The Story of the Guides
by G. J. Younghusband
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The present mess is full not only of historical mementoes, as is only natural, but also of archaeological treasures of great value and antiquity. On the walls captured banners, swords and daggers, guns and pistols, share the honours with portraits of old commanders and of the mighty dead with their swords beneath them. Over the anteroom mantelpiece is a very gracious picture of Queen Victoria, presented by her Majesty in 1876; and this is flanked by pictures of King Edward the Seventh, who is Colonel-in-Chief of the corps, and Queen Alexandra, both presented by their Majesties when they were Prince and Princess of Wales. Over the mantelpiece in the dining-room is an excellent oil painting of Sir Harry Lumsden, who raised the corps.

One of the most interesting relics is one leaf of a mahogany table, captured at the siege of Delhi and used in camp on the Ridge; the other two leaves were taken by the 60th Rifles and the 2nd Gurkhas, who lay alongside the Guides at Hindu Rao's house. On the leaves are roughly carved symbolic crests and mottoes for the three regiments: A Maltese Cross and Celer et Audax for the 60th Rifles; crossed swords and Stout and Steady for the Gurkhas; and crossed Afghan knives with Rough and Ready for the Guides. On this latter leaf may be seen standing a cigar-lighter made out of grapeshot picked up in camp during the siege.

High up on the walls all round are endless trophies of the chase, probably the finest collection in Asia—Ovis poli, Ovis Ammon, Ibex, markhor, bara sing, and bison; besides specimens from other continents whither officers have gone in pursuit of sport or war. A splendid collection of plate testifies to success in many a field of sport, polo, tent-pegging, and shooting.

The archaeological treasures consist of sculptures and friezes of Greco-Buddhist origin, illustrating incidents in the life of Buddha, while the statues represent the great Gautama and some of his disciples. Most of these are still in perfect preservation, though varying from fifteen hundred to two thousand years in antiquity. They were all discovered, many years ago, within a few miles of the mess, and are naturally preserved with the greatest care. Savants from even so far afield as France, Germany, and America have journeyed to see them.

The mess stands in a five-acre garden, which has been the joy of many generations; for, apart from its abundant fertility, amidst its shades are to be found a swimming-bath and racquet-court, as well as tennis, badminton, and croquet lawns. Oranges, strawberries, peaches, plums, apricots, grapes, loquats and other fruits flourish and abound, while nearly every species of English flower and vegetable grows strong and well. Great trees give shade and peace to the place. But perhaps the greatest attraction to the hot and weary officer, and which leaves the most grateful memory with the dusky warriors who march through in war and peace, is the deep cool swimming-bath alongside which under the trees is spread a breakfast that suits the hour and climate. There are perhaps few more grateful feelings than on a summer's morning to come out of the fierce heat and dust and glare of field-exercises, or a march from the Malakand or Nowshera, and to find oneself in these cool and comforting surroundings.

Just outside the garden is the old graveyard, where rest in God the brave hearts who have fought the good fight, and now with sword in sheath watch with kindly pride the keen young blades who follow in their steps. Side by side lie two of the heroic Battyes, Wigram and Fred, two of the four brothers who died for their Queen and Country. As has been related elsewhere, Wigram was killed in 1879 while charging at the head of his squadron at Futtehabad in Afghanistan, and Fred fell mortally wounded just as he had completed a most brilliant operation at the Panjkora river, on the march to the relief of Chitral in 1895. Close to them lies that kindly, upright gentleman, beloved of all, Bob Hutchinson, who fell at the head of the Guides during a night attack on the border village of Malandrai in 1886. A few yards in another direction may be seen a stone to the memory of A.M. Ommanney, a young officer who was assassinated by a fanatic in mistake for his brother. Besides these, and many other single graves, there are large inclusive monuments to the memory of the officers and men of various regiments who have fought on these borders. Amongst them may be seen those erected to the memory of the officers and men of the 71st Highland Light Infantry, 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, and 101st Royal Bengal Fusiliers, all killed in the Umbeyla campaign of 1863.

Outside the old graveyard, standing at the meeting of three roads, is a very fine mulberry tree, planted at the spot where, according to old soldiers, Colonel Spottiswoode, of the 55th Native Infantry, in deep distress at the mutiny of his regiment, determined to take his own life rather than live to see it disgraced, and under which, according to tradition, he lies buried.

