Peel and slice potatoes and partly boil them. Then prepare parsnip, carrots, celery and onions, and cook them for fifteen minutes. Grease large fireproof dish and place in all vegetables in layers, with herbs, Crisco, salt and pepper to taste. Pour in white stock, cover with layer of sliced potatoes and bake in moderate oven for one and a half hours.
Sufficient for one large savory pie.
When there is any doubt as to the freshness of eggs, they may be tested in various ways. Quite fresh eggs will sink in a strong brine, and as they become stale they remain suspended at different depths in the brine, until an absolutely stale egg will float. Successful preservation depends in a great measure upon the condition of the egg at the time of preserving. Different methods of preserving all aim at the same thing, namely, at coating the porous shell with some substance which will prevent the air entering and setting up decomposition. See page 30.
When used as food, eggs should be cooked at a low temperature—about 160 deg. F., or if in the shell at about 180 deg. F. The time varies with the size of the egg, from two and a half minutes for poaching a medium-sized egg to four and a half minutes for boiling a large one. If too much cooked, or at too high a temperature, the white becomes tough, hard, and to many people, indigestible.
When required for salads, garnishing, etc., the eggs must be boiled from ten to twenty minutes, and if the yolks are to be powdered for sprinkling, they must be cooked for a longer time, or the centers will be somewhat tough and elastic, and useless for the purpose.
In beating eggs, a little salt added to the whites helps to bring them to a froth more quickly. When frothed whites are to be mixed with a heavier or more solid substance, great care must be taken not to break down the froth. The object of beating being to mix in air, rough handling afterwards would render the beating useless; the mixing must therefore be done very carefully. They should be folded or wrapped up in the other substance, but the mixing also must be thorough, for any pieces of white separated from the rest will toughen and taste leathery, besides failing in the special purpose of giving lightness to the mixture. After mixing lightly and perfectly all such preparations should be cooked at once. The white "speck" always should be removed from a broken egg, as it is easily distinguished after cooking, and in anything of a liquid nature, such as custards, sauces, etc., it would be hard and unpleasant.
Baked Omelet
1 tablespoonful melted Crisco 4 eggs 8 tablespoonfuls milk 1/2 teaspoonful cornstarch 2 tablespoonfuls water Salt and pepper to taste
Beat eggs well, add milk and beat again, add Crisco, seasonings, and cornstarch mixed with water. Turn into a Criscoed fireproof dish and bake in moderate oven fifteen minutes. Serve hot.
Creole Eggs
3 tablespoonfuls Crisco 2 tablespoonfuls flour 8 hard-cooked eggs 2 cupfuls tomato pulp Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste 1 small chopped onion 1 bay leaf 1 blade mace 2 cloves 2 tablespoonfuls chopped parsley Pinch of powdered thyme Slices of cooked ham Breadcrumbs
Fry onion, pepper, and parsley in Crisco till tender; add cloves, thyme, bay leaf, and mace, cook three minutes, then stir in flour, and tomato pulp. Let mixture boil stirring all the time then strain. Quarter the hard-cooked eggs. Put layer of tomato sauce in Criscoed baking dish, then layer of ham, then eggs sprinkled with salt, pepper, and paprika, then sauce, ham, and eggs, last layer being sauce. Cover with breadcrumbs, dot with Crisco and bake ten minutes in moderate oven.
Curried Eggs
2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 6 hard-cooked eggs 1 small chopped onion 1 chopped sour apple 2 teaspoonfuls curry powder 1 lemon 4 chopped butternuts, or 6 chopped almonds 3 tablespoonfuls cornstarch 2 cupfuls milk 1/2 teaspoonful salt Croutons
Boil eggs till hard, peel and place in cold water until required. Fry onion in Crisco a few minutes, add curry powder, apple, nuts, and cornstarch moistened with milk. Simmer fifteen minutes. Stir from time to time. If too thick add a little white stock or water. Cut eggs in halves, and lay them in the sauce with the salt to get thoroughly hot through. Put eggs into deep hot dish, strain sauce over them, garnish with croutons and lemon slices.
Egg Croquettes
2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 2 tablespoonfuls flour 3/4 cupful milk 6 hard-cooked eggs 1 teaspoonful chopped parsley 1/2 cupful chopped cooked tongue or ham Salt, pepper, and grated nutmeg to taste 1 egg Breadcrumbs
Chop eggs and mix them with ham, parsley, and seasonings. Melt Crisco, stir in flour, then add the milk and boil three minutes stirring all the time. Now add egg mixture and if required add more seasoning. Cool mixture then divide it into nine portions and make each into a neat croquette; brush over with the egg beaten with a tablespoonful of water, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot Crisco. Drain and garnish with fried parsley. Crisco should be hot enough to brown breadcrumb in forty seconds.
Sufficient for nine croquettes.
Eggs with Cucumber
1 tablespoonful Crisco 3 eggs 1 large cucumber 1/2 cupful stock 1 tablespoonful tomato pulp Salt and pepper to taste 1 cupful tomato sauce
Peel cucumber, cut off ends and divide rest into two-inch pieces. Remove center portion of each with a cutter or small spoon. Place them in a Criscoed pan with stock; cover with greased paper and cook in oven till just tender. Great care must be taken so as not to break the shapes. Break eggs into saucepan, add Crisco and tomato pulp; season nicely and stir over fire until creamy and just set. Place cucumbers on hot platter and fill cavities with eggs. Cover with thick tomato sauce, and serve hot.
Sufficient for five pieces.
Eggs with Tomatoes
3 tablespoonfuls Crisco 4 even-sized tomatoes 8 rounds buttered toast 3 eggs 2 tablespoonfuls cream 1 tablespoonful chopped pimiento Salt and pepper to taste Parsley
Select ripe tomatoes but do not have them too large; remove stems and cut each in halves crossways; remove cores and pips, and fry lightly in two tablespoonfuls Crisco. Have rounds of buttered toast a little larger than tomatoes. Beat eggs in small saucepan, add cream, pimientoes, rest of Crisco, seasonings, and stir over fire until creamy and just setting. Place each half tomato on round of toast, divide egg mixture into tomatoes, garnish with parsley and serve hot.
Savory Eggs
Crisco 6 eggs 4 tablespoonfuls chopped cooked chicken, ham or tongue Salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoonfuls chopped parsley 6 rounds fried toast
Crisco six small molds. Mix ham, parsley, and seasonings together, throw a little into each mold, shake it well round sides; break into each mold one egg, taking care not to break yolk, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and dot with Crisco. Steam four or five minutes, or until set. Turn out on rounds of fried toast and serve at once.
It is well to have a confectioner's thermometer for candy making, so that the syrup may be removed from the fire at exactly the right degree. Such thermometers are made of wood, brass, or copper, and the degrees on them should mark not less than 350 deg.. A thermometer always should be gently lowered into the boiling sugar. When not in use, it should be kept hanging on a nail or hook. When required for candy making, place thermometer in pitcher of warm water, so that it may rise gradually, and return it to the warm water on removing it from the hot candy. This dissolves the clinging candy and protects the tube from breaking. The wooden thermometer can be used to stir with, and is very easy to keep clean.
If there is no thermometer handy it is better to make a list of the various stages in sugar boiling, and learn how to test the sugar. First there is the "thread" (216 deg. F. to 218 deg. F.) This is reached when, on dipping the finger and thumb first into cold water and then into the syrup, you can draw them apart, and an unbroken thread is formed, which gradually can be drawn wider apart on further testing as the degree of boiling is completed.
The next is the "pearl" (220 deg. F.) To see if the syrup has reached this stage, after the sugar has dissolved let it boil for eight to ten minutes, then dip a wooden skewer into the syrup to obtain a drop of it. Dip the finger and thumb into cold water, then rub the drop of syrup between them; if it feels smooth, the syrup has reached the desired stage. The next is the "blow" (230 deg. F.) Dip a spoon into the sugar, shake it, and blow through the holes; if sparks of light or bubbles be seen, you may be sure of the blow. This is followed by the "feather" (235 deg. F.) To test this, dip a spoon into the boiling syrup, and when it may be blown easily from the spoon in long shreds it has reached the right degree.
Next comes the "ball" (240 deg. F. to 250 deg. F.) Dip the finger and thumb first into cold water, and then into the syrup, the latter then can be rolled into a soft ball between the finger and thumb. A little longer boiling gives the hard ball. This in turn is succeeded by the "crack" (290 deg. F. to 300 deg. F.) To test this, drop a little of the syrup into cold water; if it then breaks off sharp and crisp it has reached the crack. The final stage is the "caramel" (350 deg. F.) which comes very quickly after the crack, the syrup becoming first a pale yellow, and then a rich golden brown, and finally black or burnt. When it first reaches this stage the pan should be removed from the fire, a little lemon juice or water added, and then the whole reboiled to the proper stage or shade. To prevent granulation, it often is advisable to add a pinch of cream of tartar, to the pound of sugar.
Chocolate Fudge
1 cupful milk Pinch of salt 2 squares (2 ozs.) chocolate 2 cupfuls sugar 1 tablespoonful Crisco 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
Put Crisco, milk, sugar, salt, and chocolate into saucepan, and stir and boil until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water, or 240 deg. F. Remove from fire, add extract, allow to stand a minute, and beat until creamy. Pour into Criscoed tin and mark off into squares.
Clear Almond Taffy
4 cupfuls sugar 1 cupful Crisco Pinch cream of tartar 1 cupful water 2 cupfuls almonds 1/2 teaspoonful almond extract 1/4 teaspoonful salt
Blanch, split, and bake almonds to golden brown. Crisco a tin, and sprinkle almonds on it split side down. Dissolve sugar and water together in saucepan, add Crisco, salt, and cream of tartar, and boil until when tested in cold water it will be brittle, or 300 deg. F. Add almond extract and pour over nuts. When firm, cut in squares.
Sufficient for one large pan.
Cocoanut Caramels
1 cupful dessicated cocoanut 2 tablespoonfuls glucose 1 lb. brown sugar 3/4 cupful Crisco 1 cupful water 1 cupful milk 1 cupful cream 1 teaspoonful rose extract 1 teaspoonful almond extract 1/4 teaspoonful salt
Soak cocoanut in milk for twenty minutes, then put it into a saucepan with sugar, glucose, salt, and one-third of the Crisco, add second third of Crisco when it forms heavy thread, or registers 230 deg. F., add third piece of Crisco, cream and extracts, when it again reaches 230 deg. F. When it reaches the hard ball stage or 250 deg. F., turn at once into a Criscoed tin. Cut when half cold. When all are cut, wrap each caramel in waxed paper.
Crisco Drops
1/2 cupful golden syrup 4 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1/4 cupful water 1/4 teaspoonful salt 1/2 teaspoonful vanilla extract
Put Crisco, golden syrup, water, and salt into saucepan and boil until it is almost brittle when tested in cold water, or 290 deg. F., then add vanilla. Allow to cool down, and then drop on to Criscoed tin.
Sufficient for twenty drops.
