce. His graundfather married Greinuile: his father, one of Whittingtons coheires: which later couple, in a long and peaceable date of yeeres, exercised a kinde, liberall, and neuer discontinued hospitality. Himselfe tooke to wife the daughter of Mallet, and with ripe knowledge and sound iudgement, dischargeth the place which he beareth in his Countrey. Hee beareth O. on a crosse G. fiue Bezaunts.
Pengueraz, in Cornish importeth a head to help; from which, some deduce the Etymon of Pengersick, a fayre house, in an vnfruitfull soyle, sometimes the inhabitance of M. Militon, Captaine of the Mount, and husband to Godolphin, whose sonne being lost in his trauaile beyond the seas, enriched 6. distafs with his inheritance. They were bestowed in mariage (but by me not orderly marshalled) as followeth: 1. to Erisy, and Sir Nicholas Parker. 2. to Lanine, 3. to Trefuses, and Tregodeck, 4. to Trenwith, Arundel, and Hearle, 5. to Bonithon. 6. to Abbot.
Not farre from thence, riseth Godolghan-ball, or hill, at whose foote standeth a house of the same name, and so intitling his owner, though lately declined (with a milder accent) to Godolphin: in Cornish, it signifieth, a white Eagle: and such armes they carry in this sort: G. an Eagle displayed with two heads, betweene three Floures de luce A.
This hill hath, for diuers descents, supplyed those Gent. bountifull mindes, with large meanes accruing from their Tynne-works, and is now possessed by Sir Frauncis Godolphin Knight, whose zeale in religion, vprightnesse in iustice, prouidence in gouernment, and plentifull housekeeping, haue wonne him a very great and reuerent reputation in his Countrey: and these vertues, together with his seruices to her Maiestie, are so sufficiently knowne to those of highest place, as my testimony can adde little light thereunto: but by his labours and inuentions in Tynne matters, not onely the whole Countrey hath felt a generall benefit, so as the seuerall owners haue thereby gotten very great profit out of such refuse works, as they before had giuen ouer for vnprofitable; but her Maiesty hath also receyued encrease of her customes by the same, at least to the value of 10. thousand pound. Moreouer, in those works which are of his owne particular inheritance, hee continually keepeth at work, three hundred persons or thereabouts, & the yerely benefit, that out of those his works accrueth to her Maiestie, amounteth, communibus annis, to one thousand pound at the least, and sometimes to much more. A matter very remorceable, and perchaunce not to be matched againe by any of his sort and condition in the whole Realme. He succeeded to the inheritance [154] of his vnkle Sir William Godolphin, who, as hath bene said before, demeaned himselfe verie valiantly in a charge which hee bare at Boloigne, towards the latter end of the reigne of King Henry the 8. & is like to leaue the same to another Sir William his sonne, who giueth hope, not onely of the sustaining, but increasing of the reputation of his family. Hee matched with Killigrew, his father with Bonython, his Graund-father with Glynne,
Diuers other Gentlemen there dwell in this Hundred, as Lanyne, the husband of Kekewitch, his father married Militon, and beareth S. a Castle, A. standing in waues B. ouer the same a Faulcon houerin with bels O. Pernwarne, that matched with the coheire of Tencreek, who beareth S. a Cheuron betweene three Flowers de luce A. Lagherne, who tooke to wife the daughter of Nants, and beareth B. a Cheuron betweene three Escalops, O. Nansperyan coupled in matrimonie, with [blank] and his two daughters and heires apparent, with Prideaux, and Mathew; who beareth A. three Losenges S.
Penwith. Hundred.
MY last labour, for closing vp this wearisome Suruey, is bounded, as Cornwall it selfe, and so the West part of England, with Penwith Hundred. The name, in English signifieth, the head of Ashen trees, belike, for some such eminent marke, while the Countrie was better stored of Timber. The Danes sayling about Penwith Steort (saith Houeden [997.]) made foule hauocke, in Devon and-Cornwall.
Vpon the North sea, lieth Nants, which importeth a valley, and houseth a Gent, who therethrough, hath worne out his former name, of Trengoue, in English,the Smithes towne, and assumed this: he married Sir Iohn Arundels daughter of Trerice: and beareth A. a crosse haumed S. During summer season, the Seales haunt a Caue, in the Cliffe thereby, and you shall see great store them, apparently shew themselues, and approch verie neere the shore, at the sound of any lowde musicke, or other such noyse.
Beyond Nants, M. Basset possesseth Tehiddy, who married Godolphin, his father Coffyn : he beareth O. three Piles in point G. a Canton Er. with a difference.
And so, leauing these priuate Inhabitances, & keeping still the North coast, we arriue at the towne, and port of S. Ies: both of meane plight, yet, with their best meanes, (and often, to good and necessarie purpose) succouring distressed shipping. Order hath bene taken, and attempts made, for bettering the Road, with a Peere, but eyther want, or slacknesse, or impossibilitie, hitherto withhold the effect: the whiles, plentie of fish is here taken, and sold verie cheape.
As you row to the Westwards from hence, the sea floweth into a large Caue, farder vp, then any man durst yet aduenture to discouer, and the Cliffes thereabouts muster long strakes of a glittering hiew, which import a shew of Copper: and Copper mynes are found, and wrought in the grounds adioyning.
M. Camden obserueth, that neere hereunto, stood the watch-towre, mencioned by Orosius, and oppositely placed to such another in Galitia.
