A Genealogy of the Descendants of Joshua Stevens
Written by Bascom Asbury Cecil Stephens, Los Angeles, California, A. D. 1892
Printed, with a few additions, by Alonzo Smith Bower, Lima, Ohio, A. D. 1910
JOSHUA STEPHENS, (6), the ancestor of this STEPHENS Family, was born, according to the family tradition, in what is now the County of Berkes, in the State of Pennsylvania, of Welsh parents, A. D. 1733. According to the recollection of C. C. Stephens, (176) his grandfather, E. D. Stephens, (16), son of this Joshua Stephens, (6), stated to him in an interview at Hardin, Ohio, about 1860, that Joshua Stephens's father's name was also Joshua Stephens, (3), which would make him the senior; that Joshua Stephens, Senior, with two brothers, David, (5), and Ebenezer, (4), came over from Wales. Of these three last named persons nothing further is known at the present writing, than the foregoing statement.
That there was a large Welsh immigration into the present territory of Berkes County prior to 1733, the birth year of Joshua Stephens, Jr., (6), is a fact well corroborated by the (Stot.) history of Pennsylvania.
The principal abbreviations used in these pages are:
b. standing for born. m. standing for married. d. standing for died. y. standing for young.
For convenience and distinction, as in all genealogical works, each name is given a number separately. Without this it would be difficult to tell which Joshua Stephens is meant, for there are many of that name, as also others. The numbers are also valuable for tracing out any particular pedigree; for instance, suppose that William Stephens, of Camp Verde, should desire to know the full line of his paternal ancestry, he would find his name on page (41) 56, where his number is given as 275: then looking up the left-hand column of figures he will find No. 275 on page (21) 27, where he will find the date of his birth, and that his father is Samuel Stephens, No. 76; thence, running up the column to No. 76, which he will find on page (11) 12, he will find that Samuel was the son of Charles Stephens, No. 19; the latter figure is found on page (8) 8, where Charles is shown to be the son of David Stephens, No. 10; the last figure is to be found on page (7) 7, showing that David was the son of Joshua Stephens, No. 6; he is the son of Joshua Stephens, No. 3. His pedigree is:
Joshua Stephens, (3), father of Joshua Stephens, (6), father of David Stephens, (10), father of Charles Stephens, (19), father of Samuel Stephens, (76), father of Williams Stephens, (275), father of
The name STEPHENS is of Greek derivation, and means a "crown". Just how it came to be adopted by the ancester of this family is unknown. The Welsh seldom used surnames at that period, one name usually sufficing; the son taking his father's name with the Welsh suffix "AP," meaning "son of"; thus STEPHENS AP EVANS, meaning Stephens the son of Evans, while the latter would be Evans Ap somebody else. W. H. Stephens, (41), son of the aforesaid E. D. Stephens, (16), once told the writer that the old family name was STEPHENSHIP. In a conversation between the writer, (182), and Rev. M. A. Jordan, a stepson of Col. John Stephens, (15), a brother of E. D. Stephens, (16), Mr. Jordan said that, according to his information, the original family name was STEPHENS O'BIVENS. Mr. Gilbert Cope, an eminent genealogist, living at West Chester, Pennsylvania, clears these discrepancies by stating that the name was STEPHENS AP EVANS; that is, Stephens the son of Evans. It is thus easy to see how easily one confused it into Stephenship, and the other into Stephens O'Bivens. Accordingly, it must be true that Joshua Stephens, Senior, (3), and perhaps his brothers, David, (5), and Ebenezer, (4), adopted the permanent surname of Stephens. In fact, a family tradition is that the emigrant ancester did adopt this name of Stephens. The father of Joshua Stephens, Sr., (3), who, it is supposed, remained in Wales, may have been named Stephens, (2), and his father's name may have been Evans, (1); indeed, this theory is reasonable both from tradition and the etymology as given in the foregoing. EVANS is a Welsh form of JOHN, a Greek word of Hebrew derivation, meaning "the grace of God."
This tradition is further strengthened by another: that the immigrant ancestors of the family, sometime after their arrival in Pennsylvania, fell heir to their father's estate in Wales. In court they were required to give additional evidence as to their identity by reason of their having changed their names, before their shares of the estate were distributed to them. Through these official channels should be found the missing links, which will connect the American Lines with the Welsh, and extend the genealogical tree across the Atlantic Ocean. By these means only can the family seat, ancestry, arms and name be discovered, for the item of the estate witnesses the fact that it was of no "common origin."
The indifference of the Welsh in the use of surnames is well shown by the transcript of some documents of an estate of an old Stephens in Pennsylvania, in the possession of the writer, wherein two brothers are named, one "Evans Stephens" and the other "Stephens Evans."
Searches in the offices of the Register of Wills, and the old Probate Courts of Pennsylvania, and the Doctors' Commons and the Herold's College, of London, as well as of the files of old Pennsylvania newspapers, and the archives of the various historical societies of Pennsylvania should throw more light on the early history of these immigrant ancesters, and possibly discover collateral branches which are now seemingly hopelessly lost. Such searches require the expenditure of more time and money than the writer now (1892) has, and if never done by him, it is to be hoped that some family historian will come to the front with the necessary abilities.
The family history, then, really begins thus:
1. EVANS AP ——, (1), a member of that ancient race, the Welsh, the lineal descendants of that most ancient race, the Kelts, who inhabited western Europe from time immemorial, lived in Wales, the territory reserved for this branch of the Aryan family. He had a son:
2. STEPHENS AP EVANS, (2), who lived and died in Wales, and was the owner of considerable estate. The liberal terms of Penn's grant in America attracted the attention of his three sons:
3. JOSHUA AP STEPHENS AP EVANS, (3), the immigrant ancestor of this family.
Who left their native home in Wales, and embarking in a sailing vessel, after a voyage of something like thirty days, landed at Philadelphia; this sometime prior to the year 1733. The three brothers selected lands in what is now Berkes County, which was not set off from Philadelphia County until 1752. There are traces of them in Union Township, where a David Stephens held land in 1728; he was probably (5), (This from a letter I have from the secretary of the Pennsylvania Historical Society). In 1752, a "David Stephens, Jr.," died in Britain Township, Bucks County, not far from Union, who had a brother Samuel, and a "Cousin John," (probably 7), which fits our history. (From documents in my posession from Register of Wills, Philadelphia). His father, David Stephens, Sr., was probably (5). Nothing would be more natural than that David Stephens, (5), should have a son named for him, and that that son should seek lands over in Bucks, and that the family name of John should descend, as it has through many generations in our own lines, to his. David's brother Joshua had a son John, (7). It was while the three brothers, Joshua, Ebenezer and David, were living under the jurisdiction of Philadelphia County, that they received their shares of the Welsh estate. Hence, searches for this should be confined to records prior to 1752, the time Berkes was set off from Philadelphia.
JOSHUA STEPHENS, Sr., (3), the name now being changed, lived in what is now Berkes County, and probably in Union Township, near the David Stephens above mentioned. His children were:
6. JOSHUA, born in 1733, the immediate ancester of the family, and with whom the certain history of the family begins.
7. JOHN } } 8. STEPHENS } Of these two brothers nothing is further known than that from a family tradition they "went South", whatever that means: "South" being an indefinite term from a standpoint in Berkes County. John was a tory during the Revolution. The existence of Stephens depends upon the testimony of Joshua Bowen Stephens of Hardin, Ohio, in a conversation with me there in 1886. To these three brothers Dr. John Wesley Stephens of State Line, Indiana, added a sister, in a letter to me, (182):
9. HETTY "who married a rich man named Humphrey, had liveried servants," etc. If so, they probably lived in Philadelphia.
JOSHUA STEPHENS, Jr., (6), was the founder of that particular line of the family of which we have any definite knowledge. His father was Joshua Stephens, (3), the immigrant ancestor, who settled in what is now Berkes County, Pennsylvania.
Berkes was then a "howling wilderness" full of Indians and wild beasts. It was here in 1733, that Joshua Stephens, Jr., was born. Neighbors were like Angel's visits, "few and far between". In Amity Township on the east lived Mordecai Lincoln, in A. D. 1725, the ancestor of the illustrious President. In Exeter Township to the north-east lived George Boone, in A. D. 1717, the ancestor of Daniel Boone, the celebrated pioneer of Kentucky. Our family tradition is that the Stephens and the Boones were intermarried, and it is known that the Boones and Lincolns formed such alliances. (See Century Magazine for November, 1886). Joshua became an expert in the use of the rifle. His early life was spent on his father's farm and in hunting, in which he became very proficient and for which he acquired considerable notoriety. Schools were scarce in those days and his literary education was probably poor. No writings of his are known to be in existence to-day. To his out-door life must be attributed the cause of his longevity, extending to a period of ninety years. He did not marry until he was 38 years of age. In 1771 he married Priscilla Humphreys. The fact that she was a member of the Seventh-day Baptist Church, who were then quite numerous in Chester County to the South of Berkes, and that his son E. D. Stephens was born in Chester, suggests that at an early date in his life Joshua left Berkes and settled in Chester, which he did at any rate, and lived not far from Valley Forge. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War he identified himself with the patriot cause, and, according to the statement of his son, E. D. Stephens, was commissioned Captain of a Company of sharpshooters. During the famine of the American army in the winter of 1777-8 at Valley Forge, he hauled corn to relieve their distress. On one occasion he obtained a furlough to return home during harvest. With a Quaker and his brother John he was in the orchard gathering apples. The Quaker was up in the apple tree, picking fruit, and improved the opportunity to expostulate with Joshua over the wickedness of war, and arguing that Joshua should stay at home like his brother John, the tory. In the midst of his argument the Quaker fell out of the tree, and striking the ground violently, broke his neck, and was picked up dead. This was regarded as an act of Divine Judgment in favor of the war, and probably went far toward encouraging the despairing hearts of the patriots about them.
A few years after the war he moved with his family to a place "near the Warm Springs, Virginia," said E. D. Stephens. Whether this was the Warm Springs in Bath County, is hard to determine. "And then in a few years" said the same person, "to near LEXINGTON, (Carlisle) Kentucky." These residences are indefinitely located. "The Warm Springs" may have been in what is now KENAWHA County, West Virginia for there are such there, and according to Mr. Jordan, above quoted, they lived "near a river, in the vicinity of the residence of Daniel Boone," who lived in KENAWHA. (See Hale's "Trans-Allegheny Pioneers"). It was while here, said Jordan, that Boone was a frequent visitor to the place of Joshua, whom he invariably greeted as "Cousin." Just what the relationship was is unknown, but it undoubtedly existed. One evening Boone came to the Stephens' place, weary, and said "Twenty-one less." They understood from this laconic remark, that he referred to the number of Indians he had killed that day.
Joshua was accompanied or followed to "near Lexington" by two of his brothers-in-law, Joshua and Jonathan Humphreys. Here two of his sons left to find homes for themselves—David Humphreys, (10), who settled in Evansville, Indiana, and Silas, (14), who settled in Nashville, Tenn. Katie, (12), a daughter died in Kentucky at a tender age.
It was while in Kentucky that he knocked a Dutchman down for insulting his daughter Hannah, and dislocated his (Stephen's) thumb.
It must have been about 1798 when he decided to remove to near Chillicothe, Ohio, for that year his son, E. D. Stephens was fourteen years old, and was apprenticed to a tanner, which naturally was on his mother's death. This occured while they were on the Pickaway Plains, in Ohio. As they were travelling, the women of the party took off their shoes to walk on the cool grass on account of the heat. His wife was bitten by a copper-head snake, and shortly died, her body turning to the color of the snake.
JOSHUA STEPHENS, (6), was over six feet high, kept his face shaven smoothly, had blue eyes and dark hair, and was powerful physically, and kept a straight figure of his body until his death.—Statement of Joshua Stephens, (32).
JOSHUA STEPHENS, (6), a Revolutionary soldier and ancestor of the Stephens family, was born in Union Township, Berkes County, Penn., in 1733. John Stephens, (15), his son, father of Nancy Stephens Mitchell, was born in Chester County, Penn., Dec. 23, 1781. Union Township is separated from Amity and from Exeter Township by the Schuylkill River. In Exeter Township lived George Boone, A. D. 1717, ancestor of Daniel Boone, who intermarried with the Stephens. And in Amity Township lived Mordecai Lincoln, A. D. 1725, and probably also the Stephens. At an early date in his life, Joshua Stephens left Berkes County and settled in Chester County, not far from Valley Forge. His early life was spent on his father's farm in hunting. He was an expert rifleman, and his proficiency acquired for him considerable notoriety. In 1771, when he was thirty-eight years of age, he married Priscilla Humphreys, who was a Seventh-day Baptist. At the outbreak of the Revolutionary War Joshua Stephens, (6), identified himself with the patriot cause, and was commissioned by General Washington as Captain of a Company of Sharpshooters. During the famine of the American Army in the winter of 1777-8 at Valley Forge, he hauled corn from his farm to relieve their distress. On one occasion he was granted a furlough to return home during harvest.
A few years after the war he moved with his family to a place near Warm Springs, Virginia. After another few years to Lexington, Kentucky. While there, Daniel Boone was a frequent visitor and greeted him as "Cousin". About 1798, he decided to remove to near Chillicothe, Ohio, lived in either Ross County or Franklin County until about 1816, when he followed his two sons, John, (15), and E. D., (16), to Shelby County, where he lived with them on their farm near Hardin. His grand-children remember his old Revolutionary Army great coat and his stories of Revolutionary times. His love for the chase never forsook him. He attributes his longevity to his outdoor life. He was over six feet in height, kept his face smoothly shaved, had blue eyes and dark hair; was powerful physically and kept an erect figure till his death. He lived to be ninety years of age. He died in March, in 1823, on the farm of his son John, (15), near Hardin and was buried in the old Hardin graveyard.