Cream Candy
1/2 cupful water 2 cupfuls brown sugar 3 tablespoonfuls Crisco, melted 1 teaspoonful orange extract 1/4 teaspoonful salt
Dissolve sugar in water in saucepan over fire, and boil until it spins a heavy thread, add Crisco and salt and boil until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water, or 240 deg. F. Remove pan from fire, add orange extract, allow to stand five minutes, then stir until the syrup begins to "grain." Pour quickly into wet tin. When half cold, mark into squares; leave till following day in a cool place; then break up. Keep in airtight tins.
Sufficient for twenty small squares.
Crisco Fruit Fudge
2 cupfuls sugar 1 cupful milk 2 tablespoonfuls cocoa 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract 1 teaspoonful lemon extract 1/2 cupful chopped English walnut meats 1/2 cupful sultana raisins 2 tablespoonfuls cream Pinch of salt
Put Crisco, sugar, cocoa, salt, and milk into saucepan, and stir till it boils to 240 deg., or until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water. Remove from fire, add raisins, cream, nut meats, and extracts, and beat mixture until thick and creamy. Put back on stove, and heat, stirring constantly until melted, then pour into Criscoed tins. When partly cool mark into neat squares.
Sufficient for thirty squares.
Everton Taffy
1 gill water 2 cupfuls brown sugar 4 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract Pinch cream of tartar 1/4 teaspoonful salt
Put sugar and water into saucepan; stir occasionally until it boils; then add cream of tartar. Put cover on pan and boil five minutes, add Crisco and salt and boil until, when tried in cold water it will snap, or 300 deg. F. Add vanilla and pour into Criscoed tin. Mark in squares when half cold, and break up when quite cold. Wrap in waxed paper.
Fig Fudge
Pinch cream of tartar 1/4 lb. chopped figs 1 lb. brown sugar Pinch salt 1 tablespoonful Crisco 1 cupful water 1 teaspoonful lemon extract
Wash and dry figs, then chop them. Put sugar and water into saucepan, and dissolve, add Crisco and cream of tartar, and when it boils, add figs, and boil to a soft ball when tried in cold water, or 240 deg. F., stirring all the time. Remove pan from fire, add lemon extract and salt, cool five minutes, then stir until it begins to grain, and quickly pour into Criscoed tin. When half cold mark in squares.
Honey Squares
1 cupful strained honey 1 cupful brown sugar 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1/2 cupful cream 1/4 teaspoonful salt Pinch cream of tartar 1 teaspoonful lemon extract
Put Crisco, salt, honey, cream and sugar into saucepan; stir over slow fire until dissolved, then add cream of tartar. Boil until it forms a hard ball when tested in cold water, or 252 deg. F. Remove from fire, stir in lemon extract, and pour into Criscoed tin. Mark into squares before cold. Wrap in waxed paper.
Sufficient for twenty-five squares.
Maple Candy
1 cupful maple sugar 1/2 cupful brown sugar 1 tablespoonful Crisco 1/4 teaspoonful salt 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract 1 cupful water
Dissolve sugars in water in saucepan over fire, when boiling add Crisco and salt and boil until it hardens when dropped in cold water, or 258 deg. F. Remove from fire and add vanilla. Pour into Criscoed tins. When half cold mark into squares. Wrap in waxed paper.
Molasses Candy
2 cupfuls brown sugar 1/4 cupful molasses 5 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1/4 teaspoonful salt 1 gill water 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
Dissolve sugar in water in saucepan over fire, then add Crisco, molasses, and salt and boil until when tested in cold water it forms a hard ball, or 254 deg. F. Now add vanilla and pour into Criscoed tin. When quite cold break into rough pieces.
Peanut Fudge
2 cupfuls brown sugar 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 1 cupful milk 1/4 teaspoonful salt 1 cupful chopped peanuts 1 teaspoonful vanilla extract
Boil milk, sugar, Crisco, and salt until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water, or 240 deg. F. Remove from fire, add nuts and vanilla, beat until creamy. Pour into Criscoed tins, and when cool cut into cubes.
Calendar of Dinners
January 1
*Black Bean Soup Roast Leg of Mutton, Currant Jelly Stewed Tomatoes Baked Sweet Potatoes Macedoine Salad Cheese Straws Fruit Cake Coffee
*Black Bean Soup—2 cups black beans, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 onion, 1 lemon, 2 quarts stock or water, 2 stalks celery, 2 hard-cooked eggs, 1-1/2 tablespoons flour, 3 cloves, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper, red pepper, and mustard to taste.
Wash beans and soak over night; in morning drain, cover with boiling water and boil 30 minutes; drain, throwing away water. Slice onion, dice celery, and cook 5 minutes in half of Crisco in soup pot; add beans, stock or water, and cloves. Simmer until beans are soft, add more water as stock or water boils away. Rub through sieve, add remaining Crisco and flour rubbed together, then heat to boiling point, add seasonings. Cut lemon in thin slices, removing seeds, and cut eggs in thin slices. Put them into a hot soup tureen, and strain soup over them.
January 2
Palestine Soup *Jugged Hare, Red Currant Jelly Brussels Sprouts Potato Puff Endive Salad Cheese Fingers Vanilla Souffle Coffee
*Jugged Hare—1 hare, 1 cup Crisco, 1-1/2 pounds gravy beef, 1 onion, 1 lemon, 6 cloves, 1 cup port wine, few forcemeat balls, salt, red pepper and pepper to taste.
Skin, paunch and wash hare, cut it into pieces, dredge with flour, and fry in hot Crisco. Have ready 1-1/2 pints gravy, made from beef, and thickened with flour. Put this into jar; add pieces of fried hare, onion stuck with cloves, lemon peeled and sliced, and seasonings; cover jar tightly, put into saucepan of boiling water, and let it stew until hare is quite tender, taking care to keep the water boiling. When nearly ready pour in wine, add forcemeat balls, and allow to cook 10 minutes. Serve with red currant jelly.
For forcemeat balls, mix together in basin, 2 tablespoons Crisco,4 tablespoons crumbs, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning, 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind, seasoning of salt, pepper, red pepper, and paprika, and 1 beaten egg, form into small balls, roll in flour, and add to hare.
January 3
*Lobster Bisque Toasted Crackers Olives Celery Pickles Roast Pigeons Sweet Potatoes Fried Hominy Lettuce Salad Cheese Balls Lemon Meringue Pie Coffee
*Lobster Bisque—4 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 head celery, 2 lobsters, 1 small onion, 6 whole white peppers, 4 sprigs parsley, 1 quart milk, white pepper to taste.
Cover lobsters with boiling water, add salt, celery diced, whole peppers, parsley and onion. Cook until lobsters' claws can easily be pulled apart; it will probably take 25 minutes. When cool enough to handle, cut lobsters down back, remove meat from body and claws. Save coral. Put back all tough parts with small claws and shells, and cook for 20 minutes in same liquor. Liquor must be considerably reduced. Dry coral, rub through sieve. Blend Crisco and flour in saucepan over fire, stir in milk, let this come to boil, add 2 cups of strained lobster broth. Bring to boiling point, season with salt and pepper, and stir in sifted coral enough to give liquid bright pink color. Place lobster meat cut in fine pieces in hot tureen, pour hot mixture over and serve hot.
January 4
Lentil Soup Roast Loin of Pork, Apple Sauce Potato Balls Artichokes, a la Creme *Orange Salad Cheese Fingers Pineapple Pudding Coffee
*Orange Salad—1 tablespoon brandy, 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon chopped tarragon, 1 teaspoon chopped chervil, and 6 oranges.
Cut peel from oranges, carefully removing all pith, cut out pulpy pieces in each of natural divisions so that there is no skin of any kind or pips taken out with pieces fruit, sprinkle over these pieces tarragon, chervil, melted Crisco, brandy and sugar. This salad should be placed on ice if possible 1 hour before serving.
January 5
Cheese Canapes Julienne Soup Bread Sticks *Roast Stuffed Chicken, Brown Gravy Creamed Cauliflower Potato Croquettes Olive Salad Cheese Relish Pistachio Ice Cream Coffee
*Roast Stuffed Chicken—6 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons chopped cooked ham, 1 beaten egg, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, 1 chicken, 2 tablespoons milk, seasoning red pepper, white pepper, salt, powdered mace and herbs to taste.
Clean and draw chicken. Melt Crisco, add it to crumbs, ham, egg, parsley, milk, and seasonings; mix and place in breast of fowl. If young chicken leave on feet, which should be scalded and skinned; if an older bird, cut off legs half-way to first joint, turn back pinions, run skewer through them, catching top part of legs; tie bottom part of legs together. Set in hot oven from 3/4 to 1-1/4 hours, according to size; baste well with melted Crisco, and about 15 minutes before it is finished dredge with flour and brown. To make brown gravy, pour from tin fat, sprinkle in 2 teaspoons browned flour, then add 1 cup boiling water, containing 1/2 teaspoon extract beef, salt and pepper; allow this to boil 3 minutes, strain over chicken, or serve in sauceboat.
January 6
Oyster Cocktail Fried Cod Steaks Potatoes au Gratin *Stewed Tomatoes Cold Slaw Cheese Wafers Cocoanut Pudding Coffee
*Stewed Tomatoes—1 can tomatoes, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1 cup breadcrumbs, seasoning salt, pepper and paprika.
Empty tomatoes into double boiler, add breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, and paprika, and cook slowly for 1/2 an hour, stirring from time to time. Just before serving add Crisco and stir till melted. While the tomatoes will be ready with 1/2 hour's cooking, they are improved by cooking 1 hour, and are better still if warmed again after cooling.
January 7
Clam Cocktail Boiled Salmon with Parsley Butter Roast Duck, Olive Sauce and Fried Hominy Riced Potatoes French Peas Creamed Salsify Celery Mayonnaise *Cheese Ramekins Banbury Tarts Coffee
*Cheese Ramekins—4 tablespoons flour, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 cup milk, 3 whole eggs, 1 white egg, salt, white pepper, and red pepper to taste, and 1/2 cup grated cheese.
In saucepan, mix Crisco and flour over fire, when smooth stir in milk, and cook until thick, add seasonings; mix well. Remove pan from fire, add yolks eggs 1 by 1, mix each thoroughly, then mix in cheese, and fold in stiffly beaten white egg. Pour into Criscoed ramekins, and bake in hot oven 15 minutes. Serve hot.
January 8
Cherry Cocktail Corn Soup Crisp Crackers Pot Roast with Dumplings Lettuce and Radish Salad *Cheese Biscuits Spice Jelly Coffee
*Cheese Biscuits—4 teaspoons flour, 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 yolk of egg, 2 teaspoons cold water, salt and red pepper to taste.
Mix flour and cheese; add salt and red pepper to taste. Rub in Crisco lightly. Mix yolk egg with water; add enough of these to mix flour, etc., to stiff paste. Knead till smooth on floured board, then roll out and cut into biscuits with small cutter; lay on Criscoed tin and bake in quick oven 8 to 10 minutes, or until they are a delicate biscuit color. They require to be carefully watched, as they burn easily. Parmesan cheese is best, but other dry kinds can be used. The biscuits are brittle, so always prepare more than are actually required. They rewarm well with care.
