During the great advance of the Allied troops in France in March, 1917, unusual activity in the air played an important part. This was especially the case on March 17, 1917, when the British either destroyed or damaged sixteen German planes, the French ten, and the Germans accounted for a total of twenty-two British and French machines. At this time aeroplanes were active not only in reconnaissance work, but even attacked with bombs and machine guns smaller units of the retreating Germans. The British official report covering March 18, 1917, for instance, contains the following passage: "Our aeroplanes did much valuable work yesterday in cooperation with our infantry. Enemy troops were engaged successfully with machine guns, and bombs were dropped on a number of places behind the enemy lines," while the French report says: "During the evening of March 17 and the following night a French air squadron bombarded the factories and blast furnaces at Thionville and in the Briey Valley, as well as certain convoys of enemy troops which were marching in the region of Guiscard."
The same kind of aerial activity was an almost daily occurrence during April, 1917. The last days of that month, however, were red-letter days for military aeronautics. On April 29, 1917, the British claimed to have winged twenty German machines, while the Germans stated that they had shot down during April 28 and 29, 1917, a total of thirty-four British and French planes.
Again on May 7, 1917, the British accounted for fifteen German machines, while the French claimed to have brought down during the week May 1 to 7, 1917, seventy-six German aeroplanes, of which twenty-five were known to have been destroyed.
During the last days of May, 1917, Allied aeroplanes were especially active in Belgium. On May 26 and 30, 1917, Hest, Blankenberghe, Zeebrugge, and Ghent were attacked and considerable damage was inflicted on railway stations, docks, and other buildings of military value.
Again on June 4, 1917, British aeroplanes attacked and severely damaged German vessels in Zeebrugge.
French airmen were busy, too, in June, 1917. The French War Office on June 21, 1917 published the following statement covering their activities:
"Fourteen aeroplanes and a German captive balloon were destroyed on our front in the period from June 8 to 20. Eleven of these machines were brought down by our pilots during aerial combats, and three of them by the fire of our machine or antiaircraft guns. In addition, seven enemy machines seriously damaged fell in our lines.
"In the same period our squadrons effected numerous sorties. They bombarded notably the railroad station at Bensdorf, factories at Hayatge-Jesuf at Moyeuvre, blast furnaces at Burbach and in the Saar Valley, railroad stations at Bethienville, Chatelet-sur-Retourne, Bethel, Mezieres, Charleville, and Molshelm; the bivouacs in Suippes Valley, and munitions depots in the region of Laon, etc. Thirteen thousand kilograms of projectiles were dropped during the expeditions, which caused serious damage to enemy establishments."
British, French, and German air squadrons continued their activities throughout June and July, 1917. July 12, 1917, was particularly successful for the British airmen, who claimed to have brought down near Ypres thirty-one German planes without loss to their own forces.
On the Russian and Italian fronts and in the Balkans and the Near East aerial activities were slightly fewer and less extensive than on the western, due to the difference in conditions, such as the greater scarcity of machines and the greater distance from the source of supplies.
A novel use of aeroplanes was made after the entrance of the United States into the war. On April 4, 1917, it was stated that British and French aviators dropped large numbers of German translations of President Wilson's war message over the German lines and Italian aviators did the same over the Austrian lines.
On a few occasions aircraft violated the neutrality of countries adjoining belligerent territory. In one case a French aeroplane dropped bombs on a Swiss town. A prompt and complete apology on the part of the French Government followed. On March 13, 1917, Dutch troops shot down a German plane which had flown over Sluis in Holland, ten miles northeast of Burges. Before they could capture the aviator, he succeeded in restarting his machine and in making his escape to the German lines. On June 1, 1917, a Zeppelin appeared first over Swedish territory near Malmoe and then over Danish territory south of Copenhagen. Swedish torpedo boats and Danish troops fired on it successively and it quickly disappeared in a southerly direction.
One remarkable enterprise of Russian airmen was reported officially on April 3, 1917, from Petrograd and deserves, on account of its highly adventurous nature, detailed repetition. The statement read: "On the Black Sea on March 27, 1917, during a raid by our seaplanes on Derkas, one of them was hit by the enemy. The petrol tank being punctured, the machine was compelled to descend.
"The aviators, Lieutenant Sergeev and Sublieutenant Thur, seeing a Turkish schooner, attacked it by opening machine-gun fire. The crew thereupon left the schooner. Our aviators, having sunk their machine after taking from it the compass, machine gun, and valuable belongings, boarded the schooner and set sail for our shores.
"They encountered a heavy storm during their adventure, but arrived with the schooner at the Duarlidatch Peninsula, west of Perekop, on Sunday. From this place our aviators returned to Sebastopol on a torpedo boat. The only provisions available on the schooner consisted of a few pieces of bread and a little fresh water."
Naturally interest in the activities of American airmen in the French service continued unabated. They continued to cover themselves with glory. During the second half of May, 1917, members of the Lafayette Escadrille engaged in twenty-five combats with German machines. Adjutant Raoul Lufbery was engaged five times, Sergeant Willis Haviland (Minneapolis) twice, Sergeant Dovell three times, Corporal Thomas Hewitt (New York) twice, and Corporal Kenneth Marr (San Francisco) twice.
As a result of these activities an official report announced the decoration of Adjutant Lufbery with the Military Medal by the King of England, and cited the meritorious conduct of this aviator and also of Sergeant Haviland, Sergeant Charles Johnson (St. Louis), and Lieutenant William Thaw (Pittsburgh).
In June, 1917, the American aviators flying under the French flag were even more active. In the short period from June 10 to 16, 1917, they made fifty-four patrol flights and fought nine air battles, of which Adjutant Raoul Lufbery, Edwin Parsons, and Sergeant Robert Soubiran each fought two, and Stephen Bigelow, Sergeant Walter Lowell and Thomas Hewitt each fought one.
Unfortunately death claimed two American flyers. On April 16, 1917, Pilot Edmond C. C. Genet of Ossining, N. Y., was killed during a fight with a German aeroplane over French territory. Genet was twenty years old and was the great-great-great-grandson of Governor Clinton and the great-great-grandson of Citizen Genet, who was French Minister in the days of Washington. He had originally fought in the Foreign Legion, but had later been transferred to the aviation service.
In March, 1917, Sergeant J. R. McConnell, also a member of the Escadrille, had been killed in action. On May 24, 1917, it was announced that the commander of the Escadrille, Captain de Laage of the French army, had been killed while flying near Ham on the Somme front.
Another death of interest to this country and caused by aerial operations was that of H. E. M. Suckley of Rhinebeck, N. Y., who was in charge of a unit of the American Ambulance Field Service. He was wounded while on duty near Saloniki by an aeroplane bomb and died the following day. He was thirty years old and had been with the Ambulance Service almost from the beginning of the war, first in the Vosges, then at Pont-a-Mousson, and finally with General Sarrail's army.
Regarding the losses suffered by the various aerial forces, authentic information available is very scant and incomplete. Up to February 1, 1917, the Germans claimed to have destroyed 1,002 Allied aeroplanes and to have put out of commission a total of 1,700, valued at $12,500,000. During April, 1917, according to the London "Times," a total of 714 machines was brought down on the western front. These were distributed as follows: German machines, 366; British, 147; French and Belgian, 201. Of the 366 German aeroplanes brought down 269 fell to the British, ninety-five to the French, and two to the Belgians. British airmen accounted for 263 German aeroplanes and antiaircraft gunners for six. On the other hand the Germans admitted the loss of only seventy-four machines, but claimed to have brought down 362 Allied aeroplanes and twenty-nine captive balloons.
During May, 1917, according to London newspapers, 713 aeroplanes were brought down on the western front. Of these 442 were said to have been German and 271 French and British.
The second phase of aerial warfare was represented by the raids carried out by the various belligerents over enemy territory at a considerable distance from the actual theaters of war. In these operations the Germans, as in the past, were the most active and England was the greatest sufferer. But unlike their previous custom, the Germans, during the period from February to August, 1917, used aeroplanes more frequently than Zeppelins.
On February 25, 1917, British naval aeroplanes raided iron-works near Saarbruecken in Rhenish Prussia, about fifty miles beyond the border.
On March 1, 1917, one German plane bombed Broadstairs, an English watering place on the island of Thanet off the Kentish coast.
During the night of March 4-5, 1917, French aeroplanes bombed Freiburg-im-Breisgau (Black Forest) and Kehl near Strassburg.
German airships bombed the southeastern counties of England during the night of March 16-17, 1917. Margate was attacked by a German seaplane at the same time. One of the Zeppelins was brought down later by French antiaircraft guns near Compiegne, northeast of Paris, its entire crew being killed.