Passing through the bazaar, we come to the Memorial arch and tank, erected by Government to Major Sir Louis Cavignari, Mr. W. Jenkyns, Lieutenant Walter Hamilton, V.C., Surgeon Kelly and the native officers, non-commissioned-officers, and men of the Guides who fell in the defence of the Kabul Residency, September, 3rd, 1879. Just outside the memorial garden is the spot where Lieutenant A.M. Ommanney was assassinated, now known as the Ommanney cross-roads.

Every road in the cantonment has a name, and each name in itself is an honoured memory. Some bear the names of old officers of the corps, while others keep green the memory of those fallen in war. Amongst the former will be found Sir Alfred Wilde, Sir Charles Keyes, Sir Frances Jenkins, and Sir John McQueen. Sir Alfred Wilde commanded the corps with great distinction during the Umbeyla campaign of 1863, and afterwards went on to command the Punjab Frontier Force, as did also Sir Charles Keyes. Of Sir Frances Jenkins a book might be written, for his connection with the Guides extended over nearly twenty-four years. He was one of the most accomplished soldiers who have ever served in the Indian Army and carried with him much of the breezy skill in war of Sir Harry Lumsden. Sir John McQueen also was a soldier of great renown, who afterwards commanded the Punjab Frontier Force. Other roads bear the names of Bob Hutchinson, who, as above recorded, was killed in the night attack on Malandrai; Walter Hamilton, killed in defence of the Kabul Residency; Hector MacLean, who earned the Victoria Cross and died to save a comrade at Landaki, in Swat; Quentin Battye, who, mortally wounded, passed peacefully away at Delhi with the words Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori on his lips; Wigram Battye, killed bravely charging in Afghanistan, and Fred Battye, killed at the Panjkora. Great names these all, and spreading still their soldier influence, perhaps insensibly, over the spirit of their old home and regiment.

Out beyond the cavalry parade-ground is the Home Farm, and on each side of it run the cavalry and infantry rifle-ranges, skirted by fine avenues of trees. Between the infantry range and the church are two of the best polo-grounds in India,—grounds which have produced many famous players and many famous teams. The church was erected by public subscription to the memory of Colonel Hutchinson, and claims the great attraction to sojourners in a foreign land of being like a little English church. On the walls are tablets to the memory of Sir Harry Lumsden; Major F.H. Barton, the cheery, gallant sportsman who was killed at polo in 1902; Major Gaikskill; A.W. Wilde, son of Sir Alfred; Hector MacLean; Quentin and Fred Battye; Major G.H. Bretherton, who was drowned on the way to Lhassa; Charlie Keyes, son of Sir Charles, treacherously killed in West Africa, and many others. The churchyard is beautifully laid out with many rare plants, flowers, and trees. There remains only, to finish up with, the old cricket-ground, now used entirely for lawn-tennis, badminton, and croquet; for cricket flourishes not in India at this day, though doubtless a revival may come before many years, as is so often the case with games.

The daily life at Mardan is much the same as in any other Indian cantonment. In the early morning comes parade or manoeuvre, growing painfully early as the brief hot weather creeps on. Stables follow for the cavalry, and work in the lines for the infantry. Next comes orderly-room for the adjutants and others; and twice a week durbar. The durbar in an Indian regiment takes the place of the formal orderly-room of a British regiment. It is held in the open, under the trees, or at any convenient spot; and the underlying principle is that any man in the regiment may be present to hear, and, when called upon, to speak. It is a sort of open court, whereat not only are delinquents brought up for judgment, but all matters connected with the welfare of the men, and especially such as in any way touch their pockets or privileges, are openly discussed. To add to the semi-informal and friendly nature of the assembly, all the men are allowed to wear plain clothes.

In the afternoon both officers and men are, as a rule, free to amuse themselves with such sport and games as may seem good to them. Round and about Mardan there is fairly good small-game shooting, the game-book in a good year showing over three thousand head shot by the officers. Amongst these are wild duck of many varieties, wild geese, snipe, partridges, hare, and quail.