Stepping ouer to the South-sea, (for the distaunce [155] is in comparison, but a step) S. Michaels mount looketh so aloft, as it brooketh no concurrent, for the highest place. Ptolomey termeth it Ocrinum, the Cornish men, Cara Cowz in Clowze, that is, The hoare rocke in the wood. The same is sundred from the mayne land, by a sandy playne, of a slight shoot in breadth, passable, at the ebbe, on foote; with boat, on the flood. Your arriuall on the farther side, is entertayned by an open greene, of some largenesse, which finishing where the hill beginneth, leaues you to the conduction of a winding and craggy path; and that at the top, deliuereth you into a little plaine, occupied, for the greatest part, by a fort of the olde making. It compriseth lodgings for the Captayne and his garrison, and a Chappell for deuotion. This latter, builded by Will. Earle of Morton, to whom William the Conquerour his vncle, gaue much lands in those quarters, and greatly haunted, while folke endured their merits, by farre trauailing. They haue a tye pit, not so much satisfying vse, as relieuing necessitie. A little without the Castle, there is a bad seat in a craggy place, called S. Michaels Chaire, some what daungerous, for accesse, and therefore holy for the aduenture.
Vntill Richard the firsts raigne, the mount seemeth to haue serued onely for religion, and (during his imprisonment) to haue bene first fortified by Henry de la Pomeray, who surprized it, and expulsed the Monks: howbeit soone after, when hee became ascertained of his Soueraignes enlargement, the very feare of ensuing harme wrought in him a present effect of the vttermost that any harme could bring, namely, his death: whereon, the olde cell and new fort, was surrendred to the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Kings behalfe. Thus Houeden reporteth. But the descendents from this Pomeray, alias, Pomeroy, make a somewhat different relation of this accident: for they affirme, that a Sergeant at armes of the Kings, came to their auncestour, at his Castle of Bery Pomeroy, in Deuon, receyued kind entertaynment for certaine dayes together, and at his departure, was gratified with a liberall reward: in counter-change whereof, he then, and no sooner, reuealing his long concealed errand, flatly arresteth his hoaste, to make his immediate appearance before the King, for answering a capitall crime. Which vnexpected and il-carryed message, the Gent, tooke in such despite, as with his dagger hee stabbed the messenger to the heart: and then well knowing in so suparlatiue an offence, all hope of pardon foreclosed, he abandones his home, gets to a sister of his abiding in this mount, bequetheth a large portion of his land to the religious people there, for redeeming his soule: and lastly, causeth himselfe to be let bloud vnto death, for leauing the remainder to his heire: from which time forward, this place continued rather a schoole of Mars, then the Temple of peace. For shortly after the discomfiture of H. the 6. party, by Ed. the 4. [11. E. 4.] at Barnet field, Iohn Earle of Oxford, who had made one, and one of the principall on the weaker side, arriued heere by shipping, disguised himselfe, with some of his followers, in Pilgrims habits, therethrough got entrance, mastred the garrison, and seyzed the place. Which, thus politikely wonne, hee as valiantly kept, and kept a long time defended against the Kings power, vntill reasonable conditions swayed him to a surrender.
A like surprize, but of later date, I read in Popeliniere [2. Vol. Lib. 31.], touching the like named and seated mount, in Normandy.
During the last Cornish commotion, diuers Gent. with their wiues and families, fled to the protection of this place, where the Rebels besieged them, first wynning the plaine at the hils foote, by assault, when the water was out, and then; the euen ground on the top, by carrying vp great trusses of hay before them, to blench the defendants sight, and dead their shot. After which, they could make but slender resistance: for no sooner should any one within, peepe out his head, ouer those inflanked wals, but he became an open marke to a whole showre of arrowes. This disaduantage, together with the womens dismay, & decrease of victuals, forced a surrender to those Rakehels mercy, who, nothing guilty of that effeminate vertue, spoyled their goods, imprisoned their bodies, and were rather by Gods gracious prouidence, then any want of will, purpose, or attempt, restrayned from murdering the principall persons.
Heere also [13. H. 7.], was the Lady Katherine Gordon (an vnfit yoke-fellow for that counterfeit Prince, Perkin Warbeck) taken by the L. Daubney, and conueyed to the King. Of this, as the last wonder.
Who knowes not Mighels mount and chaire, The Pilgrims holy vaunt: Both land, and Iland, twise a day, Both fort, and port of haunt.
Vnder the mount extendeth a bay, for lesser vessels to lie at: and betweene it and the Westerne shoare, there is an indifferent good road for shipping, sauing vpon some winds, called the Mounts bay: where, by Froissarts report, Sir Robert Knolles landed, what time his returne out of Fraunce, was by K. Ed. the 3. commaunded, and for his valiant exployts there, atchieued, very graciously welcomed.
Ouer-against the Mount, fronteth a towne, of petty fortune, pertinently named Marcaiew, of Marhas diow, in English, the Thursdaies market; for then it vseth this traffike. At the beginning of K. H. the 8. raigne, it felt the Frenchmens fiery indignation, who landed there with 30. sayle. But the smoke of those poore houses, calling in the country to the rescusse, made the place ouer hote for the enemies any longer abode.
Mousehole, in Cornish, is named Porternis, and in Latin, Portus Insulae, both importing one sense, to wit, the Iland hauen, and so called, through a little Iland placed before it.
M. Holinshed telleth vs, that neere heereunto, not many yeeres sithence, certayne Tynners, as they were working, found Speare heads, Battel-axes, and swords of Copper, wrapped in lynnen clouts, and little impayred through their long lying.