January 9
Vermicelli Soup *Beef Loaf, Tomato Sauce Mashed Potatoes Baked Squash Apple and Celery Salad Cheese Wafers Mince Pie Coffee
*Beef Loaf—2 pounds lean meat, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1/4 pound salt pork, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 3 beaten eggs, 1 teaspoon onion juice, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup beef stock, salt and pepper to taste.
Wipe meat, remove all skin and membranes, then put it through meat grinder, add Crisco melted, eggs, crumbs, onion juice, lemon juice, stock and seasonings. Press into greased pan and cover. Bake 1 hour. Baste occasionally during baking with melted Crisco.
January 10
Cream of Carrot Soup Pickles Celery Olives *Beef Steak and Kidney Pie Baked Potatoes Scalloped Onions Cauliflower Salad Cheese Crackers Lemon Snow Coffee
*Beef Steak and Kidney Pie—2 pounds lean steak, 4 sheep's kidneys, some melted Crisco, salt and pepper to taste, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce, and some pie crust.
Cut steak very thinly and dip it in melted Crisco, then in flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Roll up pieces of steak and lay them in fireproof baking dish. Skin kidneys, cut them in thin slices, leaving out fat in middle kidney; dip them also in seasonings and lay them on top of meat. Sprinkle in Worcestershire sauce and fill up dish with water. Roll pastry rather larger than size required for dish. Wet edge of dish and put narrow band of paste round; wet band, place on it remainder of paste, which cut to size of dish, then pinch edges, and brush over with beaten egg. Make large hole in top and into this put ends some leaf-shaped pieces of paste, with an ornament in center; brush leaves over with egg and bake in hot oven 1-1/2 hours.
January 11
Tomato Bisque Pickled Peaches Celery *Roast Rabbit, Currant Jelly Sauce Hominy Squares Riced Potatoes Boiled Onions Cranberry Salad Apricot Tapioca Coffee
*Roast Rabbit—6 tablespoons breadcrumbs, 3 tablespoons chopped cooked ham, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind, 1/2 teaspoon powdered herbs, 3 chopped mushrooms, three beaten eggs, 1 rabbit, salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste. Beat up eggs, add mushrooms, Crisco, ham, breadcrumbs, parsley, and seasonings, and mix well. Wipe rabbit, and season inside with pepper, salt, and powdered cloves. Lay forcemeat inside rabbit and sew top; skewer head back and legs on each side; roast 1 hour, basting well with melted Crisco. Serve hot with currant jelly sauce.
January 12
Clear Soup Roast Duck, Plum Jelly Mashed Turnips *Potato Croquettes Apple Salad Hot Cheese Wafers Grape Fruit Jelly Coffee
*Potato Croquettes—2 pints mashed potatoes, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste.
Mash potatoes by rubbing them through wire sieve with back of wooden spoon; dissolve Crisco, add it to potatoes with 1 of eggs well beaten and seasonings. Mix and divide into 10 or 12 pieces, form them into neat croquettes, brush over with remaining beaten egg, toss in breadcrumbs, and fry in hot Crisco.
January 13
Oysters on Half Shell Radishes Pickled Pears *Mutton Cutlets Potato Balls Chestnut Puree Lettuce, French Dressing Pineapple Bavarian Cream Cakes Coffee
*Mutton Cutlets—Slit 1 pound chestnuts, place in hot oven to loosen skins, shell and take off inner skin. Place in saucepan with gravy to cover and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Boil until tender, then drain and rub through sieve. Chop fine 2 slices ham, add 2 tablespoons Crisco with 1/4 pound chestnut puree, season with salt, pepper and red pepper. Add 1 egg yolk and mix. Trim 8 cutlets, make 1/4 cup Crisco hot in frying pan, cook cutlets 1 minute on right side only, then arrange them flat on dish, cover with another with weight on top, leave until cold. Spread puree over cooked side of cutlets, brush with beaten egg and cover with breadcrumbs. Fry on both sides, and place in oven 5 minutes. Dish in circle on mashed potatoes; fill center with fried potato balls and sprinkle with, chopped parsley. Serve with gravy.
January 14
Cream of Cheese Soup Celery Olives *Codfish Balls Baked Potatoes Baked Macaroni and Peas Spinach Salad Cheese Relish Fig Pudding Coffee
*Codfish Balls—2 cupfuls mashed potatoes, 1-1/2 cupfuls shredded codfish, 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful Crisco, melted, 1/8 teaspoonful pepper. Put codfish in wire strainer, let cold water run through and squeeze dry. Mix the hot, unseasoned potatoes with codfish. To this add the melted Crisco, beaten egg and pepper. Beat well. Shape in balls and fry in deep Crisco until a golden brown color.
January 15
Vegetable Soup Pickled Beets Celery Olives Sauted Chicken, Brown Gravy *Candied Sweet Potatoes Lettuce and Green Pepper Salad Plum Pudding, Hard Sauce Coffee
*Candied Sweet Potatoes—12 sweet potatoes, 1 cup boiling water, brown sugar, 1/4 cup Crisco, salt, pepper, and powdered cinnamon. Pare and parboil potatoes, cut in halves, boil 10 minutes, drain, lay in greased baking dish. Spread with Crisco, sprinkle with brown sugar, salt, pepper, and powdered cinnamon, pour in boiling water and cook until tender. Baste often with sauce in pan while cooking. The cinnamon may be omitted.
January 16
*Lettuce Cocktail Cream of Spinach Soup Broiled Hamburg Steak Baked Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Pineapple Salad Cheese Balls Urney Pudding Coffee
*Lettuce Cocktail—1 crisp head of lettuce, 4 tablespoons tomato catsup, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 4 hard-cooked eggs, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 3 tablespoons sugar, 4 small onions, and salt to taste.
Cut lettuce fine with scissors and shred eggs and onions. Melt Crisco, when cool, add tomato catsup, Worcestershire sauce, sugar, vinegar and salt. At serving time pour this sauce over lettuce, eggs and onions. Serve very cold in cocktail glasses.
January 17
Prune Cocktail *Brown Fricassee of Chicken Boiled Rice Baking Powder Biscuit Apple and Celery Salad Mince Pie Coffee
*Brown Fricassee of Chicken—Draw, singe, and joint chicken. Put 4 tablespoons Crisco in saucepan; when brown, put in chicken. Stir until every piece is nicely browned, then add 2 tablespoons flour, stir again, add 1 pint boiling water or stock, stir until it boils; add 1 teaspoon of salt. Cover, and let simmer gently until tender, then add 1 teaspoon onion juice, and little black pepper. Put neck-piece, heart, liver, gizzard, and back pieces in center of dish; put 2 pieces of breast on top, second joints on one side of plate, legs crossed on other, and wing at each end of plate. Pour sauce over, sprinkle with chopped parsley, and serve.
January 18
Broiled Halibut Maitre d'Hotel Potatoes *Escalloped Tomatoes Lettuce, French Dressing Pumpkin Pie Cheese Squares Coffee
*Escalloped Tomatoes—Drain juice from 1 can tomatoes. Brush baking dish over with Crisco, and cover bottom with tomatoes; dot with Crisco, dredge with pepper and salt, and sprinkle generously with breadcrumbs: arrange another layer of tomatoes, and crumbs, and so proceed until dish is filled. Pour over all enough of juice of tomatoes to moisten well, and then finish dish with covering of crumbs. Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven.
January 19
Consomme with Vermicelli Grated Parmesan Cheese Fried Oysters, Sauce Tartare *Mushrooms Cooked Under Glass Bells Supreme of Chicken Asparagus, Cream Glace Orange Ice Coffee
*Mushrooms Cooked Under Glass Bells—Saute 1/2 pound of peeled mushroom caps, in 3 tablespoons Crisco, season with salt and paprika, add 1 cup of cream, cover and let simmer until reduced a little. Arrange mushrooms on round of bread in mushroom dish, pour liquid over, cover with glass bell and bake 20 minutes in moderate oven. Send to table without removing glass, which confines delicate flavor and aroma of mushrooms.
January 20
Clam Chowder Rolled Beefsteak, Peanut Butter Sauce Succotash Boiled Onions *Cream Cheese and Pimiento Salad Baked Custard Lady Fingers Black Coffee
*Cream Cheese and Pimiento Salad—Wash and dry 1 can pimientoes. Fill them with creamed cheese. Chill, slice and serve on crisp lettuce leaves with following dressing: Mix 1/2 tablespoon salt, 1/2 tablespoon mustard, 3/4 tablespoon sugar, and 1 tablespoon flour, and when thoroughly blended, add 2 egg yolks, slightly beaten, 3 tablespoons melted Crisco, 3/4 cup milk, and 1/4 cup vinegar. Cook in double boiler, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Strain and cool.
January 21
*Cream of Lettuce Soup Roast Shoulder of Mutton, Caper Sauce Mashed Potatoes Baked Squash Celery Salad Cheese Wafers Apple Tapioca Coffee
*Cream of Lettuce Soup—3 cups white stock, 2 heads lettuce, 2 tablespoons cooked rice, 1/4 cup cream, 1/4 tablespoon onion, finely chopped, 1 tablespoon Crisco, yolk 1 egg, nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste. Remove outer leaves from lettuce and shred it. Cook onion 5 minutes in Crisco, add lettuce, rice, and stock. Add cream, yolk egg slightly beaten, nutmeg, salt, and pepper to taste.
January 22
Filleted Anchovies with Lemon Celery Ripe Olives Salted Pistachio Nuts Consomme, a la Royale *Halibut Turbans Roast Goose, Apple Jelly Potato Puff Mashed Turnip Endive and Roquefort Cheese Salad Coupe St. Jacques Coffee
*Halibut Turbans—Have 4 slices halibut cut 1/2 an inch thick; remove skin and bone, thus securing 16 fillets. Dip in melted Crisco; squeeze over juice of 1 lemon, little onion juice and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Commencing with the widest end, roll each fillet into a "turban" and fasten by running through each Criscoed wooden skewer. Bake 20 minutes, basting with hot stock, or Crisco melted in hot water. Arrange crown shape on serving dish. Fill the center with boiled potato-balls, dressed with salt, Crisco, and chopped parsley. Serve with Hollandaise sauce.
January 23
Barley Soup Corned Beef *Ladies' Cabbage Fried Celery Beet Salad Cheese Crackers Arrowroot Pudding with Stewed Fruit Coffee
*Ladies' Cabbage—Cut small, hard head cabbage into halves; remove core and harder portions, chop remaining part quite fine. Throw this into kettle of boiling salted water, boil uncovered for 30 minutes; drain in colander. Put cabbage back in saucepan, add 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon flour; dust flour over cabbage; stir carefully with wooden spoon, and add 1/2 pint of milk, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 saltspoon of white pepper. Stand this on back part of stove to simmer 10 minutes; send to table.
January 24
Blue Points Brown Bread Sandwiches Broiled Squabs Potato Croquettes *Cauliflower au Gratin Asparagus Salad Cheese Fingers Spanish Cream Coffee
*Cauliflower au Gratin—Boil 1 large cauliflower, drain it, and break sprigs apart. Arrange in layers in Criscoed baking dish, sprinkling each layer with cheese, seasoning it with pepper and salt, and little melted Crisco. When dish is filled pour on 1 cup white sauce, sprinkle top with crumbs and cheese, and let bake 15 minutes to brown.
