As regards the two land routes there is not very much to choose except that the Biarritz-Madrid route is somewhat shorter and much quicker than the Perpignan-Barcelona route. As regards the two sea routes both are probably bad from the standpoint of comfort, the steamers in which the voyage would have to be completed being Spanish coasting vessels, but it is difficult to obtain particulars of them in England.
The following are some of the chief places between Paris and Alicante on the Perpignan route:—Dijon (195m.), Lyons (318m.), Avignon (461m.), Nimes (490m.), Perpignan (623m.), Spanish frontier at Port Bou (650m.), Barcelona (758m.), Tarragona (825m.), Valencia (997m.), Alicante (1126m.). The journey from Paris to Barcelona is accomplished in 23h. by the International Express: the remaining 368 miles take 27 hours owing to the bad connections of the trains.
Madrid is 285m. from Alicante, the journey occupying about 29h.
As the result of much inquiry and research, the following may be suggested:—
Handbook for Spain, 2 vols. 20s. (J. Murray.)
Handbook to Spain and Portugal, Dr. Charnock. 7s. 6d. (W. J. Adams.)
Guide to Spain and Portugal, O'Shea and Lomas. 15s. (A. & C. Black.)
Handbook for Portugal. 12s. (J. Murray.)
JAeSCHKE, R. English-Spanish Conversation Dictionary. 3s. 6d. (Nutt.)
CASTRO DE LA FAYETTE. Novo Diccionario Inglez-Portugueze. 2 vols. 6s.
D'ORSEY, Rev. A. J. D. Colloquial Portuguese. 3s. 6d. (Kegan Paul.)
WALL, C. H. Practical Portuguese Grammar. 7s. (Nutt.)
THIMM, C. A. Spanish Self-taught. 1s. 6d. (Marlborough.)
Spanish Conversation Book. 1s. (Walter Scott.)
HUGO. Spanish Simplified. 2 Parts and Key. 1s. 6d. (1A Paternoster Row.)
CHAMBERS, G. F. The Tourist's Pocket-Book. [Vocabulary of 16 Languages]. 1s. (Philip.)
THIMM, C. A. Spanish Washing Lists for both Sexes. 6d. (Marlborough.)
*** The Eclipses referred to in the Chapters on History (VIII.-XIII.) are not, as regards dates, dealt with in this Index.
Aberdour, Lord, 159. Agathocles, The Eclipse of, 120. Ahaz, Dial of, 90, 96, 101. Airy, Sir G. B., 48, 74, 83, 84, 89, 110, 111, 113, 115, 123, 124, 144, 164, 167. Almanac, British, 219. Almanac, Nautical, 26, 35, 234, 238. Ammianus Marcellinus, 133. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 146, 148, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209. Annales Fuldenses, 143, 207. Annular Eclipses of the Sun, 16. Apollonius of Tyana, 130. Arabian Records, 132, 138. Arago, 125, 164. Archilochus, 108. Aristophanes, 199. Ascending Node, 18. Asser, 144.
Baily, F., 57, 112, 122, 164. "Baily's Beads," 57, 64, 164. Barker, Sir R., 102. Bede, 205. Beer, 217. Bible, Eclipses mentioned in, 86. Biot, E., 80. "Black" Eclipses of the Moon, 189. Blackness of the Moon during Solar Eclipses, 43. Blake, 48. Boillot, 135. Bosanquet, J. W., 91, 95, 101.
Calvisius, 133, 137, 146, 221. Carlini, 164. Carrington, R. C., 60. Cassini, 158. Caussin, 139. Cedrenus, 208. Celoria, Prof., 150. Chinese Eclipses of the Sun, 75. —— of the Moon, 197. Chromosphere, 60. Chronicon Scotorum, 143. Churton, Archdeacon, 210. Cicero, 108, 109, 118. Classical History, Eclipses mentioned in, 107. Clavius, 64, 152. Columbus, 211. Confucius, 81. Conjunction of the Moon, 31. Copper colour of Moon in Lunar Eclipses, 192. Corona, 56, 62, 105, 130, 144, 157, 159, 161, 168, 169. Coronium, 69. Crabtree, W., 215. Crucifixion, The darkness at, 129.