A French aeroplane bombed Frankfort-on-the-Main on March 17, 1917, causing only little damage.
On April 5, 1917, a German aeroplane again bombed the Kentish coast town without causing any damage.
Freiburg-im-Breisgau was once more the object of an attack by English aeroplanes, made, as announced later, in reprisal for the torpedoing of British hospital ships. Ten civilians and one soldier were killed, and twenty-seven civilians, mostly women and children, wounded. Three of the British aeroplanes were shot down. Considerable damage to public buildings was caused.
On May 5, 1917, Odessa, the Russian port on the north shore of the Black Sea, was visited for the first time by a German aeroplane.
On May 14, 1917, British naval forces detected a Zeppelin in the act of approaching the English coast. The alarm was given immediately and a squadron of British seaplanes was sent after the invader. The fire from the machine gun of one of these soon reached the big airship, and before long the latter was seen to burst into flames and disappeared.
During the night of May 23, 1917, four or five Zeppelins appeared over East Anglia and penetrated some distance inland. Bombs were dropped in a number of country districts. One man was killed, but otherwise the damage was negligible.
Two days later, May 25, 1917, early in the evening, seventeen aeroplanes appeared over Folkestone on the southeast coast of England. They dropped about fifty bombs. As a result seventy-six persons were killed and 174 injured, most of them civilians, and a large percentage of these women and children. The returning German aeroplanes were pursued by machines of the British Naval Air Service from Dunkirk and attacked. Three German machines were shot down.
Again on June 5, 1917, sixteen German aeroplanes appeared over Essex and the Medway. They succeeded in dropping a large number of bombs which caused two casualties and considerable material damage and injured twenty-nine persons before antiaircraft guns and British planes drove them off. At least four German machines were shot down.
On June 11, 1917, a British patrol boat sighted five German aeroplanes off Dover. Attacking them at once, the British craft destroyed two of the machines and captured their pilots. The remaining three German machines fled.
At noon of June 13, 1917, London was subjected to the most extensive and destructive raid in its experience. In the middle of a beautiful summer day fifteen German aeroplanes appeared over London and dispatched their death-dealing burden of explosives on England's capital; 157 men, women, and children were killed, and 432 injured. Considerable material damage was caused, although the raid lasted only fifteen minutes. All but one of the German planes escaped. The East End, London's tenement district, inhabited chiefly by the poor, was the principal sufferer.
On the same day British naval forces attacked and brought down a Zeppelin in the North Sea. The airship was a total loss and apparently the entire crew perished.
On June 16, 1917, two Zeppelins attacked the East Anglian and Kentish coast. Considerable damage was done by the bombs dropped. Three deaths and injuries to about twenty people resulted. A British aeroplane succeeded in bringing down one of the Zeppelins, which, with its crew, was destroyed completely.
Three times in July, 1917, German aeroplane squadrons appeared in England. On July 4, 1917, about twelve attacked Harwich, a port in Essex; two of the planes were shot down, but not until the attackers had inflicted considerable damage, killed eleven people and injured thirty-six. Three days later, July 7, 1917, twenty aeroplanes bombed London, forty-three people were killed and 197 injured, while three of the German planes were destroyed. Again on July 22, 1917, fifteen to twenty German aeroplanes reached the English coast. Felixstowe and Harwich were raided. Eleven persons were killed and twenty-six injured. On the way back to their base one of the German planes was brought down off the Belgian coast.
During the third year of the war, that is from August, 1916, to August, 1917, air attacks on England caused death to 393 people and injuries to 1,174, according to figures compiled by the New York "Times." The same source claims that from the beginning of the war up to August 1, 1917, or during a period of practically three years, 751 people were killed and 2,007 injured in England as a result of German air raids, of which there were officially recorded eighteen in 1915, twenty-two in 1916, and eleven in the first seven months of 1917.
A fitting end to this chapter is the record of the deaths at the age of seventy-nine of the Zeppelin's inventor, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, which occurred at Charlottenburg on March 8, 1917, as a result of an attack of pneumonia.
Abyssinia, Italian defeat in, I, 192
Adige River, fighting along, V, 280
Adige Valley, operations in, VI, 460
Admiral Sims, commanding American destroyer flotilla, VI, 357
Aerial combats, number of, V, 426
Aerial maneuvering, French, IV, 55
Aerial raids, VI, 492
Aerodromes, attacks on, IV, 473
Aerodromes, German, IV, 470
Aeroplane attack by Germans on Lemnos, VI, 169
Aeroplane coast battle, IV, 471
Aeroplanes, losses in, VI, 255
Aeroplanes, number of, V, 420
Aeroplanes, western front, VI, 486
Aeroplanes and submarines, I, 23
Aeroplane warfare, VI, 168-181
Aeroplane warfare on submarines, V, 414
Africa, British possessions in, I, 181
African coast, operations on, III, 493
Agadir, I, 140
Agar Khan, III, 24
Aircraft, losses in, IV, 479; VI, 51
Air fighting, strategy and tactics of, IV, 459
Air fights along the Somme, VI, 50
Air raids on England, IV, 16
Air raids on Paris, IV, 19
Aisne, battle of, II, 130-135
Aisne, counterattacks on the, VI, 248
Alaska, garrisons in, I, 11
Albania, Austrian advance, IV, 336
Albania, Serbian retreat, IV, 303
Albania, withdrawal of Serbian forces from, IV, 337
Albanian uprising, I, 247
Albanians, racial characteristics, I, 220
Alcantara, merchantman, V, 59
Alexander II, assassination, I, 152
Alexander III and France, I, 152
Alexandretta, III, 503
Alexiev, General, commander in chief Russian army, VI, 429
Algonquin, sinking of, by German submarine, VI, 317
Allenstein, capture of, II, 437
Allied aviators, work of, V, 421
Allied commands in Champagne, IV, 80
Allied demands on Greece, V, 224-227
Allied nations, policy of, I, 105
Allied offensive, March, 1915, IV, 45
Allied raid, Houlthulst Forest, IV, 56
Allies, withdrawal of, into Greece, IV, 308
Alsace, French in, IV, 40
Alsace-Lorraine, conditions in, I, 138
Alsace and Lorraine, campaign in, II, 38-45
Altkirch, capture of, IV, 40
American airmen in France, VI, 490
American army, I, 11
American aviators, VI, 181, 490
American citizens, rights of, defended by President Wilson, IV, 503
American Commission to Russia, VI, 416
American Congress, resolution on sinking armed merchantmen, IV, 502
American destroyer flotilla, VI, 357
American expedition in France, VI, 357
American Government's assertion of neutral rights at sea, IV, 480
American merchant marine, VI, 476
American navy, strength of, I, 11
American navy, work of, in foreign waters, VI, 357
American negotiations over Ancona sinking, IV, 490-496
American note to Austria on Ancona issue, character of, IV, 492
American war preparations, VI, 328
American Prussian treaties, VI, 298
American response to German note on Sussex, V, 458