The ancient and royal sport of falconry, which long flourished, has of late years become much restricted owing to the increase of cultivation. One of the highest forms of falconry, and one little known in other countries, was the pursuit of the ravine deer. Only falcons reared from the nest could be trained to this sport, and they had to be obtained from far off Central Asia. The falcon used was the Cherug, or Saker as she is known in Europe, and the method of training is interesting. From the nest upwards the bird was taught that the only possible place to obtain food was from between a pair of antlers. At first fed sitting between them, as she learnt to flutter she was encouraged to bridge a short gap to her dinner. Then, as she grew stronger, she flew short distances to get her food as before. The next step was the use of a stuffed deer on wheels, which, when the hawk was loosed, was run along, and thus accustomed her to the idea of movement in getting her food. At the same time she was accustomed to the presence of greyhounds, for without the aid of these she would never be able to bring down her quarry. For the Pathan saying is: "The first day a ravine deer is born a fleet man may catch it; the second day a dog; and the third day no one!"

The hawks, which were flown in pairs, were now taken into the field, keen set, to use a term in falconry; that is very hungry, but not weakened or disheartened by hunger. Directly a herd of deer was sighted the hawks were cast loose, and, soaring up, soon descried a seemingly familiar object with a pair of antlers, between which there was doubtless a delicious meal. Off, therefore, they went straight for the quarry, and, stooping, struck for the deer's antlers. Naturally, however, no bird of that size could bring a deer to earth, or even stop him unaided; but the hawks had done their initial work, and the riders, with a couple of greyhounds leashed to the stirrup, rode hard for the spot where the hawks were striking, and let slip the hounds.

The rattle of hoofs at once stampeded the deer, and then the chase began. The hawks, in turn towering and stooping, showed the line to take, for the deer was invisible to the dogs, and generally to the riders. But the dogs had learnt to work by the hawks, and cutting a corner here, or favoured by a jink there, gradually closed up, the part of the hawks being, by constant striking, to delay and confuse the deer. It was a hard ride and a fine combination which secured the quarry, and, as with all sport worth the name, it was even chances on the deer. When the combination failed and the deer got away, it was a bit of human nature to see the meeting between the hawks and the dogs. The hawks would be sitting on the ground or on a bush, evidently and unmistakably using language of the most sulphurous nature; while the dogs came up, their tongues out, their tails between their legs, and with a general air of exhaustion, dejection, and apology. As they slunk up the muttered curses broke forth: "You! you lazy hound! Call yourself a greyhound! You're a fat-tailed sheep, that's what you are, nothing more!" And up would get friend hawk and cuff and strike and harry that poor dog, till he fairly yelped and fled to his master for protection.

Duck and bustard still afford sport to the falconer, but he has to work further afield, and gets less in return than in the olden times. The bustard gives good sport, and often a good run of three or four miles; indeed there is on record a case of an eleven mile point.

On the mountain range which lies close to Mardan markhor are to be found, and some good heads have been shot; while in the lower slopes good bags of chikore, black and grey partridge, and rock-pigeons may be obtained. There are two of the best polo-grounds in India, and the Guides can generally put up a good team or two to compete in the various tournaments, and generally one or more challenge-cups are to be seen on their mess table. Racquets, tennis, and hockey, lime-cutting, tent-pegging and other mounted sports are also part of the weekly life; while friendly visits, given and taken, keep touch with the neighbouring stations.

The climate of these parts is on the whole eminently healthy and bracing. True, there are four months of very hot weather, but they get lost sight of in the keen delight of the other eight. Red cheeks with buoyant activity and spirits carry their own advertisement.

Thus, briefly described, has been the home of the Guides for upwards of sixty years; a little kingdom barely a mile square, but full of happy associations for all who have lived there. It is a quiet, unassuming spot, which year by year has bred, and sent forth to fight, many a gallant officer and brave soldier; and which in future years hopes to keep bright the shining record of great deeds that have gone before.