JOSHUA STEPHENS, (6), lived in either Ross County or Franklin County until 1816, when he followed his two sons, John, (15), and E. D., (16), to Shelby County, where he lived with them on their farms near Hardin. His grand-children remember how the old gentlemen used to sit around the fire-place while they teased him by slyly pouring corn into the huge pockets of his old Revolutionary Army coat. Although over eighty years of age, the love of the chase never died, and he often took his old rifle and spectacles and sat by the old salt lick and waited for the deer which never came. (So said Richard Cannon, of Hardin, to me in 1886, who knew him well, and also spoke of his Revolutionary services). He died in March, 1823, on the farm of his son John, (15), near Hardin, and was buried in the old Hardin graveyard. The grave was identified to me in 1886, and marked by me then with a wooden head board. His children were:
10. DAVID HUMPHREYS, born in Penn., m. Eliza Wing, A. D. 1843.
11. SARAH, m. Chas. Vandever, d. 1846.
12. CATHERINE, died young in Kentucky.
13. HANNAH, b. May 2. 1776; m. Thomas McClish: d. Mar. 13, 1840.
15. JOHN, b. Dec. 23, 1781; m. 2ts; d. Sept. 12, 1873.
16. EBENEZER DAVID, b. May 7, 1784; m. S. Groom; d. Sept. 20, 1868.
17. PRISCILLA, b. Nov. 30, 1786; m. 2ts; d. April 24, 1849.
DAVID HUMPHREYS STEPHENS, (10), a son of Joshua Stephens, (6), was born in Pennsylvania; accompanied his parents to Lexington, Kentucky; settled in Evansville, Indiana, of which city he was a pioneer; married Eliza Wing, a native of North Carolina, by whom he had five children; she dying, he married a second time (name of his wife not given); he had no children by her; he was born about 1772, and died about 1843. Search into early history of Evansville should throw considerable light on his history, as he must have been quite a prominent citizen, one of his sons, (20), marrying the only daughter of General Evans, the founder of the city. He lived with Charles, (19), till his death. Was a Justice of the Peace. His children were:
18. JOSHUA, m. Nancy Gibson.
19. CHARLES, m. Malinda Carr, of Kentucky.
20. SILAS, b. Feb. 24, 1801; m. Julienne Evans; d. Mar. 28, 1876.
21. ELIZA, m. —— Vance; d. April 11, 1876 sine prole.
22. THOMAS DAVID, d. unm.; was in U. S. Army.
SARAH STEPHENS, (11), daughter of Joshua Stephens, (6), married Charles Vandever, of the Vandever family of New Jersey, then living (about 1802), in Chillicothe, Ohio. They moved with the others of the Stephens family to Shelby County about 1816, where she died about 1846, and was buried in the old Hardin graveyard. Subject of a poem by B. A. C. Stephens (182); she had four children:
23. MARY, m. John Wilson.
24. CATHERINE, b. Mar. 21, 1804; m. Josiah Gaskill; d. Nov. 3, 1845.
25. RACHEL, b. May 9, 1809; m. John Garnahan; d. Dec. 3, 1850.
26. JOSHUA, b. Sept. 9, 1812; m. Susanna Burton; d. ——.
HANNAH STEPHENS, (13), daughter of Joshua Stephens, (6), is described as having been a very "beautiful woman" and was widely courted on that account, her father having been compelled to chastise a Dutchman, who became too familiar. She was born in Penn., May 2, 1776; accompanied her parents to Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. She married Thomas McClish in Ross County about 1803. About 1816, or perhaps a little earlier, they moved to Shelby County, where he founded the town of Hardin, Oct. 5, 1816, naming it for the famous Kentucky general, (General Hardin was killed near there) which was the first County Seat. He dedicated a square to the county on the condition that it should be used solely for the Court House, which it never was, and is still unused. At an early date they moved over in Putnam County, then a dence wilderness, and lived with no neighbors nearer than 40 miles amid Indians and wild beasts. She died March 13, 1840. Her husband was born July 1, 1776, and died of a nasal hemmorrage Dec. 26, 1826. They were buried near Dupont, where their graves are yet to be seen. (I have a page of their family record taken from their old family Bible). Their children were:
27. SILAS, b. Oct. 15, 1804; m. Nancy Mellinger; d. June 16, 1860.
28. ELIZA, b. Dec. 26, 1806; m. John Bush; d. Nov. 24, 1827.
29. JOHN JACKSON, b. March 5, 1808; d. unm., Oct. 25, 1841.
30. THOMAS, b. March 3, 1816; d. unm., April 3, 1846.
SILAS STEPHENS, (14), son of Joshua Stephens, (6), left his father's home, "near Lexington, Kentucky," and settled near Nashville, Tenn., where he married and acquired considerable property in land and slaves; these latter he freed just before the war (about 1859), and one of them came to Shelby County, Ohio, which is the only information ever had from Silas. He died sine prolos about 1865.
JOHN STEPHENS, (15), son of Joshua Stephens, (6), was born Dec. 23, 1781, in Penn., accompanied his parents to Ross County, Ohio; voted for the adoption of the first constitution of that state November 29, 1802, being just about of age; enlisted in the U. S. Army for the war of 1812; was present at the surrender of General Hull, Sunday, August 16, 1812; and witnessed the victory of Commodore Perry, September 10, 1813, from the shores of Lake Erie. Rev. M. A. Jordon, his step-son said that John entered the Army as an ensign, and rose to the rank of Colonel, and after the war was high sheriff of Western Ohio. He was commissioned Captain of the State Militia in 1822. (I have the original commission issued by Governor E. A. Brown). About 1816, he moved to near St. Paris, Champaign County, where he died on his farm September 12, 1873. He had been a lay preacher of the Methodist Protestant Church. He was twice married, first to Nancy Brown, (about 1810), by whom he had nine children; he married secondly Mrs. —— Jordan, by whom he had no children. Nancy Brown Stephens was born Feb. 4, 1787. His children were:
31. ELIZABETH, d. unm., aged 18 years.
32. JOSHUA, b. Jan. 4, 1812; m. Nancy Creegan; d. Feb. 1, 1891.
33. DAVID HUMPHREYS, b. Nov. 8, 1813; d. Aug. 23, 1846; m. S. A. Burton.
34. MARIA, d. 1848; m. John Blake.
35. RACHEL, d. young.
36. OLIVER PERRY, b. June 20, 1820; d. Nov. 6, 1873; m. 2 times.
37. SARAH, b. Aug. 4, 1822; m. Smith Wallace; d. June 3, 1868.
38. CATHERINE, b. Nov. 13, 1824; m. Robert Bower, died Dec. 6, 1905.
39. NANCY, b. March 22, 1827; m. T. T. Mitchell, died Jan. 8, 1909.
EBENEZER DAVID STEPHENS, (16), son of Joshua Stephens, (6), was born in Chester County, Penn., May 7, 1784; accompanied his parents to Kentucky, where, in 1798, (probably on the death of his mother), he was apprenticed to a tanner at "Yellow Springs, Kentucky," but disliking his master, ran away, and followed his father to Ross County, Ohio. He is said to have burned the brick for the first house of that kind in Chillicothe, and refused to take a piece of land in the proposed city of Columbus, in payment for a kiln of brick; he served six weeks in the war of 1812; in 1816, he settled on the S. E. 1/4 of section 18 Turtle Creek Township, Shelby County, where he farmed till his death, on September 20, 1868. He married Jan. 11, 1811, Sarah Groome, daughter of Ezekiel Groome and Rhoda (Brittain) Groome, formerly of Trenton, N. J.; she was born May 23, 1792, and died Jan. 13, 1871; their children were:
40. HETTY, b. Oct. 28, 1811; m. John Lennox; d. May 30, 1860.
41. WILLIAM HUMPHREYS, b. Feb. 25, 1813; m. 3ts.; d. Dec. 13, 1879.
42. JOSHUA M., b. Dec. 12, 1814; m. Minerva Metcalf; d. July 5, 1844.
43. EZEKIEL GROOME, b. Nov. 25, 1816; d. Aug. 20, 1820.
44. RHODA, b. Feb. 22, 1819; m. Wm. Hawkey; d. Nov. 13, 1852.
45. JOHN WESLEY, b. Feb. 22, 1819; m. Sarah Graham; d. May 18, 1881.
46. ELIZA, b. March 14, 1821; m. Wm. Hawkey; d. Sept. 29, 1887.
47. DAVID NELSON, b. Feb. 23, 1823; m. Elyda Stone.
48. BENJAMIN LAKIN, b. Oct. 17, 1824; d. July 16, 1828.
49. SARAH ANN, b. Feb. 11, 1827; m. W. B. Cannon; d. Dec. 22, 1855.
50. ALLEN EBENEZER, b. Dec. 30, 1829; d. unm., Nov. 5, 1888.
PRISCILLA STEPHENS, (17), daughter of Joshua Stephens, (6), was born in Penn., November 30, 1786, and accompanied her parents to Ross County, Ohio, where she married first Robert Donahue, by whom she had one child, a boy, who died young; becoming a widow, she married secondly James Moore (from Virginia), of Franklin County, Ohio, by whom she had thirteen children. He was born August 7, 1787, and died April 11, 1847. About 1831, they moved to near Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio, and about 1841, they moved to Pulaski County, Indiana. She married James Moore Nov. 10, 1810. She died April 24, 1849. Her children were:
51. —— Donahue, died young.
By Moore.
52. LUCINDA, b. October 25, 1812; m. Jacob Marshall.
53. MINERVA, b. Dec. 8, 1813; m. Richard Francis.
54. HUGH SCOTT, b. March 17, 1815; m. 2 times.
55. DOUGLAS LEE, b. March 19, 1816; m. 3ts; d. April —, 1853.
56. HANNAH, b. July 6, 1817; m. Jacob Baker.
57. JAMES WELLS, b. Oct. 23, 1818; d. unm.
58. THOMAS McCLISH, b. June 25, 1820; m. Mary A. Mowdy; d. Dec. 4. 1862.
59. JEMIMA CARTER, b. Sept. 1, 1821; m. John B. Rockwell.
60. ANN URITTA, b. Nov. 3, 1822, m. T. S. Long; d. June 17, 1864.
61. EPHRAIM RILEY, b. Jan. 8, 1824; m. 2ts; d. July 8, 1864.
62. ALICE JANE, b. April 13, 1825; d. unm.
63. ELIZABETH MARGARET, b. Sept. 7, 1826; m. J. W. Williams; d. May 25, 1856.
64. ELLEN MARY, b. April 17, 1828; m. R. Richardson; d. 1853.
JOSHUA WING STEPHENS, (18), son of David H. Stephens, (10), was a tanner at Evansville, Indiana; married Nancy Gibson; lived in Evansville, Indiana. He died in California, Oct. 9, 1849. He had seven children:
65. SILAS, m. Emma Walker.
66. MALINDA, m. Thomas Bethel; sine prole; residence Newburgh, Ind.
67. ANN ELIZA, b. Dec. 29, 1824; m. 2ts.
68. SARAH, m. Dr. W. Norton.
69. THOMAS, d. unm.
70. FRANCES, m. first George Jacquese; m. second ——.
71. JULIENNE, d. unm.
CHARLES A. STEPHENS, (19), son of David H. Stephens, (10), lived at Evansville, Indiana; married in 1819, Malinda Carr, daughter of Samual Carr, of Kentucky, and Mary Delaney, of Va., (one account says that Malinda was born in North Carorlina, probably an error); their children were:
72. JOHN, b. July 19, 1823; he went to California, fate unknown.
73. NANCY MARIA, b. Jan. 25, 1825; m. William Parvin.
74. SUSAN, b. Nov. 19, 1826; m. 2ts.
75. ELIZA, b. March 1, 1828; m. William Miller.
76. SAMUEL, b. Sept. 8, 1831; m. Jeanette Ray.
77. JULIA, b. Nov. 1, 1835; m. William Underwood.
78. JAMES EMORY, b. Nov. 28, 1837; m. Margaret Todd.
One account says that Charles Stephens was born in North Carolina, lived from about 1823 to 1831, at Morganville, Ky.; then from about 1835 to 1837 at Belleville, Ky.; died near Evansville, Ind.
SILAS STEPHENS, (20), son of David H. Stephens, (10), lived in Evansville, Ind.; born in Lexington, Ky., Feb. 24, 1801; married Julienna Evans, the only daughter of General Evans, the founder of Evansville (she was born April 14, 1811, and died March 15, 1845); they had six children. (He died Feb. 26, 1876).
79. JANE EVANS, b. April 30, 1830; m. James Scantlin.
80. MARTHA STOCKWELL, b. Oct. 26, 1832; d. Sept. 29, 1833.
81. Infant son, b. and d. Dec. 6, 1833.
82. ROBERT MORGAN EVANS, b. Oct. 15, 1834; m. Mary Tribble.
83. JOSHUA WING, b. Oct. 29, ——, d. unm., Feb. 20, 1843.
84. HENRY CLAY, b. Sept. 21, 1842; m. Caroline Renschler; d. Feb. 5, 1884.
MARY VANDEVER, (23), daughter of Sarah (Stephens) Vandever, (11), was born about 1802, in Ross County, Ohio; married John Wilson, of Virginia, about 1824; moved to Jefferson, Mo., about 1833; since which nothing definite has been heard from them. It is known that she had five children:
89. ——.
CATHERINE VANDEVER, (24), daughter of Sarah (Stephens) Vandever, (11), was born in Ross County, Ohio, March 4, 1804; married Josiah Gaskill; they ultimately settled in Putnam County, Ohio; he was born Jan. 27, 1802, and died May 29, 1870; she died Nov. 3, 1845, and was buried at Bluffton, Ohio. She had six children:
90. SARAH, b. Sept. 7, 1829: d. Jan. 23, 1845, unm.
91. CALEB, b. Nov. 7, 1832; m. Julia Nelson.
92. JESSE T——, b. April 21, 1834; m. Isabella Nelson.
93. MINERVA, b. Feb. 19, 1837; d. unm. June 9, 1851.
94. JOSEPH C——, b. Oct. 16, 1839; m. Mary E. Hurley.
95. PHOEBE, b. Nov. 22, 1842; m. Wm. C. Cramer.
RACHEL VANDEVER, (25), daughter of Sarah (Stephens) Vandever, (11), was born in Ross County, Ohio, May 9, 1809; married John Carnahan at Chillicothe, Jan. 4, 1830; died near Columbus, Ohio, December 3, 1850; John Carnahan was born Feb. 26, 1807; d. ——. She had seven children:
96. ELIZABETH C., b. Dec. 5, 1830; d. Aug. 30, 1831.
97. MARY WILSON, b. July 11. 1832; m. Oscar Mott.
98. JOSHUA VANDEVER, b. Oct. 30, 1834; m. Sarah Ward Dec. 24, 1856; d. in Bryan, Williams County, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1857, sine prole.