Pensans, by interpretation, The Saints head, is a market towne, not so regardable for his substance, as memorable for his late accident of the Spaniards firing, which fell out in this maner:
The three & twentieth of July, 1595. soone after the Sun was risen, and had chased a fogge, which before kept the sea out of sight, 4. Gallies of the enemy presented themselues vpon the coast, ouer-against Mousehole, [157] and there In a faire Bay, landed about two hundred men, pikes and shot, who foorthwith sent their forlorne hope, consisting of their basest people, vnto the stragled houses of the countrie, about halfe a mile compasse or more, by whome were burned, not onely the houses they went by, but also the Parish Church of Paul, the force of the fire being such, as it vtterly ruined all the great stonie pillers thereof: others of them in that time, burned that fisher towne Mowsehole, the rest marched as a gard for defence of these firers. The Inhabitants being feared with the Spaniards landing and burning, fled from their dwellings, and verie meanely weaponed, met with Sir Francis Godolphin on a greene, on the West side of Pensance, who that forenoone comming from his house, for pacifying some controuersies in those Western parts, and from the hils espying the fires in that towne, Church, and houses, hastened thither: Who foorthwith sent to all the Captaines of those parts, for their speedie repaire with their companies, and also sent by Poast to Sir Francis Drake, and Sir Iohn Hawkins (then at Plymmouth with a fleete bound for the Indies) aduertisement of the arriuall of these foure Gallies, and of their burnings, aduising them to looke to themselues, if there were any greater fleete of the enemies at Sea, and to send West with all haste, what succours by sea or land they could spare. Then Sir Francis Godolphin aduised that weake assembly, to retire into Pensance, and to prepare it for defence, vntill the comming of the Countrie forces that hee had sent for. But they finding themselues in number something aboue a hundred, wherein were about thirtie or fortie shot, though scarce one third of them were seruiceable, insisted to march against the enemies, to repell them from farther spoyles of their houses.
But while they were marching towards them, the Spaniards returned aboord their Gallyes, and presently remooued them farther into the Bay, where they anchored againe, before and neere a lesser fisher towne, called Newlyn.
There againe with all speede they landed, and imbattelled in the slope of a hill, about foure hundred pikes and shot, sending about two rankes of soldiers, three in a ranke, vp to the top of the hill, to discouer what forces or ambushes of the Countrey might lye in view: who espying none but those that were returned with Sir Frauncis Godolphin, from their forementioned fruitlesse march, gaue notice thereof to their imbatteled company. Wherevpon they forthwith marched towards Penzance.
Vpon their moouing, Sir Frauncis Godolphin moued also, to enter Penzance before them: and assoone as that weake number were entred into the open greene being of three quarters of a mile length, the Gallyes ceased not to ply them all that way with their ordinance from their prowes, as busily as they could. Of which shot, though none were hurt, but onely a Constable vnhorsed without any harme, sauing the shew on his doublet of the bullets sliding by his back, yet many in fearefull manner, some fell flat to the ground, and others ranne away.
Sir Frauncis sent after those that were entred Penzance before him, that they should make their stand at the market place, himselfe [158] staying hindmost, to obserue the enemies order, and which way they would make their approach. Which done, he found at the said market place but onely two resolute shot, who stood at his commaund, and some ten or twelue others that followed him, most of them his owne seruants; the rest, surprised with feare, fled, whom, neither with his perswasions, nor threatning with his rapier drawne, hee could recall.
Finding himselfe thus abandoned, and the enemies entred the towne in three parts, he was then forced to depart, the enemies beginning their fire some houses behinde him. The towne thus fired, as also the forementioned little fisher towne Newlyn, they returned againe to their Gallies.
By this time, towards the euening, the Cornish forces encreased in nomber, and amended in heart, encamped themselues on the greene, neere to the towne of Markesew and S. Michaels Mount, for defence thereof, and there spent out the night. The next day the enemy made showe to land againe on the West side of the bay; but seeing the people, though few in number, yet resolute to resist, they desisted from their enterprize: and besides, finding themselues annoyed by the shooting of bullets and arrowes into their Gallies where they roade at anchor, they were forced to remoue them farther off.
Soone after, viz. on the 25. of July in the morning, came thither Sir Nic. Clifford, Sir H. Power, and certaine other Captaines, who were sent by the Generals from Plymmouth to the campe: As some of her Maiesties ships were also sent, who being come as farre as the Lizard head, & those Captaines to the camp, matters there goe on in prouident and orderly sort, a plot is layd for intercepting the enemy by ambush, if he thrust on shore againe, whereto necessity must soone haue pressed him, for renuing his consumed store of fresh water: but within one houre after the arriuall of these Captaines, the winde, which was vntill then strong at Southeast, with mist and rayne, to haue impeached the Gallies returne, suddenly changed into the Northwest, with very fayre and cleare weather, as if God had a purpose to preserue these his rods for a longer time. The winde no sooner came good, but away pack the Gallies with all the hast they could.
Thus haue you a summary report of the Spaniards glorious enterprise, and the Cornish mens infamous cowardise, which (were there any cause) I could qualify by many reasons, as, the suddennesse of the attempt, the narrownesse of the country, the opennesse of the towne, the aduantage of the Gallies ordinance on a people vnprepared against such accidents, through our long continued peace, & at that very time, for the most part, eyther in their Tynne-workes, or at sea, who e're the next day made resistance, euen with a handfull, and entred a vowed resolution, to reuenge their losse at the next encounter, if the enemy had landed againe.
