1856. Ground bought by the city for the Central Park
1863. The Draft Riot
1870. Brooklyn Bridge started
1878. Elevated roads built
1883. Brooklyn Bridge completed
1898. The island of Manhattan becomes the Borough of Manhattan of Greater New York
Adventure Galley, 82, 83 Amherst, General Jeffrey, 123 Amsterdam, 2, 14 Andre, Major John, 177, 178 Andros, Edmund, 61, 62, 64, 66, 68 Anne, Queen, 28, 91-93 Annetje Jans's farm, 27, 28 Anti-Federalists, 187 Anti-Leislerian Party, 68 Apthorpe, Charles Ward, 156 Apthorpe mansion, 156 Aqueduct, Croton, 227-229 Army, Continental, 144, 148, 151, 179 Arnold, Benedict, 177, 178 Astor Place riot, 231, 232 Astor Place, 231
Bank, Manhattan, 203 Banks, 201-203 Battery, 10, 68, 176 Battle of Bunker Hill, 148 Battle of Golden Hill, 136-138 Battle of Harlem Heights, 164, 165, 166 Battle of Long Island, 154, 155 Bayard Farm, 189 Bayard, Nicholas, 69, 72, 89 Bellomont, Lord, 82, 83, 86-88 Block, Adrian, 10-12 Bogardus, Everardus, 26, 37, 42 Bolting Act, 62, 63 Boston, 66, 84, 140, 141, 143 Boston Port closed, 141 Bouweries laid out, 21 Bouwerie Lane, 21 Bouwerie Village, 54, 76, 231 Bowery Road, 179 Bowery, the, 21, 35 Bowling Green, 12, 35, 93, 105, 131, 134, 152, 200 Bradford, William, 79, 108 Bridge, East River, 236 Bridge, High, 227 British occupy New York City, 163 Broad Street, 57, 148 Broadway, 12, 58, 93, 162, 198, 204 Bunker Hill, Battle of, 148 Burgomasters, 46 Burgoyne, General, 171, 172 Burnet, William, 101-103 Burns's Coffee-House, 129, 130 Burr, Aaron, 150, 201, 203-207 Burton, Mary, 112-114 Buttermilk Channel, 30
Cabot, John, 23, 50 Cabot, Sebastian, 23, 50 Canal, Erie, 220-222 Canal Street, 205 Cape of Good Hope, 3 Castle Garden, 215, 232 Cemetery, first Jewish, 104 Central Park, 233 Chambers, Captain, 139, 140 Charles I., 23 Charles II., 62 Church in the Fort, 36, 37 Church, St. Mark's, 54 Church, St. Paul's, 150, 167, 195, 198 Church, Trinity, 28, 79, 129, 198 City Hall (first), 36, 47, 75, 87, 122 City Hall (in Wall Street), 87-89, 94, 99, 128, 133, 152, 190 City Hall (present), 152, 205 City Hall Park, 50, 175, 176, 214 City Hospital, 184 City Plan, 212, 213 City Wall, 48, 87 Clarke, George, 111, 115, 116 Clermont, the, 210, 211 Clinton, Admiral George, 116-118 Clinton, De Witt, 208, 220-222 Clinton, Governor George, 171 Clock, first public, 99 Colden, Cadwallader, 102, 131, 133 Collect Pond, 50, 114, 189, 198, 202, 204, 205, 209 College, Columbia, 184 College, King's, 121, 184 Colonial Congress, the, 129 Columbia College, 184 Columbia Heights, 164 Columbia University, 121, 164 Colve, Captain Anthony, 58, 59 Committee of Safety, 68 Common, the, 50, 137, 152, 184, 198, 205 Congress, Colonial, 129 Congress, First Continental, 141-143 Congress, Second Continental, 144, 147 Constitution of the United States, 186-188 Continental Army, 148-149, 151, 179 Continental Congress, First, 141-143 Continental Congress, Second, 144, 147 Cornbury, Lord, 89-94 Cornwallis, Lord, 178 Corporation Library, 87 Cosby, William, 105-110 Council of Twelve, 39 Croton Aqueduct, 223, 227-229 Crystal Palace, 233 Cunningham, Provost-Marshal, 176