American second note on Ancona issue, IV, 494
American training camp in France, VI, 361
American troops, transportation of, to France, VI, 358
American vessels sunk, VI, 202
American warships in European waters, VI, 482
Anafarta Ridge, attack on, IV, 352
Ancona, destruction of, IV, 490
Ancona, yielding of Austria-Hungary on issue, IV, 494
Ancre, British gains in, VI, 223
Anglo-American trade balance, V, 52
Anglo-Chinese conference, I, 184
Anglo-French agreement, I, 136
Anglo-Russian agreement, I, 136
Anti-Catholic movement in France, I, 163
Anti-Serbian riots, I, 260
Antwerp, Belgian withdrawal to, IV, 40
Antwerp, fall of, II, 167
Anzacs, heroism of, III, 460, 462
Appam, capture of, IV, 160
Arabic, sinking of, IV, 150, 480-490
Arabic, German version, IV, 483
Arabs, assistance given British in Mesopotamia, IV, 423
Arabs, confederation of, IV, 429
Arbitration, failure of, I, 14
Archibald papers, V, 11
Area of British Empire, I, 286
Area of France, I, 286
Area of German Empire, I, 286
Area of Russia, I, 286
Argechu River, VI, 117
Argonne, activity in, III, 158
Argonne, campaign in, II, 193-194
Argonne Forest, fighting in, IV, 48
Argonne, German attacks in, in September, 1915, IV, 55
Argonne, operations in, V, 375
Argyll, loss of, IV, 154
Armed-merchantman resolution, final form of, in Congress, V, 439
Armed-merchantmen resolutions, debate in Congress, V, 434-435
Armed neutrality, address of President Wilson, VI, 304
Armed-shipping resolution in Congress, V, 436
Armenian atrocities, III, 472
Armenians, massacre of, IV, 378
Army, American, strength of, I, 11
Arras, Canadian victories at, VI, 56
Arras, fourth blow by Haig, VI, 256
Arras, operations around, IV, 127
Arras, operations around, VI, 39
Arras, second phase of, VI, 249
Artillery, II, 366
Artillery activity on the western front in September, 1915, IV, 55
Artois, British successes in, IV, 85
Artois, fighting in, III, 121-128
Artois, French campaign in, IV, 85
Artois sector, V, 373
Asia Minor, Germany in, I, 50
Asiago, Austrian advance, V, 256
Asiatic Turkey, disorders in, IV, 377
Asphyxiation from gas, I, 53
Assassination of crown prince, Austrian report on, I, 350
Athens, street fighting in, VI, 147
Atkutur, battle at, III, 474
Aubers Ridge, attacks on, III, 128
Augustovo, Battle of, II, 444
Ausgleich, I, 146
Australians at Suvla Bay, IV, 356
Australian troops at Pozieres, V, 409
Austria and Prussia, I, 127
Austria-Hungary, American relations with, VI, 328
Austria-Hungary, area of, I, 286
Austria-Hungary, explanation of sinking of Ancona, IV, 465
Austria-Hungary, position of, I, 142
Austria-Hungary, request for recall of Dr. Dumba, V, 10
Austrian air attacks on Italian cities, V. 291
Austrian army, I, 309
Austrian armies in Poland and Galicia, command of, IV, 181
Austrian army in Serbia, IV, 259
Austrian and Balkan nationality, I, 258-259
Austrian captures of Durazzo, IV, 338
Austrian note, July 27, 1914, I, 270
Austrian counterattack, repulsed by Italians, V, 269
Austrian defenses in Alps, IV, 394
Austrian demands on Serbia, I, 261-265
Austrian fleet in the Danube, VI, 97
Austrian forces along the Italian front, increase of, V, 245
Austrian-Italian aviators, V, 428
Austrian-Italian front, V, 229
Austrian losses at Lutsk, V, 159
Austrian losses in Serbia, II, 343
Austrian naval strength, II, 206
Austrian note to Serbia, I, 261
Austrian offensive in Trentino, V, 246
Austrian offensive in Trentino, increase of, V, 235
Austrian offensive in Volhynia, V, 138
Austrian press, accusations, I, 353
Austrian proposals to Rumania, III, 377
Austrian raids on Italian coast, III, 394
Austrian rupture with the United States, VI, 328
Austrian squadron shells Italian coast cities, IV, 168
Austro-German capture of Bucharest, VI, 119
Austro-Hungarians defeated near Kuty, V, 190
Austro-German invasion of Serbia, IV, 263
Austro-German resistance to the Russians, VI, 73
Austro-Hungarian press, I, 351
Austro-Hungarian reply to Ancona note, IV, 492
Austro-Italian line, V, 233, 234
Austro-Russian front, III, 236
Austro-Russian operations, resumption of, V, 133-141
Aviators, loss among, V, 425-426
Avlona, battle between Austrians and Italians near, V, 220
Avlona, Italians at, IV, 327
Avocourt Wood, German occupation of, V, 351
Aylmer, General, IV, 446
Azerbayan, failures in, III, 477
Babuna Pass, resistance of Serbians, IV, 283
Bagdad, British at, IV, 419-425
Bagdad, expedition against, I, 62
Bagdad, Russian advance, V, 330
Baiburt, capture of, by Russians, V, 337
Balfour, Arthur J., reply to Churchill, V, 61
Balkan League, I, 248
Balkans, conditions in, 1916, V, 212
Balkans, countries, II, 275-286
Balkans, diplomacy in, I, 59
Balkans, summary of first year's conditions, IV, 255
Baltic Sea, operations in, III, 191
Ban-de-Sapt, attacks on, III, 164
Bapaume, capture of, VI, 232
Basra, capture of, II, 508
Battle cruisers, British, lost in Jutland naval battle, V, 90-91
Battle cruisers, importance of, I, 21
Battle line on eastern front, II, 262
Battle line on the eastern front in the spring of 1916, V, 116
Battleships and fortifications, I, 24
Battleships, advantages of, I, 21
Battleships at Jutland battle, V, 80
Bavarians, bravery of, at Eaucourt, VI, 30
Beatty, Admiral, movements at Jutland naval battle, V, 75-78
Beaucourt, attacks on, VI, 218
Beaumont, abandonment of, by French, IV, 142
Belgian coast, bombardment of, by British fleet, IV, 60, 112
Belgian neutrality, I, 276
Belgian neutrality, unity of powers, I, 476
Belgian territory, alleged violation of, I, 283
Belgian envoys, visit of, to United States, VI, 352
Belgian withdrawal, IV, 40
Belgium, American lessons from, I, 12
Belgium appealed to powers guaranteeing neutrality, I, 384
Belgium, area of, I, 287
Belgium, location of, I, 197
Belgium, attacks in, July, VI, 279
Belgium, German attacks on the French lines in, VI, 250
Belgium, operations in, VI, 61
Belgium, German proposals to, I, 281
Belgrade, bombardment of, IV, 265
Belgrade, capture of, II, 347, 353
Belgrade, riot following assassination of crown prince, I, 346
Benckendorff, A., I, 320
Berchtold, L., I, 324
Berlin, Treaty of, I, 228
Bernhardi, I, 83
Bertie, Sir Francis, I, 317
Bethlehem, efforts to start munition strikes in, V, 9
Bethmann-Hollweg, I, 323
Bethmann-Hollweg, circular letter to powers, I, 368
Bethmann-Hollweg's statement in Reichstag, I, 498
Beyers, General, III, 70
Bieberstein, Marshal von, II, 496
Bight, Battle of, II, 208
Bismarck Archipelago, II, 243
Bismarck, growth of power of, I, 127
Bismarck, retirement of, I, 134
Bitlis, massacre at, IV, 378
Bitlis, occupation of, by Russians, V, 293
Blockade against Germany, III, 181
Bluecher, sinking of, II, 255
Bolimow, fighting around, II, 470
Bombs in trenches, I, 74
Bosnia, annexation of, I, 147
Bosnia, fighting in, II, 360
Botha, General, III, 74
Boy-Ed, Karl, activities, V, 14
Brabant, abandonment of, by French, IV, 140
Bregalnitza, battle of, I, 257
Bremen, exploits of, VI, 190
Brenta River, fighting along, V, 278
Brescia, bombardment of, IV, 468
Breslau, II, 494
Brest-Litovsk, II, 447
Brest-Litovsk, capture of, IV, 196
Briand, resignation of, I, 170
British in Macedonia, VI, 135
British advance on Arras, VI, 251
British aerodromes, IV, 473
British air raids, IV, 18
British, mobilization of, I, 304
British attack around Lens, IV, 82
British attacks on the Stuff Redoubt, VI, 49
British attacks on Zeebrugge, VI, 482
British cabinet declaration, I, 473
British declaration of war against Germany, I, 283