January 25
Sardines on Toast, Caper Sauce *Risotto Peas Fried Canned Tomatoes Lettuce and Hard-Cooked Eggs Jellied Prunes Whipped Cream Gold Cake Coffee
*Risotto—1/2 pound rice, 1 small onion, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1/2 pint tomato sauce, about 1 pint good stock, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and 1/2 teaspoon saffron.
Wash rice in several courses of water, drain and dry. Peel and chop onion. Melt Crisco in stewpan; when hot add onion, fry over gentle fire until light fawn color, then add rice; shake pan over fire for a few minutes, so as to fry rice a little. Next add seasoning, salt, pepper, nutmeg, and saffron; moisten with little stock, and add more as rice begins to swell. When stock is used up, gradually add sauce. When rice is tender mix in grated cheese. It is then ready to serve. In preparing this dish remember that rice should be well done, and should be neither too dry nor too moist.
January 26
Onion Soup Roast Chicken, Chestnut Stuffing, Giblet Sauce Cranberries Celery au Jus Baked Macaroni with Cheese *Grapefruit Salad Burnt Almond Ice Cream Coffee
*Grapefruit Salad—Take out inside of grapefruit, and cut edge of shell into points; slice meat of fruit with 2 oranges, 1 cup pineapple, 1 cup cherries, 1/2 cup chopped nut meats, 1 diced apple, the juice of 1 lemon, and 3 tablespoons powdered sugar; fill shell, and serve with following dressing:
Beat yolks 2 eggs until creamy, then add to them 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard and same quantity salt. Next beat in slowly 4 tablespoons melted Crisco and 6 tablespoons hot vinegar. Cook in double boiler until it thickens. When cold, and just before serving, 1 cup of cream, sweet or sour, may be folded in.
January 27
Shrimp Cocktail *Salmon Croquettes, Tomato Sauce French Peas Mashed Potatoes Pickled Mangoes Cottage Pudding, Maple Sauce Coffee
*Salmon Croquettes—1 pound can salmon, 1/2 teaspoon salt, red pepper to taste, 1/4 cup crackercrumbs, 1/2 teaspoon grated onion, 1 well beaten egg, 1 tablespoon Crisco, and 1 tablespoon chopped parsley.
From 1 can salmon, opened neatly, take fish and chop it fine; add salt and pepper, Crisco, parsley and crackercrumbs; moisten it with the egg and mix well, turn out upon dish; then roll into cones, dip these in beaten egg seasoned with salt and pepper, roll in breadcrumbs. Fry in deep Crisco until delicate brown, drain them a moment, arrange neatly on hot dish and serve with tomato sauce. The Crisco should be heated until crumb of bread becomes golden brown in 40 seconds.
January 28
*Croutes, a la Marie Oyster Balls, Horseradish Sauce Potato Souffle Baked Cucumbers Nut and Celery Salad Chocolate Bavarian Cream Coffee
*Croutes, a la Marie—Pass 1 small tureen foie gras through fine wire sieve. Put in basin, add 1 teaspoon Crisco, pepper and salt to taste, and then stir in gently 1/2 a gill cream. Pipe with a star tube on to round croute of short crust; garnish with pimientoes cut in strips and whipped cream.
January 29
Lobster Canapes Cream of Oyster Soup Crackers Olives Celery Planked Shad, Roe Sauce Duchess Potatoes Cucumbers, French Dressing *Cabinet Pudding Coffee
*Cabinet Pudding—8 stale lady fingers, 12 macaroons, 3 tablespoons cherries, currants, and citron peel chopped fine, 1 tablespoon sugar, 3 eggs, 1 pint milk, 2 teaspoons Crisco, and vanilla extract.
Decorate bottom of mold with some fruit, lay row macaroons round edge of bottom. Cut ladyfingers into pieces, mix with fruit and loosely fill mold. Beat eggs with little cold milk, and 2 teaspoons Crisco, scald remainder of milk, and pour on to eggs, beating at the same time. Sweeten and flavor to taste. Gently pour this into mold. Cover with Criscoed paper and place in steamer to cook until set. This will take 3/4 of an hour. Let pudding stand 1 minute or 2 before turning out. Serve with custard sauce.
January 30
*Croutes, a la Rosamonde Roast Tenderloin of Pork Sweet Potatoes, Southern Style Spinach, a la Creme Parmesan Cheese Apple Salad Cranberry Pie Coffee
*Croutes, a la Rosamonde—Take some small round tomatoes, and cut in slices 1/4 inch thick. Lay in dish and sprinkle with melted Crisco, vinegar, pepper and salt. Then make some round croutes of short paste little larger than tomato; place 1 slice tomato on each, 1 rolled fillet anchovy on top, and garnish with 1 hard-cooked egg yolk and small piece white endive.
January 31
Spinach Soup *Irish Stew Baked Macaroni Onion and Lettuce Salad Cheese Puffs Golden Parfait Coffee
*Irish Stew—1 pound middle neck mutton, 2 pounds potatoes, 4 onions, 1 tablespoon Crisco, bunch of herbs, pepper and salt, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon chopped parsley, and cold water.
Put Crisco into saucepan with mutton which should be cut into small pieces. Peel and quarter onions, and put them in saucepan, add herbs and barely cover with cold water. Peel potatoes, choose small ones and do not cut them up, and lay over meat, sprinkle little salt and pepper on potatoes and bring to boil. Then add flour and stand saucepan where it will stew gently 2 hours. Take out herbs, season to taste with salt and pepper. Dish up meat in circle on flat dish, put potatoes and onions in center, leaving 1 potato in saucepan, to mash and thicken the gravy a little, pour gravy over stew, and sprinkle with parsley. Inferior cuts of mutton can be used advantageously for this dish, such as scrag-end or breast of mutton; the bones and gristle with long stewing give a nice flavor to the dish.
February 1
*Braised Loin of Mutton with Mushrooms Boiled Potatoes Spinach Garnished with Hard-Cooked Eggs Spiced Currants Carrot Salad Coffee Jelly Coffee
*Braised Loin of Mutton with Mushrooms—3 pounds loin mutton, 1 stalk celery, 1/2 teaspoon whole peppers, 1 bunch of sweet herbs, 2 tablespoons Crisco, pepper, salt, red pepper, 1 turnip, 1 carrot, 2 or 3 cloves, sprig of parsley, and 2 tablespoons flour.
Remove bone from mutton, thoroughly rub it with salt, pepper, and red pepper; roll up and tie into roll; cut up celery, onion, carrot, and turnip, and lay them at bottom of stewpan with sweet herbs and parsley; lay mutton on top of these, and pour round enough water to 3 parts cover it, simmer slowly 1-1/2 to 2 hours; lift mutton into dripping tin with few tablespoons gravy; set in brisk oven until brown; strain gravy and skim off fat, put Crisco into saucepan, and when brown, add flour, and brown also; then add gravy gradually, little pepper and salt, and 1 dozen button mushrooms, skinned; boil 8 minutes; dish mutton with mushrooms round, and gravy strained over.
February 2
*Artichoke Soup Fried Fillets of Fish, Sauce Tartare Riced Potatoes Onions Stuffed with Nuts Egg Salad Toasted Cheese Russian Charlotte Coffee
*Artichoke Soup—2 pints white stock or water, 1 pint milk, 2 pounds Jerusalem artichokes, 2 onions, 1 bay leaf, 1 strip celery, 2 tablespoons Crisco, pepper and salt to taste.
Wash artichokes, put 1 tablespoon vinegar into basin of water and keep artichokes in it as much as possible while paring them, to preserve their whiteness. Cut onions, bay leaf, celery, and artichokes into slices, melt Crisco in stewpan, fry vegetables 10 or 15 minutes without browning; then pour in stock and boil until tender. Rub through fine sieve, return to saucepan, add milk and seasoning, bring to boil and serve.
When a thicker soup is desired 1 dessertspoon of cornstarch, flour, or a mashed potato should be blended with little milk or stock, and added to soup a few minutes before serving.
February 3
Consomme du Barry Roast Ribs of Beef *Franconia Potatoes Corn Cakes Mashed Turnips Radish Salad Marshmallow Pudding Coffee
*Franconia Potatoes—Pare 10 medium-sized potatoes; parboil five minutes. Place on grate under roast ribs of beef. Baste with melted Crisco, and bake from 20 to 30 minutes, turning often.
February 4
Steamed Oysters Lamb's Tongues, Tremont Style Browned Potatoes *Anchovy Fritters Romaine Salad Madeira Jelly Coffee
*Anchovy Fritters—Pound yolks 2 hard-cooked eggs with 1/2 dozen bottled anchovies, 1 teaspoon capers 4 tablespoons Crisco and 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese. Rub all through fine wire sieve and add yolk 1 raw egg and 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs. Season with pepper and with salt if it is needed.
Form paste into small balls, roll first in breadcrumbs, then in egg and again in crumbs, and drop into hot Crisco. Serve on napkin with grated Parmesan cheese. The recipe as here given may be doubled, and "redoubled" as many times as it is thought the demand for fritters will warrant.
February 5
Broiled Smelts Chicken, a la Florentine Brussels Sprouts with Cheese Spanish Salad Cheese Loaf *Date Souffle Coffee
*Date Souffle—Stone and chop 1/2 pound dates and cook them in 1/2 cup boiling water, mashing until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, stiffly beaten whites 5 eggs, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and salt to taste. Pour into Criscoed souffle mold and bake until brown, or 25 minutes. Serve cold with boiled custard or whipped cream.
February 6
Rose and White Radishes with Butter Cream of Mutton Soup Baked Bluefish, Breslin Style *Planked Chicken Jerusalem Artichokes Saute Apple and Cress Salad Snow Pudding with Chocolate Sauce Coffee
Planked Chicken—Cream together 1/4 cup Crisco, 1 teaspoon minced onion, 1/4 tablespoon each of minced red pepper, green pepper, and parsley, 1/2 clove minced garlic, and 1 teaspoon lemon juice.
Split 1 young chicken as for broiling, place in pan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dot over with Crisco, and bake until nearly done in a quick oven. Then Crisco plank, arrange upon it border made from 2 cups of hot mashed potatoes to which have been added seasoning and beaten yolks of 3 eggs. This is put on with a pastry tube and may be made as fanciful as desired, with rosettes and pyramids. Brush over with beaten egg diluted slightly with water, and place chicken in center. Peel and saute 8 large mushroom caps, place on chicken (which has been spread with prepared butter), place in very hot oven to brown potatoes and finish cooking chicken. Serve on plank at once.
February 7
Crab Canapes St. Germain Soup *Braised Fillet of Beef French Bean Salad Bar-Le-Duc Cream Fruits Nuts Biscuits Cheese Coffee
*Braised Fillet of Beef—Tie up fillet of beef neatly with string and put in stewpan, bottom of which has been well Criscoed and lined with thin slices fat bacon and 2 sliced onions. Cook for 20 minutes, then barely cover with stock, add 1 wineglass of sherry, and bring to a boil; then add 1 small onion stuck with cloves, 1 small turnip, 1 carrot, 1 bouquet of herbs, 1 tablespoon Crisco, salt and pepper to taste.