Declaration of Independence, 152 De Lancey, James, 107-109, 117-121, 123-125 De Lancey, Stephen, 99 De Lancey, Susannah, 116 Demont, William, 168 De Vries, Captain David Pietersen, 28, 39, 40 District of Columbia, 199 Doctors' Mob, 185 Dongan Charter, 65 Dongan, Thomas, 64, 65 Draft Riot, 234 Duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, 206, 207 Duke of York, 50-54, 55, 60, 61, 64, 65 Dutch Netherlands, 2
East India Company, 2-5, 13 East Indies, 2-5, 13 East River Bridge, 236 Elevated railways, 234 English claim New Netherland, 23, 53 Erie Canal, 220-222 Exchange Place, 57
Fairs on Bowling Green, 35, 36 Federal Hall, 190-194 Federalists, 187, 188 "Federal Ship Hamilton," 188 Ferry-boats, 211 Fire Department, first, 105 Fire of 1776, 167 Fire, "the Great," 224 First City Hall, 36, 47, 75, 87, 122 First Continental Congress, 141-143 First Fire Department, 105 First houses of white men, 12 First Jewish cemetery, 104 First mail route, 57 First minister, 26, 36, 42, 43 First newspaper, 79 First night-watch, 87 First pavements, 93 First printing press, 79 First public clock, 99 First roads, 35 First schoolmaster, 26 First sidewalks, 198 First soldiers in New Netherland, 26 First steamboat, 208-211 First street lamps, 87 First street numbers, 198 First telegraph, 230, 231 First vessel built, 12 Fitch, John, 209 Fitzroy, Lord Augustus, 109, 110 Fletcher, Benjamin, 77-81 Forrest, Edwin, 231 Fort Amsterdam, 19, 27, 53 Fort Clinton, 215, 232 Fort James, 54 Fort Manhattan, 13 Fort Washington, 168 "Fourteen Miles 'round," 195 Franklin House, 193 Franklin Square, 193 Franklin, Walter, 193 Fraunces's Tavern, 99, 100, 180 Frederick, Kryn, 19 Free School Society, 208 French Revolution, 199 "Fulton's Folly," 211 Fulton, Robert, 210, 211
Gage, General Thomas, 141 Gardiner's Island, 84 Gates, General, 172 Gazette, New York, 108 George II., 104, 116, 125 George III., 125, 134, 136, 142, 152 Golden Hill, Battle of, 136, 137, 138 Golden Hill Inn, 137 Government House, 196 Governor's Island, 30 Grant's Tomb, 164 "Great Fire," the, 224 Greenwich Village, 216, 231
Hale, Nathan, 157, 158 Half Moon, 2, 3, 4 Hall of Records, 176 Hamilton, Alexander, 187, 188, 201-203, 206, 207 Hamilton, Andrew, 109 Hardy, Sir Charles, 121 Harlem Heights, 161 Harlem Heights, Battle of, 164-166 Harlem River, 229 Heights, Columbia, 164 Heights, Harlem, 161 Heights, Vandewater, 164 High Bridge, 227 Holland, 2 Holland, States-General of, 15, 16 Houses, first, of white men, 12 Howe, Admiral, 153 Howe, General William, 153, 155, 158, 168, 171 Hudson's Bay, 7 Hudson, Henry, 3-8, 10 Hudson's River, 8 Hunter, Robert, 96, 97, 99, 100 Hyde, Edward (Lord Cornbury), 91.