99. JENNIE, b. Dec. 4, 1836; m. E. M. Deuchar.
100. JOHN JACKSON, b. April 28, 1840; d. unm. Dec. 2, 1862.
101. WILL ALLEN, b. Aug. 29, 1842; was living at Eagle Pass, Texas.
102. CATHERINE STEPHENS, b. Mar. 28, 1846; d. July 21, 1865, unm.
JOSHUA VANDEVER, (26), son of Sarah (Stephens) Vandever, (11), was born on Walnut Creek in Ross County, Ohio, Sept. 9, 1812; married Susanna Burton May 31, 1837; she died Dec. 10, 1856; he died at Gettysburg, Darke County Ohio. ——; his eight children were:
103. ISAIAH WHITE, b. May 8, 1838; m. Lydia A. Martin.
104. SARAH ELLEN, b. Jan. 28, 1840; m. James B. Bell.
105. MARY CATHERINE, b. Jan. 18, 1842; m. J. O. Fuller.
106. MALISSA ALRIRLY, b. Oct. 16, 1844; d. 1847.
107. NANCY ELIZABETH, b. Nov. 29, 1846; lives unm. in Elkhart, Ind.
108. BASIL BURTON, b. May 4, 1848; m. Florence E. Gruea (?).
109. SHADRACH BURTON, b. July 4, 1853; m. Lucy B. Collins.
110. REBECCA ANN, b. March 25, 1855; d. Oct. 16, 1856.
SILAS McCLISH, (27), son of Hannah (Stephens) McClish, (13), was born in Ross County, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1804; accompanied his parents to Putnam County, of which he was the first judge, which position he held for over twenty years, and "was quite wealthy"; was married by James Lenox, Esq., Jan. 2, 1823, to Nancy Mellinger, daughter of David Mellinger, of Shelby County, Ohio; there were seven children:
111. LYDIA, b. Jan. 24, 1824; m. Daniel Ridenour.
112. THOMAS, b. Dec. 11, 1825; m. Susanna Curtis.
113. JOHN, b. Jan. 27, 1829; m. 3ts.; d. ——.
114. WILLIAM, b. April 24, 1823; m. Mary E. Wagoner.
115. HANNAH ELIZA, b. Feb. 2, 1837; m. Samuel Holt.
116. SARAH, b. Feb. 8, 1838; m. John Wilser.
117. DAVID, b. Aug. 29, 1841; d. Jan. 5. 1861, unm. falling off a gunboat into the Missippi River.
SILAS McCLISH, married secondly Mrs. Sallie (Carter) Hopkins about 1854, by whom he had no children. He died June 16, 1860.
ELIZA McCLISH, (28), daughter of Hannah (Stephens) McClish, (13), was born Dec. 25, 1806; accompanied her parents to Shelby County, Ohio; married John Bush in 1822; died Nov. 24, 1827; had two children:
118. —— died young.
119. —— died young.
JOSHUA BOWSEN STEPHENS, (32), son of John Stephens, (15), was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, Jan. 4, 1812; accompanied his parents to Shelby County, Ohio; taught school; settled on Section 21, Turtle Creek Township, where he farmed till his death, Feb. 1 1891; married Nancy Creegan, (she was born Dec. 20, 1820) daughter of James and Eleanor Creegan, Feb. 16, 1843. (From him I obtained much valuable information about family history.) Their children were:
120. SARAH CLEMENTINE, b. Feb. 21, 1844; d. Dec. 21, 1847.
121. JOHN WESLEY, b. Sept. 5, 1845; is a gunsmith; lives in Sidney, Ohio.
122. DAVID HUMPHREYS, b. Sept. 5, 1847, d. unm. Aug. 6, 1878.
123. MARY LOUISA, b. Oct. 22, 1849; m. Thomas Evans Oct. 10, 1876; lives at Atlantic City, Iowa.
124. NANCY ELLEN, b. May 19, 1852.
125. CATHERINE THERESA, b. July 15, 1854.
126. OLIVER PERRY, b. Sept. 5, 1856; a school teacher.
127. MARIA ANTOINETTE, b. July 28, 1858; a school teacher.
128. FLORENCE JANE, b. April 20, 1865.
The children from 124 to 128, inclusive, live on the farm near Sidney, Ohio.
DAVID HUMPHREY STEPHENS, (33), son of John Stephens, (15), was born Nov. 8, 1813, in Pickaway County, Ohio; was a preacher of the Methodist Protestant Church, and President of the Indiana Conference at the time of his death; he married Sytha Annesley Burton April 13, 1838: (she was born Sept. 29, 1817, near Flemingsburg, Ky.); lives at St. Joseph, Mo. He died August 23, 1846; their children were:
129. EMMA CLARISSA, b. June 23, 1842; m. A. D. Jewell.
130. JOHN OLIVER, b. Nov. 20, 1844; m. Sarah J. Dinkle.
131. MARTHA M——, b. May 13, 1847; m. Gad W. McCoy.
MARIA STEPHENS, (34), daughter of John Stephens, (15), was born about 1815, in Ross County, Ohio; accompanied her parents to Shelby County, where she married John Blake in 1846; had only one child, a daughter, who lived only a few months; both mother and child are buried in the Presbyterian graveyard at Sidney, Ohio. Her child was:
132. ——.
OLIVER PERRY STEPHENS, (36), son of John Stephens, (15), was born June 20, 1820, near Sidney, Ohio, where he was raised on his father's farm; became a preacher in the Methodist Protestant Church; married first June 11, 1846, Mary Ann Biddle, a daughter of William H. Biddle, of New Jersey, a direct descendant of William Penn. She was a women of marked literary ability, the author of several fine poems; was born Sept. 19, 1821, and died April 15, 1869; she bore him five children. He married secondly Mary Catherine Hartsook, Nov. 2, 1871; she was the daughter of Elijah Barnett Hartsook, and was born Dec. 3, 1836. She bore him one child. He died at Sabina, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1873, and was buried by the Masonic Lodge of that place. His widow, Mrs. Mary C. (Hartsook) Stephens, lives eight miles southeast of Xenia, Ohio, her post-office address. (His remains now repose in the Cemetery at Xenia, Ohio, where also lives his widow, 1906.) His children are:
By Mary Ann Biddle:
133. DAVID STUBERT, b. May 12, 1847; m. Marietta L. Gibson.
134. EMMA CATHERINE, b. Dec. 6, 1848; m. Ira Underwood.
135. LOUISA FRANCES, b. May 16, 1851; m. J. A. Van Auken.
136. WILLIAM CHALMERS, b. May 29, 1857; m. Mary Anetta Underwood.
137. HERBERT TAYLOR, b. Sept. 10, 1864; m. Emma West Johnston.
By Mary C. Hartsook.:
138. ELIZABETH HARTSOOK, b. May 7, 1873; m. Charles Doods.
SARAH STEPHENS, (37), daughter of John Stephens, (15), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, August 4, 1822; married Smith Wallace May 11, 1843; they moved to Clark County, same state, where Wallace farmed; she died June 3, 1868. Her children were:
139. ELLEN, b. April 9, 1844; m. J. T. Miller.
140. MELISSA, b. Feb. 2, 1846; d. unm., Jan. 20, 1861.
141. JOHN H——, b. Mar. 15, 1849; d. Sept. 4, 1861.
142. JENNIE, b. May 25, 1851; m. J. R. Thompson.
143. HUGH, b. Aug. 17, 1853; unm.
144. EMMA O——, b. Nov. 15. 1855; m. J. E. Lowry.
145. WILLIAM SMITH, b. Jan. 12, 1858; m. Mary E. Trumbo.
146. CHARLES BUCKINGHAM, b. April 26, 1860.
147. ELMER KENT, b. Nov. 28, 1862.
148. Infant died young.
CATHERINE STEPHENS, (38), daughter of John Stephens, (15), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Nov. 13, 1824; d. Jan. 29, 1905; married Robert Bower of Lima, Ohio; died Dec. 6, 1905. Her children were:
149. COLUMBUS TAYLOR, b. Sept. 14, 1848; m. Lucy Swab.
150. JOHN STEPHENS, b. July 28, 1849; m. Mary Boysell.
151. GEORGE WASHINGTON, b. Aug. 25, 1852; d. Aug. 26, 1908.
152. ALANZO SMITH, b. Oct. 9, 1855; m. Clara Boyer.
153. ALVERO LINCOLN, b. Aug. 30, 1858.
154. ADOLPHUS LEE, b. July 25, 1861; m. Margaret McKenna.
155. FLORA MAY, b. May 17, 1864.
156. ZORA CATHERINE, b. Nov. 25, 1866.
NANCY STEPHENS, (39), daughter of John Stephens, (15), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, March 22, 1827; died Jan. 8, 1909; married January 29, 1850, Thornton Talyor Mitchell; he was born Aug. 27, 1827; died Nov. 24, 1907; they lived in Lima, Ohio. Their children were:
157. FRANCES ROWENA, b. July 26, 1851; m. A. C. Baxter.
157-1/2 JOHN PORTER, b. Aug. 25, 1853; d. Dec. 17, 1853.
158. ELMER BOND, b. Oct. 25, 1854; m. Claude Ralston; she d. Dec. 14, 1905.
159. EMMA HERRIET, b. June 25, 1857; m. A. E. Dicker.
160. DORA FLORENCE, b. Oct. 25, 1860; m. S. K. Blair.
161. ERNEST TAYLOR, b. May 3, 1863; m. Belle Thatcher.
162. MARY ELOISE, b. Dec. 9, 1867; m. John A. Hesse; he d. Jan. 29, 1903.
163. THORNTON WILBERT, b. April 4, 1874.
HETTY STEPHENS, (40), daughter of E. D. Stephens, (16), was born in Franklin County, Ohio, Oct. 11, 1811; accompanied her parents to Shelby County; married John Lenox, son of Richard Lenox, (he was born Oct. 8, 1809, and died Feb. 14, 1891); they lived on their farm just South of Wapakoneta, Ohio, all their lives; she was the mother of ten children; she died May 30, 1860; their children were:
164. ELIZABETH FLORENDA, b. Jan. 8, 1832; m. John Downey.
165. EBENEZER ALLEN, b. Nov. 21, 1883; d. unm. Jan. 4, 1863.
166. RICHARD HAMILTON, b. Jan. 30, 1836; m. 4 times.
167. HENRY CLAY, b. March 11, 1838; d. unm. May 20, 1863.
168. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 8, 1841; d. Jan. 3, 1847.
169. AMANDA MALVINA, b. Nov. 2, 1843.
170. GEORGE WASHINGTON, b. May 10, 1846; m. Mrs. Rosella Howe.
171. JOHN MARION, b. May 25, 1850; m. Catherine Regan.
172. WILLIAM HARRISON, b. May 25, 1850; d. Aug. 6, 1850.
173. HETTY MALISSA, b. July 9, 1853; m. H. B. Bilter.
WILLIAM HUMPHREYS STEPHENS, (41), son of E. D. Stephens, (16), was born Feb. 25, 1813, on Walnut Creek, Franklin County, Ohio; was raised on his father's farm near Hardin; learned the shoemakers trade in that place; was there in partnership in that business with Calvin Lenox, and married Sept. 13, 1835, his sister, Julian Crisup Lenox, daughter of Richard Lenox, (she was born Oct. 10, 1812, and died Feb. 28, 1839); she bore him two children; he married secondly, Jan. 13, 1840, Eleanor Cecil, daughter of Jude William Wirt Cecil, of the Cecil family of Virginia; (she was born Aug. 5, 1820, near Lockington, Shelby County, Ohio; died June 12, 1866, at Portland, Oregon); he moved to Sidney, Ohio, and engaged in the transportation business on the Miami Canal; moved to Lockington, same County, and built a saw mill there in 1853; was a Whig in politics and a Methodist in religion; in August, 1855, moved to Grundy County, Missouri, and purchased a farm 2-1/2 miles southeast of Trenton; in April, 1857, started overland for California with ox-teams; was harrassed by Indians and Mormans on the way; arrived in California in Oct.; first settled in Ione Valley; then moved to Suisun, Solano County; in 1859, returned to Ione, but lost his farm there by reason of a Pico grant, as he had by the Waterman grant in Solano County; in 1861, moved to Santa Clara, California, where he followed the transportation business till his death; married thirdly, Nov. 30, 1870, Harriet Judidah Lusk, a native of Freehold County, N. Y., by whom he had no children; was town trustee of Santa Clara, and a stockholder in the local bank and street railroad; died Dec. 13, 1879, and was buried by the Odd Fellows, of which organization he had been a member since 1840; he wrote a history of the family, but the manuscript was lost. Children:
By Julian C. Lenox:
174. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. Mar. 13, 1837; m. O. S. Frambes.
175. WILLIAM HAMILTON, b. Feb. 20, 1839; m. Georgia A. Harlow.
By Eleanor Cecil:
176. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, b. Dec. 29, 1840; m. 2ts; d. Sept. 7, 1894.