Abazai, 96

Abbott, 12

Abdul Mujid, 153-9

Adams, Capt., 162

Adams, Col., 183-4

Afghan War, the, 1878-80, 117-134

Afghanistan, the yeoman armies of, 131

Afridis, the, 47 The Jowaki, 47, 93

Agnew, murder of, 18, 19 general references to, 12

Ahmed Jan, 61

Ajun Khan, 44

Alawi-ke-Serai, 71

Alexandra, Queen, 188

Ali Musjid captured by Guides, 119

Amandara Pass, 181

Amir Dost Mahomed Khan, 60

Amritsar, 31

Anderson, murder of, 19

Archaeological treasures of the Guides, 189

Asmai heights, assaults on, 128

Attock, 67, 68, 94


Babuzai, village of, 9-12

Bahaud-din Khan, 120-2

Bajaur, 64

Baldwin, Lt., 162

Bandobust, 59

Bannu, 21

Barnes, Mr., (Commissioner) 71

Barton, F.H., Major, 193

Battye, Capt. Fred., 128, 164-5-7, 191, 193

Battye, Quentin, his death at Delhi, 74 References to, 124, 193

Battye, Capt. Wigram, 95, 123, 124, 125, 191, 193

Bengal Cavalry, 11th, 91

Bengal Fusiliers, 101st Royal, 90

Bengal Lancers, 11th, 178, 180-1

Beresford, Lord William, 83-6

Bhawulpore, 21

Bibi Pakdaman mosque, the, 22

Blood, Sir Bindon, 179, 182

Boileau, Col. S.B., 47

Bond, Lt., 80

Bori, attack on, 47-50

Bretherton, Major G.H., 193

Browne, Sir Sam., 119, 187

Brownlow, Sir Charles, 88-9

Budlika-Serai, battle of, 72

Buner, 177

Burhan, 68


Campbell, Sir Colin, 43

Campbell, Fred., 169

Campbell, Major R.B., 94

Cavignari, Sir Louis, and the attack on Paia, 93-4 And the attack on Sapri, 95-6 His work and death at Kabul, 97-116 References to, 92, 192

Chakdara, 174-5, 178-182

Chamberlain, Neville, Sir, 69, 78, 90

Charasiab, battle at, 132-4

Charpoy, 157

Chenab, the, 27, 70

Cherat, 47

Chillianwalla, battle of, 26

Chitral, the Mehtar of, 61-2 The relief of, 160-171

Chute, Col., 65

Climo, Lt., 177

Cotton, Sir Sidney, 75-6

Crag picquet, the, 87


Daly, Henry, in command of Guides, 68 His report of march to Delhi, 68-73 His death, 74 Reference to, 186

Dargai, 172

Deh-i-Afghan, 129

Delhi, Guides march to, 67 Captured, 74

Dera-Ismail-Khan district, 20

Derajat, 21

Derajat Battery, the, 170

Devonshire regiment, 168

Dilawur Khan, Subadar of Guides, the story of, 51-64

Dir, Khan of, 170

Discipline, value of sequence of orders of command in action, 80

Dogras, 162

Dogras, the 38th, 178

Drill, dislike of free-lances to, 58

Duffadar, the, 10


Edward VII., King, 188

Edwardes, Herbert, general references to, 12, 50, 69 Marches against Mooltan, 20-1 Reports on position, 25

Eliott-Lockhart, Lt. P., 173

English, the, Pathan saying concerning, 63


Faiz Talab, Duffadar, spies upon a doubtful tribe, 138-43

Fakira, Duffadar, 87

Fattehabad, battle of, 123

Fatteh Khan, of Guides' cavalry, heroism of, 10-11

Fatteh Khan, Khuttuk, heroism of at Mooltan, 23-25, 38 At Gujar Garhi, 40-3

Feringhis, the (see English)