So might I likewise say, that all these circumstances meeting in any other quarter of the Realme, would hardly haue produced much better effects. But I will not seeke to thrust my Countrymen into any other folkes company, for shifting them out of sight.
Verily such sudden surprizes worke more indignity [159] then dammage, and more dammage then disgrace, and haue so beene euer construed. Moscho, a head Citie in a populous dominion, was burned by the roguing Tartars, anno domini 1572 [Liu. lib. 3.]. The Capitoll, a head fortresse, in a populous Citie, was taken by slaues and outlawes, anno vrbis, 292. and yet, who therefore exalteth the Tartars valiancy, aboue the Moschouite, or the Romanes slaues & outlawes, aboue their masters? Besides, such nap-taking assaults, spoylings, and firings, haue in our forefathers daies, betweene vs and Fraunce, beene very common; and yet, who is so witlesse, as to twite eyther of both, for the same?
But least hold can the author, and actor of this Tra-gedy take, to build any vaunt hereon: for oftentimes small troups of ours, against farre greater forces of theirs, yea (sometimes) after forewarning, and preparance, haue wonne, possessed, ransacked, synged, captiued, and carried away the townes, wealth, and Inhabitants, not onely of their Indies, but of Portugall and Spaine it selfe. Which Nombre de dios, S. Domingo, Cartagena, the lower towne of the Groigne, Penecha, the suburbs of Lisbone, and Cales wil testify, beyond all exception. But our Countrymen leauing reason & example, excuse themselues by destiny. In fatis they say (& not in fatuis) it was, that the Cornish people should vndergo this misfortune: for an ancient prophecy, in their owne language, hath long run amongst them, how there should land vpon the rock of Merlin, those that would burn Pauls Church, Pensants, and Newlyn. And indeed, so is the rocke called, where the enemy first stept on shore. The prophesy is this:
Ewra teyre a war meane Merlyn Ara Lesky Pawle Pensanz ha Newlyn.
Not farre from the lands ende, there is a little village, called Trebegean, in English, The towne of the Giants graue: neere whereunto, and within memory (as I haue beene informed) certayne workemen searching for Tynne, discouered a long square vault, which contayned the bones of an excessiue bigge carkas, and verified this Etimology of the name.
At Saint Buriens, a parish of great circuit, and like benefit to the Incumbent, King Athelstane accomplished his vowe, in founding a Colledge of Priests, what time he had conquered the Sillane Ilands.
Chiwarton signifyeth, a house on the greene lay, and a Castle on a greene hill is giuen by the Gent. of that name, who, in a quiet single life, maketh no farther vse of his knowledge gotten in the lawes, during his younger age, or that experience, wherewith a long course of yeeres hath sithence enriched him, then may tend, sine lucro, to the aduauncement of publike iustice, or, sine strepitu, to the aduisement of his priuate acquaintance. Hee beareth A. a Castle S. standing on a hill. V.
Sundry other Gentlemen people that remote quarter as Lauelis, &c. touching whom I must plead, non sum informatus.
Diogenes, after he had tired his Scholers with a long Lecture, finding at last the voyde paper, Bee glad, my friends (quoth hee) wee are come to harbour. With the like comfort, in an vnlike resemblance, I will refresh
you who haue vouchsafed to trauaile in the rugged and wearyfome path of mine ill-pleasing stile, that now your iourney endeth with the land; to whose Promontory (by Pomp. Mela, called Bolerium: by Diodorus, Velerium: by Volaterane, Hele- nium: by the Cornish, Pedn an laaz: and by the English, The lands end) be- cause we are arriued, I will heere sit mee downe and rest.
Deo gloria: mihi gratia. 1602. April. 23.
The Table of the first Booke.
Accidents. generall, in the first Elements. The Suruey of booke, reporting her Inhabitants. Cornwal contai- neth a description Special,in the 2.book, Topographical, containing matters Historicall.
Accidents, wherein are deliuered the name & shape. Fol. 1. Climat. 2. The quantitie, length and breadth. ibid. Borders. ibid. Commodities of the situation. 3. Discommodities. 4. Temperature. 5.
Earth aboue, forme, qualitie. 5. Things of life, growing, and feeling. Earth vnder, Mynerals. 6. Precious, Diamonds, Pearle, and Agats. 7. Water fresh, springs, riuers, ponds. 26. Therein the fish. 28. The taking. 30. Sea, things liuelesse: liuing, fish, foule.
Things of life, growing.
Mats. 18. Hearbs. 19. Corne, dressing. ibid. kindes. 20. Trees for fruit. ibid. Fewel, timber. 21.
Things of life, feeling.
Wormes. 21. Venery. 22. Beasts, meat. 23. vse. 24. Birds. ibid.
Stones for walling, windowes, couering, pauing, ;yme. 6. Mettals : Tynne : 7. Copper. 6. Siluer and Gold. 7.
Kindes, finding. 8. Colour, bignesse. 10. Aduentures. ibid. Working, expressing the persons : Captaine. ibid. Labourers. ibid. Maner, tooles. ibid. Loose earth, rockes. 11. Conueyance by water, engines, Addits. ibid.
Breaking, stamping, drying, crazing, washing. ibid. Blowing. 12.
Charter. 16. Officers supreme : L. Warden, Vice-warden. 17. Inferior: Stewards, Gaylour. 18. Iuries: great, petty. ibid. Witnesses. ibid.