Let meat simmer gently in this for 1-1/2 to 2 hours. For garnish, take equal quantities of French peas and string beans, artichoke bottoms, new carrots and turnips. Cut latter in uniform shapes with fancy vegetable cutter, and cook them separate in consomme. Strain off about 3/4 pint of stock from fillet of beef, and pour on brown roux, made with 2 tablespoons each of flour and Crisco; stir until it boils, add small piece of glaze and reduce a little over quick fire. Add dash of kitchen bouquet, salt, and pepper. Dish up fillet of beef, glaze it with some of sauce, and arrange vegetables around it in little heaps, each kind separate. Serve remainder of sauce in a boat.
February 8
Faubonne Soup Baked Fish Grenadins of Veal Roast Pigeons Endive Salad *Fruit Snowballs Coffee
*Fruit Snowballs—Cream 1/4 cup Crisco with 1/2 cup sugar, add 1/4 cup milk, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 3 stiffly beaten egg whites. Mix and divide into small Criscoed molds, cover with Criscoed papers, and steam 35 minutes. Turn out, sprinkle with powdered sugar, garnish with candied cherries and pineapple and serve with custard sauce made with egg yolks.
February 9
Petite Marmite *Goulash of Veal Cauliflower, Cream Sauce Braised Endive Orange Salad Mousseline Pudding Coffee
*Goulash of Veal—1-1/2 pounds lean veal, 1 pound partly cooked new potatoes, 4 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 small onion, 1/2 pint cream, paprika, pepper, and salt. Free meat from skin and sinews and cut it into dice. Cut potatoes into cubes. Melt Crisco in saucepan, add meat and fry lightly for several minutes, add onion, finely chopped, stir over fire for about 5 minutes, season with salt and pepper to taste and add potatoes. Pour off superfluous fat, mix carefully and moisten with cream and 1 tablespoon rich white stock, season with a sufficiency of paprika pepper to give sauce a pink tint, and cook gently for 20 minutes. It is best to cook the Goulash at latter stage in a fireproof earthenware stewpan, in which it should be sent to table. Great care must be taken so as not to break potatoes while cooking. Serve very hot.
February 10
Broiled Beefsteak Baked Potatoes Creamed Onions Waldorf Salad Jellied Figs Nut Cookies Coffee
*Waldorf Salad—1 quart chopped apples, 2 cups diced celery, 1-1/2 cups blanched and shredded almonds, and 2/3 cup rolled pecan nut meats.
Dress with following dressing, adding little more sugar and lemon juice to taste, just before serving. Mix 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, 1 teaspoon each mustard and white sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Add 2 well beaten egg yolks and then beat in slowly 4 tablespoons lemon juice. Cook in double boiler till it thickens. Then add whites 2 eggs beaten stiff. Keep on ice till wanted. Stir in 1 cup whipped cream just before serving. This is very good made with 5 egg yolks and 1/2 cup thin cream if whipping cream is unobtainable.
February 11
Cream Soup Flounder au Gratin Veal Cutlets, Brown Gravy Creamed Potatoes Cauliflower Polonaise Radish Salad *Friar's Omelet Coffee
*Friar's Omelet—Peel and core 1 pound cooking apples, and boil to pulp with little water and sugar. When nearly, cold add 1 tablespoon Crisco and 1 or 2 well beaten eggs.
Crisco a pudding dish and coat thickly with breadcrumbs. Pour in mixture and cover thickly with more breadcrumbs. Cook in oven for 3/4 of an hour. A little lemon peel can be added if liked.
February 12
Gravy Soup Fish Souffle Beef Olives Braised Turnips Carrots Potato Puff Apple and Grapefruit Salad *Coburg Pudding Coffee
*Coburg Pudding—3 cups milk, 1/2 cup rice, 1 cup boiling water, 1 egg, 4 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon, 1 tablespoon Crisco, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Well wash rice, sprinkle it into boiling water and cook gently until all water is absorbed. Heat milk, in double saucepan if possible, add half-cooked rice and boil gently until it is perfectly soft and of thick creamy consistency. Should it become too thick before it is really soft, add more milk. Beat egg, until very light, add half sugar to it. When rice is cooked, whisk egg in at once, a little at a time. Then add salt and piece of Crisco size of walnut. Turn mixture into dish in which it is to be served. Mix rest of sugar with cinnamon. Sprinkle this evenly over top of rice. Put rest of Crisco in small pieces over top of pudding just before it is required. Place pudding in front of fire, or in oven for second or two, when Crisco, etc., will form a delicious sauce over surface of pudding.
February 13
*Bombay Toast Boiled Halibut, Lobster Sauce Roast Capon Beet and Potato Salad Cheese Ramekins Peach Border Coffee
*Bombay Toast—Fry the required number of croutes in Crisco. When cold spread with paste of pounded chicken and cream. Chop some capers, and lay in a thick line across the chicken paste. On one-half put grated yolk of hard-cooked egg, on the other half put grated white of hard-cooked egg, and serve.
Saint Valentine's Day.
February 14
Cupid Canapes Clam Bouillon Fillets of Fish *Supreme of Chicken Martinique Potatoes Spinach Kumquat and Celery Salad Tutti Fruitti Ice Cream Mints Coffee
*Supreme of Chicken—Remove breast meat from 2 young chickens and trim into shape. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in cream, roll in flour and saute in Crisco until delicately browned. Place in small pan, dot over with Crisco, and bake until tender.
Remove to cutlet-shaped pieces of hot boiled ham (cut very thin), garnish top of each with 3 short stalks of asparagus, seasoned with Crisco, and pour around following sauce: Melt 3-1/2 tablespoons Crisco, add 3-1/2 tablespoons flour, and stir until well blended; then pour on gradually while stirring constantly 1 cup chicken stock and 1/2 cup cream. Bring to boiling point, season with salt and paprika, and add yolk of 1 egg.
February 15
Swedish Soup Poached Eggs on Top Stuffed Breast of Veal Stewed Tomatoes Fried Carrots *Apple Tartlets Coffee
*Apple Tartlets—Line some tartlet tins with Crisco pastry. Fill with stewed apples to which a little melted Crisco and grated nutmeg have been added. Cover with a meringue and brown in the oven for a few minutes.
February 16
Consomme Colbert Braised Mutton Cutlets with Kidneys Stuffed Potatoes *Salsify Fritters Spinach Salad Cheese Balls Meringues, a la Chantilly Coffee
*Salsify Fritters—3 heads salsify, lemon juice, salt, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, fried parsley, 4 tablespoons flour, and 2 eggs. Wash, scrape, and soak the salsify in cold water seasoned with salt and lemon juice to taste. Boil in salted, acidulated water until tender. Take it up when done, drain, and cut the salsify into pieces all the same size. Sieve the flour into a basin, work in the yolks of the eggs, the milk, and the melted Crisco. Beat to a smooth batter, season with salt and pepper to taste. When ready to fry, beat up the whites of eggs very stiffly and stir them lightly into batter. Drop the salsify into the batter, then into hot Crisco and fry to a golden brown color. Take up, drain, and serve garnished with fried parsley.
February 17
Strained Gumbo Oyster Souffle *Calf's Head, Vinaigrette Baked Eggplant String Beans Russian Salad Ambrosia Coffee
*Calf's Head, Vinaigrette—Clean and scald 1/2 a calf's head. Cover with water and boil 1/2 an hour, then plunge into cold water. When cool, remove meat and cut in small squares. Make a roux of 1 tablespoon Crisco and 2 tablespoons flour cooked thoroughly; add 4 cloves, 3 whole peppers, small onion, carrot, 2 bay leaves, dash of thyme, and 2 tablespoons strong vinegar. Add the meat. Simmer 2 hours; remove into deep dish and cover with vinaigrette sauce, which is made with 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon paprika, dash white pepper mixed with 3 tablespoons tarragon or plain vinegar. Add 6 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon gherkins, and 1 teaspoon each chives and parsley all chopped very fine, and 1 tablespoon minced green pepper. Blend well before pouring over meat. This may be served either hot or cold. Garnish with cucumber pickles cut into fan shapes.
February 18
*Cheese Canapes Lamb Chops French Peas Baked Potatoes Artichoke Salad Russian Charlotte Preserved Ginger Coffee
*Cheese Canapes—8 croutes bread, 1/4 pound cheese, 2 tablespoons Crisco, salt and red pepper to taste, 1 teaspoon mustard, and 1 dessertspoon sherry.
Cut the croutes of bread out of slices of stale bread with a round cutter 2 inches across. Fry the bread a golden color in hot Crisco. Cut up cheese; put it into a mortar with Crisco, and pound until it becomes a smooth paste; then season with salt and red pepper to taste. Add the mustard and sherry. When all ingredients are thoroughly mixed, put it on the croutes of bread; place them in oven until hot through, then serve at once.
February 19
*Mulligatawney Soup Roast Pork, Frozen Apple Sauce Potatoes Creamed Onions Indian Salad Toasted Biscuits Cheese Mocha Souffle Coffee
*Mulligatawney Soup—Saute in 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, 1 minced onion, 1 tablespoon minced cooked ham, 3 cloves, 1/2 carrot, and 1 stick celery, minced fine, 1/2 cup cooked chicken cut in dice, and 3 pints of chicken stock. Cook fifteen minutes, add 1/2 a green apple, diced, 1/2 cup stewed or canned tomatoes, 1 teaspoon tomato catsup, 1 teaspoon curry powder, 2 tablespoons boiled rice, 1 teaspoon salt, and 2 drops Tabasco sauce. Simmer 1/2 hour and serve with or without thin slices of lemon cut in quarters.
February 20
*Onion Cocktail Halibut, a la Martin Roast Mutton, Currant Mint Sauce Okra and Tomatoes Cucumber Jelly Salad Spanish Cream Coffee
*Onion Cocktail—2 cups diced apples, 1 cup diced onions, 1 cup seeded raisins. Fill cocktail glasses with onions, apples, raisins, pour over a sour dressing made as follows: 1/4 cup each of vinegar and water, 1 tablespoon Crisco, salt and red pepper to taste, and 2 teaspoons sugar. Place in small saucepan over fire until Crisco melts, then stir in well beaten yolks of 2 eggs, stirring constantly until thick. Place in ice box to cool before using.
February 21
Boiled Halibut, Anchovy Butter Pigeons, a la Chasseur Griddled White Potatoes *Stewed Lettuce Oyster Salad Cheese Relish Pineapple Cream Coffee
*Stewed Lettuce—Wash the desired number of heads of lettuce, cutting off the stalks at the roots, and put into a saucepan with 1 onion sliced, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, and salt and pepper to taste, with a very little water, to cook slowly for 2 hours. By this time the water should have pretty well cooked away, leaving the lettuce fairly dry. Remove from it the onion and parsley, put into a dish, dress well with melted butter and send to table hot.
Washington's Birthday
February 22
Cherry Cocktail Olives Salted Nuts Oyster Soup Fried Chicken, Cream Gravy Peas Sweet Potatoes White Grape Salad Beaten Biscuits *Washington Pie Martha Washington Fruit Cake Fruit Punch Coffee
*Washington Pie—3/4 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon Crisco; beat together thoroughly; add 1/2 cup sweet milk, 2 cups flour, 2 beaten eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon lemon; make into 3 cakes and put jelly or custard between.