Fincastle, Viscount, 177, 184

Foot, 17th, 123

Foot, the 22nd, 47

Foot, 24th, 26

Foot, the 70th, 65

Ford, Lt., 177


Gaduns, the, 87

Gaikskill, 193

Ganda Singh: Defeated by Guides, 27-8

Ghazis, the, 124

Grand Trunk Road, 68

Godby, Gen. C.J., 187

Godby-road, 187

Gordon Highlanders, 168

Gorindghar, fortress of, captured by Guides, 31-8

Gough, Lord, 26

Gough, Sir Charles, 123

Greaves, Lt. R.T., 183

Guides, the Corps of: Founded by Sir Henry-Lawrence, 1-5 Lumsden, Harry, raises, 4 Its training and personnel, 5-6 Its first fight, 7 Adventure at Babuzai, 9-12 In Second Sikh War, 13-38 March to Lahore, 13-14 With Edwardes at Mooltan, 21 With Lumsden at Mooltan, 22-26 Defeat Ganda Singh at Nuroat, 27-8 At Gujrat, 28-30 Capture of Gorindghar by, 31-8 On the Frontier in the 'Fifties, 39-50 Defeat Mukaram Khan, 41-3 Charge at Nawadand, 43-6 At Bori, 47-50 The Story of Dilawur Khan, subadar of, 51-64 In the Mutiny, 65-75 Daly, Henry, in command of, 68 March to Delhi, 67 The effect of arrival, 73 The return to Peshawur, 74 In minor wars, 76-96 In expedition against: Mahsud Waziri tribe, 78 In Umbeyla campaign, 87 In attack on Crag Picquet, 88-91 In attack on Paia, 93-94 At the Embassy at Kabul, 98 Massacre of, 102-116 In the Afghan War, 1878-80, 117-134 Attack Ali Musjid, 119 How Bahaud-din Khan joined the, 120-2 At Fattehabad, 123-27 March to Sherpur, 127-8 In assaults on Takht-i-Shah and Asmai Heights, 128-31 In battle at Charasiab, 132-4 War stories of, 135-143 Remarkable obedience to orders, 137 The adventure of Faiz Talab, 138-143 The adventures of Shah Sowar and Abdul Majid, 144-159 The Relief of Chitral, 160-171 Action at the Panjkora, 163-7 At the Malakand, 1897, 172-184 The Home of the Guides, 185-198 Leaders of Guides (see under Lumsden, Daly, Hodson, Keyes, Jenkins, Campbell Lockhart, &c.).

Gundamuk, the Treaty of, 97, 98

Gurkhas, the, 47-8

Gurkhas, 2nd, 189

Gurkhas, 5th, 81

Gurkhas, 66th, 47


Hafiz Ji, 60

Hammond, Sir Arthur, 128

Hamilton, Lt. Walter: Heroism and Death at Kabul, 98-116 At Battle of Fattehabad, 123-126 References to, 192-3

Hardinge, Lt. G.M. At Nawadand, 44-46

Havildar, the, 34

Hazara, 77

Highlanders, 72nd, 128

Highlanders, 92nd, 128, 131-2

Highland Light Infantry, 71st., 90, 191

Hindustanis, the, 77, 87, 89

Hodson, Lt. W.S.R.: With Lumsden at Lahore, 16 At Nuroat, 27-8 Commands Guides, 46 At Bori, 47-50 General References to, 186

Hodson bastion, 187

Home Farm, 193

Horse-artillery, 123

Hoti-Mardan Fort, 186

Hussars, 10th, 123

Hutchinson, Bob, 191


Indus, the, 94

Irregular cavalry, 2nd, 28

Irregular cavalry, 10th, 65


James, Mr., of Survey Department, 40

Jandul River, 166

Jehangira, Village of, 54

Jellalabad, 123, 124, 127

Jemadar, 108

Jenkins, Col. Sir Francis, 87, 119-122, 127, 132-3, 137, 143

Jenkins, Mr. W., at Kabul, 99-116, 192

Jewand Sing, 109

Jhelum, 69

Jugdullak Pass, 127

Juma of the bhisti, 54


Kabul, British Embassy at, 98 Massacre of Embassy Guard, 102-116 Memorial to Embassy Guard, 171

Kalu Khan, 6

Kamoke, 70

Kandahar, 117

Karachi, 144

Karnal, 67, 71

Kelly, Col., 161

Kelly, Surgeon A.H., at Kabul, 99-116, 192

Keyes, Charlie, 194

Keyes, Sir Charles, in command of Guides, 88, 192

Khanan Khan, 21

Khan Singh, General of Sikhs, 14-16

Khar, 174, 179

Khyber Pass, 119, 135

King's Own Scottish Borderers, 168

Kipling, Rudyard, his poem on Gunga Din, 53

Kutlgar, the, 91


Lahore, 3, 32, 70

Landaki, action of, 182

Lataband Pass, 127

Lawrence, Lord, 50, 69, 82

Lawrence, Col. George, in Peshawur, 9, 12

Lawrence, Sir Henry, founds the Guides, 1-5 Ruler of the Punjab, 12

Le Bas, Mr., 72

Lewis, Lt., 80

Lhassa, 194

Lockhart, Lt., 176

Low, Robert, Sir, 161, 165, 170

Ludhiana, 71

Lumsden, Harry, General, raises the Corps of Guides, 4 Captures Mughdara, 7 At Lahore, 14-17 At Mooltan, 22-26 At Nuroat, 27-8 His choice of men, 51-3 And Dilawur Khan, 55-9 And Waziris, 78-9 Transferred from Guides, 81 Tribute to his qualities, 81-3 References to, 10, 21, 87, 186, 189, 193