Sharing. 12. Places: Wastrel, Seuerall. 13. Bounds, doales, measure. ibid. in time, 13. places. ibid. Coynage and their times. ibid. Post, 14. Officers. ibid. Price by free sale, Preemption. 17. Vsury in Tynne: black, white. 15.
Sea : things liuelesse.
Briny, Salt-mils, Ilands, hauens. 26. Sand, Orewoods, Shels and Nuts, Shipping. 27.
Sea : things liuing.
Fish, partaker of the fresh. 28. Therein the fashion, shelly, flat, round. 30. Within hauen. 29. Their taking, generall and particular. 30. Vpon the coast. 31. Sauing and venting. 33. Foule : eatable, not eatable. 35.
Inhabitants : estate real.
Priuate: grounds, houses. 36. Entercourse: bridges, high wayes. 53. Traffike : markets, fayres ibid. Wayghts and measures. 54.
Inhabitants : estate personall.
Names. 54. Language. 55. Number. 57. Disposition ancient. ibid. Disposition later, of mindes, holinesse. 58. Sciences: Diuines. ibid. Ciuilians. 59. Phisicians. 60. Statemen, Martiall, Free schooles. 61. Mechanicall. 62. Disposition later, of bodies: strength: ibid. Actiuity, health. 63. Nobility and Gentlemen. ibid. Degrees : Townsmen. 65. Husbandmen. 66. Poore. 67.
Feasts: Saints, 69. Haruest, Church-ale. 68. Pastimes of the minde : songs, 72. Guaries. 71. Pastimes of the body: shooting, 72. goales, 73. Hurling to countrey, 74. Wrastling, 75. Games. 76. Gouernours, ibid. Gouernment, as an entire State: Royalties. 79. Gouernment, as a part of the Realme, Spiritual: Arch-bishop, Bishop, Arch-deacon, 82. Peculiars. 81. Gouernment, as a part of Martial Commaunders, 83. the Realme, Temporal: Forces, ibid. Orders, Forts. 84. Beacons, Poasts. 85. Ciuill Magistrates: Iudges, 89. Iustices, 88. Vice-admirall, Coroners, Clarke of the market. 87. Corporations, 86. Parliaments. 90. Ciuill Ministers: Constables, Baylifs, 85. Gaylour. 90. Limits: Hundreds, Franchises, parishes. 86. Proportions: places to meete, rates. ibid.
The end of the first Table.
Table of the fecond Booke.
Topographicall. Historical
COrnwall in generall. 96.
East Hundred. 98.
Plymmouth hauen. 98. Edgecumb. 99. Rame head. ibid. Richaurd Adams strange Causam bay. ibid. child-birth. 103. S. Nicholas Iland. 99. Carew. ibid. The bridge. ibid. Lerchdeacon. 102. Mount-Edgecumb. ibid. Agnes Cornish, her strange West Stonehouse. 100. escape from drowning. 107. Hamose. ibid. Danney. 108. Milbrook. 101. S. Germanes Priory. ibid. Insworke. ibid. Kekewitch. 109. Antony. 102. S. Germanes Chauncel. ibid. Lyner riuer. ibid. Moyle. ibid. Saltwater pond. 104. Smith. 110. Banqueting house. 107. Langdon. ibid. Beggers Iland. ibid. Fleets from Plymmouth ha- Sheuiock. 108. uen. 114. Crafthole. ibid. Carack burned. 113. S. Germanes. ibid. Trematon besieged. ibid. Cuddenbeake. 109. Bond. 111. Seaton. 110. Grenuile. ibid. Wotton. ibid. Porter. 112. Trematon Castle. 111. Wadham. ibid. Saltash. 112. Grisling vnderstanding speach Ash torre. 113. by sight. 113. Henpoynt. ibid. A charitable dogge. ibid. Cargreene. ibid. Arundel. ibid. Hengsten. 115. Rouse. ibid. Carybullock. ibid. Treuice. 114. Lawhitton. ibid. Harris. 116. Lanceston. 116. Corington. 117. Wrey. ibid. Trelawney. ibid.
Stratton Hundred. 117.
Straton towne. 117. Chamond. 118. Bude. 118. Arscot. ibid. S. Mary Wike. 119. Rempthorne. ibid. Thomasin Bonauenture. 119.
Lesnewith Hundred. 120.
Bottreaux Caftle. ibid. Iohn Northampton. 112. Tintogel. ibid. Earle Richard of Corn- Dosmery poole. 122. wall. ibid. Camelford. ibid. King Arthur. ibid. Bousening. 123.
Trigge Hundred. ibid.
Bodmyn. 123. Perkin Warbeck. 124. Scarlets well. 126. Childrens forhalfening. ibid. Temple. 127. Sir Anthony Kingston. ibid. Halgauer Court. 126. Carnsew. 127. Roscarrock. ibid.
West Hundred. 127.
East and West Loo. ibid. Beuill. 130. S. Georges Iland. 128. Iohn Size, a strange eater. ibid. Liskerd. ibid. Murth. 131 S. Neot. 129. Wideslade. ibid. S. Kaines well. ibid. Lower. 132. Polpera. 131. Kendall. ibid. Fining house. 130. Glyn. ibid. Hall walke. 132. Mohun. ibid. Earl of Deuons fagot. 133.
Powder Hundred. 134.