India, 4 Indians, 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 16, 33, 34, 37-41 Indian War, 38-43, 49 Ingoldsby, Richard, 71 Island, Gardiner's, 84 Island, Governor's, 30 Island, Long, 30, 31, 84 Island of Manhattan bought from Indians, 18 Island, Nut, 30 Island, Randall's, 31 Island, Staten, 10, 28, 39 Island, Ward's, 31
Jail, New, 175, 176 Jamaica, Long Island, 92 James, Duke of York, 50-54, 60, 61, 64, 65 James II., 64, 66, 67 Jans, Annetje, 28, 42 Jans's farm, 27, 28 Jersey, the, 176, 177 Jewish cemetery, the first, 104 John Street Theatre, 195 Journal, New York Weekly, 108
Kidd, Captain William, 83-85 Kieft, William, 33-43 King's College, 121, 184 Kip's Bay, 158, 161, 162 Koopman, the, 19, 34
Lafayette, Marquis de, 171, 217-219 Leisler, Jacob, 67-76, 86, 89 Leislerian Party, 68, 89 Lexington massacre, 143 Liberty Pole, 134, 136 Lind, Jenny, 232 Lispenard's Meadow, 204 Livingston, Robert, 209, 210 Lockyer, Captain, 138, 139 Long Island, 30, 31, 84 Long Island, Battle of, 154-155 Lords of the Manors, 21, 22 Loudoun, Lord, 123 Louisburg, 117 Lovelace, Francis, 55-58 Lovelace, Lord John, 95, 96
Macready, William Charles, 231, 232 Mail route, the first, 57 Manhattan Bank, 203 Manhattan Company, 203 Manhattan Island, 8, 10 Manhattans, 8 Manning, Captain John, 58, 59, 61, 62 Manors, 21, 22 May, Cornelius Jacobsen, 16 Milborne, Jacob, 68, 69, 72-74 Minister, first, 26, 36, 42, 43 Minuit, Peter, 17-24 Mohawks, 40 Monckton, Robert, 125, 126 Money used by Indians, 37 Montgomery, General Richard, 150 Montgomery, John, 103-105 Montreal, capture of, 123 Moore, Sir Henry, 133 Morris, Lewis, 96, 101, 107 Morris Mansion, 164 Morris, Richard, 96 Morris, Roger, 164 Morrisania, 96 Morse, Samuel F.B., 230, 231 Murray Family, 158-161 Murray Hill, 158 Mutiny Bill, 134, 135
Nanfan, John, 89 National Academy of Design, 230 Negro Plot, 111-115 Negro slaves, 27, 98, 99, 111-115 Netherlands, 2 Netherlands, Dutch, 2 New England, 48, 64-67 New Jail, 175, 176 New Jersey, 40 New Netherland, 12-14, 16-18, 24, 50, 60 New Orange, 59 Newspaper, first, 79 Newspapers, 223, 224 New York Gazette, 108 New York Weekly Journal, 108 Nicholson, Francis, 66, 68-70 Nicolls, Colonel Richard, 55 Night watch, first, 87 Non-Importation Agreement, 130, 136 Non-Importation Association, 130 North Pole, 7 Northwest Passage, 7 Nut Island, 30
Orange, Prince of, 60 Osborne, Sir Danvers, 116-120
Park, City Hall, 50, 175, 176, 214 Patriots, 143 Patroons, 21, 22, 34 Pavements, first, 93 Pearl Street, 16, 36, 193 Permanent revenue, the, 95, 97, 119 Pirates, 80-84 Pitt, William, 134 Plot, Negro, 111-115 Prince of Orange, 60 Printing press, the first, 79 Prisons, 173-177 Prison ships, 176, 177 Prison, Tombs, 205 Privateers, 80, 83 Provisional Assembly, the, 144, 147, 149 Provost, the, 176 Putnam, General, 157, 161
Quebec, 149, 150 Queen Street, 122