British East Africa, I, 180
British Empire, area of, I, 286
British expeditionary force, II, 34
British expeditionary force landing in France, IV, 40
British fleet shells Zeebrugge, V, 67
British forces, disposition of, V, 380
British and French offensive, VI, 27
British and French successes, VI, 17
British gains on the Somme, VI, 14
British guns at Gallipoli, IV, 359
British losses at Jutland naval battle, V, 94-98
British losses to 1916, IV, 117
British navy, effect on war, I, 18
British offensive in Artois, IV, 82
British operations south of the Ancre, VI, 39
British policy of isolation, I, 42
British position, August 1, 1915, IV, 46
British position in Persia, IV, 419
British prize court, proceedings, effect of, in United States, V, 32
British raids on the German trenches, VI, 32, 39, 57
British reverses in Belgium, VI, 281
British seizure of ships of American registry, V, 49
British shipping, loss to, IV, 170
British squadron bombards Belgian coast in November, 1915, IV, 112
British statement in regard to Greece, IV, 312-313
British successes in Artois, IV, 85
British successes near Ypres, VI, 264
British at Jutland battle, V, 98-104
British troops on the Ancre, successes of, VI. 224
British troops, suffering of, at Kut-el-Amara, V, 320
British use of tanks, VI, 21
Brody, battle near, IV, 204
Bruges, occupation of, II, 168
Brussels, surrender of, II, 31
Brussilov, in Galicia, V, 167
Bryan, William Jennings, connection with peace propaganda, VI, 295
Buchanan, Sir George, interview with Sazonof, I, 376
Bucharest, capture of, VI, 119
Buczacz, capture of, by Russians, V, 160
Bukoba, capture of, III, 494
Bukowina, operations in, IV, 227
Bukowina, Russian occupation, III, 238
Bukowina, Russian reconquest of, V, 162-172
Bulgar attacks on Rumania, VI, 98-102
Bulgaria, after second Balkan war, I, 257
Bulgaria, conditions for neutrality, IV, 257
Bulgaria, position of, III, 370
Bulgarian army, IV, 270
Bulgarian bombardment of Galatz, VI, 121
Bulgarian declaration of war on Serbia, IV, 269
Bulgarian demands, III, 378
Bulgarian movements in Serbia, IV, 305
Bulgarian pursuit of Serbians, IV, 209
Bulgarians cross Greek frontier, V, 221
Bulgarians, defeat of, in November, 1916, VI, 138
Bullecourt, occupation of, VI, 261
Burian, Baron, letter of Ambassador Dumba proposing munition strikes in United States, V, 9
Bzura, battle along, II, 492
Cadorna, General, III, 404
Caillette Wood, German repulse at, V, 354
Calais, air raids on, IV, 24
Calais, bombardment of, by destroyer flotilla, VI, 482
California, destruction of, VI, 292
Cambon, J., I, 328-330
Cameroons campaign, III, 62, 481
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir, I, 185
Canadians at Arras, VI, 56
Canadians' capture of Vimy, VI, 241
Canadians, raids by, VI, 222
Candler, Edmund, description of operations in Mesopotamia, IV, 448
Canopus, sinking of, II, 223
Carency, surrender of, III, 125
Carinthian front, bombardment by Italian artillery, V, 230
Carlos I, murder of, I, 204
Carnic Alps, conditions in, V, 289
Carpathian fighting, VI, 91, 442
Carpathian Mountain passes, advance of Russians toward. V, 207
Carpathian Mountains, II, 275
Carpathians, campaign in, III, 235-241
Carso Plateau, attack on, by Italian artillery, VI, 155, 464
Castelnau, General de, II, 43
Catholics, movement against, in France, I, 163
Cattaro, bombardment of, II, 359
Caucasus, campaign in, IV, 380
Caucasus, operations in, III, 9
Caucasus, reasons for Russian offensive against, IV, 382
Caucasus, the, II, 286
Cavell, Edith, case of, IV, 98-101
Central powers, area of, I, 286
Central powers, homogeneity of, I, 291
Central powers, military plans of, I, 33
Central powers, position of, on the eastern front, V, 117-121
Champagne campaign, IV, 62
Champagne, French in, VI, 249
Champagne, German attacks in, March, 1917, VI, 230
Champagne offensive, IV, 61
Charleroi, battle of, II, 54-59; IV, 40
Charles Francis Joseph, Archduke, V, 249
Chemistry in war, I, 11
Chicago meat packers' cases, V, 47
Chino-Russian treaty, I, 154
Church and State, separation of, I, 168
Churchill, Winston Spencer, V, 61
"Circular Note" to powers, I, 270
Citizen soldiery, training of, I, 12
City of Memphis, sinking of, VI, 317
Climate in Mesopotamia as a factor in war, IV, 421
Col di Lana, attack on, V, 231
Collo, Italian successes in, IV, 413
Colonial beginnings of Germany, I, 133
Colonial possessions of Great Britain, I, 174
Combes, I, 167
Combles, British attack on, VI, 26
Combles, repulse of German attack on, VI, 18, 25
Concentration camps, VI, 350
Confederation of North German States, I, 128
Congress, American, McLemore resolution in, IV, 505
Congress, opposition of, to President Wilson's policies, VI, 306
Congress, war discussion in, V, 433-438
Constantine of Greece, IV, 341
Constantinople, operations in, IV, 475
Constanza, attacks on, VI, 110
Contalmaison, capture of, V, 397
Cossacks, II, 383
Cossacks, repulse of Turkish troops by, V, 303
Cotes de Meuse, attack at, V, 348
Council of Workingmen and Soldiers, VI, 405-410
Courcelette, capture of, by the British, VI, 23
Courland coast, bombardment of, by Russian torpedo boats, V, 194
Courland, invasion of, III, 337
Courland, operations in, IV, 185
Cracow, attack on, II, 414-416
Craiova, capture of, VI, 114
Craonne, capture of, VI, 256
Craonne, German attacks on, VI, 252
Craonne sector, operations around, July, 1917, VI, 282
Ctesiphon, battle of, IV, 437-443
Cumieres, German attempts to retake, V, 347
Curtain of fire, I, 74
Cyril, Grand Duke, II, 486
Czar of Russia, escape from aeroplane bomb, V, 429
Czarina, influence of, VI, 373
Czernowitz, capture of, V, 169
Czernowitz, retreat at, II, 413
Dankl, retreat of, II, 392
Danube, Rumanian raid across the, VI, 102-111
Dardanelles, aeroplanes at, I, 23
Dardanelles campaign, abandonment of, reasons for, IV, 363
Dardanelles, naval attacks, III, 174-179
Dates, important, I, 325-329
Death's Head Hussars, II, 154
Delarey, General, III, 73
Delcasse, Theophile, I, 319
Deniecourt, capture of, VI, 26
Denman, William, controversy with General Goethals, VI, 343
Destroyers, achievements of, I, 17
Deutschland, V, 111-112
De Wet, General, III, 70
Diarbekr, struggle for, V, 299-306
Diplomacy in the Balkans, I, 59
Diplomatic exchanges, first, I, 322
Diplomatic papers, I, 313
Disraeli, I, 179
Dixmude, III, 166
Dixmude, British and French attacks at, VI, 287
Dixmude, German attack on, IV, 87
Djemel Pasha, II, 500
Doberdo, operations along, V, 232
Dobrudja, operations in, VI, 101
Dobrudja, situation in, October, 1916, VI, 109, 112
Dolomite district, Italian successes in, IV, 397
Dolomite passes, fighting in, III, 393
Dolomites, operations in, V, 243
Douai, aeroplane attack on, IV, 474
Douaumont, French attempts to retake, V, 363
Douaumont, French recapture of, VI, 34
Douaumont, German attack at, V, 344
Dresden, German raider, III, 182
Dreyfus affair, I, 165
Dubno, fortress, capture of, V, 161
Dubno, fortress, strength of, IV, 210-211
Dukla Pass, fighting at, III, 261
Duma, defiance of czar by, VI, 389
Duma, disturbance in, VI, 394
Duma, inability of, to meet crisis, VI, 392
Duma, meeting of, in 1916, VI, 383
Dumba, Dr., explanation of efforts to V, 9
Dumba, Dr., recall of, by Austro-Hungarian government, V, 11
Dunajec, battle of, III, 267, 273
Dunkirk, bombardment of, by German destroyers, VI, 482
Durazzo, Austrian capture of, IV, 328
Durazzo, evacuation of, IV, 414
Dvina, crossing, by Russians, VI, 89
Dvina, Russian attempt to cross, VI, 80