177. Infant died young.
178. ROSETTA, b. April 9, 1843; d. May 30, 1843.
179. Infant died young.
180. VIRGINIA PAULINE, b. April 28, 1845; m. D. H. Zumwalt.
181. BEVERLY WAUGH, b. Nov. 14, 1849; d. April 30, 1853.
182. BASCOM ASBURY, b. Mar. 5, 1855; m. M. M. Overshiner.
JOSHUA M. STEPHENS, (42), son of E. D. Stephens, (16), was born in Franklin County, Ohio, Dec. 12, 1814; was raised on his father's farm at Hardin; is said to have assumed the "M" in his name for distinction; settled on a Government claim near Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, where he died July 5, 1844, of a sore throat; he married Minerva Metcalf, she was born October 25, 1815; died Dec. 25, 1876; Children:
183. SIDNEY, b. Nov. 8, 1842; m. Emma Lombard.
184. ELLEN MINERVA, b. Sept. 16, 1841, m. J. H. Baker.
RHODA STEPHENS, (44), daughter of E. D. Stephens, (16), was born at Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1819; twin with her brother, John Wesley; married William Hawkey, July 30, 1846. He was born June 12, 1813, in Maryland and died Dec. 20, 1886, in Sidney, Ohio; she died Nov. 13, 1852. Children: 185. STANTON WESLEY, b. Oct. 3, 1848; m. Clara E. Lenox. 186. SARAH ELIZABETH, b. Dec. 9, 1850; m. J. D. Price.
JOHN WESLEY STEPHENS, (45), son of E. D. Stephens, (16), twin brother of Rhoda Stephens Hawkey, (44), was born Feb. 22, 1819; at Hardin, Ohio; was raised on his father's farm; became a portrait painter and a physician; was surgeon of the 99th Ohio V. I. and 50th O. V. I., Third Division, Army of the Cumberland, serving through the Rebellion; settled at State Line City, Ind., where he died May 18, 1881; he married Feb. 17, 1842, Sarah Graham; she was born May 18, 1817, and yet lives at Sidney, Ohio. She furnishes me with much valuable family history. Children:
187. JAMES EBENEZER, born Nov. 26, 1842; m. Annia I. Lister.
188. SARAH ADELIA, b. July 30, 1844; d. unm. Aug. 27, 1869.
189. ELIZA JANE, b. Aug. 31, 1846; m. David Hoover.
190. ROBERT GRAHAM, b. Dec. 12, 1848; d. Mar. 28, 1853.
191. CAROLINE MARY, b. Oct. 12, 1850; m. E. E. Inlow.
ELIZA STEPHENS, (46), daughter of E. D. Stephens, (16), was born Mar. 14, 1821, at Hardin, Ohio; married William Hawkey, the former husband of her sister, Rhoda Stephens Hawkey, on Sept. 14, 1853, and died Sept. 29, 1887, at Sidney, Ohio. She had one child:
192. WINONA MAY, b. Aug. 7, 1862; resides in Flagstaff, Arizona, married E. S. Gosney, a banker of that place; has — children:
DAVID NELSON STEPHENS, (47), son of E. D. Stephens, (16), was born at Hardin, Ohio; was raised on his father's farm; has lived at Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio, all his life, with the exception of a short time spent in his early life in Illinois as a farmer; was born Feb. 23, 1823; married Dec. 25, 1853, Elydia Stone; she was born May 28, 1837, and is living at Hardin, Ohio. D. N. Stephens died ——. Children:
193. ALLANSON FOSTER, b. Nov. 23, 1854; m. Mrs. N. A. Princehouse.
194. SHAFFER FREMONT, b. June 14, 1857; m. Rhoda Stilos.
195. WILLIAM JOSHUA, b. Oct. 25, 1858; lives unm. at Flagstaff, Arizona.
196. TAMSON PARMELIA, b. Oct. 8, 1860; m. M. E. Shaw.
197. MARGARET ELLEN, b. June 2, 1863; m. Lewis White.
198. NANCY ALICE, b. Dec. 17, 1866; m. J. W. Turnis.
199. WINNIE JENNIFRED, b. Dec. 2, 1872.
SARAH ANN STEPHENS, (49), daughter of E. D. Stephens, (16), was born Feb. 11, 1827, near Hardin, Ohio; married William Broderick Cannon, son of Richard Cannon (See page 10) (9) July 10, 1846. She died Dec. 22, 1855. He was born April 11, 1826, and lives at Allerton, Wayne County, Iowa. She had four children:
200. MARY ELVIRY, b. Aug. 20, 1847; m. Nathan Swan.
201. RICHARD EBENEZER, b. March 21, 1849; m. Olive Dill.
202. SARAH TAMSON, b. Oct. 7, 1850; d. March 4, 1853.
203. JOHN WESLEY, b. Sept. 26, 1853; d. Feb. 19, 1862.
LUCINDA MOORE, (52), daughter of Priscilla, (Stephens) Moore, (17), was born Oct. 25, 1812; accompanied her parents to Shelby County; married Jacob Marshall, of Fort Jefferson, Ohio. Jealousy on the part of her husband led to their separation; in 1836 she disappeared, saying that she was going to live with the Quakers at Dayton, Ohio, since which time she has never been heard from; she had one child:
204. ——, born and died the same day in 1833.
MINERVA MOORE, (53), daughter of P. S. Moore, (17), was born in Franklin County, Ohio, Dec. 18, 1813; accompanied her parents to Shelby County, Ohio; married Richard Francis; had one child which died:
205. ANN, b. ——
HUGH SCOTT MOORE, (54), son of Priscilla Moore, (17), was born in Franklin County, Ohio, Mar. 17, 1815; accompanied his parents to Shelby County, Ohio; was a farmer; lived near Sidney, Ohio, until his death March 22, 1872; married March 25, 1843, Anna Bryan (she was born May 25, 1819); by whom he had four children; she died ——; he married secondly Eveline ——, who survived him. Mrs. Evaline Moore lives in Piqua, Ohio. The four children by Ann Bryan were:
206. JAMES, b. March 27, 1844; d. July 22, 1864, unm.
207. MINERVA, b. Sept. 13, 1845; m. William Clawson.
208. SARAH, b. Oct. 1, 1847; m. C. P. Croy.
209. JOHN DOUGLAS, b. Jan, 27, 1847; m. Florence Mous.
DOUGLAS LEE MOORE, (55), son of Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17), was born in Franklin County, Ohio; accompanied his parents to Western Ohio and Indiana; was born March 9, 1816; with his two brothers Thomas McClish and Ephrain Riley founded the town of Mooresburg in Pulaski County, Indiana, in 1851, and built a flour mill which was burned in the summer of 1853. He married first Nov. 16, 1840, Nancy Rockwell, sister of John Baker Rockwell, by whom he had four children. His wife dying, he married secondly, Jane Todd of Pleasant Grove, Fulton County, Indiana, by whom he had no children. His second wife dying he married thirdly, Martha Jane Borders, by whom he had one child. He died April —, 1853.
By Nancy Rockwell:
210. LORETTA R——, b. Jan. 12, 1843; married J. G. Martin.
211. Infant died young.
212. HANNAH, d. 2 years old.
213. RICHARD EPHRAIM, b. ——, 1844; d. Dec. —, 1854.
By Martha Jane Borders:
214. FRANCES JEMIMA, b. Oct. —, 1852; d. Sept. 1, 1854.
HANNAH MOORE, (56), daughter of Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17) was born July 16, 1817, in Franklin County, Ohio.; married about 1835, Jacob Baker, of Port Jefferson, Shelby County, Ohio, to whom she bore six daughters; she died Oct. 25, 1852. Jacob Baker was born in Sidney, Ohio, March 1, 1813 and is living at Nebo, Cass County, Indiana. Children:
215. MARIA JANE, b. Aug. 26, 1837; d. ——, 1841.
216. Infant died young.
217. SUSANNAH, b. Aug. 30, 1842; m. 2ts.
218. Infant died young.
219. PRISCILLA MARGARET, b. Aug. 6, 1847; m. Jacob Miller.
220. LAURA ANN, b. Oct. 4, 1652; m. John Clark.
THOMAS McCLISH MOORE, (58), son of Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17), was born June 25, 1820, in Franklin County, Ohio; accompanied his parents to Western Ohio and Indiana; with his two brothers E. R. and D. L. founded the town of Mooresburg, in Pulaski County, Ind. He married Oct. 16, 1845, Mary A. Mowdy, at Logansport, Indiana, by whom he had seven children. She was born June 25, 1856, and died Dec. 10, 1885. He died Dec. 4, 1862. Children:
221. CLARA ANN, b. Oct. 19, 1846; m. A. C. Ward.
222. JAMES IRA, b. Dec. 8, 1848; lives unmarried at Mooreburg.
223. EMMA IRENE, b. Sept. 21, 1850; m. P. P. Dukes.
224. THOMAS DUDLEY, b. Jan. 19, 1852; m. Ellen McCoy.
225. ELIZABETH ALICE, b. Feb. 8, 1856.; d. Dec. 21, 1856.
226. CHARLES EPHRIAM, b. Jan. 7, 1858; m. Ida M. Loy.
227. HARRIET ELSIE, b. Nov. 18, 1861; m. John Cokain.
JEMIMA CARTER MOORE, (59), daughter of Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17), was born Sept. 21, 1821, in Franklin County, Ohio; accompanied her parents to Western Ohio and Indiana; married Nov. 16, 1840, John Baker Rockwell, brother of Nancy Rockwell, (wife of D. L. Moore, (55)); he was born May 25, 1821; served in the U. S. Army in the War of the Rebellion; was killed by a stroke of lightning Sept. 18, 1884; she still lives in Homer, Dakota County, Nebraska. Children:
228. ANNA, b. June 15, 1843; d. June 25, 1843.
229. MARY JANE, b. May 16, 1845; m. J. D. Walker.
230. HANNAH, b. Feb. 8, 1848; d. unm., June 13, 1864.
231. RICHARD DOUGLAS, b. Jan. 21, 1850; m. Susannah Myres.
232. STEPHEN MILLS, b. Jan. 7, 1853; m. Sylvia E. Snyder.
233. MARTHA, b. Oct. 6, 1855; d. Jan. 9, 1863.
234. JEFFERSON, b. May 7, 1858; m. Nancy A. Biggs
235. ROSA ANN, b. Dec. 27, 1860; m. Albert Peterson.
236. MARGARET ALICE, b. Dec. 6, 1863; m. William J. Walter.
ANN URITTA MOORE, (60), daughter of Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17), was born Nov. 3, 1822, in Franklin County, Ohio; accompanied her parents to Western Ohio and Indiana; married June 16, 1844, Thomas Shepherd Long. He was born Sept. 17, 1819, and died Sept. 23, 1872; she died June 17, 1864. Children:
237. WILLIAM, ——, b. Feb. 20, 1846; d. Oct. 2, 1848.
238. MARY BELLE, b. March 4, 1849; m. Henry E. Welsh.
239. ELIZABETH, I, b. —— (MARGARET), b. Mar. 2, 1852; d. Feb. 26, 1859.
240. HARRIET E—— A——, b. June 15, 1854; d. July 29, 1859.
241. EPHRIAM T——, b. June 29, 1857, d. Sept. 3, 1857.
242. ANN R——, b. and d. Jan. 20, 1859.
243. FRANCIS (?), b. Feb. 25, 1860; d. Mar. 9, 1860.
244. ANDREW MORTON, b. Mar. 31, 1863; lives unm. at Mishawaka, Ind.
EPHRIAM RILEY MOORE, (61), son of Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17), was born in Franklin County, Ohio, Jan. 8, 1824; accompanied his parents to Western Ohio and Indiana; with his brothers D. L. (55) and T. McL., (58), founded the town of Mooresburg. He married first Oct. 13, 1847, Sarah Jane Patterson, by whom he had two children. His wife dying, he married secondly June 13, 1852, Rachel Ann Murphy, who bore him five children. He died July 8, 1864. His widow survives him, now Mrs. R. A. Hastings, of Mooresburg, Pulaski County, Indiana, who has the original family record of Mrs. Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17), Children:
By S. J. Patterson:
245. WILLIAM PATTERSON, b. Oct. 25, 1848; m. M. Locke.
246. JOHN WESLEY, b. ——, 1849; d. May 10, 1856.
By R. A. Murphy.
247. NATHAN HURT, b. Mar. 23, 1853; m. Susie A. Parsley.
248. EPHRIAM RILEY, b. July 27, 1856; d. Aug. 12, 1856.
249. THOMAS RILEY, b. Feb. 27, 1857; m. Nettie L. Borch.
250. LILY DAY, b. Nov. 18, 1853; m. Lee Monroe.
251. HENRY P——, b. Nov. 23, 1860; d. Mar. 3, 1861.
ELIZABETH MARGARET MOORE, (63), daughter of Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17), was born Sept. 17, 1826; accompanied her parents to Western Ohio and Indiana; married Sept. 28, 1843, John W. Williams, to whom she bore four children; she died May 25, 1856; J. W. Williams still lives in Union City, Indiana. Children:
252. PRISCILLA ELLEN, b. May 29, 1845; m. Oscar Knowlton.
253. SARAH JANE, b. Mar. 20, 1848; m. E. W. Penny.
254. MARY ANN, b. Aug. 9, 1850; d. Aug. 2, 1851.
255. EVA ADALINE, b. Aug. 13, 1853; d. Oct. 17, 1853.
ELLEN MARY MOORE, (64), daughter of Priscilla (Stephens) Moore, (17), was born April 17, 1828; accompanied her parents to Western Ohio and Indiana; in which latter state at Logansport she married Richard Richardson, to whom she bore one child, and died in May (or June) 1853. Child:
256. DUDLEY, lived five or six years.
NOTE:—The foregoing closes the records of the Seventh Generation, so far as I have them to date.