Foy hauen and towne. 134. Treffry. 134. Trewardreth. 136. Nicholas of Foy. 135. Lostwithiel. 137. Treasure non troue. 136. Restormel Castle. ibid. A graue found. 137. Roche. 138. Gallants of Foy. 135. The tyde well spring. ibid. Rashleigh. 136. Hainborough. ibid. Bone, deafe and dumb. 139. S. Probus. 140. Hill. 140. Lanhadron. ibid. Tremaine. ibid. Grampond. ibid. Bodrugan. 141. Dudman. 141. Trauanion. ibid. Roseland. ibid. Lostwithiel custome. 137. Tregny. ibid. Truro. ibid. S. Mawes Castle. 142.
Pider Hundred. 143.
Padstowe. 143. Prideaux. 143. Wade bridge. ibid. Cosowarth. 144. Nine sisters. ibid. Trerice. 145. Castellan Denis. ibid. Trenance. 148. S. Colombs. 144. Tredenick. 149. Peran in Sabulo. 148. Nants well halfening. 144. Bors neeuas. ibid. S. Agnes Hill. ibid. New kay. ibid.
Kerier Hundred. 149.
Falmouth. 149. Trefuses. 150. Pendenis. ibid. Parker. ibid. Perin. 150. Killigrew. ibid. Hailford hauen. 150. Carclew. 151. Hauterdauis. 151. Penrose. 152. Mainamber. ibid. Erisy. ibid. Helston. 152. Saintabyn. ibid. Lo poole. ibid. Militon. ibid. Meneag. ibid. Godolphin. 153.
Penwith Hundred. ibid.
S. Ies. 154. Nants. 154. The Caue. ibid. Pomeray. 154. S. Michaels mount. ibid. Vere. 155. Mounts bay. 156. Pensants burning. 156. Pensants. ibid. Chiuerton. 159. Trebegean. 159. S. Buriens. ibid. Lands end. ibid.
Richard Carew Esq;
The EXCELLENCIES of the English Tongue.
LONDON, Printed in the Year M.DCC.XXIII.
An Epistle concerning the Excellencies of the Engliih Tongue.
IT were more fitting (in respect of discretion) that men should first weigh Matters with Iudgment, and then incline their Affection where the greatest Reason swayeth. But ordinarily it falleth out to the contrarie; for by Custom we first settle our Affection, and then afterwards draw in those Arguments to approve it, which should have forgone to perswade ourselves. In this preposterous Course (seeing that antiquity from our Elders and uniuersalitie of our Neighbours do entitle with a Right) I hold myself the more freely warranted delirare, not onely cum vulgo, but also cum sapientibus, in seeking out with what Commendations I may attire our English Language, as Stephanus hath done for the French, and diuers of other Nations, for theirs.
Locutio is defined Animi sensus per vocem expressio. On which ground I build these consequences, That the first and principal point sought in euerie Language, is that we may expres the Meaning of our Minds aptly to each other. Next, that we may do it readily and without more adoe. Then fully, so as others may thoroughly conceiue us. And last of all, handsomely, that those to whom we speak may take pleasure in hearing us: So that whateuer Tongue will gain the Race of Perfection must run upon these four wheeles, SIGNIFICANCIE, EASINESS, COPIOUSNESS, and SWEETNESS; of which the two former import a Necessitie, the two latter a Delight. Now if I can proove, That our English Language for all or the most part is comparable if not preferable to any other in use at this day, I hope the assent of any impartial Reader will pass on my side. And how I indeavor to performe the same, this short labor shall manifest.
I. To begin then with the SIGNIFICANCIE of the English Tongue, it consisteth in the Letters, Words, and Phrases. And because the Greeke and Latine have ever borne away the prerogatiue from all other Tongues, they shall serue as the Touchstones whereby to make our Tryall.
For LETTERS, we haue C more then the Greekes, K and Y more then the Latines, and W more then them both, or then the French and Italians.
In those common to them and us, we have the use of the Greek B in our V, of our B they haue none; so have we of their [uppercase lambda] and [uppercase theta] in our Th, which in the wordes that and things expresseth both; but of our D they haue none. Likewise their T we turn to another use in yield, than they can; and as for E,G, and J, neither Greekes nor Latines can make use of them as we doe in these Words, each, edge, joy. True it is, that we in pronouncing the Latine use them also after this manner; but the same, in regard of the ancient and right Romane deliuerie, altogether abusively; as may appear by Scaliger, Sir Thomas Smith, Lipsius, and others.
Now, for the Significance of WORDS, as every Indiuiduum is but one, so in our native English-Saxon Language, we find many of them suitably expressed by one Sillable: Those consisting of more are borrowed from other Nations; the Examples are infinite, and therefore I will omit them as sufficiently notorious.
Again, for expressing our Passions, our Interjections are very apt and forcible; as, finding ourselves somewhat agrieued, we crie, Ah! if more deeply, Oh! if we pity, Alas! when we bemoan, Alacke! neither of them so effeminate as the Italian Deh, or the French Helas: In detestation we say Phy ! (as if therewithall we should spit) in attention, Haa; in calling, Whowpe ; in hollowing, Wahalowe: all which (in my Ear) seem to be deriued from the very Natures of those severall Affections.