Dvinsk, fighting around, IV, 213
Dvinsk, fortress, strength of, IV, 214
Dvinsk, Russian bombardment around, V, 143
E-13, British submarine, IV, 153
Eastern battle front, conditions in spring of 1916, V, 116
Eastern front, winter on the, IV, 250-254
Eastern front, winter on the, VI, 93, 121-124
East Prussia, devastation in, winter battles in, III, 313, 317
Eaucourt l'Abbaye, British capture of, VI, 28
Edea, capture of, III, 67
Edward VII, I, 182
Effectiveness, naval, I, 19
Egypt, attack on, III, 15
Egypt, Turkish attack on, III, 507
El Kantara, fighting at, IV, 10
Emden, career of, II, 226
Emden, story of, III, 193-205
Emmich, General von, II, 18
England, air raids on, IV, 21
England, east coast, attacked by German Zeppelins, II, 460
Enver Pasha, II, 499
Epine de Vedegrange sector, movements in, IV, 68-70
Erzerum, beginning of Russian advance toward, IV, 383
Erzerum, evacuation of, IV, 389
Erzerum, operations around, III, 9
Erzerum, Turkish losses at, IV, 391
Erzerum, Turkish plan for defense of, IV, 387
Erzingan, capture of, by Russians, V, 339
Erzingan, Russian advance, V, 294
Espionage Bill, divisions of, VI, 338
Explosions at Messines, VI, 267
Explosives, quantity of, I, 68
Exports, embargo on, VI, 341
Eydtkuhnen, attack on, III, 317
Falkenhayn, stroke of, VI, 113
Falklands, battle off, II, 230
Fallieres, M., I, 168
Far eastern problem in 1910, I, 140
Farman speed plane, V, 421
Fashoda, I, 166
Faure, Felix, death of, I, 166
Fay, Robert, activities of, V, 15
Federal control for militia, I, 13
Ferdinand, King, decision to join central powers, IV, 257
Festubert, battle of, III, 128-134
Fighting on western front, August, 1915, character of, IV, 47
Finland, disturbances in, I, 156
Fire, curtain of, I, 74
Fire of machine guns, I, 67
First Ontario regiment, III, 143
First year's operations on eastern front, summary of, IV, 174-178
First year's operations on the western front, summary of, IV, 39-46
Fisher, Sir John, V, 61
Flags, neutral use of, III, 173
Flame jets, German use of, on the Somme, VI, 20
Flame projectors, German use of, IV, 58
Flanders, extensive operations in, VI, 286
Flanders sector, operations in, V, 376
Flers, capture of, by British, VI, 23
Fleury, German repulse at, V, 368
Floods on the eastern front, effect of, V, 141
Foch, General, II, 122
Ford peace expedition, V, 53
Ford permanent peace board, V, 55
Foreign policy of Russia, I, 151
Foreign trade of Germany, I, 49
Forges, German occupation of, V, 345
Fortifications, land, and battleships, I, 24
France, declaration of war, I, 281
Francis Ferdinand, assassination of, I, 260
Franco-Bulgarian operations, IV, 317-318
Franco-Prussian War, I, 128-129
Franco-Russian friendship, I, 154
Franz Ferdinand, diplomatic exchanges in regard to assassination, I, 341
Frederick III, accession of, I, 134
French, Sir John, II, 34
French, Sir John, relieved of command, IV, 115
French advance in the Champagne VI, 231
French aerial maneuvering, IV, 55
French and British envoys, visit of, VI, 351
French armies, mobilization of, I, 297-303
French attack on Douaumont, account of, V, 342-344
French attacks in the Vosges in July and August, 1915, IV, 51
French attack on Souchez, IV, 84
French aviators, activity in December, 1915, and January, 1916, IV, 475
French aviators bombard Saarbruecken, IV, 48
French battle plane, V, 429
French campaign in Artois, IV, 46
French colonial expansion, I, 164
French fleet at Kronstadt, I, 154
French General Staff, V, 355
French in Alsace, IV, 40
French indemnity to Germany, I, 130
French in North Africa, I, 136
French influence on Dardanelles campaign, IV, 365
French occupation of Tunis, I, 163
French offensive, VI, 13
French progress in 1917, VI, 248
French strength in 1917, VI, 290
French troops in Serbia, IV, 279
Fresnoy, German success at, VI, 259
Fricourt, British attack upon, V, 393
Galatz, bombardment of, VI, 121
Galicia, operations in, IV, 185
Gallipoli, concentration of Turkish troops at, IV, 357
Gallipoli, conditions in, August, 1915, IV, 345
Gallipoli, landing on, III, 429-469
Gallipoli, Peninsula of, II, 285
Gallipoli, withdrawal from, IV, 366
Garua, capture of, III, 483
Gas, use and effects of, I, 53
Gas attack at Hooge, III, 148
Gastein Alliance, I, 132
George V, accident to, IV, 102-103
Gerard, Ambassador, request for passport from German Government, VI, 297
German achievement in two years of war; statement by Mumm von Schwarzenstein, V, 508-509
German aeroplanes, VI, 488
German airdrome, VI, 170
German and Austrian merchandise prohibited in Italy, IV, 410
German answer to American note on Sussex, V, 447
German armies in Poland, IV, 181
German armies, I, 292
German army in Belgium, II, 10
German artillery, II, 264
German attacks at Verdun, VI, 58
German attacks in Rumania, cessation of, VI, 120
German attacks near Dvinsk, V, 184
German capture of Craiova, VI, 114
German casualties in the Somme offensive, VI, 9
German claims of losses by submarines, VI, 478
Germans on the Aisne, VI, 248
German counterattacks on the Somme, VI, 16
Germans before Kovel, V, 178-183
German declaration of intentions toward Belgium, I, 487
German declaration of war, I, 278
German defenses of Messines Ridge, VI, 265
German edict against armed merchantmen, V, 50
German Empire, creation of, I, 130
German forces, disposition of, in the Somme sector, V, 378
German forces in Serbia, IV, 259
German foreign policy, I, 136
German foreign trade, I, 49
German intrigues in Mexico, VI, 312
German invasion of Luxemburg, I, 33
German losses, IV, 79-80
German losses at Jutland, V, 94-98
German losses in Russo-German campaign, II, 482
German merchant ships, V, 60
German naval policy, I, 46
German Navy League, I, 141
German offensive, IV, 79
German plots, in United States, in autumn and winter of 1915, V, 12
German position in 1915, IV, 46
German prisoners, VI, 217
German proposals to Belgium, I, 280
German raiders, damage by, III, 183
German raids on England, VI, 482
German rupture with the United States, VI, 205-216
German Samoa, II, 242
German Southwest Africa, III, 68
German steamers, requisition by Italian government, IV, 412
German submarines, VI, 202
German submarine campaign, IV, 166
German submarine decree on the United States, VI, 291
German submarine war zone, VI, 205
German tactics at Jutland, V, 104
German trenches, raids on, VI, 32
German version of the sinking of the Arabic, IV, 484
German vessels interned, VI, 329
Germany yielding to America, V, 451
Germany in Asia Minor, I, 50
Germany, Japanese declaration of war against, I, 284
Germany's declaration of war on Russia, I, 282
Ghent, air raids on, IV, 34
Ginchy, German operations, VI, 16
Givenchy, operations around, III, 187
Gladstone, I, 179
Goeben, German cruiser, II, 494
Gore, Senator, V, 436
Goritz bridgehead, V, 231
Goritz, capture of, VI, 149
Goritz, operations around, VI, 466
Gorizia, attacks on, III, 408
Gorringe, General, V, 314
Goschen, Sir Edward, I, 431
Gough, Sir Hubert, VI, 59
Gouraud, General, succeeded by General Sarrail, IV, 52
Government in Russia, VI, 395
Grand Duke Sergius, murder of, I, 157
Great Britain in Persia, I, 185
Greece, attitude of, IV, 280
Greek forces, V, 223
Greek frontier, V, 214
Greek government, attacked by Venizelos, IV, 311
Greek fleet, seizure of, VI, 137
Greek Macedonia, revolt in, VI, 128
Greek provisional government declares war on Germany, VI, 144
Greek troops surrender of, VI, 129
Grevillers, capture of, by British, VI, 230
Grey, Sir Edward, I, 281, 316