Lundkwar Valley, the, 9

Lyell, Dr. R., of the Guides, 48


Macgregor, Sir Charles, his tribute to the Guides, 97

Maclean, H. Lt., 177, 184, 193

Macpherson, Gen., 134

McQueen, Sir John, 192

Maharani (the) of the Punjab, revolt of, 13-17

Malakand, the, 162, 172-184

Malandrai, 191

Mandra, 69

Maps, the objections of the natives to surveying, 40, 155

Mardan, 40, 65, 67, 115, 125, 171 Daily life at, 194-5

Meerut, 65, 71

Mehtab Sing, 108

Meiklejohn, Col., 175-8

Metcalfe, Sir Theophilus, 72

Mihna, 70

Minchin, Lt., 174, 179

Mohaindin, 22

Monastery picquet, the, 88

Mooltan, fighting round, 19-30

Mounted Police, 65

Mughdara, village of, captured by Guides, 7

Mullah Abdullah, 87

Mulraj, the Diwan revolts, 18-19 Defeated by Herbert Edwardes, 21 Surrenders, 26

Mundah, 171

Mutiny, the Guides in the, 65-75


Naik, the, 10

Napier of Magdala, Lord, 50

Native Infantry, 14th, 89

Native Infantry, 55th, 65, 191

Native soldiers, their devotion to our English Officers, 82-6, 114, 125, 149 Awkwardness of using them against their own people, 136

Nawadand (Utmankheyl village of) captured, 43-46

Nicholson, John, pursues mutineers, 66 General reference to, 12, 65, 69

North camp (Malakand), 176

North-west frontier, 51

Nowshera, cantonment of, 65, 68, 93, 94

Nuksan Pass, 64


Ommanney, A.M., 191, 192

Order of, Merit, the twelve Guides awarded, 129 After the Malakand Campaign, 184

Owen, Roddy, 162


Paia, Cavignaris' attack on, 93-4

Panjkora, the, 166

Panjtar Hills, the, 7

Patiala, the Maharaja of, 71

Peebles, Captain, 170

Peshawur, 8, 40, 43, 61,65, 66, 74, 83

Pioneers, 32nd, 170

Pipli, 71

Political Officers in the Punjab, 2

Probyn, Sir Dighton, 91

Punjab, the, position of British in 1846, 2, 8; in 1848, 12-17

Punjab Frontier Force, 192

Punjab Infantry, 1st, 88-9

Punjab Infantry, 5th, 65

Punjab Infantry, 20th, 47, 88, 89, 90

Punjab Infantry, 24th, 177

Punjab Infantry, 31st, 176-7


Rajpoora, 71

Ram Singh, 27-8

Rasul Khan, his stratagem at Gorindghar, 32-8

Rattray, Lieut., 174, 179, 181

Ravi, the, 17

Rawul Pindi, 67, 83

Reid, Col., 178

Ressaldar, the, 14

Ricketts, Mr. Deputy Commissioner at Ludhiana, 71

Rifles, 60th, 189

Roberts, Lord, and the Guides, 117-19, 129 References to, 127, 128, 129, 131-133

Ross, Major, C.C.G., 89, 90

Royal Bengal Fusiliers, 101st, 191

Royal Horse Artillery, F.-A Battery, 132


Sadusam, battle of, 22

Sapri, attack on, 95-6

Secrecy, its value in frontier warfare, 92

Shadipore, 94

Shah Sowar, 144-53

Shahzada Taimus, 106

Sheikapura, 16, 17

Sheikh Abdul Quadir ("Smith" of Karachi), 144-153

Shikar, 63

Sikh cavalry, 7

Sikh Durbar, the, 3, 8, 18

Sikh war, the first, position at close of, 12 the second, 12-30

Sikhs, the, their rule in 1846, 8

Sikhs, 4th, 81, 161, 168

Sikhs, the 35th, 178

Sikhs, the 45th, 178, 180

Sing, Sher, deserts at Mooltan, 25

Sittana, 76-7

Sobraon, 70

Sohawa, 69

Sowars, 21

Sport at Mardan, 195-8

Spottiswode, Col. Henry, his grief and suicide during mutiny, 66 Reference to, 191

Subadar, 32

Subaltern, the British, tribute to, 46, 181

Suraj Kund, 22

Surveying (see under "Maps".)