February 23
Red Cabbage Soup *Broiled Kidneys with Green Peppers French Peas Fried Bananas Grapefruit and White Grape Salad Cheese Balls Russian Jelly Coffee
*Broiled Kidneys with Green Peppers—Split some fine beef kidneys, remove the outer skin and sinews, and wipe well. Sprinkle the kidneys with pepper and salt, and let stand for an hour or more. Dip them then, into melted Crisco and broil over a clear fire. Meanwhile, chop 2 green peppers, freed from their seeds, and fry with 1/2 a teaspoon chopped onion and 1 tablespoon chopped parsley in Crisco till the pepper is quite done, having no more moisture, or Crisco that is in the pan, than is necessary to cook the green peppers. Dish the kidneys and surround with the sauce of green peppers.
February 24
Cream of Celery Soup *Mock Veal Roast Stewed Turnips Asparagus Salad Cheese Crackers Apple Pie Coffee
*Mock Veal Roast—1/2 pint shelled roasted peanuts, 1/2 pint lentils, 2 tablespoons melted Crisco, 1/2 pint toasted breadcrumbs, milk, pepper and salt to taste.
Soak the lentils over night; drain, bring them to a boil; throw away water; cover with fresh water and boil until tender; drain again; press them through a colander. Add nuts, chopped or ground, melted Crisco, breadcrumbs and seasoning, with sufficient milk to make it the consistency of mush. Pour into baking dish and bake in a moderate oven 1 hour. Beans or peas may be substituted for lentils.
February 25
Clam Broth with Whipped Cream Boiled Fish Dressed Cucumbers Panned Chicken Riced Potatoes *Stuffed Green Peppers Celery and Lettuce Salad Caramel Rice Pudding Coffee
*Stuffed Green Peppers—6 large green peppers, 1 pint boiled rice, 1 tomato, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 medium-sized onion, and 1 teaspoon salt. Cut the tops from peppers and remove seeds. Add to rice the onion and tomato, chopped and salt. Wash peppers, stuff them with boiled rice, put on tops and stand them in a baking pan. Cover bottom of baking pan with a little water; add to it the Crisco. Bake in a quick oven 20 minutes, basting 2 or 3 times.
February 26
Cream of Beet Soup Pork Tenderloins, Apple Sauce Baked and Glazed Potatoes Buttered Parsnips *Raisin Pudding, Liquid Sauce Coffee
*Raisin Pudding—Wash and dry 1 pound Sultana raisins; Crisco a pudding dish; put in a layer of boiled rice, over it a layer of raisins, and continue until the dish is nearly full, having rice on top. Beat 2 eggs; add 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 3 tablespoons melted Crisco, and 2 cups sweet milk; pour it over pudding, and bake 1/2 hour. Serve with liquid sauce.
February 27
Sago Soup Brown Stew of Mutton Chops Stewed Turnips Boiled Potatoes *Cabbage Salad Lemon Sponge Coffee
*Cabbage Salad—Shave 2 cups shredded cabbage in thin strips or chop fine and mix with the following dressing: 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 cup hot vinegar, 1 teaspoon dry mustard, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 onion, cut fine, and 1/2 cup sweet or sour cream, milk or water. Dissolve the sugar in cream. Mix with rest of the ingredients. Mix while hot and serve with the salad slightly warmed.
February 28
Consomme with Spaghetti *Chicken Souffle Creamed Potatoes Celery and Apple Salad Stuffed Dates Coffee
*Chicken Souffle—2 cups cold roast chicken, a 1/4 cup cold boiled ham or tongue, 5 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons flour, 1/2 cup cream, 3/4 cup chicken broth, a 1/4 cup chopped nut meats, salt and paprika to taste, and 4 eggs beaten separately.
The chicken, ham or tongue should be chopped very fine before measuring. Melt 3 tablespoons Crisco in a frying pan; add the chopped meat and stir over fire until Crisco is absorbed. Make a sauce of 2 tablespoons Crisco, the flour, broth and cream. Pound the meat in a mortar, adding meanwhile the sauce. Press the whole through a fine sieve; add the nut meats, seasonings and yolks of eggs. Mix thoroughly, and fold in the whites of eggs. Bake in a Criscoed dish till firm in the center. Serve with mushroom or tomato sauce. This may also be cooked in individual dishes. 25 minutes will be needed for cooking in a large dish, about 12 minutes in individual dishes. It is better to cook a souffle too long than too short a time always, provided that the temperature be kept about 208 deg. F.
March 1
*Toad in the Hole Pressed Beef with Aspic Beet and Endive Salad Compote of Fruit, Maids of Honor Coffee
*Toad in the Hole—2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 pound link sausages, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons melted Crisco, and 3 cups milk. Sift the flour and salt into a basin; beat up eggs well, and after mixing them with the milk and melted Crisco, pour gradually on flour, beating it well with a wooden spoon. When quite smooth, pour it into a well Criscoed fireproof dish; skin the sausages and lay them in the batter, and bake in a moderate oven for 3/4 of an hour. Serve in small squares arranged neatly overlapping each other on a hot dish.
March 2
*Oxtail Soup Trout, Black Butter Sauce Stewed Steak and Oysters Pear Salad Cheese Eclairs Sweet Omelet Coffee
*Oxtail Soup—1 oxtail, 2 quarts second stock or water, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 1 turnip, 2 strips celery, 4 tablespoons Crisco, a 1/2 cup diced lean ham or bacon, a boquet-garni, 12 whole peppers, 2 cloves, salt, 1 glass sherry, and 1 tablespoon cornstarch.
Cut the tail into small joints, put it into a stewpan, cover with cold water, boil up and strain. Dry the pieces of oxtail, roll them in flour, put them with ham and sliced vegetables and Crisco into the stewpan, and fry until brown. Then add stock, herbs, whole peppers, cloves, and salt, boil and skim well. Put on lid and cook very gently for about 4 hours. Strain, remove fat, return to stewpan, and when soup boils add sherry and cornstarch smoothly mixed together, stir and cook for a few minutes. Serve smaller pieces of tail in soup, remainder may be reheated in a good brown sauce, and used as an entree.
March 3
*Grilled Mushrooms Vegetable Soup Cheese Omelet Baked Beans Iced Asparagus Fruit in Jelly Coffee
*Grilled Mushrooms—1 cup mushrooms, pepper and salt to taste, Crisco, and lemon juice. Carefully peel the mushrooms, cut off a portion of stalk, and season with salt. Broil them over a clear fire, turning them once, and arrange them on a very hot dish. Put a small piece of Crisco on each mushroom, season with pepper and salt to taste, and squeeze over them a few drops of lemon juice.
March 4
Spanish Soup *Baked Stuffed Heart Mashed Potatoes Fried Beets Red Cabbage Salad Orange Pudding Coffee
*Baked Stuffed Heart—Take an ox heart and season it inside with salt and pepper, and fill it quite full of herb forcemeat; fasten it up with a needle and string, rub the heart over well with melted Crisco and fold it up in a well Criscoed paper; tie it up, put heart in a baking tin in the oven, keeping it well basted with melted Crisco, then remove the paper and dish upon a hot dish, and serve round it a good brown sauce or tomato sauce or brown caper sauce, and garnish with olive potatoes. This should be served while hot.
March 5
*Scotch Broth Browned Veal Knuckle Riced Potatoes Buttered Parsnips Olive and Lettuce Salad Cheese Straws Apricot Parfait Coffee
*Scotch Broth—2 pounds neck mutton, 1 cup barley, 1 cup peas, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1 teaspoon sugar, 3 onions or leeks, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 small cabbage, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 16 cups water or stock, salt and pepper to taste.
Prepare vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Put water or stock into large earthenware pan, and when it boils, add meat and barley. Boil up, skimming frequently, add vegetables, and then simmer for 3 hours. Now stir in one extra carrot grated, salt and pepper, sugar and Crisco. Simmer again for 30 minutes. Add parsley and broth is ready to serve.
March 6
Spinach Soup *Egg Cutlets, Cream Sauce Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Tomatoes, French Dressing Cheese Fingers Sultana Pudding Coffee
*Egg Cutlets—Put 2 tablespoons Crisco into a pan, when melted, add 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk gradually, boil for 3 minutes, stirring all the time, then add 2 raw yolks of eggs, remove from the fire, add 2 tablespoons cooked chopped peppers, 6 chopped mushrooms, red pepper, white pepper, salt and nutmeg to taste and four chopped hard-cooked eggs. Turn on plate to cool. Shape into cutlets. Brush over with beaten egg, roll in fine breadcrumbs and fry in hot Crisco. Serve very hot with cream sauce.
March 7
*Tapioca Puree Brazillian Stew Beans Mashed Potatoes White Grape Salad Wafers Cheese Ginger Ice Cream Coffee
*Tapioca Puree—1 quart white stock, or half stock and half milk, 1/4 pint cream, 1 tablespoon melted Crisco, yolks of 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon fine sago or crushed tapioca, salt and pepper to taste.
The stock should be well flavored, otherwise it must be simmered with a little onion, carrot, celery, and herbs, and strained for use. Bring stock to boiling point, sprinkle in sago, or tapioca, and stir and cook until it becomes transparent; then let soup cool slightly. Mix yolks of eggs and the cream together, then the melted Crisco, and add to soup and stir till it thickens; it should have the consistency of single cream. When a thicker soup is desired, mix teaspoon flour or cornstarch with a little milk, and add it to soup at same time as sago or tapioca. Season to taste, and serve.
March 8
Turnip Soup Beef Stew with Dumplings Parsnips Mashed Potatoes Russian Salad Cheese Crackers *Bird's Nest Pudding Coffee
*Bird's Nest Pudding—3 eggs, 3/4 cup flour, 6 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup blanc-mange, pinch baking powder, pistachio nuts or cocoanut, angelica and apricot jam.
Break eggs into basin, add sugar to them, and beat over saucepan of hot water until mixture is consistency of thick cream. Melt Crisco; sieve flour and baking powder together. Stir Crisco and flour quickly and lightly into egg mixture, turn into well-criscoed mold, and bake in a moderate oven for 15 to 20 minutes. Turn out when done, and let the cake get cold. Rub some apricot jam through a hair sieve, put a thin layer of this over the cake, roll it either in chopped pistachio nuts or desiccated cocoanut. Stand on a dish. Have ready some blanc-mange eggs, fill the center with these, and arrange round the base of the nest some pieces of angelica to represent twigs. It is now ready to serve. The blanc-mange eggs are made by either filling some egg-molds with blanc-mange, or by emptying out some eggs, and using the shells. The eggs must be emptied through as small a hole as possible. When set, the shells are broken away carefully.
March 9
*Veal and Ham Pie Baked Sweet Potatoes Fried Parsnips Salad of Canned Asparagus Tips Cheese Fritters Caramel Pudding with Meringue Coffee
*Veal and Ham Pie—1-1/2 pounds veal, 2 hard-cooked eggs, few grains red pepper, dust of powdered mace, 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind, 1/2 pound ham, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 6 whole peppers, powdered sweet herbs, and pastry.