Grey, Sir Edward, note to American government, V, 30
Grodno, fall of, IV, 187
Guillemont, British attack on, VI, 12
Haig, Sir Douglas, promoted to commander in chief, VI, 59
Haig, Sir Douglas, succeeds Sir John French, IV, 116
Haldane, R. B., I, 315
Halicz, battle of, III, 249
Halicz, capture of, by Russians, VI, 437
Hamilton, Sir Ian, plans of, III, 437
Hamilton, Sir Ian, report of Gallipoli operations, IV, 362
Hampshire, cruiser, loss of, V, 108
Harrington, German raids on, IV, 149
Hartmannsweilerkopf, III, 115
Hartmannsweilerkopf, IV, 123
Haucourt-Malancourt, V, 351
Haumont, capture of, IV, 137
Herbecourt, capture of, V, 390
Hermannstadt, attack on, VI, 105
Herzegovina, annexation of, I, 147
Hill 304, battle of, V, 361-371
Hill 185, capture of, VI, 229
Hill 304, German attacks on, VI, 61
Hindenburg, General von, II, 439
Hindenburg, Von, offensive, V, 164
Hohenzollern, redoubt, V, 373
"Holy War," III, 21
Home Rule Bill in Ireland, I, 43
Hooge, operations at, III, 146-151
Hoover, Herbert C, named food administrator, VI, 335
Hostages at Gallipoli, French and British, IV, 359
Housatonic, sunk, VI, 292
House of Commons, Sir E. Grey's statement, I, 490
Hulluch, operations around, IV, 92
Humin, battle of, II, 470
Hungarian frontier, VI, 103
Illinois, sunk by submarine, VI, 317
Illuxt, Russian offensive near, V, 186
India, Russian invasion of, I, 62
Internal policy of Bismarck, I, 133
Ireland, situation in, I, 43
Irles, capture of by British, VI, 229
Isolation, British, I, 42
Isonzo, battles of, VI, 470
Isonzo front, Italian activity, V, 267
Isonzo frontier, battle on, IV, 394
Isonzo front, operation on, VI, 149
Ispaha, capture of, V, 334
Isvolsky, A. P., I, 320
Italian aeroplane service, IV, 469
Italian Alpine troops, V, 268
Italian army, strength of, III, 388
Italian cities shelled, IV, 168
Italian front, VI, 452
Italian landing at Avlona, IV, 327
Italian losses, offensive, V, 257
Italian navy, operations of, IV, 168
Italian objective in Istria, IV, 417
Italian offensive, VI, 468-473
Italian retreat in Trentino, V, 253
Italian strategy, III, 382
Italian Third Army, IV, 393
Italian war loans, IV, 411
Italo-Turkish War, I, 195
Italy, neutrality of, I, 281
Ivangorod, capture of, III, 365
Ivangorod, fighting around, II, 458
Jablonica, Russian advance against, V, 206
Jablonitza, evacuation of, by Russians, VI, 75
Jacobstadt, Russian attack on, V, 126
Jagow, von G., I, 323
Japan and Russia, friendly relations between, V, 61
Japanese declaration of war against Germany, I, 283
Jaroslov, recapture of, II, 411
Jellicoe, Admiral, V, 78-94
Jellicoe, Admiral, report by, V, 90
Jewish persecutions in Russia, I, 153
Joffre, General, II, 38
Joffre, General, IV, 41, 61, 115
Joffre, General, order before Champagne offensive, IV, 61
Joffre, plan of retreat, IV, 41
Judenich, General, IV, 385
Julian front, battles along, VI, 462
Jusserand, J. J., statement in regard to second anniversary of the war, V, 504
Jutland Bank, battle of, V, 70-108
Jutland, engagement off, IV, 150
Kaiser and King of Belgium, I, 341
Kaiser Wilhelm Canal, I, 135
Kalkfield, capture of, III, 489
Kalusz, capture of, VI, 439
Kantara, aeroplane raid on, V, 431
Kara-Urgau, battle of, III, 12
Kars, attacks on, III, 471
Kasr-i-Shirin, capture of, V, 334
Katshanik Pass, IV, 293
Kerensky, Alexander, assumption of supreme command in Russia, VI, 412
Kermanshah, capture of, V, 332
Kheyr-ed Din Barbarossa, IV, 148
Kiao-chau, I, 285
King Edward VII, loss of, IV, 164
King Humbert, I, 192
King of Montenegro, IV, 330
Kitchener, Earl, II, 34
Kitchener, Earl, death of, V, 108
Kluck, Von, retreat of, II, 12
Knight, Rear Admiral, I, 17
Kolomea, capture of, V, 192
Koenigsberg, fighting around, II, 479
Kossovo plain, IV, 297-298
Kovel, resistance near, V, 167
Kovel, Russian attacks on, VI, 86
Kovno, capture of, IV, 183
Koziowa, attacks on, III, 246
Kragujevatz, capture of, IV, 280
Krasnik, battle of, III, 348
Krithia, attacks on, III, 454
Kronprinz Wilhelm, cruiser, II, 226
Kronprinz Wilhelm, raider, III, 187
Kronstadt, French fleet at, I, 154
Kronstadt, mutiny, VI, 414
Kuropatkin, General, V, 120
Kut-el-Amara, V, 307
Kut-el-Amara, British stand at, IV, 444
Kut-el-Amara, surrender of, III, 502
Kuty, capture of, V, 185
La Bassee, attacks on, II, 178-192
La Boisselle, attack upon, V, 385
Labor Peace Council, organization of, V, 24
Labyrinth, attacks on, III, 122-123
Labyrinth, IV, 108
Laconia, destruction of, VI, 293
Lafayette Escadrille, VI, 490
Lake Nyassa, battle on, II, 243
Lansing, Secretary, VI, 294
La Provence, sinking of, IV, 172
Ledro Valley, operations in, V, 237
Leman, General, II, 15
Lemberg, capture of, II, 387
Lemberg, drive against, VI, 70-76
Lemberg, V, 163
Lenine, influence of, in Russia, VI, 408
Le Mesnil, German attacks, IV, 107
Lens, attack around, IV, 82
Lens, conditions in, VI, 245
Les Eparges, fighting at, III, 118
Liberty Bond Loan, VI, 344
Lichnowsky, K. M., I, 323
Liege, capture of, II, 22
Liege forts, fall of, IV, 39
Linievka, capture of, V, 190
Lipa River, crossing of, V, 207
Lloyd-George, David, I, 185
Lombaertzyde, III, 156
London, air attacks on, VI, 174
London, Zeppelin raids, IV, 29, 463
Longueval, British recapture of, V, 408
Loos, capture of, IV, 83
Lorraine front, IV, 57-58
Lorraine, German successes in, VI, 219
Loubet, President, I, 166
Louvain, capture of, II, 28
Lowestoft, air raid on, IV, 22
Lowitz, fighting around, II, 465-467
Lukoff, capture of, IV, 194
Luneville, bombardment of, IV, 54
Lusitania, crisis, IV, 502-503
Lusitania deadlock, IV, 496
Lusitania, sinking of, III, 185, 222
Lutsk, capture of, IV, 202
Lutsk, capture of, V, 158
Lutsk fortress, strength of, IV, 210
Lutsk, Russian attacks on, VI, 86
Lvov, Prince George, VI, 398
Lyman M. Law, VI, 293
Luxemburg, bombardment of, by aeroplanes, IV, 466
Luxemburg, invasion of, I, 280
McLemore resolution, in House of Representatives, IV, 505; V, 440
McNeely, Robert N., IV, 157
Macedonia, invasion of, IV, 277
Macedonia, conditions in, V, 214
Macedonia, reforms in, I, 238
Macedonian Bulgars, II, 282
Macedonia, Allied forces in, VI, 124
Macedonia, Serbian advance in, VI, 132
Mackensen, in Dobrudja, VI, 109, 115
Madagascar, I, 164
Maldon, air raid on, IV, 22
Malines, Belgian control of, II, 32
Mama Khatum, V, 335
Mangin, General, plans of, VI, 35
Manoury, General, II, 134
Margate, air attack on, VI, 171
Mariakerke, V, 431
Maritz, Colonel, III, 70
Marne, battle of the, II, 88-138
Martinpuich, capture of, VI, 23
Massiges, German attack at, IV, 124
Massiges sector, IV, 76
Matoppo, British ship, V, 65
Maurepas, French capture of, VI, 15
Maximalists, in Russia, VI, 418
Mazurian Lakes, battles of, II, 439
Mazurian Lakes, battles of, III, 313
Memel, raid on, III, 334
Merchantmen, armed, V, 60
Merchantmen, submarine warfare on, IV, 499
Messines Ridge, attack on, VI, 264
Metzeral, capture of, III, 165
Meuse, battles on the left bank of, V, 345-348
Meuse, French successes, VI, 64
Microphone, I, 21
Milan, demonstrations in, III, 379
Military operations in the Balkans, V, 214
Military plans of Central powers, I, 33
Military training, I, 14
Militia under Federal control, I, 13
Milukov, Paul, VI, 398, 413
Minneapolis, sinking of, V, 64
Mitrovitza, capture of, IV, 300
Mlawa, movements before, III, 324
Moewe, German raider, achievements of, IV, 159
Monastir, capture of, VI, 141-143
Monchy, capture of, VI, 242
Monmouth, cruiser, II, 223
Monro, Sir Charles, IV, 366
Mons, battle of, II, 60-68
Monte Adamello zone, V, 243