SILAS STEPHENS, (65), son of Joshua Stephens, (18), married Emma Walker, by whom he had two children. His parents lived in Evansville, Indiana; was a tanner; moved to a farm in Warrick County, Indiana; died Feb. 28, 1859. It has been very difficult to get any information about him, or what has become of his children who are:
257. JOSHUA WING, (Merchant at Browns, Edwards County, Ill.)
258. FREDERICK, d. unm.
ANN ELIZA STEPHENS, (67), daughter of Joshua Stephens, (18), was born Dec. 19, 1824, probably in Evansville, Ind.; married first Dec. 22, 1842, George L—— Schnae, by whom she had three children. He dying, she married secondly, Thomas F. T. Roberts, Feb. 28, 1884; he died Nov. 27, 1887; Mrs. A. E. Roberts may now be living at New Harmony, Indiana. Her children by Schnae were:
259. EMILY, b. Sept. 18, 1843; m. William H. Bennett.
260. ELLA, b. July 5, 1847; m. Dr. Thomas Smith.
261. GEORGE WING, b. Feb. 12, 1853; m. Elizabeth Nelgin.
261-1/2. JOSHUA, d. about three years old.
SARAH STEPHENS, (68), daughter of Joshua Stephens, (18), married Dr. W. Norton; probably lived in Evansville Indiana; had one child:
262. ——, died young.
She married secondly, Thomas T. Roberts.
FRANCIS STEPHENS, (70), daughter of Joshua Wing Stephens, (18); married first George Jaques; probably living in Owensville, Gibson County, Indiana. Had three children:
263. ——, died young.
264. ——, died young.
265. ——, died young.
NANCY MARIE STEPHENS, (73), daughter of Charles Stephens, (19); married William Parvin; lives at Crevi, Mississippi.
SUSAN STEPHENS, (74), daughter of Charles Stephens, (19), was born Nov. 19, 1826; married first Aug. 10, 1844 John Sibley Wilson. They moved from Evansville, Ind., to Tallahatchie County, Missippi; Wilson died Aug. 28, 1852; she married secondly John Troutman, who yet lives at Crevi, Tallahatchie County, Miss. She is dead. She had eight children:
266. JOSEPHINE TOBITHA, m. William Mitchell.
267. ELLA S——, m. 2 times.
268. JULIA d. unm.
269. MARIE, married and died.
270. EFFIE T——, m. George Harney.
271. ——.
272. ——.
273. ——.
ELIZA STEPHENS, (75), daughter of Charles Stephens, (19), was born March 1, 1826; married William Miller.
SAMUEL STEPHENS, (76), son of Charles Stephens, (19), was born Sept. 8, 1831, in Morgansfield, Ky.; married Jeanette Ray; lives at West Shoals, Marvin County, Ind.; has had five children:
274. CHARLES W——, b. Nov. 8, 1864; m. Minnie H. Stephens.
275. WILLIAM, b. Nov. 23, 1866; m. Fannie Wingfield, June 6, 1892; residence, Camp Verde, Arizona.
276. FREDERICK, b. Nov. 12, 1868.
277. JESSIE, b. Dec. 12, 1872; d. May 27, 1872.
278. MARY, b. Dec. 23, 1873; d. July 6, 1883.
JULIA STEPHENS, (77), daughter of Charles Stephens (19), was born Sept. 8, 1836, at Belleville (Bellevue), Ky.; married Dec. 14, 1869, William Underwood; lives at Sherman, Grayson County, Texas; has one child:
279. CHARLES STEPHENS, b. Sept. 25, 1870, at Rome, Ohio; residence No. 820 East Hoiston Street, Sherman, Texas.
JAMES EMORY STEPHENS, (78), son of Charles Stephens, (19), was born Nov. 28, 1837; married May 28, 1863, Margaret Todd; was a job printer and prominent politician in New Orleans; was divorced, and moved to Albany, Dougherty County, Georgia, where he married —— ——, by whom he had no children. He died in 1890. By Margaret Todd, he had two children:
280. JAMES TODD, b. Aug. 15, 1864; lives at No. 71 Rampart St., New Orleans, La., with his mother.
281. MARY ELIZABETH, b. May ——; d. Nov. 2, 1870; aetat rys. 7 mos.
JANE EVANS STEPHENS, (79), daughter of Silas Stephens, (20), was born April 30, 1830, in Evansville, Ind., where she yet lives at No. 617 Upper Water Street; married Sept. 2, 1846, James Scantlin, to whom she bore eight children:
282. JULIENNE, b. Mar. 2, 1848; m. Mauntrille Johnson.
283. SILAS STEPHENS, b. Mar. 23, 1850; m. Sarah A. Lawton.
284. JAMES S——, b. July 27, 1854; d. July 10, 1855.
285. MARY ELIZABETH, b. Aug. 4, 1856; m. James M. Chandler.
286. MARTHA WING, b. Oct. 1, 1859.
287. ALBERTHA, P——, b. Jan. 10, 1862.
288. ELIZA SELITA, b. Mar. 23, 1866; m. H. K. Carrington.
289. ROBERT E——, b. Aug. 18, 1870.
ROBERT MORGAN EVANS STEPHENS, (82), son of Silas Stephens, (20), was born Oct. 15, 1834, in Evansville, Ind.; married Oct. 4, 1857, Mary M—— Tribble, by whom he had three children. He died May 3, 1864; his widow yet lives in Evansville. Children:
290. MARY ELLA, b. July 15, 1859; m. A. J. Miller.
291. EDGAR, b. Aug. 8, 1861; d. April 22, 1866.
292. JANE CAROLINE, (or Jennie), b. Nov. 20, 1863; m. Ed. F. Sonntag.
HENRY CLAY STEPHENS, (84), son of Silas Stephens, (20), was born in Evansville, Ind., Sept. 21, 1842; was a farmer; married Nov. 7, 1861, Caroline Ronschler (she was born Aug. 19, 1839), by whom he had six children. He died Feb. 5, 1884. Children:
293. EMMA JANE, b. Aug. 18, 1862.
294. SILAS SCANTLIN, b. March 22, 1864.
295. ROBERT MORGAN EVANS, b. Dec. 6, 1866.
296. JULIENNE EVANS, b. Sept. 6, 1868.
297. WILLIAM HENRY, b. Oct. 8, 1870; d. Jan. 31, 1871.
298. DEWITT EVANS, b. Aug. 24, 1873.
The widow and surviving children live in Evansville, Ind.
CALEB GASKILL, (91), son of Catherine (Vandever) Gaskill, (24), was born May 7, 1832; married Nov. 13, 1860, Julia Nelson (she was born Feb. 15, 1842; died Sept. 30, 1881), by whom he had seven children. He was a member of Company G, 7th Regiment, Veteran Reserve Corps, U. S. A., participating in seven pitched battles during the war of the Rebellion, and was honorably discharged at Washington, D. C., May 9, 1865; now farms near Brainerd, Nebraska. Children:
299. WILLIAM, b. ——, 1861; d. ——, 1874.
300. ALBERT, b. Jan. —, 1864; d. Nov. 2, 1880.
301. SARAH, b. ——, 1868; d. ——, 1875.
302. GEORGE J——, b. May 6, 1873.
303. RENNIE, b. ——, 1877; d. ——, 1877.
304. ANNIE MAY, b. April 12, 1879.
305. CORA, b. Mar. 20, 1881; d. Dec. 15, 1881.
JESSE T—— GASKILL, (92), son of Catherine (Vandever) Gaskill, (24), was born April 21, 1834; married Isabella Nelson (she was born ——, 1840; d. ——, 1883) by whom he had eight children. He is a farmer and lives near Haysprings, Nebraska. Children:
306. FRANCIS A——, b. ——, 1858; d. ——, 1861.
307. SARAH A——, b. ——, 1859; d. ——, 1861.
308. ELLEN, b. ——, 1860; m. Perry Milliken.
309. FLORA CATHERINE, b. ——, 1862; m. Hugh L. McCoy.
310. JESSIE (?), b. ——, 1864; d. ——, 1865.
311. GEORGE WILSON, b. ——, 1866; d. ——, 1867.
312. ESTELLA MARY, b. Nov. 2, 1868; m. Lewis Jacobs.
313. CHARLES W——, ——, 1873.
JOSEPH C—— GASKILL, (94), son of Catherine (Vandever) Gaskill, (24), was born Oct. 16, 1839, at Bluffton, Allen County, Ohio; married Aug. 29, 1861, Mary E. Hurley; she was born Sept. 3, 1843, at Milltown, Ireland. He is farming near Valentine, Cherry County, Nebraska. Children:
314. ANNETTA, b. July 16, 1862.
315. EMMA, b. June 6, 1864; m. John T. Hamilton.
316. ELIZA, b. July 15, 1866; m. D. J. Kirwan.
317. NORA, b. Dec. 23, 1868.
318. MARGARET, b. Aug. 23, 1871.
319. DANIEL M——, b. Sept. 12, 1873.
320. MARY LOULU, b. July 26, 1870.
321. DAVID LEO, b. Sept. 25, 1883.
PHOEBE GASKILL, (95), daughter of Catherine (Vandever) Gaskill, (24), was born Nov. 22, 1842; married William C. Cramer, Aug. 29, 1861, to whom she bore three children; lives near Creighton, Knox County, Nebraska. Children:
322. ABI, b. Oct. 22, 1862; m. E. D. Mason.
323. McCELLAN, b. Oct. 15, 1864.
324. WILLIAM, b. July 23, 1870.
MARY WILSON CARNAHAN, (97), daughter of Rachel (Vandever) Carnahan, (25); was born July 11, 1832; married July, 11, 1865, Oscar Mott, to whom she has borne one child. She was a nurse in the U. S. Army, as was also her sister, Catherine Stephens Carnahan, (102), who died while in the service. Oscar Mott was born Feb. 25, 1839. They live at No. 311 S. Second St., Elkart, Ind. Child:
325. WILLIAM EDGAR, b. Jan. 25, 1870.
JENNIE CARNAHAN, (99), daughter of Rachel (Vandever) Carnahan, (25), was born Dec. 4, 1836; married Nov. 8, 1860, Dr. Edgar Montague Deucher; he was born in 1832, and was killed in the battle of Atlanta, Sept. 4, 1864, while in command of his Company, of which he was Captain, Co. E. 38th O. R. She bore him one child.
326. ROSE, b. May 25, 1862; m. J. E. Beach. They live in Bryan, Williams County, Ohio.
ISAIAH WHITE VANDEVER, (103), a son of Joshua Vandever, (26), was born May 8, 1838; married Lydia A. Martin; lives at Webster, Darke County, Ohio.
SARAH ELLEN VANDEVER, (104), daughter of Joshua Vandever, (26), was born January 28, 1840; married April 23, 1865, James Barnett Bell. He was born Aug. 9, 1835. They live at Gettysburg, Darke County, Ohio. Their children are:
327. EMMA ESTELLA, b. Jan. 17, 1866; d. Mar. 16, 1868.
328. ALBERT WALTER, b. April 13, 1868.
329. MARTHA OLIVE, b. Aug. 30, 1870.
330. CHARLES HEIKES, b. Jan. 12, 1872.
331. JAMES EDGAR, b. May 20, 1875.
332. PEARL SUSANNA, b. June 6, 1879.
333. HENRY LEWIS, b. Nov. 15, 1871.
MARY CATHERINE VANDEVER, (105), daughter of Joshua Vandever, (26), was born Jan. 18, 1842; married Joseph Orrin Fuller. He was born May 8, 1845; died Dec. 13, 1886. She died March 28, 1884. They lived in Darke County, Ohio. Their children were:
334. WILLIAM EDWARD, b. June 15, 1867; lives at Piqua, Ohio.
335. NETTIE B——, b. June 28, 1871.
336. JAMES WEBSTER, b. April 11, 1874; lives at Webster, Ohio.
337. HARRY H——, b. April 21, 1877.
338. WALTER J——, b. Mar. 17, 1882.
BASIL BURTON VANDEVER, (108), son of John Vandever, (26), was born May 4, 1848; married Feb. 7, 18—, Florence Emma Cruea (?). She was born June 2, 1860. They lived in Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Children:
340. BLANCHE, b. Nov. 17, 1878; d. Jan. 1879.
341. CHARLES GARFIELD, b. Oct. 4, 1880.
SHADRACH BURTON VANDEVER, (109), son of Joshua Vandever, (26), was born July 4, 1853 (?); married Judy B—— Collins, daughter of A. D. and Sarah —— Collins; she was born March 10, 1858, they live in Piqua, Ohio. Children:
342. ARTHUR FOSTER, b. Sept. 23, 1879; d. Aug. 30, 1880.
343. GOLDEN ETNA, b. Oct. 2, 1882.
344. ROYAL RAY, b. June 28, 1886.
LYDIA McCLISH, (111), daughter of Silas McClish, (27), was born Jan. 4, 1824; married May 18, 1843, Daniel Ridenour, to whom she bore four children. She died Oct. 15, 1851. He was born Sept. 10, 1811, and died on the Pacific Ocean while en route from Panama to San Francisco, Jan. 7, 1852. They lived in Putnam County, Ohio. Children:
345. THOMAS M——, b. Mar. 10, 1846; m. Eilza J. Shaffer.
346. JOHN C——, b. June 5, 1849; mysteriously disappeared in 1878.
347. GEORGE H——, b. Aug. 20, 1851; lives in Dupont, Putnam County, Ohio.
THOMAS McCLISH, (112), son of Silas McClish, (27), was born Dec. 11, 1825; married April 1, 1852, Susannah Curtis, who bore him one child only. He died Jan. 11, 1854. Child:
348. DAVID, who died aged 19 years.
JOHN McCLISH, (113), son of Silas McClish, (27) was born Jan. 27, 1829; married first, Aug. 3, 1854, Hannah Jeffrey, by whom he had four children. His wife dying, he married secondly, April 2, 1860, Harriet Dash, by whom he had four children. His wife dying, he married thirdly, Jan. 29, 1874, Elizabeth Hitchcock, by whom he had no children. He died ——, 1879. He was a member of Co. H. 66th O. V. I. His widow lives on the estate near Dupont, Putnam County, Ohio. Children:
By Hannah Jeffreys:
349. NANCY, b. Dec. 13, 1850; m. —— Pitcher.
350. WINNIE, b. July 2, 1856; m. Evan Dalton.
351. GILBERT, b. Nov. 28, 1857; m. Flora E. Miller.
352. GEORGE, b. April 9, ——; d. July 29, 1859.
By Harriet Dash.