Grow from hence to the Composition of Words, and therein our Language hath a peculiar Grace, a like Significancie, and more short then the Greekes, for example, in Moldwarpe we express the Nature of the Animal; in Handkercher the thing and the use; in the word upright, that Virtue by a Metaphore; in Wisdome and Doomesday, so many Sentences as Words; and so of the rest: for I give only a Taste, that may direct others to a fuller Observation of what my sudden Memorie can represent unto me. It may pass also the Masters in this Significancie, that all the proper Names of our People do in a manner import somewhat, which from a peculiar Note at first of some of the Progenitors, in process of time inverted itself in a possession of the Posterity, even as wee see the like often befall to those whose Fathers bare some uncouth Christian Names. Yet for the most part we avoid the blemish given to the Romanes in like Cases, who distinguished their People by the Imperfections of their Bodies; from whence grew their Nasones, Labeones, Frontones, Dentones, and such like; however, Macrobius coloureth the same: Yea, so significant are our Words, that amongst them sundry single ones serve to express divers things; as by the word Bill is meant a Weapon, a Scrowle, and a Bird's beake; by Grave may be understood, sober, burial-place, and to carve; and so by Light, marke, match, file, sore, and pray, the Semblables.
Again, some SENTENCES, in the same words carrie a divers Sence, as till, desert Ground; some signifie one thing forward and another backward, as Feeler I was, noe Foe; which to return with it is, Of one saw I releef. Some signifie one thing forward and another thing backward, as this, Eye, did Madam erre; Some carrie a contrarie Sence backward to that they do forward, as I did level ere vew, Vew ere level did I.
Some deliver a contrarie Sence by the divers pointing, as the Epistle in Dr. Wilsons Rhetorick, and many such like, which a curious Head, Leisure, and Time might pick out.
Neither may I omit the Significancie of our Proverbs, concise in Words, but plentiful in Number, briefly pointing at many great Matters and under a Circle of a few Sillables prescribing sundrie available Caveats.
Lastly, our Speech doth not consist onely of Words, but in a sort even of Deeds; as when we express a Matter by Metaphores, wherein the English is verie fruitful and forcible.
And so much for the Significancie of our Language in meaning.
II. Now for his EASINESS in learning; the same also shooteth out into Branches, the one, of others learning our Language, the second, of our learning that of others. For the first, The most part of our Words, (as I have touched) are Monasillables, and so the fewer in Tale and the sooner reduced to Memorie. Nither are we loaded with those Declensions, Flexions, and Variations which are incident to many other Tongues, but a few Articles govern all our Verbs and Nownes, and so we read a verie short Grammar.
For easie learning of other Languages by ours, let these serve as Proofes; there are many Italian words which the Frenchmen cannot pronounce, accio, for which he saith ashio; many of the French which the Italian can hardly dispence withall; as Bailler, Chagrin, Postillon; many in ours which neither of them can utter, as Hedge, Water, &c. So that a Stranger, tho never so long conversant amongst us, carrieth evermore a Watch-word upon his Tongue, to descrie him by; but turn an Englishman at any time of his Age into what Country soever, allowing him due respite, and you shall see him profit so well, that the imitation of his Utterance will in nothing differ from the Pattern of that native Language. The want of which towardness cost the Ephramites their Skinns: Nither doth this cross my former Assertion of others easie learning our Language. For I mean of the Sense and Words, and not touching the Pronunciation.
III. But I must now enter into the large Field of our Tongues COPIOUSNESS, and perhaps long wander up and down, without finding easie way of issue, and yet leaue many parts thereof unsurveyed.
My first Proofe of our Plenty, I borrow from the choise which is given us by the use of divers Languages. The Ground of our owne appertaineth to the old Saxon, little differing from the low Dutch, because they more than any of their Neighbours, have hitherto preserved that Speech from any great Forrein Mixture: here amongst, the Britons have left divers of their Words interspersed, as it were thereby making a continual claim to their possession. We may also trace the Footsteps of the Danish bitter (though not long during) Soveraigntie in these parts; and the Roman also imparted unto us of his Latine Riches with no sparing Hand. Our Neighbours the French have been likewise contented we should take up by retail, as well their Terms as their Fashions, or rather we retaine yet but some Remnant of that which once here bare all the Sway, and daily renew the Store. So have our Italian Travellers brought us acquainted with their sweete relished Phrases, which (so that their Conditions crept not in withall) were the more tollerable; yea even we seek to make our Good of our late Spanish Enimie, and feare as little the hurt of his Tongue, as the dint of his Sword. Seeing then we borrow (and that not shamefully) from the Dutch, the Britaine, the Roman, the Dane, the French, the Italian, and Spaniard, how can our Stock be other than exceeding plentifull? It may be objected, that such patching maketh Littletons Hotch-pot of our Tongue, and in effect, brings the same rather to a Babelish Confusion, than any one entire Language. It may again be answered, that this Theft of Words is no less warranted by the Priviledge of a Prescription ancient and universall, than was that of Goods among the Lacedemonians by an enacted Law: for so the Greekes robbed the Hebrewes, the Latines the Greeks, (which filching, Cicero with a large Discourse in his Books de Oratore defendeth) and (in a manner) all other Christian Nations the Latine. For evidence hereof many Sentences may be produced consisting of words, that in their Original are Latine; and yet (save some smal variance in their Terminations) fall out al one with the French, Dutch, and English; as Ley, ceremonious persons, Offer prelate preest, Clear candles flamme, in Temple Cloistre, in Cholericke Temprature, Clisters Purgation is pestelent, Pulers preservative, subtil Factors, Advocates notaries practize, Papers Libells, Registers, Regent, Magesty in Palace hath tryumphant Throne, Regiment, Sceptre, Vassels, Supplication, and such like. Then even as the Italian Potentates of these Dayes make no difference in their Pedigrees and Successions, between'the Bed lawfull or unlawfull, where either an utterward or a better desert doth force or entice them thereunto: so may the consenting practise of these Nations passe for a just Legitimation of these bastard Words, which either Necessitie or Convenience hath induced them to adopt.