Delambre, 81. De La Rue, W., 168. De Louville, 158. Descending Node, 18. Dial of Ahaz, 90, 96, 101. Digit explained, 28. Diodorus Siculus, 120. Diogenes Laertius, 94. Dion Cassius, 128, 130. Draconic Month, 20. Dreyer, J. L. E., 221. Du Sejour, 37, 39.
Earthquakes and Eclipses, 75. Earth-shine, 61. Eclipsareon, Ferguson's, 222. Eclipse, Derivation of the word, 11. ——, number of in a year, 13. —— of the Moon, 11. —— of the Sun, 11. ——, Theory of, 15. Eclipse of the Sun of May 28, 1900, 9, 40, 66, 71, 239. Ennius, 118.
Ferguson, J., 215, 221. Ferrer, Don J., 163. Flamsteed, J., 155, 215. Florence of Worcester, 143. Forster, 192. Freeman, Prof. E. A., 146. Full Moon, 13.
Gassendi, P., 215, 221. Gaubil, 80. Gemma Frisius, 152. Gilliss, Lieut. J. M., 168. Ginzel, 75, 131. Glaber, 145, 208. Glycas, 92. Grant, R., 131. Graydon, 174. Gregorius Turonensis, 135.
Hagen, 163. Halley, E., 148, 157. Hansen's Lunar Tables, 89, 118, 119, 124. Helium, 69. Helps, Sir A., 211. Herodotus, 109, 114, 116. Herschel, Sir J., 217. Herschel, Sir W., 161, 162. Hevelius, 215. Hezekiah, King of Judah, 90. Hinckes, Dr., 89. Hind, J. R., 38, 80, 89, 115, 116, 125, 138, 142, 143, 147, 148, 151, 153, 154, 167, 203, 204. Hitzig, 87. Homer's Iliad quoted, 126. Homer's Odyssey quoted, 94, 126. Huggins, Sir W., 131. Humboldt, A. Von, 133, 142, 217. Hunter, W., 102.
Ideler, 81.
Janssen, 169. Jesuit Missionaries in China, 81, 95. Johnson, Rev. S. J., 38, 80, 128, 131, 133, 135, 137, 138, 142, 144, 145, 150, 202, 210, 216, 222. Jones, Capt. F., 113. Josephus, 202. Justin, 121.
Kepler, 64, 152, 153, 213, 214, 220. Kerigan, F., 227. Kirchoff, 69.
Lalande, J. De, 224. Lander, R. and J., 228. Langley, Prof., 171. Lardner, D., His Hand-book of Astronomy cited, 12. Lassell, W., 167. Layard, Sir A. H., 113. Leon of Corfu, 144. Le Verrier's Solar Tables, 89. Lewis, Sir G. C., 110. Liais, E., 44. Limits, Lunar Ecliptic, 190. Lingard, Dr., 150. Livy, 125, 202. Lockyer, Sir N., 178. Lynn, W. T., 115, 131.
Macartney, Lord, his Embassy to China, 224. Maclaurin, 151, 153, 159. Maedler, 217. Magnitude of an Eclipse, 29. Main, Rev. R., 88. Maraldi, 158. Matthew Paris, 210. Maunder, E. W., 104, 106. Meteorological effects of a solar eclipse, 54, 167. Millosevich, 109. Milton, J., 231. Moon, Eclipses of, 186.
Nautical Almanac, 26, 35, 234, 238. Newcomb, S., 119, 127, 139, 144, 171. Newcomb, S., His Astronomy cited, 26. New Moon, 13. Newton, Sir I., 198. Nicias, 199. Nineveh Tablets, 89. Nodes, 18, 19, 30.