Monte Altissimo, IV, 396
Monte Ancora, attack on, V, 243
Monte Barro, capture of, V, 258
Montenegrin surrender, IV, 336
Montenegro in the war, II, 358-361
Montenegro, conquest of, IV, 329
Monte Rombon, attacks on, V, 230
Mont St. Elio, III, 121
Morgenthau, Henry, IV, 359
Mort Homme, battles of, V, 345, 354, 360, 362
Motor-Zeppelins, V, 418
Mountain fighting, VI, 159-166
Mount Lovcen, effect of capture of, on Italian campaign, IV, 399
Muelhausen, capture of, IV, 40
Mueller, Captain von, II, 229
Mush, massacre at, IV, 378
Mush, Russian capture of, III, 479
Namur, capture of, II, 53
Narotch Lake, V, 124
Natal, British cruiser, destruction of, IV, 163
National growth in Balkans, I, 258
Nationality in Serbia, I, 259
Naval battle of Jutland, V, 70-108
Naval lessons of the war, I, 17
Naval losses, IV, 143-144; V, 113-115; VI, 484
Naval policy, German, I, 44
Naval strength of Austria, II, 206
Naval strength of Germany, II, 204
Naval strength of Great Britain, II, 197
Naval warfare, I, 26; VI, 480
Navy, American, strength of, I, 11
Navy, British, effect on war, I, 18
Navy, increase in personnel, VI, 362
Navy League, German, I, 141
Near East and Russia, I, 153
Near Eastern question, I, 131
Neutral shipping, loss of, IV, 170
Neutrality of Belgium, I, 276
Neutrality terms refused, I, 281
Neuve Chapelle, battle of, III, 83-92
Neuville St. Vaast, capture, III, 127
New Zealanders, gallantry of, at Suvla Bay, IV, 356
Nicholas II assumes command of Russian army, IV, 188
Nicholas, Grand Duke, II, 373; IV, 189; VI, 490
Nicholas, Grand Duke, transferred to the Caucasus, IV, 382
Nicholas, King of Montenegro, IV, 330
Nicholas II, abdication of, VI, 403
Nicholas II, indifference to conditions, VI, 385
Nicholas II, reply to kaiser's message, I, 440
Niemen, operations along, III, 330
Nieuport, attack on, III, 269
Nihilism in Russia, I, 153; VI, 365
Nish, fall of, IV, 288
Nivelle, General, victories, VI, 246
Nixon, Sir John, available forces for capturing Bagdad, IV, 421
North Sea, battle of, II, 252
Notre Dame de Lorette, attacks on, III, 155; IV, 88
Novo Georgievsk, capture of, III, 364; IV, 184
Nuredin Pasha, IV, 426
Nuernberg, II, 224
Nyassaland, fighting in, III, 495
Odessa, bombardment of, VI, 493
Olti, battle of, III, 478
Ortelsburg, capture of, II, 437
Oslavia Heights, capture, IV, 408
Ossowitz, bombardment of, III, 328
Ostend, raids on, IV, 56; VI, 173
Otavi, battle of, III, 490
Palembang, Dutch steamer, V, 62
Palmer, Frederick, the world's war, I, 31
Pan-Slavism, I, 153
Paris, air raids on, IV, 19, 462
Paris, arrival of American troops in, VI, 360
Paris, siege of, I, 129
Pashitch, N. P., I, 321; IV, 289
Passes, battle of, III, 241-244
Peace of Tilsit, I, 84
Pegoud, Alfonse, IV, 50
Pepper Hill, successes at, V, 358
Persia, interests in, I, 185
Persia, British position in, IV, 419
Peronne, V, 390; VI, 232
Pershing, General John J., commander of the American expeditionary force, VI, 356
Persia, destruction of, negotiations over, IV, 500
Persia, British steamship, sinking of, IV, 157
Persian Gulf, importance of, II, 505
Perthes, III, 79; IV, 72
Petain, General, report on operations at Verdun, V, 358
Peter, King of Serbia, IV, 290, 302
Pinsk, IV, 205, 207
Pinsk marshes, Russian successes in, V, 197
Poland, campaigns in, II, 462; III, 345
Poland, Austrian, II, 272
Political situation in Ireland, I, 43
Political conditions in Germany, I, 53
Portugal, sinking of, V, 64
Portuguese seizure of German merchant ships, V, 60
Power of Bismarck, growth of, I, 127
Powers, Central, military plans of, I, 33
Pourtales, F., I, 323
Pozieres, bombardment of, VI, 11
Pozieres Wood, advance on, V, 407
Prinz Eitel Friedrich, German raider, III, 179
Prinzip, Gabrilo, I, 260
Pripet Marshes, IV, 209
Pripet Marshes, operations in, V, 152; VI, 81
Pro-German propaganda in United States, IV, 505
Protopopoff, treason of, VI, 388
Provisional Government in Russia, VI, 398
Prussian alliance with Italy, I, 127
Przasnysz, battles of, III, 324
Przemysl, II, 249, 405; III, 324
Radautz, capture of, V, 183
Radoslavov, Premier of Bulgaria, III, 372
Ramsgate, air raids on, IV, 26
Rancourt, capture of, VI, 27
Rasputin, VI, 374-377, 385
Rawa-Russka, battle of, II, 395
Regime, new, in Russia, VI, 404
Reichstag, Bethmann-Hollweg's statement in, I, 502
Rennenkampf, General, II, 443
Revolution in Russia, VI, 390
Rheims, bombardment of, II, 146-153; III, 152-154; VI, 237
Rhodesia, border fighting in, III, 495
Rifles used in different armies, I, 26
Riga-Dvinsk sector, V, 125, 128, 204
Riga, Gulf of, Russian torpedo boats in, V, 151
Rockwell, Kiffin, death of, VI, 181
Rodzianko, Michael, VI, 391
Roosevelt, Theodore, efforts to take troops to France, VI, 335
Root, Elihu, arrival of, in Russia as American Commissioner, VI, 417
Rovereto, Italian attack on, IV, 396; V, 244
Rovno fortress, strength of, IV, 212
Royal British Corps, loss in, V, 425
Royal Edward, sunk, IV, 149
Rozau, capture of, III, 361
Ruhl, Arthur, the war correspondent, I, 113
Rumania, III, 370; VI, 93-96
Rumania, neutrality of, IV, 256
Rumanian raid across the Danube, VI, 106-110
Russia and Great Britain in Persia, I, 185
Russia and Japan, V, 61
Russia and the Near East, I, 153
Russia in European politics, I, 148
Russian advance on the eastern front, V, 120
Russian mobilization, I, 306
Russian army, rehabilitation of, VI, 428
Russian artillery activity, V, 134
Russian attempts to extend time limit for hostilities, I, 385
Russian autocracy, VI, 364
Russian defeat, effect of, IV, 364
Russian disorganization, VI, 422
Russian fleet, mutiny, VI, 414
Russian foreign policy, I, 151
Russian internal troubles, I, 155
Russian losses in August, 1915, IV, 202-203
Russian mobilization, I, 405
Russian offensive, VI, 431, 440
Russian offensive in the East, V, 154
Russian offensive, temporary lull in, V, 188-192
Russian people and German diplomacy, I, 56
Russian persecution of Jews, I, 153
Russian Poland, II, 268
Russian pursuit of Turks, V, 292
Russian retreat, IV, 229-239
Russian revolution, foreshadowing of, VI, 363-365
Russian rout in Galicia, VI, 445-447
Russian troops in Rumania, VI, 97
Russian troops on the Black Sea coast, V, 61
Russia's attitude on Serbia, I, 377
Russia's strategy in East, II, 433
Russky, General, II, 377
Russo-German treaty, I, 319
Russo-Japanese War, I, 155
Russo-Turkish War, I, 132
Saarbruecken, bombardment, IV, 48
St. Julien, assaults on, III, 102
St. Mihiel, salient, attacks on, III, 116
Sakharoff, General, V, 205
Salandra, I, 322
Salisbury, Marquis of, I, 179
Saloniki, II, 284; IV, 261, 321; V, 215, 429
Saloniki, German air raid on, V, 216
Saloniki, importance of, I, 61
Saloniki, Allies at, IV, 261
Samogneux, abandonment of, by French, IV, 137
Samsonoff, General, II, 436
San, battle of, III, 297-301
San, battles of the, II, 398
San Stefano, treaty of, I, 227
Sarafoff, Boris, I, 242
Sarajevo, I, 260; II, 277
Sari Bair, attack on, IV, 348
Sarrail, General, commands French troops in Balkans, IV, 279; V, 215
Sazonov, Russian Minister, VI, 380
Scarpe River, operations on, VI, 253
Scarborough, raids on, II, 247
Schiller, Ernest, V, 65
Schleswig-Holstein, war for, I, 127
Sea command and troop transportation, I, 24
Selective Draft Law, VI, 346
Semendria, bombardment of, IV, 269
Serbia, invasion of, II, 301; IV, 177
Serbia, offers of peace, III, 376
Serbian retreat to Albania, IV, 303
Serbian army, strength of, in November, 1915, IV, 293-294
Serbian nationality, I, 258
Serbian reply to Austrian note, I, 265-270