353. FRANK, b. Jan. 22, 1861; d. April 29, 1874.
354. AMBROSE, b. Sept. 5, 1862.
355. MARY, b. May 19, 1868.
356. ALICE, died young.
WILLIAM McCLISH, (114), son of Silas McClish, (27), was born April 24, 1833; in 1854 went to California gold mines where he lost an eye by a premature explosion of gunpowder in blasting in a mine; returned to Putnam County, Ohio, married Mary Ellen Wagoner, by whom he had four children; died about 1871. Children:
357. JOHN, b. about 1868.
359. ——.
360. ——.
HANNAH ELIZA McCLISH, (115), daughter of Silas McClish, (27), was born in Putnam County, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1837; married July 15, 1854, Samuel Holt; he was born March 31, 1828. She has borne him four children. They farm at Dupont, Putnam County, Ohio. Children:
361. WILLIAM, b. Nov. 15, 1856; d. Nov. 28, 1856.
362. JOHN WESLEY, b. July 26, 1859; m. Lydia Wolet.
363. IRA RINALDO, b. Aug. 14, 1862.
364. DAVID POOL, b. April 6, 1865.
SARAH McCLISH, (116), daughter of Silas McClish, (27), was born Feb. 8, 1838; married John Wilser; he was born Dec. 29, 1839; she had four children; she is dead. (All efforts to open communication with the children for several years have been failures.) John Wilser was living in 1888 at Merice City, Putnam County, Ohio. Children:
365. MARY.
366. MATILDA, m. —— Coombs; said to live at Evansville, Putnam County, Ohio, now Drusilla P. O.
368. GEORGE.
EMMA CLARISSA STEPHENS, (129), daughter of D. H. Stephens, (33), was born June 23, 1842; married July 22, 1860, Aden Dudley Jewell; he was born Nov. 28, 1838; to him she had borne seven children. All the family are musicians, and have an entire string band. They live at Worthington, Indiana, Children:
369. MARTHA ELLEN, b. June 1, 1862.
370. JAMES DAVID, b. April 8, 1864.
371. JOHN OLIVER, b. Nov. 7, 1866.
372. WILLIAM, b. May 25, 1869.
373. MINERVA BELLE, b Aug. 3, 1872.
374. FREDERICK ALTON, b. May 28, 1874.
375. MARY ETTA, b. April 20, 1878.
JOHN OLIVER STEPHENS, (130), was born Nov. 30, 1844; served in the U. S. Army in the War of the Rebellion. Married Sarah J. Dinkle; sine prole; is a successful business man; lives at St. Joseph, Missouri.
MARTHA M—— STEPHENS, (131), daughter of D. H. Stephens, (33), was born May 13, 1847; married March 8, 1864, Cad W. McCoy, to whom she has borne eight children; lives at Mound City, Holt County, Missouri. Children:
376. EDWARD SEBERRY, b. June 5, 1865; m. S. E. Shultz.
377. CHARLES OLIVER, b. May 21, 1870.
378. JEANETTE ANNESLEY, b. Oct. 21, 1872.
379. MARTHA ELNORA, b. Jan. 15, 1876.
380. GRACE EDELL, b. Dec. 10, 1878.
381. BLANCHE EMILY, b. Jan. 23, 1881.
382. MINERVA TOIS, b. Sept. 7, 1884.
383. JOHN STEPHENS, b. June 6, 1887.
DAVID STUBERT STEPHENS, (133), son of O. P. Stephens, (36), was born May 12, 1847; graduate of Edinburgh University, Scotland; ex-president of Adrian College, Michigan; preacher of the Methodist Protestant Church; editor of the "Methodist Recorder," Pittsburg, Pa., where he resides; married Marrietta Louisa Gibson, Oct. 7, 1874; she was born Oct. 10, 1850.
(ADDENDA, 1907. He is also a graduate of Wittenburg College, Springfield, Ohio, and Adrian College, Michigan. Moved from Pittsburg, Pa., to Kansas City, Kansas, in 1894, to accept the Chancellorship of the Kansas City University, which position he now holds. Was permanent chairman of the Tri-Church Conference, composed of delegates from the Congregational, United Brethren and Methodist Protestant churches, held at Dayton, Ohio, in February, 1906, to consider the question of Church Union.) Children:
384. THOMAS CALDERWOOD, b. March 9, 1876.
385. STUBERT BIDDLE, b. March 20, 1880.
386. CHARLES EMERSON, b. March 24, 1883; m.
386-1/2. ——, daughter died young.
EMMA CATHERINE STEPHENS, (134), daughter of Rev. O. P. Stephens, (36), was born Dec. 6, 1848; married Aug. 19, 1904, Ira Underwood; they live in Athens, Calhoun County, Michigan.
LOUISA FRANCES STEPHENS, (135), daughter of Rev. O. P. Stephens, (36), was born May 16, 1851; married June 18, 1874, Jared Antony VanAuken (he born March 17, 1847, and died in 1895). She died July 20, 1900. To them were born two children. They are both graduates of Adrian College, Michigan. He is Register of U. S. Land Office, at Central City, Colo.; he is also editor of the "Colorado Miner", at Georgetown, Colo. Children:
387. BLANCHE ANNA, b. March 18, 1875.
388. JARED ANTONY, b. June 14, 1888.
WILLIAM CHALMERS STEPHENS, (136), son of Rev. O. P. Stephens, (36), was born May 29, 1857; married May 19, 1886, Mary Annetta Underwood (she was born Feb. 17, 1860), by whom he has had four children.
(ADDENDA, 1907. Is a printer and shorthand reporter, and was engaged in newspaper work until 1883, when he entered railroad service as stenographer with the Missouri Pacific Railway, at St. Louis, Mo., was private Secretary to the President of the "Cotton Belt Route" from 1886 to 1888; was Loss and Damage Freight Agent same road from 1888 to 1890; was Soliciting Freight Agent same road at Little Rock, Ark., from 1890, to 1891; moved to Chattanooga, Tenn., in July 1891, to accept position as freight agent with the "Queen & Crescent Route," in the service of which line he has continued up to date, now holding the position of Division Freight Agent, with headquarters at Chattanooga, Tenn., where he resides at 1020 Tenth Street. He is an Elder in the Frist Presbyterian Church of that city. Is a leading musician and Conductor of the Chattanooga Glee Club). Children:
389. LUCILE, b. and d. Sept. 3, 1887.
389-1/2 CHESTER OLIVER, b. July 8, 1891.
389-1/4 WILLIAM CHALMERS, b. and d. March 1, 1899.
389-3/4 ANITA, b. July 17, 1900.
HERBERT TAYLOR STEPHENS, (137), son of Rev. O. P. Stephens, (36), was born Sept. 10, 1864; is a graduate of Adrain College, Michigan; member of the Prohibition Party; minister of the Methodist Protestant Church; married Oct. 15, 1891, Emma West Johnston; lives at New Cumberland, West Virginia.
ADDENDA, 1907. Is also a graduate of the Pittsburg, Pa., Theological Seminary and Harvard University. Moved to Kansas City, Kansas, in 1895, to accept a chair in Kansas City University, which he now occupies. Children are:
——. BROOKS, b. ——.
——. WINIFRED, b. ——.
——. DOROTHY, b. ——.
——. LOIS, b. ——.
——. HERBERT, b. ——.
ELLEN WALLACE, (139), daughter of Sarah (Stephens) Wallace, (37), was born April 9, 1844; married Jan. 1, 1868, John Tyler Miller; they live in Rantoul, Illinois; she is the mother of five children:
390. THOMAS S——, b. Oct. 3, 1868; d. June 10, 1881.
391. JOHN W——, b. Feb. 12, 1870.
392. FRANK A——, b. June 16, 1872.
393. CALVIN P——, b. March 21, 1875.
394. JESSIE MAY, b. May 23, 1876.
JENNIE WALLACE, (142), daughter of Sarah (Stephens) Wallace, (37), was born May 25, 1853; married Jan. 16, 1869, James R—— Thompson; they live at Stanford, Illinois; she is the mother of four children:
395. SMITH A——, b. Oct. 29, 1871.
396. CORA A——, b. Oct. 3, 1873.
397. DAVID A——, b. Aug. 29, 1877.
397-1/2 HOMER W——, b. Jan. 8, 1884.
HUGH WALLACE, (143), son of Sarah (Stephens) Wallace, (37), was born Aug. 17, 1853; lives unmarried at Donnellsville, Ohio.
EMMA O—— WALLACE, (144), daughter of Sarah (Stephens) Wallace, (37), was born Nov. 15, 1855; married Oct. 26, 1886, James E. Lowery; they live at Donnellsville, Ohio; she is the mother of one child:
398. MARTHA ADELA, b. May 29, 1890.
WILLIAM SMITH WALLACE, (145), son of Sarah (Stephens) Wallace, (37), was born Jan. 12, 1858; married Jan. 27, 1879, Mary Elizabeth Trumbo; she was born Jan. 3, 1857; he is engaged in the railroad business, and lives in Kansas City, Mo. Children:
399. SARAH FANNIE, b. June 5, 1880; d. April 2, 1881.
400. LILLY GARFIELD, b. Sept. 27, 1881; d. Aug. 22, 1882.
401. GEORGIA MARIA, b. Nov. 22, 1882.
402. SMITH, b. Oct. 18, 1885.
403. ROY, b. April 18, 1685; d. May 26, 1888.
CHARLES BUCKINGHAM WALLACE, (146), son of Sarah (Stephens) Wallace, (37), was born April 26, 1860; lives unmarried at Sparr, Florida, where he is engaged in the orange business.
ELMER SMITH WALLACE, (147), son of Sarah (Stephens) Wallace, (37), was born Nov. 23, 1862; changed his middle name from Kent to Smith; lives in Santa Anna, California, where he is engaged in the news-paper business. Married and has children.
COLUMBUS TAYLOR BOWER, (149), son of Catherine (Stephens) Bower, (38), was born Sept. 14, 1846; married Sept. 14, 1871, Lucy Swab; lives in Lima, Ohio. Children:
404. EULA LEE, b. June 12, 1872.
405. ROBERT FRANKLIN, b. Aug. 4, 1874.
406. CLEMENT EARL, b. April 18, 1877.
407. ALONZO GLENN, b. Oct. 4, 1880.
JOHN STEPHENS BOWER, (150), son of Catherine (Stephens) Bower, (38), was born July 28, 1849; married July, 17, 1873, Mary Bousel; lives in Lima, Ohio. Children:
408. LELA BLANCHE, b. June 1, 1874.
409. FLORENCE ANNETTA, b. June 15, 1877.
ALONZO SMITH BOWER, (152), son of Catherine (Stephens) Bower, (38), was born Oct. 9, 1855; married Oct. 6, 1881, Clara Bowyer. They live in Lima, Ohio. Children:
410. TIMA FAY, b. July 23, 1882; d. April 30, 1889.
411. ROBERT SIDNEY, b. Nov. 29, 1884; m. Edith Hanson.
412. HELEN LOUISA, b. July 15, 1890.
412-1/2. ELENOR RUTH BOWER, b. Feb. 19, 1893.
ADOLPHUS LEE BOWER, (154), son of Catherine (Stephens) Bower, (38), was born July 15, 1861; married Sept. 26, 1889, Margaret McKenna; lives in Lima, Ohio; has one child:
413. ROBERT JOHN, b. Oct. 13, 1890.
413-1/4. JANET CATHERINE, b. Oct. 15, 1893.
413-1/2. HAROLD JAMES, b. Oct. 18, 1896.
FRANCES ROWENA MITCHELL, (157), daughter of Nancy (Stephens) Mitchell, (39), was born July 26, 1851; married Nov. 21, 1876, Alfred Cherry Baxter; lives in Lima, Ohio; has one child:
414. REX MITCHELL, b. Sept. 1, 1877.
(Alfred Cherry Baxter born Sept. 27, 1836; died Aug, 24. 1893.)
ELMER BOND MITCHELL, (158), son of Nancy (Stephens) Mitchell, (39), was born Oct. 25, 1854; married Nov. 11, 1879, Claude Ralston; lives in Lima, Ohio; children:
415. MADGE, b. April 15, 1881; m. June 15, 1908, to —— Barnes.
416. FRANCIS RALSTON, b. Oct. 9, 1885.
(Claude Ralston Mitchell, b. May 10, 1862; d. Dec. 14, 1905.)
EMMA HARRIET MITCHELL, (159), daughter of Nancy (Stephens) Mitchell, (39), was born June 25, 1857; married Sept. 29, 1886, E. A. Deiker; lives in Mankato, Minn. Is the mother of one child:
——. MARIE CLAUDIUS, b. Feb. 9, 1890.
DORA FLORENCE MITCHELL, (160), daughter of Nancy (Stephens) Mitchell, (39), was born Oct. 25, 1860; married Dec. 16, 1879, Solen Kent Blair; lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana; has two children:
417. KENT LAURUE, b. April 9, 1881.
418. MARY ELIZABETH, b. June 11, 1886; m. Oct. 24, 1906, Harry Alfred Hattersley.
ERNEST TAYLOR MITCHELL, (161), son of Nancy (Stephens) Mitchell, (39), was born May 3, 1868; married Sept. 15, 1886, Bell Thatcher; lives in Lima, Ohio; one child:
——. MARGUERITE MITCHELL, b. Nov. 11, 1889.
MARY ELOISE MITCHELL, (162), daughter of Nancy (Stephens) Mitchell, (39), was born Dec. 9, 1867; married Nov. 11, 1896, John Adolph Hesse, (he was born March 11, 1863, and died June 29, 1903). One child:
——. MARY JOHN HESSE, b. Sept. 19, 1903.