Occultations, 10, 12, 235, 237. Ockley, S., 138. Oltmanns, 112. Oppolzer, T. Von, His Canon cited, 35, 109, 218. Opposition of the Moon, 31. Orchard, Dr., 231.
Partial Eclipses of the Sun, 17. Pekin, Observatory at, 95. Penumbra in Lunar Eclipses, 188. Pepys, S., His Diary cited, 155. Perry, S. J., 177, 193. Philostorgius, 134. Philostratus, 130. Pickering, E. H., 184. Pingre, 219. Planets, Primary, 12. ——, Secondary, 12. ——, Visibility of during Eclipses, 61. Pliny, 126, 200, 204, 213. Plutarch, Lives, 108, 115, 117, 120, 126, 131, 199, 200, 201. Polybius, 200. Pope, A., 94, 233. Powell, Sir G. B., 178. Prominences, 59. Pusey, Dr. E. B., 87, 88.
Rawlinson, Sir H. C., 88, 111. Red Flames, 59, 156, 159, 168. Ricciolus, J. B., 220, 222. Roger of Wendover, 149, 210. Roger de Hoveden, 205. Rothmann, R. W., 77. Ruemker, 48. Russell, S. M., 78, 79, 198, 225.
Santini, 164. "Saros," The, 14, 18, 112, 157. Schnurrer, 142. Schuster, 172. Season of Eclipses, 29. Seneca, 126. Shadow Bands, 46. Shadow of Moon on Earth, 36, 41, 49, 73. Shakespeare, W., 229. Smith, J. D., 48. Smyth, Admiral W. H., 217. Short, J., 159. Suetonius, 126. Snooke, W. D., 223. Spain, Eclipse of 1900 visible in, 10. Spots on the Sun, 67, 69. Stannyan, Capt., 60, 156. Staunton, Sir G., 224. Stockwell, J. N., 131, 202, 223. Stone, E. J., 193. "Stiklastad," "Eclipse of," 144. Struve, O., 164. Struyck, N., 221. Stukeley, Dr. W., 157, 160.
Tacitus, 203. Telegraph, Electric, and Eclipses, 179. "Thales," "Eclipse of," 103, 109, 123. Thirlwall, Bishop, 116. Thucydides, 117, 118. Tibullus, 126. Todd, Mrs. D. T., her Total Eclipses cited, 25, 27, 50, 56, 65, 71, 136, 146, 173, 183, 223, 231. Totality, Approach of, 49. ——, Darkness of, 53. Transits, 10, 12, 235. Trithenius, 204. Trouvelot, 106. Tycho Brahe, 137, 143, 150, 152, 213, 214, 220.
Ulloa, Don A., 64, 161, 179. Usher, Archbishop, 87.
Valz, 164.
Wallis, Dr., 155. Wargentin, 216. Wesley, W. H., 66. William of Malmesbury, 145, 147. Williams, J., 81, 82, 83, 85, 86. Wolcott, Miss K. E., 106. Wyberd, Dr., 154.
Xenophon, 112, 113, 119.
Young, Prof., 178.
Zech, 119.
[Transriber's Note: The table below lists all corrections applied to the original text.
p. 014: [removed extra hyphen] more than 18-years -> 18 years p. 023: Phillipines -> Philippines p. 027: occuring at regular intervals -> occurring p. 048: Rumker mentions that -> Ruemer p. 059: every sufficiently skilled obersver -> observer p. 070: [added closing bracket] (SUN-SPOT MINIMUM.) p. 154: [removed comma] Greenock and Elgin, were near p. 217: in the Carribean Sea -> Caribbean p. 227: A certain Mr F. Kerigan -> Mr. F. Kerigan p. 230: [removed comma] As, stars with trains of fire p. 241: Casa Brisẽno -> Briseno p. 244: Vienna (57m.) -> Vianna p. 249: [normalized] Plasentia (256m.) -> Plasencia p. 250: Casa Brisẽno -> Briseno ]