For our owne parts, we employ the borrowed Ware so farre to our advantage, that we raise a profit of new words from the same Stock, which yet in their owne Country are not marchantable. For example, we deduce divers words from the Latine, which in the Latine itselfe cannot be yeelded: as the verbs, to aire, to beard, to crosse, to flame, and their Derivations, ayring, ayred, bearder, bearding, bearded, &c. as also closer, closely, closenesse, glosingly, hourely, majesticall, majestically. In like sort we grasse upon French words those Buds, to which that soile affordeth no growth; as, chiefly, faultie, slavish, precisenesse. Divers words we derive also out of the Latine at second hand by the French, and make good English, tho' both Latine and French haue their hands closed in that behalfe, as in these verbes, pray, point, paze, prest, rent, &c. and also in the adverbes, carpingly, currantly, colourably, actively, &c. Againe, in other Languages there fall out defects, while they want means to deliver that which another Tongue expresseth, as (by Cicero's Observation) you cannot interpret INEPTUS, unapt, unfit, untoward, in Greeke. Neither PORCUS, CAPO, VERVEX, a Barrow Hog, a Capon, a Weather, as Cuiacius noteth (*). No more can you expresse to STAND in French, to TYE in Cornish, nor KNAVE in Latin, (for Nebulo is a cloudy Fellow) or in Irish (**), whereas you see our Abilitie extendeth thereunto.
(*) Ad Tit. de verb signif. (**) See the Survey of Cornwall fol. 55]
Moreover, the Copiousnesse of our Language appeareth in the diversitie of our Dialects; for we have Court and we have Countrie English, we have Northerne and Southerne, grosse and ordinarie, which differ each from the other not onely in the Terminations, but also in many words, termes, and phrases, and expresse the same thinges in divers sorts, yet all right English alike. Neither can any Tongue, as I am perswaded, deliver a Matter with more Variety than ours, both plainly, and by Proverbes and Metaphors: for example, when we would be rid of one, we use to say, Be going, trudge, packe, bee faring hence, away shift; and by Circumlocution, Rather your Roome than your Companie, lets see your backe, come againe when I bid you, when you are called, sent for, intreated, willed, desired, invited; spare us your place, another in your stead, a ship of salt for you, save your credite, you are next the doore, the doore is open for you, there is no body holdeth you, no body teares your sleeve, &c. Likewise this word FORTIS, we may sinonymize after all these fashions, stout, hardy, valiant, doughty, couragious, adventrous, &c.
And in a word, to close up these proofs of our Copiousnesse, look into our imitations, of all sorts of Verses affoorded by any other Language, and you shall finde that Sir PHILIP SIDNEY, M. PUTTENHAM, M. STANIHURST, and divers more have made use how farre we are within compasse of a fore-imagined possibilitie in that behalfe.
IV. I come now to the last and sweetest point, of the SWEETNESSE of our Tongue, which shall appeare the more plainely if we match it with our Neighboures. The Italian is pleasante, but without Sinews, as a still fleeting Water; the French delicate, but even nice as a Woman, scarce daring to open her Lippes, for feare of marring her Countenance; the Spanish Majestical, but fulsome, running too much on the v, and terrible like the Devill in a Play; the Dutch manlike, but withall very harsh, as one ready at every word to picke a quarrel. Now we, in borrowing from them, give the Strength of Consonants to the Italian, the full Sound of Words to the French, the Varietie of Terminations to the Spanish, and the mollifying of more Vowels to the Dutch; and so, like Bees, gather the Honey of their good Properties, and leave the Dregs to themselves. And thus when substantialnesse combineth with delightfullnesse, fullnesse with finenesse, seemlinesse with portlinesse, and currantnesse with staidnesse, how can the Language which consisteth of all these sound other than most full of Sweetnesse?
Againe, the long wordes that we borrow being intermingled with the short of our owne store, make up a perfect Harmonie, by culling from out which Mixture (with judgment) you may frame your Speech according to the Matter you must worke on, majesticall, pleasant, delicate, or manly, more or lesse, in what sort you please. Adde hereunto, that whatsoever Grace any other Language carrieth in Verse or Prose, in Tropes or Metaphors, in Eccho's and Agnominations, they may all be lively and exactly represented in ours. Will you have Plato's Veine? read Sir THOMAS SMITH; the Ionicke? Sir THOMAS MOORE; Cicero's? ASCHAM; Varro? CHAUCER; Demosthenes? Sir JOHN CHEEKE (*); who hath comprised all the Figures of Rhetoricke. Will you read Virgil? take the Earle of SURRY; Catullus? SHAKSPEARE, and BARLOWES Fragment; Ovid? DANIEL; Lucan? SPENCER; Martial? Sir JOHN DAVIES, and others. Will you have all in all for Prose and Verse? take the Miracle of our Age, Sir PHILIP SIDNEY.
(*) In his Treatise to the rebells.
And thus, if mine owne Eies bee not blinded by Affection, I haue made yours to see, that the most renowned of all other Nations have laid up, as in a Treasure, and entrusted the Divtisos orbe Brttannos with the rarest Jewels of the Lips Perfections; whether you respect the Understanding for Significancie, or the Memorie for Easinesse, or the Conceit for Plentifullnesse, or the Eare for Pleasantnesse: wherein if enough be delivered, to add more than enough were superfluous; if too little, I leave it to be supplied by better stored Capacities; if ought amisse, I submit the same to the Discipline of everie able and impartiall Censurer.
F I N I S.