ELIZABETH FLORENDA LENOX, (164), daughter of Hetty (Stephens) Lenox, (40), was born Jan. 8, 1832; married Feb. 19, 1857, Rev. John Downey, Baptist Minister; (he was born Nov. 9, 1829); she died June 13, 1831; children:
419. HETTY ALLETTA, b. July 4, 1858; m. Martin Wilson.
420. MARY, b. April 12, 1860; m. George C. Jordan.
RICHARD HAMILTON LENOX, (166), son of Hetty (Stephens) Lenox, (40), was born Jan. 30, 1836; married first April 7, 1859, Lyda Margaret Styles; (she was born April 10, 1840; died Sept. 11, 1860); married secondly, April 12, 1866, Lydia Hopkins Shanahan; (she was born Aug. 29, 1847; died Dec. 5, 1866); married thirdly, April 14, 1874, Margaret Ann Lenox; (she was born March 29, 1853; died Jan. 22, 1883); married fourthly Dec. 31, 1884, Rachel Josephine Styles, (sister of his first wife, she was born July 24, 1855); he lives at Wapakoneta, Ohio. Children:
By Lydia Margaret Styles:
421. JOHN CARSON, b. March 1, 1860.
BY Margaret Ann Lenox:
422. ——, b. April 22, 1876; d. April 26, 1876.
By Rachel Josephine Styles:
423. ——.
AMANDA MALVINA LENOX, (169), daughter of Hetty (Stephens) Lenox, (40), was born Nov. 2, 1843; married Dec. 8, 1864; William Gottlieb Miller (he was born Jan. 12, 1837; he is a farmer and resides near Wapakoneta, Ohio.) Children:
424. HETTIE ELIZABETH, b. Sept. 11, 1865; m. J. A. Rhule.
425. JOHN HENRY, b. Aug. 4, 1867.
426. MARY CATHERINE, b. Sept. 19, 1869.
427. GEORGE WILLIAM, b. Sept. 9, 1872.
428. SARAH MALISSA, b. Sept. 6, 1874.
429. ALBERT JAMES, b. Nov. 15, 1878.
430. CHARLES BENNETT, b. Dec. 3, 1880.
431. WILLIAM FREDERICK, b. April 6, 1883.
GEORGE WASHINGTON LENOX, (170), son of Hetty (Stephens) Lenox, (40), was born May 10, 1846; married Oct. 10, 1886, Mrs. Rosella Howe; lives near Wapakoneta, Ohio.
JOHN MARION LENOX, (171), son of Hetty (Stephens) Lenox, (40), was born May 25, 1850; was a twin; married March 31, 1872, Catherine Regan; she was born Aug. 3, 1855; lives in Sidney, Ohio. Children:
432. FLORINDA JANE, b. Sept. 22, 1873; d. Aug. 23, 1889.
433. WILLIAM BIRTIE, b. Nov. 23, 1878.
HETTY MELISSA LENOX, (173), daughter of Hetty (Stephens) Lenox, (40), was born July 9, 1853; married Nov. 29, 1877, Henry Bennett Bilter. He was born May 8, 1852. They live at Wabash, Mercer County, Ohio. Children:
434. JOHN THEODORE, b. Feb. 26, 1881.
435. AMANDA, b. March 4, 1884.
436. MARY, b. Dec. 15, 1886.
SARAH ELIZABETH STEPHENS, (174), daughter of W. H. Stephens, (41), and Julian Crisup Lenox, was born in Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio, March 13, 1837; has been a successful teacher in the public schools, academies, colleges and universities, all her life. Wrote a grammar; married at Santa Clara, California, June 14, 1860, Oliver Spencer Frambes, of Ohio, a professor then in the University of the Pacific, and the founder of several academies and colleges, and the University of Southern California, now a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church; he was born Feb. 1, 1830, in southern Ohio, is descended from the Frambes family of New Jersey of Huguenot descent (Frambes is from the French, meaning strawberry). They lived at Traver, Tulare County, California, in 1892, but in 1905, in Los Angeles. Children:
437. ELEANOR, b. Oct. 22, 1865.
438. PARK SARGENT, b. Feb. 1, 1870; accidentally killed April 23, 1886.
O. S. Frambes d. Jan. 13, 1906.
Sarah Elizabeth Frambes d. Aug. 12, 1906.
HAMILTON WILLIAM STEPHENS, (175), son of W. H. Stephens, (41), was born in Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio, Feb. 20, 1839; graduate of the University of the Pacific of 1865; reversed the order of his given names to avoid confusion with his father's initials; became book-keeper for the Santa Clara Valley Mill & Leather Company, with which firm he has been, excepting four years, since 1867; married Sept. 27, 1869, Georgia Anna Harlow; she was born May 26, 1849: was County Recorder and Ex-Officio Auditor of Santa Clara County 1879-82; resides near San Jose, California. Children:
439. ADELLA MAY, b. June 16, 1872; m. Chas. Wooster, July, 1902.
440. ELEANOR, b. Jan. 27, 1876; m. Dr. Francis Williams, May 26, 1903
441. ROY HAMILTON, b. Feb. 20, 1880.
442. GEORGE LENOX, b. Oct. 19, 1881.
COLUMBUS CECIL STEPHENS, (176), son of W. H. Stephens, (41), was born in Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio; changed his name, dropping the Christopher and adding the Cecil, in honor of his mother's family; accompanied his parents to California in 1857; he returned to Ohio in 1859, via Panama and New York, and entered the Delaware College; in 1861 he came overland to California a second time, this time being alone most of the way and afoot, walking over 1500 miles in seven weeks, and rejoining his father's family at Ione, Amador County, Cal., graduated from the University of the Pacific as Santa Clara in 1865; taught school two years; admitted to practice law in the third district of California Jan. 15, 1867; married first Dec. 31, 1867, Flora Belle Williams, at Pine Grove, Esmeralda County, Nevada, second daughter of Thomas Williams and his wife Mary Blasdel, sister of Ex-Governor H. G. Blasdel, of Nevada. She was born in Elizabethtown, Indiana, Dec. 23, 1846, and died at San Jose, Calif., July 14, 1881. He practiced law in San Jose from 1867 until May, 1881, when he moved to Tucson, Arizona. Was admitted to the Supreme Court of California July 11, 1870; June 6, 1873, was admitted to the United States District Court; July 12, to the United States Circuit Court; May 20, 1881, to the Arizona District Court; Feb. 13, 1882, to the Arizona Supreme Court; —— 888, to the United States Circuit and District Court for the District of Southern California. Married secondly Mary Elizabeth Pearson, of Tucson, Ariz., Feb. 3, 1883. She was born June 22, 1863, at Petaluma, Cal., third daughter of Richmond C. Pearson and his wife, Mary Ayers. In 1884 he was elected Councilman at Large for Southern Arizona (the Upper House of the Territorial Legislature). While there, among other bills, he succeeded in having passed those abolishing the English Common Law Doctrine of Riparian Rights, now incorporated in the Constitution of Arizona, and establishing the University of Arizona. In June, 1887, he moved to Los Angeles, Cal., where he at once became one of the leading members of the bar. Is a K. T. Mason, member of the Historical Society of Southern California. He died in Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 7, 1894.
By Flora Belle Williams:
443. FLORENCE ELEANOR, b. Dec. 27, 1867; d. Feb. 21, 1869.
444. EDWARD CECIL, b. Jan. 30, 1870; m. Esther E. Benjamin, (a Jewess).
445. FANNIE GERTRUDE, b. April 15, 1872; d. Oct. 25, 1873.
446. WALTER HERBERT, b. Aug. 9, 1874.
447. CLARANCE ARTHUR, b. Feb. 29, 1876; m. Oct. 2, 1903, Irene Steyming, who was born May 3, 1876.
448. ALBERT BLASDEL, b. Jan. 13, 1873; lives in San Francisco, Cal.
By Mary Pearson:
449. CHARLES CECIL, b. Jan. 6, 1884.
450. FLORENCE MAY, b. Sept. 23, 1885.
451. ETHEL ELEANOR, b. July 15, 1887.
452. IRENE MARGUERITE CECIL, b. Jan. 24, 1892.
VIRGINIA PAULINE STEPHENS, (180), daughter of W. H. Stephens, (41), was born in Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio, April 28, 1845; graduate of Young Ladies' Institute, of Santa Clara and State Normal School, at San Jose, California; has been a public school teacher all her life; married David Kindle Zumwalt, of Visalia, California, of the Zumwalt family of Missouri, Jan. 18, 1874; was divorced Jan. 12, 1882, for desertion; lives in Los Angeles, Cal.; has one child:
453. CORA CECIL STEPHENS, b. Nov. 19, 1875.
BASCOM ASBURY CECIL STEPHENS, (182), son of W. H. Stephens, (41), was born on Monday, March 5, 1855, at 7:00 A. M., in Lockington, Shelby County, Ohio; assumed the name of Cecil of his mother's family; graduate of Santa Clara High School, 1871; clerked in the Santa Clara Post-Office two years; founded the Santa Clara Echo, now the Journal; in 1875 entered the ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; ordained to the ministry Sept. 6, 1878; married Sept. 8, 1878, Minerva May Overshiner; she was born in Sacramento, California, Jan. 15, 1857; she is a daughter of G. A. J. Overshiner and his wife Minervea Dumpy; in 1879 was President of the Nevada Conference; preached from 1875 to 1881 in Northern California and Nevada, and was very successful in obtaining converts and organizing churches; left the ministry in June, 1880, on account of personal differences with church authorities, and resumed journalism; published papers in Dixon and Santa Cruz, Calif.; in Jan. 1881, went to Arizona; settled in Los Angeles, Calif., in March 1882, where he has ever since resided with the exception of one year, June 1883-4 in Tucson, Arizona; was reporter several years on papers in Los Angeles; in 1886-7 published the Pomoa Progress; in 1882, the Daily Commercial in Los Angeles; in 1883-4, was city Editor of the Daily Citizen at Tucson; attended the Quijotoa mining excitement in 1884; in 1886, visited Indiana and Kentucky on detective business and took occasion to visit the ancestral home in Shelby County, Ohio, and obtained a mass of information of family history, on which he has been engaged since April 1881. In April, 1890, joined a fillibustering expedition to capture Lower California from Mexico and annex it to the U.S. Was selected Secretary of State of the proposed Republic, but before the scheme was ripe, as proposed by its British promoters, it was betrayed and exposed; regular contributor to the press and magazines, and an advocate of State division; author of several Pamphlets on Southern California, Arizona and Lower California; three years Secretary of the Historical Society of Southern California; author of a History of Los Angeles City, and another of Los Angeles County; and another of San Diego County, and one in MSS of Orange County; also a work on State Division (in MSS) engaged in oil and mining business; agnostic in religion; independent in politics; children:
454. BASCOM ALBERT, b. in San Jose Cal., Oct. 11, 1879.
455. MINERVA ELEANOR, b. in San Diego, Cal., Jan. 3, 1882; m. A. H. Nieman Aug. 25, 1903; child: Minerva Catherine, b. Jan. 12, 1905.
456. WILLIAM ASBURY GIDEON, b. in Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 6, 1886.
ELLEN MINERVA STEPHENS, (183), daughter of Joshua M. Stephens, (42), was born Sept. 16, 1841; married Joseph H. Baker; he was born Dec. 9, 1835, and was shot and killed Oct. 20, 1876, while Sheriff of Portage County, Wisconsin, in the act of executing a writ of ejectment; his murderer was promptly hanged by a mob. She is the mother of six children, and lives at Plover, Portage County, Wisconsin. Children:
457. FRANCES, b. Aug. 24, 1865; m. William Hartwell.
458. JOHN STANLEY, b. April 9, 1867; d. Jan. 7, 1875.
459. GEORGE H——, b. April 9, 1869.
460. WALTER, b. June 10, 1871.
461. BLANCHE, b. June 19, 1874.
462. JOSEPH H——, b. April 13, 1876.
SIDNEY STEPHENS, (184), son of Joshua M. Stephens, (42), was born Nov. 8, 1842, near Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois; married Oct. 10, 1866, Emma Elizabeth Lombard; she was born Oct. 8, 1845; they live in Livingston, Montana. Children:
463. MINERVA ISABELL, b. Nov. 27, 1867.
464. MABEL SIDNEY, b. Dec. 11, 1873.
465. ARTHUR DUANE, b. Oct. 11, 1884.
STANTON WESLEY HAWKEY, (185), son of Roda (Stephens) Hawkey, (44), was born Oct. 3, 1848; married May 11, 1870, Clara Edith Lenox, daughter of James Lenox, born Nov. 4, 1855, (brother of John Lenox of Wapakoneta, Ohio.) They live at No. 70 Woodlawn Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana; he is a grocer. Child:
466. WINNIFRED GERTRUDE, b. Aug 25, 1872.
SARAH ELIZABETH HAWKEY, (186), daughter of Rhoda (Stephens) Hawkey, (44), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Sept. 9, 1850; married James Daniel Price; he was born Nov. 9, 1852; farms near Flagstaff, Arizona. Children:
467. HARLEY CLIDE, b. April 12, 1879.
468. RHODA FAY, b. June 3, 1881.
469. JOSEPH WILLIAM, b. Aug. 4, 1885.
471. ETHEL MAY, b. March 14, 1887.
472. CARRIE KIBBON, b. June 27, 1890; d. Nov. —, 1890, at Los Angeles, California.
JAMES EBENEZER STEPHENS, (187), son of Dr. John Wesley Stephens, (45), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1842; served a short time in the Union Army; was a Freemason, a music teacher, editor of the Veedersburg (Ind.) Reporter; married Jan. 10, 1875, Annie I. Lister; she was born Dec. 27, 1857. He was drowned Feb. 3, 1883. His children are all dead. His widow lives at Aylesworth, Indiana. Children:
473. JOHN REUBEN, b. Dec. 2, 1875; d. Oct. 13, 1878.
474. WILLIAM WIRT, b. Mar. 26, 1877; d. Nov. 15, 1878.
475. CHARLES EDWARD, b. Feb. 2, 1879; d. Feb. 16, 1879.
476. ALTA MAY, b. Feb. 27, 1880; d. Feb. 12, 1884.
477. ELEANOR BERTHA, b. Jan. 7, 1883; d. Feb. 10, 1884.
ELIZA JANE STEPHENS, (189), daughter of Dr. J. W. Stephens, (45), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Aug. 31, 1846; married David Hoover, who farms near Tocsin, Indiana. Children:
478. JOHN WILLIAM, b. Nov. 26, 1866; d. Aug. 23, 1876.
479. BELLE DELLA, b. Aug. 8, 1868.
480. ROBERT DINSMORE, b. April 10, 1870.
481. ANNA CAROLINE, b. Jan. 22, 1872.
482. SUSAN EMILY, b. Feb. 15, 1874; d. June 24, 1876.
483. Infant son, born and died Aug. 26, 1876.
484. EVALYN VICTORIA, b. Feb. 23, 1879.
485. MARY ESTHER, b. Nov. 15, 1881.
486. Infant son, b. March 27, 1883; d. April 8, 1883.
CAROLINE MARY STEPHENS, (191), daughter of Dr. J. W. Stephens, (45), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Oct. 12, 1850; married Edward Everett Inlow July 7, 1881; he is an engineer; live at Burlington, Indiana. Child:
487. GRACE ETHEL, b. July 5, 1882.
ALLEN FOSTER STEPHENS, (193), son of D. N. Stephens, (47), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1854; married Sept. 3, 1881, Mrs. Nancy Ann Princehouse (born, Saunders), she was born Aug. 9, 1847, and died Aug. 25, 1889; he is a farmer and lives at Hardin, Ohio. Child:
488. WILLIAM NELSON, b. June 10, 1882.
SHAFFER FREMONT STEPHENS, (194), son of D. N. Stephens, (47) was born in Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio, June 14, 1857; married Dec. 25, 1890, Rhoda Stiles; lives in Hardin, Ohio.