Cut veal and ham into very thin pieces; mix on a plate, flour, salt, pepper, sweet herbs, lemon rind, red pepper, and mace, roll in this seasoning each piece of veal, and lay in a pie dish, alternately, layers of veal, ham, and egg, cut in slices; pile this in center of dish, add 1/2 cup water; line edge of dish, cover and decorate with Crisco Flake Pastry; when baked add a little very good seasoned stock, which should become a jelly when the pie is cold, or a little gelatine may be added; garnish with parsley if served cold.
March 10
Cream of Cabbage Soup Celery Olives *Halibut, a la Poulette, White Sauce Baked Potatoes Macaroni, Italian Style Chicory Salad Cheese Crusts Plum Pudding Coffee
*Halibut, a la Poulette—Slice of halibut, weighing 2 pounds, 1/4 cup melted Crisco, 2 teaspoons lemon juice, few drops onion juice, pepper and salt to taste.
Clean fish and cut into neat fillets. Add seasonings to melted Crisco, and put dish containing Crisco in saucepan of hot water to keep Crisco melted. Take up each fillet separately with a fork, dip in Crisco, roll and fasten with small wooden skewer. Put in shallow pan, dredge with flour, and bake 12 minutes in hot oven. Remove skewers, arrange on platter for serving, pour around 1-1/2 cups white sauce, and garnish with yolks of 2 hard-cooked eggs rubbed through a strainer, whites of hard-cooked eggs cut in strips, lemon cut fan-shaped, and parsley.
March 11
Asparagus Soup Baked Salmon, Hollandaise Sauce Mashed Potatoes *Spinach, a la Creme Escarole Salad Cheese Straws Cocoanut Pudding Coffee
*Spinach, a la Creme—2 pounds spinach, pepper, salt, and nutmeg to taste, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 cup thick cream, and 1 teaspoon sugar.
Wash and pick spinach, throw it into a pan of boiling water containing a little salt and soda; boil until tender, 10 to 15 minutes; pour on to a wire sieve, and squeeze out all the water; rub through the sieve with a wooden spoon; put spinach into a saucepan, with seasoning, butter, and cream. The spinach may be prepared as above and mixed with white sauce instead of cream; garnish with fried croutons.
March 12
Porterhouse Steak, Maitre d'Hotel Butter French Fried Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes Shredded Cabbage, Cream Dressing *Apple Pie Cheese Coffee
*Apple Pie—Use Crisco Plain Paste. For filling for a medium-sized pie tin, use 3 cups pared and sliced apples, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, and grated rind of 1/2 lemon.
March 13
Baked Stuffed Haddock Julienne Potatoes Creamed Cucumbers Egg Salad *Steamed Graham Pudding, Hard Sauce Coffee
*Steamed Graham Pudding—1/2 cup molasses, 1/2 cup milk, 1 egg, 1/4 cup Crisco, 1-1/2 cups graham flour, 1/2 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup stoned and chopped dates.
Melt Crisco, add molasses, milk, egg well beaten, dry ingredients, mixed and sifted, and dates; turn into Criscoed mold, cover, and steam 2-1/2 hours. Serve with hard sauce. Figs cut in small pieces may be used in place of dates.
March 14
*Breaded Chops Baked Potatoes Celery Hearts Creamed Carrots and Peas Lettuce, French Dressing Apricot Whip, Custard Sauce Coffee
*Breaded Chops—Wipe and trim mutton chops, sprinkle with salt and pepper, dip in crumbs, egg, then crumbs, and fry in hot Crisco from 5 to 8 minutes, then drain. Do not fry more than 4 chops at a time, and allow the Crisco to reheat between fryings. After testing Crisco for temperature put in the chops, then lower the heat that the surface of the chops may not be burned while the inside is yet under done.
March 15
*Sardine Canapes Baked Beans Baked Potatoes Apple and Celery Salad Cheese Wafers Date Cream Pie Coffee
*Sardine Canapes—Take 6 or 8 sardines, mash up with yolk of a hard-cooked egg, pepper and salt to taste, a little lemon juice and 1 teaspoon melted Crisco. Have some rounds of bread fried a pretty golden brown color in hot Crisco, spread the mixture on the croutes; garnish round the edges with some finely chopped parsley and white of 1 egg rubbed through sieve.
March 16
*Clam Bisque Crackers Codfish Balls Escalloped Tomatoes Cucumber Salad Bermuda Onions Custard Pie Coffee
*Clam Bisque—2 cups clams, 2 tablespoons chopped onions, bit of bay leaf, 3 tablespoons Crisco, 4 tablespoons flour, 2 cups chicken stock, 1 teaspoon salt, pepper and red pepper to taste, 1 pint hot cream, and 1 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce.
Chop clams, and cook in stock 20 minutes. Melt Crisco, add onions, cook 5 minutes; add flour, strained clam liquor, cook 5 minutes; add seasonings, cream, and serve.
St. Patrick's Day
March 17
Irish Potato Bisque Olives Salted Pistachio Nuts *Boiled Salmon, Parsley Sauce Mashed Potatoes Brussels Sprouts Shamrock Salad St. Patrick's Pie Green Frosted Cakes Green Mints Coffee
*Boiled Salmon—Put the salmon in enough boiling water to cover, add 1 teaspoon salt to each quart of water; boil 1 minute, then draw on one side, and simmer slowly until cooked, allowing 10 minutes to the pound; drain thoroughly, and serve on folded napkin; decorate with parsley.
Serve with parsley sauce. For sauce. Blend 2 tablespoons Crisco with 2 tablespoons flour, add 1 cup milk, salt, pepper, and red pepper to taste, stir till boiling, then boil 8 minutes, add 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, mix well and use.
March 18
*Broiled Spanish Mackerel Grilled Guinea Chicken Candied Sweet Potatoes Baked Eggplant Cold Asparagus, Vinaigrette Devilled Cheese Macedoine of Fruits Coffee
*Broiled Spanish Mackerel—Split a good-sized Spanish mackerel down the back, clean and wipe as dry as possible, leaving the head and tail on or off, as desired. Sprinkle well with salt and pepper. Rub the wire broiler with Crisco and lay on this, flesh side up. Turn when the flesh is tender and broil on the skin side until brown and crisp, and serve with cucumbers dressed with oil and lemon juice.
March 19
*Chickens Stewed with Olives Chartreuse of Spinach Baked Squash Asparagus Salad Rhubarb Tarts Coffee
*Chickens Stewed with Olives—Cut 2 young chickens into joints and put to cook in 3 pints of water with pepper, salt and an onion. Cook until the chickens are very tender. Take up, drain and wipe chickens and fry them in Crisco till they brown. Strain water in which chickens were cooked and take a little more than 1/2 a pint of it for sauce. Put this into the frying pan in which chickens were fried, thicken it a little, and into it put 2 dozens olives, chopped, and 1 tablespoon capers. When it is quite hot and smooth pour over chickens and serve.
March 20
Princess Soup Veal Chops, Horseradish Sauce Fried Carrots Baked Asparagus Tips Spinach Salad Peach Mousse Coffee
Princess Soup—Chop very fine 1 cup sorrel, and cook in 1 tablespoon Crisco. Add 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon tarragon or white wine vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon flour, and when boiling add 1 pint hot water. Cook for 1/2 hour, then add 1 quart white stock and a grating of nutmeg and dash of red pepper. Bring to a boil, add beaten yolk of 1 egg and 1 cup cream and serve.
March 21
Baked Shad Roe with Bacon *Broiled Lamb Chops, Mint Jelly Sauce Cucumbers Baked Asparagus Tips Shrimp Salad Rice Souffle Coffee
*Broiled Lamb Chops—Trim and flatten chops, sprinkle each with sherry wine, rub with salt and white pepper and broil over a clear fire until they are done, according to the tastes of those who are to eat them. Melt together 4 tablespoons Crisco, if there are 8 chops, a small tumbler mint jelly, add to it chopped parsley and a few drops of lemon juice and pour over chops just as they are to be served.
March 22
Czarina Soup *Guinea Hen, Roasted Mashed Potatoes Creamed Onions Dandelion Salad Frozen Pudding Coffee
*Guinea Hen, Roasted—Truss 2 guinea hens, cover breasts with thin slices of bacon, and put in roaster and bake, basting often until tender. Remove bacon and brown. Melt in roasting pan 2 tablespoons Crisco, stir in 2 tablespoons flour, pour in gradually 2 cups scalded cream, and stir constantly. Strain, season with salt and white pepper, and, if liked, a tiny grain nutmeg, and pour this over guinea hens, or pass separately. Serve with these, potato balls of uniform size, which have been sauted in Crisco and sprinkled with chopped parsley.
March 23
Cream of Cauliflower Soup Flounder au Gratin *Mutton Cutlets, a la Soubise Potatoes Tossed Tomatoes Combination Salad Apple Dumplings Coffee
*Mutton Cutlets, a la Soubise—6 mutton cutlets, 1/2 cup dried beans, brown sauce, 2 onions, 3 tablespoons Crisco, and 1/2 cup white sauce. Trim cutlets, season them with pepper and salt, and fry in hot Crisco.
Soak dried beans in water for several hours, then boil them in a stewpan until tender. Drain, and pass them through a sieve. Melt Crisco in a saucepan, stir in sieved beans, add to them the onions, previously boiled and sieved, season, and stir over fire until hot. Then add white sauce. Dish cutlets in a circle on a hot dish, and put puree of beans and onions in center. Pour some brown sauce round and serve.
March 24
Calf's Tail Soup *Braised Fillet of Veal Braised Belgian Endive Potato Puree Beet and Cabbage Salad Banana Trifle Coffee
*Braised Fillet of Veal—3-1/2 pounds veal, 1/4 pound larding bacon, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 turnip, 1/2 lemon, forcemeat, stock and a little celery.
Remove bone, fill in cavity with forcemeat. Cut some even strips of bacon 1/4 of an inch thick, and with a larding needle thread neatly on top of meat. Slice vegetables, place them in a pan, set veal on these, sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Cover with Criscoed paper, and add stock to come three-parts up the meat. Cover closely and set pan in oven (in order to get top heat also) or over a gentle fire, and simmer 2-1/2 to 3 hours. Remove veal to a dripping tin with very little stock, and brown in front of fire or in hot oven. Reduce stock in pan, meanwhile, by fast boiling without lid, and strain round meat. Garnish with cut lemon, and, if liked, with curled bacon and forcemeat balls.
The forcemeat is made as follows: Add 1/4 cup Crisco, 4 tablespoons chopped cooked ham, 1 cup breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon mixed herbs, thyme, and marjoram. Add salt and pepper to taste, and mix with 2 well-beaten eggs.