Railroad, elevated, 234 Randall's Island, 31 Rebels, 143 Restless, the, 12 Revolution, French, 199 Revolutionary War, 143, 144, 146, 152, 177, 178 Riot, Astor Place, 231, 232 Riot, Doctors', 185 Riot, Draft, 234 River of the Mountains, 4, 8 Roads, the first, 35 Rolandsen, Adam, 26 Royalists, 143
St. Mark's Church, 54 St. Paul's Chapel, 150, 167, 195, 198 Schepens, the, 46 Schoolmaster, the first, 26 Schools, 208 School Society, Free, 208 Schout, the, 46 Schout-fiscal, the, 19 Schuyler, General Philip, 172 Schuyler, Peter, 99 Seal of New York, 63 Second Continental Congress, 144, 147 Ship Adventure Galley, 82, 83 Ship Clermont, 210, 211 Ship, the first built, 12 Ship Half Moon, 2-4 Ship Restless, 12 Ship Tiger, 10, 12 Ships, prison, 176, 177 Ships, tea, 138, 139, 140 Sidewalks, the first, 198 Slave Market, 98 Slaves, 26, 27, 98, 99, 111-115 Sloughter, Henry, 70-73, 75, 76 Small-pox, 200 Smugglers, 34, 39 Soldiers, first, 25, 26 Sons of Liberty, 128, 136, 137, 145-147 Spain, 13 Stadt Huys, 36, 47, 75, 87, 122 Stamp Act, 127-136 Staten Island, 10, 28, 39 States-General of Holland, 15, 16 Steamboat, first, 208-211 Steam ferry-boats, 211 Street lamps, first, 87 Street numbers, first, 198 Street railways, elevated, 234 Streets, how laid out, 212 Stuyvesant, Peter, 44-49, 53, 54, 76 Sugar-house, 174, 175
Tammany Hall, 197 Tammany Society, 197 Taxed tea, 135, 139-141 Tea ships, 138, 139, 140 Tea taxed, 135, 139-141 Telegraph, first, 230, 231 Theatre, John Street, 195 Third City Hall, 152, 205 Tiger, 10, 12 Tombs Prison, 152, 205 Tories, 143 Trading Stations, 103 Trinity Church, 28, 79, 129, 198 Trinity Churchyard, 207 Tryon's Gate, 198 Tryon's Row, 198 Tryon, William, 149, 158 Turtle Bay, 145, 146 "Tyrant of New England," 64
United New Netherland Company, 12 University of the City of New York, 230
Valley Forge, 172 Van Arsdale, John, 180 Van Dam, Rip, 105-108, 110, 111 Vandewater Heights, 164 Van Dincklagen, the schout-fiscal, 31 Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, 25 Van Twiller buys Governor's Island, 30 Van Twiller's tobacco plantation, 27 Van Twiller, Walter, 25-32 Vauxhall, 132 Verhulst, William, 17
Wall Street, 41, 87, 190 Wall Street, City Hall in, 87-89, 94, 99, 128, 133, 152, 190 Wall, the city's, 48, 87 Walton House, 122 Walton, William, 122 Ward's Island, 31 War, Indian, 38-43, 49 War of the Revolution, 143, 144, 146, 152, 177, 178 War of 1812, 213-215 Warren, Admiral Peter, 116, 117 Washington, City of, 199 Washington, George, 123, 145, 148, 149, 151-158, 162, 164, 168, 170, 172, 173,178-183, 186, 189, 190, 193-195, 199, 200 Weehawken, 207 Westchester, 168 West India Company, 13-16, 18, 21-23, 25, 32, 42, 46, 53, 67 West Indies, 14 West Point, 177 Whigs, 143 Willett, Marinus, 147, 148 Willett, Thomas, 55 William III., 60, 67, 68, 70, 82 "William the Testy," 33 Windmills, 27, 34 World's Fair, 233
Yellow fever, 216 York, James, Duke of, 50-54. 55, 60, 61, 64, 65
Zenger, Peter, 108-110