TAMSON PARMELIA STEPHENS, (196), daughter of D. N. Stephens, (47), was born in Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio, Oct. 8, 1860; married Michael Elias Shaw; he is a farmer; lives at Anna, Shelby County, Ohio. Child:
489. PEARL, b. Oct. 7, 1880.
MARGARET ELLEN STEPHENS, (197), daughter of D. N. Stephens, (47), was born in Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio, June 2, 1863; married Dec. 27, 1882, Lewis White; he is a farmer, and lives at Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio. Children:
490. GEORGE EDWARD, b. Sept. 16, 1885.
491. ROY S——, b. Sept. 25, 1889.
NANCY ALICE STEPHENS, (198), daughter of D. N. Stephens, (47), was born Dec. 17, 1876, in Hardin, Shelby County, Ohio; married July 28, 1887, James William Turnis; they live in Winamac, Indiana. Child:
492. ANDREW NELSON, b. May 3, 1889.
MARY ELVIRY CANNON, (200), daughter of Sarah Ann (Stephens) Cannon, (49), was born Aug. 20, 1847, in Shelby County, Ohio; married Feb. 10, 1869, Nathan Swan; he was born Aug. 6, 1836; live in Waldron, Illinois. Children:
493. WILLIAM HENRY, b. Jan. 5, 1870.
494. ORIN ALANSON, b. Dec. 25, 1871.
495. SUSANNAH, b. Aug. 31, 1874.
RICHARD EBENEZER CANNON, (201), son of Sarah Ann (Stephens) Cannon, (49), and W. B. Cannon, was born in Shelby County, Ohio, March 21, 1849; married Nov. 4, 1849, Olive Dill; she was born April 17, 1856; they live in Anna, Ohio. Children:
496. CAROLINE, b. Sept. 11, 1876.
497. ETTIE, b. Oct. 12, 1877.
498. ORVILLE CLYDE, b. Jan. 3, 1881.
499. ROLLO ROSS, b. Jan. 4, 1883.
MINERVA MOORE, (207), daughter of Hugh Scott Moore, (54), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Sept. 15, 1845; married William Clawson; he was born Oct. 5, 1840; is a farmer; they live in Sidney, Ohio. Children:
500. ANNA MARY, b. March 3, 1870.
501. EFFIE CAPITOLA, b. June 27, 1871.
502. HUGH CANBY, b. June 8, 1875.
503. FERN PEARL, b. Sept. 24, 1885.
504. FRANK McCUNE, b. Sept. 24, 1885.
SARAH MOORE, (208), daughter of Hugh Scott Moore, (54), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1854; married Feb. 14, 1883, Florence Maus; farm near Sidney, Ohio. Children:
505. HUGH SCOTT, b. Jan. 5, 1867.
JOHN DOUGLAS MOORE, (209), son of Hugh Scott Moore, (54), was born in Shelby County, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1854; married Feb. 14, 1883, Florence Maus; farm near Sidney, Ohio. Children:
506. HENRY, b. Aug. 8, 1883.
507. CARL, b. Nov. 17, 1884.
LORETTA R—— MOORE, (210), daughter of D. L. Moore, (55), was born Jan. 12, 1842; married Aug. 13, 1865, John Granville Martin; he was born April 13, 1839; they live in Red Clover, Johnston County, Kansas. Child:
508. ROSA, b. May 26, 1866.
SUSANNAH BAKER, (217), daughter of Hannah (Moore) Baker, (56), was born Aug, 3, 1842; married first March —, 1861, J. W. McClain; divorced; married secondly Sept. 25, 1887, John C—— Crawford. They live at No. 1427 East Ninth St., Kansas City, Mo. Children: By J. W. McClain.
509. JOSEPHINE, b. Dec. 12, 1862; m. Dr. C. W. Courtwright.
510. EDWARD, b. May 15, 1865; m. Nettie Walker.
PRISCILLA MARGARET BAKER, (219), daughter of Hannah (Moore) Baker, (56), was born Aug. 6, 1847; married May 26, 1868, Jacob Miller in Wayne County, Indiana; Mr. Miller was killed about 1884; she resides at No. 227 Third Ave. S., E. Mineapolis, Minn. Children:
511. LAURA ALBERTA, b. Nov. 16, 1870; d. Aug. 19, 1872.
513. WILLIAM ELMER, b. Sept. 3, 1873, in Minneapolis.
514. CHARLES ANDREW SUMMER, b. June 4, 1877, at Red Wing, Minn.; d. June 30, 1888, in Minneapolis.
Jacob Miller was born June 26, 1841; d. Sept. 30, 1880.
LAURA ANN BAKER, (220), daughter of Hannah (Moore) Baker, (56), was born Oct. 4, 1852; married Nov. 28, 1876, John Clarke; she died June 4, 1885; Mr. Clark lives in Tyler, Texas. Children:
515. JOHN EDGAR, b. Jan. 10, 1878, at Palestine, Texas.
516. MARGARET ALBERTA, b. Dec. 15, 1879, at Logansport, Ind.
517. HARRY, b. April 10, 1881, at Minneapolis; d. Aug. 21, 1881.
518. ALFRED VERNON, b. July 23, 1882; d. Sept. 6, 1884.
519. Infant, born and died Nov. 16, 1884.
CLARA ANN MOORE, (221), daughter of Thomas McClish Moore, (58), was born Oct. 18, 1846; married Sept. 10, 1865, Ashford C. Ward; she died March 30, 1873; Mr. Ward lives in Mooresburg, Indiana. Child:
520. MARY, XARISSA, b. March 8 1868; m. O. F. McCoy.
EMMA IRENE MOORE, (223), daughter of Thomas McClish Moore, (58), was born Sept. 21, 1850; married Jan. 28, 1871, Peter Perry Dukes; he was born Sept. 26, 1850; live in Star City, Ind. Children:
521. CHARLES B——, b. Oct. 27, 1872.
522. NORA ELLEN, b. Sept. 21, 1874.
523. JACOB LEONARD, b. Jan. 19, 1878.
524. JAMES ANDREW, b. July 11, 1892.
525. Infant son, born and died Sept. 19, 1880.
526. Infant son, born and died Oct. 19, 1885.
527. SIMY, b. Dec. 19, 1887.
THOMAS DUDLEY MOORE, (224), son of Thomas McClish Moore, (58), was born Jan, 19, 1852; married Nov. 15, 1874, Sarah Ellen McCoy; she was born Jan. 10, 1850; they live in Mooresburg, Indiana. Children:
528. GRANVILLE A——, b. Sept. 8, 1875.
529. LULU D——, b. July 15, 1877.
530. MAUDE E——, b. Nov. 3, 1878.
531. MABEL E——, b. April 22, 1883.
532. THOMAS R——, b. April 4, 1887.
CHARLES EPHRIAM MOORE, (225), son of Thomas McClish Moore, (58), was born Jan. 7, 1858; married Nov. 5, 1885, Ida M. Loy; she was born Feb. 15, 1859; they live in Mooresburg, Indiana.
HARRIET ELSIE MOORE, (227), daughter of Thomas McClish Moore, (58), was born Nov. 18, 1861; married June 30, 1880, John Cokain; they live in Logansport, Indiana. Children:
533. GEORGE BERTRAM, b. March 21, 1882.
534. ROBERT MOORE, b. Jan. 13, 1884.
535. JOHN LEWIS, b. Jan. 26, 1886.
MARY JANE ROCKWELL, (229), daughter of Jemima Carter (Moore) Rockwell, (59), was born May 15, 1845; married April 7, 1864, John De Wayne Welker; he was born April 12, 1840; live in Homer, Dakota County, Nebraska. Child:
536. IDA JEMIMA, b. May 6, 1866; m. E. H. Loomis.
RICHARD DOUGLAS LOCKWELL, (231), son of Jemima Carter (Moore) Rockwell, (59), was born Jan. 21, 1850; married Oct. 8, 1873, Susannah Myers; she was born Oct. 20, 1856; live in Hubbard, Dakota County, Nebraska. Children:
537. JOHN DOUGLAS, b. Aug. 11, 1874.
538. CHARLES ELMER, b. Sept. 1, 1876; d. Aug. 26, 1878.
539. MABEL JANE, b. Aug. 28, 1886.
STEPHENS MILLS ROCKWELL, (232), son of Jemima Carter (Moore) Rockwell, (59), was born May 7, 1958; married Oct. 19, 1885, Sylvia Elizabeth Snyder; she was born Jan. 31, 1862; live in Newport, Brown County, Nebraska. Children:
540. MYRTLE, b. Aug. 24, 1886.
541. WILLIAM MILLS, b. Oct. 22, 1888.
JEFFERSON ROCKWELL, (234), son of Jemima Carter (Moore) Rockwell, (59), was born May 17, 1858; married March 31, 1881, Nancy A—— Bigg; she was born Dec. 16, 1858; live in Homer, Dakota County, Nebraska. Children:
542. BESSIE ALICE, b. March 27, 1882, d. April 29, 1885.
543. MINTA GUILDING, b. Sept. 26, 1883.
544. WINFIELD SCOTT, b. Sept. 28, 1885.
545. HOWARD JEFFERSON, b. March 30, 1887.
ROSA ANNA ROCKWELL, (235), daughter of Jemima Carter (Moore) Rockwell, (59), was born Dec. 27, 1860; married Nov. 17, 1880, Albert Peterson; he was born Nov. 20, 1856; live in Andrews, Cedar County, Nebraska. Children:
546. ELSIE JEMIMA, b. June 7, 1880; d. Nov. 1, 1881.
547. LILIE GERTRUDE, b. March 1, 1883.
548. WALTER LEWIS, b. Nov. 27, 1885.
549. MYRTLE ALICE, b. Oct. 14, 1887.
MARGARET ALICE ROCKWELL, (236), daughter of Jemima Carter (Moore) Rockwell, (59), was born Dec, 6, 1863; married Feb. 4, 1884, William Joseph Walter; he was born April 6, 1863; live in Soux City, Iowa. Children:
550. RICHARD JEFFERSON, b. Dec. 26, 1885.
551. BEATRICE JEMIMA, b. Sept. 1, 1886.
552. MARY RUBY, b. Oct. 25, 1888.
MARY BELL LONG, (238), daughter of Ann Uritta (Moore) Long, (60), was born March 4, 1849; married March 3, 1867, Henry Ensign Welsh; he was born Sept. 12, 1839; since the birth of her last child in 1874, she left Mr. Welsh and went away, and is reported to have again married, but all efforts to find her whereabouts have so far been fruitless. Mr. Welsh lives in Marion, Wapaca County, Wisconsin, with his children by her:
553. WILLIAM THOMAS, b. Feb. 6, 1868.
554. ARTHUR LAGEE, b. June 9, 1870.
555. BERTHA MATILDA b. Feb. 18, 1874.
WILLIAM PATTERSON MOORE, (245), son of E. R. Moore, (61), was born Oct. 25, 1848; married March 8, 1887, Mary Lockes, daughter of Dr. J. T. Locke, founder of the town of Lockeford, San Joaquin County, Cal., where they now live. He came to California in 1872, and taught school.
NATHAN HURT MOORE, (247), son of E. R. Moore, (61), was born March 23, 1853; married first Sept. 28, 1880, Susie Anna Parsley; she was born June 30, 1865; died April 13, 1883; he married secondly April 25, 1887, Catherine Mildred Dunsworth; she was born May 3, 1864; they live in Kansas. Children:
By S. A. Parsley:
556. ANNA LEOTIE, b. Sept. 7, 1881; d. Oct. 1, 1881
557. GERTIE DAY, b. Feb. 13, 1883; d. March 13, 1883.
By C. M. Dunsworth:
558. THOMAS LEE, b. Feb. 20, 1888.
559. RACHEL ADELAIDE, I am uncertain whether this child is the daughter of N. H. or T. R. Moore, as the letter giving the information is vague.
THOMAS RILEY MOORE, (249), son of E. R. Moore, (61), was born Feb. 27, 1857; married July 15, 1883, Nettie L. Borch; live in Kansas. I cannot make out from letters of Mrs. H. A. Hastings, the address. Child: |