Sutherland Highlanders, 93rd, 191

Sutlej, 70

Swat River Canal, 95

Swat Valley, 162, 174, 179, 182

Swinley, Lt., 177


Takht-i-Shah, assaults on, 128

Taylor, 12

Topi, 87

Turner, Lt. F. McC., 48

Tytler, General, 119


Umballa, 32, 71

Umbeyla campaign, 87, 191


Van Cortlandt, 21

Vaughan, 65

Victoria, Queen, 188

Victoria Cross, the, awarded: Lt. Walter Hamilton, 127 Capt. A.G. Hammond, 128 Lord Fincastle, 184 Colonel Adams, 184 Hector Maclean, 184


Wazirabad, 70

Waziris, the, 78

Wheatley, 181

Wheler, General, 28

Whish, General, 23, 25

White, Sir George, 131

Wilde, A.W., 193

Wilde, Sir Alfred, 192

Wright, Hedley, 181


Yakub Khan, the Amir and the Embassy at Kabul, 98 And the massacre of Embassy, 108

Yusafzai, the plain of, 6, 9, 40, 54, 95, 185


Ziarat, the, 63



[Transcriber's Notes:

On numerous occasions throughout the book the term Dilawur appears with a macron (straight line), over the 'a'. For this text version the word has been represented as simply 'Dilawur' for readability rather than as 'Dilawur' as presented durring proofreading.

In the Table of Contents section for Ch. XIII and on pages 182 & 193 the word Landaki appears with a macron (straight line), over the second 'a' and has been formatted for this version as without the macron. In the Index it appears as Landaki, which has also been regularised.

In the Table of Contents section for Ch. XIV the word Yaghistan appears with a macron (straight line), over the first 'a' and has been formatted for this version without the macron.

In the List of Illustrations the one at 'page 162' was corrected as it was shown as 'page 16'.

On page 23 near the bottom the word 'diposed' appears and has been corrected to read 'disposed'.

On page 36, the double 'of' in the phrase "on the right of of the nullah" has been corrected.

On page 37 the word 'out-manoeuvred' appears, but in the original text the 'oe' is actually an 'oe ligature' which is replaced in this version with just 'oe'.

On page 62 the word Bokhara appears with a macron (straight line), over the first 'a' and has been formatted for this version without the macron.

On page 66 the word Katlung appears with a macron (straight line), over the 'a' and has been formated for this version without the macron.

On page 69 the word Jani-ki-Sang appears with a macron (straight line), over the first 'a' and has been formated for this version without the macron.

On page 104 the words Yar Charyar appears with a macron (straight line), over the first and third 'a' and has been formated for this version without the macron.

On pages 122 and 186 the word Yaghistan appears with a macron (straight line), over the first 'a' and has been formated for this version without the macron.

On page 124 the word ghazis appears with a macron (straight line), over the 'a' and has been formated for this version without the macron.

On page 129 the village name 'Deh-i-Affghan' was changed to 'Deh-i-Afghan' to match the index using the much more common version.

On page 133 in the next to last line, the letter 'l' was dropped from the word 'General' and now added back.

On page 139 and 159 the word Shahbash appears with a macron (straight line), overboth instances of the letter 'a' and has been formated for this version without the macron.

On page 159 near the bottom an 'f' was left of off the word 'of' and now added back.

On page 170, at the bottom of the first paragraph, the word 'cannnot' was corrected to read 'cannot'.

On page 184 the word ziarat appears twice with a macron (straight line), over the 'a' and has been formated for this version without the macron.

On page 194 the word 'manoeuvre' appears, but in the original text the 'oe' is actually an 'oe ligature' which is replaced in this version with just 'oe'.

End of Transcriber's Notes]

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