March 26
Scallop Chowder *Boiled Cod, Oyster Sauce Mashed Potatoes Stewed Corn Watercress, French Dressing Cheese Biscuits Ginger Pudding Coffee
*Boiled Cod—Wash the fish (about 2 to 3 pounds cod), and put into a fish-kettle, containing enough boiling water to cover it. Add some salt, bring quickly to boil; then draw pan to side of fire, and let it stay in hot water until cooked. Do not let water boil or simmer again. Cod cooked in this way has a much finer flavor than if it is allowed to simmer or boil. Take up fish on drainer, slide it on to a hot dish on a folded napkin, and serve garnished with sprigs of crisp parsley. Send to table with oyster sauce, which is made as follows: 4 tablespoons Crisco, 6 tablespoons flour, 1 small onion, 1/2 carrot, 12 whole peppers, 1/2 bay leaf, 1 clove, 1 bouquet garni, small blade mace, salt, and ten oysters. Peel the onion, scrape carrot; put them into saucepan with bay leaf, whole pepper, bouquet garni, and clove; add milk, and bring to boil. When milk boils take out mace and bay leaf. Melt Crisco in small saucepan; mix in flour smoothly; whisk into this hot milk. Stir until it boils, then let it simmer from 10 to 15 minutes. Take out bouquet; rub sauce through a sieve. Take 10 oysters and their liquor and put into a saucepan and bring to boiling point. Then take the oysters and cut each in quarters. Heat the sauce and add the oyster liquor, reduce well, strain and return to saucepan; stir in 1 yolk of egg, bind, and then add oysters and lemon juice. Stir till hot, but it must not boil. Season to taste and serve.
March 26
Pepper Cocktail *Fried Pigeons Baked Onions Mashed Potatoes Celery and Nut Salad Cheese Custards Orange Ice Cream Coffee
*Fried Pigeons—4 pigeons, 1/2 pound sausage meat, 1 egg, carrot, turnip, onion, celery, mace, and cloves. Empty and split pigeons in halves, lengthways; remove 1 joint of wing and of leg, and truss neatly; wash thoroughly.
Put into a stewpan, a small bit turnip and carrot, small onion, bit of celery, blade of mace, few cloves and whole peppers; place pigeons on top; add 2 cups water, and all giblets of pigeons nicely cleaned and prepared; cover all with Criscoed paper and cover them with lid, and cook gently 1 hour. Remove pigeons from pan, and dry each thoroughly. Divide sausage into 4 portions; fill hollow of pigeons with these, and with floured hands pat it quite smooth, using flour all over pigeons. Have an egg well beaten; cover carefully with it, and roll in fine breadcrumbs. Put into hot Crisco, and fry a golden brown. Have the following sauce in dish, and place the pigeons neatly in center: Strain liquor pigeons were stewed in, and into pan put 1 tablespoon flour and 1 tablespoon Crisco, moisten it with a little cold water; then add to it the liquor, a 1/4 teaspoon meat extract, 1 small tomato chopped up, and salt to taste; let all boil for 10 minutes; then strain. It may require more stock or water to be added to make sauce a good consistency.
March 27
Grape Fruit Cocktail Roast Duck, Currant Jelly *Creamed Turnips Sweet Potato Croquettes Apple Salad Cheese Straws Marmalade Ice Cream Coffee
*Creamed Turnips—Wash turnips, and cut in 1/2 inch cubes. Cook 3 cups in boiling salted water 20 minutes, or until soft. Drain, and serve with the following sauce: 2 tablespoons Crisco, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and pepper to taste. Put Crisco in saucepan, stir until melted and bubbling; add flour mixed with seasonings, and stir until thoroughly blended. Pour on gradually the milk, adding about 1/3 at a time, stirring until well mixed, then beating until smooth and glossy.
March 28
Anchovy Eclairs *Planked Shad, Butter Sauce Cucumbers Potato Puff Asparagus Salad Cheese Sandwiches Cafe Parfait Coffee
*Planked Shad—Clean and split down the back a good 3-pound shad. Heat plank very hot, lay fish upon it, skin side down, or that portion will be raw. The hot plank cooks it. Brush flesh carefully over with olive oil, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for 30 minutes in a hot oven. Baste frequently with melted Crisco. It may be cooked in a gas range having the flame over the fish. When cooked pour over the fish 2 tablespoons melted Crisco and juice of 1 lemon. Garnish with parsley and quarters of lemon. Set the plank on a serving dish and serve with butter sauce.
March 29
Printanier Soup Broiled Chicken, Oyster Sauce *Duchesse Potatoes String Beans Watercress, French Dressing Cheese Biscuits Lemon Meringue Pie Coffee
*Duchesse Potatoes—Wash, peel and boil two pounds potatoes, drain off water and dry in oven, then rub through sieve, add 3 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons Crisco, 1 tablespoon cream, seasoning salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. When well mixed lay on floured board and divide into 12 pieces, shape each piece into a square, put them on a buttered tin, brush over with beaten egg and bake in hot oven till well browned.
March 30
Cream of Barley Soup English Chicken Pie Broiled Tomatoes Cucumber Salad with Red Peppers Biscuits Cheese Coffee
*English Chicken Pie—1 chicken, 1/2 pound veal fillet, 4 ounces bacon, 3 hard-cooked eggs, 1/4 pound mushrooms, 2 tablespoons Crisco, pepper and salt to taste, chopped parsley, puff-pastry, stock, and 1 egg.
Cut fowl into small joints, season these with salt and pepper. Slice veal thinly, line bottom of fireproof dish with this, place on top a layer of chicken. Chop mushrooms finely, saute them in Crisco in small stewpan; sprinkle half of this over pieces of chicken, then layer of hard-cooked eggs, over that thin slices bacon and chopped parsley. Continue in this way until all ingredients are used up and the fireproof dish is full; fill dish three parts full with stock. Put a strip of pastry round the edge of dish, wet this lightly with water, cover the pie with puff-pastry rolled out to the proper size and thickness; press down the paste on to the wet edge of paste, trim round. Decorate the paste at the edge according to taste; brush over pie with beaten egg, make a slit in the center of the lid, and place a circle of pastry leaves round it. Put pie in moderate oven, and bake about 1-1/2 hours. Pour in a little stock before serving.
March 31
Deviled Clams *Broiled Lobsters, Melted Butter Potatoes au Natural Baked Macaroni Romaine Salad, French Dressing Snow Pudding, Chocolate Sauce Coffee
*Broiled Lobsters—Kill lobsters by cutting tails off with one stroke of the knife, just where they join the body. With another clean cut divide each lengthwise into 2 equal parts, shell and all. Take out coral, the one long intestine and stomach. Crack claws with a hammer. Put within a Criscoed broiler, split side downward, and broil over fire. As soon as juice begins to run freely withdraw long enough to baste liberally with melted Crisco, and return to fire, turning often to keep in juices. Cook about 10 minutes on split or flesh side, and 8 upon other. Have ready sauce made by rubbing 2 tablespoons Crisco to cream with lemon juice and finely-minced parsley, adding little red pepper, and baste lobsters with this while hissing hot. Serve half lobster to each guest.
April 1
*Fried Oysters, Tartare Sauce Roast Guinea Hens Rice Croquettes en Surprise Lettuce, Asparagus and Red Pepper Salad Cheese Wafers Pineapple Mousse Coffee
*Fried Oysters—Wash, drain, and dry oysters between 2 towels; let stand in a marinade 10 or more minutes, then drain again. Roll in crackercrumbs, seasoned with salt, pepper, and paprika. For 2 cups oysters, beat 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons cold water until well mixed; dip oysters, crumbed, into egg, and roll again in crumbs.
Fry 1 minute in hot Crisco. Use frying-basket and cook 6 oysters at a time. Drain and serve at once with tartare sauce.
The marinade is made as follows: Take 1 part melted Crisco and 3 of vinegar, with salt and pepper to taste. Stir oysters into this and let stand 10 minutes, then drain off any of the marinade that has not been absorbed.
April 2
Emergency Soup *Veal Pot Pie Baked Dumplings Cabbage Salad Cheese Crackers Fruit Jelly, Whipped Cream Coffee
*Veal Pot Pie—Wipe piece of veal from shoulder; and cut into pieces for serving; add 1/2 inch strip salt pork or bacon for each piece of veal, cover with cold water, put over fire and bring quickly to boiling point, then, after boiling five minutes, skim and let simmer until meat is tender. When nearly tender, add salt and pepper to taste, and biscuit mixture cut into rounds. Cook ten minutes without lifting cover. Serve meat in center of platter, dumplings at ends and sauce, thickened, if needed, with flour and water, over whole. Dumplings may be steamed 15 minutes over saucepan boiling water. This is usually preferable, to avoid removing them from fire until instant of serving. Beaten yolks of 2 eggs, diluted with 1/2 cup cream and added to sauce, gives a richer dish.
Biscuit mixture is made as follows: Sift 1 quart good flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder and 1 teaspoon salt, putting it through sifter 2 or 3 times. Rub into flour 1 large tablespoon Crisco and add sufficient sweet milk to make dough as soft as can be rolled and cut. Roll about 3/4 inch thick, cut with round biscuit cutter.
April 3
Crecy Soup Mutton Cutlets Savory Lentils Roast Pigeons Chipped Potatoes Egg and Lettuce Mayonnaise *Apricot Fritters, Vanilla Sauce Coffee
*Apricot Fritters—6 apricots, 1/2 pint syrup, half lemon, frying-batter, Crisco and vanilla sauce.
Select firm, ripe apricots, or preserved ones can be used, cut them in halves, and take out stones. Stew them gently in syrup with grated rind of 1/2 lemon. When they are tender, drain well, and let them cool. Have ready some frying-batter, dip apricots into it, then fry in plenty of hot Crisco. When a nice golden color, take them up, drain on paper, dish up on a napkin and serve with vanilla sauce.
April 4
Brown Soup Mousse of Ham Veal Olives Mashed Potatoes Spinach Pear Salad Cheese Ramekins *Rice Souffle Fruit Custards Coffee
*Rice Souffle—4 tablespoons ground rice stirred to smooth paste with 1/2 tablespoon Crisco and 6 tablespoons milk. Add remainder of a pint of milk, and put all into a saucepan, and stir till it thickens. Add beaten yolks 4 eggs and 2 tablespoons sugar well stirred, also add the well whisked whites of 4 eggs. Mix all thoroughly, place in a Criscoed souffle dish, and bake for 1/2 hour. Serve instantly.
April 5
*White Soup Fried Fillets of Haddock Roast Chicken, Bread Sauce Potato Chips Brussels Sprouts Cress and Orange Salad Iced Castle Puddings Coffee
*White Soup—2 small onions, 1 turnip, 1 pound potatoes, 1 stalk celery, 2 small parsnips or artichokes, 3 pints water, 1/2 pint milk, 1 tablespoon flour or cornstarch, 2 tablespoons Crisco, and salt to taste.
Cut about 2 pounds of any white vegetables, previously washed and peeled, into pieces, or preferably several kinds mixed, and boil them until soft in the water with salt and Crisco. Rub them through sieve or colander, put them back in the stew pan with milk, and let boil. Put in flour, mixed smoothly with little cold water or milk; let soup boil for 10 minutes, and then serve.
April 6
Broiled Soft Shell Crabs *Sweetbreads with Mushroom Puree Boiled Bermuda Onions New Green Peas Lettuce and Radish Salad Fried Cornstarch Pudding Coffee
*Sweetbreads with Mushroom Puree—Blanch and prepare sweetbreads, by cutting away all the windpipes and fibrous nerves. When they are quite cool, put under a weight to flatten well. Dip them in melted Crisco and broil, without browning too much, over a clear fire. |