Serbian resistance at Babuna Pass, IV, 283
Serbian troops, transport across Greek territory, V, 218
Serbians in Macedonia, VI, 132
Sereth River, crossing by Russian forces, V, 178
Servetsch region, V, 146
Sette Comuni Plateau, Italian successes on, V, 270
Shabatz, battle of, II, 317
Shevket Pasha, I, 244
Shipbuilding program, VI, 343
Shipping Board, creation of, VI, 213
Shipping, neutral loss of, IV, 170
Ships of American registry, seizure by British, V, 49
Shumadia division of Serbian army, heroism of, IV, 275
Sibert, General, with American expeditionary force, VI, 357
Siege of Paris, I, 129
Simonds, Frank H, summary of two years of war, V, 461-502
Simonds, F. H., the theatres of the wars' campaigns, I, 83
Sims, Admiral, commander of American destroyer flotilla, VI, 357
Smith-Dorrien, General, II, 60
Smoke screen, I, 74
Smorgon, fighting around, V, 179
Smorgon, operations around, VI, 80
Soissons, operations around, V, 376
Soldau, capture of, II, 437
Somme, British, and French offensive on the, VI, 27
Somme, battles of, beginning, V, 377
Somme, conditions in situation south of, on July 9, V, 399
Somme front, French and British gains, VI, 19
Somme offensive, German casualties in the, VI, 9
Somme offensive, object of Allies in, V, 377
Somme offensive, spring of 1916, VI, 9
Somme, second phase, V, 401
Souain sector, IV, 71-72
Souchez, attacks on, III, 124-125
Souchez, Canadian raids at, VI, 222
Souchez, French attack on, IV, 84
Southwest Africa, British conquest of, III, 484-493
Souville, attacks on, V, 368
Spee, Admiral von, II, 230
Speed plane, in warfare, V, 421
Stambuloff, I, 233
Stanislau, operations around, VI, 435
Stanislau, advance on, V, 193; VI, 72
Steenstraete, capture of, VI, 287
Stokhod River, V, 198-207; VI, 76-81, 423
Strikes in munitions factories, planned by Germans, V, 10
Strypa River, fighting along, IV, 223-229
Strypa River, Russian artillery attacks along, V, 138
St. Mihiel, French gains, VI, 231
St. Quentin, VI, 236
Stuff Redoubt, VI, 32, 49
Sturmer Boris, VI, 379
Stuttgart, bombardment of, by French aviators, IV, 60
Styr River, IV, 223-229; V, 178
Submarine attacks on American transports, VI, 358
Submarine campaign, IV, 116
Submarine campaign against merchant ships, V, 59
Submarine, detecting, I, 21
Submarine, effectiveness of, I, 19
Submarine, efficiency of, IV, 145
Submarine negotiations, VI, 193
Submarine warfare, III, 209-222
Submarine warfare, VI, 182-188
Submarine warfare in 1917, VI, 475
Submarine warfare on armed merchantmen, IV, 499
Submarines, aeroplane warfare on, V, 414
Suchomlinof, V. A., I, 320
Suez Canal, defenses of, III, 18-19; IV, 11
Summary of first year's operation on western front, IV, 39-46
Sussex, sinking of, V, 63, 443
Suvla Bay, IV, 346-356
Suwalki, occupation of, II, 448
Talaat Bey, II, 499
Tanks, VI, 21, 46
Tannenberg, battle of, II, 438
Tarnow, battles around, III, 286
Tergovistea, capture of, by Austro-Germans, VI, 117
Terrorism in Russia, I, 153
Thiepval, British successes around, VI, 17
Tigris River, IV, 426; V, 326-330
Tigris valley, campaign in, V, 307
Tilsit, peace of, I, 84
Togoland, campaign in, III, 62
Townshend, General, V, 311
Trade, foreign, of Germany, I, 49
Transloy, British successes at, VI, 65
Transportation of troops, I, 24
Transports, protection of, I, 18
Trans-Siberian Railway, I, 153
Trebizond-Erzerum road, V, 299
Trebizond, occupation of, V, 297
Trench bombs, I, 76
Trench fighting, I, 68
Trentino, Austrian offensive in, V, 244-255
Trentino front, VI, 154, 455
Trieste, Italian drive, VI, 159, 452
Triple Alliance, I, 133, 141
Triple Entente, formation of, I, 158
Trones Wood, V, 402-403
Troops, transportation of, I, 24
Tsing-tau, defenses, attacks on, capture, III, 48, 52, 60
Tubantia, Dutch steamer, V, 62
Turkey, American relations with, VI, 328
Turkish navy, operations of, IV, 170
Turkish troops on the eastern front, VI, 83
Typhus, epidemic of, II, 356; III, 475
Uganda, protectorate, I, 180
Undersea warfare, IV, 155
Unification of Germany, I, 130
Union of South Africa, rebellion in, III, 70
United States, development of pro-German propaganda in, IV, 505
U-53, exploits of, VI, 194
Union of Towns in Russia, VI, 377
Van, concentration of Armenians in, IV, 378
Van, Russian successes in, III, 477
Vaux, French defense of, V, 351, 367
Vaux Fort, French recapture of, VI, 37, 39
Veles, resistance at, by Serbians, IV, 278
Venice, air raids on, III, 426; VI, 169
Venizelos, attacks of, on Greek Government, IV, 311
Venizelos, E., I, 60; V, 217
Verdun, attack on, I, 64
Verdun, effect of five months' siege, V, 371
Verdun, French victories at, VI, 54
Verdun, operations around, VI, 19, 53, 281
Verdun, struggle for, IV, 131-142
Victor Emmanuel, address to army, V, 254
Victor Emmanuel III, I, 194
Vienna, congress of 1814, I, 260
Vigilancia, sunk, VI, 318
Vilna, campaign against, IV, 187, 192
Vimy Ridge, capture of, VI, 239
Viviani, Rene, I, 318
Viviani, instruction to French ambassador at Vienna, I, 379
Volhynia, Austrians in, V, 138
Von Bernstorff, note to Secretary Lansing in reply to Lusitania protest in Germany, IV, 485
Von Bethmann-Hollweg, IV, 485
Von Buelow, Prince, I, 136
Von Caprivi, General, I, 134
Von Jagow, interviews with, I, 33, 502
Von Mackensen, commands German forces in Serbia, IV, 258
Von Papen, recalled, V, 26
Von Plehve, murder of, I, 156
Von Rintelen, Franz, V, 22-28
Von Tirpitz, Grand Admiral, attitude toward submarine warfare, IV, 484
Vosges, German activities in, IV, 51, 108
Vulkan Pass, capture of, by Germans, VI, 103
War, German declaration of, I, 278
War, declaration of, between United States and Germany, VI, 325
War Revenue Bill, VI, 333
War zone, establishment of, III, 170
Warsaw, attack on, II, 450
Warsaw, capture of, III, 366-368
Warsaw, movements upon, III, 346
Warsaw, occupation of, IV, 178
Washburn, Stanley, on conditions on eastern front, V, 180-183
Western front, summary of first year's operations on, IV, 39-46
Western front on February 1, 1916, IV, 126
What the war means to America, I, 9
Whitby, raids on, II, 247
Whitlock, Brand, efforts to aid Miss Cavell, IV, 100-101
William II, accession of, I, 134
Wilson, President, address before Congress, April, 1917, VI, 320-326
Wilson, President, on armed neutrality before Congress, VI, 304
Wilson, President, and British blockade of Germany, V, 457
Wilson, President, and Congress, V, 434
Wilson, President, denouncement of unpatriotism, V, 26
Wilson, President, letter to Congress, IV, 503
Wilson, President, note to Russia, VI, 415
Wilson, President, proclamation convening Congress, VI, 319
Wilson's address on relations with Germany, VI, 210
Windhoek, capture of, III, 489
Wood, Major General Leonard, what the war means to America, I, 9
Yarmouth, raids on, II, 246
Yarrowdale, prisoners, VI, 297
Younghusband, General, IV, 446
Yperlee Canal, III, 107
Ypres, attack on, II, 171, 172, 174
Ypres, bombardment of, III, 95
Ypres, British successes south of, VI, 264
Ypres, first battle of, IV, 44
Ypres, German success at, in February, 1916, IV, 122
Ypres, second battle of, III, 99-106
Ypres sector, operations in, in March, 1916, V, 372, 375
Yser, II, 169; III, 167; IV, 122
Yser region, flood in, IV, 117
Zanzibar, I, 180
Zeebrugge shelled, V, 67; VI, 482
Zeppelin attack on Warsaw, IV, 19
Zeppelin, Count Ferdinand, death of, VI, 494
Zeppelin raids on England, IV, 16, 466; V, 422; VI, 494
Zeppelin, value of, V, 412
Zeppelins, loss of, IV, 468; V, 430; VI, 179
Zugan Torta, V, 247
Zungar Valley, V, 247